#gee I fucking wonder why
macabretranceremix · 4 months
told my mom about my top surgery plans got hit with the "well I just wish you would wait" "you know I only say that because I'm concerned about you" "haven't you had enough surgeries" "I've known two people who died because of blood clots after elective surgeries"
followed by "well you know you don't talk to me about this stuff how could I feel anything but blindsided"
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clay-pidgeon · 1 year
oh i am. so angry (<- anger holder)
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kamorth · 2 years
"I'm not racist, I just hate people coming from other countries to take our jobs"
Uh huh. I take it that's why you haven't said a single word about my blatant accent this entire conversation. I'm sure it has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that I'm probably whiter than you are.
Fuck off buddy. You are not a neighbour who is going to stay around here for too long. I'm not putting up with this shit.
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raeathnos · 2 years
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scheepstep · 1 month
Phil and Sneeg saying OSMP is gone "definitely because nobody played it" and no other reason and just staring, and then Sneeg chugging his drink
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casualavocados · 9 days
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I want you to call me in person. I'll only meet with you. I'll only answer your phone calls. I only trust you.
Chen Yi, head of Yiyun Meng: North Hall, with Ai Di at his right hand KISEKI: DEAR TO ME (2023)
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princelancey · 6 months
Lawrence Barretto wonders why Lance spends barely any time in his interviews and then you see the questions he asks him, is it really that much of a surprise? Like you can see Lance's face actually drop at one of the questions "I was gonna ask, is it a confidence thing?"
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
i’m so used to how you draw zelda that whenever i see someone else draw her it’s literally like. skinny person jumpscare.
literally being a fat zelda truther is so hard bc why do people insist on drawing the girl like she's never had a meal in her life. put some meat on her bones please god she is starving
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koshercosplay · 2 months
Still trying to get It If you are anti Palestinian or not
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but for what it's worth, I purposefully keep my opinions on i/p carefully off this blog
oooh scaryyyyyy a jew who won't tell you if they're A Good Jew or A Bad Jew
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zorosroronoas · 13 days
why is no one talking about talia being excluded from that damian drawing representing his family & those that love him?
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only-one-brain-cell · 5 months
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lastoneout · 2 years
mitch mcconnell is a major leader in a political party who's main driving goal of the last few years has been "Transgender Genocide" in big, neon letters and twitter dems who claim to stand with queer people are like "guys we have to be civil about this" honestly fuck you
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
So funny to me when I'm explaining to my parents the habits I have that are a result of my spiralling anxiety and paranoia and my father goes "yeah I do that too, that's normal" as if we're not literally both diagnosed with OCD and our actions are very much not normal
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sweet-dawn · 1 year
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angry-glasses · 2 months
one of the things i really, absolutely cannot stand about the Evil God, is that he keeps lying
and like not even clever wordplay, or misleading truths to manipulate people, he just! lies!!!!!!
the bully at Bai Liu's school, i don't even remember his name, he was going to confess! he was going to admit it was his mother who told him to trick Bai Liu, that it was his fault, and the Evil God made him frame Bai Liu instead! and he didn't even manipulate him into it, use his desires to tempt him or something, he fucking puppeteered him! all to show Bai Liu good deeds aren't returned, and it's not even true, because the bully was going to confess!!!
the Xie Ta & Spades identity issue, he made it all up! he just lied, to both of their faces, at the same fucking time!
the whole, "you only ever wanted a hug" thing to Bai Liu, all pitying and caring, fuck, he almost gaslighted me, and then i recovered my braincells, because you expect me to believe Lu Yizhan and Fang Dian never hugged him??? in ten years?????? okay, maybe Lu Yizhan had ulterior motives, but Fang Dian never knew anything! HE made it so she never knew anything, her affection had to have been genuine from the beginning! and he just acted like it never happened!!!!!
he makes me so angry!
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charliemcarthy · 4 months
Love minding my own business and having a random dude at the beach walk up quickly behind us, interrupt my conversation with my mother to ask "name an AC/DC song in 5 seconds" and then proceeded to count out loud so I would have to talk over him to answer. After staring tiredly and saying "Back in Black." he goes "Sorry, 7 seconds." And walks away. Then I remembered I tossed on one of my ac/dc shirts before our work out today.
I suppose I could have pointed out his rudeness, or the shirt I was wearing belonged to my dead father, and thus he's where I got my taste in music. Or my guns n roses tattoo. Or my killers one. What an idiot lmao.
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