#fused!michael au
caramelcactus · 5 months
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Just a sudden idea I had. What if Michael was fused(somehow?) with Ennard instead of scooped, so he’s like…still alive and is in control over his body but just as sort of an altered human-animatronic entity with inhuman abilities and five more identities in him( or four? If Baby isn’t counted)
he refers to himself as “we”
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maelysgriffonne · 2 years
Finally my tumblr work correctly again :')
Ok I was in a gonna send an ask to @ghostypetrainer when my tumblr crash for no forking reason, so I don't now if my ask was send.
But you now what I'm gonna post what I said in my ask in case I didn't send and I lost it. Gonna put this on read more because it long.
Ok sometimes I have wild ass dream, but sadly I don't remember them when I wake up and very rarelyI can remember bits and pieces. How do I know when I have one of those dream well I always wake up with my heart pumping like I ran all around my neighborhood and my brain utterly confused on what is happening. But why I am telling this?? Well some days ago I woke again from one of them but this time I did remember something, a moment that literally attached itself into my mind.
So my logical respond to something that stuck inside my brain like superglue is to draw it of cours :).
Here it is:
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Explanation, the moment I remember is that I was walking in a white blank space with nothing, it feel like I was walking for hours until I saw two silhouettes, one short and one tall, so I start to run to them very happy to have finally found people. When I'm close to them I could who it was and low and below it was Nobori from Ghost reincarnation AU and Mingo from my au Mingo AU, both had there back turn to me and when I spoke (don't ask what I say I don't remember) the two of them start to slowly turn around and smile the creepiest smiles possible for my dreamself. The whole space start to turn a dark grey-blue and then I was grabe by unknown force and I don't remember the reste :).
But anyways it's the first time I remember so clearly a moment from one of my crazy ass dream, even when I wake up my first very confused question my brain ask was "Wtf was that and why were smiling............. wait...... I remember that, how??? °----°" and I promptly got back to sleep until my sisters wake me up to go eat breakfast.
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masao-micchi · 2 years
in your tma time travel kid jon au, did michael shelley get fused with the distortion the same way as in canon ? (i mean probs not considering gertrude isn't dead yet lol) or kind of like in the time is hard fic where he did it willingly for jon ? have you thought about that ?
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OK SO according to my unhealthy daydreaming,, Michael still goes into the hallways during the Spiral ritual because they didn't want to tip off the others that rituals will not work without the other fears
but Jon prepares for it, warns both gertrude and Michael. Using his abilities he was able to help Michael retain himself during the whole thing slkdjfsdkj
More of this AU here
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> Also,, a silly continuation to this here <
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bagofmice · 5 months
I prayed i'd meet You again, but why like this?
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A/N: I finally got the motivation (and time) to finish a Michael and Lucifer angst minific i begun in [checks calendar] march. :). This piece takes place in the armageddon AU timeline. While i do reccomend you go read the source material to understand this fully, here's a 'quick' summary:
The Demon King and Father never step away from leadership, and the exchange program is never created. Tension between the realms keep rising, and eventually spill over, which results in a war.
In an effort to prevent invasion, the Celestial Realm and Devildom become nigh inhospitable. The Celestial Realm becomes blindingly bright, even at night. Heat from the light results in burns, scorched feathers (loss of flight), and vision loss. The Devildom is clouded by a light-consuming mist. It becomes too dark and too cold to grow any kind of tree, crop or flower. Demons try to cope with famine through canibalism, all while dealing with wide-spread hypothermia* and madness. Sometime during this period, Michael's form is warped beyond recognition in an attempt to make the perfect demon killing machine.
Many angels and demons lose faith in the ambition of their sovereign, and thus create rebellion groups, which eventually fuse into one. Both Father and the Demon King are overthrown. The war is over, but the realms are still far from peace. Infighing in the Coaliton begins. The minific takes place at this point in the timeline. Two ideologies arise from the sea of arguments and discussions; Cohabitionism - belief that the CR and DD are far too damaged, and that angels and demons should permamently reside in the human world (as they have for a while already, many chose to flee to the Human World) Reformism - demons and angels miss their homes, humans want them out of theirs, so a plan of re-establishing CR and DD under new, proggresive leaders hangs in the air.
Reformism died out due to failed attempts to re-ihabit the other realms.
An institution called the World Council is established, angels, demons, and humans all inhabit the Human World.
For the first time in forever, the future that awaits everyone is a bright and happy one.
