#but I��ve always seen things this way!! I think it’s fun to connect all of my favorite aus
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teruhashi X fem reader pls 🙏🙏🙏 can be anything from a proper fic to just headcanons I'm so desperate 😭😭😭💥💥💥
ღTeruhashi as your girlfriend
ʚContent: fem! reader, fluff
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a/n yo schools been kicking my ass but FINALLY its here!! i did a little mix of both headcanons and small fics, hope you enjoy!! :))
Teruhashi is literally so so so sweet
sweetest gf EVER
she gives me "best friends to lovers"
literally connected right away
you know the classic, you're new to school and need to make new friends, well Teruhashi being the open and friendly person she is, walked up to you!
You're sitting at your new desk when suddenly the most stunning girl you had ever seen stood in front of you. "Hi there! I'm Teruhashi, let's be friends!"
And obviously how could you say no to someone like her. To your surprise, you both connected almost immediately, whether it was because you had similar interests or because you complimented each other. Either way, you became attached by the hip!
Being around Teruhashi naturally made you a pretty popular person and by the week everyone knew who you were.
With this popularity, you were prone to constant love confessions
which made Teruhashi jealous but she didn't know it yet
at first she thought it's because she's jealous of the confessions you receive
but it's not until you go on a date with a guy that she realized it's because she wants you for herself!
she had a little bit of a hard time accepting these feelings but once she did, she became 10 times more attached
though now, everything you did flustered her
she definitely confessed by accident, while she was thinking about doing it for a while now, she never had the guts to do it until it accidentally slipped out
"How come you never go on dates Kokomi? I'm sure there must've been someone who's caught your eye by now"
"There is someone, though I don't think they like me"
You were baffled at this, someone not liking her? Impossible!
"No way! I don't believe that, there's not one person who could possibly not like you"
"It's true!"
You kept it going until Teruhashi snapped, taking you by surprise.
"I know they don´t like me back because that person is you!"
She seemed surprised by her own words as well because she quickly covered her mouth, her eyes as wide as saucers. Though yours probably looked the same.
"I...I´m so sorry I did not mean to say that, I -"
You cut her off by pressing a tentative kiss to her lips.
You can imagine how the rest goes
After this y´all started dating and became THE couple of the school
for the most part your relationship stayed the same expect you were much more affectionate with each ohter!
LOTS of shopping dates
Teruhashi is your number 1 hype girl
her love language is physical touch, it doesn´t matter where you are, she always has her hand somewhere on you
if you have a similar size, you´re ALWAYS sharing clothes
your fashion styles end up mixing up
now you have your own unique styles!
in general all of your dates are super cute and fun
there´s not one single moment where either of you aren´t having fun with each other
her brother definetly had a hard time accepting your relationship BUT, once he did you were basically a part of the family
also, your periods sync up
because of this, you both spend the day cuddling each other and being each others warmth
it may not seem like it, but shes super attentive to your wants and needs and basically knows you like the back of her hand
always has the things you like in her backpack in case you ever crave them!
SO SO SO many cute nicknames and sweet words!! never fails to make you feel flustered
but shes just as easy to fluster
it doesn´t matter if you´ve been dating for a couple months or years, the butterflies never go away
she´s both your best friend and lover and your biggest supporter and confidant and there´s nothing as perfect and wonderful as that
Teruhashi supremacy >>>>
#headcanons#masterlist#saiki no psi nan#saiki kusou no psi nan#saiki k#saiki kusuo#teruhashi kokomi#teruhashi fanart#teruhashi saiki k#teruhashi#teruhashi x reader#teruhashi headcanons#saiki k headcanons#teruhashi supremacy#we need to appreciate teruhashi more#teruhashi imagines#teruhashi reactions#teruhashi fanfic#anime masterlist#anime fanart#anime fanfic#saiki k imagines#saiki k x reader#tdlosk#saiki k fanfic
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Is Hunter a Good Foil?
Short Version: Not really. Even in the case of Amity, the foiling there isn't actually very deep and a lot of the foiling is what makes the character feel as inconsistent as he does. An inconsistent character can't properly foil or say anything but instead just act as a mirror to the other character. A mirror is not a foil though.
And let's piggy back off of the short version to talk about what a foil is. They are meant to reflect and CONTRAST another character in some way. They share a similarity that hits to their core but the two have in some way reacted to it differently, or had their circumstances altered, in a way that caused their characters to diverge. Most foils are effectively the question of "In a different timeline, could this character have ended up this way?" And by asking this question, they challenge the other character in some way.
One of the great movies in animation that you all had better have seen that can showcase this is, of course, Megamind. BUT it actually is useful both to talk about shallow foiling and deeper foiling. I'm sticking to just the beginning of the movie so while I can't talk about every way in which the foiling happens, I won't spoil it either: At the beginning of the movie you actually get what feels like the core foil. Both Megamind and his enemy Metroman came from doomed planets that were being sucked into a black hole but while Megamind's ship crashed into a prison and he was raised by inmates, Metroman is sent into a rich family's house where he can have everything he wants. Pretty classic but fun where one grows up in poverty and turns evil while the other grows up in luxury and becomes good.
But that's kind of shallow, isn't it? These weren't based on choices the characters made but simply the opportunities given to them. For a movie about choosing your own path, about how being good and bad isn't something you are born to be, your destiny, but your choice, this isn't actually very interesting. It sets up the conflict... But if this were all of Megamind's backstory, it'd be a little lackluster.
No, instead... We get the evil of the kids. Not like pure evil but Megamind genuinely wanted to fit in. To be accepted. He makes really cool inventions to impress the other kids but, well, they don't always work, he looks weird and he's just not as impressive as Metroman. He CHOOSES to engage... And is rejected. Meanwhile, Metroman chooses to engage and is accepted. Because of this, Metroman went on to be their hero while Megamind decided to lean in and become the villain that others treated him like. This is their true foil. This divergent moment where humanity appeared to choose one lost kid from a doomed planet over the other, despite both having genuine good in their hearts. One never had to make a choice about being the good guy while the other HAD TO. And he chose to be cold to a world that was cold to him which is important for later in the story for what makes him start re-evaluating why he is evil and how he views the world.
Megamind is REALLY FUCKING GOOD. I know we're all burnt out on superheroes, let alone things that think they're being clever with superheroes, but the movie is still absolutely worth your time.
So of course... What the hell does this have to do with Hunter? Well, you can thank my Discord like so often for it. Someone brought up the concept of Hunter foiling most of the other main characters and my brain rejected that almost immediately. I then had to ask... Why?
After all, pretty much every episode Hunter has being introduced to another character (And Hunter, not the Golden Guard so Stranger Tides doesn't count) makes some sort of really pointed connection between him and the other lead of the episode in some way. It's almost impossible to not call him a foil of some sort. So... Why did it upset my brain?
Well... Because only Amity even SLIGHTLY has something to say and, well... None of these matter. How Hunter foils other characters is very superficial.
With Luz, it's just that they're both into wild magic. That's really it. It's not that they both have deeply held, strong ideals shaped by how they view how the world should be but one thinks that is effectively through anarchy and self expression while the other is authoritarian and through conformity. We know that's not the case because Hunting Palisman literally starts with Hunter talking treason. To doing wild magic. So... Yeah, it's only that they're both interested in wild magic and both for somewhat selfish reasons, though Luz's are actually worse because she's into it to be cool and powerful while Hunter is into it to help his uncle not DIE. It's shallow, it doesn't say anything good and it hardly matters for either character because all it's supposed to do is reveal a weakness to be exploited to make Hunter a good guy but they never do anything with it nor does it really tie into the themes.
Skipping Amity for now just because she is the most complicated and obvious to talk about. We will get back to it, I promise.
Willow is by FAR the weakest. The foiling is meant to be that both suffer prejudice of a sort for their lack of magic but while one is good, the other is evil. As I said before, that's actually a really shallow way to do it because it says little about the character. Worse yet, Hunter barely cares about his lack of magic. In the show's eyes/narrative, it's just a character quirk that Willow cares about more than he does. And mind you... Willow always had magic and is now mostly defined by being SUPER strong with that magic. She actually leaned harder into the identity, though this episode is starting to get away from it, and yet is the one on the side of good? If TOH is about embracing yourself regardless of society, shouldn't the one who cares less about those weaknesses that society ascribes upon them and they overcome by things they chose to focus on instead be the one lauded more than the one who felt the need to lean into society's prejudice and have to meet them in the field they forced the character to be judged by? Worse yet, even as a one off foil, it doesn't do anything. Hunter still tells Willow to piss off and has to be abducted in order to listen to the lesson of "Don't judge a book by it's cover" (which this episode does... Not great.) So yeah, again, not really foiling anything, how it does highlights the weaknesses of the show and what is there is exceptionally shallow and actually says little about the characters.
Is Amity any different? Well, it's interesting because Amity is doing with a main supporting character something that usually happens with a one off side character for an episode. They are getting to demonstrate their growth as a character by facing a shadow of who they are and imparting the lessons they've learned. That's... Actually good. It can be really satisfying to watch a character who has come into their own put their own twist on the lessons they've gained so as to be able to pass them on anew but also potentially also more effectively. There's a risk though of feeling like that's the whole point. Just a victory lap.
And Amity is running in circles around herself. See, when all the foil is is a mirror to your past self, it can feel blunt to put it mildly. Worse yet is when you could probably replace the character who is at the end of their arc with whoever taught them the lesson in the first place. TOH literally calls out that Luz would have done this too... and probably in the same way. Not literally the same words but the same points. There's no new insight into Amity, how she looks at her redemption, how she looks at the lessons she learned, besides "Isn't it nice to be a good person?" But like... That's why Amity rejected her arc at first, weak as it was. This isn't going to jump ahead a few steps... It's just her arc.
And that also minimizes Hunter's character. Suddenly, he looks like he's just an Amity clone, not helped that the pacing is dead on the SAME as Amity's. Not even just in feel but quite literally in episode count. One episode of being being a complete asshole, one of still being antagonistic but seeing the humanity in the other side now, and then by the third we're already supposed to be sympathizing with him and see him as effectively a good guy who just needs his sweet center exposed. It is one for one how Amity went, just that the one episode not mentioned that both show up in, Amity gets a bit larger than a cameo in and gets backstory exposition while Hunter is just an end of episode stinger.
This doesn't make the story deeper, it just highlights how S2 of TOH introduced a new character... Just to redo Amity. That's not interesting for anyone in the cast because they've all done this before. Of course he can't challenge any of them because any challenge that was had, should have been with Amity. So instead of a foil, we get a really ugly mirror with tin foil around it.
And like a mirror... It doesn't show anything that isn't in it. This need for foiling each of these characters inherently changes not just Hunter's character but even his relationship with the world. In episode 1, he's some hotshot, big name in the Emperor's Coven who's youth is known and he's a die hard loyalist, to the point where he is very clearly happy and comfortable with killing people who disobey. Then at the start of his second appearance, he is talking treason and is clearly much more motivated by care for his uncle than anything else. He also appears to have a good enough relationship with Belos to feel comfortable voicing treason around him. Then in his third appearance, he's suddenly paranoid about being kicked out of the coven and being seen as useless and so explicitly goes AGAINST his uncle's orders in order to prove himself, despite the fact that he should know better than anyone that doing so will piss his uncle off. But without the theoretical pressure of being kicked out of the coven and abandoned, he can't foil Amity. Then of course, for the sake of being rejected by society, all of Hexside suddenly hates the Emperor's Coven and it is a blessing that this rockstar figure of the Golden Guard can't come down and suddenly be the highlight of the entire club fair. Just so, you know, Willow won't reject him for being part of the EC.
(Quick note: Kikimora and Hunter are dumbasses in S2 when it comes to Belos' standards. Lilith fails like a half a dozen times in S1 alone before being given an ultimatum that is honestly pretty fair at that point with how pathetic she's been. Even S2 isn't consistent though. We get two different people (Cute cat coven lady and Steve) who ditch the EC and act like there are literally ZERO consequences for it. Both of these paint Belos as a weirdly reasonable boss for a tyrant and makes the world building worse.)
All the while... We've spent no time establishing a base for Hunter. There is nothing for these characters to challenge about him besides the fact that nepotism is why he's in the EC because there is nothing else to challenge about him. The Golden Guard we saw for a single episode is only there for one episode and isn't indicative of him outside of that episode except MAYBE for half of Hunting Palisman depending on how you see that. Otherwise, his personality is... Madlibs. Just choose whatever you want because it will make about as much sense as what he actually got in the show.
And something that warped and malleable is going to be a pretty shit mirror, let alone a foil.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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2, 3, 10, 12, & 13 😈
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
katherine howard stands out in basically all of her relationships as dominant/forthright in what she wants, with a sharp turn of phrase that suggests that while flirtations were fun for her, she had a capability to be mean when she willed it. she comes across as genuinely charming and charismatic, with a consistent attentiveness, but she also reliably has an edge to her in her relationships — she was arguably callous with dereham, and criticised culpeper repeatedly while also mocking bess harvey. i don’t generally like the way g.russell talks about her wrt her relationships, but i do like the way he described katherine as proud and proud and enjoying “one-upmanship in her flirtations”. do with that what you will.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you ve seen on tumblr
not going to screenshot but there are soo many that are frankly baffling. the first to come to mind is the claim that poor henry viii must’ve been so offended by coa and her camp publicly dragging his baby brother’s name through the mud/throwing arthur under the bus. which begs the question: what, exactly, prompted coa to do that, pray tell? i really would love to know! very wilfully obtuse considering she was called to discuss the validity of her first marriage because henry viii disregarded the dispensation from the pope, and (arguably unnecessarily) made consummation a fundamental point of contention in annulling her second. that's on him. frankly, the whole ‘she used arthur’ argument really relies on an assumption that coa was lying about her sexual history when it suited her — as opposed to her being forced to once more defend her honour. (i guess it’s not surprising seeing as i have also seen posts insinuating that she had an inappropriate relationship with her confessor). moreover, why should we care if she was lying, or if she used arthur? atp, everyone involved is bones, and personally, i don’t give a single solitary shit if her defending herself denied henry from having a male heir, because monarchy is actually bullshit ❤️ it’s definitely not the worst but it’s so stupid and so funny to me.
10. worst part of fanon
the white feminism (read as: racism) lol.
this answer is definitely prompted by trastamara fandom’s disregard for poc/iberian muslims, but to bring it back to the tudors (and because i am dedicated to e1 stans catching strays) whatever the fuck certain elizabeth i stans have going on is rancid. the whole argument about whether or not elizabeth i should be held accountable for funding three slaving voyages was a profoundly bleak period in fandom, and seeing someone argue that it was “only three slave ships”… well. i hate it here, i absolutely hate it here.

