#tlg azaad
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valentinbelleyh505 · 3 months ago
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bisexual fuli my beloved coded
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hyperfixated-maybe · 4 months ago
*watches the return arc*
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mask-of-prime · 7 months ago
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TLG: Final 10 Episodes Sketch Dump
September 2nd once again fell on a Labor Day, like it once did when the final 10 episodes of TLG dropped on WatchTLG (due to its early release on the old DisneyNOW app). The alignment of the exact day, month, and holiday five years later put me in the spirit to sketch away as I rewatched these episodes.
I was there when the countdown on the WatchTLG site had about an hour left. I hadn't seen a full episode of TLG until that point because I at the time thought I wouldn't be into it. I saw the synopses for these episodes leaked somewhere online and was doubtful yet VERY hopeful that the one with Vitani's Lion Guard was going to be a real episode simply because I wanted to see her in new content, regardless of my familiarity with the show.
When I binge-watched these final episodes with a friend, my relationship with the show improved as I went to watch the rest of the show over the next few months. I was so grateful to see so much content and worldbuilding for the TLK universe
Sketch descriptions under the cut:
1. Friends to the End
I've said this before in a review of this episode, but whether or not the writers intended this, their portrayal of irritability brought on by an anxiety attack is astounding. Kion's anxiety is piled up more and more when he's in a hurry to find a cure at the Tree of Life, Bunga repeatedly tells him he's becoming like Scar, and the rest of the group just "blind leading the blind"-in their journey SO badly because they're a bunch of unsupervised freshman-aged kids who are in their "Well I wouldn't go THAT far" or "Can I be the devil's advocate" phase.
This situation of fearing becoming like a shitty family member and being told you are by people when you're already in a vulnerable state is just SO vile and unfortunately so real. I found myself relating hard to this episode due to Kion's valid af anger in this episode, which is why I had to draw Kion claiming his "Don't you just wanna go apeshit??" era.
Kion is basically me throughout this episode and the entire first half of Season 3. It is SO HARD to get through this season sometimes when these same couple of lines keep coming at least once per episode. As soon as I hear Fuli saying "Uhh... Kion?" or "KION!!" I know exactly what's coming.
2. The Tree of Life:
Since we never get to see Sahasi and Ananda's color palettes they had in life, I took what I could make out from their spirit forms as well as some creative liberties, and came up with what they may have looked like on Earth.
Ananda is where Baliyo gets his freckles and dull, dark pelt, and where Rani gets her purple pupils, red nose, and dark tail. Sahasi is where Rani gets her richer pelt and where Baliyo gets his nose gradient, multicolored mane, and lighter tail color.
Fun Fact: According to some email responses from a member of the team who worked on TLG, they said that Sahasi was meant to be Janna's son, which for me, puts an end to a debate I had in my head where I was stuck between either him or Ananda being Janna's child: On one hand, I liked the idea of Sahasi and Surak being the foils of Mufasa and Scar, but also liked the idea of Ananda as Janna's daughter and heir since they looked so alike, as well as it solidifying the martriarchy headcanon I have for the Night Pride. Though the team member didn't straight-up provide Sahasi's relation to Janna and Surak as an absolute fact, rather it was simply the gist they got from the creation of Sahasi's character, it's an answer from a team member at all, which I can absolutely settle with. I decided to give him a similar fur color to Surak because of that.
3. The River of Patience:
I just HAD to doodle eepy Kion. It's like the one part of this episode that sticks with me outside the wholesome therapy dynamics and Kion heroically holding the flower between his teeth. This is basically him but if he fully succumbed to falling asleep waiting for the log.
4. Little Old Ginterbong:
Can I just say that I fucking LOVE Mama Binturong's character?? She's absolutely insane and constantly looks like an addict that needs her fix. She makes me nostalgic for some reason, and I think it's gotta do with her Mama Gunda vibes (which is odd because I wasn't even that young when I saw Tarzan II). I had to draw her doing the thing lol
5. Poa the Destroyer:
All I could think about throughout this episode besides the rare Evil Beshte is how insufferable Pinguino is. I mean it in kind of a good way, his personality is so ridiculous that he's made me laugh a few times.
6. Long Live the Queen:
Surprisingly, the sketch regarding this episode is probably the least expected subject matter out of anything I could've put here: An idea that's been forming in my head for a bit now was the idea of Bunga and Binga continuing the fostering/babysitting business of Bunga's "uncles". Bunga is shown to be a natural with young animals in a few episodes, and it continues in the subplot of this episode where he watches over Varya's cubs.