Written in 2nd person | Lucifer’s point of view Warnings: Angst | body horror | mentioned character death | mentioned self mutilation | existential dread? | post-apocalyptic world | heavily dependent on the source material [Obey me! armageddon AU created by @luckykittysshowerthoughts] Word count: 0.8k (+ 0.3k AU summary) tag list: @floydsteeth @lemidvet
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You stand atop scorched ground covered by blood and ash. You and your brothers are here to participate in one of the many  meetings discussing the future of the realms and their surviving citizens. There are many people you know here-  Solomon, Thirteen, Diavolo, the surviving members of the Devildom House of Lords and the seraphim, a couple of other angels (including Simeon), and also a few high ranking Sorcerers’ Society members, guessing by their uniforms.
Although, this time there is a very peculiar… person? Amongst the Celestial Realm representatives that you don’t recognize. You also notice Michael isn’t in attendance again, but it’s no wonder he isn’t after what happened to him.
The mysterious angel bothers you. Well, it’s not doing anything to you, you just find it unsettlingly familiar - but you’ve never seen anything quite like it. The creature’s head, ankles, and four wrists are circled by golden bands littered with eyes. There are even more eyes on its wings, but you’re not sure how useful they are, given that said wings are on fire. Its eyes are frantic - looking, observing, but never quite locking eyes onto anything or anyone. Such features are only reserved for an angel’s higher form, but seeing how it was let into the conference like this, it mustn't be able to turn back. 
That was a person, once - or maybe it never was. Maybe it was created specifically to be a killing machine, without a choice and no mouth to voice its complaints.(Maybe its literal facelessness is meant to signify its lack of identity?). Is this really your father's doing? In pursuit of eradicating demon kind, did he truly go as far as to do this to one of his own children  your kin, once? Is this really what he wants? To create an inhabitable world for children malformed, dead, and broken? Is that how he shows 'love'? 
Staying in the Devildom’s frozen wasteland for so long clearly didn’t do wonders for your eyesight.*
The golden flames of its wings blinded you from noticing the most important detail about the angel. Beautiful, knee-length hair that shines like the purest gold. You know who this hair belongs to- you ruffled it a lot when you were still your Father’s favourite.
(How could you not have recognised him? You grew up with him. Did all that time you spent together mean nothing to you?)
This isn't just an angel- this is the angel who entrusted Mammon into your care, the one who commissioned the construction of the first ever planetarium in the celestial realm, the one you got a leg up on by going to it before he could, the one you playfully shoved your responsibilities onto when he did the same to you, the very same one you once co-ruled the celestial realm with, this- this is-
Michael is attending the meeting, after all.
The realisation is horrifying. Father did this. He did this to his most loyal and faithful soldier. His current favourite. His own child. If you hadn’t rebelled, if you hadn’t torn out your wings in anger, hadn’t lost your sister- would he have done the same to you?
A distant shout brings you back - the debate is getting heated. You watch as a member of the now nonexistent devildom nobility hollers profanities at an ophanim - Ribkiel, if memory serves you right. The angel can barely wait for the noble to finish before they slam their fists on the table and yell something back. Their pointless squabble incites many others to join in. A few people try to calm the screaming match, though, with Simeon included among them. This isn’t all that surprising -  the last meeting was just as disorderly as this one too. You can’t help but sigh. Something tears your attention again, but this time, away from the ongoing scuffle. There’s a dainty and delicate hand squeezing your arm. Despite your deteriorated eyesight, you can see the scarring on them - and something quite unheard of in such times - nail polish. Things have been peaceful enough recently for Asmodeus to paint his nails his signature blue and pink. Good. Though, the frown on Asmo’s face isn’t. He’s probably worried that you’re zoning out so much. You shake your head and he slides his hands away from you. You don’t notice him shooting you another concerned look as your eyes return to boring into Michael.
This time, he looks at you, too. His brilliant blue eyes gaze deep into your own. Maybe it’s just your imagination, but you swear there was a flash of pain and longing in them.
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*- Extreme cold can damage your eyesight, and even lead to blindness. Though this isn't mentioned as something plauging the survivors from the Devildom in the AU.
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yandereunsolved · 7 months
I am kind of obsessed with the idea of Evan Peter's characters with a magic system like Steven Universe. If you aren't familiar, the most bare-bones way to explain this is that certain characters are able to fuse with each other because of their bond. Their mind, body, and soul become one and create an entirely new being. If their fuse is unstable, then they will defuse. If they take a lot of damage, they will defuse. They can also stably defuse and return to their separate forms. If you want to know more about what I am talking about, go to the Steven Universe Wiki under Fusion Gems.
Now imagine Evan's characters fusing to create new characters. Tehe. Especially in a yandere setting.
Your toxic boyfriend Kai Anderson takes you to the Cortez to spend the night because every other place is booked. You both meet James Patrick March. Kai and James click together like puzzle pieces. One is an aspiring cult leader and the other is a mass murderer. They both have grown to be madly obsessed with you. Kai is only willing to share because James is even better of a manipulator than he is. They fuse and create a new being— their obsession and individual abilities multiply tenfold.
