#gaha thanks for the ask
silvercap · 2 months
if you’re taking prompt requests 👀 leon and either shaky from starvation or staggering from exhaustion? dealer’s choice hehe
Sure ☺️ (Prompts)
He's almost to the Evac point when his knees give out, spilling Leon limply across the dirt as a strangled, pathetic noise squeaks out from his throat and his gun falls somewhere at his side. His legs tremble and cramp from days of running and crouching, muscles spent and pushed even further past their limits by the limping, staggering steps he's been forced to rely on for the past several hours. His injured ankle screams at him in the absence of stimulation, a ragged seed of pain blossoming into something excruciating now that Leon isn't pushing through it to make himself move. He groans, a pitiful sound. So this is what's become of the great Leon S. Kennedy---sprawled in the dirt half a mile from the rendezvous point, and too weak to even pull himself upright again.
There's blood still soaking his chest and thigh where BOW claws and shrapnel, respectively, had dug into the soft, unprotected flesh with violent force. Leon coughs, feeling the pang of smaller wounds across his body that only seem amplified by the hollowness in his gut, days without food or supplies only making the sluggish exhaustion more insistent to drag him down to the dirt and never let him go. He'd lost his pack on the very first day. Typical. He'd make a joke if laughing didn't feel impossible.
Something buzzes in his ear, short and sharp, and Leon stifles a whine.
"Come in, Kennedy," an unfamiliar voice says, the man he knows is meant to pick him up. They've never met before today, but Hunnigan had sent him once Leon finally got his comms working again, so Leon's pretty sure he'd be able to trust the man. He makes a sound halfway between an angry cry and a sob. He'll never make it to the evacuation point to see if it's true. "Kennedy, we are landing now, do you copy? We don't see you anywhere; over."
Trembling fingers trip clumsily up to his ear, the little button clicking as Leon lets his eyes fall closed. The cool dirt is nice on his cheek. " 's 'cause I'm not there," he slurs with an empty laugh, dampness forming under his eyelids. "Promise I tried. I really did."
There's a brief silence.
"Kennedy, what's your status? I don't understand; over."
Leon laughs, the sound closer to whimpering. Maybe he did have the energy after all. "I'm not gonna make it. Jus' go home, see your family," he rasps, hating the dullness of his own voice. He always knew he'd go out this way. It shouldn't be as much of a shock as it is, but he can't help but admit how frustratingly close he'd been to surviving another impossible mission. At least he made a good run of it.
"Kennedy, what's your status?" the voice repeats. "Are you in need of medical assistance?"
"Yes. No." Leon sighs. "I don't know. Why do you care?"
The DSO never supports him on missions, he knows that. It's cruel of them to pretend that they would, dangling medical intervention in front of him like a carrot on a stick.
"Where are you?"
"Half a mile out." Leon swallows. "I won't make it."
There's more buzzing, a voice in his ear, but Leon doesn't pay it any mind. He lets his hand slump to the ground, fingers curling weakly in the dirt. Maybe if he...
He pulls himself forward by his nails, then again, and again. It hurts. Everything hurts, but he can't... he won't just die here alone. The thought puts a lump in his throat and he sobs explosively, dragging himself forward inch by inch. He knows he won't make it; it's stupid to try.
He keeps moving.
Time blurs, blood mixing with dirt where his broken fingernails claw at rocky ground, until a sudden shadow falls over him. Leon whimpers on a particularly rough patch, and two sets of hands slide under his body, lifting him upright. The world swims, and Leon blinks. The face of a young woman hovers over him, her strong body hauling him upright despite the fact that his legs are too weak to support his weight.
"We've got you, Agent Kennedy," she says softly. "We're going to get you out of here, okay?"
Another person pushes into his right side, careful of the wounds over his chest as they take the rest of his weight in strong arms. Leon doesn't understand. "I don't understand."
"Hunnigan sent us. We're getting you out of here, okay? Damn standard procedure---we know how much you've done for all of us."
"Let's get you some help," the other person says, voice husky. Leon doesn't recognize it either, tired brain still confused by their support. He didn't know he'd done anything for anyone at all. "Just a little bit farther, man."
Leon laughs deliriously, unable to do anything else.
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derekgoffard · 2 years
hello! i know i already said this but i am once again enjoying your tags hehe, i check back occasionally to see what else you've reblogged and tagged and i just smile and laugh
anyways if you celebrate christmas i hope you had an amazing one and an awesome new year :D
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‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥OH GOSH;;;;;;;;;;; BAHA THANK YOU SO MUCH......BJAUBAVJABAHU!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Thank you so so much for taking the time to send me something so kind!!! Oh my goodness T_T....it makes my chest SOAR TO READ THIS.. LIKE.. +-+-+ That makes me so happy HAHA!! FR- THANK YOU!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭💪💪💪💪💪💪 I ALSO HOPE YOU HAD A FANTASTIC+ WONDERFUL+KIND CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR ANON!!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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claymour · 2 years
AWAWAAHH YES!!!!!!! I HAVE I HAVE!! OHHHGHHH!!!!!!! ☝️☝️☝️🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃 THANK U FOR ASKING!!! T_T
I AM VERY MUCH PLEASED WITH IT SO FAR TOO!!!! 😭😭 Hehe I atcually haven't read fire and blood so I EVEN GET TO BE PRETTY MUCH BLIND TO ALOT OF MINOR DETAILS I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT TOO LOL 🥺 ( at the hight of my asoiaf career I did read the entire targaryen history SO I HAVE A BIT OF PRE EXISTING INFO ABOUT THE DANCE BUT I CANT REMEMBER SUPERR WELL ALL THE JUICE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS....it's very very exciting HAHA😭 )
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nikoco11 · 2 years
hi nicoo ur a big inspiration 4 me and i wanna ask for any tips on drawing mmore poses and perspective? ive been stuck on 2 to 3 poses and ive tried refs but those dont work and/or dont fit my artstyle :( u dont have to answer thumbs up emoji
THANK YOU!!!!! ouuu for perspective i am..still learning i will get back to u on that GAHA
for poses, i use a lot of references n kinda bash them together (stare at pinterest and use one pic for hands, another for body, another for face etc etc)
i get the same problem sometimes when i try to use refs where i’ll lose my style, that’s why i do this stick man thing (in photo below) so i can build off a skeleton in my own style, rather than end up trying to just copy the realism of the photo!!!
here’s a very quick run thru of how i draw poses from ref
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OH and don’t worry abt the anatomy being correct, just think abt shapes and getting the feeling of the pose correct :3
sometimes drawing poses rlly exaggerated n stylized (even if it’s not ur usual style) can help u learn how to implement them into ur usual art as well!!!
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anime-owo-kage-san · 2 years
If You Won't Tell Us, Then We'll Just Have To Make You! (SxF Tickle Fic: Lee!Damian)
To someone--in case they recognize this idea--I did NOT write this out of impatience.
I thought, I should try and write my own request. So, this is kind of my first tickle fic. I hope it's decent.
Lee: Damian
Ler: Ewen, Emile
Btw, this is their canon age (6).
Also, I don't know how to write the setting for this. So I'll just tell you, they're in their dorm room.
"Hey, boss...?" Ewen tapped Damian's shoulder, to try and grab the attention of his study-obsessed boss.
"What is it?" Damian answered, not looking up from his notes.
"Do you have a crush on, Stubby Legs?" Emile straight-forwardly asked.
"Grk!" The scion choked on air, and whipped his head around to face the two blondes. "E-Excuse me!? How dare you ask me such a question? Where did you even get that idea!?"
"Well for one... Emile and I may have been slow on picking it up, but you never seem to be picking that much fights with her. It's usually just us two, yelling at the girls. You occasionally jump in, but you're never the one to start it." Ewen explained.
