#gar saxon x you
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zoeykallus · 2 years ago
Master List/Stuff I Wrote Part 5
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Other Master Lists
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
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The Bad Batch/Rex x Reader HCs - The Blessing
The Bad Batch HCs - Baby's Lullaby
Bad Batch x Reader HCs - The Bartender And The Clone
Imperial Bad Batch x Reader HCs - About Dating
Bad Batch/Rex Wolffe x Reader HCs - Comforting You
The Bad Batch /Rex /Cody x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Communal Showers
The Bad Batch /Rex x Fem!Reader HCs - A Ghostly Touch
The Bad Batch x Reader - The Submissive Kink
The Bad Batch/Rex x Reader HCs - And Justice For All
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Cute Little Weakness
Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Hero Of The Day
The Bad Batch x Teacher!Reader HCs - Teaching The Next Generation
The Bad Batch (x Fem!Reader) HCs - The Girlfriend (Brotherly Love And Bickering)
The Bad Batch HCs - The Uncle Batch
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Take Better Care Of Yourself
The Bad Batch/ Gregor x Reader HCs - The Overprotective Parent
The Bad Batch x Afab!Reader HCs - True Affection
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Whose armor is this, anyway?
The Bad Batch/Rex x Fem!Jedi!Reader HCs - Teach Me
The Bad Batch/Rex/Fives x Fem!Reader HCs- Thigh Riding Part 1 Of 2
The Bad Batch/Rex/Fives x Fem!Reader HCs- Thigh Riding Part 2 Of 2
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - Necessity
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - Domination
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - When in self-doubt
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - The Sneaky And The Startled
The Bad Batch/Fives HCs x Reader - Outrageous And Thoughtless
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - I Loved Her First
The Bad Batch/Fives/Rex x Male!Reader HCs - What Is This Feeling?
The Bad Batch HCs - Puberty And Its Pitfalls
The Bad Batch x Offspring!Reader HCs - Gentle Parenting
The Bad Batch/Howzer/Rex x Reader HCs - Make Up For Lost Time
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader Shorts - Under The Armor
The Bad Batch/Gregor x Fem!Reader HCs - Well Endowed
The Bad Batch x fem!reader HCs - The Husband
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs (Shorts) - Picture Perfect
The Bad Batch/Rex/Fives x Fem!Reader HCs - Armor Kink
Tech x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Quirks, Insolence And Weak Knees
Tech/Howzer x 'Jedi'!Fem!Reader - Shortfic / Oneshot - The Misfits
Tech x Fem!Reader - The Lowest Low
Imperial!Crosshair x Medic!Fem!Reader One-shot - The Quiet Visitor
Crosshair x Fem!Reader Short One-shot - The Fatal Mistake
Crosshair x Jedi!Reader Oneshot - What Are You Afraid Of?
Crosshair x Fem!Reader One-shot - Chicken Legs
Crosshair My Beloved Enemy Vol.2 Chapter 3 – You Do Have A Heart
Hunter x Reader Short One-shot - Your Skin
Hunter x Reader One-Shot - You Ease My Pain
Hunter x Fem!Reader - One-Shot - The Tension Between Us
Hunter x Fem!Reader - One-Shot - Skipping Stones
Hunter x Reader One-Shot - Introductions
Hunter x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Show Me What You've Got
Wrecker x GN!Reader One-shot - Lean On Me
Imp!Wrecker x Fem!Reader One-shot - Steamy Encounter
Wrecker x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Delicious
Wrecker x Fem!Reader - Sunset On Pabu
Wrecker x GN Reader One-Shot - Tough Love
Echo x Fem!Reader Oneshot - The One I Love
Echo x Reader One - Shot - By Your Side
Echo x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Good Girl
Echo x Male!Reader Fluff One-Shot - Culinary Affection
Rex x Male!Reader One-shot - Close To You
Rex x GN!Reader One-Shot - I Knew I'd Find You Here
Maul x fem!Reader Oneshot - Bad Girl
Fives/Hunter/Crosshair/Tech/Rex/Echo x Reader HCs - Do Not Disturb
Wolffe / Crosshair x GN Reader One-shots (Drabbles) - You Are My Place Of Comfort
Crosshair/Hunter/Tech/Rex x Reader - The Masquerade
Rex/Cody/Howzer Drabbles/HCs - Culinary Romance
Hound x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Wrongfully Accused
Jedi Stuff
Ahsoka x Fem!Reader One-shot - Coming Home
Ahsoka x Fem!Reader One-Shot - The Things We Fight For
Other Star Wars Stuff
Gar Saxon - Spicy Headcanons
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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thesquireinvictus · 8 months ago
The confusion I have is that, when you actually look at (just Anglo-Saxon) runic inscriptions, you find that some of what's written out is not attested to in any regular explanation of the runes that I've been able to find...
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What is going on here, for instance?
F · U · Th (irregular) · "O" · R · C · G · W · H · N · I · J · Ï · P · X · S · T · B · E · M · L · NG · D · Oo & Oh · A · Ae · Ye · ea · Y (consonant) And then - Gar · ? · G · A · R · Y · U (irregular) · R · ? · possibly Gar again? · looks like a ᛉ (K/X/Ch) · A · Y (consonant)
It looks to be an abecedarium, with unusual letters reserved for the bottom row (?) where their pronunciation is spelled out. But what are all the mystery symbols?! What does third row, second rune (3.2) mean? It seems to indicate something like "=" because it tells the reader that the preceding "gar" rune is being spelled out phonetically in the three following runes "g a r," and again in 3.6-8, "Y u r," Yur, another pronunciation of gar. But then what does the same mystery symbol mean at 3.9? And is 3.11 a ᛉ? Why isn't that in the main alphabet above, since it's well attested? Does the script keep going, or it it lost?
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my-sun-m00n-and-stars · 2 years ago
Finally - Jango x FemaleOC
Smut oneshot
This is an excerpt from my fic on AO3, but I thought I'd post this scene as a one-shot for all of the Jango girlies out there. OC is a bounty hunter doing undercover work in Death Watch for Jango.
Here's the link if you want to read the full series.
Kiara walked briskly through the darkness to the cave where Slave One  resided. She had to deliver the information while the images were still fresh in her mind. It had been easy to slip out of the camp at night. The real challenge had been extracting herself from Gar Saxon’s arms; he had had her in a vice grip.
The night chill did nothing to cool the blood pumping throughout her body or quell the heat that still resided between her legs. Saxon had been good, but not the best she had ever had. Her body burned for more.
She resolved to dissipate her arousal by maintaining a brisk pace through the forest. If she was quick she could deliver the information and be back in Saxon’s bed before the sun rose. 
She reached the cave a little over a half an hour later. To her dismay Bane was outside working on the ship’s hull. She was suddenly very conscious of the fact that she was wearing thin linen pajamas. It didn’t help either that she was still terribly horny.
“I have information,” she announced. He gave her an appraising look, taking in her appearance. He opened his mouth to respond but for some reason hesitated.
He tasted the air with his tongue. Her whole body went flush. The squint of his red eyes from under his hat stated plainly that he knew what she had been up to.
“Don’ tell it t’me. He’s inside,” Bane said dismissively. Eager to escape his scrutiny, Kiara eagerly climbed up the ramp into Slave One.
“Jango?” She called out.
She had never seen a ship's interior like it. Almost everything she saw was modified, down to the internal lighting systems. She could hardly even call it a Firespray class craft anymore.
I gotta tell the mandos to spruce the Dragonsbreath up a bit.
A door down the short hallway to the left slid open, and Jango stepped out, steam unfurling behind him. He was shirtless, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He must just taken a shower.
“You called?” He replied casually, rubbing his hair with a smaller towel, messing it. Kiara bit her lip.
“I–yes, I learned some information about the prisoners.” She cleared her throat. He nodded and swallowed, his throat bobbing up and down. She could have sworn that he looked her figure up and down. She did her best not to return the favor.
“Follow me.”
He turned and led her down a hallway deeper into the bowels of the ship. His bare back was exposed to her. It was broad, and well-muscled with pale scars littering his otherwise brown skin. He paused in front of a door and opened it for her, allowing her to enter the room first. 
She nearly stopped in her tracks. It was his private quarters. They were spartan, but unmistakably his. His armor rested on a display in the corner. Weapons and trinkets were everywhere, but it was all orderly and neat. A small holophoto sat on a cabinet next to his cot, a small boy with a very familiar face. 
“Your son,” she realized aloud. 
“Yes,” Jango chuckled in reply.
Kiara studied the picture, studied the boy's face.
“He looks just like you. You must be proud.”
“I am.”
Kiara looked away from the photo and smiled at Jango, who smiled back. But damn  it, he was still in that towel. She sharply inhaled and looked away from him. She pressed her thighs together. She needed to focus on business.
“Death Watch dealt with a zygerrian man by the name of Ashar Romar. But apparently the deal went sour. I was told that the man stole the prisoners away from Death Watch,” she detailed. Jango stroked his chin and sat on his cot, reclining against the wall. 
“Ashar Romar… never heard of him. But the prisoners being stolen away from Death Watch checks out. Despite their questionable tactics, Death Watch are still mandalorians, and I couldn’t see them selling their own people out,” he said. “Did you learn anything more?”
“Yes. I know what Romar looks like, I saw his face.” Kiara closed her eyes and imagined it again. 
“Excellent. How did you obtain this information?” He asked. Kiara opened her eyes and gave him a sly look.
“Let’s just say I took a bit of your advice, and a bit of Aurra’s.” 
“Maker help you, then.”
“It wasn’t so bad.” Kiara laughed. 
Jango smirked, and he looked over her attire a second time. She crossed her arms. “Getting cold there?” She asked with raised brows, nodding at his bare chest.
“I’m hot, actually,” he rebuffed. “Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?” He asked softly, standing up from his cot and approaching her. Her mouth ran dry. Her nipples stood pert against the constraints of her pajama shirt. She looked anywhere but at the behemoth of bare muscle before her.
“Not at all,” she croaked. She took a few paces backwards to put distance between them. He enclosed it again, and took it a step further by taking her chin between his thick fingers, forcing her to look at him. The heat in her body was nearly unbearable, sweat beginning to form on her brow and down her back. 
Jango had no shame or subtlety when he looked at her this time. His eyes locked onto her lips, before traveling south to take in the sight of her breasts bulging against the too-tight and too-thin shirt.
What the hell is happening?
“You seem a bit hot yourself in that stuffy clothing,” Jango commented, idly trailing his finger down from her chin to the collar of her shirt.
Alarms of every kind blared in Kiara’s mind. What about Zam? What about what Aurra told you? He’s your employer! 
