#right in the wood chipper
awwsha · 8 months
maaaan, fuck erebus
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papa-evershed · 2 years
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Rob James-Collier || Fate: The Winx Saga
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thatrandomblogsays · 9 months
Me watching the movie and reading Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes and discovering the young snow everyone is thirsting over is just… an asshole
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
I was. Very sleep deprived last night. And I made a little Cheshire Cat smile and said ‘what if I put my blorbos. My special little guys. What if I put them through a wood chipper.’
and my friend glanced over at me and says ‘you already torture them enough’
and I just giggle and snicker and, to their growing horror and despair, tell them ‘you haven’t even seen torture yet’
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ziracona · 2 years
Playing Mercy in an intense match is like turning into a human pinball.
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wanderestless · 2 months
sorry for breaking USelection boycott btw i just cannot believe the enthusiasm people have for keeping the boot on their necks
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iamthescalesofjustice · 10 months
god help me ive actually started decorating the train station
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anshelsgendercrisis · 4 months
I don’t know who the fuck ben gvir is but the fact you’re trying to deflect criticism from netanyahu for his genocide of Palestinians is sickening
is this bc i said i don’t think we talk enough abt how ben gvir, a prominent right wing israeli politician who is currently calling for the resettlement of gaza, should be thrown into a wood chipper. bc i thought y’all would be on the same page here.
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heavenbarnes · 17 days
(tw allusions to murder and violence)
your older bf!simon who’s more accurately described as a gun dog.
trained to the sound of a gunshot- where you tell him to go, he’ll follow.
loyal like a hound, too. whatever heinous little mess you find yourself in, he’s there to clean it up.
lick the blood right off your hands.
“i didn’t mean to, he was being so awful- i just pushed him- i didn’t know his head would hit the curb!”
the tears in your eyes were doing less to convince him and more to make him harder between his thighs.
big thumbs, rough pads and blunt nails, pressed to your cheeks to wipe away the tears that were trailing off them.
“don’ worry, sweet’art- i’ll ‘andle it”
tells you to go inside and make a tea, let the kettle whistle long as you want. turn the telly up full tilt and put your feet up.
if you hear anything, don’t come looking.
so you do as you’re told, you curl into his side of the couch and you tune out the sound of the garage door opening, the distant sounds of dragging.
you don’t even flinch when you hear the first swing of an axe.
you forget, you’re free of thought when he takes you to bed and turns your brain to mush. lets it leak out your ears like-
gun dog, retriever- picking up kill and dropping it at his master’s feet.
just once. he doesn’t like seeing you get dirtied by what he feels more aptly fits him.
after that, attack dog. hound waiting to be released, will bare his teeth if you so much as whistle.
“you should’ve seen the way he looked at me, simon”
his teeth could’ve shattered with the force in his jaw behind his bite.
“looked at me like he wanted me, thought that he owned me”
a visible shudder ran through him, visions behind his eyes of you with anyone else.
“told him i had you but- well, he said you didn’t matter”
so you stay inside and you forget, don’t even flinch when you hear simon get his keys and lace up his boots.
“i’ll be ‘ome soon”
you forget, isn’t till he’s kissing your forehead and laying you back on the couch that you even remember he was out.
long fingers wrapping around your ankle to sling over his shoulder. you don’t pay attention the the dried blood under his finger nails.
disregard the scratches down the length of his chest. replace them with your own.
“anyone ever gives y’grief, jus’ tell me and i’ll ‘andle it”
there’s a symphony of “yes, yes, yes” slipping off your tongue and you could blame it on clever fingers of his but-
you like being the hand that holds the leash.
fighting dog, ring dog- lay money on him and he’ll make you rich.
lay a finger on what’s his and he’ll make you pay.
“sweaty hands, tried to grab me when i walked past”
ignore the blood in the tread of his boots.
“called you weak, said a real man would’ve been out with me”
ignore the bite marks on the shell of his ear.
“called me a filthy slut- kind of the same way you do”
ignore the new wood chipper behind the house.
simon’s a big dog with loyalty in spades, born to serve one master.
you never ask so he never tells. play ignorant, blissful and unaware about what grows from the seeds you plant.
seeds scattered to the wind that happen to catch within him, seeds that take and grow gnarled and angry and looking for an excuse.
any excuse to show what he’s made of.
you know he’s always been a mean dog, you know he’s always had bite.
but you, of course, never worried your pretty little head.
not even when an ugly one turns up on the doorstep.
bad dog.
plays with his food.
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hellpontifex · 2 years
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if she doesn't become real and ruin my life right now i'm going to break down
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punkshort · 1 month
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Thank you anon for this request!
An I Know Who You Are one-shot
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Joel finds out you got hurt on patrol.
Warnings: Joel POV, language, allusions to smut, descriptions of injuries/blood, amnesia, angst
WC: 2.5K
When Joel had knocked on Maria's door that morning, he still wore a small smile on his face as images of your perfect morning flashed across his eyes. The way your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he flexed his hips, the breathy sounds you made in his ear, how tight you felt wrapped around his cock.
At that point in his life, he assumed he was not meant for happiness. He had been through too much. The world threw everything it had at him and he crumbled. He let it ruin him and forge him into a cold, distant shell of who he once was.
And then he met you.
You were like a beam of light in an otherwise dark world. A breath of fresh air in a prison cell. A beautiful, yellow flower that grew amongst the disastrous landscape surrounding him. He couldn't help but be drawn to you. To want to lose himself in you, if you'd let him. And against all odds, you wanted him too.
