#ft. taliesin
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adrasian · 2 months ago
for @taliesin-mistry
The night was wearing on, cold and deep. With the streets lit up and the trees heavy with snow, surrounded by throngs of people in high spirits and distant music nearly every place he'd wandered, the angel could also imagine Krovstown to be a normal village celebrating the wintertime. Adrasia was almost reluctant to leave it. In the end, he allowed himself one more lap of the main drag, soaking up as much of the atmosphere as he could in preparation for the inevitable ride back up to Krovs.
He spotted the human nestled between two vendors' stalls, looking off distantly over the top of a steaming cup. There was a light dusting of snow on his hair, the smallest frown on his face. Adrasia smiled softly as he came up beside him, delicately brushing off the boy's dark locks. "Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked hopefully, trying to resist the urge to tug at Taliesin's coat, adjust it more carefully around his neck. "It's getting late. I was about to find a car up to the castle, if you'd like to join me."
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gwyndolence · 4 months ago
for @taliesin-mistry
"I don't think they should be too high. You've worn heels before, haven't you, darling?"
Gwyn squinted down at the contents of the makeup bag he'd dumped over his bed, posing the question casually over his shoulder as he rifled through the phenomenal amount of eyeshadow pots he'd totally forgotten he owned. Taliesin had been banished to the bathroom almost as soon as the guards had delivered him to try on his costume before the sith got his hands dirty doing the pretty human's makeup. Dair would be joining the party eventually, but seeing as his costume involved little more than a shiny pair of gold shorts and his own good looks, Gwyn had thought it all the better to pat the nephilim on the ass and give him the early evening to himself.
For now, they had the suite to themselves and Gwyn could properly appreciate the sight of Taliesin wiggled into the skimpy pink one-piece he'd be wearing for the night, grinning and giving him a wolf whistle as he patted the bed beside him. "What do you think? Leave the shoes off for now, actually, let me make you gorgeous first."
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azures-grace · 1 year ago
screaming into the void
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A very quickly thrown together basic refsheet of Iriae.
In the actual file, the hair is interactive! I drew like 5 different hairs, it was great.
by basic refsheet I mean colors.
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m-herra · 9 months ago
I need 2 draw the cuddle pile thoughts in tags
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bitterkarella · 1 year ago
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i want you to sssay hello to Rowling: graham lineham Lineham: [wearing foil hat] free masons run the country Rowling: he'sss got sssome great ideasss you should hear
Poe: joanne you don't need to bring him here Poe: like, you really don't Rowling: he hass thingsss to sssay and you're ALL going to hear them Poe: this is really kind of off topic for us here Rowling: EVERYONE will hear them
Rowling: ssssee, yearsss ago i disssmisssed graham lineham'ssss babble as the bad opticsss ravingsss of a lunatic Rowling: but now that the overton window hass sshifted Rowling: i'm proud to sssay thessse bad opticsss ravingsss are quite good actually!
Rowling: go ahead, graham, tell them what you told me Lineham: trans people produce no great films, no music, no art Lineham: they're incapable of doing this basic human thing because they're subhuman Lineham: untermensch, if you will Rowling: isssn't he great?