The arousal between her legs was unbearable. Coherent thought became impossible. She looked up at him demurely through her lashes. It was all happening so fast.
It was his final straw. He took her by the shoulders and kissed her, hard. She met his lips earnestly, wrapping her arms around his neck. They didn’t waste time with soft kisses; within seconds their tongues were entwined, tasting each other’s mouth. He pushed her up against the wall, his arms dropping from her shoulders to her waist, pulling her tight against him, sandwiching her between his hot body and the cold metal wall.
Their lips broke apart and he began planting kisses along her jaw and down her neck, leaving a trail of fire behind him. She yelped and giggled when he nibbled at the sensitive spot just behind her ear. His hands roved up and down, back and forth across her waist and stomach, feeling the taut muscle.
“I’ve been waiting for this, cyar’ika,” he whispered into her ear.
“I know,” she replied with a breathy smile.
His hands traveled to the small of her back, and then lower as they continued to kiss again. He gripped her ass with his hands, feeling and kneading the squishy flesh through her linen pants, occasionally traveling even lower to grip her thighs. He groaned in appreciation into her lips. She fumbled with the tie just above her pelvis before dropping her pants to the ground, leaving her in only her shirt and underwear. 
His hands immediately gravitated to her crotch, but seemed to think better of it and instead gripped her hips. He grinded against the outside of her thigh, his erection barely contained by the loosening towel around his waist. She teased her fingers just around the top of the towel, tracing the V framing his pelvis, enjoying the feeling of his abdominals tightening in reflex. 
She took time to massage and feel every muscle on his body as she had longed to for so long. She had spent so many months imagining what was under the armor, and now she was finding out.
He broke apart from her again, and dug his fingers into the hem of her shirt. He looked into her eyes, breaths heavy, waiting. She nodded, and he wasted no time in pulling the shirt swiftly over her head. Her breasts bounced at liberty in their new freedom, and Jango took a moment to admire them, panting lightly.
Agonizingly slow, he took them into his hands and palmed them gently, flicking her sensitive nipples with his thumbs. It was too much for her; she blushed furiously, the red color traveling all the way to her chest.
Without warning he put one into his mouth, extracting a soft moan from her lips. As he swirled his tongue around her nipple he gave her other breast equal attention with his hand. Kiara leaned against the wall for support, relishing in the metal’s cooling effect.
In her hazy mind she found the initiative to pull the towel away from his waist, allowing it to fall to the floor. She couldn’t see his cock from her angle as his head was in the way, still focusing all of his attentions on her breasts. She opted instead to roam her hands down his back, giving his buttocks a faint squeeze as he sucked at her tits in earnest.
Finally he pulled himself away, and she was able to see his cock in its full glory. It was a bit longer than average, but thick. It pointed straight at her, pre cum dripping from the tip.
She sank to her knees before him. He smiled at her, and she smiled back, before taking him into her mouth. She took him in all the way to the hilt, eager to please. He hissed and braced himself with his arm on the wall behind her. She formed a suction with her lips, and then released him, excruciatingly slowly.
“Kriff,” he cursed. She repeated the movement several times, teasing him. “Have mercy on me, cyar’ika,” he laughed breathlessly, digging his fingers into her hair but not pushing. She hummed in amusement around his cock, earning another moan from him.
She began to bob her head more quickly, maintaining the suction seal around his member with her lips and swirling her tongue along the underside of his shaft before circling it around his tip, repeating the pattern. His grip in her hair tightened, and she braced herself against his thighs with her hands.
“Fuck, that’s it Kiara, use your mouth just like that,” he instructed, his voice becoming ragged. She obeyed, picking up the pace even faster, focusing on not activating her gag reflex as his tip brushed the back of her throat over and over.
I’m going to make you cum, Fett.
She could feel the muscles around his pelvis tightening, his breaths becoming shallower. With a grunt, he ripped himself from her mouth, leaving a trail of saliva between his tip and her mouth. He wiped it away.
“Don’t want the party to end before it starts, gorgeous,” he murmured huskily, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Kiara nodded, and took the hand he offered her to stand back up. She laughed as he pulled her straight up into the air into a bridal-style carry, setting her down on his cot a few paces away. He clambered over her immediately, his form hulking. He settled his gaze on her panties. To her embarrassment they were already clearly soaked-through. 
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked gently, thumbing over the waistband.
“I just had your cock in my mouth Jango, I think we’re past asking those questions.”
“I suppose I should return the favor then, eh?” He laughed in reply, before tugging her underwear down over her hips. She kicked them off. 
I’m so glad I shaved for Saxon.
He planted kisses on her face, before trailing them down her body, going down on her. He planted a kiss on her pelvis, before pulling her legs apart, baring her to him.
He licked a stripe all the way from her slit up to her clitoris. She bit her lip, propping herself up on her elbows to watch. He winked at her, before diving into her pussy mouth-first. 
She cried out as he attacked her clit with his tongue, circling it and flicking it from side to side. At the same time he sunk his index finger inside her, curling it back and forth against her G-spot. He continued different combinations of different moves, watching her form and her reactions closely.
Her whole body jolted at a particular moment where both his fingers and his tongue found just the right angles, pleasure shooting up her body.
“Just like that,” she moaned. He groaned in response into her cunt and continued his ministrations exactly as before, building a rhythm. A hot coil began to tighten in the pit of her stomach, slowly growing tighter and tighter. She balled the sheets in her fists, her knuckles white. He continued to maintain his movements, his eyes locked onto her face. Her breaths grew shallower, more rapid, a flush taking over her entire body, her toes curled and back arching—
Kiara cried out as she came, throwing her head back into the pillow. Jango lapped up her new juices eagerly in long strokes of his tongue. She came down from her high, twitching and jolting at his every touch of her sensitive sex.
Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, he came to hover over her. She looked up at him, panting, sweat beading on her forehead. 
“You all right, Kiara?” He asked, stroking her locks of blonde hair. The way he said her name made her melt into the sheets. She ran her hands up his forearms, settling them on his biceps.
“I’m impatient, that’s what I am,” she breathed. He chuckled, and sat back on his haunches, directing his attention to their nether regions. He settled himself between her legs and threw each of them over his shoulders, planting a quick kiss on the inside of her calf. Cock in hand, he aligned himself with her entrance.
He rubbed the tip up and down her wet slit. She whined in anticipation, bucking her hips towards him. He pushed her hips down firmly, putting her in her place. 
“Behave now, cyar’ika.”
He pushed himself inside. Kiara gasped, adjusting rapidly to his girth. He growled in pleasure, hilting himself within her and resting for a few moments, steeling himself. He began to thrust, starting slow, allowing her to accustom to him, before picking up the pace. The angle with her legs on his shoulders was deeper than Kiara was used to. She bit her lip as he grew more vigorous, stretching her walls over and over again. 
He grasped her ample tits in his hands once more, holding on to them as they bounced with the movement. Her arms fell beside her head, becoming limp. 
For several minutes there was nothing but the sound of skin slapping skin and Kiara’s moans as Jango set a punishing pace, breathing hard, his gaze flitting between her face, her breasts, and the place where his cock met her pussy.
He leaned forward, her legs folding back and deepening the angle extremely as he settled onto his forearms, pressing into her body. Kiara grit her teeth as he hit a new place deep inside her that was both pleasurable and painful. He quickened his pace, pistoning in and out of her, chasing his high. He was moaning too now, a deep, lustful sound.
The sound triggered something within Kiara, and she could feel another orgasm building. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, drawing him closer, deeper. He hit the same spot inside her over and over again, building the pressure within her.
It burst forth like a damn. She dug her nails into his back, stifling her scream in his shoulder. He spasmed and twitched as he pulled out just in time, his cum unfurling in spurts on her stomach. He let out one last groan as he did so, his head lolling down.
They breathed hard in silence, recovering. She grabbed him gently by the face and kissed him again. 
“That was a long time coming,” he sighed.
“It was,” she replied with a twinkle in her eye. Aurra be damned. Bane be damned.
“I’ll get you a towel,” he offered, extracting himself from her to retrieve one. She was sorry to have him leave her arms so soon, but cold hard realities were starting to crash in again
“I need to get back before sunrise, or I’ll be missed,” she stated, waiting patiently for his towel. She held out her hand for it when he returned, but he completed the job himself, wiping her clean. She sat up next to him on the cot, planting another kiss on his cheek.
Jango pulled her into his lap carefully, wrapping his arms around her waist a final time. They kissed passionately, but briefly.
“Until next time,” he promised her. She beamed at him, before starting to gather her clothes for her return back to camp.
Next time.
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anne-sakaura · 4 years ago
Gar and Annu Twilus (my OC, jedi knight who disguises as a Mandarolian Super Comando's member, Lilly Den)
These days, I'm interested in using pastel brush in the paint app. It is very cute, and really easy to draw anything🙌🙌
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calamity-queen · 4 years ago
Almost started crying writing the next installment of Verburyc im sorry everyone :  ,  )
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ghouligancentral · 2 years ago
Not the Only Ones
"Your Gravity Holds Me Down" Chapter 2
Din Djarin X Fem!Reader
Summary- Din asks you about your parents and you are finally able to see what is on that data stick.
A/N- While there is a tab bit of divergence,I tried to keep the story to canon timeline. So there could possibly be some spoilers if you are currently watching Rebels, but nothing too shocking. Also I just found out that Fenn Rau will be in The Mandalorian season 3 and I am chuffed to bits!
Chapter Warnings: None, this is a slow burn, babes.
You both turn to look at eachother, not that you would be able to see his expression through the helmet. Din is expecting to find you shocked, but what he sees surprises him, there is no reaction. No panic, no excitement, nothing. Yarya extends her hand to give you back the metal. 
“Ok, so what does this even mean? The Pykes stole a historic artifact, what else is new?” You ask as you take the cold lump of beskar from her hands. 
“Well, that’s the thing. This was only made around 15 years ago,” Yarya explains.
That… that’s not possible. That would mean that it was created after the siege of Mandalore and the Great Purge. After all of the Protectors, except for your father, were slaughtered by the Gar Saxon and his warriors. As the memories come flooding in, you feel tears begin to well up in your eyes. No! You will not do this here, not now. 
You take a deep breath to calm yourself, you feel Din’s hand brushes yours. This is his silent way of telling you that he’s there for you. He understands what you are feeling, his people were also murdered. 
“Do you think—” 
“It means that the Protectors still live,” you answer Yarya’s question before she can even finish it. 
“And if it is true, that there are still some Protectors alive, what do the Pykes even want with this?” Mando asks. 
