#g1 ironfist
pocoslip · 11 months
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I just remember there was a Transformers Toy that turn into a Juassic Park Jeep and thought "What if they heavily retool that Toy into a "New" Ironfist Figure??"
(okay i did think they should retool ss86 jeep bumblebee into ironfist but i changed my mind and i still hope they use ironfist's g1 toy colours instead of idw because i love his pink eyes)
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sticksticksticky · 2 months
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just some comfort characters, guess who's my favorite :3
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cherrytimemachine · 1 year
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Tidbits of Cybertron and the culture.
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thunderwetter · 8 days
Happy Transformers Day!
Celebrating Sep 17th with a small preview on sketches that I've been working on before my hiatus! I do intend finish all of them at some point, I just haven't gotten around to it yet haha
It's a bunch, so I'm putting them underneath a cut~
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Ambulon~ I actually speedran the full artwork in 2 hours, but I haven't posted it yet, so have the sketch as a lil' treat. I really like the way the finished work turned out.
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Ironfist/Fisitron! I started drawing this after reading Bullets because MAN did I forget how likeable this guy is. Also please appreciate the wonderful FREEHAND Autobot insignia.
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I started drawing this Jazz in DECEMBER 2023 when we were getting the first proper snow of winter...yeahhhhh you can tell this one is a bit older, but I really wanna finish it for this winter. Maybe for Christmas?
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WIP of an OC! She came into existence after a fun chat on the Big Bang Server. She'll be a cassette carrier who transforms into an oven and her cassettes will be like a lil' harem. They all have innuendo names, she herself is named Hotcake hehe
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And lastly, the current progress of the next TFMay artwork. It's Thunderwave, my 'sona! I'm currently in the shading process, as you can see, and she'll definitely be my no1 priority after my Bachelor's is through!
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swordwing2117 · 1 year
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IDW The last stand of the wreckers
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transformers-mosaic · 9 months
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Transformers: Mosaic #537 - "Anything"
Originally posted on July 1st, 2010
Story - Josh van Reyk Art - Rui Onishi Colours - John-Paul Bove Letters - HdE
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: By van Reyk’s own admission on Seibertron: “Sorry, but I actually wrote the piece and it's definitely set before the 'accident.' I didn't specify in the script that Ironfist isn't supposed to have the scar, and the story is supposed to imply that after receiving the bad news, he tries to kill himself. I can see where the confusion is.” LOL? LMAO? Onishi was absolutely wasted on Mosaic, I swear. Obviously, "Bullets" had not yet been released. Scorch was another Europe-exclusive late-G1 guy (sharing Ironfist’s distinctive translucent pink plastic) who never wound up appearing in IDW continuity. Back in “Chaos Theory”, we learned that Wheeljack was offered a job at the Kimia Facility where Ironfist worked, but not whether he accepted; as he was consistently shown participating in events on Earth, it’s a little weird that he would be involved with Ironfist as seen here. Canonically, by Robots in Disguise issue #3, “Stick Together”, Wheeljack would wind up taking over Ironfist’s laboratory following his death. See below for clean inks, an alternate take on the strip’s colors, and a later painting based on this strip’s artwork from Onishi.
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tyrantisterror · 2 years
One thing that’s interesting when comparing Beast Wars to G1 Transformers is how often the later gets wildly reinterpreted in adaptation while the former stays relatively the same.
The G1 characters and conflict have been adapted so many times.  There are dozens of Optimus Primes and Megatrons and Starscreams and Shockwaves and Soundwaves and so fucking many Bumblebees, so many iterations of the Autobots vs. Decepticons, and either out of necessity or sheer creative boredom there have been some wild reinterpretations of them as a result, sometimes even from the same writer.  One of my favorite examples is Ultra Magnus, who in the Marvel comics was written as a very uncertain character who constantly second guessed himself and his ability to lead, but in the IDW comics was written to be this hard-lined rules-obsessed character who was always certain what he was doing was right, specifically because Simon Furman, a writer for both comics, wanted to keep from repeating himself and decided to invert Magnus’s characterization to force different stories out of him.
