#fuck jojo siwa
izzy140105 · 5 months
Brit Smith the absolute icon that you are!!
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munchboxart · 2 months
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shaniacsboogara · 6 months
jojo siwa claiming she's revitalizing gay pop and releasing 'karma' on the same night as conan gray's 'found heaven' and chappell roan's 'good luck babe' is so poetically ironic. it's like the universe WANTS to draw a comparison between jojo and queer pop artists.
the thing that makes queer pop compelling as a genre is the unique storytelling and experiences of queer artists told through their music. that doesn't necessarily mean every song by a queer artist has to be about their queerness. they don't have to scream "hey i'm gay!" in every single song they write. but claiming to be "reinventing gay pop" should mean you're telling interesting stories about your queer experience, right???
'found heaven' by conan gray is about growing up as a queer kid with religious guilt and disapproving parents. he equates being in love in an authentic way to "finding heaven", and the piece as a whole resonates with a TON of queer people in different stages of their lives. some people can look back at their childhoods and how much they've grown since then, some can relate because they're currently going through what conan's written about, and some people can sympathize with the way some queer people are treated, even if they aren't necessarily queer themselves.
'good luck babe' is a song about queerness and compulsory heterosexuality. chappell sings about a woman she was in a relationship with who decided to settle down in a conventional marriage despite being queer. the song reflects the denial a lot of queer people go through (specifically regarding the lesbian experience) and the unfortunate way a lot of them end up repressing who they are to conform to societal standards. it's fun, it's campy, but its message is still poignant.
as for karma… there's nothing inherently queer about that song. the music video for the original version, ‘karma’s a bitch’ by brit smith, featured a heterosexual storyline. jojo buying the rights to a song she didn't write isn't inherently a bad thing, a lot of mainstream artists do that all the time. however, if you're claiming to be a pioneer of the “gay pop” genre and your music doesn't reflect any queer themes or experiences, is it really “gay pop”? again, queer artists don't have to write exclusively about their queerness, but if you try to present yourself as a voice for the queer community without telling any of their stories, you're not going to be lauded as some revolutionary figure. if any of the songs on jojo’s album are actually about her experience as a lesbian or contain any queer themes, then i think she'd qualify as a “gay pop” artist. but so far, she's given us a faux edgy, generic pop song and tried to market it as some insane never-been-done-before feat. and honestly, if her entire album is like this and she continues to market herself this way, it's a slap in the face to all the genuine artists and storytellers in the queer community.
but let's stop talking about jojo siwa and start talking about the incredible queer artists who are truly breathing life into the "gay pop" genre: chappell roan, renee rapp, ben platt, conan gray, girl in red, kevin atwater, baby queen, mitski, clairo, dodie, and SO MANY MORE (feel free to add on some of your favourites because there are so many wonderful artists out there <3)
also: if you have a different perspective on this situation i would absolutely love to hear what you think and if you agree / disagree with this! i love discussing topics like this so feel free to reblog with your own take
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antaripirate · 4 months
this scene always get me
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because firstly, every interaction between kell and alucard is fucking gold, and the concept of them tolerating each other to find lila is perfect. (i could write essays about alucard and kell’s relationship in tftop because it is so fucking entertaining).
but also alucard trying to look after kell for lila’s sake and lila’s sake alone (because this isn’t a pain that could hurt rhy) is so funny to me.
because the implication that at some point lila sat alucard down and explicitly told him there would be hell to pay if he ever let kell hurt himself is gold.
the image of lila bard threatening her best friend over the idiot she loves (who he hates) is just so fucking funny. and i can see alucard thinking it’s hilarious how soft bard actually is, but also being mildly irritated because he knows she’s actually deadly serious and he now has to look out for kell.
and then there’s literally just the fact of how much lila worries in this book. she’s literally never not thinking about kell. i could talk for days about this. they’re so in love it hurts.
this scene is just such a perfect mix of tension and humour, which V always does perfectly.
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thepunkmuppet · 5 months
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sinisxtea · 6 months
whoever edited this needs to go to jail like rn
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invlsibleman · 5 months
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Dream guest on my podcast?
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What did we all learn with this debacle kids? Never, never, scrap a song with Timbaland on the track never! Brit could’ve had her big break and could have spared us from Jojo Siwa dry humping someone in an island !
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44hive · 7 months
endo quansah bradley elliot im so so proud
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maneslion2 · 5 months
So, everyone is just not gonna talk about how Jojo Siwa and her mother Jessalynn Siwa absolutely exploited child actors and their families during the production of Siwa’s Dance Pop Revolution show?
We're not going to mention how Jojo continues to defend and associate with proven child predators and groomers Colleen Ballinger and James Charles??
We're not going to mention that Jojo defends the abusive coach of Dance Moms, Abby Lee Miller?
No? Just gonna talk about the obviously manipulative and calculated rebrand designed to cover up and drown out the serious accusations of abuse of children and their families?
Okay, yeah, cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool co-
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Ok this is a controversial option but it's MY opinion.
