#fuli x jasiri
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valentinbelleyh505 · 3 months ago
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bisexual fuli my beloved coded
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blindpawdoo · 1 year ago
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artsyannierose · 6 months ago
just two questions... 1: who's your favorite character and 2: what's your favorite ships
Omg janja is very entertaining
I’ve literally never met another lion guard fan omg
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spinnysocks · 1 year ago
The Lion Guard au where it's warrior cats & all the different species are individual clans, with the exception of adopted family or friend groups (for example: chama, mzaha, and furaha) and loners (for example: bunga and fuli).
the real reason kion is doing full day shifts protecting the pridelands is because of a stupid warrior cats-style prophecy, that obviously includes fuli, bunga, beshte and ono. The Five Apprentices, if you will
they are constantly taking on other, older apprentices (like janja's clan) and even full-grown adult cats (like the crocodiles, vultures, and jackals). all because some silly star cats told them to. looking at you mufasa
lionclan is the most powerful clan with the most powerful and respected leader (thunderclan-coded fr) however he is doing jackshit to help his teenage son and his friends who are fighting every fucking day while he sits at pride rock. average warrior cats plotline am i right
also props to lionclan for nepotism in leader roles 👍 /sarc
the clans live in relative harmony but there is a divide in the general territory where the Pridelands are connected to "starclan" and the Outlands are connected to the "dark forest", at least until jasiri becomes leader
instead of savannah summits there's full-moon gatherings with ALL the clans (i'm thinking the Outlands are allowed to attend eventually, for even more drama), which is pretty much a night of stress for everyone because i can imagine it's lots of disagreements and arguments lmao
i have some more ideas but this is the basis. don't mind me just combining my two favourite xenofictions into one cursed au >:)
also, everyone who has also made a warrior cats x tlg crossover i love you /pl
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devilsrecreation · 1 year ago
what are your lion guard ships? the popular, the uncommon, the ones you think only you ship, any of em! :D
*evil laughter intensifies*
I got a lot, actually! Most of them are canon x oc cuz I’m a HUGE fan of that. But here’s a list:
Janja x Jasiri
Kion x Rani
Kion x Fuli
Simba x Nala
Kovu x Kiara
Bunga x Binga
Scar x Zira
Vitani x Tifu
Hodari x Kinyonga
Ushari x Shupavu
Shupavu x Njano
Nne x Tano x Madoa (OT3 LET’S GOOOO)
Reirei x Goigoi
Mzingo x Mwoga
Mwoga x Mpishi
Makuu and Ladyanaconda’s croc oc, Akina (which is downright ADORABLE)
Having said that, I’m lowkey thinking about making my own oc to ship with Makuu
Chungu x Aibu
Cheezi x Nguvu
Kenge x Maji
Sumu x Kuumwa
Kiburi x Hukumu
Tamka x Erevu
Nduli x Kuamua
Pua x Kuimba
Honorable mention: Hodari x Njano cuz I’m still not over that au hfhfgdgdfs
I’ll probably add to this list if I come up with any more but this is all I can think of for now
I’ve posted about my love interest oc’s here and here (for Kuimba)
Nguvu and Aibu are in the “Kifamilia means Family” post :)
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I forget are there any ship names for ships in TLG?
I remember looking for Fuli/Azaad a summer or two ago but there wasnt one, which isnt surprising considering Azaad was introduced in the last season
I know the biggest ship was Kion/Fuli with Kion/Jasiri coming in second. And Jasiri/Janja had some works out there. And of course the ending Kion/Rani ship
But i dont remember any of them having ship names
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im-abanana · 6 years ago
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My son is a scared dumbass in this episode and I love him 😫💓
Also, Janja and Jasiri share A LOT of lovely scenes, so I'm content <3
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qatsby-art · 5 years ago
What's Nadira's story?
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Nadira is the offspring of both Kion and Jasiri, but she was raised within a polyamourous family made up of Kion, Jasiri, and Fuli.
As it should be made obvious: lions and hyenas can not produce offspring naturally. The same goes for lions and cheetahs. Due to this obstacle, this small family has turned to more... questionable routes in order to grow their family tree. That route being black magic involving sacrifice, blood oathes, and the help of a blood shaman. Their shaman of choice was known as Talazami, the pride shaman of Scar’s reign.
The sacrifices were made mostly with Fuli and Jasiri in mind, as their soul is more bonded with their cubs/pups. It’s understood that if this magic were to be successful, their life forces were to be bonded to their children’s; resulting in a rapid decline in health as their offspring grow into maturity. A life for a life.
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The blood magic blessed (cursed??) upon Fuli and Jasiri has been kept secret from the rest of the pride, including their offspring. The only ones to know of their situation is Kion and Talazami, but even Kion isn’t fully aware of the toll his beloveds are experiencing.
