#front Micheal
the-enchant-system · 2 years
i was looking trough a tag and wondered why all of the posts were yours. turns out i was looking at your account :,] im a bit dumb mayhaps
I'VE DONE THAT BEFORE DW KING (gender neutral)
Loll imagine if all of our posts were full of a tag, that would be amazing lmao
Don't worry i'm a bit dumb too pfft
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pain-is-too-tired · 4 months
More Godly Games memes-
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I laughed too hard making this one dbdb
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sastheforestspirit · 1 year
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I'm actually begging you to go and start an Audible free trial and listen to this audiobook it's a really good full cast version.
But I need to share THIS part because it's the funniest shit I've heard in a while they are so husbands.
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only-one-brain-cell · 3 months
Sydney to Richie after her children come home after a sleepover at Uncle Richie’s and ask what a jagoff is: stop swearing in front of my children!
Richie: do you tell Carmy to stop swearing in front of his children??
Sydney: daily
Richie: oh
Sydney: your not helping, I don’t need Mike and Nez coming home and asking what a jagoff is or a fuckwad.
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I have seen more disabled people in my favorite 80s shows then the modern ones i watch.
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teknikolor-walters · 9 months
Oh another Base headcanon!! Mikey really wanted them all to start a band together, but most people said no because they didn't want to devote themselves to a big project outside of Base activities and work.
However, they did let Mikey turn them into an unofficial band, and sometimes you can find Mikey, Chance, Shadow, Matt, Jam, Charlie and even Michael and/or Emdubya all hanging out together, playing music on their instruments and singing songs.
They dont really perform for anyone other than maybe Edgar and Anne, but it's a little bonding session they all look forward to and it's times like these when they're just happy they met each other and can chill out between their hectic lives <3
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r0ttingsystem · 10 months
I am co con with a mentally ill 3 yr old and an equally unwell 12-16 year
Life's great
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glimmerofyou · 5 months
so i found two silly school works i did last year (one the matrix and one TLB)
Not even a Brazilian could read my writing
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Paul: Star is at the beach,
David: Ah! Marko went there a few days ago.
At the beach
(wave sounds, then sudden rain. Star gets surprised and starts running for shelter.)
Back at the cave
Marko: DAVID! It started raining, how is this happening? Star said it wouldn't!
(David sighs and thinks: "Jesus Christ, Marko,")
David: Okay, let me explain again,
(literally a block of text explaining how the rain forms and stuff, then more rain sounds)
Marko: Ohhh.. Understood!
David: ... No problem Marko.
Mike: Ah, i wanted to know where Star was :3
(Dwayne, hanging from somewhere, comes down and yells while David laughs)
the matrix one is literally the scene where the knock knock thing happens and those dudes call him for the party and my drawing skills are sheet
anyways bye
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tac-the-unseen · 3 months
Slapping Slasher's Ass and Running away!
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Micheal Myers:
•He likes to believe he has complete control over his surroundings 
•He likes to imagine himself as a Jaguar; opportunistic, stealthy, adaptable, and an Apex predator
•And then there's you, here to snap them back to reality 
•If he's a Jaguar, you're an annoying bird that follows him 
•All this made clear when He's just standing in the kitchen and feels a hard smack on his Ass
•He whips his head around to see you, running at full speed and giggling 
•For a moment he's completely stunned 
•But only for a moment 
•He’s quick on your heels 
•In less than 10 seconds he's holding you in the air by your shirt, like holding a cat by its scruff
•You can immediately tell through the mask how pissed he is
•But for a few seconds he just leaves you suspended in the air, and soon enough he makes his decision. 