“That I don’t know,” Yarya replies,” but if they are somehow caught up in all of this, that will make things more complicated for you two.” 
 You sigh in agreement, still staring at the metal slab in your hands, turning it over a couple of times. Yarya can see the exhaustion in your eyes. 
“It’s late. You need to get some rest,” Yarya says as she motions for you to follow her,” we can talk about this more in the morning.” She leads the both of you down a small hallway lined with maybe four or five doors. A few of the doors are open, showing that there is no one else staying here. 
“Here,” she explains as she pushes a button, opening the last two doors on the right side of the hall,” this will be your room and Mando’s is right next door. My room is right down the hall if you need anything.” 
You all say your ‘good nights’ before Yarya turns and shuffles back through the hall to her own room. As you step into the room, you allow your eyes to flicker over its interior. It is small, containing only a bed, side table, and chair. The room is dark, save for the purple light from a sign outside, flickering through the tiny rectangular window over the bed. Upon setting you bag down, you are surprised to find that Din follows behind you instead of going to his own room.  He waits for the door to close behind him before he speaks. 
“Tell me about the Protectors, tell me about your people,” Din utters as he steps a little closer to you. Now that all of the alcohol has left your system, the close proximity in which Din is standing causes your cheeks to heat up. Your eyes slowly roam over his body as you look up at him. 
In the past few months, you have found yourself becoming more and more attracted to Din. It wasn’t that you weren’t attracted to him when you first met. Sure, when you did meet for the first time, he had terrified you. Which was a given, since he was hunting you down to bring to the Pykes, but there is something to be said about a big, mysterious man that never removes his helmet. But now the feeling is different, there is more emotion behind it. You care for him in a way you’ve never felt for anyone else. 
All you want to do is reach and touch him. You want to feel him, but you don’t. Instead, you just turn and take two steps before arriving at the bed. 
“You’re the real Mandalorian here. Shouldn’t you already know this?” You grunt as you flop down onto the mattress.
 “I was told I could never remove my helmet if I was a true Mandalorian. So forgive me if I’m not up to date on Mandalorian History.” 
“And they’re not my people, Din,” you reply. 
“Your father is of Mandalore, therefore you are as well,” Din explains, trying to be as gentle as possible but still get the information he seeks, “So who were they?” 
“They may be my people, but I’ll tell you one thing,” you groan as you sit up to face him,” they wouldn’t want me.” 
Sure, your father had trained you as a warrior when you were a child, but that didn’t change the fact of what you are. You are a thief. A dirty, rotten, no-good thief. 
“So tell me,” Din prompts once more as he sits down beside you on the bed. You continue to stare at the ceiling until you hear the sound of his helmet being removed, followed by the clank of armor being set down on the floor. 
“Tell me,” Din whispers as he gently cups your jaw and moves your face so that his eyes meet yours. Those brown eyes have always had the power to melt your heart, ever since the first time you saw them. All Din wants right now is to help you through whatever you are feeling, but he’s not sure how. This moment would be romantic if it weren’t for the nagging anger in the back of your mind. You let out a long sigh as you sit up. 
“Fine,” you groan,” Many eons ago, a group of elite Mandalorian warriors swore an oath to the Mand’alor, with this they vowed their loyalty to Mandalore and its people. For many centuries, the Protectors established themselves as the greatest warriors.” 
You knew these lines by heart. Your father had taught them to you just like his parents had to him. You look back at Din to see if that was enough to satisfy his curiosity. It isn’t, so you continue. 
“The Protectors remained loyal to the Mand’alor until the Siege.” 
“What changed?” 
“Maul. The Protectors felt that Maul had no right to be the ruler of Mandalore and they left to set up a base on Concord Dawn. This ensured that they  were able to make it through the Siege, but during the Purge,” you swallow once before continuing,” they were betrayed by the people they thought could be trusted.” 
“Who did this?” 
You take another deep breath before continuing. 
“ Supercommandos, fellow Mandalorians, led by Gar Saxon. They ambushed the Protectors and slaughtered them all. Even those who could not fight weren’t spared. And for what?” you scoff,” an Empire that would be brought to its knees by a single Jedi.” 
Din’s heart drops when he hears this. He was taught that Mandalorians were not to fight amongst themselves, that they could disagree but always remained loyal to each other. I guess there is no honor among us, Din thinks before placing a hand on your knee, attempting to offer you some sort of comfort. 
“My father spent his every waking moment tracking them down, avenging the death of his fellow warriors, but then he met my mother. He always blamed himself for what happened to them,” you explain, pulling your knees up to your chest.
“Your father?” Din questions, cocking his head to the side. 
“Yes. He said that if he had been there, they wouldn’t have been killed. My mother always told him there was nothing he could have done, that he would have probably been killed as well and then he would have never met her.” 
You smile a little as you recall the love your parents have for each other. Your father would go to the ends of the galaxy for your mother and she would do the same for him. You never really understood it until you met Din, but now you are beginning to understand how you can care for someone so much. That smile quickly fades from your face as the memories of your father’s pain come back. 
“What happened to Gar Saxon and the other Supercommandos?” Din asks. 
“Saxon was killed by a member of Clan Wren,” you spit, the feels vial in your mouth.
” After that my father joined the Rebellion. I don’t know what happened to the others,” your jaw clenches in anger as you utter the words
With the rage comes the tears, you stay silent as you feel them welling up in your eyes. Din stiffens a little, feeling uncomfortable as he watches the tears beginning to roll down your cheeks. His heart breaks for you but he doesn’t know what to do. He would give anything to be able to take this pain away. 
“What do you want to do?” Din asks as he looks into your eyes, searching for any answers. 
“I… I don’t know,” you sniffle. You’re already exhausted, both physically and emotionally, from living with a bounty on your head and this latest discovery just pushes you over the edge. Din remains silent as he pulls you against his chest and you allow it, just wanting to feel close to someone. 
The tears continue to stream down your face for a few more minutes before they finally dry up. The Mandalorian continues to soothe you with his touch. You expected him to have unwrapped his arms from you by now but he hasn’t and doesn’t show any signs of doing it soon. 
“Um, Din?” you question, wondering why he is still holding you, not that you’re complaining. 
“Oh sorry. You need to rest. I… uh… I’ll go,” Din stutters, standing up. 
“No, stay,” you exclaim, a little too eagerly,” please.” 
Din nods slowly before he sits back down beside you. With a sign, you roll over to lay down on the bed and pat the open space beside you, indicating that you want him to join you. Hesitation flashes in Din’s eyes and you end up having to pull him down. 
“Let's deal with the Pykes and then we can try to track down where the beskar came from,” Din utters. He watches as you wiggle a little so that you have room to look up at him. 
“Maybe there is something on that data stick that will help us find an answer,” you say as you attempt to sit up to get it. Din stops you and pulls you back down onto the mattress. 
“You can do that tomorrow, for now, you need rest,” Din whispers. You close your eyes and attempt to get settled, but no position feels comfortable. After a couple minutes, you are able to get into an okay position. Eventually, you drift into a restless sleep. 
The next morning you wake to sunlight trickling in through the widow. Feeling the weight of an arm over you, you realize that Din is still beside you sleeping. You had expected him to go to his own room after you fell asleep, but this was a pleasant surprise. While you shift a little, your rear bumps into something hard. Didn’t Din take all of his armor off last night? Ohhhh...
A blush heats up your cheeks when you realize you are pressing up against. You know Din would absolutely die if he woke up to find his arms wrapped around you and his erect member pressed into your back. Slowly, you wriggle out from his grasp to make your way to the fresher, grabbing your bag as you walk past.  
After completing your morning routine and changing out of the dress you had slept in, you return to the room to find the Mandalorian awake and already in the process of putting his armor back on. 
When he notices you staring he tenses a little. When he had woken up to find you missing and his morning wood, Din thought the worst. But the way you smiled at him made him think that maybe you hadn’t noticed.  
“Good morning,” you chirp, giggling a little at the state of his hair. 
“Morning,” Din replies, as he slowly relaxes. 
“I’m going to go talk to Yarya. I’ll bring you some food so you can eat in private. After you’re finished we will meet in the living room, okay?” 
“Alright,” Din grunts as he watches you leave. She didn’t notice, right?
You found that Yarya is already awake and making caf. A yawn escapes your lips as you walk up to stand beside her. She hands you a mug and you go to pour yourself a cup of the caffeinated liquid.  
“Have a good night's sleep?” Yarya grins before giving you a wink. 
You blink at her a couple of times trying to understand why she had emphasized ‘sleep’. Then it dawned on you. You noticed that the door to Mando’s room remained open and  the bed had not been slept in on your way to the kitchen. She must have seen it and put two and two together. 
“It’s not like that,” you blush, averting your gaze. 
“Oh really?” Yarya asks as she leans against the counter before taking a long sip of her morning brew, eyeing you over the rim of the mug,” coulda fooled me.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Oh come on. He can’t keep his eyes off of you,” Yarya quips,” Or at least I think those are his eyes, I can't really tell through the helmet and all.”
“That is if he even has eyes. Does he have eyes? Is he even human?” Yarya muses before she looks back at you. Your puzzled look prompts her to continue with a sigh. 
“Are you telling me you really haven’t noticed? Even through the helmet and all the armor, I can tell that man is about ready to drop to his knees and profess his love for you. And don’t lie and say you don’t feel the same, I know you too well for that,” Yarya explains with a grin. Your blush deepens as you continue staring into your mug. 
“I... I don’t think he feels that way towards me,” you utter. 
“Uh huh. Here,” Yarya says while passing you a plate of food,” take this to him. I’m assuming he won’t be joining us for breakfast.” 
You nod before delivering the food to the Mandalorian. 
“Din?” you question as you knock on the door. The door sweeps open to reveal the man in his full armor. 
You pass him the warm plate without stepping into the room. 
“Thank you,” the modulated voice answers before you turn around to go back to eat with Yarya. Was Yarya right? Did he really have feelings for you? 
“So do you have any idea where to find more information on the sigil?” you ask before taking a sip of the warm caf. 
“Shouldn’t you be asking your Mandalorian friend? I would think he’d know more about this than me,” Yarya explains.  
“He’s not well versed in the subject of Mandalorian history,” you shrug. Just then you watch as the Mandalorian makes his way into the room with the empty plate in his hand.
“Well, what about your father? You could try going to him,” Yarya offers, the statement has you choking on your caf. 
“Are you okay?” Din asks as he rushes to your side. As you sputter out a couple more coughs, you look up to see Yarya raising her eyebrows at you. You know exactly what she’d say, ‘I thought you said he didn’t care about you in that way.’  
