#fuck male feminists tbh
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houseofpinkboombox · 8 months ago
Me watching the internet rip the shit out of Neil Gaimen after watching to him be performative for years and shit on JK Rowling for standing up for women.
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mariusaurus · 1 year ago
this is what i mean when i say people are playing a dangerous game and basically attempting to make gender essentialism trans inclusive. sick of it.
this is your friendly reminder i hate the men/non men binary you guys reinvented and you should stop
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genderkoolaid · 10 months ago
tbh my opinion isnt so much that trans men cannot have male privilege. its that the way we understand male privilege is based in cis women, specifically otherwise privileged (esp. otherwise-gendered privilege, i.e gender-conforming/straight/perisex) cis women's understanding of gender as something static and inherent to who you are, rather than something fluid which is, in part, constructed by society and placed onto you separately in every moment.
can a trans man experience (cis) male privilege? yes. can a trans woman? yes. and so can a cis woman! hell, a femme perisex cis woman with a gender neutral name could if she's assumed to be a cis man on a resume. male privilege is not an on/off switch. the idea that it is stems from cissexist understandings of male/female as entirely separate and static categories which everyone can and must be understood through. trans people in feminism are expected to constantly defend and deflect accusations of being Privileged Male Oppressors by promising cis perisex women that our experiences are just like theirs! we don't have any scary opinions that don't align with their worldview! we swear we won't ever make them have to reflect on how being cis+perisex has biased them and potentially made their analysis of gender at all inaccurate! trans experiences are only considered valuable to cisfeminism to the extent that they reaffirm what cisfeminists already hold true. thats why they only ever want to talk about a very simplistic narrative around wages pre/post-transition. its extremely unthreatening to cis people because it presents transness in patriarchy as just going from one cis role to another; it doesn't ask cis feminists to expand their paradigm to include the ways in which trans people are treated as a class and their own complicity in transphobic oppression.
which is why trans men have been getting fucked over by trans-affirmng cisfeminism. because by virtue of having our gender acknowledged, we are expected to forfeit our place in the feminist movement and adopt the role of outsider along cis men*. and its also why trans women and MTX people get fucked over the minute they cannot or refuse to describe their experiences through the one or two approved narratives. cisfeminism cannot tolerate transness-as-transness. it has to be compressed and reduced and diluted into something that fits within a cis-centric framework. we aren't allowed to have nuanced and intersectional conversations about trans men & other trans folks relationship with male privilege, the things we have to sacrifice to there, how fleeting it can be, the fact that for some of us being read as "biologically male" is actively more dangerous than being read as female... if it isn't familiar to cis women, then it means you aren't really oppressed.
*cis men should not be outsiders in feminism either btw but thats another post
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ash-and-starlight · 2 months ago
the list nobody asked for. again <3 i think this time around i read less books than the previous year?? but still 😤 we did it boys we read some fine books. reviews under the cut since i love yapping and i cant be fucked to make a goodreads account
Cromorama - Riccardo Falcinelli this book was sooo cool so engaging so interesting, its a look into the history and science of colors but its also so much more rlly one of my favorite nonfictions of all time
The Murderbot Diaries - Martha Wells disclaimer I only read this series up to Rogue Protocol, but I enjoyed it, I rlly liked the characters and the worldbuilding and the short novel format and most of all murderbooottt my best friend murderbot. when im in the mood for scifi again ill read the rest asw I prommyy
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous - Ocean Vuong this is one of those books that as u read it you can already tell it will stay with you forever, dont be fooled by the shortness every single line will Kill You. it will kill you dead.
The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida - Shehan Karunatilaka probably my fav book of the year, it's beautiful it's gripping it's deep it's scathing it's irreverent it has a careful and deeply cultural magical surrealism it has sociopolitical satire it won the booker prize of 2022 and deserved it so much
Fuori le Palle! Privilegi e Trappole della Mascolinità - Victoire Tuaillon ill be hoooneestt I didn't find this uhh as groundbreaking as I was kinda expecting it to be?? but still it was a nice read and the "flipped" perspective to center the myth of """masculinity""" in a feminist text was interesting. also rlly pretty cover
Lavinia - Ursula K. Le Guin Ursula girl u did it again! constantly rising the bar for all of us!! another stunning book that sadly fell victim to the #girlboss tiktokification but DONT LET THAT STOP YOUUU its sooo good. bitches Love pre-hellenistic latin society <333 bitches love even more when the boundaries between story and characters and reality and fiction blur in such a masterful way that Lavinia can have a conversation with Vergil and it doesn't feel not even the littlest bit forced or out of place <333
Exordia - Seth Dickinson Went in for the giant snake alien/human toxic yuri stayed for the weird mystery body horror stuff almost left for the overabundance of USA military stuff that I just can't be bothered to care about. I liked it way less than the masquerade but it Does have all the classical elements that make it a Seth Dickinson book aka fucked up women. Imperialism Critique. the horrors. the trolley problem. being Very Long. etc
Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao wow guys. this book fucking sucked. like I'm speechless. you'd think that with the crazy popular rep it has it would have smth worth salvaging but uhhh- anyway go stream cocoon by corrupter which is iron widow if it was actually good