7. The Lake of Reflection:
The one thing that viscerally stuck with me in this episode was the unbelievably cute design they gave bby Cheezi. Had to sketch him.
8. Triumph of the Roar:
Obligatory Askari sketch because I actually love drawing him and making headcanons of his era. Looking back... he kinda looks like he's looking down at the events of the bottom drawing in slight disappointment.
9. Journey to the Pride Lands:
Drew Azaad (for what I think might be the first time) with the only thing he seemed to be doing throughout this episode -- taking any opportunity he can to comment about how much better cheetahs are at basically everything. He's fun to draw and I'd like to do more art of him one day.
10. Return to the Pride Lands
This is a sketch of what I deadass thought was gonna happen during this scene the first time I saw this episode lmao. At the time, the previous two episodes were fresh on my mind so I thought Kion was once again going to spam his tornado ability, but with Vitani as his subject for his demonstration. She already knew so little of the Roar as it was, given her absence throughout most of TLG's storyline, but could you imagine what she must've been thinking seeing how much Kion's Roar evolved?
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spinnysocks · 10 months ago
LGBTQIA+ TLG headcannons for Pride Month based on this calendar :)
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Pride Month Day 10. Asexual headcannons!
Jasiri, Nyeusi, Neema, Rafiki, Beshte, Anga, Azaad, Nirmala, Shabaha, Tazama
*sadly waits 20 more days for aro headcannons :(*
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intothetlkverse · 4 months ago
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Decided to challenge myself by drawing every single TLK character out there, up until this point in time, and post it here. You can see the finished project on my main account, though I figured to post it on my tumblr just show I could proudly show off my work and a few of my head canons.
Here's part two of all the non-raptor birds across TLG/K:
Starting strong with the egrets we have Ono/Maono(vision). The last of the Guard members to be featured here, though hardly due to lack of interest. I do like Ono, for how know-it-all and blunt he can be, I do see the appeal in his respectful and pragmatic nature, plus seeing him in his arc in the third season. He eventually becomes the Night Pride's majordomo/scout for the Day Guard, filling in for the time of day when Rani and her group are asleep and Kion and his team are awake. Ono, like myself, if also ace-aro, so while he doesn't get into a relationship or fathers any children, one day, who should come to the Tree of Life but a pair of hamerkops, none other than Ona/Kuona(sight) and mother Kulinda(protect), and he does take on a fatherly-uncle type role with Ona, as well as another egret.
Next up is what I like to call the secondary TLG characters category, composed of Tamaa(appetite) the drongo, Mwenzi(partner) the red-billed tickbird, and the yellow wagtail, featured in "Beshte and the Hippo Lanes", Nyuni(the bee). For all my gripes with TLG's design and story choices, I will say that their bird designs are pretty consistently decent across the board, even if Tamaa's design resembles the Asian-native greater racket-tailed drongo instead of a more geographically appropriate fork-tailed drongo, as I've portrayed here. I did also notice that there was a female yellow wagtail, so I made her Nyuni mate and her name is Mbila(millet). Also Bupu and Kifaru make very small cameos here.
I was really surprised to find out TLK doesn't have a lot of flamingo characters. Sure they appear in quite a few comics and stories, though counting named characters and ones we see in TLG, mentioned in the TLK wiki no less, that gives us about three actual characters. So I added on two more to the ones we got. Also Africa is home to two species of flamingos, the greater and lesser species, which in my research is more just size rather then quality, though the really bright flamingos you think of when seem to be more an American/Caribbean species. Still, considering that flamingos get their pink feather coloring from crustaceans, and the more they eat the more pink they are, I'm just gonna say that the seafood/algae in TLK/G for the most part is extremely rich in carotenoid. You can pry my Barbie pink African flamingo designs from my cold dead hands.
First off are TLG's Flamingo girl 1/Fuari(happy) and Flamingo girl 2/Juisi(juice), named after two of my favorite songs. They're greater flamingos and both of them live in their flamboyance next to Azaad's territory, often becoming his meal. I imagine flamingos, while native to most of Africa where there's water, are an uncommon sight for many, though are very adored for their perky pink plumage and fabulous, flamboyant festivities. For the other flamingo character before we get to the unnamed ones we have Yeye(she). She is leader of the greater flamingos in the Pridelands, specifically at Lake Kidogo. She is also considered a bit overdramatic, as she and her fellow flamingos once nearly declared war on Kiboko and the hippopotamuses for their less kempt nature/appearances, though in fairness Kiboko was being an extra big jerk, though he alone would've made pink morsels out them realistically. I based her design off the ones glaring at Kovu before his exile in TLK2.
