#fun fact if you look at the time i spent on this its insane because it's in negative like -4:-19 WHAT HAPPENED!!!
zakuryoishi · 1 month
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happy early pride month to them
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dadrielle · 10 months
So I have this theory about ships.
I've spent the last 15 years or so raging against "The Moonlighting Curse" as my own personal nemesis (also known more in fannish parlance as Shipping Bed Death). I find the idea that a couple being together is by its very nature boring super fucking maddening. I think if you can't write people in love and together in an interesting way, it just means you haven't learned how to do that yet. It's very often the cook, not the ingredients, you know?
There are a lot of stories that get characters together badly, though, that can't be disputed. Getting a couple together does scuttle some narratives. And while I do think some of it has to do with the fact that "will they/won't they" has a lot of tropes that can act as crutches for bad writers, and interesting and functional couples require more skill to write because there isn't enough of a similar scaffold to work from...there's another aspect I been thinking about lately. And that's intensity.
See, the reason "will they/won't they" is so juicy is because of the sexual tension, right? That intensifies all the interactions between the two characters, which gets us way more invested. A lot of our fav shit, like rivals to lovers, starcrossed lovers, etc etc etc, it's about creating circumstances that also amp up the tension and therefore the intensity.
When the sexual tension breaks, the first thing writers often do is look for new ways of adding in tension. A very large percentage of the time, that's by creating rifts between the characters in question, or tearing them apart in some way. The problem with that - beyond making the fans/viewer/reader feel jerked around - is that it's usually not intensifying the right thing. By focusing on the tension for its own sake, you can miss intensifying the actual draw, which is the power of the relationship itself. You can actually break your ship by trying to intensify it too hard with tension, especially by having characters lie and cheat on each other and otherwise treat each other terribly. Like sure, sometimes people like to experience characters destroying each other from the inside out! But that's not the draw of ships for a lot of people. Sometimes it's just sad, and not even in a fun way.
But here's the thing! Tension is not the only intensifier that exists. You can, for instance, intensify a relationship in canon by making them absolutely batshit insane about each other. My theory is that what we need more of is ships that get together and become fucking Morticia and Gomez Addams about it. Just doing the absolute MOST all the time in a way that no people in their right mind would do in real life. Just make them absolutely bonkers.
Crank that fucking dial baybeeeee. They are so, so in love and it would be alarming if it weren't so beautiful.
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rc-writes · 1 year
𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨 | 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
pairings: benny weir x reader (could be seen as platonic or romantic)
warnings: two curse words??, if you’re reading this as platonic there’s one mention of wearing couples costumes but friends can totally do that to, uhh i think that’s it
a/n: alright i could have probably thought of a million more but it was literally 1am when i wrote this and i was tired lol. also i will admit that was me fulling self projecting on the info dumping about movies part and wanting to text someone at an ungodly hour, but in my defense i do genuinely think benny would do those things as well. also this was requested by an irl friend of mine who mentioned friends to lovers after i finished this so look out for that coming soon! also this is my first writing related thing i’ve posted on this blog in like 2 years!!
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will try to learn spells just to impress you
of course there was a few that went wrong
maybe more than a few, but it’s the thought that counts right?
will send every meme or funny video he finds
does not matter if its 3pm or 3am he will send it immediately after he found it
which speaking of 3am i can see him not being able to sleep so he tries texting you
if you answer i can see him texting “hey what’s wrong?? why are u up so late?? everything okay??” and completely ignoring that he too is also awake at this hour
“you are aware you texted me first, why are you up”
“i asked you first”
benny absolutely loves video games and will want to play a few with you even if you don’t like video games
which if you’re with him there a good chance you love them too
but if you don’t you will most likely start liking them even just a bit because he makes them fun
getting to spent time with him and watch him do something he loves makes it special
it also can be really funny
can guarantee at least once he’d say “watch this babe” or “this ones for you” and immediately fail/die
this is also something that definitely happens in the outside world with him trying to throw something away or something
pure of heart, dumb of ass
also i don’t know shit about video games so i cannot go into anymore detail then this lol
is 100% down with spontaneous movie nights whether that be binge watching movies at home or going to the theater
if it’s a movie he’s obsessed with but you’ve never seen he will be trying his hardest not to info dump and potentially spoil the whole thing
but if it’s a movie he knows you have seen he is more than willing to explain every single fact about it he knows
“did you know that while filming this bit they had film it completely in reverse to make it look like that?? insane right!?”
speaking of movies if it’s a horror/scary movie you can bet he will try to act all tough and not scared before it starts
even if you already know how much of a scaredy cat he is he will try to play it off
but the second the first jumpscare happens there will be popcorn flying everywhere
he is no longer allowed to hold the bowl
you’re still finding popcorn in the couch
he will still continue to pretend that he’s not scared despite shaking like a scared chihuahua
you will have to be the one to grab onto him
which then leads to him hiding his face into your neck or behind you
he still refuses to let you turn it off even if you insist it’s okay
there is a part of you that feels bad but also a part that thinks it’s so funny
your contact names in each others phones are han solo and princess leia
the only suggestions i will take on this is that yours is han and his is leia
will take you to every convention within driving distance
if the convention if for some game/show/movie you don’t know be prepared for a whole powerpoint presentation or a weekend of binge watching whatever media it is
“didn’t you just say you hated doing a powerpoint for history??”
“babe this is way more important and interesting than anything school can teach”
you both will be going all out costume wise every convention
i can totally see you guys going in couple costumes or like hero and villain
if the latter you two take turns on who gets to be the villain or hero
if you are with benny there is no way you can be a halloween hater
he can do freaking magic, of course it’s his favorite holiday!!
this also can follow what i said for conventions with the costumes
at some point there is a competition on who can get the most candy
if he loses, he will say that the candy was just too hard to resist, and he had to eat just one piece that turned into him eating many pieces
this is a true fact whether he loses or not
side note if you can go a whole night of trick or treating without eating a single piece of candy while doing so i don’t believe you
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froggyphycosis · 1 month
Your Fratello Angel
Takes place Immediatly after episode four, after loser baby. Just a fic of Angel's thoughts as he walks home with Husk and as he talks to Charlie! Mainly fluffy! Or hurt/comfort depending on your view really!
(if u wanna keep this fic after I'm done I'd suggest reblogging because I might delete it after a day or so maybe a week unless it does really well)
1471 words
Content warning!
Swearing/strong language
Mentions of alcohol
Mentions of murder/wanting to kill Val
Mentions of sa/just the scene of Charlie and Val thouggh
Honestly it's not that bad if you watched the series you can read this it jsut sounds bad jsjsjsjs
Angel cackles and splays his hand out in front of him, like he was about to tell a grand story, something maybe daring and crazy, his face lighting up with a devilish grin. a good raw excitement that he hadn't felt with anyone but Cherri in a long time. It feels good and refreshing and he takes a moment to bask in it.
Before he's inevitably going to ruin it, because he's actually going to say something extremely silly and stupid, because that's what he does best. That's the realest he can get and that is what Husk asked for. It's the least Angel can do for him after tonight,so that's exactly what husk's gonna get.
"okay so i got in his limmo with these two catty chics- not that that's important though they both started smashin faces the second we got in the car- and Valentino was trying to count up these bills that he had been given after i did like some... Shark dude? I dunno he was probably important though!"
Angel had spent the last hour chatting with Husk and regaling him with stories of Valentino, in return Husk talked about his old Casino, time as an overlord and shitting on Alastor as is expected. But they are coming up to hotel gates now, and Angel desperately tries to push Charlie out of his mind
"and fun fact about 'ole Vally is that because he's a moth his eyes are geuninly a pice of SHIT-"
"he's such a bitch."
Angel is so surprised by Husks bluntness and the complete apathy in his voice and general lack of care that he bursts out laughing (how on earth could he think husk acts like that all the time when his true lack of care sounds like *that*) and Husk probably still high off of adrenaline after having been in a bar fight and shoot out in the last hour, can't help but laugh aswell. Angel is shocked to find out that when Husk laughs he snorts, which sends Him into another fit of giggles that makes him cry and stumble about so much he ends up in The hotel bushes.
"HAHAhahah hohoholy SHIT Hahaha c'mere cmon I need your help!!" he wipes away his tears and waves around his hand like a mad man as Husk hauls him out of the bush wiping away his own.
"sorry sorry okay continue! Continue! Please!"
"Ahahaha fuck I can't remember what I was saying now." Angel is smiling like a loon and he knows it but he he hasn't felt the high of friendship and understanding in someone new in what seems forever and he isn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
"Try squeezing your hands."
"pfttt what?"
"Just do it its supposed to help you remeber things" Husk is grinning self consciously probably aware that he sounds insane right now
"oh! Oh! Never mind! I remember now!!"
"Oh yeah?"
They've finally gotten to the front door now and Angel completely ignores everything in lieu of looking at Husk. Drinking up this moment like it's champagne, trying to permanently burn this bubbly fruity feeling hinto his brain. Nothing else matters right now exept from Husk and him bitching about his boss.
And it's honestly what Angel considers a perfect moment.
"Yeah! Okay so I know I said he had bills but it was litterally like three it was like three dollars and he got so pissed at me for not telling him but i honestly just found it fucking hilarious that some guy paid him three dollars and he couldn't even tell as he was counting it- I think the shark guys got shot in the head for it though?"
"how long did it take him to realize??" Husk asks, using his whole body weight to push open the tall red oak doors and into the main room.
"he had like three bills. And it took him like thirty minutes to count it!! His eyes are so shit!!" Angel giggles and covers his face with all four hands, heaving out a long and tired but happy sigh as the warmth of the hotel finally knocks into him and settles into his bones, making him realize how tired he is.
However the quiet and warm moment does not last of course.
He doesn't even get a moment to to take in a second breathe before a very upset, very sorry princess, comes barralling into him with all the strength, the emotion and conviction of something 20x her size, and it momentarily knocks the breathe out of him.