•He walks to your shared bedroom and drops you onto the bed
•You think you're in for some sexy-funtime
•That quickly washes away when Michael turns around and walk out the door 
•When you get up to follow you find that he's locks you in by putting a chair under the handle 
•This man is so sick of your shit, but loves you too much to actually harm you
•He just put you in time out while he waits for the stinging on his ass to go away
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•When the school day ends you're walking towards the front door, you spot both of your boyfriends walking towards the door too
•With the coast clear of teachers and most other students you knew what you had to do
•You rub your hands together diabolically and begins to run towards them
•when you're finally in the perfect position, you wind your hands back and as hard as you can, you slap their ass
•They both tense up and freeze
•When they see you running past them and laughing, they are quick to give chase
•They Chase you down the field and into the parking lot
•Stu was the one to tackle you onto the grass, making sure to protect your head when you fall
•Stu pins you down while Billy catches up 
•When (a winded) Billy reaches you two he drops to his knees and starts tickling you
•Neither boy takes to seriously and think it's a playful invention to rough house and playfully fight
Thomas Hewitt:
•While he was meticulously cutting up some cow legs, you spotted a golden opportunity 
•Thom’s fat ass in perfect position 
•After circling him, carrying the same box of tools, you decide to go for the kill
•”Tommy!” You shout while running past him
•Your hand makes firm contact with the side of his rear 
•You leave a blazing trail up the stairs while Thom processes what happened
•Thom watches you run away while his ass stings 
•At most he's confused 
•He just goes back to work 
Bubba Sawyer:
•You were playing with him outside
•Running around, picking flowers, picking up pebbles, roughhousing
•While play fighting you slap is ass and run away hoping he would chase you
•instead he stands for confused 
•after an awkward couple seconds, you realize he's not going to chase you, So you walk back to him 
•You ask if He's okay and realize his eyes is watering 
•After a frantic apology and check over You managed to figure out that he's not hurt 
•Bubba Just associates spanking with being bad/bad behavior 
•He was upset because he thought you were punishing him for being too rough 
•You made it up to him by making him a flower crown 
Bo Sinclair:
•This could go one of two ways
•He could be really into it OR he could freak out
•It depends on what mood you catch him in
•One day he'll think it's sexy and want you to do it again 
•The next he'll have a PTSD attack remembering his childhood 
•It's honestly best if you keep your hands to yourself
Vincent Sinclair:
•He honestly thought you did it by accident 
•He didn't understand that you were trying to play 
•He didn't react at all 
•You have to tell him what you're trying to do 
•He gets very embarrassed about not understanding that he kind of shut down for the day 
•He remains hunched over on his desk for the rest of the day 
Lester Sinclair:
•It honestly doesn't matter what you do to Lester, He's just happy you're giving him attention 
•The man is the definition of a puppy 
•He's just happy to be here 
•So if you want to play a game of Chase, He’lll Chase
•As soon as you slap and run away he's hot on your heels 
•He chases you through a field and down the roads 
•When he catches you he's out of breath and takes a second to dry heave 
•Then he'll hug and kiss you while walking back to the Truck 
Billy Lenz:
•Billy is one of the characters you Can not hit
•You think he'd be into to quick slap, but he has the opposite reaction 
•He thinks you're planning on hurting him And will either attack you or hide 
•If he chooses to attack, You're likely going to have to hold him down until he calms 
•If he hides, leave him alone
•trying to find him would be like walking into a coyote's den
•eventually he'll come back out because you're the only person that still talks to him 
•He figures it's better to be physically abused than be lonely 
•Good luck explaining that it was just a joke 
Brahms Heelshire:
•He was acting up after you told him the grocery boy was coming today
•He was whining about how you don't need to interact with him and how the help shouldn't be seen or heard
•You remind them that you're technically ‘the help’ and he pouts on the couch 
•When the doorbell rings he immediately jumps up to try to stop you 
•You have a light bulb moment
•You get closer, reach around, and slap his ass
•You almost immediately push past him to run to the door 
•Brahms is quick to follow, but not quick enough
•You swing open the door before Brahms can reach you
•He hides just in time, and proceeds to stew behind the door.
Hannibal Lecter:
•While he was cooking up some breakfast you come up behind him and hug him
•He greets you and continues to cook 
•You two have a lazy conversation while you lean your head against his shoulders 
•Deciding he's not pay enough attention to you come up with a plan
•You steal one of his knives, slap his ass, and bolt out of the kitchen 
•He gives you about a 5-second Head start before he begins his hunt 
•In that time He turns off the stove and allows himself time to find you
•He slowly starts his prowl 
•Checking doors, behind furniture, around the stairs, and behind curtains 
•When he finds you, he pounces and pulls you into a pinning hug
•He forces the knife from your hand and kisses your forehead
•”Let me finish breakfast, then I'll spend time with you.”
Will Graham:
•While on the world's most boring fishing trip (Will Even admitted this trip sucked) You watch as no lines get tugged
•board out of your mind you decide to at least mess around 
•While Will was leaning over to check his lines you slap his ass as hard as to can, which throws him into the calm river
•You howl with laughter as Will get thrown overboard 
•When he resurfaces we comes back up with a scowls on his lips, but a playful look in his eyes
•”You suck” he chuckles while you help him back in
•As soon as he's on board, he throws you into the water and laughs
The Lost Boys:
•All the boys are up for a good chase, But they all have different reactions 
-Slapping David's ass takes balls
-As soon as you try to run he has you by the arm 
-He smirks and pulls you towards him
-”Oh-ho-ho, where do you think you're going?”
