#future diary official art
yunoteru4ever · 4 months
The rare Mirai Nikki Clear POSTER*
ETA: @sunniedesi has since clarified that this image is from a clear POSTER, not a clear file. So I was totally barking up the wrong tree in the post below, but I'll leave the explanation anyway.
I'm betting most people following this blog already know this, but just in case anyone isn't yet familiar with the phenomenon of "Clear Files"... these are a very common form of pop culture merchandise in Japan. These are folders typically made of semi-translucent plastic, and you can often find them adorned with all sorts of marketable characters.
I bring this up because there's a particular Mirai Nikki "Clear File" that contains a piece of anime artwork I've never seen elsewhere. And the only photos I found of this Clear File online are in incredibly poor quality.
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That's it right there. This isn't the only Clear File based on Future Diary that was made, mind you... but it's the only one I know of that contains artwork I've not seen elsewhere. I've never seen this one for sale in the wild, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone else in the fandom has.
So if anybody out there has come across this or (hopefully) already owns one... a better photo or a scan of the thing would be GREATLY appreciated. :)
ETA: Again, this turned out to actually be a semi-translucent POSTER. My bad.
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otomekitty12 · 4 months
Day 1 Anime for @alt-zadr-b1tch3z This is a rush job and I did it all today. It took me so long because I kept nickpicking myself and telling myself it was bad because drawing anime style is harder for me then drawing them like in the Invader Zim style.
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Hey, @modmad, I made this RGB figure from polymer clay because I absolutely LOVE TPoH and needed this in my life to sit on my desk. Seriously, your comic is one of the best things I’ve ever read - I adore it so much - the intricacy and cleverness of the characters and plot, the foreshadowing / metaphors I never could have come up with, and the awesome art!!
I made a mini comic as part of my end of school major artwork, along with figures like this, and I referenced TPoH in both my process diary (I annotated the sequence where RGB and Hero escape Click by using the cane to slingshot away) and in the official description of the work.
It ended up getting into a gallery on display, so now your name is listed there as a source of inspiration!!
Thank you for reading this, and I need you to know how much I love what you do. I can’t wait to see where TPoH goes in the future, and I hope you like my rendition of RGB!! :D
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melonminnie · 2 years
Hello! I'm back, hehehe well I came to ask you something, would you be willing to write for action manhwas? Sorry is that I am addicted to them, blame daddy sung jinwoo.
Leaving the topic, can I have more yandere platonic but this time from Who made me a princess? I have a scenario, maybe the reader was a girl fed up with her life, so you know, she killed herself and ended up opening her eyes in this manhwa and worst of all, she is a rejected daughter of claude.
So in order to survive, she hides from him, contrary to what Atty would do, she decides she doesn't want his attention. She already suffered a lot in her other life from being ignored and crushed by others, as if her feelings were nothing more than garbage and dog poop. That's why this time he doesn't even try, like have you seen the female leads in almost every manhwa quwrer to live and shit? Well, our dear reader DOES NOT WANT TO LIVE, she is tired and fed up with everything.
But imagine if, by chance, an old diary is found in an abandoned library in the ruby palace (forgot to say, but this is 4 years before the initial story, so my reader is 7 at the time) going back to the diary, she He finds it and it turns out that it is magical. So somehow he travels to the past through this book and without thinking he wanders through the old palace finding Claude crying as a child. Because the reader doesn't give a damn about her life, she begins to establish a friendship because if she was already here, why waste this opportunity? he also hates the adult claude ironically he is his dad.
All that shit from his childhood happens and for 4 years the reader goes back and forth from the past to the future, we reach the point where the adult claude remembers that girl a lot and becomes obsessed with finding her since she was his emotional support. Sorry for all that stuff, now imagine that the plot begins and our reader knows it, that's why she decides to run away taking some money (for some reason she became friends with Felix and he gave her 500 gold coins so she can run away) Like reader hates attention, leaves the palace and lives in a cabin, now we move on to claude still having those dreams with that little girl who was becoming a woman, this was always platonic but he is obsessed with finding her, he promised as a child to return all his care and comfort.
She's the only one who knows him best, but we know the reader doesn't care about anyone and just wants to die in a quiet place.
Annnd, you can develop this better, in the end I would like claude to find out that his daughter has always been his best friend in some way and end up locking her up to prevent her from leaving again. I do not know
And I leave you a gift again, hehehe I edited it for a fanfic that I will never finish or publish
(PS: I traced the lineart of the official art, but the coloring is mine and it is based on that scene, this is already old so it has errors)
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-Hihi I’m glad you’re back!! Unfortunately I doubt I’ll be writing for adventure manhwa at the moment sense I only read romance at the moment but maybe in the future! Reader has the same appearance as athy, fyi your art always amazes me!! Thank you for requesting mwah 🫶🫶
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“Why would she want to die?” Asked one of the dead girls friends, “dunno she had everything yet she became greedy” said the other, standing in front her grave, if the girl was still alive she would’ve choked her, only a pathetic person would be able to make fun of a person in-front their own grave.
Well it’s not like she heard it anyway, and frankly if she did at the moment she wouldn’t care, “I mean she was pathetic with her reincarnation thing and reading fake stuff about it” the friend continued her rant, As she woke up in a non existent body in one of the first novels she’d ever read, but knowing where she was and who’s daughter she was.
To tell the truth, she had reincarnated as the non existent oldest daughter of claude de Alger obelia, the same person who almost drowned his daughter the first he hung around with her, the same person who also killed said daughter in her point of view before she reincarnated, Now she didn’t want the same path, of course she didn’t do the same thing as athanansia did with the rubys, money and gold.
Instead she opted to just hiding away from everyone, it was almost like she was purposely isolating herself, but the maids took it as a joke as she was still a young kid, almost anytime she tired hiding away, one of the maids would find her and then take her back to her room, So she started exploring the entirety of the ruby palace, from up to bottom every bedroom and bathroom.
So of course she soon found the abandoned library, sure it was hard to open the door, but she managed!.
