#fuck social emotional needs I want them surgically removed
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nekomimithoughts · 11 months ago
Honestly because finding partners is hard in general. And as much as you want to be that for a couple, as you've talked about it the past, the attraction (sexual and otherwise) has to be there both ways. That kind of relationship is incredibly hard to find while it's also not you being exploited and we both know you don't want that. I really hope you can find a great couple to be that for 💕
Thank you <3 made me feel a bit better
I was half-joking, since I know partners are hard to find and how much has to match. I'm genuinely surprised so many people find partners at all.
I simply experienced too much (albeit polite) rejection* in the short span of this week for my sensitive little brain to handle. And I admit that it feels a but strange or maybe even dishonest but definitely frustrating to be told I'm the "perfect unicorn" and that there are so many people who fantasise about exactly what I want, but the couples that I'm actually talking to don't, want something different. And then even those couples tell me that I should have no trouble finding a couple since that's "everyone's fantasy". I'm starting to think that it's actually just a widespread myth that this is a popular fantasy. Maybe everyone is overestimating the popularity of certain fanatsies. Because if my fantasies were so common among couples... I should meet at least a few couples who have them?? That's a bit confusing indeed.
The issue is that I won't feel valid in my fantasies and desires until someone validates them by wanting the same, and that's just how it is (sociometer theory, basically). And until then I will feel kinda pathetic probably. Because I have no frame of reference.
*there is three couples that I've been talking to recently, like get-to-know-you, which also involved sharing my fantasies (which is still pretty difficult/mortifying to me), and they all didn't like my scenarios, or weren't interested in realising them. Outwardly I handled the communications/negotiations really well, respecting decisions, showing understanding, thanking them etc. As you do. While inwardly feeling unwanted and crying like a baby 👍 oh and also the one person who I met who shares my fantasies not responding for 2 weeks. Damn my heart, for it can break.
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gay-caesar-truther · 5 months ago
I have been pondering, and I think it's Vespa's turn in the "Why the fuck do they act like that" machine
Plain and simple- Control and a nasty perfectionist streak.
Vespa wants control. They're tall yes- but they're slender and frail. Deep down they know if they left the vault for an extended period of time they simply wouldn't survive, and it quite frankly drives them mad. They are deeply DEEPLY afraid of being helpless and unable to escape. Ves Cannot stand the idea of a situation in which they are unable to protect themselves, where their cold and calculating mind has been rendered worthless and they're utterly and they're completely at the mercy of someone else.
Mercy is not given often in the wasteland, and they'd hate to have to bet on such a thing to survive. They should be able to control any situation, to get out on their own without needing assistance or kindness and it's maddening to them to know that there are people out there who strip them of their free will, or life, with ease.
They're cruel and apathetic to their test subjects because of this- In any other circumstance it would've been them under the metaphorical surgical knife, and they know they would not have been shown any kindness or grace- so why would they spare that for those who in any other circumstance would have killed them?
It's also just another situation in which they can exert control- Their subject is helpless before them. Totally reliant on Vespa for food and water, at mercy of the test parameters and conditions only they can set. They're needed, they're in charge, the test subject has no choice but to comply. The cruelty is just Vespa reminding both themselves AND the test subject who is in charge here.
Vespa denies themselves connections with others too- Things such as emotion, attachment get you killed. You get over confident, lax, open yourself up to someone taking advantage you. They refuse to give those who have the potential to rob them of their control the tools needed to do so. So Vespa regards every person they meet as a plaything, just another test subject to poke a prod- They'll play along with the act of friendship if it give them more information on how best to maintain control. They're playing 4D mind chess in every social situation.
and Finally with the obsession with invertebrates- what taxa better represents someone like Vespa. They've survived millions of years, in millions of different ways. They're a vital player in the ecosystem; without invertebrates there are no plants nutrients cycling fails, species starve, the world withers. They have control. PLUS they have the things Ves lacks- Strength, resilience.