G1 has a ridiculously huge cast of toys characters to pick and choose from, and because of all these adaptations, almost all of them have juicy personalities and character arcs to play with.  You’ve got the A-Listers, of course, but even z-listers like Ironfist and Swerve have at least one story where they get to shine.
Beast Wars, by contrast, is almost always focused on the original main cast when it’s brought back.  Beast Megatron, Optimus Primal, Dinobot, Cheetor, etc.  Where G1 adaptations will play with new settings and conflict wrinkles (Animated puts it in the somewhat distant future, the Unicron Trilogy really emphasizes the Cosmic Horror of Unicron, etc.), Beast Wars always (with one exception) takes place on prehistoric Earth.
And I theorize this is because of the different between their first cartoons.  Both are character focused - because the whole point of a toyline-based cartoon is to get kids emotionally invested in the toys their buying, and you do that by making those toys interesting characters - but because 90′s CGI animation was a SHITLOAD more expensive than 80′s traditional animation, G1 Transformers could make the cast ENORMOUS while Beast Wars had to kill off a cast member before they could afford to bring another on, and as such the cast remained pretty damn small - which in turn meant that those characters were even more focused on, given more development, and defined in a depth that the original cartoon iterations of the G1 cast weren’t.  G1 Megatron is a defined character, yes, but that definition is loose enough that he can be wildly reinterpreted while still feeling like Megatron.  Beast Wars Megatron, though, is cemented.  He must be a schemer, he must be theatrical, he must be gleefully beyond redemption yet still charming as hell.  The characterizations and plot twists of Beast Wars are so iconic that they almost loom too large, with re-adaptations often ending up feeling like just pale imitations of the original.
Except Beast Wars Uprising, which is creative as Hell and it’s kind of a shame that the only way to read it requires you to look at an eye-searing website.
Anyway, it’s kind of fun to think of how Beast Wars could be reinterpreted.  It technically has a huge cast like G1 - there were SO many Beast Wars toys, which means there are a lot more characters than those in the original show, and as the recent-ish IDW comics show, nothing’s to stop you from adding new characters to the mix (I mean, they only added two and still stuck to a lot of the same beats as the cartoon, but still).  You could do some big shakeups.
And hell, even among that core cast, there are characters that could use some more love.  Tigatron and Airrazor got screwed by Hasbro’s requiring new toys on the screen, their arcs cut abruptly short to make way for new product.  Terrorsaur and Scorponok were similarly eliminated but also had the problem of never really defining themselves in an interesting way, they could do with entirely new characterizations.  And as Beast Wars Uprising showed, there’s  a LOT of potential in Transmutate, a character written to die in her debut episode.
Here’s hoping 90′s nostalgia will do for Beast Wars what decades of 80′s nostalgia have done for the G1 cast.  I think it’d be fun to see the franchise get weird with these beasts.
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loveofbots · 2 years
Content warning!!
This is about last stand of the wreckers and it includes SPOILERS. I also really wished someone had warned me about how bad it gets. Honest to god I’m putting this under a cut because it deserves a trigger warning.
Warnings: violence, mentions of that one Saving Private Ryan scene, I shouldn’t have read the series at midnight.
The only reason idw hasn’t perished for being too gory is because they are robots not humans, Springer gets HIS FACE PUNCHED OFF and that scene where it’s finally explained by Ironfist via flashback what Impactor did- how jaded everyone but Springer was to his actions.
No one helped Springer, they watched as he desperately tried to save the Povans. I wanna hold that boy close now oh my god.
And oh my lord the TWO SIDEDNESS. Especially Rotormaster’s panels about being an excellent flier! And he just admits he was lying??? AND THEN GETS SHOT IN THE FACE??
Fun thing is: I connect with transformers more than I do with humans. Call it my autism or something but I would much rather live in a world where gender doesn’t exist and I’m a big tall robot. That being said, I think this hit me way harder than it should’ve.