Upon entering said library, it was clear it hadn’t been touched nor used for a very long time, as she took steps her shoes would leave footprints from the dust on the floor, every book she touched had collected dust, While looking around her eyes seemed to wander to a nearly unheard of twinkling sound coming, it sounded sweet almost as if it was luring her in, she searched everywhere to find the source of the sound, which she did!.
It was a old diary frankly she didn’t know it was one till she opened it and read the contents of it, it didnt have a label only twinkling stars surrounding it, of course as a curious 7 year old who can read, she decided to read it.
At first it was boring, the handwriting was messy, as if a child was writing it, it started as writing about what they did throughout the day, it was clear that this diary belonged to someone who had a high noble status.
Soon the soft twinkling noises became cackling noises, it was extremely loud to her ears,but she nonetheless continued, flipping it till she reached a point where the cackling noises sounded so loud that it resembled gun noises, she slowly covered her ears and tried running away from the book.
But she couldn’t, why?, the dust had become fog, just slightly more browner, so with her still covering her ears, coughing sounds erupted from her throat, her eyes becoming watery so she had to close them, she kneeled to the floor continuously coughing as the dust began entering her nose.
Her hands quickly moved from her ears, to her mouth and nose, once everything had settled, and the blonde could finally breathe properly, she slowly opened her eyes, they were met with greenery instead of a dusty library, now this was confusing, as she knew she didn’t walk out of the library.
Because of course she couldn’t, and to her knowledge she didn’t inherit any magical powers, of course it no longer looked like she was in ruby palace, this place was way to extravagant to ruby palace!.
Now she couldn’t go back unless she finds out a way, so she decided to wander around for a bit!.
The blonde haired girl was getting tired, usually she would walk longer, but her legs were giving out, she of course was scared of getting noticed by who ever owns or works here, she’d already worked so hard to not die nor meet any important character, why does she need to die now after being alive for 7 years?.
So she opted to sitting behind a tree hiding her body from everyone, “I’ll just sit here till I gain my strength back!” She thought, she’d lived quietly her entire life, of course this would’ve been easy.
If she wasn’t a noisy person, not even a minute had passed before she started hearing hiccuping noises, it sounded like a boy was crying, whether she wanted to know who was crying or didn’t, it see,ed like her body was punishing her as it started moving by itself to the crying sounds.
There was a boy who was older then her maybe 10?, his appearance matched Claude’s appearance exactly!, but then there was his brother, who looked the same, the girl was standing behind him obviously just starring at him, of course he felt a sudden stare on him, so to his surprise he finds a tiny girl with blue eyes gawking at him.
“What are you staring at?!” He asked slightly embarrassed that someone had caught him crying his eyes out, “Well obviously you your the only person here!” She answered back deciding to sit next to him, “So what where you crying about also what’s your name!” She asked not really caring about what he was crying about, wanting to find out his name only.
“Claude” he mumbled turning his head the other way to whip his tears away, “O-oh” frantically she was quite disappointed, but if this was her hill to die on so be it!, she died once she wouldn’t be scared of facing death again right?, “Well?, aren’t you going to tell me your name” he demanded, “Name..” she answered.
“Then claude, do you want to be my friend?” She extended her hand to his smiling, “W-what do you know who you want to be friends with?” He asked, “yes I do know so do you or do you not?” She asked again, clearly nervous of getting rejected again by the same man who rejected her as a grown adult, being friends with your dad isn’t the best especially when you’ve never personally known him.
“Fine!” He accepted the seven year olds request shaking her hand in confirmation.
“Great” she whispered smiling happily.
“Great..” he said glancing at her hand then eyes.
Of course she found out that by simply it turning night she would return to her original world, the world where the only people who knew of her existence were the maids and lowly knights assigned to the ruby palace, It was good opportunity for the girl cause returning from both worlds affects the timeline greatly, when she’d go to child claude and return at night, It would also become night.
Which meant the maids could leave her alone for days at times, so that’s how the cycle continued, of course every time she returned claude would age up continuously he’d age up a lot in the four years she’d been with him.
In those four years, claude had told her about every aspect of his life, the way his step mother treated him, his brother, family issues, favorite food, Felix, claude slowly realized he’d grown a fond of his friend, he felt like she was a mini version of him, he didn’t notice the way she still looked younger while he looked older, he’d never notice that.
At some point the blonde haired girl knew she needed to stop being around him, it was so that so she doesn’t affect the story line, she’d never want that of course, and so when y/n turned 11, she’d known she’d need to stop, as the storyline was so close to happening, she slowly forced herself to forget she’d ever meet her father as a kid, she knew she needed to stop when he mentioned that his newborn daughter looked like a split image of her.
Now claude would never forget about the friend he made in the garden, how could he?, the way he met her to him was fascinating, he was determined to find her, As the now older man ran a hand threw his hair, he didn’t remember much of you, he remembered how you looked like, he’d know you if he spotted you anywhere, but he just can’t seem to find you anywhere?.
Were you a fairy or an angel?, or were you the ghost of his daughter from another life haunting him as a child.
“Felix!!” The young girl yelled running up to the red haired man, “y/n how are you?” He asked bowing to her, Felix never met you as a child he’d found you behind a tree asleep and took you back when you were eight, ever since he’d been giving you gold to help you escape, as he knew you’d never want to meet your oh so scary dad that you accidentally met when he was a kid.
He just presumed you’d heard rumors about how he killed his own lover afterbirth alongside all his concubines in the palace you’d been at your entire life.
“This time” she breathed heavily as she’d been running, “give me 500 gold please” the blonde begged clasping her hands together mustering the cutest face she could pull off, the red head chuckled softly before handing you 300, “hey! I said 500 not 300”
“Y/n come on what do you need 500 for?”
“Why are you asking please just give it promise you won’t ever see me again” she pleaded with him, “fine don’t let anyone find out though” , he sighed before handing an extra 200.
“Of course I won’t!” The girl replied before running away waving him off with a smile.
“His majesty must never find out..” he mutter returning back to his duties or precisely to Claude’s office.
Y/n kept her promise, she had snuck out in the middle of the night leaving almost everything behind except things she held dearly, and had bought a cabin far away from the capital.
