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Galerie der Künstler, München
#Ausstellung#exhibition#Galerie der Künstler#Gärtnerplatz#Gebärdensprache#Gruppenausstellung#Munich#sign language#Straßennamen
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auch Sonntags offen bleiben 16-17.30
Offen Bleiben! Für eine solidarische Gesellschaft! Demo und Kundgebung am Sonntag, 16. Juli ab 16:00 Uhr Über 160 Organisationen unterstützen mittlerweile den Aufruf für eine solidarische Gesellschaft und gegen Abschottungspolitik. Anlass des breiten Bündnisses sind die Reformpläne zum Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystem, kurz GEAS, oder auch: ein menschenrechtlicher Dammbruch. Die Demo startet um 16.00 Uhr am Gärtnerplatz und endet mit einer großen Abschlusskundgebung ab 17:30 Uhr auf dem Marienplatz. Wir möchten euch nochmal ganz herzlich bitten, in euren Kreisen kräftig die Werbetrommel zu rühren. Gemeinsam haben wir die Chance, ein sichtbares und deutliches Zeichen zu setzen gegen Abschottung und Ausgrenzung. Unsere Kampagne ist pink, wir finden, das hat Signalwirkung, also wenn ihr könnt: Kommt in Pink! Auf der Kundgebung erwarten euch starke Redner*innen, unter anderen: - Betiel Berhe (Autorin, Social Justice Institut München) - Dr. Ifunanya Concilia Dimaku (Ärzte der Welt) - Pia Chojnacki (Aktivistin) - Tatjana de Sousa Mendonca Mischek (Migrationsbeirat München) - Peter Probst (Lichterkette) - Tareq Alaows (ProAsyl) - Mouatasem Alrifai (Integrationsbeirat Nürnberg) Unterstützt wird die Kundgebung auch von den Performances großartiger Künstler*innen, unter anderen Gündalein, BaShBozoukis und Faltsch Wagoni. Read the full article
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11 aktivnosti koje trebate isprobati u Minhenu tijekom zime
#Botanischer Garten zimi#Bravo Bar München#Caspar Plautz krumpiri#kazalište Gärtnerplatz#klizanje u Münchenu#Kulturne atrakcije München#Müller&039;sche Volksbad sauna#Monopteros sanjkanje#Museum Lichtspiele München#muzeji u Münchenu#najbolja mjesta u Münchenu zimi#Nymphenburger kanal klizanje#obiteljske aktivnosti München#putovanje u München zimi#restorani u Münchenu#romantika u Münchenu zimi#sauna u Münchenu#Session Labs München#taiwanska čajna ceremonija München#Trachtenvogl kakao#umjetničke galerije München#vikend u Münchenu#Wellness München#zima u Münchenu#zimske aktivnosti München#zimski vodič München#šetnja uz Isar#što raditi u Münchenu zimi#što vidjeti u Münchenu
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“The Gärtnerplatz Gang” | Generation Wembley | Episode 3: Black and Yellow
#name a more iconic trio#I’ll wait#holger badstuber#bastian schweinsteiger#mario gomez#mario gómez#fc bayern münchen#fc bayern munich#fc bayern#generation wembley#bri’s gifs
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George Enescu (1881-1955) - Concert Piece for Viola & Orchestra World Premier
Gilad Karni - Viola
Reinhard Schwartz Conductor
Orchester Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz
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Queeres München? #IDAHOBITa 17.5. ab 19.30 Marienplatz
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#Bayern- #Menschenrechte-#Queer?
Abschiebungen nach Uganda und Polen durch das Bayrische Verwaltungsgericht: Obwohl klar ist, dass (auch) dort erniedrigende Behandlung und recht willkürliche Gefängnisstrafen üblich sind ... Bei der Pressekonferenz im sub berichteten die Beratungsstellen STRONG und die Beratungen für Geflüchtete im sub und bei LETRA über unmenschliche Abschiebungen durch bayrische Behörden, die nach veralteten Maßstäben die Identität, Diskriminierung und Verfolgung beurteilen wollen, ohne auch die Lebenssituation der Betroffenen einzugehen, Dolmetscher ohne Ahnung und Fähigkeiten ... Ein #Queerer #Aktionsplan Bayern ist in Vorbereitung, von der Politik bisher nicht sehr ernst genommen, aber der Ministerpräsident pflegt sein "#Gender-Gaga" gegen Lehrkräfte, Schulen und Hochschulen ... mit einem Aufruf an die Eltern zur Denunzierung in der BILD.
