#full moon leo
kakiastro · 8 months
Full Moon Leo 5°(Leo degree
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First full moon of 2024! This full moon is definitely poignant. Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac. It’s ruled by th Sun.
The moon rules our inner home, our emotions and private life.
This full moon is asking us to bring out our inner child, the creative side of us. With this full moon as a 5°(first decan), this is new energy because 5° is the first Leo degree. New rising stars is upon us, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there!
Leo is lighthearted energy but it’s currently opposing Pluto Aquarius and Sun Aquarius. This tells me that this energy is bringing out your authentic self. Listen to me real good, this influencer thing won’t matter if you’re not actually influencing! Nobody cares about the fakeness, we’re entering an era of authenticity. Leo also rules over personality and self expression. Who are you and what can you offer to help bring progress to the collective.
The house Leo rules + your Sun + 5h sign is being highlighted
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confrontthefamiliar · 8 months
-Do everything with full effort and concentration. Everything is a meditation.
-release old relationship codependent patterns
-believe in intuition
-wake up every morning with new habit: get out of bed
-meditate every morning
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sw33t-as-h3ll · 2 years
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Latest (cough) sad (cough) attempt at night photography... The Full Moon and a tree.
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imnotevenusin · 6 months
Favorite Placements, pt. 2
Mercury in Aquarius: Mercury is our problem-solver and communicator, while Aquarius deals with larger-scale issues that impact humanity as a whole. Mercury in Aquarius gives the ability to think ahead and outside-of-the-box. Along with that, I like Mercury trine/sextile Uranus.
Sun in Aquarius: The Sun is a personal planet that rules self-esteem, pride, enjoyment, and image. Being placed in Aquarius, the Sun will express itself in a “new” or “quirky” way. Along with this, I envy Sun sextile/conjunct/trine Uranus - they are very versatile and can fit in to any group or “clique”.
Mercury trine/sextile Pluto: Pluto pulls you in, whether you want to it or not; it is an addictive, controlling, and powerful planet. This aspect can make someone very attentive, smart, and clever. Pluto brings serious, heavy subjects, that makes Mercury more transformative and stronger; you are always questioning and thinking on a deeper level.
Jupiter sextile/conjunct/trine Pluto: Jupiter expands anything that it touches, while Pluto pulls you in and controls you. This placement gives access to power, powerful individuals, and can even make you influential yourself.
Mars conjunct/trine/sextile Venus: Mars is our primal planet—other than the Moon; it represents our drive, anger, and sexual impulses. Venus is our social graces, aesthetics, and what we like. This placement gives an out-going personality, that (REALLY) enjoys sex. It also gives you a passion for art.
Scorpio Moon: I know, this is an unpopular opinion. Scorpio is such a huge and heavy energy, and the Moon is supposed to be emotionally comfortable. Scorpio brings intensity and uncomfortable feelings to the Moon. Thats a gift in my eyes. After going through a Scorpio Moon Progression, I feel more self-aware and I know myself way better than before.
Moon in the 9th House: The Moon is how we get emotionally comfortable, while the 9th House rules philosophies, answers, and beliefs. After a tumultuous period, these people can always look at the bigger picture in the end.
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1111jenx · 1 year
Full Moon Child☾ through the 12 signs🤍
— In celebration of the ethereal Blue Full Moon in Pisces, it's undeniable that its extremely important to acknowledge the significance of one's moon phase. Born under the Full Moon? It's as if you wear the cloak of both the sun's radiant gaze and the opposing moon's sultry embrace, weaving a tapestry of conscious will and subconscious yearnings.
Every zodiac, with its unique essence, drapes the Full Moon with a distinct allure. Imagine, a Pisces Full Moon bestowing someone with a depth of intuition, as if they're dancing on the blurred line between dreams and reality, painting their world with artistic strokes and spiritual hues. Meanwhile, the Aries Full Moon might breathe fire into the soul, igniting passion, spontaneity, and a path-blazing spirit. To recognize and immerse in the rhythm of one's Full Moon sign is like unraveling a song of strengths, challenges, and harmonies within.