"W-Well...! Maybe, I just don't want to waste my time on childish bickering!" Damian defended.
"Not done." Ewen put his hand up. "There's also that time you saved her from Bill's dodgeball attack."
"Or whenever she's around, your face would go red. And don't say it's anger, because we've finally discovered it wasn't." Emile added.
"E-Eh...! Uh...! I-urm...!" Damian stuttered. He tried to find anything to say.
"Boss..." Ewen placed his hand on Damian's shoulder. "It's okay. We've only been picking fights with the girls, because we thought you hated them. We never actually cared much."
"But...!" Emile said, grabbing the other shoulder. "If you truly have feelings for that peasant girl, we'll support you all the way! Even I believe social status isn't what matters, when it comes to love!"
"I... I..." The scion was at loss for words. He was warm and happy his friends are still supportive of him, even if he wishes to interact with the lower-class. He wanted to thank them.
But instead, his mouth spilled out something else.
Emile sighed, "See? I told you he'd be too stubborn, to give us a normal answer."
"Yup... Saw it coming..." Ewen said to himself.
"Wh-What are you talking about!? I gave an ans--" Damian was cut off, when he felt the arms of the two blondes move from his shoulder to under his armpits.
He was hoisted up a few inches from the ground, by the arms of his own flunkies.
The two blondes carried their boss towards his bed.
"What the he** are you two doing!?" Damian wiggled and kicked, trying to escape from his friends' hold.
"Sorry, boss..." Ewen said, as both he and Emile shoved him towards his bed. "But... If you won't tell us..."
"Oof!" Damian's face landed perfectly on his pillow.
He rolled over to lie on his back, and glared at the two, only to be pinned down.
Emile went behind him, and pinned his arms behind his back. While Ewen sat on his knees and smirked, "... We'll just have to make you!"
"N-No! D-Don't you dare! Ewen, Emile! Please...!" Damian tried to wrestle out of their grip.
When did these two get so freaking strong!?
Ewen crossed his arms, "Alright. Last chance to be honest with us! Do you like her? And there's only one true answer, because we already know. We just want you to confirm it. So don't be stubborn, boss!"
Damian stayed silent. Instead of using his voice, he rapidly shook his head left and right.
Ewen heavily sighed, and brought his hands down to his boss' shirt and lifted it up, exposing his stomach.
His fingers clawed the air. "Okay, fine. That's how it's gonna be. You lost your chance."
"E-Ewen! Please--GAHA!" Damian tried to double over, but was forced back by Emile.
The tall haired blonde, started with gentle pokes along his boss' stomach. Slowly turning into light but quick scribbles.
"Ngh!" Damian flinched at each touch. He stifles a laugh.
"Krr-krk! Hmmmm! Hmhmhmhm!" He giggled through closed lips.
"Already, Damian? I barely started!" Ewen said in amusement. "Oh! This is gonna be easier than I thought! You'll be spilling in no time!"
"Hehehehe! N-No I... Eehehehehe--WON'T!" Damian yelled as he twisted and turned, trying to find a way out.
And instantly squealed when the scribbling stopped, and was moved to squeezing his sides and hips. "IYAH! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
"Oh, you sure WILL." Emile retorted, and lifted his friend's arms over his head. "Try here next!"
"NOHOHO!!!" Damian protested, trying to pull his arms down.
"Sure!" Ewen answered, and immediately shoved his fingers into the sensitive hollows of the boy's arms. He started scratching the exposed armpits, showing no mercy.
"PFFFFT!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NO! NO! NOHOHOHOHOHO!!! STOP IT!! STOP!!" Damian thrashed about. His bedsheet started to wrinkle at each movement he made. "MERCY!!! MERHERHERCYYYY!!!"
And that's when Damian realized that this was it. This is how he'll die; from lack of oxygen, through heaps of laughter. Well... He lived a short, yet good life.
Sadly, he wasn't able to sulk about his death any further.
"GAAAAAHHHH!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Damian erupted into another fit of laughter when he suddenly felt air, being blown on his stomach.
"Pfrrrt!" Ewen gave a big raspberry on the scion's stomach. While Emile had pinned him flatly on his back, with his arms still above him.
"HAHAHAHA--!" Damian's own laugh was interrupted by a loud snort.
If his face wasn't red before, it certainly was now.
"Ha! Ewen did you hear that? The boss snorted." Emile said.
"Yeah, I know. I wished he laughed like that more often. It sounds nice. Not arrogant. It just sounds so... Age appropriate. Right, boss?" Ewen teased, and drilled a single finger into Damian's belly button; to which he responded with another shriek.
Damian tried to force Ewen off, by bringing his knee up, and hitting him in the back. But, the tall blonde merely ignored the pain, and instead grabbed the leg. Emile let go of his friend's arms and rushed towards the other leg.
They flipped him over, so he was lying on his stomach. And locked his legs, in between their own, holding an ankle each.
They took off his shoes, and slowly peeled his socks off halfway.
"Hehehe... No...! Please! Guys... I'm begging you...!" Damian pleaded one last time. He tried to look behind him, to try and beg with his teary eyes.
"Last and FINAL chance!" Emile told the brunette boy, he turned to him with an expectant look. "So...?"
Damian whimpered. He turned his head back, and shook it still refusing to give an answer.
"Suit yourself. I guess you like this." Emile turned back and pulled off the rest of the sock completely. Ewen followed, and they both grazed their nails all over the scion's soles. Then they went in his arches and in between his toes.
"NOOOO!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Damian shrieked, and repeatedly slapped the mattress. Tears started streaming down his face again.
"Don't wait for us to grab the hairbrush!" Ewen threatened.
Damian's face twisted in horror.
"BAHA!! N-NO! NOT THAT!" He fearfully begged.
"Pfft! We didn't tell you to say all of that." Ewen laughed. Then he looked at Emile, who nodded back at him.
They both let go of their hold on the scion's ankles.
"Ah...!" Damian sighed in relief when the tickly feelings on his feet left him.
The two blondes crawled off the bed, and waited for their boss to recover.
Finally catching his breath, Damian shot back up and glared at his lackeys.
"You two! I can't believe...!"
"We'll be by your side boss." Ewen suddenly said.
"We're okay with how you feel towards Forger. We'll even play matchmaker if you like?" Emile said.
Forgetting every horrible thing he planned to say to his so-called friends, Damian grunted and looked off to the side, blushing. "Thanks I guess, you idiots..."
"So..." Emile started, "You liked her since the first day...?"
Damian stuttered, "U-Uh... I may have said too much..."
"Well too late! I wanna know exactly how you developed a crush on her! Give us the details!" Ewen enthusiastically says.
Damian hopped off his bed, and stomped back to his study desk. "No way! That's way too embarrassing!"
"Come on! You already told us a few embarrassing stuff already. What's the point?" Ewen persuaded.
"Only because you forced it out of me!" Damian snapped back, before sitting down on his chair.
"Then..." The blondes said, as they walked closer to the young Desmond. "Are you saying...."
"Huh...?" Damian turned around to face the two boys, who were smirking diabolically.
"We should tickle you for more information then...?" The two blonde boys raised their fingers up once more, and inched closer to the unfortunate boy.
"No. No. No. No. No!" Damian scampered out of his chair, and pushed past the two.
He spent the rest of the day, running away and hiding from the two ferocious tickle monsters.
So... How's this for my 1st tickle fic?
I kinda hc Damian to be the kind of lee, that yells no repeatedly when they're being tickled. Even if it won't help them.
