#gaydar don't work if you can't see
ghost-with-a-teacup · 2 years
i love playing that game of "is that a lesbian or a young teenage boy because i CANNOT see but refuse to wear my glasses". truly fun :D
today it was lesbian, this was discovered through slightly prolonged eye contact as i power walked through the park, aha.
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danisbrainrot · 2 months
tell your boyfriend
natalie scatorccio x reader
warnings: cheating (sorry not sorry, travis), reader being a shitty person, angst
ever since I found out this song was actually about a woman, I don't know why, but I immediately thought of nat. I can't explain it LMFAO.
it had been weeks since the plane crashed, and the team was condemned to suffering in the wilderness. it was lucky lottie had found the cabin in the first place, but as you swung the axe high in the air, before bringing it down with a resounding crack, you started to wonder if life would've been better if you died in the crash.
you were starving, delirious and weak. there was no sign of a rescue team—who knows how long you'd have to spend out here. watching natalie and travis walking back, hand in hand, you felt yourself growl quietly to yourself. it wasn't fair that travis, who'd never talked to nat before the crash was dating her, but you—who'd loved her for years—were forced to watch from arms length. the sight wasn't made any better when you noticed the absence of meat.
everyone was teasing the two of them, causing you to storm off into the forest. you couldn't help but find everything unfair. falling for a girl who liked a boy—knowing if you were a boy, she'd love you.
kicking over a pile of leaves, you took out your anger on the forest. you hadn't even noticed natalie, until you almost pegged a rock at her (you'd meant to get the log). "oh my god, I'm sorry nat," you exclaimed, running towards her to see if she was okay.
she snorts, moving closer to you. "feeling hangry?" she teased, taking a seat on the log you were aiming at previously. you sarcastically laugh in response, taking a seat next to her.
"joke all you want, if you spent less time fucking travis and more time looking for animals, I wouldn't be destroying the forest," you snap, feeling your stomach begin growling. nat's eyebrow raised teasingly, eyes pointed at your tummy. it's timing was uncanny.
"we're not fucking," natalie replied, making your heart race in excitement. "I mean, I'd like to. . . but he can't get it up."
knowing this was your chance, you took advantage of this information. "maybe he's gay?" you reply, trying to sound as earnest as you can. you nudge her side, "no straight man could resist you," you wink at her teasingly, receiving a soft shove to your shoulder.
"I've always trusted your gaydar. . . but I don't think this is it," she mumbles in response, leaning forward and placing her chin in her hands.
there was a beat of silence, as you desperately try to come up with a plausible explanation to break them up. "you could always ask coach, I'm sure he'd know all about gays," you joke.
nat turned her head slightly to face you, "you're right. maybe I should—" your heart sank, realising that she was seriously thinking about it.
"have you thought that maybe he's interested in someone else? and you're just a distraction," you blurted out, wishing you could take it back immediately.
nat scoffed, standing up, "yeah, thanks. that makes me feel fucking fantastic," she snapped, stomping away.
"nat! I'm sorry!" you called out, but she ignored you.
later that night, you found yourself in the storage room, with your stomach growling. you knew that mari was hiding some berries in here and you were so hungry that you no longer cared about stealing.
the sound of creaking behind you made you jump in fright, whipping around to let out some excuse when you realised it was just natalie. "oh, I thought you were mari," you mumble, turning back to continue your quest.
"looking for her secret stash?" she asked, you tried to work out if her tone was curious or teasing. "it's behind the box there."
when she pointed in the direction, you side eyed her, wondering how he knew where it was. glad that she'd shown you, you decided not to ask. you pulled out a large white bucket and hungrily opened the lid, only to be disappointed at the contents. "she's letting them ferment?"
you turn to face natalie, who shrugs, "it's not that bad. it's pretty strong though, just made purely out of berries, makes you get drunk quicker," she explains; you snort at her, shaking your head.
"you'd have a lot of experience with being drunk," you snipe.
"hilarious, you know you're so funny, you should think about joining snl," she replied sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest.
you sighed, putting your head in your hands. "I'm so hungry, nat. I can't keep living like this," you whisper, on the verge of tears.
natalie sits down next to you, placing a hand on your thigh. "it'll be okay, I promise. travis and I are heading to a new place tomorrow, we'll find deer there, I'm sure," she soothes. you lay your head on her shoulder, playing with her hand on your thigh.
"a new place to hunt? or a new place to fuck?" you snapped.
narrowing her eyes at you, she scoffed and got up, "you know, I liked that you weren't like the others, that you never slutshamed me. . . I guess you're just like the rest of them," she replied, leaving you alone.
you knew it was stupid to take your unrequited feelings out on her, especially because she didn't owe you romantic love. however, it killed you watching her fall in love with travis—and the hunger eating you away wasn't making you a nicer person either.
tentatively scooping some of the berry juice in your hand, sipping it, when you heard mari approaching. in a panic, you'd never put something away so quickly.
natalie trudged through the forest with travis in defeat; the gun slung over her shoulder serving as a reminder of her duty as hunter—a duty she was failing. their eyes were still peeled for any deer, hopeful for any last minute catches. however, it seemed like all the animals in the forest knew about their plans.
groaning, nat put her head in her hands and sat on the log. "this is fucking stupid," she grumbles, ignoring travis as he took a seat next to her.
"maybe we should stay put here, just for a little while," he suggests, his thigh brushing against hers. nat rested her chin against her knees and offered him a weak smile.
neither of them noticed you, hiding in the bushes, having given up scavenging for berries. they'd been gone for three hours, leaving everyone else in the cabin to search for food—and for what? it seemed no one would be eating anything. . . meat or fruit. the disappointing view of just the two of them made your stomach growl, reminding you of how long you've gone without eating something substantial.
stepping on a twig accidentally, you winced as both their heads snap in your direction. "you're following us now? disappointed to see we aren't having sex?" natalie sniped, getting up and walking towards you.
showing off your basket, you know that she wouldn't believe you even if it's true. "just hunting for berries, figured they were further out than usual," you mumble, taking a step back the closer she got.
it wasn't until you were both face to face, your chest heaving and trying to look tough, that natalie smirked. "I get it, you're hungry, but you don't have to follow us," she teased.
you rolled your eyes, "travis, can you give us a moment?" you asked, your heart racing as you come to terms with what you're about to do.
travis scoffs, looking at nat for confirmation, who only gestured for him to return to the cabin. in shock, he sent her an odd look, before standing up, and walking away silently.
natalie turned to face you again, "what did you want to talk about?"