The last two flamingos didn't have names, but considering I'm a big fan of flamingos and we definitely needed more, here you go. First off is the one we see from "A Kinglike Hair-do" I've named Sabuni(soap), yet another song I like. While walking down with his vain monkey friend Isimo, Simba and him come across a flock of flamingos, which Isimo argues about how pretty can they really be compared to him and decides to spook them by running through them. Simba then noticed Sabuni, injured and realizes her flock was trying to protect her. Simba calls the rest of the flock back, promising not to harm any of them, and they are able to go back to their injured friend, who eventually recovers. This event would make the flamingos have a more positive outlook towards Simba later on when he set about restoring the Pridelands back after Scar's reign, making them easy support. Later in the comic the flock plus a lemur Simba helped earlier save him from a snake-infested river.
Fataki(fireworks) is the last of the flamingos, and last one named after songs I like. From "Pretty in Pink", he is the only male on this list, and is the leader of a flamboyance of lesser flamingos who take over a small pond in the Oasis during a dry spell, peeving off our Hakuna Matata trio and anyone else hoping to use the pond for cooling off. The trio decide to infiltrate the pond by painting themselves pink with berry juice and gathering fallen flamingo feathers to try and trick the flamingos into allowing them to enter, though the plan fails when they topple into the water and wash away their disguise. However before they can get pecked for their trickery, Pumbaa emerges from the mud the sight of him is so frightening that the flock flees, allowing the trio to cool off in peace. Since then the flock has avoided that specific pond in fear of the 'mud monster' that appeared before them, though still are pretty selfish and vain still.
So at this point you already know my penchant for making these lists increasingly harder for myself. TLG has a long list of bird species that they've shown or used for a line or two, but are never given proper names, just barely a wiki page if they're lucky. The next five characters do have a TLG wiki page yet no specific names. After that, I decided that the other bird designs in TLG were too good to waste, so they will be given a brief mention and name.
Starting off with the unnamed characters which mostly come from "Friends to the End", we have the peacock leader of his flock, now a congo peafowl, Shabiki(fan). Congo peafowl are technically peacocks in Africa, but are much more subdued and don't nearly have as much pizzaz with their tail feathers as your typical Indian variant, and neither are nearly as stunning as the green peafowl... fight me. They've got eyespots all over, not just their tail feathers.
Next we get some waterfowl, starting with the former barnacle geese Mother goose/Ndege(fowl), now an African goose, and her son Jirgi(flight-Hausa) and daughter Gurbi(nest-Hausa) from "Friends to the End". So with barnacle geese, apparently they create nests on high cliffs to avoid predation, however within a few days of hatching goslings must jump off these cliff faces in order to meet their parents who are foraging on the grass below, which is what we learn in TLG, however I have no knowledge of African geese doing the same. However given how rude she was, in my 'verse the chicks did fall off a cliff where their mother had decided to build their nest on top of, and was too prideful to admit she was in the wrong. She later becomes food for Makucha's Army, though her chicks thankfully make it to adulthood relatively unscathed.
Last of the waterfowl is the African black duck from "The Search for Utamu" that Fuli saves her nest from some fighting oryxes. Her name is Bata(duck) and given that her species can have 4–8 eggs at a time, I like to think she named one after Fuli. Their design was pretty nice, though I changed the orange bill/beak to the original's black, though I imagine the reason why they originally had it orange was to help with figuring which part to animate.
Now for the unnamed, background species from TLG. These guys were already enough work to figure out how to make that they'll just get a brief excerpt.
White-throated laughing thrushes: Safisha(tidy). Their colors in the show just seemed to be extremely saturated, so I mellowed them somewhere between their real-life and cartoon counterparts.
Common Kingfishers: Choraji(painting). They're only found in a TLG "Look and Find" book, though still included because... well just look how pretty they are.
Great blue turaco: Mkweli(truthful) and white-crested turaco?: Mchele(rice). Such beautiful blue feathers for the former, absolutely stunning. For the white-crested turacos, for some weird reason in the show they made them... so weird. Like they took a blue-crested turaco and used pastel colors, baby blues and creams.... so I used the real-life design here. Perfectly colorful and serviceable design, I don't know what TLG was planning, though in my book these two are happily married to one another.
