#lg kion
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blindpawdoo · 1 year ago
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kaythefloppa · 1 year ago
The Lion Guard Soundtrack: Nenda Salama
One of the biggest TLG related mysteries to me was how several scores and tracks that were absolutely amazing... never made it into the soundtrack. This was due to the officially released soundtrack for the series being discontinued before its first season was halfway finished, despite the show already having been renewed for a second and 3rd season around that time. One of them in particular being the biggest object of my curiosity.
In August of 2023, I emailed Christopher Willis, the composer for The Lion Guard's soundtrack asking about the song sung by the show's chorus that plays in Battle for the Pride Lands when the Lion Guard leave the Pride Lands to find the Tree of Life, and is reprised in Return to the Pride Lands when they return after the events of Simba's Pride to re-unite with their families and friends.
To my surprise, he gave me an answer. The official title of that song is called "Nenda Salama" a saying of farewell in Swahilli (i.e. bon voyage, or go safe in rough translation). The lyrics are entirely in Swahilli and I have no frame of reference as to what the lyrics are so I can't translate them (any Swahilli speakers that find this, it'd be helpful for a translator thank you), but still, this was really good. To make things better, he uploaded it on his Soundcloud to stream for free in the public domain.
I myself recorded the music on my computer and combined with with an mp3 of a vocal-remover edit via MVSEP to make an edit of both this song and its reprise as it appears within the canon. I uploaded it to my YouTube -be subject to 3 hours of editing (no really) and enjoy yet another piece of music from this brilliant series.
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devilsrecreation · 1 month ago
Have you read this LG series on AO3 where Kion and Janja form a secret relationship? It’s called “The Butterfly Chronicles”.
I have not! Probably because I’m not the biggest Kion x Janja shipper (not that there’s anything wrong with it) so I just stick to fanfics about the Outlanders and Makuu since I’m always craving that sort of content
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yawning-thylacine · 6 years ago
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pridelanders · 5 years ago
//Thinking about....the direction I would’ve taken season 3 in as opposed to what we got
#ooc.#//obviously I hate the ending and all so we wont get into that#//but if you're going to ship the characters off to Asia...why not just have the Night Pride be tigers?#//visually its more interest. It makes more sense with the 'night' thing. It makes more sense with the 'Night' idea#//Janna could be a white tiger. It would circle back to Kion's whole interspecies-acceptance thing#//bold them to pull the 'Sisi ni Sawa' callback with Kion and Rani when thematically it doesn't even make sense because duh they're both#//lions. That message only works on that level with two different species#//also I think the villainous team is hilariously weak. Even more so than usual#//the majority of the time when they fight its like 3 against 9#//If you wanna keep Makucha Chuluun Ora and Mama fine#//but I would add a Himalayan Brown Bear. a Wolf. an evil Orangutan. and maybe an eagle-owl??#//maybe give the wolf two henchmen so its evened-out#//so when they call for reinforcements its even more of an 'oh fuck' because there's a wolf pack and maybe some gibbons working for the oran#//the bear could come in for the 'Poa the Destroyer' episode where the bad guys realise they're outnumbered and look for a stronger ally#//they find the bear hibernating and wake him up and ask him to help. maybe he wasn't let in the tree of life because he eats too much or we#//so he starts terrorising the animals but Beshte keeps getting the blame because the dumb penguin saw him knock over some other stuff#//so Beshte goes away feeling guilty and without him the LG/NP get their asses whooped by the bear#//so he has to burst in to save them and they have a big climactic wrestle#//the eagle owl could be an enemy for