"i wanted to apologise. you're right, I shouldn't be slutshaming you because I'm hungry. . ." you pause, wondering whether or not you should continue. desperate to tell her about your feelings, you could feel your heartbeat raising impossibly fast. "it's actually so stupid—the real reason I was mad at you."
natalie raised her eyebrows teasingly, placing her hands on her waist and smirking at you. "let me guess, the real reason is that you like me?" you stare at her stunned, "please, you don't think I know? I'm not Jackie," she laughs. you feel a blush coming across your cheeks.
sliding her thumb through your jean loops, nat pulled you closer to her, until your chest was pressed against hers. "how'd you find out?" you whisper, looking up at her in awe.
"because I may or may not feel the same about you," she mumbles, her lips inches from yours.
"what about travis?" you ask; nat shrugs in response, finally pressing her lips against yours. initially, you freeze, not kissing her back, until she gripped your waist firmly, holding you in place, encouraging you to kiss her back passionately.
wrapping your hands around her neck, natalie pulls away for a second, "I should probably tell my boyfriend," she whispers. you raise your eyebrows in shock.
"tell him what? that I'm your girlfriend now?" you teased, eliciting laughter from the blonde. she nodded, before placing her fingers under your chin and pulling you in for another kiss.
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hazashiovo · 3 months
Father!figure Joel random headcanons with fem!reader?
(now that I'm reading my request again it sounds pretty vague :/ I'm gonna try to tell some ideas or details. So, would be cool to see how joel cares about reader's hobbies like bringing her new things, what does he do when reader gets sad, or when someone in town is messing with her, how does he reacts when reader shows him affection like making him a gift or hugs him or kisses his cheek, or how does he teases her when she's shy of some subject, etc)
I love this! Especially since I see Joel more in a platonic way.
Joel Miller father headcanons
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Joel would be TERRIFIED to be a father again.
After losing Sara he kept living with the feeling that something bad is going to happen to you too.
Even so, nothing is going to harm you while Joel's there ,and he's always there for you.
He had a hard time accepting you as his newly adopted daughter,but once he made peace with himself? Best dad ever.
You like drawing? He left a box with a ton of art supplies.
He found them a while ago but didn't know at that time that you like art.
You enjoy music? He got you your own guitar,which also comes with music lessons only from him.
He knows how much you like listening to him singing,so it became a habit for him to sing to you,and once you gain more experience you'll be able to sing with him.
Maybe you like reading, Joel makes sure to bring you to this huge library,a bit far from Jackson but it's totally worth it.
You returned home with toons of books to occupy your time.
It doesn't matter which hobby you have, he will always be there to support it.
One thing I learned from the show,is that Joel likes hiking.
He used to do that with Sara when things were still okay, so when he started this with you it felt like a part of him healed.
When exploring a new place,he found an old shop full of video cameras and photo camera,and so he started collecting photos of you two. He even made an album where he keeps the photos with you.
If there was a fire that would be the main thing he would save.
When you got older he became more protective. He knew those Jackson boys barely wait for a new girl to get with. Well not this girl,not his little girl.
If you're queer,he would be completely oblivious. My man doesn't have a gaydar,not in the slightest.
If you would hang out with a girl pretty often he would just assume you're best friends or something along the lines.
Now if he accidentally saw you kiss with said girl? S-H-O-C-K.
Joel's not homophobic,don't get him wrong,but he just never expected it. And never actually saw it coming.
But if he saw you and a boy kiss,he's all protective father mode on.
Of course he's not a meat head, he'll understand that you have the right to a relationship just as much as anyone,but that doesn't mean he's also fond of the idea of a boy around you.
He'll only accept it for your happiness,but if that guy ever hurts you? Oh well, it's not his fault for what's about to happen.
Fortunately he trusts you can pick the right person, whether they're a girl or a boy.
At times when you're sick he can't help but remember Sara, he'd also remember how worried he would be for his daughter,the same worry that he feels for you.
He makes sure you stay inside and makes you drink and take the pills the doctor prescribed for you,even if you don't like it.
If you ever return from outside hurt, expect to never hear the end of it. For some time he wouldn't let you leave Jackson, mostly because of his fear of anything happening to you again.
But he's not that kind of Father,so after a while he will reluctantly give you permission to go outside Jackson again.
Movie nights.
Joel finds those old DVDs with movies he used to watch before the apocalypse,and he just loves rewatching them with you.
You'll be all snuggled up in his chest,head right where his heart beat, everything reminding him of his movie nights with Sara after a long shift at work.
Joel feels really happy and fulfilled that you trust him enough to be this vulnerable around him. Especially since this world is cruel and full of dangers.
He's dead set to never let anything or anyone lay a finger on you,even if it costs him his life.
My daddy issues are sueing me.
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roach-works · 11 months
As A Queer who’s made it in the trades, do you have any advice for other Queers, visible or not, to breaking into the sector?
i don't have any advice for women other than shoot your shot and be brave, because every workplace ive ever been in SAYS they want more women but oh gee women just don't APPLY, but if you look like a guy you just show up, don't pick fights, and let people assume whatever they assume.
if you've never had factory experience before you can either lie or make up a dad who taught you lots of home improvement projects or focus on the physical aspects of other jobs that left you with plenty of experience in packing, handling, basic tool use, forklift driving, truck loading, etc. if you want an actual trade skill you should look up college and trade school classes, or see if you can join a union and get classes from a union hall, or, again, lie your way in.
like. so many young men in the trades are so so bad at their jobs, it's expected that every now and then a dumbass on too many drugs is hired and he breaks important things and turns up late and falls asleep somewhere weird for awhile before getting fired again. ive watched at least eight of these men cycle through my factory in the last year. the last one ran over a welding machine with a truck before breaking his leg by dropping a beam on himself and then quitting because he wasn't getting paid enough (mood). so like if you show up and are a dumbass that arrives on time, works late, cleans up their area, and doesn't break anything too expensive, and doesn't mysteriously vanish after a month, you have a good shot at keeping your position forever. im genuinely not very good at my job and at least one guy everywhere i work hates me for being a mouthy little fag, but the state of the trades is that if you're not actively on drugs and fire and trying to punch your boss, you probably get to keep your job indefinitely.
my other advice is: if you're trans, and you work in manufacturing, do your best to pass and never admit you're trans. things get bad weird, very fast, and you're surrounded by big guys with power tools. you don't have to pass very well, because the trades are full of a wide variety of the weirdest men in the world and almost none of them have a functional gaydar, but you do have to at minimum not volunteer the information that you're trans.
like. you can if you want. the results will be educational. but no one will be learning anything they wanted to know from this event.
EDIT: start working out though. you NEED to be able to safely lift 30-40lb to start out with and 50-100+ is ideal. if you can't carry around 50 lb for at least a short ways (on and off trucks, on and off tables, on and off dollys) you're risking throwing your back out which is a lifelong bigtime problem. make sure you can lift, bro!