Fire from Heaven - Mary Renault nothing more special than a cultured fujo and her special golden shiny perfumed blorbo that everyone wants to fuck so bad <333 finally a book that healed my tsoa related trauma, the only thing that could've made it better is if hephaestion discovered brat taming
The Spear Cuts Through Water - Simon Jimenez beautiful and with such a dreamy magical atmosphere once again I LOVEEE interwoven stories, and I feel like some of the writing's style Choices are so original. it starts a bit slow tbh but I found it impossible to put down from the second half of the book til the end
Voyage of the Damned - Frances White well. it was a cherished super pretty shiny gift from a beloved friend so that's why I finished it but uh. uhhMMMMM uhghhh whhhhfhhmmm uhhhhh hmmmmm uhhhhh. yeah. I'm iconic 💅
Bad Gays: a Homosexual History - Ben Miller, Huw Lemmey ill be honest I didn't expect to like this book as much as I did but its really nice!! its a critique and analysis of white male gayness told through the lives of some Notable Controversial Homos, and I liked how it rlly paints a full picture not only of their lives but also of the socio-political landscape that shaped them and the concept of queernes of the time. only lil gripe tho is why there was only One woman and One Japanese guy then-
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radfemfessing · 11 days ago
CW: male sexuality, porn, hetero sex
this feels like my biggest anti-feminist opinion but i am a bit sus over men who openly or proudly say they don't watch porn. just feels kinda... off? and i don't mean men who don't watch it and just... fuck and masterbate lol. but even then, actually... :/
am i the only one who feels like this? i don't want men to watch it, obviously, but on the other hand not consuming ANY sexual media is a red flag tbh. idk how to reconcile this. i guess if he fucks regularly or watches ('tame') amateur stuff on non-porn sites that's less of a red flag? obviously the normal shit on porn sites is a different, huge red flag, i don't mean that.
tbh the existence of porn in the first place feels like an affront to normal het relationships. idk how to navigate any of this when porn exists.
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blackpilljesus · 4 months ago
When I saw your blackpill views I thought you were a moron.
Now when I see the US elections result, you were right. The world hates women.
Most women are pick mes that will dump you for male validation and men are biologically wired to rape and subjugate women..
How do I cope with this reality? Can you provide me with resources?
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That first line made me laugh but it's okay the word of christ was rejected at first too.
I looked at the results & fucking hell I truly thought kamala had it in the bag icl but I'm not suprised. I wrote the below on my private twitter account when I saw the results so far. At the time it was being said that typical red states were quicker to count but now more results are in & the donald is close to the 270 electoral college votes needed.
So far donald trump has more of the personal & electoral college votes from what it seems. Honestly if he wins nothing truly fucking matters. This is how it's like for women. Doesnt matter how qualified or well spoken you are, you end up losing to a dusty moid in society. Tho tbh it was the same thing 4 years ago. So much desperation for dems to be voted to protect roe only for it to be overturned anyways. It was about getting trump out of power w/ all he did. This is the first time I'll say this in a while but I truly hate politics. Like I saw in the witchesvspatriarchy subreddit, regardless of who wins the work is not over. However one thing I'll say about republicans esp trump is that they're persistent & dgaf about the rules. That's why they often win or come very close to it.
Donald is a convicted felon, jan 6, and yet. Yeah nothing fucking matters. One thing about moids is that they aren't as logical or even moral as the advertise, they just do whatever will get them closer to their goal at all costs which is why arguing with them is a waste of time.
In terms of how I cope I'll address this in another post as I've received a few asks on this but generally my solace in this hellhole is knowing it's not my fault and that under no circumstances am I leaving children behind. No life to the xy and no victims for them either. After millenias of suffering it ends with me in my line. Moid's fun & games end when there's no toys to play with.
As for resources, look through my blog or the blackpill feminism/feminist tags. Pinned list of some of my posts on @letters-of-libertas.
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woman-respecter · 4 months ago
eh, I'm kind of tired of the relentless promotion of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood as feminist when all those female characters exist in relation to men, and that was the message I felt it sent to me: women are great but only if they don't forget their place. Those women are just better written than most because the original mangaka is a woman, but I've read a lot of Arakawa's stuff and it feels like she's really into this kind of promotion of traditional women in a way that has its pluses in showing how fully-faceted those women are, but never seems to really question those roles in a larger sense. I get why it appeals to people but I wouldn't exactly call it "feminist."
(I also have longstanding beef of how people use that to excuse the really fucked up messages about race in that show/manga, especially to dump on the original FMA anime which does that aspect much much better and whose female characters felt a lot more genuinely independent to me, but whatever. Neither is a bastion of feminism lol and don't want to make this about fandom beef)
It's also not necessary because there are a lot of anime that are outspokenly feminist and center women. Revolutionary Girl Utena being the obvious one, and got me through the 2016 election aftermath with episodes like when Utena beats Touga after he defeats her the first time, showing how women can triumph eventually even when the odds are wholly stacked against us. And it has a really probing analysis of the patriarchy and heteronormativity woven throughout the whole show.