You wanted him, too.
What were the chances? Finding love in the world before was nearly impossible. Once he found you, he began to wonder for the first time if all his suffering had meaning. If everything terrible and rotten that happened to him was all pushing him along on a path to find you.
Maria swung the door open with Violet wrapped around her hip and she grinned.
"You look pretty chipper this morning."
Joel immediately wiped the smile off his face and replaced it with a frown. He preferred to reserve that side of himself just for you.
"Tommy said y'need the dresser looked at?"
She nodded and stepped to the side so he could enter. He toed off his boots and glanced around. Jackson didn't have much, but the community did well with what they had, including toys for kids. Last he heard, the town had a monthly rotation of toys for all the little ones so everyone got to have a turn with the best ones.
He made a mental note to look for some new ones when he was outside the walls next.
"It's Violet's dresser," Maria explained, shifting his niece on her hip and leading him towards the back of the house. "Caught her climbing it last week, nearly gave me a heart attack."
She flicked on the light to Violet's room and made a face when she looked at the broken drawers.
"Well, better the dresser broke than the kid," he said, crouching down to get a better look.
"Do you think you can fix it?"
He gave the other drawers a tug, testing them to make sure they weren't damaged as well before standing with a groan.
"I'll have to make new drawers, this wood's busted, but yeah. Anythin' that's broken, I can fix it."
Maria gasped excitedly and looked at Violet, eyes wide and mouth spread into a huge smile. "Did you hear that? Uncle Joel's gonna fix your dresser, baby!"
He couldn't help but smile when Violet said, "thank you," with some prompting from Maria, of course.
"You're welcome. Just don't go climbin' on it when I'm done."
Joel spent the rest of the morning at the woodshed collecting scraps of two by fours that he could use to create two dresser drawers from scratch. At first, he thought he was in over his head. In a different life with all the right tools, he could have done this task without breaking a sweat.
"'Anythin' that's broken, I can fix it'," he scoffed, repeating his earlier words under his breath with a shake of his head. "The hell was I thinkin'?"
But he used what he had at his disposal, even if it meant using an axe to cut the right pieces of wood for the job instead of an electric saw. With a little patience and some thinking outside the box, he finally collected all the supplies he needed in a wheelbarrow and began his trek back to Tommy's house.
"Hey, before you get started, come in and have something to eat," Maria called from the window. He nodded and shrugged off his flannel, leaving it draped over the wheelbarrow before heading inside.
When he walked into the kitchen, he was greeted with a sandwich and some lemonade on the kitchen table next to Violet, who was nibbling on some fruit and toast and singing along to some children's songs playing from a radio.
"It's all I can get her to eat lately," Maria explained when she said down across from him. "She's growing into a picky eater and it's freaking killing me."
"Mama, bad word," Violet warned with her little chubby finger pointed straight up in the air. Joel chuckled and took a bite of his sandwich.
"I didn't say a bad word, baby, it just sounded like a bad word," she said, then once Violet looked away, she rolled her eyes at Joel and mouthed she hears everything.
He ate mostly in silence, half listening to Violet's music, half thinking about how he was going to tackle the next phase of his project when Maria spoke again.
"So, you think you guys'll end up having one of these?" she asked, casually nodding towards Violet. He glanced up at her in surprise before shifting his eyes to his niece.
"Uh, well..." he nervously scratched the back of his neck as he considered her question. It wasn't something you hadn't talked about but he had been thinking a lot more about it since Violet was born. His mind was screaming absolutely not, it's not safe, it's careless and irresponsible. He couldn't protect Sarah, how could he protect a newborn or keep a toddler from having a tantrum and attracting raiders or clickers?
But then Violet squealed with delight when a berry squished between her fingers and he felt that pull in his chest that he'd been trying to ignore for the past year.
"Dunno. Maybe one day," he finally told her.
"Gonna make an honest woman of her first?" Maria asked as she cleaned up Violet's hands.
"Don't think that's really our thing," Joel replied. And it wasn't. Well, not really. He had a hell of a time trying to settle you down in the first place. He couldn't imagine what the idea of marriage would do to you. And that didn't bother him. At this point, it didn't really matter. You were his, and he was yours, and that's just how it would always be.
After he helped Maria clean up lunch, he headed back outside. The sun was shining but the temperature was comfortable while he worked. And once he had all his supplies and a plan, everything came together rather quickly. Which was good because you and Tommy would be due back from patrol any minute and he very much wanted to relax with you the rest of the day and maybe tend to the garden if either of you had any energy left.
He was just finishing up the drawers and about to take them inside when he heard Tommy shouting his name. Before he even turned around, Joel's blood ran cold. He knew that tone. Something was wrong.
He swiveled around, his face already ghostly pale, knowing and bracing for the inevitable yet he still held out hope and swept his gaze around, hoping and fucking praying he would spot you.
"Joel, c'mon," Tommy panted, swinging his arm as he began to jog back in the opposite direction. Joel grabbed his blue flannel and raced after him, his blood pressure skyrocketing.
"Is she bit?"
Tommy shook his head and Joel felt his heart slow, but it was short lived when he saw the look on his brother's face.
"Is she hurt?"
"She hit her head," Tommy said, pushing people out of the way as they made their way to the infirmary. "She's awake but somethin' ain't right."
"What'dya mean? If she's awake after a head injury, that's gotta be good, right?"
