#oc: vlad volkov
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olath124 · 17 days ago
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... While my brain rambles through their darkest timeline, I'm giving a look at the [REDACTED] amount of sweet and cheesy pics I have of Vio and Vlad. So given that this is already a cheesy week why don't post a [REDACTED] amount of them being sweet and lovely and cute!?
Because the Happy!AU is not only Vlad and Roy playing dress up but Vlad and Vio... doing... Listen, I don't know, when the stars align they are nice to each other.
And yes. Milky Bun.
@ouroboros-hideout Blood sugar spiking today, right?
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blackrevell · 10 days ago
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Near France, or wherever you are I believe that the Firebird lives on Once more, you open the door And you'll hear your Vespa And our Vespa'll go on and on...
// The Unsinkable Ship — The Vladitanic
[ manly men melting cold hearts & braincells belong to: @ouroboros-hideout & @olath124 ]
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barghest-ripperdoc · 5 months ago
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Only Baddieghest members know the context of this.
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cybervesna · 6 months ago
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{Ballerina!AU} Danse Macabre | 1 |
Innocent child, how you thought you knew me Understood my ways, my dark needs The hunt is not the thrill I'm after The kill, the conquest to be your master
Wrap your arms around my pale skin It's too late to back out, you're in On your knees and praise your new Lord Deeper now, and here's your reward
Starring: Vlad Volkov [belongs to @ouroboros-hideout] Based on @ouroboros-hideout shortfic.
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ouroboros-hideout · 5 months ago
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Alyona 'Aon' Petrova
Tell me about your OC | oc: aon | otp: like napalm
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Vlad Volkov
Tell me about your OC | oc: firebird | ship: tessellate | otp: dead inside | ship: danse macabre | brotp: wine moms | notp: crossing sharkies
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nedsseveredhead · 2 years ago
Okay some people wanted this and I like talking about my OCs so here goes, quick and dirty Werewolf Mafia (AKA Up The Wolves) lore so you too can put werewolfs in my fantasy hellscape.
Setting: Modern Urban Fantasy version of New York City. The werewolf mafia only runs a section of it, though they’re always looking to expand. But there aren’t just werewolves! Theres a vampire who runs a fortune telling tattoo shop! And magic! Theres even an Italian. Basically go wild. My story focuses solely on the werewolf mafia but theres a whole city to fuck up with monsters and creatures, and as a citizen of New York you have my blessing.
The Mafia: The werewolf mafia- the Bratsvo Volkov is a crime syndicate thats as old as the city itself. Currently it holds old pack hierarchy- outdated but that lends itself to Vladislav’s style of rule.
Its current head/leader/alpha is Vladislav Morozov. Hes referred to as Pakhan, the Father, or Boss and is widely feared. He lost his arm when he fought the last boss for control of the pack, but he won and has ruled over his sector of the city with an iron fist. He has done literally every evil thing you can think of. Yea even that. Hes irredeemable and awful and the main antagonist. His prosthetic is made of bronze with silver claws which he regularly uses to maim pack members who don’t properly cow to his word. He has a wife named Svetlana who is not a werewolf and has one trueborn son, Sasha, who is the second in command. He also has countless bastards, some of which he kidnaps back to become part of the pack.
Second in command is the Brigadier, Sasha Morozov. Vlad’s only trueborn son. He seems cold but is a genuinely good guy. He cares for his men, and plans on abolishing pack hierarchy when he inherits leadership from his father. (hint his father has no intention of ever handing it over to him)
Mishi Sadovski (Lazutchik, the Living Shadow) and Dmitri Raskolnikov (Shestyorka, the omega) are sorta special cases. Mishi was the former Brigadier but he challenged Vladislav and when he lost the fight, he was brutally punished and cast to the lowest rung of the ladder. Dmitri is the debt collector, and perpetual punching bag of the pack. Mishi is one of Vlad’s many bastard children, something he does not know but Sasha does. Main characters. They aim to take down Vlad somehow.
Mafia territory is divided into blocks with teams of two or three packmembers having control over that sector. Dmitri and Mishi, for example, have control over a block with Dmitri’s church- territory he fought hard for so he could keep them and the orphanage he grew up in safe from the rest of the gang’s influence. But there are other blocks, and Vlad is constantly trying to gain more as he grows the pack. His goal is to own the whole city, one day.
The Wolves: Theres basically two ‘types’ of werewolves- those born and those turned. Born werewolves (referred to by Vlad as Trueborn or Purebred) look near indistinguishable from regular humans, save for sharper teeth. Their canine form is more traditional wolven, and they do not have to change during a fullmoon. Turned werewolves (referred to as Mutts) have a harder time blending in. Their ears take a slightly pointed appearance, and their bodies are constantly fighting their condition making their turning a bit more difficult and painful. They have to turn on a fullmoon, and their canine form resembles a dog more than their born packmates. Any drop of werewolf lineage, whether turned or bred, has the chance of producing werewolf offspring- but its still only a chance no matter what. Born werewolves could have siblings who are completely mortal. Known ‘purebred’ werewolves are Mishi and Sasha, known ‘mutts’ are Dmitri and (suprisingly) Vladislav.
Thats all i can think of right now. If theres any questions lemme know thank you *mwah*
( @numbaoneflaya @tamaslin @orangejuiceandopium since you guys specifically were eyes emojiing me 💕)
*writes up a lore doc so people make Werewolf Mafia ocs*
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idowhatimust-archived · 8 years ago
Sooo mun, i've seen you talk about a ton of the blogs you have or used to have or whatever, so can you list all the blogs you have/used to have? Maybe URLs too if you remeber them??
((  ??????? Oh jesus, Anon, okay?? I mean, fuckin’ buckle up ‘cause there’s a lot.
