they will catch these hands then…
We are so used to thinking about manifesting our specific person. But, did it ever occur to you that there is someone out there manifesting YOU?
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Babe spill the tea on Lilith - Asc woman
>> do not repost, plagiarize, reword, copy.
check masterlist for most post like these 🖤🥳
lillith - ascendant
< 🖤Tends to get very sexualized even from a young age (common manifestation) & a common manifestation is that they were bullied for their unique nature (would depend on the orb)
Tends to be very physically attractive and this attracts a lot of jealousy especially from feminine energies who could try to bring the native down and tone down their nature there is also a manifestation of family members (or loved ones) critiquing their nature and how they “present” themselves
> 🖤 There is something unique and magnetic about them, it can be a literal feature, usually something stands out about these natives.
They tend to be very blunt and assertive! They know what they want and this can intimidate people. Women may attract men romantically who wanna “tone” them down a bit because they tend to be very sexually appealing to the eye of course this can go in general but it’s a very common manifestation for women with lilith - ascendant
Surprisingly they tend to be very insecure at younger ages until they realize their worth and that other people’s opinions do not matter, it’s common for them to be very anxious about their appearance to the world because there is a tendency to attract jealousy very often
>🖤 People tend to rant and say tabbo / unconventional things to these natives. They seem that they could “relate”. They tend to attract “weird” people.
Some manifestations could result into the native “sexualizing” theirselves often because they think that is all their worth, though it couldn’t be farther from the truth these natives tend to be very unique and have a lot of layers.
> 🖤 There could have been situations where they were granted the ability to use their charm and assertive nature to get out of situations that they could’ve gotten themselves into or not.
They can be “targeted” in a way. Authorities / Teachers anything could’ve seen them differently than everyone else, perhaps they got in trouble for things they didn’t do because it simply seems like they “did it”. Usually a lot of people tend to accuse these natives of stuff they didn’t do. Of course this is just a manifestation and it does not guarantee such things.
They tend to be very loyal to the people they love HOWEVER underdeveloped energies have the tendencies to be a bit malicious at times and could self sabotage. A lot however give loyalty to the wrong people, natives tend to be backstabbed / betrayed often (manifestation)
>🖤 Depending on how tight the orb is they could literally embody Lilith’s physical traits.
>🖤 As mentioned before they could seduce anyone if they were to try to. Women with this aspect could have a lot of men being obsessed with their physical appearance, they can use it a weapon.
>🖤 These natives when developed are one of the most loyal and honest people. A lot have trust issues or are seen as “difficult to open up” by others.
>🖤 These people are a lot more unpredictable than given credit before it can give off an Uranus energy of some sort. They do whatever they want and don’t like routine too much. A lot of people tend to obsess and question them a lot, there is no answer it’s their raw nature.
>They tend to be very creative in how they express themselves this could either shock / pull / repell / intrigue people.
>🖤 They could attract Scorpion or more Plutonian relationships / situations / people. (depending on orb) Conjuct and opposition could feel this more & are affected by it the most.
>🖤 Tends to obsess over anyone that sees them truthfully and somehow breaks their first layer, they have a lot of layers.
Tend to be vengeful in a way they do not care to wish “good” on someone they see as horrible or has caused harm on anything good or them. They don’t do second chances unless anything else in the chart indicates much warmer approach.
🖤> May encounter a lot of situations with people that have tried to make a sexual move on them, they could have some friends with benefits.
Can give off a “bitch” vibe thoughh they truly admire soft and pure intentioned people and actually hate people who can be vengeful as them, meaning they need good influence in their lives constantly. They hate deception in any way that’s a way to get these natives to loose respect and it’s over.
🖤> People tend to have very mixed / different opinions about them. They have a mixed reputation along with some lies around their reputation. They usually will have people having opinionated and fixed opinions on them. This could take a harsh toll on the native wondering what they did, and why they represent themselves a “certain way”. They tend to love their uniqueness and nature later on.
Truthfully this is an aspect that has its darker side since we are talking about Lilith but it can be very beneficial as it grants native with the gift of creativity and honest and sexually / physically attractive nature.