To find a way to make humanity more like insects would remove any weakness, to combine the best things of each group and eliminate the areas in which they're weak. Well, If Vespa could just figure that out they'd be unstoppable, the wasteland would not be able to stop them, no man or beast would able to control them.
Vespa pretends they're doing all this experimentation for the betterment of the world, to understand the processes of evolution in extreme circumstances, etc- that's bullshit. There goal is self-improvement and self- preservation in a biological sense, to fix the parts of themself they consider "genetic flaws", things that are a painful and natural circumstance of being human. If they weren't human, if they were able to play God with their own design, they could strip themselves of any flaws and well and truly be PERFECT and uncontrollable.
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cc-2020 · 4 years ago
Ok two wrongs don’t make a right but two dark and emotionally painful arcs might make a funnie crack au so
Umbara and the Chips arc
Anakin leaves and krell shows up and starts being a jerk and makes everyone march for 12 hours except oops turns out halfway through Tups chip flips out cause he’s sleep deprived or w/e so he goes and just absolutely gets krells ass who doesn’t expect it cause he’s a jerk about clones
The 501st panic frantically set up camp stick tup in some handcuffs and start blowing up anakins space text to get him to come back so he does so then idk shenanigans and non depressing fix it au commences
i thought about this ask for a while and that's actually a very reasonable idea
let's say krell and the boys have some time pre-mission and krell unpacks his whole ugly personality and orders the 501st to go running for a couple of hours
rex remains quiet for a while but he really sees how his men are growing more and more tired so he's like enough is enough and goes to confront krell
krell starts arguing, saying that the clones should be able to follow some orders, how he doesn't give a flying fuck about the republic and even less fucks about the clones' lives
he basically talks treason
and fives stands in the background and records all of this
anyways, our boys are very sleep-deprived, very stressed and also very exhausted, which promptly activates some chips
suddenly there are like 23 troopers having laser eyes directed at krell and they point their blasters at him because they won't hesitate bitch
krell's dead and rex looks down at his corpse and is like, damn,,, that's unfortunate
so he calls cody via comm and asks him what he would hypothetically do if his men would hypothetically kill a jedi, you know haha hypothetically speaking and cody sits on the other side of umbara like,,, excuse me
(he doesn't call anakin because he's a bit too far away and with the chancellor)
(the recordings of fives later make it easier to demonstrate that krell was ready to sabotage a mission of the republic, so there are eventually no real consequences for the 23 troopers)
assuming that some chips are more susceptible to a technical failure due to an incredible amount of stress, tup wouldn't be the only one to go bonkers - and when there is more than one clone trooper affected, shit gets statistically more interesting
since obi-wan and cody both have pretty nice ranks, they talk to the jedi order (palpatine tries to interfere but no one listens because that's shit they want to investigate okay) and are also the ones approaching the kaminoans. and this time they order a brain scan, making the so-called tumor visible, arguing that these have to be removed, and of course the kaminoans start bullshitting, saying that these tumors have to stay because the tumors are inhibitor chips and are implemented to prevent extremely violent behavior, making the clones less aggressive than jango fett. obi-wan and cody send this shit to kix, who looks at this statement and is seriously offended
kaminoans: the clones can become violent at any time which is why we implemented an organic chip into the right frontal lobe of their brains
kix, a medic: what ?? th e FUCK
kix, taking in a deep breath: alright buckle your seat belts motherfuckers because most ordinary social conventions are cast aside by impulsive behavior when there's a LESION in the right frontal lobe. there's a predisposition to manslaughter and harmful behavior when there's DAMAGE in the frontal region
kix: did you really clone a man with a lesion?? did jango fett have a lesion mhhh??? oh look at these CT scans of these 23 clone troopers, they are all healthy and fine so I THINK THE FUCK NOT
kix, who has no time to breathe: ALSO aggression and violent behavior have many neural correlates. if we clones are all this aggressive, why not modify our levels of serotonin metabolites ??? why not put a chip into the hypothalamus or the amygdala?? why not enhance GABA transmission ??