With that being said, wait no further, lets dive right in💜!
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🌕 Full Moon in Aries Moon: Fiery and spontaneous but always looking for that equal. Quick to act but deeply feels the need for balance. Seems aggressive, but it's nothing but passion burning from within their heart. Wants to lead, but deeply needs that one partner-in-crime by their side. Brave and unstoppable. Prefers deep, meaningful connections over surface-level relationships. Would fight for what’s right, even if it means standing alone. A warrior with a sensitive core.
🌕 Full Moon in Taurus Moon: Grounded, but with a mysterious edge. A solid rock but don't mistake them for being mundane. Love luxury, but transformation excites them even more. These people see calm yet only they feel the storm from within. They're all about roots, but sometimes they crave to fly. Protective of their own, cross them, and watch the calm turn tempestuous. Charitable and loving, but not one to forget betrayal.
🌕 Full Moon in Gemini Moon: Forever curious, with depths people often overlook. Quick wit hidden behind a facade of playful banter. Always learning, always restless. Lover of tales, yet constantly seeking truth. Smart in crowded rooms but feels everything in solitude. Can talk for hours, yet holds back the most vital stories. An open book with some pages glued together.
🌕 Full Moon in Cancer Moon: Deeply emotional but with towering ambitions. Home is where the heart is, but success calls out loudly. Nurturer, yet constantly seeking validation in professional realms. Strongly rooted in tradition, but innovation is genuinely where they shine. Trust them to hold your secrets, but be aware that they've got vaults of their own. Feels everything intensely, yet presents a composed front. A true master of their emotions.
🌕 Full Moon in Leo Moon: Born for the spotlight, yet truly values the collective. Radiates warmth, but not without moments of icy detachment when they simply just need to be by themself to just feel. People think they know them, but there's so much beneath the surface. A cheerleader for others but their own harshest critic. Life of the party or the silent observer, there’s no in-between to be honest. Embraces individuality but deeply feels the world's pulse, every tingling seconds of it.
🌕 Full Moon in Virgo Moon: Analytical, with a dash of whimsy. Details matter, but they get lost in dreams. They'll correct your mistakes but with a twinkle in their eye. Grounded but constantly touched by the ethereal. In their eyes, theres beauty hidden in every day life. They’ll say it like it is, but only because they care deeply. Organization is their game, but occasionally they let chaos reign.
🌕 Full Moon in Libra Moon: All about balance, but swings between extremes. Charmer but secretly questions every relationship's depth. Seems calm, but the scales constantly tip inside. They could be the voice of reason or the spark of chaos. Seeks harmony but won't shy away from a duel. Gracious host but fiercely protective of their space.
🌕 Full Moon in Scorpio Moon: Magnetic, with an undercurrent of intensity. Deep waters run still, but currents are tumultuous beneath. Attracts with a gaze, but holds back many secrets. Draws you in, but sets boundaries like no other. Depth intrigues them, superficiality repels. They’re the storm you never saw coming.
🌕 Full Moon in Sagittarius Moon: Wanderer with roots. They'll tell tales of far-off lands but crave the familiar. Philosophical yet grounded in reality. Yearns for adventure, but treasures moments of stillness. They're the storyteller you can't stop listening to. Fiery passion with an old soul's wisdom.
🌕 Full Moon in Capricorn: Ambitious with a touch of nostalgia. Climbs mountains but cherishes the base camp. Seeks recognition but values genuine connections more. Strong and silent, but an emotional depth many overlook. They'll lead the way, but not without their tribe. The unsung hero with a heart of gold.
🌕 Full Moon in Aquarius Moon: Innovative, with a touch of tradition. Forward-thinking but respects the old ways. Charms effortlessly, but holds the inner circle tight. Believes in the future but honors the past. They're the genius with quirks. Dreamer with feet firmly on the ground in the most fascinating way possible.