-If you play your cards right he'll let you go to properly chase you 
-All’s well and good before he flies at you like a hawk
-He'll let you run away But as soon as you're out of sight the game is on 
-It doesn't matter where you're at 
-The boardwalk, the cave, the forest, the beach 
-He sprints and tackles you to the floor 
-”Did you honestly believe you could outrun a vampire?” He muses
-could turn playful, could turn romantic 
-as soon as your hand collides with his ass, he shrieks 
-He playful pretends he's wounded 
-He writhes on the ground, cries fake tears, hand over forehead
-”Why should you do this to me!” 
-”I thought you loved me!” 
-Walks around all day telling his brothers that you abuse him 
-gives you love bites while telling his tale of woe 
-when you slap his ass he lets out a moan that causes both of you to freeze 
-after a few seconds Marko whips around 
-”Tell no one.” He says in a completely serious voice 
-You know for a fact the others would make fun of him for the rest of his unnatural life 
-Every time you're behind him, he turns around to face you So it never happens again
Thanks for reading <3
Sorry this took so long! I've had a busy week!
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bueckersgirl · 5 months
Paige Bueckers x Fem reader
Summary: Y/n and Paige have been broken up for a month now, and when a party comes around where they both find themselves at, feelings are revealed and its clear that they both can't seem to forget about each other.
WC: 3.2K
Warnings: 18+, smut, minor angst
(sidenote; im so obsessed with this picture UGH.)
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God— Y/n could feel her stare from across the room as she tried to keep up a conversation with her friend, Micheal. It was getting harder and harder to avoid Paige and her intense stares all night but y/n refused to give in because she knew that’s exactly what she wanted- for her to acknowledge her. Y/n wasn’t in the mood to speak to Paige, there was no need to really and she truly only came here to celebrate her friend's birthday then leave. 
It has been a good month since the pair had last spoken to each other, and the image of Paige banging on her front door,  begging for another chance was something permanently scarred in her mind. Y/n didn’t let her in, she refused to, and told Paige to go home and forget about everything they ever had. 
Y/n cared for Paige a lot- she truly really did. A part of her still does whether she wants to or not. Paige just screwed up a lot and no amount of apologies she’d give would make a difference. 
If it wasn’t for Micheals birthday tonight, she’d be at home in her bed instead. But, Michael had been her childhood friend for years and she wasn’t just gonna not come just because Paige was friends with him too. 
“You look stunning tonight, Y/n.” Michael spoke, grabbing her hand and giving it a small peck, causing her to smile sheepishly and mumble a quiet, “Thank you.” 
Y/n took a peek down at her glass, noticing it being basically empty as she chewed on her bottom lip, “I’m gonna go get a refill.” 
She slowly moved away from Micheal, making her way to the kitchen, and she felt her expression drop as she did so. Y/n felt exhausted the entire night keeping up the image that she was happy and acting as though Paige being there didn’t bother her but she didn’t want her to know how badly things were affecting her.
Once she was in the kitchen the music from the living room died down a bit while she searched the fridge for a new bottle of champagne. 
Her eyes shot open once she heard the voice she hadn't heard in weeks, causing her to suck in a deep breath before she continued to pour her drink into her glass. Y/n was positive there was no way she’d be able to handle a conversation with Paige, especially not tonight. This was not the right time or place to try and work things out. 
“Paige, no.” She told her softly as she took a sip from her glass. 
She kept her eyes down at the kitchen floor, noticing Paige’s figure making her way closer to hers. “We’re not doing this tonight, please.”
“I just wanted to see you.”
“You have been seeing me this entire night, Paige.” She was directly in front of her now. She felt as if she was trapped under her frame and was too tired to push herself off. 
Paige sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter. “Properly see you. Like this. Not just from across the room.”  
“It’s been hard though because of you trying to avoid me all night.” 
“Paige, I don’t want to avoid you. I just don’t want to cause anything on Michael's day.” She sighed, placing a hand onto Paige’s chest to move her out of her way. “Now, if you’ll please excuse me, I can’t stay in the kitchen forever.” 
“So that’s just it, huh? You can’t even look at me anymore?”
Y/n shut her eyes while sucking in a deep breath before turning back around as her eyes made her way up towards Paige’s body, scanning her body, seeing she was dressed in one of her red huskies jerseys with a pair of sweats. Once her eyes finally reached her face the urge to look away grew stronger as Paige’s stare felt more intense and intimate with each second that passed by.
