#fuck it main tagging this cause i know at least some of you guys are okay with oc x canon ^_^
rabarta · 11 months
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-- to guide the heart from within, all in search for you.
taglist: @flowering-darkness @meowtroidvanya @thoda @gaiamatsu
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tofixtheshadows · 5 months
You guys really need to stop and consider the ways you're talking about Kabru I am dead fucking serious. Like I know that flattening characters is just what fandom does to a certain extent, but Kabru's actual personality is getting lost to the fandom hivemind insisting that he's aggressive/cruel/sociopathic/hateful, and these are particularly concerning takes to see leveled at the only brown character in the main cast day after day. "My poor sweet golden child Laios needs to be protected from this scary brown man" is not a good look! Like, it's very telling that the bulk of the hate and bad faith readings are reserved for Toshiro and Kabru. Everyone else's flaws get to be discussed and validated and forgiven (or erased), meanwhile people are straight making up things to be mad about with Toshiro and Kabru but patting themselves on the back for being smart.
The worst part is how undeserved it all is. I'm trying to lay off anime-onlys because we're still kind of in the red herring stage of getting to know Kabru, but I would still like to gently suggest that even if you think Kabru is up to something, you don't gave to get in the tags of every fan creator's post and bring up how you hate him or You Can Tell he's totally evil. Sometimes I think Kabru's blue eyes give people license to say things about his appearance that they know would sound completely racist otherwise, but referring to his blue eyes acts as a get-out-of-racism free card. The jokes about the dog with brown contacts are getting old, by the way.
For people who have read the manga, it's disappointing. Kabru is one of the most complex and important characters in the story, and if you base your interpretation of him and all your fandom interactions on shallow first impressions you are completely missing out.
I know part of this is because Dungeon Meshi is a comedy, but the story also wants to be taken seriously. For example, it's admittedly really funny when Chilchuck calls Laios "sick in the head", but that doesn't change the fact that the way Chilchuck casually belittles Laios caused him to hide the fact that he was "hallucinating" from his friends for weeks. Those feelings matter.
Like, this
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is funny.
But this?
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Is not. This is just a very clear example of a brown boy with PTSD. As someone else with PTSD, just looking at this fucking sucks, man.
The only reason why Kabru thinks about killing Laios is because he is in the middle of a flashback. He's struggling through a panic attack. If he truly wanted to kill Laios because he's violent or because he finds Laios inherently annoying, he wouldn't otherwise talk with Laios normally. Notice how he doesn't act this way at any other point in the story- it's just because he's triggered by monsters. Even when he's thinking about his plans to "deal with" Laios later, he's reluctant to actually kill him and only considers it to prevent another tragedy. Despite his deadly skills, Kabru relies far more on "soft" power- insight, persuasion, diplomacy. He's a rare example of a character who absolutely is, or at least can be, manipulative, but seems to use his abilities for good. He's not a pathological liar, he isn't looking down on everyone behind a smile. He's someone who is extremely emotionally intelligent, and he's willing to put aside all his own basic wants and needs to stop the cycle of dungeons devouring humans.
I'm going to cut a potential thesis on his character short and just give some examples of things that fandom should consider about his personality more:
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Racism in fandom isn't just about whitewashing in fan art, or using racial slurs. The insidiousness of bad faith readings, reductions to racist tropes, lack of fan content for characters of color, and dismissal of a character's complexity are far more common. You can believe yourself to be completely neutral or even positive about a character and still churn out low-grade bile about them into fandom's collective unconscious. Fandom reflects real life.
And I have been around fandom long enough to see how these behaviors (mostly from my fellow white fans) affect fans of color, how it makes a fandom feel hostile and unwelcome to them. It's fun to make jokes and memes, I'm absolutely not saying that everything needs to be a deeply nuanced take, but we need to be careful that it doesn't veer into toxicity. Please think about how our contributions to fandom come across, and what sort of vibes they cultivate in this communal space.
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 | Intro
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Jeon Jungkook truly fell for you- more than once.
Tags/Warnings: (fallen)Angel!Jungkook, Somewhat strangers to lovers, Fluff, Angst, some religious themes but only mentioned, clumsy romance, Flirting
Length: was supposed to be a oneshot, idk how long this is
Masterlist TBA.
There is no taglist for this fic.
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Your neighbor is a genuine angel. At least, you're convinced he is.
From what you know, he works as a gym instructor, but part-times at a local animal shelter where he helps with the heavy lifting and more physically demanding jobs. He's been in your town's local newspaper last week for building multiple new sheds there, so that the dogs have more opportunities to stay outside whenever they'd like while still being able to have shelter as well. He's helped you earlier this month to bring your groceries upstairs when the elevator was out of service, having found you struggling since you'd injured your leg.
He'd instantly helped you, offering to even go out and get you whatever you'd need during your time of recovery, and honestly, you wonder how that guy is still single.
You know he is, because your best friend, Jane, works at the shelter he helps out at. And according to her, he turns every woman (and even man) down whenever he's asked out. Apparently, he's not looking for anything at the moment.
What a bummer.
What's also odd about him, is his.. weird timing. He's always somewhere around whenever you're in trouble. From almost tripping on the stairs in the apartment building, to not properly looking both ways before crossing the road and almost getting run over- he's there to save you.
Ever since he moved here, about half a year ago, he's always been there last second to somehow pull your ass back from sure death or injury.
You're not sure what to think of it, currently playing with some puppies in the shelter while your friend cleans up the area they live in. "Maybe he's into you?" She wonders, putting the broom to the side. "I mean, could be."
"Wouldn't he have asked me out in that case?" You ask back, not convinced.
"Maybe he's shy?" She shrugs, sitting down with you now to occupy the playful young animals currently excitedly running around and occasionally nipping at your finger. "Just cause he's a looker doesn't mean he's also confident. He might be a softy." She tells you.
"He could be your early Christmas present you know?" She laughs, and you roll your eyes at that. "What? Looks like an angel to me!" She jokes, and you shake your head at that.
"The only angels I see are currently eating your jacket." You tease, making her quickly move to pull the zipper from one impish puppy who's trying to chew it up, successfully pushing the topic to the side for the moment.
You don't like talking about dating, and potential relationship, and all that stuff. You're awkward, meeting new people is awkward, and in the past, most of those connections frayed apart sooner or later either way.
So what's the point?
"Hey." Comes a voice you've come to know by now, from outside the gates and fences. "You ready to go?" He asks you, and you look at him, wide eyed and confused.
"Oh right, fuck!" Jane curses. "I can't drive you home today, so I asked Jungkook if he'd do it and he said sure!" She beams at you, while you glare with the most forceful gaze you can muster. "Don't look at me like that, see it as a chance!" She hisses, and you get up slowly to dust yourself off and grab your jacket from the top of the fence.
You're careful not to let any of the dogs out while leaving, before you wave at Jane who's giving you a cheesy thumbs up.
"I hope it's fine that I'm driving you." Jungkook offers kindly next to you.
"Ah, yeah, no issues." You brush it off. "Just.. weird."
"Weird?" He wonders, opening the main gate for you to step out before he closes it again, and leads you towards his car to open the passenger door for you. "I hope you know I'm not going to kidnap you." He jokes, and you playfully look at him with suspicion, before getting in and letting him close the door for you.