after listening to kix ranting his ass off, obi-wan, cody and rex naturally wonder why the clones need a chip to prevent violent behavior, even though there is no indication that the clones are more violent than nat-borns. see, they have 23 healthy troopers who randomly went havoc and the kaminoans said their chips malfunctioned. maybe the kaminoans are right and the chip is necessary to inhibit violent behavior BUT since a healthy right frontal lobe is also linked to decision making and judgment, maybe the chip malfunctioned and therefore caused the right frontal lobe to dysfunction, promoting violent behavior
natural conclusion: surgically remove the chips from the 23 clone troopers, look how their behavior changes, and conduct a study that involves a group of clones that do not receive a chip in their embryonic state and compare their behavior to the clones who received a chip (conducted and monitored by the jedi order ofc)
result: the treatment group did not get more aggressive than the control group. and the 23 clone troopers went back to normal after the removal of the chip
therefore, the republic orders the kaminoans to stop implementing the chips, even to remove them, since they obviously proved that the chips can malfunction, causing aggressive behavior. obi-wan, cody and rex naturally don't trust the kaminoans since they already implemented chips without their knowledge, so their strengthen their control positions on kamino and shaak ti becomes even more of a mother hen
(anakin gets the memo a tad later and it's good that way because he's a) to emotional for all of this and b) too close to palpatine)
in conclusion: krell's cruelty randomly activated order 66 and because more than one clone trooper is affected, the jedi council is WAY more invested, barely listening to palpatine or the kaminoans. and even though palpatine is still in the office and the jedi order still has no idea about order 66 he can't do shit because all chips are slowly removed from all clone troopers and he can't really order the remaining clones to go full assassin if anakin is still a good boi
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wildmanneredwoman · 4 years ago
knock knock, it’s autism spectrum
i have felt an urge to speak out about my asd diagnosis, and today is the day. it continues to shock me how few opportunities there are for people to learn and speak openly about the autism spectrum. let’s normalize being curious. how much do you actually know about the autism spectrum? open yourself up to new ideas. make room in your life to learn more about others. let’s talk.
asd: autism spectrum disorder asd is not a social disorder. it isn’t connected to any single cause. it is a neurodevelopmental disorder. asd does not have a “look,” or a set list of symptoms. if you consider two people with an asd diagnosis, there is a very high likelihood that they present that same diagnosis in two completely different ways. the efforts to understand the autism spectrum are ongoing, and therefore the definitions of autism continuously change (see: year 2013).
a diagnosis for asd DOES CONSIDER a person’s: degree of language/social difficulties degree of intellectual/physical impairment known medical conditions, exposure to environmental factors associated mental/behavioral/neurological disorders it is not a measure of their worth.
a diagnosis for asd DOES NOT IMPLY a person is: being socially dysfunctional in any obvious way a significantly high or low intelligence level major physical or emotional limitations neglect, abuse, poverty, inferiority it does not change who they are.
receiving an asd diagnosis CAN HELP COMFORT a person who is: struggling to understand social cues and implications generally clumsy and unaware of physical space having isolated interests/rigid plans/ritualistic behavior exhibiting adverse reactions to change it is essential to understand a person’s process as their own.