Anga. Give her a little more to do. Maybe it tries to eat Makini or something#//then maybe the orangutan can be Makini's enemy. It's a King Louie vibe where he has a little army of gibbon followers#//and they kidnap Makini and they tell her it's because they thought the Lion Guard had stolen her#//but really the orangutan wants the stuff or the Mjuzi knowledge or something. Then Makini realises the apes are just bullying -#//the other animals in the jungle and won't let the Guard come get her. So she learns that being nice works to a point but you have to ->#//>realise when you're being taken advantage of#//idk about the wolves. Maybe they can be Bunga/Fuli-centric enemies#//Bunga had a lot of centric enemies this season though. Both Chuluun and Mama having grudges against him specifically was a bit much#//maybe the wolves are bothering Azaad and that's why he doesn't want to take her to the plant thing#//also is it just me or does Azaad seem WAY too old for Fuli? Like he reads like an older man#//also I would redesign Bunga. Taller and skinnier. Maybe walks on all fours more often
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fiyatinedir · 2 years ago
A+++ Klima Fiyatları
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A+++ Klima Fiyatları araştırması yapan kullanıcılarımız için geniş kapsamlı bir A+++ Klima Fiyat araştırması yaptık. Fiyat araştırma platformu olarak sizlere en güncel bilgileri A+++ Klima Fiyatları listesinde olduğu gibi sunmaya çalışmaktayız. Yazı içeriğimizde A+++ Klima Fiyatları ile beraber A+++ Klima Fiyatı, Uygun A+++ Klima fiyatları, Ucuz A+++ Klima fiyatları bilgilerine de ulaşacaksınız. A+++ Klima fiyatı başlığı altında sizlere güncel ve detaylı fiyat bilgileri sunduk. Belirttiğimiz A+++ Klima fiyatları bu yazıyı hazırladığımızda güncel A+++ Klima fiyatıdır. Eğer mağaza, market vb gibi yere giderek farklı bir fiyatla karşılaşırsanız bizlere yorumlar kısmından bilgi verebilirsiniz. Bu sayede A+++ Klima fiyat listesinin sürekli güncel kalmasında yardımcı olabilirsiniz. Ayrıca bizler haftalık ve aylık periyotlar halinde A+++ Klima Fiyatları listesini güncellemekteyiz. Fakat dolar kurundaki hareketlilikten dolayı fiyatlarda anlık değişiklikler oluyor, bu gibi durumları bildirerek A+++ Klima Fiyat bilgisinin daha hızlı güncellenmesinde bize yardımcı olabilirsiniz.
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A+++ Klima satın almak veya hizmetinden yararlanmak isteyen kullanıcılarımız internette A+++ Klima fiyatı araştırması yapar. Ekonomi hareketliliği yüzünden bu durum oldukça normaldir. Tamda bu noktada Fiyatinedir.net sitesi tam da bu konuda sizlere güncel fiyat bilgilerini sunmaktadır. Fiyat araştırma platformumuzdan güncel fiyat bilgilerine sürekli olarak ulaşabilirsiniz. Ekonomideki hareketlilikten dolayı A+++ Klima Fiyatları listesi de sürekli zamlanmaktadır. Tamda bu konuda sizlere sürekli güncel A+++ Klima Fiyatı bilgisini sunmayı arzu etmekteyiz. Son araştırmalarımız doğrultusunda ilgili kurumların mağaza, çağrı merkezi ve internet mecralarından toparladığımız güncel A+++ Klima Fiyatları aşağıdaki gibidir; - VESTEL Flora Doğa 122 WIFI A++ 12000 BTU Inverter Duvar Tipi Klima R32 Flora Doğa WIFI 12 Fiyatı 8.789,62 TL - LG UV Nano Artcool A++ S3-M18KLRGA.EA6GLTK 18.000 BTU Inverter Split Klima Fiyatı 17.699 TL - Baymak Elegant Plus 12 A++ 12000 Btu Duvar Tipi Inverter Klima (Montaj Dahil) ELEGANT PLUS 12 Fiyatı 9.687 TL - Demirdöküm Kion 18 A++ 18000 BTU Inverter Duvar Tipi Klima Fiyatı 13.542,21 TL - Samsung AR9500T AR18TSHZHWK A++ 18000 BTU Inverter Duvar Tipi Klima Fiyatı 13.198 TL - Daikin Sensira 12000 Btu/h A++ | Ftxf35a Inverter Klima Fiyatı 15.490 TL - Airfel LTXN35U A++ 12000 BTU Inverter Duvar Tipi Klima Fiyatı 9.790 TL - Altus ALK 1840 A++ 18000 Btu Duvar Tipi Inverter Klima Fiyatı 12.340 TL'dir. Paylaştığımız A+++ Klima Fiyatı güncel fiyatlardır. Unutmamak gerekir ki fiyatlar bölgeye göre değişiklik gösterebilir bu noktada mağazadan, kuruluştan bilgi almak daha sağlıklı olacaktır. Fiyatınedir.net üzerinde yayınlanan fiyat bilgileri sadece kılavuz ve bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Fiyatlar zaman içerisinde güncellenebilir, değişebilir bu durumda ilgili kurumlardan güncel fiyat bilgisini temin edebilirsiniz.
