#future tribe
kizaba · 4 months
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Future ancestral << @kizabalk >>
Crédit photo : @yzz.jpeg
Assistance : @marilynetania
#future #musicstudio
#futuristic #photo #media
#afro #futuro #instalike
#artgallery #spotify #arts
#spotifyplaylist #conceptart
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cimmeria-writes · 1 year
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for @kataang-week -- day 4: cultural exchange
(ID: a digital drawing of katara and aang from atla. they're wearing clothing from each other's cultures. katara is wearing a yellow chuba with red trim, an orange shirt, a chumpi belt, and boots. she has one necklace with small turquoise beads and one with large yellow beads. aang is wearing a parka with a thick fur hood and black-and-white geometric patterns, and dark blue pants. he also has mittens and large boots on. they're smiling at each other, with pink hearts floating between them.
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weaponizedducks · 5 months
zutara is my very favourite dynamic because they're just judgy bitch besties together. stupid shenanigans duo. impulsive yelling duo. sokka is like 90 percent of their impulse control so when he's gone they go haywire. this is even canon sokka leaves them alone for one minute and suddenly they're off to kill a guy. good for them. let them be crazy besties together, striking fear into the hearts of sexist twats
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maeljade · 6 days
Alright, you all asked for it to be put to text so I shall give you all the Mael lore and backstory! With occasional annotations to explain decisions!
Firstly, a short introduction for those not familiar with her! She is an Au Ra Xaela and if you'd ask her she'd say that she is of the Dotharl.
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Her actual story and history is a tiny bit more complicated then that. Born to a small, peaceful tribe (*1) she grew up relatively well, learning hunting, reading and writing during visits to Reunion and learning to herd the animals of her tribe. As she became a teenager she was deemed old enough to travel to Reunion alone to trade for some items her tribe required-
On her way back from Reunion she saw several animals of her tribes herds running away from their encampment, with smoke billowing out of it. Rushing towards it she found naught but death and destruction, with her family either slain or nowhere to be found(*2). Searching the entire encampment the only thing she could find was a dagger with her name engraved upon it, which her parents had planned to give to her as a birthday gift and marking her as a full member of the tribe once she returned from Reunion.
Falling to despair she mourned her tribes fate until she heard the sounds of people approaching. Hiding in the ruins she watched as a group of blue clad Xaela approached the village and explored it. Blinded by her grief she thought them responsible for the destruction she decided to claim vengeance and ambushed several of them as they explored the ruins, knocking them unconscious. She succeeded at these attacks until she tried to jump their leader, a young woman only a few summers older then herself. Unfortunately for her this young Xaela was Sadu Dotharl and she saw herself outmatched and quickly defeated and disarmed.
One of the men that she had knocked out had since recovered and demanded they kill her for embarrassing and defeating him in an ambush. As he moved for the kill Mael defiantly spat in his face, awaiting a blow that would never come. Impressed by her bravery in the face of death and the strength she had shown in her ambush Sadu had stopped his blade before it could touch her and instead offered an arm towards her, congratulating her on a fearlessness of death befitting a Dotharl and offering Mael a place with them. From that day forth Mael was known as one of the Dotharl, a brave young fighter who looked up to and aspired to be like Sadu in all things.
The next few years went by without many things of importance happening until Mael was sent to Bardams Mettle to become a full warrior of the steppes and to join the Dotharl in the next Naadam. Clearing the first challenge with ease, she arrived at the Tests of Bardam. Seeing the falling star something inside her broke free and she collapsed unconscious, beset by visions, sights and memories. Places she had never visited, people she didnt know, events she never witnessed. In these visions she saw faces she was certain she had never before seen yet their names of these people were at the tip of her tongue, places that did not exist in the steppes she had never left but she knew what would happen next anyways. Plagued by these dreams she was found several days later by a group of Dotharl who had come in search of her, returning her to Dotharl Khaa and caring for her.