A whole bunch of magical girl anime (not the entire genre, some suck and are made for gross dudes, but a lot of them, especially the 90s ones are aimed at women - Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura etc). Sayo Yamamoto's stuff that isn't Yuri on Ice - not that that show isn't great and gay and cute and doesn't say interesting things in its occasional one-off subplots about women, but it's obviously focused on men. But people who liked it who want great women-centric stuff should watch her Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine and Michiko and Hatchin, both centered on women and very feminist in their themes, albeit in a way that requires you to pay attention and think and watch the whole show so you occasionally get Tumblrites without reading comprehension missing the point of them. I was really surprised, given the kind of trashy title, by the anime Maria the Virgin Witch, which is all about fighting patriarchal ideas about sex in fantasy medieval Europe. Also, Yurikuma Arashi by the same creator as Utena is a really good analysis of the ways that lesbians are portrayed in Japanese media and by the broader patriarchy.
For as much misogyny as there is in anime, the stuff that does engage with feminism can often be pretty radical and smart and does it better than you'll see in a lot of other media. It's like having that low hum of misogyny in the medium as a whole builds up a rage in some of its creators that just explodes in the stuff they make. Same with how it often engages with queer themes, tbh.
And then there's just that anime has a lot more female-character-centered stuff even if it isn't "feminist" exactly. Like stuff about women where the story and world is centered on women that you can just put on as a comfort watch. Love Live or something lol
you do bring up a good point about fma, i kinda forgot about that bc i watched it like a decade ago. rgu is really great and i defo recommend it even tho it was directed by a man. yurikuma is actually my fave anime of all time but does seem sexist and fan servicey on the surface. and i love love live and the other cgdct anime but it feels like there is always an underlying misogyny of that genre, knowing how the male fans and creators are. if i were to recommend a comfort watch i would go with k-on bc it has a female director.
thanks for the recs!
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timetravelstudies · 2 months ago
a meandering post about transmasculine aesthetics (or lack thereof)
i was thinking about how in both big and small, common and niche/micro ways, when youre transmasc you kind of have to resign yourself to the double bind of both always having to borrow the language of other people and groups to describe yr own experiences and simultaneously being accused (though not always so directly & in so many words) of stealing valor.
this i think applies across the board in a variety of cases but specifically i was thinking about victimization/victimhood, including but not limited to sexual victimization. and ofc victimization is not all there is to being trans &/or queer but as i said a while ago in a post re: that one girl raised by gay dads who was complaining about how lgbt culture is "too focused" on homophobia, victimization (& ostracism, & aggression, & in general adverse social circumstances) is an inescapable part of the queer experience so i feel like this is an especially apt case study.
like (and now im gonna go so micro and niche this probably wont be recognizable outside my very specific sphere of mutuals & inlaws but its the example on my mind rn) i have often seen tboys etc. on here for lack of a better word romanticizing a certain kind of sexual abuse & exploitation that is commonly associated (socially and artistically) with boys and young men who are "too" "feminine" and thus attract the attention of adults esp adult men. and like even once we go past the whole "are you allowed to (fantasize/post/make art/romanticize/jerk off/...) about X thing, do you have the correct trauma, i want an itemized list of everything bad that's happened to you on my desk by tomorrow or i unleash the mob" and we get to people who correctly see that type of thinking as always anti-victim and inherently deleterious (as well as anti-art but thats another post entirely), there are still plenty of instances of in this case transfems who have this...... disdainful and almost condescending tone of "actually what youre sexualizing is MY experience, MY oppression, MY victimization, /I/ and/or people like me were the ones who were abused for being boys who looked like girls, NOT you" which ..... i dont even really want to disprove or anything like that bc im not particularly interested in that, and tbh i get how it can be extremely annoying and frustrating for a general group of people to not give a fuck about your extremely real and continued oppression and/or contribute to it only for some of them to turn around and also aestheticize some aspects of that experience. like i totally get where the girls are coming from on this mostly.
but what i want to draw attention to is something else which....... ok let's say all the guys immediately drop the ganymede/painting of isaac/takemiya bpd shota/whatever posting tomorrow. let's say that is a transfeminine or queer male experience the tboys have no claim over or whatever. the alternate pool of imagery & psychosexual landscape to borrow from is that of female victimhood. which again a lot of guys do draw from. but as soon as a tboy gets on some ldr coquette dollette traumacore shit he gets accused of holding onto his white female privilege of being presumed harmless and ontologically innocent and so on. so what then?
to be clear, im bringing up these criticisms which are most commonly levied at transmascs by transfems not because i want to criticize transfeminine people or transfeminism especially but because i see this stuff as the most poignant and relevant commentary on transmasculinity that exists in the contemporary discourse as of 2025, and im including academic & adjacent writing in that statement. (for instance, a cis feminist critique to the ldr shit would be that trans guys are trying to escape sexist oppression while stealing its valor, as i was saying at the beginning of the post. i think that statement is erroneous and dumb for reasons that should be self evident and if they arent then this post isnt for you.)
anyway. my aim isnt really to debunk these transfeminist criticisms or even put an asterisk next to them and say in which exclusive cases they are applicable. the transfeminist theory answer to these qualms is obviously that there is overlap btw the experiences of cis women, trans men and trans women because they all occupy a minoritary (in the deleuzian way) position in the hierarchy of power founded by and based on cis masculinity. but the point im trying to make, or rather the issue im trying to discuss, isn't one of power politics. it's one of language, or more specifically symbols, or more specifically aesthetics.
