#game purists
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Hypocrisy really bothers me:
" I personally always think it's fair to compare adaptations to the source material. " -Game Purists basically say
" I hate they're comparing adaptations to the source material in a way that has them say they're doing better than the source material in any way! What absolute parasites! I wish I lived in a world where anything other than the source material of a series I liked didn't exist! I'm sure it'd be fine if the company that made them had a lot less money to make stuff I like. " -Also Game Purists, who'd logically hate Shrek fans and Harry Potter fans and Jaws fans and fans of every superhero series ever made...
" She's like a conservative mom, thinking, ' He broke the rules, he must be immoral! " -Game Purists insulting a character from an adaptation
" The adaptations broke the rules, they must be immoral! " -also Game Purists
" These people are so stupid, they're always refusing to acknowledge anything is a problem with what they like and blindly worshipping it! At least we're intellectuals who care about good writing. The difference in intellectual capacity between us is pretty clear. The jokes in this comic are offensively stupid because they're making jokes at the expense of characters I like. Why won't they just admit there's bad things about this stuff they like? " -Game Purists
" It's just a joke, why would you ever be mad that she's outrunning Sonic when she's chasing Sonic with a hammer? It's just a kids' series, you're worthless if you think about it and want better. There's nothing wrong with this story making a joke at the expense of these two characters I think I like! It looks like a Saturday morning cartoon so why would you ever want it to take itself seriously? It's fine when the games are dark though. Shadow didn't take itself too seriously when it had aliens invade the entire world, because at least it didn't show Maria getting shot! "-also Game Purists
" There's nothing wrong with the plot of Sonic Lost World! Tails never acted egotistical in it, what are you talking about? Why would I explain why bragging about reprogramming a computer isn't egotistical and out of character for someone who's humble? I'm too above you to do so. " -also Game Purists
" Why is SHE SO LAME HERE? She's not fighting these two at all, she's just lame! " -Game Purists
" (sees the same character in a game cowering in front of robots she fought fearlessly in a previous game) This is written so much better than the comics! This is awesome, because at least she's not crying waterfall tears. That was the only problem we had with her in the comics, I think? I can't remember because I'm looking at a game. Anyways the comics are dumb and stupid and bad and garbage. If anyone criticizes the games at all I hate them. " -also Game Purists
" I wish stans for stuff I hated would stop treating me like they're better than me. Good thing I'm a good person. " -Game Purists
" Anyone who doesn't like what I like is a retard and evil. " -also Game Purists. People have to walk on eggshells talking to them about the games and redundantly praise it just to futilely try to get it through that they do like them. Yes they literally say the R word about it. And still complain " y'all said ableist slurs about us! "
" I wish stans wouldn't hate people over the most milquetoast of criticism of the stuff they like and just assume they hate it even if they don't. These guys are always in bad faith when they see people insulting stuff they like, they'll never admit a criticism isn't in bad faith. Why can't they treat people with respect? "
" (any criticism of the source material is read) Fuck him for hating the games! I don't even need to do any research on him, I already know this! (said person says he doesn't hate the games and says you can like things for different reasons) " You're LYING! (sees someone drew a picture of Tails hitting Chaos 0 like a badass) This guy's an asshole who hates the games! Every single one of the over 70+ games in the series is something he actively looks down upon! Anyone who hates one game hates the entire series' premise and all of the characters in the games at once! " -also Game Purists
" Why can't people like this new concept the game introduced? Why are people complaining about this character? " -Game Purists
" Every new idea the adaptations introduce sucks. None of it is good because the games didn't do it first. They can't ever introduce a good new character. " -ALSO Game Purists
" This character's being written like shit. He's so Flanderized it's ridiculous. " -Game Purists
" (they see the character in the game being reduced to just one trait or making a stupid mistake that his friend warned him not to do) This is fine. (house is burning) " -also Game Purists when watching Generations or Colors DS.
" The fanbase is so lame, they believe in headcanon... " -Game Purists
" Tails wasn't egotistical in Lost World. Pontac and Graff just wrote him to be pretending he was egotistical because he was actually insecure! It's brilliant! " -also Game Purists
" ... I wish they would just remember the games better and actually look at the contents of the games instead of trusting their terrible or selective memory and never doubting themselves enough to fact-check. " -Game Purists.