"I don't think you'd do that." You say, buckling your seatbelt while he smiles to himself as he starts the car. "It's just that.. it feels like you're always helping me, but I don't ever really get to know you past that." You shrug, as he maneuvers the car out of the parking lot to drive you both home.
"Would you like to get to know me past that?" He wonders, and again, you shrug.
Because you're not sure if you want that, considering that you don't even know if you want to only get to know him as a friend, or potentially more. Social interactions aren't what you're comfortable with, after pretty much isolating yourself with your job from home and disconnecting from past friends that turned out to be just interested in your monetary help- but nothing else.
And at some point, you just couldn't take the humiliation any longer.
"I don't know." You say because of that. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea." You admit.
"How so?" He asks, stopping at a red light to tap his fingers on the steering wheel to the soft beat of the car radio playing quietly in the background. "I'm not out for a one night stand or anything." He shrugs. "You're really pretty, and I think it's only fair to let you know that right from the start." he says.
"Why would that be something I need to know?" You wonder, and he smiles as he starts driving again as soon as the lights turn green.
"So that you know that I consider you attractive." He admits. "that I'm open to letting things become intimate, if we end up getting along well. And so that you know how to interpret my actions and words, you know?"
This is new.
You're not used to guys talking to you like this- usually, they're always incredibly cryptic, never open, never putting their cards on the table like Jungkook does right in this moment. And maybe that's what's so comforting to you right now.
Maybe that's what's making you trust him.
"Would you.." You begin, the familiar streets giving you the hint that you're close to home. "Do you.. I wanted to bake cookies today." You mumble out.
Jungkook chuckles, smiling. "That sounds cool." He comments, and you know exactly that he's teasing. "I actually know how to bake pretty decently too." He jokes, and you glare at him from the passenger side, as he parks the car in his designated spot. "What?" He looks at you, laughing.
"I take everything back, I don't like you." You cross your arms, and he grins-
Well aware that you're not being serious at all.
He's an angel after all. How could you not fall for him?
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confoundedluna · 1 month
thinking about TUA s4 again and the ending
and I know it's been long enough now that most people have said their piece and other people have probably said what i'm gonna say but it's just. argh
things worked about this season! remove them from the wider context and they make sense! Diego and Lila struggling in a regular world regular marriage because neither are used to that life? yes! the fuck ass way they went about that? no!
the ending in particular, people have pointed out how shitty the overall message ends up being of 'you are the fault/cause for your trauma and the pain you've inflicted on others across your lifetime and it's better you never even existed so at least they can be happy' but like. a bittersweet ending with the group sacrificing themselves Could have worked! it's just. the entire tone of the season needed to be different for it to work.
the group needed to have Got their happy ending and gotten to be happy for Once, so even if they were leaving it all behind, it happened! they got what they had all been looking for this whole time! and they got to leave the world a better place!
instead we get Luther reduced to a stripper joke, basically no mention of his wife (or most of the Sparrows at all), and his body mutated again even though that had No link to his marigold powers, living in a condemned building and trying pathetically hard to keep what he has left of his family together and cared for only to lose them all again in the end
Diego gets reduced to a fat joke when his actor is in Insanely good shape, he gets turned into a guy who would dump his problems on his family even after his own upbringing and how good a dad he was last season (at least from what i remember), and a guy who loses the family he finally got through his wife cheating on him with his brother and not being able to properly say goodbye to his children, dying not knowing whether she would choose him or them
Allison's husband walks out on her again, her kid that has been her main motivator seems to have a better connection with Klaus than her, her career has barely gone anywhere, and she dies having just sent her daughter alone to an unknown fate and not knowing if anyone would remember her
Klaus just Has to be reduced to a junkie that gets kidnapped and used and ignored by the rest of the group, except this time with no impact on the main plot, he doesn't have his connection with Ben anymore, and his fairly reasonable turn from immortal to paranoid germaphobe seems played as a joke, plus there's only just a Passing shot of the dog tags, no mention of Dave or his time at war
Five seems the happiest of the group at the CIA (LOW bar), but even then he's stuck back in another organisation like The Commission, and he gets absolutely character assassinated into some pathetic lovesick puppy who would enter an affair relationship with his brother's wife and hide a way home to the family he spent Decades in an apocalypse trying to get back to, and almost abandon them in the end because his BROTHER'S WIFE would dare to choose her family over him
Ben loses all sense of character and becomes only 'I love Jennifer', doesn't really have any real moments with the Umbrellas and barely mentions the Sparrows, eventually mutating beyond recognition and not even getting to die with his new makeshift family that he probably hasn't seen in the years he was locked up, beyond maybe Luther
Viktor distances himself from his family and can't hold down a relationship with anyone after Sissy, is forced to forgive Reginald for the abuse he went through because 'that wasn't me! it was the Other me!' and barely gets any moments with his family that has finally welcomed him before dying
Lila gets watered down and her character assassinated into some housewife that would cheat with her brother in law that she has seen looking like a child, no delving into the dynamic between her and her now-living family, and dies showing affection to her affair partner in front of her husband
making their lives miserable and then having the solution be that they all die and everyone else gets a happy ending is Not a good way to end a show like TUA - imo, it should have been either they're miserable throughout and finally get their happy ending, maybe getting to live just normal lives either separately with their 'birth' parents not knowing each other or what their lives used to be, or all together either with or without memories, OR they get to be happy, just for once, so that they can leave the world behind knowing that even if no one else remembers them, they got to experience happiness
Luther should be the definition of a perfect marriage with Sloane, living that stereotypical dreamlife
Diego should be doing Some kind of active work, maybe martial arts or self defense classes or Something, and getting to come home to his family happy and fulfilled with the life he has
Allison should have her husband and her child, and a career that, big star or not, she's happy in
Klaus should be in THERAPY, and he should be with Dave, finally independent from his family and not needing them to save him but sticking around anyway because he loves them and they love him
Five should be either alone romantically or with some Delores substitute, getting to live out his old man life in peace surrounded by the family he Platonically worked so desperately to keep together
Ben could be with Jennifer or not, but either way, he should have the Sparrows And the Umbrellas, with connections to all of them, even if he is still a bit of an ass - they love him anyway
Viktor should be with Sissy, finally fitting in to the family dynamic, finally in a relationship that's healthy, that he gets to keep, not sidelined or isolated but just another part of the gang
Lila should be a working mom in some way, either doing something like Diego or as part of an organisation, but still coming home Happy to her family at the end of the day, no cheating
whether that's their ending, or just what they get temporarily and have to choose to sacrifice for the greater good of the world, these characters that have spent So Long being traumatised and fighting for a sliver of happiness should get to experience it properly, not spend every minute tired and sad and even hating each other before they have to die no matter what
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
Mag 81 A Guest for Mr Spider
Wait I need to check the timelines - this was 2 days after leitner's death
New spooky music???
My man is so fucking dramatic I love him so much "grand of sand behind my eye" love the way he speaks
Omg the greying hair is canon??
Child in the 90s makes him at most 27 GOD DAMN. I was imagining like mid 30s...can you imagine a fucking 27 yr old using words like "ilk" when talking to you
Oh shit he's an orphan poor guy
Yeah ok a lot of his personality seems to make sense if you realise he was raised by his grandma
You know those memes that are like people raised by their grandparents are exceptionally polite but in a brisk way, talk fancy and are super posh? Yeah that's him.