So ever since I found out about JoJo siwa I was like OMG, THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER! I'm dead serious stop laughing it's my favorite fandom ok:(
Anyways I just gotta talk about it bc so many people made fun of her new music and that made me so sad bc she's just expressing herself and thats really
Admirable. so it just broke my heart as a hardcore JoJo fan that so many people hated on her for it. And it's what got me into MCR so I really owe my life to her. and I wish I could meet her, kid in a candy store is my favorite music video but hold the drama is my favorite song. Pls other JoJo fans back me up. ❤️
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themo-themo · 1 year
Yeah so Jojo Siwa just defended 3rd child predator in her career.
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This girl is not a child anymore, she is 20 years old and capable of critical thinking, and she has no sympathy for Colleen's victims, she called countless evidence againt her "lies" and didn't even think that the fact that she reached out to her when she was 12 years old and Ballinger was 26 and stayed in contact to a point she INVITED HER TO DO A VIDEO IN WHICH SHE KEPT ASKING HER (A CHILD!!) ABOUT HER GENITALIA. Jojo won't even entertain an idea that she was also groomed instead she defends the actions of yet another predator against minors when her own target demographic is this group.
Can we stop making excuses for her?
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lluvioscatniptea · 4 months
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tenebriism · 3 months
Zenos: Post Return (EW and Onwards)
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A battle he has sought and worked tirelessly to prepare for. A battle that is as explosive and exhausting as he has always desired. A battle he, indeed, emerges as the loser from, but no less satisfied. The Warrior of Light has defeated him yet again, and with his last breath, the crown prince could finally be at rest, once and for all, even if his body is to be left to rot at the edge of the world, forgotten.
... or not.
It's a punishment, he knows, and one he has certainly earned, but it makes it no less crushing to be traversing these lands once more. The Warrior of Light has already proven, time and time again, that he/she is STRONGER than Zenos, and having returned with but a fraction of his strength now, the prince no longer sees value in pursuing him/her. Worse so, all that he has done to match the Warrior of Light's strength, otherworldly or not, rebels against him, leaving him weakened and sick on occasion.
Headaches that feel as if his head is being split open. Inability to stand, to move. Nausea, a purge of whatever rests in his system, and if naught is there, sometimes blood. Forgetfulness, fever, body aches to a near agonizing extent... Zenos swears he suffer NOW more than he did prior, and he accepts it. He accepts it because he knows he DESERVES it, and not the sweet embrace of merciful death he'd thought he'd been gifted by his dearest friend. After all he has done, 'tis a wonder his suffering is not greater... but does he regret his actions? Nay. One should not assume him a changed man, for he still possesses a hauntingly non-existent level of care for both himself and those around him. Zenos Yae Galvus is a self aware monster through and through.
Yet, sometimes in the moments of his suffering, he wonders how it would feel to have someone care about him, when nobody has bothered to since he was but a child. He wonders if the Warrior of Light -- the only one he'd shared SOME type of connection with, despite its unconventional unhealthiness, thinks about him. Mayhap this rebirth has brought with it a glimmer of his humanity long lost to trauma and bloodthirst. A glimmer of a want for something he shan't ever have.
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cloversgarden222 · 6 months
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JoJo Siwa doesn’t deserve all the hate (and homophobia) she’s getting for her style and music; but she does deserve scrutiny for defending Colleen Ballinger and being both active and complicit in abuse that happened on her TV show. Like the girl has been under the public eye in unhealthy environments all her life; cut her some slack — not too much; she’s still a responsible adult — but if you’re going to dogpile her, then at least dogpile her for the right reasons. Jesus Fucking Christ.
#jojo siwa#discourse#Her comment sections are VILE#I actually don’t hate her songs. They’re basically early-2000s new old stock and I like early 2000s music#Is she trying too hard to look like an “adult?” Yes. But that’s understandable.#What isn’t understandable is screaming at children for no fucking reason#and JoJo not helping at all when a girl was hemorrhaging out her belly button#when JoJo’s mother told the girl to “put a pad on it”#I don’t care how afraid you are of your parents; you END that shit the second you see it#I was raised in a cult and I actively sabotaged my parents’ preaching work on multiple occasions#I didn’t know if I’d get kicked out if they found out I did that; the only reason I still have a relationship with them#is because they never found out about my later sabotage#Dad preached to a waitress dangling a cure for her sons’ disorder in front of her nose as incentive to join and gave her literature#So I went to the restaurant with him and insisted I pay for the tip.#I gave her eight dollars and a sticky note with a bunch of keywords about the cult’s abuses to look up#The next time I went there#she said didn’t understand the sticky note and asked me while he was gone what I meant#I hate talking to people especially when I’m under pressure because I trip over my words even when I’m NOT anxious#But her kids’ lives being free of a cult meant more to me than avoiding a momentary discomfort so I gave a quick rundown#She thanked me and heeded my warning basically playing along with me and not saying anything to my dad about it#I was 20; JoJo was about 19 when her show was going on#She had no excuse for allowing her mom to do that.#At the very least she could have said “Oh god I’m so sorry she said that. Please don’t hurt yourself for my show; go to the hospital.”#But no. She didn’t do that. In fact she screamed at children and joked that if they were crying then it was a good show.#Bitch come here and do that in front of me. I double dog dare you. I may only be 5’5” but I fight dirty and I’m angrier than you#Sorry. I guess I do hate her… for THAT specifically.#Like yeah I’ve fucked up with the kids I help and yelled when I didn’t have to but I HATED doing it and tried to do better later#Why someone would SCREAM at kids on purpose for long periods of time for no reason is beyond me
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