#gaz x roach
local-apollo-kid · 11 months
Ase RoachGaz thoughts inspired by my lovely mutual @eaveplzzz / @4me2knowandyou2wonder (I wasn't sure which blog to tag sorry T-T)
Roach doesn't think he's enough for Gaz, but Gaz very much disagrees.
He's constantly say little things like "I'm so proud of you" and "you're worth it" and "you're enough"
Just to remind him that no matter what, Gaz loves him, ase or not
Roach always freaks out when Gaz says these but in the best way
Roach is slowly learning that, yes, there are other ways to be intimate with someone than through sexual intimacy and Gaz is happy to help him
Roach is relearning so much of what he learnt growing up, and at times, it gets a bit much, but he knows Gaz is always there for him
Gentle hands raking through hair and forehead kisses while cuddling on the couches and whispers of soft words is enough for both Gaz and Roach, and they're fully content in it
Roach overheard Gaz arguing talking with a recruit
The recruit was adamant that asexuality wasn't real and Gaz was arguing that the recruit was spouting bullshit
It sent Roach into a spiral
What if he was just scared? Is he just scared...?
Gaz eventually found him hyperventilating in his (read: Gaz's) bedroom and helped assure him that he is completely valid
And the recruit was spouting shit
It took a long time (and hundreds of cuddles & forehead kisses) for Roach to believe Gaz
Safe to say, the recruit was never heard from again
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Actually you know what, can we get a gaz getting kidnapped by ultranationalist Roach, I mean we got the others (sans price but he goes last so) and I wanna see how gaz's turn goes
Anon I am kissing you on the mouth (with your permission of course) and bumping this up before the rest of the Roach's sweet boys stuff
I was really like, "man, I'm gonna have to write the Gaz stuff without anyone requesting it" THEN YOU APPEARED YES
Roach's Pretty Boy
Warnings: Dub-con, Psychological games (not on Gaz)
Gaz has no fucking idea where he is. He knows that and the men chasing him definitely know that. He still doesn't stop running, racing through the abandoned building while desperately calling for Price through his comms, hoping that somehow he could pick up the man's signal again. He knew it wouldn't happen, not in this shitty old building, it changed nothing.
The men chasing him had guns, his had been knocked out of his hands early into the fight. This was an ambush. It was as simple as that.
The mission was supposed to be easy. Just him, Price, Soap, and Ghost. Get in, get the shit they needed, get out. What they hadn't expected, what Gaz hadn't expected, was for the entire camp of Ultranationalists to know that they were coming. How had they known they were coming?
They'd been told the entire camp was small, maybe fifteen men who were going to be transporting some highly precious intel or weapons or something to their leader. The man that the 141 had been chasing for months now, only going after him more vigorously after the presumed death of their teammate, Makarov, a month prior. It had hit the entire team hard, Price especially. They all wanted revenge, they were all determined to get it.
They'd come to the camp where the intel was meant to be and they'd split up to try and find it quicker. It was a stealth mission, the ultranationalists weren't supposed to know they were there. But then, just as they'd separated far enough that they couldn't come back together, there had been a shout and every person in the camp had made a b-line toward one of the 141 members.
Gaz in particular had at least eight of the men come his way. He'd taken a few out, but when he was forced to reload they took the opportunity to jump him. His gun had been lost in the fight, and a rather intimidating and large man had tried to...grab him? Not kill him, more like restrain. He didn't have time to question it. He had no weapon and he absolutely had to run.
He'd taken off on foot, calling out to the rest of the 141, trying to put together a meet point as his friends fought for their lives, or at least he assumed they were. He wasn't quite sure where he ran in his attempt to lose the men. He'd taken so many turns, ducked through so many small buildings. Every time he thought he'd lost the men and they would appeared again, still hot on his trail.
He'd made a stupid move then, he'd run into a building with the back entrance blocked. He had no choice, he had to move up. His legs were screaming their protest by the time that he stumbled to the top floor, quickly hiding somewhere as he heard the men still chasing him approach. He needed to get around them somehow.
He could hear their footsteps as they cautiously approached, their voices whispering harshly to one another. He could hardly hear them, but he still managed to catch a few things.
"Find him!"
"Careful, he's dangerous."
"Remember, the boss wants him alive and unharmed."
What? "The boss" wanted him unharmed? The thought made his heart beat in his chest rapidly. What the fuck could the head of the Ultranationalists want with him? Torture? Information maybe? Just someone to kill with his own hands?
Gaz peeked out from his hiding place, quickly scanning the floor. It seemed that most of the men had darted into other rooms or further down one of the halls. This was his opportunity.
He tried to keep his footsteps quiet as he moved, keeping low as he made his way back toward the stairs. He grew closer and closer, relaxing as he finally reached the top of the stairs. He was so sure he'd made it, so sure. Then large unwavering arms had wrapped around him, quickly and easily throwing his struggling form over their shoulder as though he weighed nothing.
"Found him," the man rumbled out, holding tighter to Gaz as he started to beat on his back, screaming and yelling in hopes that one of the members of his team might hear him. It was no use, help wasn't going to come.
"Right," another man called, "C'mon, I'm sure the boss is getting impatient." They started down the stairs, forming a protective guard around the one carrying Gaz. Gaz continued screaming as they took him out of the building, his voice going hoarse and his limbs going tired. He didn't stop struggling. It didn't matter. Help wasn't coming.
He could feel dread growing in his chest as the men brought him toward another far off building, tucked away in the wreckage of the small town they were in. The building hadn't been on their maps. This entire thing was a trap and they'd walked right into it.
He was brought inside of the building. He still struggled, but there was something else, he could hear his comms crackling again. They were picking up a signal! He could hear Price's voice begin coming through as he was tossed onto a, thankfully somewhat new, mattress on the floor of the old building.
He wasn't paying attention as his hands moved up to press to his comms, he needed to tell Price, he could hear the man's voice through the radio he had. "Price!" He managed to get out. His panicked voice was cut off as a hand reached down, snatching the radio off from his chest and disconnecting it from his headphones, the noises of the comm crackling through the air.
"Gaz? Can you hear us?"
Gaz surged up after the radio but he was met with a foot to his chest, shoving him back down onto the mattress and harshly pinning him there with a threatening pressure. His eyes trailed up to the figure above him, his heart sinking into his chest as he met the bright grin of one Gary Sanderson.
Sanderson kept his foot to Gaz's chest, pinning him to the ground as he brought the radio up to his mouth.
"Gaz is a little occupied at the moment, Captain. I can take a message for you though."
Gaz could hear the sharp intake of breath from the radio. He could hear Soap's strangled cry and Ghost's choked off gasp as they all realized just who had spoken from Gaz's comms.
"Sanderson," Price acknowledged harshly.
"Ding, ding, ding!" Sanderson gave a laugh, "We have a winner! Let's give the man a prize shall we?" He pulled a knife from his waist, twirling it threateningly in his fingers as he removed his foot from Gaz's chest and instead moved to hover over him. He held the Radio out toward him, pressing the button to talk, "Speak, pretty boy."
"Captain," Gaz choked out, fear flooding through system. He had to tell Price where he was, the man could still help, "We're at a building outsi-" he was cut off abruptly by a foot pressing against his chest threateningly again, the pressure just on the side of bruising.
To his surprise, Sanderson didn't do much else than that, only releasing the talk button to grin down at him. He gave a tutting noise, "Naughty, naughty." He brought the radio back up to his mouth, "Sorry, Captain, can't have you and your little team ruining my plans for your friend here."
"If you lay a finger on him, Sanderson," Price's voice was low and threatening, but Gaz could hear something else, another note to his tone. Panic. Fear. It was clear from the way that Sanderson's eyes brightened that he'd heard them as well.
"You'll what, Captain?" Sanderson grinned down at Gaz again, shooting him a playful wink as he continued, "You're in no position to be making threats to me. But, let me just assure you," he stepped away from Gaz then, tucking the knife he'd pulled back into his belt before pulling a gun from his waist. Gaz could see him flick the safety off as he turned toward him, fear filled his gut. "I'll take good care of your man. He is in my very very capable hands. Here, let me give you a demonstration." He pulled the radio away from his face, but kept his finger on the talk button as he quickly pulled his gun up and fired a single shot.
Gaz felt confusion flood him. Sanderson hadn't shot him? He'd just shot the wall? What was happening?
"No!" Gaz could hear Soap's voice over the comms, broken and hurt. They thought he'd just been shot. He opened his mouth to tell them otherwise, but snapped it shut when Sanderson turned to him, raising a finger to his lips indicating for him to stay quiet. He didn't want to risk disobeying the man.
"You," Price's voice was harsh, but it was also shakey. Shakey and watery. Sanderson giggled joyfully at the sound of it, "I'm going to find you Sanderson. I'm going to find you and kill you, and I am going to make it painful."
"Goodbye, Captain. It's always fun talking to you." With that, Sanderson tossed the radio to the ground at his feet, quickly slamming his foot down on it and effectively breaking it.
Gaz watched the man, anxiety filling his gut as he turned to him, his gun tucked back in at his waist. "Now then," Sanderson turned to the other men still in the room, "Wait outside for us, would you? I'd like a moment alone."
The men listened carefully shuffling out of the room to leave Gaz completely alone with a psychopath who was, no doubt, going to kill him. He shuffled back, trying to move away a bit as Sanderson approached him, quickly standing over him again. There was a pause, Gaz was tense, he was trying to mentally prepare himself to die.
He was shell-shocked then, when, rather than pulling his gun again, Sanderson dropped to his knees, straddling his lap and giving a happy whine as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders. The terrorist buried his face in Gaz's neck, nuzzling almost lovingly against the skin there. Gaz was frozen. He didn't understand what was happening.
