I had the most excruciating stomach pain and thought I was dying and was rocking back and worth in the bed. I broke out in sweats. I was screaming. It felt like I was getting stabbed in the stomach repeatedly.
After I took some Tums and Gas X, I went into the livingroom so it would be easier for my family to find my corpse. I welcomed death. Then I scream/burped so violently and I woke up my grandma. Then I continued to burp some more. I burped about 8 times.
Anyway, I feel much better and am thankful I don't live in the 16th century. They would've probably tried to exercise a demon in me, blood let, then burn me for being possessed by a demon that made me scream in pain for hours.
I am thankful for modern science
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anannua · 2 months
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when i look up 'heart burn relief', it means i already HAVE heart burn, I am not trying to prevent it, I am trying to RELIEVE it 😭😫❤️‍🩹
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egglands-worst · 8 months
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
the cliche of the girl having an emotional breakdown and sobbing on her couch in her underwear sounds ridiculous until you are, in fact, a girl sobbing on your couch in your underwear.
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toomuchsky · 1 year
i think this pillow IS fixing my neck and back it’s just killing me in the process
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froggierboy · 7 months
been getting these stabby/pressure pains in my upper middle abdomen that last hours and it's starting to occur more and more frequently which is. upsetting to say the least
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doulayogimama · 9 days
My Mimi is 3 days post getting knocked to the ground + arm shattered by a car backing out in a parking lot where she was walking. She/we are so lucky, I can't believe it. The lady that hit her was on the phone. Of course.
I have spoken to my Mimi on the phone the last two days and she sounds so good and is already doing so much better. She just wants her surgery to fix her arm ASAP.
In pregnancy news, I’m 18 weeks and still relying on Zofran, GasX, and acid reflux meds to be functional. I still get sick at night a few times a week. It’s slowing down, very slowly, week by week, but it is. The acid reflux though is starting to kick my ass. I’m just sad for myself, as ridiculous as that sounds. I know I should be more grateful and happy but physically I’m so tapped out. I need to go live in a spa and hotel for 2 weeks and not take care of anybody else but myself. (Of course this will not happen, but that is the dream)
I just want it to be February and I want this boy in my arms (and to maybe never be pregnant ever again 🫠).
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lesbianslovebts · 1 year
Everyone pray for my brain and entire digestive tract please. 😭 I need to make it through my first day at a new job tomorrow, hopefully without a migraine or flareup. My period is scheduled to start tomorrow, too. 🙃
I'm so embarrassed about all the things I have to bring to function. I have ear plugs, ear defenders, noise cancelling headphones, stim toys, masks, hand sanitizer, migraine goggles, migraine meds, nausea meds, ibuprofen, Tums, GasX, cold meds, Afrin, tissues, pads, lens wipes, wallet, keys, water bottle, my own folder, notebook, pens, pencils, etc.
Trying to be proud of myself and not ashamed of my disabilities, and yet...
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woodsfae · 2 months
Do you have any suggestions for products or pjs I should get? I’m having my hysterectomy in a 18 days and I have no idea what to get. Also thank you for sharing your experience, I have a very similar one and you’ve been the only positive resource I can find!
Hey congrats on your upcoming hysto! Some of my experience (painwise especially) may have been more related to my endometriosis excision than the hysterectomy.
PJs - loose sweats (Partner helped me, since Doc said no bending or twisting) and a loose shirt. Or just an oversized shirt by itself.
I used my grabber tool a ton. My surgeon was emphatic that I not bend or twist at the waist at ALL till 6 weeks post op and having the grabber really let me accomodate that.
Medications: fiber pills, a laxative (opioids cause constipation), GasX.
Food- single serving snacks in abundance! My appetite was very low at first so I snacked on pudding cups, microwave pasta cups and such. I premade some meals to eat. Also gatorade, tea (peppermint tea for gas pain from the co2 they use to inflate abdomens for laparoscopic surgery), juice, and protein drinks. High protein is a must.
Not a product but, really make sure you take your pain meds on schedule. you don't want to get behind on pain management! If you don't have someone to keep track for you, setting timers and keeping a log helps a lot - I had really intense brain fog for a few weeks.
If you have reddit, /r/ftmhysto is a positive space, but the general attitude there is a hysto is no big deal - which wasn't my experience at all, lol. And /r/hysterectomy is a bastion of information and support but has a lot of ladies dealing with deep grief, complicated medical situations, etc, so it often isn't positive. And I'm always happy to chat about hysto stuff as well!