Giggling and kicking my feet in the air rn.
Quicksilver and Tate? Peter moves into the Murder House and you're their neighbor. Peter acts like Tate is his brother. Tate is totally a normal human boy. Nothing to see here. They both are all lovey dovey with you... so they fuse by accident once because Peter runs through Tate. Then, they decide to show you their fusion.
The yandere Evans forcing you into an unstable fusion??? Uh, oh. :( Darling, you don't understand. You are precious to them. This is the only way you can be with them in mind, body, and soul. They need this. They need to be one with you.
The wholesome babies being Kit and FrankenKyle. Kit doesn't really understand the entire undead thing but he helps Kyle become more human. You are the witch/warlock/[insert other magical thing] that is currently taking care of Kyle. Kit just adores how sweet and loving you are with him. They both fuse over their mutual attraction to you. The fusion is a bit unstable because Kyle is undead— so his scars show up on the fusion. Imagine those eyes??? Kits look and Kyle's innocent baby expression??? You have an oddly charming, himbo boyfriend now. Sometimes he struggles to speak and maintain eye contact.
Austin Sommers and Mr. Gallant. More giggling. It would be such an odd pair but it'd work. It'd work. You totally know that it would.
Luke Cooper & Colin Zabel. Shh... Lordy, lordy. Give Luke some credit. He never intended to fuse with anyone. He thought the idea was fucking stupid and useless to begin with. Ugh, a detective— so how did they fuse? You work for Michael Scott and therefore with Luke. Someone broke into the office after hours (Michael bribed you into helping teach Luke office skills. It was coming along horribly and Luke just kept flirting with you.) and that person tried to kill both of you. A masked gunperson. Colin comes in to help solve the case. Both Luke and Colin... end up fusing when Luke shows he gives a shit about something. Which is you and your safety.
This is already so long. Anygays, do you want me to expand on this idea:? Genuinely curious. Cause I would love to see what people come up with... and what if there was just an au of Evans fused characters??? (Even non-ahs related— I write a lot of ahs. that is why I am saying this.)
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happistar · 3 months
what's ur favorite bmc fanfic ever
OOOH okay this is a good question.
Ngl I don't think I could give you a solid "here is the one (1) best fic ever" so here's a whole bunch that I've rated 5 stars in my fic document!
Stammer - Excellent 100k fic, if you're looking for something long. Basically it explores Jeremy and Michael's relationship from when they were kids til a bit after the events of the musical. Really good character piece <3
Jeremy drops out of college during December of his freshman year - REALLY REALLY GOOD fic-- one of my favorites from Beth Harker. Basically Jeremy undergoes a lot of panic attacks and self hatred (some brought on by what remains of the Squip) as he and Michael go to college together. About 10k words.
in the back of my brain, the voices all sound the same - Pretty short ~1k fic that explores the idea of the Squip changing shape into things like Jeremy himself. Forever thinking about the implications.
Play it in Reverse - Really cool podfic that brings in the musical aspect of bmc and acknowledges it! With the Squip's help, Jeremy tries to fix the events of the musical by changing the lyrics. About an hour to fully listen to.
flesh & bone - AU where Jeremy is an android and the Squip Squad find him and repair him. LOVE the dynamic of everyone in this fic, but it's unfortunately unfinished. About 40k words and still worth a read despite this.
Loaded, Recoded, Unsorted - Ngl I think this was the first ever bmc fic I read?? Anyways, it still lasts in my brain despite being unfinished with about 15k words in total. Basically, Michael slowly becomes a squip with all the fun psychological horror that comes with that. Honestly if you like this I'd recommend checking out more of Nez's work. Excellent squip horror writer.
The Mechanics of Compromise - Ngl pretty much everyone I've come across has read this fic and it shouldn't be a surprise that its on this list. Absolutely adore how they handle everyone's dynamics and manage to create a really fun plot as everyone recovers from the events of the musical. Another really good 100k+ fic.
Only One Is Mine - Holy shit this fic is almost coming up on 100k words. Anyways this fic is so so so good. Basically it deals with the rising squipocalypse after the musical as Jeremy accidentally fuses with his squip and has to learn what it means to be half human, half supercomputer. LOVE this concept so much and love how its handled. Honestly one of my all time favorite fics in general-- really cool stuff!! Shoutout to Jordan fr <3
Honorable mentions:
Ophiocordyceps nippon - TRAGICALLY short fic that meant i actually rated it only 4 stars but I thought I'd share because I am still thinking about it. Basically what if the Squip was a fungus.
