#oc: Vespa
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gay-caesar-truther · 3 months ago
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Tehe drew my fucked up scientist <3
I'm also putting their whole backstory below uhh
Cw for self harm, suicide attempts, human experimentation and death
Name: Vespa Rubedo Valentine
Age: 26
Gender: Agender, they/them
Sexuality: Pansexual
Severe phobia of the cold 
Loves bugs :3
Vespa was born in a very science focused Vault- mostly focusing on inducing mutations in various species in order to forcibly adapt them to a post-nuclear environment. 
Ves' mother, Dr. Ruby Valentina focused primarily on crop species and inducing harmful mutations in pests as a way to prevent crop loss. 
Ruby wasn't married, didn't have a partner nor did she intend to have either, but wanted a child- Both for the benefit of the vault and a means to have a tangible legacy, so agreed with a fellow vault dweller that he’d help give her a child- but would have no familial contact with Ves. 
Ves’ early childhood was mostly uneventful. Ruby gave Vespa the nickname “Cricket” due to how energetic and chatty they were. 
However, Vespa was about 4 they got infected with an experimental microbe after sneaking into the labs to visit their mother at work (it was not intended to be a pathogen but alas) and made them INCREDIBLY sick, causing permanent damage to their lungs, immune system, blood platelets. Ves was essentially bedridden for years, being constantly monitored, subjected to experimental treatments, almost dying several times. The microbe didn't affect adults severely, but given the example Ves was providing- was pretty devastating to kids. They were essentially home schooled by their mother and kept isolated from the other children until one of the experimental treatments proved toxic to the microbe and Ves was able to leave isolation.
At the age of 10 Ves was cured of their infection, and found in good enough health to go to school. However due to being the "new" kid in a Vault, and well known for being really sick/unhealthy/’diseased’ Ves struggled to make friends, or connect with the other children. 
They were subjected to significant bullying- the other children purposefully playing games that Ves couldn't join in with, being pushed and hit, having things thrown at them- etc, etc. As they aged the bullying just got more violent and aggressive. 
Ves became jaded and bitter, choosing to isolate themselves- not trying to make friends, focusing exclusively on their studies.
They would sit with their mother in the lab while she worked- learning about the various insects that would blight crops, and what insects could be used as natural pest control (start of their bug obsession), assisting with her research more and more as they aged and their own scientific knowledge improved. Their mother was the only real social contact they had.
When they were 17, around 3 months before Ves’ 18th birthday-  Ruby decided to leave the Vault and take her research to the NCR- people needed it, this could save lives by preventing food shortages but she didn't want to expose Ves to dangers of the wasteland, and as they were almost an adult make the decision to leave them behind for their own safety. She knew her child was determined and headstrong so decided not to leave any clues as to where she went, or why, in the hopes of dissuading Ves from following . 
She left instructions to the other adults in the Vault on how to help Ves cope with this change, hoping Ves would be forced to interact with others and develop a healthy social life now she wasn’t there for Ves to cling to. Ves did not give them the chance, isolating themselves in their home/ their mothers lab. Thinking that it was something THEY did that caused their mother to leave. They decided to forgo human contact entirely, it was something that had only caused them pain- As far as Ves saw it humanity was inherently cruel and inherently flawed, studying the social behavior of insects (ants and termites primarily) and comparing the “community focus” to what they’d experienced in the vault . They turned their interest towards solitary predatory insects (Tarantulas, Centipedes, parasitic wasps) as an example of how to be- fierce, independent, successful on their own and on their own merit. Any attempts to reach out by fellow vault dwellers were rejected- didn't need it, they would be okay on their own, these people were below them. 
Ves only left the lab at night to steal food from the canteen, the rest of the time they stayed locked away. Obviously the isolation and abandonment issues did some major damage to their mental health, they started self harming, and experimenting on themselves. They used the excuse of trying to make themselves tougher, conditioning themselves to have a high pain tolerance, so they can be strong, and only rely on themselves.