"Pretty boy," Sanderson pulled back from his neck, peering at him with low eyes and a blush sitting high on his cheeks, "Pretty boy, all mine." He gave a bright grin and an excited little noise at his words before darting forward to capture Gaz's lips against his own.
Gaz's brain short-circuted at the feeling of lips sliding over his, a hand sliding into his hair to give a light tug. There was the feeling of a tongue licking into his mouth excitedly, like an overeagar puppy. He hated to admit it, but there was a part of him that relaxed, his mind going blank for a moment. The lips against his felt good, the hand in his hair felt good, the tongue in his mouth was so tempting.
He'd come back to himself quickly though, remembering that this wasn't some bloke that he'd met at a pub kissing him. This was a terrorist, a terrorist who'd just convinced his entire team that he'd killed him.
He shoved himself away from Sanderson then, collapsing back to lay fully on the mattress, his hands against the man's chest to keep him away as he stared up at him, a bright blush on his face. Sanderson gave him a pout, his now free hands running up and down his chest and dangerously close to the top of his pants, "Pretty boy," he mumbled out, almost shyly, "I thought we were having a good time?"
Gaz gaped at him. This was clearly an act, he could see it in the mischevious glint of the other man's eyes. He knew it was an act, but it still almost convinced him. For a flash, he actually felt bad for pulling away. It was a little impressive, though he would never admit it.
"You're," Gaz started, "You're the fucking head of the ultranationalists. You can't just kiss me!"
"Why not?" Roach tilted his head at him.
Gaz gaped at the man, his mouth opening and closing rapidly, "We're enemies! I'm meant to kill you."
Sanderson seemed to consider his words for a moment before he responded, "Hmm, no. I don't like that." His hands moved up to grab Gaz's wrists and, in a second, Gaz found his hands pinned above his head with a surprising show of strength, a face hovering just over his temptingly. "See," Sanderson bit his lip, his eyes tracing appreciatively over Gaz's face, "You're mine, pretty boy. Which means," He leaned down, capturing Gaz's lips again in a messy, almost frantic kiss. His legs moved, one slotting between Gaz's to rub against him through his pants. Gaz couldn't help the little whine that escaped him at the feeling. Finally, after another long moment and a harsh nip at Gaz's lip, Sanderson pulled back, "Which means, that everything you've known before doesn't matter. All that matters now is that you," his thigh teased at Gaz's clothed cock again and he gave a delighted laugh at the embarrassed gasp that left Gaz's mouth, "you belong to me, pretty boy."
Gaz could only gape at the man. Sanderson allowed him to stare for only a moment, a mischevious grin on his face, before he was burying his face in Gaz's throat with an excited trill. Gaz tried to struggle against the man's hands. It was no use. He tried to pull away from the mouth that attacked his neck. It was no use. He tried not to gasp at the thigh that was slotted between his legs. He tried not to grind back against it when it pressed close to him. "Get," he stuttered breathlessly, "Get off of me."
To his surprise, Sanderson listened. The man gave him a grin, pushing himself off of the ground to hover over his prone form again. "Pretty boy," Sanderson stepped back and motioned for him to get up from the floor, "Come on, we have to get going anyways."
Gaz hesitantly stood from the floor, worried it might be a trick. The only thing that happened was Sanderson stepped closer to him, tugging him down to capture his lips again. Gaz should have pulled away, he shouldn't have let his mind go blank again. But he did. Only for a second. A second was all Sanderson needed.
He pulled away from the man, startled as he felt metal click around his wrists. He looked down with horror at the cuffs that now kept his hands together. He looked back up at Sanderson, watching with growing concern as the man gave a bright and happy laugh. "You're so cute when you're confused." Sanderson reached forward, grabbing the center of the cuffs and yanking them, forcing Gaz to stumble forward into his chest. The man wrapped him up in his arms, "So sweet," he muttered into his ear, "I am going to take very good care of you baby."
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blukrown · 1 year
Silken Touch - Roach/Gaz
Gaz is a ever curious man, so when Roach confesses he enjoys bondage, he finds himself ready and interested in trying it out
Or read on AO3
Contains: NSFW, T4T, Trans Gaz & Roach, bondage, sex toys (strapon & vibrator), use of words clit, cunt, tdick, pussy
Gaz’s breaths were hitched, and his body tinged with sensitivity. His limbs were restrained with pretty soft pink ropes, binding his wrists to either leg and forcing them to be half bent, with rope just below and above the knee. The position was called ‘the crab’ and it had him feeling exposed where he sat, naked on top of the bed.
It was all Roach’s idea. An avid enjoyer of bondage, Roach had confessed the interest early on in their relationship and Gaz’s curiosity was immediately peeked. They were not able to pursue this kink until they were on leave, but they had practiced similar things in the past. Tying Gaz’s hands together with a belt or knotting his pants at his ankles. Simple attempts at restraint, to give Gaz some familiarity. Dipping his toe in, although he wished sometimes to dive straight into the deep end. Impatient and eager as he always was.
Tonight was to be their first full foray and Gaz was so excited. Even now, after being tied and left to wait, his heart sang a trembling beat in his chest and ears. Eyes eagerly watching Roach take his sweet time undressing and getting everything ready.
Just sitting there, Gaz was already growing wet and hard. Apart from seeing his partner’s gorgeous body reveal itself under clothes, his restraints were a delicious mixture of pain and pleasure.
The ropes were soft but strong, with just enough give not to hurt but enough to chaff. Sure to leave markings once removed. His tdick ached between his legs, the stimulation of skin not enough to get off but he was close to it, just needing a little push.
Gaz may have felt embarrassed by it but he knew Roach would never disapprove, in fact it would more likely thrill him. Watching how his favorite kink thrilled his lover as much as it did him.
Finally, finally , Roach was done. Naked apart from briefs and black strap-on tied over the top. Freckled skin, dashed with scars, strong hands and a warm smile. Fuck, Gaz felt himself wiggle a little against his bindings. Wanting to reach and touch Roach, cup his face and see him melt into it, kiss him and feel him push against his lips, touch at him and make him moan only for him. But he couldn’t, and he knew that he might not get any of those opportunities tonight. And although that made him sad, it made his need for whatever Roach gave all the sweeter.
Roach closened to Gaz on the bed, looking over his immaculate handiwork and smiling. “What colour?”
“Green, so green,” Gaz said, voice coming out breathy.
Roach only smiled, kissing Gaz’s forehead. Gaz could not help but lean into it, wanting more. Almost vocalizing his mourning when those soft lips left him.
“I was thinking we start off with this?” Roach held up a cordless magic wand, a toy familiar to both of them.
Gaz gave an eager nod, cock twitching at the thought of finally being touched.
Roach turned the vibration on with a click, the faint whirring the only audible sound in the room at this time. Letting the toy ‘burr’ just away from touching Gaz’s skin, Roach cupped his lover’s cheeks urging him to look at him. When their eyes met, Roach was all the sweetest of smiles. Taking Gaz’s lips in his in a tender, soft kiss. 
Gaz let out a long-held breath, relieved for the familiarity of Roach’s lips. Pressing what he could, wanting more. Insatiable for any affection Roach would give him. Always.
The vibrator lowered, touching at Gaz’s inner thigh. Exposing Gaz to the sensation as it slowly crept down. Making Gaz wriggle in eagerness, hitching his hips if possible for even an inch closer to that imminent pleasure.
Roach was not above teasing his partner, he had done such things in the past. But perhaps he took pity on how needy Gaz was for the toy and his kiss, so he did not pause or mock Gaz any more than he already had. The toy making an imminent landing to vibrate against Gaz’s throbbing dick.
Gaz whimpered into Roach’s mouth, grateful for finally getting what he needed most - outside of Roach himself, of course. His body twitched as ripples of hot pleasure coursed through him as the toy rolled his hard tdick at a steady, delicious pace.
Their kiss was very quickly turning into Roach pecking at Gaz’s open mouth, as moan after moan soon brokered past so he could no longer reciprocate Roach’s affections. His climax inching closer with every second.
Roach, one hand busy holding the wand aloft, could not sign. Nor would Gaz doubtfully be able to see it, head rolled back and eyes shut tight. Instead, Roach wrote on Gaz’s naked chest over his heart with the tip of his finger.
Pretty. Good. This praise was then sent straight to Gaz’s dick, making his toes curl and forcing his limbs to strain against the ropes again. Making dull stinging pain mix with pleasure.
Cum. Do it. For me. 
Gaz did not need Roach to say much else, gritting his teeth and tensing his muscles as his first orgasm came crashing down like a tidal wave. His legs squeezed shut, forcing Roach’s hand in place and pressing the toy on his cock. Small crescendos happening thereafter as he rode his orgasm out until overstimulation had him finally pulling away.
As Gaz grew limp, there was a click as the wand was turned off. Roach’s hands touched near where the rope bit into Gaz’s skin. Soothing the area around and encouraging blood flow as Gaz’s heart steadied again.
There was then a soft tap of hand against his outer thigh, Roach attracting Gaz’s floating attention back to him. Gaz obeyed, although his eyes were still half-lidded and his head was still light as air.
“Ok to move on? Do you need a break or want me to undo the ropes?”
Gaz put the effort in to shake his head. “‘M good, love. Just needing a moment to catch my breath. I want to keep going, though.”
“Good,” Roach said with his everpresent kind smile mirroring his satisfaction. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
Gaz let out a huff, “What do you think?” Then wiggling his hips a little as he spread his legs. Displaying his cock and slick cunt.
Roach’s smile curled into an excited grin. “Next round ok?”
“Green as grass,” Gaz said, licking his lips. “Don’t keep me waiting.”
Roach audibly snickered, adoring how his lover’s ever-visible eagerness. Going between Gaz’s legs, he held his fake cock in hand. Rubbing the length against Gaz’s lips, gathering up slick and awakening the hungry flames in Gaz’s belly once more.
