#gali number
laurelwen · 4 months
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By Nigel Colbie
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disawarcompany · 1 year
Disawar Company is your trusted source for Disawar Satta King chart and results. With a legacy of accuracy and reliability, we provide timely results and comprehensive charts to empower Satta enthusiasts. Our user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation, while our commitment to precision has earned us the trust of players nationwide. Whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner, our platform offers valuable resources to make informed decisions. Our dedicated customer support team is available to assist you with any queries, ensuring a seamless and trustworthy experience. Choose Disawar Company for all your Satta King needs and stay ahead in the game.
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onlinekhaiwal · 2 years
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sattakingz · 2 years
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sad-leon · 5 months
for the wip game, lucky number 17!
uhohohoo you've unlocked a secret :3
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A Gali and Leo sketch that i made for Patreon like.... a month (?) ago :D
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tiredspacedragon · 10 months
Absolute Power... does what exactly?
It's interesting how much the marketing of early-mid 2002 toyed with the idea of the Toa Nuva being evil. There's this snippet from an ad in the comics
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There's this commercial for the sets with its deeply ominous tone
The way the narrator just spits out "Toa Nuva," as if the name itself is cursed, has always given me chills.
And then even Divided We Fall, the first comic set after the Toa's transformation, cold opens with the Nuva fighting amongst themselves, making it seem as though they've lost their minds or some of their number have gone mad with power before eventually revealing it was all just a training session.
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I don't exactly know what to make of all this. It seems like the notion was to play with the idea that power corrupts, that the Toa Nuva's new, increased power may overtake them and make them the new greatest threat to Mata Nui. But of course this thread never goes anywhere. In-story, the Toa Nuva are much more emblematic of the philosophy that power doesn't corrupt, it reveals. The Toa don't turn evil or become cruel because of their new power, they're just more themselves. Tahu and Kopaka's pride reaches new heights and tensions between them soar, Lewa is the same reckless loner he always was, Pohatu is still a certified Good Boi, Onua is even quieter, and Gali is still insistent on unity but unable to articulate why it matters. None of them stop being heroes or even really change at all. The message of the Nuva's early struggles is more about the greater weight of responsibility that comes with their greater power (hi Spider-Man, what are you doing here?) than any kind of meditation on the morality of the power itself. And then from there the Nuva powers go on to be nothing but an asset.
I wasn't around in the fandom back in 2002, so I'd love to hear what people who were thought of this. Were there more examples I missed? Was there actual tension over the idea that the Toa could go bad, or did everyone pretty much know they'd be fine? It's probably nothing but a weird marketing gimmick, but the fact that they teased the possibility so much makes me feel like it couldn't have all just been for one quick fake-out.
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matkagruseesworld · 1 year
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25 posts!
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 3 months
How many (named) Toa of every element are there (counting ones who were transformed into Turaga, e.g Dume, mutated, e.g Nidhiki, or fused into a different entity, e.g Prototype's components)?
Find out below...
First, the raw numbers, with a list of every Toa included (using Biosector's navigation template)
Fire - 7 (Norik, Lhikan, Vakama, Tahu, Jaller, Dume, one of the two Toa who got fused into Prototype)
Water - 7 (Gaaki, Naho, Tuyet, Nokama, Gali, Hahli, Helryx)
Earth - 6 (Bomonga, Whenua, Onua, Nuparu, one of the two Toa who got fused into Prototype, the Toa who was mutated into Savage)
Air - 7 (Lesovikk, Iruini, Nidhiki, Matau, Lewa, Kongu, the Toa who was mutated into Spinner)
Stone - 4 (Pouks, Onewa, Pohatu, Hewkii)
Ice - 4 (Kualus, Nuju, Kopaka, Matoro)
Light - 1 (Takanuva)
Sonics - 1 (Krakua)
Magnetism - 1 (Jovan)
Lightning - 2 (Nikila, Chiara)
Iron - 1 (Zaria)
Psionics - 2 (Orde, Varian)
Other - 3 (Akamai, Wairuha, Ignika)
The only elements that lack named Toa are Gravity, Plasma and Plantlife.
And now a ranking, from most to least:
Fire, Water and Air (7)
Earth (6)
Stone and Ice (4)
Other (3)
Psionics and Lightning (2)
Light, Sonics, Magnetism, Iron (1)
But what if I went further?