 In this time period they tried to take their own life by drinking random chemicals several times, fortunately their mothers work didn't involve hazardous chemicals so being unwell for a few days was the worst that happened (To this day being unwell is majorly upsetting to them- reminding them of both their childhood, and attempts on their life). Inspired by both their existing knowledge of invertebrates, and reading about the strength of ants, the toughness of carapace, etc Ves’ desire to be more like an insect branched out from just emotional resilience and solitary survival and into somehow gaining these physical characteristics. 
That in order to survive humanity had to be like insects- driven, independent, not beholden to emotional attachment, with the strength and sturdiness to allow them to thrive on their own. They began experimenting with attempting to forcibly mutate mammals via chemical exposure, genetic manipulation, on turning mammals into insects (or at least giving them all of the desirable features of them)
After a series of very successful tests on lab mice, and having no larger test subjects Ves thought they'd do the residents of the Vault a favor, granting them the gift and the mercy to be free of suffering that is being human, deciding to test their formula on them.
Maybe other people would be grateful, and Ves would get the adoration they secretly desired if they saved them from being mammals and made them stronger. 
Ves snuck out in the night, spiking the food and the air supply with their formula, and routing clean water and air to their own quarters- They were a good scientist, needed to observe the effects if they were ever going to be able to reproduce this on a larger scale (The world). They could wait- the formula had to be perfect before they’d use it on themselves. 
 To put it bluntly the test was a disaster- the changes started within hours, but the other Vault dwellers did not survive the physical stress. It took months of living with excruciating mutations, organ failures, and open wounds but eventually the whole Vault was wiped out. 
Ves decided it was their vault, they simply didn't want to be better than what they were. They hated Ves so much they'd rather die than watch them succeed. Ves took over the whole Vault, cleaned up the half mutated corpses and started again. After this failure Ves attempted to take their own life- again, but after waking up alive they went back to work- determined to not leave their great work incomplete, nor fail again.  
They Set traps for innocent wastelanders so they could serve as test subjects, and continue working to find the perfect formula to free people from the shackles of humanity. 
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potat0bag · 2 months ago
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being scary doesn’t have to be your 9-5, but it can be a defence mechanism to protect the people you care about.
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sarurun42 · 1 year ago
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socials ⭐️ portfolio ⭐️ comms ⭐️ vgen
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olath124 · 2 months ago
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@ouroboros-hideout in April: this is Vlad. He's a killer and is hunting Aon for Sport.
Us now: this is Vlad, he has a corgi and lives in France
cit. Boro
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meadow-roses · 2 months ago
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Some concept art for Vespa the phoenix from the Shifters wip!
I think for future drawings of her I might take less inspiration from rooster plumage lol
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pecoraisa-archive · 6 months ago
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@lazarus-complex 's Babe got me crying so hard, I love these two so much.
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dorkacademiaarchivist · 30 days ago
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an oc, a hot lady, and her wife actually (but she needs tlc)
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lildarkvixen-art · 1 year ago
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day sixteen - food
a touch of sweetness
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catharsim · 2 years ago
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📍- Venice, Italy @plumbobem
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malignant-biomass · 2 months ago
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Vespa’s feet glow at night and she likes sleeping in food. She also wears a sushi at all times because why not
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gay-caesar-truther · 5 months ago
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Got Vespa's body ref done!
Face close up below
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potat0bag · 3 months ago
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Vespa Rado doodles ft. Vespa in Sockeyemento.
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klmutie · 5 months ago
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these are the front and back covers for my comic thesis i finished earlier this year! ^__^ going to try to post the pages over time once i muster the willpower to
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hazardousdragonboy · 6 months ago
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God I hate gay people
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meadow-roses · 3 months ago
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I thought it would be fun to do a pic with the main team of "heroes" all together :D
Javelin, a dragon and ex-gladiator, Galarius, Crown Prince of the Griffin kingdom, Aris, amnesiac Pegasus ranger, Lars, guardian Manticore fighting for his forest, Marla, a badger who is not usually this war-like, and Vespa, a Phoenix raised by an assassin.
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