Gaz watched onwards, biting his lower lips as Roach rubbed the tip against his engorged clit. Forcing out a grunt outwardly, the bud of nerves still so sensitive. Roach seemed to catch on, not lingering long before aligning the head with Gaz’s entrance.
Pressing inside, Gaz let out a gasp at the intrusion. His walls squeezing but welcoming Roach’s cock inside. Filling him up until it was down to the hilt. Roach paused, letting Gaz enjoy just how full he felt. Relishing the slight stretch and pull that Roach’s cock provided.
Once Gaz seemed eager to carry on, eyes steadying and looking to Roach with a newly invigorated hunger, Roach started moving. Hands-on both of Gaz’s knees, Roach rocked his hips back and forth. Inching in and out at a slow, dragged-out pace. Pressing right to that perfect spot that had Gaz gasping and shivering around him.
Roach’s eyes were warm but dark with hunger, watching Gaz soon melt once more into pleasure, soaking up the sight of Gaz’s pretty body held together only by rope. His eyes travelled down to where they met. Pale, nude silicone, wrapped in Gaz’s dark slickened lips. Taking him in so well, so desperately. Reluctant to let go with each unsheathing. Biting his lip as he noticed the slight bulging of Gaz’s stomach. Where Roach’s cock pushed slightly upwards to be visible under muscle and skin.
Roach felt his own briefs grow ever soaked with his own juices, so turned on by making Gaz feel so good. Aroused by how much trust Gaz gave him and how much pleasure he gave back to him in turn. It made his chest ache and heart soar, moving him emotionally even amongst his arousal.
“R-Roach, hah- love, ‘m close. Just a bit quicker, an’ I’ll cum. Fuck, you’re so good to me, bug. Ngh- So deep inside, god- your driving my mad, bug.” 
The praise was like molten lava in Roach’s veins, warming his insides and making his own cock ache under the strap and soaked briefs. Determined to ensure Gaz came, without even touching his clit, Roach obeyed Gaz’s pleading.
Roach’s hands moved from his knees to his hips, holding at his sides and tugging him onto his cock as his thrusts quickened. The snapping of Roach’s hips against Gaz’s ass, as well as Gaz’s sweet moans and cries was a chorus of music in Roach’s ears. Making him even hum, as he fucked into Gaz with erotic fervor wanting to see Gaz come undone on his cock. Making him cum again and again, bringing him all the bliss and pleasure he so rightfully deserved. After trusting him with his ropes, being such a good sport, and being patient in his learning. So open-minded and eager from the beginning. 
Gaz soon came again, letting out a long moan as his body stiffened once more, legs squeezing at Roach’s sides and body quivering as his second orgasm washed over him.
Roach was kind and pulled himself out after a few moments into the afterglow, letting Gaz come down from on high and enjoy the sense of fullness just a little bit more before it left him.
Gaz lay limp on the bed, still restrained by pink ropes, thighs wet with slick and forehead glistening with sweat. Letting his mind go comfortably blank as Roach moved somewhere nearby.
Unbuckling his strap and abandoning his underwear, Roach was near Gaz again. Kissing sweet kisses to either of his cheeks, making Gaz sigh in contentment. His hands kind and careful on his surely over sensitive skin. Undoing Gaz’s bindings until Gaz’s limbs flopped free and loose. Legs stretched out and hands weakly reaching up to hold Roach’s head close. Softly tugging him to kiss him on the lips, needing silent, loving affirmation as Roach kindly rubbed life back into Gaz’s tender arms and legs.
Eventually, once his body had cooled and his breaths calmed, Gaz asked, “What about you? You want me to give you some attention?”
Roach gave him a shake of ‘no’, “I’m fine. You must be tired.”
Gaz frowned, “Not enough to not get you off. C’mon Roach, let me help you.” Roach bit his lip, seemably tempted but torn. Perhaps worried he was overworking his lover. “Bug, I want to see you enjoy yourself too. Do it for me? Please?” His sincerity was obvious and Roach could never deny those handsome, begging eyes.
“Okay but if you feel tired we can stop at any time.” 
“Oh don’t worry, you’ll be taking me to my happy place, Roachy. Between those thighs.” His eyes lowered to the still simmering heat between Roach’s thighs.
Roach let out a huff, catching on to what Gaz would like to do. “Fine. Call it your treat, since you were so well-behaved.”
Gaz actually snorted, lowering himself until he lay fully on the bed. “You can tell I love you, because I only behave for you.”
Both of them had giggled then, soft and warm. Exchanging a kiss before Roach got up on his knees and lowered his own hot heat to Gaz’s hungry lips and tongue. Taking Gaz to just where he belonged.
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ledbytheunknown · 7 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Call of Duty (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick/Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Farah Karim/Alex Keller, John Price (Call of Duty)/Original Female Character(s), Kate Laswell/Kate Laswell's Wife, König (Call of Duty)/Original Character(s), Valeria Garza/Rodolfo Parra/Alejandro Vargas Characters: John "Soap" MacTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John Price (Call of Duty), Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Nikolai (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare), König (Call of Duty), Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Alex Keller (Call of Duty), Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Kate Laswell's Wife, Phillip Graves (Call of Duty), Vladimir Makarov, Andrei Nolan Additional Tags: Grooming, Domestic Violence, Fights, Cage Fights, Injury, Permanent Injury, Minor Character Death, Major character death - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Gangsters, Organized Crime, Family, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape, Rape/Non-con Elements, Smoking, Long term illness, Heart Conditions, Physical Disability, Pregnancy, High Risk Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Past Child Abuse, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Russell Adler is graves father in this.....even if just by mention. Summary:
London and its surrounding areas are run and controlled by five criminal organisations/families. The 141, The Vaqueros, Chimera, the Lions and the Shadows. John Price Junior grew up in the lifestyle under his father John Price Senior. After a break-up with a rival who was using and grooming a young John, John left to join the military only to come back to run the family after his father's death. He took in a 15-year-old John MacTavish whose parents had sent Johnny to settle their debts with payments of physical pleasure. John vowed he would protect him and became his guardian, Johnny enlists in the military to learn some new skills that will help him as a member of the 141 family. There he makes friends who also join the group. Then years later when one friend is taken manipulated and blackmailed by the rival Chimera organisation Johnny and John must work to get her and and another long lost away from Chimera and its horrible predatory boss Nikolai, the man who used, abused and tried to groom a young John Price
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Price: Ok everyone, if Y/N is crying what do we do? Gaz: Cry with them Soap: Bring them hot cocoa Ghost: The person who did it would fall from several miles in the air Roach: Yeah, Ghost's one
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burstinn · 4 months
Tumblr media
Can't find no good pic for this so..
This post includes:Ghost, Graves, Price, Soap, Nikto, Riptide, Krueger, Konig, Alejandro, Rudy, Gaz, Horangi, Makarov, Velikan, Keegan, Roach. In that order
Yes I wrote all those, yes because I haven't written in a while
- NSFW and SFW (Bottom male and top male reader mentioned)
-since y'all like the big buff n' tall male reader, made him bigger and taller basically mixed everything I wrote about male reader, tall, big buff, big cake, big boobs it's like a package in one this will probably be the last of this type of reader since running out ideas. It was hard making original headcanons 💔💔.
-Omg I haven't written in a while so like this might get idk boring?
- Yes again headcanons,you're favs
- strictly MALE READER not Gn rn
- readers age is ambiguous but if you can't think and want an age for reader my thinking is somewhere near late 30s or early 40s
- Some of the HCS have where y'all ain't in a relationship some HCS have y'all r in a relationship
- these headcanons definitely are mischaracterized but let me pretend for a bit 💔💔
- Tiktok got to me now I have brainrot language, so Trigger warning wooohh braiinroot
- can't believe this post was long enough to make my phone lag just a lil bit
- When he first saw you of course he was 😦😧😮
- Like okay overkill, like you're taller, buffer and probably have a huger cock??? (Something he can investigate.. For purposes..)
Like you also got smoobs?? A plumpy ass??
Like save some for the rest Jesus 😒😒
- Nonstop staring secretly ofc, You be like in a room then you feel someone staring just to see Ghost somewhere in the corner of the room. You can't tell if he's staring or not but being that you are in an empty room.. Yknow it's kind of obv--
- BUT if you are not in an empty room you will not shake off the staring I mean holy shit look at you like 😨😨🍑✋
- You can literally hear him breathing heavily under his mask like how can he control himself when HE a person who is supposed to be looked up to literally and figuratively now has to look up at YOU?? do you know what does to a person??
-That's right it makes them freaky..
-Probably jerks off to you too
- I mean who doesn't want to get railed by a 7 ft tall man? Especially ESPECIALLY when you've been the supposed dominant person your whole life??
- OMG immediately Cumming to the thought
- I mean he won't mind topping you it also drives his own ego seeing a dominant man get absolutely wrecked, imagine the begging and whining
- plus he won't mind being the person who feels protected not always doing the protecting like 💔💔 he wants to feel protected too 😞
- Immediate gay awakening
- thinks making his western accent more prominent would make you think he sounds more hot
- Will dress up as a cowboy and will will ask (beg) you to do it as well
- because you know.. Hat thing.. Riding.. Graves grabs your hat puts it on his head or Graves grabs his hat puts it on your head, either way one of you is riding something and it ain't a horse
- because of the amazing quote on who ever came up w/ that is "save a horse ride a cowboy"
- Graves is obviously the type of guy to look at your ass and whistle maybe slap it, nah definitely slap it
- He thinks of you like a bear
- like You're soo- big and cuddly? Definitely intimidating
- I mean you're near the same age bracket so it's not bad to have some.. Thoughts right?