Getting such neurodivergent vibes
Yeah he sounds like a main character from the start Jesus Christ he's such a kid who got traumatised and then grows up to be a horror protagonist vibes
My First Leitner lol like kids had to be introduced to them at a young age like those my first toys
He's so funny I can just imagine him as an 8 yr old getting super like affronted at this like how dare my grandma think I am of subpar intelligence he's such a little bitch from the start
"The eponymous Mr spider" even talking about his childhood trauma he's busting out the vocabulary
Fuck that story actually kinda rattled me I had my hand over my mouth in shock for most of it
I think it was the bit where the horsefly brought his son and they were both crying that got me, I could definitely imagine it scaring an 8 yr old
The way it drags out as well, with the pages of the same scene it really heightens the suspense
Is his childhood bully someone we should keep track of?? Love how he says Michael probably cause he sees him as a bully lol
It's interesting how despite him bullying him (quite badly seeing as though he beat him up) he's still like yeah but he saved my life and that means he deserves to be remembered
My bro didn't save your life on purpose, he was just trying to make it worse and happened to come to a terrible fate cause of that
I guess underneath it all he was still a kid who watched someone die, knowing they'd get eaten by a fucking spider, he still held him in some regard
The way he specified the guy was his bully even after he was being eaten though lol
He was desperate to get the book back? That's a leitner thing I guess, the book makes you want to keep it so it can finish whatever it wanted to do to you
On my relisten (which I will do once I've finished the series I'm sure of it), I'll have to look out for any reaction of leitners name
I wonder why Jon didn't react more to Carlos vittery's statement, like it must've terrified him? I saw a post a while back explaining Jon's thoughts and IT WAS GENIUS it was like of course he doesn't react, he must be terrified that someone knew about his experience and somehow did this to mess with him or it was a joke and he can't let anyone know that the Head Archivist is not Good at This ugh it's so good I'll tag it if I can find it
yeah at least he's right about Elias killing leitner
Awwww he's so cute with georgie
Can he not go back to his own flat?? Did he bring all his clothes to the archive and then subsequently leave them there? Does he even have a flat??
God Georgie is so nice I would kill for her
It's so funny that an apparent supernatural cynic dated a ghost podcaster
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newpercyjfan · 8 months
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“I plunge to my death” Percy Jackson Au
Ok first, if you somehow came up with this exact thing already, i wouldn’t know, I don’t even follow the Percy Jackson tag yet, but just tell me and I’ll take it down or tag it as an alt universe of your au and credit it, but I have like three other ones I’ll be posting so we’ll see.
- This au is connected to both the tv show and the book because I like what both did in terms of the arch episode.
- This mostly goes how the tv show episode goes, Percy gets poisoned, they get to the top of the arch, he sacrifices himself. But this time, he does pray to his dad as he falls over 100 ft to his death.
- His dad doesn’t answer. He’s the one who somehow last second, controls the water to save himself. He sinks to the bottom of the lake and gets stuck. He feels the poison and his wounds get slightly better.
-In this au, the nereid doesn’t actually help him get out of the water, because in this version it’s inspired by how in the books, when he left the water the wounds came back. If he leaves the lake, he could die.
- So he stays stuck there for almost three days while the nereids bring him seaweed and shit to eat, but eventually he gets sick of it.
- he learns that Poseidon didn’t really want him to leave, at least not yet, mainly because he knew if he left he would continue to be chased by monsters or die in some way and believed a war would come either way. Basically, if the Poseidon that said “heroes always end badly, I regret getting your mom pregnant” actually did something about it
- but of course, he can’t keep Perseus ‘I don’t listen to anybody but myself’ Jackson down in a lake without him going a lil crazy and he breaks the root holding him down and swims to shore, but the poison instantly kicks back in, and gets back in the water
- his father gifts him a hydrai (a large vase/urn basically that carry’s water) that holds basically a portal to the ocean in it. GUYS LISTEN, I HEARD THIS MYTH SOMEWHERE BUT WHEN I TRIED TO FIND THE SOURCE IT DISAPPEARED. I was positive I heard that there was a vase that held the ocean in it somewhere so just take my word 😭
- the mist makes it look like a water bottle with no label 😭💀💀💀
- Percy accepts the gift because he wants to get out of there, but he suddenly does not have a very good idea of the gods or specifically his father. I don’t think the nereid actually told him that his father really did care, at least a little bit, all he saw it as was his dad not thinking he would succeed/ he saw it as Zeus turning Thalia into a tree because he didn’t want to idk disprespect the other gods? Cause it was easier than defending her? That’s how Percy sees it anyways
- Meanwhile, Grover and annabeth are convinced he died. They looked and called for him, but there was no proof of his survival, so instead annabeth took his place in a lot of missions to fulfill the quest cause she’s a girl boss like that.
- I think her main theory of what happened to him is straight up “I saw him fall and didn’t see him land, so maybe he turned into the lake or a tree or something too” 💀😭
- anyways Percy gets chased by another monster but has no more fucks to give. He’s scary. He’s pale, has dark eyes and a taste for vengeance.
- he tries to find annabeth and Grover but they’re pretty ahead of him.
- my main idea is that they meet again in the underworld with hades and they are little wary honestly.
- also omg I didn’t think of this before but what if they thought, hey, he’s in the underworld, guess he did die 💀.
-But anyways what I thought would happen was annabeth and Grover get there first and annabeth has the backpack with the bolt in it. Hades asks if they wanted a trade and that’s why they came. He bluffs and tells them if they give him the bolt and the helmet he’d let go Percy’s mom or “bring back” percy. (Hades knows percy is not dead and is kinda pissed that Percy is constantly on the edge of death but making it because of his dad technically, and he can’t take him to punishment field or whatever he calls it idk)
- I think annabeth chooses percy and is about to give the bag over, but realizes he was tricked and he was never dead. But idk. There are so many diff ways this could go and I’d love to hear how you guys would write it. I’d love some reblog a that add to this idea.
Also I need unhinged percy content
(Sorry if the art or wording is bad, it’s late and I’m tired)
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asurrogateblog · 5 months
Cannibals, Pirates, and PhDs: How Did I Get Here?
I mentioned in some tags earlier that I’ve only actually been a real fan of Pink Floyd for under a year, and that the confluence of events that led up to it is pretty absurd. Some interest seemed to be taken in this, so I though I’d elaborate.
I didn’t know how to shorten this timeline and have it make any sense, so it’s... long. But idk, I think it’s pretty funny. If you’re nosy like I am this is for you.
My Backstory Timeline:
early childhood: my parents essentially mainline me and my little sister with The Beatles. I know almost no songs written past the 70’s until at least sixth grade. I develop a childhood crush on Paul McCartney, a joke that the universe really decides to play the long game on.
2014: my dad calls me over one night, and gravely tells me he’s been waiting to share something until I’m old enough. I brace myself to be told about sex or secret half-siblings. Instead, he tells me I need to listen to The Wall. Irritated at the idea of wasting an hour and half of my night, I nevertheless comply and go up to my room and put it on. I do not come back from this, clearly having inherited some sort of generational curse.
Around the same time, I am also secretly watching Hannibal every time my parents send me upstairs because Game of Thrones is “too gory”. This will trigger three important things: an interest in psychology, a love of horror media, and a classical music phase will train my attention span to last well past the three minute mark.
2014-2023: Over the intervening years, I become a casual fan of Pink Floyd, but make a deliberate point not to learn anything about the band. I like being able to imagine my own meanings for the songs. Also, I am motivated against this by a childhood memory of being deeply frightening by a picture of old Paul McCartney (LOL). I do not want that to ever happen again, so no learning.