12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i don’t know if he counts as unpopular, but he’s not popular and the level of vitriol aimed at him relative to actual surviving historical fact makes me want to say henry vii, to be honest? the man was fascinating and generally successful in a way others compared against him (r3, h8) can’t always claim to be. regardless of whether or not people like him, how strongly some people hate him is wild. i’ve seen people claim he “inherited his rapist tendencies from his father” — an insane thing to say, not least because there is no evidence of rape connected to him. it just exposes the terminal brainworms and cringe that ricardians and h8 stans have… sad sad tears of a clown, truly. the fact that pointing out the very real, repeatedly historically recorded trend of calling henry vii ‘y daroganwr’ in multiple awdls got dismissed as “lionising” him… genuinely think people who actively dislike henry vii are stupid, end of discussion.
13. worst blorboficiation
at the moment, eustace chapuys is coming to mind. the tudors making him this sort of paternal figure, and moral crusader fighting for mary (and coa) was well done — but wildly inaccurate. the fact that his misogyny shapes and colours our perception of the tudor court world really must be recognised. if nothing else, i think recognising chapuys as a flawed, inconsistent and hypocritical figure makes him significantly more interesting. this is the man who belligerently called anne boleyn a whore, “concubine”, and the “english messalina”, and dismissed elizabeth as a bastard — to the point of having egregiously violent fantasies about them — whilst having an illegitimate son, himself. it’s very difficult to read his dispatches (many of which are often easily disproven and full of erroneous claims) and not be struck by the constant stream of potent and constant misogyny.
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Hello!! You might recognize me but I was wondering on your thoughts on my little fun idea about the yandere self-aware au for ensemble stars, so since I am a huge simp for Anzu (I'm on my knees for her /hj), I'm just imagining all of their reactions towards our favoritism towards Anzu and Anzu just taking it <3 Idk I just like making them jelly~
Heya! I absolutely do recognize you, I remember reading some of your twst works and really enjoying them! I´ve also seen you reblog my posts before, which I really gotta thank you for!☺️💕
I´m honestly really happy to see so many people simping for Anzu when that´s usually a really rare thing for the MCS of these kinds of games. There´s honestly so much potential for her so I´m more than happy to provide more simping material😏
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, self-deprecation, mention of kidnapping, mention of blood
The characters being jealous because you show clear favoritism toward Anzu
So very obviously, Anzu is going to be very happy that you favor her. You two share a special connection that no one else can compete with, so from her side you always were the most important person to her, but now she has the confirmation that you feel the same for her! It looks like all of her hard work of impressing you with her diligence has paid off! You can bet that she´s more motivated than ever when she does her work as a producer, knowing that her darling likes her more than anyone else. Hah, she can´t stop smiling and there´s a blush on her face whenever she thinks about it ( which is always, tbh).
Everyone knows Anzu as very modest but she´s actually very smug about being your favorite and she will mention it every chance she gets, finding it funny how jealous the idols get every time.
The others of course are in shambles. Trickstar is the most understanding one because they´ve been with Anzu longer than any other unit and they´re also the most normal ones in this AU. They understand why you may feel that way and they´re happy for her but deep down they´re still disappointed.
(Not going to mention every character´s reaction to this because that would be a huge amount of work, just a few that randomly came to mind)
Tsukasa is moping 100% of the time. Like yes, he understands why you may like Anzu ( I mean have you seen how much of a simp he is in-game), but since the day he learned that the person that was with him the entire time was actually you and not Anzu, he´s been so in love with you. And he´s tried so hard to try and court you even through the screen, he´s been nothing but a perfect gentleman, and yet he was beaten. Probably cries about it ngl, he´s so frustrated and kind of throws a tantrum when you aren´t there to see it
Speaking of tantrums! Tori is soooo not happy about this development. You´re supposed to like him the most! He´s the cutest idol in the world and he´s tried to make you feel extra special by giving you cute nicknames but that didn´t seem to work somehow? He´s very upset and he´s not going to hide it, even from you. You can expect him to make some snide comments about the producer when on the home screen. If you´re already in their world then he will still try to invite you over whenever you can and have tea parties with you, of course without Anzu, so he can try to monopolize your time. He´s going to make you see that he´s the best option here!
Izumi is very very pissy and moody, even more so than usual once he finds out about this. You like Anzu the most, the one person you didn´t even get to really talk to when you were playing the game? When he, a literal model, was right there and ready to give you some attention? Are you stupid or something? He definitely won´t just sit by and accept this, you know. He´s picky when it comes to choosing his partner and he´s already made the choice that you are the one for him. Who do you think you are, trying to deny him like that? He´s going to make sure that you come to your senses soon enough. If not, there´s always the option of kidnapping you in case you´re close <3
Mika is honestly just crying. He knows that he´s not good enough, he knows that he´s just a useless doll and could never hope to be on the same level as you, but against all odds, he still held onto a small sliver of hope that you may once consider him worthy of your love. He´s spent the last few months or even years, worshipping your very being and loving you from afar and now he finds out that you prefer Anzu over him or even Shu. He tries to accept it because it´s your will and he could never dare to defy you when you´re always right, but he´s so upset. If only he had done more, if only he had served you a bit better, maybe then you might have shown him mercy and chosen him. But that didn´t happen. How could he be so foolish to think that he deserves your love? He´s nothing without you, of no use at all! Mika might grow back to showing distaste for Anzu but this time it´s not because of Shu. No, he hates her for taking you away when he hadn´t even had enough time to improve himself so you could accept him. She´s not worthy of being with you either, you know?
Shu huffs and utters a snide remark when Anzu brags to him about being your favorite, but as soon as she leaves the room he just kind of breaks down. Not even Mika could console him right now, not that his unit mate is in an appropriate mental state himself. Shu just shuts himself in his room for days on end, no one even seeing his face once the entire time. He tries to throw himself into his work, sewing clothes until his fingers bleed but it´s not enough to fill the hole that has made its way into his heart. The creations that he made exactly to your liking, they weren´t enough. He still hasn´t grown enough as an artist to impress you and so his work is useless. In his desperation, he would rip apart the outfits he had designed previously. What did it matter if you didn´t like them anyway? He had to be better, he had to work hard to win back your favor from that devious woman. Shu is not coming out of that room until he´s satisfied with the new outfits he is making until they are utterly flawless. Deep down, he´s scared that he will never be enough but the only one he voices these thoughts to is Mademoiselle
#ensemble stars#yandere ensemble stars x reader#yandere enstars x reader#yandere anzu x reader#yandere tsukasa suou x reader#yandere tori himemiya x reader#yandere izumi sena x reader#yandere mika kagehira x reader#yandere shu itsuki x reader#ensemble stars self aware au#yandere self aware au#self aware au#yandere self aware ensemble stars au#gn reader#cw yandere#yandere#cw obsession#cw possessiveness#cw jealousy#cw kidnapping#cw blood#yandere x reader#tsukasa suou#anzu#tori himemiya#izumi sena#mika kagehira#shu itsuki#mxdarling
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Writer’s Block - Spencer
IT HAS BEEN A LIL BIT SINCE I ACTUALLY COMPLETED SOMETHING. literally i’m jumping from job to job. i barely found time to write this lmao.
this is for the lovely anon who requested this: can we have a fic where the reader has writer’s block and spencer is helpful?
here you go anon, HELPFUL SPENCER
warnings: all fluff and a lil bit of a reference talking about weight but it’s all fluff and nothing seriously deep.
“Ugh.” You yelled, throwing your hands in the air. “This is pointless.”
Spencer was sitting at his desk when he looked up to see you having a partial meltdown on your shared apartment couch.
“Please tell me why I decided to do this. I can’t think of a single reason why anyone would go through this torture willingly.” You groaned to Spencer, who just smiled in response.
You were glad he found this so amusing because you surely didn’t think any of it was cute in the slightest.
“You’ve got a psychological inability to produce a substantial amount of content to satisfy your drive to create.” Spencer continued smiling at you.
“Cliff Notes version, please. I’m mentally spent.” You said, looking over at him.
“Writer’s block.” He said, as if he couldn’t just say that in the beginning.
“At the worst time possible.” You said, groaning again.
As an author, you were used to the words coming to you easily. There were so many ways to describe a single feeling that you just knew how to craft the language most of the time. It’s one of the many things that made Spencer fall in love with you: You crafted a world of your own through imagination and you were able to pull other people in to experience it with you. It was something special about you that set you apart from so many other writers in your genre.
Getting up from his chair, Spencer walked over to your spot on the couch to sit next to you. He put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him.
“How far have you gotten on your story?” Spencer said, leaning over to see your laptop screen. You turned it away from him so he couldn’t see anything.
“Baby, you know I don’t like you to see my works in progress. I only want you to see things when they’re complete.” You said.
“Baby, I want to see every stage of your creativity no matter how rough.” Spencer smiled. “Maybe I can offer some advice and corrections.”
“I don’t want you to see everything bc plot holes and such. And I don’t want you to know the plot until it’s complete.” You closed your computer screen so he couldn’t see anything.
You turned to stare at him as he pulled his arm back, leaving on the back of the couch. The two of you stared at each other, both holding your own secrets.
Your secret was that you secured a book deal for a Young Adult book. While the signatures were still needed for paycheck negotiations to close, you were holding out on telling Spencer until your manager confirmed everything was official. The call could come at any minute so you were checking your phone every few minutes. You weren’t superstitious but you didn’t want to tell Spencer something before it was completely confirmed. You didn’t want to get your hopes up but more importantly, you didn’t want to disappoint Spencer. He was so proud of you for your constant writing and he loved to read your stories after you sent them to your editor for content when your story was chosen for different magazines, contests, and blogs. If you secure this book deal, it will be huge for you and Spencer, making your dream come true.
Spencer’s secret was that he was off for a month. He just got back from a case that lasted 3 weeks and before that, he was gone for the larger part of 2 months. There were a lot of back to back cases that ran right behind each other. The two of you made a sarcastic joke that it was serial killer season because it was like clockwork that these cases would come in. It was sad that so many people were hurt and killed in the process but there were countless lives saved by the team and their constant, tiring work. They needed some time off, especially with the last case draining them so greatly.
“I won’t push you but just know, I’m excited about everything you do. I’m so proud of you for being so persistent in everything. You know, the word persistent is a great word to describe you because it’s more than just the determination to accomplish a task, although many people use it in conjunction with the word. Based on the definition by the Miriam-Webster dictionary, the word persistent means to exist for a long or longer than usual time continuously. You’ve been determined to continue your writing but it’s more than that. You’ve evolved from only writing for whoever will read your work to writing for yourself. You connect with...” Spencer wanted to go on before he noticed your phone vibrating.
“Hold on, Spence. I’m so sorry.” You said, pulling out your phone.
It was a text message from your agent.
“Closed and complete. Sealed the deal. Mucho bueno mi amor.” Your agent followed that text with celebration emojis and you couldn’t look away. By calling you her love, your agent meant nothing by it any more than you called your friends your girlfriends. Your agent knew you well so she was very friendly.
Your heart was beating a mile a minute, your breathing strained. You didn’t know whether you wanted to laugh or cry, or both at the same time. It was real. It was really real. It was entirely real. A tear ended up slipping through the floodgates, quickly followed by another. Spencer immediately saw the shift in your body language before you were able to hide it.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer said, worry crossing his face. He didn’t understand how such a happy moment could go south so quickly.
“It’s not you.” You said, trying to hold back the fact that you were ready to start sobbing. You wiped the tears away and put your hands back in your lap. Fresh tears were right behind those and you weren’t going to stop them this time. You hung your head, chin barely touching your chest, watching the tears fall on your hands.
“What is it? You can tell me, lovely.” Spencer grabbed your hands from resting in your lap. His thumb immediately began gently rubbing your hands, which only made you cry harder.
Readjusting how he sat so he could pull you into his lap, Spencer was so confused and so hurt because he didn’t know how to fix it. He couldn’t fix it when he didn’t know what was wrong. He just wanted you to be okay and you seemed far from it. You fought him a little bit.
“I’m going to flatten you.” You said, finally calming down.
“Then I will be the happiest flat man alive. You won’t flatten me, lovely. You’ll put your cute butt in my lap, swing your arms around my shoulders, and hang onto me for dear life as you let go of whatever just happened. You don’t have to feel alone if you’re sad.” Spencer said.
You got up, sat on the couch next to him, and put your legs over his. It was much more comfortable that way and made you less self-conscious. He was staring at you with his puppy eyes and it melted your heart all over again.
“I have something to tell you.” You said, taking a deep breath.
“Okay…” Spencer looked concerned, stoic even. He was even a little bit scared.
“I’ve been hiding something from you and I feel so bad about it.” Tears sprang to your eyes again.
“Lovie, whatever it is, we can work through it. There are very few things in this world you can tell me that I would be upset about. I”ve seen the worst of the worst. Working out a minor bump won’t break me.” Spencer slightly smiled.
“No, no. It’s not bad. I promise it’s not.” You let out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding. “I got a book deal.”
Spencer was silent for a second before he broke out in the biggest smile you had seen from him in a while. He obviously didn’t have a problem being happy as his emotion. Joy overcame him and he gently put your legs on the ground and stood up just to kneel in front of you to cover you in kisses. He kissed every major part of your face before kissing you. A slow, gentle kiss but it still took your breath away.
“You know you’re amazing, right? You deserve this out of anyone.” Spencer held your face gently in his hands, his thumb slowly rubbing your cheek.
“I’m stuck, Spence. How am I supposed to finish the book when I can’t even finish the short story I’m writing.” You couldn’t meet his eyes.
“Maybe I can help. What’s it about?” Spencer stood up, sitting back on the couch next to you.
“It’s the story of this brilliant teacher who moonlights as a spy. Not the most original idea but it’s not supposed to be original. It’s just a short story that someone requested on my blog.” You grabbed your computer and put it back on your lap.
“So you’re writing about me.” Spencer smiled.
“You’re not a spy. You moonlight as a teacher.” You said, opening your computer. You couldn’t bear to look at Spencer’s face right now as he thought about how you were basically writing about him.
You always took character inspiration from him. He was such a big part of your life that all of your writing had hints of Spencer in them, no matter how hard you tried to leave him out of things. So it was a big deal for him to even figure out that he was largely related to this story.
“What if…” Spencer started, “You wrote about his dashing butt?” Spencer said, beaming at you.
You choked on your spit.
“What?” You said, in between coughs.
“His fabulous behind in pants. You’re always telling me how amazing I look in my black slacks. So why not write about that for fun? I’m sure your blog readers would be quite amused.” Spencer was so hilariously serious that you couldn’t stop laughing.
“Okay, fine. You win. I will put in something about your butt.” You said, turning your computer on.
“And insert something about his beautifully flowing hair.” Spencer said.
“Baby, your hair is short right now.” You said. He allowed you to cut his hair a few days ago and he missed his longer hair but he really liked when you gave him haircuts.
“I know but if he’s a badass super spy and a teacher, he needs to have versatile looks.” Spencer ran his hand through his hair, a new habit he started when you cut his hair.
“Baby, you’re going to overwhelm me with ideas.” You said, chuckling. You felt a little better about the writer’s block and the book deal the more Spencer made you laugh.
“Good. Maybe we should go on a walk and figure out more ideas. Exercise is good for ideas because your blood flow to your brain is increased. You also get mental clarity. Over the next 6 weeks, we can do that more.” Spencer quickly walked to the door to grab both of your running shoes.
Sitting down next to you, what he said finally hit you.
“Next six weeks?” You asked, putting your computer on the coffee table.
You didn’t care that all you were wearing were some cozy shorts and an old t-shirt that was way too big for you.
“Oh, I didn’t tell you.” Spencer got his right shoe on after a little bit of struggle. “I’m off for 6 weeks after the last case. We all need the break…” He said, his eyes going to a dark place for a moment. You gently touched his arm and came back to life, in the moment with you.
“So… You can help me?” Your mood got significantly better as you realized he was all yours for 6 weeks.
“Every step of the way, y/n.” Spencer said, popping up from the couch in his shoes, ready to go.
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Why Caleb did what he did in ep127 – my theory.
This is my theory it can be super wrong, maybe I am right at some points, I just want to put it out there, maybe some of you will like it. Here we go:
Caleb is my fav character the whole campaign so far and what he did in that episode shocked me, it was so not like him. We did see him when cornered he would go rampage but was he cornered here? So I was shocked.
I was shocked he didnt discuss the problem that might come from this with the M9, they didnt talk about it might be a trap they just went for it. They didnt think twice and that was alarming for me and the second they interacted with the guards it all went south and Caleb ignored Astrids tip of being stealthy to avoid Trent. And in the end he did appear and I was like „that is what you get when you just go full rage and dont think a second about it and Caleb you were the thinker in this campaign why did you do all of that?! Next episode I want an explanation for this or I am out!“
Caleb knew what he was doing all the time, he knew if he would do all of this Trent would show up.
There is no way he did forget that because Astrid told him super clear that Trent isnt there so they should be STEALTHY. But he didnt. He ignored the warnings and put Astrid in danger with that as well, a soon as Trent sees the maps he knows who helped and Astrid will be punished. He said he cares for her and puts her in this danger! It was all a lie? Astrid deserves so much better than this! Boo Caleb for treating a girl that was obviusly in pain so she cried because of you like that! I was at least a bit happy that Matt clearly said Trent did appear because of the rucus, not because of Astrid. She didnt sent Trent. She didnt do it.
Caleb ignoring Astrid and her advice and destroying the bit of Trust that was building up between them – shatterd. „Caleb thats so stupid why are you that stupid.“
I was all that. I was so disappointed.
I woke up next morning and was still disappointed and a bit angry that Caleb went this route with all the murder. He knew Trent will maybe show up and catch them while stealing his stuff and he did it anyway. It was like Caleb wanted Trent to show up. To show him how much he hates him and to show him what he is capable off. Because Trent knows that now because he sees the display of raw power he might want to get Caleb back under his thumb and make him work for him again. There is no way out of this situation for them, than to bargain with Trent and he imo will let them got when they will do him a favor later. Caleb must have known that and still did this.
He is just playing into Trents hand where everyone wanted him to escape from. Because Trent is so bad.
And I was: Wait a minute.
Let that sink in for a secong.
He is playing …
playing Trents game. Do you get where I am going with this?
What if all of this, the killing and blood everywhere, is an act made up by Caleb? What if he is playing Trents mind game back at him?
He is giving Trent a view on him like Trents want to think of Caleb: Powerful, full of hate against the Volstruker and Trents experiments, full on revenge and wants to kill him, Trent, but also is no match for him with getting so easily caught in the middle of his home. He has power but he isnt clever enough. What if Caleb wanted to get caught by Trent? Pretend he is not clever so Trent thinks he isnt clever and can be a puppet for him again?
While pretendign being a puppet again, Caleb can get closer to him/the Assembly to learn more about him and his connections in the Assembly. To learn how to root out all the corruption in the assembly wich is his main goal this whole campaign! He wanted to learn about all that from Ves, we know that, but that didnt work out so he has to do it another way and now he doing it on his own.
He knows, he can not fight the Assembly heads up. He knows he has to get inside first and root out evil from within. He has to earn some trust to get the info he wants to have. He cannot trust anyone so he goes on his own and wants to plays Trents game and maybe be better this time and beat Trent. What better way to beat someone than in his own game right?
And do you remember who talked about beating someone at their own game? Do you? It was Astrid during the dance scene. She said „...either we walk into their trap or beat them in their own game.“
In that scene i thougt she was talking about the TT because she touched his spots with the red eyes a second before and it bothered me that she said „we“. Was she planning on going with them to Eiselcross? That wont happen anyway (she would need trents permission/it would be to obvious and Trent would not let them go so they can come up with a plan to kill him) this is stupid. So now I get she was talking about „we either beat Trent and whomever we are fighting here or we walk into their trap.“
So what I proclaim is: Astrid and Caleb in general know they are dancing the „can-i-trust-you-tango“ but they know they have one common enemy: Trent.
So they were discussing during the dance without saying it, if they want to work together in bringing him down. Caleb wasnt sure if he wants/can work on the „Trent-problem“. He has more importand stuff to do right now and he doesnt want to face all that stuff from the past that will come up during this working against Trent.
He cares for Astrid as he said. He isnt against helping her but maybe not right now.
What made him change his mind was Astrid crying in a spot where nobody would have seen her crying all on her own. He knows her, he know how much is to interpret in her crying. I think she is rarely crying. She has doen the same training as Caleb did, she is used to be cruel and to murder and be a bad human. But she wont cry because of that. She said so herself in their first meeting. Her crying is super special and Caleb gets that. And because he cares so much for her, maybe you can relate when you know a person you care for is crying in the mud. You want to help so they dont cry anymore. That is why he decides he wants to help her,/wants to start working on the problem now and not later. He knows she is using him, but he is using her as well. He doesnt care. He wants to help, to help her, help his country. He made this decision over night and Astrid gave him the time to think about it, but she needed a signal from Caleb. Ans anwer to her question if he wants to do this now or not. She said „I will see what I can do for you“ aka says „i want to work on this now, how about you?“
He sent a red firey bloody signal back. A signal as bright as the fire Warning beacons of Gondor
in „The return of the kings“ when Gondor sent signal to Rohan asking for help. The fun part is nobody gets it beside Matt and that is exactly the kidn of pranks the people on the table like to play. Remember Sam/Scanlan? I do. it was stuff he planned for weeks and nobody was expecting it and it was a big suprise for everyone.)
He could have been stealthy and just get the stuff he wanted during the heist. It would have send the signal to Astrid „thanks for the help, I cant work on this now. Maybe later. See you“.