As the years passed by y/n turned 22, it had been a long time sense she’d seen Claude, she’d heard of him of course and her sister athanasia, sense the two had a huge age gap, her younger sister had turned 15 recently, she’d wished she could’ve celebrated with her but she knew if she ever went back there something she’d never want to happen will happen.
Claude had frequent dreams of his childhood friend turning older, claude was forgetting her appearance, it was irritating to him, So the man knew that she wasn’t hiding in the capital she was on the outskirts of it.
He’d heard her say she’d hope to get a cabin on the outskirts of the capital in one of his dreams, Felix knew what was happening to claude wasn’t great he’d tried to stop him multiple times, “are you telling me what I can and can’t do?” Claude asked Felix as the redhead had held his body forbidding him from escaping.
“Your majesty your losing your mind over a nonexistent person” Felix yelled at him, “nonexistent? Felix do you know what the fuck your telling me right now?” The man replied, he cursed him out to no end that night, Felix was getting tired of it, the emperor was going insane over his daughter whom he hadn’t talked nor seen for 22 years, yet now he wanted to talk to her?.
Felix knew where you lived as you made the purchase with his money and he got mail saying he bought a cabin, he threw it out not caring what you did with the money.
Claude was smiling manically the day he knew where you lived, “your highness are you sick?” Felix asked, “No why would you ask that” he replied leaning his head on his hand starring at the paperwork.
Of course, claude knew who you were now, that you were his daughter, that you were the same person who he had met as a desperate kid with no friends.
Claude’s obsession was growing out of proportion, when claude found out where his precious daughter was, he stormed over there an hour later, Felix tried everything possible in his ability to stop him.But he couldn’t.
In those years that you had lived in the cabin your only thought, that was to die, but you couldn’t. You lived in a cabin for no reason, the purpose you couldn’t complete anymore.
While you were asleep, you heard a huge bang at you door, quickly getting up, she opened the door, revealing a tall male with blonde hair and diamond like blue eyes.
Claude starred at his daughter, daggers almost, “I’ve finally found you y/n” he smiled, it was terrifying, how did he find you?, how did he even know who you are, this was absolute hell, the girl tried shutting the door but his grip was stronger then hers, “you can’t run away from now” he said “my daughter” he pushed. The door open and pulled her into a one sided hug.
It was terrifying being held by the same man whom you have been trying to avoid for the past 22 years of your life, he found you like it was nothing, the way he was hugging you was almost bone crushing.
He swiftly knocked you out, knowing the moment he left go of you you’d try to escape.
And he’d never ever let you leave his side ever again, you’ll be forced with the title of the princess whether you like it or not.
Befriending claude de Alger obelia was the worst mistake you’d ever made.
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On a side note my request are always open! I don’t bite 🫶
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argumentl · 5 months
What sort of blog is TTD? Does Kaoru post regularly on it? Does it contain videos, photos and benefits for birthday events and such? Is it language-friendly? Will I be able to access previous content? How far back should I go to be able to answer Kaoru Quiz? What's the difference between Dir en grey fan club? Sorrt for too many asks.
All good questions!
•Kaoru posts on his blog twice a month, specifically every 2nd and 4th Friday. It consists of an update about the last two weeks, a back dated tour diary, and a q&a corner, but there is also usually different extras thrown in there each time too. There are usually a lot of photos, and often also two or three videos each time, including a diary voice recording.
•No birthday benefits, but if you ask him for a birthday wish in the q&a corner, you might get one. To me, it seems like this is where he is extremely generous. He answers a lot of questions from fans every time. You can submit questions to him anytime, through the 'Mail' tab.
•Its always possible to use an online translator for the written parts of the blog, but he does also post official english translations of each update. These are accessible for each new post one week after the japanese versions are posted. Unfortunately, he doesn't yet have any english subtitles on any of his videos though, not that I can see anyway.
•When you join, you won't be able to access back numbers freely, but you can access them by paying for each one as you wish.
•You won't be able to take the Kaoru quiz now, as submissions for it have already closed, but you can check out the questions by signing up now and seeing the last update from April. There is a chance he may do another one in the future though!
•The difference between TTD and the fan club is quite huge. With the fan club you get access to concert tickets and Haiiro no ginka. With TTD you get an insight into Kaoru's daily life, his personality, and chance to communicate with him directly. Whenever Kaoru holds events like his art exhibitions or talk events, you can also use TTD to apply for these.
If you are a fan of Kaoru, joining TTD will make your life a million times better. That's how it made me feel anyway!