Lineham: trans books are always universally panned because of their incoherence Billy Martin: Hailey Piper: Eve Harms: Gretchen Felker-Martin: Joe Koch: M. Lopes da Silva: Arden Powell: Lor Gislason: Julya Oui: LC von Hessen: GE Woods: Michelle Belanger: Rain Corbyn: SA Chant:
FT Catulla: Viktor Athelstan: Meagan Hotz: Ziggy Schutz: Rose Sable: WN Derring-Judith: Charles Maria Tor: Devaki Devay: Dayna Ingram: Ori Jay: Ai Burton: Gabriel Valentine: Cosmin-Mihai Birsan: Jei D Marcade: Rhiannon Rasmussen: Max Turner: Taylor J Pitts: Vincent Endwell:
Bri Crozier: Theo Hendrie: Derek des Anges: Briar Ripley Page: Winter Holmes: gaast: Maya Deane: Charles-Elizabeth Boyles: Layne van Rensburg: Amanda M Blake: May Leitz: Alison Rumfitt: Rivers Solomon: Lillian Boyd: Torrey Peters: Taliesin Neith: Daniel M. Lavery: Joss Lake: Aubrey Wood: Jonah Wu:
Daphne du Maurier: Patricia Highsmith: Franz Kafka: Kafka: wait Kafka: why did the camera pan to me
Barker: oh you know why haha Poe: clive Kafka: why Kafka: [hugging blåhaj] i don't know what you mean
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ravisurendra · 2 months ago
With what the other had been through all night, Soren supposed he should only be surprised that Taliesin had kept himself awake for this long. He resisted the impulse to shake him awake again, the sudden desperation to keep hearing his brother's voice after the fraught time they'd spent apart. But how much rest did Taliesin get in the castle, true rest, where he knew he could be safe? Soren watched him nod off instead, his heart tight in his chest, waiting until he was sure he'd drifted entirely before he stood to find a throw blanket he could drape over Taliesin's slender body. He really was drowning in Soren's joggers. The Missus watched skeptically, stepping into the puddled blanket once he'd finished tucking it over Taliesin's shoulders and pressing her back against his brother's shins as she curled up beside him.
It was nearly normal. Another night spent sleeping off a party in Soren's apartment so Taliesin wouldn't have to face Nisha's wrath stumbling home. It felt impossible to consider letting the vampires steal him back up to that looming castle, as impossible as it had felt that Soren might actually find him again when he'd set out on his stupid, ill-planned journey. But here he was. Soren sat down gingerly, taking pains not to disturb the duo. He'd let him rest a little while longer. Then he could figure out how to let him go again.
Taliesin didn't miss the way Soren corrected himself, untitled Stigr, with such familiarity. When Stigr had come and gone from their home, he'd always been The Councilman - Councilman Anslem, if you really had to clarify, but there wasn't exactly another Councilman in their house to confuse him with. Their parents had insisted on the politeness, honoured, but wary around a vampire. It was perhaps the only occasion on which Taliesin had seen Nisha remotely concerned about him, reminding him to stay out of the way and quiet when Stigr was present. Cynically, he wondered if it had ever been concern for him, or merely the business, herself. Then again, she had acquiesced to their Grandmother, insisting on all of those middle names, superstitious about the interference of the supernatural, keeping one or two even off the birth certificate. Perhaps there was a little superstition in their mother too. Still, it betrayed a familiarity in Soren. They'd spoken, perhaps more than just business. Taliesin felt a pang of defensiveness.
And then a huge wave of tiredness. All at once it was difficult to keep his eyes open, enough of the molly finally out of his system that his body was physically capable of sleep. He let his head rest against the arm of the sofa, his knees drawn up beneath him. "Yes... Yeah... Sounds... Good," he managed between the flood of yawns. It was getting difficult to keep his eyes open, the lids growing heavier withe very blink until finally they slid shut altogether.
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marcussour · 3 months ago
C3E116 random thoughts and bits
Love Laura's hair in this episode
What even is this ad, hahahaha
The deception check for running backwards shit was hilarious
"I don't want to bet, we're saving money, we're trying to adopt" *5 seconds later* "YOU OWE ME 100 DOLLARS"
This whole thing in the hallways of the Arx Creonum has been like an extended Scooby Doo gag, in the best way possible
"I was eating some candy, do you want some?", "Will I also sound sarcastic if I eat one?"
I can imagine Fjord just floating in the air and being split apart by both Caleb and the Weave Mind
Dope Monk Shit
It's hilarious tho that, from the perspective of the rest of the Nein, both Fjord and Beau just suddenly disappeared without a notice, and of course you might assume it was the work of the Weave Mind
Everything dies without mice
And bees
Fjord Fairie Fire Fizzles
Oh, that divine intervention was clutch af
"Tiny little spectral golden dicks" - Hope we get a C3 animated show one day to see that
Oh, divine intervention and then Time Stop, amazing
That whole 5 turns in 1 from Caleb was just *chef's kiss*
"This is where we'll begin the next graveyard" - Taliesin as always with the best one liners
"Which of you will be the first to be interred?"