Tommy cast him a forlorn look as they reached the steps of the building. "She can't remember."
Joel frowned. "Can't remember what?"
Tommy's eyes shifted around as they paused for a moment on the stairs. "She can't remember... any of it. The outbreak. This town... nothin'."
Joel swallowed and dropped his chin to his chest. He was grateful you were alive, grateful you weren't seriously injured, but this? This was not something he expected.
"So you're sayin' she don't remember me?"
Tommy's silence was all he needed to know. Joel's chest tightened and he felt his legs begin to shake. This wasn't real. He just saw you a few hours ago. He just fucked you a few hours ago. He was just talking to Maria about your future together... how could this be happening?
"Maybe..." he began, then pinched his eyes shut when he felt the swell of anxiety rise and squeeze his throat. "Maybe she just needs to see me."
"Joel, we gotta be careful 'bout this," Tommy warned, "she's real spooked. I almost couldn't get her to come back with me. She was talkin' 'bout goin' home and findin' her family-"
Joel's face crumpled. "You're fuckin' with me, right?" he croaked, blinking back tears. Tommy averted his gaze and shook his head, giving Joel a moment. He collapsed on the bottom step and hung his head between his knees, trying to focus on taking deep breaths and clearing his vision, but he could feel it. He felt it all those years ago when Sarah died in his arms and he felt it again: the shock that melted into despair which inevitably morphed into white hot rage.
"Joel..." Tommy said lowly, picking up on the shift in his brother's eyes.
"I gotta see her."
He stood and spun around so fast, Tommy hardly had time to react. Joel was halfway down the hallway through the building, kicking in all the doors before Tommy caught up, shouting at him to stop, begging him to slow down.
Then Nick rounded the corner, spotting Joel and Tommy.
"Stop!" Nick said firmly, but Joel just shoved him out of the way and barreled forward. He spotted the exam room that had a sliver of light on underneath the door and he swung it open.
His eyes scanned you up and down, assessing you for obvious injury before looking you in the eye. You appeared fine. You looked just like yourself, like nothing had happened. He didn't even see a mark on your head from the fall.
Joel felt Nick and Tommy rush up behind him and pause, no doubt studying the two of you to see how you would react. Your eyes finally left him to look questioningly over his shoulder and Joel whispered your name.
You angrily brought your gaze back to him and furrowed your brow. "What?" you snapped.
Joel swallowed again but remained perfectly still, refusing to believe you couldn't remember him.
"You remember Joel. Right, sugar?" Tommy asked gently.
Joel knew the answer before you even shook your head. He could see it in your eyes now. They were cold and closed off and scared. You never, ever looked at him like that. Not even after he told you about the hospital.
"Is it permanent?" Joel asked Nick. When the doctor began to give what he considered a bullshit answer, the anger simmering in his veins was lit on fire. He hauled Nick off the ground and yelled something in his face but for the life of him he couldn't remember what. He was seeing red and nothing else was getting through.
That is, until Tommy shouted, let 'em go, you're scarin' her! Then he let Nick go and twisted around towards you. His brows pitched up with concern when he saw you curled up next to the bed, rocking back and forth. Without even thinking, he took a step forward to help you, but you quickly jutted a hand out.
"Don't come near me."
He froze on the spot, speechless. His heart shattered in his chest at the fear in your eye, fear he put there. He couldn't go back to a life without you, he needed you.
"I'm sorry, baby."
And you flinched. You flinched at the term of endearment and the crack in his chest grew so wide, he was afraid he would fall in.
Tommy's voice broke the tension in the room. "Maybe we should give you two a minute."
Instantly, you were panic stricken. Your eyes widened and you scrambled to pull yourself off the floor. Instead of looking to him for comfort, you were looking at Tommy. Begging his brother not to leave him alone with you.
Joel stepped back and sagged against the wall, his eyes fixed on the ground as he tried his best to come to terms with what was happening. All he wanted to do was pull you into his arms and take you home and it was fucking killing him.
To Tommy's credit, he tried to explain who Joel was, that he wouldn't ever harm you, not in a million years, but your chest heaved and your hands shook with fear anyway.
"Look what he just did! How can you say that?"
"Because he loves you!"
The room grew still while you panted for air and tried to process the information Tommy just gave you.
"Is that true?"
He assumed you must have been talking to him so he nodded, still unwilling to look up.
You began to apologize but the pieces of his heart were drifting further and further apart. He was losing you and he had no idea what to do.
When Nick encouraged Tommy's idea to take you home to your familiar surroundings, Joel finally looked up with a little bit of hope.
"What else can we do?" he asked Nick, knowing full well he sounded too eager and hopeful. Nick began to suggest finding objects or keepsakes with sentimental value that could trigger your memory to return, an idea that gave him a spark of optimism, but when he looked back at you, you immediately looked away.
"Can I talk to you?" you asked Tommy. The two brothers stared at one another, communicating silently. Joel knew what you were going to say, Tommy knew what you were going to say: you didn't want to go home with him. And to make matters somehow worse, you were looking to his own damn brother for comfort and safety.
Safety from him.
The thought had his blood boiling and his teeth grinding, but he knew he had to control his temper or else he would make things infinitely worse.
"I'll be outside," he said gruffly, then stormed down the hall towards the lobby.
He took advantage of the few precious minutes he had to collect his fucking thoughts and think. He couldn't let his anger get the best of him. He needed to get that under control if this was going to work. And he needed to be patient. You were meant to be and he would just have to make sure you realized that again.