- You're definitely hairy underneath or not but pls be he wants pubes to tickle his nose
- if you don't have a beard for reader then he would KILL to see have a beard like aughh perfect bear look, if you have a beard immediately cumming(/j) or (not /j)
- Like imagine you and price who are basically like bears like parent bears and and you the other 141 boys are like your children 🥺🥺
- DEFINITELY became more gayer
- errrmmm.. Like his eyes are BASICALLY near like chest height
- bumping into you and his face touches your chest like omgg.. Such an accident 💔💔
- Obviously flirting about going to pound town
- like imagine You and Him? In a relationship? Having the most feral sex??? Like it's obv jokes (it's not)
- He would also do anything to see a big man whimper like a little bicth slut, who wouldn't want to see a demon of a man roll his eyes back and whine like a wheoeororoe❤, I mean if he tops I'd imagine him saying "cmon you're a big boy ain't cha'? You can handle a few more inches". While you are also getting the malevolent backshots.
- He would also want a big strong arm to man handle him as he takes the most vigorous backshots known to man
- Have you ever thought or seen a very tall wall like 10 or 11 ft high and you being you, Soap asks (demands) for you to carry him on your shoulder because he wants to see what's over the wall
- intimidating guy and intimidating guy typa relationship but your not in a relationship.. Yet.
- watch him watch you
- shows off his knife collection to you, yes I think he has a knife collection and he will show it to people that he wants to impress (he wants to get freaky with you)
- I like to think if he strips off the gear he gives the most desperate kind of touchy hug, to those he feels close with of course which is you
- lucky you
- Offers to teach you how to swim yknow just in case
- there is none, he wants to see you wet
- tells you to wear a white shirt and shorts because its Essential for training, it's a lie he wants to see the water wet your clothes making it stick to your body.. Yknow the white shirt showing whats underneath and the shorts outlining what package you've been hiding even though you weren't really hiding it
- He gets too distracted, the others are too, he forgets how to teach you
- indefinite eye contact while your doing it
- likes staring into them, if you get shy and look away he will grab your jaw and make you have eye contact with him
- angry fierce ahh eyes
- he's an emotional grumpy guy, rip off his mask and aggressively kiss his face
- He wants the after sex laying on the chest while the other is rubbing their head, goes both ways.
- trace his tattoos and compliment them the bedroom will be locked the whole day, trust 🙏
- The same as Ghosts
- Imagine being the one to get carried instead of the one carrying
- König would definitely come up to you and ask to be carried while you kiss his face multiple times❤❤
- Imagine how hard he gets because you have to look down at him to talk like HNGRHRRGGGRGRRR
- Definitely likes giving you homemade arts and crafts gear because you know.. The headcanon where König makes his own gear and what if he does it for other people too as gifts💔
- likes seeing you wear his mask it makes him imagine what people see when they see König definitely a change of perspective. He can see how intimidating you are and he gets hard.
- will definitely compliment you in Spanish when talking about you with other people even when you're in front or behind him.
- I mean you don't understand Spanish right?
- if you don't, you're oblivious and only just watch curiously on what he's talking about. Buuut but but if you do understand you don't tell him you undeestrand this thing literally feeds your ego like Alejandro thinks of you this way? 🥺🥺
- Thigh riding type of guy idc who thigh riding
- everytime I look at him he looks like a soft vanilla type
- I know he's a strong guy but look at him
- He wants soft sex 😞😞
- He also likes being complimented if you whisper a praise to him when he's doing ANYTHING. Imagine the babies you'd both have together.
- He likes toddlers and babies and if you do too a plus for him,makes him fall even more 💯💯
- One time he Got injured and was sitting on the floor and then He saw you running towards him he simultaneously screamed in fear and how hard he got
- Likes to style your clothes, If he was off the military right now he really really likes fashion and if he sees you.. You can't fashion and he sees you wearing.. That, He's appalled, horrified, mortified I'm over exaggerating. But he is now in charge of your fashion now, But if you do know how to style you both will share tips with eachother. You can share different tips too ❤❤
- drags you in his barracks and strips you of your clothes except shorts.. And he's telling you this because he wants to "style" you.
- We both know damn well that's an excuse to get the boombayah freaky on.. He's just to shy to tell you upfront or he thinks it's fun to tease you like that before you get freaky
- gets freaky..
- Like he understands the women who get all giggly and nervous when they see a big man who can destroy them (ignore König 💔)
- is definitely not above thigh crushing, boob crushing, face sitting he'd do all at as long as it's you
- Like one time he pretended he broke his leg and won't let anyone else carry him until you came, acting all princessy and shit as you carry him bridal style to the medics
- He felt like a prince omg
- will definitely get on you and treat your real life size anime men boobs as a squishy toy
- How long is it and will he be able to take it??? Who knows he will find out!! Basically searched how long can someone's cock be if they are built like a god and is 7ft tall in Google
- someone gotta tell me Horangi's height and basic Google searching ain't doing it for me I'm too lazy to search for one line of a spicy headcanon line mb
- You're basically ascary dog he owns
- You're tall and intimidating
- You can get information out of people quickly
- And he's not above telling you to torture anyone with a strength and body like yours
- most of the time you get the info done and folded
- Makarov uses you for intimidation and strength buuttt if you ever THINK of betraying him he already has a plan to get rid of someone like you
- Can and will turn you into one of those supersoldiers
- Will make you murder people right in front of him for entertainment and will rewward you!
- you know what reward it will be, Because when he asked what reward you wanted you got a bit to freaky you thought you be dead rn but nah he agreed actually he seems to enjoy it more than you do..
- He's the dog in this one have you heard his voice?? Rough as hell imagine hearing him grunt
- Sounds cocky as hieeeellll too
- Would definitely like showing off to you since he wants to look cool in front of you
- Like you seen velikans skins?? Definitely wears the best ones to show you he can not only be a trained assassin But can also dress cool as hell
- If you compliment him it like makes his day, will not stop thinking about it
- Like a cool person complimenting a cool person like him? Ego boost (It's him feeling gay)
- This guys definitely a smoker (headcanon!!) Because voice sounds like he smoked 100 packs in 1 day and doesn't drink an ounce of water /jk I love him he's so hot.
- So if you want a smoke he purposely hides the lighter saying.. 'Oh no I asked someone elses lighter.. I don't have mine right now' or like 'my lighter ran out of fuel ohh
- So you have to put the cigarette in your mouth as you touch it with his cigarette to light ur own that type of trope 💫💫
- If you're not a smoker he will try his best to not smoke in front of you will use fresh mints to hide his breath of smoke
- after sex he will want a smoke, outside he goes or you both share the one cigarette
- is it wrong to want to be choked by a big buff meaty arm?
- yknow the tiktok thing where girls put a ribbon on their boyfriends arm and the girls just put their face in the middle as their faces get squished??
- Yeah he wants that but gay
- will try to compare dick sizes even though yours is OBVIOUSLY the superior one!!
- Heads or tails on who's bottoming tonight
- Would like to be wrapped around your arms if you are hugging or sleeping keeps him warm
- Especially when it's snowing will force you to hug with him. ESPECIALLY when your in a mission and your in the tents he will definitely force you to hug it out with him
- remember the other tall HC where the reader wasn't taller than König
- yes roach does the same thing here.. He's crawling on you like a tree
- If he wants a kiss instead of asking he crawls up to you and kisses you
- definitely likes to sit on your shoulders as you walk around, he feels tall like that
- this is like a distance relationship 💔💔
- Likes it when you bend over to talk to him also when you bend over when youre doing sum since it's slappable opportunity
- because bent over = double D cake will be slapped
- How will it fit? By the power of friendship of course!!
- probably more of say gex desperation but you get it
- Obviously switch switch
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lxvvie · 8 months
Simps 'R Us, Between the Sheets edition: Your faves and the wholesome and funny things you two get up to in bed, part I.
Capt. John Price - When he's half asleep and about to snore loud enough to wake the dead (Price vehemently denies this), you like to have random conversations with him because you know questions you ask will do one of two things: elicit a nonsensical answer from the Cap'n or... wake him up from his sleep altogether.
Gaz - Is curling up into himself because you're the big spoon, you're running your hands over his body because he's highkey lowkey ticklish, and your face is buried in his neck because... he's highkey lowkey ticklish. "Darling, please—" Gaz manages to gasp out between... wait, are you giggling, Garrick?
Soap - Your darling golden retriever chaotic good boyfriend loves... to sleep naked. You're not complaining, though, especially because he loves it when you lay on him. You've made a home for yourself between his thighs; his stomach is your pillow, and he usually has a hand rubbing your head. Helps him to relax, y'know, bonnie? And whenever you don't lay on him, it's an affront to Johnny's... everything. His heart is broken. His soul is crushed. You're too far away from him (even though you're still right under him). How could you do this to him? He can't live like this. No other stud muffin can offer you what he can, beautiful. But no really, bonnie, he needs you on top of him like... yesterday.
Ghost - You really like his body. Like... really like his body. You blow raspberries on his stomach, you smack his ass, you talk about his eyelashes—scratch that, you love his body. To you, every scar tells a story, and you've asked him plenty of times to talk about them. And then you did the unthinkable that had Simon wanting to disappear into the fucking blankets—"Si-bear, I didn't know you had a mole on your inner thigh!" Bloody fucking hell, he'll never hear the end of this. And then you kissed it and Ghost's face had never felt so bloody hot before. Christ, you'll be the death of him, sweetheart.
Roach - Nothing but the most sickeningly saccharine stuff to ever stuff happens with Roach. A poke-fest, a kiss-fest, a tickle-fest, you name it, it happens. Roach loves to sleep with his face buried in your chest and arms wound tight around you. Always. You rubbing his head soothes him to sleep as well.
