#fucking duh. i am supposed to do them every day
naomiknight-17 · 1 year
Hadn't done much of my physio exercises since the procedure on Friday because. You know. Ow
But my back was making me so crazy just now that I did like 4-5 different stretches to try to relieve it and
Oh. Oh my god. Right
That fucking works
I should do that every day
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hawkinsbnbg · 3 months
Today, Mike had woken up on the wrong side of his bed so he was especially vicious as he ranted about anything he found irritating about Steve.
He hadn't even reached the midpoint when Dustin decided to rip him a new one. Which, yeah, was fair because he didn't usually do Steve that dirty. But his bad mood had taken over and he found himself arguing with Dustin.
"It's not like you don't gripe about him every day," Mike retorted heatedly. "In fact, you are the one making fun of him the most out of everybody here," he gestured widely at the others (Lucas cringed, Will looked guilty, Max and Erica high-fived each other, El nodded calmly, Eddie just gave him a little wave).
"That's because I'm his brother," Dustin said matter-of-factly while adopting Steve's signature mom pose. "But who are you? You're just his ex's brother. Without Nancy, you're just a random kid to him."
(Eddie, Max, and Erica looked at each other with the same smirk. "Oh, that burns."
Lucas just sighed helplessly as Will and El watched on in amusement.)
Mike's nostril flared indignantly. He would never ever admit this, but while he thought Steve was lame and an idiot sometimes, he respected Steve plenty. Not enough to admire, but enough to fight Dustin for him.
"So what? I know him longer than you," Mike fired back. "I have more M&M's and 3 Musketeers from him than you do, I played baseball with him every weekend, and I also watched Star Wars with him."
"You do understand what ex means, right?" Dustin narrowed his eyes at him. "Nancy's his ex-girlfriend, ergo you're his ex-something, ergo you need to stop living in the past. You know why? Because I," Dustin pointed at himself smugly, "am his favorite now. I'm the present and the future. His shotgun, his house, his pool, his snack cupboard will forever be mine, thank you very much."
And just like that, all hell broke loose.
Because not even Will was willing to accept that bullshit. Steve never had a favorite, okay? As their babysitter, he wasn't allowed to.
"What the fuck are you fighting for?" Mike glared at Erica who was (impressively) making Dustin wail like Mew on the floor.
"Steve still owes me a lifetime of free ice cream, duh," she looked at him like he was an idiot. "Stop talking shit and come help me."
A wise man once said: "Enemy's enemies are friends."
So it only took Mike a second to give her a hand.
"Why didn't you stop them?" Steve asked in exasperation, thinking about the fistfight that would've taken place in the Wheelers' basement had he not interfered on time.
"'Cause the more they eliminate among themselves," Eddie leaned in closer and whispered conspiratorially, "the less I gotta fight to keep you."
"But I'm their babysitter," Steve pushed him away with a finger on the forehead. "And you're supposed to make it easier for me, not harder."
"Sweetheart," Eddie grabbed his wrist and nuzzled his nose into it, "Just say the word and I'll make something harder for you right now."
"You're incorrigible," Steve rolled his eyes, but his pretty smile had betrayed his mood.
"Yeah, all because of you, baby," Eddie pressed his lips on the back of Steve's hand. "O prithee, my princess, give me the remedy."
"What if I don't have any?" Steve raised his brow.
"You do, darlin'," Eddie pulled him close and cradled his face. "My tonic is right here," a kiss on his forehead. "My joys," on his eyelids. "My happiness," on his his nose and then his mouth, "my love."
Later, when they cuddled in bed, sweet and tender after loving each other til midnight, he would tell Eddie there was no need to ask for him in the first place.
Because he had been Eddie's boy since the day the battle vest was draped on him.
It seemed Steve did have a favorite, after all.
Except, it was none of his kids.
Truly a tragedy.
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foulphantomllama · 4 months
My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
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I decided to post the new chapter today because I was supposed to post something else today. But as you can guess, I did not liked it enough to post it. So enjoy the new chapter!
4. The Package
She send me a pair of her underwear. With a little note on them saying “Make good use of them until i come back and get them.” And she drew a little emoji winking at the end.
But she wasn’t coming over. Neither to school nor my house. She was barely texting me. And when she does, she only makes me horny and disappear completely. I asked about her to one of her friends but they were in it too. I all got for a response was to wait. So I waited. After nearly a week and a half later, my door was knocking. It was her. I looked at the peekhole. I opened the door. She went straight in. Saying nothing. She took off her shoes and jumped to my bed. Getting ready to take a nap. I closed the door and started watching her. After a moment of silence I wanted to check on her. She was sleeping. She literally was gone for nearly two weeks and now she is back sleeping in my room.
But no. This was my time to act. I couldn’t just let her win every time. I sit beside her and woke her up. “What?” she asked me. Her attitude was making me angry. This attitude of her was the main reason I hate her as much as I love her. “What do you mean “What?”!” “You come into my house, crying. You’re not saying a single word. We fuck, you disappear for nearly two weeks. Than you sending me your panties. And after a few days later you appear on my doorstep and pretending none of this happened?” She looked at me. Holding her laugh. “Yes.” She said. Then burst into laughing.
I hold her arms. I mean, I hold them pretty tight. Her laugh was disappearing quickly. She realized that I’m really angry now. But she was not holding back either. “Come on big boy, what do you have in mind?”
I knew her intention. She wants sex again. But no. She needs to know that she does not always get what she wants from me. We fuck when I want to fuck. She grabbed my cock. But my cock was not hard this time. Because I was furious. “Come on, stop resisting. I know you want me.” She was thigtening her grab as she talks to me. I pushed her to the bed. “Okay, now we’re talking.” She said. But the following event was not someting that she would expect. I dressed up, took the keys and locked her inside my apartment. She has no other option to wait for me. My apartment was pretty high up so she couldn’t use the balcony to run away. But also, I had zero worries that she wants to escape. I was confident that she will wait for me. No matter how long I took to come back to my apartment.
I grabbed some ramen from my favourite store. It was just around the corner of my apartment. Then I rented a film from one of the stores that is not far from my apartment. Then I go to my apartment. Opened the door. There she was. Sitting on the toilet without closing the toilets door. “You should at least close the door.” I said to her. She rolled her eyes and answered. “You should be grateful that I did not pissed on to your carpet. You dick.” She was acting just like I imagined she would. “I am hungry. You did get something to eat, right?” I showed her the ramen I bought. “You’re the best boyfriend in the world.” Then she added. “Probably.” I asked her while I put the ramens on the kitchen counter. “What do you mean boyfriend?” She got up and came towards me. “Duh, dude you fucked me and cum into my throat. And I fucking swallowed it. What do you think we are? Study buddies?”
“So, you loved me from the beggining.” I asked. “Both.” She answered. “I fucking love you so much and I hate you so fucking much.” She also said. I can take that. “I love you because you’re the most precious person ever. I hate you because you’re too precious to be real. That you will gone to your own country an forgot about me.”
Her words hurt me a lot. But not in a bad way. I was hurt because I did not see it before. She was never bullying me. She just wanted my attention. Because she was thinking that I will leave her because she was not clever enough. What a bad way to think about yourself. And this was the exact reason I hated her to my guts. She was so hard to get along with. She was meaning the world to me. Yet, whenever I tried to show her this, she accused me by being delusional. Saying she is not enough for me or so. I may be too harsh to say I hated her just for this, trust me this kind of toxicity can kill. But my love for her was always getting the spotlight. It was the same for her too.
“I am so sorry If I ever hurt you with my words. I was never a bully. I just wanted your attention. And you weren’t giving me.” She hit me with your little fist as she talks. I hugged her. “No, I won’t be going anywhere. Not now at least.” She showed me her middle finger. And then she realized the film I rented. She took the dvd and started inspecting it. “I heard that this one is so shit.” She said. “It is pure shit.” I answered. Her response was hilarious, and expected. “Then why the fuck you rented this?” It turns out that this was just the way she communicates. Not exactly helping her with the social life but, kind of makes her hot and cute. Or I was just obsessed with her.
I prepared the ramen and we started eating. “Put the film on.” She said. I put the film on. In under ten minutes our meals were finished. She paused the film and said “Okay let’s agree on something.” I said go on. “If i get bored in the next ten minutes, we fuck. If I don’t we don’t fuck.” I was confused a little. “Why do I get punished for choosing I film that you probably like?” I asked. “Haha. That is how I work, honey.”
She watched that entire film. I can realize that she wasn’t really liked it. But she did it because she wanted to annoy me. But I wanted her. So I started to kiss her neck. “No hickeys.” She said. “My mother will fucking kill me.” Of course I was going to give her a hickey. “If you’re going to give me a hickey just do it on a place my mother wouldn’t be able to see.” She said. I took of her tshirt. I left a hickey on her left shoulder. “Your mother wouldn’t see that, I think.” I said. She mimics me. Then laughs. “You ruined the ending.” She said. “Come on! It was already shit how I could possibly ruined the ending.” I answered. She nodded.