With a hyena’s DNA not being too similar to a lion’s, this causes a bit of a developmental block in Nadira’s case. While she is eager to learn and become a productive member in her pride she is lacking in overall development. She is mostly nonverbal aside from growls, barks, and yelps as well as not being able to comprehend most situations she is exposed to. She approaches every scenario as if she were a puppy. Her terrifying strength due to her hybridization of genetics is also problematic at times, as she isn’t aware of her differences. Most are questionable about her place among the Lion Guard because of this.
Unlike Nadira, her two elder brothers do not experience the same issues as her due to a cheetah’s feline makeup more closely resembling a lion’s.
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lifeofcynch · 6 years ago
you: Kion x Fuli
me, an intellectual: Kion x Jasiri
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valentinbelleyh505 · 4 months ago
For the ask drawing game, can you do A2 or B2 for Kion x Jasiri and C3 or C4 for Fuli x Azaad? No pressure though 👍🏽
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almost getting 1.300 followers btw also no bunga x binga one :(
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hootlithraedaandhuntlow · 2 years ago
Fanfictions that I may write
Kion x Fuli Airplanes
Janja x Jasiri Bad Boy
Azaad x Rani- Heart attack
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kaythefloppa · 2 years ago
It rubs me the wrong way when people say they hate Rani solely because they sunk their ship. In fact, most of the hatred towards the character has been because Kion got with her instead of the other girls in the show.
Seeing artworks or fanfics of Rani fighting with Tiifu/Zuri/Jasiri/Fuli/Vitani for Kion's affection, or Rani being jealous of Kion's female friends for being friendly with him, or said female friends being the other way around [ok Zuri I can kinda understand but the rest], or most infamously, Kion cheating on Rani with Fuli or Jasiri just gives me the ick, [the fact that people spent 2 years harassing Ford Riley to make that type of story canon in a Season 4 still fucking sends me]. It gave me the ick back when the finale came out, and it still gives me the ick now. It lowkey reeks of misogyny to see these female characters have all of their interesting or unique traits being stripped away for the sake of shipping, or in this case, sinking a ship [which is ironically what motivated a lot of people to dislike Rani so much]. It's giving the same vibes as those early 2000s fan arts of Vitani turning into a prissy Disney-Princess/Nala/Kiara clone with all of her charm and wit removed and pairing her up with Kopa in an overtly-het relationship with him.
Now that's not to say there aren't valid reasons for disliking or hating this character. Because there are. I dislike how Rani was written, and not exactly the character herself. She was hyped up as this important character only to appear in the last 9 episodes of the season. Too much of her story amounts to leaving the audience having to do the writers' work for them, her arc is too rushed, her pre-romance relationship with Kion is inconsistent and incoherent, and the actual romance begins way too close to the end of the story, and said romance winds up stealing the spotlight away from other characters, as the final scene is dedicated to Rani and Kion's child-wedding rather than the 5 main characters themselves. None of that has anything to do with whether or not Kion gets with Fuli or Jasiri.
And to be clear, you are allowed to like or dislike Rani, or praise or criticize her. But doing so for reasons such as "Oh she sunk [X] ship and angered the shippers!" is not a reason. And definitely don't go after people who like Rani's character.
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genderbenduniverse · 4 years ago
crossover villa template:
heres a character list you can use for crossover villa, my genderbending au for all fandoms!
Gender: Affiliations: Clothing: Hair style and color: Personality: Reaction to the Gender Swap: Gel usage: swimming/diving: wet hair: six packs:  yeah and of this list as well hmmm  zack  areis and tifa usagi ann rei  amy minako makoto michiru haruka alan mamoru zelda mipha revali link midna (all incarnations) elsa anna mulan belle nala simba fuli jasiri tiifu zuri vitani kiara kovu kion bunga rani belle adam gaston ashoka anakin obi wan padme leia han luke djn sabine ezra sakura ino mimi sora tai matt ash gary jessie james misty may serena cinderella auora phillip ariel eric aladdin jasmine hans kristoff  snow white scar merida tiana naveen tarzan jane sofia amber james naomi elena isabel hugo gabe mateo selina bruce dick tim jason clark diana Steve Bucky Natasha carol peter gamora rocket natasha steve clint peter p gwen wanda mj korra asami katara sokka nya skylor kai jay zane cole lloyd mario luigi rosalina peach daisy rouge  thor loki blaze amy silver sonic tails shadow  godzilla rodan gidorah mothra all the kaiju adora catra yugi mai joey kaiba tea  naruto sakura ino and sasuke cassandras varian marvel and dc gang a few more a bishohen world idea for a fanfiction and asuka mari shinji misato nick judy adrien marinette alix alya chloe nathaniel marc kim nino luka kagami lila draco harry hermione ron ginny  hiccup astrid dak and leyla lisst of characters to tg these people plus toku and its  a actual fic goranger jakq battle fever denziman sun vulcan goggle v dynaman bioman changeman flashman maskman liveman turboranger fiveman jetman zyuranger dairanger kakuranger ohranger carranger megaranger gingaman gogov timeranger gaoranger hurricanger abaranger dekaranger magiranger boukenger gekiranger go-onger shinkenger goseiger gokaiger gobusters kyoruger toqger nininger zyuohger kturanger lupat ryusoger kiramager zenkaiger ichigo nigo v3 x amazon stronger skyrider super-1 zx black rx shin zo j kuuga agito ryuki faiz blade hibiki kabuto den-o kiva decade w ooo fourze wizard gaim drive ghost exaid build zio zero-one and saber  and more!