imagine you’re walking on the road in a small alley. you’re on the left side because you are helping a friend look for their key. someone is walking towards you, and they are walking on their right side. the closer you get, the more overwhelmed you become. and after working every scenario in your head, you give in and you cross the road, only to realize they never looked up once. this is the only way i can think to explain the burden of masking. neurotypical minds seek conformity. neurodivergent minds seek consistency. this makes it incredibly easy for a neurodivergent person to lose whatever feelings of autonomy are left. being in a position of self-perpetuation - where your ability to do task creates an outcome that controls the ability to do task - is masking. the very act of masking uses just as much energy as it receives. there is no carefree moment. you are anticipating bumping into someone, you gauge how close you can get, and you step out of the way before contact. there is no acknowledgement of your efforts. after all, if you were “normal” then you wouldn’t be in the way at all. there is a feeling of indebtedness. no one looks up. consider this: 60 years ago, state asylums were regularly performing lobotomies on the “criminally insane,” usually without anesthesia and almost always without consent. that is fucking terrifying. but you know what is even more terrifying? the fact that this practice stopped only when it was replaced with more convenient options, and is still technically legal. it’s not that america rushed to protect its disenfranchised the from becoming maimed, but rather the federal government rushed to protect its medicaid returns from becoming one-time surgical treatments. although most people would agree that we are far removed from that tragic relationship with psychosurgery. however, for perspective, i want to point out that the first evidence of neurosurgery goes all the way back to the stone age. it took 5,000 years to create not just the science itself, but to create the culture that watched its metamorphosis and anticipated the result. if i spent an hour putting up christmas decorations, how reasonable is it to then expect them to be taken down in 44 seconds, just because i am embarrassed to still have them up? we’re closer to falling backwards into systemic ableism than we are to securing our position away from it. 60 years is not even 1.5%.
one of my friends is a mother to a child with autism. they had their first flight together and her child absolutely lost it security. she was hoping that any of the parents around her would stop and help. completely alone, people shuffled by her, and one even made a comment about her parenting approach. what she wanted to say was that the approach was advised by their developmental specialist. but then she realized that she felt more than alone, but suddenly unsafe and targeted, and she didn’t want to feel victimized further.
asd is unique in that its cultural expectations aren’t aligned with its pathological expectations anymore. there are fewer and fewer limitations when it comes to inclusion and education. as a neurodiverse person, it is my responsibility to have compassion and patience. as a neurotypical person, there needs to be an increased expectations for self-education. people with asd are at your workplace, people with asd are in your family and amongst your friends, people with asd are undeniably going to be in your same airport.  three steps of beginning your shift of neurodivergence: 1. acknowledging the value of human diversity - culture, race, gender, etc. 2. understanding that neurodiversity is a natural component of human diversity. there is no “right” or “wrong” component of human diversity. it is all biological. 3. encouraging an inclusive dynamic, rejecting the expectations of “normal” and instead focusing on each individual’s potential, their gifts and their needs. those with asd are invaluable torch-holders for a new generation of social reform. the spectrum belongs in peer programs, on hospital floors, shaping public education, cultivating business startups. this existence is not defined by how much help i need to see something as it has already been seen. it is defined by what is seen after combining perspectives. the reason our eyes see dimension is because the right side and the left side make up for what the other one doesn’t have. imagine how much an entire spectrum can offer. if you are interested in learning more ways to create support and conversation in your community, please locate your local mental health first aid facilitator*. they are offering classes online at discounted rates due to the pandemic, and it will do nothing if not educate. it does earn ce credits and you receive a certification upon completion. thank you for coming to my ted talk! *not sponsored, just nerdy
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clawedcosplay · 7 years ago
New Bio???
So I’ve been working on this for a few weeks and I’m pretty proud of what I’ve got so far, but I also really want to improve it! 
So if you read this, rip it apart. Tell me whats good, bad, and pure shit! Make me cry if you think it’s necessary! I just really want to make it as good as I can before I start working on the comic but don’t tell anyone i told you
Given Name: Lagos Gender: Cis Male Sexuality: HAHAHAHAHAHA Age: 1,157 Alias: E-3 Steve Rogers, E-5 William “Pop Eye” Costello, O-6 John Smith, Special O-11 Alfred F. Jones Species: Officially Social Faction of United States of America Title: American Federal Government Employees, Elected Officials, and Military Active Duty and Veterans Nationality: Born Scandinavian; Officially United States Citizen Born: Around 861, born to a Thrall, assumedly the then collective tribes in what is now the UK, though this isn’t proven, and sired by who is now Sweden.
Hair: Dirty blond that is regularly bleached. Due to how fast he heals, his hair grows rather fast being as how the body sees it as healing. He has to shave every day, and if he shaves in the morning, by 11:00 pm he would have stubble. Give him a weekend of fishing and he will be able to braid his beard. He can speed the process up if he focuses, just as how he can control his healing if he focuses. He can also generate an excess of iron in the cells of the hair, giving the hair a red appearance, though this takes a lot of concentration. And he would have to cut the old blonde off.