This is showing what happens literally right after Knuckles said there's no need for the Resistance. " Hold on, there's still a lot we need to do! We're just getting started! " How is there any room for interpretation here? I don't even love all of the Freedom Fighters. Most of them I don't even feel anything for in concept.
Honestly if Sega confirmed that what this line actually meant was what people only interpreted because they know adaptations exist and can't handle it, then that'd be one thing. But if that was true they'd have said so, and it keeps pissing me off that they always omit this panel and never talk about it every time they talk about Forces at length, even after discussing the cutscenes one by one. Why is that? Why are you afraid of presenting anything that weakens your argument when anyone who agrees with you always will anyway? I don't want to hate a person. I hate when someone seems disingenious. Or delusional, both are pet peeves of mine.
The truth is the most valuable precious thing in the world and it keeps being treated like it's evil by people who can't handle the massive traumatizing thing of, fiction being criticized. That's mature.
" I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! " How do they think they make other people feel?
" I wish stans of these adaptations wouldn't harass me. " -Game Purists
" (talking to a fan of an adaptation) Thanks for saying you hate the games, asshole. " -also Game Purists " I don't hate the games. " -is the response every single time.
IGN critics admit they hate Sonic, if people hated the games they'd happily admit it! What's with all of these conspiracy theories, like saying Sega doesn't make royalties off every issue of a comic they had exist, which one Google search result brings up two articles debunking it? https://www.creatorresource.com/licensed-comics-101-with-sarah-gaydos-the-publishing-side/ The people who pay the licensing fee get part of an 11% cut every time an issue is bought.
" The company that licenses the product owns nothing, but they get a percentage of sales after they pay 1) you, 2) all the associated printing fees, 3) the initial cost of the licensed deal to the IP owner, and 4) the royalties they will owe the IP owner. You doing a service like writing or drawing for this book gives you, and the comic company, zero ownership over it, because neither of you own anything to do with the ownership of the initial property. " If Sega was the exception that'd make literally no sense, why wouldn't they demand royalties and say they'll walk otherwise?
" Fans of adaptations are so arrogant! Anyone who even sounds like he's arrogant shouldn't even get to post anything online! " -Game Purists
"... because I'm literally always right and always winning! " -a Game Purist literally said this.
" Are people seriously saying that if you hate Lanolin, you just hate women? Only a jerk would accuse someone of bigotry that he doesn't even know based on no real evidence! Is that the only argument they've got, just strawmanning us? Looks like they don't have any real ground to stand on! " -Game Purists
" Everyone who likes American Sonic is Japanophobic. Every time, without fail. " -the Same Game Purist
" Look at this girl character imitating Sally. I'm gonna pop an aneurysm. " -Game purist
" Amy's so much better since she started to insult Sonic for wanting to save Tails instead of help some ghosts. She's so much better after she analyzed some data in Forces. Lost World fixed this girl who I think needed to change, I'm so glad she's now someone who would keep her crush on Sonic subtle and despair that he won't be able to save the world and try to say she loves Sonic. What are you talking about, that's never been Sally! Sally's just evil, and she's got no other personality traits than being mean to Sonic! There's no way she's any better in the comic than she is in a kids' cartoon. " -Game Purists
" I hate that these fake fans don't do any research on how the characters in the games are before claiming that the comics are accurate. Why are these fans basing their idea of a character like Sonic from the games on cherry-picked screenshots of the games that ignore how he is everywhere else? If I saw someone try to prove that Sonic wasn't humble based on all of the cocky lines he had in the games, I swear! " -Game Purists
" Why would I do any research on how Sally is in the comics most of the time she's around? Obviously she is evil most of the time, because everything I think is right because I thought it and I saw a couple of panels from the comic out of context that were given to me by people who hated it. Why wouldn't that count as a crash course in a comic? All I'd have to do to learn about the Archie Andrews comic would be browse out of context Archie on tumblr. " -also Game Purists
" Play the games! Why would these people keep being ignorant of the games?! Sega should have people on staff who have played every single one of the games and have it all memorized just to give the writers notes every time they get something wrong! Or the writers themselves should have to do so! Screw them if they get anything wrong. It's not Sega's fault for wanting the comic to say the games had taken place in its past. These writers just need to git gud. It's absolutely unacceptable to see them be wrong about any of the games. It pisses me off every single time. " -Game Purists
" Why would I read every important issue in Archie Sonic or STC? I don't need to do that to get the proper perspective on it. The proper perspective is not knowing if it has any good stories and just hating it because it's a bad adaptation on paper, that's all I need to think! And fuck you, I hate you as a person for even suggesting fact-checking. I'm much happier to just sit here and stay blissfully ignorant thank you very much. I'm proud of what I'm doing for a hobby instead. Like, saying how much Flynn sucks for not doing any research to get the Encyclospeedia error-free. I wish he would die. If someone's a jerk he should have to do research! Good thing I'm not a jerk to anybody. " -Game Purists if they were corrected by anyone who actually read an issue of that comic before.