He took a deep, steadying breath and closed his eyes.
He could do this. He would do whatever it took for however long it took.
Anythin' that's broken, I can fix it.
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ceilidho · 4 months
would it be okay to ask what you think Ghost looks like for you personally? Is there a piece of art, do you prefer his actor, or are their bits and pieces of him that you like to put together?
oooohhh all bits and pieces of various artists' interpretations. general size is probably somewhere around 6'5, 300 lbs. big dude. nice layer of padding over his muscles because he has to eat a lot for his size and his job, like he needs the calories to function. blond buzz cut. scars and burns and nicks all over his face and body. like he looks like someone tried to jam him through a wood chipper - he's just fucked up. brows kind of sloped over his eyes a bit. thin lips. nasty scar that almost tore off half of his upper lip. cauliflower ear (at least one). not VERY hairy, but definitely keeps whatever hair he can grow, except his face, which he keeps shaved.
he's right down the middle of kind of ugly and super hot. there's just something brutal and off-putting about him that keeps most people at bay, but man he walks like he has something heavy between his legs :((
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ender-of-the-sender · 3 months
Chat, I'm coming out as an Ezekiel fan. The way Joey plays him- Im so sorry but like ?!! You give me another hateable shithead character thats also just a little guy and expect me to act normally?
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No. Fuck that.
Joey had NO RIGHT to play that fucking bird. How dare he.
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Fucking look at the SPECTACULAR lightning for this stupid fucking weed bird.
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Chat, I am actively screaming, crying, throwing up, throwing myself into a wood chipper- this fucking Nighthawk.
If it seems like I'm angry, it's because I am.
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tweetracer · 1 year
Hi! I saw you wanted some barbie prompts so I had a idea.
What if Ken meets someone in the real world and he instantly found them attractive, they end up complimenting him which makes him want them even more to where he forgets the whole patriarchy ordeal and just wants them to love him because they didn’t just ignore him.
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💖 Meeting RG!Ken in the Real World 💖
(RG!Ken x Human!Reader)
💖 SO YOU DEFINITELY MEET THIS GUY WHILE HE’S IN DAVY CROCKETT MIDDLE SCHOOL’S LIBRARY. You’ve been working there a few months as a librarian and while it wasn’t exactly your passion it was something that filled your schedule and kept half-decent food on the kitchen table so you wouldn’t complain.
💖 “Hi! Would you point me in the direction of the Horses and Patriarchy section?” The cheerful voice made you look up from where you were hunched over at the painfully old computer- double checking that all of the due books had been checked in.
💖 “Excuse me?” You said, completely flabbergasted by both the words and looks of the man who stood opposite your desk. He was tall; with golden blonde hair and sun-kissed skin he would be strikingly handsome were it not for the ridiculous cowboy outfit he was donned in. (Who were you kidding? He was still ridiculously attractive even with the costume).
💖 “Would you point me in the direction of the Horses and Patriarchy section of this library” he repeated with another charming smile, leaning forwards to rest his chin in his hands.
💖 “That’s…” you started slowly, brows furrowed in a way that made his chest feel weird and tingly. “We don’t have a section for Horses and the Patriarchy.” You explained as gently as you could, eyeing around in hopes of finding the poor excuse for a security officer that usually took his lunch in here despite the obvious ‘no eating in the library’ signs posted around.
💖 The man’s handsome face wilted a bit and for a moment you felt a little guilty for not being able to indulge his ridiculous request. “Oh! Silly me- could you point me in the direction of the Horse Section first? I’ll go to the Patriarchy section after” He said, chipper once again.
💖 “We… don’t have a just Horses section either..” you said again, watching as the man seemed to actually wither, crumbling forwards till his head was against the cold wood of your work desk.
💖 “Do you have a Patriarchy section?” He whimpered, looking up at you from where he’d half collapsed dramatically against your desk- blue eyes glassy and filled with so so much emotion considering the circumstances.
💖 When you shook your head he nearly wailed, sinking further till he was almost entirely on the floor- fringe out of place and hat askew. You stood up to peer over your desk, looking down at the handsome man near-crying on your library floor.
💖 You glanced around, thankfully it was lunchtime for the kids so almost everyone was outside enjoying the sunny Los Angeles afternoon, leaving your room mostly empty. You gnawed on your lips nervously for a few moments before making a decision.
💖 “I can help you find some books on horses though.. and the patriarchy?” You offered, not entirely sure what you were getting yourself into as he jumped up, smiling eagerly and leaning forwards till his face was a few inches away from yours.
💖 “You’d do that for me?” He said with so much awe and amazement you’d think you offered to hang the stars for him.
💖 “…Yeah?” It was your job after all, even if this man was definitely not a student or staff member as far as you knew. Maybe he was a substitute teacher (yeah… right)
💖 But the way his whole face lit up joyfully at something as small as helping him find books made your heart give a little skip in your chest.
💖 You guide him around, pointing out a few books that were somewhat relevant (though he really only seemed interested in grabbing the ones with lots of pictures). Standing next to him you noticed he… really didn’t have a sense of personal space- the man would lean close everytime you spoke up to offer your help in locating relevant books, big baby-blue eyes staring into yours as he hung on to every word you said, nodding enthusiastically.