® Hillarysss 2021 all right reserved
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some pretty asks✨
angel; is there anyone you’d do anything for?
galaxy; what fascinates you?
melody; favorite artists?
silk; what outfit makes you feel confident?
rose; favorite flower?
sun; favorite season
film; favorite movie/tv show?
gorgeous; what do you like in a person?
diamond; favorite color?
infatuation; first crush?
dream; how long do you sleep on average?
brilliant; what celebrity do people say you look like?
perfume; favorite scent?
fleece; have any pets?
pigment; what color is your hair naturally? if you could dye it any color which one would you choose?
charcoal; do you have a good relationship with your parents?
ocean; do you take a yearly vacation?
murky; biggest fear?
devotion; are you taken?
lingerie; what do you wear to bed?
daydream; best memory?
joy; best feeling you’ve ever experienced?
masque; what’s your skincare routine?
valentine; best gift you’ve ever received?
parchment; favorite book?
garden; do you have a garden? plants?
oasis; dream destination?
sense; best subject? favorite subject?
footprints; do you want kids?
rainbow; what’s your sexuality?
sweater; do you prefer loose or baggy clothes?
nail laquer; punk or pastel?
1975; if you could time travel to any time period, what would it be and why?
tattoos; do you have/want and tattoos and piercings?
feel free to reblog and send me some! <3
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Moon phases | their meanings in your daily life:

cursed image send by: @plutoswrath
I think all of us heard many times about new and full moons each month. We are always given a theme of what they will bring in our life and that they are very important as to how our day that evolve.
Full and new moons always affect the relevant signs they are formed in more than the others moon signs. For example if we have a new moon in leo, this moon phase will affect leo and aqua moons the most, and then all the other signs.
Im not here only to discuss about the full and new moons but rather the whole Lunar circle the moon goes through each month and also share what is most suitable to do in your daily life through the moon phases

There are 8 moon phases during each month (29 days in average but it is almost a month).
The order of the Lunar circle goes like:
The new moon
The Waxing Crescent moon
The first quarter
The Waxing gibbous moon
The full moon
The Waning gibbous moon
The last quarter
The Waning Crascent moon
You can check what moon phase we are having currently here
Lets get with the moon phases.

I. New moon: 🌑
Keywords: new beginnings, a new fresh start, clear slates, new goals and wishes
During the new moon, make sure to make a plan of what you want to achieve and do this current month. Its the best timing to throw all unwanted thoughts and negative emotions or people that bring you down. Its the beginning of a new lunar circle and the end of an old lunar circle, so lets not forget to learn the lessons of the previous circle even if there were hardships and let downs. You need a mental rebirth and not to erase all the experiences you have gone through. Regain all your strength and clear up that head of yours for whats to come. New moon wants to prove you that despite your wrongdoings in the past, you can start again stronger than ever.
Astrology explanation: The current transit sun is in conjunct with the current moon, showing us that our ego and spirit is in the best time to align with our inner emotions and heart. Communicate with what pleases you, what displeases you but also what you need for this month. Your mind may be filled with more emotions of excitement or need for change. It is the time to do so.
II. The Waxing Crescent Moon: 🌒
Keywords: self confidence, planning, setting your goals in action, motivation
During the Waxing Crescent Moon, work on your self-confidence and the trust you put in yourself. Motivation can be build up once you hype up yourself that you can reach the goals you set this month. Be compassionate and reassure yourself. Right now, is the moment to build a strong base and start working on the goals you set in the new moon. Ignoring this phase may result in catching yourself off guard in situations you will come across later on. Take even the smallest first step towards those goals. During this period you will most likely feel more motivated or energetic, so use that energy to your advantage.
Astrology explanation: The current transit sun is in semi square with the current moon, meaning that this is a period you should rely on yourself and not others. You may find it hard to focus your energy on the goals you set but you know you have that power in you to do so. It needs hard work and dedication and you can make it if you realise where you stand and what you truly want. Its a period to focus on yourself and change your approach in matters if you catch yourself slacking off
III. The first quarter moon: 🌓
Keywords: reflection, small pause, appreciating yourself, recognising your efforts, rearrange stuff if you need to
During the first quarter moon, take a small pause to see where you are, what you achieved from the goals you set and see if there needs to be any rearrangement in the way you have done so far. Its time to reflect. Check if you have pressured yourself with the goals you set. Challenge is amazing but not to the point it exhausts you. If you feel like things are not working out the way you want, try and clear your mind first. A blurry and frustrated mindset wont help you at all. However, remember to praise yourself no matter the amount of things you did since the new moon. It is indeed a self reflection day but no need to judge or step on yourself.
Astrology explanation: The current transit sun is in square with the current moon and that shows that some uplifting problems may arise if you have been ignoring the previous moon phase. If you feel emotions of dissatisfaction, disappointment or pitifullness, then you have been slacking off and have reached a point you are feeling lost. Take a pause to breath, get your shit together and then continue with a new plan that will work out this time. Remember you do this for yourself.