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morticry · 11 months
I just read through that big post about Ame and Tracy's similarities and differences, and it honestly felt like I was listening to an author at a coffee shop going over details from the book (in the best way possible). Very informative, a fun look into your writing/design process, and all 'round super interesting to consider how vastly different the changes become despite starting in relative symmetry.
(Also, the line "Teeth to my Horror, Love to my Romance and Life to my Portraits" is a delightful romp)
I appreciated your ask, I'm glad to hear the answer was a worthwhile read :^] you are a compelling writer and I had hoped the extra writing+design details would be amusing to you in that vein. from others, I enjoy hearing about the generative stuff that sometimes gets lost to the periphery of finished works, or between the written to visual translation. your prompt was open, so, the whole can of worms was ready for cracking GAHA.
(thank you!)
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zzzaaaa · 2 years
The Tap-Dancing Mind
(Self-deprecation at its finest, June 2018)
“Oh, um you go”
“no ,you.”
“ooh oh ok yeah , thanks.”
“Oh no you’re welcome.”
Clears throat. “Yeah how’s your day?”
“nice , yeah that’s good.” .....~silence~ being awkward is a fucking trip and a half. It’s like you’re always in a state of transiency—sure my body and face are in place, however my mind is looking down at me dancing with tap shoes , mocking my inaccessibility. Right before I talk to most people, my stomach clenches , oil glands open, and my tapdancin mind drifts above me , leaving me to stammers and blank thoughts after blank thoughts. Most times, the best access to continual conversation is my environment : I see something around us which interests me, simply to state “oh wow that squirrel looks interesting.” ..heh, cue nervous laughter, meanwhile the person just doesn’t respond because why the fuck would you? Or they graciously give me a pity nod, cuing my nerves to increase and desire to tuck and roll immediately.
Or perhaps a very clever person I have the chance to talk to gives me room to expand , cuing more nerves at this unprecedented offer, paving way for more nonsense to spew out my mouth: “ha yeah cuz squirrels are like pretty cool animals, it’s just that one is , ya know um, we’ll gaha , I guess I don’t know ..interesting ..”slowly looks down.
I will say there is a silver lining to being awkward and that’s my ability to listen. Sit me down with flappy lips and I’m appreciative of their cohesive thoughts and nonstop vernacular. Most times I genuinely take in what they have to say, although I have moments of self-reflection —“what the hell went wrong with me?” The tap dance begins. That’s when they intuitively stop talking and wonder if I can chime in—“haha, yeah yeah, interesting interesting...”eyes roll up to the fricken tap-dancing mind once again leaving my body to the silence of my impended awkwardness.
Now, when awkward flirts with a crush, a real crush too, like someone that you’re fond of for many reasons, the tap dancing mind leaves the room and I’m forced to breathe through sheer nerves masked by instant friend-zoning behavior. I might think, “here’s the time to really impress my crush with all ideas, facts, and stories i have bottled up in some dusty corner of my mind,” only to make statements without much room to walk in.
“Hey how’s your day?” They might ask.
“Oh you know, ha, fine. Did you know that , um, huh, you know, I forgot what I was going to say.” Mind? Mind? Where the fuck are you?? Get back here. As my eyes shift back and forth, I only see the boredom arise and my only salvage is to hope they can talk a shit ton about their day.
Now if a crush compliments me, my awkwardness is fully bare, “you’re so cute,” one crush once told me out of the seemingly blue. So my immediate, visceral reaction is to “hahahaha, ah yeah... yeah,” heaving. My go to response, wait for it, “My feet have bunions so uh you know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.” Kills the moment almost to the point where any energy that may have been attracted between us repels to nearly dead-air.
If love doesn’t kill, awkwardness will. You’d think when awkward meets awkward it’s kind of like love at first sight? Well they’re both true in the sense that they bring false hope. When two awkward people interact, we get a glimpse into truly viewing ourselves outside of ourselves, and begin hating each stutter, nervous laughter, gangly gesture, and unclear thoughts even more. Sure this person gets me, and we can sit in low-discomfort levels of silence for quite some time, however our spurts of ideas fused with excitement trail off in t-minus 30seconds post-expression because neither party can add much more to the conversation:
sits in silence for a few minutes, then suddenly “oh!! So I was reading the other day that our brain consolidates memories differently each time we share them out loud, which makes it hard for us to truly remember the fine and accurate details of a memory!!”
“Oh wow?Really?? Huh. I wonder how many memories of mine are more false than true !”
“Yeah!! I wonder too.., yeah, I was just like wow.”
“Ha, yeah..wow.”....looks down and to the side.
Nonetheless , this awkward bond does unify our tapdancin minds above to wonder “why the hell do we exist?” Like why and how has being awkward continued the survival of our species? We offer no benefit to conversation and quite frankly we offend people just enough to run off inside their own minds and wonder “why the hell is this person looking at me with bugged-eyes and flared nostrils? What did I ever do to them?”
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ywpd-translations · 3 years
Ride 677: Summer's Kumotarou 2
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Pag 2
2: What do we do now, idiot Hotshot!!
D…. don't ask me
3: Onoda-kun is completely depressed!!
And why are you complaining to me!!
4: 'cause you let Makishima-san leave first!!
I didn't!!
I was just called here to thank him!!
Okay but still!! You're Hotshot!!
5: Then what do we do now....
Look at Onoda-kun....
That face....
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Pag 3
1: It's so.... that's not the face of the man who just reached the goal of winning the Inter High for the second time in a row....
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Pag 4
2: Maki.....
3: Makishima-san.....
4: You were so close to me, and yet
I ran right next to you, and yet
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Pag 5
1: His limbs are so thin and weirdly long!!
2: That's the coolest thing, sho
4: You have to break through, sho!
5: Just 3 minutes!!
You did well, Sakamichi!!
7: I'm going on Minegayama now, wanna come with?
8: Aren't bikes fun!?
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Pag 6
1: I leave our Sohoku to you, Sakamichi
2: Makishima-san.....
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Pag 7
1: So, overcome it
become stronger
2: Makishima-san's words are in my heart
I worked hard, and I thought I could finally
3: Report to him, but....
4: Right, are you calling him?
At least hearing his voice....
No.... I'm calling but there's no service
5: He's already out of range
There's no service here!! We're on the top of a mountain!!
6: It's your phone's fault!!
It's the radio waves!!
7: Winning two consecutive championships it's so amazing that most thing get swept under the rag, but.....
8: Can't be helped, Kinjou-san said it
Onoda is different from other people. For Onoda, what's importnat isnt “victory”....
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Pag 8
1: It's the “connection”....
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Pag 9
3: Is Karuizawa station okay?
4: Well, from here on there's no service on the mountain road, so according to the navigator I think we should be on time
If you get on the Shinkansen at 17:30, you'll get to the airport on time
6: Tadokoro is talking to you, Makishima
7: Huh!?
Ah, sorry
What is it, sho, Kinjou
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Pag 10
1: Not me, it was Tadokoro
He said that if you take the train at Karuizawa station at 17:30, you'll get to the airport on time
2: Ahh, right
That should be just on time to get on my flight, sho, I even have few luggage
You can drop me off at that station....
3: That's enough, sho
5: You say it's enough, but it's not enough at all!!
6: Huh?
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Pag 11
3: Huh? He stopp.....
4: How many years have we known each other, Makishima!?
6: Are you leaving your feelings behind!? At the Inter High's finish line!!
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Pag 12
1: Let's make a U-turn and go back
3: No.....
5: Wait-
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Pag 13
1: Wait, sho!!
4: I only “came to Japane to see the Inter High”
5: I booked my return flight
I'm helping my brother there, and I have university too
6: I met Onoda during this time, and I even called out to him
I couldn't meet him at the edn, but even that.... that's fate, sho
7: That's what life is like
Even though I feel bad since he sent me so many letters
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Pag 14
1: So, it's enough, sho
Let's go to the station
2: I told you it's not enough!!
