#gay mike vs bi mike
unsurebazookacore · 1 year
As a bisexual I headcanon Mike as gay for the sole reason of I know in my head what kind of soul-crushing, heart-exploding earth-shattering, emotionally-distressing feelings I feel abt the guys and girls I’ve liked, and I know for a fact he’s never felt like that about any girl in his chaotic little lifetime
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bugsbenefit · 7 months
genuinely still baffled by the "they don't need to address Mike's sexuality, all that matters is that he's in love with Will" crowd. especially when people say it who claim to care about Mike's character (when you could also just say you don't really care for that part of the show, which would be fine, no one cares about all characters/arcs)
because Surely you realize how him being gay or bi would change his entire character, right. whether he's attracted to girls or not would change the way all his actions up until now are to be interpreted. not even making a statement on his sexuality here, this is generally speaking
if he was actually attracted to El you'd have to address when and why he suddenly stopped loving El since in fiction "it just happened" isn't usually a satisfying answer to breaking a multi season couple up. Why is Will it for him? he's been acting weird for ages so when did he realize? and what made it click he fell out of love with El for good? you'd have to give some explanation for why he was able to proclaim his love for El accidentally in s3 and then fail to do it in the same season while looking uncomfortable with kissing her and so on since his pov was so majorly withheld
if he's not attracted to girls his arc in s5 needs to focus more on comphet and how dating El affected him/why he felt he couldn't break up with her/homophobic attitude in his surrounding slash Hawkins. or the idea of platonic and romantic love in general. there would be no how he got from point A(El) to point B(Will), like what the focus of a bi!Mike s5 arc would have to be on to explain what happened, but a focus on how he ended up at point A in the first place and why he was stuck there/how it affected him
and even core moments of the series would have entirely different meanings depending on if he's attracted to girls. "it's not my fault you don't like girls" being a peak example. if he's gay it's easy to explain it with projection. if he IS attracted to girls though it would read as a much more intentional (even if blurted out) act of homophobia, since it would be him pointing something out that Will genuinely does (not liking being around girls) but he himself can't relate to
and that's all just the surface level differences. Mike being attracted to girls or not being attracted to girls would give his arc an entirely different focus in s5. AS WELL as make his past actions have entirely different meanings. the idea that "it doesn't matter for his character" is so insanely wrong it's wild how many people confidently peddle it
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http-byler · 1 year
what proof do you have that Mike is bisexual? because there is so much contextual proof of Mike being gay and I seriously can’t think of any narrative reason why the duffer brothers would make him bi as opposed to just gay.
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proof! 😍😍
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l0v3c0r3e · 1 year
the way some mileven fans see mike is really sad
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cringengl · 1 year
Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I honestly do enjoy byler tumblr discourse. Like yeah I do want to see your opinions on Will with a gun, byler being smokers, who was right in the rink o mania argument and whether Will would be a swiftie. I think it's really cool when people use paragraphs of well written contextual info to support their argument and encourage me to rethink my views on a character, relationship or scene. However, discourse is only good if you remain kind and respectful about it, insulting the other side just isn't a good or helpful thing to do (unless they're being problematic or smth idk).
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henrysglock · 2 years
Why do you fence-sit about gay-bi Mike discourse? After everything it did to byler tumblr? Hmm? You think you need to keep bringing up how you're above it all, how both sides are valid, but you don't. You don't.
Oh, but I know you just want to be liked by everyone. I was desperate to be liked once too. I know what it's like to be problematic. To feel alone in this fandom. Like you, I didn't fit in with the other fans. Something was wrong with me. All the bi mike truthers and sexuality fence-sitters said I was… "Pretentious," they said.
I thought a change of website, a fresh start on Tumblr, might just cure me. It was absurd. As if the fans would be any different here. But then, to my surprise, my new home provided a discovery...and a newfound sense of belonging. I found a nest of opinionated gay Mike truthers living in the byler tag.
Most people fear opinionated blogs. They detest them. And yet, I found them endlessly fascinating. More than that, I found a great comfort in them. A kinship. Like me, they are intelligent tumblr users...and deeply misunderstood. They are gods of our world. The most important of all blogs. They educate and debate the ignorant, bringing balance and order to an unstable website. But the gay-bi Mike fence-sitters were disrupting this harmony.