Impactor in the beginning showing his weakness too. It’s not super obvious but you can tell he DOES NOT want to go back to g-9. He is traumatized and despite his literal war crimes I would give him a cup of chocolate milk. He needs to be comforted so bad. All of them do.
TW: death and Saving Private Ryan
There were only 4 deaths. Only 4 wrecker deaths and each one felt like my heart was being crushed. It was disgusting, vile, brutal just for the hell of it. I saw my favourite characters at their lowest. It was awful. The last time I felt like this I was watching the saving private Ryan D-Day scene. It didn’t make me cry but it gave me nightmares for three days. I really hope that sins of the wreckers is gentler.
The comic is a masterpiece and I commend the people who wrote it. The details and the writing made me feel for ironfist, pyro, and verity. Characters I did not know prior to reading the comic. I seriously felt like I was there with them and that’s probably the reason I was so affected by all the tragedy. I personally got to understand springer and Impactor a little better, and know why Fort Max goes into a fit in mtmte. I can’t be mad or upset about it because it was good- but I really think more fans should put warnings on the comics before you read them. I read some of the brutal DC comics and was not this affected by them. Probably something to do with attachment to the characters.
Still, I love it as much as I hate it. It really opened my eyes to how bad it gets in the war- as much as I want it to be the funni g1 stuff. IDW is great but I honestly think you should be over 16 to read that- I’m lucky I only read MTMTE when I was little.
Also this: I love prowl he’s my asshole. He makes calls for better or for worse and unfortunately he’s the guy you complain about when his call goes wrong. Still- I wanna kick his Praxian ass for not showing any empathy. Ultra Magnus is doing better than him (even tho I feel like he was kinda ooc)
Anyways that’s my two cents on Last Stand. It’s really bad but it’s done really well.
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decepti-thots · 3 years
the fact that there's a toy which is simultaneously:
a TFA toy (my main collection focus)
based on a design from the IDW Wreckers saga (favourite TF comics)
is of Ironfist (love that lad)
is targeted harrassment of me, specifically, and cruel
that it's the only official Ironfist toy since the G1 original is just rubbing salt into the wound
and that it was a botcon exclusive in 2011 and therefore costs an arm and a leg is just.
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(the Prowl Panel Redraw Anon) I'm having issues tracking down the specific panel but there's a good convo between Ironfist and Prowl in Sins of the Wreckers (How Badly do you want to be a wrecker). There's also a good convo between Ultra Magnus and Prowl in Transformers g1 2004 issue 4 I believe. I will keep hunting for it and will provide the series issue and page if I can find it
Oooo damn why am I not remembering this. Lol! Thanks for looking….
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suite43 · 3 years
Can you please do Jazz and Ironfist for the character meme thingy?
i can do jazz! honest to god i dont know a single thing about ironfist except that he was maybe a wrecker? most of the last stand characters have been wiped from my brain, sorry.
favorite thing about them: ALWAYS his love for humanity/earth. a lot of autobots appreciate humanity in this detatched sort of way, like, how most people care about sea turtles where its like "oh this thing exists and we should probably not kill it", but jazz is always portrayed as so genuinely excited about meeting people from a different culture than his, and getting to share his culture with them in exchange! remember how excited he was in that one idw1 issue where he gets interviewed 🥺 makes me tear up every time. also his voice. particularly g1 but tfa also. hes so pretty.
least favorite thing about them: WHEN HE DIES >:( LEAVE MY MANS ALONE. 4 real tho it makes me kinda sad to see him fridged especially with the way optimus treats him in late idw1, which was just fucking infuriating. really did the trick of getting me to actually actively loathe prime while i was reading. the HIPOCRISY of it all. "bwehh jazz you killed a guy :( youre banned from my team 5ever. also meet brand-new members of team goodguy, its Megatron, Starscream, Thundercracker, and Soundwave! yknow, those famous mass murderers". double standards 4 real smh 😤 my dude deserved better. also when they fuck up his accent? mostly happens in fics but like. yall know you can indicate an accent withou’ writin’ em like issa 'nother diddly damn gosh darn language like. you dont need to write it as "yer" and "fer" to make his voice come across especially in fic, especially in SERIOUS fic where everyone else is written normally. plus i feel like some people will write him exactly like they write like. idk ironhide or some other southern character even when it's in continuities where he's very clearly based on aave & not just southern US.
