#fucking shithead
killmenowplaese · 1 year
Tw:cvts, blood
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truegoist · 2 years
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sleepy after a long day of work (6 hours of napping & eating)
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fefairys · 9 months
getting real fed up with my peers treating teenagers like shit. how did you forget so fucking quickly what it's like to be them. shame on you.
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256gb · 7 months
in case you need further proof re: penn & teller’s shithead basketball
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ex-jock-enthusiast · 7 months
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2 posts in one day! What am I, active?
The amazing encouraging_beast on instagram has been hitting that pandemic grind, and between eating good and lifting hard, he's 110lbs thiccer all over (and loving every inch of it)!
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
In Knives Out Blanc wanted to do the murder mystery investigation with Marta so bad, but she was certain she was guilty so she spent a good amount of the movie avoiding/hiding stuff from him
Meanwhile in Glass Onion Helen was fucking carrying the investigation, even while accidentally getting drunk, and even went to investigation lengths Blanc was hesitant to do
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batwynn · 1 year
I’m seeing a weird uptick in people commenting nasty stuff on people’s non-cat/dog pet stuff again and not so gentle reminder:
Your phobia or dislike of certain animals does not give you the right to harass and bully people who love and share them.
Use the blacklist tag like a normal human being, and leave people who love rats or snakes or bugs etc. the fuck alone.
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animentality · 2 years
Y'all PAID for this fucking app???? What the FUCK
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hinotorihime · 10 days
you know what i find interesting? i actually haven't seen any actual 9/11 jokes in the wild today and i have a strong suspicion that the venn diagram of "people who would have put 9/11 jokes on my dash" and "people i unfollowed after 10/7" is pretty close to a circle. funny, that.
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seventeendeer · 1 month
this isn't at all meant to be condescending or finger-waggy because 100% we all have blind spots like this, but I'm really, really hoping that the people who never found Gaiman's approach to his own fandom concerning in any way will take this all as a learning moment.
he was an older, hyper-famous author engaging directly and frequently with an online audience of largely vulnerable young marginalized people. he presented himself as cultured and worldly, and made himself approachable as someone to go to for advice, encouragement and "wisdom." his manner of speech was extremely pathos-heavy and clearly intended to be comforting and encouraging in exactly the way his target demographic needed it to be to swallow every word. the way he spoke about stories and creativity was designed to make young creative hopefuls feel special and important, while sweeping real analytical techniques under the rug - in hindsight, likely so no one would think too critically about the disturbing amount of patriarchal abuse played for cheap shock value and voyerism in his own body of works.
Gaiman saw a target demographic that was desperate for an older creative role model to tell them they were worth something, and he exploited that pain to twist a narrative around himself where he was king and any critique leveled at him or his works were the enemy.
to be clear, he could have been innocent. he could totally have been just an out-of-touch old man saying nice things to people because he wanted to be kind and he thought he was a lot smarter than he really was. red flags are warning signs, not a surefire way to tell if someone is actually "secretly shitty."
but if you used to look up to him, PLEASE take this moment to revisit the ideas you absorbed from him. did you take his words to heart because they seemed to have objective merit? or did you take them to heart because it felt good to believe what he said? do you still hold these values? does knowing he was intentionally manipulating his online audience make you less certain? do you need more information from a different source before deciding one way or another?
again, I'm just really, really hoping people on here will take a moment to reevaluate the ideas and opinions he's injected into tumblr fandom culture, because his reach is immense and he has absolutely been manipulating popular perception of relevant topics to gain further influence and control the narrative around both his own and Pratchett's legacy. please, please take this moment to notice what he's been doing - and next time someone tries to pull the same shit, hopefully we'll be able to apply what we've learned from experience.
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inniave · 5 months
keep seeing shit about the new ts album & mental illness and i am so so tired. please be nice to actually "crazy" people if ur gonna use us for the aesthetic. i'm not schizophrenic cause it's cute. don't joke about asylums if u haven't had those experiences (and even some of y'all who have been treat it like a vacation & to the rest of us it's prison. i mean literally. prison. incarceration. that's not new shit. and yeah, i'm that "actually crazy" person screaming in the ward. ur not any better than me.)
idk i keep posting and deleting about this cause i can't get my thoughts out properly i just. i'm tired. there was already a worsening problem of "socially acceptable" mental illness pushing out the rest of us (as it's always been) and now there's the top artist in the united states calling herself crazy, saying you should be scared of her, she was raised in an asylum, etc. and it's like.... that's my lived experience. medical doctors refuse to treat me because they're scared of my psychiatric disorders. i've had the cops called on me for episodes. i spent a decade rotting in the mental health system & institutions and i only got out after years of planning how to get away. and so much more i cant even put into words.
and now not only are y'all using folk like me & our experiences for the aesthetic. you're not even a decent human being to those of us who have actually lived through this shit. idk man. really rubs me the wrong way.
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killmenowplaese · 1 year
Ok so I cut my hair and even though it’s a complete train reck I didn’t mind it but I was like ...maybe I should give myself a buzz cut
So I went over to my mom and asked her if I could have the electric razor thingy and she screamed at me and told me to stop doing this to myself and now I’m crying instead of laughing and I hate myself..
She also said she’d “fix this” but I never said I wanted her to
I did a HARMLESS thing that made me feel better about myself but and less dysphoric and she yelled at me..
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This is what I did cuz I got a bit carried away but it’s fine I didn’t mind it I’ve done worse haircuts for myself..
It doesn’t even effect her..
It’s MY hair NOT hers so why does she even care?
Ok ok back after a small breakdown I cut it down to buzz cut level with scissors and sure there’s a few bald spots but I feel better now
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literalnobody · 1 year
I know we get collectively frustrated when staff roll out an unwanted layout change (I do too) but jfc the way some of you speak in your @/staff posts is absolutely vile. You know a human being has to read that right. You know a person with a job and rent to pay has to read you telling them to kill themselves because you don't like a website change their management ordered. You know that right
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i-eat-mold · 1 month
I am eating your sketch refs of teen skk
they are yummy and very scrumptious
apologies they are GONE now but nom nom nom
i had to draw this so quickly on my phone but you don’t understand i HAD to. so here’s a snack for you my guy
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they sent this to mori
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dootznbootz · 1 month
To ME, OdyPen truly are likeminded and equal in almost every way.
Both are basically "tied to one another". Both can be reckless and when one is being reckless, the other will "pull them back". Both keep each other in check most of the time. They balance one another when the other needs it.
They're also "tied to one another" in how they both will also run into a situation together and think the same thing. Whether it's something fucking stupid is for Athena to decide.
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Basically this except OdyPen are holding hands and will occasionally pull the other back. When both are running into something stupid, Athena grabs them both by the scruff.
...Y'all get what I'm saying???
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no i am not over how one of the first things kris does of their own accord without our input is to lay down their life for this weird ipad kid they met five hours ago no i am not over "hell yeah i am here to humiliate you fucker" no i am not over "did you miss me? because i missed you!" no i am not over how much not only susie but also kris (and ralsei) genuinely care about their new adopted little cousin guy and the fact that he went from having no friends at all to 3 ride or die bffs who were willing to do what every adult in his life failed to do which is stand up for him i-
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