#frown king?
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nothing-at-the-moment · 2 years ago
Grogu's frown can go hand to hand with Florence Pugh's.
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frenchublog · 10 days ago
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nelkcats · 2 years ago
Klarion's new interest
Young Justice was busy recently, this was because Klarion had been extremely active, attacking continuously. When they asked him about it in one of their battles, he said that the Order of Chaos had found "The key to immortality and absolute power over the dead" something that really did not interest him, so he distanced himself from the matter.
Young Justice forgot to inform the Justice League of this event due to how exhausted they felt. They remembered it at the moment that the Order of Chaos appeared again in a warehouse, although this time they seemed to have a hostage.
Danny had only spent 5 minutes with the cultists for the week and he was already getting tired. Cultists had a weird name and were complaining about a "failed spell", something about them wanting to attract someone very powerful and he coming instead, which, rude, but he wasn't going to correct them either.
Danny wondered if it was worth getting out of the chains, but that would probably tell them he was more than "a normal teen" so he didn't, either way Clockwork would probably warn him if he was in danger. He yawned, bored with all the talk and met the gaze of a boy with his hair in the shape of horns watching him carefully, he looked great. The halfa greeted him happily and the boy looked doubly confused.
Danny also noticed the people in colorful costumes on the roof but he didn't care much. The cultists seemed to come to terms and led him to the center of the circle, Danny raised an eyebrow as they performed the spell again. It didn't seem to work, as he vanished for a few seconds and reappeared in the same place.
"You're not very good at magic are you?" Danny asked with amusement, Klarion took a little more interest in him.
When all the heroes descended and most of them stopped paying attention to him, Danny looked at the cool haired guy (the only one staring) and grinned with all his fangs, winking at him (with his toxic green eyes) before disappear from sight.
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ladykailolu · 2 months ago
Love that puzzleshipping dynamic of Yami burning down the whole world if it meant saving Yugi and Yugi being horrified at the destruction his lover made all to protect him ❤️ It's like crack to me ✨️
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the-acid-pear · 9 months ago
Honestly the best part about True Neutral Jack to me is the fact he... doesn't even really care for the money. Sure he cares about the business growing and expanding but like, in his personal life? He's not doing shit with it for what we see. Like he's not this capitalist sigma grinder type with big dreams or goals like owning a mansion or some shit. Like im sure even if he was a millonaire he'd still be wearing the same suit and living in the same house and likely using the same cheap paint. He just needed a hobbie to run from the skeletons in his closet.
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jrueships · 7 months ago
lu we GET IT, he's your little princess, omg, girl, go away 😭 the maple mafia's got a fucking enforcer
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lotrmusical · 7 months ago
My high school did a yearly poetry recitation contest (Poetry Out Loud), so Oh Boy do I know some poems. My favorites are Ozymandias and "the world is about to end and my grandparents are in love," by Kara Jackson. Also in 8th grade we had a Poe unit and had a class contest to make the best music video of the Raven, so I still know a good chunk of that.
i hadn't heard of the kara jackson one! just read through it and enjoyed it, particularly these lines > 'grandma returns to her love like a hymn, marks it with a color. // when the world ends will it suck the earth of all its love? /will i go taking somebody’s hand, / my skin becoming their skin?'