You wave Din off as you assure him that you are fine. He reluctantly leaves your side and continues to the kitchen to put away the dish. You take a couple of deep breaths to steady yourself. This time Yarya waits until you put your caf down to speak. 
“So what?” 
“What do you think about my idea of asking your father?” Yarya questions. 
“You know I can’t do that. I can’t endanger my family by bringing them into this,” you explain as guilt and shame creep into the corners of your mind. Suddenly you remember that you still have the data stick from the club last night. 
“Do you have somewhere I could take a look at this?” You ask as you hold up the data stick. Yarya nods before she leads you over to a holoscreen. 
“This should work,” she states as she plugs it in. Your eyes scan the screen, looking for the file with your name on it. Ah Ha! Once you spot it, you point it out to Yarya who taps on it. The file contains a list of everything the Pykes ever had you do. Every item, data, and plot all listed out in great detail. However, there is something that you don’t recognize, and you have Yarya open it. A series of numbers appear on the screen, they look like coordinates to somewhere in the Outer Rim. Why would there be coordinates under my name? 
“Can you locate where this leads to?” You ask. 
“Sure,” Yarya says as she begins typing once more,” but it will take a minute.” 
While the data is being uploaded, you go back to the previous conversation. 
“Are there any other ways besides bringing my family into this?” 
“Maybe,” Yarya utters, her words seeming hesitant,” there could be some more information in Kavasmor, an ancient temple on Mandalore.” 
Yarya shuffles over to the bookshelf lining the back wall of the room. You watch as she makes little ‘hmms’ as she searches for a specific text. While Yarya is looking, Din comes over to stand by your side.
“Aha!” She exclaims. Din walks over to help her as soon as he sees her heave a gigantic book off of the shelf. When it is placed in his hands, Din fumbles it a little, not expecting the sheer weight of it. Din grunts when he drops the book down onto the table. Landing with a thunk, dust rushes out from in between its pages. 
The text has seen better days. Its cover is peeling and the spine is cracked, the entirety of it is withering away just as the age in which it was written. Yarya bumps Din out of the way to get to the book. Upon opening it, her finger traces lightly over the delicate paper as she scans through a list. You peer over her shoulder in hopes of getting a glimpse. Unfortunately the text is written entirely in an ancient Twi'lek dialect, one in which you aren’t well versed. 
“This atlas was created many centuries ago,” Yarya explains as she flips through the pages,” so long, in fact, that many of the maps aren’t accurate today, but it should still be able to help us.” 
She stops on a page depicting a large planet, even with the age and inaccuracies of the book you can tell that this is Mandalore. 
“So where exactly is this temple?” Din asks as he places both of his hands on the table, craning his neck to get a look. 
“Therein lies the issue. No one really knows for certain since the ancient maps were lost or destroyed.” 
You groan at this information. Here you were, so close, yet so far. A smile slowly creeps onto Yarya’s face. 
“All except for a few,” Yarya grins as she flips the page,” my father and I managed to smuggle this book off of Ryloth before it could be found by the Empire.” 
“Scholars believe that it was located in the northern mountains. Here,” Yarya states, placing her finger on the map,” so if I were you that’s where I’d start.”
You take a few moments to stare at the page which depicts a mountain range covered in snow, before the holo screen pings and the three of you turn to see where the coordinates had led to. Everyone’s eyes widen at the sight. 
“I thought you said maps to this place were extremely rare,” Din utters as his eyes flicker over the screen. 
“They are,” Yarya replies,” but it looks like you two aren’t the only ones looking for the temple.” 
“And they think that I have something to do with all of this,” you sigh. 
I hope you are enjoying this. I'm really excited about where this is going and I already have the next couple of chapters planned out. As always likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated. See you next chapter!
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kimageddon · 3 years ago
Hello friends!
So I am curious as to whether you guys would want to use some of my prompts for me to write a lil fic/drabble/blurb whatever they are called.
So I have my Prompt List here
If you are interested choose one, send me an ask with a character from my list below and I can write a HC or reader/OC X character thing.
This is for Star Wars characters so bear that in mind. Mostly TCW era, I am still unsure about a lot of Rebels era characters.
I can comfortably write for most of the clones(TBB included), Maul and co (meaning Nightbrothers and such), bounty hunters such as Cad Bane, Hondo etc. Mandalorians like Jango, Boba, Gar Saxon and even my OC Adaji Treshan (from APOD).
If you have any questions, let me know, and if you could share/RB this that would be wonderful, I would like to get some asks to practice my writing.
Thank you kindly!
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dindjarins04 · 4 years ago
Could you do Darth Maul?
With the promts
2a 8a 16a
1b 7b 9b 10b 12b 15b
Make me cry like the baby I am
Gosh darn this hurt me! I love Maul so much it hurts to write angst about him!! This is an amazing request but a painful one!
A Failed Promised
Maul x FEM!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Prompts: 2A) I love you. 8A) It's alright, I've got you. 16A) You've been strong for too long. 1B) I couldn't unlove her; and I didn't want to. 7B) I don't even know who you are anymore. 9B) BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. 10B) I loved you (past tense). 12B) You broke me first. 15B) I am not angry, I'm in pain! And you put me here! The person who's supposed to love me more than anything.
Warnings: Hurt!Maul (this has to be warning), brief mention of self harm (like just a tiny but you have to squint to see it, and it's not the reader who harmed herself!), angst, not a happy ending, crying, shouting and ANGST.
Request rules here
Prompt list here
Main masterlist here
Darth Maul/Oppress masterlist here
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When the relationship started, everything was perfect. Nothing went wrong, it was a smooth road and a clear future, or so you thought. You thought that in the future you would be a family, two knucklehead children running around the throne room of Mandalore and hitting each other with sticks. You imagine you and Maul telling them stories of everything that happened during the Clone Wars. You were so prepared for a bright future so it hurt when that dream turned to ash.
You noticed that he began to become more distant. Instead of laying with you in the morning, when you woke up he was gone. And it kept happening. He left early in the morning and came back late at night. Conversations with you were short and straight to the point. You decided to confront him about it, and because of that, that's why you are here.
You managed to wake up with him. He was busy getting changed when you walked into the living area of your shared quarters.
"Sorry dear, I didn't mean to wake you up," He said as he clipped his lightsaber and darksaber to his sides.
"Maul, we need to talk," You say sternly. He stops and turns to you, brows furrowed. The tone in your voice sent shivers through him.
"What is it?" Before you can even start, tears begin to surface. He smiles softly before walking over to you, embracing you. "It's alright, I've got you," You sniffle before you bring yourself to words.
"I...Do you like me?" You cringed at your choice of words. He chuckles lightly, pulling back to hold the side of your face.
"I love you," He says. You pull away and shake your head.
"Why does it feel like you don't love me?"
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"You're barely around anymore, our conversations are limited to a couple of words," You noticed how he seemed to get agitated.
"You are aware I have an entire kingdom to rule," He asks.
"I am aware...but my love-"
"I need to be strong for this. For Mandalore. For the Crimson Dawn...for my brother,"
"You've been strong for too long," You say, stepping forward. "I know it was hard to lose your brother and you have so much on your plate...but you're overdoing yourself. Saxon can take care of Mandalore for a day if it means you got some rest," This time it is him who shakes his head and turns away and walks to the door.
"I can't, I have to rule Mandalore. I have to keep this up-"
"Even if it means losing me?" He freezes and turns his head.
"If this is how the rest of my life with you is going to be, I don't want it," You say strongly. He turns fully to face you, eyes narrowed. "Come back to me, I love you!" You said, tears surfacing again.
"I am in charge of the biggest syndicates and ruling Mandalore, I have priorities,"
"I should be a priority! You promised me you would stay with me!"
"Unfortunately you're not,"
"I don't even know who you are anymore," He rolls his eyes and folds his arms.
"Leave if you're so willing to do so,"
"Fine! I will!" You march back up to your room and begin to pack your stuff, anger in your movements, tears falling freely. Once you packed your two bags you walk towards the door where Maul is. His eyes seem to widen and hurt crosses his face when seeing your packed bags. "Move," You say, your voice shaking.
"You're leaving?"
"You told me to do so...and thinking about it...it's the only option that I won't regret making,"
"You regret us?"
"Yes, very much," You snarl.
"(Y/N), you're just angry, perhaps if you calmed down-" He attempts to reason.
"I'm not angry, I'm in pain! And you put me here! The person who's supposed to love me more than anything!" You shout, angry and sad tears cascading down your face.
"Please...I'm sorry," He reaches out to hold you put you pull away, even though it hurts your heart. He falls to his knees and holds your hands that clutch around your bags. "I'm begging you, (Y/N)...please...I'll change...I'll do anything,"
"Why are you doing this?" You ask trying to keep the confidence in your voice.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" You shake your head and pull away from him, opening the door, leaving him but he follows you out. "Please! Don't leave. Please? (Y/N)?" You turn to see the pain written across his face.
"Maul...I loved you. I loved you so much...but I can't stay here any longer...not now," You turn again but you hear him following.
"My love, doing this will break my hearts-"
"You broke me first," You say, turning to face him. "All of this...you no longer love me. You're obsessed with Mandalore. With Obi-Wan. All of this has made you forget about me. The one person who was there for everything. From Naboo all the way to Mandalore. But this obsession put me in the shadows," You sigh before leaving, leaving Mandalore and the man you've loved for so long.
"My lord...what is wrong?" Gar Saxon asks when he walks into the throne room. Maul, shirtless, is on the throne, head buried in his hands, elbows on his knees. He slowly lifts his head to look at the Mandalorian.
"She's gone," Maul says. Saxon sees he's been crying and notices fresh scars across his chest.
"Would you like me to find her? Send out parties?"
"No...she left willingly," He says, looking up. "And she's not coming back,"
"My lord, I was unaware that (Y/N) left...I'm sorry that it didn't work out,"
"I couldn't unlove her; and I didn't want to," He says, standing up and walking to the window in the throne room. "And here I am...I have no one because I was too arrogant and too proud," He bows his head. "She's better off without me,"
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zoeykallus · 2 years ago
Hi Zoey,
Would you like to do a Spicy One shot or Spicy Headcanon on Gar Saxon (Clone Wars version) x Reader.
He's a character that I really appreciate on the Mandalorian side and we see very few Fic on him.
I love your writing and I thought you would have a good idea for this character. 😍
Thank you so much.😁
I don't know much about this guy, only the few times we see him in TCW and Rebels. But I'd love to dive in and make my very own wild guess. Let me start with some basic HCs to get a feel for this guy 😊
Gar Saxon - Spicy Headcanons
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Warnings: Suggestive/Mention Of Sexual Activities, Kinks And Such/Dominance/18+
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This man is tough, unyielding, dangerous, a warrior. But he is not only passionate in battle. A look under the surface also shows that he feels intensely once you open his shell. But don't be fooled, he is still Gar Saxon, he is in control.