" I don't care that this is mostly like the source material. It's still not good enough. I don't care that Sonic X takes place in Station Square, it's still not like the games. Why is Sonic powering up to destroy a robot in one hit with a Ring? That's not in the games. Why is Sonic living in a mansion with Chris? That's not in the games. Why is Amy bossing Tails around in Season 3? That's not in the games. Why is Sonic acting way too scared of water? That's not in the games, he's not opposed to the idea of learning how to swim. I can't possibly imagine why something that looks like a Ring would let him power up. If it's not the games it doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. " -Game Purists. (I just think the show is boring because its pacing is too slow and the characters are exaggerated but that's not what they focus on.) -Game Purists
-The Same Game Purist:
" I LOVE the Mario movie that just came out! Why can't Sonic adaptations be just like that? All I have to see is environments that look like the games and have the power-ups and I'm absolutely ecstatic!... Why would I care that Peach and Mario are out of character compared to the games? I love that Peach isn't the one who was kidnapped, and is a fearless girlboss going on the adventure with Mario, because that's so much better than the game! Peach sucked ass in the games because she lets herself get kidnapped! I can forgive Mario not having an Italian accent. It's fine to remove something that made a character appealing in an adaptation I like. "
" Why would I care that Bowser didn't kidnap Peach because she's the only one who has the power to stop him? That was in a dumb video game from the 8-bit days. It doesn't deserve to be translated to the big screen! It's in a video game where the plot was all in the manual, so it's just objectively better that he kidnapped Peach because of the crush on her. Why would I care that only the RPGs said he had it? People like the movie, shut up! "
" I love seeing the main character of the franchise get smacked around all the time and be helpless and look terrified, that's hilarious! Yeah fine he was never like that in the games, but why would I care?! Everyone in the theater was laughing every time that happened! But I'd never think they don't respect Mario. That'd be taking it too seriously. I love that a Toad is accompanying Mario on his adventure! That didn't happen in the game! So that means it's better than the original! I mean, he didn't do much. But it's still not like the game so that means it's good anyways. It's great that the movie lasted longer because he was saying stuff. I'm grateful for every second of getting to see what looks like Mario on the big screen! "
" Why would I even care about the fact that Mario doesn't lose his power-up the instant he gets hit literally every time? The games don't deserve to be translated 1 to 1 on the big screen. Who cares about consistent rules in a dumb kid's series? Mario plots suck so it'd be stupid to expect the level of quality Mario has in its games from any plot involving him. I don't think there's ever been a Mario game with a good plot. Why would I ever care that they could've just used the Star the second they saw Bowser coming and prevented the whole movie instead of holding the Idiot Ball? It's not supposed to win Oscars. Cool I love that it had Donkey Kong characters in the Mario movie. That's better than that lame game because it didn't do that. "
" I love that they had a Mario Kart tournament that could've been cut out of the plot without anyone noticing a difference, because that's so much better than that lame 8-bit game, and Mario games in general are lame for not having a Mario Kart tournament and Donkey Kong characters in them now that I think about it. And just looking at Mario Kart makes me happy, unlike how those Flynn stans make me feel, with their liking stuff just because it has references in it. Morons. Well Mario's better than Sonic, so any references would be better than Sonic ones! "
" I can just tell the people who made this love the games. I can just FEEL it, because I can see the levels and powerups from the games. You can just feel when someone respects the source material! I'm glad feels alone have never led to a wrong opinion. OK when I have an opinion because of my gut instinct it's still gonna be right because I'm smarter than those parasite adaptation fans who only like stuff because of the vibes they get, who think the characters in the source material being smacked around too easily in the comics is just fine. (laughs) Mario's getting smacked around by Donkey Kong! What a loser! He could never hold his own against a guy the size of Bowser! "
