#gaming Processor
omarvektrapc12 · 22 days
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Product Family
AMD Ryzen™ PRO Processors
Product Line
AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO 5000 WX-Series
AMD PRO Technologies
Consumer Use
Regional Availability
Global, China, NA, EMEA, APJ, LATAM
Former Codename
"Chagall PRO"
"Zen 3"
# of CPU Cores
# of Threads
Max. Boost Clock
Up to 4.5GHz
Base Clock
L1 Cache
L2 Cache
L3 Cache
Default TDP
Processor Technology for CPU Cores
Unlocked for Overclocking
CPU Socket
Socket Count
Max. Operating Temperature (Tjmax)
Launch Date
*OS Support
Windows 11 - 64-Bit Edition
Windows 10 - 64-Bit Edition
*Operating System (OS) support will vary by manufacturer.
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omarnissarvektrapc12 · 3 months
The Insanely Powerful Gaming and Streaming Desktop Processor, with AMD 3D V-Cache™ Technology for Even More Game Performance With this enthusiast processor you can enjoy extreme performance for gaming, creating, streaming, or whatever workload you choose. Plus, enjoy the benefits of next-gen AMD 3D V-Cache™ technology for low latency and even more game performance.
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gamerzone01 · 9 months
Best Processors for Gaming in 2023
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Gaming is growing more realistic, especially with the release of new-generation AAA games that are practically lifelike with stunning graphics and amazing imagery. However, unlike in the past when a good GPU was all that was required for gaming, a comparably fast and one of the best gaming processors is now required to enjoy a new-gen game. 
To provide a high frame rate, current-gen games rely on both the gaming PCs and the GPU. Furthermore, GPUs such as the Nvidia RTX 3090 require a comparably powerful CPU to function. As a result, while purchasing the best gaming processor, be sure to look at the following specifications:
Best Processors for Gaming
The CPU industry no longer provides a limited number of options for each generation. Previously, players had few options, and the choice was straightforward. However, the situation has changed extensively in recent years. Each of Intel and AMD’s numerous alternatives addresses specific gaming needs and market ghettos.
This plethora of options may appear daunting at first, but it reflects the incredible improvements gained in chip manufacturing and design. Because of the wide variety of processors presently accessible, gamers may fine-tune their options based on their tastes, performance requirements, and financial limits. This variation recognizes that no two players are alike, and therefore varied experiences are warranted.
1. Desktop Intel Core i9-11900K Processor
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Intel has always been a highly reliable alternative for desktop CPUs. Due to this, various PC gamers still favor an Intel high-end CPU option. Read more
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mugenfinder · 7 months
Heroic Dark
The main character is really anachronistic with everything going on.
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gideonisms · 4 months
hello gamers is slay the princess good/playable if you're horrifically bad at most video games/will it require me to download any programs that will fry my computer. It looks like the type of thing I'd enjoy but I'm allergic to games with the exception of choose your own adventure stuff that doesn't require too much walking around aimlessly
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catinflight · 9 days
Recently I learned that my computer does not render scenes very well
Even though I'm not very happy with how it turned out, I figured I might aswell share since it took me about two and a half days just to render the thing,
(it was supposed to be a simple looping animation, and I wanted to focus more on the background, but apparently, my computer doesn't handle that stuff well)
I am very tired right now, if it wasn't already obvious, lol
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akfamilyhome · 5 months
A Cartridge for a Lost Nintendo System | Things of Interest
New video! In the mid-90s, Nintendo made a Super Famicom devkit for use in schools. To this day, it has yet to be found, but here's how pieces of it have been saved and still floating around today...like this RAM cartridge I bought!
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softplumbs · 4 months
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This is Sawyer and she loves blue, her favorite powerpuff girl is Bubbles. (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡
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fiadorable · 8 months
Hardspace Shipbreaker hits a spot I didn't even know existed. Hell yeah I want to use my laser gun to cut apart derelict spaceships. Hell yeah I wanna use my grapple gun to launch gigantic pieces of nanocarbon into the processor (and occasionally my face). Hell yeah I wanna fly around in my little spacesuit (and accidentally get sucked into the furnace because physics). I wanna put the dumb little stickers on my dumb little tools. I wanna figure out the best way to take apart each kind of ship for maximum profit and minimum damage to me (fuck you especially, quasar thrusters). I'm loving it.
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crowroboros · 2 months
Lucky Seven is a very cool sword, both in lore, theming, and design
~~Massive Xenoblade 1 and 3 spoilers under the cut~~
Fiora's soul and will being stored within the Origin Metal used to craft Lucky Seven is so cool to me for so many reasons:
With Aionios being a creation of Origin under the influence of Moebius, it's entire existence is thus directly under the influence of whoever is in control of Origin itself. The Origin supercomputer is based upon Ontos's core and architecture (which we know from Future Redeemed), making Ontos the prime administrator of Origin. Thus Ontos, and anyone tied to that core, carries special privileges within Aionios and Origin. (ex. Shulk carried the Monado in XB1, and the Monado IS Ontos. Rex's life was tied to the Pneuma core, one part of the Trinity Processor which was also under the jurisdiction of Ontos, A just straight up IS Ontos, etc.)