How he approaches you, the object of desire:
Once you have aroused his interest, be prepared that he is very engaging. He romances you in quite a demanding way. He is very direct, and be aware, he is full of himself. Gar does not hide what he wants, and what he wants is you. He flirts intensely and bluntly, approaches you, small touches underline his interest, just like his deep, slightly smoky tone he uses. He is a seducer.
Don't play shy or disinterested for too long, Gar is not of the patient kind. For a few weeks he may play the game, woo you, flirt, compliment you, but eventually frustration sets in, and he flirts with others in your presence to show you that he can theoretically have whoever he wants.
Gar is not a switch. He is in control at all times. The dominant role is where he feels comfortable, when he has you under control, and you are writhing in ecstasy. He loves it when you adore him, act submissive and read his every wish from his lips.
Rough Or Soft?
Gar can actually do, and enjoy both. Even in his dominant role, he can be gentle with you. But either way, one of the first things you two discuss regarding your intimacies is a safe-word, just in case.
Selfish Or Generous?
In fact, he's a bit of both, even if he enjoys your submissiveness and is sometimes a bit condescending, degrading even, it's all part of the game. Foreplay is long, extensive, and even if he is in control, you can count on having at least one orgasm during foreplay alone. He'll never surrender control, but he won't let you fall short either.
Gar is anything but lazy, the more he can drive you out of your mind, the better. He enjoys that power he has over you as he licks out your pussy, and you moan, squirm and barely hold on to yourself. There are days when he fingers and licks you until you can't cum anymore, and almost beg him to stop.
Favorite position:
Practically any pose in which he is dominant. However, he prefers to have you under him, your feet on his shoulders, your knees pressed down almost to your own shoulders, practically folded under him. In this pose, he feels like he can penetrate you especially deeply and have you completely under his control.
Praise-Kink when you look up at him, on your knees, about to give him a proper blowjob, and tell him how wonderful his cock is. Or you're lying under him and moaning in his ear how perfectly he takes you, it's like balm for his soul, spurring him on and increasing his arousal.
Dom/sub kink, as mentioned before, he likes to be very dominant and likes it when you submit to him erotically, playfully. Just to make one thing clear, he does not expect this submission from you in everyday life, only in bed it brings the extra kick. In this context, he also likes to tie you up,
Dirty talk turns him on, if you have it in you to talk submissively but suggestively, to offer yourself to him verbally as well, you have him in the mood immediately, from 0 to 100 in just a few words.
Very high, way above average. It can happen at any time, in almost any place, that he suddenly gets in touch with you. It's not necessarily a kink, but he doesn't mind doing it in public places. He doesn't really mind if you get caught either.
His Love Language:
Protection. One of the greatest labors of love he gives you is his protection. He will stand up to anything and anyone if necessary, for him, it is a matter of honor to protect the beloved partner at any cost. But it does not always have to be a matter of life or death. Anyone who dares to even look at you wrong or get the stupid idea to say something foul to you, should quickly seek the distance.
Attention is another sign, Gar has a certain arrogance about him, but he listens too, you certainly do not always agree, but he will never ignore you.
Gifts. He brings you something from every trip he has to make without you, from every battle. Sometimes it's small gestures that just show you he's thinking of you, but sometimes it's very special, expensive things.
Gar is probably one of the most jealous people you will ever meet, maybe even the most jealous. He checks every person who comes near you carefully, keeping an eye on everything. When you go out alone, you always have an escort breathing down your neck to keep an eye on you, just in case.
He claims that this is not about the trust he has in you, but about the fact that he does not trust others whom you might meet. Should someone hit on you, it will be stopped very quickly, even with violence, Gar does not hold back. Admirers should be very, very careful if they want to stay alive.
As I said, I don't know too much about Saxon, but this is what my mid came up with, reviewing what I saw/heard/read about him. I hope that's not too far from what you imagined.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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justalittletomato · 4 years ago
Training Practice (Darth Maul X Reader)
A/n: wow two drabbles, I had this one ready the other day and forgot to post it. Just a pre relationship drabble about the two. 
Synopsis: With a new reign comes a chance to bring back something forgotten, so where is Y/N? And who is the new mandalorian in the room? 
Y/N rushed through the day, sending notes and scrambling about with her data pad. Savage pulled her back from hitting a closing door as she left the throne room.
“ Someone is distracted today.” The yellow zabrak mentioned, Y/N was grinning,” There’s a training match today. I want to get everything done before it starts.” There was a shine in her eyes, “It’s been a long time since there was one in the palace, long before I came here. I am amazed Lord Maul agreed to it.” Savage watched her cheeks color a bit, he shook his head, “He’s probably  looking forward to everyone making fools of themselves trying to impress him.”
She frowned up at him, “Lord Savage, these trainings were daily rituals for us as children. It was how we improved our skills. When the Duchess took over, well that had be done away with,” she shook her head, now was not the time to think about it, “ Well I suppose I’ll see you there, then you’ll see.”
Maul watched the Deathwatch  Mandalorians line up each garbed in their armor; many of them had painted red and yellows onto their beskar to show their allegiance.  One individual had mostly darkened gray armor the only signs of paint were the red horns on the helmet, unlike the rest this one seemed to take the time to paint them carefully, Maul was impressed at the care put into them.  “I don’t recognize that one.” Maul muttered to his brother, the elder looked at the newcomer closely, “ Nor I maybe they got new armor, also has Y/N come by? She was intent on watching.”
Maul furrowed his brow and grumbled, “ How would I know?” Savage didn’t seem to let up and continued,“She’s usually nearby wherever you are, come to think of it today she wasn’t around as much.”
“Don’t remind me. She had been pestering me about these trainings for the past week.” Maul recalled how she spoke of the ones she saw as a child and how quiet of few of the Death Watch were involved in the ones from back then.
The two often discussed the Mandalore that Y/N saw of as a child, it was better than when she gave him more information on what he missed in meetings when they were in mand’oa, they weren’t always pleasant and Almec had to bring in replacements every so often after Y/N translated as requested, even the insults. She had tried to change the subject afterwards and suggested holding one of the training might help with morale and increase their support of him.  
She always tried to find a way that would convince him, and now here he was watching and she wasn’t even here!  She would show up when he and his brother sparred, asking question after question that Maul had to keep pausing to answer. The genuine intrigue in her eyes felt odd to him, but he continued to answer her.
“Maybe she’s late.” his brother offered, Maul was watching as the gray mandalorian picked up a blaster and placed it in thier holster along with many knives in thier pockets.
“She better be, this is her idea.” Savage knew to stop, Maul was already in a mood and with no Y/N in sight he would continue to be angry.
The horned mandalorian as Maul had dubbed them was still standing in battle, they knew when to dodge and how to best take a hit without being taken out. This one easily took on new weapons and even disengaged someone’s jet pack with a knife. Their armor seemed to hide many of these small weapons, tossing them and aiming at the more unprotected areas of the other’s armor, not to take out but to slow them down, as another mandalorian would take them on if need be.
Eventually it was Gar Saxon  and the horned helmet still standing, “It’s been years since we fought like this!” Gar Saxon commented.
The horned mandalorian nodded,
“ But as always you left me untouched.” Gar motioned for the other to grab a simple wooden staff, “ Up for a final match?”
The other mandalorian picked up their own staff and stood at position, Maul recognized that stance it was one he used when sparring, was this mandalorian using light saber forms?
“ Ah, well that explains it,” Savage muttered to himself as he watched Maul trying to decipher what was happening before him.  Y/N would have told him that someone was learning these stances, wouldn’t she?
Gar moved forward as did the other, the staffs clashed and resounded throughout the room, everyone looked on as the two danced around the other, eventually it seemed the gray one overestimated the use of saber forms , Gar almost had them pinned, when the horned mandalorians staff was pushed forward a jagged vibroblade was now aimed at Gar’s neck.
“ Seems time hasn’t changed your adaptability.” The horned mandalorian had won. 
Gar removed his helmet and patted the shoulder of the horned mandalorian, “Lord Maul I don’t believe  you’ve ever seen this one in combat.”  Maul was still annoyed, Y/N had never shown and she had been discussing stances with someone,  “Yes, you’ve been hiding,” he  glared at the horned mandalorian, “if you are so keen on using such stances you should also practice with a true saber. You can start tomorrow, it would be difficult but you seem as Saxon mentioned, adaptable. Now tell us your name as  you are technically champion for the day.”  He needed to put a face to this person.
Savage had to stay quiet as the horned mandalorian removed their helmet, Y/N stood proudly her hair stuck to her brow , “Thank you  Lord Maul, it would be an honor to learn from you.”  The crimson zabrak froze as she merely pushed away a fallen hair strand and smiled, “ Sorry I forgot to mention my participation for today.”
Savage watched as his brother tried to make sense of what he had witnessed,  “ You never mentioned you fought,” 
Y/n laughed, “ Lord maul I’m a Mandalorian it’s what we’re trained for, I may dress the part of an advisor but believe me I can fight my way out as you see” she gestured back to her fellow Mandalorians who had bacta packs pressed over their cuts. 
“ Looks are deceiving” Savage muttered.
Maul just gave a slow nod, “ You’ve done well y/n. I expect you at the front of any upcoming brigades”  he turned away from her and left the room. 
Y/N shouted as he left, “ it would be an honor sir !” she looks to Savage, “ He seriously didn’t know?”
“ Like I said looks are deceiving and you were raised in Sundari.”
Y/N sighed, “ Well, anyway he has to keep his word, I expect I’ll see you at sparring practice with  Lord Maul?”
“ I’ll remind him of his promise.”  Savage sighed deeply, it would be an endeavor to say the least.
“Good, I actually feel a little insulted right now, who wants to go for another match?”
The other collectively groaned in response.  
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igotswag77 · 4 years ago
Courtly Love In Thrawnbine - My Review
This Tumblr inspired me to try again on the concept of COURTLY LOVE -- thanks for the nice art.
This is long... No tl;dr. I have been writing my THRAWNBINE fanfiction since 2014-2015. The initial transcripts were lost because my computer and the external hard drive crashed. Therefore, the research, development, key ideas, metas, etc. are gone. I have to start from scratch, hope some of them are in the cloud, and rely on my memory, which is another discussion. This piece here is not about the validity of the THRAWNBINE ship. It is a discussion of story elements I wanted to include as I write this fanfiction. It is not about me forcing any fan to accept my proposal. As a Star Wars fan, I like creativity and this piece is an example of what I think about when I develop my creative writing for fanfiction. It is what I want to do with my life right now because I can do it now.