🌕 Full Moon in Pisces Moon: Dreamy with a razor-sharp intuition. Feels the world's pulse, yet dances to their own rhythm simply because, they can. Embraces emotions, yet has an uncanny logical side. They’re the artist who sees the world in vivid colors. Deeply empathetic, yet occasionally distant. They're there, but also everywhere else in between. The poet whose words touch the soul.
saint jenx🪐
© 2023 Saintz Jenx All Rights Reserved
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punkpandapatrixk · 8 months
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Full Wolf Moon in Leo ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Heey~ The Full Moon is in Leo!🦁The first thing that intuitively comes to mind with this aenergy is the Solarpunk Society!🌞Leo is ruled by the Sun and this 5th House aenergy talks about our hobbies and passions which are essentially the foundation of our great enterprise—of which energy can be understood by our Midheaven/10th House.
When you really think about it, children dwell in the realm of the 5th House with play and pretend. This whole play and pretend actually contains hints and signs about how they should go about making connections in the world (7th House dealings) so they form bonds with people and enterprises that support the manifestation of their honest desires. Hohoh, ideally speaking it should be like that but what’s ideal in this world anyway?🍣
This Full Wolf Moon in Leo brings invitation for you to look into your 5th House placements as well as where your Sun sign falls in your natal chart, for they carry information that can help you understand your place in the world when you’ve grown up (10th House realm). Everybody was born into this world with a purpose, right? No matter how small or big or if that purpose is meant for a small community or a big society.
A person’s true power does truly come from a clarity of purpose. That’s what the kingly Leo aenergy is all about anyway. You can only be King because you’ve sworn to serve your people and make sure they live happily and abundantly. Well, ideally. This Full Wolf Moon in Leo invites you to look at your hobbies and natural talents, and see if you can monetise those interests in the service of yourself, first and foremost, and then others.
There is so much more to Life than just going where the money dictates, or like, earning your keep through scamming or intimidating others, don’t you think? What do you want to express? How do you want to be remembered when you’re gone? What’s your enterprise and what legacy will it leave? Most of all, what makes you happy, content, fulfilled, satisfied with your own existence whilst still being alive in that carcass of an avatar that your Soul is wearing?👻
Passion is to be lived and potentials explored. Wait no more for the mood to strike or until you’ve got it all figured out. Just start now with whatever you have, whatever you can, and watch yourself grow. Have faith in your innate hobbies and interests for the whole world is just a stage where you perform magnificent deeds for all to watch🎪
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Pile 1 – Keep Calm and Change Paradigms
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h o b b i e s – Queen of Cups
You are by nature someone who has aesthetic hobbies. Your tastes are expensive and you care a lot about the beauty aspect of all that you do. I sense you also love giving gifts and your gifts are always thoughtful and beautifully packaged/decorated. The kind of gifts that you know the receiver needs, has wanted for a long time, or could improve their Life. You’re kind and caring like that. Sometimes, to a point of wearing yourself out. This Full Wolf Moon in Leo invites you to relax a bit.
This is a time to give all your attention and affection to yourself before anybody else. It feels like you haven’t done so in a while. Let yourself relax and not socialise too much, not attend to other people’s businesses or weddings or birthdays or whatever. For now, it’s all about you until the next New Moon at least :D You can go and get a massage all by yourself, watch a movie by yourself, or take up an interesting class all by yourself as well. You could meet new people who could potentially give you a fresh perspective about yourself, your place in the world, or your Life’s future trajectories. Whoa.
p a s s i o n – VI The Lovers Rx
Some of you reading this may indeed, by nature, like to socialise but I sense it is mostly a duty you feel you must fulfil—like maintaining an image or something. Some others may socialise simply to fill some kind of void—because you don’t really know what human beings are supposed to do if they don’t socialise? Yeah, a weird psychology like that. In truth, your Soul likes to be alone. And in terms of working and all that stuff, you kinda need to carve your own path, honestly.