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mitsubishi a+++ klima fiyatları A+++ Klima Fiyatı Hakkında Sıkça Sorulan Sorular? A+++ Klima için araştırma yaparak en uygun fiyattan yararlanmayı istemektesiniz. Uygun ve ucuz A+++ Klima Fiyatları hakkında araştırmanıza bizde katkı sağlamak için güncel A+++ Klima Fiyat listesini paylaştık. Yorumlar kısmından eksik veya hatalı gördüğünüz kısımları bize bildirebilirsiniz. A+++ Klima Fiyatları hakkında merak edilen, sıkça sorulan soruları sizler için derledik inceleyebilirsiniz. Güncel ve detaylı fiyat listelerine sitemizi takip ederek ulaşabilirsiniz Fiyatinedir.net A+++ Klima Fiyatları bilgisini sizler için araştırdı ve yayınladı. Bu yazımızı takibe alarak güncel A+++ Klima Fiyatı nedir bunu ��ğrenebilirsiniz. Unutmayın sitemiz üzerinde diğer konulara bakarak güncel fiyatları sürekli takip edebilirsiniz. A+++ KLİMA FİYATI GİBİ MERAK EDİLEN BİR DİĞER FİYAT LİSTESİDE: 9000 BTU Klima Fiyatları LİSTESİDİR. DİLERSENİZ BU YAZIMIZIDA İNCELEYEBİLİRSİNİZ. A+++ Klima Fiyatları kaç lira? A+++ Klima fiyatları güncel zamlarla beraber 12.340 TL'dir. Güncel A+++ Klima Fiyatı 12.340 TL'dir. Bu fiyat yazı tarihindeki son zamlarla yükselen fiyattır. Sürekli gelen zamlar A+++ Klima Fiyatını da etkilemektedir. Bundan dolayı sitemiz A+++ Klima fiyat listesini haftalık ve aylık periyotlar halinde güncellemektedir. Sizde yorumlar kısmından bize bilgi vererek A+++ Klima fiyat bilgisinin güncellenmesini sağlayabilirsiniz. A+++ Klima fiyatı gibi güncel fiyat listesine sitemizi takip ederek ulaşabilirsiniz. Ayrıca eklenmesini istediğiniz fiyat listesini iletişim bilgilerimizden bize iletebilirsiniz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43bemcKGogU A+++ Klima Fiyatları Zamlanacak mı? A+++ Klima fiyatları hatta diğer ürün ve hizmetlerin hepsi maalesef döviz ve yakıt fiyatlarına orantılı olarak zamlanmaktadır. Bu neticede dövizdeki hareket veya yakıttaki, benzindeki zamlanma direk A+++ Klima Fiyatı listesine yansıyacaktır. Bununla beraber A+++ Klima Fiyat listesi de zamlanacaktır. Bizler normalde haftalık veya aylık olarak konuları güncelliyoruz. Fakat döviz ve yakıt zamlanması gibi etkileyen hızlı durumda fiyat listemiz 1-2 gün eski kalabiliyor. Anlık zamlarda bizlere yorumlar kısmından bildirim de bulunarak fiyatın güncellenmesine katkı sağlayabilirsiniz. A+++ KLİMA FİYATI GİBİ MERAK EDİLEN BİR DİĞER FİYAT LİSTESİDE: Split Klima Fiyatları LİSTESİDİR. DİLERSENİZ BU YAZIMIZIDA İNCELEYEBİLİRSİNİZ. A+++ Klima Fiyatı doğru mu? A+++ Klima fiyat bilgisi doğru ve günceldir. Fiyat listelerini oluştururken özellikle mağazalardan, firma iletişim bilgilerinden ve internet mecralarındaki fiyat listeleri, kullanıcı yorumlarından yola çıkarak Fiyat tablosu oluşturuyoruz. Bu neticede fiyat listesini haftalık periyotlar ile güncelliyoruz. Doğal olarak sizlere güncel fiyat listesini ulaştırmış oluyoruz. A+++ Klima fiyat bilgileri zamlarda güncellenerek sizlere ne güncel haliyle sunulmaktadır. Fiyatı nedir, fiyat araştırma platformunda bulunan bütün konularımız haftalık veya aylık periyotlar ile güncellenmektedir. Sizlerde sitemizi