Grey-Headed Tanagers: Eji(dew-Yoruba). Another really-saturated cartoon design, though I honestly was doubting whether or not it was a tanager and not a sunbird or superb starling, or even if it was meant to be a variant of the grey-headed bushstrike they've already made. However it did get to a point where looking up species was starting to not be fun, so I conceded in the end, but did mute the colors more.
Grey-Headed Bushshrikes: Pazia(veil). Not much to say, but a really good design overall, for both real-life and TLG.
Southern red bishop: Kivara(clothing). Technically put under the finches wiki page, though the Southern red bishop is actually part of the weaver family, though stunningly beautiful nonetheless.
Peach-faced lovebird: Koro(heart). A cutie patootie, him and Kivara are mates too.
Green bee-eaters: Limu(lemon) and blue-throated bee-eater: Dubaku(look). The blue-throated bee-eater is an Asian species, so it's swapped with a blue-headed/mustached bee-eater here. I also had to work with the green bee-eater design a bit, since it seems TLG based it more off the Asian green bee-eater and not off the African one, which is slightly less flashy then the former.
White-necked ravens: Mlio(crow). It seems a bit weird to put a raven here, though like the peregrine falcon, apparently they too are found all across the world minus Antarctica and weirdly South America too. Hmm, well anyways I think they are very beautiful.
Lastly is Binti the hornbill, a yellow-billed oxpecker here and you can read more about her story here, as well as why this deleted love interest for Zazu is apparently a tickbird and not a hornbill. I did give her a slight redesign and that will apply to all the unnamed chicks which I did not bother to redo here, but I feel like she has a good design for the last character on this sheet.
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sketch-shepherd-art · 2 years ago
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Solo images of the official TLG couples taken from my family pics, all of which are available on my Redbubble
Fuli and Azaad Janja and Jasiri (brown version) Janja and Jasiri (grey version)
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devilsrecreation · 2 years ago
TLG characters with accents (along with my opinion on them)
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Tano-has an Australian accent for some reason but I love it
No really, look it up. Aussie hyena
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Jasiri-also an Aussie cuz it’s Maia Mitchell and I love it
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Azaad-Persian accent that honestly really suits him
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Zazu- Iconic British accent. That is all.
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Kenge-his voice actor is from Norway so I’m saying Norwegian
I swear to god I hear an accent and it’s so cool
And side note: Kenge has a lovely smile…even if it does look evil
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Tamka-I swear he sounds like a mobster from NY and it suits him so well
No bc I can actually see him going “EY, I’M WALKIN’ HERE!”
He kinda sounds like Grapefruit from Annoying Orange
Bonus: His face when he was “sparring” with Hodari was priceless
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He was like “Bro, you sure?”
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Ora-I could have sworn he has sort of a Russian accent…for some reason
It’s still pretty cool though
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Me: *thinking about TLG characters as parents*
Me: dont do it
Me: *begins making a Future AU anyways*
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rip me. I have too many aus
Me struggling to merge actual cheetah relationships and the show's semi-close version of it with the fact azuli is one of my all time fav ships and i want them to stay together forever
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valentinbelleyh505 · 4 months ago
For the ask drawing game, can you do A2 or B2 for Kion x Jasiri and C3 or C4 for Fuli x Azaad? No pressure though 👍🏽
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almost getting 1.300 followers btw also no bunga x binga one :(
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hyperfixated-maybe · 9 days ago
I've been doing lotsa research on the ranges of animals in TLG. (So I can better select skintones accurate to where they're from.) I looked into a lot of the animals we saw on the way to the Tree of Life. Other than The snow monkeys and the Komodo dragons, which both live on isolated islands wayyyyyy over in the east of Asia/where you would not expect the guard to pass through, the moja kwa moja stones theoretically go along a path north through Africa, then east across the middle east and Asia. SIDE TANGENT ALERT: Azaad is like. Definitely an Asiatic cheetah right?? But irl they're nearly extinct, with very few remaining in Iran. So, I was thinking: If there are no humans in this world, then wouldn't the animals follow more closely to their historic ranges and population sizes as hunting and habitat loss/fragmentation wouldn't be an issue? That gives waaaaaay more leeway as to how the Guard reached the tree of life and met all of these random ahh creatures on the way. (Excluding Komodo and Japan cuz they still make zero sense lol.)