After a short while she made a full recovery, recounting what had happened to Sadu and saying that ever since the trial she had heard a faint voice calling for her to travel westward and explore the world. Looking into her eyes and soul Sadu declared that Mael had a Travelers Soul, yearning to see the wider world and decreed that she should follow her souls desire, the visions she had experienced her previous lives memories and guide.
After some preparations Sadu and the Dotharl wished her farewell and Sadu commanded her to grow strong on her travels and to show her strength by challenging her once Mael returned from her travels.
And thats Maels backstory, what happened before the games begin and how she came to Eorzea! Thank you all for reading and if you have any questions I will happily answer them!
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thisisrealy2kok · 5 months
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Space Tribe - "2000 O.D." (1999)
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torgawl · 5 months
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i love how boethius either says the most depraved things or the gayest phrases known to men
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veespee · 5 months
Do you know anything or at least like anything about future Noah from the rendezvous video in tribetwelve? If you do, may you write headcanons for him? I wanna see what you think he'd do and stuff if that's okay<3 (I think you might know who I am, if you remember the Sean and firebrand headcanons..)
eheheh yeah ik :3 and sure! i think Future Noah is a cool character, but sorry if these are short, i don't have lots of ideas for him :(. also, I'll be referring to him as 'Ren' since it's shorter and easier to write. ik his name isn't Rendezvous, i just think it'd be pretty damn cool if he was called that.
(also sorry this took so long, i have a packed schedule rn and no creativity 😭)
Rendezvous/Future Noah headcanons
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-I don't know why, but i think he'd just have the COLDEST stare ever. Like the guy stares into your soul. And he's also very quiet and serious, that's why i think he's like Firebrand. But i think Ren is more cold. Firebrand has compassion, and he really cares for his other versions. I feel that Ren sees his other versions as idiots, except for Firebrand. He definitely thinks Prebrand is a smelly weirdo, and he Noah as a loser. Though he does help them out, as he has some knowledge that could be helpful.
I think Ren's actually very smart. Although not Firebrand level, as Ren is revealed to have been stuck for about a month, which is a small period compared to Prebrand. Although he's significantly more sane. And i think that's why he's so knowledgeable, he's still sane and logical, and he knows what's going on. Prebrand's off the deep end, Ren is not.
-Also i think he has a good relationship with Firebrand. From the 'Rendezvous' video, Ren talks pretty highly of Firebrand. He's more levelheaded and cautious, so he's smart enough to understand that Firebrand only wants to help. Noah doesn't, he's stubborn and angry, so he can't understand. But Ren keeps trying to be (somewhat) respectful and explain to Noah why Firebrand is so important.
-Lastly, i think he'd honestly be kinda hard to have a conversation with. Like he gives me kinda cocky, pretentious vibe? But not in an intentional, 'i'm better than you' way, he just has that 'UM ACTUALLY' vibe. Also he would 10000% correct people's grammar. Like if Noah ever made a spelling or grammar mistake, he'd be sooo quick to correct him. Even when just talking.
anyways that's all i got for now :3 also i made the gif since I couldn't find one 😭 thank you for the request!🖤
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bubblepopsims · 9 months
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Photoshoot <-
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koiblossom5 · 6 days
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I saw the "in my cups over them," so consider this a general prompt to ramble about them! Tell me anything and everything. I have to know more. 👀
Hi @halfalgorithm-halfdeity I struggle to get a lot of my Muireann and Hien thoughts wrangled down because they're tied up in the "chewing through tables over rediscovering your culture after being colonised and the systematic erasure of your culture and heritage" that Stormblood sends me through (truly, an expansion for My Interests /gestures at Ireland's 800 years of oppression BUT I DIGRESS)
Hien and Muireann meet each other at the best possible time to work but also it's the worst time for them to realise it. (on reading back I do not actually explain this - basically if they met earlier Hien wouldn't have made his own plans for sacrifice/rebellion and Muireann wouldn't have been running from her feelings and grief, and if they met later Muireann would have had a chance to fully wall herself off emotionally. But because they meet when they do, Muireann is still wrangling with her emotional mess and cannot admit that she has feelings for Hien and that makes it a mess for both of them)
Spoilers for ARR through to Shadowbringers intro under the cut, mostly Stormblood.