Die WHO streicht am 17.5.1990 Homosexualität aus der internat. Krankheiten-Liste IDC
Fr 19.30 Uhr Marienplatz, zum Auftakt Kundgebung. Gegen 20.15 Uhr ziehen wir über's Tal, Isartor, Reichenbachstr. zum Gärtnerplatz, dort wohl noch mal Statements der Gruppen, dann zur Müllerstraße vor's Sub und in's Lez oder zu diversity ins Cafe ... #München
Die Auswertung der LSVD-Wahlprüfsteine veröffentlicht:
Dazu erklärt Philipp Braun aus dem Bundesvorstand des LSVD : LSVD-steht-nun-fuer-Verband-Queere-Vielfalt
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Wir fordern alle queeren Personen, ihre Verbündeten und alle Demokrat*innen dazu auf, nur solchen Parteien am 9. Juni ihre Stimme zu geben, die sich glaubhaft für die Menschenrechte von LSBTIQ* einsetzen. Denn es wird bereits im Wahlkampf deutlich, dass sich nicht alle Parteien auf europäischer Ebene für die Rechte von lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen, trans*, intergeschlechtlichen und weiteren queeren Menschen (LSBTIQ*) einsetzen wollen. "Der Internationale Tag gegen Homo-, Bi-, Inter- und Transphobie bzw. -feindlichkeit (englisch International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia, kurz IDAHOBIT) wird seit 2005 jährlich am 17. Mai von homosexuellen, später auch bisexuellen, trans- und intergeschlechtlichen Menschen, als Aktionstag begangen, um durch Aktionen, mediale Aufmerksamkeit und Lobbying auf die Diskriminierung und Bestrafung von Menschen hinzuweisen, die in ihrer sexuellen Orientierung, ihrer Geschlechtsidentität oder durch ihre Körper von der Heteronormativität abweichen. Das Datum wurde zur Erinnerung an den 17. Mai 1990 gewählt, an dem die Weltgesundheits-organisation (WHO) beschloss, Homosexualität aus ihrem Diagnoseschlüssel für Krankheiten zu streichen. Transgeschlechtlichkeit wurde erst 2018 mit dem Erscheinen der ICD-11 von der WHO als Krankheit gestrichen." https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationaler_Tag_gegen_Homo-,_Bi-,_Inter-_und_Transphobie Australien machte wohl den internationalen Anfang, und in den englisch-sprachigen Ländern sind die jeweiligen Begriffe besser verankert ... obwohl Sexualwissenschaft in Berlin bis 1935, kurz vor der Bücherverbrennung, international führend war: Magnus Hirschfeld, * 14.5.1868 + 14.5.1935 nach der Zerstörung seines Institut für Sexualwissenschaft. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld und Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft
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Praktikant (m/w/d) für Regiepraktikum "Carmen" (Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz) (vergütet)
Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz sucht Praktikant oder Praktikantin für Regiepraktikum "Carmen" (Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz) in München (Deutschland). http://dlvr.it/T69Wt0
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Jazz und Blues - Fr, 10.05.2024, 19:30 Uhr
Mitwirkende: Johannes Faber - Piano, Gesang, Trompete
Harald Kuhn - Trompete
Eugen Bazijan - Cello
Matthias Gmelin - Schlagzeug
Veranstalter: ars musica e.V.
Location: LUISE Kulturzentrum
Adresse: Ruppertstraße 5, 80337 München
Eintritt: € 20,- / erm. € 15,-
Tickets: https://www.ticketino.com/de/Event/Faber-Kuhn-Bazijan-Gmelin/190307
Der Blues ist die Urquelle des Jazz und der gesamten Popularmusik. Wir präsentieren mit unserem Programm ein Jazz-Kaleidoskop der unzähligen Schattierungen des Blues. "While the European tradition strives for regularity - of pitch, of time, of timbre and of vibrato - the African tradition strives precisley for the negation of these elements." (Ernest Borneman)
Der Blues ist die Begegnung von afrikanischer Pentatonik und europäischem Zwölftonsystem im Schmelztigel Amerika. Diese kraftvolle musikalische Synthese ist die Grundlage für den Jazz, Rock ́n Roll, Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, you name it.