#taking this as a challenge to see how much of ozymandias and the raven i can remember. no i'm not bored at work what gives you that idea#i bet ive got most of ozymandias. the raven may be a lost cause#i met a traveller from an antique land / who said: two vast and trunkless legs of stone / stand in the desert. near them on the sand /#half-sunk a shatter'd visage lies whose frown / and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command / tell that its sculptor well those passions read#...something or other i do not recall / the heart that mocked them and the heart that fed / and on the pedestal these words appear /#my name is ozymandias king of kings / look on my works ye mighty and despair /#nothing beside remains. round the decay / of that colossal wreck . something or other#the lone and level sands stretch far away#decay of that colossal wreck indeed (my memory for this poem)#oh well.#once upon a midnight dreary as i pondered weak and weary / over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore /#while i nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a rapping / as of someone gently tapping tapping at my chamber door /#tis some visitor i muttered tapping at my chamber door / only this and nothing more#?? (it's downhill from here)#ah distinctly i remember it was in the bleak december / and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor /#something?ly i sought the morrow / vainly had i sought to borrow / from my books surcease of sorrow / sorrow for the lost lenore /#for the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels .name lenore / lost to me forevermore#(then there is another stanza; bird-infested word bonanza / which i used to know at some point but do not know anymore /)#something something something door. darkness there and nothing more#oh it's the 'silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain / thrilled me filled me with fantastic terrors never known before' bit#anyway. deep into that darkness peering something stood i hoping fearing / doubting?? dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before#but the silence was unbroken and the stillness gave no token / and the only word there spoken was the whispered word lenore#(more missing chunks)#oh i remember 'surely said i surely that is / something at my window lattice' because it's such a stupid rhyme#bird time bust time idk#ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore / tell me what thy lordly name is on the night's plutonian shore /#a billion more stanzas i dont remember. except for 'prophet!' said i 'thing of evil! prophet still if bird or devil!#whether tempter sent or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore /' etc. wait you can only add 30 tags to posts now?? i had more raven chunks#ask#anon
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tooni-the-demon-gal · 3 months ago
oh, thats victim blaming. thats victim blaming in the tulsa king season 2 finale.
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dafriend · 2 months ago
actively watching shrek the musical and when the magic mirror asks if he wishes to invite his father (who, by the way, is Grumpy. of snow white fame. you can tell.) to his wedding to fiona, :
F: “My what?” M: “Well your - your father, my liege.” F: “You mean that horrible little man who tried to keep me down my whole life? That mal-tempered monster, that vile grunt who abandoned me in the woods as a child?” M: “Well, he did have his reasons -” F: “Mirror, please. My father simply couldn’t accept that I wanted nothing to do with the family business. That lowly, dirty family business.”
and goes on into a whole song about his daddy issues. full of jokes of course, the farquaad and his father stuff is all largely played for laughs. but you can really tell how much that affected him growing up and how that kind of thing can manifest in negative ways into your adulthood when you can't properly process it or work through it. especially when, like the mirror, people outside of it often want to try and turn the blame on the neglected child and not the neglectful adult. what reason does a father have for abandoning his child? for being distant? especially after the death of his mother? a vulnerable child who needs extra support to work through a difficult time, completely shut out and ignored by someone who is meant to care for them? he's left to fend for himself mostly, he's left to process the loss of a parent alone. he's then left to process the loss of the other as well - a father who barely muttered a single word to him aside from 'heigh ho' before going off to work. of course he has trouble with his emotions and he's got all this rage that boils within him - which is only supported by his father being a constantly angry grump, that only adds fuel to the fire. and while he does feel a grand sense of pride that he's managed to grow up and out of the squalor he was raised in - he's the lord of duloc, his father is still sleeping seven to a bed and working day in and out in the mines - it also still feels like his entire sense of self was built on wanting to prove a point to his father rather than true self fulfillment. does he even really know what he desires? he's just driven by wanting to be bigger than his father and doing whatever is necessary to get there. he's lord of duloc - whats next? being king, i guess. but then what comes after that? whats the end goal? he struggles finding a true identity outside of doing it all for spite. he was still going to marry fiona after the reveal that she's one of those 'horrid fairytale creatures' just to become king and then lock her away! in his ambition to get to the top and send the ultimate 'fuck you' message to his father, he kind of winds up becoming just as bad, if not worse than him. because locking your wife away is just as bad as accidentally being the reason the princess you were married to dies and then internalizing your guilt and shutting your son out. anyways idk where this ramble was going but like farquaad has layers brother, just like ogres and onions do, and maybe things would be different if his mom had lived or even if his father had been anyone but grumpy.
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third-king-of-salmonids · 1 year ago
WHY ARE U ME. stop that/j
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(funny glitch moment)
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nyxi-pixie · 3 months ago
girls can be tormented by anything. sometimes youre living your life and remember you can recite ozymandias by heart despite not having read it since you were 16
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aria0fgold · 5 months ago
This is so obvious. Mhyk. Go ahead now answer ✨️✨️✨️
Favourite Male Character
Favourite Female Character
Female Version of Akira <3 I LOOOOVE Akira-chan so much <3
Least Favorite Character
I'd put Vincent here but I Slightly. Very Slightly. Warmed up to him when I read the first few chapters of ms2. So instead I'm putting Arthur's entire family tree here. I HATE HIS FAMILY SO MUCH! Whenever I think about the fact that they Abandoned a young kid in a frozen country knowing FULL WELL how hostile the environment is, my blood boils. I seethe even more at the fact that they went looking for him after Years and had the GALL TO BRING HIM BACK??? Ohhh how I hate his family so much.
