#fuck the villain police
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veliseraptor · 1 year ago
out with redemption arcs, in with rehabilitation arcs
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not-poignant · 2 years ago
A lot of folks don't realise that they're fanpolice, or at least have the potential to be fanpolice (or engage in feelings yakuza style behaviours), and a good way to check if you're fanpol - at least when it comes to fanfiction - is a common sentiment that even I've fallen into the trap of expressing, and it goes like this:
'I just need the author to know they're writing something that's wrong.'
It could be that you read something triggery or squicky, or that the author is writing something so dark, you're genuinely unsure they understand that something is morally objectionable irl.
On AO3 this is very easy to check: Did they use appropriate warnings? And tags? Does the content of this fic reasonably fall under these tags and warnings?
If the answer is yes, then the author knows.
They might not share the same understanding as you, but they certainly know enough to warn folks in advance. It might even be tags that you've always been comfortable with but for some reason, in this one fic, get squicked by, and immediately assume 'oh god it's the author' and not 'oh god, it's the writing, I've been squicked.'
If you're still unable to distinguish whether the author knows the difference between right and wrong after seeing an author appropriately tag a work with something like 'dead dove: do not eat' - you may not be able to tell the difference, or alternatively, are having a kneejerk reaction to something very squicky personally.
(In the case of fics that have been inappropriately Warned for - i.e. 'No Warnings Apply' in the case of Rape or Major Character Death, you can certainly give AO3 support a heads up about these fics. There's a reason those warnings are mandatory in the absence of 'Creator Chose Not To Use')
Some folks are just going to be 'antis' about everything, but some of us can stumble into fanpol behaviours when we're shocked by content we didn't expect to find shocking, and we immediately look for somewhere to blame our unexpected shock and discomfort. If the first place you go is into the author's comments or inbox with that blame (or an attempt to shame, ridicule, or mock) that's fancop behaviour.
I think it's worth noting that there's a grey area where many folks have engaged with fanpolice / fanpol / fancop / anti style behaviour while still generally being very supportive of philosophies like 'don't like / don't read' etc. and not realising that these philosophies still apply to you even if you have an extremely strong emotional reaction to something you didn't expect to.
Many of us are going to also experience this, or have in the past. If we like surfing certain tags, if we've read enough DD:DNR fics 'safely' it might not occur to us that other authors might have different ways of writing under those tags.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Certainly because I've done it myself, years ago now, and I've seen other folks who would consider themselves very supportive of all fanfiction do it, and you can sort of tell by the language they use. As soon as you see a: 'I wish I just knew that the author understood this was wrong irl :/ ' - and the fic is tagged for - there's something going on that's leading to fancop style thinking. Often it's to try and correct a sense of emotional injustice or betrayal, sometimes it's grounded in moral panic.
Folks who cling to fancop style behaviours believe that feeling their own strong emotion (particularly those of revulsion or disgust or fear) is an accurate compass re: identifying moral injustice, and then proceed to apply 'corrections' to those around them who have caused that revulsion, disgust, or fear. But imho, it's easy for everyone to feel a strong enough emotion that they might slip into fancop thinking or behaviours without realising, for say one particular fic, or one particular ship, without ever realising, because they're 'permissive the rest of the time.'
Anyway, just some barely coherent thoughts on the matter that I'm barely even resolving here. I miss using Tumblr to think about this stuff out loud, so here we are, lol.
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caesarsprincess-moved · 4 months ago
Someone on reddit: Caesar Clown has redeeming qualities, I don't hate him
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Look in the notes for psrt 2 and 3.
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vashtijoy · 2 years ago
bff: I am taking you by the shoulders and looking earnestly into ur eyes and saying
bff: For ur own peace of mind u need to let go of the concept that u are only permitted to give villain characters x amount of leeway
bff: Even if canon supports more leeway
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darkladynyara · 2 years ago
Current least favorite genre of fandom post:
It's fine to like evil characters, so long as you never ever disagree with the morality of the narrative justify their evil actions. It's important not to interpret them in complicated ways or talk about what shaped them woobify them. You can only like them as entertaining monsters. If you disagree with that designation it's because you're just too immature to properly appreciate problematic characters.
(It's especially fun to see one of those posts tagged with a character that 99% of the fanbase already interprets as a pointlessly malevolent monster with no redeeming qualities. In direct opposition to what the canon creator has said about them, even.)
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theeternalfool · 5 months ago
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maybeitsalivescribbles · 11 months ago
Oh oh!!!!! Can you do prompts about "Language"!!!
Been wanting to write a language related fic for months but can't think of any cool ideas :(
Best regards,
Ah, apologies for the delay, I’m not always online.
Anyway, let’s see what I can do:
There’s yet another prophecy about doomsday, but it’s encrypted/in an ancient language. Time for Hero to ask for Renowned Linguist’s help once again, aka Villain under their secret identity.
Superhero claims that Citizen’s body language shows that they were lying during their interrogation. They’re not. They just really, really don’t want to be here.
Hero and Villain are the only two who can speak a dying dialect. Reluctantly, this brings them together.
Same idea, but they’re absolute nerds and speak Vulcan or Elvish fluently.
Hero&Sidekick (or Villain&Henchman) share a second language the other team don’t speak. It’s great to yell messages at your ally that your foes can’t understand.
Hero and Villain don’t speak the same language. They need Henchman/Sidekick to be a translator to understand each other. The translation might or might not be accurate.
Villain has captured someone who knows things, but speaks in a language they can’t understand. They use an online translator. Confusion ensues.
Villain has captured someone who knows things, but speaks in a language they can’t understand. They kidnap Sidekick to force them to be a translator. Sidekick tries to communicate with Citizen and find an escape plan together without getting caught.