Es gibt nur wenige Musiker in Europa, die den Blues in all seinen Höhen und Tiefen, seinen Spiel- und Leidensarten so erforscht haben, wie der Trompeter, Pianist, Sänger, Komponist und Arrangeur Johannes Faber.
Johannes Faber wurde 1952 in München geboren und studierte Trompete und Komposition in München, Graz und Boston. Er arbeitete in Erwin Lehns Südfunk-Tanzorchester Stuttgart(1980-90) und in der NDR-Bigband(1990-96), sowohl als Solotrompeter als auch als Komponist und Arrangeur. Johannes Faber komponierte die Filmmusik für „Rallye Paris-Dakar“ und gründete die Rockjazz-Formation CONSORTIUM mit Billy Cobham dr, Christof Lauer sax, Joerg Reiter p und Dave King b. Er hatte eine Professur an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Hamburg inne. Der Trompeter spielte u.a. mit Chaka Khan, Anthony Jackson, George Adams, Charlie Mariano, Dado Moroni, Konstantin Wecker, dem UNITED JAZZ & ROCK ENSEMBLE und Peter Herbolzheimer’s RHYTHM COMBINATION AND BRASS, komponierte für Michael Ende und wurde mit dem Jazz-Preis Baden-Württemberg ausgezeichnet(1985). Er war auf den großen Jazz-Festivals zu erleben, u.a. beim Jazzfest Berlin, in Montreux und beim Deutschen Jazz-Festival in Frankfurt.
1998 komponierte er die Musik für das Wilderer-Melodram HIAS und spielte die Hauptrolle in einer Produktion des Staatstheaters am Gärtnerplatz(München). Von 2000 – 2012 konzipiert und moderiert er die überaus erfolgreiche Reihe “Jazz im Gärtnerplatz”. Seit 2000 singt und spielt er den Sprecher (Staatstheater am Gärtrnerplatz) und den Sarastro (Opernfestspiele Gut Immling) in Mozarts Oper DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE. Er komponierte 2003 die Musik zu „4 – Ein Tanzevent“, das vom Balletttheater München und dem Orchester in der Choreographie von Philip Taylor mit Erfolg im Repertoire des Staatstheaters am Gärtnerplatz aufgeführt wird. 2006 unterrichtet er Jazzgeschichte am Conservatorio Nicolo Paganini in Genua.
2012 Professur am „Conservatorio Nicolò Paganini“.
Admin: Frank McLynn
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During his studies, he was awarded with the Rector’s Award in 2010 (for new project “DuLuM”), as well as with the Dean’s Award in 2012 (as an assistant conductor in the production of Bizet’s opera Carmen). In 2013 he conducted a performance of Stravinsky’s opera Le rossingol. He continue to collaborate with the Academy of Music in Zagreb from 2016 on, as an Assistant professor (Conducting studies and Sight reading), as well as a conductor of the new production of Massenet’s opera Cendrillon in March 2020. Since 2013 he was a member of the team at Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, firstly as a Répétiteur, later as a Studienleiter. As an assistant conductor, he made 10 productions for the theater: Les vêpres siciliennes, Don Carlo, Madama Butterfly, Turandot and Gurre-Lieder, just to name a few. He conducted performances of operas such as Don Pasquale, Mimi and Equinox. From September 2019, he is a member of Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich, where he had his german debut in March 2021. He is a conductor and an artistic director for three ensembles: Vocal baroque ensemble Projekt Lazarus (with concerts in Rome, Vienna, Venice, Varaždin, Zadar and many more), Chamber opera company “Opera bb” (with two premieres: Die Lustige Witwe in 2017 and Die Fledermaus in 2019) and Chamber ensemble “Col legno” (with contemporary repertoire performed at many festivals in Zagreb, Cres and Rovinj). Hello, dear Darijan and welcome in our Conductors of the future rubric! We are very happy to have the chance to get to know you better and to talk with you about your path & the beautiful world of opera. First of all, please, tell us about how everything started for you, about your musical journey. Dear OperaCharm Team, it is a great pleasure having this opportunity to talk with you all present myself and my work to a wider audience. I’ve been living with music since very early age. My older sister is a concert pianist and I had often been present while she’d practiced at home and my father always mention that I’ve been humming with her and sometimes even correcting some mistakes even before I started to play piano myself – so, there was a conductor somewhere inside even then I’ve started to work with my first piano teacher around my 7th birthday in my small hometown Novska (Croatia) and piano is always near me and I think it will be my whole life the basis of my musicianship, but with time I’ve realized that I like to make music with my friends and colleagues more and more… In that sense, I’ve gathered a few friends and started my own choir during my high school. After graduation in both piano and music theory, I