Not saying that people can be completely solitary and thrive in business or work. Of course, we all need people. But before you go on and about making connections with people who don’t really matter, you need to get clear about what kind of enterprise you want to build for yourself, or basically, what kind of contribution you want to be making to society, or just your community. Since you clearly have a penchant for beauty and you like to care for other people, these vibes can hold hints for what it is your Soul wants you to do in this world.
e n t e r p r i s e – 10 of Wands
Some forms of career I’m seeing with these vibes—and these are just vibes, OK? Nurse, flight attendant, health consultant, nutritionist, author, interior designer, wedding planner, hotelier, restauranteur, even a beauty salon or massage parlour owner. There’s a lot about you that screams beauty and relaxation. Your Soul, generally speaking, wants to live a Life of play and relaxation which in some other ways help others have an easier time. Of all the jobs I’ve mentioned, nurse and flight attendant vibes feel the strongest for these people are in the service of making other people have an easier time, a good time, a comfortable recovery or flight. It’s that kind of vibe.
There’s a need for you to pursue a higher career in which your service to the world involves how you yourself transform the way you approach hard work. Hard work that can be just hard play in which you get paid for doing things you would otherwise do unpaid anyway, so~ This Full Moon, do consider which hobbies of yours are your true Soul’s Calling for making the world a better place whilst getting paid for it. A voice in your heart is saying, ‘Fuck hustle culture. People need to heal from the traumas of society and the bullshit of the education system!’
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – Emulate and Generate a New You
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h o b b i e s – Knight of Cups Rx
You know when people say, ‘Fake it till you make it’? It’s valid and has some grounding but my advice to you is, don’t do that. Don’t fake any shit if you wanna be great. That line of thought would not benefit your manifestation in the long run. Or rather, that kind of thinking slows down your manifestation and when it does happen, it’s lower in quality. Witches need to be more aware of how they think when working with manifestations. A higher way of thinking about transforming yourself—whether it involves a physical glowup or the glowup of your mindset, etc.—is emulate, modulate, and then regenerate a newer/higher/nobler/sparklier/awesomer version of yourself~🐣
The reason that you shouldn’t follow the ‘fake it till you make it’ line of thought is that you’re a genuine Soul with a heart made out of passion itself. You’re so much more original than you, or your environment, give yourself credit for. It feels like you haven’t really allowed yourself to fully embrace your own authenticity and so this Full Wolf Moon in Leo is reminding you of your own capacity for being the most iconic bitch in your neighbourhood🦚
p a s s i o n – 3 of Pentacles Rx
And so, what does it matter if others can’t understand what you’re trying to do with your Life? It’s your Life, babe. Other people have their own worlds to live in and if you don’t want to be part of that small world, you’re free to leave. It’s perfectly OK when even those closest to you, those you’ve trusted and depended all this time, can’t understand your passions or life’s priorities because they’re not exactly meant to be part of the world of your visions. Let them do them and you do you. Awesome people need losers to step upon so we look awesome. They can serve their purpose as losers and mediocre shits and you serve your purpose as an iconic Queen. OK? Got it? Good😝
This Full Wolf Moon in Leo is inviting you to imagine what kind of tribe you actually want to have whilst being alive. Your imaginations and daydreams hold the key to manifesting your real Soul Tribe. The more you think about them, the more strongly you believe in that you’re deserving of your ideal friendships, the faster you manifest your actual Soul Tribe in the physical. Your Higher Self is just here reminding you that you do have a few circles of Soul Tribe you’re meant to find and reunite with!🦄
e n t e r p r i s e – 9 of Cups