How many flights to England a day are there!? You can delay of one or two flights, can't you!?
3: It's decided, sho.....
When I get home.... I have work to do
4: After this, you can even take supplementary lessons!!
You'll leave your feelings here in Japan and go back!?
5: I have no regrets, sho!!
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Pag 15
6: This is....
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Pag 16
1: Huuh.... Onoda gave me one of these some time ago
“Something something”, was it.... incredible, you can even find them in this part of the world
It's Kumotarou
2: Well
I'll tell him next time I see him, sho
6: Should I buy it?
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Pag 17
1: I missed the chance to give him this, sho
Let's go back right now, Makishima!!
2: No it's okay, sho. I'll just send it to him by mail
You sending a letter? You'll never do that
3: Let's go back!!
No, stop, Tadokorocchi, sho!!
You have a lot of things to tell Onoda!!
4: I can just tell him next time we meet, sho!! I'll tell him for sure!!
5: Going back is so uncool....
6: Onoda gave everything he had today
And he did it
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Pag 18
1: You can only meet this Onoda today
3: Gaha!!
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Pag 19
1: Thank you so much for attending today. Be careful when going back home
The temporary free bus to go down the mountain is-
4: Let's go, Onoda-kun
Come on, get on
5: Yes
7: Huh?
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mischiefm4n4ged · 2 years
Wolfstar | Queen
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Just watched a tiktok of a crowd singing bohemian rhapsody and I JUST NEED TO WRITE THIS…
[remus saves money to buy tickets for queen and surprise Sirius. Emotional ending. Not proof read.]
Remus knows how badly Sirius loves Queen and he has so little knowledge about the band except the music. Naturally in that case, Sirius doesn’t know that there is going to be a concert in a few months where they will perform his favorite songs. There’s barely any concerts in the wizarding world and the few shows are at most a few hundred people. Sirius was never brought to those shows anyways because his parents found them improper and impure.
Remus being the best loving boyfriend he is works hard for an entire summer, 40+ hours a week at random part time jobs around his town. Just to save enough money to for at least one ticket, even if he couldn’t go himself, he wants Sirius to have an amazing experience with or without him. He wouldn’t worry too much because Sirius being Sirius would bring home 5 new muggle friends by the end of the concert.
That summer would be busy and he would receive letters from Sirius and James and Peter asking if he is alive. Which he would respond to with “yeah, I’m busy.” And “no I can’t come to your house this summer James.” And “I miss you too Sirius, I promise I’ll make it up for you.”
Anyways, summer ends and Remus is back to hogwarts. He immediately goes to mcgonagall to ask for permission to leave the grounds on the day of the ticket release. Which he was allowed after some arguing and pleading. Remus checked on the money every night and morning, he had saved for two tickets and more and was keeping them safe like his life depends on it.
Sirius would see him being sneaky and question his behavior which Remus would stutter and kiss away in panic. James and Peter noticed it too after a few weeks and Remus would just say “it’s a werewolf thing.” and they would leave him alone.
As the countdown to the ticket sale came down to days, Remus was jittery and nervous. He wanted the tickets with his entire heart and he decided to go the night before and stand in line. He sneaked out of the dorm after stealing James’ invisibility cloak. The link was already forming and Remus had never been more thankful for his never-ending anxiety.
“Two tickets for queen please, as close to the stage as possible” Remus said and reached for his money (he couldn’t find them A/N: no just kidding gaha) and with shaky hands handed them to the man.
“Front row seats! Here’s your tickets young lad! If you go around the corner you’ll find a pop up shop of merchandise, feel free to buy them now, they will not be around at the day of the show! Next!” The man said and Remus nodded and thanked him as he carefully tucked the tickets in his wallet and then sealed it with magic. (He is like 17 already).
Remus had a few pounds left and imagined the look on Sirius’ face if he got him a T-shirt with the band. He smiled to himself and bought the shirt with the last of the money.
Back at hogwarts, Remus sat on his bed and waited for Sirius to get back from quidditch practice. He heard murmur and the door opened the second he successfully tucked away the shirt behind his pillows.
“REMUS LUPIN! YOUVE BEEN GONE ALL NIGHT AND YOU DARE STAND THERE AND SMIRK?” Sirius shouted as he spotted Sirius. Remus smile faltered a bit from the shock, he hadn’t though this through but is it his fault he was so excited.
“Uhhh…James give us a moment…” Remus said and James rolled his eyes and left.
“What? Aren’t you going to explain yourself?” Sirius asked and blew hair away from his face.
“Yes. Come here first. Sit.”
“I’m not a dog— fine.” Sirius rolled his eyes and Remus chuckled. “not even a note?!”
“First of all.. here” Remus handed him a hair tie and Sirius huffed as he put his hair up.
“I’m growing impatient.”
“Oh please wait a moment…” Remus sat across Sirius and nervously fiddled with his clothes and hair. Sirius knew it was important now.
“What’s wrong? Did something actually happen?” Sirius covered his mouth in horrid.
“No no! Listen… do you know what a concert is?”
“Yes it’s like a show where people sing to other people.”
“Ok so I know you’re not that familiar with muggle—“ Sirius glared at him and Remus laughed nervously, “I mean you’ve never been to a concert before.”
“And you like queen?”
“Only if we are talking about the band yes. Come on moony. Tell me. I’m going mad.”
“Ok ok so I kind like… I got us front tickets to see queen…?” Remus said and cursed himself as It came out all stutters and nervously.
“What?! Like IN REAL LIFE?” Sirius jumped off the bed still in disbelief.
“Yes…?” Remus held up the tickets and wondered why everything came out as a question.
“MERLINS BLOODY PANTS WHAT” Sirius observed the tickets as if they would disappear.
“I also got you something else…?” Remus said, still shaking but relieved that it was finally out. He pulled out the shirt and unfolded it in front of Sirius.
“Remus…I-” Sirius laughed nervously and grabbed the shirt, his eyes filling with tears for a moment.
“Do you like it?” Remus asked and Sirius nodded too stunned to speak.
“I love it, I…this is amazing, you are amazing.” Sirius jumped and hugged Remus tightly, spreading light kisses on his face.
“Wait how did you pay for all this?” Sirius asked, Remus shrugged.
“Don’t worry about that. Let’s say it’s my birthday gift to you.” Remus said knowing damn well it was a lie and he would buy him something else then.
At the concert, Sirius and Remus stood in the front of the crowd with Freddie leaning down and interacting with them. Every time he made eye contact with them Sirius would cling to Remus’ clothes in disbelief.
“I LOVE THIS GUY” Sirius shouted to Remus who laughed, happy at the excitement.
“They’re gonna sing one of the best songs they have now…” Remus said as he heard on of the fans behind him say. There was thousands of people and Sirius had been wowed as he expected only a few hundreds.
Bohemian rhapsody played and soon the entire audience was singing as loud as they can, even over Freddie himself. Remus pulled Sirius closer by the waist, not caring that he was in public he just wanted his boyfriend close. They both sang as loud as they could.
“Mama…I don’t wanna die, I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all…” Sirius looked up at Remus as that line passed, his eyes filling with tears, their foreheads pressed together.
“Moony…” he whispered but Remus heard him anyways, from the way his lips moved. “I love you…” sirius said as loud as he could and the tears started running down his cheeks. Remus smiled widely, wanting to savor the moment. The first time he hears Sirius say the L word to him.
“I love you padfoot…” Remus says once he had eye contact with him. His own eyes welled a bit.
“Can you kiss me?” Sirius asked, unfamiliar with muggle laws. Remus nodded and leaned in, kissing him passionately and the whole world faded away.