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sunnydaleherald · 1 month
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, August 9th
BUFFYBOT: (OS) Anya! BUFFYBOT: How is your money? ANYA: (laughs in surprise) Fine. Thank you for asking.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Back-up Plans by veronyxk84 (Spike & Clem, PG-13)
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Who's a Good Kitten? by Anonymous (Angelus/Fred, M)
Scientific Inquiry by Anonymous (Angel/Spike/Maggie Walsh, E)
The Other Side of Corporeal by Anonymous (Angel/Darla/Drusilla/Spike, M)
Expectations by mmooch (Buffy, Big Bang Theory crossover, T)
Favours and Flowers by Diary (Angel, Fred, Supernatural crossover, G)
Dreamt of Drowning by Anonymous (Spike/Drusilla, T)
Willow tells Xander she's bisexual by Johanna6Cats (Willow/Xander, G)
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The Taste Of A Heart Beating by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Buffy season 8 " Wicked me", Chapter 8 by FreyStewart (Buffy/Angel, not rated)
Slayer & Rose Bride, Chapter 11 (complete!) by acpendra, Sparkle 94 (acpendra) (Buffy, Shoujo Kakumei Utena | Revolutionary Girl Utena crossover, M)
Darkness and Desire - Book - 01 - Hex Born, Chapter 7 by zxandris (Buffy, Willow, Tara, multiple crossovers, E)
Enter Sunnydale, Chapter 3 by Philister (Faith, Transformers crossover, M)
Further From Home, Chapter 2 by zombiesam (Buffy/Giles, E)
Who Are You Now? Chapter 2 by Mirrored_Illusions (Buffy, NCIS crossover, G)
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School of Hard Knocks, Chapter 11 (complete!) by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Rebirth: A Stargate Tale, Chapter 12 by Buffyworldbuilder (Ensemble, Stargate crossover, FR13)
2024 FaD Tribbles, Chapter 2 by mmooch (Oz, Harry Potter crossover, FR13)
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What the Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 58 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Tale as Old as Time, Chapter 14 (complete!) by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Task Mistress, Chapters 2-4 by HappyWhenItRains (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip: There is a Geppetto in the house! by KneeHighMischief (Puppet!Angel, worksafe)
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Screencaps with lyrics: Lyrical, Chapters 1-11 by scratchmeout (PG-13)
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Artwork: Spike by isevery0nehereverystoned (partial nudity, probably worksafe)
Artwork: they've probably had better dates... by mistyintherivers (Giles/Jenny, worksafe)
Artwork: a little buffy drawing by teenaween (worksafe)
Artwork: Joyce has invited him to bookclub before without a DOUBT! by tothetoonandback (Spike & Joyce, worksafe)
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Fanvid: ► Dynasty [Buffy & Stefan] by WeCanTry (The Vampire Diaries crossover)
Fanvid: Cordelia Chase - Primadonna Girl by TheOverlookedOne
Fanvid: Forsaken: Buffy v Lestat ("Official Trailer) by Brendan Ryan
Artwork: My kinda ok #btvs #drawings ❤️ by Wolvyn Woods (Buffy, Faith, Tara, Willow, Spike, worksafe)
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel - I Dont Care (remake) by Angelus_Clips
Fanvid: Buffy + Angel She’s my wind by AshleyBurchettAJLeefanlove23love
Fanvid: Wesley&Lilah | Vampire Smile by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Music video: Are You Afraid of Buffy's Goosebumps? - CRACK HORROR | Official Video | by Whalley Exchange
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Video: My thoughts on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by The Autistic Buffy
Video: Buffy 2.11 Ted by Jen Katz and Ryan Something
Video: BUFFY the VAMPIRE SLAYER already has me HOOKED by Ashleigh Burton
Video: The Dated Vision of Buffy’s 23rd Century Future by PanelHopper
Video: Analyzing Buffy: Do You Wanna Hear My Philosophy? | 1x01: Welcome to the Hellmouthby The Bronze
Video: Analyzing Buffy by The Bronze
Video: Same Time, Same Place-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Podcast: Twice More With Irony - A Full MUSICAL Review of 'Once More With Feeling' by Beer with Buffy
Podcast: DORPCast 247 - Buffy und Angel by DORP
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Podcast: Buffy 2.12 Bad Eggs by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
[Search & Recs]
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Looking for [Spuffy or Spike/OC] fanfic recommendations by Ok-Olive-4048
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Art rec: Darla/Drusilla (not worksafe) by drea.d.art, recced by roselynnthornwood
[Community Announcements]
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Video: Slayerfest '24 Readathon Announcement - Buffy The Vampire Slayer Readathon! by Rescues and Reads
[Fandom Discussions]
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btvs is just a seven year long competition between buffy and giles to see who can be the most unhinged depressed bisexual by comradesummers
A large portion of the issue with spike’s soul by greensaplinggrace
the scoobies were really the worst friend group ever by latrodectal
Okay, so... The Body... by redhatmeg
Never Kill a Boy on the First Date Fashion Part One by theoverlookedoneedits1997
Genuine Buffy/Angel Question by annarowyn
it’s so important that in Chosen (7x22) [Buffy] didn’t end up with either [Angel or Spike] by fictiongods
buffy you cannot seriously be comparing what willow did to sleeping with spike by justsolas
My dislike for Ensouled Spike with Buffy doesn't come from a place of not liking their relationship or preferring Angel by mortalaf
i think angel would have been a 1000% better character if they just put him in more situations by not worksafe
Why I was more invested in Spuffy than Bangel by peppermintquartz
Who the fuck curses a vampire with ... by sympathischeufos
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Buffy rewatch podcast with Juliet Landau continued by Dogs of Winter
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Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
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I have never fully understood this joke [Wesley's in Underneath] by AndrewHeard
Please I need closure, and can’t get a clear answer. Shanshu… by Altruistic-Salt-8303
Having a brain fog here but help… [the blood on Robin Wood's knife] by Trixieswizzle
Sometimes the recaps at the start of episodes skip some lines from the original dialogue. This is my favourite of those by Baron_Butterfly
Which antagonist did the most damage? by jdpm1991
If you guys were a vampire just chillin' in a graveyard late at night by Spyderwarp55
Totally forgot how they gave Faith an accent in the beginning by VisibleCoat995
Buffy's Complex Release: Emotion vs. Desire by Interesting-Tea3907
What is the best order to watch? by wildguitars
Who is your absolute favorite character in the Buffyverse and why? by hatcherry
Which unheard OMWF song would you most like to hear? by MonsterTournament
Who has the better nonexistent, faux-British accent? by nowlan101
A small and fairly insignificant question about the season 5 finale by nickel4asoul
How did Buffy not realize who Robin was? by bluish-velvet
AU Scenario Swap! Angelus Chipped & Spike Remains Evil by orchid-noogie
Reboot? by sluteeprncss
Who looks more like their actor in the comics? by jdpm1991
I'm so mad the Slayers didn't get a wage by Suitable_cataclysm
Tara's name by MissSpooky69
Graduation Day, the poison and The Mayor by yukeee
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Video: Buffy and Angel- The relationship that should have been? In under 3 minutes!" by BingeTalkTV
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lizaluvsthis · 8 months
Sticky Notes
SMG4's hat "he will love this"
Back on my laptop-
Scribbling the scar on three's eye
How about that kiss? (Latte*)
SMG3's bun (quick sketch)
Cafe boys but Four flirts
The perfect waiter
Three smiles (quick sketch)
The "Bbg" SMG4
III's Personal Diary
SMG4's Ponytail
Same coffee, Same tastes
SMG3 doodles something
SMG4 gets an interview
BR CH3 Moments
BR CH4 SMG3's Eye (blood warning)
Another Chapter 4 Art
BR CH5 "Not like you would give an eye"
The first day...