“See? I’m looking right at you, now. Was this what you wanted?  Are you pleased?”
Y/n was quick to notice Paige's expression fall at her words and she watched as she put her hair in a messy ponytail. “No, Y/n I’m not pleased or happy. I haven’t been pleased with anything since that day.”
“Paige, don’t start this.” She shook her head as she indulged in the rest of the champagne left in her glass. “You know I did what was best for the both of us whether you like it or not. Our relationship wasn’t healthy, it was bound to end eventually.” 
Paige scoffed, while her eyes trailed over her. “Bound to end eventually, seriously? Look I know I fucked up a lot. Like a whole lot. I'm not proud of it, I know how badly I hurt you and it pains me everyday when I think about how we ended because I know things could’ve been different if I just stopped fucking up.” 
“I tried playing it cool and shit acting like this hadn’t affected me.” She sighed before walking over and looking down at her, “Seeing you tonight, so beautiful, so gorgeous and talking to Michael and the rest of our friends as if  you moved on so much, it’s been killing me horribly. Because I haven’t moved on, y/n. I haven’t at all.” 
Y/n felt her heart pounding at Paige's words. She wasn’t even sure if what she was saying was the truth but a part of her hoped it was. Y/n hadn’t moved on either even though she’d try convincing herself she did, she knew she hadn’t. 
She opened up her mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by Michael coming into the kitchen. He stopped before looking at the pair and letting out an awkward laugh. 
“Is everything alright?” He asked, and y/n gave him a small smile in response. “Everything’s okay, Mikes. Just came to get a refill and ran into Paige so we catched up a bit. I was actually just leaving to go find you.”
“It was nice talking to you, Paige.” Y/n whispered as she slipped her way past her, feeling Paige’s fingers lightly brush against her shoulder.
She hated how badly her body got goosebumps just from feeling her touch again. 
It had been two weeks since the party and Paige still lived in y/n’s mind. It was hard enough trying to forget about her but not only seeing her but speaking to her as well made y/n’s mind wander more than usual. 
Y/n had been laying down on her couch the last few hours binging a few movies while eating some snacks. She was slowly beginning to fall asleep but a knock to her door woke her up. 
Rubbing her eyes she made her way towards the door and took a peek through her doorbell. 
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Sighing she undid all the locks before opening it. Her breath was quickly stolen from her seeing Paige standing there with a cupcake and a mini bouquet of white roses in her hand, and she could sense the desperation radiating off her.
“I got these for you—I remember how much you loved the cakes from Sweet Mary’s.” Paige mumbled, before handing them over to her. “I’m sorry for just randomly showing up over here. I just had to speak to you.” 
She took them from her and whispered a soft, “Thank you” before moving out of the doorway. “Please, come in.”
Y/n wasn't sure why she didn’t just tell Paige to go home again instead of letting her in. She’d never admit it, but a part of her missed her company. She just hoped that this didn’t end badly. 
Paige stepped inside, taking off her slides and leaving them by the door as Y/n made her way towards her vessel in the kitchen to place the flowers in. “Are you thirsty? I can make some coffee or tea if you’d like. I also have a bit of wine if you’d prefer that instead.”
“No–no, I’m okay. Thank you, y/n.” Paige spoke, before following y/n to her living room where they sat on opposite sides of the couch. “Thank you, also for uh–letting me in this late.” 
Y/n watched as Paige swallowed thickly and turned to her, “I’ve been missing you so badly, Y/n, you truly have no idea. I’m sure at the party it was obvious enough but  I don’t want to play the victim, and make excuses for what I did because that’s stupid. I’m so, so, so sorry, y/n, for everything. For hurting you, for not changing, for letting my career get in the way of us, and making you feel unseen. After I gave myself these two weeks to properly think, it was clear that I need you back in my life. I’m a mess without you, ma. I truly don’t want to keep handling everything without you by my side anymore.” 
Y/n sat quiet for a few seconds not sure how to properly express what she wanted to say. She could tell Paige was miserable and she didn’t want to say the wrong thing. 
“Look.” she began, noticing how Paige dropped her head into her hands, before giving her the chance to finish and letting out shaky breaths. “I know from the outside looking in on things you’ve assumed I’ve been handling things fine. I can tell based on what you said to me at Michaels birthday. But I actually haven’t been dealing with this that well either. I’ve missed you as well, you’re all my mind has been thinking about the past month. And no matter how hard I try to deny my feelings– I really miss you.” 