Eyes: Blue almost always. Depending on the depth of his emotions, his eyes change color the same way the ocean does depending on depth. That being said, they loose all saturation and turn white shuts off his emotions, as he’s learned to. And if his eyes are gold? God fucking damn it monty.
Skin: Naturally fair but very tan thanks to how often he is outside, plus horrible tan lines from different uniforms and gloves.
Build: He’s almost always had a swimmer’s build, at least since the start of the civil war, but when the frogmen turned into SEALs, thanks to the new workout routine, he became more top heavy. Now he has more of a running back's build. From his childhood to the revolutionary war though, he was build like a red wood. A mix between a linebacker and a water polo athlete.
Height: From his maturity in Sweden to the gilded age, he was 6”1’. After the gilded age, when his spine was damaged in the civil war and replaced with a steel rod, he slowly lost height until modern times where he is 5’7”, though he grew an inch during the space race only to lose it again. Space travel expanded his joints, but all the metal bones contracted them again, along with the inces he lost to the spine surgeries.
Weight: Natural body weight; 170, though a lot heavier thanks to metal bones.
Blood type: N/A each red blood cell correlates to that of one individual human or dolphin. The DNA thus blood type is that of the given human. Where the amount of Americans and dolphins is dwarfed by the count of red blood cells in an average body, the lack of the former is thereby filled with a hybridized stem cell that creates his super healing. Thanks to his body’s dimensional hyperlinks to locations throughout the united states, his organs can draw on power from such places, making his body’s need for oxygen much lower. Not only can he survive on a tiny amount of red blood cells, but he can also hold his breath for about 30 minutes.
DNA: A hybrid of human and dolphin thanks to Tony. By “healing” parts of his body he wounds intentionally, he can control the dolphin based stem cells 
Alterations: Iron forearm on his left arm, created by the invention of the Ironclad during the civil war. Steel spine to mirror the steel monopoly building the backbone to the American Military. Gold and silicon bones in his right hand to mirror silicon valley; the inventions at which changed warfare forever.
Tattoos: All tattos were removed after 9/11 to prevent easy identification by the enemy. A spine over his own with red wings sprouting from it, ripped open skin to show an american flag under his left forearm, tally marks up and down his right thigh that stop at 1200, the lagos symbol on either ankle, a snake ringed over his left knee with “Don’t tread on me” inscribed. An Ahuizotl on the knee below the snake, the hand on his tail seeming to be holding the outline of a woman as two temples burn in the background. (… To be continued as the story progresses)
Scars: Triangle brand behind his left ear, slice on his hairline, burn through his left shoulder, bayonet slice through his right side, surgical slices on his left hand, speckled acid burns across his right temple, surgical I scar over whole torso, coat of arms brand over his chest (… To be continued as the story progresses)
Strengths: Physical strength, super healing, built in connection to AGES (a system that connects all US Navy ships together and provides live intelligence on their geographic coordinates), perfect navigation, strong memory, can cause electrical surges using his spine and hand, can record magnetic signatures with right hand, combat training, blood diffused poisons take longer to take effect. He can also form a sword from the iron in his blood with a norse rune.
Weaknesses: Electrical surges from outside forces can shutdown the system in his spine. Once in his veins, poisons lasts much longer and has a stronger effect, even if it takes a while. While he can regrow most anything, he can’t magically fix damaged cyborg parts. He has to be conscious and concentrating to control his healing, and if not the body might heal things wrong. Especially if he can’t focus, the healing could give him away. Alcohol takes a long time to kick in which may seem good until he accidentally gives himself alcohol poisoning which is like every friday for him. He lowers his guard for sexy women. Summoning the sword will take at least an arm (not a leg though because fuck you edward).