Ah shit.... Time to face the music.
He cringes as her arms small and as squishy as they might be, attach themselves around his waist like iron bands, pressing all the multitude of bruises around his body. He wouldn't dare tell her to get off, or say she's hurting him though, because she needs it. She deserves every bit of kindness that a washed up whore like Angel can give her, he'd do it whatever it costs in a heartbeat too.
Everything that had happened that morning came rushing back to him and his left eye started to throb again like it remembered too.
Charlie is an emotional demon with Empathy for others that probably kills her, and Angel feels all the guilt of what she must have been feeling, left at home, forced to sit on it, thinking she had done something wrong like it was ever possible that she could do something to hurt someone. it was Val's fault. Not Charlie's and even he was smart enough to know that.
But then again Charlie probably wasn't smart enough to understand that, considering it was Angel that shouted at her.
He really hadn't meant what he'd said in a cruel way, but the panic of what Val was going to do to him when she left the building and he was alone in a room with him felt suffocating. That and the mix of disgust and anger that he had felt when Val wrapped his slivery disgusting fucking tongue across her arm and he had to watch as Charlie smiled through the discomfort had flared up something fierce and protective in Angels chest. Angel doesn't usually let himself revel in the thought of harming Val because it's all just a fantasy in the end, letting himself get too lost in those kinds of things would slowly kill him.
but in that moment he didn't even bother pretending even to himself that he didn't want to kill Valentino on the spot.
"I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY ANGEL. " she warbles and her face as she looks up at angel Crushkng his heart into powder "i PROMISE ILL NEVER CME TO YOUR WORK AGAIN I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORR-"
"Woah Charlie. " he put his hand on her head and as she looks into his eyes he's caught by surprise as the sudden flash of his sister when they were both twelve shoves itself to the front of his mind, when she would come running to him with tears in her eyes just like this, with the same long blonde hair and blue eyes as this, with a scraped knee and a plea for her Fratello Anthony to make it better.
And he always did.
"You don't need to apologise Charlie. It's okay, i forgive you." he strokes her hair softly running his fingers through her sleek blonde hair, the other wrapped around her waist and tries to look down at her with the most comforting and level gaze he can manage. It pays off when of course she beams back and the tears in her face come flooding back and she flings herself towards Vaggie wailing,"HE HE HE FORGAVE MEEEEE."
Vaggie the softy she 'secretly' is, (even though everyone already knows) smiles and scoops her girlfriend up in one go bridal style. She looks at Angel in a surprisingly thankful way? He expected to have a spear pointed at him, but she merely nods with a curt smile and starts to ascend the stairs up to their room.
Husk turns to look up at him, he smiles, sharp teeth all yellow from smoking and liquor. Angel swears he can see something like being pride etched into his face. He feels his smile return back full force and let's himself revel in it. The feeling of it, but for once, it doesn't feel red or smoky or suffocating or scary, it just feels warm and safe. Familiar. It's crooked and mishapened it's early mornings spent on self improvement even with the worst hangover ever, it's him trusting with letting fat nuggets around others, it's his care for the people around him, its the care he receives back.
It's family.
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zombiifyd · 10 months
Can you tell me your analysis of the Albatrio’s relationship? I love hearing the nuances of people’s different takes on their dynamic!
AHAIHSJEH WOULD I?????? absolutely.
this post is gonna be so long its just gonna be a bunch of word vomit i swear. so i am so sorry.
OKAY SO I'M GONNA BE LIKE,,,, breaking down all of their relationships one by one, with like two individual people and then their all in whole because its SO IMPORTANT to look at the details.
1. chip and jay
these two have so many dynamics. i don't really see them as brother and sister but their fights definitely do remind me of that dynamic. to me, they're more like best friends that have that close of a bond. especially because of how they met, they kind of just instantly clicked. it one of those friendships where two unlikely people have the most chemistry and it never dwindles. obviously it has to do with the fact that they go on all of these adventures together. and they probably spent a couple of days at sea before finding gillion. so they must have gotten close, even if jay was a "spy" at the time, she never really acted like she was. chip found her, and in stead she found herself. and its really touching.
i would say they're definitely the closer two of the bunch even though trust has been broken a couple of times but they always come back stronger. i really love jay and chip.
2. jay and gillion
LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. these two mean literally everything to me. (hi navyseal shipper here) i'm sure i made a post about my thoughts about their relationship on my blog once. but might as well rehatch it and apply the new things i've learned with all the new episodes i've listened to. i still think their relationship is so pure and just so UGHHHH /pos. LIKE JUST ALL OF THE TOUCHING MOMENTS THEY HAVE. but even all of the normal moments they have also. i think the whole albatrio is just unlikely people who have found each other and just clicked with insane amounts of chemistry. because even though in the early episodes, gillion was a little strange and trying to figure out this new world. jay found him strange, but fun. and a good guy.
and it shows in future episodes and even going to him for ADVICE before the block and the reveal she was a spy and everything. and even after that gillion STILL trusted her. willing to literally to everything to keep her with them. like IM TEARING UP JUST YHINKUNG ABOUT IT. "just tell me what you wan't and i'll fight for it." HOLD ME BACKCKCKC I WILAHAJWHJE i am so notmal about them. anyway yeah thats jay and gillion
3. fish and chips
hey guys. listen. fish and chips???? yeah. i agree.
anyway, they are so important to me. they have a weird relationship though, to me at least. like in the beginning they were rough and bumpy but they were still close and affectionate. and dude, let me say, that when they we're crying and holding onto each other in the mud and fighting bugs in laffinlot, they had my entire heart. but in more recent terms from where i am listening, where they were about to go to grimms party, their relationship has evolved so much?? but it had barely even changed. if that makes sense???
especially when chip now almost refuses to lie to gillion anymore. if anything, i think the ice dome broke but made their relationship stronger because gillion confronted chip about what he has been doing. and chip now kind of understands where gillion is coming from??? because gillion doesnt share much of what is in the undersea with the two other than the mentions here or there of his laws and his beliefs, and strongly believing them. and i guess chip is still trying to process that gillion is NEW to this world and everything. even now in the episodes i'm in.
they have a really interesting relationship but i cannot put it into words bc if i do i will explode. but i love them.
4. THE TRIO!!!
all in all, they're idiots who found each other and in turn are trying to find themselves in this big vast, and new, world. they are idiots who have insane amounts of chemistry even when they first met. they are idiots who walk straight into navy bases and fuck shit up bc it's what they do as the best pirates ever!!! they consume my heart and mind and they will never leave. they are a package deal and they refuse to leave one another behind because they are friends. they are co-captains. they are family. they are each others persons. and that's it to them.
okay i think i'm done. SORRY AGAIN
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theficcafe · 2 years
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 - 06
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↳ Genre: Angst, Fluff
↳ Pairing: college!gojo x fem!reader
↳ Warnings: unrequited love
↳ Playlist: (will link here!)
↳ Masterlist: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
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song for this chapter: question..? - taylor swift
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"Good girl, sad boy
Big city, wrong choices."
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You didn’t have any history of insomnia. 
In fact, you had a healthy relationship with sleep. Unlike Shoko, whose body clock has been completely altered, you valued having 8 hours (or more) of sleep. You once explained the long term effects of having frequent all-nighters to Shoko using a PowerPoint presentation you created in an hour after seeing how exhausted she looked during the daytime, only for her to wave it off and say “everyone dies one day, anyway.”
It’s funny though - how you’re looking at Shoko now, fast asleep next to you, looking peaceful as ever, at 11PM. And yet here you are; eyes wide open, no trace of grogginess. You were wide awake and you knew it’d be awhile before you can join her in the dream land.
You reached for your phone on the night stand, unlocking it to look at the pictures you had taken earlier. The sunset looked beautiful in Tokyo, and you couldn’t help but take a piece of it with you through photography. You took quite a few selfies for remembrance, and spent the rest of the time thinking of someone  admiring its beauty.
A text notification from Yuuta snapped you back to reality. A small smile made its way to your lips upon seeing his name.
yu: when are youuu coming back home? mei mei’s so unforgiving with the shifts that i am covering for you! she said it’s for when you come back. you’d have all your shifts covered, so that means you still get paid. and i don’t get any?! i’m her brother!
You chuckled. Mei Mei has always been playful with Yuuta, teasing him every chance she gets. It’s always a fun dynamic to watch whenever you would be invited for sleep overs at their house. Though Yuuta sees it as a never ending cruelty imposed by his older sister, you, as the spectator, knows that this is Mei Mei’s way of showing his love for him, despite the age gap.
With them, you never once felt alone.
ramen provider: you get half, i promise!
yu: i better get half. also, i took all your ramen packs yesterday. figured they needed to be eaten by someone before they expire..
ramen provider: that’s the plan buddy
yu: why are u awake btw? you usually sleep early when you don’t have anything to do
You paused. 
You knew the answer; it’s already in the back of your mind. A certain name. 
How could a faceless person knock on the walls of your mind and make it their throne without your permission? How mighty could he be, Gojo Satoru, for him to reach every corner of your mind as his own? 
For you, he was the unexpected guest; one who knocked rapidly on your heart, only to be answered with deadly silence. But despite your eyes reflecting a very angry thunderstorm, he took his shoes off and barged right into your heart.
You diverted your attention back to your conversation with Yuuta.
ramen provider: just losing sleep lately, i guess..
—  or going insane.
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“We’re going somewhere nice next week!”
You munched on your toast, eyes fixated on your phone. Mornings with Shoko were always eventful; once upon a sleepover when you both were 18, you woke up to Shoko completely awake, hugging a pillow, just.. looking right at you. It freaked you out to say the least, but you didn’t have time to react or even scream because even in that moment, Shoko is certain what she wants to do for the day.
“Do you want to skip school with me?”