Muireann is fresh off of Y'shtola collapsing a tunnel on herself at the end of ARR, Haurchefant fucking dying in her arms, then Y'shtola coming back but now they're both different but maybe there are feelings but it's Complicated now, and then Y'shtola getting almost killed by Zenos and Muireann goes with the contingent to help in Doma in large part to avoid all the feelings that seeing the woman she fully changes the course of her life for get cut down right in front of her and she couldn't do Anything. Muireann is going to Doma to harden her heart back up. Because heartbreak causes mistakes in her calculations and mistakes cost lives, and against Zenos that could mean an absolutely devastating loss of life.
Hien has spent the last year-ish of his life recovering from almost dying after watching Zenos kill his father in front of him. The smart move would have been to then flee but he put his people above his own life (also likely a Terrible way to cope with seeing your dad sliced open in front of you but yanno). He knows that what little military might they had before that rebellion is gone. So he makes a plan. One that only works if several extremely unlikely things happen in succession because he has this plan before the Scions turn up.
So when they first meet and Hien's response to "we have spent days changing their minds so the people ask for your sword" was "I will simply win the Naadam even though I am only a little while recovered and have had maybe a few months to attempt to get back into fighting shape" it honestly kind of short-circuited her brain. Because it was the only logical path forward but it was an incredibly risky plan with so many opportunities to go horribly wrong and it was presented as though it was simple. Because it also was a very simple plan. For the best chance of success with the least amount of lives lost they needed more fighters. This is the most efficient way to gain social standing with the most amount of people in order to make this request. It's essentially then just a process of Muireann's own feelings wearing down her bullheaded stubbornness to get her to admit the fact she has feelings to herself after she had decided that she Was Not Going To Care About Anyone Else Like That.
Hien was faced with a pretty elf that was quiet and reserved but when she did speak up it was largely related to tactics and strategy. Someone who clearly knew what she was talking about but that did not align with how she would have been described (powerful mage, vicious witch, breaker of gods). Then he sees her in battle. And she summons a dragon. To save him? Probably her brother. But maybe also him? Maybe just him?
The two proceed to flirt with each other obtusely while internally talking themselves out of the sheer notion that the other person is interested in them. The post-Naadam Doma arc for these two drives me fully insane I am obsessed with them.
When they eventually do get their shit together at the end of Stormblood they continue the trend of internally making assumptions about the other person and what kind of future they want. And so they pointedly avoid any and all conversation about the future and their feelings beyond "enjoying each other's company". At this point they're both fully smitten, head over heels, cannot imagine a future without each other. Neither of them say this to each other.
Then the strange headaches start.
Then people start falling into magic, soul-snatched comas.
Muireann initially continues to assume that she'll be fine because she has the Echo. Then during the fight at the Ghimlyt Dark where Hien, Yugiri and Lyse hold off Zenos until Murieann and the rest of her party arrive Muireann and Hien both have to face the fact that they are in fact In Love with the other person. Do they say this to each other? No. Of course not. (though in their defense this time Murieann was whisked back to Ishgard with the rest of the gang to recover closer to the rest of the Scions).
In Ishgard Muireann finds out that her brother has fallen into a coma. She's completely distraught both at the potential loss of her brother and also at the realisation that the Echo won't protect her. And she has never told Hien how she feels. She hastily writes a letter because she needs to get it out of her before the fear strikes again, and also because they have a lead at the Crystal Tower that she needs to follow up on. That letter is dispatched and mere hours later Hien is notified that Muireann has also fallen into a magic coma.
Hien then bullies convinces the remaining Scions to let Muireann's body rest in Doma. The offered logic being that if all the Scions and Warriors of Light are resting in the same spot, it would be very easy for Garlemald to blow up one building and be rid of the most persistent thorn in their side. A larger reason is because Muireann's confession letter opens with "I wish I could tell you this in person" and he stops reading. Gets her body safe in Doma. And waits.
Because there is something she wanted to tell him (and something he wants to tell her).