I appreciate so much Taliesin's musical references (now to A Perfect Circle), and it's incredible how often they go through over both the rest of the cast and the fandom's heads
Dammit Sam, how on Earth do you manage to get 4 nat 1s, in 2 rolls with advantage, back to back
But is the wall 10 ft over the ground, 20 ft tall tho? can't believe that became a bit
That was a nice try for Caduceus to go down for trying to recover from blindness
I've said before how Tal's characters are always the one I connect the most, and not having seen C2 yet -just clips and bits-, I gotta say, I love Caduceus so much.
Now Caleb with the bad rolls streak, considering how bad they've rolled overall, its fascinating how things have turned out. I mean, it hasn't been abysmal or anything, but, well, it could've been a lot better.
4 hours in to notice your armor isn't equipped. We've all been there at some time.
Love how, while Yasha was killing the first of the Weave Mind to fall, Sam and Laura were talking about a realistic Moo Deng cake
The moment the ego hunter fell and how the Weave Mind felt it, it reminded me of the "IT'S AFRAID" moment with the Brain bug from Starship Troopers
Caleb using Disintegrate to just, completely obliterate the other 4 was just, beautiful
Ashley doing the "SHE'S BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME" when talking about Beau
Well, that was amazing. Also, both Vox Machina and The Mighty Nein completing their tasks in 2 episodes, it was a nice parallel.
Well, it's up to Bells Hells now. I'm stoked to see what Ludinus -and Matt by extension- throws at them, not only considering BH aren't entirely sure what to do with Predathos; but also, because they aren't lvl 20 like the other 2 groups, and how will Matt handle that scaling
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atridie · 6 months ago
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turned my elf tallir into a human for disco elysium au purposes. meet taliesin aka tally
ft @sadeggsforbreakfast’s fanfic
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dynamite124 · 2 years ago
how tall is Taliesin? I am curious because my Dragonborn is around 6' 7 ft.
Taliesin is 6'4''.
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adrasian · 8 months ago
closed starter for @taliesin-mistry
Privacy, always, was the real rarity in a place like the Undercroft. What windows of opportunity there were were brief and had to be seized quickly -- Adrasia, it seemed, was not the only one attempting to take advantage this time. He had succeeded first in the showers, scrubbing away the lingering malaise of his transfer until his skin would have pinkened, had he been human. His clothes he wrestled into while the room was still thick with humidity, then slipped down the hall like a shadow. Just within the door of the dormitory though, the celestial halted.
Someone else was already inside: only one, alone, tucked far from the door.
They were crying.
Adrasia took one automatic step forward, then stopped, his lips parting around words he hadn't even chosen yet, his hair still hanging in damp curls around his face. The sound was a wretched, painful thing -- this was the first time the celestial had heard it in this place, but he knew suddenly with a dreadful intuition it would not be the last. When he moved again he approached not-so-quietly, so not to scare the other before he spoke, soft and encouraging: "We're alone, it's alright." Adrasia stopped a bed away, not wanting to corner the other in such a state. "May I sit? You may pretend I'm not even here, if you like."