there is no such thing as a transmasculine aesthetics, and yes, this is most likely because of discrete sociocultural historical reasons and was probably in no small part spurred by a transmasculine desire for assimilation into one group of cis men or another at all costs or at least for blending into the background as "just a regular guy" (this was a really interesting post touching on this topic. i havent done the reading myself but it's a credible account that makes perfect sense to me). but again, im not interested in a social and historical account. What im interested in is aesthetics: how people internalize, digest, express concepts on a sensorial and pre-verbal (or non-verbal or quasi-verbal) plane.
regardless of the reasons, we are here now: there is no transmasculine imagery of sexual victimization. there is no transmasculine imagery of much anything. this is especially true the more "queer" you get in an academic sense, i.e. the further away you go from a type of (trans)masculinity that is as close to hegemonic as you can get without cisgenderism (strong, in control, buff, facial hair, capable, handy, butch, a top, dating a woman or someone unambiguously more feminine...). there is no transmasculine aesthetics of gender non conformity, of artsiness, of etherealness, of fragility, of madness, of gayness & bisexuality, and yes, of sexual victimization - or rather, there are aesthetic languages for all these things that transmasculine people understand, appreciate and engage in, because we are people in the world like everyone else, but none of them are recognizable as transmasculine.
if youre wondering, why do you really care that much about aesthetics? arent there real, material problems in the world? id say yes, and we face those too. however. i am a big proponent of the importance of aesthetics as a mode of analysis because i believe human beings perceive, interpret and digest the world largely (though ofc not exclusively) through aesthetics. but even if you dont agree with me on the general plane, please look at the world around you. in the 2020s aesthetics are everything. all of our culture, all of our thinking, is done through imagery first and logic and words second, if at all.
in fact, though it is almost certainly just a coincidence due to the unprecedented exposure transgenderism is having right now (which i dont count necessarily as a good thing but not the point rn) a kind of explicitly transmasc aesthetics IS being born through what some have jokingly dubbed the "sweatermuppet industrial complex" - you know, the st sebastian with top surgery scars, png of a syringe, dog poem, richard siken quote collage type shit. ive criticized that stuff before and i'll do it again, not only because i find it corny, but also and especially because i feel that not even a few years since its inception have passed and already it has become a self-referential, sterile vein only good for selling lame sweatshop tshirts. but thats what happens when you scold every other type of expression out of existence: at worst it simply never gets made, or at least shown, again, and so it doesnt get to inspire the next thing, at best its edges get sanded down into something inoffensive if not exactly excellent and you get the doglamb with two heads again. and at this point it feels important to restate that any representation of queer & trans existence, ESPECIALLY the negative aspects of it (which again, are an inevitalbe and intrinsic part of it) will necessarily be offensive or even repulsive and yes, problematic, to some.
anyway. it all pisses me off and makes me sad for so many varied reasons. because i love aesthetic and artistic expression - not even just art, but every kind of utterance that is done on an aesthetic level - and i want to be free to do my own & also i want to see those of other people who are similar to me in some ways but different in others and let that inspire me to create, think and live in new ways (as indeed i already do with stuff mostly made by non-transmasculine people). because those of us (transmasculine people, trans people, gnc people, queer people) who are marginal and specific and weird even within our already small identity-groups deserve to express ourselves and be understood rather than languish in unsayability. because any of these experiences - queerness, transness, sexual abuse - is painful enough already when you CAN talk about it. because transfeminine people are lowkey carrying & saving art, culture and cultural discourse in this century even more than usual and i believe and feel in my bones transmascs as a group can give that much more if not to the mainstream at least to the community. because i believe the only thing that can save us from hurtling past the edge and down into the void is an aesthetic revolution and i also believe that only queer people can bring that about. etcetc. and yes tumblr is a very bad place to have any sort of conversation bc youll get into fights anywhere but tumblr is also soooo irrelevent. but also i feel like this is the only place where we can have this sort of conversation at this (extremely granular, specific, sophisticated) level where you need to have understood a bunch of shit beforehand already. theyre still doing pronoun circle type shit on ig. anyway. that was my post thanks for reading. shuffles off my soapbox
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genderkoolaid · 1 year ago
re: your thoughts on the vvitch and jennifer's body — the radfem-ification of horror media is so heinous!!!! i would say it's one of the main ways so many gen z are rapidly falling down the radfem pipeline tbh. you really can't enjoy any horror media involving women anymore without at least half the fandom being bioessentialists [whether they realize it or not] constantly posting the most dogshit white radfem takes
yes!!! like i would love to have discussions around gender and feminism in horror films but when those discussions' idea of feminism is so shallow. i want my women in horror to be horrifying please
also people brought up midsommar on that post, & i realized that both midsommar + the vvitch have scenes where a male character is sexually assaulted, and i've seen people (oftentimes the same people who see these films as Feminist Good Endings) be really fucking weird about the meaning + morality of these sexual assaults.