" I love the part where I got to see Mario's family, because that never happened in the game! Thank god Sonic doesn't do that though! I'd HATE it if I saw Sonic or Knuckles being hugged by his parents! Ooh Bowser's threatening to nuke the Mushroom Kingdom. That's so gutsy and edgy. I love when he did that in Mario 1. Oh wait he didn't do that, in any of the games come to think of it. Well that's better than the games because Bowser was too much of a wimp for not trying to nuke a kingdom! If Sonic had a story where a place got nuked it I'd roll my eyes, but Mario's so much better than Sonic. This movie is so much better than Archie Sonic, and its nukes. It's so faithful to the games. "
" Fuck everyone who hates the Mario movie, what buzzkill douchebags. Well now that I'm done hatewatching a cartoon to trash it for the day... What do you mean they originally planned to make Peach even more better than Mario and Mario even more incompetent? Nintendo rejected that? Why? Mario sucks! They shouldn't have stuck to Nintendo's vision. "
" The movie is better than the game because if they just made Peach get kidnapped and had Mario go through the adventure alone and not be afraid of it, I'd hate it, because then it'd be just like the Mario games. And that'd be stale and boring, because the Mario games are stale and boring, just saving Peach on your own every time from Bowser. The entire premise of the Mario series is repetitive and boring! I only like it for the gameplay. Glad I watched this movie. Ugh, fuck this guy, he thinks it'd get boring if Sonic vs Eggman was the only story in the series. Who wants anything but Sonic fighting Eggman? Other villains than Eggman suck. "
I actually do think the creative elements of the Mario movie are what's great about them when they're not at the expense of a character. Peach being the one who was kidnapped would've been mocked because she's a girl and her being kidnapped because she had magic was esoteric and vague and makes me wonder why she didn't use said power to defeat him when he went to bother her. But it wasn't creative enough, it was still based on a story that already exists, so I didn't go see it. Shouldn't have to clarify this but Mario movie stans are as defensively rabid as the stans of everything else.
" I hate people who say Sonic has always been inconsistent. Look at how stupid they are. ' Sonic haz alwayz bin inconsistant! ' " -Game Purists
" Mario's always been inconsistent so why would I care that the movie was inconsistent with how long it takes to get him out of a power-up or how Bowser's fireball should've roasted him easily in the final boss fight? Bowser's stupid anyways! Any stupidity he has is just in-character. All the video game characters suck. Anyways I'm gonna watch this movie again because just seeing the levels on the big screen is making me ecstatic with happiness! I'd hate to have to see the levels in shitty 8-bit graphics. " -Game Purists as well
I had to get this off my chest. Hypocrisy annoys me so much that it's hard to stop thinking about even when I don't want to, it's not someone's fault if his personal preferences are a certain way but hypocrisy and being a stan is unacceptable. And it isn't a good look because it's distracting constantly. Even good people can be hypocrites, but it's always annoying when it happens. It's also why these same people never see themselves in characters that are the same way. IDW Sonic is called a hypocrite by these people.
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It's called Shoot the Dog, Pragmatic Good, etc. She's not looking like she's okay with it, you could've noticed if you actually looked at her facial expressions in this. If they freed Knuckles at this point he would just go back to trying to remake the world. You want her to do the stupid thing just because it sounds nice? This is just because you're racist against Canon Foreigners. If Sonic said this in the games you'd be defending it. Yeah I thought it was a shocking moment of her too, because I like Knuckles too, but I'd rather a character be intelligent than have Honor Before Reason Lawful Stupid bullshit.