Cut to April of 2023: I am finishing up my first year of my PhD program studying media psychology. I am in a bad place mentally, and am going through another horror movie phase to fill the hole. As a result, I get very into American Psycho. The main character, Patrick Bateman, is a fan of superficial 80’s pop music, particularly Genesis. I decide to start listening to Genesis to see if I agree with his tastes. While researching “best Genesis albums”, I come across The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. I listen to it, and am blown away. I had no idea that the Phil Collins band made music like that. This sends me down the prog-rock rabbit hole. I still won't learn any lore.
Summer of 2023: MEANWHILE, I am also going through another pirate phase. I have a fairly encyclopedic knowledge of 18th century piracy (and am still quite active in the Black Sails fan community). Around this time, I get really obsessed with this one random guy named Dennis McCarthy who was hanged in 1718.
I decide to work poor Dennis into a science fiction story I’ve been working on. The premise is essentially that the universe is an abandoned simulation, and a ‘glitch in the matrix’ starts to, among other things, bring people from the wrong time periods back to life. The format of the story is vaguely monster-of-the-week, in which the characters have to solve various problems caused by mistakes in the code. I think, “hey, you know what would be perfect for this? that fanfic I wrote about The Wall in high school.” Said fic (which that stupid fucking beatles movie stole from me) is about a world in which Pink Floyd never existed, but a wannabe rock-star discovers a box full of their records and decides to copy them. While he is touring his plagiarized version of The Wall, he realizes that the events of the album are starting to happen to him in real life. By working this concept into my new story, I go through another one of my periodical The Wall phases. It's in full swing when fall rolls around.
September of 2023: This semester, I take a grad-level narrative theory class in the English department. I decide it would be helpful to follow along with a specific example, so I choose The Wall. Using the terminology I am learning in the class, I start to realize that The Wall is…. incredibly narratologically fucked up. To help orient me, I watch the bootleg concert recordings, and the trick with the surrogate band sends me so out of my mind that I decide I must break my rule about never learning band lore.
This is where the two plot-lines converge. I don’t remember which came first, but around this same time, I think to myself “hey, if Genesis was hiding such an incredible album under the 80’s pop, what must Pink Floyd be hiding?” On that whim, I put on Piper at the Gates of Dawn, which equally sends me so out of my mind that I decide I must break my rule about never learning band lore. I needed to know what the fuck happened to get them from Piper to The Wall.
September-November: In the two months between the onset of this and finally making another sideblog, I dedicate all of my free time to learning as much about Pink Floyd as humanely possible (and writing a 20 page essay for that narrative theory class). As you can imagine, this is a lot to unpack all at once for someone who didn’t even know who Roger or Syd or any of the rest of them were. Luckily, I am over-educated enough to be a very fast learner. Aside from the band lore itself, I of course also fall in love with the rest of Pink Floyd's discography musically-speaking. Having this interest to latch onto genuinely pulls me out of my depression.
Cut to February 2024: I am really enjoying myself, and want to keep this going as long as possible, but I am starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel on Pink Floyd lore. I decide I need to feed the fire by supplementing with lore from another band. The Beatles seem to have a strong fan presence on tumblr, why not revisit a childhood favorite? The universe laughs at my expense.
That about brings us up to date. I have gone through so much character development over the last eight months, it’s crazy. Pink Floyd is definitely one of those things that is less of a “phase” and more of a permanent part of my mindscape. Weirdly enough, since I am studying media psychology, all of this has also been really good for my career? I never took an interest in -real- media figures (as opposed to fictional characters) before, and I feel like I have a much clearer sense of things now. It's definitely influenced my research, so whatever domino effect this has on my future is bound to get even funnier.
Anyway, that’s my backstory!
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dextixer · 23 days
Yknow, at first i thought i would just make a thread telling everyone how manipulative this post about how "I dont hate critique but critique bad" is, to warn people about snakes in the FNDM hiding in the grass.
But then this utter clownshoes decided to invoke Monty, to talk about Montys wishes. To weaponize a dead person as a cudgel for a fucking internet argument.
This is why i hate most of the RWBY FNDM, because they are all sunshine and rainbows, all progressive, all nice people, or at least they portray themselves to be until they take off their fucking masks. And then all of these supposedly nice people reveal themselves to be manipulative ratfucks.
So, lets be very clear. If you invoke Monty in your shitty internet arguments, you are just a morally defunct person, you are lower than fucking trash. He is a deceased man. His corpse is not there for you to parade him like a fucking puppet for your own arguments.
The fact that it follows a fake ass "nice guy" facade is just the icing on the cake.
Despite the claims of the OP, they were not "suggesting that hate discourages people" they were being a snakey fuck by at first saying "Criticism isnt bad" and then outlining literally EVERY single tired anti-criticism buzzword phrase in existence. Everyone fucking knows that most of the time "Im not saying x is bad BUUUUUT" leads to the person revealing that, yeah, they are saying that X is bad. Its the most fucking elementary silencer for any argument in existence.
We have the ol reliables of
>"If you no like, just leave" >Conflating criticism with hate >Implying that people should not criticize passion projects >Implying that RWBY receives unique kind of criticism that no other thing does
Alongside that we also have some weird implications that RWBY is disliked for being "cringe" and of course, more instances of conflating criticism with "hate". If one pays attention they could easily spot a pattern, take a shot of your favourite drink anytime you see the word "hate" or its synonim when the supposed thread is supposed to be about criticsm.
As far as for the second part of the post that comes after my reply.
Criticism does not have to be constructive, its good when it is, but if a person can see something wrong, they can say its wrong without offering a solution. I dont need to be a professional doctor to see a bone sticking out where it shouldnt be etc.
And lets get back to the old sticking point "Oh, but why does RWBY have separate critic communities".
Because the fandom MADE it a fucking necessity! Just like with shows like Game of Thrones and many others! You think critic spaces or subreddits are some kind of never seen before thing before RWBY?!
The only reason RWBY has them is because of the fucking Fandom!
The RWDE tag on tumblr only exists because people were ASKED for criticism to be something that people could avoid, by tagging a post as RWDE anyone using this platform can easily blacklist the tag and NEVER see anything from it! And yet the Fandom instead of doing so CONSTANTLY comes into the tag, and then constantly bitches and whines about how criticism exists!
The critics subreddit exists because most people there were slowly pushed away from the main sub. It didnt START as that, but it became that when the mods of r/RWBY decided that instead of moderating discussions they would rather throw out all the critics because fans would NEVER behave in critical posts and would either mass report them or cause conflict!
Whether someone likes RWBY or not has NOTHING to do with personal morality. Its also extremelly ironic that there are constant "uwu, people say me bad because i like RWBY" claims with nothing to back them up while on places like twitter you can see RWBY twitter accounts say that anyone who dislikes RWBY is just a misogynist or the like.
I would rather take the most toxic critic foaming at the mouth about how RWBY is bad over people like op, ratfuck snakes who pretend to have no problem with criticism while sneaking in the same fucking anti-criticism shit into their threads.
I dont even criticize RWBY that much anymore and i mostly just tell the critics spaces to not even talk to the larger fandom, and its because of dipshits like the OP.