Same As It's Always Been - I've only read 2 chapters, since it was coming out at the time I was reading it, but its finished now!! I really enjoyed what it was when it was coming out, so I'm sure it's still a good read. Basically Rich is forced to repeat Halloween Night-- time loop style.
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franki-lew-yo · 7 months
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Fusseli Suspireli (They/She)
Fusseli Suspireli or 'Fuzzi' for short (They/She) is a basilisk. A very friendly, very sociable basilisk, which is unusual as they usually keep to their own out of fear of being killed for being parasites of magic*. They're bloated with magic they consume casually rather than all at once, though of course they do pig out once in awhile and gorge themselves when they're famished-just not on friends. Because Fusseli is so 'bloated' they're able to keep and maintain their transformations, including slipping between one to the other, VERY fast. Ftr, she exists in my normal TOH timeline headcanon as well, she just passed away years before the events of the series (and no, Vee and the other cloned basalisks aren't related to her in anyway).
In the "Eve and the Witnits"-AU she's friends with Caleb and Evelyn and wants to be a bard-illusionist performer. To make an actual living for themselves they've taken up spying/mercenary work besides their partner(in more ways than one) Philip.
Just like Principal Bump and Boscha are named after a spooky artist, Fusseli is named after Henry Fuseli, the painter of this and other nightmares. Well, that and Suspiria. I don't know what the exact term for their gender identity is why in writing like this I just use "They/Them". I think it'd be Genderfluid or Genderapathetic(it's not nonbinary or agender, that's all I know) but it's hard to tell and nervous to do when this is specifically a fictional monster character and not a human who's irl identity shouldn't be conflated with that.
All I know is that whatever pronoun I make official for her, Fuzzi sounds like Michael-Leon Wooley and/or Levi Stubbs, the Audrey II's of MY childhood, though everyone else know Wooley more as the voice of Louis the Alligator from Princess and the Frog aka my son. They do NOT sound like Ken Page, though they do have the personality of the biglipped alligator from All Dogs go to Heaven (or, alternatively, that Tiger from An American Tail).
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Even if she had bones there wouldn't be an aggressive one in her body.
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ricky-tiki-tah · 8 months
Here’s who works where for the GFTTBP au in order of occurrence:
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First we have Jeremy, who Mike met on the job in FNAF 2. He was warned by Freddy about the animatronics, leading to him avoiding being bit on the head, but not avoiding being bit entirely.
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Next is Sister Location starring Mike&Freddy, barely avoiding becoming a meat suit due to Mike being already fused with Freddy’s AI which confused the SL animatronics. They did not avoid being scooped, however. Neither are exactly sure how they’re still alive and well-ish.
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Evan takes up the job next, cast in the role of security guard in FNAF 1. He’s strangely fond of the animatronics (it confuses him too). He likes these ones much better than the ones he used to have nightmares of.
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Mike&Freddy take the job at Fazbear Frights, meet the dad Mike thought was dead, and learn they have a talent for arson.
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Michael ‘Arson is my middle name’ Afton and his head-mate Freddy strike again, leaving the Pizzeria that Henry built burning in their wake. They even make a friend, escaping the burning building with Helpy, the small bear who is really good at fighting lawsuits.
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fandom-susceptible · 11 months
Good Omens/Supernatural Crossover
Okay yes it's been done before but I have an idea I haven't seen in a fic yet, nor can I find the posts I saw about it before that put the initial idea in my head, so here we go.
Aziraphale and AJ Crowley as Castiel's parents.
Good Omens universe remains fairly consistent, but we switch out Gabriel's antagonist role for Michael. Also, all of history has lasted as long as it has in Supernatural instead - the ineffable husbands have just been officially a couple for around the 6000 years. Castiel isn't credited with anything important from before 4000 years ago or so; because he didn't yet exist. SPN Michael and his followers subbed in false memories of him for the angels that had to work with him directly. (I don't know if that works in SPN but it would work in GO so fused canon)
Some angels - those who were issued corporations in the beginning (not all were) were given the ability to produce lower level angels early on, but that ability is linked to their true forms and corporations, which are physical manifestations of how they want to appear. By the time Castiel came into existence most angels had lost their corporations, but there were still a few left. Crowley is the one who nested and had their fledgling, but it took a lot out of him. Michael was able to catch him unaware, in a moment of weakness, and was able to kidnap Castiel. I don't think Aziraphale knew what was happening in the moment, or this wouldn't have gone down like this, maybe at all; Crowley might not have even told him, if it happened early enough, in a panic about whether it might scare the angel off or something. However it happened, they managed to get Castiel into the clutches of Heaven, unaware of his own origins. It helps explain what makes him different from the other angels.