Glow in the dark paint
I drew the Cafe boys (I was convinced)
Doodles for CnB BR
Original concept from SMG3
The gays in my style again
Stress relief (Sneak Future Design)
Golden Hour
Too short to reach
Don't be sad... I'm here arent I?
Scars to your beautiful...
Quote- boopkins n Karen
Smg3 has GLASSES?
Smg4 who you looking at?
I made a promise
Engage Flirting!
Official CnB Cover
700 reads!
NEW YEAR ART! (2024)
1K READS celebration animatic! (Collaborator Personas)
Ayo! 4.48k Reads!!!
Happy Pride Month!!! (2024)
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ursamajorcircuit · 27 days
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🐻 pony / pygmy (or pygmalion)
🐾 23 years old (04/12)
🐻 he/it + neopronouns (ask!)
🐾 bigender aroace butch lesbian ⚢
🐻 osddid system + nonhuman
🐾 world & major circuit my beloved <333
i (techincally) joined in 2015 back when i was just like. a 14 year old foal but im now officially stepping my hooves into the ring into this fandom bcoz i like the fanart and the characters r pretty
i don't /really/ have a dni but i will block the hell out of you if youre a proship/profic or you just make me straight up uncomfortable. id also would like to be notified if i am following someone shitty so i wont interact in the near future <3
my tags:
- #t ko!! : shitposts / memes
- #knockout! : art
- #training : textposts / diary
- #contender : writing
- #title defense : headcanons
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tmntkiseki · 7 months
TMNT Art Diary 2: The Importance of Art Goals and Focusing Your Attention
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Happy March, everyone! How are we doing? It's been almost a month and a half since my last turtle art diary, so I figured it was about time to type up yet another set of ramblings talking about my experiences learning how to draw the 2003 TMNT.
Before we get started, I feel it's worth mentioning that the future of this blog is kinda up in the air at this point? From the beginning, I've been against AI generated images because of the ethics involved and like many in the Tumblr art community, recent going-ons with the site have me concerned for where things might be headed. I'm not planning to jump ship just yet, but there is a pretty good chance that I'll be posting less and less original drawings here and start utilizing my newly created Pillowfort instead, as the staff has taken a very firm anti-AI stance to the point of completely banning both AI generated images and writing on the site (the official Tumblr post regarding their decision). If you're a fellow artist, TMNT or otherwise, they might be worth checking out as a potential alternative to Tumblr.
With that out of the way, let's begin!
Okay, so let's talk about something that applies to most anything when you're learning how to do art; the importance of art goals and taking things one step at a time. Whether you're a beginner artist or someone who already has years of experience under your belt, it's important to not only have goals in mind of what you want to learn, but also to try and not do everything all at once. There is a lot that goes into successfully drawing the turtles; their anatomy, applying their less human features like their shells and three-fingered hands, their expressions, their colors, etc. HOWEVER, if you're trying to learn to draw too many aspects of their designs all at once, you are going to become overwhelmed very fast and you will not see improvement as quickly, which inevitably results in frustration and loss of motivation. Ergo, you need to take things bit by bit, breaking down the turtles designs into bite-sized pieces and focusing on specific areas that you are having trouble on.
For instance, early on, I realized pretty quickly that one of the areas I was struggling in was the turtles heads; I love their shape, but damn are they hard to draw. Subsequently, there was a point where I was largely drawing turtle heads and ONLY turtle heads so I could learn what shapes went into them, what they looked like from different angles, etc. Within even a few days, I already saw massive improvements just because I wasn't trying to draw EVERYTHING all at once; just one very specific aspect of their designs. Compare the very first Donny I drew on the 5th of January to a quick doodle of Mikey I did a couple of weeks later on the 25th and you can see how much I learned in such a short timespan.
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Speaking of shapes, you wanna know the biggest hack I've discovered for learning how to draw the 2003 turtles? Studying the Fast Forward art style. Yeah, you heard me.
At first glance, this seems kind of stupid. I'm pretty sure most people aiming to draw fanart of the 2003 turtles are planning to draw them in a similar style to the first five seasons, so it makes more sense to study screencaps and model sheets from those seasons rather than FF. However, the reason why Fast Forward is so useful for TMNT 2003 fanartists is because, at its core, Fast Forward is 2003's art style simplified. Anyone who has ever taken a professional art class or looked up tutorials online knows that basic shapes are incredibly important when drawing, as they are the building blocks of literally whatever illustration you're trying to make. Now, I absolutely love how detailed the designs from the first five seasons are, but because they are so detailed, a lot of the basic shapes do get lost under everything as a result, which can make it hard to figure out what actually goes into the turtles designs at a fundamental level.
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Because the designs in Fast Forward are less detailed compared to what was seen in the first five seasons, many of the basic shapes that go into the turtles designs are much easier to spot. If you've been following me long enough, you know that I was absolutely LIVID to discover that one of the things I genuinely don't like about the Fast Forward style--the pentagon shaped heads--makes drawing the 03 turtle heads so much easier. To explain it in detail; a pentagon basically maps out the five "points" of a turtle's head. What these points represent can change depending on the angle from which you're drawing your chosen turtle, but if you're doing a turtle head from a front/three quarter view, the five points denotes the top of the head, the cheeks, and the chin. It requires some practice to get right, but by building off this initial pentagon shape, you can easily draw a turtle head in the style of the first five seasons. A hexagon works just as well and is especially useful if you're going for a rounder/softer head shape.
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Beyond that, I think making to deliberate choice to draw in the Fast Forward style rather than the OG style is helpful for other reasons. When a turtle's head is only a pentagon, you don't have to worry as much about details and can focus on other areas you might be neglecting, such as figuring out the positioning of the eyes/mask, or developing the way you draw the turtles' expressions. (Seriously, the white pupil-less eyes are cool, but they do make conveying emotions a hassle, especially when the turtles are lacking for proper eyebrows.)
It's been about two months since I drew my very first 2003 turtle and while I'm still very far off from where I want to be, I've already made some leaps and bounds in terms of overall progress. I do sometimes feel annoying yelling about my turtle art learnings and struggles (especially when I know there is stuff that potentially comes off as Captain Obvious territory to others) but I personally find it helpful to write down everything I've learned and experienced in case I forget something and need to look back on it. And hey, maybe someone will see these disjointed ramblings as helpful. You never know.