But Caleb did not do that. He send a signal like: „I am full in, I want to play this game, starting it right now and either we win this game or loose and run into his trap. Lets do it.“
Its amazing how they comunicate without saying a single word about it.
The three different papers you ask? For me its the answer to his „for the love that we three shared I need to ask a favor“. She answeres with the box „Here is what i can do for you and yeah we three are in this together“ the paper are symbols for the three of them. The three people from Blumenthal. Its brialliant.
Why she is thankful in the message: Because he comes back and contacts her. He is her only hope.
Why she is sorry the day after: Because she thinks she is guilty to drag him into this. She knows this will be hard for him and will cause a lot of pain. That is why she says she is sorry.
(Is she for real? We dont know. They are still dancing the „can-i-trust-you-tango“)
They are playing Trents game of saying the truth and show whats obvious. Matt and Liam are playing this game so good they fool the other players and me and other fans. Its brilliant.
To let everyone think its a Trap set up by Astrid? - Its fine because people will focus on her (and its legit because she is shady and in this game as well) while Caleb is the one whom they should be worried about.
Let everyone think he does all the stuff he did here because of the Drama, Trauma and the pain etc – Yes it is exactly that to a percentage and that is the truth he is showing here, but underneath that is the other truth that he just wants to get closer to Trent. Caleb knows how he has to behave to get what he wants. He does it all the time because he learnid it from Trent! (remember the scene he wanted to work Essek as he needed him to work in that moment on the ship, because Caleb wanted the peace talk to happen? Because Caleb didnt want Essek to run away but to stay and get done what he Caleb wants?) He does not like those methods but he has to use them to get what he wants.
This is a brilliant plan from Caleb and Astrid and you know, they worked together before. They know each other so well when it comes to work (and probably more). They were a team for a long time and its like: watching a movie where old action heroes that worked together for a time suddenly have to work again. They just work together like they always did. Its like one comes visit the other one after 10 years of both of them living their lives, and they just look at each other and the person stands up goes to a shelf, gets his old gun out that was hidden there all the time and only asks: how is the weather? And the other says „its clear blue sky“ and they dotn talk anymore and just to their thing like in old times and know exactly what to do. Caleb and Astrid are Assassins in this but you know the dynamic is there.
Another way to put it:
With the dinner invitation trent put up a chess board. And invited Caleb to play. Caleb doesnt answer. Astrid asks him at the door in private: „you said you want to play this game last time you visited me. Do you still want to play? „He says „yes“ and she answers „race you to the top“ wich was clever. It seemed like she wanted to play the game herself, and that is again one half of the truth here: she wants to play this game, but not on her own because she knows she cannot win this alone. She needs help and playful/tricky invites Caleb to play this together against Trent. Like she would say: „I want to play the game and I would want to know who is more clever/better here, you or me“. This is the dynamic I think they had as teens: always challenge each other who is more clever and gets the solution to a riddle first etc. but always playful never hating and i think that is how they connected in the beginning and fell in love at some point. We will see that maybe in the comic in summer.
During the dance she said: „You have to decide soon if you want to play this chessgame because Trent is a bit distracted anyway right now. Also time is of the essence. You have eyes on your back?“ this mental chessgame wont be a game that will finish soon, or in 2-5 episodes. It might go on for half a year because its a chess game where you have to think a lot and think a lot up in front. With the „i will help you with the necklaces“ she holds out the first pawn to Caleb, and with his rampage he takes it and sets it on the board and the game is on.
And its all covered up in half truth and some scheming but never blunt lies because that would be to easy to find out and could be the end of the game.
So Astrid and Caleb are workign together against Trent while behaving like nothing happend. She does her stuff, he does his.
They will meet sometimes because they both have the working connetction to Trent and who knows how this will end? Trent I think is aware that the game is on and I think he will play (move his figures in the next episode. With the maybe task they have to do for him so he lets them go.)
He set the board on the table in the first place.
Caleb wanted to face Trent. He was aware of what he did, he knew their actions did lead to Trent appearing. He wanted to seem to be the scholar that breaks into his old teachers house to get stuff so he can get closer to Trent again, to gather information from inside the assembly so he can take the system down from inside. Astrid might have gibt him the idea, and maybe there is some planing going on between Astrid and Caleb that we can’t see.
#Cr2e127#critical role#critical role spoilers#critical role speculation#caleb widowgast#astrid beck#critical role caleb#critical role astrid#c2e127#mytheorie#Cr Astrid#cr caleb#my theory
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Hi! could I get some fluff with Lester Sinclair and a female S/O? like a date, they go to the woods to search for animal bones and other cool stuff that can be found in the forest and at some point they get lost because they were too distracted being adorable? thank you so much!!!💞💞💞💞 love ya! hope you're doing well💞
A Paisley Afternoon
Lester Sinclair x Fem!Reader
SFW, mentions of abuse, swearing
Word count: 4,884
assasdjhajfsgawgeu you are SO sweet! QwQ I hope you’re doing good as well!
Quick disclaimer: I have not seen the House of Wax, and I haven’t really written for the Sinclair brothers that much, so if their characterization seems off plz let me know! This was hella fun to write and I’m super glad you requested this! (I’m also lowkey simping for Lester Sinclair, what have u done to me)
I know u asked for fluff and while this mostly is, I made the ending kinda angsty cause I can’t help myself...T-T but it has a happy ending tho
cut because this is a loooong ass fic
“S-so uh, Y/N! V-Vinnie asked me to uh, go get some stuff from the forest, ya know, for his artstuffs? And uh, ‘was wonderin’ if you wanted to come with, since yer a big fan of nature and stuff, heh. I-if you don’t that’s ok I understand I-”
You silenced his nervous rambling with a kiss on the cheek.
“I’d love to! Could we make it a picnic? I don’t get to cook for you often,” you hummed.
Lester blushed a deep red. “Y-yeah if you wanna, I’d love that...uh, m-meet you at our usual spot? Four pm?”
“I’ll see you then!” You gave him a chaste kiss on the lips before turning to go back into the house.
He gawked for a minute before jogging down the porch steps, stammering his goodbyes. He drove off as if he had gotten de-pantsed during gym class and was retreating to hide out his shame in the locker room.
He would never call this a date. Not in a million years. After all ‘Dates are s'posed to be nice and fancy, and if there’s one thing I ain’t it’s that!’. Lester’s self-deprecating humor came back in your mind as you sat on the edge of the boarded-up well. The well served as your go-to meet spot for these kinds of outings.
Even though you had both been dating for years, Lester always treated every date as if it were his first. As if he couldn't believe that you wanted to spend time with him. It broke your heart to think about, but it was sweet in away.
Every time he came up with an excuse. ‘Bo wants me out of the house for the evening'...'We need more parts for the House of Wax, and I need some help'... 'You’ve spent a lot of time inside lately, you should go on a walk'! And I’ll come with to protect you in case people come by.’ But you knew better.
You knew that Lester was too nervous to ask you outright. You’re snapped out of your daydream by the slam of a car door. Looking up to see Lester jogging towards you, Jonsey following close behind.
“S-sorry I’m late! Lost track of ti-...Y/N! How many times have I told you not to sit on that well!?!” he picked up his pace, sprinting to where you sat.
You sheepishly stood up, not noticing that you had been leaning on it in the first place.
“Sorry sweetheart, guess I jus’ got tired,”
He pulled you into a tight hug, then pulled away to check your body for injuries. He was like a flustered mother goose, almost.
“That well is ancient, why it-it was 'prolly here before Bo and Vinnie were even born! If you p-put too much weight on it, it could-”
“Collapse and I could get hurt, I know, I know. Gah! You worry too much darling,” You stood on your tiptoes to press a kiss into the bridge of his nose.
He stood back and put his hands on his hips, eyeing you up and down.
“Why I oughta-” He wagged a finger in your direction.
“What? You oughta what? What’re you gonna do huh?” you smirked and leaned into him, tilting your head.
“I oughta…” He trailed off at your sudden challenge, blushing hard.
His eyes widened and a mischievous grin spread across his face.
“I oughta kiss you, fer being so reckless!” He crossed his arms.
You giggled and put a hand over your forehead. “Oh no! What a tragedy! Forced to kiss the most handsome man in the world! Whatever shall I do???”
You sank to the ground and leaned against Jonsey, putting a hand to your forehead. Lester looked down at his feet and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Aww shucks!” He muttered.
You jumped up, wrapping your arms around his waist and ghosting your lips against his. Lester pressed his hands against your waist and closed the distance between you two. You stayed connected for a moment, savoring the tangy taste of sweat and dirt on your tongue. You only broke away when you heard Jonesy snuffling around in the picnic basket you brought with. After shooing her away from your food, Lester went back to his truck to gather his bag, and you were both on your way.
You and Lester walked through the forest, taking your time to pick your way for the undergrowth. Even though you both did this often, and usually traveled the same path each time, you never failed to find stuff.
Jonesy, not learning her lesson from the last time, went after a badger and got her ass kicked again. Leading to a very angry rant from Lester, even though she couldn’t understand what she was saying.
Even though you were looking for animal bones, anything was game. From discarded beer cans to cool looking rocks, weird plants, whatever you managed to find.
You both stopped in a small clearing, the trees were sparser here and the grass a bit taller. A perfect place for treasures to hide. Lester beamed, moving to start sifting through the vegetation. You set your basket down nearby and followed suit, hiking up your pant legs to avoid the mud.
A few minutes and a couple of oddly shaped rocks later, Lester called out to you. He showed off a very excellent stick, that was a bit shorter than him and looked thick and sturdy. He handed it to you, proclaiming that it was going to be your 'wizard staff'.
“Wizard staff?” you chuckled, grabbing the stick from his hands.
“Why yes! You are the most magical person I’ve met! You’ve got to be some sort of powerful enchantress! Sein' as you’ve put a spell on my heart~” he smiled and grabbed you by the waist, leaning down to kiss you.
You gasped when he pulled away, blushing at his cheesy comments. You sure as shit weren’t gonna let him get away with it without firing back with some of your own.
“That’s funny, seeing as you’re the one who’s charmed me~” you whispered in his ear, your breath hot on his sensitive skin.
You spun around and stooped down to pick through the grass, ignoring his flustered gaping. He smiled and kneeled next to you in the dirt, enjoying the silence of the forest.
You both trek on for another hour or so, before finding a level area near a creek to collapse and have lunch. You made quick work, unfurling the blanket and setting out the food. You tossed a few treats towards Jonsey to make sure your meal wouldn't get sacrificed.
You fell onto the ground with a thud, letting your aching muscles relax. Even though it wasn't hot out, the humidity made doing anything outside torture. You don't know how Lester managed to do it every day.
“You need to eat, here d-drink some water,” he pushed a canteen into your hands along with a sandwich.
“Water?” Taking a swig from the canteen, you smirked. “Why, I think you have more than quenched my thirst, gorgeous~”
Lester went red from ear to ear as he realized that you were ogling his backside while he rummaged around in his bag. He flushed and sat down next to you, suddenly very invested in the ham sandwich in front of him. You finished your sandwich and leaned against his shoulder. Lester blushed and started stammering. You silence him with a kiss, one hand moving to cup his cheek, the other moving to his chest.
He reciprocated, wrapping his arms around your waist and deepening the kiss. His lips slid against yours, chapped and sweaty, and tasting faintly of blood. It was more than gross, it was ghastly, repulsive even, and yet so so addicting. Every time you think you get enough of him he leaves you yearning for more. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought him to be a succubus or some kind of land-dwelling siren.
But nope, it was just Lester. Lester bringing you gifts in the form of wildflowers, pretty rocks, and books. Lester giving you full-throated, heartfelt praise and sappy comments. Lester giving you more passion and love and charm in one smile than anyone else could give you in a lifetime. Bo may be a smooth-talking seducer, but Lester? Lester was straight up husband material, and it made your heart melt.
And it made other things melt as well, you realized as you were craving more of him. You opened your mouth slightly, pushing your tongue on his lips to savor more of that sickly sweet taste. He obliged you, parting his lips to brush your tongues together. Straddling his waist, you press your body against his, leveraging a more intimate kiss.
He gave out a small groan, which only spurned you on further. Your hand reached down to pull at the hem of his shirt, when his rough hands gripped your hips and pulled you off of him.
“Not in front of Jonesy!” he hissed into your ear.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the notion.
“Jonsey? Babe, she’s just a dog she doesn’t care what we’re doin’, she doesn’t even understand what sex is!”
He puffed up , a bit offended by your words. “She is not jus’ a dog, she is an innocent creature and does not deserve to be exposed to that kind o’ stuff!”
You snickered again, conceding defeat. “Alright alright, but you owe me, mister,” you teased.
He smiled and kissed the top of your head as you snuggled into his side.
“Don’ worry bout a thing darlin’, I always pay my debts,”
You both relaxed, exchanging kisses and occasionally commenting about work, or the weather. After a while, you both decided it was time to move on, and you packed up camp.
As you stopped to refill the canteens from the creek, your eye noticed something odd in the water.
Upon closer inspection, you realized it was a very smooth rock. You, of course, fished it out to take home with you. Only then did you realize what about it that had caught your eye in the first place. The rock itself was a dark color, flat, and about the same circumference as a small wine bottle. Right smack in the middle of the rock was a hole going clear through to the other side.
Your jaw dropped. It was a hag stone. You had heard of them before but had never expected to ever find one naturally occurring. They were ridiculously rare and only formed under specific circumstances. Even though it seemed to be a bit silly, you mentally thanked the forest and the creek for giving you such a gift. “Lester!” you called out. “Come look at what I found!”
You ran over to him and dropped the stone into his palm. His eyes widened, his fingers running over the smooth surface, tracing the round hole.
“You found this in th’ creek?” he held the stone up to his face and peered through the hole curiously.
“Yeah! It was just sitting there,”
“Well I’ll be, I never seen anything like it!”
“They’re called Hag Stones! It's rumored they hold powerful magic, since they're only created through natural means,”
Lester hummed and pushed the stone back into your hands.
“That’s a real hell of a find y/n!” He smiled.
You palmed the rock, thinking for a moment. An idea popped into your head.
“Say Lester do you have any rope or string?” you asked.
He nodded and went to retrieve it from his pack. It was a small bundle of thin para-cord, stolen off some unfortunate tourist.
“Perfect!” you beamed.
Taking the loose end, you compared the length to your neck to gauge it, then took a small pocket knife and cut the rope. Looping one end through the hole in the rock, then tying both ends in a secure knot. Beckoning Lester to lean down, you looped the necklace over his head, leaving it to rest on his neck . He looked down at it and smiled.
“When Hag Stones are worn around the neck like this, they make the wearer pretty much immune to curses and bad luck. It’s even said that if you look through it, you’ll be able to see into the kingdom of the Fae Folk! And because we found this one in the forest, it grants you favor with the tree spirits!” you bit your tongue and blushed, realizing how silly and hippy-dippy you sounded.
“‘Course that’s just all legend, but it is still pretty though, and I think it suits you nicely.”
Lesters’ eyes widened, and he tried to lift the stone from around his neck. “I can't! Y-you need this more than me!”
You snatched his hands from the cord and laced your fingers in his, shrugging.
“You deserve it baby, you deserve to be protected. You deserve to be happy and loved too! I’m plenty safe with you and Jonesy around. It’s your turn to be taken care of,” you leaned and pressed your forehead against his.
Reaching up, you rubbed his cheek, surprised when your hand came away wet. Looking up you saw that he was crying.
“Oh, Lester? What’s wrong sweetie?” you wiped away the streams of tears with your thumbs.
“N-nothing I just-” he closed his eyes and let out a choked sob. His hands came to rest atop yours. “No one’s ever t-told me that, that i d-deserve to be happy and s-safe!”
He burrowed his face in your shoulder and sobbed. You stood and held him there, rocking back and forth while rubbing circles on his back in through his hair. His arms gripped you tight enough to hurt, but you didn’t mind. Even as you cooed and shushed him, anger bubbled behind your soothing tone.
You were furious. Furious at his parents for treating him like he didn’t exist, at Bo for bullying him constantly, and at Vincent too. Even though Vincent wasn’t as nasty, he still brushed Lester off like a horsefly that wouldn’t leave him alone. When Lester tried to talk to him, show him something, even just say hi, Vincent would always sign the same things.
‘I’m busy,’
‘Go bother Bo,’
‘Lester please, I have a headache, be quiet,’
It made your blood boil and your vision go red. Yeah sure, Vincents’ mute and can’t eat or smile without his deformity causing him pain. Bo was treated like the devil incarnate by his parents in favor of Vincents’ artistic talent. But they had the same fucking parents. The same fucking childhood. The least they could do is treat him like something more than a piece of dirt. Some days you wondered if they even cared about him.
You snapped out of your ire when Lester pulled you into a tender kiss, lower lip still trembling slightly. You pulled back and planted kisses all over his face, on his nose, chin, eyelid, everywhere. He devolved into a fit of wet giggles, his nose crinkling as your lips tickled his handsome features. He wiped his eyes again and looked you in the eyes lovingly.
“I love you, Y/N,”
“I love you too, Lester,”
You smiled and gave him one final kiss. He beamed. Taking the stone, he held it up to his eye, peering through the hole at you.
“Well hey! Would’ya lookit that! I’ve already found myself a fairy! And a mighty cute one at that!~”
You giggled and pushed him away bashfully. “Go pack up the rest of our stuff ya goofball!”
Following the river, you continued to look for stuff along the winding trail. You snagged a pretty decent haul, all things considered. Animal bones and carcasses and rocks and some jewelry left behind by a camper. Nothing really out of the norm for the pair of you, and things were going great.
That is until you realize too little too late, that the sun had all but set, and left you in the dark with no idea of where you are. You tried to follow the creek down back the way you came and kept following it. And kept following it, and….
“Lester? I don’t recognize any of this…”
You hoped that Lester would put on his brave act and reassure you that yes, Y/n. He knew the woods like the back of his hand and that you would be home in no time. You did not get that.
“Yeah, me neither, I don’ know where the hell we ended up. It’s too dark for me to read my compass an’ I left the flashlights at Ambrose ‘cause I didn’t think we’d be out past dark,” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone. “Ah, damn it’s dead! Knew I shoulda charged it before I left this morning! Did you bring yours?”
The lack of panic and fear in his voice made your skin crawl. How the hell is he so calm??? And no, you didn’t bother to bring your phone with you this time, not wanting to be annoyed with phone calls from work. Lester seemed to notice your mounting panic and quickly set about comforting you.
“Y/N! Y/n, dont be upset, we’ll be ok! You got me an' Jonesy here to protect you. I’m pretty sure that this creek leads to the main road, and we can follow the road back to Ambrose. You have extra food in that basket right?”
“Uh, yeah, treats for Jonesy, some apples and an extra sandwich I think, and we have water in the canteens still,”
“Alrighty then, If worse comes to absolute worse, we’ll make camp for the night in the forest. Then I can make a fire and we’ll head out in th mornin' when it’s light out, ok? Hey…” He reached out and put a hand on your shoulder. “We’re gonna be ok.” he said with an air of finality, putting you somewhat at ease and strenghtening your resolve.
You continued to follow the creek, holding hands so you wouldn’t get separated. You walked on for what seemed like hours, but eventually, you came across the road Lester talked about. You would’ve cried out for joy if you weren't so goddamn tired. You hadn’t realized how far you went into the forest. Lester stepped out into the middle of the road and looked towards the sky, looking for something. You stepped out and looked up with him. You gasped at the sight of the sky. You had never seen so many stars in the sky before. Well, that’s a lie, Lester took you stargazing often, but it still stole your breath every time.
“Fuck” he whispered under his breath. “It’s a new moon,”
“Why’s that bad?” you asked.
“Can’t tell which way east is, ‘least not very easily,” he muttered.
He scanned the sky further, peering at it with an intense stare. Even though you were horribly, horribly lost, you were happy to be able to spend time with Lester. A little bit of impromptu stargazing was also a plus.
“Jesus, you think after a while i’d start to remember to bring the flashlights, huh? Guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” He chuckled.
You reached out for Lesters’ hand again, squeezing it gently. He continued to curse under his breath before giving up on whatever it was he was looking for. “Y/N, I’m really sorry this turned into such a shitshow, I-”
“It’s ok pumpkin, shit happens sometimes. The only thing we can really do is try to do better next time,”
“Yeah, I guess,”
You both stood there staring at the sky, not knowing what to do or where to go from here. So you stood, and stared at the sky, in the middle of the road, like a couple o’ crazies.
You were so lost in thought that you didn’t notice the car approaching you in the road. A door slammed, jarring you out of your stupor. You rubbed your eyes, stuggling to adjust to the birghtness of the headlights. You heard a voice call out.
“Lester? Jonesy?” it was Bo, of all people, and he seemed to be somewhat concerned for once in his goddamn life.
“Yeah we are we, just got,” Lester was cut off, the worry vanishing from Bo in an instant once he realized you guys were ok.
“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!? IT’S ALMOST ONE IN THE FUCKING MORNING AND YOU GUYS SAID YOU WOULD BE BACK AT DAWN!!!” he roared. “You haven’t been answering your phone Lester, and YOU, for whatever fucking reason, decided to leave yours at home, what in the fuck happened?!?”
“We got lost,” Lester shrugged.
“Lost?” he hissed. “Fucking lost? Let me guess, asswipe didn’t bother to bring flashlights did he?” Bo asked you, sarcasm and venom dripping from his voice like sour honey.
He was about to launch into another bought of cursing, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Bo whipped around to face his twin, who signed something quickly. You couldn’t make it out in the darkness, but whatever he said, it pissed Bo off.
“Don’t you fuckin’ ‘Bo’ me, I’m tired of this lardass going ‘round ‘causin trouble!” He whipped towards you and jabbed his finger in your face. “And you! You-”
Something inside you snapped. You were exhausted, in pain, and flat out sick of everything.
“What?! I’m what Bo? I’m a worthless, good for nothin’ piece o shit? Huh? Just like your FUCKING BROTHER HUH?!?”
“Ya know what, now that you say it-” he smirked.
CRACK The air around you was still, and thick. Bo doubled over, trying to comprehend what happened. You clenched your jaw, refusing to show tears on your face, even as pain blossomed through your joints.
“Not another fucking word out of your goddamn mouth, Bo Sinclair, or so help me god I’m gonna be the one gluing your lips shut! Got it?” your voice quaked low and dangerous, and even Bo knew better than to try and talk back.
“The way you treat Lester is fucking shameful! The ONLY thing you seem to be good at is making people feel like shit, and I would fucking expect an ADULT MAN to have more emotional maturity THAN A FUCKING THREE OLD!!!” you felt your voice go shrill and high, warbling with rage.
And you!”
Vincent jumped and almost fell backward when you turned to talk to him. You could see his eyes wide with fear under his waxy mask. Good. You wanted this lesson to fucking stick.
“You have less spine than your fucking wax statues! If you had even an ounce self respect, you’d grow a pair and stop putting up with Bo’s bullshit! Or at the very least, you’d stop cowering in the basement being all sad and tragic and try to be invested in what Lester is trying to say rather than blowing him off with bullshit excuses because you can’t be FUCKED to give shit!!!”