(also, for the purposes of this AU, we're fucking with levels of angel. Guardians of the gates of Eden were decently powerful angels, so we're gonna run with that and put Principalities pretty high on the ladder even though they're not in Biblical lore)
Good Omens proceeds more with the vibe of the books, where the ineffable husbands are "married since the Flood" vibes, with extra shades of resentment because they know Heaven has Castiel. But the Archangels don't know about Aziraphale's involvement; Crowley claimed the angel he'd been with was dead, killed after their bond was established. Heaven kept Cas from Aziraphale not because of concern over what Aziraphale would do, but concern that his investment in Earth would draw Cas towards his demonic heritage, which they had previously kept from him. After all, Crowley's a fallen angel; Cas' true form would still be angelic.
Picking up ahead at Supernatural, though! Castiel still drags Dean out of Hell, but in his betrayal of Heaven at some point there ends up being a confrontation with one of the Archangels, who lets it slip that his known parent was a demon. So he ends up with the Winchesters seeking answers about his own origins. Balthazar ends up joining forces with them out of curiosity and is the one who uncovers the information about how old Cas really is, which angels still had corporations at the time, and ultimately, the only possible angel who still has one - Aziraphale.
Balthazar reports to the Winchesters and Company, who have yet to become Team Free Will (I left off at around Season 6 the first time ok), and ends up going to meet with Aziraphale by himself. By this time Aziraphale knows, even if Crowley was slow to tell him, and the moment Castiel's name comes up, he stops Balthazar and calls Crowley, who arrives as fast as the Bentley can carry him, and Balthazar explains what's been going on in Heaven since Aziraphale dropped off the reports.
scribble in some actual plot here but basically Aziraphale and Crowley end up joining up with the boys and Bobby and Balthazar to save the world, and are Cas' parents along the way. Which naturally lends itself to Destiel, as Aziraphale senses the love changing forms, though he isn't gauche enough to outright confront them in front of each other. He does bring it up gently with Cas in private, reminding him that Dean is a mortal, but also that love isn't, and letting him make his own choice. Crowley doesn't really get it, but he knows well the pain of being denied the chance to love who he wants, so the last thing he's going to do is let anything stand in their way.
Somebody with better knowledge of how SPN progressed from Season 6 can fill in the rest, or me when I eventually get there, just flinging this into the void. Hopefully this latches onto somebody else's brain like it has mine.
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One of my favorite things in Steven Universe is fusion and my favorite part of fusion is the contrasting unique dance styles of the characters
so here is what I think the gemcyt characters individual styles are
Jimmy I don’t know the style but he has a lot of leg movements and kicks as a reference to his irl love of football 
Grian his style is disco because he had a hippie theme that one time and disco was around during that Time period also he uses that finger to the sky move to poke his partner because he is a little gremlin 
Joel does ballet like the pearls in cannon but even though he is not the shortest in this au he still over compensates by puffing out his chest like a peacock and he is on his tippy toes as much as possible and jumps into the air very often 
Lizzie Hula dancing because her design is based heavily on empires season one lizzie the ocean queen she takes inspiration from island dancing 
Cleo has very stiff movement because she is zombie Cleo and she dances like Michael Jackson in the thriller music video and she dances walk like an Egyptian because mummy’s are Kinda like zombies
Scott does not use his feet because as a sapphire floats and he does not use his legs he spins a lot and he has a very old Scottish style because he is Scottish 
Skizz dances like the prince from Cinderella because he is a prince amongst men 
I love this. I love that Jimmy's style is just a bunch of kicks and flicks cause football. Guess he gets the jive by default lol.
If I has a nickel for every time Grian went on a hippy arc, I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't alot but it's weird that it happened twice. He's earning his discount vibes
Joel doing ballet is just... it's oddly amazing. It's funny, yet also fun to think about!
Lizzie doing hula is too perfect. I have nothing to say on this one it's just perfect.
Cleo does the robot, zombie style. Less stiff and more floppy with some flow but very little care in her movement. Just wants to get this over with lol.
Scott gets flung about lol.
Skizz just treats everyone like a princess when he fuses with them. Hand out, bowed down, just a sweet gentleman.
I'm gonna add 2 more here.
Mumbo just awkwardly does some form of lil hand jive or lil boogie in the corner cause that seems like it fits his personality.
Scar either does a tap dance, american smooth or theater jazz, its one of the 3 and you can not change my mind.
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rotten-bunny-gutz · 1 year
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Comic drawn by BUNNY_GUTZ(me), story written by BUNNY_GUTZ(me again).