takip ederek güncel fiyat bilgilerine ulaşabilirsiniz. Ayrıca sitemizde bulamadığınız bir fiyat listesi olursa iletişim bilgilerimizden bize bildirim açabilirsiniz. Ortalama 1-2 iş günü içerisinde fiyat listesi eklenir veya güncellenir. A+++ Klima Fiyatı gibi ELEKTRONİK kategorimizde yer alan diğer konulara da ilgili kategoriden ulaşabilirsiniz. A+++ Klima Fiyatı Hakkında Sizlere hazırladığımız A+++ Klima Fiyatı hakkında genel bilgilerde vermiş olduk. Sitemizde güncel fiyat bilgileri yer alır. Sitemizi takip ederek marketlerden tutun ürünlere kadar her alanda fiyat bilgilerini araştırabilir bilgi sahibi olabiliriniz. Özellikle son dönemlerdeki piyasa hareketliliği A+++ Klima fiyat listesi gibi fiyat listelerini sürekli araştırma ihtiyacı sunmaktadır. Sizde sitemizden güncel fiyatlara ulaşabilirsiniz. Peki A+++ Klima Fiyatı bilgisine nasıl mı ulaştık? Mağazalardan, çağrı merkezlerinden ve internet kanallarından araştırma yaparak güncel ve doğru A+++ Klima Fiyatı listesini hazırladık. - Paylaştığınız A+++ Klima Fiyat bilgisi ne kadar güncel? A+++ Klima Fiyat bilgisi gibi sitemizde yer alan bütün Fiyatların listesi haftalık veya aylık periyotlar ile güncellenerek sizlere güncel olarak sunulmaktadır. Fiyatinedir.net Bilgilendirme Metni Fiyatinedir.net web sitesi sizlere güncel fiyat bilgisi sağlamak üzere kılavuz görevi gören bir platformdur. Bu noktada A+++ Klima fiyatı gibi diğer tüm konularımızda yer alan fiyat bilgileri sadece kılavuz olması için yayınlanmaktadır. Sitemiz A+++ Klima fiyat listesi gibi diğer fiyat listelerini de ilgili kurumların çağrı merkezi, fiziki şube ziyareti, internet mecraları ayrıca internetteki kullanıcı, tüketici yorumları üzerinden temin etmektedir. Fiyatlar bölgeye göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Bu konuda fiyatinedir.net web sitesinin bir sorumluluğu bulunmamaktadır. Güncel fiyatlar için ilgili kurumlardan fiyat talep edebilirsiniz. Daha detaylı bilgi için sitemizde bulunan sorumluluk reddi sayfasını ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Ayrıca iletişim ve hakkımızda sayfalarında sitemiz ve hizmetimiz ile ilgili bilgiler bulunmaktadır. Reklam çalışması gibi durumlar için mail adresimizden bize ulaşabilirsiniz. Read the full article
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So im trying to work out their ages, but the problem is im building both the Tree of Life storyline and the Beginning story in my head simultaneously
Right now i got the Guard all getting together sometime in freshman year of high school, and them going to the Tree during the summer that followed their senior year
Kiara = 14, 9 months older than Kion, freshman
Kion = barely 14, freshman
Ono = 14, freshman
Bunga = 15, got held back a year in 2nd grade, freshman
Fuli = 15, late birthday, freshman
Beshte = 15, late birthday, freshman
Janja, Chungu, Cheezi = 16, sophomores
Jasiri = 15, sophomore
Madoa = 17, junior
Tiifu + Zuri = 14, freshmen
Makini = 13, middle schooler
Nuka = 18, late birthday, junior
Vitani = 15, sophomore
Kovu = 14, freshman
At time of 1st meeting:
Rani = 17, late birthday, graduate