You finally let yourself pause, catching your breath. You heard Vincent shifting his weight on his feet, and felt the eye daggers Bo was stabbing you with. “You three are brothers, so fucking act like it,”
And with that, you grabbed Lester by the hand and led him to Bo’s truck. Neither Bo nor Vincent seemed to make any move to follow you. Opening the driver’s side door, you let Jonesy hop up into the back. Noticing that the keys were still in the ignition, you pulled them out and tossed them to Lester. You slid into the passenger seat and let out a silent sigh. Christ, did your head fucking hurt.
You noticed that Lester seemed a bit anxious, but you could tell that he was happy that someone stood up for him.
You looked over at the twins just in time to see Bo smack Vincent's hand away.
“DOn’t fuckin’ touch me!” he growled.
“Bo, get in the fucking truck,” you hissed.
Vincent scrambled through the driver’s side door into the backseat. You exhaled through your nose, noticing that he chose the seat opposite of where you were sitting. Bo was a little late to the party, but you savored the humiliation of him having to crawl into the backseat of his truck.
Satisfied, you leaned against the headrest of your seat, trying to steady your breaths. The purr of the engine was a welcome distraction from the tense air around you. You must’ve fallen asleep at some point because the last thing you remember was Lester carrying you to bed. He gave you a kiss, whispering a gentle ‘thank you’ before you drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
Bo gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes.
“I cannot believe you are making me do this,” he mumbled.
“Please, Bo! I don’t wanna get yelled at again!” Vincent signed hastily.
Bo raised an eyebrow. “You really are a self absorbed prick, aren’t you?”
Vincent dropped his hands in exasperation before picking them up again. “Fine, It’s the right thing to do, and I’m a jerk just like you, now will you please-”
“Alright, alright,” Bo waved Vincents’ hands down.
He reluctantly got up from the couch and trudged up the stairs, Vincent tugging him along . Bo gently knocked on Lester’s bedroom door. Hearing a muffled ‘yes’, he opened it to see Lester standing near his dresser, putting his gear away. Y/n was fast asleep under the covers.
“She asleep?” He nodded his head towards your shape on the bed.
“Uh, yeah i think so, why?” Lester whispered.
“We need to talk,” Bo stated numbly.
“Oh...Uh, gimme a minuet,” he stuffed his pack in the wardrobe before following Bo and Vincent out into the living room.
Bo stood for a moment, shooting his twin a sour glare. He rubbed his forehead and inhaled sharply.
“I’m sorry,” he groused.
Vincent looked at him expectedly as Lester tilted his head in confusion. Bo let out a long-suffering sigh.
“I’m sorry fer always yellin’ at you and tellin’ you yer a piece a shit, ‘cause ya aren’t. I know that you don’t mean to forget things. The reason why I got so angry tonight was ‘cause I was so damn worried about you, but that’s no excuse. So, I’ll try and uh, ‘manage my emotional outbursts', his words, not mine” Bo nodded at his twin.
“What he’s trying to say is that we both care about you, and we’ve both been letting our emotions dictate how we treat you.” His hands hesitated slightly before continuing. “I...as much as would like to believe, I’m not any better than Bo just because I don’t yell at you. I’m self absorbed, and I need to be more self aware and not let myself get strung up over little things,”
Lester sniffed, wiping the tears that were forming on his eyelids. “You wax-heads, of course I know you guys care about me! Why else would you come looking for me at ‘one in the fucking morning’?” he snickered. “I do appreciate your apologies though...I know you an’ Vinnie ain’t got it easy, god knows you didn’t, I was there, but that was it. Just, there. A bystander. I can’t help but wonder if I had said or done something maybe-”
“Lester,” Bo interrupted. “What happened to me-what happened to us is not your fault, or your responsibility.”
“I figure, but the problem is I’m still a bystander now, here in Ambrose. I don’t ever take charge of anythin’, I just stand there and wait for one of you to tell me to do something. Heh...that’s not really useful, ain’t It? I want-I should be takin’ a more active role in the House of Wax, we all have our part to play, don’t we?” “You’re right, we all need to work together,” Vincent signed.
Bo rolled his eyes and huffed, shaking his head at Vincent.
“OOOKAYY, if this shit gets any sweetter im gonna have a heart attack and die!” Bo stood up to leave. “Goodnight,”
“Oh no, not so fast mister!”
Lester wrapped his arms around Bo and pulled him into a hug. Vincent was quick to hug him from behind, pinning Bo between him and Lester.
“Alrighty, I love you too...ok that’s enough you can let me go
“We're not lettin' go 'til you hug back~,” Lester sang out.
Vincent rested his head on Bo’s shoulder in place of making a sarcastic remark. Bo grumbled, throwing his arms around Lester, who in turn, squeezed Bo tighter.
“Hey! A Sinclair Sandwich! Ain’t had one of these in a long time,” Lester giggled.
“Happy now?” Bo muttered.
“Yeah,” he sighed.
Bo relaxed a little, allowing himself to sink into the physical affection. Vincent hummed happily in response, and Lester nuzzled into Bo’s other shoulder. Bo closed his eyes, and for a fleeting moment, believed that he was going to be okay.
-Mod Elith
#house of wax#lester sinclair#vincent sinclair#bo sinclair#lester sinclair x reader#fanfic#fluff#angst#angst with a hopeful ending#slasher#istg if lester doesn't stop being such a h i m b o im gonna have to get down on my knees and propose to him#i SWEAR to you this is not anti bo or vinnie#i love the sinclair brothers equally#I just reallt wanted to put the fear of god in bo#mod elith#i still don't know how to add tags when answering an ask on desktopadjskfhalhf
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Love 101 Scenarios
Recently I watched Love 101 (Aşk 101) and loved it. One of the things that I liked the most was Turkey’s landscape. I have seen Turkish TV shows before but none was quite simple and sea-like. Since I am writing a fanfic, I did some research. I am expert in Google Maps, thanks. If you want to use the GIFs I made is okay but credit me or tag me! Let’s go babies!
Istanbul, the historical heart of Turkey is divided by the Bosphorus (or bosporus). The Bosporus connects the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara. It has 19 miles (31 km) of extension. Işık spend her birthday there (aesthetic);.
Sinan’s house
In the first scene, when older Işık arrives Sinan’s house we can see it’s front.
And in some scenes we can see that the house is located by the sea, which is really beautiful (or depressing when he jumps in it).
In the TV show, Sinan’s house is near the Beylerbeyi ferry terminal. His dog is always there waiting for him. There are many restaurants and even a palace near! (Istambul is a historical city, so many places to visit, many palaces too ah).
But, in reality, Sinan’s house is located in Beykoz, 12 minutes by car from Beylerbeyi. Also, is near the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Köprüsü (bridge), coast side. While the Bosphorus has many bridges, this one appear every time in the background of the house frames. Is quite breathtaking. Look:
I think that his house is aesthetic haha, was made to represent the abandonment that he lives; he is in such beautiful place put feels so cold.
The intention is to make Sinan live in a good and well located place (read: nearest way to school) of the Bosphorus (Asian side) and make the series scenario appear old (1998).
To be fair, the ferry terminal that Sinan goes actually does not have a root straight to where he is supposed to be, that’s why it seems that the ferry is going sideways instead of cross the bosphorus.
The school is really far away from where the TV show put. Sinan would walk a lot if it was true. In the GIF you can see that the ferry name is Beşiktaş which can be more near to his school (like he has to take two ferries to get to school and walk a lot too, seems like a travel, nice).
Ortaköy Camii
In the second episode, after the meeting, the group drinks and have fun in a car (Kerem’s car). While passing a bridge, Eda says that when the two towers of the Ortaköy Camii align and you make a wish, they can come true.
Sinan lives in the Asian part of Turkey. The Ortaköy Camii is in the European side. Is strange that they pass in the bosphorus bridge (Temmuz Şehitleri Köprüsü) to the Asian side after having been in Sinan’s house. I guess it was just for the looks.
I made my wish, did you too? No? Do it now!
I recommend: Love 101 season 2! But you can ask for a happy life too.
The School
Also, the school is in the European side as well, the name is: Maçka Vocational and Technical High School (Maçka Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi) and located in the Maçka neighborhood. All the scenes inside and outside the school was settled there. Is a nice building.
After school they wander around the city and talk about the rock concert. This neighborhood is Ortaköy. It is located near the Bosporus bridge and the space near the water is reserved to pedestrians. That’s why the place is colorful and crowded.
When the group reunites for the first time, without Işık, Osman orders döner kebap that is like meat with wrapped in a thin flatbread, there’s many ways to do it. Also there is ayran, that is a drink based on iogurte. Lahmacum that’s like a turkish pizza. Every time they are visiting someone they accept or ask for a Ckolatali Sut that it is like chocolate milk; normally they offer a type of tea to visitors (is a way of being polite) And many others. Işık and Osman are to blame, they eat or do food all the time.
They have special shoes to the visitors use in home, the Terlik. When they are in Işık home you can see they using it (that’s maybe can mean that Sinan have a house not a home, because the normal habits don’t apply there or , maybe, is their free-society space).
Normally the laundry is done inside the bathroom, that’s why Sinan colapses near it when he got sick.
Turkey has a gold tradition. Woman like to be gifted gold things. Everyone really. That’s why the gold wristlet that Osman bought is passed hand by hand and everybody is like: oh, precious, let me give that to my future gf.
Are you hungry like me, now?
So, you liked it? I hope you enjoyed Love 101 and is waiting for more like me! Also, if you are Turkish or travelled to Turkey leave your thoughts here. Is really an amazing country and my quick research barely grasped it! Cheers <3
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Diary of A Star Crossed Lover Part 2
just a short series ...well not really a series...but still a series! , that ive been working on! there are a few series i’’ve had to put on hold as im just not feeling them right now, and i only want to put my best out for you to read! hope you enjoy this series as much as i have enjoyed writing it!
Pairing: Liam x Riley, Liam x MC
Summary: Liam dives into riley most inner thoughts and dreams...
Word Count: 2,655
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance!
Tags aren’t working so I will be tagging in the comments. Ive tried to tag everyone, please don’t hesitate to msg and let me know if i forgot to tag you!
June 14th
Dear Diary…
Here I am…sitting in the middle of a foreign country…Cordonia, When Maxwell appeared at my apartment and asked me if I wanted to come to Cordonia and compete for Liam's hand in marriage…I mean…is there really a choice in the matter…stay and be a waitress for the rest of my life…come and have the time of my life, with an amazing guy! I’ve never been one to shoot my shot or anything, but this is a once in a lifetime chance, Liam is Amazing, Exciting and extremely handsome, how could I possibly say no?
Love you Muchly…Riley x
Liam placed Riley's diary down on the table as Drake entered his office.
“Drake” Liam greeted him.
“Hey, I just came to see if we’re still on for Poker night tomorrow?”
“I’ll have to postpone for about 30 minutes but we’re definitely still on for it!!”
“alright, I just wanted to check, I’ll let you get back to whatever it was you were doing”
After Drake left, Liam lifted the diary again.
June 26th
Dear Diary,
After the derby and the picnic today, we all went out for cronuts, I can’t believe they’ve never tried them! getting to spend some time with Liam was amazing, even though there were others there, just getting to be with him outside of the court was just amazing. My heart just about jumped out of my body, when we were sitting in the café, and I felt his fingers brush my hand, then his hand linked with mine, he gave it a gentle squeeze then smiled when I looked at him. God I love his smile!
Love you Muchly…Riley x
Liam smirked as he turned the page over,
June 27th
Dear Diary,
Today we are heading to Lythikos, Olivia’s neck of the woods. She has the upper hand here; I need to be careful. Well that’s what Max said anyway…I kind of like Olivia, she’s a strong, bold woman…I cant fault her for that, I mean of course she could be a little nicer but, I think she and I could maybe get along one day.
The thing that scares me about this whole situation…is I’m falling in love with Liam…but it doesn’t matter…its all down to who he chooses, so we could get to the end of the social season and he chooses one of the other ladies…I feel like a prize to be won…I’m not sure how I feel about that… I’m no one’s trophy, and I know there’s no ill intent on Liam's part, but in the end…it’s his decision that’s going to either make or break my life…if I am the one he chooses, I become his wife, the countries queen! But if he chooses someone else, I go home, with nothing, just the embarrassment of going home, known as the “foolish” woman who followed a total stranger to a foreign country after spending a few hours together, hoping he would fall in love with her. I want to believe he will choose me, he has never given me reason to think he wouldn’t, but at the same time, I have to be realistic, I have only known Liam for a matter of weeks…
If it’s a choice of fear or hope…I think ill choose hope, hope that Liam is feeling the same amazing connection that I am, from the moment we met I felt some kind of magnetic pull towards him, and I know he felt it too…I don’t want to live in fear of what might possibly happen, I want to have hope…that he’s falling in love with me too.
Love you Muchly…Riley x
A frown found itself upon Liam's face as he reread the last entry, she was right…the ladies were basically put on a buffet table for him to take his pick of whoever he wanted… Riley had very rarely spoken about her thoughts if Liam wasn’t to choose her, was she really that scared that he wouldn’t and that’s why she didn’t mention it, or did she just have that much faith in him? he loved her from the minute they met, he would choose her over any woman in the world, without a pause for thought, it was always Riley, and he would spend the rest of his life, showing her, she was always the one, she will always be the one for him.
He turned the page over and began the next entry.
27th June
Dear Diary…
I’ve been here just about two weeks and my god, it is AMAZING! I mean, I wish I could spend so much more time with Liam but he says he has to spend time with the other girls too so it doesn’t look to obvious…I won’t lie, I won’t deny it…it makes me kind of jealous, I wish I could spend every day with that man, whenever I’m around him I just feel…free…I feel like I don’t have to hide anything, I don’t feel self-conscious, I don’t feel anxious, or nervous! He just makes me feel at peace. I’ve never felt so comfortable just being in a room with someone. We managed to sneak a kiss or two, I want to spend the rest of my life feeling the way his kisses make me feel. when Olivia kissed Liam…boy did my heart sink, I know he didn’t want to kiss her, he told me that himself, but seeing someone else kiss him just made me feel…some kind of way. He invited me up to his room after the ball, which I happily agreed to! I could never turn down more time with Liam. When I arrived at his room and he had lit candles oh my goodness, I don’t think ive ever had someone be that romantic…when I asked him and he blushed, my god! Liam and I spent ages in the hot tub, we kissed, we y’know…messed around a little bit and we had a real deep conversation about love, about life, Ive never seen him as relaxed than he was last night. Being in his arms…it just felt so right. When we got out of the hot tub and he made us hot chocolate to sit and drink Infront of the fire, its just turning 2am and I’m only just getting back, if I’d stayed any longer the two of us would have fell asleep, as much as we would have both loved that, it wouldn’t have looked very good anyone seen I was leaving Liam's room, in his clothes after spending the night with him then stayed over. Let it be known, if we could have…we would have.
Love you Muchly…Riley
Liam grinned as he remembered that night all too well. That night he spent with Riley was one of the best nights he ever had.
June 27th
Riley sat with her eyes closed, cuddled into Liam's chest, with his arms wrapped around her. The hot bubbly, steamy water keeping them warm on the cold night. Liam pressed a gentle kiss to Riley's head “Riley?” he whispered, as he gently ran his hand through her hair. “yeah” she replied
“What does Love mean to you?” Liam gently traced his fingers over her cheek as he looked down to see her so relaxed. Riley opened her eyes as she looked up at him, giving him the sweetest smile.
“Love means accepting you for who they are, and not wanting to change you. it means loving you and standing by you through the worst times. It means loving you even when you are in a bad mood, or too tired to do the things I want to do. It means loving you when you’re down, not just when you’re fun to be with. Love means, that I know you’re deepest secrets and do not judge you for them, asking in return that you do not judge me for mine, it means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love you enough not to let go, it means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly and hoping…just hoping that you feel the same way for me …I think Love is just a word…until someone comes along and gives it meaning, and when that someone comes along, Love becomes this…whole new adventure.”
“Riley…” Liam whispered with a smile as he leaned in placing the sweetest kiss on her lips, her fingers lacing through the hair on the back of his neck.
Not long later, Liam whispered, breaking the peaceful silence that the two had fell into.
“do you want to get some hot chocolate and we can sit in front of the fireplace?”
“that sounds like a great idea”
Liam climbed out of the hot tub, then offered Riley his hand to help her out. She thanked him as he lifted a towel and wrapped it around her, then got himself one.
“I don’t have any dry clothes Liam; I only have my dress”
“I’m sure I have something you can put on” Liam assured her. They made their way into Liam's bedroom; Liam went to his suitcase where he pulled out a t shirt and a pair of shorts.
“I hope these are alright for you”
“they’re perfect, thank you”
Riley moved into the bathroom where she changed out of her soaking undergarments and into the fresh, dry clothes then she made her way back into the bedroom. Liam was in a pair of grey shorts and a plain white t shirt; he was stood in his little kitchenette just finishing the hot chocolate. He brought them over to Riley, placing them on the floor beside where he had sat some cushions on the floor for them. Riley sat down, whilst Liam grabbed a blanket from the bed, he sat beside Riley, wrapping his arm along with the blanket around her.
The two spent the next while sipping away at their hot beverages.
By the time the clock hit 1am, there were two empty mugs, Riley sat cuddled into Liam's chest, drifting in and out of sleep. Whilst Liam sat running his fingers through Riley's hair, their legs entangled under the blanket that had made its way round to lay over their legs, Liam could barely keep his eyes open.
“we can’t fall asleep” he whispered as he held her that little bit tighter.
“I know…we’re just resting our eyes for a little bit” Riley smiled tiredly “I should head back to my room soon”
“I wish you didn’t have to; I could lay here with you all night”
“me too, but sadly it’s the way it has to be”
Liam nearly caved that night; it took everything he had in him to stop himself from just climbing into bed and falling asleep beside the woman he was falling deeply in love with. With a grin on his face just thinking about the night, he closed the diary over, then he got up and headed out of his office and down to the royal quarters. He always had this diary with him, every chance he got, he would read a page or two. He wanted to really understand how Riley felt through the whole social season and engagement to madeleine.
Liam had made plans to have dinner with Riley, well made plans as in, on the plane after they got engaged Liam told Riley, they would never have to eat dinner alone again, so every night since and every night going forwards the two had dinner together. Once Liam got to the apartment, he showered then changed into some more comfortable clothes before heading down to Riley's room where one of the staff would be bringing the two take out. Liam and Riley sat on the sofa, with the tv on in the background whilst they ate.
“so, I was thinking about wedding cake earlier” Riley stated as she put a shovel of Chinese noodles into her mouth
“really? You have something in mind?”
“Lemon cake…” she grinned
“that’s a great idea, I think it will go down really well with everyone!
“I was also thinking maybe we could go for a walk on the beach after dinner, if you don’t have any engagements that is”
“nope, I cleared the night, I would love to go for a walk on the beach with you”
After the two finished their food, they wrapped up and pulled their shoes on then headed down to Liam's car, with Bastian following closely behind in the SUV, they made their way to the beachfront.
“it’s so cold…but it’s so peaceful” Riley whispered, she squeezed Liam's hand as she cuddled into his side.
“so, I’ve been reading your diary” Liam whispered
“you have?” Riley grinned with a soft blush hitting her cheeks.
“I have, I wasn’t going to, I wanted to respect your privacy, but then…I wanted to fully understand what you went through, how you felt.”
“so how far have you got?”
“just earlier today I was reading about the night we spent in the hot tub in lythikos”
Riley smirked when he mentioned it. “one of the best nights I had, that was one of the first nights I felt truly connected to you, we had no interruptions, no engagements, he really talked and got to know each other a little better… just us”
“me too” he smiled as he squeezed her hand.
The two sat down on the sand, Riley sat between Liam's legs leaning back into his chest.
“do you have it with you?”
“your diary?”
“yeah” she smirked
“yes, I have it”
“we should read some”
“right now?”
“yeah right here, whilst we have peace and quiet”
Liam pulled the small book from the inside pocket of his jacket. He flipped the book open and began to read.
June 29th
Dear Diary
I had the best day at the beach, there was a sailing competition, then we spent the day on the sand, I got burnt to a crisp and I don’t even mind! Liam hates sailing, when he told me he only really takes part because his father’s love for boats is most important than his dislike for them! He is so selfless and kind…ive never met anyone that would put as many people before themselves as he does. He’s a really good man! What I did learn though, is my hopefully soon to be husband doesn’t like the taste of salt water, I’m not surprised!
Liam chuckled as he remembered his awful boat ride with Drake.
Today was the day Liam found out his father would be stepping down as king at the end of the social season, meaning, he would be choosing a wife and becoming king all at the one time. I really felt for him, his profession can’t be easy, being rushed into finding a wife, then being told he only had a few weeks before he would have the weight of the kingdom on his shoulders, it’s an extremely stressful situation and I hope I have shown him, that if he ever needs someone to just sit and listen or just distract him for a little bit, I will be there, no matter what.
Liam took me to the forgotten falls, my god it was absolutely stunning there, and the story behind it was just…wow! Two people forbidden from falling in love with each other…sounds all too familiar…though I’m sure Liam and I won’t let anyone get in our way. When Liam said he wanted us to take the leap of faith off the edge of the waterfall, I couldn’t say no!
When he kissed me in the water…my god, it was like no other kiss ive had before! Then he nearly said he loved me…god I wish he had…because I love him too.
Love you muchly…Riley x
#liam x riley#liam x mc#king Liam x mc#kingliam x mc#king liam of cordonia#king liam#riley x liam#king liam x riley#mc x liam#prince liam#queen riley#trh#trr#trr3#the royal romance#choices the stories you play#choices the royal romance#the royal romance fanfic#the royal romance au#choices#choices fanfiction#playchoices#choices app
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First thought: Homestuck^2 should've just been called Beyond Canon, and more people should call it that.
The 2 was put on for chuckles; HS trending the day it was announced with it being a sequel spoke enough about how such a thing shant be underestimated, and why Homestuck is ABSOLUTELY more than just our small twitter crowd (and the scrap of us still on tumblr). I say that because remembering the Beyond Canon part slightly reassures me about the fact that this is a fanwork that will do some weird shit, and things I don't agree with, but isn't something that I have to subscribe to enjoying all the way with how I engage with Homestuck.
Homestuck 2 is not the canon continuation. Homestuck 2: Beyond Canon, is an OFFICIAL continuation.
Not having it on such an important stool and as the only content we all are only allowed to digest should come from both people who obsessively dislike it, and people who defensively support it. If a character says they kick babies then I can say, hey that's weird, maybe not great writing, but I can pretend they don't in my content, and i dont have to send threats or call people cishet white men for it! and, it's an absolutely great thing that we were all encouraged to create our own ideas without anyone who's influenced us to do so squinting their eyes when we actually go through with it. Glad I don't have to put this story up to the expectations of being a sequel to a 11 year, worldwide IP that's shooketh the internet landscape since it's merely optional, Death of the Author persists, and ideas aren't just dominated and revolved around the perspective of a 1% in this entire fanbase.
That said.