Paige slowly lifted her head back up as a large grin took over her face, “Can I scoot closer to you, please?” she asked, and y/n was quick to nod in response. 
“God– you have no idea how badly I’ve missed sharing the same space as you. Just getting the chance to be this close to you is so fucking rewarding.” she spoke as she ran her fingers through y/n’s hair while she laid on her lap. Paige’s hand came up to her cheek, it was clear at first she was hesitant but she eventually stroked y/n’s cheek gently and let out a relieving sigh. “I’ve missed touching you.” 
Y/n turned her head and kissed the palm of Paige’s hand. “I’ve missed touching you too.” she spoke, before lifting her head up and running her nose against Paige’s jaw. “Please don’t hurt me again.” 
Paige wrapped her arms around her waist tightly and whispered softly into her ear, “I promise, I’ll never hurt you again my sweet girl.” Before Paige got the chance to say any more, y/n was quick to lean in and press her lips against hers, molding them together as she held onto Paige’s shirt tightly. Paige took the opportunity to roam her hand down y/n’s body again just like she did before. Finally getting the chance to feel her bare skin against hers was something she’d been craving for what felt like years. Her hand slid under y/n’s shirt and cupped her bare breast with her hand, earning a light moan from her against her lips. Her other hand slipped into her shorts, but was quickly taken aback when her hand was met with y/n’s bare ass cheek–instead of the cloth of her panties. 
She pulled back from the kiss and looked at y/n with furrowed brows. “You aren’t wearing underwear?” 
Y/n’s cheeks flushed pink as she shook her head in response and licked on her bottom lip. “I uh–take them off before I go to sleep now. It’s something I’ve been doing recently.” 
She watched as Paige’s pupils dilated, and soon both of her hands were now cupping her ass as she lifted them up from the couch and walked towards her room. “I forget how strong you are sometimes.” y/n muttered, causing Paige to chuckle before dropping her gently onto her twin-sized bed. “That seems like something pretty hard to forget, ma.” 
Paige hovered on top of y/n’s spread out figure and ran her fingers against her bare thigh. “Take off your shirt for me, ma. Wanna see those pretty tits again, been too long.” she asked and y/n was quick to comply, taking off her blouse earning a light grunt from Paige’s lips.
She held them both in her hands as she lightly massaged them, “Fuck, I’ve missed touching these pretty lil’ things so bad, baby.” she whispered before bringing her mouth down and sucking on one of them, and pinching the other one using her thumb and index finger as y/n let out a loud moan. 
“Feels good, hm?” Paige mumbled, removing her mouth from her breast and attaching them to her neck, nibbling onto the skin, making sure to leave a visible mark right underneath her jaw. 
She slid down y/n’s shorts eagerly and moaned at the sight of her bare pussy on display for her. “Ima take care of you tonight, ma. Just like I used to, gonna help you feel real good.” she spoke, taking two of her fingers and shoving them into y/n’s mouth and muttering a low, “Suck.” 
Y/n was quick to suck on her fingers like her life depended on it. She remembered how much Paige loved when she’d take them down her throat–so she was quick to do so. “Fuck, yes. Just like that.” Paige praised, shoving a third finger into her mouth. “Suck my fingers real good, ma. Imagine it was my strap in your mouth again.” Y/n moaned at the thought of having the strap back in her mouth–missing the way Paige would fuck her face with it or the times she’d aggressively fuck her when she’d misbehave, leaving her pussy sore yet throbbing and begging for more. 
“Such a good girl. Sucking my fingers so well.” she said, slowly taking her fingers out of y/n’s mouth as a string of saliva followed, then bringing them down to her dripping pussy. “Always get so wet for me, didn’t even need the spit, could easily slide my fingers right in, just like this.” she spoke as she slid two of her digits nice and slow inside, watching them disappear inside her entrance, before taking them out, licking her wetness clean from her fingers and letting out a moan at the taste.
“God–sweetest pussy I’ve ever had. Could have this taste in my mouth everyday and be satisfied.” 
“Paige.” “Yes, ma?”
“Please lick me.” 
Paige leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips. “Anything you want.” she whispered, grabbing y/n’s thighs and putting them on top of her shoulders. Paige was a sucker for teasing, and on any other occasion she’d make y/n work and beg for it. That was the usual for them. It was rare for Paige to give in this easily and early but fuck–she hadn’t gotten a chance to properly taste her in a month.  