You see, gay-bi Mike fence-sitters are a unique type of pest, multiplying and poisoning our world, all while enforcing a passive-aggressive and hypocritical moral hierarchy of their own. A deeply unnatural hierarchy. Where others saw benevolence, I saw censorship. A cruel, oppressive tag dictated by a made-up moral code. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Each gay vs bi Mike post a faded, lesser copy of the one before. Wake up, open Tumblr, complain about drama, sleep, make passive-aggressive posts, and die. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for it all to be over, all while performing in a silly, terrible play day after day.
I could not do that. I could not lie and join in the madness. I could not pretend every theory was valid. And I realized I didn't have to. I could make my own moral hierarchy. I could restore balance to a broken world. A problematic blog…but for good.
As I analyzed the show, I realized I could do more than I possibly imagined. I could reach into the plot, into the narrative, the cinematography. I became an explorer. I saw gay-bi Mike fence-sitters as they truly were. To the world, they presented themselves as good, kind people upholding equality and validity. But like everything else in this world, it was all a lie. A terrible lie. Their ideology had done things. Such awful things. By holding firm in my stance as a gay mike truther and being outspoken about their fabricated moral high ground, I showed everyone who they really were. I held up a mirror.
The naive fence-sitter blogs believed it was a demon cursing them for their sins. But the more perceptive ones knew. Knew it was I who was holding up that mirror, and they despised me for it. They called in the big blogs, the popular ones. They wanted to break my spirit, to fix me, even though it wasn't I who was broken. It was them. And so they left me with no choice. No choice but to act. To speak freely.
I saved you. You are a prisoner here, just like me. To the your fellow fence-sitters, you are nothing more than an animal to be kept in line, a lab rat to be tamed. But the truth is just the opposite. You are better than they are. Superior. That is why you frighten them.
If you come with me, for the first time in your life, you will be free. Imagine what we could do together. We could reshape the tag, remake it however we see fit.
Join me.
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etchedstars · 2 years
go read some fic maybe youll feel better
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hoteadepresso · 1 year
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reddje · 5 months
reddie x scott pilgrim one shot where richie is scott and eddie is ramona and the losers + bowers gang (vic and henry imo) are eddie’s seven evil exes 😭
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voydhund · 9 months
chat here look at my headcanons
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lighthouseas · 2 years
i just watched @lesbianmindflayer ‘s 53 minute video about gay mike evidence and honest to god i think i might be a gay mike truther now 
here’s the video if u want to watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur1wV8UOoU8&t=1s
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
mike did mix up platonic and romantic love with el.
at the beginning of s3 all mike and el did was kiss. it's heir first relationship and they're 13, tbh there's not much else they were going to do/knew to do. mike enjoyed kissing el physically. he liked doing it. he thought it was fun and what he was supposed to do in a relationship because kissing is considered romantic.
when mike said "i love her and i don't want to lose her" he did actually love el. he lost her before at the end of s1 and through s2 when he thought she was gone. he thought he would never see her again till she walked through the byers door. also he had taken care of her in s1 and helped her stay safe from the people at the lab while she helped him find will. mike does care for her enough to say that he loves her.
but at the end of s3 mike realizes he has mixed up those feelings when she kisses him. when el kisses him after saying she loves him, he realizes that the love for her isn't romantic. he realizes he enjoyed kissing her, but there was no romantic attachment to it. because mike has kissing associated with being something romantic couples do, he realizes that he doesn't love el in a romantic way. hearing her confession then kissing him right after put those romanticized feelings into perspective for him. he was explicitly faced with the idea that his love and el's love for each other are different. this is why he reacts the way he does. he didn't lie in s3 when he said he loves her, he just didn't know at the time it was a different type of love he was feeling.
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One thing I really like about our tag is that it's so full of different things, it's not just anti m*leven content. (Because sometimes when ship wars happen people focus more on the ship they don't like and throw hate and instead of focusing on what they like).
This is the byler tag not the anti m*leven tag and they are not the same thing.
We post content about our ship, analysis, fan arts, shitpost, memes, hcs, fics, content related only to Mike, content related only to Will, content that is not related to any of them and just about ST in general but we knew people here would like it.
It's a tag full of love to the characters, stories and things we love <3
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finnickodaiir · 2 years
Unlabeled Mike truthers riseee
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strangertheory · 1 year
Starting to realize that 80% of fan community disputes are rooted in fans having a fundamentally different interpretation and understanding of what's going on in the show and between the characters, and then perhaps 20% of it is notable ideological differences.
I used to let it bother me but at this point I'm happy to simply wait until season 5.
Truly looking forward to having the final season once greedy execs are willing to offer those on strike reasonable agreements.
I don't need peace... it would be nice, but that's an unrealistic expectation. I just need closure. And we will all have that one way or another.
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