Anyway, here's a lil Donny doodle from today to finish this entry off. See ya later!
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nextstopwonderland · 1 year
Masterlist of Bryan & BCC fannish content
Links to general masterlists:
BCC/bryanmox audiovisual content here
BryanNigel content here
BryanWheeler content here
Just Bryan content here
Bryanclaudio content here
Bryandanny content here
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Mix & accompanying graphic:
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(Original post)
Farmers Market AU
Original collage/concept
Official graphic/not-fic summary
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Cover art for just to drown in you (future fic epilogue, 2.5k, T, original post):
Misc graphics:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Series - known to cross lines
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Fic: special unspoken without sound
Accompanying mix:
Sequels: just hold your breath & waiting for a light to come on & everyone has seen the signs
(Updated masterpost)
Fic: the doors you open I just can’t close (links to graphic and fic)
Prompt ficlet: I’ll show you a place
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Series - hiking au verse (aka hit me like a ray of sun)
Fic: Jumpstart My Heart (links to graphic, main story and two sequels/timestamps)
Mix and more cover art
Series - coffee shop au (aka Fallen quite hard over you)
Fic: The paths your eyes wander down (includes cover art and link to main story & sequel)
Series - Listen to your heart
Fic: Voices that want to be heard (includes cover art and link to main story and timestamp sequel)
More Bryanwheeler graphics:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Series: like Ancient Rome
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Fic: the plotted lines, the faulty map (4.6k, E, prompt fill)
Sequel: caught between the twisted stars (2k, E)
(Original post)
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Fic: Crave a different kind of buzz (5.1k, M, stripper au romcom meet-cute; links to story & graphic)
Graphics: and my diary’s filled with your name on every page | in my head I do everything right | because I dropped your hand while dancing | baby I just wanna dance | now I’m being another
Mix: but you’re not what you thought you were (includes cover art)
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(Original post)
Series: Our World
Main Fic: Always Changing (2.7k, au, friends to lovers holiday fluff, links to graphic, main story and sequel: Love Can Open Your Eyes)
Series: Before we get too old
Main fic: these things will never change for us at all (4.5k, roh era, 5+1 times, links to graphic, story and the sequel: if I just lay here)
Fic: of melodies pure and true (6.3ks, current canon, links to graphic and story)
Fic: feel the tones that tremble down your spine (2.8k, au, yoga, links to graphic & story)
Prompt ficlet: got an itch to scratch (E, 340 words, breeding kink)
Series: gotta have faith
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Fic: waited for you all those years (10ks, 5 + 1 times, canon compliant; links to main story, both graphics, and timestamp sequel: the words you could not say)
Ficlet prompt fill in same verse
Fic: I’ll fly with you (5.6ks, links to story and graphic)
Misc graphics:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Fanvid: 🎶before this river becomes an ocean🎶
Fanvid: Headspace
Music/interview compilations: 1 | 2
Mixes/graphics based on meme asks:
A Bryan playlist
Dragonslaying: a Bryan/Danny playlist
Bryan/Yuta: the story playlist
Bryan & Danny + Red & Gold moodboard
The b-day bash masterlist
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cornus27florida · 1 year
Leelathae (Queen Lilyth)'s Ghost Theory
I honestly want to write much longer but held back because brainrot currently (anxiety attack and very unfocused even doing what I like, my Coping escape mechanism failed in the face of looking red deadline IRL) - enough about me!
Just wanna share my theory that actually the first theory that I wrote in Discord but never share here at CPC BLR. The statement of theory
"What if another 'off-comment' from Frederick becomes big plot point, with the following pieces shown that the item (confirmed Potrait) that Leland stole more than decade ago from Pastel Palace - actually keep Leelathae's soul/spirit/ghost and could help Gwen?" Confirmed in the Unhappily-ever-after episodes
The other thing that I could see happen im the future which is the remain episodes of CPC is, (see after the following 2 images) Lilyth's ghost seeps in Gwen's dream as 'warm and glowy' entity yet not only reminder that Gwen and her are beautiful in their own way, pointing out how similar their interaction with their romantic loved ones (Jack and Frederick) - Lilyth'll shown Gwen that none all her faults, everyone loves her espc Frederick shown to genuinely loves her instead Gwen's initial thought that he never loves her
I wonder how LambCat incorporate with CPC main theme of "self-love" as some still iffy or rightfully concerned with tethering self-opinion of Gwen to Frederick's opinion, but I hope this the right step! Already imagined the scene of Gwen found her mother in the Crystal room of Jamie's Art Show thus the Summarized content of Lilyth's diary told to her which helps Gwen more confidence w/ herself
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^ Episode 6 and 48 reference, we know from newest free pass episode it become huge foreshadowing of the "haunted Potrait"
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Somehow I feel Lilyth is like Nadeshiko Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura, the mother of the MC Sakura Kinomoto. Nadeshiko passed away from long time ago but she keep her Family safe as 'a ghost' - somehow I think Lilyth kind of like that ghost
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^ This is Nadeshiko, she and Lilyth both have wavy hair and being a "ghost" 0.0
I have Faith in LambCat to make beautiful ending for CPC there! And being a ghost often time could give warm and glowy feeling espc to the family members - instead scared
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^ The part of the CPC webtoon banner seen on mobile / LINK image
Could it be that Leelathae's ghost will meet when Gwen in this part of her future dreamscape.. the Crystal Room of Jamie's Art Show? Another foreshadowing from LambCat? Gwen already wrote her mom's robe in dream
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^ If this become another foreshadowing? From the CPC OST VOL. 10
P.S: The What-If
Tbh Leland perfect ending for him pay his karma to me -> Him cursed to swapped place with Leelathea to be trapped in the potrait instead (the only downside is the witch's term)
Like what if No one will ever listen to home ever again (like someone that considered going senile) - while all his Family members then finally free from him (with Isolde help career of LeoMie in road of beauty of the food, when she's finally free means she could do anything + I hope she back to emo style again, it really suits her ngl ) + (In the end, Frederick officially supporting CPC that become public [my theory of CPC ending, one of ideal but could be dangerous-thou-I-believe-they-can-manage-it] and happily ever after with Gwendolyn) + (sorry for Blaine and Lance fans there, but I think they're best if going therapy Whitney-style goes to the monastery - it simple life but bet free of toxicity that they're keep exposed too long) .. also idk Jack and Leland resolution, but Jackie also need to get his 'bubble' pop off and waking up to reality -> that he doing the very thing that he hates everyone's expectation to him, to his own daughters
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yunoteru4ever · 7 months
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here's a good quality if you don't already have it <3
THANK YOU! This is easily the best-quality copy I've seen of this particular card.