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devilsskettle · 5 months ago
I just watched The Love Witch for the first time and would love to know your opinion (if you have seen it)?
i have mixed feelings about the love witch tbh. on one hand, it’s visually stunning and i would love to see more movies embrace the style and production value of older cinema, especially these older horror movies that i love that are so atmospheric. it’s so whimsical and dreamlike
i also like MY interpretation of the movie, which is about elaine’s desire for agency and power to protect herself from men, but she tries to do so by appealing to male desires thinking that if she gives them what they want, they’ll give her what she wants, which is a fundamental misunderstanding of the exploitation of women under the patriarchy — you can’t gain your freedom from the patriarchy by submitting to it. she wants love because she wants control, and she conflates her hatred and bitterness with an excess of love because that’s the narrative that makes sense to her. but if you watch her interactions with any man in the movie, she really does fucking hate them. at the end, after her appeal to the male gaze fails to protect her from sexual violence, she realizes that manipulating male desire isn’t enough — her repressed desire to hurt the people who hurt her is finally expressed by direct violence. i find that to be a tentatively hopeful ending for her
however. i don’t necessarily think that is the “correct” interpretation lol (in terms of author’s intent) and the fact that i’m not sure if the filmmakers intended this story to be like a tradwife manifesto or if it’s being critical of that rhetoric is already a problem because that means the messaging is extremely muddled. i see people quote this movie completely uncritically, i think a lot of elaine’s idea that she can achieve agency by being the perfect traditional woman appeals to a lot of young women, it certainly is in line with the popular 2010s trope of female characters who can be feminine AND strong, she has eyeliner so sharp she can cut you with it and she’ll kill you with her high heels on and she’ll make men underestimate her by seducing them or acting dumb. which of course is a way to repackage the sexy male gaze token female character into an acceptably “feminist” character so we don’t question it anymore. that was peak Strong Female Character -ism and i think that’s widely regarded as a regressive trope now but this movie speaks to that logic, and now it speaks to the “coquette” trend as well which doesn’t even purport to be interested in female agency (not even “feminism,” just basic agency lol). anyway my least favorite criticism of satire is that it’s not clear enough that it’s satire because sometimes people are just being dumb when they say that, but in this case i really can’t tell which perspective the audience is intended to agree with and that’s a problem to me. idk if it’s even intended to be satirical at all lmao
the part of the movie that illustrates the tradwife-esque narrative for me is the character trish. she voices the perspective of female equality with men especially within a romantic relationship as a partnership, and not only is she shut down by elaine, but she’s framed as this naggy, jealous character who turns on elaine and is just as much a participant in elaine’s victimization as the men in her life. her relationship with her husband is actually insecure despite her insistence that they have mutual respect and her repressed desire to be the same type of woman as elaine is manifested as rage and violence towards her. they model two types of womanhood and we are not supposed to side with the model where women demand mutual respect, because the movie doesn’t believe that men are capable of that or that women actually desire that. it’s such a standard tradwife perspective that feminism is for ugly women who can’t be women the “right” way so they can’t be successful within the patriarchal status quo
and it’s such a bummer because i think the movie taps into such a real experience of rejection and powerlessness and being at the whims of shitty, deeply pathetic men. the movie has a sharp, derisive, sarcastic humor that i think goes under-appreciated, because it’s hard to tell what’s being said genuinely and what’s being said with a wink at the audience
all that is to say, i’ve watched the movie a couple times and i really enjoy what i got out of it but i don’t know if that says more about ME or the movie itself. upon first viewing i thought it was absolutely genius, i kind of wish i had preserved that experience by not reading what other people have said about it lol but i think it’s kind of a product of its time — we’re continuing to navigate gendered power dynamics and trying to figure out the best way to approach being a woman interacting with a male dominated world. i’m not convinced that this movie has it figured out but i want to be able to enjoy it for its merits and take what i want from the story
tl;dr: the way i interpret it, it’s one of my favorite movies. but idk if i’m interpreting it “right”
also: it reminds me of the haunting of hill house because of the main character’s sublimated loneliness, anger, and jealousy, the narrative doubling (elaine + trish are so theo + eleanor coded to me lol), and the 1960s aesthetic sensibilities
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cursedeclipse · 1 month ago
What if I say the reason alot of people still support Tamlin is because they are TOG fans and their fav men , the cadre willingly served Maeve even when they knew how horrible she was .
It also means villainising Aelin as she actively have stated multiple times throughout the book that's she wants to be a dictator
So villainising Tamlin also means villainising the cadre and Aelin ( considering how often she excuses their actions)
i think that's an interesting comparison anon! personally, i love tog but i do think that tog stans have an unearned superiority complex over acotar stans. especially on places like titkok, I'll see the loudest tog stans/acotar critical people also are tamlin stans like dgkjhfdjksg mind you these are all books by the same author. you'd think they're reading the best most prolific fantasy series out there in comparison to acotar 😭 like i will never say acotar is the deepest, most well-written book series but there's a reason why acotar has been paying sjm's bills for many years 😭
the biggest aelin/tog stans on there have A LOTTT to say about the inner circle and feysand. as if rhys and aelin aren't very similar characters. #NOTICING. and not to shit on aelin or tog because rowaelin and elorcan are among my fave sjm couples ,but they act as if tog characters aren't just as morally grey and fucked up? they act as if it's weird that feysand have an age gap when mind you almost all of the main tog couples have 100+ year age gaps and all of those men have done equally as horrible shit as the bat boys if not worse 😭 😭 like you are not a superior person for liking rowan more than rhys and people really act like that's the case on there.