What if I included unnamed Toa?
Ok so some unnamed Toa are actually groups of a seemingly unspecified amount and some don't have specified elements, so I'm ignoring those, also characters who aren't Toa in the main timeline but are in other timelines (e.g Kingdom!Tanma) are counted, but ones that are Toa in multiple alternate timelines (e.g Melding!Kapura and Kingdom!Kapura) are only counted once. That being said, here's the updated ranking:
Fire and Water (10)
Air, Stone and Ice (8)
Earth (7)
Sonics (4)
Gravity, Plantlife, Iron, Other (3)
Light, Plasma, Magnetism, Lightning, Psionics (2)
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bionicle-ramblings · 7 months
This time we're focusing on the agents and the Metru SCPs, plus Takua
Huge thanks once again to @chancetimespace for the ideas in this AU, many of which being mentioned in this post. I will be referring to them as Chance going forward
Right off the bat, the Mata are in charge of their respective Metru, which means Gali is usually looking after Nokama, Onua is with Whenua, et cetera
An idea from Chance, Nuju and Kopaka often spend hours in silence, though Kopaka doesn't push for Nuju to say anything if he doesn't want to. He will also just let Nuju vent his frustrations about living in the foundation, even saying what he's doing isn't even living. Just sitting around and waiting for the next time he gets experimented on. The two are close personally, but Nuju has yet to fully embrace and explain why to Kopaka
Gali lets Nokama leave her room and will challenge her to swim races in a lake near the facility, something Nokama often prefers to the large tub she has in her cell. Gali is a former linguistic, so she can keep up pretty well with Nokama. She does talk to the other SCPs, including Vakama, who she has helped keep emotionally stable
Lewa is in charge of looking after Matau. He's mainly just keeping an eye on Matau and making sure Matau stays where he's supposed to. As Matau is a non-human anomaly, Lewa keeps him entertained by challenging him to hide and seek and monitored walks through nature preserves. He's also tasked with seeing how Matau's shapeshiting works and what his limits are, if he has any
Tahu is in charge of keeping an eye on Vakama and bends the rules of protocol by calling Vakama by his name and occasionally slipping him things like gum or something. He also reminds Vakama that he can make requests after sessions(especially after particularly challenging ones), and is more just trying to give Vakama some autonomy without getting either of them in trouble
Pohatu and Onewa have a similar "relationship" to Kopaka and Nuju, but only in that Pohatu lets Onewa vent as he excerises; only having two pieces of scenery(his room and the rec area he's allowed to go to) does get to someone sometimes
Takua/Takanuva is "shared" between the Mata because he's new, and he's close with Jaller who is an "intern."
Idea from Chance, Hahli is another SCP, being an aquatic SCP that Jaller monitors to make sure she's alive and doing well. The two end up getting close over time
Roodaka is another SCP, though she is one that is allowed free-roam and gets privileges thanks to her "connection" to a scientist working in the facility. The scientist himself is Sidorak, who's often testing the Metru, though he is particularly unterested in Vakama, due to his resilience and how he can see the future, to some degree(Idea from Chance, I believe)
The Metru are allowed to spend time together, but they're monitored by Lhikan and Naho. The Metru do somewhat get along, but Matau is fully of energy at finally meeting people who don't wear white coats, Whenua comes off as being too comfortable in the facility, Nokama's just trying to keep the piece, and Onewa wants out, but has his "muzzle" on, so no dice. They're genuinely curious when it comes to an SCP the Mata keep bringing up and soon make requests to meet him. Matau makes the decision to try seeing him when he hears the number the SCP is and follows as a fly, catching a good-ish look at him before he's caught. When the others ask for details, he admits to only seeing the SCP either faint or hide
When the Metru do all meet, it's awkward. The five were expecting to see someone or something like an eldritch horror, but instead it's just a kid. Introductions are shaky, especially as they learn why/how Vakama ended up in the facility
An idea from Chance: Takua/Takanuva has gotten in trouble by playing dead and scaring scientists, but isn't afraid to do it again
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
There’s a popular slogan in Israel that appears on car stickers, jewelry and suchlike: Ein Li Eretz Acheret, “I have no other country.” The phrase comes from the title of an iconic and extremely moving song written by Ehud Manor, with music composed by Corinne Allal, and originally recorded in 1986 by Gali Atari; we will mention those names again later. Its opening lines and chorus are Ain li eretz acharet, gam im admati bo’eret, “I have no other country, even if my land is burning.”