Alex - You're also the big spoon here, too. You're busy talking about conspiracy theories you believe the government is/was involved in and Alex is entertaining you ("That so, Boss?"). In actuality, his eyes are comically wide because the truth is oftentimes stranger than fiction and you may or may not be walking a little heavy there, Boss.
Alejandro - Is the big spoon to your little spoon in bed no matter what you're doing. Loves to intertwine your legs together, too. Alejo murmurs how much he loves you in your ear and kisses the top of your head before telling you good night.
Rudy - Sometimes when he's asleep, you'll whisper "Rodolfo" in his ear which causes Rudy to shoot up, eyes comically wide because the only time someone calls him by his full government name is when he gets into shit but it wasn't him this time, it was that idiot Alvarez— "Didn't get to tell you good night and I love you, Rudy, so... good night and I love you, Rudy." Oh. Oh. Ha. Real funny.
Farah - A cuddle bunny through and through. She loves laying up under you, her head resting on your shoulder or under your chin, or her face in the crook of your neck. She wants to hear you as you sleep. She wants to feel the gentle rise and fall of your chest or the resonances as you speak. Farah simply can't get enough of you.
Keegan - It's really you teasing him because Keegan isn't one to really get flustered or deviate from his infamously neutral expression. Much. Until you came along. You two are relaxing in bed and you're the one randomly calling out, "Hey, Kee-Kee," to which Keegan makes the most surprised and disgusted face in response and you're wheezing.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 6 months
Orange Peel Theory With Cod Characters
Would they peel an orange for you? (Scenario based on the test from TikTok)
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Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves, Vladimir Makarov.
This is probably one of the only times I'll be using the color orange, AHAHAHAHA. As you can tell I wouldn't be okay with the camp half-blood uniform as an Aphrodite kid. Writing this as I'm sick with a cold, my nanny since childhood peeled my oranges for me while telling me to finish all of it because it's vitamin C.
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Mansplaining this but the Orange Peel/Peeling Theory surrounding TikTok started with one girl talking about her experience with her ex peeling her oranges for her. It soon turned into a theory/test where people ask their partner to peel an orange for them, something as small and effortless as peeling an orange as that act of service represents their willingness to do things for their partner and if they refuse then that's seen as a red flag because it means that if they're unwilling to do that small thing for them then same case scenario for something big that requires a sacrifice.
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They peel it for you almost immediately, no words needed, just you staring at the orange. Grabbing it from the bowl of fruits and meticulously tearing the skin with their thumbs, being careful not to make much of a mess and to not bruise the orange.
It's not a secret that they like to do this, offering other little things like opening doors for you, peeling the skin of apples if you don't feel like eating it and slicing it up for you with a multipurpose camping knife, putting their hand on the edge of a nearby cornered things so it wouldn't be as painful if you hit your head picking something up.
Characters: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König.
Would tease you once you ask them to peel it for you but will peel it. Would even hand feed it to you, you have to give them a kiss for every orange they separate. If you tell them you don't like the pith (the white stringy part) then they'd take it off for you.
They probably would ask you to peel some for them too some time around soon but you're more than happy to do it for them.
Characters: John "Soap" MacTavish, Alejandro Vargas, Valeria Garza, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Nikolai Belinski.
You probably should've worded it better, you told them you felt like an orange.. "I feel like a tomato" is what you hear back. You laughed and clarified that you felt like eating the fruit.
"Oh.." they stopped to think if you had any oranges at home at the moment and they got up and peeled it for you, bringing a plate back of two peeled and pulled apart oranges with a glass of water for you.
Characters: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Alex Keller, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
He'd throw the orange at your head, telling you to peel it yourself.
Characters: Philip Graves, Vladimir Makarov.
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @thelightdjinnofpalestine @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @fawnchives @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @the-second-sage @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld @keiva1000 @iexiam @drewsmusee
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thelaisydazy · 7 months
Firefighter!Simon Riley x Reader - Locked Out Pt. 2
Johnny drags you inside the station, ignoring the confused looks he gets from the other men inside. He walks you over to the oldest of them, a man with a beard sporting a hat, and introduces you. 
“This is oor captain, Price,” Johnny says, his arm still over your shoulder. “Cap, bonnie ‘ere lost their keys doon th’ drain. Can we gi’ them a hand?”
“I’m sure Gary could get to them,” Price says, offering a warm smile and his hand to shake, which you do. “You rest here mux.” He turned to the couch where a man with dark, curly hair sat. “Kyle, keep our guest company, we’ll be back.” He pats Johnny on the shoulder and the two leave to find Gary and retrieve your keys. 
Kyle stands from the couch and walks over. He’s handsome, pretty you think. He definitely knows it too as he catches you staring, giving you a smile. “Hungry?” he asks.
Simon emerged from the showers, wearing only a pair of sweatpants, his damp towel slung over his broad shoulders as his blond hair was still dripping wet. The station house was quiet. Johnny must still be out walking Riley. 
A quiet laugh broke that silence though. One that made his stony heart skip a beat. Simon made his way towards the common area, finding the one thing he never expected. You. 
Kyle was sitting with one arm on the couch behind you, the other on his leg. You hadn’t noticed Simon yet, too engrossed in Kyle’s story about the time Riley climbed into the open window of a cop car to get into a bag of treats the officer had hidden under his seat.
“So Riley was hanging halfway out this cop’s car, an’ Johnny’s trying to get him out before the cop gets back,” Kyle said. “Turns out, the cop had a bag of treats in the car. Found out when Simon called Riley over. Rascal had the bag hanging out his mouth.” 
The sound of your laugh makes Simon’s heart race and he finds himself jealous of the way your fingers gently scratched behind Riley’s ear as the dog’s head lays in your lap. 
Simon can’t help but stare. He’d always known how pretty you were, but seeing you here in the station.. He only wished he was the one you were sitting with. That he was the one making you laugh so easily. 
“Bonnie! We got yer keys!” Johnny calls, coming up behind Simon. 
Your head whips around, catching a glimpse of Simon as he turns on his heels and retreats deeper into the station. 
In his room, Simon’s heart pounds in his chest. He runs a large hand through his blond hair, his mind racing. All he’d wanted these past few months was to know you better, though he’d never been able to bring himself to speak more than a few words to you. Never had he thought he’d see you in the firehouse, much less cozied up on their couch. What were you even doing here? 
A knock on his door brought his answer. Simon quickly pulled on his privacy mask, some part of him hoping it was you. Instead he saw Johnny. 
“Aye, Si, did ye see we git a guest?” Johnny asked with that cheeky grin of his. Ah. That was it. Johnny brought you here. 
“I saw..” Simon said, keeping his voice measured despite his urge to to tear Johnny in half for getting up the nerve to talk to you before he could. 
“Ye never told me tha’ wee thing wis so cuit,” Johnny pressed. “S’already git Kyle wrapped ‘round their wee finger.”
Simon’s dark eyes sharpened. Johnny always knew just how to get under his thick skin. 
“Am sure they’d lek t’ see ye,” Johnny continued. “Looked a might fash when ye stormed off.”
“Didn’t ‘ave m’ mask,” Simon muttered. “Wasn’t expecting them..”
“Aye, ha t’ git Gary t’ rescue their keys,” Johnny explained. His blue eyes briefly looked Simon up and down. “Y’should say ‘ello. Am sure they’d lek t’ see ye.”
Johnny was dense but he wasn’t stupid. He knew Simon could get anyone he wanted, he had the looks to make just about anyone, including Johnny himself, melt. If only Simon had the confidence to actually talk to anyone. 
When Simon didn’t budge, Johnny decided to push further. “Aye wis think’n, LT,” he started. “I might ask ‘em oot fer coffee.” Johnny shrugged as he watched Simon tense. 
Simon shoved past Johnny, making his way to the common area again. Leaving Johnny grinning at his door.
Simon’s gruff voice startles you. You hadn’t seen him enter the room, much less hear him walk up behind where you were sitting on the couch. 
You blink those pretty eyes up at him. “What?”
“With me.” He doesn’t seem to be asking by his tone, but his eyes are almost pleading. 
“Uh.. sure,” you say, unable to keep the smile from your lips. 
The tension in Simon’s shoulders melted away. If he had a tail, it would be wagging.
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meowpupp · 6 months
as a thank you for hitting 1k followers, and an apology for my absence, I would like to share my take on poly!141.
poly141! x recruit!reader. 1.5k words. mentions of sex, although no smut. yet.
you're a sweet little thing. smart as a whip, nerdy, and confident. having spent most of your post highschool graduate years studying, youve acquired numerous impressive qualifications. while most people your age in university were out partying, getting blind drunk, hooking up, you were studying.
a tech genius. that's what laswell had sold you as to price. he had been hesitant to allow any new members at all, especially ones so young. and yet, taskforce 141 sees two new additions. the newest little tech genius who's climbing quickly through the ranks, and another soldier. someone by the name of roach.
at first, you weren't amused. as a woman in the military, your life was already difficult enough. being assigned to an all male taskforce felt like your worst nightmare. but after some convincing from laswell, and realizing this would be the fastest way to make a name for yourself, you sign the papers.
your first week is smooth, albeit awkward. you and the other new recruit, roach, get along fairly well. he's funny, a little dorky, but obviously skilled. he isn't as intimidating as the others, being almost as young as you. you find yourself gravitating to him often, often staying up late together, eating meals together, and even training together. you make quick friends.
and so, it's only natural that you both end up becoming… closer. late night talks turn into makeouts, and makeouts turn into grinding. it's somewhat clumsy however… as if the two of you can quite place the power dynamics.
the others, however, are much more of a challenge to get along with. you're cautious, aware these men have been in this business much longer than you. the four of them- price, ghost, gaz, and soap- are a power unit. it takes weeks for you to find your place within the team.
price tries to be welcoming, although it doesn't quite work. there's this sense of authority and power around him that makes you feel small, almost submissive. his gruff voice sends shivers down your spine each time he speaks over comms, panties growing wet each time he gives you a direct order.
