#my proof?
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isacksteban · 7 months ago
in my head (rpf world) marcmarc is like rosquez but with the roles reversed
with rosquez, vale was always the one to bite first, to snap at marc, to berate and degrade him whenever he had the chance
vale was always like a predator stalking his prey when it came to marc, marc who was so eager to give himself to the older italian man
similarly to how bez is to marc
by the time marc and bez meet (~2015) marc has already been damaged by vale and soon after their first encounter vale developed a relationship with bez
now marc is the one to hurt the younger italian boy, brushing his existence off as if he's just some insignificant animal he hunted then left for dead
marc is the one to rub it in how bez idolized him so deeply, proved by the over 300 posts bez has liked on marcs instagram
marc is the one to let bez yearn, let him sit there like a dog awaiting its owners return, completely oblivious to the fact that he's been abandoned.
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http-byler · 2 years ago
what proof do you have that Mike is bisexual? because there is so much contextual proof of Mike being gay and I seriously can’t think of any narrative reason why the duffer brothers would make him bi as opposed to just gay.
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proof! 😍😍
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greylight32 · 1 year ago
I’m sorry, but nobody can convince me otherwise that Darryl was the most anxiety filled kid ever. Like he was constantly wondering what God would think with every action that he did. He was constantly afraid of screwing something up so much that he would just freeze in certain situations. Like completely tense all of his muscles, my man was so deer in headlights coded.
I think that he had multiple panic attacks growing up, but they didn’t think that they were panic attacks. They just thought it was him freaking out over little things because of stress. (Yes I am aware that panic attacks come from stress. I have very bad anxiety myself, but he grew up in the 80-90’s)
Like when he went on the turkey hunt with his dad, the moment the gun fired. He completely froze, dropping the gun into the snow blow him. Wondering if that animal had a family. He started stressing about it whenever he was eating it. How he would feel if his dad just never came home one day. He just had a panic attack right there at the table, thinking about his dad dying and never coming home.
Darryl would constantly bounce his leg because if he wasn’t moving he thought the world would end.
Like motherfucker should’ve been on meds. He got it from his grandpa i swear.
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radvelvetcakez · 1 year ago
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jimjamkagaricci · 1 year ago
getting back into voltron rn bcus my friend is watching it for the first time ever . so i guess my question is which of the osemanverse kids do yall think would’ve been voltron kids HAHDHSJDH
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keef-a-corn · 1 year ago
I know my moot ain’t responding, so imma post it here
Deep within my heart and soul I have an elemental AU of the bad batch.
And these are my assignments:
Wrecker is Ground (rock, stone, mountain- the foundation of the Earth) for obvious reasons.
Crosshair is fire for the usual reason a character is fire, but also because without resources around it, fire cannot thrive, and eventually goes out. Whether it likes it or not, fire NEEDS others.
Hunter is Water because ya know, water is gentle, but it’s also violent. Creatures need water to survive, but water needs to be controlled and conserved to protect and help others, otherwise it’s overdone and suddenly everyone and everything perishes. Most importantly, try as it might, water cannot help fire. When trying to impose and force itself, water will isolate the fire, even extinguish it. Sometimes it’s best for the water to step back, allow others to help, before he can approach the fire again.
Tech is Air, another foundation of life that is taken for granted until it’s gone. Air allows for movement and sound, it can be violent and furious enough to rip trees from the ground, but those moments are scarce. Air reflects the state of a location, the harsher the wind, the worse the situation.
And Omega is Flora (Plants), developed and uplifted by Water and air, maintained and rooted by the ground, benefiting from the light and heat from a fire. It’s symbols and beliefs, moments of hope after chaos. Plants are signs of peace, prosperity and healing.
And Echo’s neutral- because I said so.
I’ll do some art with the concept once I finish Hunter
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elytra404 · 2 years ago
this probably wont cross 200 words if that, but it is something i need to write down.
so have a trans!riker drabble taking place during/after hide and Q
It was complicated. He had promised, and he stuck by his promises. And if he gave in, Beverly would find out. But Picard wouldn't have to. Picard didn't know now, and he would never have to risk finding out.
But he had done it for everyone else, if only for a moment. Geordi had seen, Data had been offered humanity, he'd given them all what they wanted! Was it not fair to think he could grant his own wish?
Now he was even thinking like Q.
But watching them all, knowing what was about to happen, knowing he was about to loose it all. Well, he had to try.
That split second, that was worth it. That second of pure selfish corruption. A second in a body that felt right. If only he'd thought of it sooner.
Of course it didn't last. Q took it with him as he left. That second after, it hurt more then anyone could know. It was almost enough to make him wish he had taken Q's offer. The key word being almost.
Coordinates sent to Geordi, and his knuckles white, he smiled. He wasn't sure why. Maybe he was laughing at his own misfortune. Maybe it was simply all too much for one man to bare.
"Captain, could I speak to you privately for a moment?" Will cringed at how his voice broke, cringed at the stare that all but Data gave him. It was too late to take the words back.
"Of course Number One, I will meet you in my ready room momentarily." Will stood quickly and moved into the room, hearing Picard sink slightly in his chair before closing the door. He didn't want everyone's eyes on him any longer then necessary.
Will stood in the corner of the room, watching the fish. He still found it odd, Picard's insistence on keeping the fish. However it was nice to watch them swim. Even as Picard took a seat, Will didn't move from the fish.
"Permission to speak freely, Sir?" A nod. "I wanted to apologize. You were right, and I ended up using the powers for selfish gain. I should have listened too you."