people feel the need to moralize their preferences and it's so aggravating. like why am i reading how rhys is a terrible mate for not wanting to live without feyre and it's actually selfish of him to have made the death bargain. and saint rowan apparently would have no trouble ruling without aelin if that was what she wanted before she died (as if rowan would want to live without his mate too???) and that makes him the better mate and rowaelin the healthier ship somehow like eurkayyy 😵‍💫😵‍💫
the nasty aelin vs feyre comparisons are ESPECIALLY nasty on there ooo that's why i have every sjm related thing blocked on there.
the tamlin stans crossover with tog stans isn't one i've fully thought about but you're COOKING a bit, not too much on aelin though please spare her (tbh i haven't re-read tog in a couple of years did she really say something similar to that??? sjm is one weird white lady u guys but we knew this.) 😭 😭 like the way some people talk about the men in tog and compare them to the bat boys, you'd think tog was a renowned feminist series and wasn't dogged on by booktubers for years for the territorial, aggressive male shit. and you'd think the bat boys were the only sjm male characters with heteronormative, possessive natures.
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everyones-favorite-butchboy · 4 months ago
pinned post time!!
i didnt realize this was a thing lol but lessgooooo
he/him. ill assume they/them is used out of ignorance or just not seeing this and politely correct you. messing around with it/its.
gaysbian/sapphillean so yeah. im both a dyke and a faggot. fight me. also aromantic and somewhere on the ace-spec. id consider myself fluid in sex/romance-repulsed/neutral/postive
i’m genderqueer. to be specific im bigenderfluid with butchgender and male so the masculine/man is fluid between butch lesbian masculinity and “man” masculinity
voidpunk and a furry. ghost/poltergeist alterhuman. i dissociate a lot so i dont really feel human all the time or feel like i experience humanity “properly” but im still humanoid. the OID is very important to me tbh. does that make sense?
i listen to will wood, bauhaus, nirvana, david bowie, billy idol, rob zombie, ice nine kills, etc.
im an artist and a writer. i suffer creatively TWICE :) i have two books i am working on entitled “Somewhere A Banshee’s Scream Is Heard” and “The Sea Is Unforgiving (But, God, She’s A Lover)”
i have a lot of loud opinions and thoughts on fixing things
i live in america (yay /s)
i like cryptids, gravity falls, queer history, sharks, spiderman, dc (the batfam), 80’s slasher films, cowboys, the umbrella academy, etc. i collect comics.
i am a feminist and a social-anarchist
my father sucks
if you have a story request, go for it. no incest (maybe fauxcest? idk how i feel about it yet), no illegal age gaps. no fem readers either. itll either be masc or gender neutral. that being said i feel the need to say that like femboy or twink or femme-presenting gender neutrals or smut with an afab reader isnt under the fem reader category. that specifically for she/her women. two boxes to fill on that one. if youre a she/her man or she/they nonbinary or whatever pronoun fuckery youre welcome. varying gender presentations are welcome too. just not a huge fan of writing she/her woman readers because i tend to put myself in the shoes of the reader and i like 2nd person so reading it back causing the lovely ~dysphoria~ also yall have a lot. might consider a fem reader if its for a fem character tho. itd have to be in 3rd person
DNI: terfs/radfems, islamophobes, racists, misogynists, misoandronists, queerphobes, exclusionists, ablelists, anti-semites, trumpers, alt-right, procapitalists, truscum, nazis, maps, zoos, and their supporters, etc.
i am a monster fucker. there will be monster fucking posts. theres your warning
im also jewish.
i dont care i will not debate you to prove the validity of my existence. neither will i prove the okayness of my religion. i dont hold my beliefs for you, i hold them for me. fuck off.
i am older than time itself. i existed before the creation of the universe and i will be here long after it ceases to exist.
i might have autism/ADHD? i havent been diagnosed with anything so ill let yall know.
i cant guarantee ill post regularly.
i am an XNTP (too introverted to be an extrovert and too extroverted to be an introvert and ambivert isnt in the myers-briggs category) and a taurus if you care about that kinda stuff
i look forward to interacting with yall :)
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atopvisenyashill · 7 months ago
what kind of fandom discourse do you think would crop up for a blackfyre rebellion show? i can see it now: targnation fans immediately side with daemon even tho dany comes from daeron ii's bloodline because he's in true wuv with daenerys martell and call daeron ii a fake feminist bc even tho he liked listening to women, he primarily listened to a non-valyrian woman (myriah) and they hate that.
tbh i have no idea how people are gonna react to daeron bc the thing is i don’t know that i’ve ever seen anything daeron dickriding like we did for jaehaerys pre f&b, but i HAVE definitely seen criticism for him that is valid (ie he did a bad job controlling the blackfyre rebellion) and deranged (he’s evil for telling barba to fuck off for being tacky about his urrently-being-raped-to-death mother). and of course…..we know people love to weird about dorne BUT they cast a bunch of ugly crackers as baelor and maekar which might change perception of myriah. so i have no idea what that means for daeron as a character.