Many of you choosing this Pile have an interest in being seen by a larger public, right? A majority of you already have some semblance of a social media presence and more of you will eventually do the same. Some of you reading this are literally meant to become some kind of a new age superstar or something. You do have a purpose in being seen by the public, or just this idea of having a social media platform what enables you to connect with an audience. It isn’t vanity; bitch, it’s literally part of your Life Purpose🦋
You’re perfectly supported by your Higher Self to choose to go solo, somewhat, and build your social media empire. You could be selling products or services or be whatever—the possibilities are endless at this point—and one day, when you’re rich and content with your Life, some people from the past are gonna turn to mushy jelly. But what do you care now? You’ve got an audience that fulfils your heart because they genuinely love and appreciate what you do. You won’t be needing anybody’s approval anymore~😎Call me when you’re famous LOL
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Born to be Rich, Born to be of Service
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h o b b i e s – Knight of Wands
Admit it—you’re blessed with a plethora of talents since birth and you’re damn good at many of those innate abilities because you’re intelligent as fuck!🤩Naturally, not that many people are lucky enough to know what it feels to be you. But with so many talents, I sense you’ve also suffered from a great deal of heavy expectations put upon you by…yourself? You’re quite hard on you, you know. You expect a lot out of yourself. This urge to do great things in the world is only your Higher Self’s nudge for you to recognise this potential of yours—to become a motherfucking GOAT🐐
Rest assured, if you’ve chosen this as your main pile, there’s a veeery specific role you’re meant to fulfil in this world, in this passage of time. Some of you could’ve known what this role is since you were born and some of you will just naturally figure this out as you grow older. Don’t fret, my dear. You really are meant for a very unique, unorthodox existence, and seeing as the world is rapidly heading towards chaos, your time to shine is only drawing nearer and nearer as the People are growing desperately in need of an exemplary Rebel of the New World!🥨
p a s s i o n – 8 of Pentacles
Anyhow, you didn’t study a lot at school, right? LMAO You weren’t exactly what people would call a model student. You were always just doing your own thing—whether it was daydreaming or reading or drawing or playing video games. You were drowning in your own world—visions, silly daydreams—all because your Soul was trying to remind you what you came here to do. You were never meant to fit in. You’re here only temporarily and whilst at it, you’re supposed to be a freak. Ah, yes, a freako, indeed. You’re supposed to push, even break, boundaries. Because most Human beings live such boring existence.
You weren’t supposed to be a model student, but rather, a model Human. Bitch, you’re THE prototype! You were born to be of service through your own personal experiences with ego death and transform yourself to be the physical embodiment of the divinity that is your Higher Self. Perfectly embodied in Human form—in that sense, you’re a prototype of a highly more positively-polarised future possibility of Mankind. Shit, I hope that makes sense.
e n t e r p r i s e – 4 of Pentacles Rx
One day, when you’re proudly walking the path meant for your Highest Intended Good, you will be helping others financially or at least you will be lifting people up from the common affliction of a poverty mindset—different types, all kinds of poverty mindsets. You’ve got a talent, some kind of swag about you that can inspire SASS, even pettiness, that is of the more empowering variant. You’ll be showing people how to be unapologetically themselves and how you can’t be shaken by stupid opinions because you’re clear about your self-worth.
You do understand a lack of self-worth is also a form of ‘poverty’ mindset, right? Your enterprise in the future will have you in communication, direct or indirect, with a loooot of people. Even your own family members will find you incredibly inspiring. Many of you reading this…this is your confirmation that you’re THE cycle breaker of your lineage’s generational karma. You’ll become the first celeb, the first university graduate, the first billionaire, the first president, the first whatever awesome thing in your recent lineage that you’re meant to be, and you’ll be so proud of yourself!🥂
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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leenfiend · 1 year
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I heard we had a birthday in the house!!!!!