Because the RWBY FNDM is full of these nice presenting, nice writing manipulative jackasses who are just smiles and rainbows while saying the same tired bullshit as always. Just a reminder, just because someone is "polite" does not mean they are not full of shit.
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cheemken · 8 months
OUGH just wanted to let you know I'm storing all these hcs away that when I have the time and energy to write it out, I will. Something about Drayton is just making me rattle the bars of my cage fr fr
Gosh speaking of Drayton not being able to keep up with training + staying up for Iris, it reminds me of that other ask where Iris finds him asleep at the table. Just picturing she's holding Drayton's hand, feeling her heart break to pieces when she can circle her fingers around his wrist.
With the clothes Drayton is wearing + training he tries and fails to complete, maybe it hides how he's a smidge underweight for someone his age and height. Maybe he eats late or skips meals altogether because he prefers catching a nap than eating, and because he wants to eat with Iris. He keeps snacking on various snacks in the clubroom cause it staves off feeling hungry but it's not enough for a growing body y'know?
Now I'm also picturing Crispin, who doesn't fully understand but he too once grabbed Drayton's hand for whatever reason and like Iris, notices how his fingers can almost circle around Drayton's wrist. He knows at least that for a guy like Drayton, he shouldn't be able to do that. Crispin loves cooking, and he wants people to eat what they need cause 'food's important for your development!!' so he starts making 'test dishes' and having Drayton be his main taste tester.
Drayton has token complaints but he can't say no, not when Crispin's earnest eyes are looking at him and genuinely wants feedback so he eats, easing hunger that he wasn't really paying attention to. It becomes a routine, so much so that when Drayton sees Crispin with a box or dish he's just 'okay lay it on me. What is it this time?'
Just love these kids sm fr. I like to think that, for all their bickering, they care and look out for one another
Oughghgh your honour this is melting my fucking heart too holy shit😭😭
No but that's so sweet of Crispin tho, that he also finds out abt Drayton not eating much so he makes him food which he disguises as his test dishes, but really, it's also a way to find out what dishes Drayton actually likes so he can make more of it for him
But what also gets me is the fact Drayton did have a dialogue going on how he likes the Academy Special or smth bc it's soft and he can gulp it down, barely even have to chew, so idk what to make of that without like,, y'know making it triggering for peeps so yeah ask me to tag stuff bc this involves,, this. Anyways, y'know, I do wanna say that's not on him being lazy that he doesn't chew his food much, rather, he just doesn't have the energy for it, or he just have a handful of food he can actually stomach down. Or he's a picky eater which then I will proceed to project lmfaooo
But also it'd be sweet tho if Iris does try to bring food from other regions back home after every Champion meet ups. Like yeah she sometimes come home late, but she always try to head home at least a lil bit earlier, oftentimes leaving the league duties to Hilbert for a bit, just so she can hang out w Drayton who she now knows always wait for her to come back home. So far he likes the curry from Galar bc it reminds of the one Crispin made too
That'd be so cute tho, Iris catching up w him, asking him abt his friends, she knows better than to ask him abt his classes
And he's there telling her abt how this one guy, Kieran, managed to beat him and became the BB League Champion, but now he isn't Champion and didn't join the league again. Then he tells her abt his friends, the E4, Carmine, and even some other students that talk to him. He then mentions abt the curry Crispin made too, how it's similar to the one Iris made, and Iris asks more abt him
And yeah, tells her how Crispin always makes these test dishes and would have him taste it first, some are good, some aren't much, but he loves how Crispin makes him his favourites sometimes
Imagine Iris smiling at that tho, that at least he eats well at school, when she subtly reached out to grab his wrist again while he was talking more abt his friends, she noticed it wasn't all skin and bone anymore, which lifted her spirits a bit, it was a small change but it was a change she'd love to see more of. Drayton said Crispin wanted to be a chef, well, perhaps as a thanks, Iris could pull some strings and have Diantha agree to let Siebold teach Crispin more abt being a chef, she thinks it's only fair for taking care of her brother while she's away
After catching up, Drayton grew tired, ofc, it was rather late, he stayed up late again for her, she tells him everytime he doesn't have to, but he really wants to. Imagine tho like true siblings Drayton asks Iris to carry him cause "what's the point of all that training with gramps if you won't put your muscles to good use."
"and good use being me carrying you to your own room?"
He gives her a cheeky smile all "yeah," which then made her roll her eyes at him
"fine, just this one time."
And just deadass gives him a piggyback ride lmfao, she's just "you're getting old for this, Dray."
"no I'm not, plus you owe me, you missed our training day so now you have to carry me."
But imagine tho as she's carrying him to his room, he fell asleep, and Iris finally noticed he wasn't as light as he was before, he grew a bit heavier than she last remembered, and that actually made her happy; she really has to give her thanks to Drayton's friends for taking care of him while she was away doing her Champion duties. But also her making a promise to herself to be on break for a bit and have Hilbert deal w being Unova's Champion while she really catches up w her brother, ofc, it's been a while, and she'd rather not have him stay up late again just to wait for her to come back home
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somerandomcryptid · 7 days
don’t mind me just thinking about how Cryptid hoped dod!Sam would be another Wren but ended up thinking of him as another Dream don’t mind me haha
the thing that tears them apart isn’t Sam’s obsession with Dream nope nu uh he doesn’t get all hostile nope. Sam is a perfectly healthy indivigual who would never ignore his adopted child’s words in favor of blaming everything on dream and making them feel like they’re broken for being attached to him
he doesn’t patronize them and say.. questionable things because of their age, no no. Sam is the perfect dad and leaves no mental scars i promise
Cryptid leaves him for very unjustified and brainwashed reasons. because obviously Cryptid has to be at least a bit brainwashed because as a minor, they’re innocent and don’t like, have decison making capiblitys and Dream is manipulative and evil so obviously it’s his fault :)
bro I love dreaming of death!sam he’s such a fucked up little guy, he actually thinks like this(not exactly because obviously I’m being incrediably sarcastic but you know) like I just. I would absolutely hate him if I ever met him(I am now realizing I might be projecting my experiences with some authority figures. huh.). he’s like. he seems so nice. and has good intentions, but he just emds up causing so so much harm
fucked up little man <3 (he’s actually like 7 feet tall but shhhh)
(I’ve decided I’m main-tagging this so incase you’re new here, Dreaming of death is my au of the fic Penpal by @calamari-minecraft-corner)
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elgascreamslikehell · 8 months
So, as long as i have insomnia (it's hard to find a mental issue I don't have rn, i mean I'm fucking Ash Ketchum but with mental issues instead of Pokemon's, catch them all, bitch)
I started a new story!
To basically scratch every itch i still have. I know basically all the main events in this story, i still can't decide if i want a happy ending or DEATH ANGST SUFFERING cause i love me some angst but i kinda want it to be nice in the very end? Somebody should be happy it's definitely not me then at least it should be my favourite fictional characters.
