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magicaldogtoto · 2 years ago
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I started watching Gaoranger this week, and I was not prepared to see the lifeless bodies of the Orgettes float up onto the water’s surface after being drowned by GaoBlue.
I know Super Sentai is more violent than Power Rangers (Japan having different standards for what children can see and all), but geez.
That being said, I’m enjoying the show!
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tezukamiyukivoice · 5 months ago
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he's so sweet..... gaoblack is like a big teddy bear to me i think
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mo-ok · 3 months ago
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tokucember day 13 AU or OC - feral child found in dumpster (sun vulcan adopts gaoblue)
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asanjou · 4 months ago
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Fan art of gaoblue staring at me in the opening big and scary style
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sentaibot · 4 months ago
Daily Sentai Ranger/Ranger-Like:
Daily Sentai Ranger/Extra Hero: GaoBlue!
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spandexual · 1 year ago
none of you have watched Battle Fever J and tbh kinda fair but imagine if Battle Cossack was a girl and had Cold War yuris with Miss America. Come on man.
Everything below is heavily spoilery for like a LOT of sentais and also just verbose so cut
Timeranger would definitely have been more tolerable in its first half if Domon was shot in the face but if he was made a girl (NOT SHION IDGAF THAT SHION IS THE CUTE YOUNG BOY AND DEFAULT BOTTOM IN THAT CRINGE ASS CREEPY ASS PAIRING THAT MOST PPL WOULD TURN INTO A GIRL BC UKES ARE BASICALLY WOMEN RIGHT XDDDDD FUCK OFFFFF DIE DIE DIE) I think it would have made the romance with a current-time person more meaningful and also less fucking gross without the whole knocking up some chick from the distant past and leaving her to raise your child poor and alone while you go back to the future thing.
Make GaoBlack and GaoBlue butch4futch lesbians too idk god knows White is fucking unbearable alone. I don't think she'd be better with other girls around bc she was specifically written for the type of pervert who likes 17yo girls who act like 3yos (see also: Natsuki) but she would be less... visible. and GaoBlack would be a cute butch. Girl Blue literally fucking brutally dying in the actual show and not a vcine would make Inoue nut so hard he dies also.
Nothing in Hurricanger would change if they were all girls so they should all be girls (and ugly ones too, don't wimp out) (not that Nanami is ugly but WOOOOOFFFFF the others). Make Shurikenger a girl too yes I know he never takes the suit off but imagine his signature low angles with a suit like Nanami's. huminahuminahumina
I don't think Abaranger is fixable because all of that shit happens because of awful men but I think Ranru deserves a girlfriend. Maybe Yukito would be more tolerable as a woman. Unlikely but we can try. Genderswapping Mikoto would make him the worst possible lesbian representation possible not in a fun tumblr way but in the extremely homophobic "see, all lesbians are predators and pedos" way so ig it's gotta be Yukito. sorry Ranru
Gekiranger main trio literally perfect but I loathe Ken so make him a girl because then his shit would at least be kinda amusing instead of irritating. Actually make Gou a girl too. I don't mind Gou but I do feel like Retsu has intense "little brother of an overbearing big sister" energy and that would make certain things make a lot more sense.
Go-Busters main trio should not be any different either BUT both them boys are transgender. Ryuuji came out like 10 years ago but Hiromu is still an egg so he'd be considered a girl when the show starts and then cracks like episode 20. It takes that long bc he's like no I'm not transgender I'm just a tomboy and I just hate it when people call me a girl or think I'm a girl or refer to me as a girl or assume I'm a girl or or or or or. besides Ryuuji is transgender and he's lame and old so that can't be me!!!! fuck it Jin also transgender but in a none biney way to match Beet J Stag who is . you know . a robot.
many other thots. I think girls should exist more <-person whose current sims game is approximately 80% women
As another year of "this sentai looks really fun, alas that there's only one girl in it" rolls around, open question:
If you got to pick a guy to have been gender-flipped at the casting stage in any given one-girl sentai, who would be your ideal choice in each case?
Interpret any way you like-- "it's otherwise exactly the same character"/"it's realistically how that show's writer would've written her", whatever
(inoculating this post with a preemptive "yes king-ohger has one girl but no you can't pick Rita leave their non-biney alone")
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kentaromulti · 4 years ago
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Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
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leechan1018 · 3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Takeru  お 誕生日 おめでとう 柴木丈瑠!!  . 40歳おめでとうございます💙🦈🌊  . からの俳優  百獣戦隊ガオレンジャー  . ガオブルー/鮫津海   . Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger: Kai Samezu  GaoBlue   . Next is meN-meN on June 28  ( Codomo Dragon )  Yasuka Saitō/Masumi Inou on June 29 ( GoGo Sentai Boukenger )    Jui on June 30 ( GOTCHAROCKA ) . 2022年06月27日 6 / 27 / 2022 #百獣戦隊ガオレンジャー #ガオブルー�� #鮫津海 #柴木丈瑠 #誕生日 #おめでとう  #スーパー戦隊シリーズ #いいねした人全員フォローする  #フォローバック率100  #フォローバ100  #hyakujuusentaigaoranger #gaoblue #kaisamezu #takerushibaki #happybirthday #omedetou #SuperSentai #powerrangerswildforce #followalways #likesforlike #followalways #l4l #l4f https://www.instagram.com/p/CfSpVCVrfwm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kabutoraiger · 2 years ago
after his special staff breaks eiji starts growing fangs & trying to bite people and akashi’s still like “i want him on the team.” uh huh i see how it is
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cina-full-moon-xanadium · 3 years ago
Why are they doing this slow reveal stuff... especially since they already revealed Gaoblue months ago and now he’s the only ‘unrevealed’ one. Just a bit weird
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veeranger · 4 years ago
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gaoblue strangling the dad from gogov
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tezukamiyukivoice · 5 months ago
starting gaoranger! mainly for gaoblue. who doesn't love a shark guy! he's already so fun....
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mo-ok · 3 months ago
all this fucking talk about the shark being gaoblues dad
and i have only just now remembered eagle2 is literally ninja whites father
like i'm pretty sure Takayuki Godai coming back to play tsuruhime's dad is the first instance of a ranger actor returning to be a dad in sentai and i fucking completely forgot
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asanjou · 15 days ago
was gaoblue the last lil shit blue
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sentaibot · 2 years ago
Daily Sentai Ranger/Extra Hero: GaoBlue!
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breadcrab · 4 years ago
If nobody got me I know Gaoblack and Gaoblue got me can I get a "NEVA GIVE UP DAZE"
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