"Number one, what you did was highly inappropriate behavior. However it was not selfish to grant your friends their dreams."
"Thank you Captain, but I also momentarily granted my own dreams."
"You are by no means obligated to tell me, however, for curiosities sake, what was this dream?"
"To be born as male, sir."
Picard paused, and Will shifted his eye contact from Picard to a large fish. He steeled himself for a reprimand, perhaps even reassignment. Instead, Picard hummed softly.
"Is that all Commander?"
"Yes sir." Will blinked in confusion, turning to look at Picard again. Picard simply smiled to him.
"If you are thinking I may see you differently because of this, your wrong. Now, would you inform Mr. Data he is to take command of the bridge for awhile? I believe you and I are due for a rest."
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swedenis-h · 3 months ago
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Wife lovers till they die
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year ago
we have GOT to kill tiktok/twitter self-censorship i just witnessed a grown adult say the word “smex” out loud to our professor
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trekkerac · 4 months ago
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i'm not like other guys i take an angsty au and make it a comedy
Ford: I've managed to record substantial evidence on tape, such as floating objects, footsteps that are not my own, and radio weirdness; The host or singer will slip in observations of my being that I simply cannot chalk up to coincidence. Whether this being is a ghost, or one of Bills tricks I've yet to discover… There are more dubious encounters such as the whispers, spine shivering chills, and of the brief shadowy figures I see down dark hallways. (Proof of an apparition? or simply a hallucination dreamt up by my sleep deprived mind?) I fear my mind is slipping further and further-
Ford: What is that blasted noise?! Stan: Cartoons got ghosts shockingly realistic! Ford: Reminds me of... being annoyed.
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phantom-of-the-501st · 2 years ago
Remember that this is not the proof that they love each other
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That was a last-ditch attempt from Crowley to get Aziraphale to stay
This is the proof that they love each other
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Their love wasn't just made real because they kissed
It always existed
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mumrikhenry · 7 months ago
Autism is crazy bc u’ll be listening to some random song at work and then BOOM suddenly its about ur hyperfixation
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dannnyghost · 4 months ago
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Stan and ford mess around in the computer lab
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homosexualslug · 21 days ago
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love a little attention to detail
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kavaleyre · 8 months ago
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four of a kind ♥️
I think Vash, Wolfwood, Milly, and Meryl deserve some lovely nights relishing in their little found family between the chaos of their lives. I did this piece for the Eggshells Trigun zine… I really enjoyed depicting trans joy and the comfort of finding people who love you and know you for exactly who you are. Even if you cheat at cards.
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brucespringsteensborntorun · 4 months ago
Please Read
I am speaking on behalf of @eslamfa1, who has her own campaign for her and her family so they may survive under the harsh conditions in Gaza. She is very thankful for all the support she's had, but she needs more help.
She has asked me to host a fundraiser for more of her family, namely for her parents and siblings who desperately need funds for food, water, and medical treatment. They have been displaced multiple times and have only been able to contact Eslam through an unreliable internet connection.
Here is their story as written by her sister, Aya:
"Hello friends, we will tell you our sad story
I am Aya, an outstanding high school student. I was very happy to be on the verge of achieving my dream of finishing my school studies and achieving what I aspired to, which is to become a doctor.
My family of 8 and a beautiful cat named Katie were living a beautiful and peaceful life, each of us striving to achieve our dreams.
We had our beautiful house in Khan Yunis. Recently, we were celebrating my sister Heba’s fourth place in the Gaza Strip in the Arabic language recruitment exam. Our life was like material and emotional perfection. We did not feel deprived or lacking anything.
My sister Lina is a university student. Her dream was to become a psychologist to help mentally ill people in the Strip.
My brother Ahmed was the most beautiful gift from God. He came after 20 years of being deprived of male siblings. After completing his studies, he became a water carrier and took on a great responsibility beyond his capacity.
We also had two little butterflies, the apple of the house, and Jana, the favorites of their teachers and friends at school.
Then the war broke out and everything was turned upside down. We were forced to leave the house after quadcopters surrounded us, tanks surrounded us, and we saw death right in front of our eyes, but we miraculously escaped.
We were displaced several times on foot. Feet, then our end was in a tent that did not protect us from the cold of winter or the heat of summer, and there were poisonous insects and scorpions around us, there was no clean water or healthy food, so my family and I got hepatitis and a lot of intestinal infections.
We were shocked that our house was bombed and destroyed and the features of the house disappeared from the face of the earth, so we felt very sad and despair took over us.
Life here in Gaza is expensive, we cannot buy the minimum necessities of life, imagine that the price of a kilo of tomatoes is $50, and the price of a bag of flour is $200, life here is like a famine! My father is a nervous patient and my mother suffers from chronic pressure and they need continuous treatment and medications. We suffer from bringing water from long distances, and from the high prices of food and cleaning materials and water pollution. What we have suffered most in this war is the loss of members of our family, and this is the hardest thing we have been through. We have lost 20 members of our family. Please help us bear the very high cost of living until we evacuate from Gaza and save our lives. The cost per person is $5,000. Help us, you are the only hope left."
These are some of the photos she's managed to receive of some of her family (Aya, Ahmed, Hala, Jana, and their cat) and of the conditions of the areas they've been displaced from and to:
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Note: Due to mentioned lack of internet connection, Eslam has not been able to receive more photos yet. There will be more updates to come when, hopefully, more communications are made.
PLEASE DONATE !!!!! Aya, Lina, Ahmed, Hala, jana, and their parents' well beings are at stake! Starting goal is $10,000
@90-ghost @gaza-evacuation-funds @gazavetters
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