When they separated they glanced at the stage and Mercury was pointing at them and singing, he winked. Sirius jumped in excitement again, his cheeks still wet from the crying.
Remus and Sirius had the best of time, and would never forget that moment.
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silvercap · 3 months
Ohohoho~ how about 'cough' and/or 'temperature'! 😍
🥰 (From this prompt list)
Leon's so cold. The morning's drills aren't even enough to warm him up, his muscles stiff and aching despite the sunrise peeking out from behind fluffy clouds, goosebumps quivering over his bare arms where they stick out from beneath the short sleeves of his military-issue tee. The fabric is damp with sweat and dew, his forehead similarly clammy when he goes to swipe lank hair from his face. The small movement feels like a gargantuan effort, exhaustion weighing down heavy limbs and practically begging Leon to collapse to the dirt and sleep until it goes away. A week seems reasonable.
"Kennedy!" Krauser barks, snapping Leon from his reverie. He stumbles where his knees had begun to buckle, lungs spasming in another round of pleghmy coughing. His throat stings from the force of it, the burn only growing worse the longer he stands outside. "Are you still too good to pay attention?"
Leon forces himself to focus, noticing belatedly that every eye in the yard is centred on him. He nods dizzily. "No, sir."
He shouldn't have---the instant he finishes speaking, vertigo hits him with the speed and violence of a truck driving full force at his skull, leftover momentum leaving him in a whirl of motion sickness. Leon coughs, opening his mouth to speak again---
"Kennedy." Krauser's voice is above him now, Leon's heavy eyelids fluttering open to reveal the Major's face several inches above his own, something warm and solid beneath his back that doesn't feel like the ground. A callused hand sweeps over his bangs, cool skin settling atop Leon's burning forehead. He groans weakly, leaning into the relieving sensation.
"Sir," he slurs, not even certain what he'd wanted to say. "I---"
"How long have you had a temperature?" Krauser demands, and it's then that Leon realizes the solidness he feels is the man's thighs.
"I---" Leon can't focus long enough to find the right words, a wash of lightheadedness brushing away any conscious thought. He coughs again, harsh in his chest. "I don't."
"You're burning up, rookie." Krauser clicks his teeth, hand still resting against Leon's forehead. Leon gasps when strong arms guide him upright, too tired to open his eyes and see what's happening. All he feels is Krauser's body, warm beside his own, a roughened thumb brushing over his temple. "Let's get you inside."
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derekgoffard · 3 months
AHHH I'm so glad you liked my drawing of Colin!! Idk why I've held on to it for so long without sending it to you, but now felt like the best time hjsdfka You've always been so sweet when people send messages and fanart your way, including the few times I've sent anon messages, I am just a BabyTM ANYWAYS I hope you're doing well!!
I've still been thinking about that doodle ALL DAY TODAY GAHA!!!!! 😭🙏🙏🙏 It seriously made my DAY to see- AND to read your kind words!!!! :''''] Honestly, I wish so much that I could better articulate just how much I appreciate such kindness y'know!! 😭🙏Like... I'm kind of a baby 😭- so it really makes me emotional gahaha 😭😭👐👐 Thank you so much again, for your wonderful drawing AND all of your kind words!!! It really truly made my day!!! :'] <3333333
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( ALSO; I drew a little doodle of Blythe that I figured I'd share with this ask too haha 🙏 she is suchhh a fun character and I ADOREEE her design to DEATH!! 💞💞 Like...I read her bio and instantly had to draw her out LOL!!! SHES JUST SO COMPELLING TO ME!!!! <33 )
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claymour · 3 years
🎁 Freddy and/or Billy lenz?
OHH!!! Thank you sm for this ask!!! GAHA I DID FREDDY FOR THIS ONE!! I don't know alot about him aside from the first 3 films SO I HAVE NO IDEA HOW.. FREDDY LIKE. THESE ARE LOLOL😭
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veryblushyswitch · 3 years
Green Hair & Pink Faces
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Summary: Midoriya and Tsu spend some time quality together at the park. When they head back to the dorms, they discover new things about the other.
Lees: Midoriya and Tsu
Lers: Tsu and Midoriya
Ship: Platonic
Authors Note: For the wonderful and absolutely amazing @danibby! Thank you so much for the request! I finally got this done sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoy! 💚
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Midoriya and Tsuyu were outside walking in the park. The day was a little breezy as orange and red leaves fell to the ground, but overall a beautiful day.
Tsu has asked if he wanted to go on a walk with her and Midoriya gladly accepted.
They weren’t super close friends, but nonetheless, he was glad she invited him out. They could both use some more time to get to know each other. Another great thing was how their personalities balanced the other.
Midoriya could ramble sometimes, and not only was Tsu was a great listener, she rather enjoyed his little rants.
Midoriya listened to her in return when she felt like she couldn’t speak up about certain things. There was small talk and even some deep conversations.
They ended up sitting underneath a giant tree to take a break from walking and enjoy the scenery. There were a few other families walking in the park that day, but they had enough privacy as the families were at the playgrounds.
“Such a beautiful day out.” Midoriya sighed, putting his hands behind his head as he laid down.
“Thanks for inviting me out by the way.” He turned to Tsu.
“Of course. I’ve been meaning to spend more time with my friends one on one lately.” She adjusted the scarf she had on.
“Same here. We’ve never really hung out together have we?”
“I guess not. This is nice.” Tsu smiled making Midoriya do the same.
Midoriya wondered how much he knew about Tsu. They’ve known each other for a long time but how long do they really know each other?
“Hey, Tsu, you wanna play a game?”
Tsu nodded. “Sure. What game do you have in mind?”
“It’s a get to know you game. But I think we should start heading back since it’s almost time for dinner. We can play afterwards in my dorm?” Midoriya stood up and helped Tsu to her feet.
“Sounds like fun.” Tsu beamed.
The continued to walk back in mostly silence. That was until Midoriya noticed Tsu put on a set of green winter gloves.
“It’s really adorable that you’re wearing a scarf and gloves right now.” Midoriya commented as they walked back.
“No it’s not I’m just a little chilly.” Tsu giggled.
“Yes it is. You’re really adorable sometimes.” Midoriya chuckled.
Tsu blushed a bit. “Says you. You’re the most adorable little bean.” Tsu poked his side causing him to yelp.
“Little? You’re shorter than me.” He ruffled her hair a little.
“Hehey!” She reached trying to stop his hand.
She ended just running and hopping away as fast as she could back to the dorms while he followed close behind her.
They laughed and ran all the way back till Tsu slapped the door to the dorms with her hand.
“I won!” She jumped up and down. Midoriya opened the door a second after she slapped it.
“Only because you got a head start!” He smiled then giggled when she poked his side again.
They both headed down and had dinner with the rest of their classmates before heading back up to Tsu’s dorm.
Tsu opened the door and Midoriya immediately leapt onto her bed that had at least five frog stuffed animals.
“Whahat? Are you doing?” Tsu laughed shutting the door.
“Getting comfy.” He hugged a stuffed frog to his chest. Grabbing the little arms of the plushy and making its arms flap up and down.
“I was right. You are the most adorable little bean.” Tsu say next to him on the bed.
“Nooooo!” Midoriya hid his face with the stuffed frog.
“Fine. You’re not adorable. You’re super adorable.” She poked his side yet again. This time a bit higher towards his ribs.
“GAHA! Cahareful I’m really ticklish.” Midoriya giggled.
“Oh really? I would’ve never guessed.” She said poking along his ribs and sides with her two index fingers.
Midoryia curled up, hugging the plushy so he didn’t shove her away.