And you can't have a character be pure good squeaky clean every time or you get a Mary Sue. What if Locke's plan hadn't worked out to turn Knuckles back to normal because Finitevus didn't stupidly choose to make a condition that could break his spell on Knuckles for no reason? Which she of course didn't anticipate, so as far as she knew breaking Knuckles out would literally destroy the world. You want her to do something that would destroy the world because it sounds like the nice thing to do?
It's the most simple first level idea of morality that kids grow out of when they grow up and find out that you have to be harsh to do the right thing sometimes. What would you do if you had a pet that got rabies? Putting down a dog with rabies is mean. Better keep it around.
I make these reblogs knowing full well that the OP won't be convinced. It's just for everyone else who happens to read it especially if they're more like me. Game purists are intentionally bad faith about Sally with the excuse that she doesn't always fit into child-like cookie cutter morality and yet they praise Sonic in the games for not fitting into cookie cutter morality because he lives by his own rules and doesn't go by other people's principles, which is why he calls Knuckles knucklehead because that means he's not always gonna do the traditional right thing, so it realistically would result in this very scene.
She's not from the games, so she's not allowed to be an anti-hero or think like a mature adult. There's no other explanation.
oh my GOD, Sally is AWFUL
Jesus H why does ANYONE LIKE HER?
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Weird thing that bothered me about Rebirth and I want to hear other people's thoughts.
Um... Why did they gentrify Gongaga? I can't be the only one who feels cheated by the chummy suburban development vibe in Rebirth.
OG Gongaga is an isolated village deep in a jungle. It's possible to completely miss the first chance to visit, because it's practically unheard of. All the young folks fled to the big city. A reactor blew up and killed most of the inhabitants, leaving the town in a state of decay. The houses are falling apart, the people are desperate, it's derelict and miserable.
An understated theme in the OG is how life is difficult without modern technology. Avalanche sets out to destroy these reactors without considering the consequences for their own futures, thinking "well it won't be easy but i'm sure it'll be fine." Gongaga is the story's way of showing you just how fine everything is going to be— despite being in a lush rainforest, long since violently cut off from Shinra's influence, these people still suffer immensely.
I wanted to see it in hd so bad honestly. The splintered rotting wood, the furskin rugs, the dirty brick walls. The unspoken yet unignorable trauma. The mournful purple twilight that quietly hangs over the whole village. I wanted to see the survivors' spiteful determination to make things work without mako.
Instead we got a squeaky clean Crisis Core rendition of Gongaga, with its down-to-earth upbeat stardew valley soundtrack and generic hard workin' country folk. The houses are like... twice the size i expected them to be. Neat and tidy, no holes in the roofs, no dishevelled interiors. No sign of struggle. Everybody is content at worst.
The reactor may as well have never exploded. Nobody talks about it. We hear some bullshit about Shinra trying to "make amends" or compensate people for the damages, and that's about it. Apparently everybody's just fine with this, because all of the original version's resentment and grief is gone.
Don't even get me started on the barker stationed at the town entrance. "Come experience nature's bounty!" Man... why are we treating it like a goddamn hippy tourist attraction. OG Gongaga would have had someone knock this kid's teeth out.
Idk I'm just sad. The melancholy is what made Gongaga so memorable despite its bump-in-the-road identity. I wish we could have gotten that instead of one big callback to CC.
#like. it's nice that we get to see cissnei#but... sigh.#listen i've said it before and i'll say it again: i am not an og purist#but the more i think about it the more i'm inclined to just... act like crisis core doesn't exist#and don't get me wrong. i love crisis core. this game is iconic it's hilarious it's heartbreaking#crisis core wanted to reinterpret stuff from the original and i respect that!!#but crisis core is also horribly tone deaf while trying to be dead serious. that's half the reason it's funny as shit.#why should we trust cc to set the standard for any reoccuring place or event throughout the entire compilation?#to put it bluntly: i do think cc's interpretation sucks in a lot of places and we have GOT to start retconning shit lmao#slightly related hot take: i think genesis and angeal are fantastic characters trapped inside of a game that couldn't do them justice.#anyway. gongaga deserved better rant over#ffvii#ffvii rebirth
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r.i.p. neil josten you would've hated the way this fandom characterises you
#zoe yaps#i'm such a purist when it comes to neil josten#canon neil is the only neil i accept#tbh i think nora would agree with me neil IS her favourite character#and she's real for that#save me canon neil save me#canon neil josten#aftg#all for the game#neil josten#the sunshine court#tsc#andreil
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Every time a targ stan blames someone else for them seeing a properly tagged post, a dragonrider dies
Like to charge. Reblog to cast on your local cross tag cry baby.
