#gavin king au
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gvnchvcks ¡ 26 days ago
Achievement Hunter Minecraft lore is so awesome. it is So Cool. (thinking about gavin going from being king michael's court jester to ascending to godhood alongside him, proposing to him, and marrying him, all to throw out his ring like it meant nothing because once a fool and liar always a fool and liar, only for michael to STILL miss and mourn him in ydyd when they're both mortals again) it’s so Cool guys.
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raccoonclty ¡ 6 months ago
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kings au cosplay in 2024?? its more likely than you think, lads
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thedeaddandy ¡ 2 months ago
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King’s Blade
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demontisms ¡ 1 year ago
rip crowley supernatural you wouldve loved being a shady businessman in the 1980s
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the-antiapocalyptic-man ¡ 1 year ago
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Orpheus (Gavin Basil King)
A rival to both his cousin Conner Hawke and his childhood friend Duke Thomas, Gavin’s father was one of John King’s illegitimate children, while his mother was the daughter of Axel Brass (better known as Doc Savage). Originally trained as dancer, he combined his dancing with martial arts and a high tech suit to become the celebrity vigilante Orpheus. His singing career was cut short when Black Mask slit his throat, though he was quickly rescued by his benefactor: Manhunter, Agent of Leviathan, the creators of the Orpheus suit.
Notes: I've wanted to do Orpheus for a while, but couldn't really crack him. Connecting him to both John King and Axel Brass is admittedly a pretty big reach, but the surnames match up (Basil Brass was a pseudonym Gavin used once, idk) and part of Gavin's lack of irl staying power was his disconnection from the wider DCU, so.
The Leviathan thing is a reference to the Legends crossover, where a supporting character in pretty much every DC book at the time was revealed to be a Manhunter agent (including Wally's dad). I just combined that with the unnamed secret society that gave Gavin the Orpheus suit in the first place.
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catella-ars ¡ 2 years ago
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So @espressoth and I have been yelling on and off about King!Gavin x General-Turned-Boyfrend-Slash-Advisor!Lasko
Something something wars between humans and demons that ended before Lasko was in the military but there’s still unrest, he’s a well-known general who gets badly injured and whoever was in charge decided to “gift” him to a neighboring king in hopes of earning favor--which ends poorly for him; Gavin doesn’t appreciate trading in lives, especially after he learns what the guy said to an upset and injured Lasko just before sending him off: “Cheer up, Moore. There are worse things than being an incubus’ toy.”
Which is exactly what Lasko expected to be: a member of a harem, a plaything for a careless monarch.
So he’s surprised when Gavin makes exactly zero moves on him, instead keeping a respectful distance and making sure he has hot baths and fresh meals and nice clothes and a soft bed and a prosthetic that fits properly. Eventually, Lasko confronts him about his supposed purpose; Gavin cheerfully informs him that, while he would love to know Lasko carnally, there’s no point if Lasko isn’t interested. Lasko shyly replies that he’s not not interested.
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mooseonahunt ¡ 2 years ago
Can’t believe I was in full, hardcore DBH x John Wick AU mode after watching Chapter 4 twice last week and then got violently ripped out of that headspace to make way for a flirty Spanish bastard and an ex-cop who still has that American cop spirit living in him.
I even had some notes written for what I wanted to do with this John Wick AU
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notmoreflippingelves ¡ 1 year ago
Krisnix - Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibilty AU, for the prompts, please? 😉🌹
"You do not suppose me capable of real feeling-- do you, Klavier? I will admit that I do not wear my heart upon my sleeve as you do, but you are wrong to assume that it does not beat and burn and long just as fiercely as your own does. I have known of Mr. Edgeworth's prior claim for months now, and for those months, I have thought of little else than Phoe--than Mr. Wright and the regard that I still hold for him. But the family needs my strength and my resolve--not least after your own romantic disappointment--so I remain ever the sense to counterbalance your own sensibility."
Klavier said nothing in reply but placed a steady hand on his brother's shoulder, until Kristoph covered the hand with one of his own.
Send me a prompt and I'll write a 4-5 sentence drabble about it
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cat-arsenal ¡ 2 years ago
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nerodivergentgrimreaper ¡ 7 months ago
Redacted Fantasy AU Wip
If any of you fic writers need one shot or story ideas
Hunter Milo and Fae Sweetheart
King David and Jester Angel
Knight Asher and Duke/Duchess Babe
Knight Sam and Dragon Darlin
Royal Adviser Aaron and Royal Smartass
Knight Honey and Jester Guy
Runaway Fae Royal Gavin and Baker freelancer
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List of characters you 🫵 the Audience can request!