it's almost as if he knows, whispering your name rather than your military nickname. his voice sounds almost seductive. it makes you feel like a pervert, imagining him growling in your ear each time you get off.
price has a way of always remaining in control and not just with you. the power dynamics within the task force are subtle yet well established. there seems to be a chain of command that follows their ranks. price on top, then ghost, then gaz and soap. you notice how they all drop casual innuendos, their affection for each other, corssing over the boundary of just friendliness.
ghost barely looks, let alone, speaks to you for the first month. you're unsure if he even likes you. on the field, he's sharp and alert. you occasionally hear him share banter with the others, but never feel brave enough to join in. the man is intimidating, almost three times your size, a quiet sort of confidence and dominance that follows him around. he's the one you train with most often.
ghost is ruthless. he slams you into the matt, somehow always ending up between your thighs, his big hands holding them apart and pinning you down. you can't help but memorise the sight. your Lieutenant, panting, slightly sweat as he holding you in such a lewd position, glaring down at you.
it's your favourite fantasy to think about late at night as you touch yourself, unaware that the walls are so thin that ghost himself hears you whimper his name. he strokes himself in time with the slick noises of your cunt, imagining how desperate you must look.
gaz isn't intimidating, per say. he isn't distant like ghost or unapproachable like price. the man has such a casual confidence and arrogance around him. he's the first to speak to you, ask you about yourself. throughout your career, you've met many military soldiers. most the men fit into two categories, misogynistic dicks who don't believe you have a place within the ranks, or disgusting perverts who want a quick fuck (most of them have wives, even kids.) but gaz is refreshing. he fits into neither.
he often starts conversations with you. asking questions and truly listening as you speak. little do you know he records each one, saving them for when he's alone late at night. something about the way you speak, your tone, the quiet rasp or accent, it makes him stupidly hard. he's not above recording you while you workout, standing just close enough to capture each huff and grunt as you lift. it's those recordings that get him off the quickest, wondering how whiny youd sound if he held a vibrator to your clit, didnt let up until you were crying and covered in slick.
and soap. the man is difficult for you to read. your first impression is that he's one of those men who fit into the ‘misogynistic asshole’ category. apart from your initial meeting, he practically ignores you.
you can tell its not deliberate. he just seems more immersed in the natural, pre-established dynamic of the taskforce. the one that doesn't include you. it takes a while, but after a month or two, your interactions become more common.
he turns out to be very respectful- even helpful. due to your background in tech, you skipped a few ranks when you joined. soap helps you in the shooting range. standing behind you, body pressing into yours from behind, correcting your posture before you fire.
you even create games with each other. he gives you little quizzes. theyre normally about gun components, military jargon, or even field upgrades. with each quiz he promises a ‘reward.’
its embarrassing whenever you blush and grow wet when he says it. the rough growl of his voice, combined with the accent he has, all makes you dizzy. you don't even notice how he plays it up, practically purring out the word, smirking as you squirm, making sure to graze his fingertips over your hot skin.
it's obvious that after a month or two, that roach is significantly more acclimated than you. it feels unfair. your relationship with each member is steadily growing, yet something about how roach interacts with them is so different. it's like you're missing a puzzle piece.
it isn't until one night when you're venting your frustration that roach reveals the reason he's clicked with them so quickly.
“It's like an initiation,” he smirks, eyes flicking away from you, “think of it kind of like…. hazing.” his eyes are almost predatory as he meets yours again, so unlike the goofy persona he usually has, “if you like, I could speak to price. they have started to discuss inviting you in.”
it's as if everything made sense now. it wasn't your fault. it was another case of discrimination, you being left out because you didn't fit into their stupid boys club.
ever since that conversation with roach, you have become frustrated, irritable, and short with them all. you fulfilled all your required tasks but refused to engage with them any further. denying invites to the pub, ignoring gaz when he tried to speak, training alone, no longer asking soap for help.
after about a week of this, price calls you to his office.
a sick sense of unease and anxiety settles in your gut. the man is so intimidating, and this surely wasn't a positive meeting. you've never been in a position like this. all throughout school, you were a grade A student, and within your years in the military, you've always maintained basic respect and politeness. you've never been in trouble with a CO.
when you step into his office, however, all your expectations are subverted. price sits at his desk, smoking a cigar. roach leans against it next to him. the two of them are speaking lowly.
price notices you first. his eyes carry an emotion you haven't seen before. lust. he's staring at you as if you're some sort of prey. with a smirk, he blows out a large puff of smoke. it curls around him, only making him more intimidating.
“if you were feeling excluded, sweetheart, you should've made me aware.” he leans back in his chair. suddenly, the room feels so small, your body getting hot, “id be more than happy to include you.”
roach walks towards you, guiding you further into the office. he doesn't let you sit, however, instead standing behind you, hands groping your hips. his fingertips slip under your shirt, brushing the sensitive skin of your stomach.
he kisses your neck, “price wants to see how pretty you are,” his hands slide further up, taking your shirt off, “let's give him a show, yeah?”
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soy-soi-si · 24 days
All I know is it's so satisfying to hear the little tippy taps every time I do something wearing my nails. Imagine the boys just chilling around you after you had just done your nails after getting off a mission and your tapping away at your phone.
Roach sitting in-between your legs as soap took up the rest of the couch by laying down. His legs over the arm rest his head on one of your thighs. Sometimes knocking Roaches' head when you begin bouncing your leg randomly before sudden stopping. But my god they love the white noise of your nails. So when you begin tapping your nails on the back of your phone, they were out like a light.
Gaz was reading a book in the single chair to the side, and he literally looks up every time your tapping stops. Price is smoking while watching the TV from the kitchen, ghost off making tea next to him both not responsive to the tapping noise.
All of them are unaware that you are chewing out a lower soldier and telling their Sargent for sending you unsolicited nudes and drunk texts. You were going to kill a man.
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diejager · 1 year
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Pairing : Task Force 141 x Vampire!reader
Cw: blood, vampire, death.
Wc: 947
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Price watched everyone board the helicopter in a steady shuffle, he counted the names when they passed him as if taking their attendance to assure that everyone followed him. Ghost, Roach, Soap, and Gaz- he gaped at the missing soldier, he was sure you'd been behind them this whole time, eyes scouring the darkness for you. He turned to the others for information, frowning when they all said that they hadn't seen you.
"Sparrow, what's your status?"
Thumb still pressed into his radio, he waited for your reply. When all he received was silence from you, he asked a second time: "Sparrow, how copy?"
There was only complete silence on your end. That worried them, but they knew you wouldn't go doing so easily; you'd told them once that you would bomb everything before dying - if you could, from regular bullets or knives.
"Sparrow," Ghost growled out, his deep, rumbling order echoed through the shared line.
It was quiet at first, but then the sound of muffled screams and slurping came through. Their tense shoulders slouched, finally knowing where you went: to quench your hunger.
You left the line open, letting the team listen to the pained moans of the soldier that crossed your path. A thud followed afterward when you stopped drinking, the bloodless body falling forward.
They waited at the end of the clearing, seated in the helicopter as they strained their ears to listen to your near-silent steps. They could see you before they heard you, piercing, red eyes glowing in the dark foliage as you approached them. The sight flooded them with relief, seeing you wipe your blood-soaked face and pull your mask over your nose to hide the gory view of your sharp fangs painted in red.
"Sorry," you bowed, voice raspy and quiet from the ecstasy of drinking blood - delicious or disgusting, blood worked the same way it did either way.
"'S fine, Sparrow," Price mumbled, motioning you to sit next to him, the last seat on the aircraft.
Silence lingered in the shared space as Nikolai pulled into the sky, the blades ripping through the air loudly. The team watched your half-lidded eyes, blinking owlishly in some sort of trance. You were always dazed after feasting on someone, calm and slurring words as if high on blood. Your body took time absorbing and cycling the blood through your undead body, extracting the nourishing substances within a few weeks.
A satiated cat, that's how Soap first described you when you first fed on one of them, a hissy and skittish cat until it ate its full, satisfied, and sleepy. Soap was the first, finding your fangs deep into a man's neck. He stopped dead in his track, gaping at your red eyes and pointed teeth. He offered himself to you a few weeks later and quickly became addicted to the thrill of sharing an intimate part of himself.
Ghost caught them months later, finding you suckling on Soap's shoulder with a dazed look. The brooding man froze, unable to understand whatever he just saw; the shock and the unnatural spark of pleasure at your teeth breaking Soap's skin and laving up stray drops of blood. The image stayed in his mind, haunting him day in and day out until he found himself offering the same as Soap did. The danger and fear of having someone touch him made him hard, the slight sting of your teeth and your warm mouth around his wrist, shoulder, and neck - he almost begged for you to drink from his neck.
Gaz and Price stumbled on your feed on a mission, and have spent almost two months on infiltration and information gathering job for Shepherd, you got too hungry and snapped at the first straggler. Price, being who he is, shook off the confusion and helped you, making you promise to explain everything afterward. Gaz, however, somewhat gushed, a mix between confusion and amazement at your case. He, unlike the former, was more entertained with the idea of letting you feed on him for the experience.
Sweet Roach was the last one, you told him upfront about your little problem when you returned from your deployment with Gaz and Price. You signed it to him in your room, hanging from your bunk to tell him. He took it easily, perhaps too easily and calmly for someone whose roommate for the past year was a vampire. If you're ever hungry, I wouldn't mind helping you, Sparrow, he confessed, eyes glimmering with adoration and lips pulled in a small smile.
"How was it?" Soap pipped up, peering at you from the opposite side of the bird.
"Like shit," you grumbled, adjusting your rifle to sit more comfortably. "Fear and anger makes it taste bloody sour."