I’ll be going in as close to chronological order as I can, though it might get a little mussed… ))
Used to Play:
Bar.nab.y Bro.oks Jr. from Tige.r & Bu.nny
Several fanbot OCs for the SPG fandom, including:- LAUREN, an introverted artist with a love for music [a.k.a. babby’s first and only self-insert]- C# [C-Sharp], a jazz pianist/singer who busks for money- Conall, a kinda werewolf-ish mechanic with a love for Irish dance who runs on Guiness- Anya [????], a Russian-built spy whose memory was almost totally wiped when she was bought by a US engineer- Puck, a satyr-like deliveryboy with a penchant for [harmless] mischief
Oxford Ogden Bogeyman, an OC take on the Boogeyman concept
Samebito, an OC from Japanese mythology [basically a shark merman]
Shadowman, a mute OC who’s a shadow given form/life by a lonely young girl with a powerful imagination
Kris, a homeless agender teen OC trying to raise money to go back to school
Jake, an artist OC using sweaters, stuffed animals, etc. as coping mechanisms to deal with witnessing the double murder of his parents
Lee Bishop, a repairman/woodcarver OC of ½ Shoshone descent with a solar-powered motorbike
Chrysanthos Michelakakis, a busboy OC quietly fond of wearing feminine clothes and suffering from trauma-induced erectile dysfunction [result of being shamed/pressured by his abusive uncle]
Angel, a by-commission bodyguard OC who was the last experiment [and son] of Victor Frankenstein
Derya Sadik, a callboy OC trying for a college degree in fashion design/marketing
Post-film!AU Nath.an Wall.ace from Re.po! the Gen.etic Op.era
Nux from Mad M.ax: Fury Ro.ad
Vlad Dracula III from C.C. Humphreys’ Vlad: the Last Confession
Brother Petr.os Ors.ini from Tr.inity Blo.od
Post-Seine!AU Ja.vert from Le.s Miser.abl.es
Kote.tsu T. Ka.burag.i from Ti.ger & B.un.ny
Go.odnig.ht Ro.biche.ax from Magn.ificent S.even [2016]
Va.squ.ez from Magnif.icent Sev.en [2016]
Currently Playing:
Ha.nzo Sh.imad.a from Ove.rwatch [ @idowhatimust ]
R.yuji Sak.amoto from Pe.rsona 5 [ @beneaththeblackflag ]
Iosif Volkov, a tattoo artist OC of Tlingit-Russian descent who works on-call at a steel factory [ @solderandink ]
and a couple others but those are just for the partners I started them for
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olath124 · 30 days ago
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"I don't really care about people. Never did. People come. People go. They leave. They hurt you and betray you. And I've learned to see through them and always strike first.
But I have a few I truly consider precious."
"My only friend. No matter how we might appear different: our darkness resonate in a complementary tune."
"My daughter. My treasure.
I looked into your depths and I've seen the vastness of your despair.
I made it mine.
I made you mine.
You're the one and only thing I'll truly love."
- Excerpt from Elroy's Diary
Vlad belongs to @ouroboros-hideout
Second VP task of our noir club done for you too, ma boi!
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olath124 · 2 months ago
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Give a kissy to your cyberpsycho day
Vlad is not amused.*
*Ok, he's smirking a little. He kinda likes to be in the spotlight.
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olath124 · 5 days ago
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Two strong and powerful qweenz and a sad wet puppy. (Vlad. Vlad is the sad wet puppy. But we love him anyway. Right, @ouroboros-hideout?)
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olath124 · 2 months ago
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@ouroboros-hideout in April: this is Vlad. He's a killer and is hunting Aon for Sport.
Us now: this is Vlad, he has a corgi and lives in France
cit. Boro
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olath124 · 2 months ago
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Between all the silly christmas and festivities pics this is definetly my favorite...
So here it is in all its blue and sparkling glory!
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olath124 · 11 days ago
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Find yourself a man that look at you the way Roy looks at the Vladitanic picture.
Thank you @blackrevell for the magic of the Vladitanic picture. Something I would have never expect to see in my whole life.
But here we are, so why not make a photostory out of it!?!
And thank you @ouroboros-hideout for your precious boy. You might hate him sometime but we love him dearly anyway. Yes Rev too.
But never like Roy.
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olath124 · 16 days ago
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*Elroy will remember this*
And he want to make clear that he is not jealous. He just finds very unpolite to make out while he is in the backseat. But he also gave Vlad the additional thing that is not a real Firebird (even if it's a car! But a Mini...)
Getting closer...
We'll never ACTUALLY get there, right? @ouroboros-hideout as usual, for Vlad. I warned you that I was going to unleash the dungeon...
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olath124 · 17 days ago
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This photoset has always given me this song's vibes
Them being nice. They are not nice.
I think I'm almost ready to publish the second chapter of their fic.
So no one will dare to say they are nice to each other.
Because yes, Happy!AU and everything, but we are talking about two crazy psychos...
I love them so much, anyway ç_ç
@ouroboros-hideout again, for Vlad. This week is gonna be a lot, kek.
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olath124 · 2 months ago
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A smug and happy New Year from the smuggest bish of them all. Fashionably late... Because pics takes time to develop (And I'm a chaotic nugget who can't plan anything).
And anyway Roy would say that being a bit late is fashionable anyway...
This year flew by so quickly, thanks to y'all (You know who you are!).
We had fun, become friends and made together the most absurd and amazing stories around a bald dude and all the people revolving around him! And well, in the end they turned out more special than the baldie himself (Not that he was such a specialty from the start...).
So brace yourself for a wall of Roy's party pics, taken by the beautiful but camera shy Alt! And also brace yourself foooooor:
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