random headcanon: i like to imagine every once in a while during the war he'd break out his instruments, just as some stress relief for him and a way to kind of boost moral, and whoever was around would just sing these cybertronian folk songs, or just make them up if they didn't know any.
song i associate with them: unfortunately its circles because of that one fancam ive watched 400 times. every time i hear this song now i swoon a little.
favorite picture of them:
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(id: 5 idw comic panels of jazz. additional description in alt text)
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pocoslip · 5 months
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I was hoping they Retool the Transforming Jurassic Park Jeep in Ironfist but Of Course they pick Hound
(And I'm gonna buy Transformers Detritus instead of Ironfist because I like the Junkion Mercenary more)
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optimistpax · 3 years
Lemme know if u want anything tagged and I will do my best. My memory sucks so you might have to remind me
I’m an adult but this blog is SFW
Please let me know if i say or reblog something insensitive
Always down to hear (or give) comic recommendations! I have a List
Can and will write essays on comic theory for fun. Please talk to me about comic theory
You want to know about me? You want my carrd?? what are you the police??? /j
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[ID: a green monochrome drawing of ironfist from the short story Bullets. There is a green glow behind him and the bullet wound on his temple is glowing as well. End ID]
Keep reading for the mortifying list of transformers (and adjacent) media I’ve consumed so far:
Beasties: Transformers (1997)
Transformers: Animated (2007)
Transformers: Prime (2010)
Transformers: Rescue bots (2011)
Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015)
Transformers: Prime Wars Trilogy (2015)
Transformers: Cyberverse (2018)
Transformers: Rescue Bot Academy (2019)
Transformers: Earthspark (2023)
Books, Movies, and Games:
Transformers: Exodus/Exiles (aligned novels) + Bumblebee at Tyger Pax short story
MTMTE notebooks vol. 1
The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
Transformers (2007)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Transformers Prime: Rise of the Predacons (2013)
Bumblebee (2018)
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023)
Forged to Fight (mobile game)
Transformers: Battlegrounds (PS4 game)
Transformers: Earthspark - Expedition (PS4 game)
Infiltration (IDW1)
Last Stand of the Wreckers (IDW1)
More than Meets the Eye/Lost Light (IDW1)
Dark Cybertron (IDW1)
Drift: Origins and Empires (IDW1)
Autocracy (IDW1)
IDW2 Vol 1-6
Last Bot Standing (IDW2)
Startrek vs. Transformers issue 1
My Little Pony/Transformers: Friendship in Disguise
Transformers/My Little Pony: The Magic of Cybertron
Void Rivals issues 1-4
Transformers vol. 1 (Skybound)
Video Essays:
The Whole Plate: Transformers and Film Studies
My Transformers Midlife Crisis
Bumblebee is the Best Herbie Movie
The First Transformers Theme was WILDLY Confusing
IDW2 Beast Wars vol. 1
Beast Machines (1999)
Transformers: Spotlight Omnibus vol. 1
War for Cybertron Trilogy
IDW1: Monstrosity, Stormbringer
Transformers: Armada
To Watch/Read:
MTMTE notebooks vol. 2-4
Rest of IDW1(?)
Transformers: Retribution
Startrek vs Transformers
Transformers: Reactivate (game)
Energon Universe comics
Marvel comics maybe
Energon?? Headmasters??? G1????????
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glovestudiosart · 5 years
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Here's the largest commission I've ever done. The dimensions of the full piece are 88" by 68", consisting of 32 11"x17" inch illustration boards.
Took five years to finish in between other projects. All together it kind of makes a nice 35 year anniversary image for the franchise actually in my opinion.