moved to Zagreb, where I studied conducting and eventually got my MA Diploma in 2014. In 2011 you started your professional career as an assistant conductor in the production of Bizet’s Carmen, how was it for you? What is it like to have the chance, as a young conductor, to assist & be a part of the musical creation process? Except for living with classical music, mostly repertoire for piano solo in my youth, I’ve always been interested in wide range of music, going from arrangements for all kinds of ensembles (from chamber choir to symphonic orchestra) to even playing pop music in a few different groups. Somehow, opera as a form got to my attention quite late, i.e. during my studies in Zagreb. That was really the so-called “A-ha moment” when I felt really like I got “infused” with some kind of a drug I could never get rid of. All joking aside, that was really a great pleasure to assist my professor at the time and get the chance to be included in all stops on the way of making an opera production – from the very first coaching and lessons, learning the roles with singers to conducting staging rehearsals with soloists and full chorus. That experience was and still is crucial for all projects that came later. I’ve had an opportunity to find a way of giving my best working patiently with singers on all needed skills within a goal of
performing his/her best, from mastering most of languages of operatic repertoire to sing other parts, that still makes me happy to this very day. reposted from https://opera-charm.com/
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Ach, München.
Samstagmorgendlicher Spaziergang am Gärtnerplatz. Blauer Himmel, Sonnenschein. Ein brandneuer Ferrari gefolgt von einem alten Fiat 500. Die nördlichste Stadt Italiens. Ein Symbolbild.
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June 2023
Getting a tiny singing bowl and Sister Chang Kong's book. I met her in person and talked to her. Then she signed the book for me! Such a rockstar.
Vegan coconut ice-cream.
The final presentations of all the families. And the band of a few Brothers and Sisters performing Thich Nhat Hanh's Little Star poem. The surprising rap part.
A good talk with an Argentinian woman from Plum Village at Bordeaux airport. Listening to inspiring podcasts.
Spending Saturday morning at the flea market. Talking to some of the vendors. Buying diamante facial stickers and a leather top for the Burn. Choosing from an entire box of books about Buddhism.
Oh, and my recent dad shirt finds: UV light mushrooms / pure silk abstract pattern.
A nostalgic evening with Sash. I rode the e-bike downtown, we had Mexican food at Cantina and watched Roter Himmel at Kinoptikum. Later, we biked to the train station together. We used to do this all the time when we both still lived in LA.
A gorgeous Sunday, roadtripping with Manu and his parents. Two firsts this summer: swimming in the lake and visiting an ice-cream parlour. Singing along to D.I.S.C.O in the car.
An afternoon with Becky, starting out at Gärtnerplatz. Pistachio ice-cream and Vietnamese lunch. Fantastic conversation, as always.
A language tandem session with Carolina. Interpreting a poem together. Kevin made spinach salad with feta and blueberries. Then we played an extension of Catan.
Preparing for the Burn with Frank. Getting water pistols, hippie pants at Indigo, going grocery shopping together.
Munich Micro Burn. I'm so grateful for this experience and it seems like I've found another community I wanna be part of. I'm really vibing with their principles, for example radical self-expression and immediacy. I met a Golden God (Ben), a Welfare Fairy (Chris), my personal Kundalini Supervisor (Davide) and someone who reminded me of Moss from The IT Crowd (Neill - I adore his beautiful energy, his accent and word choice, his creative style). I unexpectedly reunited with someone from my past (Benni) and adopted a human kitty. I was naked a lot, covered in glitter and body art. I shared my cherry lollipop and asked for more (kisses and Celia's cinnamon water) We built a coral reef and walked through the Kodama forest. I was fascinated by Sari and Nils' acro yoga performance. Reality felt like a computer game with lots of side quests and returning characters.
Ben wearing exactly the right colours. Golden yellow, forest green, rusty red. His lilac windbreaker with an 80s jazz pattern. His humour, manner of speech, intelligence. The feline gestures, letting me adopt him. Kissing him was an otherworldly feeling, I can hardly put it in words. The Shooting Star Encounter, as my therapist put it.
Fine dining, surprising conversation topics and the first (and probably last) spaghetti ice-cream of the season with Lena and Sash in Freising.