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[A video is attached. It appears to pick up a short time after the previous one, with everyone still at the power plant.]
Oh, by the way. Happy pride month!
Happy what?
Thanks, I... how'd you know?
[Shauna shrinks back a little and doesn't make eye contact with anyone. Meanwhile, Aliana just taps the side of her visor.]
Team Flare tech. Instant gaydar, among other things. All of us scientists have one.
Oh that's really cool! But...
Yeah, what's pride month?
You... don't know? Either of you? The two gayest horses I've ever seen?
[Fluttershy shakes her head.]
The month where we... celebrate gay people? And trans people? And bi and ace and all those other things? Twi, I can't believe you in particular never heard about it until now. Next time I see Lys I'm telling him that he and his boyfriend need to step it up a bit.
There's a month for that here?
Yeah, in Equestria that's just... every month.
Is this because most humans are straight instead of bi? That's so weird, like why would it be imbalanced like that? Back home, liking both mares and stallions was just... normal. Which means that most of the time you saw two mares get together just because there were more of us in the population than there were of them.
Damn. Remind me to start working on an interdimensional portal machine and a horsifier. A reversible one, mind you.
And a time machine.
......Yeah, and that. Sorry. If you ever need anything – therapy, a gun, you know, whatever – just know I and the rest of the gays at Team Flare have got your back.
[Video ends.]
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
I am having an internal crisis. Outside influence is swaying me towards drawing Sides and Sunny in tuxes/suits/dresses, and I am very much itching to do so. This itch is also making me want to pull out my patterns and start making my cosplays again, one of which is a papillon inspired dress shirt and jacket. And I haven't drawn or tailored in a /hot/ minute, not to mention that my sizes have very much changed, and aren't particularly congruent enough to make a shirt, or any form of top other than a crop top, so I am FIGHTING not to do it
Also, working on cleaning my room still, stars above was it a mess, is a mess. I have however cleared out my desk area! And my computer is back to functional cause my friend is a saint and gave me his old graphics card (sly bastard, he didn't tell me that's what he was gonna do so I couldn't refuse) so now I just need to get the fans connected to the motherboard (frankencomputer isn't a joke, they were directly connected to the psu, wherein the old psu had the wires welded into the thing so I couldn't just transfer fan wire onto new psu, so fans are dead in the water as of right now. Cause new psu doesn't have the right thing, a male plug, to be able to connect them). But! It's functional again, blessed be, and so with a lot of external things factored in, including me generally keeping my room temp at almost 60°f and two external fans that I was able to clean and set up around it, me and two friends were able to play modded mc last night! Which was fun, first time playing co-op with my friends in a month.
On other news, my desk is tiny, so with computer back I physically do not have space to comfortably art, so I am gonna see about getting some stuff set up to scooch the moniter and keyboard so I can have desk space to use my pencils and sketchbooks. Largest issue with drawing Sides in a really frilly dress is my issue of not being able to draw humanoid things. I can't get proportions straight. (Damb my useless brain, not able to have images in my mind, remembered or imagined, kills my ability to art)
And work is. Fucking awful right now, actually. We have someone that has been here for almost two months, and he is a misogynistic dirtbag. Our warehouse is severely lacking in Y chromosomes, and I am unfortunately in the closet at work due to bigotry against queer identifying folk, so I count in his mind towards the *problem*, and he won't stop flirting with me. Which is gross, he's twelve years older than me, which were I older and twelve years weren't such a significant part of my lifespan I wouldn't take issue with. But I worked retail and fastfood in places that made me feel as if I was part of the product to be sold, so people older than me, especially men, flirting with me is a really yucky feeling. Not to mention there is this thing about him, I don't entirely know what, that has me feeling an awful mix of scared and angry about him? There's just something off about him, and maybe its that he insists on trying to talk to me alone, or maybe it's that I have disliked him from when he first started flirting with me, or maybe its him triggering ma and SV's gaydars, but whatever it is is gross and I don't like it. Oh, and apparently he drives the forklift smelling like alcohol, which I wouldn't know because I try to keep one me-height away from him at all times, at least.
Happier note, with summer coming around, I will get to enjoy having ladybugs randomly cropping up in my room and eating wasps again. Which was funny as all hell to discover the first time, cause I always forget they're carnivorous and predatory, as well at that thick exoskeleton and forewings they have meaning that actually stinging them is damn near impossible for the wasp
Hello again Smooch~ The urge to draw robots in clothes happens to every mecha artist at some point I think… And I don't care HOW good you think you are at art, trying to slap Fortress Maximus in an evening gown or Deathsaurus in a three-piece suit is going to break your brain. I can't help you with proportions I'm afraid, since that's just something you have to learn over time. (As they say: repetition is the mother of mastery). But, I can say that dresses are easier to draw on robots than suits. If you want to draw suits, brace yourself to give them weird cutouts and things to make room for kibble. Examples A and B (with your preferred boys hehe)
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Since you can sew cosplays though, that wouldn't be an issue for you I'm sure. I'm trying to fight the urge to sew unnecessarily as well. I too am an odd size so I'm always having to get my mom to tailor and/or make me clothes. I'll have to send you some pictures of my finished pieces on discord sometime~
It's good that you were able to play with your friends, a functional computer is a blessing. 60 degree bedroom is less of a good thing, but I guess it's the price you have to pay for the computer blessing right now hehe. I'm not ashamed to say that everything you listed about your computer woes flew completely over my tech-retarded head, but it sounds like you've gone through a lot to fix your problems. I wish it was as easy as replacing parts to fix your work-place issues. If you're lucky, your problem dude will get fired for being intoxicated at work or for being a butt. Me wishing won't fix your problem of course, but I really do hope that it gets better for you. In the meantime, enjoy your ladybugs eating wasps??? I didn't know that ladybugs could or would eat wasps, so when I read your ask I was flabbergasted. It makes sense that they can since, as you said they're carnivorous and heavily armored, but still…wasps?!?!
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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Oh Teddie. Buddy. I saw how you sucked face with Kanji, you can't fool me.
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Rise, do you..... not..... have a gaydar? Rise, do you not know? What else don't you know, like, do you not know about Chie and Yukiko? Oh, girl. Are you our token straight? I think she might be.
Also, I don't thing i can find the caps, but Rise constantly negs Kanji in combat. She can't seem to have a chill interaction with him. It's funny but also a bit aggravating. Like, can you kids play nice?
What am I saying, of course not. These kids are incapable of it lmao.
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This dumb fucker hurled himself in on purpose knowing we'd bail him out, I just know it. If smug was a motorcycle, he's a fucking Knievel.
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Naoto's little corner of TV land is a secret laboratory out of some Man From UNCLE classic spy stuff.
It has, without a doubt, the worst exploration music in the game so far. Jesus christ.