A neighbor of mine, who was experiencing considerable war anxiety about the land burning, told me that he didn’t relate to it at all. He said, “But I do have another country. I can go back to Teaneck!” And he said that if things got worse, he would seriously consider doing so.
At the beginning of the war, I was wondering the same thing. I do have another country – two, actually. I have UK citizenship and my wife has U.S. citizenship, and our children have both. Maybe we should go back to live somewhere safer? One of the commentators on the previous post was talking about Lakewood as being a safe and excellent place to live with a rich Jewish life.
Now I could continue by talking about how special and beneficial it is to live in Israel, about how it’s both the Promised Land and our historic homeland, about how it’s the only country with Jewish sovereignty. Which would all be true. But there’s a different point that I want to discuss in this post.
Yes, I do have another country that I could go to (though it wouldn’t be at all straightforward, especially for my children). So do lots of people in Ramat Beit Shemesh and the rest of Israel.
But there’s also lots and lots and lots of people who don’t.
There are millions of Jews in Israel who just don’t have anywhere else to go. There are those who simply don’t have the money for it and would find it too difficult to find employment in a country where they don’t even speak the language. There are those who are too old or ill or who have young children that would suffer from a move. There are those who have crucial responsibilities here. There are those who are just too deeply embedded here.
Even more to the point, there are also millions of Jews who literally don’t have any passport other than their Israeli one. What other country will let them in? The Jews who came from Iran and Egypt and Syria and Yemen are certainly not able to go back to those countries! Nor are Russia and many European countries a safe place for Jews. And even countries which are relatively safe and allow some immigration are not going to accept millions of Jews (and if they did, those countries would likely quickly become not very safe for Jews).
In fact, that’s one of the main reasons why Israel came to exist in the first place. As antisemitism grew in Europe, many Jews realized that they needed to get out, but simply had nowhere to go. Twenty years before the Holocaust, at least 100,000 Jews were massacred in pogroms in the Ukraine, which also created 600,000 Jewish international refugees and millions more who were displaced and threatened.
At this point, many people realized that an even greater catastrophe might happen. But the countries to which the largest numbers of Jewish refugees were fleeing all revised their immigration policies to prevent further Jewish immigration. This included not only Poland and Germany (which obviously wouldn’t have been a good long-term solution anyway), but also the United States, Argentina, and British Palestine. In the U.S., Henry Ford’s newspaper published pamphlets about the Jewish problem, claiming that the national debt was Jewish-inspired to enslave Americans and other such hateful slurs to keep Jews out.
Then things got even worse in Europe, with the rise of Hitler. Some people managed to get out. The parents of Ehud Manor, writer of Ain Li Eretz Acheret, fled Belarus and managed to get into Palestine.
Yet still no country was willing to take in millions of Jews. The U.S. convened the Évian conference, bringing together 32 countries to find a home for Jewish refugees. But aside from the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica, no country, including the U.S., was willing to accept Jewish refugees in any remotely significant number. Consequently, millions of Jews were killed in Europe.
And even after the horrors of the Holocaust, many Jewish survivors still had nowhere to go! Some of them went back to their home towns in Poland and were killed in a pogrom. Others languished in Displaced Persons camps for years, some of which were actually in concentration camps. My late mother-in-law spent the first years of her life in a DP camp; her parents were lucky enough to have a relative in the U.S. who eventually managed to bring them over, but most Jews did not have such an option.
Many Jews, very understandably, realized that a Jewish homeland was needed. It wasn’t about it necessarily being the safest place for a Jew to live. Everyone always knew that Palestine was in a hostile and dangerous part of the world, and that there would be a challenge with the resident Arabs (though it was generally assumed that some sort of compromise would be worked out; there was no broad plan to drive them out). And on the eve of the War of Independence, it was assessed that there was only a 50-50 chance of survival!
Israel has not yet been, and still is not, the safest place in the world for Jews. But not everyone has the option to live in the safest place in the world – many people just need somewhere that is safer than where they currently live. And in any case, having a homeland is not about attaining the greatest safety – it is about having a home, a place that Jews historically belong, a place that Jews can always come to when they fear persecution or experience discrimination, where we can take responsibility for our own safety, and where we can put being Jewish into action and expression.