💖 You felt your cheeks and ears warm go warm at all the attention, occasionally stumbling on a word or two and chewing on your lip nervously between sentences- eyes darting around to anything but the absolute ray of sunshine in front of you.
💖 “Why are you doing that?” He asked innocently, leaning forwards into your space again with only the flimsy spine of Horses, by Ryan Bessin to protect you.
💖 “Doing what?” You said, trying to sound collected and professional though your gaze was still elsewhere, skimming over the names and authors. You jumped a little when you felt him reach out to gently prod at your lip, freeing it from the grasp of your teeth.
💖 “You’re chewing on your lip” he started, unconsciously mirroring the action on his own face. His blue eyes were focused so intensely on your lips and he felt that weird flutter in his chest again. What was that? A side effect of the real world?
💖 “Oh sorry I do that when I’m” you waved your hand vaguely for a moments, waiting till he finally looked away from your mouth to meet your gaze. “Nervous.”
💖 His head tilted in confusion and you were unable to look at him and not see an absolutely adorable, floppy-eared golden retriever puppy. “You’re nervous? Why?” He sounded so genuine and you swear to god he needed to stop looking at you with so much kindness and interest or you may just explode.
💖 “You’re just” you grip tight to the book, “-you’re very… handsome” (and intense) you started again, cheeks warming even more when his face seemed to light up like the Fourth of July- a huge grin splitting his face. “I think there’s another book that might interest you over here!” Frantically you change the subject, thrusting the book forwards and trying (and failing) not to notice just how solid his abs were.
💖 He followed you eagerly, still smiling at you with those weirdly perfect teeth and that shamelessly attentive expression. “Thank you so much, Barbie!”
💖 You looked over your shoulder at him, bewildered. “That’s? Not my name?” You said with a confused but genuine smile. Was it supposed to be some type of weird compliment?
💖 The man blinked, baffled for a few moments before he seemed to remember something. “Oh! Sorry! Force of habit” he laughed, looking bashful as he fingered the pages of the book he held.
💖 (And you definitely didn’t let your gaze slip to those deft, elegant looking hands. Broad and masculine but spared any callous or freckle- his tanned skin nearly perfect)
💖 “So… why exactly are you looking for books on the Patriarchy and Horses?”
💖 He blinked a few times at your question, looking down at the books in his arms as though he’d forgotten they were there for a moment. His smile brightened marginally, and he picked up one of the books at random- The Origins of Patriarchy, waving it loosely in front of your face. “Oh! So I’m learning about this super awesome thing called The Patriarchy”
💖 He almost immediately noticed the slight downward tilt of your lips- and the resulting twist in his chest was not like the fluttering sensations from earlier. No this was… icky- this feeling was unpleasant (something he didn’t actually have a lot of context for) and all he could think of was getting that look off of your face as fast as possible.
💖 “But- uh that’s beside the point!” As flippantly as possible he tosses the book over his shoulder with a bashful laugh. You winced, knowing you’d have to put that up later, but the man didn’t seem to notice; too busy looking at you with those big blue eyes and leaning against the bookshelf.
💖 “O-Okay?” You said, blinking rapidly at him as you chewed nervously on your lip again, trying not to squirm under the pure fascination in his gaze, completely unaware of the rapidly shifting priorities of the man in front of you.
💖 “Oh my name is Ken! Hey- what size rollerblades do you wear by the way?”
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inkdrinkerworld · 2 months
Inn Love Chapter 3
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one two
cw: money issue talks, feelings of failure, james and reader being in love and idiots, a little angst (?) friends to lovers
wc: 2.6
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“It’s not looking good,” you mutter to Mary, head in your hands as you go over the accounts one more time. 
“It’s the off season, we’ll find something else to do.” 
She’s too kind, too understanding. You wish she’d blow up at you and quit for not being able to pay her on time. 
You sigh, long and hard. You have to figure it out. The Secret Garden is your baby, and even though this is your second year owning it, you’ve still not figured out how to supplement the off season so you make a profit. 
You don’t know if you’ll ever be able to. 
“We might have to. How do you feel about starting up line dancing lessons for a little bit? Just until I figure it out?” 
Mary grins, nodding her head. “I’ve missed it some. Won’t exactly be hard to get back into.” 
Mary’s the best worker you have. The only one you have really, but she’s still the best. 
You close up your books, and double check that all the rooms have been checked out of and begin locking up. 
James is waiting for you on your front steps, hat tipped low as he leans against one of the beams. 
“Hey Jamie, didn’t know you were stopping by.” 
You try for chipper, a smile in your voice as you hold your tote bag on your shoulder. 
“Wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch with me.”
You pause, reaching right in front of him. It’s instant, the way a frown fights for the space of your smile. It’s also instant the way James notices. 
“What’s wrong?” He takes your bag from you, leading you to his truck. 
“Nothing. Where are we getting lunch?” 
James frowns a little bit, but doesn’t press. “Had Chinese dropped off to the house, got all your favourites.” 
You grin, James does this a lot and it makes your stomach flip every time. 
“Meet you there?” 
James frowns again, then shrugs. “Yeah, darling.” 
You double back to your own truck, James setting your bag in the bench seat. 
You watch James pull out first and take a moment to collect all your worry and all your anxiety and stuff it deep in your chest, burying it with a bit of hay before sighing. 
You can’t let James see you’re worried or anxious, he’ll sniff the information out of you and if you tell James then you’d have failed. 
The first year it was understandable, the second year; you’re not sure you could tell the person who helped you build the inn from the ground up that you’ve been having months of money troubles. 
