#fuck erebus
ilisteria · 4 days
“You are destined for things much greater than a mere cupbearer of the Warmaster, little one. There are plans for you, promises of status greater than mere serf or concubine,-”
I assume that you implied here that the reader has some sort of concubine adjacent role when they’re serving Horus. But I also find the idea that the reader isn’t in any kind of sexual relationship with Horus, and instead this is just Erebus’s version of a freudian slip, to be very funny. Like the guy got too excited and mentioned his intentions with you far too soon.
“Hello spouse- I mean spouse- I mean spouse-I mean spou- I mean… serf.”
Oh hey I didn't expect anyone to actually comment anything about the piece lmao
So the whole cupbearer/wife/personal serf thing is supposed to be a reference to some of the Horus x reader fanfics by people like moodymisty and I didn't think of how it would come across when read without that context.
The Freudian Slip interpretation is funnier though - I'd imagine at a later point the reader would be sitting in his lap post-Isstvan V and asking him what in the world he meant by that quote, and he'd raise an eyebrow and go "You weren't fucking the Warmaster?" in genuine confusion.
"No? He only thought of me an obedient servant, no more and no less."
"I believe I have been lied to..."
"So that entire incident with the room was an elaborate courting scheme?"
"...I suppose so, but it was not deception when I promised a greater fate, little one."
"And is the fucking me part necessary to the plan?"
"It was an...adjacent benefit."
"Does that mean you don't love me? :("
Cue intense sighing from Erebus
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awwsha · 8 months
maaaan, fuck erebus
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nobody-nexus · 9 months
@rabid-mercenary15 @sm-baby @awful-little-goose
lmao get analog'd
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lesbianlothcats · 3 months
Phee Genoa I am so sorry The Bad Batch season 3 reduced you to a) Google b) a taxi c) the primary vehicle to reference Tech
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nevesmose · 5 months
So there I was on Lexicanum researching a shitpost when
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sea-buns · 1 month
is it just me or is hades 2 so much easier than the first game? like at first i thought "holy shit im a gamer" and im definitely BETTER at this game type than i used to be
but then i played lots of the first one while i was out of town and my god. i wish i had thanatos' pin in the second game cuz it is so much easier to go hitless in the first realm of that one than in the other. i get to chronos with more death defiances than i do the fucking satyrs
either they gotta bump up the base difficulty level or i am bad in all the most confusing ways
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kegbasher · 4 months
i have been unable to focus on pretty much anything except hades 2 since it came out and it took me 49 underworld runs but i FINALLY beat chronos :,)
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houndfaker · 7 months
Elizabeth and/or Theo ready to fight Erebus (who's just conveniently off screen (I doubt you want to draw that))
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business as usual
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korpintaideblogi · 8 months
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erebus is my favorite monster-design... it just works for me
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widevibratobitch · 8 months
in terror, four lieutenants; in t3m, four musketeers. Conclusion?
conclusion - same as always: destiny.
but wait oh christ okay. they even kinda fit...
you've got the og trio of
Wet Pathetic Loser
Deeply Religious Guy
Fancy Lad
which ig would make dundy... d'artagnan?? no. no oh god ok. listen. d'artagnan is jopson im afraid:
1. has a deeply homoerotic father/son relationship with a suicidal alcoholic
2. is actually kinda obsessed with him tbh
3. doesn't really start out as One Of Them, has to wait quite some time to get promoted
4. big part of the fandom actually ships him with little aka our athos
it makes sense you gotta believe me it does it does
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ilisteria · 5 days
Quick Erebus x GN Reader piece (709 words)
I don't actually like him but there's a surge in fans of him and I don't feel confident about dipping my toes into writing for a Primarch yet, so I may as well debut with Kharn's our not-so-friendly neighborhood punching bag douchebag.
Summary: You are a serf on one of the Sons of Horus ships and you've caught Erebus' eye. He has you trapped in a dark room to sell some Chaos propaganda to you. Set before the Heresy.
Warnings- Slightly suggestive towards the end but not really; manipulation through religion. It's Erebus, what can I say?