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spinnysocks · 11 months ago
For the choose violence ask game, 1, 6, 16, 18, 23 (for The Lion Guard)?
hiya! thanks for your ask!! :D
1. the character everyone gets wrong
hmmm. i would say anga. not everyone gets her wrong per se, but a lot of fans do and i suppose i get a bit sick of misinterpretations of her. as someone who struggles with communication i relate to her in some ways so i think that's why it ruffles my feathers a bit. other contenders are tiifu and zuri. yeah, most criticism of those three just make me think “let characters be characters!”
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
the homophobic ones. full stop. this extends outside of tlg to quite a few other shows and movies i'm a fan of - i actually haven't seen too much homophobia about the lion guard, so that's good. oh yeah! and those who only ship canon/hate interspecies ships and start arguments bout it 😭
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
nothing against her, but fuli. i do love her, but her general personality is so shallow. i love the episodes that are for her, they're great at giving her depth, but outside of that... there's like nothing to her. it actually makes me a bit sad for her
other than that, i'm pretty open to most characterizations, tropes and headcannons as generally i haven't found many i don't agree with, or at least i'm like “that's not how i see it, but cool!”. i'm not really someone who gets annoyed about it unless it's like, a really misread characterisation ig?? 😭 but that doesn't happen very often
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
in general, the outlanders. it's kind of the whole reason i started posting actually. there wasn't enough outlanders content in the fandom so i started creating what i wanted to see! if i'm going into specifics, the characters who i would say are very very very much slept on are Sumu, the Skinks, Tamka and Nduli. give some love to them all!!!
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
anyone reading this, please don't shoot me down, but admittedly... Janja x Jasiri. when i was younger i just didn't vibe with it ya know? i think i did somewhat despise it back then, but i've changed. i can definitely see the appeal, it's just not for me! i can ship them in canon, but as a lot of my tlg thoughts are based on AUs, i don't put them together in those. at least i'm not as salty as i used to be lmao 😭
(the choose violence ask game)
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devilsrecreation · 7 months ago
Kion x Jasiri for ship bingo? :D 🙏🏾
Ah yes, the one almost everyone ships
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Honestly I DID ship them when I watched TLG for the very first time cuz Jasiri’s debut ep was veeeery shippable lol. But as the series went on, I started to move away from it and ship Kion and Fuli with other characters. I don’t mind it though :)
Having said that, the ship is still super cute and I like the content it has. They’re still better as friends imho
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Finally did a OTP Bracket! It was super hard to judge them so i did it two different ways
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Top 10 Ships:
Renorarc (Lie Ren x Nora Valkyrie x Jaune Arc, RWBY)
Geep (Guy x Eep Crood, The Croods)
Tstar (Nakatsukasa Tsubaki x Black Star, Soul Eater)
Polyrangers (Jason Scott x Kimberly Hart x Billy Cranston x Trini x Zack Taylor, Power Rangers 2017)
Kíliel (Prince Kíli x Tauriel, The Hobbit films)
Entrapdak (Princess Entrapta x Lord Hordak, She-ra and the Princesses of Power)
Maleval (Maleficent x Diaval, Maleficent films)
Arkos (Jaune Arc x Pyrrha Nikos, RWBY)
Fuli / Azzad (The Lion Guard)
Braime (Brienne Tarth x Jaime Lannister, Game of Thrones TV show)
Turns out i have two bad guy x bad guy ships which is two more than expected, my list and its runner-ups is dominated by children's shows, my very first otp has come back to haunt me, and im genuinely surprised all of these (except the polyam ones) are m/f ships considering how much m/m and f/f pops up on my dash
Honorable Mentions:
Evlynn (Eve Baird x Flynn Carson, The Librarians)
Victoria / Ivan (R.E.D. films)
Robin / Mariam (Disney's animal version)
12th Cen. Guinevere / Lancelot (Arthurian Legend, 1100s AD)
Jasiri / Janja (The Lion Guard)
Alexei / Melina (Black Widow film)
Sanubis (Sadie Kane x Anubis, The Kane Chronicles)
Denver / Mónica (Money Heist)
Seamista (Seahawk x Princess Mermista, She-ra and the Princesses of Power)
Kanera (Kanan Jarrus x Hera Syndulla, Star Wars: Rebels)
Hiccastrid (Hiccup x Astrid, How to Train Your Dragon films)
Gwencelot (Gwen x Lancelot, Merlin)
Thruce (Thor Odinson x Bruce Banner, Thor: Ragnarok)
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