‘Hey, Eddie!’, - Buck is smiling like today is not Monday. Buck really has this sweet smile which Eddie used to like… in the past. He remembers vividly the exact moment he decided he doesn't like this smile anymore. ‘She sees me’.  The exact moment his heart collapsed. Apparently though, ‘she saw him’ for not too long. For an even shorter period than Eddie himself tried - and hell he did try hard - to build something with Marisol which was obviously just a desperate attempt to distract himself from the sad truth. Where the truth was - he loved Evan fucking Buckley. His path to accept his queerness was hard enough. His path to accept that he is close to fail his friendship was brutal. He, anyhow, managed to deal with all of this. At least he was pretty sure he did. And now Buck just smiles at him. Like nothing even happened. Like he didn't smash Eddie's heart with three words. ‘Are you going with us to the bar after work? I want you all to meet someone!’. Eddie grins: ‘Of course. I hope it's nice someone this time’ To be honest, Eddie doesn't give a damn, who this person is. But he can play pretend perfectly. Even with Buck. Okay, especially with Buck. And where did 'you shouldn't pretend with me' go? *** ‘So, who do you think Buck would introduce?’, - Hen is pouring beer but she looks directly at Eddie. He doesn't like it though. ‘I have no idea…’, - and not that he wants to know. And why does Hen think he knows? ‘We haven't discussed his adventures much, so I'm in the same position as you are’ Hen's face is unimpressed: ‘Well, I hardly doubt it. I mean you and Buck…’, - Eddie interrupts her: ‘Are friends. Lately not even close ones i think… Why don't you ask Chim? He's his brother-in-law, he should know’ Hen stares at Eddie's face for a minute searching for something with no success: ‘Ok, if you say so’, - she's definitely not convinced but at least she stopped questioning him, switched to Chim. Apparently, he also doesn't know anything.  When Buck's entering the bar and Eddie sees him - his heart collapses again. It's getting annoying but he can't do anything with it. Because there's Buck, looking damn gorgeous, and… there's this guy, having his hand on Buck's waist. And Buck smiles. ‘So, guys… meet Sam!’ And here goes this specific pause when everything just stopps and all the sound go down, this pause needs to be broken immediately. And Eddie is the one who breaks it with: 'Well, better than I expected. Nice to meet you ', - and he is the first to shake this guy's hand. Right under the sympathetic glances of Hen and Chimney. Very sympathetic. Very uncomfortable.  He can manage this, right? He just has to.
I won't tag anyone cause today I feel like everyone hate me cause i hate myself but I'll be creating a taglist from interaction to this post.
I still write mostly because my mind needs to be away from reality, so I'll be writing anyway and spamming your feed so if it bothers you (i mean i mostly post writings and memes so i have some questions) you can ignore my writing tag.
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mandy4ever69420 · 26 days
What’s your solution to Kash situation then?
interesting question! i said in the tags, there's not a GREAT solution - the harm is already taking place, unfortunately. so the main goal if you were "feet on the ground" in this situation is to prevent it from continuing or reduce its impact. i'm not an expert in defusing abusive situations, i'm sure someone with more time could give some more specific solutions but i CAN spitball really quick:
removing kash from a position of power/regular contact with ian
this is the sort of thing best suited to someone in a position like linda's. in this case the largest single cause of abuse is kash's opportunity and influence. so, see: "you can no longer work managing this store, find a different job and i'll literally hire a some teenager to work with ian" - when kash tried to move his relationship to ian to any place outside of the store physically, ian instinctively freaks out because of the unfamiliarity of the situation.
getting ian a different job
this one is frustrating, because it really doesn't do anything to stop kash from repeating his pattern on just another young hire, but being in the position to just have ian attending some other location - a fucking wal mart, who gives a shit - daily, taking up his time and creating distance, he'd be less inclined to keep believing he is as close to kash as he thinks
redirecting ian's time and attention
this is the closest to the actual end of the situation in the text - the second ian meets someone his age to obsess over, he pretty much immediately loses interest in kash. though mickey was delightful, i'd bet literally any boy his age would've been interesting & comfortable enough that he would have lost interest in kash. he doesn't drop the habit of sleeping with older dudes after finding someone his age, but he also never seems to respect or care for any of the other sad fucked up relationships he's in.
it's important in situations with kids to try to NOT seem like the enemy, up to and including seeming like you just think kash is the bad guy, even though he is. lip panics, understandably, because shock, fear, and disgust are THE most natural emotional responses, but this causes him to yell at ian, leaving ian on the defensive. there's no blame to be placed on lip here as he handled this the best he could given his age and limitations in perspective. it's surprising he was aware at all that a young handsome unthreatening man was a predator, since that's just not the image you learn about
offering ian a safer, different, avenue to get the things he's missing, which are being offered by kash
one of the most standout points, and the thing that caused me to feel the most anger watching kash, was when he responds with "that's amazing, i'm so proud of you!" because that was INDISPUTABLY something ian needed to hear (even though the achievement was fucking stupid. military) -- it seems fiona is ABLE to see his accomplishments, but ian either can't take it seriously because he DOESN'T see her as an adult to rely upon (because he sees her youth and her pain) OR, she doesn't mention the ways she's proud of him often, because she assumes he knows, given he portrays a calm and confident exterior, or because she's busy and absent
ian's isolation also pushes him towards kash - he knows being gay is unsafe, but he NEEDS to talk about it. he feels some level of fear, which can only be understood in the context of him being gay, or at least, knows how his experiences are innately different from those of his peers, which he can discuss with kash. much as mandy lacked the perspective necessary to see kash & ian as anything but a slightly scandalous and exciting relationship, i think giving ian a sense of a safe place to land, someone to talk to, reduced his sense of reliance upon kash's interest significantly.
(also, though i don't think ian is materially aware that his lack of access to nice things influences his decision making - "what about what i bought for him, huh?" - just, cutting kash from his "ian money" and leaving it as "ian's money for nice things" would reduce ian's sense of loss at the relationship, and hopefully leave him confident enough to start moving past)
--> though i hate to take any of this into offering direct sympathy towards kash, reducing HIS fear (in this case, of homophobia) might also just prevent him from taking advantage of someone who is not in a position to judge or say no to him. unfortunately, i really don't know what makes people like this tick, so i don't know the best way to just, teach it out of someone. i am not a psychiatrist.
taking care of the emotional needs of a victim is always priority over the urge to punish a perpetrator
ian seems emotionally fine, which is weirdly a thing that can and does happen, but if we take his safety as the goal over making everything right, then months or years down the road a very important thing is just giving him a good avenue to emotionally process where he's been. people recover faster from traumas if they're given their own space and time to do so, and received without judgement.
institutional stuff:
these are harder things to implement that would have greater impact on the prevalence of grooming just in general. clearly, as a single person directly involved in this situation, this would be pretty much impossible to implement. but a big part of what comes up in discussions of abolitionist perspectives on child abusers is "oh but this happens so much, how would you deal with abusers without prisons?"
people tend to think of grooming and abuse as sort of isolated incidents in a weird pattern. but they are very much institutionally enabled by isolating people and often only offering exit strategies that involve causing harm to a perpetrator. no one who cares about their abuser, as many people DO, wants to send them to prison to be brutalized
giving kids more, normaller relationships to adults
if every adult in your life is an authority figure that you can't talk to as a friend, and can only look up to as a judge, you have nothing to compare as a healthy friendship with an adult against stuff like what kash had going on, where he's determined to be the boyfriend and the dad you never had
also: having more adults means less sense that you need approval and support, because, well, you can see how fucking stupid random people are, AND it means more opportunity that someone may notice and be proud when you achieve something - if, random example, your parents happen to suck and be absent, having a random nice friend at idk like bowling club be like "wow, awesome job!" offers similar validation, leaving a kid like ian less reliant on the frank-or-monica-or-kashes of the world
this could look like: more and better funded teachers in schools, all-ages events, greater connection to extended family, extended family's friends, or something else!