However, a while back in one of the SWAG77 blogs here, my group discusses the idea of COURTLY LOVE: As I understand it as a beginner creative writer, it is how the COURT of the kings, queens, princes, princess, (on down) and knights in the Middle Ages and Medieval times expressed their love to each other. (x)
From my interpretation on my reading, not just Wikipedia but others, when noble single men, who were knights, often fought "religious wars" returned home to the court and would appeal to royalty to marry a certain young woman. They planned to "woo" these women with sayings, phrases, poems, etc. as an expression of their commitment and love. The issue is, most young women at a certain age (late teens, early 20s in the 13th -15th centuries) were considered "old maids" (spinsters) and they were made to marry whoever their families could get who were often older men 10+ their senior. Once married couples could not divorce, because of Church, and if caught cheating on their husband, women could be thrown away or killed. Many marriages turned loveless. When the knights returned home, they discovered the love of their lives was married, and therefore, they could not marry her because it was against the Church. Of course, back then, there were not a lot of sexual infidelities, because women could be killed for that, and any resulting child was forced into servitude, enslaved, or killed.
What couples did that time to express their love, devoid of sex to relieve that tension, the nobles created "courtly love" where the knight would serve his lady in any command and he would in turn be chivalrous along with his poems and sayings of love.
"The Lady and the Unicorn" (x), (x) tapestry art from finished in 1500 in France, is an allegory for "courtly love" by its subjects in the art, and symbols. The art comprises six tapestries that depict individual senses in each of them:
In the sixth tapestry, the words display, "À mon seul dési," while obscure in meaning it says roughly:
"To my only sole desire" "According to my desire alone" "By my will alone" "Love desires only beauty of soul" "To calm passion"
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In my literature review to build the THRAWNBINE ship, I weaved the idea of "courtly love" as a plot element, in case my story hypotheses were inaccurate. That no matter what, Grand Admiral Thrawn knew he would have to serve under Countess Sabine Wren due to her royal status. By the time Thrawn meets Sabine face to face, she might be royalty with the rank of a countess, or she might be a rank higher than one because she has a direct right to Darksaber, as explained.
Sabine Wren might be a Marquise because she has an exemplary war record. I believe that Sabine Wren is the rightful heir to the Darksaber over Din Djarin because when Djarin defeated Moff Gideon, the Moff is NOT Mandalorian. All Djarin did is confiscate the Darksaber FROM Moff Gideon to give to the rightful heir. Lady Bo-Katan Kryze is not the rightful heir. She was given the Darksaber because Sabine believed in her. But the Darksaber is magical, like the Excalibur sword, and this saber did not choose Bo-Katan, and Bo-Katan never won it by ritual combat. The last Mandalorian who fought against another Mandalorian in ritual combat was Sabine Wren. Why Sabine gave it to Bo-Katan? Maybe the Sabine Wren character is like Nimue, the Lady of the Lake who gives worthy people the Excalibur, and in this case, it would be Sabine. But the Darksaber is ENTRUSTED to one that is worthy to wield it and NEVER lose it to scurrilous powers or persons. If Filoni et al. is using parts of the Arthurian Tales to explain why Sabine gave the Darksaber to Bo-Katan, then it was Bo-Katan's job not to lose the Darksaber. But she did and somehow, Moff Gideon "acquired" it -- he is definitely unworthy of it.
Maul, while he fought in ritual combat to obtain the Darksaber and killed for it, CHEATED during the fight with Pre Vizsla. Ritual Combat is a test of pure fighting skill, will, and strength. In the book, "Darth Maul: The Shadow Conspiracy", Maul has the fighting skill, a will, and the strength to fight Pre Vizsla, but there is the Force, and Maul used it to defeat Vizsla with his Force abilities in precognition. Maul knew all the moves that Vizsla would take before he made them. In my opinion, that is cheating.
While the Darksaber will work in a non-Mandalorian's hands who can wield a saber, the crystal used for plasma that Tarre Vizsla built, is responsive to the worthiness, nobleness, and chivalry of the wielder. Most stories written about enchanted swords say they do not work optimally in the wrong hands. Did it fail Maul, probably not, because Maul was so Dark Sided that he could "bleed" a lightsaber crystal for his uses. But I can imagine that a Mandalorian who uses weapons for his religion, like Tarre Vizsla who has the Force, would build his lightsaber in a way that his crystal, while it can be bled by a Dark Side user, still holds its resilience hoping for a worthy, noble and chivalrous Mandalorian to bring together the people and raise an army.
Another caveat to this story I think is Sabine Wren wielded the Darksaber while she was possessed by the Nightsisters trying to relive as Maul wanted. She almost kills Ezra Bridger, but Bridger was strong enough to pull the ghosts out of Sabine (and Kanan) in the Star Wars Rebels Episode 11, "Vision and Voices". Anyone who understands possession by spirits knows that not ALL of the spirits leave the body. Moreover, one possessed by spirits is not always evil. It is an ancient practice by those who are a part of the Vodoun culture in Western Africa, the Caribbean, Louisiana, and Gullah -- my culture (which I have some practice in it). Part of Sabine's ability to wield the Darksaber and other lightsabers come from the memories of the spirits that entered her body on Dathomir and the touch of the Daughter, which I have repeatedly written about on the Sabine Wren site (x), (x), (x).
The point is since the spirits entered Sabine Wren and not all of them left her in that SWR episode, and she picked up the Darksaber once clear of the complete possession, the Darksaber, especially the power of the crystal and the "spirit of Tarre Vizsla" encased in it, wanted Sabine to become the Mandalorian to rally all other Mandalorians together as one.
In SWR Trials of the Darksaber episodes, after Sabine defeats the Imperial Mandalorian, Gar Saxon, only to be killed by Sabine's mother, Ursa Wren, it shows that the Darksaber is rightfully hers. Why Sabine gave it away? The writers of SWR do not add scenes or dialogue meaninglessly, every piece of scenery with lighting, etc. and dialogue is added into each episode carefully to tell the story that these creatives want you to see. Sabine felt she did not have enough political skill to command Mandalorians, or better yet, military leadership to command Mandalorian -- for "you don’t tell Mandalorians what to do. You suggest it and they either heed your advice or not. (forgotten reference)"
Thrawn had to have learned that Gar Saxon died well before Season 4 Episode, "Heroes of Mandalore" part 2. Also, Thrawn knew a lot about Mandalorian culture through its history, philosophy, and art. What he did not count on is that he would find an artist -- Sabine Wren. I don't know when Thrawn discovered Sabine was an artist that painted the graffiti on the retaining wall. Through his studies, he deduced it was her by the armor she wears, the changes in her armor, and how important the armor is to the Mandalorian culture. This is why he was able to figure out that Sabine built the weapon. Her method of creating art reflects on how she builds weapons whether she knows this fact or not. But then, the Darksaber, which he has not seen, and would not really know its lore because it seems that story that Fenn Rau told Kanan is an "oral tradition" than a written one, and the fact that it was "liberated" from the Jedi seems like an embellished story -- liberated? More like "stolen" maybe? Thrawn had not heard that story. But Sabine knows it. I am not sure if Thrawn knew that Sabine is the rightful owner of the Darksaber. But during the battle sequences, he must have gotten glimpses of it and piecemealed what exactly it is as his job as a strategist to know what he is going up against. However, the Duchess Arc Reactor was not reconstructed to blast through Mandalorian Armor as the new leader of Mandalore, Tiber Saxon desired. It was a test and a chance for Thrawn to see the strength of the fight of Mandalorians (who fight each other all the time), and a chance to meet Sabine Wren in person. He had not met her. He met everyone except, her.
I think that Sabine Wren would be a higher royalty if Filoni et al. were to write that Sabine is a rightful heir with a title. Therefore, she would be a Marquise who protects the frontier. In this fanfic, Thrawn would have to marry Sabine to obtain the title of Marquis to protect the border of the galaxy from the Yuuzhan Vong (lite = Grysks), and his military background fits in this fanfic story. Therefore, he will do whatever it takes to keep Sabine alive, protected under the symbol of the Darksaber and her people with his military (army). He would have to show "Courtly Love" with the addition of sex, to serve as her advisor, confidante, and supreme commander of her militaries. While he could keep his titles, they are not royal, but political, such as "Ranking Distant" or "Syndic" or "Patriarch" -- but that's the Chiss Ascendancy and he has been exiled from it (on paper: meaning officially he is exiled, unofficially he is in a black operation for an intelligence-gathering mission.)
As a separate story, he knows he really can't return under his current position back into the Chiss Ascendancy. But he can annihilate threats in the Unknown Regions using Galatic Empire resources -- of course, the Emperor nor Darth Vader like that idea. When the Deus Ex Machina scene occurred, wherever the space whales took Thrawn and Ezra, the end result should be, IMO, someone in the Chiss Ascendancy rescues them. And it can't be just two people, it has to be a group of them, mostly Imperials. And they take them to a planet, apparently under snow and ice in the Dave Filoni art.
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Before I knew anything about SWR in my first fanfic, Thrawn met Sabine at an art auction.
After the Ezra Bridger Deus Ex Machina with space whales, it seems based on Dave Filoni's art of Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano, Thrawn officially meets Sabine. For many headcanons, metas, and short drabbles I can't get into atm, they kick off their relationship, and for Sabine, it is unexpected. And while Thrawn might strategically want Sabine to stay (to seal the deal), they have to have legacies. With legacies, Sabine would not want to leave unless she had to.
In this fanfic, any acts like these are about consent. I strive to write consent in my stories.
The conflict in this story becomes how the HAYLE did Sabine agree to all of this? She IS strong-willed like most Mandalorian women are. For Sabine to consent to this life path is:
Sabine DESIRES it; she WANTS to do a pair bond. She figures out that she is getting old and her biological clock is ticking, and perhaps she is tired of constant war and needs a break. But whoops, she did not think that her desire would overtake her and create many legacies. That does happen in real life. Therefore settles that now, this is her life. (This fanfic is the easiest one to write, but slightly dull).
From the LADY AND THE UNICORN held in Paris. Each tapestry depicts the physical senses: (1) Sight, (2) Hearing, (3) Taste, (4) Smell, (5) Touch, (6) Desire. There are allegories and symbols for each tapestry and element. The major symbols are a Lady, a young woman virgin, with a Unicorn, loyal to only her.