You pull up behind James, sliding out of your car and racing him to the front door. 
“You still cheat.” he says with a smile, you shrug while pushing open the door. Inside James’ house, you’d think it was hot, all the southern heat trapped in the walls, but it’s always cool. 
He’d explained it to you once, the stone and wood kept it cool, but also he had put in a central air con to maintain the chill. 
“I got shorter legs than you James, it’d never be fair.” 
James shakes his head, following you to his dining table where all the boxes are already laid out. 
“How much noodles am I allowed?” James rolls his eyes. You always eat most of it and he always gets you your own box because why deprive you of your favourite thing?
James doesn’t think there’s actually anything he could deprive you of. 
“Does lack of sleep mess with your memory?”
You grin when he passes you an entire box, and then the rest of what you usually like.
As you eat, the talking kind of subsides, which is weird by yours and James’ standards.
“Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” He asks when you migrate to the living room, laying out long on his sofa while he sits with your feet in his lap. 
“What do you mean, Jamie?” You try hard not to stiffen your body as you respond. 
He sighs, hands squeezing the arches of your feet. “I dunno, something feels wrong. Like you feel down.” 
God you could cry right now. James has always been in tune to you like this, as you are with him, but it sometimes gets to be too much because lying to your best friend hurts. Especially when he can tell something is off. 
“Just tired I guess.” you shrug one of your shoulders. James hums but doesn’t say anything and you feel guilt like a hot poker in your stomach. 
You wiggle your toes in his lap and his hands fall back to massaging them. 
“Wanna watch ‘How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days’?” 
James never has to ask twice. 
You don’t mean to, but you and James fall asleep right there on his sofa. Some time during the night you’ve shifted, he’s laying under you and your head is on part of his chest with your legs tangled up. 
The only reason you wake up is because James’ alarm is blaring and you’ve got the worst crick in your neck.
“Make it stop,” you grumble, hiding your face in his chest as he stretches. It’s comfortable even for friends, the way James holds onto your waist as he leans over you to grab his phone. 
“Shit, s’nearly four. You gotta go darling.” 
You’d lasted nearly a whole three minutes without thinking about the fact that The Secret Garden wasn’t doing well. 
Almost awkwardly, which is strange for you and James, you sit up. As you stretch all your joints crack and you sigh where James winces. He’s always hated how you can just crack your bones like that- he worries you’ll break them one day. 
“Nah I got the day off.” 
James’ eyebrows shoot up. “So the TSG is closed today?” 
You wish your friend wouldn’t ask so many questions. Lying to him is hard work. 
“Mary’s running the morning shift today.” James looks a little sceptical but drops it, making his way to the stairs. 
“M’gonna get ready. You staying on the ranch then?” 
You nod, what else is there for you to do? Plus if you use your ‘day off’ to be anywhere but the ranch, say going job hunting or to the bank, your quiet little town will somehow have your going-ons back to James in no time. 
“Heat up breakfast and I’ll make us coffee.” James is back down in ten minutes, showered and changed into his wranglers, a thin white t-shirt and his work boots. 
You’re sure you’ve got yours around here somewhere.
James and you work like a well greased machine, making breakfast and coffee and doing the dishes all in one go. 
He tilts his head to the screen door in the kitchen that leads to his side porch.  
“Wanna watch the sunrise with me and then go round do some ranch chores?” 
“Still got my boots in the coat closet?” you ask and James rolls his eyes. 
“When has anything of yours left this house? You’re everywhere in here.” His gaze is too intense for you to laugh it off. It also makes you feel like you’ve caged race horses in your stomach and they’re butting their fences. 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing, Jamie.” is all you can manage before going in search of your boots.
James doesn’t think it’s a bad thing at all. Honestly, he wishes there were more of you in his house; he’s just not sure if saying that to you will cost him everything. 
Shoving your feet into the boots you sigh, then take a peek out at the sky and shiver. “I’m taking a coat.”
“Take anything you want.” 
This is why you can’t tell James about your money troubles. He’s going to give you anything to turn it around, but you’re not sure if anything he can give will. You also can’t use him anymore than you already do. 
“Race you to the stables!” James takes off before you can even put down your empty mug. 
“You’re such a cheater!” You whine as you race behind him, his laugh floating back to you as you reach the stable doors. 
“Takes one to know one,” he says playfully, causing you to roll your eyes.
James holds the door open for you and as soon as you get in you head for Snowglobe. 
“My baby,”  you coo, already kissing the side of his face while James lets his own horse, Landslide, out.  
“You’d swear he wasn’t nearly twenty three.”
“Don’t remind me Jamie.” you grab a brush and go through the usual maintenance just as James does with his horse. 
“We’re riding up to the fences to check on the horses, then we’re feeding them.” James talks about his day like it’s easy, but you remember the hard work that goes into ranching. You’ve got your work cut out for you, and you’re not even doing the hard stuff like moving hay or any of that. 
“Lead the way, Cowboy.” 
After a couple hours, you go back to the big house and take a shower, well and truly exhausted. James wouldn’t let you haul hay, so you’d been feeding the animals, cleaning the stables and doing a bit of general cleaning up around the ranch while he and his farmhands mended parts of the fence, herded the cows and hauled the dried heaps of hay. 
By the time James comes in, you’re halfway through preparing dinner- beef stew. 
“I would’ve cooked after my shower, darling.” James says as he hangs up his hat and boots. 