“I’m just going to give you a blowjob, and get the hell out of here. I’m already late. I was gone to buy some rice. My mother still waiting me to bring rice.” She said. “I have an unopened package of rice. You can take it on your way out.” She gave me a thumbs up. Then took off my pyjamas. She was on her knees. She licked my cock over my underwear. Then she took of my underwear. Took my cock inside her mouth. Her mouth was so warm. And I already knew that she is very skilled when it comes to sucking cock. But she was too shy to make eye contact. I did not pushed her to her limits just yet. I just let her give me head peacefully, in her own terms. “Are you going to swallow it again?” I asked. She took it off from her mouth to answer me. “Well, i want to but you bought me a gigantic ramen. I don’t want to throw up the first meal you bought me.” She started sucking it again. I asked her to look into my eyes. She started to look up. She was looking so good with my cock in her mouth. I mean, she was probably the cutest girl I’ve ever seen. And she was my girlfriend.
“I’m going to swallow it.” She said. “Do not pull it out when you’re about to cum.” I pulled my cock out. “What makes you change your mind.” I asked her. “You forgot to buy me beverage. Can I please finish it and go???” “Okay, okay sorry.” I answered. “All yours.” She got faster and faster. Then I came into her mouth. First she showed me her mouth full of my cum. Then she swallowed it and showed me her empty mouth. I pull her closer to me and kissed her lips. “You just kissed your own cum.” She laughed. “But off your mouth.” I answered. “But it makes you gay.” She answered. I looked at her face laughing. “Okay, I’m going. Give me the rice.” I give her the rice I bought the other day. “Hey, mom! I just blowed my boyfriend and he give me a packet of rice.” She was laughing out loud while saying that. “At least you keep the money.” I said.  “You’re so very right sir. Goodbye.” She saluted me and went out the door. I followed her. “No kiss goodbye?” She came closer, I was taller than her. She signalizes me to bow down. I did. She put her middle finger into my mouth. “Here’s your kiss.”
God I love her.
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"the average American doesn't have wealth to hoard or have the power to kill anyone, you're angry at the wrong people."
Americans pulled $81 million dollars out of their collective asses for a rich person who didn't need that money for ANYTHING. not for ads, not ballot access, not housing or food or to escape genocide or to send it back to her family, nothing. $81 million just cuz she asked for it and they like her.
That's money Americans had sitting around and available to spend the moment that Kamala stepped into the light.
$81 million. That's more than the GDP of some countries and Americans were just sitting on it. Not even all Americans either, just the ones who support Kamala.
And that was in one day, that's not talking about how much she's been able to raise since then "to beat Trump" whatever the fuck that means does he take electoral damage per dollar she raises, like what's the stretch we're making for that to make sense?
The rest of the world sees you and we are not falling for your bullshit.
Take accountability, at least so we can all stop pretending you're an ally when you're a fascist.
You are enabling fascism while simultaneously making up every excuse possible not to help Palestine or Sudan or even natives within the USA.
No amount of trying to pretend that you only support Kamala cuz she's your only choice will erase the fact that when given the option to tangibly help the global community you claim to care about, you refuse every single time.
"I'm not a politician what am I supposed to do" "you just want trump" "what if they're a scammer"
What lazy and disingenuous ways to pretend you're powerless to do anything.
"that's not how things work"
"that's not how elections work" gets translated to me as: "fighting fascism isn't efficient or systemically possible under the system we have now (fascism)"
AND DUH???!!!!?!?!? Are you really gonna let that fact stop you from trying?!! How do you plan on dismantling fascism without actually opposing it???
I'm done. I'm over it. There is genuinely nothing to be gained. The wool has been pulled back and it's revealed the average American is either a fucking coward or a white supremacist.
Actual hell on earth for me to be stuck here with y'all.
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strstab · 2 years
𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐚 - 𝐣.𝐦
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summary ; you see a tiktok trend and decide to see if you boyfriend will help you participate in it
pairing ; jj maybank x fem!reader
notes ; soft jj, kissing, video filming, hp & family guy references
a/n ; my first public writing, hopefully ppl see this. if y’all do send requests? i think you can do that.. but enjoy <3
— tiktok in question —
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scrolling on tiktok with kie sitting next to you, you came across a video of a girl putting makeup on her best friends face. you let out a small giggle at the thought of your boyfriend with mascara and pretty pink lips.
“what’s funny?” kie asked turning to peek at your phone.
you showed her the video and got up to go find your beloved boyfriend, who coincidentally, had just walked into the room.
“jj, can you help me with something?” you looked at him with pouty lips and sparkles in your eyes only he could see
he lifted a brow and grinned as he looked at you, knowing you were up to something, “it depends on what that something is, baby,”
kie let out a quiet laugh from behind you as she threw your phone towards him, letting him watch the video you previously showed her. knowing you’d be able to convince him happy or not, you started searching through the drawers of your vanity in hopes of having your makeup bag in one of them.
“no way,” jj scoffed with a shake of his head, “you’re not putting makeup on me.”
giving a knowing look to kie, she walked out and closed the door behind her.
this is where the fun began.
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after 10 minutes of begging, smacking, pecks to the cheek and tugging, you finally managed to convince your lover to let you do his pretty boy makeup.
you sat on the counter of your bathroom sink with jj standing in between your thighs with his eyes looking straight at you.
“don’t give me that look” he said with a quick eye roll
you smiled as you uncapped the ‘better than sex’ mascara in your hands, “roll your eyes and i’ll poke your eye out with my wand.”
“wand? what are you a witch?” he replied with a soft grin. you lifted his chin and softly ran the inked bristles across his long lashes. god those lashes of his you wish you had. why were men blessed with female preferred features?
“i am, i casted a love spell on you a couple years ago,” you laughed and scolded him for blinking shortly after.
he stared at you in silence, admiring your pretty eyes that tend to crinkle when you smile. the soft lips he kissed every morning he woke up next to you. your perfect nose that just seemed to fit your face structure perfectly. everything about you he fell in love with more by the second, minute, hour, and day.
jj was never good at english class, but ask him to write an essay about you and you’d get a 20 page google document.
getting sucked out of his thoughts as you painted his thin lips a soft shade of pink, “what’s on your mind, j?”
“nothing, just how powerful your spell is on me. did you go to hogwarts, baby?” he questioned with a smile, pushing the strands of hair that covered your pretty face behind your ear.
“fuck yeah, i was fighting dementors and shit” you answered while filling in his eyebrows and putting highlighter in the corners of his eyes.
you finished after another couple of minutes and while pulling out your phone to find the audio you were going to use, jj spoke up with a concerned tone in his voice,
“are you actually going to record me in this?!”
looking up from your phone to look at him you saw his filled in eyebrows furrowed, “duh, that’s the point of the trend, j” you stated.
you weren’t going to let his worried expression get to you because you knew you’d be able to kiss it away in a couple minutes.
he let out a whine in protest but you had already started the video, doing your part, you lip-synced
“do you or do you not feel bonita?”
and with a turn of the phone, the camera faced him and he slightly panicked not knowing what to say.
“you didn’t tell me what i’m supposed to say!”
your lips shaped into an ‘o’ and proceeded to explain how to do the tiktok.
once again, with the flip of the camera jj awkwardly worded his part
“...uhm i feel bonita”
“wonderful, because you look bonita!” you grinned and went back to your phone to caption and post the video
jj pushed your phone aside and placed his lips on yours, in desperate need of affection. you let out a quiet gasp as you were caught off guard but kissed him back anyways.
he placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled away slowly. “do my lips feel prettier?”
you snorted, tilting your head in confusion
“y’know, because they look prettier, do they feel prettier?” he asked again, trying to explain his question
you placed another kiss on his lips and nodded, “yes they feel prettier, baby”
he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he peppered your face with kisses, leaving pretty pink marks on your glowing skin.
he smiled, pleased with the outcome of his make over.
a win is a win.
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check out ocean eyes 🌅 water drops 🧴 & pretty present 🍰
hopefully people see this 😓
but anyways i’m a whore for some jj fluff, and the trend has been flooding my fyp so ofc i had to write for my love ❤️‍🩹
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
Savant par!
From this ask game. (Send me a pairing/group of characters and I'll write a short little scene!)
I hope you wanted fluff because this is a pure 900 words of fucking fluff.
Danny groaned and he reached outside of the warm cocoon of blankets he was enclosed in, swatting blindly until his hand finally connected with the alarm clock blaring beside his bed.
He knew he should get up, he had classes today… but Tucker’s slow breaths lulled him back into his dreams, curling up at Tucker’s side. It was college, no teacher expected everyone to show up every single day. Besides that, it was him. Their teachers were always more surprised when he showed up than when he didn’t.
Oh well. He was fairly certain none of them were quite able to handle the fact they were teaching a semi-dead teenager who had saved all of them a time or two. Despite his secret having been known for six years by now amongst the Amity population and many of these teachers the same ones he’d had multiple times in the past four years of college, it seemed people still struggled to understand Danny was just a normal kid (most of the time).
The next time Danny awoke, it was to a gentle pressure on his forehead. Danny peeked open one eye, smiling at Tucker’s sleepy face.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Tucker yawned. “You skipped class, did you know that?”
“Mmmm,” Danny hummed noncommittally. “Had better things to do.”
“You should probably get up, you can still make your afternoon physics class,” Tucker said, though he began running his fingers through Danny’s tangled black hair.
Danny made a sound somewhere between a whine and yawn and buried his head into the hollow of Tucker’s throat, listening to the rhythmic beats of his boyfriend’s heart and the blood rushing in his veins. Danny looped one arm over Tucker’s waist, hooking his ankle behind one of Tucker’s legs.
“I thought I was dating a ghost, not a koala,” Tucker laughed, though he didn’t protest. Tucker snaked his one arm under Danny’s neck and let the other lay lazily over Danny’s hip.
“I’m the ghost of a koala,” Danny answered matter of factly.