Anyone wanting to see more of these tie-in cards that feature unique Mirai Nikki/Future Diarty artwork (mostly of Yuno, ofc) should check out @sunniedesi's detailed writeup over here and/or my older, less informative post showing/talking about the cards, which at least has since been edited to link to various updated scans/details at the bottom. (Looks like I'll be linking to this very post next.)
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whataweirdfeeling · 8 months
HELLO welcome to WAWF WEDNESDAY your monthly WAWF update [1st Wednesday of each month] 
Considering it is now the month of February check out some of the new things WAWF has been up to for the final month of WAWFswinter
Read below to find out what else WAWF has been up to this month
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As you may know WAWF was announced as a brand last year in early January[2023] and was officially announced as an unofficial e-magazine on the first Wednesday of February[2023] WAWF Wed was announced later that week making TODAY an official YEAR OF WAWF WEDNESDAYYYYYY AHHHHHHHHH
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WE ARE SO APPRECIATIVE OF THE LOVE AND SUPPORT WAWF HAS RECEIVED THUS FAR To show just how happy we are.. just how much WE ❤️ WAWF WEDNESDAY.. and just how much we're gonna miss WAWFswinter..
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WAWF will be dropping a BRAND NEW article EVERY WEDNESDAY this February with fellow friends and artists from all over
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Read more to find out what other exciting things WAWF has planned
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Recent: All Is Yellow [Album] - Lyrical Lemonade
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Bars ~ A Cold Sunday [Single] - Lil Yachty, Bandit [Single] - Don Toliver, 2 Faced [Single] - LUCKI
Alt ~ Underdressed at the Symphony [Album] - Faye Webster, MADRA [Album] - NewDad, Burning Down The House [Single] - Paramore
Smooth ~ act i: stickerz “99” [Single] - 4batz, talking to the wind [Ep] - UMI, ORQUíDEAS [Album] - Kali Uchis
Lowkey: King Tut [Single] - Hardrock
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Bars ~ Decatur [Single] - tana, Bye [Single] - Yung Kayo, Empire [Single] - D Savage
Alt ~ Pick-Up Full Of Pink Carnations [Album] - The Vaccines, Melt the Honey [Album] - PACKS, glass beach [Album] - plastic death
Smooth ~ santhosam [Album] - Priya Ragu, Sundown [Album] - Eddie Chacon, The Omnichord Real Book [Album] - Meshell Ndegeochello
Still in Rotation: Drunk [Album] - Thundercat
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Bars ~ To Pimp A Butterfly [Album] - Kendrick Lamar, Coloring Book [Album] - Chance The Rapper, Black Up [Album] - Shabazz Palaces
Alt ~ Diary 001 [Ep] - Clairo, Honeybloom [Album] - Choker, Salad Days [Album] - Mac Demarco
Smooth ~ The ArchAndroid [Album] Janelle Monáe, Negro Swan [Album] - Blood Orange, MAGDALENE [Album] - FKA Twigs
Throwback: A Future without a Past [Album] - Leaders Of The New School
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Bars ~ Madvillainy [Album] - Madvillian, Phantom of the Rapra [Album] - Bushwick Bill, SlaughtaHouse [Album] - Masta Ace Incorporated
Alt ~ Summerteeth [Album] - Wilco, Strangers from the Universe [Album] - Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Charmed Life [Album] - Half Japanese
Smooth ~ II [Album] - Boyz II Men, St. Elsewhere [Album] - Gnarls Barkley, Vanessa Paradis [Album] - Vanessa Paradis
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Welcome to WAWF’s Making where you can check out new WAWF creations or join in on the fun
Check out the link below for our 'What A Weird Sticker' form and submit your own design to be placed on it’s own WAWF sticker and be purchased through our WAWFshop by all
WAWF’s Wearing
Checkout the latest WAWF article to see some of our new 'w❤️Ww' pieces
Check out videos like these on our official WAWF Instagram @whataweirdfeeling or our curators very own @vyngak
We hope you have been enjoying WAWFswinter and of course our 3rd [most recent] WAWF SHOP DROP
WAWF Magazine pushes art fashion culture and much more Stay tuned for all of the exciting new things we have planned for the future
Words/Curated by @vyngak
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shippingchaii · 5 months
thought that maybe i should make an official pinned post abt myself, and my blog.
hiii ! im lottie :3
5/18/03, she/her, bisexual, adhd {combined}, mixed {white, filipino, & mexican}, entp-t
SOO this is basically a selfship blog, but also where i post 18+ content that i can't over on my other platforms. i literally just make a new sona for everything bc i need to interject myself in the media i like or i will literally KILL MYSELF ^_^
im a bit sillyyy PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME OR SEND ASKS i looove making friends and im so down to get to know you guys especially if we have similar interests :3 OTHER SELFSHIPPERS PLEASEEEE INTERACT WITH ME IM BEGGING U
im a serial reblogger sry guys..... i also do art and writing that i never finish and never post so ... sry lol
miu - danganronpa v3
jecka - class of '09
celia - tpof
junko - danganronpa thh
yuno - future diary
himiko - mha
strade - btd1
jak - lovers trophy
trickster - dbd
natsuki - ddlc
stocking - paswg
claire - re2
carlos- re3
amy - sonic
daisy - mario bros
pinkie pie - mlpfim
rosalind - lollipop chainsaw
theres more, but those r my top ones 🍓
planning on making an actual visual here for my general sona/insert but like. we'll cross that bridge when we get to it i suppose :P
again, this is a guro/horror sideblog, that is explicitly for adults only. minors, gtfo.