Not every Transformers is represented here, but the following 140 characters plus three ships are:
#Ark (Ship)
#FortressMaximus (IDW)
#LostLight (Ship)
#FortressMaximus (G1)
#Gnarl (#Sharkticon)
#Nemesis (Ship)
#Predaking (#Prime)
#Nova Prime
#Transformers #G1 #Autobots #Decepticons #Predacons #Prime #Wreckers #Protectobots #Combaticons #Constructicons #Dinobots #Aerialbots #Stunticons
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tyrantisterror · 7 years
In a hypothetical Transformers: The Lost Ark cartoon, are there any voice actors you have in mind for the characters?
Optimus Prime and Megatron are the hard ones.  Peter Cullen and Frank Welker are rightfully iconic in the roles, but don’t fit the interpretation I’m going for since both Optimus and Megatron are younger and lower on their respective chains of command than normal.  At the same time, they need to be performed in a way that shows they ARE the iconic characters we know, and that they just haven’t been recognized as such yet.  David Kaye’s take on Optimus would work, but honestly I’d almost want to find someone new for the parts.
As for the rest of the cast... well, the list is ridiculously large so I’ll just focus on a few:
Windblade: Erin Fitzgerald.  Some of my favorite characters in ficiton were voiced by her, and it was always a surprise to find out because they’re all REALLY different.  She’s got the range for the part.
Ultra Magnus: Clancy Brown.  Ultra Magnus needs a voice that booms with rigid authority, but still has a charm to it.
Prowl: Jeffrey Combs, because you can ALWAYS do with more Jeffrey Combs in your life.
Ratchet: Deedee Magno Hall.  A strict, rule abiding character who’s still lovable.
Brainstorm: Jim Rash.  His take on Gyro Gearloose is one of the best funny yet insufferable mad scientists I’ve ever heard.
Nautica: Mae Whitman.  Nautica needs to be nerdy and awkward on the surface and a level headed adventurer underneath.
Fixiton: Griffin McElroy.  Yeah you fuckin’ heard me.  Ironfist/Fixiton needs to have an excitable and charismatic voice that is nonetheless intensely fuckin’ nerdy.
Hot Rod: Josh Keaton.  Hot Rod needs to sound young and self involved, but not in an offputting way.  We could do worse than having a former Spider-Man in the role.
Arcee: Hyden Walch.  I’d want this take on Arcee to be just as much of an asskicker as her Prime incarnation, but at the same time keep the warmth of her G1 cartoon counterpart.
Drift: Phil LaMarr, and yeah basically we’d make him Samurai Jack.
Bumblebee:  Jeremy Shada.  Or, alternatively, we REALLY do as shows like Adventure Time did and find a new young kid with great voice acting chops for the part and let him grow into the role.
Tailgate: Kate Micucci.  She’s versatile and has great comedic timing.
Swerve: John Mulaney.
Whirl: John Dimaggio.  And yeah it’d basically be Bender.
Shockwave: Claudia Black.  A somewhat immoral female character with plans to defy the natural order who represses her emotions?  Yeah the voice of Morrigan would fit.
Soundwave: Ellen McClain.  Soundwave’s voice is going to be processed to hell and back but still needs to be emotive and preferably alluring even when terrifying.
Starscream: Jeff Bennett.  This might seem like an odd choice, but his serenely manic take on the Joker from Batman the Brave and the Bold would be a fun way to play with how Starscream is usually presented.
Sunstorm: Justin Roiland.  Sunstorm is a volatile person and you don’t get more volatile than Prince Lemongrab.
Cyberwarp: Tara Strong.  She’s played conflicted characters who were born into villainy but rebelled before.
Slipstream: Grey DeLisle.  Hey, she had to show up here somewhere.
Bludgeon: Steve Blum, because we need that wonderful growling voice somewhere on this list.
Cyclonus: Kimberly Brooks.  Cyclonus needs a ferocious edge to her.
Knockout: Daran Norris was and still is perfect.
Nickel: Shelby Rabara.  Yeah Peridot’s gonna be Knockout’s fellow medic.
Lugnut: No one will ever do it better than David Kaye.
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