i have definitely seen people buying into the daemon/daenerys love story BUT i have seen a lot of daenerys/maron stuff as well. i do think there’s going to be a LOT of daemon dickridjng on both sides, so much misplaced “he’s a male feminist bc he’s rebelling on his mother’s claim” (no,,,,,he very canonicly is Not?).
there’s already weird bracken v blackwood posting i know it’s going to get worse and insane. lots of “well MY war crime was justified but YOURS deserves the hague” type stuff. i think it’s not unlikely aegor gets criston cole-ified but i also think he could get meow meow-ed given he’s a noble born targaryen and not just some dornish guy. that said bloodraven is getting the full daemon targaryen treatment for SURE that one i am absolutely sure about. in a perfect world maekar/baelor would get the visaemon treatment but if it happens with two white guys you will see me rage as i have never raged before.
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trannyradfem · 2 months ago
that's another one for the tumblr radfem buffoonery bingo board
so far ive got
women are like food (because that isn't dehumanizing.. or remniscent of "you are what you eat" being leveraged to encourage eating disorders in abusive contexts)
this lesbian detransitioner is a TIM, she said so in the server you mod and have all the backend logs for! (priceless tbh)
spamming the N and R words (so low effort cmon now at least make it funny)
"POONER" (bro just say cunt with ur full chest don't act like this is any less misogynistic)
"I'm FTM and I can't detransition for medical reasons per my entire medical care team, and the pharmacokinetics of T interacting with estrogen explains how that works." "begone, MALE get out of our movement! stop pushing women to ruin their bodies so you feel less alone!!" (bestie... hello?? why would a TIM be taking T? blease be so forreal rn)
"You arent a real radfem unless you detransition and DIE because T isn't actually helping you and you're addicted" (ah, yes... the super serious addiction of... microdosing 40 to 60mg every 2 to 3 weeks, much less than what my doc prescribed. you got me! I'm SO sorry for tarnishing your perfect movement by... staying alive and sticking to my values..?)
Not knowing the difference between male trans person and trans mascs/ males/ men (i mostly use FTM now bc this has happened WAYYY too often)
"FTMs are traitors and don't belong in radical feminism" (quick, bestie, what's the material difference between a detransitioner, and an FTM that doesn't support TRA rhetoric and doesn't regret their transition?)
"T ruined this poor beautiful woman's perfect (fuckable) body :(" (wow, I've never heard that one before! Now apologize to women with PCOS, hirsutism, and naturally high T)
A bonus square that says "STOP GIVING MEDICAL ADVICE IF YOU AREN'T A LICENSED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL" that you can check whenever genuine fearmongering*, bad medical advice, and medical misinformation is spread
A free space that says "Please go touch some grass, feel the gentle blades and sunlight on your skin and come back to reality, I'm begging you"
A space for any time a radfem uses the words "disgusting", "ruined", "mutilated", or "revolting" to refer to other womens" bodies (yass girl enforce those beauty standards and downplay the actual nonconsensual mutilation that happens in real cases of medical abuse. fuck intersex females and breast cancer survivors, amirite?)
"FTMs smell awful, have terrible hygiene, and disgusting teeth" (yaasss girl dunk on those "mentally ill women" who can't afford dental care ur such a good feminist)
"dysphoria isn't real, it's a delusion" (thanks Dr. House, what's ur next diagnosis?)
I CAN ALWAYS TELL unknowingly clocks me incorrectly several times across different accounts & platforms despite never even having seen my face (also priceless. girlie get some real clocking skills)
"Getting raped by a TIM was your fault and you deserved it for caving into the lesbophpbic rhetoric of the cotton ceiling" (actually my indie business I was using to escape abuse was held hostage and I was coerced into it despite rejecting him previously, but sure Jan, you're totally doing god's work out here by spouting rape rhetoric at other lesbians)
"FTMs are mean to me, I don't even fucking care anymore, they can all DIE, and if they get raped they deserve it for enabling men! I have NO sympathy for them anymore!" (just. get some help. please, get some help. like seriously I know some good therapists)
uses combating female socialization as an excuse any time she's called out on being genuinely awful to other women, especially FTMs (too common. u got the wrong target, girlie.)
blames RF FTMs for things TRA MTFs did and pushed for (we're women when they want to hurt or demean us, but we're no better than males whenever they want to blame us. power dynamic analysis goes right out the window with this one)
"You're a disgusting incel, no woman will ever want you" (that's not lesbophobic at all! also... somehow, entirely false, lol. plenty of women keep hitting up my dating app DMs to the point it overwhelms me... 💀 like, what do. I get guilty over not considering one lady at a time and never follow up on anyone at all as a result 😭 also using dating apps 4 prostitution trauma)
gold star discourse being dumb on both sides (conversion therapy, self harm, comphet, sex trafficking, survival prostitution+ the many forms that takes, and corrective rape don't count as valid reasons to shame other lesbians stop being dicks about this. but also stop giving gold stars shit, being a gold star is a sign of a lesbian life that wasn't forced or gaslit into trying sex with a male and THAT'S A GOOD THING bc it's a sign of safety and progress. it is a good thing when women aren't made to constantly doubt themselves about their own sexuality. they deserve to be able to have some pride in that without anyone going "OH SO IM INFERIOR NOW AM I?")
and so much more! buy a pack of 10 for $5.99 today for a day of fun with your mutually disappointed RF friends, and we'll throw in a FREE- gets shot several times
Dw yall the TRA buffoonery board is coming next and just as spicy, if not more
*genuine fearmongering, meaning seeing the word "neoplasm" in a study and losing your shit saying all the FTMs are going to get cancer for sure. bestie you'll probably have a benign neoplasm or two before you die, it's not that serious or uncommon.