Tucker laughed, pulling Danny closer. “You’re cold,” he whined, even though his actions showed he clearly didn’t mind.
Danny grinned mischievously and slid his hand under the hem of Tuck’s shirt and against the small of his back. He might have triggered his ice powers just an eensie  weensie bit and Tucker yelped in protest as Danny cackled.
“That’s cheating!” Tucker laughed, squirming to get away from Danny.
“No, mine!” Danny said, playfully tightening his grip on Tucker. “You’re warm and I’m cold!”
Tucker gasped, clearly deeply offended. “Am I just a space heater to you?”
Danny snorted. “Duh. What else would you be - the man I love?”
Tucker chuckled, pressing another kiss to Danny’s forehead. “See, that’s what I thought I was. Are you telling me I’m not?”
“Obviously not,” Danny said with an over exaggerated eye roll. “You’re just the space heater and I’m the devilishly handsome superhero.”
“Oh come on, I’m not even the damsel in distress love interest in this fantasy of yours?”
“Fiiiiine,” Danny said, looking up at Tuck’s smiling face as they poked fun at each other. “I suppose you can be the damsel I save from the monsters.”
“Actually,” Tucker said, pulling away slightly, a thoughtful look on his face, “I have a better idea for my role.”
“Oh? And what’s that?”
A smile crossed Tucker’s face and his eyes glinted, playfully, lovingly. “I was thinking I could be the man you marry,” he said.
Danny’s mouth dropped and he nodded ferociously, various sounds of agreement escaped his mouth as he failed to remember the word ‘yes’ in his excitement, when his ghost sense went off, and suddenly Ember and Skulker were there. Danny leapt from the bed, crouching defensively in front of Tucker (and being relieved he had actually pulled on pajamas after his shower last night).
“Ha, take that!” Ember said as Skulker pouted, crossing his arms in defeat. “Told you four eyes would be the one to propose!”
Danny glanced behind him, he and Tucker sharing confused looks.
“The whelp can take me on, but he’s too afraid to ask his boyfriend to marry him?” Skulker demanded. “I’m the Ghost Zone’s greatest hunter! If he’s brave enough to face me, he should fear nothing!”
Ember cackled. “You owe me five bucks!”
“Wait, hold up,” Tuck said, sitting up. “Did you two have a bet about mine and Danny’s relationship?”
“Duh. Half the Zone has some sort of wager! We better be invited to the wedding, pipsqueak.” Ember said, glaring at Danny, who was wondering how it was possible this was the actual life he lived, where semi-enemies made bets on love life.
“I haven’t actually answered yet, y’know,” Danny pointed out, turning back to Tucker, whose face went impressively pale.
Ember and Skulker both went silent behind him, Tucker just staring at him wide-eyed.
Danny grinned and shoved his hand intangibly into the apartment wall, pulling out a small box. “Was there any doubt my answer is yes?” He asked, opening the box to reveal a plain silver ring on the inside.
Tucker laughed and reached for the bedside table, moving aside a bunch of tech manuals and pulling out his own small box. He opened it and moved to show Danny the black band he’d bought. “No. No, I guess there really wasn’t.”
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rpmemes-galore · 3 months
Sabrina Carpenter : emails i can’t send fwd album ... sentence starters
"Don't say sorry, now."
"Oh, you're so vicious."
"It was all so innocent."
"I can't read your mind."
"You miss me? No duh."
"You want me? I'm done."
"And if I do, then I blame you."
"Why you gotta be so vicious?"
"So why do you look so happy?"
"I like the way you like to laugh."
"Bet you wanna touch me, now."
"I've quietly carried your burden."
"Everyone thinks you're an angel."
"You're lucky I'm a private person."
"I get nice guys and villainize them."
"Oh, so you can reply, just to not me."
"And thanks to you, I can't love right."
"Were you lyin' to me and the family?"
"I still make excuses for you constantly."
"I'll drive you home, you drive me crazy."
"One year, ten thousand bad moments."
"Say it's hard, but you make it look easy."
"There’s no hiding from the thought of us."
"When I saw you cry, I didn't handle it well."
"You wanna discuss? Ugh, you disgust me."
"Oh, so you do have a type and it's not me."
"Yeah, I say I'm done, but I'm still confused."
"Your signals are mixed, you act like a bitch."
"And I tried to look for the best in the worst."
"Your corner in my mind is well-established."
"I wish we stayed just like we were up there."
"Didn't think about it when you let me down."
"But like, fuck me, that caused a commotion."
"I can't help myself when you get close to me."
"Tell me who I am, guess I don't have a choice."
"And God, I love you, but you're such a dipshit."
"I'm not catastrophizing, everything's derailing."
"It's times like these, wish I had a time machine."
"You're not my friend and, baby, you never were."
"Give me a second to forget I evеr really meant it."
"You don't feel remorse, you don't feel the effects."
"He's good for my heart, but he's bad for business."
"After the aftermath, I know you'll be coming back."
"Tell me I was more than just a decent opportunity."
"Don't think I'll find forgiveness as fast as mom did."
"You're good at impersonating someone who cares."
"Don't make me cuss you out, why'd you let me down?"
"Without you here, I don't know what to do with myself."
"I feel so much lighter, like a feather, with you off my mind."
"Or maybe I believed in all your lies, 'cause I believed in you."
"If I fall in love with all my problems, will they leave me, too?"
"'Cause you don't think you hurt me if you wish me the best."
"I'm too late to be your first love, but I'll always be your favorite."
"I think he's onto me every time I say I'm over that son of a bitch."
"I wonder how many things you think about before you get to me."
"If I could convince him, if he doesn't see it, then maybe it doesn't exist."
"But now you're takin' up my nights. Never been so glad to be so tired."
"How am I supposed to close the door when I still need the closure?"
"Well, this was really nice. Maybe we should do this on purpose sometime."
"You say that you need to be alone, but night and day, want me at your beck and call."
"And everyone thinks you're an angel... But shit, I would probably use different wording."
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twdobsessive · 3 months
I’m trying to dive back into writing. I’ve been a fairly prolific Rickyl writer for years and am now wading into Destiel fics. Trying to decide what to work on next and scribbled this down. Would anyone read this if I finished it? It’s a Rickyl and Destiel combo.
Destiel and Rickyl in:
Stand By Me
“Want to see a dead body?” Daryl asked as he skipped a smooth river rock across the lake.
“Why on earth would we want to see a dead body?” Rick asked at the same time Dean said. “Fuck you, Dixon. You don’t know where a dead body is.”
“Fuck I don’t,” Daryl said with his chest puffed up. “Heard Merle talking to a friend of his last night.”
“Merle kill him?” Dean asked.
Cas rolled his eyes. “Merle didn’t kill anyone.”
Rick tossed a rock into the water without even trying to skip it.
“I know right where it’s at,” Daryl insisted. “Ten miles down the tracks. It’s probably already got maggots. It’s probably too gross for you pussies anyway. Probably throw up.”
“Winchester’s don’t puke,” Dean said as he half-heartedly tossed a rock in Daryl’s direction.
“What do you want to do with a dead body anyway?” Rick asked.
Daryl shrugged. “Poke it with a stick,” he said at the same time Cas said “I guess we can poke it with a stick.”
“Why?” Dean asked.
Cas shrugged. “Make sure he’s really dead, duh.”
“You dumbass,” Daryl snapped. “Course he’s dead. He’s been laying out in the summer sun for three days. You know why there ain’t been no flies out? Cause the’re all down the road!?”
“Dixon, why you gotta always yell everything you say? I’ve never once heard you talk in a normal tone of voice.”
“You wanna hear yelling? You shoulda heard all the yelling when I was railing your mom last night.
Before Dean could stand all the way up, Cas put a hand on his chest. “He’s just trying to bait you and you fall for it every time.”
“So’s your face,” Dean grumbled as he sat back against the fallen log behind them. Cas was right. Every black eye Dean ever had was from Daryl Dixon. The four of them had been best friends since elementary school but with Dean and Daryl both being hotheads, there were more than their share of fights.
“My dad would kill us if we poke a dead guy with a stick,” Rick said, his hair so far past a much needed haircut that Curls had started forming.
“But if we find him, we can tell ole’ Shariff Dad what we found and we can split the reward money,” Daryl said.
“How do you know there’s a reward?” Cas asked. “That sounds made up.”
“You sound made up,” Daryl snarked back.
Finally Dean stood up, tossed a rock in the lake and turned around. “School starts in less than a week. We haven’t done a damn thing all summer. What are we gonna write on our “what did you do this summer” essays.”
“You really wanna write that you poked a dead guy with a stick?”
“No!” Dean shouted. “I want to write that four brave boys from across the tracks solved a murder and were heros.”
“10 miles is a long way,” Cas said as he squinted up at the train tracks that went ove the nearby bridge.”
Rick stood up. He knew why Daryl wanted to go. It would take them overnight and he wouldn’t have to go home to his abusive old man for at least two day.
“I’m going,” Rick said and put his fishing gear in his backpack.”
“Fine I’ll go but only to prove Dixon’s wrong, “ Dean said.
“Great! We’re all going!”
“I didn’t say I was going,” Cas protested.
Rick and Daryl rolled their eyes. “Please, Novak. You go anywhere Dean goes.
“What’s that supposed to mean,” Cas asked scowling.
What do you think? Is this a worth working on? Is there a market for it? lol
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dragonbe-writing · 10 months
Let It Snow (x John Price)
Day 1 of @glitterypirateduck's December Challenge!