You could even barely blink.
What you loved about your best friend is her skill to be able to specify plans. Whenever you were with her, you were always out. It wasn’t bothersome to you because you thought your dynamic is perfectly balanced, with you being introverted and Shoko being the best of both worlds. She isn’t the most sociable, but she’s way more sociable than you could ever be. She is your walking itinerary - your personal travel document. She’s always going somewhere, and she knows how to get there.
When you say you'd probably be found dead in a ditch somewhere without Shoko, you meant that.
“And where could that be?” You asked, slightly distracted, eyes scanning your SNS feed. You stumbled upon an exchange program advertisement and got curious.
Shoko took a sip of her coffee, eyes twinkling in excitement. “A close friend of mine from med school - who is, by the way, filthy rich - invited me to their staycation. I actually turned him down but he insisted, so I told him I have to bring my bestest friend in the whole world or I am not getting on that boat. He was more than happy to agree.”
You felt as though you got slapped. Glancing up from your phone, you barely managed to register her words before you were up yelling. “What?! I didn’t get to say yes!”
“Were you going to say no?”
“Well - Iei, I don’t know them!”
Shoko pouted, standing up to take her now empty “I Hate Mondays” mug to the sink for a wash. “That’s the whole point - you can get to know them! We won’t be alone with him.”
You almost fainted. “That’s even worse! Iei, You know I am the worst with people.”
Shoko turned around, mug still in hand, but is now covered in dishwashing soap. She sent you a disapproving look. “No you aren’t. You just choose not to mingle with people.”
Feeling defeated, you sat down in despair. You let out a groan, to which Shoko responded with a giggle. She turned to you with a reassuring smile. “C’mon, Y/N. I think this is the perfect opportunity for you to branch out and get out of your little shell. Of course, if you really don’t wanna go, I won’t force you. We can stay here in Tokyo and visit a lot of places. I just figured you’d want to get to know the friends I made here, too.”
You suddenly felt guilty. Taking a good look at Shoko (who’s still busy washing her mug), you realized that though she may look the same as before, for some reason, she looked somewhat… far. Living with Shoko means living with familiarity—like a mug of cocoa on Christmas Day when your parents would actually be home, and they’d prepare a simple dinner before exchanging gifts. Shoko felt exactly like that scenario.
She’s so familiar that somehow, along the way of basking into this familiarity and loneliness, you unconsciously blurred out her life. What did you even know about Shoko after you both went to college?
Of course you tell each other everything (with Shoko being more talkative than you are) but now, actually thinking deep about it, you realized how vague her stories have gotten; it’s almost full of “Here’s how my day went”, “I’m so tired!”, “I hate med school!”
You never dug deeper.
That’s why the last line of her reply struck you the most; because she’s Shoko, your best friend since forever, the one who witnessed you go through the horrifying consequences of transitioning to adulthood, the only person who you can call at 4 am when you’re in the middle of an academic breakdown or when you want to make a long commentary about the show you’re currently watching. Your person - and despite this, you never even bothered to ask if she had company. If she has made good friends.
Today, at 6 o’clock in the morning, with the sound of tap water running in the background and Shoko humming softly to a song, you realized how big the world has gotten.
It was no longer just Shoko and you.
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“Yellow looks so good on you.”
You scowled, red hue rushing its way to your cheeks. “No, Shoko.”
You’re not sure how you got yourself in this situation - a happy Shoko swiping her cards left and right, hopping on every store she sees to “better prepare for the trip.”
An hour ago, you told Shoko you were going; but on one condition - you’d never go swimming.
It’s not as if you were the worst swimmer out there, it’s more of the fact that you never packed a swim attire. When you told Shoko, her eyes gleamed so bright you could mistake her for Christmas lights (and you know she’s just going to use your dilemma as an excuse to go shopping and splurge).
You never anticipated yacht parties and big pools and rich medical students on vacation, so hey, who could blame you?
You had agreed to go shopping for essentials; sunscreen, water bottles, blankets, towels..
..and yet you’re in a bikini shop.
“Oh please!” Shoko exclaimed, grabbing your shoulders to give you a playful shove, “I have seen you wear bikinis a thousand times, Y/N. And every time you do, you always rock it.”
You stuck your tongue out playfully, “That was years ago, Ie.” You snatched the clothing from her hand and quickly put it back in the rack. “Everything has changed.”
Shoko sent a playful look, “Oh really? I don’t know - you wanna show me?”
You rolled your eyes playfully and sighed. “You know what. I just wanna get this over with, so alright, I’ll take the yellow one.” You pulled your wallet out of your pocket just in time when Shoko suddenly ran towards the cashier at a fast pace.
“No, this one’s on me!”
She continued to run, fully aware of the daggers you are shooting her way. You sighed, finally admitting defeat. "Fine, but the food's on me!"
Looking back at your pouting form, Shoko sent a playful wink and gave you a thumbs up, "You got it!"
You didn't know if it was all the shopping, or Shoko literally dragging you everywhere (maybe this was mostly it), but you suddenly felt sick. Not sick-sick, more like the idea of hopping onto a yacht for God knows how long with a bunch of people you completely do not know or have any history with finally sinking in, in the middle of a swimwear store.
Holy shit.
A million thoughts ran through your mind - as a socially-selective person, you honestly did not know how to prepare yourself for this trip. No amount of sunscreen and wine can prepare you for conversations, your number one enemy.
Despite the chaos in your mind, you remained seated, embodying the perfect image of a stone for being so still. Shoko seemed to notice, already crouching down to meet your gaze. She had a worried look on her face, an image you're all too familiar with.
"Hey," She spoke, hand coming up to poke your cheek. Your eyes instantly met hers, mustering a tiny smile to reassure her that you're dying inside okay.
You made a mental note to write cue cards and practice conversing with yourself in the bathroom back at Shoko's apartment.
Standing up, you let out a nervous chuckle to mask the fact that you are one second away from backing out of this rich friend-yacht-party rendezvous. "Alright, enough with shopping, please. You know I have a high metabolism, I think I burned half of my soul from all that walking."
Shoko rolled her eyes, a playful smile making its way to her cherry-red lips. "We literally went to three places, Y/N. One of them was the bathroom."
"That still takes up so much energy."
You both walked out of the swimwear shop (and finally, finally tasted true freedom) when Shoko grabbed your free hand, her playful smile turning to a grin so contagious you found yourself smiling too. "Why are you so smiley?"
You asked, and yet you knew. She shrugged, looking ahead. "This trip means a lot to me, and I know you aren't really built for things like these, so thank you for choosing to come and fighting the urge to finish the world war II documentary I know you've been watching. The urge is strong, I know; because you're a nerd."
You just smiled to yourself silently. She really knows you like the back of her hand; at the same time, you were creeped out - because you only really watched the documentary around 4AM when she was fast asleep on your shared bed.
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A thousand walks later, you were finally the first one in line for a famous restaurant Shoko has been blabbering about for the past few days. At this point, you were finally convinced that your soul has finally transcended from all the waiting you'd done on behalf of your angry, frustrated best friend who kept complaining about how unfair the staff has been treating the customers. The truth is, you could have been inside thirty minutes ago if it wasn't for the rich-looking couple who obviously did not reserve a slot and lied about it to get ahead. What's worse is the staff not even sparing a glance, allowing them to walk inside.
Aside from waiting, you had also been suffering from secondhand embarrassment. Shoko, the ever-so-feisty one between the two of you, had been talking to the staff responsible for the reservation list. The more she got upset, the more her voice got louder, and you had to pull her back to remind her that you guys were in public.
"I swear," Shoko huffed, hands on her hips, rolling her eyes at the unbothered staff who clearly knew what he was doing, "I will rate this zero stars."
"That's mean." You uttered, pushing her back slightly. "It was just a person - the whole crew doesn't need to suffer from a negative review."
Pushing back, Shoko sent you a firm look (that did not even intimidate you; you think she only looked like an angry cat.)
"My legs are cramping, Y/N! I am wearing heels!" She whispered, pain laced in her voice. You laughed lowly, sending her a teasing smile. "You literally could've just sat on the waiting chairs."
"There were chairs?"
Before you could even let out a funny comeback (that you thought was genius), a deep voice spoke from behind you, the scent of wood sage and sea salt cologne coming off strong, almost making you feel dizzy from how strong it was.
That's when it started.
The loud, clicking sound; follows its own rhythm, getting louder and louder as the scent from behind you becomes stronger, filling your nostrils.
You turned around at the familiar tone, one that reminded you of train stations and parks.
You were meant to meet his eyes - the kind man who offered to walk to the park when you got lost. Toji, if you could recall well, was his name.
But you met someone else's gaze instead.
The clicking in your mind disappeared. It had turned eerily quiet, except for the low buzzing in your ears. It seemed as though the clicking faded out, like a countdown reaching its last number.
Somewhere in your mind, you could hear Shoko speaking, mixed with Toji's voice who kept calling your name.
But you were someplace else.
Somewhere blue.
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 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓴𝓪𝓸'𝓼 𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓻!
hi everyone, it’s kao!
it has been mONTHS!!! i missed everyone on here so much!
thank you for all the kind words! even when I was away, I had been receiving messages and replies from my lovely readers. i got too busy juggling work and school and had literally zero time for my hobbies. you guys have no idea how much I missed writing!
anyway, i have been [secretly] writing chapters in my drafts just in case I finally found the time to proof-read them and finally publish it for you guys ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ but I had to focus on more important things for me this month, so I left these babies unpublished for the meantime. i wanted to make sure everything was perfect before publishing them!
but fear not my friends, i am [officially] back in business!! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
as always, feedback/reblogging would me a lot to me! thank you for the small appreciation you guys have shown!  ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
see u guys in chapter 07!
kao, out! ʚ♡ɞ
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crabonfire · 2 years
more random tf2 headcannons :) (modern addition!)