While Israel won the War of Independence – at a cost of 1% of its population – this created a crisis for nearly a million Jews in Muslim countries, who were persecuted and had to make immediate use of Israel as a refuge. The parents of Gali Atari, singer of Ain Li Eretz Acheret, fled Yemen for Israel, while composer Corinne Allal’s family fled from Tunisia. But it should be born in mind that even if Israel had not come into existence, the existence of Jews in Muslim lands was difficult and very precarious.
And so we reach the situation that we are in today. Israel is home to over seven million Jews. Most of them do not have another country to go to, even if they wanted to (which they don’t). Ain lahem eretz acheret.
(As Haviv Rettig Gur notes, this is the fundamental mistake made by many Palestinians and their supporters, who believe that they can rid of the Jews with violence just as the Algerians successfully used violence to get the French colonialists to go back to France. They don’t grasp that most Jews just don’t have a country to go back to, and thus violence won’t achieve anything and will even be counter–productive.)
Now, there are some Jews who only look at things in terms of their own personal interests. “Where is a safe place for me to live? What is a spiritually safe environment for my children?” And if, as a result, others are less safe physically and spiritually and have to take on an even larger cost to their families and jobs and religious life, then that’s just too bad.
But others feel a sense of responsibility to the rest of our people. It’s not “me” and “them” – it’s us. The correct formulation is not ain li eretz acharet or ain lahem eretz acharet. It’s ain lanu eretz acheret.
Millions of Jews need Israel. And Israel needs a strong army and a strong economy to finance it and a flourishing national Jewish life. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to help with that.
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
ISRAEL REALTIME - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
Morning - Nov. 28
🔸CEASEFIRE / HOSTAGES…. 2 day extension, list of hostages to be returned already received.  The ‘red headed’ family is “lost”, per Hamas, mother and 2 young children.  And remember Kfir, the youngest baby hostage at 10 months?  (Though assuming the pregnant hostage survived, there is a newborn who is now the youngest.)  Missing In Action!
9 children remain in captivity:
Kfir Biebs is 10 months old
Ariel Biebs is 4 years old
Gali Tarshansky is 13 years old
Amit Shani is 16 years old
Maya Leimberg is 17 years old
Ofir Engel is 17 years old
Aisha Alziadna is 17 years old
Liam Orr is 18 years old
Itai Regev is 18 years old
🔸PER THE AGREEMENT, RED CROSS VISITS… on day 4, did not happen.  Status of remaining hostages, unknown.
🔸Testimony: Women held captive by Hamas spent most of the time in cages.
‼️EMERGENCY SERVICES PHONE LINES DOWN OVERNIGHT… the emergency numbers in Israel, 100 for police, 101 for ambulance, etc, failed overnight - not an attack, systems failure.  If they fail again, here are alternate numbers that were set up:
Police - 052-202-0-100
Ambulance - 052-700-0-101
Homefront Command - 052-9-104-104
Fire - 050-596-0735
◾️FIREFIGHT OR WARNING, NORTH GAZA… (enemy report) Firefight in Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in the Gaza Strip.  Around 06:00 IDF forces encountered terrorists.  According to the reporters, our forces responded with tank fire and gunfire.  The IDF claims that it was warning shots and not an encounter.
◾️ISRAELI POLITICS… war budget approved by full cabinet, which included some allocation of coalition funds.  National Unity (MK Gantz) abstains.
◾️QALQILYA - SAMARIA…(over the Green Line near Kfar Saba) IDF security forces operated in this Arab city overnight.
◾️BEITUNIA - SAMARIA… (near Ramallah) Clashes / semi-riot between IDF security forces and locals.  The forces responded by firing, killing two terrorists and wounding others.
◾️TUBAS, - SAMARIA… terrorist chased into a building, firefight.  Arab reports indicate that our forces are being reinforced. Happening now.  Arab sources report that our forces fired a shoulder-fired missile at the besieged house.