Favorite Ship
CAIOWE!!! CAIOWE!!! CAIOWE!!! I LOVE CAIOWE!!! I love owecai too :3
Favorite Friendship
I love seeing moments of Owen hanging out with the westies <3 Chloe and Rustica specifically. Seeing Owen with Chloe is so sweet in a way, and seeing Owen get dragged along by Rustica is sooo funny. Owen is so weak towards westies, he has zero idea how to deal with them At All.
Favorite Quote
"Come battle, I would become your shield, and I would die for you." It's from the magazine BUT!!! That quote lives rent free in my mind so much I practically memorized it.
From the mainstory though it'd be: "It was me... I made you angry... I said thoughtless things... to the little you..."
Also I have an entire quote collection of my fave quotes from pararoid, my most favourite April Fool's event! From the event's mainstory: "Hey, little darlings, soak it up with everything you’ve got."
From Owen's SSR card story: "Then I'll just have to beat the game with a higher score. Just keep your eyes on me, Owen."
Yeah all my favourite quotes comes from my favourite character, of course it did.
Worst Character Death (if any)
I'm not the knowerrr yet... (big anvil above my head with the labels: "Horrors in ms2" and "Horrors in anni4"). I only know bits and pieces and cuz of that I am the nervouserrrr.
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
CHAPTER 17 AND 18 FROM ANNI1 AKA MS1.5!!! I LOVE THAT MOMENT SO MUCH!!! I will never get over that moment, everything. It's Everything to me. It was the best ever! I love it, I looooooove those chapters so so much! It makes that one moment in Chapter 26 all the more better! caiowe makes me so insane.
Saddest Moment
Everything bout mhyk is sad /lh. Anyway it's Chapter 17 and 18 again! It's cuz when I first read it, I was SO SHOCKED that something like that actually happened??? And the voice acting WAS NOT HELPING. The voice actors are sooo goood, Cain's voice actor was so good it really did sound like Cain was Dying which was so bad for my poor lil heart and Chloe's crying WAS NOT HELPING EITHER. But after finishing anni1, that's my fave moment now :3
If I was the knowerrr I feel like I'd be able to pick out a sadder moment from whatever Horrors ms2 and anni4 has for me but alas! I keep forgetting to read it orz...
Favorite Location
Gameplay wise, it's Granvelle Castle! Cuz I can happily autoplay it when I was still playing the game. But as a general location, my favourite one ever is Shylock's bar <3 I feel like being in there would be so comfy cozy, especially with Shylock's company, I'd fall asleep instantly.
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wesavegotham · 1 year ago
Obviously I have no idea where Tom Taylor will be going with his Dark Knights of Steel elseworld, but the first book pushes the idea that Bruce, despite being a bastard (he's the illegitimate son of late Queen Martha and Jor-El in this) should inherit the throne one day since he's the only one related to the original monarchs of the kingdom, and I can't help but imagine Bruce sitting one the throne one day and he swears to himself to only sire "trueborn children" so no biologically related child of his would ever suffer from growing up as a bastard like he did...and then Damian is introduced to him.
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milimeters-morales · 1 year ago
“i’m all out of honey” <- stupid and bad even in context & unfortunately in character for him to say and got the intended response
“you’re gonna have to catch me first” <- silly and good & keeps him in character by using a playful phrase for a very dire situation but not being in a playful mood himself & wasn’t said in a weird whisper
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pinkfey · 2 years ago
i think what i've enjoyed the most about shoh is how all of the women probably have sleepovers and girls nights and get tipsy and brush off their issues with each other and support romances regardless of jealousy bc they're besties whereas the men are like always two interactions away from physically attacking each other
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jrueships · 5 months ago
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😭😭 jaba... please..
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maple County try to spot the doppleganger before it kills your family ass disuise
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