Engineer likes Lego’s. He LOVES the fact that there’s a toy out there that empowers kids to create, he loves the Lego typewriter and is obsessed with the Lego creators sets. (Bonsai tree, sky wars mask, etc.) if you ask him about it he’ll be like “I think it’s great kids are learnin’ to build such things.” But he will never admit he actually wants the legos. Give him legos? So happy. In general, he likes puzzles. He loves games that have puzzles like Portal.
Pyro loves video games. Any game he’s up for it. I can see him as a MAJOR Kirby fan. He’d probably play Kirby games all day long if he got the chance to. Sometimes when he notices Engie working a little too much, he will drag him to their room and play Mario kart together. Sometimes he asks others, like scout!
Heavy doesn’t play many video games, but wanna know what he likes? Chess. He loves strategy and often plays with Medic, Spy, and Engineer. Snipers quite good at it, but he likes to watch instead so he can see how much each player struggle against each other. He finds it funny, yet insanely interesting.
Demoman and Soldier shop a lot. for the most random bullshit they can find. On some nights when everyone is asleep, they’ll sneak out to like a target and pick out the most random bullshit they can find. If anyone catches them while they try to sneak out, they ask them to come along. One time Scout and heavy came along and heavy ended up having a migraine over the three men wearing the most ridiculously stupid looking yet expensive clothing anyone has ever bought. He thinks it’s funny but is also questioning the amount of money they’ve spent in one night. He’s never coming with ever again.
Scout is really good at ALL the arcade games. But one thing he’s super good at? Claw machines and fucking DDR. He thinks of it as fun legwork and loves the competitive aspect of it. Trust me when I say he’s full combod all the fucking hard songs. Sometimes he’d just play to let out the stress tho. He’d play songs like Love Is Orange, A, and of course a CLASSIC fucking Butterfly (if u don’t know any of these songs I understand because barely nobody knows these, I just play a shit ton of ddr)
Medic has a twitter account where he just spams about how annoying the other mercs are at the medbay, if they’re treating him badly expect a whole thread on it. It’s private, everyone is on there and miss Pauling likes to reply and absolutely cackles at his tweets.
“These imbeciles get on my fucking nerves sometimes mein gott.” -medic
“I’m guessing you had a rough day?” -missp
“Yes. Scout screams like a final girl from a horror movie and demoman spilled his booze all over my table. If this job doesn’t kill them I will I swear.” -medic
“Wow…uh. I’m so sorry.” -missp
“No need to feel sorry, they might boss me around but I still have the pregnancy pen. If anyone gets out of line I’ll make them go through the worst pain of all, motherhood.” -medic
“OH.” -missp
“wtf” -scout
Spy is one of those competitive sports fans, but not in terms of sport, in terms of music. I can see him talking about his favorite jazz artist then go crazy that a pop artist who’s “nothing like *insert his fav artist*” is at the top of the billboard charts.
“HE IS MUCH MORE TALENTED THAN ANY OF THESE IDIOTIC POPSTARS. HOW THEY MAKE THESE VILE SONGS…ITS NOT ART! Nothing will compare to him, his music is like heaven to one’s ear…*rambles*”
Sniper goes to pet adoption centers to play around with the pets. He has this dog he plays with a lot, her name is Molly and he adores her.
“Your a cheeky girl aren’t cha? Your so cute…yes you are, yes you are.” He says as he’s petting Molly in his arms.
Nobody knows this except Pauling, who caught him while she was in the area. He walked in with a frown but walked out with the happiest grin shes ever seen on any man.
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acaplaya-musings · 4 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Hide And Seek (Ding Dong!)
"Hang on, you're skipping In The Hall Of The Mountain King?" Truth be told, I've never even watched that one. I've seen the thumbnail of course, and well, my weirdness-tolerance in my brain only goes so far. Be glad you're getting a post about this video, because it took me a while to decide to watch it, and I've only seen it like 3 times max.
This was Voiceplay's Halloween video of 2022, released on the 8th of October, and features Lauren Paley, who I don't really know anything about, but apparently she's popular on Tiktok and is known as "the stairwell siren" due her typical choice of singing location. The song is originally a Vocaloid song, but Voiceplay gave it a little bit (understatement of the century) of Disney flair, or more specifically, Disneyland flair, as the video is filmed as if you were watching a performance inside the Haunted Mansion attraction at Disneyland, literally. This might not be one of my most-favourite videos to watch or VP songs to listen to, but I gotta admit that the visual stuff is freaking insane in this video, and I do have a fair few things to talk about with this one, so let's get into it!
(Warning: this post includes a fair bit of infodumping)
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I'll get to each person individually in a minute, but first check out the set design! Like a lot of Voiceplay's videos nowadays. this was filmed at Pattycake Productions studios, and Tony Wakim was heavily involved with this one - credited with costuming, props, puppeteering, and direction, so shoutout to him! And shoutout also to Layne, the other half of Pattycake Productions, who arranged the cover and was in charge of the video concept.
I've never been to DisneyLand/World (I've never even been overseas, and there are no Disney parks in Australia), but when I was a little younger (like during mid high school?) I went through a bit of a phase of interest in Disney parks, wanting to learn stuff about them and watching shows from the parks on YouTube and stuff (if only I had been watching shows from Universal Studios in Orlando...), so I'm not entirely unfamiliar with the Haunted Mansion ride/attraction, and I currently have Disney Wiki on hand to help provide further elaboration and comparison pictures.
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Alright, character time!
Let's start with Cesar in the middle, who is absolutely serving as Madame Leota, a disembodied head in a crystal ball who conducts "an otherworldly séance in an attempt to summon spirits and assist them in materializing." (And I'm not meant to be talking about the arrangement, but I would feel bad if I didn't mention that the "serpents and spiders" incantation that Cesar does before the beat kicks in is actually part of Madame Leota's incantation, not from the Hide And Seek song!) (Also fun fact: Madame Leota was originally voiced by Eleanor Audley, who also voiced both Lady Tremaine in Cinderella and Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty!)
Could you immediately tell based on just the thumbnail which one was Layne and which one was Geoff? I did actually get it right (could I really call myself a devoted Geoff stan if I didn't?), but honestly I did start to second-guess myself a little.
So in the left-hand column here, we have Layne, and my god Tony and Rick Underwood both really went off for this one. Layne is playing the Hatbox Ghost, who looks like this!
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And if it weren't enough to be wondering how long Layne spent in the makeup chair for his extremely ghostly appearance (note that he's also completely clean-shaven, which is quite rare for him, but obviously necessary for the character look), then next we have Geoff, in the right-hand column, and do you see why I don't watch this video a lot? 😅 (I'm mostly joking, I'm not that shallow, but he's still practically unrecognisable!)
Geoff is playing The Caretaker (who apparently has the semi-official name of Silas Crump), who is the groundskeeper for the mansion and its adjacent cemetery, and he is terrified of the undead residents within the manor. He looks like this!
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(Geoff, I know you love to call yourself "old [and boring]", but this is ridiculous 🤣)
(Not even 30 seconds into the video yet! Shoutout to anyone who actually reads this whole post!)
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Next, we have Lauren, who is playing "The Bride". Apparently there were two iterations of this character in The Haunted Mansion, and I'm not sure which one Lauren is playing, or whether she's going for a mix of both, but here are pictures of the two versions:
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The second iteration of The Bride (on the right) is known as Constance Hatchaway (not a typo!), and is one of the figures depicted in the Stretching Room's portraits. Apparently she had a habit of decapitating her husbands with a hatchet (hence the surname), and then stuffing their heads inside of hatboxes as trophies (lovely). According to lore, one of her husbands came into the possession of the manor now known as the Haunted Mansion, which she then inherited after her husband met the same grisly fate as all the previous ones did.
And finally we have Eli, perhaps the most recognisable member in this one, as Alexander Nitrokoff, another figure from the Stretching Portrait Gallery. He looks like this: (and yes, this portrait basically depicts his untimely end. Rip.)
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(10/10 casting choice, I must say, and outfit on point as well 👌)
OKAY, we've finally got character lore and introductions out the way, now we can actually get on with the video!
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This picture is very similar to the first picture in this post, but I have more things to say about this set up!
One, I love the ghostly visual effects on Lauren, with the glowy ethereal outline of her silhouette, and the slight translucence on her dress! No clue who was responsible for visual effects/editing on this one (it doesn't say in the description, but maybe Layne?)
And 2, correct me if I'm wrong but are Geoff, Layne, and Eli all lit in different ways? Eli has a warm-coloured spotlight on him, Geoff has more of a cool-coloured spotlight on him (I think?), possibly angled different to the light on Eli as well, and as for Layne I'm honestly not sure, but he stands out in a really interesting way. I have a feeling that the lighting on him is such that it makes him look like an actual Haunted Mansion/Disney Parks ride animatronic (especially when combined with deliberate movement/acting choices in the video). Nobody is credited with lighting for this one, but I'll still place a bet on who helped with a lot of it (at the least) anyway!
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"Ding dong, you can't keep me WAITING!!!"
(Acting was on point across the board for this video, I must say)
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"I can sense your horror!"
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Absolutely loving Cesar's makeup in this one ngl (I wonder whether he coloured his face and/or hair blue for filming this or if that was just all done via editing?)
(Also great face Eli)
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Honestly if not for his unmistakable vocal timbre, you could easily not realize this was Geoff at all. Rick did a ridiculously good job of making him (and Layne) look completely unrecognisable! Like is Geoff wearing facial prosthetics or something? His eyebrows look fake, the eyebags look like they were done with more than just regular makeup, and even his cheeks look thinner? Man I really wanna join VP's Patreon at the behind-the-scenes tier! But alas! Money!