“Yeah, but now by the time you come back down, we can eat together.” 
James frowns again, you’ve never been away from TSG for this long since it’s been opened and it’s worrying him that you won’t talk to him about it. 
If he’s honest, you haven’t gushed about the inn since you left it yesterday- which is very unlike you. That place is your pride and joy and everyone knows it. Especially James. 
He holds his tongue on his worry and nods. 
“I’ll be back in ten.” 
Through dinner, you’re on your phone, checking your accounts, trying to see where you can make more money or if you’ll have to do the one thing you don’t want to. 
After your sixth sigh in ten minutes, James sets his cutlery down and reaches a hand for you.
“Darling, I know you said it’s nothing, but it’s clearly not. Can you tell me what’s wrong, please?”
Before you can answer, Sirius bursts through James’ house. 
“Did you see TSG’s been closed all day? Wonder if everything’s okay.” 
You freeze in your seat when James turns to you with wide eyes and a slack jaw. 
Sirius coughs to dispel his embarrassment. “Sorry doll face. But why are you closed? Is everything alright?” 
You can’t even be upset with Sirius because for all of his faults, he’s always concerned about you. He feels very much like an older brother in that way, even when he’s giving you shit. 
You rest your head on the table and sigh. 
“Don’t be upset Jamie,” you start, slow and more than a little nervous. You don’t know how you’ll feel if James is angry with you. You don’t want to feel like a failure to him. You don’t want to fail yourself even more. 
“I think I’m gonna have to close the inn.” 
Sirius gasps, James frowns. “Forever or for a while?” 
You lift your head, “For a while. I’m not sure how long. I’ve got to go over the account but we’re not making a profit right now.” 
“Darling,” he says at the same time Sirius swears. 
Tears spring in your eyes. “I know, it hasn’t been making profit or any sort of money for a couple months but I thought it would pick up again, but I guess late summer is not our season.” 
James stands quickly when your first tear falls and Sirius ruffles your head. 
“There’s nothing to be ashamed about, it happens. I can help you work through it.” You shake your head at James’ proposal. 
“You helped me start it up and I can’t even keep it running through the entire year. I can’t expect you to help me every year that I have a slow period.” 
Sirius tuts, “You could always sell your bakes in the off time, dollface.” 
James wipes your tears away, “I can still help. I don’t mind helping out.” 
You shake your head. Sirius seems to get it before James does, and what it is you’re trying to say. 
“No Jamie, I think maybe working on the ranch or doing a little baking on the side would be good. Right doll?” 
You nod, “I don’t wanna keep using you Jamie.” 
James tuts, tilting your chin up. Sirius takes his cue and goes into the kitchen, looking through James’ pantry. 
“You don’t use me. You’ve never used me.” It’s hard to argue with James when he speaks with such conviction but you know you have. 
“But I did. When I was opening up TSG, it was you helping me.” 
James smiles then, “Yeah I helped, darling. It was a mutual thing. We’re friends, of course I helped you. And I can help again, but if you want to do this part on your own, I’d get it.” 
James wipes your tears, gentle and sweet as ever. “I need to go do a final closing for the season and set some things in place, but can I stay here in the meantime?” You force the words out, soft and whispered against the space between you and James. 
“You can stay here as long as you like,” 
“Thanks Jamie.” 
He shrugs, dimple poking out in his cheek as he smiles at you. “You’re always welcome darling, c’mon I’ll drive you to TSG and help with lock up.” 
As it turns out, telling James you’d been struggling wasn’t that bad. It was hard and you’d felt like a failure for a little bit, but he talked good sense into you and now you’re staying with him till the start of autumn. 
“I can work the ranch, Jamie.” You proposed on your second night on his sofa. 
“You cannot work the entire ranch.” James wasn’t even being funny about it either. You really can’t. You get cut up easily and you blister worse than he does. 
“Okay, I can work the stables.” 
James rolls his eyes good naturedly, tossing a bit of popcorn at you. You’d both been watching a new horror that James had seen advertising. Watching is a generous word because you both talk through all the dull parts and you squeeze his fingers in anxiety during the freaky parts. 
“As opposed to?” 
You giggle, “Hey, I can work the garden or help milk the cows.” 
James chuckles then, his dimple on display making you want to poke your finger in it. “Same cows you’re afraid of? You can work the stables darling, you know your way around it.” 
You squeal, leaning up and closer to James to kiss his cheek. You love doing it because James goes red hot and can’t stop his flush. Even as kids he’d go beet red the minute you gave him a kiss to his cheek. 
“You’re the best James. The best ever.” 
He grins, “I’m glad you finally noticed.” The pillow behind your head whacks him in the face as you groan. 
“That was yuck, don’t ever say that again.” James laughs through your disgust, slotting your pillow behind your back again and holding your feet in his lap as the horror builds. 
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moonstruckme · 4 months
who knew camp counsellor james would have such a hold on me-
i feel like one one of the last days of the camp before they have to go back to experiencing the joys of the real world james would sneak the reader out past curfew to indulge in a late night campfire session or smth yk? it would just be really cute-
Thanks for requesting lovely!
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
It took you a while to clear the fog of sleep from your head, and you could really argue that you didn’t fully wake up until after you’d put your shoes on and slipped out of your cabin to let James take you into the woods. Your decision making abilities were definitely not fully functioning. 
Not because you wouldn’t have gone if they were, but because you probably would have put on real shorts. 