As an OFFICIAL continuation versus a canon one, HS2 is ok. It certainly has that fanfiction vibe, and a story it wants to tell. I can't really tell what that story is since we have like, 10 sub plots rn though. There's not a real a clear indicator on where the focus of main conflict is that connects all these stories together.
I thought that the prose in replacement of Vriska's battle was jarring, but not teeerribly surprising for the format HS2 is going for. It's more so using drawings to compliment text versus Homestuck's usual of panels being side by side with visual importance, or even itself being the one compliment. It sorta feels weird tho that it brought old fans back in with art just for them to get sneered at when they get a bit upset that there won't be main staples of art known to progress the story forward.
Also people who mock people for “having to read homestuck” knowing there’s language barriers and struggling focus from those who’ve been use to something that was never so dense, are ridiculous.
Personally this could be solved by knowing how old flashes worked, having way more artists on the team, maybe even an art director if not already, and noting that we're not asking for the next Cascade. Rome wasn't built in a day, but Rose Ride sure was, and Homestuck’s animation is absolutely not the same as a 12-24 framed 12 minute cartoon. That, or just snuff the illustrative art as a whole since it's very clear on where the focus is.
I’m sure you’re not here trying to see my opinions on how the outer workings are though, versus plot.
Uuuuh, let's see. Yiffy's still a name I don't care to use until I eventually get tired of any of my art that do not show up in tags. This is fine and not as offensive as people are saying it is. Minors who want to cosplay this character don't have to call themselves this character. Not wanting to be one letter away from accidentally entering a very NSFW space of twitter is fine. Also the lot of people call Tavros, Tavvy.
I hope Kanaya's anger at being cucked is actually seen versus being implied through fan guesses and another character having to say she was.
Roxy needs to be more of an involved character. Where are they during all this?
Jane should have a mention of her relations to HIC being a main/bad influence on her current parallels to Alternian dictatorship.
The PRE-RETCON GROUP should have a fun one-shot update for fans who like them, since they oughta be around if they fell through the ghost hole. Most of them. The sprites that aren't Jasprosesprite should also show up too, since they're around.
Aaaaaand I think we should be extra careful going into the future when it comes to the alien rebellion. It's weird that a lot of the writers are white and toy around with concepts that can be a not so great parallel to racism. Currently not great timing rn! If the characters are going to remain aracial, but with them still doing not much to reference other non-white earth cultures or getting new hair cuts that have different textures (looking at you, Rose), we shant make the species with actual biological benefits a racism commentary. the xeno joke at least had a play on words. If any writer has happened upon this then a, please don't get mad at me again haha, and b, consider having more black writers or directional assistance on your squad. You know who they are.
In the future. I casually want the ghost from the Dream Bubbles to be shown since it's a big elephant in the room to not have a single one of them in the bg despite a load of them appearing from the ghost whole. Don't gotta give them speaking lines, especially the dancestors. I personally don't know if I want that right now.
I also hope in the future that we don't get HS content that is only going to revolve around HS2, if it's optional enough to engage with without being the only option. That's why PQ could ended a bit better for me, and why I hope it's not the main thing that's keeping Hiveswap on the backburner. I don't think it's farfetched to consider that multiple HS content could come from more than just one team; to relieve work load, but to also strengthen the idea that Homestuck can be a various amount of perspectives when it comes to the ideas fans have. The most dedicated fans leading the direction of the story is not just a handful of them. If anything, at least acknowledge the massive ass fan projects going on once in awhile to showcase the different avenues.
"Hey Cro, you sure have bitched about this alot. Do you have anything good to say? Why don't you stop reading if you hate it so much!"
Not every comment needs to be golden, love. Again, some of these decisions I eck at, but ultimately they're just words on a computer that I'm not holding anyone at gun point to do, and I'm curious to see how the story handles itself going forward, since again, it's just a fanwork. Sometimes I wish to not only see where the plot goes, but to see a writer's craft in action.
Good Things:
The Art. Again, please have more artists. It'd help so much, especially since the main one is also double timing for VE. That said, HS2 sticks out to me because of the way the color composition is used. Aside from hair and other tiny things, I haven't seen black used a lot, which makes colors pop. It's really nice to look at. I hope we get more sharper styles of character in the future, since it builds on nostalgia and makes the trolls feel much less like they're from Repiton, but I can deal with it for the most part. I also like that one panel where the omega kids and vriska are talking in the dark room, and based on where they're standing, the text aligns. Tasty as hell.
Meat and Candy still do hold neat logic in the direction the stories go. Candy, while it could be more tasteless in some areas, is chaotic and too much of a good thing. Meat is having something a little more straightforward, though I'm not sure quite yet where it's going. I always found Candy to be the part of the epilogue that actually entertained me the most, from how much of a surreal Robot Chicken skit at 3am it felt. Sometimes the jokes slapped real nice and made me wonder, going in, how is this monkeys paw gonna play out and, hopefully, make people laugh or smirk like they got a good roast at themself?
The slightly episodic feel of each update is what I wanted from the Epilogues, so it's interesting to see that play out when it comes to switching different perspectives.
The bonus updates get points for featuring characters that a lot of us have been wanting to see for ages.
Hopefully this isn't unpopular, but I think the tension of Yiffy's introduction was nicely composed and written (ignoring some of the things I wish for Jane). It leaves you with enough want to see what'll happen next time. You could also say that despite her growling and making a lot of noise, it's not actually bad writing: I see it as the audience being forced to see her in the same perspective that Jane see's her; a dog. Upon no context we're seeing the same thing while knowing things are obviously off, and once we see this character in a new environment where their personality shines, it'll have a bigger impact her own character being humanized. So I like that.
Okay, I think that's all I got. I improv wrote most of this; hopefully I won't be taken out of context since I don’t think that HS2′s writing should ultimately be a judgement of the writers as people, nor treated as if they should hold the same unhealthy work environment that Andrew forced himself to do when writing the og comic. And I'm still like, donating to the patreon and everything, lol.
[runs away]
edit: i was going to put the cw as another positive thing for the comic...but...yeaaaah.
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I hate to be That Guy but I feel like the interaction with Dave {or whatever the thing in Hell is} was leading up to something. It's likely too early to ask for elaboration but I have no impulse control and not enough dopamine so I'm going to not so vaguely indicate that I want to see more if there is more to see. If there has to be a cast perhaps Mangle, Toy Chica, Ballora and of course Springtrap. If it isn't that deep, I'm sorry I wasted your time! Have a good whatever time you read this at.
(Absolutely be That Guy™, I LOVE That Guy™! Though frankly, I feel like you’re overhyping this, while I do have a bit of story around, it’s no good. Ah, whatever, there’s only like- 35 more days of this stuff, so it doesn’t matter if I write myself into corners. All these drabbles are EXCLUSIVELY written with zero brain, but still, thank you very much for that request. While I would LOVE to make a drabble with that cast, because it’s a fun one that crawls into your office directly, it wouldn’t be that lore heavy. So instead these people are just going to be cameos. Also, jumping forward in time by a fair bit Warning for a fair bit of torture!)
Time didn’t work right here. Time passed, but it didn’t. Not at all. He was allowed to drink and occasionally eat in the saferoom, but… Everything that would be an temporal indicator was gone. No natural light, no physical change coming from this body- At least he was still breathing and bleeding, but that didn’t make it much easier to define the timeframe he was in. Over and over and over. The night started over and over and over. He was growing more and more sick of it. The only interesting thing left… … was dying. It gave him the chance to talk to the animatronics- and to get to know the someone who was behind this place. The one he shouldn’t have killed. It was such a peculiar title. So pompous, it must have been made up by a child. But who the hell could that be?! There had been too many kids. The only really noteworthy ones being Lucas and Charlie. Yet it didn’t see like they were here- A meeting with the Marionette had been enough to prove as much. The day the words “I don’t hate you” came from the dangly creature’s mouth was the day he would simply vanish from the universe. And Lucas? Lucas was too kind, too hesitant- he had preserved his gentle nature, fighting only when absolutely necessary. There was no way he would create an entire torture location. Hell, he had even tried to ask Scott, but he refused to talk about it. All he guaranteed was that it wasn’t him. No, no, it had to be a kid- everything about this place told him that. He knew how kids worked and what they liked. A baddie that attacked you killed you within a second just because you didn’t watch his show? Ludicrous. And no, he wouldn’t talk about Toy Freddy. Some of the animatronics had nothing of interest to say- But many did. The real bothersome point that had been standing out to him was how… actually friendly the machines were. Yes, they HURT him, but they called him a friend, cracked jokes and their attacks oftentimes seemed like mere petty retaliation… as if they didn’t really meant for any permanent harm. In a world where nothing left permanent harm, their retaliations became rather vicious. An exception were the nightmares, but it seemed to be in their nature. Henry made notes where he could, as well as getting used to their method of attack and torture. It was a double win- … … yet he hated it. It frustrated him to have to invite some of them in. It felt filthy. Death was something intimate. If someone killed you, there should be some sort of purpose, some sort of connection there. It was another mark you could leave on a person. There was something appalling about offering your body, regardless in what way. At least to him. Alas, his blood was the only currency still existing in this world and at least he got to pick and choose when he would be torn to pieces, most of the time. By now he had become good enough. Good enough. Barely. Impatiently he clicked his nails on the table, quickly putting on the mask as the room started flickering. Toy Chica peeked through his eyeholes, grinning. “… and? Who has the honor today, Henryyyy?” “Not you.” “Aw! How unfair!” She pouted, looking out of the doors, trying to spot Ballora, who both of them could hear moving in the back. “We had sooooo much fun last time! What? You want Ballora to-“ “You testing out your cannibalistic fantasies is not my definition of fun, dear. And no. I need to talk to someone else.” “Pft.” Pouting she moved away, slinking back into the vent on the ground. “Fine! Have fun I guess. Better not let me catch you without the mask! Because if I get to win, I get to win, no exceptions.” “There will be no problems with that.” Henry quietly sighed, taking off the old mask. It wasn’t even a Fredbear mask. For some reason it was one of the most disappointing things about this place. Ballora drew close and he carefully closed the door on her, trying not to interrupt her routine too much. Nothing ruined a good melody like the sound of stomping doors. Today he wasn’t worried about the power running out. It all stopped once one of them entered. Everything stopped once one of them entered. A rule. Many rules. And none of them made much sense. Again his nails tapped on the table, anxious and almost angry. Mangle was probably already caught in a vent-snare… … but William took far too long to get here. William. Dave. Davetrap. Never mind that. Finally, the bemused mask of the rotten bunny appeared in the vents, staring down at him. “… having fun?” “… Dave. Good to see you.” Henry stared up to him. “We need to talk.” “Eh… I dunno…” Playfully Dave began crawling back inside. “I’m not in the m-“ “You can come in.” Instantly he had ALL of Dave’s attention, even though he wished he didn’t. It was always a little uncomfortable to see William overly excited, and usually he knew what exactly it was about at least- he wasn’t sure about this one. He wouldn’t put it past William to be elated over the chance to hurt him. Without repercussions. “Really?” His one ear twitched as he stared down, transfixed. Predatory animals, with two of their eyes in front. Human always have been predator and prey at once and Henry had known it from the very beginning, he had seen it in himself and others. It was merely more apparent in William specifically, him and his unstrained behavior controlled by nothing but instinct. “Really.” And yet still- this place was a hellish mess and his mind was just as much of one- it reminded him of back then, when William was utterly excited about an event. ‘Is it actually happening? Really?!’ Really. Pleased Dave laughed, loudly. An ugly laugh when you were on the receiving end. “I told ya, Henry. I told ya you’d do it.” “… you know me well.” Quietly he watched Dave move out, swiftly and nimbly- “… and you seem to know this place too.” “Is that why ya let me in?” “… not only. But I might as well ask you while you are here, correct?” “Hm.” His eyes wandered over Henry’s body. Probably wondering which limb he should separate from his body first. Henry shuddered. Dave got comfortable in front of the office table, smiling. Everything else had gone quiet, the power not even being visible anymore- But the timer was. Midnight. Putting his feet on the table and leaning back on the little chair that he had gotten from who-knows-where, the cyborg grinned.”… alright then! I was worried you’d might be disappointed, since I don’t know anythin’ about this place!” “You do not?” “Nah.” “… then how did you get here?” “Uhhhhh, probably for the same reason you’re here?” “… but you did not DIE.” “I didn’t?” Frustrated the Pink Guy leaned back too, taking a deep breath. This wasn’t going anywhere. “… what is the last thing you remember?” Cheerfully Dave giggled. “I don’t remember anything! Never had any memory! Head empty!” Henry wasn’t stupid enough to believe that. Dave liked messing with others- play-pretend stupidity that was aided by his genuine habit of being rather emotional- but they had spent far too much time together to have that work. “… I know you are lying.” Instantly the mood changed, even if Davetrap didn’t change the slightest bit about his pose. “Ah! Ya do? Or do ya just think ya do?!” Again he snickered. “Either way. I don’t know anythin’ that could be useful for you.” “Maybe I am not out for anything useful? Maybe I am simply worried about you and how you have gotten yourself into a suit?” Dave laughed, loudly, but Henry continued. “… do you need my help to get out of it?” “No.” It was cold. And Henry responded in kind. “… see that is how I know you are not down here for the same reason as me. So why are you here? Why would the one I should not have killed brought you here…? After all- you and me, we most likely killed him together.” Tilting his head slightly, the other guy inspected him and for a moment Henry tensed up, expecting to be attacked- but Dave simply relaxed, changing his pose, allowing his legs dangling over the side of the chair. “Hey, Henry! Did ya miss me?” All smiles and ice cream. “… it seems pretty lonely and borin’ in this office. And it feels like we haven’t talked in a long time…” For a moment the Pink Guy stayed quiet, watching the other one, who continued. “We’ve done so much fun stuff together! This place might not be all that bad if we stick together, right?” He paused. “That of course only means anythin’ if ya WANT to spend time with me. If ya miss me when I’m gone. So. Did you?” Slowly Henry stretched his fingers. “… of course I missed you, Dave.” Both of them watched each other, the air prickling. Then, once more, Dave was laughing again. “That’s why I like you, Henry. You can do such pretty things with your mouth and mind. Sayin’ JUST the right things. I always love when you talk to me. Or about me. Everything you say is like a charm, making things so much better than they actually are. The thing is- Henry- with a gift like that, I can’t ever know if ya MEAN it.” Leaning in, Davetrap inspected him, his big, white eyes almost all-consuming. “… if ya missed me, how come you’ve spent time with anybody but me recently? Ya invited plenty of people into the office. Despite knowing I was the one asking POLITELY for it.” Ridiculous. … yet Henry had to play along. “Please, remain calm my friend. I was talking to them first, because I was gathering intel. Last time I was not informed enough, and you seemed… displeased. Was I incorrect?” It was amazing how much emotion this mask could still show. Just below the rotting maw, the little shine, a grin and not a fun one, judging by how it didn’t reach his eyes. “You have an excuse for everything, don’t you Henry?” “Or perhaps I am simply being genuine and elaborate on my feelings and decisions as you ask me. You on the other hand seem rather hostile today. Would you like to explain why you are so aggressive towards me?” Both of them looked at the other, and while they couldn’t walk in that perfect circle that pacing and threatening humans always seem to fall into, their bodies still conveyed the same. Then, once again, Dave tilted into the other direction, his large ear following suit, smiling. “Aggressive? I ain’t aggressive, Henry! I’m just curious! Quit bein’ so tense all the time!” Slowly losing his patience, Henry rubbed his temples. “Okay, then. I do believe you are at least partially real. But logically you must have arrived from a different timeline than me, one where you died and got put into a suit. Why would you be so mad at me however?” Standing up from his chair, Dave slowly moved over, as Henry turned as far to the side as he could to keep an eye on him. “Ya need a massage, Henry.” “You know I dislike to be touched.” “Welp, is it MY fault you’ve made yourself so tense that you now need a massage?!” Offended the animatronic stopped, leaning down to him. Smelling like oil and peppermint. “Ya really should let me do what’s best for ya.” That WAS a threat. … at least if this thing snapped his neck, it would be quick, painless and unpersonal. Slowly and quietly Henry breathed out. “… alright then, Dave. Please continue.” Yet, even if he had made the agreement, didn’t mean he wasn’t nervous about it. When the fuzzy fingers touched his shoulders he almost jumped, drawing another, somewhat sadistic chuckle out of his former friend. “It’s funny to see ya like this.” “I live to entertain.” Yet another chuckle. “… ya sure do.” The fingers starting massaging, digging themselves into and against the muscles causing Henry barely anything else but pain. Sure- him tensing up his shoulders didn’t help at all, but he couldn’t react any other way, the impulse to tense up was simply bypassing his brain. The other man behind him was simply humming his favorite melody. In the hall of the mountain king. “… remember when I taught you how to play it?” Trying to relax Henry began reminiscing. “Hmmm… yeah! That was fun! I dunno why people didn’t try to teach me an instrument before that, I think I would have really loved learnin’ it. Good that I met you!” “Indeed. Good that you met me.” … there was discomfort, a genuine feeling of worry. Fear? Was this fear? A fear not caused by the direct expectation of physical harm, but instead by- By what? He was probably just- not really comfortable with the thought of not having William in his grasp anymore. William was like him- and that was why he liked and why he despised him. Whatever came into William’s head, he would do and there was nothing Henry could do to prevent it. Part of him would be somewhat relieved if Dave just- murdered him right here and fast. … giving up so early wasn’t really his thing however. “Will- Dave.” “Yeah?” The guy was still squishing and mushing away at Henry’s shoulders, seemingly not caring THAT much about actually relaxing his friend. “What’cha want?” “… I only wanted to ask… do you like it here?” For a minute or so Dave paused, really thinking about it. “It ain’t the worst. I get to play with ya, no fuzz, no more havin’ to try and shut down Freddy’s or kill kiddens.” Slowly his focused back on Henry, his next words deliberate. “… don’t ya think so? Immortality and animatronics, what’s not to love? Sure, the torture is a lil’ sucky, but hey, ya said you’d do ANYTHING to become immortal.” Something scraped over the back of Henry’s mind. Was Dave being manipulated to comply? Sold a false image of perfection? … or was he simply trying to torment him, trying to fool him into thinking that he ever asked for this? Either way. Leaning back, Henry tried to look at him, choosing his next words carefully. “… while I appreciate my robotic works being with me and having no reason to fear death- I do dislike the repetitive loop at the unending threat of pain. I feel… bored. Do you not sometimes wish for variety?” “Everythin’ is a loop, Henry. Ya gotta be happy with the loop you get stuck in.” “… you need more ambition, Dave. Accepting and endless repetitive cycle is almost as low as accepting death. There is no perfection to be found in remaining with the same variables.” Dave sighed and retracted his hands, causing Henry to sit up straight. “It’s fine. It’s fine. You’ll never be happy.” “Excuse me?” “… what would ya still want, Henry? What is it that you’re lookin’ for right now?” “I-“ Shortly Dave leaned over to check the clock. “Whoops! Five AM.” Pleased he turned his head to Henry, who had stood up as well, trying to get some distance between them. “Ya know the rules! I’m inside, I gotta… keep ya busy. Give you a bit of a slap around.” “You will hurt me.” Henry’s voice was blank. He wasn’t really surprised. But the Springbonnie just shrugged. “Oh, well- I never said I wouldn’t. I said I’d help ya. Which I will!” Taking out his array of tools, from within the damaged parts of the suit. Of course Henry was familiar with them. Acid spray, a tool with sharp edges to scoop anything out, knives, a tool to part the tissue when needed- Cleaning. Disinfecting. Getting out an infestation. The psychopath was giggling to himself, as he sat the things down, Henry suppressing his desire to run away with all his strength. No point to it. It only would serve to make him look pathetic. More pathetic than he already was, in this senseless situation. “Ya know, I’m really happy I get the chance! Ya said ya were the Lord of the Flies… but you gave me the tools to get all the crawlers out. What will happen to ya? Will you be purified? Or simply emptied completely? Do ya think hell is there to make people into better versions of themselves?” No answer. He sighed, signing towards the chair. “Sit down again, Henry. I’ll make sure ya won’t die! Not even for a moment. You will see this procedure through to the end…” No escape. He knew the procedure. The body needed to be cut open, like an autopsy. This would lead to plenty blood going everywhere- William had never been a surgeon. Too impatient, too jumpy, too- careless. But after all, he didn’t try to put it back together- he wanted to clean it, fast and efficient. The stomach and intestines were first, cut open and then the lining was being scooped off. The stomach had nerves. Some of the rest of the organs thankfully didn’t. Eyes too, eyes had to go. The tongue as well- and then acid would be pushed up the nose, letting it sit there, Dave believing it would clean out the brain before he would have to drill into it. You would have to deal with less of a swarm exiting the brain like that. But before that? Heart and lungs. William was obsessively exact and radically reliable in how he did this section. He believed he had to be. There were no bugs crawling, no insects nesting in pockets of rotting flesh. But Henry doubted William cared. Nor did he himself care, as the all-consuming pain purged thoughts first- And mercifully, eventually, the life itself too.
#henry miller#Henry in hell#Dave Miller#Sometimes I forget that the one one-shot I wrote about Dave and Henry was semi canon#And then I write them interacting again and go 'wait why does it all sound like flirting'#Also Henry has such a fun view on getting killed every time I remember it I lose it again#god I'm tired I wrote this on four hours of sleep maximum be gentle everyone
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Happy Holidays Everyone! I started making these yearly playlists in 2001 as an attempt to connect with friends in the wake of 911. It was just before the dawn of ITunes, and way before social media. We were not in touch like we are today. I burned dozens of individual cd’s one at a time, printed up customized jewel case covers and snail mailed them all out. It was an annual month-long labor of love. Over the past few years, streaming music has made it much easier and faster to compile and distribute, and frankly much more fun. I still look forward to putting the playlist and blog together and sharing it with all of you. Particularly this year as it gives me a chance to connect with so many friends I haven’t seen in quite some time. It was a tremendously challenging year for all of us. I was grateful to have had my family here in LA the entire time, we remain healthy and well. The west coast Herzogs know just how lucky we have been. The next year will not be without its own challenges, but I'm hopeful we are able to move past this pandemic and the exhausting events of the past 4. More than that, I look forward to seeing each and every one of you in 2021. Until then, be safe, be well, and be good to one another. Enjoy the music.
ox peace, dh
Los Angeles CA. December 2020