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ALSO TEDDIE IS... IN A CHEERLEADER UNIFORM. okay. sure. I got cool clothes for everyone. I like Kanji in the Tatsumi Textiles work clothes, and Reverie is dressed as an ouendan member! OSU! goddamn i love those games.
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Cuties. Everyone is adorable.
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oh my LORD.
Naoto's Shadow is kind of amazing. One, the VA performance is great, swinging between a very sad child constantly on the verge of tears to a VERY over the top theatric rendition of a mad scientist. The oversized floppy sleeves are a fabulous touch on the physical design. This one is something special compared to all the others.
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pops gum loudly
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This bit is very good.
Admittedly, it's very interesting to reach Naoto and his shadow after hearing about the whole thing secondhand for, at this point, over a decade. I'm not going to bring anything new to the topic and, frankly, I'm waiting to see how Naoto's social link plays out to get a full read on what's going on here.
Because, obviously, surface level read of the whole this is more than moderately disappointing. The gender essentialism and the repeated idea that you cannot change your gender is more than a little eye-roll-inducing. And it chafes pretty badly against Kanji's entire SLink, which I finished after this dungeon and will recap later but does revolve around eschewing the simplicity of labels.
I'm kind of struggling to pin down why I'm not that mad at this handling. Part of it is obviously that I've set my expectations low for Persona as a whole so that I can have a lot of pleasant surprises when it exceeds those expectations.
But also, the entire Naoto thing is a very sticky situation. Because I think that the Western audience for these games doesn't understand the gravity and density of the sexism in Japanese society. And I'm not an expert in this! But lets say that I do know a thing or two from a friend who does understand it. And it suuuuuucks. Naoto is entirely right to be torn up about this duality.
The people he works with would 100% absolutely no question discard his opinions if they saw him as a girl. Yep. I fully believe that and the weight of that anxiety on Naoto is crushing, clearly moving him to tears. But on the other hand, presenting as a man to avoid that pitfall, the other anxiety of "mimicking those same men" and having to justify their bullfuckery is also incredibly heavy.
Naoto has no clean solution. And if we posit that his reason for being a guy is rooted in that fear, that's... a bad reason to go fulltime Guy Mode. When you opt into your gender, it should be out of love for the thing, in my opinion. There should be something like relief in "yes, I am this gender!"
I don't see that here. But, on the flipside, as soon as this fight is over...
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I could reach through the screen and slap you, Rise. This stung me like hearing someone getting misgendered. It fucking SUCKS. Not just everyone swapping to "she" but the feminine diminutives, that's genuinely hard to hear and I personally hate it.
Anyway, back up.
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I love this moment from our other team member who thinks a LOT about gender. Kanji being like "listen, just let this shit play out so Naoto has the healing process we all got too, we'll handle the battle part." LIKE!!!!! Fuckin'.... queer solidarity means saying yes, you will beat the shit out of the superpowered facade of a friend's gender demons. THAT'S what it means, baby!
ah shit out of images again brb
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crimswnred · 10 months
I don't think we are ever going to get another good wlw season. The fact that they didn't give us an option to run away with Grace when the fans have been begging for it since day 1 speaks for itself. They are happy to cater to male stans, but they don't give a damn about the fruities. I give up. S7 is going to be yet another season with one female LI that you only couple with once all LIs are merged together. WLW haven't been given a single good storyline for almost three years. I don't see why I should keep doing this to myself. Ever since they fired their old writers, they have decided that LGBT girls are no longer a target group that's worth their time.
I wanna start this by saying: you are so right.
I think the last good wlw route we had was Angie and that was cause we were all begging fusebox to let her be gay because she wasn't wrote to be gay from the beginning (which was like, a fucking mistake because everyone's gaydar was through the roof when we first met her)
I don't think they are gonna change it any time soon either, I really have no hope.
and with s7 being a casa season you can TRUST we won't be seeing a gay route so soon.
I don't think the first 3 seasons are any good either. they are all disappointing when you think about it, their writing was just generally better and that kinda hides the flaws.
(prepare for a really long analysis of the seasons)
although I love Talia, I don't like how she's the only option we have in season 1. I also don't like how she's painted to be this player, heartbreaker that kinda doesn't care much for her partner or anything at all (which is also a Latina girl stereotype but I won't expand on this subject here)
on season 2, both gay routes bother me. I don't really like Marisol, but even if you do, I think you can agree that her route is pure torture. we only really can be with her after casa (which is like, the end of the season) and if you want Elisa (an even later game route) you need to do Mari's route. to me, S2 is up there as one of the worst seasons for gay players.
season 3 is when it gets better. I'm obsessed with AJ and I love how she's all about us from day one. You can pick her at the first recoupling and stay with her for the rest of the game. Yasmin is another great option if you don't like AJ's personality. and, although she's only there for the end and you need to dump your partner to be with her, Lily is yet another great character.
now, season 4 is a good season too, in my opinion. Najuma shares scenes with Bruno and James but that's an issue of the season and not particular to the gay girls. Angie's route is unique and, in my opinion, well made. the best route we had for a female LI in forever.
generally, season 5 is a mess. most routes don't make sense and that is the case for gay routes too. like, you can argue and say you like Lulu's route but I just can't feel any connection to her. she's just there and we barely talk to her. like... I don't feel her character, you know? Gabi is a mess even if you don't care she's the one who your ex cheated on you with. like, her storyline is just messy (why is she on casa with us? why is she sleeping with Dana? what is happening?) and I don't even wanna bring up Dana into this mess.
but season 6... season 6 was just NASTYYYYYY. the way they constantly made us choose between the girls? disgusting. fusebox is never seein the pearly gates of heaven for that. why the boys could fight for us but we had to say goodbye to a gay girl every other week??? weird. just weird.
so, out of 6 seasons, we had 2 that work for me when it comes to female LIs. TWO! I know the reality show is centred around straight couples but if you are going to market your game as LGBT+ inclusive you could AT LEAST try to respect that audience and write better characters and stories.
unfortunately it's fusebox and they don't give a fuck about any of their audiences. wlw routes and LIs will still be an after thought.
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evil-ontheinside · 2 years
Ok so I haven't seen a single episode of stranger things (this has been fixed in the future shdhhd) but I'm invested so I'm gonna share my idea on Mike getting vecna'd. Buckle up this might be a bit longer.
So I saw a post where Mike's song and seeing all those memories doesn't actually help him but makes things worse. I would love that a lot because he sees all those memories and it works at first, he's reminded of the people he loves and how much he loves them and is just so lucky to have them in his life but then there's vecna telling him something like "imagine if they knew you lied to them all this time. They would be disgusted by you." not only focusing on him being gay but also on the whole 'friends don't lie' aspect and that's when all those memories turn painful.