Anyway that's the cliff notes version of Them leading into Shadowbringers. They give me fucking Hives (I am obsessed).
Just two people piecing together what their heritage means to them in the present after attempts at destroying it.
A disaster-sexual wizard and a prince who loves women who can kerb stomp him.
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wisdomseeker02 · 2 years
Tarot services
❤Pick a card (Pick a couple t-shirt)❤
How will your fs show you love? <3
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1 2 3
Please REBLOG so this message can reach more people and my effort not to have been for nothing. Thank you! 💕
Group 1 😻: Your fs will buy you things to show you they love you. They will gift you things all the time. Some will even be making these gifts themselves. They will also tell you they love you, they will tell you how great and amazing you are, they'll tell you how grateful they are to have you. But not only you, they will also tell other people how amazing you are, and how grateful they are. They might even leave you letters, send you sweet messages. You might even inspire them to write poetry or something like that, and put it out for the world to see. For some I'm getting that they might not text other women/men to show you their love. They might show you love through affectionate physical touches. They might give you flowers, jewelry, stones, crystals, rings, gifts like that. They might give you money as well, to show you love. Their love language is most probably gift-giving.
Group 2 🌎: Your fs will show you their love by being really successful, being the financial authority of this relationship and providing for you. They'll also show you their love by making time for you, paying attention to you, going to dates with you, spending a lot of time with you, no matter the fact that they have a successful career to attend to. They will be disciplined enough to handle the home/work balance and spend a lot of time with you regardless. They might even have problems at work, or somewhere else, but they will always make time for you, to take care of you. So their love language is most probably quality time.
Group 3 🐈‍⬛️: Your fs will show you love by helping you when you get sad. They will bring you up, when you get down. Help you out, when you've lost something. They will show you love by doing things for you. By taking care of you. They'll really like to do things for you, help you out, and be of service to you. They give off sub vibes tbh. They'll want to give you the world, they'll be willing to do anything for you, anything you tell them to do. They'll want to fulfill all your desires. They'll have the intention to do anything to make you happy, and give you anything you want. Their love language most probably is acts of service.
If you'd like to help me out and encourage me to make more pick-a-cards like this, you can tip me here ❤️
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zhoufeis · 1 year
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[2/10] FAVORITE ON-SCREEN KISSES ↳ Look at him. Why is he here? Have you asked yourself that? Because he loves you, dummy. And you love him.
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cimmeria-writes · 1 year
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(ID: A digital drawing of Keema and Jun from The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez. Keema has chin length brown hair, and is wearing a terra cotta colored shirt and purple pants. He holds a spear and looks over at Jun, smiling slightly. Jun is wearing a blue wrap shirt and black pants tightened at the waist and shins with cord. He holds a red demon mask. The background is teal, a thin crescent moon between them. The other images are close ups of their faces. END ID.)
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astridellejo · 2 years
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Asami and Korra out for a stroll.
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morgleaf · 1 year
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heyyy u made it!! so glad u showed up uhhh here’s some stuff that i may or may not be obsessed with ( o˘◡˘o)
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♡┊꒰ movies ꒱ — the outsiders (1983), the karate kid (1984), the breakfast club (1985), back to the future (1985), ferris bueller’s day off (1986), my cousin vinny (1992), remember the titans (2000), napoleon dynamite (2004), roll bounce (2005)
♡┊꒰ songs ꒱ — every little thing she does is magic by the police, oh my god by a tribe called quest, gloria (mono version) by them, self by noname, boogie nights by heatwave, when i b on tha mic by rakim, dirty laundry by don henley, roadrunner (once) by the modern lovers & jonathan richman
♡┊꒰ other ꒱ — rotary phones, drive-in theaters, july, sunburns, discos, old burger joints, cool breezes, when the waiter puts a cherry in your shirley temple, laughing so hard your stomach starts to hurt, beat up sneakers, old magazines with crinkly pages, roller skating, derry girls, columbo
♡┊꒰ 80s ꒱ — music, movies, fashion, graphic design, magazines, illustration, television, and pop culture (and literally anything ralph macchio related)
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