You feel strangely underdressed in your pajamas while James leads the way in his everyday clothes. Whatever this is—you haven’t had the wherewithal to ask many questions—it was clearly pre-planned on his end, and you hadn’t been clued in until he’d tapped on the window by your bunk bed and asked you to come outside. 
“Careful of that hole there,” he warns you, voice chipper and oddly loud in the quiet of early morning, though you think he’s speaking at a normal volume. 
You step over the hole he’d gestured to, every step helping you to shed the lethargy you’ve carried out of your cabin with you. The world around you is lightening, your sandaled feet brushing against wet blades of grass and mist pleasantly chilling your skin. There’s an excitement coming off James that’s more contagious the more you wake up. 
“Where are we going?” you ask.
“The top of the hill.” 
“God, can’t I have any secrets?” He tosses you a smile over his shoulder. “It’s a surprise.” 
You roll your eyes even though he can’t see. “Is the surprise that you’re going to murder me?” 
“Well, now you’ve spoiled it.” 
You don’t actually think James would murder you. He may be serial-killer charming, but he’s the sort of kind that persists even when no one is looking and you truly don’t think he’s got a malicious bone in his body. There’s certainly nothing malicious about the way he looks at you now, turning to watch you finish the climb as he steps into the clearing beyond the trees. 
This grassy bluff (referred to lovingly by camp staff as “the hill”) overlooks the lake and the uninhabited, wooded land opposite your camp. On the horizon, you can see thin wisps of fog coating the landscape, tinged faintly yellow by the emerging light though the sun hasn’t yet broken the surface. 
This isn’t somewhere the kids ever really come, but still management has built a wooden fence along the edge of the hill to make sure no one misses the drop-off or tries to jump into the lake below. James walks up to it like this is something he does every day, putting his legs between the two boards so he’s sitting on one with his arms folded across the other. 
You follow suit, though you’re still not sure why you’re here. James set a hand on your back to keep you from tipping backwards while you get situated, and even through the material of your pajama top, it burns like a brand. 
“So, this is the plan,” you say, hating the nervous pitch of your voice. Even though you and James see each other every day, it’s rare that you’re so thoroughly alone with him. “You’re going to dump me in the lake, and then blame it on my own recklessness for climbing over the fence.” 
“Yes, you’ve figured me out,” James replies, but his heart doesn’t seem in the joke anymore. “No, I was just thinking, we never get any time away from the kids.” 
“Except the bonfire.” It’s out of your mouth before you can stop it, the closest either of you have come to acknowledging what happened in the woods that night. You blame exhaustion for the slip. James’ eyes widen slightly, his lips parting like he might say something, but you go on in a hurry, “But yeah, generally we don’t.” 
James quells his surprise, lips turning up again. “Right. I’ve been wanting to come up here to watch the sunrise—it’s the only place you can really see it around here—and I figured we may as well. Friday’s our last day, you know?” 
The levity goes out of you in a soft breath. You turn your gaze towards the horizon. “Yeah,” you acknowledge. 
The end of camp heavies your heart for loads of reasons, but lately the idea of not seeing James has been your least favorite. It’s both of your first summer here, and you’re already planning to come back next year but you don’t know if he’ll do the same. 
You find yourself asking, “Are you ready to go home?” 
The boards creak as James shifts his weight. “There are people I miss, so I’ll be happy to get back to them, but…no, not really. I feel like things have ended too fast. Like, I thought there’d be more time, but now all of a sudden we’re meant to start packing. Are you?” 
You look at James. His hair really has gotten long. There are curls that you think if pulled would stretch nearly to the tip of his nose. You remember when he’d shown up for training, three days before the kids got here, cleaner and several shades lighter and by far the most handsome man you’d ever seen. You’d hardly been able to look at him that first day, so nervous about tripping over your tongue and embarrassing yourself before being stuck with this gorgeous boy for the entire summer, but James’ geniality proved relentless. By dinnertime he’d had you trading your fruit for his fries and the camaraderie between you after that had been easy and fun, if not always strictly friendly. 
“Not really,” you agree, offering him a halfhearted smile. 
James’ knee bumps yours, and all the heat in your body seems to focus on the spot. He smiles back at you. “I’m gonna miss you,” he says, tone light but eyes heavy. 
Your head feels staticky. “I’m gonna miss you, too,” you say. Any other time your voice would be too quiet to hear, but the morning is still, and James feels closer to you than he was a few moments before. “You’re right, I wish there’d been more time for…things.” 
“We could keep in touch.” His voice has gone soft too. You can almost feel his warm breath on your face. “I don’t live that far from you, we could meet up on weekends, or…” 
“Right,” you murmur, but you only get about halfway through before his lips are on yours. 
James tastes like toothpaste and fresh air, and he kisses just like you thought he would, giving and taking in equal measure. His mouth is warm and easy on yours, testing the waters, feeling out what you want. You grip his shoulder to pull him closer, and despite the awkward angle he obliges you. Your head fills with buzzing bees. 
You lose your balance and nearly fall off the fence, but James catches you, laughing into your mouth. He eases you both down onto the ground, appeasing you with kisses to your cheek, your jaw, the side of your nose until he finds his way back to your lips. The dewy wetness of the grass seeps into your clothes. 
You feel more than see the sun rising over the lake. Golden light blooms on the insides of your eyelids, followed by a faint warmth on that side of your face. You find you’re actually alright with missing this one.
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