"You should've told us you were hungry, Sparrow, " Ghost growled lowly, he never liked letting you drink from other men or women other than their team. "Wouldn't have minded it." The last part was whispered, almost as if he was too shy to admit it.
"Don't be an arse about it, L.T., she was just hungry."
Ghost only grumbled lowly about how Soap wasn't any better. Gaz nudged your arm, telling you that he's free later if you're still hungry, knowing full well that you had your full. The little wink he gave told you everything, he just wanted to have you around him.
You sighed and turned to Price and Roach, tired from the night's event and the horrid taste that lingered on your tongue. I agree, Sparrow, his shoulders shook, head tilted towards the two bantering - more so of Soap annoying Ghost - men. None of us mind.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
I'm sending this as a separate ask so you can hoard it if you wanna but follow up to roachs pretty boy with Jackson meeting gaz??? Please I need more gaz in my life I will give you like a cool rock I found
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Roach's Pretty Boy (2)
Description: Gaz finds himself in a mansion with a familiar face
Pairings: Gaz/Roach, Gaz/Jackson, Roach/Makarov, Makarov/Gaz if you squint
Warnings: Dub-con, slight nsfw (heavy making out and petting)
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Gaz didn't remember falling asleep. He remembered being loaded onto a plane and shoved into one of the seats, Sanderson curling up against him after he did. He remembered the other man talking his ear off about how much he was going to like where they were going and how excited he was for Gaz to meet his friend.
He'd been tense the entire time, on edge and unwilling to let his guard down for a second, so really, he had no idea how or when he'd fallen asleep. It just didn't seem possible for him. He'd just blinked then suddenly he was waking up on a soft bed in an, admittedly, nice room.
His shoes, tac vest, and jacket had been stripped, but he was pleased to see that he was still in the same clothes from the previous day. The most immediate thing that he noticed was the fact that there were no guards around him, at least none that he could see.
He had to take the opportunity for what it was, he had to try to get away from Sanderson while there was a lapse in security. With that thought in mind, he began to carefully move off of the bed, wincing at every slight sound that was made. It took him several moments of searching around the room to find his shoes, but once he did he was quick to slip them on his feet.
There was nothing around the room that he could use as a weapon, something he realized after several moments of searching, so he decided it was time to leave and make an attempt to get out of wherever he was being held prisoner.
He opened the door to his room quietly, peering out into a long hallway to check for any roaming men. To his surprise, he still didn't see anyone. With growing suspicion and concern, he slowly crept out into the hallway. He kept low as he moved, his footsteps virtually silent as he worked his way through what he quickly realized was essentially a mansion.
The more he roamed through the house, the more suspicious he became. Not only were there no guards outside of his room but, as far as he could tell, there were no guards anywhere in the house. He'd spotted several roaming around the property through the upstairs windows, but they were fairly far out from the house and wouldn't be able to do much in the way of stopping his escape. The entire thing felt like a trap.
He eventually made his way to the top of a long staircase, his eyes locking onto the double doors down below on the first floor. This was obviously some sort of entrance area, and the clear ticket to his freedom.
He didn't bother keeping quiet anymore. The door was right there and he wasn't going to move too slowly and have someone walk in and try to stop him. He'd made it this far silently, now it was time to be fast.
He practically jumped down the stairs, skipping several steps at a time in his quest to get down to the first floor quicker. When his feet finally hit the floor away from the stairs he was darting forward, completely oblivious to anything around him as his hand wrapped around the doorknob. This was it, one twist to freedom.
He froze. That voice. It couldn't be? He was dead, wasn't he?
Gaz whipped around quickly, his wide eyes connecting with the wide eyes of Makarov from across the room. They just stared at one another for several seconds, both shocked to see the other. As Gaz took the other man in, noting his healthy pallor and seemingly glowing appearance, he could feel tears welling up in his eyes. Makarov was alive.
He took a staggered step away from the door, all thoughts of escape banished for the time being. Another hesitant step forward, Makarov matched it this time. In the next second they were both racing across the room, meeting in the middle with a tight hug.
Tears streamed down Gaz's cheeks as he hid his face in Makarov's shoulder, grabbing tight to the other man's shirt as though he was afraid he might dissappear. "Mak," he muttered wetly, "We thought you were dead."
"I'm not," Makarov responded back, his own voice weak, "I'm okay."
There was another pause as the two men continued to hug, enjoying the others presence. Finally, after a moment, Gaz seemed to remember their predicament. He pulled away from Makarov suddenly, his eyes wide, "Quick, we need to move. We have to leave before Sanderson gets back."
He grabbed onto Makarov's wrist, tugging him behind him. Makarov seemed to be fighting against his movement though, something that pulled confusion from Gaz. "Gaz-"
"Mak," he tugged the man again, "C'mon, we don't have time for this. We have to go!"
Makarov yanked his wrist out of Gaz's hand suddenly, causing Gaz to turn back to him with confusion and annoyance on his face. He opened his mouth to speak but was beaten to it by Makarov's voice cutting through the air, "You can't escape."
"What?" Gaz shook his head at his friend, "I saw outside, security seems lax, if we go now then we'll be able to-"
Makarov marched past him, pulling the front door open to reveal three guards positioned right in front of it. Beyond those men, Gaz could see the large numbers of guards that were milling around the property. The three guards at the front door turned to look at them with a raised brow. "Apologies," Makarov spoke quickly, "How many guards are on the property today?"
One of the guard raised an eyebrow at Makarov before carefully responding, "I believe somewhere around one hundred and fifty today. A rather lax guard compared to our usual."
Makarov nodded at the man, "Thank you," before he quickly shut the front door back and turned to look at Gaz. Gaz could feel dread building up in his chest. So many guards on the property, but none in the house? Sanderson was playing mind games with them, he had to be.
"I don't," Gaz stared blankly ahead, trying to think of anything they could do to help themselves.
"Listen," Makarov stepped closer to him, "Its better if you just settle in, okay?"
Gaz shook his head at his friend, "Settle in? Mak we've got to get out of here. Sanderson is going to kill us!"
"I've been here for weeks," Makarov started carefully, "Roach doesn't want to hurt us." Gaz raised an eyebrow at the other man referring to Sanderson as "Roach." What exactly had the terrorist done to his friend? "He's," Makarov seemed to hesitate, looking away from Gaz with a blush rising to his face, "He's actually kinda sweet when you get to know him."
Oh fuck. Gaz knew exactly what Sanderson had managed to do to his friend. In such little time, in only a few weeks, Sanderson had managed to break the seemingly unbreakable Vladimir Makarov. "Mak," Gaz grabbed thight to Makarov's shoulders, "He's a fucking terrorist. He isn't sweet, he isn't whatever he's made you think. He's cruel and unfeeling."
Makarov pushed his hands off, his eyebrows furrowed into something hard. "You don't know him like I do," he protested, "He's not like that at all!"
"God," Gaz groaned, rubbing at his face, "Has he really managed to break you Mak? The man I knew wouldn't have ever let a terrorist trick him into this."
"I've not been tricked," Makarov's voice was heated and Gaz could see his eyes going a bit glassy. He realized with startling clarity that the man in front of him was going to cry, "Roach is sweet and he's lovely and he's not done anything bad to me! He hasn't tricked me or whatever you think has happened." Makarov narrowed his eyes at him before roughly poking a finger into his chest, "If you want to spend all day trying and failing to escape, then be my guest! But I'm staying right here."
With that, Makarov pushed past him, marching off into a side room and leaving Gaz alone, frozen in place by the other man's outburst. This situation, he understood suddenly, was far more dangerous than he realized. If Sanderson had managed to turn Makarov, it would only be a matter of time before he got to Gaz himself. He would have to work quick to try and keep that from happening. Makarov was with him, but he was well and truly on his own for an escape plan.
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Makarov didn't speak to him at all the rest of that day. He just kept his nose buried in a book, occasionally looking up to watch him do one thing or another. He'd just stared blankly when Gaz tried one of the computers, his brief bit of hope dashed by a sudden system lock down.
He'd asked Makarov if he knew that would happen, Makarov had just ignored him and gone back to his book.
Within a few hours Gaz had explored the entire house, finding no sort of exit option or means of establishing communication with the 141. It was a little frustrating. The house was so large with so many little things around, and yet it was like Sanderson had thought up any and every thing that he could possibly try.
He considered stealing one of the knives from the kitchen to use as a weapon, only to notice the cameras around the room moments later. He tried to sneak out a back window only to immediately be escorted back into the house. He'd tried several different methods and at each and every attempt he found himself blocked.
It eventually led to him finding his way back into the living room type area with Makarov to plop tiredly down onto one of the couches in the room. Makarov still had refused to speak to him, only tucking himself further into the recliner he was in anytime Gaz tried to get his attention.
All of this meant that, hours later, when Sanderson made himself known again, he was exhausted.
He heard the front door to the house open and shoved himself further into the couch, ignoring the way that Makarov had quickly risen from his seat and bounded out of the room. Gaz could hear him greeting Sanderson excitedly and the sound of it alone made him feel sick. He felt completely hopeless. There seemed to be no escape, any hope of being able to get out before Sanderson could break him too seemed to be draining from him quick.
After a few moments of conversation outside of the room, the door to the living room was opened again, Makarov leading Sanderson and another man, one who Gaz recognized as the man's second in command in behind him.
Sanderson zeroed in on him immediately, a bright grin crossing his lips as he called, "Pretty boy, you look tired. Wear yourself out today?"
Gaz could feel himself flush at the obvious tease. Sanderson had clearly been informed about his several escape attempts. He chose not to answer the man, turning away from him with an indignant huff as he crossed his arms tight across his chest. There was a moment of silence before the couch next to him was dipping down and arms were wrapped tightly around his shoulders.