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toa-arania · 4 months
I've always been interested by what order people think of the Toa Mata in, because it's so different in consistency. As far as I know I've always seen the first three be Tahu, Gali, and Lewa in that order, but then Pohatu, Onua, and Kopaka end up in all sorts of arrangements. You can see my own bias there because of the order I just named them, which I know I get from the order the Kanohi are listed on BS01. Most of the time, I see Pohatu and Onua listed together because of the similarity of their elements, so the most common arrangements I see are TGLPOK, TGLKOP, TGLKPO, or TGLOPK. I'm sure we all get this from some precedent in how they were listed on lego's website or something, but I didn't have time to go poking around archive.org while writing this so I can't be certain. What I did look up quickly was the iconic 2008 Bionicle Retrospective, which to my surprise rearranged the first three, giving us Tahu, then Lewa and Gali third, followed by Kopaka, Onua, and Pohatu.
The other thing I realised I could check quickly was set numbers, and this is where my descent into hell began. Checking the Toa Mata's set numbers gets us the fascinating arrangement of Pohatu, Onua, Gali, Tahu, Lewa, Kopaka, which is wildly different from what I see anywhere else, especially in that Tahu isn't listed first. I went to go and see if the same element order holds up in other waves and it absolutely does not. The Turaga are Fire, Air, Stone, Water, Ice, Earth as opposed to the Mata's Stone, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ice, and the Nuva don't retain the same order either, now in Earth, Air, Stone, Water, Ice, Fire. The Bohrok (SEWFAI), Bohrok Va (WIASFE), and Bohrok Kal (EFIASW) are also all internally inconsistent, but the initial Bohrok wave are the same order as the Toa Mata. This is the only similarity we'll see for a while because the Rahkshi (SIAWEF) switch it up yet again, but most interestingly it does not remotely reflect the order I see anyone talk about the Bionicle elements in. Aside from that one similarity, we now have a different arrangement of elements every wave, and I had begun to wonder how that would hold up.
Then I checked 2004 and of course the pattern is immediately smashed to pieces. The 2004 Matoran and the Toa Metru both have the order Fire, Water, Earth, Stone, Air, Ice. The Vahki almost have this order, switching Earth and Air to ironically get the order of elements as I typically think of them, FWASEI. 2005 keeps the trend of two waves having the same order (FWESAI for the Toa Hordika and the Visorak) and then the other wave fucking it up completely, this time with the Rahaga's WSIFEA.
So far, 2001-3 had been internally consistent with a different arrangement every time. 2004-5 had been internally consistent with two the same and one different. I had hope that 2006-7 or even 2006-8 might be internally consistent and have the same arrangement each time. This hope was dashed brutally against the rocks.
To begin with, the Toa Inika have the same arrangement as the Toa Metru/Hordika, with FWESAI, but both the Piraka and the Voya Nui Resistance do things completely different, with EFWASI and SIAEFW respectively. Not only are they now completely different arrangements again, they aren't even reflective of any that came before in the way that the Inika are the same as the Metru/Hordika. 2007 only gets worse, as now the Toa aren't in a consistent order either, putting Kongu first for AFSEWI, while the Barraki go for WFSEAI, which feels close to the Rahaga even though it really isn't. I am going insane. They so nearly had a consistent order and it's just getting worse. Save me 2008. 2008. 2008 save me.
2008 did not, in fact, save me. It got worse again.
2008 was interesting for a variety of reasons, one of which being that there were not separate waves for heroes and villains - rather, each wave was half and half, a trend we would see again in Bionicle Stars so I have approximately zero hope for a consistent order then either. Because of this, each wave is rearranged and at least does consistently put the villains in the latter half of each wave. The way it does this is especially infuriating when it comes to the Karda Nui Matoran and the Phantoka wave because they are off by one single swap, giving us AISFWE and IASFWE respectively and god damn it they were so close. The Mistika were rearranged to WFEIAS, which is again an entirely new arrangement.
I was completely certain now that 2009 would just be in a total clusterfuck order every single wave, and was pleasantly surprised to see that all three waves, the Agori, the Glatorian, and the Glatorian Legends, were all in the order of Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Ice Stone. Hm? What's that? It's actually Rock, Fire, Jungle, Water, Ice, Sand? No it isn't, shut up. If that's how we're doing this then 2010 is Fire, Jungle, Light, Rock, Water, Heat Vision, and we're not doing it like this. FAIEWS is an entirely new arrangement, unfortunately, so my descent into hell continues.