In my oneshot all characters are aged up in their senior year 18/19 others in college 20/25 even if it don't say it in the story I strongly want to add this clarification
I only write Fem Reader and Gender neutral Reader
No poly relationship request please they make uncomfortable (not the people just that I'm not poly)
What I do write
W/W lesbians
M/F Heterosexual
Strangers to lovers
Friends to lovers
Meet cutes
Established relationship
Sensual insinuations
Sexual scenes (very minor it's not full smut just the scene afterwards the act)
What I don't write and that I'm uncomfortable with
Adult x minor
Rape/ grooming
Sexual Harassment in fiction
Pro shipping
Monster high list. And their genderbent names
Draculaura = Laurence
Frankie stein = frankie stein
Cleo de nile= Cleon de nile
Clawdeen wolf= Claws wolf
Nefera de nile = Nefero de nile
Abbie Bominable = Abbott Bominable
Catty Noir = Clawton Noir
Castra Fierce= Casper Fierce
Robecca Steam= Robert Steam
C.A Cupid = C.A Cupid
Rochelle Goyle= Rockwell Goyle
Gigi grant= Gavin Grant
Venus McflFlytrap= Vinny McFlytrap
Ever after high and their genderbent names
Apple white= Aspen white
Raven Queen= Raven King
Briar Beauty= Bryce Beauty
Ashlynn Ella = Ash Ella
Lizzie Hearts= Liam Hearts
Blondie locks= Brody Locks
Cerise Hood= Crimson Hood
Madeline Hatter= Mason Hatter
Melody piper = Ryder Piper/Rhythm Piper (can't decide over these two names)
Darling charming= Dashing Charming
Chase Redford= Charlie Redford
Courtly Jester= Gallant Jester
Duchess swan= Duke Swan
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gvnchvcks ¡ 25 days ago
timeline? oh? do share :)
Mini ramble incoming bc I think this is fun to talk about ‼️
I’ve just always liked the idea of the AH minecraft-gtaverse being the same. So ofc the Achievement City (and before that) days are the oldest recorded history; the days where a simple king was the highest known form of power. I think by the time Sky Factory rolls around, the influence of the Towers have granted each king longer lives and minor magic abilities (aka creative mode), and they’ve advanced as a society enough to pursue things like space travel, Galacticraft, etc. Immortality was a thing, though they kinda didn’t realize it? When someone would die, it never felt worse than a severe injury, never felt like death. They’d wake up with no memory of what happened, just assumed they’d gotten hurt bad during a challenge and were out for a day or so, that kinda thing. But where do you go after literally touching the stars? They wanted more. They already felt like gods, but what if they could have more? Enter Sky Factory. They would play God for REAL this time. They’d even succeed, but of course their hubris would catch up to them, leading to the nuking. In my mind, this was like a world reset. A second big bang of sorts. They’d be reborn into their usual bodies, but their punishment now being that they not only remember every mistake they made as deities but now remember and feel every single death much harder. Immortal souls stuck in very mortal bodies. “Respawns” would take longer depending on the severity of the death now. Hundreds of years pass, their souls reincarnate again and again, but as time would pass they’d remember less of their more primitive past lives- Now we end up in modern day with the FAHC. A group of immortal souls who found each other in yet another life, (You know how in jojo’s bizarre adventure, stand users attract stand users? It’s like that!) and now wanna find out the reasoning behind their immortality and maybe take over the criminal underworld while they’re at it 👍
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casinoownersigma ¡ 1 year ago
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"Hello all,
I am known as Sigma, manager of the Sky Casino and one of the 5 members of the Decay of Angels (but please don't group me with people like Fyodor and Nikolai).
I value my customer's lives and the wellbeing of the casino. I hope to see you interacting around the blog."
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[OOC: Hi hi! I'm the main admin/account.
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʀᴘ ʙʟᴏɢꜱ . . .
