daily-fit-tips-blog · 5 years
My group’s view of CCCJ’s Social Media Presence!
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daily-fit-tips-blog · 5 years
My view of CCCJ’s Social Media Presence!
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daily-fit-tips-blog · 6 years
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Check out my Twitter Essay on #SEO & #BlueHost
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daily-fit-tips-blog · 6 years
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Take a look at my review of #SketchCamera!
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daily-fit-tips-blog · 6 years
Hey Fitness Friends! I’ve found your next Cheat Meal! :)
XOXO Chocolate
Death by chocolate anyone?
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What’s XOXO?
We are introducing some of the best chocolate you can find on the market - anywhere! Fairly traded with Peruvian farmers in the Peruvian valley, our many flavours not only bring joy to your taste buds but a joy to your wallet and peace of mind to you! Where else can you buy something so sweet that tastes so right? Right in every way - from ingredients but also to justice for farmers and processors
 What makes it taste so great?
Every ingredient is non-GMO, always real, and never artificial. No gluten, corn, or soy. We use sustainably sourced and fair-trade ingredients. And each chocolate and candy is made with real ingredients that make every bit taste just so good.
 How are you contributing?
Farmers’ rights are what we believe in - no big factories, here. Directly from your purchasing power to their hands, this is a revolution in chocolate, people! We hope you will join us in making the world a better place. A place where you can enjoy your favourite treat knowing that your purchase is contributing to making the world a better place.
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daily-fit-tips-blog · 6 years
Let’s get it Started!
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Hey! My Name is Sufian, and I am a 25-year-old health and fitness enthusiast from Kingston, Ontario, Canada! I recently decided to start this blog to help all of those health nuts like myself in finding quick fitness tips that can go a long way. As a busy University student who has a full schedule of classes, a part-time job, and very little time to waste when it comes to my fitness workouts, I understand that productivity and efficiency play a huge role in maintaining a healthy active lifestyle. As a result, my amazing fitness tips, based on research and my personal experience, will help you save time and get your body moving and being active without any time-wasting stress. Everything from nutrition, cardio, rest day exercises, etc.… will be covered in my posts!
 A little bit about me:  Health and Fitness have always been something that I have been interested in. Going back to my adolescent years, I was always obsessed with being active and enjoying the physical challenge of it, whether it was a game in gym class or just playing capture the flag at recess. As I got older that interest only grew stronger throughout high school athletics, and eventually university. That said, I have chosen to give back and utilize all of my experiences in the field to help you!
 In closing of my first post, I know that I am not the first person to start a blog about health and fitness, I see many social media outlets about these topics and to tell you the truth I think that it is something great to witness! The more posts I see, the greater sense of accomplishment I feel knowing that there are so many of us trying to spread the message of being physically active. Accordingly, this blog will share tips and new forms of exercises that are easy, fun, and convenient to fit into your busy day! So, get ready and check in as often as you can! Thanks!
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