I decided to brave Bionicle G2, the years 2015 and 2016. Would they finally give me a consistent order of elements? Well, in a word: "No." To begin with, the waves are split up weirdly. There are the Protectors, the Masters, and the Skull guys in 2015. The Protectors and Masters are clearly labelled with elements, and for the sake of my own sanity Jungle is now legally Air. Both waves start the same, with Air, Stone, and Water, but then the second halves are reversed order - Earth, Ice, Fire for the Protectors and Fire, Ice, Earth for the Masters. Then there are the Skull guys, who are significantly harder to place because there are only five of them. Not only that, but they don't have clear elements. The best we can manage is assigning elements based on which drained mask they come with and assuming that The Red One is fire. Therefore, we get Ice, Air, Earth, Stone, and Fire. No Water at all unless you really want to stretch to "Ekimu is Blue" (which I don't), so I'm just not going to count them. 2016 then proceeds to do this worse (sort of). There is the small wave, which only contains five guys, but that's because the sixth small guy actually comes with Kopaka. This results in the Creatures and Uniters actually matchin up, in the order of Air, Stone, Water, Fire, Earth, Ice. I'm not even going to attempt working out what the hell I'm supposed to do with the summer wave that year.
So now what the hell am I supposed to conclude from this? According to set numbers, what order should the elements be in? Well, there are a couple of ways to work this out. Firstly, the order that appears most frequently is that of the Toa Metru: Fire, Water, Earth, Stone, Air, Ice. But of course, we can work out the optimum order. Which appears most frequently in each space? Well there are some interesting things, including that Earth and Stone are spread way more evenly than every other element, and that Ice is almost always at the end. The numbers suggest that the order should be:
Earth, Fire, Water, Stone, Air, Ice
Which means that, of all the waves it could be, the Piraka get the closest to being in the optimum order. Weird.
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fascinatedhelix · 1 year
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Okay, so I got inspired by this post by @skylinx2o some time ago, and wound up spiraling into making a whole OC and AU out of it. Close ups of the different drawings and their explanations (numbered in chronological order) are below the cut:
This is Cassidy/Arra/Artara. She is our unlucky isekai protagonist. She was just kind of a regular lore fiend with little going on in life before getting ganked by some unknown force and turned into something cat-adjacent. At least, whatever passes for a cat on Spherus Magna; cats don't have metal bones, teeth, and claws.
She's got the Hordika brain problem, hence a lot of the catlike mannerisms. Very helpful when it comes to survival and flying under the Makuta's radar, but also really embarrassing.
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#1 is our focal character, freshly fished out of Aqua Magna by Gali during one of her routine swims around Mata Nui.
This is the face of someone who has not only been thrust into an alien world out of nowhere, but got turned into some kind of beast in the process.
The Ga-Matoran presume her to be just another weird Rahi, and let her bum around the village for a while as she recovers. If there is any advantage to be had as a cat, it was that Matoran have little desensitization to fluffy things, so weaseling a free fish or two was pretty easy.
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#2 features Arra catching her lucky break, moving to Ko-koro to live with Matoro.
Her attempts at learning the local language lead her to repeat words and phrases she hears from the Matoran. Tagging along for the Kolhii tournament, she repeats Takua's name following Jaller, and Takua delightedly named her "Arra," meaning "echo."
They wind up dropping her off at Ko-koro during the search for the Toa of Light, as they figured things would be a little too dangerous for a soft little Rahi like herself to tag along any further. Matoro takes her in as a companion, figuring that a warm fluffy Rahi like herself would be good for Nuju's sleep troubles.
He winds up taking her with him to Ko-metru following the migration back into the GSR, and they live happily together for many months, up until he gets a visit from Jaller and she realizes what comes next. She tries to warn him about Voya Nui, but learning how to put together a full sentence from just a few months of observation is beyond difficult, and he simply promises to bring back some dried fish when he returns, leaving her in the care of Nuju.
She would never see her friend again.
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#3 shows Arra's less than eager reaction to being approached by the Order of Mata Nui. After a struggle, she is locked in a basket and brought to Daxia by force.
The Order has eyes everywhere, and a future-predicting Rahi just running around would screw up a lot of their plans, so Helryx ordered her capture.
Like, Arra understands the motivations, but at first she thought she was getting kidnapped by the Dark Hunters. It's at this point she learns her claws are properly metallic, scratching the shit out of her captor.
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#4 shows Arra with Helryx. Upon being kidnapped by the Order for future prediction crimes, Arra's presented a choice: either join the Order as an informant, or be its prisoner. She picks the former.