IV. The Waxing Gibbous moon: 🌔
Keywords: Mindfulness, reaction, action, clear mindset, carefulness, take control
During the Waxing Gibbous moon, try to wake up from your small previous pause and make sure you have set your new goals if you were unsatisfied or stay loyal to the ones you set since the new moon. You should pay attention to small details around you in this this moon phase. Consider your emotions and listen to your guts. If you feel satisfied with how things are going, then you surely do something the right way. If you feel more in a bad mood or in the void, then sth is going slightly wrong with the way you handle or work towards your goals. You may also feel things are getting more intense since the full moon is right after this moon phase. Thats why the need to do things right is very strong at the back of your head.
Astrology explanation. The current sun is in sesquiquadrate with the current moon and that means that even if you feel a bit disappointed in yourself, you should take the action to stand up on your feet. Take control, dont lose yourself right before the full moon. You have come very far.
V. The full moon: 🌕
Keywords: manifestation, divination, inner growth and work, intense emotions
During the full moon, there is a very high tension in energies. You will be in some sort of conflict, trying to understand if you should side with what your mind or heart says. As a result you may struggle to come in terms with how you feel, either if its good or bad. Full moon is a day (okay night but whatever) where you will be more critical of yourself. The effort and hard work you put these two last weeks will be revealed. We are at thw climax of this Lunar circle so if you worked hard, you will be rewarded. If you didnt work hard and decided to push aside this lunar circle, you may be much more sensitive and judgemental than usual.
Astrology explanation: The current transit sun is in opposition with the surrent moon so we know everything will be so hypersensitive. There is a split between your spirit and your feelings. Try to keep them together even though i know its so hard to do so. Dont let the full moon doubt all your skills. You may take things much more at heart than other times. Be careful also not to be critical with others cause other people will also be more sensitive this moon phase and your words could hurt them.
VI. The Waning Gibbous Moon: 🌖
Keywords: Review, Evaluate, take notes, reflect, meditate, be generous
During the waning gibbous moon, if you feel like you have been rewarded for what you have done these weeks that passed, you will get the responsibility to pass down this enthousiasm you feel to others. Make sure not to over do it because this is a period you should calculate and tale notes in what you have done. For my babies that feel down or empty after ths full moon, take this opportunity to evaluate what has happened and what was the reason it went wrong. Meditate and try to tame down the disappointment. Realise that its never too late to start all over again even from this point. The disappointment you feel right now is because you expected more from yourself and knew you could have achieved those goals. SO DONT GIVE UP! Set new and easier goals; goals that you will surely do so the confidence and belief in yourself will appear again. You just need a small push to stand up right now. Surround yourself with the right people but make sure to focus on yourself.
Astrology explanation: the current transit sun is in sesquiquadrate with the current moon so that means that this is a period you should focus on you and only you. Sesquiquadrate focus on the change a person goes through after a disappointment or a failure so right now, may be a period like that for some of you that you have "failed". Sesquiquadrate wants to show you a way out, and thats through focusing on yourself and your wrongdoings.
VII. The last quarter: 🌗
Keywords: Release, Cleanse, let go, move on, stand up, FORGIVE.
During the last quarter moon, reconsider what went wrong with a more clear mindset. It is time to let go of the cause that brought so much negativity or laziness to achieve but for this to happen, you need to find the root of the problem to truly let go. This negativity im talking about could refer to some insecurities and fears you have of challenging yourself but also some beliefs that limit you. Due to them, you were unable to manifest what you wanted. Whatever is holding you back, should be left behind. Forgive yourself and become stronger by accepting where you did wrong. Some of you may hold some anger, grudges or regrets. This is the perfect timing to let go of this type of emotions. Forgiveness is the key. To my babies that felt satisfied with this full moon, remember how and why you accomplished what you just did. It wasnt an easy period for you as well. Let yourself relax and release all stress and anxiety you felt in this Lunar circle. You deserve it most than anyone.
Astrology explanation: Current transit sun is in square with the current moon so this is a challenging period for you. Many things come in question but the point is to learn to overcome every hardship and pain we have experienced. Square puts you in this position of conflict and doubting so you will mature further and grow internally. Take the lessons it needs to give you and dont stay on your ego and how your feelings were hurt.
VIII. The Waning Crescent Moon: 🌘
Keywords: Kindness, Compassion, accept the failure and the success, give it a go next time, try again
During the Waning Crescent moon, i swear if you didnt reach the goals you set from the new moon but is still harsh on yourself, I WILL BITE YOU. Accept what has happened and dont give up. Let yourself regain all the energy that you have wasted. Dont beat yourself up cause we really cant give our best all the time. Learn from your mistakes, lick yourself up proudly and get ready to set new goals you truly want to achieve in the next Lunar circle. If you are from the ones that feel they achieved most of the goals they set this month, CONGRATULATIONS BABY. Make sure to also regain your energy cause a new circle is coming and you will need it. You can give yourself a break but if you want to set new goals, meditate right now and then give it your all just like you did this Lunar circle.