She was quick to attach her mouth to y/n’s needy clit and start licking. She gained so much pleasure just by eating her out, it was like a gift on Christmas day for her. “Been so long since I had this sweet lil’pussy in my mouth.” Paige lifts her mouth up a bit and licks, causing y/n’s mouth to fall open in disbelief at the soft, sucking sound and gently smacking-noise as her lips sucked onto her clit. “God–it’s so fucking good.” she groaned under her breath, and y/n swears she’s on cloud nine. The feeling of Paige’s hot breath combined with her wet tongue was sensational. 
“Come on, ma.” she squeezed her thighs with her long fingers before pleading, “Back and forth yeah? Rock a bit for me, want you to be riding my face a bit.” Y/n was quick to do so, feeling the warm tip of Paige’s tongue press against her. “Fuck, feels so good, I’ve missed your tongue on me so badly.” she moaned, before Paige gave her a warm, long lick, causing her to cry out softly.
“Yes–yes, that’s right baby.” Paige muffled, giving her clit a short, sloppy sounding lick, making y/n buckforward again. “Shit, good fucking girl. Ride my tongue, just like that.” she spoke, having her tongue still buried between her folds, as y/n let out louder moans from the pleasure. Paige began kneading her thighs firmly as she licked deeper and deeper with each sound of y/n’s breathless moans escaping her swollen lips.
Y/n felt her abdomen clench and release, causing her to let out a fluttery sigh. “I’m close, so-so close.” she whispered urgently, as Paige hauls her more tightly against her mouth and presses her tongue more firmly against her needy clit. Y/n inhales sharply and her mouth falls open when her center starts to splinter into pieces, “I’m cummin–fuck.” And before she knew it, she was making a mess on Paige’s face. She pants, caught in place, as Paige rubs her thighs and lifts her face up, revealing her mouth and chin, glistening in her pussy juices. 
Paige then leans down and kisses her, and y/n immediately tasted herself on her tongue. The two just stayed like this for a while before y/n pulled back from the kiss. “Now–my turn.” Y/n climbs her way off the bed and stands in front of Paige’s frame. “Let me make you feel good now.” she spoke, lightly shoving Paige back against the bed into the same position she was just in. Paige took off her sweats, leaving her in just her underwear and y/n was moaning already at the sight in front of her. 
“I’ve missed having you in my mouth.” she says, licking a stripe against her clothed clit, earning a moan from Paige’s lips. “Ima make you feel good too, promise.” Y/n quickly pulls her underwear to the side, revealing her wet and glistening folds, ready for her to dig in. 
Y/n’s quick to start licking as if she hadn’t eaten a proper meal in years. Paige kept a firm grip on her hair, yanking and pulling on it lightly with each feel of her tongue against her. Y/n loved looking up and watching the sight of Paige falling apart above her. Paige’s body grew more desperate with each deep, sloppy lick to her clit as y/n spit down onto her, earning another moan from her lips. Y/n could tell she was close by her pants and breaths, and she was determined to taste her cum on her tongue. After a few more licks and sucks to her clit, her legs shook and she was cumming. 
“Mmmmm” y/n dragged out, as she licked her lips clean and offered Paige a cute smile. “So tasty.” she mumbled as Paige grabbed her hips and dragged her body on top of hers and kissed her lazily.
 “I’ve missed this so badly, y/n.” 
“I’ve missed this too.” she muttered, gently kissing her jaw before pecking her nose. “At least now you don’t have to miss it anymore.”
“And why’s that hm?” she asked.
“Because I’m yours again.”
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kvrokasaa · 8 months
The morning after
includes: Nagi, Kaiser, Alexis, Oliver
Requests are open :)
gn!reader. no pronouns mentioned.
cw: Suggestive, mention of sex, pet names, forced plot.
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Seishiro Nagi
The warmth of the sunlight beaming through the curtains is what stirred you awake. A quiet groan climbed its way up your throat as you turned to hide your face in the comfort of your pillows.
You stretched your hand out to grab the spare blanket but it landed on something else. You felt hair? Your eyes shot open. A person is lying next to you.
You rubbed your eyes and blinked through the blur from the action. As you woke up a little more, you realized that it was Nagi.
He hummed and stretched his arm out, snaking it around your waist and pulling you back down to the bed. "'m tired." You wanted to laugh at how he doesn't seem to care about the situation you both are in, but you just kept quiet.
You pulled up the blanket. A blush climbed its way onto your cheeks as you let the blanket fall back over your bodies.