Impenetrable dark and the hum of ventilation shafts, chilled air that lightly bites at the skin leaving trails of raised hairs - your eyes did not adjust to the false-night of the lightless chamber, as though your sight had been stolen away by some blind daemon.
You shake your head upon this thought, the brush of your hair against your neck only sending more shivers down your spine, each strand feeling too similar to the soft raking of nails on your neck. “Dogma,” You whisper beneath your breath. “There are no such things as daemons.”
“Is that so?”
You freeze upon those words, their velvety syllables ringing hollowly in your ears like false promises in the wind. Your heart drums loudly in your chest, each beat against your rib cage feeling as though they are being wrung from your body through some mysterious force, and the intruder only chuckles, barely audible over the ambient noise of the ship.
“Your heart does not believe your own words. Your soul, too, knows better than to parrot the drivel of the so-called Imperial Truth.” 
Large hands that dwarf your shoulders would come down to rest atop them, cold ceramite heavy on your fragile form like a thick sheet of ice over water. You could almost see the sly grin upon his face, the eyes of your soul piercing through the veil where your mortal ones were found lacking. 
He continues, his voice remaining ever steady as a preacher of the Imperial Truth did, yet in the rumbling of his chest and the slight tightening of his grip are the traces of a mad fanaticism, almost a perversion that hinted at an abyss beneath the placid exterior. 
“You see it as well, do you not? The eyes in the dark, the whispers that scream in a thousand voices - but only when you dream.”
“N-no, I know nothing, I see nothing-”
“You lie,” He hisses, but it is more in amused mocking than festering rage. “I can smell the fear in you, little one. But that is no matter, for your fear speaks more truthfully than your tongue. That is good, for I know now that you may yet be saved.”
It feels as though the room has become several degrees colder, your plain serf’s uniform doing little to stave off a chill that could be felt in the soul. There are eyes on you, more eyes than simply those of the intruder, and they rake over your body and soul as they titter restlessly within the void between the known and unknown.
There were daemons out there, watching and waiting for their prey or perhaps their lord, which possibility it was indiscernible to you over your fear.
The intruder chuckles again, the swell of each vowel of his laugh becoming more disjointed as though a second voice shares his throat and pulls the sounds from his body in a way that seems to elicit sensations of religious ecstasy. 
"You are destined for things much greater than a mere cupbearer of the Warmaster, little one. There are plans for you, promises of status greater than mere serf or concubine, more power and wealth than you could’ve dreamed of, sensations that will dwarf the finest drug or drink in the Imperium…but He has blinded you to your true purpose.”
His grip tightens again, your body jerking forwards in response, but he does not loosen his grip nor utter apologies, and you could not break the grip of an Astartes. There is a silent order in the way the eyes surrounding you bore into you - to remain in place, to remain silent, and to open your heart to a force far greater than you could ever hope to fathom - in your current state. 
Erebus was its prophet, and you a disillusioned disciple of the Anathema’s sect.
“His truth is little more than shackles to bind the inherent human desire for gods. He denies us of our glory, our eternity, our evolution, and our pleasures.
“I can teach you to free yourself, to claim your birthright and see for yourself the ways of the true gods. You need only to have a little...faith in my methods. 
“Tell me then, little one, are you prepared to be enlightened?”
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thebirdmanhewatches · 4 months
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[id: a digital drawing of Erebus showing his head and shoulders in side profile with a sun in eclipse behind his head and a few trees behind him the image is dark with most things in shadow and lit from behind by orange light Erebus has a neutral expression. End id]
The heir to darkness
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I’m going to climb out a window I just found out that the Michael Palin who wrote Erebus: The Story of a Ship is the same Michael Palin from Monty Python.
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lesbianlothcats · 6 months
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kingsmoot · 1 year
if i was the type of person who enjoyed crossover aus and writing longfics i would beat for beat recreate amc's the terror but at a remote night's watch outpost during the last pre-canon winter
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streetlightgoblin · 8 months
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“See that! I’m gonna hold one one day”
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