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cromwelll · 7 months
Fuck being sick
Fuck nausea
Fuck stomach pain
Fuck bloating
Fuck Tums and Pepto and GasX and Zantac and Immodium
Fuck expensive prescriptions that don’t work
Fuck tests I can’t afford
Fuck doctors who don’t know what to do, so they do nothing
Fuck food sensitivities
Fuck limited diets becoming more and more limited
Fuck feeling like I’m playing Russian roulette every time I eat a meal or snack
Fuck having to check where every bathroom is and if I can make it from where I am if I feel sick
Fuck heating pads and ice packs and paying out the nose to find ones I can wear undetected under my clothes
Fuck missing work and school and quality time with friends and family
Fuck losing weight for all the wrong reasons (e.g. afraid to eat and/or keep getting sick)
Fuck being sick
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sinnahsaint · 4 months
y’all are so boring at before-I-want-to-be-up o’clock
anyway, here’s a story about goat care (don’t worry, everyone is fine).
Long post plus goat poop pics at the end (wow this took an hour to write)
yesterday the girls were eating (comparatively) a lot of fresh, new and wet grass, after being on mostly hay, and last night they were both very round.
Now the problem with goats over-eating is they always have gas and over-eating makes it worse. (believe it or not, pretty much every ruminant animal can kill itself by over-eating things that are delicious but rare in nature, or even by a too sudden change in diet)
Goats burp every 5-15 minutes regularly but if theres a blockage, if they’re laying funny(eg: stuck on back), or even if the gas just builds up faster than they can burp it out their belly blows up like a balloon (which can be fatal within hours).
So last night I noticed they were very round and started cussing myself out for letting them graze so long after it started raining.
Star I was particularly worried about because she seemed sore and didn’t want me pressing/massaging her side which can help release more burps, but can be tender if they’re already bloated.
The biggest problem was deciding if there was a problem. They could just be very full from a nice long day of eating, or they could have hardly any food in there and mostly air. In human terms, there’s a big difference between undoing your pants and lounging on the couch because you just ate thanksgiving dinner, or undoing your pants and looking for gasX because that one bowl of chilli had too many beans for you.
I decided since it was very early stages if there was a problem since both sides were equally round(in the serious bloat cases it usually sticks out under the left ribs) I’d let them have a chance to chew some cud and I’d come check on them in a bit.
two hours later they were equally as round but I was able to observe both of them burping so I hoped they were okay for the night.
First thing this morning, the cat usually wakes me at 6 when the rooster starts crowing but this morning it was 5:30 and I thought “the earlier the better if there’s a problem” and got geared up to check on the goats. They usually don’t see me until milking time(about 8) but I had to get eyes on them.
I was so happy to see them standing and greeting me when I came in. They still look rather round but I think they just woke up because as soon as they knew it was me and they were safe, they started pooping. Now, as ruminants they often poop overnight, but minimally, and this morning I was in for a surprise. Instead of little pellets like normal, Star was putting out honking LOGS of poos. Poor girl. She’ll probably feel much better in a few hours and I’ll be watching to be sure they get better.
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inlovewithana16 · 27 days
taking stomach relief tabs and gasX on an empty stomach>>>>>>>
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ratsonas · 1 year
my little treats at 5 am. two gasx and two ibuprofen
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lesbianhallieparker · 2 years
beano works better than gasx in my opinion
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multitudecontainer420 · 2 months
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doulayogimama · 4 months
I’m so grateful that this isn’t my first pregnancy. One of the things that made my nausea 10x worse was how much gas I was suffering from and I literally don’t know how to burp very well so I couldn’t relieve myself as much as I needed to lol. After weeks of getting sick and having terrible gas, I started taking GasX. I think it was a pregnancy group I was in that recommended it. That cut my getting sick in half right off the bat.
TMI deets ahead 😅
I’m starting to feel a lot of gas, more than I normally do for sure. The kind I feel in my belly and my chest, but when I feel it get stuck in my chest cavity it makes me nauseous and that’s the worst.
I ordered extra strength gasx and lemon essential oil to smell for nausea yesterday. Ginger chews made me barf with Sky — I think they’re gross 👎 Sea bands didn’t help, I don’t think.
Any other reccomendations for early pregnancy I may have forgotten?? 🙏🏽
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