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ouhhoh · 1 year ago
I fucking hate how so many gen z & young millennial women talk about femininity. as a 24 yr old gen z, it feels like there's been this cycle. like at first it was "I'm not like other girls, I'm better" then "actually that's kind of a misogynistic way of thinking" to "women who physically & genuinely are not like other women bc they're masculine or just not particularly feminine are bad and weird and misogynistic bc clearly they just hate femininity & can't do makeup well"
not to sound too debby downer about it but tbh this current wave of tiktok feminism that is entirely focused on femininity=good masculinity=bad has made me feel more ostracized from other women than I've ever felt before. and it's all subtle shit. "pick me's" are bad bc they aren't into girly stuff, supposedly only for male attention (because why else would women like cars or video games?).
being a "girl's girl" only applies to feminine attributes. when a woman helps another woman with her makeup and gives her some tips, she's being a girl's girls, she's supporting women, but I could give another butch woman pocket knife recommendations or tell her which stores have the best men's section clothing for short women, and that's nothing. doesn't matter, doesn't count, not being a "girl's girl".
girl math is women shopping and spending too much on makeup and clothes but it's okay bc they'll get use out of it. and it's somehow hashtag progressive feminism, because this time we've decided to hurt ourselves with stereotypes, as opposed to letting men do the hurting.
explaining it for the girls has to use pop culture taylor swift kardashian drama shit as metaphors, because women could never possibly just understand the rules of football if you stated them plainly.
when I say I'm not like other women, I don't mean "I'm better than you" I mean I'm not fucking like you. I don't wear makeup, I don't wear dresses, I don't want to be feminine, I'm not better than you, I'm just fucking different. and the only ones pissed that I'm different are the women who think my existence is a personal attack on their feminity. you can dislike my masculine stuff and I can dislike your feminine stuff without the need for some faux-feminist talking point about how I must hate women bc I present myself differently
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year ago
I've seen that there is not much male masturbation in historical romance novels, which is a shame because they look HOT doing that
Historicals have some hangups re: sex (and other things) that can make it really difficult to discuss the books in HR "groups", tbh. A lot of readers don't like to see heroines who aren't virgins (and they only virgins they may accept are widows); they don't like to see virgin heroes; they don't want to see sex that's just reckless and about getting FUCKED HARD just for the sake of it; they don't enjoy queer books; they don't want book about POC; they don't want feminist heroines or sexually dominant heroines; sex that isn't just... P in V... is dubious.
I mean, there is an entire concept called "proper romances" that basically refers to historicals that are incredibly chaste, incredibly about the rules of society that readers think are historically accurate (because let us be real, the VAST majority of readers, and tbh most writers, don't know that much about the historical Regency/Victorian eras and don't actually know how wild they could be) and often quite conservative.
Anyway. I so agree, I think we need more male masturbation on the page in historicals. I mean, men... do that. Why not put it in the book?
You didn't ask, but some recs lol:
Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt has Silence spy on Mickey while he's jerking it, and it's very much an Awakening moment for her. As is most of the book tbh, but especially that.
Sweetest Scoundrel by Elizabeth Hoyt basically has this as a PLOT POINT as the heroine is very traumatized (TW for childhood sexual abuse) and at first she and the hero just masturbate in front of each other. It begins with her asking him to do it in a carriage and he's like "why yes I shall". ASA. MAKEPEACE. IS. SO HOT.
The Harlot Countess by Joanna Shupe has a scene I loooove in whcih the hero is lying in bed, doing it while thinking of the heroine (naturally) and she walks in and watches for a while before helping him out. It's suuuuch a female gaze moment with like, the teeeeniest touch of femdom in the vibe.
When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare has the hero and heroine do it in front of each other.
The Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe has Clay and Florence get super turned on by a peep show and turn their backs to each other and masturbate.
I thiiink Melissa and The Vicar by S.M. LaViolette may have a scene where Melissa watches Magnus masturbate after he gets out of the water after a swim...? I'm not 100% sure though, she may just watch him sleep naked lol.
The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes has a heroine who doesn't like penetrative sex and a somewhat submissive hero, soooo I feel like this happens but I'm not sure.
This book isn't out until July but I can tell you that if you like this... add Alexandra Vasti's Ne'er Duke Well to your TBR for sure.
Pippa and The Prince of Secrets by Grace Callaway has a hero who LOOOOVES to do this while the heroine watches. It's so hot.
Charlotte and The Seductive Spymaster by Grace Callaway has a scene where the hero is in the bath thinking about the heroine and does this. It's super hot.
I think this happens in Any Duke in a Storm by Amalie Howard, but again not 100% sure. This hero is... a show-off. And he does like to sort of switch power dynamics with the heroine in bed a lot. They battle for supremacy lol.
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