#I curse you#and your incestuous blood purists#targ stans will see a properly tagged post and then cry because they didn’t block the tags#house of the dragon#game of thrones#team green#anti targaryen#anti team black#anti targ stans#anti rhaenyra stans#anti daemon stans#anti targaryen stans#anti dany stans#anti daenerys stans
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May Sauron and Galadriel make wild,passionate love in Mordor in S3 😇
#any other place would be fine too#if hardcore purists survived the game they can survive the show#it would be fun to watch#the rings of power#trop#rings of power#sauron x galadriel#saurondriel#trop season 2
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Listen, if you wanna make posts about your own personal Jon Snow fan casting, because you imagined him to look different then in the show, that's fine. But don't end on the post with an insult calling him a "mid actor".
Your personal hangups with Jon's character from book to show are not Kit Haringtons fault. And its incredibly rude to just insult the actor because you wanted the character to be different then he portrayed it.
Fancast all of you want but blatantly insulting someones acting who put nearly a decade of his life into playing that character, is just disrespectful as all hell and you should be ashamed of how fucking rude that is.
#the shows been over for like 4 years#can you people fucking let go of blaming kit harington for your anger at the shows choices#game of thrones#a song of ice and fire#asoiaf#jon snow#kit harington#if you wanna know why i advocate for show jon so hard its cus if shit like this#how he still gets attacked an unreasonable amount by salty ass book purists#i read the books first too you know snd you dont see me insulting kit for my issues with the shows writing
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Followers’ Favorite Vampire Countdown
14. Alucard - Castlevania
We are all, in the end, slaves to our families' wishes.
#castlevania#castlevaniaedit#animationedit#tvedit#mygifs#vampirecountdown#'he isn't a full vampire' i know this! not my fault everybody voted for him!#sorry to video game purists
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do we think kenma whales as kodzuken or is he a f2p only?
#bee chats#he has the money to whale obviously#but i could see him being a purist and wanting to play the game as it's meant to be played
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finished veilguard and my final thoughts on it are that it's a pretty fun rpg but a bad dragon age game
#at times it felt like it was made by people who have never heard of dragon age in their life#as a game on it's own like the characters story combat it's a decent 7/10#but as a dragon age game it's a 3/10 and the only reason it's not a 1/10 is cause the ancient elvhen lore was actually good#and it sucks cause i really wanted to love this game#like i'm not a dao/da2 only purist i genuinely love inquisition it's my second fave dragon age game#so i was really going into veilguard genuinely hopeful it was going to be good#but after ten years of waiting this was not it lol#honestly the whole thing can be tracked back to them throwing away the worldstates#because that's the foundation of a dragon age game and it showed that they don't really care for established lore#as an example compared to inquisition which had three different possible warden contacts#with three completely different personalities and three different voicelines to record#this just seems lazy not to even try including the different worldstates over codex entries#(sorry if this is all rambly and makes no sense i just have a lot of feelings on it akdjfkf)#datv lb#bioware critical#datv critical
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" Sonic shouldn't care about his friends enough to get bitter when they're being hated by everyone else. Why can't he more like that nice boy Mario? " Got it. Sonic as a character has an attitude and is an anti-hero since day 1. He's realistically going to say things that are harsh just like you do as a result. And sometimes people say things they don't mean because they're overexaggerating due to how angry they are. You people just interpret this in a bad faith way.
Sonic is supposed to have an attitude and be an anti-hero but that means he's not gonna be nice 24/7 because showing him with an attitude and cockiness outside of the context of him dealing with Eggman will automatically be a little annoying. Doesn't make it bad or you're saying Sonic is a bad character. Hell Game Sonic can be mean to his own friends too. " Way to go knucklehead! " " You let Eggman trick you again! " " Come on Shahra let's just leave him there. " I let all of THAT slide and that's even worse than wishing people he doesn't know would be unhappy about something happening that doesn't directly inconvenience them.