Villain’s Evil lair has a great gadget able to detect any kind of human voice to detect any intrusion. Shame that Hero speaks ASL, then.
Once captured, Villain has a lot of four-letter words to say about the way the heroes treat them. Hero whumps them into watching their language.
I hope these can be useful to you! (I'll keep your other ask for later.)
More prompts like this under this tag.
Back to Hero x Villain Masterlist
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veliseraptor · 6 months ago
sometimes I read the words "I don't excuse [x]" about fictional characters and a little part of my brain just goes "well I do!"
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oopey-doopey · 2 years ago
I hope The Spot gets to die as a himself like pre-powers. It’s likely he’s gonna destroy himself trying to destroy Spider-man (I think he’s gonna for the mythos of the hero not just Miles, if the flash forward is any prediction) cause he’s either not gonna be able to handle the full effects of his abilities it and needs to be saved but it’s too late for him or does some not fully redeeming sacrifice as he realizes he didn’t have to resort to villainy and doesn’t want to go out with people fearing him rather than respecting.
It’d make the point that anyone can be Spider-man under the mask string as it’d point out that depending on circumstances anyone could become anything. In this case none of them would know The Spot personally or even in passing as Johnathan Ohnn, so seeing a complete stranger, someone who could of been anyone, defeated at the end of the battle would invoke a lot with the random chance and fate that comes along with being Spider-man if not just going through life rather than the adherence to canon events that is trying to be pushed on characters.
I feel like giving the Spot his face back would just make the climax feel more complete, an odd commentary on being true to oneself even if it is past your time.
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evelynpr · 5 months ago
The LoV, Dabihawks, and more Hawks
Suddenly actually quite into Dabihawks (only took like, 5 more years lmao) but also their individual relationships with Twice, Himiko, and the rest of the LoV.
I really think the story should've given us more filler and time of them bonding together. Imo, that would've made their arcs and stories so much more emotionally investing, and their faith and care for each other even more apparent and genuine. Not that it isn't, but I think it wasn't given enough time and space to really grow.
Just thinking about Hawks, a brainwashed child soldier, suddenly becomes quite close to a bunch of people who genuinely like him and accept him for his past, his identity, and his mistakes, because that is just what the LoV are, a place of acceptance and change. His relationship with them initially out of necessity (as SxF Loid would put it, "For the mission"), growing into smth more genuine.
How in the war, he killed Twice, betrayed Dabi (and the whole LoV obv), and ordered Himiko to be killed to, but only upon losing his quirk and seeing Himiko's Twice clone does he realize the emptiness and foolishness of his whole life- that he accepted being stabbed by her.
This man can fit so much guilt and tragedy, and with his new position in the HSPC, I think he genuinely would try his darn best to change the system for the people who he betrayed. Honestly, a fucking tragic guy, and I wish the story made that more apparent.
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marinecorvid · 1 month ago
blorbos from my brain
#beloved villainxcivilian wip. i need to draw you#post unrelated to previous few. mostly#if anyone's reading this post and curious: vague superhero/villain-containing setting; mc is a woman who gets out of a shit relationship#w a local hero by selling his work laptop to a local villain and using the money to flee the province/whatever with her cat & suitcase.#gets set up w a tiny apartment. barely leaves. severe anxiety that she's gonna be tracked down by either her ex or the villain to tie up lo#loose ends#eventually unwinds enough to leave; takes a 3rd shift at an ancient tiny library with old archives#local supervillain (not that she knows at first) becomes a repeat visitor looking over the old city blueprints and hwhatnot on file#eventually unwinds enough to start a mayyybe situationship#he's not blind she's clearly very distrusting n nervous even if she's got a crazy good customer service face so he's very slow abt it#lets her set the pace of whatever they're doing#which simultaneously reassures her and makes her nervous#because it could be a mask. it could be a trap. she literally has no way to really know#gets worse when the truth about his profession comes out#mental breakdown. lots of yelling. butter knife brandished like a weapon (<- taken very seriously)#once shit settles a lot of time is dedicated to figuring out how they want to continue this. if they want to#given that there is realistically a crazy power dynamic between them. she's an immigrant who had to uproot herself from literally everyone#and everything she knows and has; has no support system in a country she is technically not legally supposed to be in;#he is very influential; having both notable scores of money socked away and a potentially a mole in the local policing force#if he wanted to make her disappear in one way or another it would not be difficult for him#much how her ex was becoming. extremely overbearing so to speak#so Yah trying to navigate that. very serious discussions if they can make that work out or if they should split#bc i want a happy ending i think they make it work! not sure about the specifics but theyre good#i think he doesnt realize how badly shes fucked up until at some point after The Breakdown he puts together that she's the reason the hero#in a few provinces away got completely Fucked by the local villain scene#and putting that together with her severe anxiety and not-great living situation. why she would've possibly done that#anyways. the inspiration for this all was mostly out of distaste for most of the romantasy books i have to see in various fandom tags#male love interest who doesn't really respect boundaries VS. m.l.i. who is extremely respectful of boundaries while managing to remain a vi#villain by the laws of the genre/setting/otherwise plot#(and asking the question of what does villainy mean in this context)
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masked-and-doomed · 1 year ago
Why is Takao the only one who gets punishment in the 3rd World. Huh.
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pixelpaladin24 · 1 year ago
People: ...but they're evil!
Me: That's the fucking point, thank you very much.
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 14 days ago
trigger warning: animal torture
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veliseraptor · 11 months ago
"i'm not an [x] apologist" fool. weakling
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number-1-panstander · 1 year ago
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I am baffled. astonished. perplexed. shocked. how did he even do that. what.
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