“Ahahahaha! Tsuhuhuhu!” He softly squealed when her fingers poked at his stomach. “Nohohoho nahahat thehehere!” Midoriya lightly squirmed from side to side.
“Why not? Is it really ticklish here?”
“You knohow it ihihAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO!” He jumped and kicked his legs as she started to squeeze at the sides of his stomach.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Midoriya lightly pushed at her hands, unknowingly pushing them towards his hips.
“GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAP! STAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” This time grabbing her wrists, but making sure not to hurt her.
Tsu stopped with a worried glance. “I’m so sorry, Midoriya. Are you okay?” She brushed the hair out of his face.
“It’s okay, Tsu. I’m fine I promise. I’m just really ticklish there is all. Caught me by surprise.” He giggled rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’ve only heard about how ticklish you are from some of the other classmates. I kind of wanted to see if it was true. I guess they were right about you.” She poked his side making him yelp again.
“Hehey- And right about what?” He nudged her shoulder making her chuckle.
“That you’re the most ticklish and adorable member of the class.” She started giggling, hiding her smile with her hands.
Midoriya started to giggle too, not before blushing. Then he smirked and snaked his hands around her waist. He brought her onto the bed next to him and wiggled his fingers into her sides.
“That’s completely false. I may be the most ticklish but you’re obviously the most adorable.”
“Nohohohoho! Hehehehe!”
“And don’t hide that laugh from me I wanna hear!” He moved his fingers up to her lower ribs. Tsu’s arms squeezed against her sides revealing her smile.
“Mihidoriyahahahaha! *Ribbit* Hehehahahahahaha!” Tsu squirmed in the hold, although not trying to get away.
“What is it, Tsu? Are you going to admit you’re more adorable? Because those little ribbits and giggles are definitely cuter than my laugh.”
“Nohohoho thehehey’re *Ribbit* nahahahahat!” She pushed at Midoriya’s hands which gave him access to under her arms.
“Sure they’re not. Whatever you say, Tsu.” Midoriya said causing her to blush.
After some underarm tickles and a few revenge pokes from Tsu, they sat next to each other and payed animal crossing.
“Guess we never got around to that get to know you game.” Tsu remarked as she snuggled up against Midoriya’s shoulder.
“I guess not. We can do that next time for sure.”
“For sure.”
They stayed like that till the two eventually had to go to their designated dorms. They hugged as Midoroya left her dorm, saying they couldn’t wait for the next Green Haired Only hangout.
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top-tier-tickles · 2 years
Dark Deception Tickle Au
Part 3 babyyy! Let me know what you all think! And with this part, the full chapter should be up on my AO3 as well.
Chapter 3: Part 3
Doug slowly awoke from his nap, relieved as he no longer felt incredibly nauseous. He opened his eyes, but it was still pitch black. Did the mansion lose power? As he regained his senses, he felt something like cloth across his eyes, a blindfold!
Oh, shit, how long was he asleep?!
Doug tried to jump out of the chair, but he couldn't! His wrists were tied to the arms of the chair and his ankles were restrained to the footstool! He couldn't move!
Suddenly, a cold hand ran it's fingers through his hair.
"HEY! Don't you DARE touch me!" He yelled, moving his head away from the hand.
"And just where do YOU think you have the right to give us orders?" The posh voice of a Gold Watcher asked with a laugh.
"You'd better untie me, if you know what's good for you! You 18th-century BASTARDS!" Doug shouted. Clearly, this newfound bravery was in vain.
The watcher gasped, putting a hand on it's chest. Not like Doug could see that, but, he did hear some smaller gasps behind the watcher.
"Well, I NEVER. This bottle-headed peasant has just insulted our good name! I believe he deserves a punishment. Don't you agree, gentlemen?" The watcher said, turning to their fellow watchers behind them.
What Doug heard next were words of agreement, then shuffling around him. Based on the sounds, there seemed to be three in total around him. Thanks to the blindfold, he couldn't tell where they went, or where they would attack.
Suddenly he felt hands fiddling with his shoes, untying the laces.
"Hey! Hey! Get away from me!" Doug yelled in a vain attempt to deter them.
But it was too late, both of his shoes and socks were off, neatly placed on the small coffee table.
Doug shivered as cold air chilled his skin, tugging at the ropes that held his ankles in place.
"Well, let us begin, shall we?~" the Gold Watcher said.
Oh, God, there was that teasy tone again. Doug could already feel his ears turn a light shade of pink.
Suddenly, felt a cold, metal finger gently stroke his sole.
"*Snrk*! Hehehehehe! Hehehehehey!" Doug was already thrown into a giggle fit, and they haven't even started on the other foot!
Then, all ten fingers began tickling both of his feet.
"GAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA! HAAHAHAHA!" Doug suddenly burst into a new fit of laughter.
"Oho! This is quite the sensitive peasant, isn't it?~" One watcher said.
"It certainly is~" Another replied.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ST-STOHOHOHOHOHOHOP!" Doug cackled, his back arched as his laughter went up two octaves.
The teasing only added to the sensation, but the watcher's fingers were cold, which somehow seemed to make him more sensitive.
His pleas had befallen deaf ears, sadly, as he felt something soft and light start fluttering on the arch of his left foot. A feather! It must've been from one of the watcher's hats.
Doug's face had gone from hot pink to a light red in seconds, it didn't help that the statues kept up their teasing.
"Would you just look at that smile?~" One would say.
"Quite the gigglemug, isn't he?~" another would add.
The watchers gasped again, halting the tickling much to Doug's appreciation.
"You still slander us with that tongue! I suppose we'll have to give you all we've got.~"
Doug's heart left into his throat. Oh fantastic.
He felt something liquid being gently poured onto his feet.What was that? He remembered the belts they wire with the tools... Oh! It's the baby oil!
"Now, let's see how you react to this~" the statue said.
Suddenly, Doug's feet were assaulted with the unbearable sensation of a hairbrush scrubbing the now even more tender area.
"Apologies will get you nowhere, mortal~" A Gold Watcher teased. Their voice came from right next to Doug, standing where his legs were.
Then, the watcher next to him got an idea.
They looked down at the helpless mortal, leaned down, and started tickling a spot they haven't tried yet.
Surprisingly, Doug shrieked when this area was attacked, for the watcher had just found his death spot.
Tears drenched the blindfold as Doug's face was a very dark shade of red. Finally, he passed out to the black void.
He laid on the ground, curled up into a ball as he gasped for air. Tears still streamed down his face.
"How amusing, they must've got a good spot to make you scream like that." Bierce laughed.
Doug shot up, suddenly furious at her smugness.
"Why didn't you wake me up?!" He asked, anger laced his voice.
"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, love." She replied.
Doug grumbled, he technically couldn't argue with that. He WAS stupid enough to take a nap. Reluctantly, he returned to the mansion, and to the 98 shards he still needed.
This time, he didn't let any headache stop him from the mission, getting through many shards without getting caught. Luckily, if he was ever cornered, he could just teleport right through them.
He'd activated another stun orb, and gratefully took the time to leisurely stroll through the halls, his hand running along the wall as he walked.
Suddenly, -click!-
The wall moved, and revealed another secret room. This one didn't have a note in it, but it did have manic scrawls on the walls, just like in the school.
While the ones in the school told the blatant truth, these scribblings were not. They were lies. The lies Doug had told himself for years, just to make his sorry ass feel better. They were a crutch. A crutch that he couldn't use anymore.
Doug quickly left the room before he got too emotional, and began to collect the last of the shards.
Finally, he'd got them all! He rushed back to the ring altar, utilizing teleport whenever a Gold Watcher blocked his way. Somehow their jaws were agape in wide smile and their outfits had turned blue.