A cute e-mail from Stephen with some of his vegan baking recipes from Green Tara café.
On the flight from Munich to Paris, I sat next to a physicist who was on his way to Peru as well. He was travelling with colleagues, they were about to go on a road trip through the Andes to perform some tests on lake water. He told me about his Arctic expedition, polar bear scares, snorkelling with sperm whales. I love encounters with adventurers. And I firmly believe that I'll keep attracting interesting people who are actually meant for me as long as I keep radiating this positive energy. Same goes for opportunities, life events. I've been so happy and at ease lately!
The way the Djinn's fingers were dusted in gold in the movie Three Thousand Years of Longing.
Arriving in Cusco. Seeing the glittering lights in the valley. The stars. Friendly people everywhere. Music, celebrations for the Winter Solstice. They put a baby llama into my arms and I couldn't say no. So fluffy. I'm in love with these animals, especially the soft alpacas!
Waking up to THAT view after a night of fun dreams. Cozy. (But the following day I had a dream about all my teeth falling out and, again, that my mum isn't really dead.) A fried egg on toast. Fresh orange juice. Sunshine over the valley and strange flute covers of pop songs in my ear. Crawling back to bed after an icy shower.
People reaching out to me after my post about the last six months.
Talking to Matthias. It feels like we'd known each other forever. I'd love to meet him soon!
My encounter with Edward, an artist who had some of his stone sculptures on display at Museo Inka. I bought two of his quartz pyramids and we talked for at least half an hour (in Spanish I might add, I'm so proud of myself). He told me so much about the local customs and beliefs, for example the Cosmovisión Andina and the significance of the puma, serpent and condor in their culture. And of course we talked about Cusco's rainbow flag.
Sending long distance hugs and good vibes to a crying Sonja (Frank had just told her that her lover has a girlfriend). The llama photo might have helped as well - in any case I got positive feedback.
A big colibri right outside my window. Shaggy llamas crossing my path. Someone blasting Footloose from his studio.
An evening at Cusco Planetarium. I took an Uber up the hill and arrived in the middle of nowhere. A good spot to get murdered... But I followed the path anyway and ran into one of the stargazers. He told me that you need a reservation to enter the observatory BUT there was a group in there right now and I could join them so he ushered me in. There was a short talk about the history of Peruvian culture and astronomy, a display of the northern and southern hemispheres with their respective constellations in the dome (I learned that my mum's favourite star cluster, the Pleiades/Seven Sisters, are part of my birth constellation Taurus and that in South America Orion's belt is called Tres Marias) and then we went outside and marvelled at Mars, Venus, Omega Centauri and the so-called jewel box, a cluster of stars near the Southern Cross, through telescopes. I even got free stickers and a ride back downtown.
Creating a mood light by placing a water bottle on my headlamp.
The most magical morning: I woke up early and decided to take a taxi up to the Pisac archeological park. What I didn't expect: I was the first visitor of the day and had the place to myself for at least 20 minutes! The view was breathtaking. I saw a colibri (buena suerte!), some kind of deer and a bunch of alpacas. I felt light and free with minimal luggage, wearing my new hiking pants. Just sitting on a rock spur, drinking cool water, the sun in my face, not a soul in sight. Enjoying the stillness, imagining what the valley must have looked like a few hundred years ago. My affirmation of the day couldn't have been more spot-on: I'm on the right path. I met someone who showed me the holes in the rock face in front of us which used to be graves! The Incas actually mummified their bodies. I walked down all the way back to the town. I passed a beautiful bush with white blossoms that smelled like honey (and attracted a lot of bees). There was a red and blue bird with spread wings, elegantly gliding through the mountain air. Ancient ruins, purple flowers, crossing a little river. I enjoyed myself tremendously.
At the end of the trail, a vendor gifted my a little bisexual (pink and blue) alpaca pendant and I tried to attract two orange cats by meowing at them but as soon as they realised I was just a boring old human they lost interest and turned around. And then I had a private breakfast party at Kula Café: blue lemonade, coffee, fried egg on avocado toast and their Ocean Bowl. Train's Drops of Jupiter playing in the background (I love the lyrics and coincidentally Jupiter is in Taurus right now!). And I got a message from Dory after dreaming about her the night before. Which happens a lot lately - perhaps I've unlocked psychic powers?!
Attending my first Family Constellations session.
Little treasures: a Peruvian bucket bag. Quartz pyramids. A fluffy jacket and a green hoodie from By Illari. A serpentine obelisk, a tiny golden llama and a serpent.