Khruangbin - Time (You And I) Don’t ask me to pronounce the name of this eclectic trio from Texas, but this dubby disco tune had me returning to its chilled out groove often during the last few decidedly “un-chill” months. Dreamy and funky, the groove takes me back to NYC’s early 80′s club scene and Ze Records releases from the likes of Kid Creole and Coati Mundi.

Anderson .Paak- Lockdown Scenes from the front, June 2020

Bill Withers (1938-2020)- Use Me The legendary Bill Withers left the playing field at the top of his game in the early 80′s, hardly heard from again. And while he didn't pass from Covid, his healing pop hymn Lean On Me seemed to be everywhere as people found music to help them cope with the challenges of the pandemic. Withers left behind a legendary and enduring group of hit songs that moved easily from soul to folk to pop, not to mention the subtle rolling funk of this one.

Black Pumas- Fire Strong debut from an unlikely Austin duo that garnerd both buzz and grammy nods. The critics are calling it “psychedelic soul”. Not quite sure that nails it, but like the artists coming up next, they’re carving out new ground while drawing inspiration from classic sources.

Gabe Lee- Babylon

Marcus King- Wildflowers and Wine

Charley Crockett- Welcome to Hard Times
Three artists that are literally changing the face of Country and Americana music. Soulful, authentic and diverse, reaching back for inspiration but always looking forward. If you like this sort of stuff they are all worth checking out. Each album is filled with quality songs.

Low Cut Connie_ Private Lives Philly’s Low Cut Connie are back at it with a double album that plays like the soundtrack to a boozy night at your favorite bar. Sweaty, funky and not a little bit messy. If Peter Wolf and Bruce had a kid it would be this blue eyed soul boy. Adam Weiner grew up in the shadow of the Jersey shore and can't help but have a bit of that E Street hustle.

Willie Nile- New York at Night One of New York’s beloved adopted son’s dropped this love letter right into the jaws of a battered metropolis driven to its knees by the pandemic. It was heartbreaking to listen as the “city that never sleeps” came to a full stop. Somehow I still found myself coming back to it, imagining night’s ahead, when NYC is back on its feet and I’m roaming its streets. Looking for music, a beer, or maybe just a slice, and fueled by the irreplaceable energy and promise of the greatest city on earth.

The Long Ryders- Down to The Well Americana pioneers the Long Ryders reunited last year for a surprisingly solid album. This single sounds like it could have been recorded during their 80′s heyday featuring their trademark Byrds like jangle and harmonies, but the lyrics mark this song as unmistakably 2020.

The Speedways- Kisses Are History UK power pop outfit reach back to the the 60′s on this sweet slice of retro pop perfection.

Billie Joe Armstrong- That Thing You Do
In the early days of the pandemic we had all our kids (+ a significant other) at our house for a few months. It worked out great and we were luckier than most. The biggest issue was keeping enough food, weed and wine around. There were some great nights with amazing meals, followed by gathering around the TV together. We re-watched The Sopranos, binged Billy On The Street, and revisited some of our favorite movies. One night we went back to a old family favorite, Tom Hanks’ underrated love letter to the one hit wonders of the post Beatles era, That Thing You Do! I’ve seen the movie several times and it never fails to please. A true feel good film and a perfect Kodak snapshot capturing a simpler time in American pop culture.
While we watch the unlikely chart topper’s The Oneders fizzle as fast as they rose to fame, its not really the point. The movie is really an old fashioned love story. Playing like a perfect hit song you can listen to over and over, full of both hooks and heart. I always thought the title track, written by Fountains Of Wayne leader Adam Schlesinger (who we lost to Covid), brilliantly captured the British Invasion sound every group wanted after The Beatles stormed America. Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong must agree. During the pandemic he cut an album’s worth of cool covers including a faithful version of this one.

Gerard Way (W/Judith Hill - Here Comes the End A tale of discovering music in 2020: Heard this on a Netflix trailer for the series The Umbrella Factory. Turns out it is performed by Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) who also writes the comic book the series is based on. (got all that?) He’s joined on this searing garage/psych rave up by the talented and versatile Judith Hill doing her best Merry Clayton.

Hinds- Spanish Bombs I’ve been following this Madrid based, all female outfit of punky garage rockers for a few years now. I think they are pretty great. This track, recorded for a Joe Strummer tribute bursts with an unbridled joy the stone faced and politically minded Clash could never muster. I bet Joe would love it though

The Secret Sisters- Hand Over My Heart Have enjoyed their harmonies for some time now. This one gives me vague Wilson Phillips vibes and I don’t really mind.

Tame Impala- Breathe Deeper I know I’m supposed to like this guy, all the cool kids do, I’ve even seen the band at Coachella. Over the years very little of the music has stuck to me, but the pandemic offered a bit more free time to dig into this funky dubby, chilled out jam, and it stuck with me. Not to mention that 2020 was all about deep breaths.

Ledisi (feat.Corey Henry)- What Kind of Love Is That Ledisi is back with some slinky, sultry R&B and jazzy vocals

Dinner Party- FreezeTag An R&B/Jazz collective featuring Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper, 9th Wonder and Kamasi Washington use sweet soul on heartbreaking and all too familiar tale..

Toots and The Maytals- Time Tough I’ve written an awful lot about my love for Reggae over the years. Right after Bob Marley kicked the door down for me, Toots showed me around the house. Ska, rock steady, and roots. He was true reggae royalty and sadly we lost him to Covid, just after he released what would be his last album. Check my Toots tribute blog and playlist.

Mungo’s Hi Fi- The Beat Goes SKA! These clever UK roots reggae collective never fail to surprise. This kitschy Sonny & Cher cover managed to make me smile every time I heard it. No mean feat in 2020

Stone Foundation (feat. Durand Jones)- Hold on To Love Frequent collaborators with Paul Weller (he appears on a track on the album), Stone Foundation are back with another batch of their UK soul revival stylings. This one features Durand Jones ( of Durand Jones & The Indications) on vocals and some great reggae style horns at the top.

The Pretenders- You Can’t Hurt A Fool Can’t resist a good torch song, especially sung by the smokey voiced Chrissie Hynde. Was kind of shocked at how many good songs were on this album.

Shelby Lynne_ Don’t Even Believe in Love Sultry country soul and one of her strongest albums in awhile.

Jaime Wyatt- Neon Cross Outlaw country has a new bad girl. And in case you didn’t think she was serious, she enlisted producer Shooter Jennings (and his mom Jessi Colter on one track) to help make her point.

Daniel Donato- Justice 25 year old guitar prodigy call his music “cosmic country”. Ok, now I’m listening. You should be too.

The Jayhawks- This Forgotten Town 30 plus + after their debut this Twin Cities alt country group led by founding member Gary Louris continue to deliver. They find their inner Neil Young on this one.

Lucero- Time To Go Home God I wish I was in a bar right now listening to this, even if I might be crying in my beer.