@orphanweretiger (Nakajima Atsushi)
@rabidmafiadog (Akutagawa Ryuunosuke)
@girls-and-samurai-swords (Kyouka Izumi)
@headchamberlain (Ivan Goncharov)
@bramthecalamity (Bram Stoker)
@oceanlifeenthusiast (Howard Phillips Lovecraft)
@tom-n-huck (Mark Twain)
@real-tom-sawyer and @real-huck-finn (Tom and Huck)
@bungo-rp-advice (Guild-themed advice blog)
@jewel-kings-madness (Ace)
@myname-isntlolita (Elise)
@vitas3xualis (Ougai Mori)
@the-metamorphasis (Franz Kafka) (BSD OC)
@huntingdogjouno (Saigiku Jouno)
@doajouno (Decay Of Angels AU Jouno)
@tatsuhikoshibusawa (Tatsuhiko Shibusawa)
BSD Stormbringer
@the-flags-pianoman (Pianoman)
@the-flags-lippmann (Lippmann)
@the-flags-iceman (Iceman)
@the-flags-albatross (Albatross)
@the-flags-doc (Doc)
@iwaitforthestorm (Paul Verlaine)
@catch-the-rainb0w (Blackmore)
Ace Attorney
@firstclassattorney (Kristoph Gavin)
@mattengardedude (Matt Engarde)
@ask-mr-wellington (Richard Wellington)
@holy-mothers-servant (Nahyuta Sahdmadhi)
@i-really-lovemywife (Ron DeLite)
@loyaltomastersorin (Pierce Nichody)
@people-can-be-tamed (Simon Keyes/Simeon Saint)
@injusticeitrust (Bobby Fulbright)
@idontrobgraves (Enoch Drebber)
@old-bailey-reaper (Barok van Zieks)
@peace-and-ascension (Claude D. Haze)
@foxes-and-criminals (Patricia Roland/Fifi Laguarde)
@ask-the-biggest-bully (Blaise Debeste/Excelsius Winner)
@ask-isaac-dover (Isaac Dover\Artie Frost)
@korkshinguji (Korekiyo Shinguji)
@lilultimateartist (Jataro Kemuri)
@captainofspace (CAPT. SPACEBOY)
Genshin Impact
@ventithefamousbard (Venti)
@ask-bubu-pharmacy (Baizhu)
Phantom of the Opera (game version by MazM)
@nameless-detective (The Detective)
@runningfrom-responsibility (Captain Curly)
@ask-mr-scarletella (Scarletella)
@ask-mr-chopped (Mr. Chopped)
@ask-mr-gap (Mr. Gap)
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ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴅ/ᴀᴅᴍɪɴ/ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ . . .
You can call me Kiji or certain nicknames if we're closer.
Things like 'dear', 'darling' etc. are fine, but I would prefer we talk a little before those are used.
I go by any pronouns, but mostly he/him.
My other interests are also at @kijimha.
I'm usually not one to start interactions due to anxiety, so forgive me...
NSFW roleplays are not welcome! NSFW/Suggestive questions are welcome, if they're played as something comedic. To further elaborate, I will not do serious explicit rp, but roleplays/asks where something NSFW is mentioned or if a joke is NSFW, that's fine.
BSD covers many triggering topics, such as SH, suicide, abuse, etc. I'll most likely NOT tag posts where any of these topics are mentioned.
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ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ꜱɪɢᴍᴀ . . .
I personally headcanon him as intersex.
He/him or they/them is fine for him.
He isn't quite sure what his preferences are yet, but he's asexual.
His blood sugar goes low often due to sleeping issues & overall health issues.
Timeline is flexible.
He has imposter syndrome. It means he believes his achievements aren't enough, even though he's proven worthy of his position and aforementioned achievements. People with imposter syndrome also have an internalized fear of being found out, believing they are a fraud.
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Thank you!]
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thedeaddandy ¡ 2 years ago
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2013 is that you
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sparklyballoonballoon ¡ 1 year ago
Owl House Roleplay Request
Let’s use both OCs and CCs for the roleplay 
Ships, yeah, I’m okay with having romance
In the roleplay as well since I have some
Ideas of ships in mind. 