Your ability to handle Sonic when he's not just using that attitude against Eggman is determined by your ability to handle a character not being a perfect Mary Sue. The same person who didn't keep to himself that he wishes Flynn would die, it makes no sense to call someone else a disgusting piece of shit for simply being mad that his friend is being hated by a bunch of ungrateful people who she saved the lives of. Maybe if it was Game Sonic saying this about a game character like Tails being hated by everyone you'd be fine with it.
Can you IMAGINE for even a single moment Game!Sonic ever saying this about ANY version of Eggman?
Jesus H. Steve the fucking Hedgehog, ladies and gentlemen.
What a disgusting piece of shit. Oh but luckily Sally and salt lick is there to tell him "don't say that" fuck her too
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One thing I would like to bring up that I think has been forgotten a little bit was remember how Black Stans were baying for Blood & Cheese? How delighted they were for it? How they could not wait for it? How it was deserved after what happened?
And Rhaenyra was horrified by it. She was sicken by the idea she could do something like that to someone else, especially her own sister. At this point, Rhaenyra had absolutely no interest in slaying her own kin and that little boy was her nephew. (I have my issues with the way the show is going and characterizations but I do think even in the books she wouldn't have wanted that for Helaena). People in Westeros thought Blood and Cheese was horrific.
Black Stans, your idol would have been sicken by the way you were acting. Your idol would have been disgusted by what you were excited to do. We got a reduced version of Blood and Cheese because HBO thought it was too much. Really, people need to check themselves and think why they were so excited to murder an innocent little boy and psychological torture of two other innocent little children and their genuinely kind and sweet mother.
“Black stans, your idol would have been sickened by the way you were acting. Your idol would have been disgusted by what you were excited to do”
If I have to deal with an angelic Rhaenyra who can do no wrong (according to the show), you best believe imma use that against team black.
Rhaenyra would be disgusted by yall. Hell, she’s disgusted by the man she has been infatuated with since she was 15. You’re all fanatics hiding behind a cloak of righteousness and feminism to disguise your bizarre hatred of victims and non-Targaryen characters.
#it’s genuinely so weird how team black is so violent#the stans can be so cruel and violent and for what?#blood purist fictional characters?#Matt smith in a bad wig?#house of the dragon#game of thrones#team green#anti team black#anti targaryen#anti targ stans
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Call me a narc, but I generally feel as if the Twitter Takeovers have gotten increasingly more unfunny the more we got? I haven't even watched the last one, but it's the fact that the fandom takes everything they like and runs with it as if it's canon that bothers me... because "everything they like" ranges from dumb quips (Sonic liking Mongolian throat singing or hating Amy's shortcake despite neither having been shown in the games before ever, for example) to statements immediately seen as shipping (hi, Sonadow), to blatant mischaracterizations (I know we got the one ShTH advertisement with Shadow dancing but do you truly think he's gonna be singing and dancing at a concert?), to IDW being canon (Starline mention...), and everything inbetween. And now Amy's cards suddenly being her "hyperfixation", even though there's a million posts on Tumblr alone why a hyperfixation is not just a quirky synonym to "being deeply invested in a hobby". I don't know, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Of course they're just meant to be funny (unfortunately not forgotten in the grand scheme of things, because TMOSTH mentioned Shadow and his coffee bean thing, alas), but it feels as if the creators of the sketches think they are funny by mangling the characters and coming up only with the stupidest out-of-this-world nonsense that the fandom runs with it because it is stupid and out-of-this-world, you know? I want to like them, but... not like this, so to say. Not when the characters are not getting actual respect and the fandom becomes insufferable through it on top, if I may be blunt.