just, less with the homophobia, or sex stigma in general
one of the strongest weapons in kash's arsenal with regards to keeping ian's mouth shut, and keeping ian feeling reliant on him, is that ian IS in real danger for being gay -- like i said, you can't even call the cops on kash safely, because this outs ian publicly!
in other, similar, situations, even between like an adult man and a young girl, just having stigmatization around interest or questions about sex totally blockades the ability to gauge whether the person they're talking to is safe or not. so the thought: sure, it's weird, it gets a little uncomfortable, but this is the only person you can talk about with.
some adults in shameless actually, mostly unintentionally, offer some recourse to this by being decent and nonjudgemntal enough to talk to. fiona handles alright her siblings' interest in relationships as they grow up. not perfectly, of course, since debbie's sense she can't rely on anyone older, and ian's secrecy and unrealized need for approval and support lead them both into relationships with adult men. fiona also doesn't offer this judgement-free "you being safe? ok, that's all i need to know" perspective to anyone she's NOT related to - she's pretty judgemental towards mandy, probably anybody she can categorize as "other" enough to not view with the consideration she does her own siblings.
even in like, a perfect world, though, it's not possible to completely eliminate abuse. this is where the -- Focus on ensuring the victim is okay, offering care and recovery, not on revenge against a perpetrator.
i don't mind getting questions like this! these come up when you talk about the dangers of calling the cops, or the rights abuses of the prison system A LOT - it's worth noting, i'm sure these ideas are written about in abolitionist lit, but i feel like sometimes when someone reaches out with "i heard you point out the problem, what the fuck do we do about it??" it's really common for people to be rude and dismissive to say - even though it's true - "i don't have a perfect solution, i can just say that the idea given as default is NOT one" it's a very very good followup question to "holy fuck, this doesn't work" to wonder "what would?". that's actually the only way forward!
to close off, my extremely negative reaction to "someone SHOULD have called the cops" doesn't mean if lip HAD i'd really hold it against him - active cases of assault are some of the only situations in which i can see that a bludgeoning instrument like a cop may be a reasonable response. just please consider the ramifications of a legal case. placing anger or blame on someone for NOT calling the cops on a man of color so he could be brutalized by homophobes and racists while putting his victim under the spotlight of the court system is very shortsighted.
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thundcrstruck · 29 days
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If you wish to Interact with me at all, Please send me some Memes and lets turn them into threads. Or like my Starter Call or Mains Call, Tag me in a Starter and let's keep it going. But if I never get any idea that you want to interact with my boy then I will remove you from my friends list.. I give people a few days to make contact with me, I am not saying you gotta reply to a starter or thread right away. I never rush any of my RP Partners. But I do ask that you make an attempt to let me know your interested. Cause I am not here to collect followers for a high follower count. I could care fucking less about the number count, if I just have 10 followers but they all interact and write with my boy then that is fine with me. I didn't remake Thor just to have everyone use him as a number. So please interact with me somehow. I am doing this differently this time, go like my Starter Call or Mains Call. Or shoot me some Memes soon, or by Monday if I don't have a like or a meme at least I may unfollow you. I am not trying to be rude, I just am eager to write with you guys. That is why I follow you all, and go read my Carrd please. All the info is there along with my Rules. Kay, thanks babies, I do hope you all are having a wonderful evening so far. <3
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one of my pet peeves for modern aus is the ones where they make izzy ed's best friend or longtime friend because if ed's gonna have one... its jack. it's literally supported by canon. like put izzy and jack next to the revenge crew and your answer for who fits in better is jack, whose only crimes in the show were trying to pull ed away from stede and committing seagull murder (all of which to save ed in a plan IZZY made) im so salty about all the hate jack gets in fics
Oh for sure. My least favoriate thing ever is when people put Izzy in another character's position. Jack is Ed's buddy at the very least. Izzy is just a coworker. Jack is who Ed would choose to hang out with 100% of the time if his options are Jack or Izzy. Also if you're gonna give Ed a best friend who is antagonistic to his new boyfriend, Stede and Jack being mean to each other is so much more fun in my personal opinion because Stede is mean to Izzy and Izzy's head explodes and steam starts coming out of his ears like he's in a cartoon and he yells something incoherent, where as Jack and Stede can have a bitchy little back and fourth that leaves Jack crying for sympathy and Stede's self esteem buried six feet under. It truly is the dynamic ever.
I don't usually have a problem with Jack hate in fics actually because jack is hateable and there often needs to be a villain, and in Our Flag so far the roster of villains has been Izzy, Jack, and the interchangeable badminton twins. Maybe the rich french fuckers but I don't want to give them that much credit tbh. so you know he's one of three and a half bad guys so I get it. However! there is one trope that frustrates me, and I think the main reason that it frustrates me is because its a trope that I hate with all of my guts and is pernicious in the calicobeard tag and that is the idea that Ed and Jack's relationship was non-consentual. There are tons of reasons to hate him, you don't have to turn him into a rapist. That's my pet peeve and my line. Otherwise yeah he's a villain, good. I like it when he causes problems. It's my favorite thing.
That being said I do think he's the most easily rehabilitated villain out of every villain in ofmd (I'm only counting Nigel, Chauncey, Izzy, and Jack as villains.) Simply because he's a pirate that we frankly don't actually know that much about. We don't even know why he's doing this. Yeah Izzy probably slid him a slice of that sweet sweet navy money under the table, but for all we know Izzy had that meeting with Jackie and Chauncey, found Jack afterwards and went "Hey man, so me and Blackbeard are on the outs right now and he's got this new boyfriend who is being super hunted by the British navy, the boyfriend is a rich guy and I know how much you hate those. But anyway Blackbeard doesn't know that Stede is being hunted and I just told them where they can find them so somebody should probably go get Blackbeard out of there and it shouldn't be me, because he's mad at me right now." and Jack said "Oh my god, you made a deal with the british navy? I'm gonna love watching Blackbeard kick your ass when I bring him back here. I'm going to now go do some insane shit to save his life again. Yeah sure I'll make sure the boyfriend dies just so that Beardy doesn't run back and get his ass killed, but only if you slide me a few dubbies for my troubles." It's also possible that he's full chaotic evil joker mode and when Izzy told him the plan he went "Yeah alright, haven't seen Beardy in a while could be funny." We simply do not know. Is he destitute because he's been mutinied three times and he needs the money? Has he never been mutinied in his entire life and he's minted because he's Calico fucking Jack and he's just here for shits and giggles? I tend to go with the "he cares about Ed" reading because I want to fuck him, but it's up to you. His backstory is wide open baby. What we do know Ed likes him a lot actually, Ed cares about him and Stede getting along. We know he saved Ed's life, even if he does hold it over his head because he's a shit head(although how often he does that is also a question mark, there's so much blank space to work with with him, he can be anything you want him to be other than nice).
And you know what, until the thing with Karl the crew liked him too. The crew never liked Izzy, whatever Jack's got going on is way more compatible with the crew than Izzy, and yet I see all these fics and headcanons where the idea that Izzy will stick around after all of this is over is just taken for granted. But they could easily forgive Jack if he sucked Ed's dick, moonbathed with Buttons, and slid Olivia some birdseed because he's funny and cool and Ed's buddy. Where as Izzy can never ever be trusted in a million years, he was never fun to be around, and no one likes him. (I'm sure Jack and Ed have fucked each other over before, they're messy bitches.)