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Geoff: "Just wait, you can't hide from me"
Me while listening to the song on Spotify: 👉👈 👀
Me while watching the YouTube video: 😧😬
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You can't have one of your members dress up as the Hatbox Ghost for a Haunted Mansion style video and not feature the character's main "gimmick" of his head moving from his neck to the box that he holds! And well, all things considered, Voiceplay did a pretty decent job of it! (And hey, even Disney themselves struggled with it - the character was removed from the attraction within only a few weeks of the ride's opening, and didn't actually return to the ride until 46 years later, in 2015, for the park's Diamond Anniversary Celebrations!)
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"Knock, knock, I'm inside your room now" "Hello!"
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Voiceplay are just showing off at this point honestly 😝 (I wonder how long this video was in production for? Seems like it would have been a big project taking at least a full month, if not longer)
Also haven't yet mentioned it but it's cool how the full group shots are shot in a way that makes it look like you're watching this from one of the ridecars (people-movers?) of the Haunted Mansion!
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Oh dang I completely forgot about Cesar's/Madame Leota's crystal ball floating up in the air!
And there you have it folks! Maybe not one of my most picture-heavy posts, but quite possibly one of the most text-heavy! Now time for me to not watch this video again until October at the earliest!
(Also, since I'm skipping over the Christmas videos (for now at least), we're finally into the 2023 bunch of videos! (Though I'll be skipping over Nothing Else Matters and In My Room, sorry!))
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fabdante · 3 months
For the DMC reboot:
This might work better before they took down Mundus, and of course the twins would have to know one another better for this to actually work, but:
Dante switching places with Vergil for a day or two because Reasons and being shocked and probably more than a little envious of the sheer contrast. Not even just in how much more money Vergil has than him (tho Dante IS jealous of that; Vergil shows Dante how much he makes and how much Vergil has in his bank account and Dante's brain just kinda stops working for a few seconds, trying to process how big the numbers are), but in how people treat Dante-as-Vergil, compared to how they treat Dante-as-himself. Because yeah, some of it is down to the way Dante acts when he's being himself, and Dante knows this (he just doesn't really know how to be anything different/better, or if its even worth the effort- or if he'll even live long enough for it to matter)... but that's not ALL it is.
The money and status Vergil has helps, that's true, but even just. Being able to walk into a fucking room, say what (you're pretending) your name is, and not have demons or demon collaborators drag you into Limbo or have people otherwise hate and fear you as some monster, and/or treat you like they can tell you're "worthless gutter trash" just by looking at you is... Something. It sure is something.
Idk. I just think it'd be a fun concept to play around with. Especially if Vergil made himself look like Dante and spent the day (or week- however long this takes) running around fighting demons and dodging demon collaborators and probably living in shitty hotels or sleeping on the streets (if he really had to), too, just to really sell whatever ruse they're trying to pull here.
Hopefully this would bring the twins closer together, but I could see it causing problems between the two, too. Which hopefully they could work out, but still. Idk, I just think it'd be Neat.
Side note: They'd probably have to switch swords to make it REALLY convincing, so that could be fun too.
I do think the idea of the twins swapping would be interesting and possibly quite silly!! And it'd give them insight to each others lives!
However I don't know how convincing they'd be asdfghjk they are identical twins in the reboot as far but Kat would 100 percent figure this out immediately upon seeing one of them, which in itself is also very funny asdfghjkl like, beyond the fact Vergil in the reboot is just so insanely pale and Dante is not, it'd take so much work for them to get each others mannerisms down and they might be able to fool others at the Order but definitely not Kat. I can see her walking in on Dante pretending to be Vergil and just immediately like 'ok, where is Vergil, what are you two doing?' to which Dante is going to try and salvage this and fail spectacularly because Kat is not buying his Vergil act, especially now that he's talking asdfghjk I love this concept. I tend to imagine they all didn't leave the Order much at the Dante stage of the plan, but they'd definitely be more convincing around strangers then in the Order.
Flip side of this is also I can see Dante suggesting this for funsies and Vergil just absolutely declining, he does not want to live in Dante's life asdfghjk he is not built to be around dirt he will cry.
If he were to take him up on it though and had to live parts of Dante's life, I definitely think he'd be woefully ill prepared for that. Which might bring him a little more understanding as to why Dante is the way he is, but I do think it might further Dante's resentment towards Vergil because he is definitely just very jealous of how easy Vergil's life has been this whole time.
I also propose a funny alternative: which is Dante wandering around the Order pretending to be Vergil while Vergil is unaware as part snooping mission (he's trying to figure out information on the Order and his brother and Kat and if he can trust any of this) and part just for funsies to see what happens. Some of the newer members are buying it, none of the older ones are, he went on a caper to steal Vergil's clothes from his closet and everything, he acquired a wig, eventually Kat and Vergil catch wind of this and it ends with Dante, in full Vergil cosplay, in Vergil's office while Kat and Vergil are just like ???
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goneahead · 6 months
I was tagged by @radiowrites and @stephmcx thank you♥️!!
Hi! I am @goneahead on tumblr. I am also goneahead on A03 and goneahead over on dreamwidth (see links in my pinned post - my internet has gone wonky again)
So, this was definitely not one of my better years. I have three WIPs and while I plodded away at all three, I was never happy enough to post new chapters.
What’s really sad is I finally hit 1 million words posted on dreamwidth—and then I pretty much struck out this year. I’m mostly posting this cuz I think its good for newer writers to realize that yes, even experienced writers have years where things just go all pear-shaped.
My grand total for fanfic was: 1,513😳
I don’t keep track of my poetry word count, but I started the year writing poem #926 and ended the year writing poem #947
Total Number of Fanfics: about 150
Total Number Of Completed Works: this year? 0
Total Number of WIPS worked on this year: 3
How Many WIPs do you still have: 4
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? Much less. In fact, this year was pretty much a bust.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Well considering I spent all year writing three fics and wasnt happy enough to post anything….
Biggest Surprise: I would love to say I was surprised at how little I posted, but I am a disorganized idjit and—yeah. nobody is shocked.
Biggest Disappointment: see above😆
Do you have any writing goals for the new year? Finish Home verse. Let’s see how that goes….
Fanfiction Questions Below! (if you don’t write fanfiction feel free to skip or rework the questions for your original works.)
Fandoms I’ve written in this year? Hawaii Five-0
Your most popular story of the year? sadly, I didn’t post a new story, just a poem and a tiny addition to another verse.
The story that was easiest/or most fun to write? Still enjoying my MIB AU. Now if I could actually finish it…
Hardest story to write: Lead Me Through the Fire from 2022 was one of those fics where all the different pieces of the plot had to fit together just so. I spent more time than I’d like to admit second-guessing myself on how I arranged the chapters.
Your sweetest funniest story: I have a soft spot for Hawaii Five-0’s Eric Russo. The character is very funny and often wildly inappropriate. I wrote a scene in one of my WIPs where Eric is just soooo Eric
Your saddest scene: I didn’t write anything sad this year.
The sexiest moment you’ve written this year? again, nada.
Your favorite tag: diplomatic javelining😆
Most unintentionally telling story: hmmm. I can’t think of anything too revealing in my fic? Except a tendency to write too many AUs?
Are any of your fics named after/heavily inspired by music? Yes. A lot of my fics have their own playlists and that music definitely influenced those fics. I don’t usually share these songs—or name my fics after songs—because I listen to a lot of obscure stuff most people have never heard of.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? I continued to get a lot of interesting and thought-provoking comments on Care and Feeding of a Super SEAL this year. There are many amazing fix-it fics for S10xE22 written by insanely talented writers—so its crazy and humbling that people are continuing to read and comment on mine.
Fanfiction risks you took this year? sadly, none.
My favorite part of fandom this year: We had new people join our fandom!
You know, I really don’t get what has happened to fandoms these last few years. It used to be that fans just shrugged and continued to write, create, and have fun—even their fandom didn’t have any new content being made. Am I the only one who thinks its weird that most fans now book it for the nearest exit as soon as a show is canceled or a movie series is over?
letsee, tagging um, @cowandcalf @bennyokelly @itwoodbeprefect @stellagioia @redgoldblue
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jeonghoneyss · 6 months
hi honey! i hope the end of the year is treating you well! 4, 5, 23, and 30 for the fic writer's ask game! <3
hi morgan! i've got my exams coming up in early-mid january, so right now i'm just spending a lot of time on maths! i hope to take a brief break afterwards, though. i hope the end of the year is treating you well, too. thanks for the ask! <3
4: What piece of media inspired you the most?
Well! This is a fun question. I'm going to say Disney's Descendants (I don't know if you've watched it?). Completely out of the blue earlier this year, I was struck with an intense bout of love for Descendants that reminded me that I am absolutely obsessed with Descendants, so I then wrote a small fic and rewatched the first move and spent two months being absolutely insane (and also had COVID at the same time). Looking back I think this was brought on by my May-Jun exams, because the same thing is happening now as my Jan exams approach. Such is life, alas.
I'm going to cheat and give you two more answers, too - in the summer, I read Frances Hardinge's Deeplight (an absolutely fantastic book, I definitely recommend it) and then wrote my junhao fic. I also read Garth Nix's Frogkisser! (another brilliant book) and have since been thinking very deeply about my batkisser wip.
5: What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
So! This year I actually wrote for quite a few fandoms! I had to go back and check, but it's actually been quite a good year of writing, and I've managed to post fics for four fandoms in total: I wrote three fics for Stray Kids (one of which Versity and I wrote together), one fic for Miraculous Ladybug, one for Descendants and (finally, as I've been meaning to finish a wip since 2018) one fic for SEVENTEEN.
23: Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
Since I'm in a Descendants mood, I'll share a bit from my Carlos fic - while I was writing this fic, I discovered that all my previous kiss scenes have had a pattern of not saying much about the actual physical kiss itself - it's all stuff like people discovering what other people's smiles feel like against their mouths, which is all well and good, but I wanted to work on that. Originally, this kiss scene was just going to be 'And Carlos discovered that he hadn't read it wrong at all,' which was perfectly serviceable (in fact, I kept it in the fic, in the paragraph right above the following one), but I wanted to write something that wasn't just "and then they maybe kissed." This might be a good time to mention I've never kissed anyone on the lips. Anyway. This paragraph was a bit of a struggle, but I think I did well enough in the end! It was definitely a good start, in any case.