He snatched the ring, and bolted out into the end of the hedge maze. Thankfully, he didn't need to go through there again, there was a shortcut next to it.
Doug escaped into the front yard, when suddenly-
The maniacal cackling of a giant Gold Watcher appeared behind the mansion. That this was massive! And Malak had just arrived!
The giant began to throw giant pens around, stabbing into the ground. The gate to his freedom was locked, maybe....
In a stroke of sheer luck, a pen had crashed into the gate, unlocking it.
Doug ran to the portal, barely passing Malak as he escaped.
He stumbled back into the ballroom, nearly tripping over himself as he approached the ring altar.
"I didn't think you'd make it this far, love, I really didn't! Who knows, you might just go all the way." Bierce laughed.
Suddenly, Malak's voice interrupted.
"If you believe her, you're dumber than you look. Once she gets what she wants, you're done." The demon said.
"Oho, yes. Trust the bloodthirsty demon. No doubt he has your best interests at heart." She joked.
Malak could only growl in response. Doug didn't intrude on their conversation.
7 portals to go...
Chp. 1-1, Chp. 1-2, Chp. 2-1, Chp. 2-2, Chp. 2-3, Chp. 2-4, Chp. 3-1, Chp. 3-2, Chp. 3-3, Chp. 4-1, Chp. 4-2, Chp. 5-1, Chp. 5-2, Chp. 5-3,
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deadmaidclub · 2 years
I know you probably get asks like this often but I hope you know that you Never miss with your art, every time you post it is a treat for the eyes and you deserve mad respect for continuing to share your art online despite the clowns who offer unsolicited opinions. Although I also hope that you do not feel pressured to create just to feed an online audience; nobody is entitled to another's art and we all ought to appreciate the privilege of having yours shared with us.
GAHA idk if its a "privilege" iwbfkrkd but thank you so much ❤️❤️
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Giddy {InoTan}
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A/N: AAH INOTAN YESSS!! I’m so excited to write for these two, thank you so much for the request! I managed to get two of the prompts in, but I couldn’t figure out how to get the first one in, hope that’s okay! oughh i feel like I got a bit carried away at the end these two are just *chefs kiss* my faves and I want to give them the love and appreciation they deserve. Hope you enjoy this one! :D
Summary: After Zenitsu pisses off Inosuke, Tanjiro has to get between the two of them in order to break up the fight, which leads to Inosuke discovering some new things. 
Word Count: 2.2k (under the cut)
“Tanjirooo! Help meee!” Zenitsu wailed, clinging to Tanjiro’s haori as he sobbed, shrieking when Inosuke popped out from behind a tree, screaming.
“There you are, stupid Monitsu!”
“My name is Zenitsu!”
“Monitsu, you’re mine!”
Tanjiro quickly stood between the two screaming teenagers, the noises coming from both of them were enough to rupture his ears.
“Inosuke, what are you doing?”
“He tried to take my head!” Inosuke yelled, gesturing to his boar hat that rested on his head. Ah, so he really did think he was a boar.
“Zenitsu, were you trying to take his boar ha - head?”
“It was falling off!! I was trying to help him!”
Tanjiro sighed. “Inosuke, you can’t always get mad at people when they do something, you have to control your temper a little better.”
“A lot better!” Zenitsu added, and Tanjiro quickly shot him a look.
“Hah?!” Inosuke yelled, and Zenitsu shrieked again before cowering behind Tanjiro. Inosuke ran at them, head first ready to knock them over. Zenitsu screamed and ran away, and Tanjiro quickly turned and dodged Inosuke, grabbing him and holding him as he wriggled around in his grasp.
“Inosuke! You can’t just run at peheheople! Inosuke, stop that!” Tanjiro laughed quietly through his lecture as Inosuke grabbed onto his hip, squeezing it as he tried to pull himself out of his grasp.
“Let me go! And stop laughing at me!”
“I’m not trying to! You’re tickling me!”
“Stop making up words! Put me down!”
Tanjiro finally set Inosuke down but didn’t let go of him, and Inosuke flailed his arms around uselessly, twisting himself around in Tanjiro’s grip so he was facing him. He went to headbutt him but Tanjiro easily dodged again, and Inosuke hollered.
“Stop dodging me!”
He grabbed onto Tanjiro’s sides and tried to push him off, Tanjiro starting to laugh again. Inosuke growled at him, squeezing harder as anger bubbled up in his chest.
“Inohohosuke! Stop tickling mehehe! Ow! Wait, that huhurts!”
“Stop laughing!”
Tanjiro finally let go of Inosuke, going to defend himself from Inosuke’s grabby hands, but Inosuke held on like a leech.
“Why are you laughing?!”
“Y-You’re tickling me!”
Inosuke let go of Tanjiro and crossed his arms. Tanjiro panted, looking up at Inosuke with a small smile on his face.
“Do you know what tickling is, Inosuke?”
Insouke shook his head, grunting in discomfort when Tanjiro stood up and put his hands on Inosuke’s hips.
“Do you want me to show you?”
Inosuke hesitated. He was slightly curious as to what exactly this “tickling” thing was, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to try it out himself.
“I want to try on you again,” He said firmly, and Tanjiro chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.
“You’ve gotta go easy on me then, I’m pretty ticklish,” He said easily. Any normal person would never admit to something like that, but Tanjiro was too honest and good-hearted to lie to his friend. 
“What’s ticklish?”
Tanjiro stopped for a moment, thinking of a way to explain it.
“It’s when someone tickles you and you’re able to laugh. Some people aren’t ticklish and don’t laugh when you tickle them,” Tanjiro explained simply, hoping that his point got across to Inosuke. He nodded slowly, then nodded his head eagerly when it finally clicked in his brain. Tanjiro smiled, taking Inosuke’s hands and putting them on his sides.
“Be gentle, okay? Do you know what to do?”
Inosuke looked down at his hands and squeezed them softly, making Tanjiro chuckle. Inosuke eagerly squeezed his sides more, making Tanjiro’s giggles escalate. He squeezed a bit harder and Tanjiro squeaked, trying to hold himself still as Inosuke kept up his messy tickling.
“Are you tickling somewhere else?”
“T-Ticklish! And yehehes, just be gehehentle,” Tanjiro giggled sweetly, and Inosuke nodded. His hands went up towards Tanjiro’s ribs, where he continued the same squeezing motion that he was doing before, making Tanjiro squeak as his giggles rose in pitch and volume, fascinating Inosuke.
“Your laugh is pretty…” Inosuke said quietly, and Tanjiro shook his head, a small snort escaping his nose. He quickly slapped a hand over his mouth out of embarrassment, and Insouke grunted.
“No!” Inosuke said, an almost whiny tone in his voice as he tickled Tanjiro a bit fiercer, digging his hands under his arms.
“Ehehehe! Inohohosuke!” Tanjiro whined, giggling loudly as he clamped his arms down, trying to protect his sensitive underarms as he twisted from side to side, tripping over his own feet, falling backwards. Inosuke caught him just before he hit the ground, lowering him and straddling him as he continued to dig into his underarms.
“Ow! Thahahat hurts, gentler!”
Inosuke nodded, easing up on his tickling and going back to Tanjiro’s ribs, now clawing at them instead of kneading them like earlier. Laughter poured from Tanjiro’s lips like a waterfall, and Inosuke picked up on how he was laughing harder depending on not only where he tickled him, but how.
He experimentally clawed at Tanjiro’s tummy, and he quickly grabbed onto Inosuke’s wrists, yelling.
“GAHa! Not thehehehere!”
Inosuke quickly pulled away, stopping the tickling as Tanjiro looked at him, slightly confused.
“Why did you stop?”