There is more information from this youtube: https://youtu.be/5hCWZNm3qpc. My issue about this video, while most of the information seems accurate, the poets are interpreting the tapestries with their modern experiences. In my opinion, it is difficult to understand these tapestries without historical context. To think the woman is in pain is a modern interpretation. Back then, people LIVED in real physical pain because there were no "doctors' like we have now; it is very judgy to make that assertion. Thus, the comments in the video are opinions, and the producers did not announce that opinions were going to be shared. It's kind of like the point of the tapestries was missed without the historical basis.
History for the THRAWNBINE ship is an important part of the fanfic. I am not a great writer, but I work hard to write it. I have reviewed the literature, not think up this ship out of my ass as some fans would assume. I have put a lot of work into it. Also, I am well-read on many Star Wars Legends books and the new Thrawn canon books. Therefore, it is not like I do not know much about Star Wars when I do. I have REAMS of information that I like to share with fans who ask me about it. A few fans do. Moreover, I am not so vain to think that my ideas are the ONLY point of view available. I like trying to write fanfics as close to the Star Wars canon because it is fun, and that is my thing. But there are other ideas out there. It would be wrong to say my way or the highway. Also, I am not young, and those who are asinine toward me, well, I know you're younger than me because I'm old, and I want to do this with my life, I like to do it, and I'm having fun. Some young people do not GET that idea until they fall flat HARD on their face with a lost future. But don't give up your bright-eyed and bushy-tailed aspirations -- you never know where life will take you, and you might be the one. Congrats. Believe me, life can get shitty when you're out there in the real world, like me. And when you can grab your chance at something you find fun, I say do it. Money isn't everything -- but it keeps the kids in touch. I bring up these issues because some young people take huge umbrage against the THRAWNBINE ship due to the perceived huge age difference. Okay, I can see why some young people are freaked out by that. Because someone taught them to be freaked out by the age difference. Moreover, I come from GenX, and most of us, aren't freaked out by that at all. Some of us are in that situation now. So it's no big deal to us. And any generation before ours -- THAT WAS THE WAY... I would not BE if not for huge age differences between my grandparents, great-grands, and great-great grands. Of course, for my greats- yeah, there wasn't much consent. But for my grandparents, at that time and age, there actually was consent. My grandmother was 18 years old when she married my grandfather at 26 years old. By 21, she had 3 babies. One is my father. So, I grew up not caring about age differences in relationships. But for some Millenials (not all) and GenZ (not all) and afterward (not all) -- IDK?
I guess the equivalence for some of the younger generation to understand why I am doing an age-difference story is that the younger generation demands older generation acceptance of relationships that were not allowed to exist in public because one could be killed. It was not until 1967 that people of different races could marry legally in all states. Shid, one couldn't divorce over irreconcilable differences (at will) until the 1970s. Women could not have their own bank accounts until the late 1970s, and LGBTQIA+ RECENTLY were allowed to marry legally in all states, although assholes are stopping them. Then... some of the younger generations are from IVF-assisted pregnancy situations. Some are surrogates. SHID.......... That was not allowed until the 1980s... Both 1970s and 1980s were when I grew up, when I hear younger generations wracking my brain over CONSENSUAL LEGAL age-difference, I think folks don't know the history and therefore are doomed to repeat it. It is NOT a suggestion to return back to that time where women had no choice. My fanfic is about a man falling in love from afar with a woman who actually has no clue, and he knows he is a lot older than her. Somehow, he has to tell her, and he is afraid because of rejection. Look, some Star Wars fans come from parents who have an age difference between 10+ years. If they grew up fine, and their parents are okay with their relationship, who would we judge? I am not talking about a child with a much older adult; that's not legal. I am not talking about nonconsensual (the age of consent in some states is 16-17 years old). I'm not talking about child marriage. My fanfic is about two adults making a choice to be together in an adult relationship. To say someone older can take advantage of someone younger due to experiences, well, that is a false analogy, and the opposite can be true, too. It isn't the age difference that causes bad relationships. It is the power and control, and all generations have individuals who use power and control manipulation to force and abuse another person.
Matthew Perry on that super expensive dating site was matched up with a young woman profile and wanted someone to talk to and have fun with. Not do unsavory things as the woman painted that picture. She lied about it too.
Matthew Gaetz is an asshole, and he deserves everything that the law can throw at him. I actually do not think he knew better. And as far as the young women, including the underage young lady, he manipulated them because he leveraged his power and control. This isn't because of age differences; it's about power and control by manipulation. "Oh, wow, I'm a big shot congressman; worship me." Bith, puh-leeze. You ain't shit. Look, fans teased me when I first discussed "Courtly Love," and I abandoned the idea because I could not justify it. Which is my choice; I made that choice, I chose to do it. But, some in the younger generation and nascent Star Wars fans must understand that you have no right to say who can fall in love with whom just because there a legal and consensual age difference. It is not fair. You cannot ask the older generations to accept your relationships and choose to have them if you can't accept, assuming that they are legal with consent. Because a long time ago, they were not... And when you have a longtime Star Wars fan who is older that is okay with your desires for legal and consensual relationships, killing us is not going to get these hateful toxic fans off your backs. You need longtime fans to be in your corner fighting for your cause because a lot of us have seriously fought for real shit, too. Not just protesting, but having rocks and police beatdowns and water canons, too. Blame by authorities for throwing in prison all the time. Shid...you should have seen us Spelman women rip a new asshole to fight Apartheid in South Africa against Amnesty International. We fought hard for that.
But you need to be cool with our stuff too. Just ask me. I'll tell you.
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whirlybirbs · 5 years ago
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summary: you meet again in a mos shuuta bar. pairing: the mandalorian x rebel!reader rating: t, it will get violent, i’m sure a/n: mmmmmm tension, we love it
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You got away.
And for cycles, he thinks about it.
Part of him is bitter because of the missed bounty. If he’d managed to turn you over to the guild, alive, the pay off could have been enough for fuel and additional supplies for the clan. 
Another part of him is bitter for an entirely different reason: plainly put, you got away. From him. And he’s the best in the parsec, he’s a Mandalorian. His damn honor won’t let him forget it. 
And you had spoken in Mando’a. The dialect wasn’t one he was familiar with -- but with so many clans and houses scattered to the wind thanks to the Galactic Civil War, he was left wondering who you were. 
A Saxon? Viszla? Wren? Or maybe just... aruetii... dar’manda. An outsider. 
The war had changed things. Especially the state of Mandalorian culture and politics. He can’t help but feel like an aruetii himself. He comes and goes. Wandering feels right. Being grounded, being back at the clan’s house? Feels wrong. Too comfortable. 
The bounty puck on his hip is new -- Greef Carga had promised it be an easy job, a quick asset collection. 
When he enters the Mos Shuuta cantina, it doesn’t surprise him when he is met with a sort of silence that could snuff out a flame. Eyes fly across him, heavily armored and armed. For a moment, the sting of an anticipated shoot-out runs under his armor like a river of icy water. 
But, the band in the corner, after a long pause, strikes back up and he goes about ignoring the itch in his trigger finger in favor for a seat by the bar. 
And that’s when cycles-worth of thoughts sock him right in the face. 
You see him the exact moment he sees you. 
And you, The Condor perched upon a high stool and watching him with an icy gaze, don’t even flinch. 
You just take a long sip from the iridescent blue drink in your hands, striking eyes sending him into a spiral of piqued intrigue and confusion. He can’t help but move closer, boots and armor tinkering as he does so. The bar hangs on his movements, nervous glances spared at your expense. 
And still. You sit tall. 
“Su cuy'gar,” you rasp. Your lashes flick downwards as you place your drink on the bar, all while he approaches with a measured level of caution, “Surprising.”
You’re still alive, you supply in Mando’a, prompting an amused snarl to flicker beneath his helmet. 
“Tion'jor?” he counters, voice level with threatening sense of ferocity. 
Why? You have to snort. You turn in your stool, elbow on the bar. And you finally get a good look at him.
He’s tall, broad shouldered and intimidating. The baskar steel helmet upon his shoulders hides the Mandalorian’s intentions. You do however, as you size him up, note the puck on his hip -- it’s glow is dimmer now. Not for you. For some other poor soul in this cantina. 
“You let me go,” you chirp, “Sooner or later, your bounty will not run.”
You stand, hopping from the stool. Your boots kick up sand on the cantina floor. Tossing a handful of credits on the bar, you move to shoulder past him. 
He snags your wrist.
You narrow your eyes. 
His chest stirs. 
In a flash, the high pitch whine of a primed blaster meets his ears as you lean close, barrel of the gun pressed to the space beneath his ribs. It’s hot and he can feel the DL-44 pistol jab him a bit rougher as you gain the upper-hand.
The bar hangs on the interaction.
“You’re not here for me.”
“Meg ti gar?” 
Who are you?
“Does it matter?” 
“How do you know Mando’a?”
“You ask too many questions,” you spit as he drops your wrist and you drop the blaster, holstering it and sneering, “and that will kill you, as well, utreekov.”
For the second time, you get away.
And he lets you. 
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wac-47 · 4 years ago
no more cold mornings
pairing: gar saxon x reader
rating: pg
warnings: none!! unless u count sickeningly sweet fluff
word count: ~400
a/n: first fic first fic first fic i love handsome squidward aka gar saxon
Waking up has its usual drag. The absence of light as you blunder through hyperspace--on your way to your next mission. Toes curling as your feet hit the cold durasteel floor of your quarters. Hands tucked into your armpits. Arms squeezing your ribcage as tight as possible.
But today? It’s a bit unusual. You’re not cold--far from it. Warmth is lulling you back to sleep like the whisper of a mother’s singing. You’d sink back into oblivion, except your eyes shoot open to the fact that you feel the breath of someone else on the top of your head.
Your head in the crook of a neck that’s corded with muscle. Rough, callused hands tucked under your shirt and warming the skin on your hips. Thick biceps that hug you to a broad, bare chest covered in the white slashes of old scars and the puckered skin from blaster wounds. 
If the handsome face didn’t give him away, you’d know from his body that you’re in the same bed as Gar Saxon. 
Last night floods into your mind. The confrontation. The bruising kiss. The embrace. The secrets shared in the dark of his quarters.
Sinking back into his hold, you let out a dreamy sigh. His arms tighten around you. Propping your chin on his pectoral, you can’t fight the smile that worms onto your face. He looks so peaceful, his features clear of the pinch of worry shown through the wrinkles of his brow. His lips--usually pursed--are plump and lovely, and you feel desire slither its way up your spine. If you scoot a little closer, you could wake him up with a kiss.
You’re too late. Gray eyes meet yours, and that wrinkle on his brow is back. 