Drawing (Gaia) oracle cards for myself at a café. And Ari's Osho Zen Tarot cards before and after the breathwork session. Spot-on as always.
Speaking of Arija. We arrived in Guatemala at pretty much the same time - and in Pisac as well. So I reached out (and she happened to read my message even though it'd landed in her spam folder) and visited her for another one of her amazing Shamanic Breathwork sessions. It ended up being a private one because nobody else showed up. I had a very physical experience - my solar plexus was so tense and tingly, my hands and neck were super tight and cramped. Align with your magic came up during one of the breath retentions. Beautiful.
I took a chance and followed an invitation to a stranger's goodbye party. The rapid-fire Spanish in the backyard was overwhelming very quickly so I ended up hanging out with Paul and his cat Qory in his room. The cat had been neutered that day and was still high on ketamine so we looked after him. I felt really lucky lying around in bed with a gorgeous man and a gorgeous cat. We talked a lot. About his experience in the jungle, healing his addiction, growing up in Lima with a bipolar mum, his marriage to a German woman, plant medicine, emotional intelligence and contagion... A special connection, hungry kisses.
All the feline love I've been receiving. I went to Urubamba to try out Somatic Experiencing for the first time and Carola had two beautiful orange cats. One of them was super playful and trusting. There was a tabby kitten with piercing eyes in the supermarket. And Qory is one of the cutest, softest and most vocal cats I've met in a long time. Honorable mention: all the (street) dogs who appreciate my pets and scratchies. / And really all the animals around here. The cows, the goats, alpakas. I even saw a big green parrot on a roof!
I joined Ari's breathwork class as SolSeed on Friday morning and went to other planes of existence. I had to massage my surgery scar a lot because it started hurting. Afterwards my energy had changed and people smiled at me on the street, said hello. My intention had been to be more open and break down the barriers around me. After the session, I drew the Past Lives card. AGAIN. I drew the card before my first session with Ari in October and again on Wednesday. Powerful message for that night's initiation to plant medicine.
More spooky coincidences: I was sitting in Kula Café, researching the meaning of the card (it's the Moon in other decks), then Beck's Blue Moon started playing and Ari herself walked in. Wow. Then I broke my sunglasses - a very literal translation of removing protective measures but I'll take it. Ari actually observed that something's changed about me. That I'm more open and present than when we met in Guatemala.
The remnants of my silver glitter nail polish look like star constellations.
Two long phone calls with Do after a long period of silence. Getting my hopes up that we can repair our friendship. She said I looked alive, spirited, radiant. "Full of life". Which is actually how I feel. (However, I can't really see it - looking into the mirror I see an old face with puffy cheeks and saggy skin. What does it take to make me see my own radiance?)
Petting a doggie at the cafe. Crispy cauliflower. A little abuelita sleeping on my shoulder in the colectivo.
Turning a bad day around. I felt SO grumpy. Bad energies, on edge... I couldn't even stand myself. When my date didn't show up and said he'd be an hour late I ditched him and got a really nice massage instead. Then I found a fantastic vegan restaurant right across the street from my hotel with incredibly friendly staff and delicious food. I've never had such a colourful veggie pizza before - it was like a party on my plate. And their playlist was amazing as well - could've been my own!
Really looking into Paul's eyes for the first time. Noticing that his irises are multicoloured (they are speckled in blue, grey green and brown!) and not the same on both sides. His chaotic energy after accidentally getting a little high on LSD. Leading him through the streets, helping him find the right stores. I'm smitten.
Hiking the Inca Trail with a lovely group. I'm really proud of myself for completing the trek even though it was super hard for me. The views were definitely worth it and so was challenging myself. It's beautiful to see that I can do hard things. I was so anxious before that day but it's another reminder to stay in the present moment to relieve your suffering. Side note: my muscles weren't even sore the next day! Maybe I'm fitter than I thought?
Befriending Bridget on the train back to Ollantaytambo. We talked about our passion for teen drama TV shows, woodworking and found out that we're both an enthusiastic Enneagram type 7. We ended up getting dinner at Vida Vegan together and upon saying our goodbyes I shared my first kiss with a trans woman. My life takes so many unexpected turns these days! We actually spent the following two days together in Cusco - it felt like we'd known each other forever!
Choosing a table by the window not knowing there'd be a kitty sleeping on the bench! The softest boi.