John Prine (1946 -2020)- Lake Marie We lost so many this year, but this one really stung. A true American songwriting treasure, who was still making great music against all odds right up to his untimely passing. His songs are known for their simplicity, and economy of words. but this one goes against the grain. I’m still not exactly certain what it’s about. Sorrowful and haunting, yet somehow uplifting and redemptive. I heard him perform it live here in Los Angeles a just over a year ago and it has stuck in my head ever since. There is surely a place in heaven for the great John Prine. He sang about it on his final studio album in 2018. Ironically it became the last song on his last record.
Thanks for making it this far....
***Play the entire songs/20 Spotify playlist HERE!***
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Survey #296
“reality’s a plague; we’re the medication”
How are you doing in this time of COVID19? Do you personally know anyone who is not taking COVID19 seriously? Tired of it. Don’t see an end to it. I know a bunch of dumbasses who don’t take it seriously at all. What do you think of TikTok? Have you jumped on it yet? Why or why not? I don’t have an opinion on it. What hobby or interest of your significant other do you have ZERO interest in? What about something you actually think might be fun or something you actually picked up thanks to them? If you don’t have an SO, you can think of a relative or friend as an example instead. No s/o, sooo I’ll use best friend instead. Tbh I can’t say I have ZERO interest in anything she likes… If it makes her happy, I’m thankful for it. To answer the second half, she definitely got me into Wings of Fire. Have you ever felt affected by the death of a celebrity or public figure? If so, who? Do you remember when you found out and what was your reaction to it? Steve Irwin comes to mind very quickly. I remember exactly who told me and where I was. I was heartbroken. He was my childhood hero. Did you ever get called horrible names like whore, skank, bitch? I’ve been called a bitch. I remember one occasion as a kid where I was called fat for breaking a swing, even though I was a normal size. The swing was just old. It affected me though, for sure. Where did you sleep last night? My bed. Ever slow danced with anyone? Yes. Who is the last person to send you a message on Facebook? The woman I took pictures for a few weeks back. She’s a sweetheart. Have you ever been given roses? Yeah. Ever been called babe/baby? Yeah. Who was the last person to smoke something other than a cigarette or weed in front of you? No one’s ever smoked anything else in my presence. Does anything on your body hurt? My knees. They pretty much always do. Who is your favorite family member on your mom’s side? My uncle Rob. Who was the last person you were under a blanket with? Sara. Which of your friends is the most likely to get pregnant right now? I feel like all of them that are “likely” literally are pregnant right now lmao. My Facebook is like a new pregnancy announcement once a week, it seems like. Have you ever been called prince/princess? Ew, no. Have you kissed anyone when you’re single? No. Have you ever kissed someone who was in a relationship? Nooo, I have no interest in being “that person.” What would you call your body type? Let’s not think about this. Has anyone ever hacked your accounts before? Yeah. Could you ever be friends with someone that broke your heart? I don’t think I could. Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake? I don’t believe so. Have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting or any kind of abuse at home? My parents fought all the time. Separated when I was… 17, I wanna say? Have you ever had any volunteer jobs? Ha. Attempts, anyway. Both were animal-related, and I was so excited to become a regular helper, but my weak-ass body couldn’t handle either. Has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you? I never actually thought of it this way, but yes. Flirting like that was absolutely cheating. Describe how you feel about your life in the past month using one word: Stuck. Are you feeling guilty about anything right now? I always have guilt nowadays. When was the last time you saw someone attractive? In person? Hm. I think a about a month back when I took family pictures for someone. The kids’ dad was pretty cute. Are you okay with the life you live? Nope. What other piercings would you get other than the ones you already have? Fuuuuck dude, I want a lot. Many more in my ears, dermals in my collarbones (the #1, ahhh, but I want to lose weight first so you can see the contrast), it’d be nice to have a nose ring that fucking stayed in, I would LOVE an undereye microdermal if I ever change to contacts again, sometimes I think about an eyebrow piercing if I kept my eyebrows thinner… man, there’s a lot. I just love body mod. Did your last kiss take place on a bed? No. Are you good at wrapping gifts for others? HEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO. Is your present hair color natural? Sadly yes. Do you follow a certain religion? No. Do you listen to any country music? Noooo. It’s so weird remembering that I loved it as a kid. Have you ever lived on a farm? No. Do both of your parents have jobs? Dad does, but Mom is currently on disability due to recovering from cancer. What is something you’ve always wanted a boy to do for you? Ummm. I dunno. What do you wish you had more knowledge about? Politics. Is there anyone you’re not over and feel like you never will be? I doubt I’ll ever be fully over him. But I feel it’s understandable. When’s the last time you were really late to something? Hm. Dunno. Do you sing a lot? I sing veeery rarely. Do you think you have an addictive personality? I have a very addictive personality, yes. What was the first television show you were obsessed with? Pokemon, easily. What are you planning on eating for dinner tonight if you haven’t already? I don’t know. When was the last time someone took your picture? *shrugs* Do you eat chili when you get a hotdog, or do you like it plain? I eat them with ketchup and mustard, not chili. Would you say it’s easy for people to make you smile or laugh? I’m unsure… but I lean towards no. Do you and your friends normally say you love one another? Hell yeah. I’m so for platonic “I love you”s. What was the worst news you’ve heard this entire week? I'm not sure about "worst," honestly. I've mostly just heard mild inconvenience type things. Have you ever been in a car wreck? Yes. Has anyone ever told you that they think you have ADHD? Actually, yes, by maybe my second psychiatrist. She was fucking looney; I could see ADD, but ADHD was ludicrous. Have you ever disowned anyone in your family? For what reasons? I cut off connections with my dad for years after the divorce. Is there anyone out there who has hurt you so much, you wish they’d die? Yeesh, no. How many times have you been drunk in your life? None. Are you a happy person? Not really. Have you cried yourself to sleep? Oh yeah. Have you been in trouble with the law/jail time? No. At what age did you become sexually active? Maybe like, 16 1/2? Have you been in a loving relationship? Yes. Have you been in an abusive/bad relationship? No. Who would you die for? Quite a large handful of people, really. Have you ever been in a gang? Nooooo thanks. Who do you dream about most? Annoyingly, Jason. When are you happiest? When I'm hyperfixated on a new interest. Do you answer the phone by saying anything besides "hello?" Not unless it's family, really. Then I'll just be like "hey" or "what's up?", something along those lines. Do you get mad easily? No. What is your favorite song right now? I'm pretty hooked on "ULTRAnumb" by Blue Stahli. Do you wear glasses or contacts? If you wear both, which do you prefer, and why? I wear glasses. I've worn contacts before, they're just too tedious for me. Would you rather be buried or cremated? Cremated, please. Ever done karaoke? Did you like it? No. Goriest movie you've ever seen? Probably some SAW film. Is anything in your room purposely hidden? No. Have you ever been pranked via hidden camera? No. Do you like oatmeal raisin cookies? No, anything with raisins is disgusting. What age do you think is too old to still live with your parents? "It depends on the situation." <<<< This. Have you ever loved a boy who was dating some other girl? I certainly still loved Jason when he was with his girlfriend after me. Is your hair all the same color? Yeah, pretty much. When it was longer, I had natural highlights, but now that it's so short, ig it's hard for them to exist. Denim, leather or varsity jacket? I have desperately wanted a leather jacket since middle school. They're just expensive, at least the ones I like. Do you clean things that are already clean when you're bored? Ha, no. I'm not gonna clean without reason. Have either of your parents ever been to jail? No. What TV shows do you keep up with? None. Would you rather have a wiener dog or an Italian greyhound? Absolutely a greyhound, if I wanted a dog and had room for one of those. Do your parents buy you most anything you want? Most definitely not. I'm not even comfortable asking for things at my age. Have you ever tried to jump a fence? I have jumped fences, as a kid. Do you like the movie Zootopia? I do. Do you ever go on Pinterest? Rarely. What's the last kind of chocolate you ate? A sea salt dark chocolate w/ caramel filling Ghiradelli square from Christmas. Can you speak any unusual languages? No. Did you do gymnastics in elementary school? No. Have you ever performed in front of a large audience? Yeah; I was in dance classes for a long time, so we had recitals and went to competitions. I never did a solo, though. I was going to my senior year (senior solos are typical), but I got too nervous to continue with it. It was to "Coma White" by Marilyn Manson. Do you like BBQ sauce? Ugh, I hate it. Last time you wore the opposite sex's clothing? Right now. I always wear men's pj pants. Are you currently fighting with someone? No. Have you ever kept anything wild as a pet? When I was little, I know my sisters and I kept a box turtle that wandered into our yard for a while. We eventually let it go. Then when I would go fishing with Dad, one of my absolute favorite things to do was try to catch the minnows and tadpoles in my hands, and so I had a fishbowl of those. Don't keep wild animals, please. Do you set good examples for little kids? Probably not. Does your house have a pool? No, but I REALLY want one. It would be so helpful in strengthening my legs without sweating my ass off and feeling like I'm going to collapse. When you were younger, were you ever in a relationship with someone you now realize was way too old for you? No. Have you ever had a seizure? No, but I've actually had very short (I mean like, a second), sudden spasms when lying down that feel like what I assume a seizure to feel like. I think it's a side effect of my nightmare medication. What's the longest hotel stay you've ever had? Not long at all. Just a few days. Do any of your friends or family members have strange occupations? Maybe? What small thing makes you automatically distrust someone? Making dark/dangerous jokes. Of all the states/provinces in your country, which one is your favorite? I haven't been to nearly enough to know. Have you ever had to wear a school uniform? In middle school. Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? My fat ass ain't getting in the top bunk. Are you close with your cousins? None, really. Are you close to any aunts or uncles? Also not really, but one of my mom's brothers is closest to that. Are you close to your grandparents? They're all dead, but I wasn't very close to any. I never really see my extended family. What was your favorite thing to do at sleepovers when you were younger? Go swimming, if they had a pool. If they didn't or it just wasn't up, I liked playing two-player video games. Do you know what you want to do for your next birthday? Probably go to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner and dessert with family and just chill at home for most of the day. What is the last new thing you discovered that was really good? Peanut butter fudge, like holy shit. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? No. What is the best hairstyle you've ever had? What I have now. Do you think you look better with dyed hair or natural hair? DYED. Do you think your look better with curly hair or straight hair? Straight. Have you ever won a contest? Yes. How many drawers does your dresser have? Five. Do you do your own taxes, or do you hire a professional? N/A What song hit you so hard that you remember where you were the first time you heard it? Oh man, what a question. Music can affect me very deeply, so honestly there's probably a number that fit this criteria if I thought for long enough, but I'm not gonna spend ten minutes trying to pick the best one. "Eternally Yours" by Motionless In White will do, I guess because that was probably the most recent. I don't let myself listen to it, even though I love it. It'll only drag me into a trauma pit. What's your "brand" of fictional character, the type you always get attached to (ex., "perky girls with deep-seated mental health issues," "guys who you would want as an older brother," etc.)? Totally the sarcastic and usually well-composed villain. If you use Spotify, share your 2020 Wrapped! What are your overall feelings about it? Is it what you expected? I don't use it. If you’re a ~gamer~, what are your top 3 all-time favorite games? Silent Hill 2, Shadow of the Colossus, and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. What’s the biggest red flag you’ve ever ignored? I dunno; I'm pretty good at listening to those. What’s something extremely bizarre you believed as a very young child? It's fucking embarrassing that I went through this many-years-long "I have animal powers given to me by a wolf I made up!!!" thing, holy god. Like, I thought I could "activate" traits of certain animals. Kids are fuckin wild, but I was exceptionally so. What is the biggest conflict in your life right now? With myself. Through a lot of digging with my therapist, she got me to realize that I don't feel that I'm rightfully lovable because I'm not "successful" and "going nowhere." It hit like a ton of fucking bricks when I understood the "why" of feeling like that. Like don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm a bad person that is worthy of being hated, but totally deserving of pure love, no. So my therapist has me tell myself "I am lovable" in the mirror every morning, and I don't believe it. I'm trying to, but every time I'm just like "lol but are you really?" If you could change your current life schedule to incorporate more or less time for certain things, how would you do so? Do you feel like you have a well-structured and well-balanced schedule at the moment? My schedule is embarrassing, truly. I wake up, get on the computer, go to bed, and that's just about it, taking care of bodily needs being sprinkled in there throughout. I want to change it so, so badly, but I'm just... so set in my ways. I want to incorporate at least 30 minutes of daily reading, and I've yet to start my Wii Fit exercising because I'm waiting for Mom to move into her room (she stays and sleeps in the living room rn) because I do NOT like exercising in front of ANYBODY. I don't care if she gave birth to me. I also want to spend less time just hopping between websites on the laptop just because I can't find anything to do. It'd be nice to draw more, too... but for that, I really need to like the idea of what I'm drawing to stay even slightly motivated. There's probably more to this, but yeah, that's enough. What filler words do you find yourself using most often ("um," "you know," etc.)? "Um" or "uh," probably. I fumble over my words so much as well as just total derail on what I'm talking about that filler words are very, very common for me. When was the last time you felt let down? What were your expectations about the given situation that weren't met? Ugh, so apparently when my laptop was fixed, a lot of things were reset, and that included Lightroom, my primary photography editing software. I lost all my presets and I initially thought pictures too, but thank Christ I had a backup dialogue. I'm still pretty annoyed, because I can't find my favorite free LR download site. I didn't at all expect my laptop to be affected as heavily as it was, just getting a new DC port... If you enjoy taking and editing photos, how would you describe your editing style? This greatly depends on the subject matter and composition, but I feel a common theme is I enjoy vibrance. I war with myself a lot if I make them too saturated, but idk. Have you ever been inspired by a celebrity to change something about your appearance (your clothing style, hairstyle, etc.)? Is much of your taste/style inspired by celebrities? If not, what else serves as an inspiration for you? Ha! Guys, I'm not going to bullshit you, when I got into GMM, I loved Link's big, "nerdy" glasses so much that I became very curious as to how they'd look on me. Years later, I still kept the style and think they've looked best on me of all my glasses. I love them. For the second question, no, not really. My personal aesthetics dictate my style selections. When was the last time you felt a friendship was petering out? If a friendship seems to be fizzling, do you go out of your way to try to "save it," or do you accept that it may have just reached its natural conclusion? Ugh. This has happened in so very many of my friendships that I don't even like thinking about it. If we're talking the most recent time, I suppose with Alex. She just started talking to me less and less before vanishing (to clarify, she's an online friend). Considering just how poorly I handle loss, I'm the type to always try to save friendships I still cherish. Who is your favorite contemporary writer, author, poet, thinker? I don't know. What are your thoughts on body positivity vs. body neutrality? I believe in seeing your body and loving it for all it does, considering it's a masterpiece of biology, but, I also feel it is vital to consider its health. In other words, no, I do not think morbidly obese or emaciated individuals should think their body is... I can't think of the right word, really. "Ideal," I suppose? And keep in mind: this is coming from an obese person. I don't want someone to tell me "your body is perfectly fine!" or "you should just accept you the way you are!" when I spend almost every minute of every day thinking to some degree about how much I hate my fucking weight. No, I don't want to be convinced I should settle and neglect the wellbeing of the one body I have, but I in no way support bashing or being rude to people who are unhealthy, either. I feel like my stance on this is kinda hard to explain. Just respect your body as well as others' and their efforts to treat it the best they can. Do you enjoy keeping secrets from people, like having something about yourself that no one else knows? I mean, I don't enjoy it... I'd prefer to have none. If you play video games, what do you usually like to play? If you don't play video games, do you like watching others play? If so, what? I really like horror games, more than any. Fantasy ones with dragons and gods and the like are awesome, too. I don't enjoy a lot of games that are pretty much just movies with player decisions that barely affect the ending (I do like watching these, though), nor do sportsy or action things normally do it for me. It's by serious luck that I'm an avid World of Warcraft player, because I don't tend to like very grindy games, but I suppose WoW is an exception with the absolutely endless options of what you can do. Onto the second part of the question: totally. I wouldn't watch let's plays if I didn't, and I grew up loving to watch my dad and brother play. I'll watch an even wider variety of games than I play, but it more so depends on who the person is versus what they're playing, because whom I watch is controlled by whether or not/how much I enjoy the individual themselves. What are three things you like about nature? Just three? Damn... Well, the easiest I suppose can be summed up in a quote: "As above, so below." All is tied together. I could go on a romantic monologue about the beauty of our connection to the infinite stars we look upon and the ground we stand on, but I'll spare ya that poem. I love, love, love the sounds of nature: birds chirping, zephyrs through the trees, the crunching of fall leaves. All of it. Then, there's the power of nature! I live for those pictures of nature just taking the Earth back: desolate homes eaten by vines, all that. To call nature merely "spectacular" is truly an act of disrespect, pretty much. What do teenagers have right now that you wish you had when you were their age? Hm. I guess better phones.
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Blooming Roses, part 2
Content warnings/themes:
Medical situations
Neural connection/linkings
Hypnotic imagery
Corporate setting
As the next step in the hiring process, 3B90 is presented with a more permanent reciever system for network integration.
~2,200 words
3B90 > [Okay, and this won't hurt at all?] Trepidation and concern pour generously through your connection, mirroring the way they've been saturating your thoughts.
2CE5 > [No, there's no reason to worry. You'll be under some pretty strong anesthetics, though you'll be pretty disoriented in recovery.] A flash of comfort rides with this message, wrapping around your mind like a warm hug.
You're sitting in the waiting room segment of the Rose Cybernetics Augmentation Lab, an entire subset of the building devoted to fabricating, modifying, and installing cybernetic modifications and enhancements. Though the lab extends several floors down into the basement, the room you find yourself in is just below the massive building's main entrance. Relative to the area it services, the space itself is fairly small. Its walls are lined with more conventional chairs, complemented by several other more vexing pieces of... furniture? Your thoughts wander back to that first visit, and you still aren't quite sure what qualifies as furniture versus art.
2CE5 > [The furniture itself _is_ art! It gives pleasant visual patterns and all of that, _and_ it's ergonomic for the standard and non-standard body shapes of everyone who uses it!]
You need to stop broadcasting your thoughts when they drift like that.
2CE5 > [Aww, but 3B... it's cuuuute!]
The screen adorning your face lights up brighter in a begrudging grin. Sure, it's fun to get teased over your thoughts every once and a while, but you could do with a bit more privacy. 2C always makes it so easy to just share everything, but you find that as you reminisce on the events of yesterday, you've successfully put a stopper on the outpouring of thoughts from your mind into the LinkNet. For the interview, you'd booked an overnight hotel, and though the commute back had been pleasant, you'd felt deflated as you stepped back inside. The warmth of connection, that feeling of presence from the interview felt almost like a high, one you crashed from the moment your faceplate came off.
Your faceplate.
It's funny how everything seems to make so much more sense than it did yesterday morning. When you got back to that hotel room, you couldn't seem to help but yearn for the feeling of cold glass pressed against your face again, the paradoxical feeling of being seen and hidden all at once. Thinking about the way that data flowed through your mind, uploads and downloads streaming with the simple ease of breathing, you spent the night restless. You missed it all dearly, and you missed 2C, too. It's weird, you think, missing someone so desperately when you'd barely even met, but the whole situation is weird. In the stretch of less than an hour, you'd felt almost as though her soul had become pressed against yours, and in a way that seems almost accurate. The presence of her mind with yours was one of the most enrapturing moments you'd ever shared with another person. This morning, checking out of your hotel was the easiest departure you'd made in your entire life.
Your personal items, wardrobe, and computer were all accounted for when you stepped back through the doors of the Rose Cybernetics Center. At the desk, a new face - or, well, faceplate? - waited cheerily to greet you. They introduced themself as 13A3, and asked you to follow them to your on-campus housing. This benefit, one that didn't actually subtract from the pay Rose Cybernetics had offered, was quite, frankly the reason you'd chosen to pursue employment here specifically. Other firms had been hiring fairly aggressively, but even if the salary wasn't quite as sweet here, you'd always been a fan of the self-contained arcology life, especially if it was already paid for. An elevator had brought you to a floor above the block of office space from your last visit, into the area which seemed to be clearly intended for residential use. When they reached your apartment's door, 13A1 made the equivalent of a smile - the flowers that covered their display blossomed further - and ushered you inside.
Your apartment was a studio; an open kitchenette next to the door, a bathroom in the far corner, and a section of the far wall that seemed to suggest its utility as desk space. Even if it was a fairly small apartment, it was still the largest space you'd ever had to yourself, and you savored it a moment before noticing the furniture. Aside from the lack of a desk, the entire room was full of your things, set exactly as you were planning to have them when you got around to unpacking. 13 giggled and explained that you'd shared your plans for the room last time you were connected to the network. You shrugged, picking up a box from where it had been placed on your bed. It was black and unassuming just like the last one, but a note had been written in silver marker along the top.
You get to actually keep this one! Enjoy~
You broke out in a broad smile and eagerly pressed the contents of the box against your face. The receiver pressed against your neck, and the tug of its electromagnets pulled at your mind with sudden familiarity. Far from that first violent experience, this connection was nothing more than a gentle fall into warm, relaxing water. Data flowed up and down from you again, and before you had time to think you felt 2C's mind pressing into yours. In a quick flurry of communication, she explained that you were cleared to get fitted for a permanent receiver, something far better suited for long-term network synchronization. You still feel excitement at that thought; remaining synchronized for as long as you wish, always able to return to that closeness that you'd never even realized you yearned for until you finally had it. A quick trip back down the elevator and a goodbye to 13A3 later, and you were waiting anxiously for the integration process to be ready.
Returning to the events around you, you relax into the presence of 2C's mind next to yours.
3B90 > [Sure, it's cute, but I need at least _some_ privacy!] You transmit your current emotional state, somewhere between teasing and flirty - quickly seeming to be the default around 2C - alongside that thought.
2CE5 > [That's true, that's true.] The feeling of her thoughts is just as intoxicating as ever, and you can't help but melt into the sensation of her pleasant warmth. 3B90 > [So, you mentioned that after I get my new receiver I'll be able to share my mind like this with _everyone?_]
2CE5 > [Yeah, pretty much! It sounds intimidating, but the best way to do it is mesh in slowly.] Her connection wordlessly relays the process by which new connections are established; both sides of the link engage in a three-way SYN/ACK handshake, a fancy way to say that each participant agrees to establish a link with the other. [It's best to synchronize with folks you've already said hi to, at least. Ease into it, you're probably not ready for more than a couple at a time just yet.] She was right; if you were being honest with yourself, you're barely able to handle the one you share with 2C! [Yeah, I can be a bit of a handful,] she sends, smugness dripping from her link.
3B90 > [Look, it's a lot is all...] Your thoughts branch and fork in too many ways to concisely share before merging once again. [It's amazing, but it's... a lot.]
The two of you fall silent, letting understanding wash between yourselves. Even in the last hour, it's been a refreshing experience getting to share such idle comforts between each other like this. It's amazing, knowing that even with her halfway across the building from you, it feels as though you're sitting right by her side. Over the last few hours, it's finally dawned on you that 2C being appointed as your supervisor doesn't really make much sense. As your mind follows that path further along, you come upon another realization.
3B90 > [I'm not distracting you from work, right?] You flash a breath of concern into your words.
2CE5 > [No, don't worry about that! When you're as used to the network as I am, you learn to multitask. Actually, I'm having five different conversations right now!]