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heartxshaped-bruises · 9 months ago
TAGGED BY: @myriadxofxmuses (( thank you <3 )) TAGGING: @alwaysanangcl @lxvefrxmthextherside @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable @fantasystrangers @murdercapitxl @brokenblondeprincess
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★  ⸻  JOE
My Bloody Valentine by Good Charlotte
The Horror Of Our Love by Ludo
Evil Side by The Dirty Nil
Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience
Friends In Low Places by Worthikids
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Lemonade by Wheatus
Anything, Anything by Lucky Boys Confusion
Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows
Rock & Roll Queen by The Subways
I Quit by Donots
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Throne by Saint Mesa
Let Yourself Go Wild by Jasmin Tabatabei
Feral Love by Chelsea Wolfe
Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine
Altay by Ummet Ozcan ft. Otyken
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ravisurendra · 11 days ago
Taliesin sounded insulted immediately, which wasn't even the most concerning reaction his brother could've had. How many times had Soren gone to fetch him from some over-the-top revelry only for Taliesin to complain about the fun being ruined, about Soren prying him from the side of his beau for the night or his flashy, laughing, equally inebriated 'friends'? Soren only rolled his eyes, ready to snark back before Taliesin went on and his expression shifted more into bafflement. He processed a moment, then scoffed, ignoring the impulse to scrub a hand over his face while the stupid mask was still on. "You think I don't know that? I'm not here to nag you for any of those things. I just wanted to make sure you're alright." He decided to leave the sentiment of 'especially after last time' unvoiced.
Thinking about Halloween soothed his annoyance quickly, reminding Soren of just how relieved he'd been to have Taliesin safe in front of him again. There were more important things than being all brotherly and irritated about a bit of showing out. Besides, Taliesin's choice of words would've sobered him up regardless and Soren frowned, brows furrowing at how casually the word 'master' seemed to fall out of the younger Mistry's mouth. Soren knew things were different here, knew this was Taliesin's reality now. It didn't make it any less unsettling to hear Taliesin talk about it so matter-of-factly.
He tried not to scowl too unhappily at the sound of Stigr's name. 'It's a little annoying?" Soren repeated helplessly, not even knowing where to start with that one. "Taliesin..." He reached forward, lightly shaking his brother's shoulder, "I'm glad he's... treating you well. But it's temporary, alright?" The way Taliesin just flippantly dismissed him had Soren dismayed for a long moment, opening and closing his mouth before the words came back to him. "I'm not going home. I'm not going without you, don't you know that?"
It baffled Taliesin just how much of a wallflower his brother could be at parties. Soren had always been thought of by their parents as sociable, capable of holding court without assistance - indeed, shyness would not have been tolerated from their firstborn - but as soon as he stepped into one of Taliesin’s party spaces he seemed to clam up and shut down. Maybe it was not wanting to be seen around all these queers, Taliesin considered, pouting. He could hardly blame Soren. He was straight and all these parties got rather handsy, even the ones outside of Krovs. There were plenty of men at them that made it a mission to seek out the stray heterosexuals and flip them. In the past, Taliesin had given more than one friend a talking to about hitting on Soren like that. Still, there was no reason for his suit to be quite so low effort.
“Yes. Lots of fun. Before you say anything, I’m not high this time.” He wasn’t even that drunk. Tipsy, giggly, but still in control. He was on his best behaviour, after all. He didn’t want Stigr to suddenly change his mind and send him back... “I just like dancing, and dressing up, and being a homosexual.” He knew what Soren thought, that it was degrading, beyond humiliating. That’s what his family thought about everything Taliesin did. “I thought I might see Adra but I haven’t yet. I want to dance with him the most. I hope Roland’s not preventing him from seeing me, just because our masters don’t get along.”
Taliesin had settled into being Stigr’s pet quickly, was already displaying incredible comfort with the ornate collar, the way that Stigr dressed and styled him, the entire idea that he belonged to someone. Taliesin also knew the subtext of what Soren was really asking. It was obvious from the way his gaze lingered on the collar. “I’m fine, Soren. Stigr’s the best master I could have asked for. He’s nice- I like him. It’s a little annoying that he has another slave, but otherwise I have no complaints. You can go home now, everything is sorted.”
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ludinus-is-a-bitch · 2 years ago
rewatching the aeor arc because it's slightly cold outside!
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cannibarb · 4 years ago
Tal: You made a deal with the sea witch.
Athlen: yes.
Tal: Soooo…what exactly did you trade for your legs..?
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thaliasthunder · 3 years ago
grecia reading In Deeper Waters
just let yall know i started reading this and the cover is the prettiest thing i've seen in my life
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catzgam3rz · 3 years ago
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Bleh bleh have some traditional Critical Role doodles I’ve done for fun while binging C2!
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