i do not engage with proship {pedo/loli/incest} content, if you're a proshitter you can also gtfo
i do not interact with your boyfriend content, disclaimer for those who are wondering. fuboo can kiss my ass and also her game actually fucking sucks. you can't be bad at writing AND a predator, pick a struggle
that being said, while i enjoy certain themes/concepts in fiction such as horror/murdersims, obviously i do not condone them in real life, nor have i ever advocated as such. please do not use my content to harm yourself, or others. stay safe everyone. 💗
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courtesanofdeath · 6 months
using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions then tag people:
artist: paramore
What is your gender: (one of those) crazy girls
How do you feel: fake happy
If you could go anywhere: future
Favorite mode of transportation: fast in my car
Your best friend: no friend (lmao)
If your life was a tv show: hard times
Relationship status: be alone (😭)
Your fear: running out of time
get to know you
last song: change shapes - lauren mayberry
currently watching: ...gintama clips on youtube ehe
three ships: maomao x jinshi (apothecary diaries), sherlock x william (moriarty the patriot), sakuragi x yohei -but ruhana is cute too ofc !! (slam dunk)
favorite color: burgundy
currently consuming: coconut water
first ship: ash and misty from pokemon
birthplace: philippines
current location: my bed <3
relationship status: single
last movie: psycho pass providence (but aaahhh i really need to (re)watch the first slam dunk soon !!
currently working on: i was gonna make another haikyuu edit but looking for official art and manga panels (that are easy to clean up) is so hard so i kinda gave up lol, but also maybe a bsd chuuya edit if things work out
thank you so much for the tag @oakenshieldbaggins @yoo-joonghyuks-big-naturals !! these were super fun to answer !! 🥰🥰🥰
tagging anyone who wants to do these !!
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sunniedesi · 1 year
Changes to the Future Diary Manga
Something that was recently brought to my attention by @yunoteru4ever in my post about “the special edition of chapter 59” (https://www.tumblr.com/yunoteru4ever/711169742119092224/this-is-a-huge-taste-of?source=share) is that the Future Diary manga received plenty of revisions for its collected release. Despite my extensive knowledge, and quite frankly, strange fixation with this series, that’s something I never noticed. I was under the impression that “the special edition of chapter 59” was just a singular addition to one of the manga releases, but oh boy was I wrong, or rather missing a lot of context. To clarify, here’s a summary of why there are different versions of the manga:
The series was first serialized in the magazine Shonen Ace while it was still ongoing (from 2006 until 2010).
Once the manga ended, it was compiled by Kadokawa Shoten into 12 volumes, which we could say it’s the “official” or rather final cut of the manga, since Esuno made the revisions/ edits for this final release.
The official English translation used this final cut of the manga, so volumes 1 -10 have their revised versions translated to English… volumes 11 and 12, well, as we know those ended in licensing hell.
As @yunoteru4ever​ said, the unofficial English translations that we can find online are from the original Shonen Ace release, at least from volumes 4 - 12. After comparing both the unofficial translations and the final release, I’m actually quite certain that the unofficial translations of volumes 1 - 3 used the final release. Meaning that we’re probably missing the Shonen Ace releases of those volumes, which is a real let-down.
Continuing off of this last point, I wanted to add that this is the reason why the translations for volumes 4 - 12 in those pirate manga sites had such a downgrade in quality. I still remember being bummed and confused about the sudden shift in scan quality between volumes 3 and 4 when I was a kid using those sites, so it feels good to finally know why.
Now, as I mentioned in the second-to-last point, I went through every volume comparing its Shonen Ace release to its final version. Since I did find many changes, I took screenshots of the images and put them side by side, for the sake of keeping a record on them. I uploaded them over on Imgur in case anyone’s interested to see, though they’re mainly changes to the art. (Left is the final release, right is the Shonen Ace release).
Volume 4: https://imgur.com/a/RIuyO2g
Volume 5: https://imgur.com/a/0B6EyDm
Volume 6: https://imgur.com/a/3yRJMsz
Volume 7: https://imgur.com/a/3dYHWJS
Volume 8: https://imgur.com/a/w8E9NeI
Volume 9: https://imgur.com/a/jZemL7g
Volume 11: https://imgur.com/a/lQoGQU0
Many of the art style changes were quite subtle (like a mouth having a slightly different curve, the pupil being a little smaller/ different color or an eye having a new crease), so I did skip a few of these minor revisions. I noticed Esuno had redrawn Marco a lot, and many of his changes in general had to do with making the faces look more polished, which makes sense since one of the main criticisms against Esuno's style was the way that he drew people being too "alien-like" (and if you’ve seen Tantei Akechi you know he’s improved a lot in that regard).
Anyway, regarding the pictures on Imgur, you may notice that the images from each volume are all in English except for volume 11, and that’s because I used the official English translation for the comparisons, which volume 11 doesn’t have. Though that isn’t really an issue since the revisions on that one were just changes to the art.
Also, I didn’t upload any photos for volumes 10 and 12, because volume 10 didn’t really get any changes, and volume 12, well… I can’t just do side-by-side comparisons with that one.
The last volume had some pretty major changes, heck the entire ending of chapter 56 was redone. I thought the best way to tackle that would be giving it a new translation… but I wasn't sure if I'd have the time to do that. That is until I unexpectedly got sick last week and had nothing to do while curled up in bed all day. Needless to say, I managed to finish the translations for volume 12, so hopefully they'll be uploaded soon (I'll make sure to post about that when it happens).
I will leave you with one translation, though: MurMur’s Special Future Diary Corner Part 10. I’m not entirely sure if the MurMur corner bits were part of the Shonen Ace release of the manga, but they don’t appear in the pirate manga sites, and since volume 10 was never released in English as a digital book, there’s no online digital translation of it, so I figured I might as well post this bit. This is actually the second-to-last MurMur Special, as volume 11 didn’t have any and the one in volume 12 is on my post about chapter 59.
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