“You said not to tickle you there,” Inosuke grunted, and Tanjiro smiled. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked up at Inosuke, tilting his head to the side.
“Well, does that mean I can try and tickle you now?”
Insouke hesitated again, he wasn’t sure he would enjoy being tickled, but he supposed if he weren’t ticklish then that was one more thing he was better at than Tanjiro, and he took it as a challenge. 
“Hah! I bet I’m not even ticklish, I’m way better than you anyway, there’s no way I would be!” Inosuke said confidently, crossing his arms over his chest. Tanjiro laughed, cracking his knuckles as he smiled sweetly.
“Well then, I guess it’s time for some revenge,” He said, a slight lilt in his voice as he spoke.
“Revenge? Like in battle?”
“No, just a bit of payback for you tickling me earlier, it’s only fair… Mind getting off of me though?”
Inosuke nodded and got off of Tanjiro, sitting next to him. Tanjiro reached over and placed his hands on Inosuke’s hips, giving them a gentle squeeze. Inosuke inhaled sharply but otherwise made no noise. Tanjiro smirked.
“Are you ready?”
Inosuke nodded, giddiness building up in his chest as the anticipation grew, the tingly sensations already started from just that gentle squeeze that Tanjiro had started with. Tanjiro gently began to knead Inosuke’s hips, making him shake as he tried to restrain himself.
“It’s okay to laugh if it tickles,” Tanjiro said quietly, and Inosuke shook his head, huffing.
“I-It doesn’t.”
Tanjiro chuckled and Inosuke jerked suddenly when Tanjiro’s hands crept upwards, oh-so gently fluttering against his sides. The gentle feeling sent tingles all over Inosuke’s nerves, it was an almost irritating feeling, definitely not one he enjoyed.
“I dohon’t like that-” Inosuke said quickly, and Tanjiro nodded.
“Do you mind if I try something else then?”
Inosuke shook his head, giving Tanjiro permission to keep going. Tanjiro’s hands rose higher, now on Inosuke’s ribs as he suddenly dug in, the sensations much harder compared to the annoying, tingly sensations from earlier. It caught Inosuke off-guard, and he choked on a laugh before the floodgates finally burst open, his loud, obnoxious laugh filling the area around them as Tanjiro beamed.
“I love seeing you laugh!” Tanjiro exclaimed, continuing to scribble his fingers along Inosuke’s ribs as he threw his head back, cackling as he squeezed his arms to his sides, trying to fend off the new sensations. 
“I’m not lahahahaughing! It doesn’t tihihickle!” Inosuke yelled, laughing just as hard as Tanjiro had been before. Tanjiro rolled his eyes playfully, keeping up his tickling as Inosuke continued to laugh, falling backwards as Tanjiro followed him, sitting next to him as he continued.
Something about Inosuke had always caused Tanjiro’s heart to beat a bit faster, his face to become a bit more red, but seeing him laugh like this… His heart felt like it was going to explode, and even though he couldn’t see Inosuke’s face, when he imagined it in his head he could feel his face burn. He hadn’t ever felt this before, what could it be?
He shook himself out of his thoughts as he focused on hearing more of Inosuke’s laugh, though he knew he would have to stop soon. It was difficult to tell whether Inosuke was at his limit since he couldn’t see his face, so he reached one hand up to pull it off.
“Nohohohoho! Not my hehehead!”
Tanjiro took his hat off anyway, much to Inosuke’s dismay. Tanjiro felt what was similar to an arrow piercing his chest when he saw Inosuke, and his cheeks immediately heated up. His nose was scrunched and his face was bright pink, just dusting his cheeks as he shook around. The only way Tanjiro could describe his feeling was “giddy”, much like Inosuke often described himself when Tanjiro complimented him.
Tanjiro suddenly remembered when he was younger, he had asked his mother what it was like to fall in love. She said it was like fireworks in your heart, it throbbed and sparked, but in the most pleasant way possible. Tanjiro’s face burned as he realized just what was happening, what this “giddy” feeling was… 
He leaned down, stopping his hands as Inosuke opened one eye to look at him.
“What ahahare you-”
“Inosuke, I’m sorry about this,” Tanjiro said quickly, shutting his eyes and pressing his lips against Inosuke’s. 
Inosuke’s eyes widened in shock. What was Tanjiro doing? He felt giddy again, so giddy he felt like his heart was going to burst. Tanjiro pulled away, and the feeling faded. Tanjiro averted his gaze, biting his lip as he frowned.
Tanjiro turned his gaze to Inosuke, slightly confused.
“Again!” Inosuke said. He sat up, grabbing Tanjiro’s face and shoving their faces together, much less gentle than when Tanjiro had done it, but still a kiss nonetheless. Tanjiro’s heart that had previously sunk at Inosuke’s expression warmed, and he felt it flying into his throat as he kissed him back, chuckling slightly.
“I like that. I don’t like tickling, but I like that. What is that? It makes me feel giddy.”
Tanjiro laughed. He had been feeling giddy as well, and he realized exactly what this meant for them.
“It’s called a kiss. You do it with someone you love,” Tanjiro said, and Inosuke tilted his head slightly, confused.
“What’s love?”
Tanjiro put his hand on Inosuke’s chest and smiled, looking up at Inosuke.
“When you look at someone and they make your heart race, your face goes hot, you feel… giddy… I think that’s love.”
Inosuke nodded, placing his hand on Tanjiro’s chest, looking at him intently.
“I love you then,” Inosuke said simply, and Tanjiro’s face went bright red as he whined, covering his face.
“Inosukeee! You can’t just say that!”
“Why not? You make me giddy! I love you!”
Tanjiro laughed, still covering his face as he leaned into Inosuke’s chest. Inosuke quickly wrapped his arms around Tanjiro and shook him around.
“Stop laughing! I’m being serious!”
“I know you are, Inosuke! I… I love you too,” He said softly, uncovering his face and wrapping his arms around Inosuke as well.
Inosuke cackled triumphantly, grabbing Tanjiro’s face again and kissing him once more. Tanjiro laughed again when they finally pulled away, squeezing Inosuke tight.
“What the hell did I just walk back to?” A sudden voice came, and Inosuke and Tanjiro quickly looked behind them to see Zenitsu, holding Nezuko’s hand as they watched Inosuke and Tanjiro in confusion.
Tanjiro jumped up in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.
“Well you see, Inosuke and I we-”
“We love each other!”
Tanjiro chuckled awkwardly and nodded as Inosuke stood up, wrapping his arms around Tanjiro. Tanjiro’s face went red and he hissed Inosuke’s name, who only laughed.
“Huh… I figured. Does this mean Nezuko and I can be in love too?”
Tanjiro narrowed his eyes at Zenitsu and shook his head, face darkening. “Absolutely not.”
“But Tanjiroooo!”
They bickered like friends do for a while after that, Nezuko mumbling behind her muzzle as Zenitsu wailed and Tanjiro argued back, a small grin on his face. Inosuke suddenly started yelling, chasing after Zenitsu again who screamed as he ran off.
Nezuko and Tanjiro stood next to each other, watching Inosuke chase Zenitsu around until he finally caught him, holding him in a tight hug as Zenitsu’s screams echoed throughout the area.
Nezuko pointed at Inosuke, mumbling something and looking at Tanjiro. He looked at her and cocked his head.
Nezuko placed her hand on Tanjiro’s chest and pointed at Inosuke again, eyes open eagerly as Tanjiro realized what she meant. He blushed and nodded his head, Nezuko beaming as she jumped up and down before hugging Tanjiro, who chuckled.
He looked back over at Inosuke, who was now wrestling with Zenitsu. He figured he should probably break it up soon, and smiled to himself.
He was glad he felt giddy.
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