Now I don't think Jack's getting rehabilitated in cannon, in fact we're probably never gonna see him again. I'm hoping for a flashback but I won't hold my breath. It's part of why I'm writing I'm Not Going Anywhere. Because somebody needs to put this man through the st*ddyhands treatment and it's not gonna happen in the show, so it is the realm of fanfiction and no one else is doing it. Jack was fucking built for an enemies to lovers because he's the kind of man who stands too close to his romantic rival at the urinals to prove his dick is bigger. Enemies to lovers is incredibly fun to do with Jack and Izzy because Izzy is eminently bullyable and also the kind of guy belongs in one of those "don't bully me I'll cum" shirts, but it can also be fun to do with Stede "pissboots" Bonnet. I'm not sure if INGA is going that direction I haven't decided yet, but someone should do it post haste I'm so serious.
I don't necessarily want everyone to see him how I see him. I'm fine with being his only apologist. back in april the universe decided he'd gone long enough being the most hated character and decided he needed one apologist and it spun the wheel of OFMD fans and it landed on me and I became the public defender appointed to him. I am over worked and underpaid and he is a terrible client. I have made him take a plea deal on the Karl murder charge.
This has gotten unhinged thank you for letting me chew on Calico jack for like 25 minutes.
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freebooter4ever · 3 months
fuck guys my 'i think i met geno in 2012 without realizing who he was' conspiracy theory deepens D:
after a long day of rendering i was indulging in some scribbling and i wasnt going to post it but i was drawing this:
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i mean its some random girl i dont think anyone even knows who she is, and the photo is hot and a fun romantic kissy pose to draw. i figured it was harmless practice. and halfway through the drawing i actually looked at the background. and immediately fucking recognized those stairs. i mean the exact location may be different but those railings i remember. cause i can never forget my friend grabbing my wrist and dragging me down the stairs fast enough that i was very grateful for the railings to hang onto.
i googled and the first time i searched 'diesel pittsburgh' i got this:
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which is honestly way better than any nightclub. but then i adjusted the search terms and found
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yeah thats basically exactly what i remember but with added weird green glowy pillars. looks an awful lot like the background of the photo too, huh?
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definitely the same railings. :( there was a bouncer security guy at the bottom of the stairs who would stop you from going up it. i have no idea how we even got up there because it was the other girls' idea. its not like we were the hottest girls there or something either, we were just a group of carneg*ie mellon nerds. and i was not in the girls inner circle. just tagging along so nobody ever explained decisions to me. this was jan 2012...i hadnt even run into naeem at my dance class yet that happened in fall 2012. i hadnt perfected my dancing outfits, it was freezing and i hadnt realized that even in jan you wear skimpy clothes to run into the club because its always hot in there once you get there. i was in a quarter sleeve dress with flounces and ruffles and my favorite victorian leather booties. not exactly normal club wear. like that girl in the photo? looking way cuter than me lol. i also desperately did not want to be on that second floor. nobody up there was dancing they were just sitting around. i wanted to be dancing!
keep in mind i only ever went to this club once. ONCE. and i remember all of it because it was simulatenously fascinating but also traumatizing lmao. and not because of the group of guys in the vip section, that was probably the only highlight, money fingers dude was at least interesting even if he embarrassed me and cruelly dismissed me so soon after waving me over to talk to him :P (chloe would probably say different after what the other half of the group asked her to do)(not the dude who talked to me he was kind of separate from the main group).
but there's that vip section on the second floor and then below it the main dance floor was full of creeps - grabbing at me, pulling me around - just assholes. all i had wanted to do was dance with my friends and you couldnt do that easily because of all these creeps. and of the girls i was there with - only one i knew very well we can call her "L" and soon after she moved back to her hometown. peter moved to ohio (poor petey)(petey was madly in love with L and she was...not. it was tragic. like penelope level unrequited love. everyone knew he was in love with her except L). and i started going to naeem's underground music events rather than mainstream clubs. (unless cruze counts lol). so yeah i had no reason or motivation to ever go back to diesel.
but i also went out dancing almost every weekend 2012-2017 and wouldnt you know it the only random stranger i ever met that actually stuck in my memory was the dude in diesel. weeeeeeird.
i cant describe the strange dejavu i got when i realized i recognized those stupid hand railings. small world, crazy coincidences, absolutely impossible. on the other hand if it was him, i cant be mad at my past self for being clueless cause even if i had known anything i would have been too shy and awkward to do anything other than maybe give myself permission to stare at him more, and clearly he lost interest fast.
hilariously the places that i frequented in pittsburgh dont have any photos - one place didnt allow cameras or photographs, but the others were just such dives that nobody bothered. but they were more like this:
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safe-ship · 1 year
Heads up about the safeship creator everyone, they refuse to provide accessibility to screen readers despite being asked to multiple times & is generally ableist. Below are some screenshots + a transcript of a really long paragraph rant went on.
Context: An anon asked her to stop using ! and 0s to censor proship related things. This was her response:
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Context: The same anon sends another ask that the OP screenshotted. (I cannot find the post as it seems she either deleted it or Tumblr's search feature is funky)
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Their response is copied + pasted below. Content warning for NSFW mentions, sexual harassment (of the anon), and guilt tripping.
Listen dude i do know better you fucking insufferable misinformed prick. I myself need readability accessibility with ny fucking aphasia that is only getting worse. I already know firsthand how little people give a shit about this stuff becuz i need it. I already have difficulty writing legibly okay. And i get a lot of shit over this disability that i dont deserve. I made this fucking tag to help others to the point that i dont even block the few people weve had problems with so that even if i have to sed it at least the tag will work well for others. So if i have to put a 0 and ! In the forbidden word to decrease how much extra stress is gonna be on me from putting it straight up on their dinner plates then im fucking going to. Why dont you get off your high horse and grow the fuck up and stop making fucking assumptions. Cause im doing a hell of a lot more of kindness and effort for accessibility than you are for saying its immoral for someone WHO NEEDS screendreaders and is ashamed about it to choose a fucking single exclammation point over getting the regular bullshit i put up with from people who wanna be pedos x100 so that you can feel good abt yourself becuz u would choose the latter. Whether ur also a screenreader needer or not what you are is a fuvking asshole becuz i literally have two spine surgeries voming up with a huge threat of bevoming a paraplegic or dead before then and i have a shortened lifespan from all my disabilities. I come into this community to cope with how shit my life is and i try to make it better for others no matter if its a little harder on me and i get nothin but disrespect from invasive and presumptuous assholes like u behind anon who dont wanna have a real vonversation with me or actually think abt anyone but yourself and how good it feels to stroke ur moral dick over the dying woman and i have had it up to here!
U guys wanna keep coming in my inbox being assholes to me? No nuance in life im a bitch? So little thanks nothing but pussies on anon talking shit or invading my privacy? Maybe someone the fuck else should try and run this ship then becuz im fed the hell up and abt to deactivate.
And even despite being told twice to provide accessibility, they continues to be inaccessible even excluding shipcourse.
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And in regards to more of their ableism, they told someone to "develop a frontal lobe" which is harmful towards those with intellectual disabilities. For context: calicofemme was their old main.
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Anyway, do what you will with this information. If anyone wants to add more things to this regarding her behavior, go ahead & I'll reblog it. I made this post to raise awareness of how the creator is harmful and shouldn't even be in this community because of how they go entirely against their motive for making it.
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