(it wouldn't be a college kid doing a challenge if the first day wasnt late LMFAO)
This is (obviously) inspired by the song, so it's all cute and sweet. John Price coming home for Christmas for some much needed cuddles. Gender neuteral reader/ no descriptive pronouns. Use of pet names (duh it's Price). Only about 500 words, but it's nice.
I'm using this challenege to push myself back into writing, but I am about to start finals so bear with me for this first week. Enjoy :)
Four months.
That’s how long John had been away. 
Four- miserable -months. 
Stuck in the desert, sand in every part of his being, sweating day in and day out. No rain, no relief. 
He’s fucking tired. He needs his love, and he needs them now. 
Yet he’s here, at the airport, looking at the list of delays and downright cancellations. There’s a snow storm brewing, causing some difficulty up in the air. He’s flown in worse, he figures, but he knows they're doing their job. 
His leg bounces sporadically. Another flight cancelled. Another group of people who won’t be home for Christmas. That won’t be him. It can’t be. 
He pulls his phone out, huffing as he entered his password. 
Still at the airport, love. Not looking great. 
God, he hates himself. If not for his stupid job, he’d be home with them. They’d be rambling about something that happened while he was gone, or maybe gossiping about a new tenant in their building. 
Another flight cancelled. This one, close to the area he was flying to. 
A vibration pulls him from his head, making him look down. 
That’s alright, baby. I just want you safe <3
He damn near growls. It’s not alright, and he knows it. But they're so sweet, they wouldn’t dare even give him the impression that they’re sad. But he knows. He can picture it in his head- his sweet thing curled up in their bed, alone, again, heartbroken that he’ll miss Christmas. 
Another flight cancelled. His flight. 
He can’t sit anymore. He stands angrily, bag slung over his shoulder as he marches for the exit. People move for him- who wouldn’t, he’s huge and pissed. He’s already on the phone by the time he’s outside the crowded, loud airport. 
“Nik? I need a favor.”
He doesn’t even take the elevator in their building. 
He practically ran up the four flights of stairs to get to their apartment. He’s knocking on the door before he knows it, already smiling to himself. He dropped his bag to the side. 
Seconds feel like hours, and he thinks for a second that something terrible happened. But then the door opens, and his love leaps into his arms. 
And he’s home. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he chuckles, burying his face in their neck and breathing in their scent. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too. Missed you so much,” they whisper to him. He can hear the tremble of their voice, and he knows they’ve been crying. “I thought your flight was canceled?”
“Didn’t really think I’d leave you alone for Christmas, would ya?” he spoke, his voice deep and relaxed. They laugh, and it’s the best present he’ll get all year. He carries them inside, sitting on the couch. The news is on the TV, talking about the snow, about all the flights canceled. He reaches over and grabs the remote, turning it off. 
“They said we’re supposed to get quite a bit,” they say, looking up at him with those beautiful eyes he adores. 
“It can snow all it wants, now. Hope it gets you out of work all month,” he smiles, kissing them softly. “Hope nothin’ bothers us.” 
“Merry Christmas, John.”
“Merry Christmas, love.”
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anieswrld · 1 year
fall hcs with abby !
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our big buff girl loves autumn idc, this is modern! au, some reference to smut but no actual smut, ellie one is next dw!
pumpkin patches !!! she loves dragging you to every single one in town and picking the most perfect pumpkin to go on the porch of your shared home “abs we’ve been here for hours can we just pick one and go?” you ask the blonde, slight annoyance in your tone. “we need the perfect one babe c’mon i’ll carry you on my back the rest of the time, how’s that for a compromise?”
she loves baking i like to think she’d build/restore the house of your dreams which includes a gorgeous victorian kitchen with certain modern twists, she loves filling the house with fall bakery items. you’re her go to taste tester for sure. “babe taste this, it’s pumpkin spice chocolate chip cookies” she smiles, holding the batter covered spoon. you get a taste and nearly roll your eyes from how good it tastes “holy shit babe, it’s fucking delicious”
we already talked about abby’s love for pumpkins but your love is for family owned apple orchards that have a shop full of everything apple. apple cider, apple pie, apple anything and you’re running. abby also loves drinking warm apple cider while you walk through the orchard with your basket, picking up all the perfect apples. and of course she pays, duh. “abs let me pay for once, hm?” she chuckles handing the cashier some cash, “are you kidding i’ll use a few of these honey crisps for pies and fritters, it’s on me”
abby’s style in the fall is some brown or maroon doc martens with a black t-shirt, baggy jeans (cuffed of course) and a flannel she mostly wears her standard braid (or two) or throws it in a low messy bun, she owns a coffee shop/bakery (she’s your towns luke danes fr) and goes in at 3 am to bake the days stock of baked goodies.
for my imagination i like to think you have a more high demand job like a nurse or teacher or anything you’d like really, so before shifts you’ll stop in and order something which abby saved specially for you before sending you off with a kiss
i like to think abby and you settle down in a small town (much like stars hallow from gilmore girls) and halloween is a big hit with all the kids loving the decorations you and abby put up and all the candy the kids could ask for, later that night while laying in bed with abby she talks about wanting kids to take trick or treating
more on the kids thing bc mom! abby (i’ll do those hcs next) makes me swoon, you’d go the ivf route, you carrying and abby miraculously planned it so the baby would be born in late september-early october. she’d dress your baby up in little flannels and overalls and she loves being able to do it with you and celebrate the kids birthday during her favorite season
but if you didn’t want kids she wouldn’t mind one bit celebrating fall is something she started doing more with you and wouldn’t care if it stayed that way or not
abby loves loves loves going on hikes so she can see the beauty in the leaves and she takes so many pictures of you, she also rakes the leaves into piles so you two can jump in them
getting a little nsfw !! abby loves lighting pumpkin spice candles and making a little bed on the living room floor with a fuck ton of blankets and having the fire place lit. mugs of hot chocolate she made from scratch, the whole nine yards. and it wasn’t supposed to be a sex thing only but you two couldn’t resist the perfect moment and her hands gently tracing your body, lips roaming, it was a perfect perfect night.
thanks for reading! reblogs are appreciated, my asks are open please feel free to send requests or even say hi!
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
maybe this is too much but riddlers reacting to you squirting while doing the do-do with them? like are they confused, disgusted, proud?? 👀
Riddlers And Squirting
Riddler Headcanons i am obsessed and spent a lot of time considering this for personal reasons and hng this was fun to write about request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: squirting y'all, duh
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"sounds messy, i'm out." thank you for informing him of your...condition...before it was too late and his lovely green, silk sheets were facing a faded colour because of you. he's way too pernickety to let loose and have fun with something like this. his loss, boo. and he won't even let you borrow a towel? ed would, but the riddler won't
"sounds messy, i'm in." man is covered in every liquid, might as well add another to his vest, like he's collecting little badges of honour. also, he's focused mostly on making it happen from oral, because he's pretty bad at remember to stay hydrated during the day. two birds with one stone: eat you out, lap up everything you're willing to give to him
"i did that? i made that happen? how soon until you can do it again?" he is absolutely beaming with pride, eyes wider than you could think was possible, cheeks all blushing. he's infatuated with it, obsessed maybe even? either way the next time you come round he's got the place covered in plastic sheeting like patrick bateman. he has no cleaning supplies, sure, but what the hell is it that he has planned and why is there a crate of energy drink by the bed?
young justice
ok so you told him you could do it and he whimpered and then sat silently for a good 10 minutes before asking if you could show him in the smallest voice possible. obviously he offers to help, and when you do finally squirt, make sure you let him take a little bit of the thanks for it, it'll make him feel like a big tough man. definitely not sure of the intricacies of it, but he's just pleased at the noise you make when you get off so he's happy
why haven't you told him sooner because that is hot as fuck. i mean he was definitely thinking it was a possibility since he's such a good ride, but it's still hotter in practice than in theory. definite believer that sex isn't good unless it's messy, so you cum on him, he'll cum on you and then you can both shower together in preparation to do it in there too.
aw, that's sweet that you told him before hand, but it's ok because he was going to make you squirt at least three times anyway, and no that's not just his ego talking he really is that good, he promises. "what gets wetter as it dries?" ok yeah no that doesn't work, but it's difficult to focus on riddles when he's pile driving you to the point where you can absolutely drench him, there are more important things on his mind believe it or not
ew, he's supposed to cum all over you not the other way around. babe don't emasculate him come on. what do you mean he should see it as him actually pleasing you? he's made you cum before! say he's made you cum before or he is absolutely going to go off in a huff and then you'll be sorry. fine, it doesn't matter because the female orgasm is a myth and squirting is just pee and now he's not listening lalalalalalala
he knows exactly how to fuck it out of you, and he's especially good at bringing you to the edge with his fingers. he's well-versed, a practiced gentleman. a frequent swimmer in those very lakes. in fact, he could say he was better at eliciting that from you than he was at riddles, or crime, or schemes, or murder. and he can prove it to you if that's what you would like?
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rosesforyouu · 2 years
What is this?
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CollegeShuri x Black!femreader
⚠️ warning⚠️. This story involves cursing, angst, anxiety, etc.
AUTHORS NOTE; I’m very excited to say that this is my first writing in a while. This is also my very first shuri writing! I’m surely getting back into writing slowly. I’ve decided to give the reader a name for it to be less of an awkward read. Anyways I hope you enjoy the story!