You're both naked. How did this happen?
You shook Nagi, trying to wake him up. "Sei. What the hell is going on?" He only groaned and shifted, making his way on top of you. His head on your chest and his arms around your waist.
"What does it look like?" The only answer you get from him is a sarcastic one. His voice is deep and raspy with a tone of humor. "Just go back to sleep."
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Micheal Kaiser
You groan when you hear the sound of running water from your bathroom. You're about to rush out of bed and see what the hell is going on. But before you can, you feel the sheets rub against your naked nipple.
You gasp as you pull the blanket up, you're completely naked. How? You don't tend to sleep naked, so how did you manage to get your clothes off?
You get up, grab the sheet wrapping it around your body, and make your way to the bathroom. The water isn't on anymore, it turned off a few minutes ago. As you open the door, you see a person in your bathroom.
You're tempted to scream, to slam the door and rush to the front and call the cops. But after opening the door even more, you see the blond hair (can't forget the blue ends). You almost sigh in relief.
You clear your throat and Kaiser turns around, smiling at you. "Good morning, I'm sure you missed me." His smile grows bigger as he walks to you, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
You can feel your life drain just by being next to him, did you really have to sleep with the most self-centered guy out there? What is wrong with drunk you?
"Knock it off, Kaiser," you roll your eyes at his words. "What are you doing here." Aren't one-night stands supposed to leave after the sex? Do they usually take residence in your bathroom? You almost want to say this out loud, but you know that he'll throw a little fit.
"Mm, just getting ready for my game, Meine Süße." He turns back around and faces the mirror. His hand reaches out for the hairbrush and you almost want to knock it out of his hand.
"Every goal will be for you," he starts while he runs the brush through his hair. "So you better be there, cheering the loudest for me, Meine Süße." You almost want to roll your eyes, but you're sure you've rolled them more than you can count this morning.
"Just get dressed and get out of my house." Hopefully, Kaiser can't see the red on your ears when you make your way back to your bedroom.
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Alexis Ness
If only you could kill your alarm, but that would be killing your phone and you do not have enough money to buy a new one. You blindly feel your way to your phone. Once you do, you squint and press the snooze. You'll wake up later.
"Better wake up now, don't want to sleep too late." A cheerful voice almost shouted, his voice bouncing off your walls.
Your eyes shot open as you quickly sat up. Your blanket falls down from the action which reveals your naked chest. If your eyes widened anymore, you'd be gawking at the man standing in front of your bed.
You hurriedly grab your blanket and wrap it around your naked torso. Alexis smiles and pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. He leans down and kisses your neck, making his way up to your ear.
He nibbles on your earlobe, licking a tiny bit. "Gonna give me another show?" He teases as he whispers in your ear.
Alexis pulls back and hums at your reddened face. He turns around and faces your body-length mirror.
Now you actually have a reason to gawk. His back is covered in red scratches, from his neck to his torso. You almost gasped, did you do that?
He sees your widened eyes staring at his back, his smile growing bigger. "Like it~? It might be your best artwork."
You never thought Alexis would be one to tease. But here you are, getting teased by the one man that keeps your sanity in check.
You almost want to laugh at the drastic change in him. Compared to how he acts on the field and now, in your bedroom.
"I'm going to get us some breakfast," he turns back to you and kisses your forehead. "I'll see you in a minute, baby."
The name makes you blush. Your eyes follow him out as he leaves your bedroom. Your sigh finally leaves your mouth, this man will be the death of you.
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Oliver Aiku
Your yawn was quiet as you stretched your arms. Your hand flopped onto the bed as you turned your body to nuzzle deeper into your pillows.
"Ow! What the fuck, Y/n?"
You opened your eyes and saw Oliver resting on the other side of your bed. His hand is covering his nose from where your hand lightly slapped him.
"Mmh, good morning, Oliver." This isn't new. He usually sleeps over after 'fucking your brains out,' his words. After another failed talking stage or relationship, Oliver comes over and is reminded that there's someone who will actually give him the time or day.
He softly glares at you. You want to scoff at the glare, he should be grateful that you keep opening your door for him. Your hand comes up and taps his nose.
"Boop." He scrunches his face as he gently slaps your hand away. "Enough," he takes a deep breath. His body shifts and his legs tangle into yours. He climbs on top of you, his smirk spreading onto his face.
You roll your eyes, leaning your head back as Oliver reaches forward to kiss you. "Morning breath," you sigh. "Brush your teeth."