Astrology explanation: The current transit sun is in semi square with the current moon which means that you should prepare yourself what is about to come. Semi square, square and sesquiquadrate have a very similar energy as i have mentioned in another post of mine, so coming to a close, semi square wants to reassure that things are coming to an end with the wounds getting healed and ready for the next Lunar circle.
Sorry for typos, will proof read tomorrow, im so sleepy- HAHSHAHA the phone didnt want to cooperate with nice decorations today too but i tried to make it a bit presentable nonetheless
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So here’s the thing - as you all know I’m constantly struggling for money, and always trying to equivalent exchange all that I get, but once again life gave me a curve ball.

That’s my bank account balance, after a sudden cancelation of one of my jobs and dental work I had done.
I’m currently accepting donations
as well as have multiple services on my Etsy and one’s exclusive to tumblr. I’ll soon be rebloging this post as well with thank you gifts that I can give for any donations.
If you can help financially, please do so and know that it’ll really help me.
If you can’t, a reblog goes a long way.
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how do you tell someone "I'm not ignoring you, I'm just disconnected from reality rn and the days are all blurred together and I feel completely apathetic towards everyone/everything around me so it's really hard for me to maintain a conversation" without saying that?
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Astrology observations 🌷🌷🌷
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
🌷 Neptune and/or Uranus in the 5th house in synastry can indicate a delay in starting a romantic relationship. Combined with some strong 12th house placements, it might not ever happen in some cases.
🌷 Scorpio Rising males are very different from Scorpio Rising females. They can be more like the Scorpio stereotype of being promiscious, the cheater. Either because of low, fluctuating self esteem (if they have Cancer in the 8th house) or they just like the ability to seduce people with their playful character, charming personality (Gemini in the 8th house).
🌷 I found Scorpio Rising females when in a romantic relationship often possess Taurus traits, being very loyal to their chosen person instead.
🌷 Though, there is this thing about Scorpios and passion. They are not led by their impulsive desires (like Aries can sometimes be), BUT they like to direct their desire. Meaning they were not mindlessly led by their impulsive desires, but consciously wanted that person/thing since they act in accordance with desire.
🌷 With that being said, you can throw yourself into them as much as you’d like, but if they don’t WISH/DESIRE to be connected/involved with you, they will not react. At all. Since they are self-focused and don’t mind spending time on their own, they would rather invest in a hobby than connecting with someone they do not desire.
🌷 Most Scorpio Risings often touch their face, hair or it always looks like their are fixing something on their face or body.
🌷 Most of them are aware of the fact that they might hold eye contact too long or too much. So they constantly fix and try to nonchalantly look elsewhere into the distance.
🌷 They go through periods of “raging” and being calm. Usually they are being very calm (almost look a bit “empy” from outside looking in). It’s when they most likely are facing with feelings of guilt, shame, biterness, sadness, grief, nostalgia, despair. It’s when they are in the raging phase that they are confident, alluring, magnetic and can be even a bit (emotionally) manipulative.
🌷 Libra can sometimes feel like Aquarius. They don’t want to be the odd one out so they are always teaming up with someone or search for likeminded people. So that they don’t stand out too much, be left behind or don’t risk not being accepted.
🌷Mars Risings (Scorpio, Aries) energy is so strong and out there, just because they are so present in the moment. Even when they look not as present, they actually are. They are in meditative state of “the now”. They just want to appear unbothered, not influenced or like they can’t be controlled by others. They want to be seen as someone who makes their own opinions, choices.
🌷 Your siblings will have your Moon as their Sun sign or house.
What do you think about Scorpio Rising females and males? Would you say there is a difference? Let me know what you think!
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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hello, my name is leo (he/him) and ironically, my rising sign is in leo as well.
this blog was created on 19 june 2021, 11:00 am.
this blog has a gemini signature, and has air as its dominant element.
as for my natal chart, my signature is ambigious and i have fire as my dominant element.
astrology is a hobby of mine, and i have been tarot reading since february 2019.
[ personality type: INFJ-A ]
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the way I’d do anything for these Hello Kitty MAC lipglasses
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Libras are that friend who's also friends with that one bitch you don't like
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are there even words capable of truly describing how beautiful aweng chuol is
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i played this game wayy too much when i was little
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why did this get me help
every single person who has not seen a horse by the age of 13 has died at 33
I don’t know why but this ask scares me and I want it out of my inbox but I’m afraid if I delete it it will curse me
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you know whats cool? not talking. dont say nothin. shut the fuck up.
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