Luz x Amity 
King x OC
Cat x Pufferfish bipedal demon in the abominations track with the sloth Palisman 
Boscha x OC 
Amelia x Lucas (the blond guy with the black beanie in the oracle track uniform who is a part of Boscha’s group in the episode Once Upon a Swap)
Eda x Raine
Jerbo x Edric 
Viney x Emira 
Bo x Skara 
Gus x Matt
(Au, Hunter attends Hexside 
Lumity is not together yet. That will happen in the rp 
Flapjack is already dead and Waffles will eventually be introduced in the rp 
Vee and Camila on the isles 
King starting Hexside eventually 
One of Boschas posse members, the healing girl, Cat having a character arc. I wanna give her a tragic backstory since he’s a background character and I can be able to have freedom 
I wanna rp Luz, Hooty, King, Principal Bump, Edric, Gus, Viney, Bo, Gavin, Angmar, Amelia, Cat, Vee
Perhaps neutral, maybe a mix of angst and some fluff
And plenty of comedy and funny dialogue 
I also wanna try to make this as literate as possible 
Also I want to have Luz finish her high school stuff  at Hexside and not go back to her old school 
I had this idea for a plot. I wanted to have Del perhaps organize a big project to lower the age limit on Palisman at Hexside to maybe a minimum grade of 4th with some exceptions depending and perhaps have another Palisman receiving day. King and rest of his classmates and other students without palismen yet can get theirs 
Like Del can host one with the collaboration of Eda, Gwen, the Bat Queen and Principal Bump. And maybe have Hunter and possibly anyone else once we get to that will be volunteers or something
And the adoption is is open to grades 4-12.
The 4 and 5th graders and all the middle schoolers can get theirs. And to be high schoolers who didn’t get theirs yet can finally get one
Maybe that’s when Hunter finally gets Waffles or something. Though does Waffle already exist or will you introduce her later in the RP?
Also does Matt have a palismen already or will his palisman be introduced in the rp? Also have you heard of Matt’s headcanoned palisman Garth?
(I wanna do a plot or some sort of Darius plot with him, Eberwolf, Steve, and Raine and potentially others working on a murder mystery in the RP as well and perhaps have some sort of trial
I want Cat (the healing girl with the glasses who’s in Boscha’s friend group) to have younger twin siblings who’s around Kings age. Their mother is framed and accused for a crime that she didn’t commit and the three are framed and accused as accomplices
This is related to something called the Dynasty Wars
The wealthy families of the boiling isles compete against each other of who makes the most contributions to the Day of Unity and who gets the biggest rewards from Belos. This causes them to get drastic measures to get on top
It’s a tactic that Belos created and used in order to make his job easier and have less witches to eliminate because witches will be eliminating each other through their feuds
I also wanna have boss fights at Hexside. Like similar to Labyrinth runners but with Luz and other characters included
I want to have all of Hexaide and their parents to fight off against each covenhead and their army of covenscouts to fight them off to keep them from getting branded 
One day they’ll take on Adrian, another day Terra, then Mason, Hettie, Vitimir, Osran…and keep taking them on until all the covenheads are defeated and then there’s this final one with Kikimora and all the covenheads along with the biggest covenscout army yet
if you wanna roleplay with me, lemme know in the comments below or just PM me
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web-kindle ¡ 10 months ago
!MASSIVE FOOLIVERSE RAMBLE! Read at your own peril!
Congratulations Erik! 🎊🥳🎊
You have successfully made me care more about the Fooliverse than ANY canon storyline you've currently got going on rn (Except for Hush and Vega, I'm still very invested in that). Forget the Balance, forget Sovereign State, forget the currently kinda stagnant DAMN storyline, I need more Fooliverse Lore! (Note: mildly hyperbolic, I do want Erik to push major storylines, but with the new schedule they're gonna take ages)
Like each character we've gotten so far have been so fun, but with them comes so many questions about the universe around them. For example (this is your final chance to escape, its a long one):
What's the rest of the DAMN crew like? Are they all complete opposites of their canon counterparts, and if not what stays the same. Gavin although quiet and submissive, still very much enjoys sex and partaking in it when he wants like in canon. So what about the others? Is Huxley less friendly in this AU, is he rude or just an actual loner that gave up on making real friends? Is he smarter or still a bit goofy? What about Lasko and Damien, what are their differences? Is Damien a member of staff or is Lasko a really extroverted student? Where's Kody in all this? Is he still a mild extremist or is he actually a cool dude? Maybe he's a jock unlike Huxley??? Like I'M SO INVESTED!