Helryx commissions a translation collar from Artahka to allow for ease of communication, after realizing that the critter barely speaks any Matoran. Once that's squared away, Arra tells her everything. I do mean everything.
This information goes forward to prevent a lot of unnecessary deaths over the course of the story, and prepare the Order for the epic shitshow destined to take place later on. In the mean time, though, Arra winds up getting a little side job as Daxia's resident therapy cat. They need a lot of therapy.
Arra's particularly fond of Axonn as a perch, but Helryx herself tolerates Arra's shenanigans during meetings.
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#5 is Artara enjoying head pats from Lewa.
Might've mixed up the timeline a little, but then again, he'd probably pat her with or without the collar. He seems like the kind of person who'd gush over a "tiny Muaka."
This sketch was originally Axonn's hand, but I realized his hand would be way bigger relative to her body, so I modified it to look more normal. Axonn could probably hold her like a baseball.
Artara's the nickname she gets during more "formal" occasions, when acting as an agent of the Order of Mata Nui (albeit mostly as an advisor). Up until the epic giant robot showdown, she's working with Helryx and the others to minimize the casualties when Makuta ultimately falls.
After that... well, Helryx starts giving her a little more freedom. Artara's told her already that her knowledge cuts off after a certain point, and with the Order's psychic protection training she's far less vulnerable to mental incursion than would be a serious risk.
Arra only really asks for one thing once things have settled down some: to see the Mask of Life. "Not to touch it, obviously, I don't want to get cursed."
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#6 showcases Artara's Agori form, attained after the Order of Mata Nui retrieves the Mask of Life and allows her to see it.
Originally, she went in with the intention of saying her goodbyes to Matoro, seeing the Mask as his grave in an odd sense. But as she rambles mournfully, she expresses frustration at her situation. She has lost her ability to communicate without an aid that can be taken away at the will of its donor, she can't even hold a stylus for herself, and worst yet she can't even cry for her friend.
It's at that moment Mata Nui decides to remind everyone that he can still hear them, and temporarily reforms to have a chat.
As it turns out, the Mask of Life was what turned her into a lybik (the Spherus Magnan cat species), during its escapades clinging to the back of Vezon's head. An unexpected portal, probably having something to do with Brutaka's broken Olmak, spat out a being very high in the air that the Mask knew would not survive the fall. So, it turned the being into something that would survive. Only, it got sidetracked looking for a new host, getting chased by the Piraka, Teridax's scheming, and all that other stuff, so it never had the chance to follow up with the mysterious outlier.
Until now.
Mata Nui admits he cannot send her home, and it'd be a bad idea to turn her back into a human. From what he can tell using the Ignika's power, her old form would likely collapse into a broken mess due to the planet's higher gravity. But, he points out, he can give her something that works just as well, and brings her up to touch the mask...
And as the light fades, she realizes she has hands again. And starts bawling like a baby.
Beyond the story bits, she now has shapeshifting powers. They are limited to mostly organic beings (so, she can't pretend to be a Toa), as her original form and her cat form were organic in nature, but she's just glad she has hands again. She can partially transform to do things like grow claws, speak more clearly as a beast, or in most cases just forget to put her tail away in Agori form.
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#7 shows Artara trying to socialize with local Agori, this time with Kirbold. They... don't really know what to make of her.
In general, Agori tend to be at least a little xenophobic by default, and an interdimensional alien that knows the future is kind of a lot to deal with, even beyond the shapeshifting and slightly immodest dress.
While I imagine hissing and growling are probably things Agori and Glatorian can do naturally, based on the vocalizations of the Vorox and Zesk, it's considered extremely rude. She does it all the time out of habit.
I haven't figured out what she does after this point. She just kinda hangs out with her old Matoran Universe buddies most of the time and confuses the shit out of any poor Spherus Magnan she runs into. Maybe she lends a helping hand to the Sisters of the Skrall and throws a monkey wrench into Velika's plans, but otherwise I'm open to ideas.
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berryscaryskies · 10 months
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Havent gotten very far in Jupiter gen yet really, but wanted to write stuff down before I forgot it lol
"Your whole life you’ve dreamed of having a big family, and well you’re a bit of a bleeding heart always having your doors open for whoever needs you. Your kids would say you’re a tad too protective and you also maybe ran into this whole parenthood thing faster than you should’ve but there’s no better way to learn than first-hand experience!"