Real talk: Eggman gushing about Sage, literally saying that she is the reason he keeps existing, plus fans "booing" Sonic for laughing at such sappiness, makes me want to drink concrete.
bro. bro really. I thought Flynn confirmed that Eggman's appreciation for Sage is purely self-masturbatory? That he's only proud of her because she's such a big accomplishment and a testament of his genius? That Frontiers showing Eggman getting choked up at the thought of losing her, calling her "dear daughter" in a somber tone, and the DLC's new ending showing them holding hands, didn't mean that Eggman in that game had been warped to develop genuine fondness for Sage, and it was actually all as self-centered as Eggman should be? :^)
(also I don't get why he would love the Egg Salamander, of all things. Didn't he build it together with Nega? As much as I like Rush, it feels like a shoehorned reference for the sake of being semi-obscure.)
And even if, even if I accept that this is completely non-canon and for the sake of a joke... other fans won't. Because "everything is canon". Shadow canonically likes to eat raw beans. Amy is canonically neurodivergent (or she canonically misuses medical terms). Sonic canonically has nightmares about not being appreciated, which might I add was a scene deadass stole from Boom, the show that had no pretenses of being canon whatsoever. Eggman canonically adores Sage as his own darling daughter. Starline canonically exists in the gameverse. I canonically am done with this.
Honestly, from what little I've seen, this Takeover was so OOC and just unfunny that the concept has completely lost his charm. What's the appeal of asking question to the game cast, if the game cast simply doesn't behave like they would and they are twisted for the sake of memes and "how do you do fellow kids"?
oh and the shiptease is out of control. at one point amy talks about going at a concert with shadow which makes sonic jealous, in that "NO EVERYTHING IS FINE" way. this is literally 2000s-tier shadamy and the reason i to this day am sour about that ship. save me, save me, save me, can't face this life alone.
#sonic the hedgehog#you know i think i understand the classic purists of old now#can i pretend no game came out after generations?#or uhhh forces at the very last#yes it's a joke i get it! it's in good fun!#... but eh i found past takeovers funnier what can i say#and that was before fan reception became insufferable for me#call me an old witch i guess
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Imagine being so unhinged over your dislike of a game that you compose an eleven and a half hours long rant video about how much you hated its story. And said video is just the same rehashed reddit-tier complaints I've seen towards this game again and again and again.
Like, damn. If you need half a day to explain why you hate a game just go read a book or touch some grass.
Even the friggin' twitter Tales community is clowning on that video, and that fandom over there is an absolute cesspool.
I'm sick and tired of this fandom's constant hating on this game. It gets way too much hyperbolic hate and criticism than it deserves, especially towards its story. Even some certain "fans" have been shitting on Arise for its writing and straight couples and even called the game "forgettable and random to those who played it" in that rant video's comments section.
Y'all haters are annoying as hell and have become exactly like the obnoxious nostalgia-blind purists over at the Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda fandoms. I can't wait until the next mainline Tales entry comes out so you'll move on to hating that game.
#tales of arise#toarise#tales of series#sorry (not sorry) but i unapologetically love tales of arise and think is a good tales game#loved its combat visuals ost characters and story#and the btd dlc expansion was good too eff the haters#inb4 tales purists get big mad at me and accuse me of being a tourist#despite me following this sorry excuse of a fandom for over 20 years and played most of the games in this franchise#anyway arise good game y'all just miserable#frick it. i'm gonna go reblog some arise content#oh and if i see any hater replies i'm blocking don't wanna deal with bs
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The Regional Bird Alignment Chart
#pokemon#pokemon discussion#alignment chart#rebel/purist alignment chart#pokemon types#pokemon memes#pokemon meme#you definitely do catch rowlet on the first route of the game
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sonnets for a prince - 1/?
jaskier/radovid modern au aka a netflix and book canon-blended silly romantic comedy-inspired fic featuring poetry, flirtation, background geraskefer, and looming political scandal
Despite his successful career, comfortable lifestyle, and fulfilling non-monogamous relationship with his family of choice, renowned poet Jaskier has recently been suffering from a poor mood and horrible writer's block. All that changes when he flirtatiously gives an aspiring young poet his email. A young poet who happens to be the Crown Prince of Redania.
sorry about this one, folks. it's about time to be silly and earnest again.
#god i may regret just flinging this first chapter up but here u go#i'm healing my urge to cringe at myself and writing cringe openly <3#my fic#radskier#yes this is book canon adjacent lol i promise#if you're a game radovid purist this isn't going to appeal to you#jaskier x radovid#geraskefer
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