Instead of helping Mike get out, they make him want to give up. They make him hate himself even more because yes, he lied to them this whole time and every single of those memories might as well not have existed if they knew about him. How can he be their leader, their friend if all he ever did was lie to them and deceive them about who he actually is?
On the other side, everyone is trying to safe Mike of course, and I'd love if Eddie is the one who realised that Mike is gay before everyone else (maybe there were comments in school, and Mike's little crush on him, and the fact that he won't shut up about Will, (his natural gaydar as a fellow fruit) etc.) And he and Mike had a conversation about music and when Mike said he liked small town boy (or whatever other song you imagine would work for him) he teased him a little and Mike immediately denied liking the song so Eddie got suspicious. So it was his idea to use the song and it works! (just not how it should)
And while Mike is about to die, something else is going on and someone attacks the rest of the group and through his little window Mike can see them panic and THAT'S what gets him to fight back. He sees his friends, his family is in danger and can only think about how he has to protect them, how he can't be a burden to them right now.
He fights his way out of vecna's grip and joins his friends back in the world of the living. And someone is like "so the song did work!" and Mike just smiles and nods and everyone moves on but then there's Nancy. She looks at her brother and sees the lies because she knows him. They might not be the closest of siblings but she know when he's lying but right now they have other things to worry about.
They escape the attack (maybe the angry mob or other monsters you decide) and when everything calms down a little, Nancy confronts him. Not in private but also not in front of everyone. They're in the same room as everyone else but she drags him to the side and corners him (literally).
"You lied. The song didn't work. What happened?" and Mike, of course, gets defensive. He insists that the song worked just as it did for everyone else but Nancy stares at him until he just caves (it's been a long day, the boy is tired, give him a break please). "It did work Nancy. Just not how it should have" (just like I'm not how I should be). And he admits that he did see those memories but they just made things worse.
Nancy is confused because for her, those memories were everything she needed. "but that doesn't make any sense. Those were your best memories Mike, how could they make things worse?" And Mike gets angry, mostly at himself for being different, for being wrong and because he's reminded that he lies to everyone he knows. And his voice gets louder for the next part. When he tells her that he lied to everyone and that if they knew this about him, they would hate him and all those memories are build on lies and how is that supposed to make anything better?
Nancy is stunned, just like everyone else in the room who heard what Mike said. His friends are confused, what do they not know about their best friend? What did he never tell them that would make them hate him? And they want to reassure him that, 'no Mike, me wouldn't hate you' (especially Will who hasn't made a big secret of him being gay but still hasn't told any of them even though he's pretty sure everyone knows) but before any of them can say something, it's Eddie who steps forward.
He grabs Mike's shoulder and tells him that he knows. He's known for months and that he isn't disgusted by him, that it's ok, that it's not his fault that society thinks of them as less and wrong. And Mike has never heard that before (not because his friends wouldn't tell him the same thing, but because he couldn't imagine anyone being ok with it, with just accepting him without everything changing) and he just starts crying, which he hasn't before and Eddie hugs him and tells him that he's fine, that he doesn't need to be fixed, and fuck everyone else if they don't accept him for who he is and.
Yeah. That's all I have for now. He probably has a talk with Will later who might have caught on during Eddie's little speech and Robin definitely understood as well so she talks to Mike too and it ends in byler being happy and that's it
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
I am not saying I have s good gaydar but it is beeping loudly at especially Olli 🙈
But a genuine question I know it’s all a joke and nothing serious but do you seriously think Olli and/or Aleksi might be lgbt and do you think they actually might have a crush on each other? I know it’s none of our business really but people (me) tend to be curious 🤷🏻‍♀️
Love your blog btw ❤️
Yeah I can't proud on having anything even remotely resembling a gaydar but sometimes I wonder... 👀🤨🤭
(putting the rest behing a read-more 🫣)
In all seriousness, as I've said many times before, I've always thought there's no way BC is 100% heterosexual. I just don't believe it 😌 as for who in the band is not straight, I'm hesitant to speculate or comment on anyone's sexual orientation (outside fanfics / delusional headcanons, that is), but I mean... obviously it's a possibility? 🤷‍♀️ however, as much as I'd love to see Olli and Aleksi together or even just crushing on each other for real, I must admit them being queer is more likely than them being queer AND having a crush on each other. Then again, they wouldn’t be the first people in the history of the universe to fall for a friend, neither would they be the first people ever to have a crush on Person A while being in a relationship with Person B...
So my (boring) answer to your question is it's possible 🤷‍♀️ one might argue that e.g. Olli wearing that t-shirt with the rainbow on the backside that was made/sold in collaboration with his local LGBTQ+ organisation is relevant here, and maybe it is, but at the same time a completely heterosexual person might as well wear a shirt like that to show their support (to a friend or a family member or just in general, because why wouldn't he? he's a good bean and that's exactly the kinda thing I'd imagine him doing). Same goes for Aleksi's "everone is gay" Nirvana shirt. Sure, there are other "hints" the may have "dropped" (accidentally or not, like that moment in Aleksi’s twitch stream when he refused to read the comment out loud once he noticed it was basically calling him a straight person 😂), but not quite enough for me to actually lean towards any explanation more than the other. I know both of them are currently in long-term heterosexual relationships, so it's rather safe to say neither of them are gay, unless they're been fooling their poor spouses this whole time, which I honestly don't believe is the case. But them being bi or pan for example is totally a possibility as far as I'm concerned, since I don't understand why 'heterosexual' should be the "default" and that everyone is assumably straight until something explicitly proves otherwise. I'm sorry but to me the fact they're in hetero relationship is NOT enough proof 😌
And if someone's tempted to make a comment along the lines of jfc what are you on, of course they're not crushing on each other, they're FRIENDS and you're delusional omg, I want you to ask yourself: is it REALLY that far-fetched that two friends who reportedly 1) really enjoy each other's company, 2) have common interests, 3) share the same kind of humour, 4) spend a lot of time together when given the chance, and 4) possibly find each other attractive (just speculation) would have a crush on one another? Just a teeny tiny (🤏) crush? I think not 😤 Especially in Olli/Allu's case, since they've only known each other since idk 2019 or something like that? Suddenly I can't remember when Timebomb came out or when they worked on it lol but anyway, it's a little different in comparison to Olli's other bandmates whom he has known since he was a teenager / literal child, so I'd imagine he views e.g. Joonas and Tommi as his brothers almost. With Aleksi he doesn't have that kind of history, although I'm sure they too have engaged in all sorts of brotherly activities... 🥰