Today is just like any other day, me and shuri hung out together in a pre- occupied study room. we book the same study room for a few hours each, which ends up with us having the room technically all evening after our classes.
Me and shuri has been friends for a while now, since both of us come from wakanda, and our dorms are almost right next to each others. Which is really helpful usually after we leave the study room we go back to hers and continue working for a while.
We rarely get work done in the study rooms sometimes, it’s honestly just a spot we go and talk about our classes that day. Sometimes we even get our favorite Chinese spot after a long day.
Today shuri booked her hours before mine, so I’m on my way to study room #519.
Finally arriving at the study room i knock as i open the door to make my presence known. I’m greeted by a very energetic shuri. “ Is that my favorite person?” She said dragging out her words. “ indeed it is!” I said, a smile forming on my face. plopping my stuff down sitting in a near by office chair.
“sooooo” she said spinning my chair to face her direction. “Soooo?” I said grabbing my bag to get my supplies out. “ how was your day, sweetface?” She said bringing her full attention to me.
She gave me that nickname the day we first met. I was stuffing my face with (favorite candy). She knew I hated that name.
“ it was ight, mainly filled with notes and annoying ass professors.” I said while opening my computer and putting in the password. “ didn’t know studying forensics would be so boring you know?” I said spinning to face her at this point. Her gaze is intense, intending that she’s listening. “ Not any worse than Mechanical engineering”.
“Well duh I mean, me personally I would fail terribly in that major”.
It’s been a few hours, but with shuri it feels like we’ve only been here thirty minutes.
She looks so fixated on what she’s speaking about. I pull out my journal, opening it realizing I pick up the wrong one. I read a page or two before putting it down on the desk reminiscing about the night I wrote them.
I spin around grabbing my bag to get my real notes journal, by time I turn around my eyes widen at shuri as she picks up the journal.
The book of my life. I’ve been writing in it for a while now. I write every night before bed no matter what time I get inside, No matter the circumstances.
“What is this?” Shuri says unknowingly, with a curious look. I’m at a lost for words as I try to grab it from shuri. “ don’t touch that!” I say my voice booming with surprise.
She puts her hand up before I can grab it. “ that wasn’t my question, now was it sweetface?” She says smirking at the slightest. “ I-it’s not important, just something I write in. Well, it’s kinda important to me can I have it please” I say with a weary smile on my face. Trying not to freak out, she literally has my heart in her hands right now.
“ hm what’s in it?” She says intrigued. “ ummm, I don’t know some thoughts..” I say still hoping she would give it back without opening it. “ how about I read a few pages, yeah?” She says with a little smile. “ HELL NO” I practically scream try to snatch it out of her hand but ultimately failing busting my ass in the progress.
She gives me a look that very much says “ who tf are you screaming at?”.
“ i meann, no thanks i would like it back now thanks.” I say dusting myself off with a forced smile.
“ it couldn’t be that bad, Stella.” She says opening it.
Oh. My. God. She opened it. What the fuck am I supposed to do. All my feelings are in that journal. Literally crying on the inside.
At that moment my fright or flight kicks in and I grab my phone and run out of the study room leaving her and the journal behind.
I run all the way to my room. “ what a fucking idiot picking up the wrong journal.” I say entering my dorm making sure the door is locked behind me. “ oh my god what if that shit ruins our friend ship? There’s no way we can be friends now.“ I say to myself forcing my palms into my eyes.
Fuck. “There’s no way we can be friends now.” I say leaning back in my chair.
All of her words, all of the pages replaying in my mind.
Page #519
I Wish
Wish you knew how much time I sent thinking about you
how i pictured you with me
Where ever I went
How I remember everything you ever said
And how I wish
I hadn’t made a better version of it all
Inside my head.
Page #234
My soul needs you more than you think shuri. I wish I could write more about that. I can, but EVERYTIME I pick up a pen it starts admiring you so much that in that moment, my hand starts to be stronger than my brain. It writes songs and poems about you. Sometimes I think, “ can I really love you this much? You’re magic, But you know nothing.
I smile to myself as the reassuring words burn into my mind. I really love her, more than I do myself honestly. Good to know she has mutual feelings.
Then downs on me.
“Oh my god bro I let her run away! it’s gonna be hell trying to find her.” I say rubbing my forehead.
Actually it’s really not I just wish she hadn’t. It would’ve just made my life way easier. she could be in my arms by now.
Finally arriving in front of Estrella’s door holding bags full of snacks and food from our favorite Chinese place in both hands. I let out a sigh, while knocking on the door.
I hear her on the other side of the door, sniffling. This is gonna be worse than I thought. “ Stella I know your in there. I can hear you.” I said leaning into the door frame waiting for her to open it. “ Stella’s not here right now, go away” I hear a poorly American accented voice on the other side. Does she think I’m dumb? “ you literally have a single person dorm, either you let me in or I let myself in.” I say getting agitated by the second. “ I hear her walk up to the door slowly. “ what do you mean by that?” She asks voice cracking in the process. She’s literally gonna be the death of me.
I drop one arm full of bags, pulling my keys out of my sweat pants pocket. She gave me this key to use In case of emergencies because she found her old key. Very useful if you ask me.
I unlock the door pick up the bags I dropped and walk in, closing the door with my foot.
“ w-where did you get a key?”  she says while wiping her face.
“ don’t worry ab that sweetface. Just know you gave it to me.” I say smiling a bit trying to lighten the mood obviously failing.
I Walk over to her and hug her with my hands around her waist. I can feel her lay her head into my chest.
“ why’d you run away?” I said sternly tightening my grip around her waist with one hand, lifting her chin with my other.
Looking into her eyes all glossy and shit. Yeah we side tracked as shit. Why is my mind in the gutter?
“ you didn’t even get me a chance to saying anything, before you ran.” I said staring into her soul.
“ well? Are you gonna speak or just stare like a owl?” I said raising a eyebrow at her.
“ well.. Ididntknowwhattodoithoughtifiranawayyouwouldntfindmeandicouldavoidyouforawhileandyouwouldforgetaboutitnowthinkingbackonititwaskindadumbimeanstupidhowcouldirunfromsomeonesthatstaysnextdoor?” She says jumbling her words speaking in a speed nobody can understand.
I roll my eyes, at her high toned voice “ maybe give me time to speak next time, yeah sweetface?” I say unfazed with anything she’s said.
“ if you would let me speak you would’ve known that one, I adore your writing love. You have a very good way of writing your words. And especially those love letters you recall yourself writing.” I say smirking seeing her melt in embarrassment.
“ of course I love you way beyond a friend I have for months. I’m no scaredy cat myself but I didn’t plan on telling either” I admit looking anywhere but in her eyes
“ y-you do? “ she asks
I nod. Which leaves us in silents for a while, silent tension that could be cut with a knife.
Fuck it.
I smash my lips onto hers, feeling her instantly kiss back.
AUTHORS NOTE; there may or may not be another part coming out to this story. Honestly I don’t know how to feel about this part. But I hope y’all enjoyed it!
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Hello can I request something ! 😊
Thomas x reader, Stiles x Reader (platonic) when. The reader is in love with Thomas and his twins notice
i hope this meets your expectations, and i'm so incredibly sorry it's taken me like six months to get this out!!
CHARACTERS: stiles x reader (platonically), thomas x reader WORD COUNT: 901 WARNINGS: brotherly violence, fluff,
The worst part about having twins for your best friends is not being able to tell them apart when they’re both shirtless. The best part? Being able to tell them apart when they’re clothed.
I’ve known Stiles and Thomas Stilinski since second grade. First day of school, Stiles walked up to me and started talking my ear off about Star Wars, all of which I didn’t understand. But the twin that caught my eye was Thomas. He was shy, and very observant with people. 
When Stiles was done talking my ear off that day, I went over to Thomas and sat down next to him, asking him questions to get to know him. Of course, I did the same with Stiles at lunch.
Fast forward to Senior Year of High School. The Twins and I have almost every single class together,  my favorite being chemistry because Thomas and I were lab partners.
I was standing at my locker when I heard a female voice next to me say, “I’m so ready for the weekend. I can’t wait to sit at the lake house, enjoying the sun and the water.”
I chuckled, putting the book from last period back in my locker. “Okay. All by your lonesome?”
“No, I was hoping you’d be there with me.”
You looked over at your best friend, smiling at his big smirk. “I don’t know, Stiles. I mean, I was gonna spend some time with–” My words got caught in my throat at seeing Thomas coming behind Stiles… before effectively punching him in the shoulder.
“What the hell, Stiles?” Thomas said. “You weren’t supposed to tell her about the lake house!”
“Why not?” Stiles whined, rubbing his shoulder before realization hit him. “Ohhhhhhh!”
“Yeah, dumbass.”
I heard heels clicking on the floor behind me, so I turned to face Lydia’s direction, a small thin smile on my face. “Is there something going on at the lake house this weekend?”
She looked between the Stilinski twins behind me, eyes wide before replying through her teeth, “Nothing.”
I sighed, slamming my locker shut. “Unless one of you tells me what’s going on, I’m gonna be at home, curled up with a really good book in my comfy ass bed.”
Groaning, Stiles said, “We were trying to plan a surprise party for you.”
Confused, I asked, “A party? For what?” “For getting into your dream school for college, duh!” Lydia replied.
“You didn’t have to plan a party for that,” I said, putting my hand on her shoulder.
“But, sweetie, we wanted to. You tried so hard to get in by staying up late to study–”
“You got into your dream school, where’s your party?”