He tensed at the feeling, trying to lean away as he felt Sanderson nuzzle into his neck, "The silent treatment?" The man purred against his skin, giving his neck a little nip, "I bet I can make you talk."
His hands began moving down, caressing over Gaz's chest to rub across one of his thighs, teasing closer and closer to his clothed cock with every stroke. Gaz started to shake slightly, the burn of his face growing in intensity. After a moment Sanderson's hand moved up, skating just under his shirt to begin running over the muscles of his chest.
There were lips sucking marks at his neck, placing harsh but tempting kisses along the skin. Those lips were slowly moving, tracing up his neck and over his chin to move closer and closer toward his mouth. Gaz tried to turn away from him, but that appeared to be the wrong answer.
A hand grabbed his chin, forcefully turning his face so that Sanderson could crash their lips together, licking into his mouth with an excited fervor. The kiss was a sloppy thing, spit slicking Gaz's lips as Sanderson took control of him, biting and bruising his lips before sucking his tongue into his mouth.
Gaz couldn't help but whimper into the kiss. He knew it was wrong, but God Sanderson was fucking good at this and, really, it had been far too long for Gaz. Still, he tried to hold strong, attempting to pull away from the other man. A hand in his hair stopped him.
After a moment, Sanderson was shifting. He shoved Gaz back against the couch and one of his legs slung over his lap, allowing him to straddle him fully. The hand under his shirt moved up further and further before they moved over his nipples, the slight pressure pulling a harsh gasp from Gaz.
"Stop," Gaz finally spoke against the other's mouth, yanking away from him and reaching up to capture his wrists in his hands. He had to stop. He was falling for this too easily. "Stop, just," he took in a shaky breath, "I can't-"
"It's okay, Pretty boy," Sanderson once again listened to Gaz's request, dutifully moving off of his lap with a smile on his face. "Look at that though," the man cooed, "You're talking to me, baby."
Gaz flushed again, his hands fiddling together nervously in his lap as he mentally cursed himself. He needed to get a hold over himself before Sanderson did. No doubt the other man would use him for something nefarious.
Sanderson ran a hand over his face, stroking his chin lovingly before calling, "Want you to meet someone, pretty boy." He stood then, walking over to his second with a grin. One of his hands landed on the back of the other man's wheelchair as he spoke, "This is Paul Jackson. He's very excited to meet you."
Gaz let his eyes trail down from Sanderson to his second, Jackson. He could feel himself squirm as he met the other man's eyes. Jackson was watching him intently, all of his focus on him. The man was attractive and Gaz could see the clear desire that burned in his eyes as he looked at him. The feeling of that gaze on him was white hot. It was almost too much.
Gaz took in a stuttered breath, shifting in his seat again as the other man stared. After a moment, the man gave him a small, actually kind of, cute smile. "Hello," his voice buzzed through Gaz's ears pleasantly, "I'm Paul. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
Gaz hesitated for a moment. This man was clearly very attracted to him, perhaps Gaz could use that? Maybe if he played in to what the other man wanted, he would be willing to help him escape? The thought was what finally made Gaz respond, his voice almost shy as he spoke, "Hi, I, uh, I'm Gaz."
Sanderson looked between the two men with a bright grin, "Why don't the two of you get to know each other?" He turned then, motioning for Makarov with a crook of his finger, "Volodya and I will...keep busy elsewhere."
Makarov followed the man with an excited pep in his step, a blush slowly working down his neck. Within a few seconds, Gaz had found himself alone in the presence of this other man, a new plan for escape forming fully in his mind. He wouldn't become like Makarov. He wasn't going to fall for Sanderson's trap, he wasn't going to fall for whatever feelings the man's second had for him, he was going to use the men and their desires against them. He was going to escape.
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mactavishenjoyer · 26 days
Soap:"I wish I was gay so that I could kiss Gaz."
Ghost:"do you wanna kiss Gaz?"
Soap:"yeah but I'm not gay."
Ghost:"yeah I get that. I feel the same with roach."
Roach, signing: these bitches gay as fuck
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Gaz: I'm always the last one to know everything Price: That's not true Gaz: Yes it is. I was the last one to know about Roach falling off that table. I was the last to know about Soap accidently wearing his gear backwards. I was the last one to know about Ghost's crush on Y/N- Y/N: WHAT Gaz: Oh, second to last to know
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burstinn · 11 months
as a male!Reader, I feel very represented in your works,
could you write a male!Reader that’s really tall? Like, humongous? In hight, and body? (In the military as well)
I always see male!Readers that are so small and tiny and baby.
like, no. You get me? Just saying. Thanks!
Male! Reader with the height and body of a goddamn Monster.
Note: some mentions on top reader but I like to keep it ambiguous. So you can read it as a switch! Reader. This is a quick drabble of some Hcs
People shown: Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Price, Keegan, Graves, Nikto, König, Horangi, Logan Walker,Roach, Makarov, Krueger
-Reader is 6'5.
-Basically built like the Russian terminator guy
- Got shocked when he first saw you, wanted to seem more intimidating than you.
-So he puffed out his chest and glared at you.. Bro wants to challenge you nahh 😭😭🙏🙏
-You would fold him tho ngl (in the ring and in bed fr fr)
-when he got comfortable with you kinda jealous his title of the big, tall intimidating man got taken away.
-When you sparred with Ghost it was a tough fight but you managed to get Ghost in a chokehold wrapping one of your tough bulging sexy ass arms around Ghost's neck.
-Never knew he wanted to be man handled so bad it was Hot he had to excuse himself and run off because he got hard.
-Starts imaging if your cock is just as big.. Spoiler alert.. It is..
-Looks at you then Ghost mind blown that there was someone more humongous than Ghost
-Teased Ghost for awhile
-Drools over your pecs..
-He totally dreams of being crushed by you..
Or being crushed between Ghost and you.. Or both..
-Asks if he could feel your guns (Your arms..)
-Keeps glancing at your cock. Even though it's clothed.. I mean look at you.. Your manhood is basically too tight for your pants he can literally see your outline.
-Soap asked if he could measure your Length.. So he could see how far it could go inside of him YK?! YOU UNDERSTAND.
-More interested than having dirty thoughts.
-Keeps asking how you got that big
-Wants to be just as strong as you
-Cutie patootie (T_T)
-Basically hangs around you to see how you work
-Even follows you so he could watch you train and spar
-Asks about your diet and if how your body looks is genetic
-inspired by you. Like a child (😭😭WHALUAAHHAH GAZZ)
-Beneficial for him I mean he gets to have another soldier that's just as intimidating as Ghost.. Maybe even more.
-Is like a proud father
-Talks to everyone about you and how bla bla bla
-Trains with you
-He'd show you tricks and tips on how he trains and you show him tips and tricks on how you train
-Probably has a picture of you at his desk.. Beside the other pictures of his other not biological family. Aka. The whole 141..basically has a pic of everyone they all family up in 'ere
-Heh.. Yknow.. Pictures..
-In the showers in lockers makes sure he's there near so he can see you in all your glory
-Probably had wet dreams about you
-Also makes sure he's there when your training. It's not like he's obvious everyone there is fuckin watching you
-What's that? You wearing a compression shirt? 🤨🤨 nuh uh in the sex chamber you go 👉
-Touching, touching, touching EVERYTHING
-What the fuck
-Silent panicking
-Jealous very jealous
-Compares himself to you, would train harder just so he can look like you (bb nooo 😭😭)
-Would watch also how you train your body so he could copy it
-You caught him once training in the middle of the night.. And he's using your technique on how you use the punching bags.. He's just getting some stuff wrong..
-When he notices you he got.. Slightly embarrassed and angry.. Panicked inside when you came closer asking him if he was using your technique in training
-You trained him properly on how you do it.
-so like now.. You train him in the middle of the night..
-same as price shows you off but more in an annoying way
-Hes boasting
-Would face you off against his strongest shadows no diff you still win.. Yuuuhhh
-Subtle touching like hand on shoulder, arm, head whatever.
-Relieved that he has someone that looks like him.. Albeit slightly shorter.. Still!
-Got nervous meeting you first.. Forced himself to act tough to impress you I mean he is a colonel
-Makes sure to be in missions with you. Wants to see you in your most serious and intimidating
-Got intimidated himself once he saw how you act on field
-Tries to be on your good side the whole time
-One day he was watching you and just started thinking about YOU KNOWWW!!
-Blasphemous! He got red and cried to Horangi about it
-You know about this guy
-He's silly
-He'd read fanfics thinking it's him and you
-he'd make fanfics too, about you and him maybe adds König
-Shows it to König all proud and shit as if König isn't looking at him with absolute horror in his face when he reads what Horangi wants to do with you or you with him.
-He's delusional
-Slapped your ass and blamed it on someone else that's near him. It was König.
-Is it as veiny as your arms? A man can only dream.
-gives you a soda can and tells you to crush it in your arms.. Better yet in between your legs.
-Would then tell you like "good now do my head"
-PlEASE let him be between your thighs
-Rolled his eyes when he saw you
-Avoids you like the plague
-Why doesn't he like you? No idea. He a big pussy bitch is what. He sad you get more dick n pussy than him.
-Complained about you to Hesh
-He may not like you. He can't lie tho. You are good at your job so like he can't do anything about that
-Sex Chamber. Now.
-Quiet around you..
-Looks up at you like a damn bug. It's cute. He likes it when he looks up at you
-He'd jump on you and crawls around like a cockroach
-haha funi jok
-Would use your shoulder as a seat.
-If you do pushups he'd be on top of your back
-Audible gulp sound (haha he's drinking your seme-)
-Curses in German
-Dreaming about HAHAHAHAAHAH
-If he's fingering his gun to clean it he just.. Thinks..
-If he sees YOU finger your gun to clean it.. That's it he's done.
-He's dragging you somewhere
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