So Fiora, who ALSO was a Monado wielder (via her being Meyneth's vessel and Meyneth too having a Monado of her own as one of the two gods of the Xenoblade 1 world), too has an innate connection to Ontos and the Trinity Processor. Which is why Lucky Seven is so strong within Aionios. She (as the sword) is able to completely override Moebius's control; allowing her (the sword) to shatter the Flame Clocks, obliterate Moebius, and cut through literally anything within Aionios. Lucky Seven, which is Fiora, is essentially part of Ontos and thus can rewrite the "code" of Aionios (yes, Aionios isn't a digital world but that's the easiest way to explain how Origin and Aionios works.) That is such a cool way to explain the extreme strength of the blade.
Furthermore, it means that Fiora is still carrying on Meyneth's wish to give the people of the world a choice of how to live their lives. In Xenoblade 1, Meyneth's whole thing was acting as opposition to Zanza. She wished for an ever changing world in which its inhabitants could live and choose for themselves, whereas Zanza wished for a stagnant world bound by fate. He wanted complete and utter control over those who lived "beneath him", as he saw it. Fiora came to embody these desires and values of Meyneth after Meyneth's death at Mechonis Core, and idk it's just really cool to me that her influence on both the Xenoblade 1 party (especially Fiora) and the Xenoblade universe as a whole is still as strong as ever within Aionios.
Moebius is the embodiment of the fear of change in an unstable world. And after seizing control of Origin, Z created a world in which nothing changes and it's inhabitants serve as fuel to keep Moebius alive. Nothing within Aionios progresses. It persists for eternity, those living within stuck in an endless cycle of bloodshed and hatred.
So to have the one thing capable of combatting Moebius being a weapon that is the physical manifestation of the willpower and motivation of Fiora is just really cool to me, especially given how important Fiora and Meyneth are to Xenoblade 1 and how their entire thing in that game was giving the people of the world the ability to choose for themselves and defy fate. Fiora, as Lucky Seven, is giving the people of Aionios a real second chance at life unshackled by Moebius and their control. Just as Meyneth gave Fiora a second chance at life after Fiora was killed at the beginning of Xenoblade 1.
The way the lore, function, and theming of Lucky Seven is all tied together is good shit.
It also being why the sword is called "Lucky Seven" is very funny. (Fiora is Xenoblade 1's seventh party member, and she IS the sword.)
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It could also be why the sword looks so much like a Monado. The soul within is that of someone with a connection to the Monado/Ontos.
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ageless-aislynn · 4 months
My friends, today was a day I honestly didn't think would ever arrive. Today, Georgette and I joined hands in friendship (o hai, Eobard, thanks for witnessing this touching moment 😜)
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and we frickin' played some Halo!
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For almost 4 hours! It was glorious, friends! We were ALL blinded by its majesty, even Eobard!
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*bink* 😇😂😎👍
She actually had a bit of a rough patch today with the Nvidia card demon coming out to freeze up like an absolute jerk say hi for a moment...
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...but I'd just seen there was an Intel update available and was literally researching whether or not to take it when, you know, everything hung up so that made up my mind pretty easily, lol. 🤷‍♀️
After that update, we updated Windows and then I thought, you know what? Let's just go for Steam and see what happens. And Steam installed and so I went for the MCC, which automatically installs Reach, so I plugged in my controller, the Mighty Purple Hand of Spartan Justice™️
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(seen here with my cozy Master Chief in his Olaf robe, some hot tea and a box of tissues because I had cold at the time and this was my comfort set up, lol) and we got to saving Reach!
It totally worked, too. Reach was saved, yippee!
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Jorge, telling me how waaaaay awesome it was that I helped him and Noble Team TOTES 117% SAVE REACH WITH NO CASUALTIES YES!!!
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And look, we're all running to get ice cream! Yay, ice cream! 🍨
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Okay, so I've had a few really rough months, give me this one, a'ight? 😇😉
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Anyway, I wish I could say
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but no, not just yet. But maybe, just maybe, we're on the right track at last?
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Just wanted to share with you, friends! Love to you all! 🤗💖
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gayest-squrrel · 6 months
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Hello tumblr I bring you the headcanons that prophetbot has bad eyesight no I will not explain why
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sirpeppersto · 2 months
going to try running hades 2 on a surface pro 6 bc it's the only windows device i own
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mugenfinder · 7 months
DarkSummoner 1 Not the kind of game I was expecting when I started this. It's from a yearly japanese game contest where they use the HSP (Hot Soup Processor) Engine.
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felcote · 9 days
I think I will try to make my funny little dell run monster hunter world.
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whatkindofnameisella · 2 months
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