The comic is a fnaf AU where you get a closer look at Michael's childhood and how he grew up. This is an AU and so doesn't fully follow the canon fnaf lore, it's my story so please respect it. I fused my own fnaf inspired story(that has nothing to do with fnaf) with the fnaf lore and created a pretty neat story!
"it's me. Don't you remember? It's been so long... But I'm still here..."
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caramelcactus · 4 months
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Quick messy thing of fused!Mike, his baby Helpy & four goblins living in his head rent-free
My laptop fucked up the colors. they looked so good on drawing monitor *pain :(*
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Curious about your space au. Is there different types of aliens? You mentioned there’s only a few true humans left, Mike and William being some of them, so just curious about what types of aliens the rest of the characters are :)
Okay sorry if this takes a while and is silly I like creating silly aliens species sometimes LOL-
Henry/the rest of the Emily family-
As suggested by you his species is techno organic! Which means like they can integrate any piece of tech into their body Seamlessly. Henry's done this a lot like a lot a lot. They also look a bit like squids? Like They have no body hair just tentacles on their heads and chins that kind of look like human hair. Their arms too are naturally just like a mass of tentacles but overtime Due to human influence and like relations, their arms usually are bound or generally shaped into a more humanoid shape. Henry just has like 2 metal arms that look human enough aside from having 2 thumbs (for extra grippines). They also come in a variety of colors. Charlie being black with white stripes and Henry being gold with purple stripes!
Elizabeth is part human but her other half is like a clown scorpion alien. Like her body is covered in a thick exoskeleton, Including her face which has plates on it that resemble that of a earthclown Being pale white with red cheeks and red or lips and a red nose. She also has a long tail ending in like a Claw.
Just like Elizabeth Evan is mixed Taking a lot more after his father than Elizabeth does. His mom was some kind of bear Alien With lots and lots of teeth. Evan has 2 rows of sharp teeth in his mouth and a second mouth on his stomach along with bare ears and sharp talons. He also sheds a lot of skin which is normal for his moms species.
Jeremy is a bat like alien because I said so. He has ears and fluff similar to a bat along with 4 Arm with wings On each. He also has like the longest fluffiest tail. And very very sharp teeth. This is the same for the rest of his families
Phone guy/phone dude-
Their species are a lot like snails except it's just the head. They're born with like a normal human head and look close to normal humans say for The greenish blue Scaly covered skin. When they turn about to the muscle bone and skin around their heads starts to deteriorate so they need to find something quickly to put their head into. Phones are a very common object to shove your head into which no one really knows why it's just a traditional thing. After that there are species brains eyes and other Body parts fuse into the head they've chosen and kind of just grow in there.
Michael is technically a clone of William. He's William's DNA mixed with a random other person to produce a stable life form. This other random person was some kind of fox like alien. So Michael was born with a snout and tail and ears. As he got bigger, The ears and tail and snout disappeared slowly Until he was basically indistinguishable from a human save for his hair being a reddish color. As an adult Mikey actually tries to get these features back Through gene stuff since he misses looking different from his father.
Sorry if this is weird and annoying I just like making up aliens LOL and I'm tired
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lizzienoodles · 6 months
17 and 50 (tell me everything lol)
17. Any OC OTPs?
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Um. Them !!!!! Loki isn't technically my oc but at this point i've diverged so far from comics canon I basically consider him my own version of the character LOL!!! (And since Marvel took him from mythology I have every right. Anyway. Almost zero resemblance to the mcu too, i dont consider them even remotely the same character 🤷‍♀️) I could talk about them like. hours. I don't know what to put here in a text post. Send any questions to my inbox (that's a demand)
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Okay HMM I guess I'll use this question to do a very broad overview of my stories! Maybe that should be its own post?? LOL
My main focus is on my Marvel fan characters:
Gail and Erica, twin sisters yoinked from my webcomic and all grown up, Valentine, the Valentine Crew (Crash, Red, Hands, Roux, Fuse), Keegan, Brightgene (mutant) kids (Brianna, Edwin, Luiz, Ali), tenants/residents at Gail and Loki's mansion (Eunice, Elenari, Avril ), my own AU version of the Guardians of the Galaxy... That's most of them.
I also have a few DC characters (Breeze, Doomscroller, a digital Batgirl, Paisley and Siren)
My original stories:
Fledge Fighters (webcomic, mostly technically finished), Characters from that are Gail and Erica (as kids), Pace, Rae, Michael, JD, Stephen, Nathan, Beck, Perri, Agent Jay, Flare Pants Man. Teen superhero hijinks on a "crime free" island.
Sketch Ninja (maybe someday webcomic): Rye, Kytton, Ciela, Kizzy, Dex, Nova: Ninjas have the ability to turn drawings into weapons. Popular Machinery (pitching this to publishers ideally): Kaiya, Aalex, Ripflick, Olivia, Juliet, various robots: Influencers with mechs. Need I say more?