-Iker was actually closer friends with Gaelle initially, and despite the two being kind of distant Gaelle often feels a wolfy sense of protection for her twin sister. So the two generally run in the same circle of friends. Iker and Stormi really hit it off and with only a mild suggestion from Gaelle led to the two sort of niavely getting into a romantic relationship. I imagine a lot of their early relationship was a lot more platonic than either intended. They acted more like besties than anything, but slowly the two really did fall for one another. Stormi still sometimes get caught up having a crush on Iker despite currently being married to him.
-Fun thing I was Not aware of until the two moved into their own household is that Iker actually comes from a family of spellcasters?? Like he's of an ancient bloodline and everything. Which paired with Stormi's dormant wolf is honestly so fascinating. Like from a Sims lore perspective that sim werewolves were once considered a branch spellcasters themselves before corrupting into what they are now. Also the fact that I like to imagine neither was actually aware of their family's history and were happy with the totally normal human life together away from their supernatural heritage. 
-Stormi's always envisioned a life with a big family full of extended relatives and children, and it's something her and Iker can both agree on. Stormi always felt somewhat isolated growing up, she loved her mother and sister and didn't exactly desire to go through the hardships of being a werewolf the way they had to, but nonetheless felt distant from them. And considering the isolated cottage on the outskirts of town with only her mother and sister around really it's no wonder she grew up feeling rather Lonely and misunderstood. Shayne joining the family I think helped a lot, he's a bit of a weirdo tbh but he was kind and human and that allowed him to be a good parental figure for Stormi to latch onto. Regardless the goal for Stormi is to have 5 kids(at least one of them being adopted)
-Stormi and Iker's first son is named Galileo (after the satellite) I imagine they often call him Gali for short which will annoy him when's older since "leo" is obviously the cooler nickname option though no one goes with it. He's actually a werewolf too!! I hadn't really expected it and then the lil newborn baby started Howling to get their attention it was crazy. I like to imagine he'll grow up to be like an overprotective oldest brother type, lil guard dog of the family haha
-Stormi worked as a primary school teacher(i like to imagine she eventually winds up a high school teacher) actually and because of that connection she wound up with an emergency foster certification that allowed for Juno to come into their home. Juno's only a toddler, and she's a bit shy but Stormi, Iker, and Galileo all absolutely adore her so it's no wonder the filed for adoption. Stormi is also currently pregnant with baby number three who will probs be the Saturn generation.
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i just use like a normal blonde in game but canonically I imagine her as more of a strawberry blonde
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jongbross · 1 year
yixing + break my heart? 🥺
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zhang yixing x reader (mentions of breaking up, tears, swearing, angst)
"throwing away the sweater you gave me, i tore up all the memories" (break my heart - d.n.a (lay, gali, vinida weng))
"you're breaking my heart...", was the last thing yixing told you before a big fight exploded between you too.
not even his sad, teary eyes could make you stop running your mouth - no, you just took every little piece of his heart and stomped on it, mercilessly.
yixing had said some harsh things too, but he didn't care, he could live with that as part of him now. all that mattered to him was getting rid of you, shutting you down from his life for good this time.
as he gathered all of your things inside a box, he realized how tired he was from getting his heart played with. yixing loved you deeply, very deeply, but enough was enough. he forgave you way too many times before, he dried his tears way too quickly before so he could have you back - and for what? he couldn't quite tell now.
it was too clear that you didn't love yixing as much as he loved you, but he always tried to ignore that. this time, there was no way back though. yixing was jumping off without a parachute, taking a leap of faith away from you.
"here's all your shit", he said between his teeth, disgust and anger burning within him. "you can take all of it with you."
"that's mine too", you fired back, pointing at the sweater he was wearing. "i paid for that."
"it was a gift...", yixing mumbled under his breath in disbelief. finally he sighed, taking it off. "you know what? you're right, i'm not gonna argue with you anymore."
he threw the sweater at you, not caring the tiny little bit if you would catch it or not.
"there, take it with you. i don't want any memory of you anyway."
you rolled your eyes, grabbing the box from the table and walking away from yixing. as you reached the door, you didn't even bother to look back at him - all you heard was a "and block my fucking number!" being shouted, before you slammed the door, officially out of his life now.
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sweethomzrenovation · 5 months
Sweet Homz Renovation
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