Baliyo = 16, rising junior
Kion and Bunga have been best friends since Timon and Pumbaa brought Bunga home (about age 9)
Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri have been best friends since 7th grade (age 12)
Janja and his clique formed right at the beginning of freshman year (age 14)
Either Kiara and Kovu were good friends from preschool to 1st grade (which is when Zira moved) or they have their brief first meeting in middle school at a football game or summer camp or local concert
When the LG meets Rani and Co. they are 19 (Bunga, Fuli, and Beshte), 18 (Ono), and 17 (Kion).
Cant stop thinking about how Kion is the equivalent of a varsity captain who knows everyone in town and thinks his friend group is The Sh*t™️ who got spontaneously married to a girl he'd known for two months at 19
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bearangelo · 5 years ago
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kaythefloppa · 2 years ago
Lion Guard Finale Praise + Rant
There is a lot I hate about The Lion Guard's final episode but the one thing that will always hold a special place in my heart is the return montage:
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You can't tell in screenshots, but in the background, the LG chorus sings a reprise of the Departure Theme from the premiere episode, with this montage being a book-end to the goodbyes that the Guard said to their friends and families in that episode.
It's really sweet and powerful because it's a beautiful example of "Show, don't tell" (a rule which this show, particularly in Season 3, and the LK sequels in general are not the best at following). We see what the Lion Guard had left behind when they went on their journey to the Tree of Life, how much they had missed their home and how glad they are to be back and how that feeling was reciporicated by their friends and families.
Keep in mind that earlier that morning they were under the belief that Zira invaded the Pride Lands and had possibly killed the royal family and subjugated the Pride Lands' non-lion subjects if not giving them a same gruesome fate (since Kion knows that Zira is a lion supremacist, god-forbid what would happen if she ever got near Mtoto, Thurston, or Ajabu), and on the Pride Landers' end, the Lion Guard had been gone for such a long time with no one having any way of knowing they'd return or if they died. So this reunion was likely also a huge relief for everyone in the Pride Lands, especially Simba, Basi, and Timon and Pumbaa (who no doubt would've been scared shitless at the idea that their kid could be missing forever or dead and have no way to confirm or deny that possibility). It's just all around amazing to see. When watching the episode for the first time when it came out I thought something was wrong with my computer because despite there being 14 minutes left, I wholeheartedly thought the series was going to end there....
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...which is why I'm very mad that it didn't and forever disappointed at the route they went with for the actual ending.