Danger Spoon (WAY on the backburner) Tyler, Jamie, Lillith, Becca, Ruth: Boy from the big city moves to conservative small town and ends up as the front singer of a girl band.
Daisy's patience: Daisy, Sugar, Soap, Loafcat: kids fight giant robots. Probably won't do anything big with this unless I get a chance to pitch as a cartoon.
Honey and the Bee (Raina, Maple, Forrest) and Journey of Hearts (Kyo, Mimi, Oliver) Both very underdeveloped romances that I'll never write but the characters stick around in my head so they might get repurposed into something else later.
Edit: i can't even begin to list my one-off fan characters ahaha!! but honorable mention to Tomo my TMNT oc who already has like 3 iterations
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poeticcannon · 2 months
Cain AU for a little vice. Watch me write for an unreleased game, lmao
Michael is leading some sort of rogue cell that doesn't treat Exorcists as stained beings.
Inessa is a bit difficult. The most straight-forward combat Blasphemy shown so far is Ardence, and it's a bit dangerous to allies. You can restrain yourself, but you'll lose out on effectiveness. There's Tension but it's more about being a tank. Sympathy could be nice, I guess?
Temperance used to work alongside a Hound generated from her rage/vengeance, though maybe a Toad fits? While mostly seeming like greed, they're connected to material deprivation, and it seems she was starved. She'd wield the Blasphemy Palace or Whisper. Palace is a mental world the party can access, that grants the user a library of knowledge, the ability to simulate events before doing them, a mental servant that can materialize, a place for the party to rest. Whisper grants a sentient shadow that knows the future, and is believed to come from the user's death in the future.
Chiro, before joining, could generate an Ogre, but those generally lead to seclusion from society. An Idol feels fitting. Those are about loneliness, unfulfilled aspirations, and thinking you're unlovable. While fusing with an ogre emphasizes what the host feels ugly about, fusing with an idol emphasizes what the host likes about themself, and adds positive traits.
Her Blasphemy, uh. Palace and whisper are funny because getting lost in her head or obsessing over her doom. Edit, which allows you to play around with the possibilites of objects and people, explicitly allows you to change your gender presentations or that of others. Sympathy is all about picking up on the psychic impressions people leave on the world, which is fitting for someone who loves and understands people, but isolates herself. Gate, the space manipulation power, fits with her struggles about freedom and wanting to free others.
For agendas. Chiro feels rather fitting for Shadow, whose items are Outshine your rival/Allow your rival to outshine you. It's funny to assign the Temperance agenda to her, which is actually about being healer and support, its items are Put people before the mission/Harm people. Yeah, she sure achieved the second item when she almost killed her sister.
Hm, Temperance's whole struggle with realizing the Beasts were harmful so she defected, then realizing she needs to put her foot down and be willing to hurt Chiro to defend people, could fit the Temperance agenda, though that feels like stretching. We could go with Loner (Demonstrate your superior skill/Let the mask slip) which even has a sneak attack ability. Temperance tries to keep a confident suave mask (and it's very effective on Chiro, who even sees her just sitting for an awkward talk as being done in an immensely punk way) and had to drop all pretenses and just speak honestly about her feelings.
Inessa could be Torch (Lead from the front/Let others outshine you), which yeah she's heroic and inspiring, though the second item of agendas seems like it should be a struggle for the character, and Inessa doesn't seem to want to hog the spotlight. Chiro's thing seemed like an exception, born from the latter being vulnerable and Inessa being desperate to thank her for taking care of her for so long. Sorcerer (Demonstrate flashy displays of power/Exercise restraint)
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
Hello!, i remembered another question i had (i hope its okay to send two asks from one person in one day)
I remember that you said if Gabriel had killed V1 in his tomb and later if he manages to revive it he succumbs to madness.
In this scenario would his 3 siblings go down to bind him? Or not since he and the hellbeast V1 only stay at treachery?
But if they fight then how bad would it get?, and how would the archangels react to a mad Gabriel and the monstrous machine? (Raphael's reaction sounds so interesting to me in this scenario), who would win and what would they do after the fight?
Didn't expect the ask to be this long, but anyways, hope you have a nice day!