Even considering the case they're both in relationships, it wouldn't be a complete impossibility. Especially in long-term relationships I'd say it's rather common to have an odd crush on someone else from time to time. Whether or not they do anything about the crushes is another story entirely
Yeah, anyway, hope this helps! 😇 have a great weekend, curious anon ❤️
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limey-writes · 2 years
Hi! I absolutely love your TF2 match-ups and stories, they're so cute! If you're not too busy, could I get a match-up as well? But if you can't and/or I'm too similar to someone else you've already done, don't worry about it. I hope your day is going well! :) /gen /lh
My names are Rowen, Arcade, Enzyme, Omni, and Charlie! I'm a comorbid (ADHD + Autism), genderfluid, and polyamorous person (so if you have a toss-up or think I fit with multiple mercs, I'd date more than one). My pronoun sets are (They/Them) and (Ze/Zer/Zem/Zey). I also kinda "collect" more names and pronoun sets as I go. If there's a cool name or word that I like, or if I feel that another set of pronouns describe me as well, then bam! Mine now bitch lmao! I'm 5'7, chubby, have brown and purple hair, and use contacts and black glasses. /lh
First up, my comorbidity sort of makes me who I am in a way. If I don't know you or I'm in a place that I don't go to a lot, I heavily mask my symptoms and am a completely different person; stand-offish, quiet, observant. Once I trust you though, I let down my guard down bit by bit until I know that you and/or the place I'm in is safe. After that, I'm the loudest, most fucking unhinged person you've ever met (unless you're a merc, then I'm slightly more tolerable lmao). But I can get overstimulated too if somewhere/something is too loud. It's a very fine line. Also, as you can see, I use tone tags so that there's as little miscommunication as possible. /lh
Unmasked, I vocal stim all the time, ranging from talking to myself, to making weird noises, to repeating phrases/singing a song over and over. Sometimes I make hand gestures as well, acting out little scenarios in my head by myself or whenever I'm in thought. I also think I'm one of the funniest fucking people to exist, making myself laugh all the time with references that I'm not sure the mercs would get if they're cut off from the internet LMAO. My "feral"/unhinged-ness comes from the fact that I have severe cute-aggression, where if I find something cute then I want to either squeeze/crush/destroy it. Also if I get excited about something, depending on what it is I either hop in place, get the zoomies, or quite literally start barking and/or do this motion while growling:
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For clothing/gender-presenting, I (would like to) have a bit of range. I love punk in general, as well as two sub-genres "steampunk" and "clownpunk", wanting to be threatening yet kinda soft at the same time. Think big platform combat boots with purple and yellow laces (bonus points if the mercs know lace code), black make-up, spikes 'n shit. I also love being camp and dressing in ways that absolutely set off even the most sheltered, white evangelical Christian/Mormon/Amish person's gaydar, especially if the outfit isn't stereotypical. And I *want* to dress and present feminine more, truly I do - it gets exhausting being only masc/non-binary at times. My only problem is that because I'm AFAB, people tend to not respect my pronouns and then make me feel dysphoric, so if my match(es) could help reassure me, I'd really appreciate that. /gen /srs
For my hobbies and interests, it really depends. I pick up and put down stuff so often, I can never tell if something I start to like is just another hyperfixation or if I truly want it as a staple of myself. What I *do* know is that I'm an artist, writer, and aspiring animator, even if I'm going through the world's longest creative block right now. I love video games and I'm also a spiritual person, being a baby pagan/witch. I do divination with tarot, I'm learning spells, and working with different deities to help me through my journey. Astrology plays a little bit into it as well, but only a little. I also love language!! I love the way people talk, and would love to learn more than English if I wasn't so burnt out. I know a little Spanish and Scots, and can replicate accents pretty quickly. I've also started cooking and baking, and would like to get into computer stuff, mostly software and coding but a little hardware wouldn't hurt. I also drink a bit and smoke Ms. Mary Jane, and would love to have a hotbox sesh with someone. /pos /gen
Last but absolutely NOT least, relationship stuff. My one big thing is: communication, communication, COMMUNICATION. I fucking hate it when someone gets broody/upset with me and then doesn't tell me what's wrong. How the hell am I supposed to know something if you didn't tell me about it? I'm very upfront and honest about what I want and who I am - and tbh I think that comes through in the fact that this ask is fuckin' ginormous LMAO. Some of this should probably stay private but whatever, I'm here for ACCURACY LMAO. But yeah, communication is my biggest thing and I'm super open to any discussion, serious, kinky, vulnerable, you name it. /gen /srs /pos
Along with that, I like to think of myself as a very affectionate person, even if the ways I show it are a little unorthodox. Sometimes I'm a bit more mundane; cooking, cleaning, spending time with them and doing various activities. Other times it can shine through in different ways, such as sending them videos/memes/posts I think they'd like, sitting in comfortable silence while we do our own thing, biting, and playfully bullying them with banter like "I'm gonna kick your ass!". I also do this thing where I hit my forehead against someone and say "Bonk". /lh /pos
So, uh, yeah. That's literally everything anyone would ever need to know about me, LMAO. Sorry for the long ask, I just like to be accurate. And I know that I'm a little hard to pin down, so just as a reminder, I'm polyamorous! I don't mind (and kinda prefer, but please don't stress yourself out) if I match with more than one. I hope you have as much fun writing for my match(es) as much as I did delving into my own psyche and writing it out!! But if you wanna/have to skip me, that's totally understandable. Please take care of yourself. <3 /gen /pos /lh
You've been chosen!!! Thank you for the detail, I hope you enjoy your new match and thank you for your patience!
I match you with...
Scout, Sniper, & Demo!
You fit perfectly amongst these three, of course they appreciate and love you for who you are and genuinely will fight anyone that misgenders you ofc. So lets break things down and give you a broader feel of the relationship! At first Demo might approach you, due to his friendly nature he just wants to do his best to make you feel comfortable and give you some sort of middle ground rather than you feeling out of place in a crowded spot. He'd start out complimenting your hair and strike up a conversation from there. Demo is the type of guy to somehow make friends with anyone so I'm sure he would somehow do his best to give you the best him he can muster. He talks to you about anything and everything, this man is the master of communication and will be upfront about all the things on his mind. Definitely gifts you flowers all the time and will constantly tell you how they ain't as pretty as your smile <3
Scout came soon after, the excitement riddled lad is ready to throw hands with anybody who tries dissing you, he's so full of love for you that he would gladly go feral along with you. He could walk in on you doing that image exactly and he'd root you on as the supportive man he is. Will remember each one of your names flawlessly, but will ask for help writing them just because he likes the way they look on paper, even if he can't read them too well. Oh man this man loves any sort of love you give him, he loves to bonk you back and gets very excited whenever any sort of banter comes up, this is Scout, of course he'd get super happy with any little loving bullying you guys did together. He tries to help a lot when you are cooking, though just be sure to keep an eye on him so he won't accidentally burn anything.