She chuckled. “I don’t want one.”
“Well, neither do I.”
I didn’t have a choice because before I knew it, I was sitting in the backseat of Stiles’ Jeep arguing with said boy. “Listen, there is someone I’m interested in, but he hasn’t noticed me yet, but I am not going up to him saying, ‘hey, I like you, can I jump on your dick?’ Like, what the fuck, Stiles?”
“Well, who is it?” Thomas jumped in.
I looked at him, my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Crossing my arms, I looked out of the window and said, “No one.”
It was silent after that, none of us saying anything until Stiles announced our arrival at the lake house. I was quick to get out after Thomas, he and I standing so close, we were almost one.
“Hi,” he breathed, almost nervous.
“Hi,” I breathed back. 
He stepped around me, going to the back of the Jeep to retrieve our things from the trunk. I thought he would walk around back by me, but he instead walked over on the driver’s side, Stiles coming up on my side.
I guess Stiles had figured something out because he gasped, saying, “You– Thomas–” incoherent gibbering. “Crush!”
My eyes widened before I turned and put my hand over his mouth. “You can’t say shit, Stilinski, do you hear me? Not a fucking word.”
“You like Thomas,” he said, words muffled by my hand.
Lowering my hand, I sighed. “Yeah. I do.” 
It was quiet for a moment before he asked, “How long?”
Shrugging, I looked down and said, “I don’t know. Sophomore year?”
He nodded. “You do realize I’ve known since then.”
“What the fuck?” a voice said.
We both turned to look in the direction the voice came from. It came from Thomas.
“You like me?”
Sighing exasperatedly, I threw my arms out to the side, saying, “Yes, Thomas. I like you.”
“Ow,” Stiles said, softly. I must’ve hit him.
“I have for a while, but it’s okay that you don’t like me back. I’ve actually come to terms with you liking Malia.”
“You like Malia?” Stiles asked.
“Stiles, not now,” Thomas said. “Y/N/N, who said I liked her? Hmm? Because I don’t.”
“Well, what about Teresa?” I asked.
“Not her, either.”
With slightly furrowed brows, I mentioned every girl in our little friend group, to which he declined to all of them. I took in a deep, shaky breath before whispering, “Me?”
He was silent, but gave a small nod. “For a while now.”
Without missing a beat, I grabbed his cheeks, bringing his mouth to mine, our lips meeting in our first kiss of many.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellysashcroft @lauren-novak
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lyxvija · 3 months
heard you wanna ramble about our bug bf huh? GO AHEAD!! make it angsty.... here's my suggestion HUEHEUEHUE im feeling evil.
s/o sees him getting touchy with the twins, its just his nature, but they're jealous, they try to get at him, fail miserably. and when they confront each other He's already in a pissy mood after a long day of work, maybe he yells at them, maybe tries to dismiss them, they're not communicating, throwing accusations at each other.
OR MAYBE! he's gone too long and been too busy at work and can't spend much time with his s/o and so they try to discuss it with him but he's too tired and grumpy to hear it.
OR EVEN THIS!!! The twins or someone get into his head, telling him that s/o only wnats him for his money
or maybe even get a lil
iykwim 👀
ramble to us pookie wookie 🤭🫶🏻 /pos /gen /friendly
i think ill go with being the 🪐 anon just future reference 🫶🏻
Okay powerful magic spaceball floating in the universe Anon...
HEAR ME OUT. I already had a similar scenario like that in mind one month ago and PLANNED to write a one-shot about something like that! >: D If it's okay, I´d like to do that one now. <3You get:
Mammon x Gen! Neutral Reader TAGS: Cheating, kinda break-up, ANGST
Mam and Reader have a fight, Mammon makes a horrible mistake and now has to pay the price.
Edit: I went overboard...accidentally wrote half of a one-shot. XD
So this is part one.. hahahahah
Mammon and you were a thing now. Well, for quite some time. You were overjoyed when the King of Greed seemed to get interested in you. It wasn't easy, not gonna lie, but you two managed. Mammon wasn't the easiest to be around, but somehow, you still loved him regardless. Despite what your friends told you, it felt genuine. Like he really meant it and didn't see you as some kind of arm candy or pet to keep just for fun. Your heart told you that, so you simply ignored everyone's remarks.
Mammon was extremely jealous and possessive. There was hardly any moment when you interacted with somebody else, where he didn't feel the need to step in and show the other that you were his. At home (well his home since the mighty king would never spend any second in your shitty apartment so he just took you with him) he often made nasty remarks of how dude A surely had the hots for you or that gal B was just after you to get closer to him. It was absolutely ridiculous! Every time you told him that this was not true, that you only have eyes for him, even if somebody else WOULD have a crush on you. In some way you even felt flattered that a Deadly Sin would be so protective over an unimportant hellborn like you.
But GOSH, one day he even went wild because you talked to the Glam sister. For real?! Yes, Glitz had been frisky, but hell! They are flirty and cocky with everyone! No matter how much you tried to ensure him that you DID NOT have a thing for them and that they were in no way any danger to you and him, Mammon´s jealousy and anger never seemed to fade.
"Yeah? If ya really aint fallin for their jiggly boobs, why did you smile at them and oh bring them some fucking coffee?! And by the way, I SAW HOW YOU LOOKED AT GLAM´S FAT ASS!!"
You stared at him for a second. "Excuse me??"
Again, you stared at him in disbelief. "Wtf? First, I smile at them because I am just being nice to them! Second, where the hell am I supposed to look when they ask me which of their butts are bigger? And third-"
"THEY FUCKING ASKED WHAT?!" Mammon screamed in his demonic voice, steam pouring out of his mouth with every breath. He pinned you against the wall. Eight eyes of glowing green bore down onto you.
You should have been afraid, but couldn't help to feel another thing:
You felt offended.
Baring your in comparison way smaller teeth, you hissed at him. "For hell´s sake! Get your shit together Mammon! Fuking belive me when I tell you that nothing happened!" Your sudden outburst seemed to have startled him. Never had you snapped at him like that.
"Why would you even believe I would do such a thing?! Don't you trust me??"
The big Jester fumbled with his words, but managed to grumble under his breath: "How the fuck am I supposed to know.. I mean-"
"How are you supposed to know? Are you serious?? Gosh! Because I tell you every god damn day! Maybe that´s how!"
Now he just stood there, clenching his fists and facing the floor. His expression sour. "I jus´ don't like sharing you with others... okay?"
Your posture softens and you put your hand on one of his lower arms.
"It´s okay. I know you have difficulties with that, Babe. I am sure we can work this out. Okay?" <3
He was quiet for a few seconds but then answered: "Yeah...but could you please talk less to them? You know... it is making me angry."
You inhaled and held your breath, trying to hold back your frustration. It was obvious it wouldn't be easy with him, but you honestly would expect a bit more from an immortal entity than acting like a damn man-child. A Mam-child. Oh dear...
"No, sorry can not do. I work with them. I have to at least talk to them. Besides, you have to learn to trust me. You can't force me to keep away from people only because you want me to. This is not how it works!"
Mammon huffed, gripped your shoulders and drew your face close to his. "Listen, you little brat, I am really trying here! So cut me some slack and get your cute little ass off and away from them." His voice was low and threatening. This was in no way a suggestion. This was a demand.
"No." you said firmly and looked him deep in the eyes.
"No?" he repeated. Sparks danced around his features. Mammon tried to intimidate you just like he did with all of his employees and servants. But you were no servant. While the tone and his looming presence made your heart race and your knees weak, you still refused to give it. While it was true that you were just a measly hellborn in comparison to a mighty entity like him, but last time you checked you were his lover. His little gold nugget.
"I said no! You cannot tell me what to do and who to stay away from...just like I could never tell you to stay off the Glam sisters. I saw how they try to get in the sheets with you! But do I make a fuss about it? No!"
Mammon started to laugh. "Ya think I can´t tell you what to do? Pleeeaaase. I am your boss AND your king! If I tell you to get me some coffee, you bring me some coffee, If I tell you to hold my golden staff while I take a shit, you better do so and if I tell you to not get anywhere near those slutty cunts, you better do!"
He painfully clenched your cheeks between his thumb and index finger. You stared at him wide-eyed, trying to pry his hand off you.
"Did I make myself clear or do I have to repeat?"
It was the first time you had ever felt afraid of him. With his smirk twisted into a sadistic grin and his green glowing eyes staring down at you, there was no trace of your sweet boyfriend. The intensity of his glare was too much for you to handle
With panic growing inside your chest, you yelled at him. "Let me go! NOW!"
"As you wish." Mammon released you at once, making you fall down to the floor.
You rubbed your behind and looked up at him. Tears started to well in your eyes. His words and the way he treated you, shocked you.
Mammon huffed offended and frowned. "Tsk! Come on! Now that didn't hurt."
"You... You can't treat me like this! You are my boyfriend, remember? You can´t treat me like some sort of...like.." you stuttered, holding back your tears. What hurt the most the disinterested look he gave you. How he dismissed your feelings. Somehow it scared you even more that he didn't even give a shit of the effect he had on you right now.
"Now listen here, cunt! I can do whatever I want and with whoever I want! What do you think? That you have some kind of power over me? is that what you´re thinking? Is that what gets you off?? Hah! is that why you spend your fucking breaks with these other vermin instead of coming to my office? Oh yeah! You must feel so fucking powerful making ol´ Mammon pissed-"
"THAT IS NOT TRUE! THAT IS NOT TRUE!" You shouted, tears still streaming down your cheeks. You were disturbed of the absolute paranoia, the things he told himself, the way he thought about you. It was like someone put a knife in your heart and stirred it.