(see this!)
because gabriel is staying in his designated layer in this case, he likely wouldn't be seen as a problem - what else he does is little of their concern if he's still subject to his proper punishment. however, a confrontation might still occur because v1, like all the machines, is an anomaly and needs to be dealt with itself (this is on michael's list in the au proper, he's just too distracted by gabriel to prioritize it). i doubt a single one of them even wants to approach gabriel's tomb (they've avoided every other fallen angel they once knew after all), but v1 demands to be dealt with, especially if michael's managed to clear out many of the others. and what they find in gabriel isn't entirely unexpected in a way, yet that knowledge can't really do much in face of the reality.
gabriel, in these events, has given himself fully to being a fallen angel of treachery - he does not value angelic life, and his priorities center around v1 as the object of his betrayal. human sinners of the circles are often despondent and repentant despite the lateness of their actions, they curse what they did in life to lay them so low in death, but fallen angels embrace their sins, cling to them with a vicious brutality as their displaced dedication to god needs a new idol. this is gabriel's mentality now, his will cleaved to his sin and honed in on v1 as its representative despite the complexities his betrayal actually carried. i'm sure the hope of the archangels is that their presence would be enough to drive gabriel into hiding, as many fallen angels refuse to be seen by those of high status - unfortunately, keeping v1 alive is his singular motivation, and so his confrontation is immediate and merciless.
it's shocking, no matter how they had condemned gabriel in their minds, to see what was once god's brightest angel, who was their compassionate brother, burning with uncontrolled hell energy and spewing curses at them. v1 is beside him too, a machine that is easily recognized as something hellishly stitched back together and fused with the energy now constantly pouring out of gabriel like a parasite on him. he has given up everything he has for it and he clearly no longer values anything else for all he's sacrificed, eager to drain the blood of the archangels just so the insatiable machine can feed on them. yet there is also a hell-warped undercurrent to his insults and his relentless assault - he hates those in heaven now, and he seems to barely recognize those that were once his family.
and on the receiving end of this, there is an unspeakable grief in each of them. raphael is the one that attempts to appeal to him the most, calling out to who he once was and growing more desperate as it becomes increasingly obvious gabriel is never going to respond. like i mentioned before, raphael is the least acquainted with hell of the four, and forced to fight gabriel like this would probably make or break his faith entirely. because this isn't him. gabriel's abuse, how he laughs in the face of raphael's soon open weeping, it can't be reconciled with who he once was. is this what hell does, is this what it makes someone? yet he still clings to the abomination with him, he protects it with a tangible emotional fury, and raphael recognizes this as something left of gabriel: his will to protect, his overflowing passion and love turned into something wretched by hell. and it gives raphael pause in simply seeing him as a demon made by his own sin.
uriel is deeply opposed to the fight to begin with, wishing to leave hell as it is now and let gabriel be trapped as he is as well. they shouldn't see this, they shouldn't know, this record should be stricken as it often was from his book during god's lifetime. so he desperately, almost instinctively blocks out gabriel's words, closes his eyes to the world of hell and only cares about wiping out the machine infesting this tomb - yet he knows the two are linked, that gabriel's hell energy in part fuels it, keeps it alive, and he is acutely aware gabriel will simply keep reviving it unless they reduce it to ash...which is highly unlikely given gabriel's insistence on its preservation during the battle. so he wants to leave. he wants to run from this. let them be, let them live in this sin and let hell finally be closed. he genuinely thinks their power would better be spent finding a way to bind this place and put it forever out of their minds.
finally, michael feels wholly responsible for what gabriel has become and like raphael he does see something of the old gabriel, yet he doesn't consider it hell-warped - gabriel always had this evil in him, and without michael's guidance it finally overtook him. his grief chokes him, each of gabriel's insults about his self-inflicted ruination pounding in his skull while the cruelty of his tactics in battle now reflect the only love he has left for that horrible machine. yet his pain is swallowed by his hatred, by being forced to live through all of this again and having to face the weakness in gabriel that fueled his anxiety for eons. he let himself fall, he let himself become this, he failed and now he has to pay for it, he can spend the rest of his days alone in the wastes of treachery gnashing his teeth in his own grief and shouting unintelligible, crude curses at god like the rest of the kin he chose over them. michael wants that machine severed from gabriel's hell energy, and so he plans now to bind it to him once that beast is dismantled.
i'm very interested in this ending with a draw actually (i know I KNOW but hear me out!!!) because i think it would present a dire scenario for the archangels - gabriel, as a fallen angel, opposed their will and chased them back out to heaven. he and the half-hell machine forced a retreat by the highest of heaven. what kind of message would that send to the rest of the fallen, hiding in their shadows and in constant fear of the angels? their rule over them is not absolute. god is gone from them, their power is reduced. the fallen angels begin to appear, they lurk around gabriel's tomb and they call out to him - a leader, where satan failed them in his fixed agony, gabriel rises as one willing and wanting to finally expel god's rule. he and v1 don't particularly care for their reverence, but they do give them much more firepower - and more blood, should gabriel offer a few as sacrifices instead (it only earns them more respect really)
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