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Anyways. I place the Tree of Life somewhere in Nepal or northern India. (I am very VERY biased toward Uttarakhand… I would love it to be there.) Binturongs, snow leopards, red pandas, clouded leopards, and several other animals we see have current ranges reaching into Nepal.
Asiatic lions (blue) used to reach all the way to northern India, where I headcanon the Tree to be!!
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So, if we're going off of historic ranges, the Night Pride could be a pride of Asiatic lions in northern India!
I’ve decided that the tree of life is in my favorite state in india. I will elaborate later i swear
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anc-art · 5 years ago
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Another screencap edit. Fuli and Azaad doing something. Just wanted to see how they would look in a more movie accurate style. 
pictures used
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im-abanana · 6 years ago
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My son is a scared dumbass in this episode and I love him 😫💓
Also, Janja and Jasiri share A LOT of lovely scenes, so I'm content <3
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spinnysocks · 9 months ago
LGBTQIA+ TLG headcannons for Pride Month based on this calendar :)
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Pride Month Day 17. Bigender headcannons!
Tamka, Baylio, Azaad, Timon, Nala
would love to hear some more :3
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intothetlkverse · 4 months ago
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Decided to challenge myself by drawing every single TLK character out there, up until this point in time, and post it here. You can see the finished project on my main account, though I figured to post it on my tumblr just show I could proudly show off my work and a few of my head canons.
Here are all the cheetahs across TLK:
Starting off, as always, with the most popular choices, we have TLG's very own Fuli/Kufuli(lock)and Azaad(free/liberated-Arabic). You know their stories in TLG, so I'll continue with what comes after. Fuli eventually gets the urge to roam as all cheetahs do and, with several sad goodbyes, leaves the Tree of Life to go travel the land, soon accompanied by Azaad. Eventually she would return, with a large belly and four cubs on the way, and would stay there to help raise her young in the best environment. Meanwhile Azaad, as a male cheetah, isn't the most involved parent,  preferring the typical solitary male lifestyle and stay in his own territory, though he has met his cubs and he and Fuli are great friends. I changed Fuli's pattern to reflect the more 'king cheetah' aspect of her, giving her a more regal gold pelt color with more prominent spots, though with Azaad I look the artistic liberty of making him a ticked/spotless cheetah. Their daughters would take after either parents with their spots, though their son, Risasi, is the most 'normal' in terms of coat pattern, resembling more his grandparents, especially his maternal grandmother Umeme.
Continuing on Fuli's family tree, featured in "Fight For the Throne", is her father Kesho(tomorrow). A king cheetah with a lovely coat pattern and an ego too big to contain, a  prideful, arrogant, and yet cowardly fellow with delusions of grandeur.  When Simba was just beginning his reign, Kesho was an open critic, disliking lions for causing this issue in the first place and doubting their ability to fix this. Catching word of these complaints, Simba confronted Kesho and, to his surprise, Simba offered him the position of king then and there, with a challenge. If Kesho was so sure of his capabilities as a leader, then Simba would give him a week of all the duties and responsibilities of ruler, with the promise to give him the role permanently if he could make it through the week. Stunned, and full of himself, Kesho accepted. Needless to say, after only a few days of dealing with the duties and trials of being ruler, Kesho practically threw himself down at Simba's feet after a few days, beginning him to return and take back control, apologizing for his remarks. After that, Kesho, left humiliated and exhausted, left on his own from the Pridelands, never to be seen again, too ashamed and unable to deal with the rumors of 'unlawful usurpation' or that he was in cahoots for the throne with the hyenas. Hasn't been seen since, though he would've been proud to have a daughter who was named the fastest on the Lion Guard and savior of the Pridelands, if only to help boost his ego. I know his design is pretty... much, though given how proud he is, I felt it be a crime not to go all out for giving credence of his looks to his ego, as well as showcase some of the more bold and impressive parts of his design, including the 'evil eye-spots'.
Going back to the time of Simba's childhood is one of his friends, 'Swifty'/Wepesi(lightness, swift, rapid) from "The Race". Though initially arrogant and competitive, he earned the respect and grew more humbler after Simba and his friends saved him from becoming food for the red tongues/fire, and Wepesi would grow to appreciate the cub's fierceness and loyalty. Once grown, he would rove as all male cheetahs do, though would eventually find out about Simba and reach out to him before roving once more, but not before siring a cub with Beba's mother.