Jay’s fingers find their way into his hair — gently, far more gentle than Carlos thought was possible — and Jay’s tongue is trying to find its way into his mouth, hot and persistent against his lips (it’s a bit much for this kiss, Carlos’ first kiss with asking and explanations and kissing-just-for-kissing, so he keeps his mouth firmly shut until Jay gets the hint, but it’s exhilarating all the same), and Jay’s other hand finds its way from his shoulder to the notch at his waist, and Evil, this might be the best thing to ever happen to him.
30: What's something you want to write in 2024?
Oh, what a question. I'd like to say Every WIP I Have, but I'll start with some of my most recent ones: the junhao batkisser one, the hyunho owls one, the hyunho catboys catfight one, the jeongho mommy issues one, the soonhoon fairies one (and the likely junhao sequel), the junhao where jun keeps leaving and also there's magic and baby seungkwan, the hyunho camera one and, finally, i'd like to iron out the details and actually star my junhao call off your dog one. Gosh. What a long list. Good luck to me. Oh! And the fic I'm writing with Versity, which we have both abandoned for the time being as, unfortunately, we are both very busy.
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Witch Hat News #4 - Lessons from the Archives
by Tata Calthrop
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This is an archived version of our microfiction newsletter! You can read along on our tumblr, or subscribe here.
Which archive, you may ask? Well, it's quite simple.
Our own one.
Yes, like many twenty-somethings in the creative field now, I was forged in a rather specific fire – the classic Internet pipeline of Neopets, Deviantart, Tumblr, Twitter, usually interspaced at some point with either a gender crisis or a formal diagnosis of mental illness.
You see, for a young nerdy preteen in 2010, you have two sexy choices made available to you, neither of which you will perceive until it's too late. You will choose either the path of solitude (voraciously consuming and creating content in incredible loneliness and feeling like the only person in the world who does so), or the path of the internet, where you will learn at an incredibly young age how to receive and handle a death threat. I was raised on a raw, unfiltered diet of fandom. (Sonic the Hedgehog. The world has not been kind to me.)
The fans and the hermits have a lot to teach each other. In fact, as easy as it is to make fun of – well – most people on the internet, there is something valuable to be learned from every subculture of creativity, including the horny ones. 
So let me make a confession to you: I'm a fanfiction writer. I have a shameful record of 155,821 words, none of which will ever give me a scrap of credibility with anyone, including other fanfiction writers. (Heavy is the head that wears the dunce hat of Adventure/Comedy.) Hell, I've spent over a year picking away at a fancomic project. For zero dollars and no publication accolades, I have written at least five full completed novellas, which will never be published, be recognised, or prove anything except my big, fat crush on the uncle from Encanto.
My god, was it freeing.
The social pressure to monetize your art is insane. I took my first art commission before I even had my first bank account. It was my teenage dream: to be paid is to obtain credibility. The label will hang over your head like an execution hood: PROFESSIONAL. Of course, the loop never really stops; start making money and suddenly your eyes are open to how many opportunities you're missing, and how little you make compared to others, and how wide the chasm is between you and full-time creation. 
(That's not to say the money and recognition aren't nice! That part I do recommend.)
But making fan content, and making friends who also make fan content, and building up a small audience of people who just want to be there for fun is incredibly liberating when you're not used to it. Get a bunch of friends who create together, join a community that makes its own memes and creates a bubble of mutual feedback and appreciation, and you start to realise: this is how they made the old tales, the oral ones before the printing press.
Here's two lessons from the archives.
Love characters. Fall in love with their vulnerable moments, their jokes, their relationship dynamics, the little unseen parts of them that you can never put in a real story because there's simply no point. Linger on the details. Develop a little crush. Project all your issues and obsess over nothing. Love your own characters, and you'll find suddenly that creating art about them changes from a chore to an act of affection. Learn what makes you fall in love with other stories, and look for the same aspects in your own.
Making art to impress a large audience will disappoint you; making art to impress a social circle of about ten interested people is how life is supposed to be lived. The early humans who painted mammoths on cave walls had no audience except themselves.
Here's a quote I like, from Prof. Henry Jenkins, Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism and Cinematic Arts at University of Southern California: "Contemporary Web culture is the traditional folk process working at lightning speed on a global scale. The difference is that our core myths now belong to corporations, rather than the folk.”
Here's another quote I like, from twitter user @FarfinFarfin: "the fastest way to improve your art is to become some sort of pervert, doesn't really matter what kind, whatever you're comfortable with". 
The Northern Caves by @nostalgebraist. The Northern Caves is a cosmic horror story about unwary scholars who delved too deep into the ancient texts, except the scholars are a group of hardcore nerds on an early 2000s fan forum for a mediocre fantasy series, and the ancient texts are fan theories about the author's baffling final novel. I know almost nothing about original fiction on Archive of Our Own, but I recognise a wonderfully online scary story when I see one. Psychological, terrifying, and twistedly fascinating reading for anyone who's ever watched an online community implode.
Songs for Girls in Love by @phemiec. PhemieC was one of my favourite musicians as a teenager, and when I got into my first relationship I rushed into the familiar arms of their love songs. They also were making, at the time, Homestuck fansongs. But when I was 15, this music made more of an impact on me than any classic musician ever could. Songs for Girls In Love has a number of fansongs mixed in, largely for things I've never consumed, but you'd never know it from their lyrical subtlety and I'm still a huge fan. 
Digital Land Grab: Media corporations are stealing our cultural heritage. Can we take it back? By Henry Jenkins. Okay, okay, this one's not exactly micro or fiction of any sort. But it is the article that I quoted earlier, and Prof. Jenkins could be described as the grandfather of fanwork studies in academia. A good read about the history and creative validity of fanwork, and the ways in which corporations suppress it. I highly recommend it, even if you know nothing about fanfiction.
Your project here. Do you make art of any kind - visual, written, performed? Are you starting a project or recruiting co-creators? We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected].
That's it for June. See you next month!
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imthefailedartist · 2 years
I'm five episodes deep into The Watcher it is white nonsense at its finest.
They have no money but have not made one frugal alteration to their lives. In fact they seem to be purposefully making it worse.
Is this all a dream? Because that's how this is feeling. The über weird neighbors. The fact that their house is so much bigger than everyone else's. Nora's wishy washy behavior. KAREN in total. The kids lack of going to school despite the fact that it is clearly fall. They have a sex life but suddenly they don't. The whole John Graff nee List plot. Ellie being dumb as hell. The son barely being a character outside of crying. Nora's a ceramist but we never see her making anything. The home reno going so quickly and smoothly. How long have they been in the house. Dean has a job but it's never clear what he does. The daughters a pianist but never plays and is instead swimming. Everyone keeps repeating phrases. They never go anywhere in town. We've never really seen the town. They lived in NYC for years where are their friends? Nora still has business & a show there she never checks on anything no one ever updates her. The chief or head detective & the PI both weird. The PI having such a convoluted story to how she became a PI. Everyone knows everything but everyone knows nothing. They spent all their money on the house yet have money for country clubs, private detectives, security systems, weeks long motel stays. The house address is 657 BOULEVARD is that the streets name Boulevard Blvd. St. Ln. Trl. Ave. What? Everything is linear but nonsensical like a dream.
I know multiple locations and characters is limited because of covid safety and budget restraints but a lot of this is feeling purposeful.
This whole show feels like one of those really intense hyperfocused scenes where a character is on the verge of a breakdown or just dropped acid and is trying to pretend they aren't tripping.
I think think the Watcher is Karen. I think 657 Boulevard was her house. She lost it when her husband left her. She used the divorce settlement to reinvent herself and get her realtors license. Now she's trying to buy the house, her dream house, back one commission at a time. With every scared seller the price gets lower and lower and she gets closer and closer. It explains why she's so passive aggressive about Nora's marriage. And insists on them selling. And keeps bringing up the Watcher and making it out to be way worse than some letters. It's probably something else but who knows?
It's probably not a dream or novel or story. And instead of a fun guessing game I probably just pointed out a bunch of plot holes. Oh well. Nothing is perfect as long as I had fun watching it I don't care.
Is Dakota one of the guys from Rae Shremmerd?
So I'm past episode 5 onto 6 and I was wrong. It's more normal than what I thought. It's just white people being white people and not minding they damn business. So truly the scariest thing of all the scary things.
Well this is hitting real close to home. I too have neighbors doing things I don't like to their homes. Two put up the world's ugliest and gaudiest fence. Another's fence is falling apart. Another has trash and uncut grass spilling from his back yard. One house removed the shrubbery from the front of house and made it look so plain and ugly. And I live in a normal suburb. I imagine I'd go insane if my house was worth a couple mill and my new neighbors were fucking up.
Also, I'm not selling my house. Keep watching Watcher because I'm gone do what I want in my house and you can suffer. $275,000 less from $3.5 M with improvements, I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch. We moving back in there letters and all.
Is this a dream? When the fuck did Maurice die? What is the timeline. So much time has passed and yet it feels like none has. Why is Karen so shady?
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squeakygeeky · 1 year
Language Learning Check-In: June
Assuming I keep up with this I guess I'll make this a monthly thing. I've loved languages for a long time, but this was the first time in a while where I felt like it was my main hobby. I'm currently very into the idea of 'comprehensible input' which is where things are simplified enough and with enough context that you can understand what's going on, even if you can't understand most of the words, and you naturally start picking up both grammar and vocabulary from exposure. I finally quit Duolingo cold turkey.