Knowledge: He’s got multiple doctorates in engineering, a few doctorates in sciences such as physics and marine sciences. He also has sporadic degrees in classes such as leadership psychology, national security, warfare theory, and other useful places. Most of these are from military academies, though he will take a class or two (especially recently) online. In the last few years he has been working on degrees in cyber security, programming, and computer science, and he ends up re-taking the same classes every few years thanks to new languages being released or updated. 
Magic Powers: he can instantly navigate to any bar no matter where he is. No one knows how...
Logical Fears: Meat hooks, the ocean herself, loud sounds in certain situations, being physically helpless, becoming invested in people outside his men
Illogical Fears: Small children, superstitions, vore art (though maybe this is logical), commitment, blowjobs, Also, losing someone he’s in love with. Now i know this seems like a logical thing that everyone fears, but hear me out! He’s traumatically lost a girl before and it hurt him so much so that he can act illogically while trying to protect either them or his own feelings.
Please help me out if you can! Just the littlest comments on things you notice would help so much. I want to make him the best I can!
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silentstep-caveira · 6 years ago
The gentle touch from the Spanish woman was nice, taína leaned into it more as her eyes were closed. Her body was in pain, it felt like she got hit by a truck over and over. “Just water, no food. I’m not hungry at the moment” she smiled at her, it was great to understand what she was saying whenever elena spoke Spanish.
Besides the two male attackers, no one else could understand what they were saying to each other. They could threaten each other, comment each other or flirt with one another. No one knew what exactly happened. They both made sure the other two weren’t around; so they would go into each other’s room and socialize there.
The pain in tainas head was a come and go type of situation. Gustave has given her the strongest medicine but unfortunately there was nothing else stronger than what he gave her. Either way, she had to wait til eight hours flew by or else she would overdose on pain killers. There was stitches that ran along her left leg and right arm. A bit on the side of her neck which was more dangerous.
Gustave didn’t have the tools to operate only to keep them stable. So they had to send her off to one of the best surgeons in the state which was five hours away. The surgery took eight hours to complete, in the middle of it there was complications and there was moments where she flatlined but they stabled her again.
Luckily, no one from the team was there or else all the doctors in that surgical room was going to be murdered by an emotion wave of people who all operated dangerous weapons they all customized themselves. Whenever the surgery was done they sent a helicopter over to the headquarters for Gustave to handle.
Ahead of time, he was on a nine hour face call with the surgeons on what to expect when she woke up. Of coarse the usual, she will be on anesthesia so she will be calm, her left leg and right arm will be numb, along with her neck for three hours, so the best solution was to keep her calm.
In some aspect it annoyed gustave, he knew all the information they were telling him about. He had books, Internet, other doctors Incase he had any questions. For fuck sakes they even made him watch grey’s anatomy for a little inside of what it was like to be a surgeon. It didn’t go too well he ended up criticizing everything they were doing wrong and the surgeons were all getting annoyed. Which was the French mans idea.
Taina had to get her face paint removed, somehow she was okay with that. Elena was the few of many who got to see her like this, even when she went out to eat, shopping or any occasion. She applied on her face paint like it was clothing. The more the Spaniard played with her hair the more she pushed her face into her touch.
It was amazing and felt good to her, she smiled small at the gesture. She opened her brown eyes to lock with hers. For some odd reason she couldn’t look away at all. When she claimed that she was going to get water she wanted her to stay by her side, forget the water she already had so much liquid draining and entering her body for the past few hours.
Grabbing her wrist gently and tugging it slightly as she gave her that face of ‘please don’t go. Stay here with me’ it was lonely in the recovery room. The only person she saw was gustave, he allowed visitors but certain time and it had limits. Luckily he was off on some mission which will take up most of the day. So they both had a lot of alone time to themselves.
“No stay here, with me. It gets lonely here... and I wouldn’t mind you being here by my side” her hand gently rubs her forearm. There was a needle that was pierced into her arm and an oxygen tank that was wrapped around her face and over her nose and mouth. She felt like it was holding her back. She grabbed it and took it off breathing in fresh air, it has been a while since she could actually breath normally.