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vix3nsthings · 9 months
January Cosmic Calendar🧞
🪼January 1-2nd: Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius (thank gawd it’s now direct!!!😮‍💨🫠)
🪼January 4th: Mars enters Capricorn
🪼January 11th: New moon in Capricorn
🪼January 13-14th: Mercury enters Capricorn
🪼January 20th: Sun enters Aquarius (Happy Solar Return Aquarius Babes🫶🏽)
🪼January 20-21st: Pluto enters Aquarius
🪼January 23rd: Venus enters Capricorn
🪼January 25th: Full moon in Leo 🦁🌙
🪼 January 27th: Uranus turns direct in Taurus
Saturnians do ya thing it’s your time to shine this month!!! ♑️♒️
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ladyy--lazarus · 1 month
La Jolla, California🌸
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
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get into it 🌚
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree to book a session with me :)
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heartlilith · 10 months
Full Moon transiting the Houses 🌕
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Full Moons occur when the Sun is directly across from the Moon with Earth falling in the middle. The Sun and the Moon will always be in their corresponding sister signs (Aries x Libra, Taurus x Scorpio, etc). Tonight, the Gemini Full Moon will be opposing the Sun in Sagittarius.
Since it's the final phase in the lunar cycle, Full Moons signify endings, releasing, culmination, and realizations. Emotions are at an all time high and could lead to emotional outbursts whether that be positive or negative. Use the Full Moon energy to "reap the fruits" of what you've accomplished this month and to reflect on relevant house themes and how they show up in your life. Pay attention to thoughts that pop into your head. It's also a good time to practice divination and for strengthening your intuition. Full Moons can trigger release in our lives in order to make room for the new.
Full Moon in the 1st House: You may have closed a chapter in your book so to speak. You may have been through something in the days leading up to the Full Moon which made you realize something about yourself. You may have realized that you've been putting others needs before your own, you may feel ignored or neglected in a sense, like everyone has forgotten about you. Your emotions are written all over your face and you're quick to get emotional at this time since the Moon is transiting the 1st house. You could be ready to make a big change. The focus here is on the self (1st house) vs others (7th house).
Full Moon in the 2nd House: Now is a time where your materials and finances will be in focus. Maybe you finished paying off a bill or maybe you got a raise. Either way, your materials and finances will directly affect your mood and your sense of stability. Let go of expectations and focus on self-care routines. Lean into what makes you feel the most comfortable and the most grounded.
Full Moon in the 3rd House: You could be a very busy bee at this time; mentally, physically, or both. Communication with others will be in focus now. You may have an unexpected conversation with someone that could lead to a mental breakthrough of some sort. Reflect on how you express yourself to others and ask yourself if that aligns with who you are. Running errands, short trips, paperwork, and conversations will have you wishing for an adventure that breaks up your everyday life, your boredom can even make you restless. This could also indicate that a restaurant or place in your community will be shutting down.
Full Moon in the 4th House: This Full Moon could shine a light on where your priorities are and where you want them to be. You may have been super focused on your career, public image, and work related goals, so much so that you've been paying less attention to your home life. You may have noticed this on your own or a situation could've taken place where your focus is forced to be with your family. Something in your domestic life could reach an end; you may move out of your parents house or sell your old furniture - either way you're making space for the new. You could experience joy in the home or agitation, depending on the Moon's aspects.
Full Moon in the 5th House: This transit will strongly encourage you to express yourself through your creativity. You may finish a creative project, a child close to you could reach a milestone, or you may take your casual relationship to the next level (or break up depending on aspects). You could be feeling overjoyed and energized or this moon could make you feel unappreciated. Whatever side of the spectrum you find yourself in, the moon is asking you to do something fun and let loose.
Full Moon in the 6th House: This transit has your focus turning inward, on your day to day routine and your habits. You're being asked to assess what's working and what isn't relating to these matters. Now is the time to quit smoking or quit your job; put an end to things that make you unhappy. You could apologize to a coworker that you've been arguing with or complete a work task that has been consuming all your time. A coworker could be leaving the workplace and you might have a goodbye party! Whatever it is, expect to have strong emotions when it comes to putting an end to things that aren't working for you.