Your heart almost stopped hearing insult after insult. He was out of his mind. You couldn't even comprehend what he was saying. What is happening here?! How did things escalate so quickly??
"Okay... I am going home.. and you.. you.. calm down." You tried so hard to sound steady but failed miserably. Your sobbing kept on interrupting. "W-We talk.. tomorrow."
With that, you turned around and left. You didn't even try to hide your pathetic crying.
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izuom · 7 months
favorite kpop group(s) tag game!
tagged by : @writingmochi thank you for the tag lissie!! (and ofc for always having me included in these!)
sorry i cuss a lot
who is your favourite kpop group?
oh boy.. i hope i’m able to answer this without having to list down more than 10+ groups all at once (i’m being serious) but if having favs that you’re constantly updated to then : bts, txt, le sserafim, enhypen, nct dream, riize & aespa!
which member sparked your interest first?
i’m having the toughest time now but here we go
bts : JUNGKOOK! who else other than our used one of the main rappers (WE LOST TO RAPPER JUNGKOOK BEFORE 2015 AND IM STILL BITTER but out of honesty that sadnesses washed away the moment when he decided to birth outro : love is not over and let’s just say i’ve never been fine since then) bro has been an all-rounder since day one and to that he was the one that made me to discover bts (touché)
txt : yeonjun (duh) i was once a bts popper so the moment we were getting a new boy group under bh i just knew i had to check them out. i mean yeonjun is literally every moa’s first love so it’s almost understandable for him to be the first member for you to be interested to LOL
le sserafim : huh to the yunjin (are we serious? that woman slayed on her first day job) it’s mesmerising to see that source music *blood coughing* decided to give us a closure…………… but miss it girl yunjin, duh she’s a starstruck i know it’s getting out of the phrase but i’ll always be grateful that she becomes an idol. the world (read kpop) wouldn’t be the same without her existence. 
nct dream : mark! bc he was one of the members that were introduced first as part of the nct u sub-unit. i first watched him performing the 7th sense debut performance on music bank and was surprised to see him in the other remaining sub-unit under sm (but then i figured it out that nct IS a group that consists few sub-unit) (i was confused, still am)
riize : wonbin. any attractive man with long hair never not makes me HOOKED on a first sight. he’s majestic. AS HELL. he plays the guitar very well too?? 
aespa : karina!! also i think this was everyone’s normal occurrences of having karina as the first member that sparked your interest in aespa bc same. i only know her first in aespa like she’s mentioned in every fic or edit or on stan twt like… she’s everywhere it’s crazy. (the power she holds)
who was your first bias?
bts : hoseok. man do we need to replay my first love? HE WAS THE MAN OF MY LIFE.
txt : soobin,, ARE WE SURPRISE AGAIN 
le sserafim : chaewon! i think the answer is there.
enhypen : sunghoon (forever will) 
nct dream : jisung. bro when i say that i used to have a serious crush on him? 2018 zu was a jisung’s whipped era.
riize : sungchan! 90s love was a life experience. (man decided to just make a cameo and slay as fuck) i know we are suppose to talk about sungchan in riize but he’s my first bias in riize ONLY because i knew him first alongside with shotaro (sungtaro slay) 
who is your current bias?
basically just the same except for bts & nct dream :D
bts : yoongi (i am a joke)
txt : soobin (salute for being this loyal)
le sserafim : chaewon
enhypen : sunghoon
nct dream : renjun (....... surprise surprise)
riize : sungchan (eventho i highly think this won’t last long….fuck)
aespa : ningning
what makes them your current bias?
bts : I KNOW CRAZY. i’ve been there for hobi since 2014 esp around those times when no one was there to appreciate him truly as one of the members (DARK TIMES FOR ME, we do not talk about that) but then 2017 yoongi came in. it’s just something about yoongi himself that soothes my soul in peace. the way he thought of things in his own perspective without disrespecting anybody and the way he’s just a full walking comfort a person could be for anyone, for me particularly. his godly, incredible amount of times he’d shown off his talent in rap, producing and things he’d done. i can talk about yoongi that people wouldn't be able to understand bc he’s so ?? what a person is supposed to be. is there anything to prove why i decided to change a bias? 
txt : when soobin was introduced as the second member of txt (gurl) when i told you that soobin introduction film was… a first love at sight moment, it was true. soobin has been the love of my fucking life since then. actually no there’s so many things that i love about soobin. so many things, it’s unexplainable. i can confidently say that his voice caught me off-guard on a first listen. i know it’s dramatic as hell (ANYTHING I SAY ABOUT MY BIASES ARE SO QUESTIONABLE BUT I AM BEING SERIOUS) he has the rarest vocal on his falsetto? he’s doing it effortlessly too? if that’s not enough to actually prove my point of him being my bias then idk what is. man is majestic as hell too. (BONUS POINT!)
le sserafim : AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH god chaewon… honestly, i wasn’t a wiz*one bc produce 48 was shitty as hell. (I WATCHED EVERY MNET SURVIVAL SHOW EXCEPT FOR THIS) neither do i like the final debut lineup for iz*one. i just couldn’t pinpoint what was missing but that’s not the point of that rn. well. for me, i think the majority of people would have agreed with me about this but chaewon is better off with le sserafim. (AUDIENCE GASP) i COULD NEVER say that she caught my attention even the tiniest bit when she was in iz*one, but she did ON A FIRST SIGHT OF HER DEBUT IN LE SSERAFIM. the way that she kept on improving and i didn’t even know that she can dance so well???? (this woman is literally everyone’s type and it’s FUCKING understandable) i watched their documentary too and i love her even much more than i should’ve? i think having chaewon as my bias, it’s emotional. i am emotionally attached to her and i don’t want to seek therapy. 
enhypen : *internally crying, hysterically screaming* are we ready to hear the part of me losing almost entirely of my sanity? i was away from home for the first time for my college, and never really bothered to get updated with my kpop life. those days were.. hectic (as everyone did) but long short story i was on tiktok, at my room, at home since for so long, AFTER my hectic first sem and i just so happened to stumble upon a sunghoon edit on an ice rink, skating WITH THE TIMOTHEE TREND SONG (2020 WAS 4 YEARS AGO TOO?? GOD) AND IM LIKE ??? WHO IS THIS? I NEED TO KNOW WHO IS HE. yk i haven’t watched iland yet at that time (and probably shouldn’t so that i wouldn’t have to endure the trauma that show gave me), and only decided to watch it bc of him. I JUST LOVE LOVE skater park sunghoon a lot more than myself (that should be considered as normal btw) and i never regretted checking out on iland bc if i don’t i wouldn’t have known just how unique his talent is? you can ACTUALLY tell he has the most unique way of dancing, as if he’s dancing with every bit of his skating method and combining it to his dancing style and it’s just ?? beautiful… god park sunghoon i love him a lot.
nct dream : crying as i type this, i love renjun a lot. man is so demonically pure. i haven’t been on nct shit for SO LONG until last year (only applicable for nct dream) and i am attached as shit as they wanted me to be. i think re-stanning nct dream (i will say this forever if i’ve to prove how much they mean to me) was the peak of the third quarter of my life last year. but as for renjun, he’s just so easy to love? for me, his own persona to things as a person always never makes me so deeply attached. (like the fucking loser i am) renjun have a lot of things you can say a lot of things to, like his vocals? (ik you can confidently say that sm has the most vocals out of that shitty company) but i LOVE to listen to his voice. he’s singing with his emotions and my soul thaws in silence every time. HES ALSO SO ROMANTIC LIKE??? MAN CASUALLY JUST ASKED HIS TEAMMATES TO HAVE A MATCHING FRIENDSHIP RINGS LIKE? 
riize : as for sungchan, i think i'm still learning about him. I know i’ve seen him a few times (more than 10 times on screen as for the appearance of the inkigayo and being part of nct) but i still have a lot of things to learn before i can list things down. (gurl you’re in love with another member)
aespa : i love everything about ning yizhuo. i honestly have no idea how i changed my bias but i could never say no to people who can sing well. her vocals?? i can listen to her singing on a daily basis. shes a stunner, a mother=my type. well, her whole existence stands out the most when i first discovered aespa. i just love ningning, she’s so loveable, i love her except for she idolized that one problematic rat. 
who is your bias wrecker
bts : i love them all equally. (jungkook)
txt : taehyun. stfu 
le sserafim : kazuha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love my woman a ballerina 
enhypen : jungwon. 
nct dream : zhong chenle (hes so attractive???????????)
riize : eunseok 
aespa : minjeong……………………
which member are you currently obsessing that aren’t your bias/bias wrecker
bts : i’ll skip them (they be on military, i’ve no one to be obsessed to recently)
txt : beomgyu. (DAEGU MEN STAY AWAY FROM ME)
le sserafim : YUNJIN. she needs to stop 
enhypen : heeseung. i think i’ve problems with the 01 liner. 
nct dream : none i guess. (i'm still obsess with renjun)
riize : ….. sohee. i think out of the groups, sohee has the most valid reasons and i'm fully to blame for this. i watched the lee hyori’s red carpet to their sampled track of love 119 (THEIR BEST SONG YET WHAT THE FUCK) which is none other than the infamous emergency room ost AND WHEN I TELL YOU IVE BEEN OBSESSED SINCE. and that obsession didn’t stop there, i decided to check more to his vocals compilation and i stumbled upon his predebut covers… WORSE: his sofa cover has been playing on my mind all day since i first heard of it, it’s unhealthy. i’m gonna k word myself 
aespa : none too. 