In the span of less than a full day since the Lion Guard returned from the Tree of Life, all of them instantly want to head back there on a whim after losing the Lion Guard contest, which would wind up in them completely uprooting their lives and leaving their home and families again for the sake of this one kingdom that we've only seen for seven to eight out of 74 episodes plus a TV movie! The reunion showed us that the Guard was strongly attached to their home and families, but now the ending forces us to ignore that to logistify the Guard willingly going to the Tree of Life without any on-screen goodbyes or send-offs. No scene of doubt, no goodbye songs, no parting ways between characters, nothing, it just jump cuts from "Hey, let's go back to the Tree of Life even though we've only been back here for a day" straight to them at the Tree of Life for Kion and Rani's wedding. Isn't the episode's title supposed to be "Return to the Pride Lands?" Yet the "return" plot stops mattering after the first 11 minutes.
The whole Guard leaving with Kion doesn't even make sense: Bunga has Timon and Pumbaa at Hakuna Matata Falls, Beshte has to co-lead the hippo pod with his father, Ono has his flock and possibly even Ona (you could argue that he would want to return to the Tree of Life because they healed him, but that's not the reason they went with - Also the poor dude lost his Mark of the Guard twice, the first being after he lost his eyesight to protect the Pride Lands from Scar, like, what the fuck?), Fuli had been the most admant about returning to the Pride Lands, and Anga showed no interest in staying at the Tree of Life and seemed perfectly ok in the Pride Lands.
Even back in the days where people were theorizing what would happen to the Lion Guard that caused them to be absent in TLK 2, I never saw reason for the whole Guard to leave if Kion ever left, and even then, I never expected any departure to be permanent because it would go against their whole life-style. It feels like they only had them leave like this for the sake of some "twist" that didn't need to be there. And even if they were going to go with this route, they could've had the Guard separate, with some staying and some going to at least make sense.
Much like Makini, Season 3 ignores crucial story elements of the main characters from the first two seasons to both justify their "plot-twist" by the end and to wrap up any “plot-holes” with the Lion King 2 and forces the audience to suspend an inappropriate amount of their disbelief. So while I like the reunion in the final episode and whilst my love for the show remains un-matched, knowing how it all ends and that (according to some writers) it was planned from the start to end like this makes me feel cheated in a way. One of the most disappointing endings I've seen from a show which I've been willing to follow from start to finish and this is coming from someone who's watched both Jake and the Never Land Pirates and Bunk'd.
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kaythefloppa · 2 years ago
Nearly 4 years later, I'm still really salty that Vitani didn't get her own song in the final episode of The Lion Guard.
For reference: This is show featured Hamilton actors [all of whom get a minimum of 2 musical numbers for their respective characters], several longtime Disney stars such as Cam Clarke [who dubbed Simba's singing voice in Simba's Pride], has one of the characters from the Lion King Broadway sing alongside one of the Hamilton actors [to further emphasize the point, the song that they had sung for Season 3 was nominated for a Daytime Emmy], was able to afford some of the original voice actors from the movies and TV shows back, and even had fucking Dan and Phil in it, and as expected, also made them sing!! They all got songs, but not Vitani? Didn't Lacey Chabert sing in Anastasia? And aren't the VA's of the rest of her Guard evidently talented singers? [Fiona Riley as Shabaha sang as Binga earlier in the season].
I don't know if it was bc of time-constraints [which would've been fixed if they had made it an extended special like the pilot or the premiere episode] or if the budget was somehow mismanaged/too low to afford Willis, Beau, and the LG Chorus to score and sing any new songs for the finale [because if you think about it, the only songs in the finale are slightly tweaked reprises of earlier songs - The Departure Chorus from the premiere episode, and Long Live the Queen from the titular milestone episode, the last song in the series sung by any characters is Kion and Rani's love song], but still, I will die on this hill saying that Vitani deserved her solo and LG missed such a golden opportunity.
I don't care if it's in some new Disney + show, or in a new film, or a short-film, or some direct-to-video special or whatever, Vitani DESERVES HER SOLO.
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