What's going on with the rest of the Rebaine Clan? Where was Marie when Milo's dad drunk himself to death and Milo got lost in the system? Was she an absent mother or was she just not related to Milo at all? Is she in the Rebaine Clan or is she the Queen of a Clan of her own? Where. Are. The Solaires?!?! I have to know if Vincent is still a human who survived The Surge and is just living life, or never got on in the first place. Did he ever meet Lovely, did he die on The Surge and not get saved? Was he born a Vamp, turned by William still, or someone else? Is William a minor Duke or something or still a King but not as important? What about being one of those High Council Vamps Milo mentioned? Is he even around? We know Porter is, like did Demetri save him, get Porter indebted to him, or was Porter born a Vamp and just joined the Clan??? And how close is the Clans relationship with the Talbot Pack. Like yeah their friends of the Clan, but to the same level as in canon, or more? Or less? We know Asher is more serious in this AU being the Alpha, so what's his relationship with Milo??? Are they close friends, or reluctant allies on a personal level? IS MILO STILL SHORT?!?! These are the questions we need answered
James we know is a stoner and that he doesn't see himself as a good person. Is he still part of ETS, doing stuff that doesn't sit well with him to the point he smokes to get away? Does he even have a job currently? Why does he feel like he's not a good/kind person? What did he do? Maybe it's just his personality this AU... But if James isn't part of ETS and Anton is in the Pack, who's running Project Meridian? Is the project even needed, cause if the Miridian is OK in this AU, maybe the company that would do it is just sticking to normal science projects (whatever that means). Where's Marcus in all this, is he still a weirdo, but in a different font? Maybe he's just a dude too, living life, or maybe Asset is just a person and they actual love Marcus and they live together with no issues... GOD this is so unfair that I don't know 😫
And more on Anton, we know he is a member of the Talbot Pack. It's cute he's so fun and carefree, not wondering when he'll see his Love again. He's flourishing in the Talbot Pack! I'm guessing he's just an ordinary member, but is he part of security (if the Pack still does that) or does he do his own thing. Maybe he's a stay-at-home partner, I wonder if he's still responsible somewhat to maintain the house easily or if he's completely a menace on that front.
What. Happened. To. Guy??? Cause why's my Guy so depressed? Is he still sharing an apartment with Mikayla, but Honey isn't there, so its sapping him of all his happiness? Did he confess but Honey was like "nah" and he's completely defeated in life. Maybe Guy tried to do more with his writing degree but it's not working out and him delivering pizza on the size is really knocking his motivation? What if he's just like that and things are a-ok overall. Maybe he barely reacted to Anton' wolf for cause he knows about magic (accidently or not) and is completely disillusioned about life cause "why are things still shit if magic exists" so he just doesn't care??? You can't leave me hanging like this Erik!!!
More on the Pack, DAVID IS OPENLY CALLED DAVEY! First, that's so fucking cute as hell, but I gotta know is it an inside joke, did Angel push for this, or maybe is naturally evolved and David doesn't mind anyone calling him that. Curious to see which one it is. We at least know based on his personality he's not highly likely to hate on it. Secondly, HIS DAD'S ALIVE (and seems to call his son for tech help lol). That's so sweet! ☺️ Shows how different he would be with his dad still around. And finally, damn he's such a sweetheart, and Angel is still a menace but a grumpy one instead. Its hot how he wants them to take the lead, begs for it even.
Overall love how cute he is in this, makes me question what his dynamic would be interacting with Milo in this universe. In fact, I wanna see more of his and Asher's best friend relationship in this AU. With their personalities, I feel like it would be really chill. Anyway, who is the Beta? It's not Davey and it doesn't seem to be Anton, so who is it? Maybe, it actually is Darlin like some people have been theorising. (Oh god Where's Sam in all this???) Or maybe Christian, which also makes me guess what the dynamic between him and Asher is like. Maybe it's not so different to his canon interactions with Alpha David.
And a side note, Alpha Asher just can't catch a break, it's like being the Alpha of this Pack curses you to be gruff and broody no matter what universe it happens in. At least no one close to him has actually died or something like in The Imperium. Unless if one or both of his parents died for him to become a grumpy Alpha!!! Who knows, its up for headcannon to decide. Mildly bummed out that we don't get a full vid or even an Asher cameo in this AU. A few references on his seemingly responsible lifestyle and kinda gruff character by other people is not enough. GIVE ME MORE OF THE FOOLIVERSE PUPPY!!! (Respectfully)
If you got to the end I sincerely apologise, you shouldn't have done that, but know you know the thoughts that have plagued my brain about this AU. Whilst there were some lighthearted demands in there just know they were all made in good faith and is just an indicator of how much I've enjoyed this AU. Its honestly been so fun and I hope it gets a comeback in some way.
Now it's time to bet on who the BAs gonna be about next month!
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