You feel a mixture of trepidation and delight at the thought. Sharing a mind like this is more delightful than anything you've experienced before, but it's so much to take in. You're sure it'll come with time, and 2C seems to agree, but the worry lingers. After another moment of silence, a tech whose display shows a gently swaying forest enters the waiting room and - by your best estimation - makes eye (faceplate?) contact with you. A notification pings in your visor, a request to engage with a new communication stream. 2C gently urges you to accept the request, and fades away to make room for a new consciousness on a new endpoint. The feelings, sensations, and overall feel of self that you get from the technician are so different! Your mind recoils from the feeling for a moment, surprised at the unexpected change. You know that everyone thinks differently, but seeing this first hand as new and unexpected patterns swirl through you feels no less surprising. After the momentary shock, you realize that the tech had said something that you completely missed. Apologetic explanatory feelings flow up through your connection, quickly met by a response.
F211 > [Hey, it's alright. The second connection's always a lot to deal with, especially when you have to disconnect from someone you were comfortable with before.] The technician wordlessly introduces himself, and informs you that he'll be integrating your new receiver systems. You're already familiar with the procedure, but he shares its details with you once more, asking for your verbal consent. It feels strange to use your mouth to talk, even after just a day, but you acquiesce. Your voice is weak and breaking, stating that you agree to and fully understand the details of the modification. You'd forgotten how hard it was to get words out in the way you wanted, and that frustration flows back through you for a moment before it's caught by a wave of reassurance from F211. [That's exactly what I needed, thank you. You're good on 'paperwork', so follow me and we can get started! I know you've been waiting long enough.] A strong breeze blows through the trees of his display, and you think it seems to coincide with a good-natured smile. His initial sensation was so different, but after a moment of acclimation, you like the feeling of his mind almost as much as you enjoy 2C's. It might be the imagery adorning his faceplate, but the feel of him is sharp like the smell of pacific-northwestern pine, sharing that tree's unassuming, gentle strength. He feels surprisingly safe, which, you suppose, is good for someone performing delicate and precise modifications to the composition of your brain.
Your new friend leads you out from the lobby, and down a hallway adorned with sterile white tiling as well as the occasional splash of color painted in polygonal designs along the wall. You broadcast your curiosity over the patterns, feeling F211's response satiate your wonder. The art is intentionally added to ensure that the area's sterile environment remains unique and interesting. Whether it accomplishes this goal, it certainly appears visually interesting. F211 laughs at this thought loudly between your connection, but shows no outward indication of amusement. You're still going to have to get used to how uncanny that is. He guides you to a room at the end of this hallway. Large and circular, this room is ringed by various lights and other mechanical instruments draping from the ceiling, directly above what looks like a reclining chair. The technician invites you to take a seat, and as you do, the chair slowly conforms itself to your shape until it feels as though it was made for you.
F211 > [Everything's set, are you ready to go?]
3B90 > [Ready as I could ever be.] Actually sitting here, your anxiety begins to build. You want this, and it's part of the next step to your work here, but all the same those machines above you look a bit more intimidating than you would like. F211 recognizes your heartrate picking up, and wordlessly asks if it would help to have a hand on your shoulder. You return a wave of gratitude and a flash of green along your screen, and his touch saps away a good deal more of that worry than you expected it to. He sends feelings of reassurance, gently letting you relax. Before you recognize what's happening, he's already counting down from ten, and you feel your voice reflexively mirror the countdown's progress. With each number, you sink lower, deeper, as everything fades into... empty, perfect nothing. Far away, a gas fills your faceplate, letting that nothing surround you until you drift into unconsciousness.
#more good facemask content baybeeee#I just made F211 but I would die for him#also#things are gonna get *fun*
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Oblivious. J. Yunho
Yunho x reader Warnings: you and Yunho being oblivious asf Word Count: 1.9k Not proof read
Walking through the campus with 8 of your best friends was a daily occurrence. Unfortunately, the envious looks from all girls on campus was also a daily occurrence. You didn’t mind them anymore, at first it made you feel uncomfortable, now it made you feel sad for these girls who were drooling over a couple of guys they didn’t even know.
“So game night tonight, Y/n’s place, we all in” San asked as the 9 of you walked to the cafe on campus. Everyone agreed to they plan, discussing who was bring what when Yunho spoke up, “I actually can’t tonight” “what, why not” Wooyoung whined, “yeah, Friday night game night has been tradition since 6th grade” you added as you rubbed Wooyoung’s back, who was now sulking. “He has a date” Mingi spoke for Yunho, sending the boy a smirk while jabbing his side. “A date?” You asked trying not to convey any sort of emotion in your words, suddenly all eyes were on you. All the boys knew about your crush on Yunho, all but Yunho apparently. At first you thought it was stupid teenage hormones, but as they years went on, the stronger your feelings got and you couldn’t pass it off as a stupid high school crush anymore. “Uh yeah, with Leslie Brown” “oh I know her, she’s in my literature class, she’s nice” you said with the best smile to could put on. Yeah you knew Leslie, all 5″9 of her. She was the gorgeous supermodel type with nice long legs, honey brown hair that framed defined her face perfectly, and possibly the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen. Of course Yunho would like her, you were stupid for thinking you ever had a chance with Yunho or any guy like him when girls like that existed. “Well, have fun tonight, traitor” you teased as you made your way into the cafe leaving the boys behind.
After having coffee with the boys, you went back to your apartment that you shared with 3 other girls that you rarely saw. You had all been dormmates freshmen year and decided to get an apartment together after that. 2 our of 3 of the girls were med majors, so they were always out late at the hospital. The last one might as well be a party major because that’s all she does, she rarely attends classes or does her work so you’re not really sure how she manages to stay in school. Right now you don’t care, all you want is to be alone.
It’s been a few weeks since Yunho went of his date with Leslie, and now they were dating. Yay. You tried to distance yourself from Yunho, just till you were over your feelings for him, but it just kept getting harder.
Now you sat at a picnic bench with all 8 of the boys and Leslie. Wooyoung could tell how uncomfortable you felt and tried to help, but nothing could get your mind off the couple who were sucking each others faces off directly across from you. You couldn’t take in anymore and stood up, “where are you going” San asked, which seemed to catch Yunho’s attention since he pulled away from Leslie. “to the bathroom, I didn’t think I had to announce it” you joked as you started walking away.
“Hey Y/n” a familiar voice spoke up from behind you. Turning around you saw Jisung, a boy from one of you classes. He was always nice and super funny, he was also attractive, definitely made class more interesting “Hey Jisung, what’s up” Jisung took in a deep breath and bit his lip nervously, making you smile, okay, maybe he was a little more attractive than you though. “Are you free this Friday” “depends, why” “Well, if you are, would you wanna go out with me.” Okay, maybe it was wrong, but in that moment, you thought going out with Jisung was the perfect way to get over Yunho. “I would love to” “really” he asked, his eyes lighting up like a kid in a candy store, and it just melted your heart, how could you possibly say now to him. “Yeah, here, give me your phone.”
Little did you know, Yunho saw the whole thing, and he felt a pit rise in his stomach. He didn’t like seeing you talk to guys, but he wasn’t jealous. No. How could he be? He had Leslie. He was convinced he didn’t like it strictly because he was protective over you, no romantic feelings involved. Nope.
“Yunnie, pay attention to me” Leslie whined. All the boys rolled their eyes at the girl obnoxious voice, she really was a nice girl, just not when she was acting like a needy 2 year old. “I’m back” You announced, coming back to the table with a newfound energy which didn’t go unnoticed. All they boys just stared at you, making you confused, had you missed something? “What? Is there something on my face?” “How was your little trip to the bathroom” Jongho asked with a smirk. A blush rose to your cheeks and you quickly looked down, “what, do I have to tell you guys every time a take a shit” “no, but you have to tell us when you get a boys number” Seonghwa said like the protective “older brother” he was, “a boy that we don’t know” Hongjoong added. “It’s not a big deal” you tried to play it off, praying that you blush would go away, but as the boys kept teasing, the redder you got. This was your first date since highschool, and despite going on this date to hopefully forget about your feelings for Yunho, you were excited.
Yunho watched as the boys teased you, a he couldn’t help but feel sick, like something was wrong. Seeing how red you got, how bright you smile was when you were talking about your date, it all felt wrong. He shook his head and moved Leslie off his lap before standing up. “Yunnie, where are you going” “I’m not feeling well, I’m gonna head home” “let me come with you” Leslie tried to follow Yunho but he just shook his head. “Not right now, I wanna be alone.”
You and the boys watched in confusion, he was feeling fine not too long ago. “What’s up with him” Yeosang asked as he watched Yunho walk away. “I don’t know, should we check on him” you suggested, Leslie didn’t seem to like your suggestion at all, she sent you a dirty look and said, “he said he wanted to be left alone.” “Yeah, well he’s our bestfriend, he doesn’t get a choice, let’s go” Mingi said, all of you stood up and went after Yunho, leaving Leslie behind.
“Yo, Yun, what’s wrong” you asked once the 8 of you caught up to him. “I’m just not feeling well” “bullshit, you were feeling fine 10 minutes ago” San spoke up, earning a glare from Yunho in response, “and now I’m not, I just wanna be alone.” He picked up his pace which made you reach out and grab him, “Yun-” “just leave me alone” he said, this time much more stern than before as he shrug your hand away.
Last night was your date with Jisung, and you had a really good time. He made you laugh and the smile never left your face, but you still couldn’t stop thinking about Yunho. He wasn’t answer your text or your calls and he’s been avoiding you, you know he has because every time you he sees you he quickly bolts for the nearest exit. It hurts, you’ve been asking yourself what you could’ve done wrong and come up with nothing every time.
So that lead you to now, standing outside Yunho’s apartment in the freezing cold at 1am, in only you pajama shorts and a jacket you tossed on before running over here. “Yunho open up” you finally started pounding on his door after three attempts of knocking. You heard a muffled response inside followed by some shuffling. “Y/n, go home” “not until you tell my why you’ve been avoiding me.” Yunho had sleep written all over his features, and his hair was tousled in all different direction, if you you weren’t so mad at him, you’d call him cute in this state. “Y/n-” “n-no Yunho, I’ve been worried s-sick about you these past few days and you’v-ve been ignoring me, I just want to know w-why.” You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering so much, but you couldn’t help it, you were freezing. That’s when Yunho finally realized the state you were in, you were paler than usual, you nose and cheeks bright red and you weer advisably shaking. “You’re freezing, get in here” he pulled you into his apartment and shut the door. He lead you to the couch and tossed a blanket on you.
“What the hell is wrong with you, coming to my house in the middle of the night in shorts” “I was worried about you, and I was finally fed up with you ignoring me.” Yunho just sighed, you were always so persistent. One night you showed up to his house in the middle of a blizzard because his first girlfriend broke up with him and she wanted to make sure he was okay.
“I- I haven’t been ignoring you-” “lie” “-I’ve just been busy” “another lie.” You simply shook your head at him, you’ve known him for too long, he couldn’t lie to you. “I’m not San Yun, you can’t lie to me” Yunho let out a breathy chuckle, he knew you knew him too well, hell you probably knew him better than he knew himself. And god he’s missed you, he’s been away from you for 4 days and he’s never felt worse than he did when he was away from you. So he just sat there, taking in all of your features that he found so fascinating, and before he knew what he was doing, he was leaning in, and then so were you. When your lips touched it was like every unspoken word between you to was being let out, lifting a huge weight off your shoulders. He held on to you like you were his lifeline, pulling you onto his lap and then impossibly closer.
The two of you finally pull apart and your out of breath. He rest his forehead against yours and his fingers dance across your skin, taking in a savoring every detail of this moment. “I should’ve done that a long time ago” he breaths out, his eyes finally connecting with yours. “Why didn’t you” “I was too afraid to lose you, and then Jisung asked you out, and I realized I was gonna lose you either way” “you would never lose me, even if we’re on to different continents, my hearts always belonged to you.” Letting go of those words made you feel free, like you were floating in outer space. You’ve wanted to tell him that since you were a freshmen in high school, and now you finally could. For Yunho, hearing those words made him realize how dumb he’s been. He’s could’ve had you, the love of his life, in his arms for years, and he was to dense to realize you were in love with him just as much as he was in love with you.
“Y/n” “hm” “will you be my girlfriend” “took you long enough.”
#yunho ateez#yunho imagines#yunho scenarios#ateez au#ateez#ateez imagines#ateez scenarios#ateez college au#fanfic#ateez fanfic
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Bumps and Bruises
Previous: An Iron Grip
Next: By Order of the Exarch
Vesevont landed on the ground backside first as the viera captain, Lyna, circled around him like a wolf who’d managed to single out its next meal. "I thought you said you were trained."
"I am!- I was… ow… it's been a long time since I've had to do any fighting like this," The Ishgardian groaned as he got back to his feet with a slight wobble.
"Mayhaps if you direct more of that energy you spend on complaining into your messy footwork, you may be able to land a hit on me yet." Lyna goaded him on.
Training and assessing novices wasn't something she typically had the time for. But the Exarch had absolutely insisted she take the outlander out for a practice session. He wouldn't explain why, of course, but she'd come to expect that from him. He always had his reasons. She just hoped that the answers would come to the surface a lot sooner than they usually did.
She twirled her sword in her hand as easily as a baton. "Again. Better this time. Faster. Harder."
Ves' ears pinned back in annoyance as he clutched his own weapon with his prosthetic arm. He'd lost his sword-arm to Puffy when they had rejoined together again in Coerthas, and he hadn't the time nor the need to practice fighting anything while he recovered.
He became used to using his right hand for more mundane activities of course, but not combat.
Using the prosthetic for swashbuckling and sword swinging felt awkward and clumsy, despite him finally growing accustomed to the weight of it. Regardless of its impressive range of movement, it still couldn't account for the real thing. And it never would.
He didn't want to fight anymore. But Lyna wouldn't let him quit.
"Hurry up. The eaters won't wait for you. And neither will I." She suddenly lunged for him swinging her sword down hard, leaving the knight barely any time to react (a more recently trained soldier would have begged to differ.)
The sounds of their steel rung in the Temenos Rookery where they kept pastures for the furry flying beasts they called amaro.
Quite strange looking things… Puffy would try to catch a glance at them every time Ves' back faced one of the holding pens, putting the poor beasts on edge.
On one of the nearby corrals the worm spotted a boy standing on the fence boards, watching them eagerly.
The young dark haired elezen boy with the ball from the marketplace.
Ves tumbled backwards suddenly, startling the worm enough to let out a shriek as they both flopped down into the dirt ungracefully.
Arval laughed from his place at the fence as another boy, his brother, came up from behind him.
"What are you doing?" Fenick eyed the scene before them, sticking his head in between the fence boards rather than standing on the middle one like Arval had been.
"Watching Captain Lyna beat up the old man! He's Eulmoran you know. I saw him with the others in the marketplace yesterday! He got hit with the ball right in the face on accident."
Fenick raised a brow curiously as he turned his attention back to the two. "How do you know he's Eulmoran? They don't like it here, even if they DO run away."
"Look at his coat! Have you seen anything that fancy around here?" Arval pointed at Vesevont. "That means he had money at some point. Pixies got to him he said! Poor sod."
Fenick hummed in disbelief as Lyna shoved the old man back into the dirt. "He's not very good at fighting, is he?"
"Not at all! He's probably going to have to pay a visit to mum after all that."
The sparring went on for a little while longer, until Lyna decided enough was enough for one day.
"I'm not sure who taught you, but your swings are too readable. Too stiff. You need to work on the flow and timing. Next time it will be against a more appropriate sparring partner than I." Lucky for him, she wanted to say. But she kept it to herself.
Ves panted as he leaned forward, hands on his knees. "What's… what's wrong with the way I... fight?" He remembered the techniques Ishgard drilled into his head. They were perfectly fine under any other circumstance. And certainly fine enough for fighting dragons with. Sin eaters were just a different flavor of beast.
Lyna, however, danced around as she fought and never held still. It was hard to catch her and stay in range long enough to actually strike out against her.
He could feel Puffy snickering at him from his back. If only the worm was allowed to help him... But...
He could hear the Exarch’s words in his head, and for whatever reason, they always gave him a harsh sense of deja vu. “A time and place for everything, my friend. But not now...”
Lyna frowned. "You need to work on listening as well. No matter... enough for today. I will report your progress to the Crystal Exarch when I have finished my daily duties. Go and get yourself cleaned up." She came to his side, pulled him back up by the arm (before dusting his sleeve off a little for good measure) and turning her back to him, walking away and back to the Rotunda.
Ves eventually was able to catch his breath. His knees hurt, his elbows hurt, his head, his ribs- every little thing. Lyna really knew how to hurt someone when she needed to. And she wasn't even trying, he would have bet.
"You almost had her that one time!" Arval called out, climbing over the fence and hopping back down onto the dirt.
Fenick followed him by stepping through the fence instead.
The knight paused and looked around before he turned and saw the two boys approaching him, one of which he recognized. How long had they been there? "Oh. You're the one with the ball back in the marketplace, right?"
"That's right!"
"Ah… er… what...are you doing here? If you don't mind me asking." This area didn't look like a place for children to play. Especially not with the brutal looking amalj'aa keepers around (or the Zun, as Lyna had called them.)
"Watching you and Captain Lyna spar. It was good fun!" Arval grinned as Fenick cringed at about the same time.
Ves pursed his lips. These children watched him get knocked around in the dust. And so gleefully too. Well, one of them anyway.
He eyed Fenick then. "And...you are??"
"Fenick, I'm his older brother."
"Oh. Well, it's nice to meet you?"
"You look like you could use a trip to the Spagyrics. Have you ever been there? Mum works there. She'll be able to clean you up in no time!" Arval suggested as he quickly began to lead the way with Fenick following behind him.
"Your m- oh! I believe I've met her already. Hanameen, yes? Brown hair, long ears," ...Adorable freckles-
"Yes! Wait- you met mum already??"
"Yes, my arm was hurting me the other day. So she took me upstairs to the craftsman terrace up on the top floor to find someone to fix it for me. I was there all evening yesterday."
Arval paused and waited for Ves to catch up before coming closer to look at his prosthetic. "Your arm? Can I see??"
The Ishgardian stooped lower a bit so that they could both look if they wanted to.
Arval's eyes lit up. Even Fenick came closer to have a look, only he was more sheepish about it.
"I don't think I've ever seen anything like yours before! Where'd you get it??" The old man definitely had to be Eulmoran. Without a doubt.
"A friend built it for me; her family makes these. They're very talented."
"I wish I had one, it looks so cool.."
"N-no, you might reconsider when it gets stuck or starts hurting your back or whatever else!"
"Well it's attached to your shoulder, not your back."
"Your shoulder connects to your back."
Fenick remained quiet as the two bantered along the way. Something about the old man was… odd. He could have sworn he'd seen something in his coat moving at one point, but it was impossible to tell otherwise.
The Spagyrics came into view, and the three walked inside. "Mum! The old man's gotten himself beat to a pulp by Captain Lyna!!" Arval announced, leaving Vesevont incredibly red in the face.
Hanameen glanced up from wrapping another soldier's arm in linens. "I'll be a minute!"
"Well now! Back so soon?? It's only been a day. Vesevont was it?" Chessamile chuckled from her desk, once again busy with her log book.
Steam could have been coming out of Ves' ears by that point. "Yes ma'am."
"You should have been there- Captain Lyna was throwing him around all over the place like a blanket that needs a good dusting!" Arval began to swing his arms in very dramatic sword-wielding-like fashion.
"No- it wasn't like that." Ves retorted, trying to look at a wall or a shelf instead of anybody directly.
Arval paused. "You’re right- it was more like this," He yelled and threw himself on the floor.
Fenick's ears were completely pinned back at the embarrassing display (right along with the old man,) and he floated off towards the back where his mother worked.
"Now you're just exaggerating it too much!!”
"If you were an eater you would have exploded into a shower of sparkling aether! Poof!! Like a cloud!" Arval picked himself back up, moving his hands in an outwards motion as Ves groaned.
"Arval leave the man alone! Any more of that and he's going to stay that shade of red for the rest of his life!" Hanameen scolded from behind one of the dividers. She couldn’t even see him and somehow she knew (Ves wanted to hide.)
Arval winced but still held a smile on his face. "At least that would mean you're not white as a sheet... We’d have to start panicking then."
Eventually Hanameen came over, eyeing Ves up and down and shaking her head, clicking her tongue a few times for good measure. "I'll fetch you a basin. You don't look too bad, maybe a bandage and a bit of salve here and there once you wash all that dirt off and you'll be good to go get beat up again."
Ves sputtered as she turned and walked away to the other side of the room as Arval giggled to himself.
When she returned she set the water-filled basin down on the floor at his feet and threw a few clean rags at his lap, then quickly walked over to a shelf filled to the brim with potions and salves and other sorts of colorful liquids in equally colorful bottles. Fenick had retreated there earlier and remained close to her, watching the old man warily from afar.
"So, when are you going to actually go out and fight eaters instead of fighting the dirt??" Arval asked, leaning against the edge of the cot in which Vesevont had sat.
"Fight? You mean the sin eaters?? Oh no no no- I'm not doing anything of the sort."
"But you were sparring with Captain Lyna! Doesn't that mean you're going to join the guard and help defend the Crystarium?? You need a job right??"
"Arval you'd best watch where that tongue of yours is wagging." Chessamile warned from her desk.
Arval groaned aloud before looking towards his mother who had returned with a short and round glass bottle in hand. The sour smell of herbs clung to it.
"Arval," Hanameen eyed him.
"Well… I guess he is a bit old,"
The boy quickly darted away towards the back of the room.
Hanameen sighed. "Sorry about him. He gets too excited sometimes.
Done scrubbing off??"
Ves blinked a few times as he went back to wiping off the dirt from the few scrapes and bumps he had collected in the short time he sparred with the viera. Or viis. Or whatever Lyna was. Whatever anyone was anymore. "It's no trouble really, my own son was a handful, so I know what you mean. He was shy, but he had his moments. Very outspoken ones." Just remembering those moments made him chuckle. "Oh- yes, I am, sorry."
"Oh! I had no idea. How old?" Hanameen asked as she knelt down, cotton in one hand, now uncorked bottle in the other.
"He'd be about twenty now I believe. Time certainly flies all too quickly."
"Ah… I see." She didn't ask beyond that. Instead, she pressed the cotton piece to the lid of the bottle, turned it upside down, and then pressed it lightly onto one of the few scrapes. It burned immediately.
The Ishgardian looked away and scrunched up his nose briefly before the sensation faded. "He uh… Arval, was it? Seems to really like the guard."
"Oh, that's because their father Gennar is one. He’s stationed at Fort Jobb most days. He's gone for a week or maybe several and then he comes home for a few nights. It's hard sometimes, but you have to manage as best as you can, right?"
Ves hummed in agreement as his head drifted off into memories of pulling very, very long shifts at the Vigils. He'd be stationed for weeks, maybe months at one before moving on to the next.
Those days were very wearing. When he'd heard he was to finally be permanently stationed at Whitebrim, it had truly been a blessing.
Again came the burning cotton with the salve and his breath hitched suddenly. "Ow-"
"Hold still,"
"I am,"
After a few more times Hanameen stood up again to put the bottle away. "There we are. Try not to roll around in the muck and they'll be healed up in no time. They weren't so bad.”
Ves sat there, watching her move to and fro almost falling into a sort of trance before shaking his head slightly. "I won't.
...Roll in dirt that is." He quickly added as he got to his feet, his knees creaking. "I don't have pay-"
"Oh it's not a bother. You know how much I wish I were treating only minor scrapes and bumps all day long? It would mean there's less trouble in the world." Hanameen rolled her eyes. "Speaking of, find some ice for those lumps on your head lest they turn to horns. That goes for the rest of the bruises I see beginning to form already. They’ll be only end up purple as opposed to yellow, green, red, blue, and a whole myriad of other colors."
Ves reached up towards the spot on his head tenderly. "I'll try…"
As he wandered away from the Spagyrics, Arval came to the doorway and watched him go. "I like him, he's funny!"
"I have a feeling we'll be seeing him a lot." Chessamile said aloud, mostly to herself. "He seems like the sort."
Fenick scowled and joined his brother, glaring at the old man's back as he wandered off towards the other side of the Crystarium. "Didn't you see the way he was looking at mum?"
"Huh? No." Arval tilted his head in confusion.
"Well, I did.
He looked at her like father does. He can't do that!"
Arval glanced at him, and then back outside. "...Well, I think he's funny… and nice." He didn’t believe him.
Fenick gave a sharp hmph before making his way back to Hanameen protectively.
"Fenick?? What's wrong??" She asked, looking down at him as he clung onto her and pulled on her arm a little.
"Nothing," He muttered darkly, shoving his face onto her apron afterwards.
#dovah writing#ves gets beat up chapter 308393993#i actually had to proofread this it was pretty IN NEED OF IT
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