Now Sniper, we all know he likes to keep to himself, so it takes him a little bit to warm up to you. He's observant, and very blunt, so you can definitely trust he'll let you know if something is up! He can get when you need a moment for yourself or just need space entirely, he knows when to back up and give you a moment, and also when to swoop in and give you a lil smooch on the forehead bc he loves you (: he loves how different your styles are, and however you wanted to dress he absolutely hypes you up in his own ways. Anyone fucking with you either gets a bullet or a death glare by this lanky man, he plays no games when it comes to respecting you and your boundaries! Sniper definitely can relate to the feeling of needing to put up a front when first meeting someone, so he'll also take a bit to be able to come out of his shell and turn into the snuggly guy he is deep down and show you all sorts of forms of affection, he definitely does a lot of small things for you that he tries showing affection with but he's trying his best!
With the three together, you get a big bundle of love wrapped in a pretty bow for you! The trio love to plan together ways just to make you happy, Sniper ending up being the one that has to pull the other two out of some sticky situations that they may or may not pull you into. Scout loves to take lead and show off how great you are to anyone that's out in public, holds your hand and happily uses any pronouns you give him, in fact he even gets Demo to also join in telling anyone just about how wonderful you are as a partner to them. Can and will talk anyone's ear off about it, they are always ready to shower you with love and affection! Sniper is also very affectionate while the two are yelling their love, he on the other hand is much more subtle about it, holding hands, putting his hat on you, he's really sweet and gentle regardless so its always the best of all worlds! They'd definitely partake in cuddle piles, Sniper builds a pillow fort for everyone to enjoy time inside of, no one else allowed without the password that Scout made up on the spot...and forgot when he went to get snacks. Regardless, you've found yourself in a big bundle of love and support!
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Thoughts while watching The Hidden Character ep 9 under the cut
The pairs? I don't know... (see my other post)
Live on stage? Add more energy? This might be New's time to shine 🥳
Skin care ad! JJ putting moisturizer on Jet's face? They should have pushed that ship in ep 8, it's too late now
I hope Mio and Bump don't get too caught up in trying to show off their musical skills
JET AND NEW CHOSE THE SAME SCENE and it's a good one - I'm just sad no one has chosen a VegasPete scene
LMAO when they presented their ideas and Mile asked Copper to show some of his action skills - Mile's innocent smile while Copper and Ta start to panic I can't xD
Copper: "I think it would be better if I am Porsche" Apo: 🤣🙈 Mile: 😬
Apo telling MioBump "you're here to perform, not play music" HA I KNEW IT
Mile blushing when New talks about the balcony scene and Apo pointing it out xD
"It's a scene where Kinn wanted to give something important to Porsche." YEAH HIS D- *gunshot silences me forever*
Pond: "There's lots of emotions in this scene, one of them being longing. What else is there?" New: "There's also a love scene ☺️☺️" MileApo: 😬😐 Me: 🤦‍♀️ get it together you horndog
NewJet really just see that whole scene with the talk and everything as a lead-up to the love scene?? Not Pond actually having to remind them they have to go through all of the emotions of the scene and not focus on the love scene too much xD xD xD
"Don't think that love scenes are the most important. If KinnPorsche only had love scenes, people wouldn't like it. They would rather just watch porn" POND IS BEING SO SASSY AND I LOVE IT
I CAN'T WITH THIS WHOLE INTERACTION/PRESENTATION I'M LOSING MY SHIT EVERY TWO SECONDS- New just went "I could play Porsche because I have a lot of female and LGBTQ friends and I think I got that from them" and Mile deadass went "Do you mean the personality or something else? 🤨" HAHAHA his gaydar went off the charts I would guess and his face SENT ME
"I think there is a little femininity in me" baby you're a fruity lil drama princess with pretty eyes there is more than a little
And Pond just goes ding dong you are wrong
I think New is overthinking and overshooting again and getting lost in his little ideas
Omg Pond just put it so perfectly, New is trying to put the characters in boxes in order to understand/define them but that's not how it works bc they are more complex than that
Awwwww when New said he was kind of pressured in high school to be a bad boy when he just wanted to be his adorable self and Pond told him it was okay to be himself and he should ignore people who criticized him for being too adorable or feminine and then New was like "and that unlocked something in me" I WILL NEVER GIVE UP HOPE FOR THIS ADORABLE BABY LET HIM BE SWEET
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lesbicosmos · 2 years
heartstopper episode 2 thoughts
-nick nelson stalking your 'friend''s instagram and smiling at almost every photo they've posted is not heterosexual behaviour
-unpopular opinion but i love charlie's lockscreen
-ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW COMIC ACCURATE CHARLIES ROOM IS?? they looked at that room plan alice drew and said copy paste
-charlie having autocaps off and nick having it on is just so...yes
-charlie is actually sm braver than ppl give him credit for, he rly just said fuck it and sent a heart emoji to his 'straight' crush
-girl in red being on this soundtrack is gay rights in itself
-taradarcyelle my favourite trio <333
-best gal pals 👀👀
-"you should come round my house and meet her!" charlie: **literal heart eyes**
-i know oliver isn't in the show but id have loved if they'd have kept the "i have a 6 year old brother. mario kart is my life." line from the comic in to at least acknowledge he exists and that we just don't actually see him on screen?? really hoping he's in season 2 tho he's actually my favourite character
-the snow scene brings me so much joy u have no idea, it deserved that mtv award <333
-sarah nelson: ipad kid mum
-the your mum jokes are peak british highschool humour
-tao is a docs kinda guy and i love him for it
-with the knowledge that tara jones is an absolute lesbian, the whole 'tao insisting nick has a crush on tara and they're bound get together' plotline is so funny, like tao ik ur the token straight but ur gaydar needs some work
-"it's fine im just being an idiot!!" **gives elle actual puppy eyes**
-nicks little "wot" and the lean forward because he notices something's up with charlie, then his smile when charlie asks him to come round his house. i can't with this actual golden retriever
-lost count of how many times nick looks at charlies lips during these few scenes, how does charlie not realise how utterly in love with him he is
-the sparks as he nearly held his hand. the "you look so cuddly like that." the hug. the zooming in on charlie's face on the photos and smiling like he's the best thing he's ever seen. none of this is hetero behaviour nicholas
-nick with the am i gay quizzes was me in lockdown after watching bbc merlin for the first time and laying eyes on the beauty that is katie mcgrath as morgana
-why am i like this is also top tier soundtrack, i can't get over how fitting it is for the scene
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
well buck does tell lucy he's just glad she wasn't with him(bobby) which could be romantic and that's what taylor was looking at when she heard him talking. A lot of people seem to think what Buck told Lucy was romantic, did you get that interpretation?