Thai: I started seriously studying Thai at the end of last month, starting with learning the alphabet and then immediately abandoning that to do pure listening comprehension only. I've been averaging 2hrs a day, a pace I can probably stick to for the next two months since I can watch videos during work, but not after that. This is not counting time spent watching BL since in that case I'm focusing mainly on reading subtitles, although I'm sure it helps a little. The videos I'm watching have the format of two teachers asking each other basic questions ('Is this a fruit? Do you like to eat this?') with lots of repetition, hand gestures, and doodles to illustrate.
I feel like I've been learning so much but all I can quantify is the hours spent since it's not like I'm making vocab lists or taking tests, I'm just absorbing like a sponge. My favorite part is that it's pretty chill to be a sponge so it's still possible when I'm tired, and until this past week or so I was struggling a lot with my energy levels. I don't really have any fun language facts to share other than that sky blue is its own distinct color category, there's no overall blue in Thai.
Spanish: I'm actually part of an insanely multilingual friend group now and there are a lot of Spanish speakers. This includes the friend I've been calling 'Kdrama Friend' who is actually a Spaniard, although her mother tongue is Catalan, not Castilian. Then there's my Guatemalan neighbor of the Mysterious Doormat Beverage (left on my doormat, not consisting of doormats), and a few other women. Kdrama Friend can translate (and so can some of the others, they mostly speak more English than I speak Spanish) but it's a lot less awkward when she doesn't have to. I do struggle to follow group conversations a lot of times though, so I've been meaning to seriously work on my conversational skills and now I've actually started.
It's easier than with Thai in the sense that I don't have to have visual input, I can understand intermediate to advanced podcasts like the Duolingo podcast and even native podcasts, but it's harder in the sense that I don't feel any progress since my level was already pretty high and I'm just picking up the occasional new word. We'll see how I do at tomorrow's baby shower. To be honest I think a lot of my problems with conversation are more psychological than linguistic and exist even when I'm speaking English, I can just cope better then.
I found a podcast on fashion history which I was able to follow because I'm actually really interested in that. It's the whole comprehensible input thing, I know perfectly well what a toile is and have used them, but someone at my Spanish level who didn't know how to sew clothes might have been lost.
Working on Spanish doesn't feel that exciting but it's useful and important to me for heritage reasons. If you've ever read the Josefina American Girl books, that's exactly one side of my family and my grandma grew up speaking Spanish, but my dad's Spanish is almost nonexistent and I just learned in school.
Vietnamese: You all know I love this language and I've wanted to learn it for a while, but there aren't great resources for it and while I can absolutely pick up certain words and phrases, it still kind of...doesn't sound like a language a lot of the time. Thai already feels more understandable. I think the alphabet similarity is actually hurting me because if I look at a word the way it would sound with English pronunciation interferes too much, and there aren't any videos simple enough to feel comprehensible without any translation. So this is on the back burner.
Korean: Dropped for now, although I did find some comprehensible input videos in case I decide to try learning it later.
My problem is that I now want to learn all the languages, right now, and that is not how it works. Anyway, feel free to ask me about languages any time.
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thedrotter · 10 months
Giggles and kicks my legs. Soooo .. how about YOU make a headcanon post
OKAY!!!! i actually have. like a. insanely long list for my mother headcanons and have an uncomplete Google docs document on them because im insane but i will make it as short as i can by only taking about mother 2 LMAOOO so imma just add a silly read more thingy here because i am about to info dump so hard
Imma go character by character because ITS JUST CLEANER...
first off silly baseball child ness
Because I'm silly like that I woke up one day and decided he was trans masc. if ness or just any male protagonist in media (looking at you link) could make money out of the amount of people that made headcanons of him not being cis I imagine there'd be alot of cash coming in
I like to think of him as half-latino and knowing spanish because WHY NOT!!! and since every single latinoamerican breathes and cherishes goku HE NEEDS TO BE A DRAGON BALL FAN he would not be accurate latinoamerican representation IF HE WASNT A DRAGON BALL FAN!!!
Out of the whole group I imagine he tries to use PSI as little as possible in his daily life once the whole journey is over, for he is more comfortable living as a normal kid. WILL NOT HESITATE TO USE HEALING POWERS IF NECCESARY but otherwise avoids it (except telepathy on animals because i have this funny thought where he has unintentionally used telepathy his entire life and thats how he knows what animals are saying BUT THOUGHT THIS WAS NORMAL??? once he figures out its not a normal thing he avoids doing it as much with people but he cannot live without knowing what the dawg be saying...
the airhead in the group. he is mostly gut oriented instead of going by brains his brain mgiht as well be a burger
ALSO THE LOUD ONE a very empathetic and easy going boy that gets easily excited about everything and just likes having fun. which means every time he gets a semblance of a negative emotion he will proceed to numb it down and ignore it causing him to just accumulate it😰 LIKE HOW HE HAS TO BEAT DIFFERENT CREATURES AND ENEMIES in his magicant they appear and look down at him for hurting them WHICH MIGHT BE HIM FEELING GUILTY BY THE FACT HE HAS TO DO THAT AND I IMAGINE HE CAN ONLY PULL HIMSELF TO DO SO BY NUMBING THE GUILT DOWN... he's just like look lets lets just get this done😞 what goes on with Pokey ending up on Giygas's side also applies to this but i will not go on detail. because I am writing fanfiction about it and rather not spoiil it😊😊😊😊
the baseball fan ever that practices daily without missing a single day and basically drags Pokey alongside him
and since. i am NORMAL... he's an ENTJ 7w8. i have spent endless hours doing personality tests for these kids i am so normal about them
he has a crush on Paula (which she returns) but is too flustered to admit this so he pretends he is not catching on to her VERY VISIBLE HINTS (she enjoys getting him flustered shes silly like that) because he's nervous about it💀💀💀
anyway PAULA TIME!!!! i am insane so i have provided some backstory for her
I imagine that she awakened her PSI pretty early on and is very gifted around it, and since it is so rare she became very popular in the media at a young age and is essentially a celebrity child. She thought it was very fun initially but she feels pressured to keep a perfect image of herself for she is considered to be a role model which painted an image of someone that wasn't her. She feels very upset about this nowadays and has tightly held onto what is important to her and her true self as to not lose it in attempting to be someone else. She basically has some anger issues out of this because she has gotten used to people not really respecting her boundaries and not being very interested in who she actually is
so yeah she isnt really amused when she's kidnapped SHE JUST GENERALLY HAS LIGHT REACTIONS TO THINGS GOING SOUTH BECAUSE SHE BASICALLY KINDA EXPECTS THAT? despite how much optimism she spreads around she's quite the pessimist (though never voices those thoughts) so she feels very drawn in when Ness is actually genuinely optimistic about everything
loves cute things so much she needs every single big plushie she finds IMMEDIATELY. kirby merch hoarder
generally a sweetheart but very bold and feisty not as much as Kumatora is but she is
if she was in the modern era she'd be a gamer and live breathe minecraft she would be the type of person that gently explains things to her friends on one side but yells when a random stranger in her team is playing horribly
really excited over her frying pan she would have gotten a bat if she didn't think itd be cool if she could use her frying pan as both a weapon and something to warm food up in. like SHE WILL USE IT IN ANY CHANCE POSSIBLE TO FEEL COOL like "Yeah ... give me that cold slice of pizza imma put in the pan . ..." pk fire some random oil she keeps around for thiw specific purpose and there it is it makes her so happy
AS I PREVIOUSLY MENTIONRD SHES VERY STRAIGHTFOWARD ABOUT HER FEELINGS FOR NESS EVERYONE KNOWS IT SHE IS NOT TRYING TO HIDE IT AT ALL but does not directly confess because she likes teasing Ness. she finds it amusing when he gets flustered about it and pretends he isn't catching on
ESFP 2w3 hehehehehehehe
now Jeff he's my favorite out of the four so his is probably going to be stupidly way longer because he's silly like that
not the usual type of shy who hides from people and stutters a lot I IMAGINE HE JUST GETS REALLY AWKWARD AND SPEAKS AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE AND ENDS UP SOUNDING REALLY FORMAL BY ACCIDENT. He will respond to you just in very few words if some stranger suddenly starts talking to him he basically freezes up and fights internally to even say a word because he does not know how to do conversations
He's very knowledgeable in many different things and if you ask him about anything he'll answer VERY NONCHALANTLY AND SHORTLY AS IF HE DOES NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND THE SUBJECT WHEN HE IN FACT, DOES. HE SIMPLY IS NOT INTERESTED. but then you bring up inventions and guns and he will provide you a full rambling session with visual examples test runs different things to reference to for different concepts he's mentioning and every single minute detail. THERE HE ACTUALLY GETS EXCITED LIKE HE ISN'T SHY AT ALL THERE
cannot for his life comprehend social cues or idioms he takes things very literally and doesn't assume there's any hidden meaning HE'S BETTER AT THINGS THAT ARE LOGICALLY ANSWERED THAN ANYTHING SOCIAL. so yes Tony can accidentally drop a hint that he's crushing on him and DESPITE JEFF FEELING THE SAME WAY, he'll be like hm thanks tony cool I'm sure that is a very best friend thing to say i do not think there are any romantic implications here....
has an inferiority complex over the fact people credit his skills to be coming from his father (who he basically HARDLY KNOWS OR REMEMBERS SEEING PHYSICALLY BEFORE THE PROPHECY) and not to his own efforts!!! he's constantly compared to him and is expected to have the same amount of genius he does so Jeff tends to overwork himself at times to reach this standard.