Speaking of, Beba(carry) is a young male cheetah from "A Snake in the Grass". An only child, his mother decided to give him company and friends by reaching out to the Mbala pride, whereupon he befriended Afua and the other cubs. Eventually he would mature and go out to rove, he eventually would return to settle in the territory and occasionally assist the pride as an unofficial messenger and occasionally socialized, but the fellow is more then happy on his own. The once energetic and boastful cub has matured into a calm, collected adult.
Next up are two lesser-known, nameless cheetahs, one from the time of Mohatu, the other from the opening of the Lion King. First off is Haraka(quickly/haste) the cheetah(and not the ostrich) from "The Brightest Star". A rather submissive and quiet in comparison to the majority of his species, he has a good heart and was able to serve during the drought as a scout and messenger for new water sources and further in Mohatu's reign. He also is Fuli's ancestor through her mother.
Beside him, the cheetah featured in the opening scene of the first film and later as one in the trio during Kovu's trial/exile, is Ajia(quick, fast-Arabic). The mother to a large litter of cubs, including the cheetah bros, she's a stern, yet fair and respectful lady who would not tolerate it if she knew what the two of her boys were up to, though as it stands they live in the Oasis and she is still in the Pridelands, though perhaps a visit is in order. I kinda see her what Fuli would've been if Kion hadn't approached her to be part of his Guard, a more distant, cold loner, still respectful of the world and Circle of Life, but not exactly the friendliest cheetah out there... so the ideal cheetah.
Speaking of the cheetah bros from the Timon & Pumbaa Show, bellow her we have Cheetata/Tata(complex) and Cheetato/Tato(tattoo). Tata is the younger, more eager and aggressive twin compared to his duller, more conniving and thorough bro, though both are menaces to the Oasis, enjoying hunting as much as they do making a gruesome spectacle out of tormenting and intimidating their victims. They were often foiled by Timon and Pumbaa, but to prevent them from getting too far in their behavior they had Tangaji/Tanglemane and later Simba to 'politely' make them aware of potential consequences should they continue to be bullies. However after Simba left, the two began to ramp up their antics again, causing havoc, Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for everyone else, their mother just so happen is planning a visit to see them, and she did not raise them to be so disrespectful to others and the Circle of Life.
Continuing with antagonistic cheetah brothers, from "Home, Sweet Home" we have the trio from Lightfoot's coalition, composed of lead brother Lightfoot/Futi(foot), Speedy/Shtaka(charge), Fast-Track/Wayo(track). All three are Umeme's brothers and thus Fuli's maternal uncles, and Futi is Wepesi's father, thus making him and Fuli cousins. In the magazine the three are hunting Stripey the zebra calf, next to where Simba, Pumbaa, and Timon have been staying nearby, and the three thoroughly get their butts kicked by them and are left with multiple bruises to the body and the ego. While Shtaka and Wayo eventually get over it, Futi does not and the three eventually have a falling-out with Futi staying in the jungle and the two other brothers roving together elsewhere, eventually making to the Pridelands, finding their sister and their niece, apologizing to Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa, and redeeming themselves. Their names are also what they call each other, though they also have given their sister the nickname 'Bolt' and Fuli their niece 'Zip'.
Next up on the list and one of the new ones I had no idea about till recently(at least hopefully unless the new Mufasa movie ruins my lists) is a male cheetah from the TLG comic "Team Play". A vain fellow, his desperation for fame caused him to rush into danger in trying to prove himself in front of the Lion Guard, though he is capable of some humility when they help save him and the baby antelope they were originally there for, and Fuli offers to teach and practice with him. He's one of the kids of the local cheetahs, his name's Dakika(moment).
And lastly, we have two cheetahs I also found out about recently, this time from the comic "Spots and Stripes": Kibaya(arrow-Hausa) and Jiro(electricity). The two are hunting a herd of zebras, when the herd suddenly flees. They mistake a stripe-painted Simba for a zebra, though after realizing that he and Nala are lions they still plan on making a meal out of them. Zebby the zebra and his herd cause a small landslide to run off the two, and the two are never seen again. In my verse these two are bachelor group that just happen to go through the Pridelands. Of course they were never welcomed again after Simba told his father what had occurred that day, since they were not only hunting the young son of the land's rulers, but also in a restricted hunting area.
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zumitlg · 5 years ago
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nighteea · 6 years ago
No one:
Literally no one:
Me: OH MY GOSH look at Azaad he is SO CUTE AND COOL and his accent is AWESOME he loves Fuli and she loves him he’s the BEST GUY in season 3 LOVE HIM
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