Hey Nonnie
There is debate about whether Buck said were or weren't but ultimately the meaning behind the line doesn't change - Buck is either glad Lucy was with him- as in she was in the same vicinity because she was working with Bobby - so she could raise the mayday call or he's glad she wasn't with him for the same reason - glad she wasn't also caught under the debris so she could raise the mayday call.
The entire interaction was entirely platonic in my view - very much like siblings if anything - Buck would be glad for the reasons as I've put above regardless of which team member it was with Bobby and he would have said the exact same line with the exact same meaning (with the exception of Eddie of course). Buck is a caring guy by nature and the 118 is his family - of course he is going to be glad one of them was or wasn't with Bobby - any love he is feeling in that moment is entirely about his love for Bobby - his father figure who almost died.
People can choose to read romantic undertones if they choose - I don't prescribe to that view. Lucy provided similar support to Buck in that moment as we saw buck provide her in dumb luck - support to a colleague in a moment of anguish. Personally I feel if they wanted to push romantic undertones onto that moment - we would have seen them really leaning into each other, or the provision of comfort in a physical way - through a touch (which is what Eddie would have done if it had been him standing where Lucy is - just saying!) - a hand on the shoulder or arm in some way!
those are my thoughts on the subject!
This is the last ask I'm answering on this subject - I still have others in my inbox but I'm going to be deleting them because I've said all I have to say on the subject of that moment and the Taylor of it all. If I keep answering you all I will just be repeating the same thing and I don't got time for that (I have so much other rl stuff to get on with)!!!
If you can't see by this point the purpose of what they are doing with Lucy then there is no more I can say to you because whatever I say won't reassure you - the entire episode showed you all you need to see - just how much Buck and Eddie are in tune with each other and how deep their connection goes (to the point where even the random electrician can see while high on morphine and in pain it and his gaydar was clearly going off in that scene!) and just how Taylor is getting further and further away and how she can only see tings from a heteronormative viewpoint so she sees what isn't there and what she imagines to be the threat - failing to see what has actually been there for the entire duration of their relationship.
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lilolilyr · 4 years
Recovery: Post-Battle at the Binary Stars AU with Philippa recovering on earth while Michael is back on the Shenzhou.
'And write me every day,' Michael had asked Philippa to promise before they had parted ways. 'We will not always be in range to call, but-'
'I know,' Philippa had said, smiling as she bumped one of her crutches against Michael's uniformed leg. 'I will write, and send pictures as well so you won't worry as much.'
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Michael had frowned then, had said that she knew there was nothing to be concerned about, but now, lightyears apart from her beloved, she can't help but worry. She knows Philippa is recovering, but being unable to be there by her side... It is making her feel uneasy, at edge.
Her personal communicator pings, and, currently not busy with anything urgent, Michael pulls it out to see a message from Philippa:
'They're not letting me do much here, so I am out of danger, don't worry. I had my physical therapist take a picture'
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Michael smiles, then quickly puts back her communicator before anyone can catch her at it. Philippa knows that she is working and will see that she read the message, she can answer it later.
When Michael goes back to her communicator after her shift, there's a new picture and a message for her:
'Maybe it is good for me to feel real air again. But I do miss you.'
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There's an audio file attached, and Michael can't help the soft smile showing on her lips. How did Philippa guess that she had been missing her voice?
'Thank you for the pictures. You are beautiful as always, and I am glad that you are doing alright. Listening to your audiofile now- love, Michael'
She types and hits send before clicking play on the audio.
"Hello, Michael..."
The smile is audible in Philippa's voice, and Michael has to close her eyes for a moment to stop herself from crying before she settles in on her bed to listen to Philippa tell her about her day.
Off Duty | Shore Leave
It's rly hard to make continuing storylines because there are just not so many fitting pictures of these two xD so I guess I'm back to seperate little photo stories. So far, all the one-shots fit into the same storyline, though!
Tagging who has interacted before: @accio-baqat @spockblanket @geek-goth-gay @my-gaydar-is-on-point @lesbian-sarek @yaminoendo @grapeyoda @wapwani @badwolfkaily @bookerandy, let me know if you want on/off the tag list!
Sources in a reblog because tumblr won't show the post in the search otherwise!
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Dude the funniest shit happened to me today. So I work part time at a newspapers/cigarettes/bets store (I can't remember what they're called in English, sorry) and we have a few regulars, right? And there's this guy who always tells me I should smile more and I actually really dislike him, not because he tells me I should smile but because he refers to me with the informal You, like um we're not friends nor am I a kid, stop referring to me that way. But anyway one time he told me that he "mistook" me for a guy the first time he saw me, and today he came in again while I had another regular there (technically it isn't allowed but we always let him fill in his betting tickets there), and he was, jokingly, like "Greeting, young man!" and he just wouldn't drop the "joke" and kept being like "Oh you're a young man, aren't ya?" and obviously kept expecting me to say "no" but like in the funny way but I just kept laughing and shrugging and trying not to say anything because on one hand I can't say yes or anything that'd imply that, on the other hand I refuse to say no. It made me very uncomfortable honestly, but after some time I managed to blurb out something vague that was funny enough for him I guess and he left.
But now the funny part. The other regular who was there then told me that he has a gay friend who saw me through the glass door of the store one day and allegedly told this regular that I am a pretty looking young lad and that I seem gay (not in like a bad way but in like a gaydar way, I just can't form sentences normally anymore, it's 10 pm and I left work just an hour or so ago after a 12 hours shift gsgsgsg), to which he apparently told him (he knew me at that point) "That's a girl, are you blind?" and his friend was like "Are you sure? I think that's a guy." and my regular was like "I talked to her, yes, I'm sure, you're just wrong." at which point I was amused enough that I proceeded to explain to him that his friend was, in fact, correct (I normally wouldn't inform my customers of my gender, I didn't even want to inform my coworkers, one of them asked when I was starting to work there and I guess they just shared that piece of information with one another? I mean I'm glad, I'm just saying that I would have kept my mouth shut if one of them hadn't asked because idk it's embarrassing and also I feel like I'll get yelled at? Like I know my mom yelled at me that I'm a selfish egotistical prick any time I politely corrected her about my name, so I guess I just expect to get yelled at that I'm just a self-absorbed egomaniacal snowflake when I tell someone that I'm trans? So I don't do it? Because I don't want to seem selfish or entitled?). But yeah it amuses me to no end that his friend's gaydar is so godly and powerful that it blasted right through the 50 different obstacles preventing people and the universe from seeing me as a man and correctly identified me as a men-loving man. We should all strive to be as powerful as this man and his radar.
holy shit that man's gaydar so on point, like I'm gonna be honest sometimes my otherwise just superb gaydar gets thrown off by trans, his has me in awe. also if anyone shouts at you I'll fight them, I'll fight them and win.
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