“What are you staring at?” His voice--oh, his voice. So raspy, so deep. So rich. Like the chocolates you would steal from the kitchen as a youngling. Your smile widens.
“You don’t look like you have a blaster up your ass when you’re asleep.” He blinks at your words, processing them for a moment, before rolling over--laying all of his weight on top of you. Thumping his sides, you laugh as he’s a deadweight on top of you. 
“Gar! Get off!” He relents, sighing as he lands on his back. Turning towards you, a beautiful smile is aimed at you, and you can’t help but grin back at him.
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iellarenuodolorian · 4 years ago
Mandoctober Day Four
Pairing: Eventual Din Djarin x Female Mandalorian Reader
Words: 670
Warnings: talk of war and death, terror, prison, angst (if I’m leaving anything out please let me know)
~13 BBY
It was time for your first solo mission. Bo-Katan had decided to send out the new recruits to scout for a new base for the tribe. The Clone War had ended a few years ago, and the new Empire was on a mission to hunt down and imprison or kill all those who opposed them. The Emperor knew the strength of the Mandalorians, and had already taken over Mandalore. There were rumors of a man named Gar Saxon to be the appointed viceroy of Mandalore, or the man who would do whatever the Empire wished. He was a ruthless terrorizer of the people of Mandalore, and on the Nite Owl’s list of people to remove from power, one day.
The fight on the moon of Concordia was rumored to be a bloodbath, but Bo-Katan knew it would not be worth the risk to join the fight there. Some of the remaining clan leaders had meet a month ago to discuss going into Bas’lan Shev’la to preserve the Mandalorian way of life. The more scattered the remaining Mandalorians the harder it would be for the Empire to hunt them down. The Imperial Security Bureau Agent on Mandalore was a ruthless tyrant, there were rumors he was a Sith, which placed him even higher on the Nite Owls’ list.
You and Ailyn were packing the last essentials you would need before leaving into your packs and checking weapons and stocking up on munitions. A Mandalorian is always prepared for any possibility and you were both nervous about your first solo missions. Bo-Katan called for one last briefing before everyone departed on their separate missions. Everyone was prepared as best they could, and as you looked around the room your gaze lingered on one recruit that you had grown close to over the years. He looked up and looked into your eyes from across the room, and even from this distance those hazel brown eyes never failed to bring you peace of mind. With the smallest of nods each of you put your helmets on as Bo-Katan wished you all the best of luck. You hugged Ailyn before each of you headed to your ships and you watched your hazel eyed friend walk to his ship and take off before you climbed into your own ship.
Bo-Katan entrusted you with her Gauntlet starfighter for your mission. As you traveled about searching the most remote sectors you could find, most planets were a bust. They were either too inhospitable, which was saying a lot for a Mandalorian to reject it, or else were too easily found and you hoped your fellow recruits were having better luck than you were. You had a short list to take back to Bo-Katan on the moon the clan was currently hiding on. In your meeting with her, the planet with the most promise was Nevarro. There was some Imperial occupation, but because of the lava fields and how the villages were dug into old lava plains, it would be fairly difficult to invade. There wasn’t much in the way of export or trade, the people who lived there barely eked out a life, and it was well off the traveled path. Your findings had indicated that a Bounty Hunters Guild would soon be established in one of the towns, which would be perfect to hide a clan. The name Karga was passed around one night in the local cantina, the magistrate of the small village, who would be appointed as the Guildmaster and contractor for the hunters. You never saw him, but it sounded like he could only be trusted as much as you could bribe him. If someone else came along with a deeper pocket, he would sell you out in a heartbeat.
There were still a few recruits to come back, your friend being one of them. Your concern grew every day he still didn’t return, but deep in your heart you knew your connection with him was still present so nothing bad had happened. Yet...
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zabrak-show · 5 years ago
Zabrak Show Masterlist
Here is my collection of fanfic I’ve written. Almost all of it is Maul-centric.
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 Summaries and warnings are at the top of each post.
Maul x OC (Kudra Deschain)
Blood of the Sith
Kudra Deschain is a young pilot working for a trade company out of Coruscant. Her next trade route to Mustafar, ends up being a fiery life changing revelation to the dark side of the force, where she meets Maul, a sith apprentice to Darth Sidious
Warnings: eventual smut, slow burn, angst, drinking, my first fanfic
Maul x Reader
The Greatest Love I’ve Ever Known
Domestic Dad!maul and gn!reader adopted 2 nightbrother children, Grim and Dire.
Warnings: a little bit of angst in some, but mostly just sweet fluffy domestic bliss
I’m sorry but I’m just thinking of the right words to say
Maul and artist!reader (gender neutral) meet pre phantom menace and share a short lived secret romance. Years later they are reunited in Mandalore.
Warnings: allusions to sex but nothing explicit, romance, fluff, angst
Don’t Hide 🔞🔞🔞
Mandalorian Reader (gn, afab) and Maul have a friends with benefits situation. Eventually Savage gets involved as well.
Warnings: PWP, p0rn with feelings, each post has more specific warnings, please read responsibly, NSFW, lemon, 18+ only
When the Sun Comes Up
Reader orphaned at a young age seeks vengeance. A strange man in dark robes prowls their city and an obsession blooms.
Warnings: past trauma, angst
Ashes of the Wasted Sith 🔞🔞🔞
fem! reader x maul in an arranged marriage au. dark fantasy, spooky, goth vibes, still very much a wip.
warnings: darkfic, smut, angst, blood, 18+
Seen you in the shadows 🔞🔞🔞
collection of smut one shots, nsfw!
We’ve Only Just Begun
collection of fluff one shots, sfw
just stupid little crack fics or comedy headcanons, lol, sfw
GenFic Collection
no pairings, sfw fluff genfic, mostly found family
ObiMaul (Maul x Obi-Wan)
ObiMaul Collection
Maul x Qi'ra
Close to you 🔞🔞🔞
NSFW, Qi'ra takes care of Maul in more than one way.
Maul x Saxon
Whiskey on the Rocks 🔞🔞🔞
NSFW, slutty darth maul has his way with subservient Gar Saxon
Savajj (Savage x Asajj)
Love you to death
sexy short story with Savage and Asajj, not explict
Brother Viscus
Daddy Nightbrother Collection
Various Viscus stories, most are nsfw
Feral Opress
Feral x Cody
Sinful Collection
Various Sins 🔞🔞🔞
a collection of smut drabbles i took as requests, various characters, ships etc
Created 15 Aug 2020
Last updated 4 Aug 2023
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37-children-of-the-dreams · 4 years ago
Day #1 of Crackship Hell
If you haven’t seen this post or this post. You gonna be in pain. But this the main plan!
I just sent myself to crackship hell with Crosshair X Korkie because if I can’t find Korkie in the Mandalorian season 3 or the Kenobi show, I’m gonna find him in the Bad Batch because by technicality (a.k.a Jango) , all of the Bad Batch members are Mandalorian descent and need to go to Mandalore or the Mandalore System for their heritage.
So a theory for how Crosshair and Korkie will meet (so sorry it’s long):
We haven’t seen him since season 5 despite the Siege of Mandalore and here’s why that might be:
Bo-Katan. Just Bo-Katan. She exiled Korkie to Kalevala because it’s the stronghold of House Kryze and he’ll be safe there.
Korkie hated the exile, but could do nothing because every Nite Owl and New Mandalorian agreed with Bo-Katan. He does have a home (cough*castle*cough) in Kalevala because I think he grew up there for his safety because Satine knew she couldn’t raise a child in tumultuous time. The place has an outdoor glass garden that Korkie likes to go to and talk with the native birds he calls his pets. 
Korkie has a nanny because how else was he going to be raised with Mandalore in conflict? The nanny is ironically an ex-member of House Vizsla because her father had the Force ability to see into the future and sacrificed himself to sent her to a safe place. Her name is Rana to me.
 Korkie’s Force suppressing pills are used up and now the Force can finally have a playdate with him on using his psychic abilities. This leads to Rana attempting to help him control his powers and change to a different person. It works with wonders.
Korkie goes a freaking 360 degrees because he ditches the casual Mandalorian clothes he wore, started looking like Satine with his wardrobe, starts using his abilities to get himself a better future and he even tries to be ruthless. 
This leads to the vision of meeting Crosshair and he’s pulling off the stops to make Crosshair his ticket out of exile. Cue a freaking feast for one man. Korkie is desperate to leave.
I think Crosshair might actually go solo in his path of becoming a mercenary. Here’s why:
The Bad Batch just got out of a lethal mission that could have killed all of them. 
Hunter blames Crosshair because his attitude during the mission could have killed all of them.
Crosshair and Hunter get into a shouting match and Crosshair declares that he’s leaving the Bad Batch and going his own way. He doesn’t look back as he runs from them.
Crosshair uses whatever credits or currency he has and buys a rundown ship for bounty hunting.
Guess where he wants to bounty hunt? The Mandalore System! He goes there and because no one in Death Watch knows he’s a clone, they, meaning Gar Saxon and Rook Kast, give Crosshair a fob to find a special prisoner (Korkie).
Crosshair goes to Kalevala and tries to stealth kidnap Korkie but Korkie and Rana knew he would come and Rana greets him at the exact place Korkie said he’ll be. 
Crosshair is so confused. How did they know? Who tipped them off? Why is this lady being so nice to me?
Rana guides Crosshair to the garden because of course Korkie wants a dramatic meeting. Kokie happily greets Crosshair and tells him that his employers will kill him before they will give up the money, but that Korkie can save him. Cue the outdoor feast for Crosshair.
Crosshair becomes intrigued and they talk about how Korkie knows this. Korkie won’t reveal the true, but states he’s the best informant Crosshair can get. For the price of a 50/50 partnership. Crosshair wants to test him before they agree.
The Mission of Fate:
The two go to Mandalore, but Korkie doesn’t like his rundown ship and upgrades it to a bigger one and brings two cargo load boxes for the trip. Crosshair just gives up because he needs the money.
Korkie and Crosshair rent a hover taxi, but Korkie brings one of the cargo load much to Crosshair’s ire.
At the Palace, Korkie’s prediction was right, but they escape with Korkie’s knowledge of Mandalore. Cue ensuing chase around Sundari.
Crosshair finds out that one of the cargo loads was full of sniper weapons and Korkie happily gifts them to him while . 
They shoot some Death Watch and have some chaotic fun by the time they make it back to the ship.
They flee from Mandalore laughing at the event. Korkie tells him sorry about the currency, but reveals that the other cargo load is full of currency and jewelry that Crosshair can pawn off he wants the partnership.
Crosshair takes his hand and they shook it for the agreement.
The start of the weirdest partnership ever.
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