Spending three bucks on a Coachella glitter palette.
Lying down with two warm tamales from Doña Josefina's little street food stall. Yum. The soft consistency and steaminess make them so delicious.
I actually got an Akashic Records reading in Cusco. It was a little different than expected but interesting nevertheless.
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Queeruferlos Nachlese zum CSD Do 17.8 ab 21h + Aktionsplan
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500.000 beim CSD in München - und alles gut? 80.000 Teilnehmende und große Mengen an jubelnden ZuschauerInnen, vom Mariahilfplatz bis zum Marienplatz, die Brücken gesäumt, die Innenstadt überfüllt, die Bühnen lautstark ... oder qualitätsvoll, vomMarienplatz, Odeonsplatz durch die Fußgängerzone bis zum Dom :RESPECT
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Es ist alles gut gegangen, bis auf einige Alkohol-Probleme in der Veranstaltung und etwa 11 Auseinandersetzungen draußen am Rande, die noch aufgearbeitet werden: 23.08. BiMuc meets Strong! – Diskussion zum Thema Diskriminierung mit Dr. Bettina Glöggler von Strong!, der LGBTIQ* Fachstelle gegen Diskriminierung und Gewalt im SuB (Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München e.V. Müllerstraße 14, 80469 München). Einlass ab 19 Uhr, Beginn 19:30 Uhr.
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Alle anderen Bundesländer haben ihn schon: Nur Bayern verzichtete bislang auf einen Aktionsplan gegen Homo- und Trans*-Phobie. „Inakzeptabel!“, finden wir. https://action.allout.org/de/m/911d506e Und wie entsteht nun der queere Aktionsplan? Das Bewusstsein zu queeren Lebensformen und die Fähigkeit, angemessen darüber zu sprechen, entsteht nicht nur aus den alten Kämpfen für die Freiheit von Bestrafung und für die gleichen Rechte, es braucht auch Durchsetzung in Behörden und Justiz, die immer noch im alten denken hängen: Bisexuelle Asyl-Suchende sollen heute noch ihre Sexualität erklären? Die Verfolgung in anderen Ländern hat nicht abgenommen … Queeramnesty.de sollte auch in München wieder belebt werden, genügend erfahrene Refugees gäbe es schon ... Auf Queeruferlos im Radio Lora München 92,4 im Netz auf http://lora924.de am 13.4.23 ab 21h eine Stunde im Gespräch: IDAHOBIT am 17.5. und der CSD am 24.6.23 , das Kulturprogramm auf dem Odeonsplatz, mit „Respect“, der Bisexuelle Stammtisch http://bi.eineweltnetz.org im http://cafe-glueck.com und sonstige mögliche Präsenzen, Treffen und aktuelle Ereignisse … Die Redaktion von Queeruferlos sendet am 1.+-2.+3. Donnerstag des Monats ab 21h auf Lora München 92,4 jeweils eine knappe Stunde, und die Themen der Bisexualität und all der Übergänge zwischen den Geschlechtern nach der alten Dualität und Heteronorm erweiternd, nicht nur an Fasching, Idahobit, CSD und Bisexualität-Sichtbarkeitstag am 23.September … Nachzuhören auf http://queeruferlos.de Queeruferlos.de zum Slutwalk am Do 21h auf Radio Lora924.de zum Sa 13.7.23 von 15-16.30h Marienplatz und Gärtnerplatz
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Feministische Initiative und Demo | Slutwalk München
Der Slutwalk München ist eine intersektional-queerfeministische Initiative. Unsere Gruppe organisiert eine jährliche Demonstration in München. Unser Protest richtet sich gegen Victim Blaming und Slut Shaming sowie für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung.… Instagram oder Facebook sind natürlich nur für Insider und Konzern-Beliefernde mit Daten ... Read the full article
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München, Aperol Spritz an der Bude 10 Eura, gelbe Fliesen in der U- Bahn, humorvoll rasiertes auf Gastro - Schild, Propyläen, Regenstopp bei Currywurst, der runde Platz ist übrigens der Gärtnerplatz.
München im Juli 2023
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“The Gärtnerplatz Gang” | Generation Wembley | Episode 3: Black and Yellow
#bastian schweinsteiger#holger badstuber#mario gomez#mario gómez#fc bayern münchen#fc bayern#fc bayern munich#fc hollywood#generation wembley#videos#bri’s gifs
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