has tested million types of coffee to see which one keeps him awake at night the best— but hates coffee! he prefers tea. friends assume he likes coffee because of how mcuh he drinks it he does not
oh yeah as i implied has a big fixation towards inventions and guns. he just thinks they're inteesting as hell he wasn't one to use them he just thought they were rad as hell and he WILL recognize specific ones if shown even a peak of one. he cannot live without being 100% up to date with every single type of gun in existence he needs to know all about them and understand how they work and does elaborate dissections into how they're built
even if shy once comfortable with the rest of the team he actually is one to occasionally tease them and joke around sometimes HE HAS THIS RELATIONSHIP WITH NESS WHERE THEY ARE CONSTANTLY TRYING TO ANNOY EACH OTHER without actually annoying in each other idk how you call it but they just playing around they silly like that
type of person who's face turns red at even the slightest embarassment it just happrns really easily
im not even gonna lie to you he's essentially me irl i needed a character to project myself into so i dont feel bad about not being good at social cues and at anything that is not my main interest
OH YEAH HE'S THE TALLEST HE'S VERY LANKY BUT HE'S THE TALLEST he's confused to be older than he actually is a lot of the time
i almost forgot— ISTP 5w4
NOW POO!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Initially took things very seriously and remained stone faced for a while but ironically became the one that made the most jokes out of everything and has a very contagious laugh— he still takes things more seriously than the rest and is the one that keeps everyone focused when it's important but is now able to relax a lot more
loves animals and animals love him once found a dog and was very sad when he couldn't take him along in the journey... HE GENUINELY JUST SITS DOWN AND SPEAKS TO ANIMALS VERY CASUALLY LIKE hello sweet little dog. how are you doing on this fine saturday. awesome😊.. AND DOES MAGIC TRICKS FOR THEM😭😭😭 He's the disney princess of the group animals will just come to him and be nice to him birds sing along to this boy existing AND HE'LL BE LIKE OH, THIS IS NORMAL, while the rest of the group is just dumbfounded by rhat
i think he'd be quite tech illiterate as he spends most of his time concentrating on his training he really didn't pay much mind to technology (he preferred putting time into working on himself instead of wasting it trying to properly understand technology). BUT HE'S DOING HIS BEST HE IS INTRODUCED TO ARCADE GAMES AND THANKS TO FRIENDS BECOMES HOOKED he was a little lost but hes okay
becomes good friends with jeff because both felt like the odd one in the team at some point and come from very different backgrounds than ness and paula did THEYRE GOOD BUDDIES
He speaks multiple languages very well, but since english is not his first language he feels a bit lost sometimes when with friends. So doing his best effort he brings A WHOLE DICTIONARY WITH HIM AT ALL TIMES like these four will find a word not a single one of them knows and Poo will be there like. dont worry guys i got this AND PULLS OUT HIS DICTIONARY😭😭😭😭 DUDE'S READING THE ENTIRE THING TO PROPERLY UNDERSTAND HIS FRIENDS😭😭 picks magazines for english so he doesn't have to ask them every single time he's lost and to keep at the same pace they do
might be noticeable already but POO'S A TOTAL SWEETHEART HE DOES NOT MIND SAYING THE MOST SWEETEST AND CARING WORDS EVER KNOWN TO MAN and is very confused when one of the 4 cries in emotion because his words are very nice. THAT'S JUST NORMAL FOR HIM HE'S JUST LIKE THAT JUST NATURALLY VERY VERY NICE AND KIND no one can beat him on being very nice
Sometimes the only sane one in the group he is silly, but he balances the silly properly he knows when to save the silly for later
talking about him being good with people if you need to distract someone NO PROBLEM and he just does it really well DOES MAGIC TRICKS!!!! he likes doing his silly little tricks it's something he learned on the side from his training he loves seeing how people react to them
oh yeah the shortest and is confused to be younger than he is sometimes when he's the oldest in the group. basically Jeff backwards but Jeff isnt the youngest
...infj 8w9
NOW YOUD BE LIKE DAMN MICHAEL THATS A LOT OF TEXT ALREADY YOU SPENT AN HOUR WRITING THIS (yes its been an hour i think i i dont know ive been writing this since you asked when was it HELP) BUT I AM NOT DONE. I AM NOT DONE!!!
JUST JUST A FEW MORE FOR OTHER PEOPLE ASIDE FROM THE CHOSEN 4 BECAUSE i need an excuse to talk abojt tony he's my favorite favorite I could make an essay on his character
I like to think Tracy is super smart and is so smart that she's a few school grades (whatever you call um idk um school years?) ahead of what she would be for her age for it. EVEN THOUGH SHES LIKE 9 she's smarter than ness thats for sure and she mentions this but he's silly so he still needs to be the cool older brother regardless so he ignores that she's smarter GIRLIE GOT A JOB AND HE WAS LIKE TRACY WHAY ARE YOU DOING ON THE ESCARGO EXPRESS LIKE YOU ARE 9😭😭😭
i dont actually have any particular Pokey headcanon besides him being interested in tech because of mother 3 BECAUSE HE FEELS VERY FLESHED OUT ALREADY AT LEAST TO ME SO I DONT FEEL THE NEED TO DO AN ENTIRE BLOCK OF HEADCANONS FOR HIM I REALLY LIKE HIS CHARACTER THOUGH best i got possibly just enters theory territory instead
AND ABOUT TONY!!! like in the game he's a very earnest and good kid. I imagine he's seen as someone very sociable and easy to get along with to his peers LIKE HE WILL DO ANYTHING TO HELP EVERYONE FEEL INCLUDED and does an extra effort to get Jeff friends and for people to understand and like him like he be taking him to some of his other friends like. THIS IS MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!!! and theyre like Tony rhis is the sevenrh time you introduced him TONY IS THE MAIN REASON JEFF HAS ANY OTHER FRIENDS IN SNOW WOOD
tony sucks at science like really bad he's not good at anything scientific process like and would be bad at remembering them...IF HE DIDN'T TAKE THE EFFORT TO MANUALLY REMEMBER THEM BECAUSE JEFF IS THE ONE TELLING HIM. he be sitting there absorbing all that information and casually mentioning it here and there so Jeff gets really excited about it. ASIDE FROM THAT HE'S ACTUALLY GOOD AT MATH AND IT GAINED HIM A SCHOLARSHIP AT SNOW WOOD IN THE FIRST PLACE WHICH I IMAGINE IS VERY PRESTGIOUS
hes just a very hardworking kid in general THOUGH HE'S VERY CLUMSY AT TIMES. he's seen as the funny guy he cracks out jokes for everyone to laugh at people just generally like him a lot
sprta silly because lil dude is so honest and good natured he has to fight so hard to tell a lie. he's quite naive and easily forgives people WHICH OF COURSE HE'S LIKE 12 OF COURSE HE'S LIKE THAT BUT HE'S MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE
anyway im not makikg thisbany longer its already scary enough I AM SORRY. . .....I DID NOT WANT IT TO BE THIS LONG. . ..im very thankful you asked but ay the same time i feel obligated to ask for forgiveness at how long ive rambled for I just I just love this game I COULD DO MORE BUT NAW💔💔💔
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gothamcitycentral · 2 years
Top 10 Bug types?
10. Orbeetle
While this is definitely recency bias (not that their bad or anything, just it being a part of the top 10) thanks to me using it in my current Shield nuzlocke. Their inspirations are very layered which makes them such an easy mon to appreciate. They’re also fun to use. Despite the fact that they’re designed like a alien supervillain, I can’t imagine them actually being mean? Maybe it has to do with it’s pre evolutions, but they seem more like an asocial team member who hangs out in the corner than something that do anything actually villainous.
9. Parasect
Enough with the creepypasta shit! Do you know why Parasect doesn’t eventually die after evolving? Because the Paras you nicknamed isn’t wholly separate from the mushroom that grows out of it. The time you spent training and loving that little bug is time spent with that mushroom. Your care for the bug through its suffering isn’t unfelt by the mushroom. That’s why it doesn’t die, why it doesn’t become a husk, because (let’s say) Enoki is just as much the mushroom as it is the bug. It doesn’t want to not be your Pokemon anymore.
8. Genesect
Normally I don’t vibe with Mythicals, but Genesect is on it’s own level. They’re a physical embodiment of Team Plasma’s hidden hypocrisy. Despite their goal of liberating Pokemon, they dragged a Pokemon back from the dead to convert it into a living weapon.
7. Galvantula
They are fuzzy little guys and they are causing a city wide power outage.
6. Venomoth
Venomoth is one of those causes of Gen 1 simplicity being rather charming for me. They’re sorta of a mix of cute and kinda creepy. I like how surprisingly good they are in later generations and in general I just like moths.
5. Centiskorch
Literally just a funky guy. I love how it combines centipedes and stove tops really well despite how just, unconnected those ideas are to each other. It’s strong, cool, and has a mustache made of fire.
4. Heracross
I feel like Heracross and Scizor are the blueprint for all the following ‘cool’ Bug types. I think beetles are rlly cool, and Hera is such a well put together design. Simple, but cute and looks as strong as it is.
3. Leavanny
Leavanny is just, such a Pokémon?? The design is slick as hell and is so surprising strong. Like you expect a bulky healer that’s practically useless because of its Bug / Grass typing, but no. There she goes sweeping teams with naturally learned Swords Dance. They have such a seamless personality and are so expressive.
2. Scolipede
Nostalgia is definitely playing a part of it, Scolipede is the first Bug type I’ve ever used, but I’d still love them without that. Their design really makes them look incredibly strong. Venipede looks like a little scamp, Whirlipede is my favorite and also probably one of the funniest cocoon pokemon, and Scolipede is a millipede as a horse and that speaks for itself.
1. Golisopod
Golisopod is so insane oh my god?? It almost doesn’t look like a Pokémon it’s so cool. It has such character and it genuinely make me proud it see it evolve from something so little and scared. And how it’s Guzma’s Ace just says so much about both of them instantly. Despite Guzma’s short time in the anime they incorporate his character arc so beautifully with Golisopod’s Emergency Exit, especially since his Golisopod was just as much of a character with development as he was. I just?? Love them so much
Honestly this was hard to put together. I really like so many Bug types.
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