when did you first discover the group?
bts : 2014. boy in luv was a superior era. 
txt : 2019…. that guessing the morse code at the end of introduction films of every member's era? good old days
le sserafim : on their debut
enhypen : end month of september 2020! (funfact : enhypen was formed on my birthday) 
nct dream : on their debut (them hoverboard era)
riize : on their debut days
aespa : early year 2022 (embarassing as fuck)
have you ever been to one of their concerts?
bts : gurl, no. they did a tour for the red bullet on june 2015? THAT ONE TIME ONLY. what did you expect from me? to go? i was 13. 
txt : they don’t even know my country exists? so no. 
le sserafim : no. (hybe better put malaysia when they do tour one day or else im burning down the whole building as it should’ve)
enhypen : no. (they skipped us.) 
nct dream : they did a tour last year in may…… but miss girl decided to only stan them back in june and was obsessed and mentally ill for not attending. (ONLY BC I AM NOT A FAN) i was late to the party, im sorry and now they be skipping us. 
riize : no. 
aespa : ???????? NO
what are some of your favourite songs by this group? 
i’ll list 10 songs!
bts : butterfly / dimple / coffee / love is not over (full length version) / epilogue : young forever / pied piper / outro : do you think it makes sense? / the truth untold ft steve aoki / spring day / hold me tight 
txt : 20cm / dear sputnik / 0X1=lovesong (i know i love you) ft seori / maze in the mirror / ghosting / skipping stones / fairy of shampoo / blue orangeade / farewell, neverland / eternally 
le sserafim : impurities / easy / perfect night / no celestial / antifragile / smart / blue flame / swan song / good parts (when the quality is bad but i am) / sour grapes
enhypen : just a little bit / criminal love / mixed up / chaconne / not for sale / blockbuster ft yeonjun of tomorrow x together / shout out / blind / given-taken / bills
nct dream : dive into you / teddy bear / 7 days / boom / my youth / better than gold / dunk shot / arcade / poison / love again
riize : …. i’ll list from most to least fav (I LOVE ALL OF THEIR SONGS) love 119 / talk saxy / get a guitar / memories  
aespa : lucid dream / dreams come true / drama / thirsty / next level / life’s too short / don’t blink / i’m unhappy / illusion / better things 
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tagging : @my313 (no pressure bestie!) / anyone who want
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mindblownie2 · 9 months
4, 5 and 16 if youre up to it!
4. anything that resonated with you in particular from the marble nest?
Well we have talked a bit already about it, I love everything about this game, I love it as a character study of Dankovsky and the sort-of-time-loopness of it is great too because trapping a character in a box (a time loop and/or a bottle episode of sorts) is a perfect setting for vivisecting them, but is also particularly thematically apt for Daniil because (to me) he's not about immortality per se - he rejects the concept of inevitability, of anything being predetermined and set in stone and unchangeable, up to and including the laws of nature; and death is just the ultimate expression of that; though it is of course also one of the things that the game is about at its very core, the starting point on every level: Daniil finds Simon dead. Artemy finds his father dead. Clara wakes up in a grave. The Powers That Be return from a funeral. The player sees the children burying the doll even before they even see the main menu screen. And here, this time, Daniil wakes up in a coffin; and for a day he will desperately try to save people and he will clash with them and will search for answers, in the Stone Yard, the place he was invited to in the first place, under the tower that was meant to be what he was looking for, now that place being the last refuge, the last hope; and in the end he will lose. It's a microcosm of his story, distilled to its primary elements. And it's done so, so well.
And with all that. I enjoyed the sort of overarching story that was accidentally (unplanned; going in I only knew a handful of vague spoilers I turned out to have misinterpreted anyway) created by what I did in what order, and treating my subsequent replays as one continuity through which he perhaps retains some sort of awareness. First time I played I did see most of the game's content though not everything (due to getting lost a lot and forgetting I can run faster here), but importantly I did the heart quest so then I could get the meta ending (and of course I was going to. I'm Daniil fucking Dankovsky, I'm not going to just give up and accept death, or submit to the rules of the game. Duh.) and it was just after I finished the classic bachelor's route and it was a perfect coda to it. So here we go, I won. But of course some time later I wanted to see everything I missed, so I played again. (So here we are again. Being a video game character is a kind of immortality, but definitely not any kind of freedom.) And I did pick the choice that kills you at the start, for the sake of completionism (which is where the game slaps your hand and says no, take this seriously. Once more from the top and treat it like it's real again.) And so I went back and what I did then, because the first time around I listened to Sticky but now I traded with Shrew for the lockpicks and I thought, what if I go to the infected house now? Previously I didn't find it in time, but it's 10 am now. (I've been here before; I know the solution now. I don't need to waste any time.) And oh my god how shocked I was when the game just took me to the evening in that moment. So I had to choose the time loop ending then; (no, wait, that wasn't supposed to happen. Put me back, I can figure it out. I'll get it right next time.) And I played for the last time, and I went to all the places I haven't before (like the house with faces on the walls, or the executor bonfire party), and chose some alternative dialogues here and there - and of course ended up in the same place come midnight. (It was never a puzzle to solve, after all; it was about acceptance. You can do everything right and still fail. You have explored every possibility and Death still wins. There is only one ending left.) And it's a less uplifting order of events than finishing on the meta ending, but I liked it. I found it to be a good (as in "well fitting" rather than necessarily "happy") ending for him; that he has to accept he's lost and allow himself to move on, but also good on him for fighting for so long. (It is also somewhat adjacent to my personal views on life and death. Do not go gently into that good night, be a huge bitch about it. It sometimes needs to be reckoned with that some things cannot be changed, but sometimes it is also vital to try changing them anyway. Etc, etc.)
Rest in peace, Bachelor. I hope you went to heaven and tried to pick a fight with god himself.
5. assuming the world goes on after the game ends, do you think daniil will leave the town? if so, to where?
So I made this post about the characters' post canon fates but I actually gotta expand on that:
Firstly I think in all timelines he could easily die, in a number of ways. He could get sick, or have some sort of accident. He might be careless with his life; helping with curing the sick post-termite ending without adequately protecting himself, or doing some plague- or death-related research and experimenting on himself. He might spiral into addiction, a slow self-destruction, or might straight up just shoot himself in the head.
But if he lives, I think he is in a very bad state. Physically, because he has been running himself ragged, overworked, under pressure, not eating or sleeping enough, taking unholy amounts and combinations of Substances to sleep or to keep awake, to prevent infection or cure it, etc; the exertion and exhaustion is bound to catch up with him. And on top of that, depending a little on the route and how good you are at fighting but he's been beaten unconscious, stabbed, shot, and always having to get up and keep going, not letting his body heal properly; I think he's going to deal with the consequences of that. And emotionally, take your pick: the loss of his life's work, the feeling of failure, the guilt over letting down his colleagues, the guilt over not managing to stop the plague, maybe over Eva's death too, and the general relentless horror of everything he's seen and experienced during the game...
Now it's kinda unspecified as to what sort of consequences he or his friends in the Capital might face - just losing their careers or actually jail or even death? I think he might not be entirely sure himself but he might get a bit paranoid about it, with the guilt he's feeling, afraid that if he comes back or even just gets in touch that might get people in further danger by association with him, so it's better if everyone thinks he's dead and forgets him... And then adding to that a certain kind of inertia, after he lost everything and doesn't know what to do next, he'd just hunker down in Gorkhonsk for a while I think. But as much as we all love our burda domestic bliss fantasies, I know my boy isn't made for settling down into a quiet life; I think after a period of licking his wounds and kinda just surviving day to day he'd become restless, wanting something more. And there's some weird shit in town to study and he might poke at that, if nothing else it would make him feel like himself again and occupy his mind with something else than just grief and self-loathing, but ultimately the town is lacking in resources for proper scientific work and I don't think he'd be content with just being a regular doctor with a little mad science hobby on the side.
Coming back to the Capital, then, maybe, if he'd be allowed to, though he might feel unwelcome even if he isn't outright persecuted; so I think I see him eventually moving abroad, somewhere where people either don't know him or are more receptive to his ideas regardless of past controversies, and trying to start anew. That'd be his happy ending, I think.
16. [the scariest question of them all] how would you describe their relationships... [including platonic / antagonistic / philosophers with benefits / etc.]
Daniil - Andrey: pre-canon, one night stand that was probably some sort of formative experience for Daniil and fun but not life-changing for Andrey. In the game, I think as with the utopians in general, Andrey included, Daniil becomes in their mind some kind of missing puzzle piece in the plan to realise their vision. Sucks when that doesn't happen (in my mind, even the utopian ending leaves everyone involved feeling like it's not quite what they hoped for). Should've kept it to just a casual fuck but alas.
Daniil - Peter: self-recognition through the other (uncomfortable) (unwanted) (take it away).
Daniil - Farkhad: they don't know each other, and Daniil has his own ghosts.
Andrey - Peter: Dead Ringers russian AU. Unbreakably codependent and mutually destructive. Unviably conjoined at the soul.
The twins - Farkhad: haunter and hauntees, of course. Previously rivals, and rival of my brother which is even worse. Well that's all canon. I haven't really done further thinking about it.
(the questions)
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