It felt great to feel air running into her lungs, all she needed to do was to get these tubes off of her and try walking on her own. She knew damn well elena wasn’t going to let her do that. She Brazilian grabbed the tubes and untapped them from her arms as it fell onto the floors. She was obviously tired of being strangled down by medical tools.
Pereira had spent her last few days kept inside of the medical bay as if she was a zoo animal on display and people came in to see her. She wanted to see the sun again, the clouds past by and the cold rain drip down on her body. She starts to sit up little by little, adjusting to moving her limbs once again so they could get used to movement.
Taína knew it wasn’t smart to automatically start walking like she woke up from a nap. It was similar to coming back from space after months of being there, your body was so used to no gravity it adjusted. Taina’s body adjust to not moving a lot so it was like a shut down for half of her body. “Why is everything so difficult once you come out of recovery?” Was Elena ready for the amount of questions that she was going to drown her in.
Little by little, she wiggled her fingers then her toes; seemed easy. Slowly she bent both of her arms and tried to apply pressure onto it slowly. It didn’t hurt her right arm a much. Now the legs was next. It was terrifying at first, like she was about to take her first baby steps. Many thoughts lingered in her mind.
What if this doesn’t work, what if she could never walk again, no more missions. No more interrogations. More recovery. Pushing all those bad thoughts to the back she pushes herself to the side of the bed and stares at the ground. Her eyes goes back up to Elena as she grabbed her hand tightly. Slowly she slid off the bed as her foot touched the ground.
She could feel it. She could feel the ground! Wiggling her toes as it brought joy to her day, the other foot touched the ground. Wobbling a bit she held onto Elena tightly by her arms and laughed. “I feel like your teaching an adult baby how to walk again” trying to take her first step she ended up doing it right but it felt weak.
Pushing herself once again she walked into Elena’s arm and stood there with her body against hers. It was warm between their bodies, it felt nice. A light blush appeared on the Brazilian’s face. Dammit it would be noticeable, with her face paint it wasn’t. She totally forgot she didn’t have it on. She had to say something, it couldn’t just be silent for so long and continue walking like nothing happened.
Taina’s arms ended up sneaking around Elena’s neck. She definitely couldn’t help it but lean her head against her left shoulder and rest there for a bit. “Thanks for catching me?” A laugh escaped the Brazilian’s mouth trying to humor her the best she could. While she was laying against her, she couldn’t resist but notice her features. How her eyebrows was nice and lined up.
Her eyelashes was long and it brought out her eyes more. Elena’s nose was perfect, and her lips....oh god her lips. They looked amazing, glazed in the light, seemed like they would taste like peaches. Taina’s ended up tugging the edge of her own lips at the thought of this. Luckily Elena couldn’t ready minds... or could she?
continuation from @silentstep-caveira‘s ask response here
“Ya no hablas. Tendras mucho tiempo para hablar ya cuando te duermes un poco.” she requested quietly. Free hand hovering over to the brazilian’s hair, rubbing her head and playing with the black locks affectionately. Even though she was raised without a mother, she knew only a few ways to display care for others. Which tends to come to a surprise to everyone at first. You would think a woman like her would not care for her people, caring only for the papers of monetary value that fed her, they were wrong. Fixing automobiles had their own perk. The practice similar to a doctor’s check up, making sure nothing was wrong or out of place. She took her skill of mechanics and developed a higher understanding of what a person would desire during certain situations.
Given how long she sat playing with Taina’s hair, she thought it would be best to help her best friend out. She got up from her plastic seat and smiled softly. “Voy a regresar. Te voy a buscar agua y no quieres algo de comer también? Te lo busco?” It was not every day the spaniard saw Pereira with her face paint. Kateb must have removed it to examine her more properly. Difficult her personality may be, the woman had beautiful features. Álvarez might get herself in trouble for staring at her friend for too long. But really, not many would have the honor to see silent operator without donning the makeup she bore. 
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