Full Moon in the 7th House: Your relationships and one on one connections will be in focus at this time. You're being asked to fix whatever isn't working, whether that be ending a connection or coming to a compromise. You could be getting married or go into business with a friend. Pay attention to frenemies and enemies at this time because they could cause trouble now, resulting in intense emotions on your side. Or, you and someone you dislike could put an end to the beef.
Full Moon in the 8th House: Death and loss could be a prominent theme with the Full Moon transiting your 8th house. Literal or figurative death could affect you now. You may realize that you haven't fully processed the losses you've experienced in the past, now is the time to reflect and make peace with them. You could receive money from a woman in the family or from an in-law. You may be asked to settle your debts or you may be asked to assist others in settling debts.
Full Moon in the 9th House: A Full Moon transiting your 9th house could signify an ending in relation to school, a book, or a vacation. It'll be hard to ignore the need for adventure and fun - you may be bored with everyday life. Or, it may be time to get back to work after a vacation or time away. You could learn something that affects your personal beliefs, negatively or positively. You're being challenged to look at things differently. It's time to reflect on your beliefs and if they align with who you truly are.
Full Moon in the 10th House: A Full Moon transiting the 10th house could put your career and reputation in focus. Be careful with how you act in public or in the workplace; people are paying attention and how you act could greatly affect your reputation at this time. You may advance in your career or get some sort of recognition from an authority figure. You may be offered a new job. Reflect on what got you to this point in your life, be proud of everything that you've overcome.
Full Moon in the 11th House: Endings related to social groups, friend groups, or social media will be in focus now. Maybe you've decided to take a break from social media or one of your good friends could be moving away. It's a good time to hang out with friends and to reflect on how these certain relationships affect you. A friend may come to you asking for advice or needing help in some way, which can help you understand the role you play in others' lives.
Full Moon in the 12th House: You may feel a strong pull to be alone with the Full Moon transiting your 12th house. You may make peace and release memories of past traumatic experiences, refusing to let them take up any more space in your subconscious. Secrets and hidden information could come to light. Mental health issues could reach a peak and you may decide to seek therapy. Listen to your intuition now and be on the lookout for people who want to bring you down (hidden enemies). Now is a good time to be alone and reflect on the current themes in your life either by meditation or journaling.
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magickpumpkin · 8 months
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Full Moon in Leo Magick Circle ♌️🌕✨
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moon8th · 5 months
Scorpio full moon 🌕 on April 23rd,
fascinating how all 3 headliners for Coachella have major scorpio placements
Lana Del Rey, Scorpio Rising conjunct Saturn
Tyler The Creator, Scorpio Moon
Doja Cat, Scorpio Venus
All have Scorpio Pluto
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Their performances have been so well done, you can sense the Scorpio impact/sway that these artists have on and off stage 💜
There is quite a bit of uprooting and transformation going on globally
I would advise to disconnect for a moment ‼️ as much as possible‼️ to focus on you’re own transformation, light or dark
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Leo Home Pt.2
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shadow-book-wren · 8 months
Full Moon Rituals
Tonight, January 25th 2024, is the Wolf Moon and it's in Leo.
Full moons are a great time for releasing anything that's holding you back or doesn't serve you anymore.
Try doing a purging ritual, cleansing, self-love spell or tarot.
or take a bath, journal, meditate, go for a walk in the moonlight.
Don't forget to charge your crystals or herbs or make moon water by leaving them out to soak up some of the moon's power.
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vix3nsthings · 3 months
July Cosmic Calendar 🌺
July 2nd: Mercury entered Leo🌞
July 2nd: Neptune turned retro🦋
July 5th: New moon in Cancer🦀
July 11th: Venus enters Leo🦁
July 20th: Mars enters Gemini👯‍♀️
July 21st: Full moon in Capricorn 🌕
July 22nd: Sun enters Leo🌻(Happy solar return you shining stars!!!!💛✨)
July 25th: Mercury enters Virgo💚
July 26th: Chiron goes retro💟
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