He only scoffs. Oliver pulls away and grabs your hand, leading you both to the bathroom. "I might be catching feelings for you, doll."
He laughs when he sees you roll your eyes. "Keep it at might."
You hope he can't hear the way your heart beats faster at the thought.
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a/n: I love Alexis <3 I was giggling and kicking my feet when I saw him in the manga again
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the-enchant-system · 2 years
Update: Our new collective name is Novella or Aiden
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angelbarelywrites · 6 months
♡ slashers scenarios | your first time together is…your first time
♡ fandoms; The Boy, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2006), slashers (general)
♡ characters; Brahms Heelshire, Micheal Myers, Thomas Hewitt
♡ reader; gender neutral - i tried to be ambiguous but where i couldn’t be, i gave an option for both sets of parts uwu
♡ cw; sex (this is smut my friend), a little bit of implied breeding kink, possessiveness
♡ notes; what it says on the tin; you lose your virginity the first time you have sex with your stabby bf. i can only dream 😔
also, probably the last fic with a random selection of characters , i have the poll results n everything. vincent was the winner and brahms three percent behind him, so they’re being added to a-team permanently
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Brahms Heelshire
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> he’s relieved when you tell him you haven’t gone that far before
> because he’s a virgin too, and probably more nervous than you are
> he’s eager though- he’s always eager when it comes to you
> he pulls you on top, grabbing your hips and grinding up on you as you kiss
> and then he urges you to use his face- fuck it or sit on it, depending on what you’re working with
> and while your hesitant, not wanting to overwhelm him for his first time
> but god, he’s a good little sub, and he loves every second of it
> after he’s made you cum, he pulls away- practically still drooling, and begs for you to touch him
> he bucks up into your hand immediately, already so hard he’s twitching
> if he lasts more than a few pumps, he flips you, seeming shy to pin you, but trying his best
> and he has to take a breather to make sure he doesn’t immediately cum inside you
> he’s slow at first, literally shaking
> and for your first time, it’s all missionary- he needs to watch your face, making sure he’s doing a good job
> and making sure he tells you how pretty you are
> he cums first, he just can’t help it- but he’s not at all hesitant to replace his cock with his fingers
> and he makes sure you cum at least twice more, using his mouth again if he needs to
> by the time you finally catch your breath, he’s already more than ready for round 2
Micheal Myers
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> he’s already pushing you to your knees in front of him when you manage to tell him
> he pauses- he’s not sure what to do
> he’s always rough.
> and he’d been rough with you thus far
> he rubs your cheek softly and huffs- and at first you think he’s going to put a stop to things for the day
> until he throws you over his shoulder, giving your ass a playful squeeze in the process
> of course he’s not going to fuck you on the porch like an animal
> not for your very first time at least
> he drops you on the bed and takes his mask off
> it’s not the first time you’ve seen him without it, but it’s still special
> he teases you, hands all over your body as he carefully watches your reactions
> he has you in your undies when he finally gets impatient and goes back to his usual selfishness
> he had you get on your knees again- this time more gently coaxing, and guides you through taking him
> and for the record, there’s a lot to take
> before you have him too needy he lays you down
> you can tell this is going to be a once in a while thing, so you savor the sight of him between your thighs
> he eats you out/rims you like it’s his goddamn job, staring up at you all the while
> it’d be creepy if he wasn’t so good at what he was doing
> if you insist on missionary, he’ll let you this time
> but he wants you doggy so he can watch you take him inch by inch
> this boy has so much stamina
> you cum three times before he finally pulls out, painting your back
> you try to sit up but he doesn’t let you- he’s not done with you
> not even close
Thomas Hewitt
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> something about his eyes darken when you tell him you’re a virgin
> he’d never be the one to initiate something first - he’s far too scared of crossing your boundaries to lead like that
> so if you’re telling him, it’s probably because you’re telling him you want him to take your virginity
> and even though he never believed in the Bible, or the sexist shit Hoyt always spouted
> he’s possessive, and if something about being your first is exciting. it was another part of you that’d be all his
> before you know it the man is ripping your clothes off. like literally ripping.
> he manhandles you- unintentionally, but it’s hard for him not to with your size difference
>he spreads your thighs wide apart and goes to town
> he goes down on you again, and again, and again and—
> by the time he sits up you’re already overstimulated
> but it’s his turn, and he’s eager to take it
> you can feel how huge he is through his pants, and your jaw drops when you see him
> “Tommy, that won’t fit”
> he huffs, amused through his mask and nuzzles you reassuringly
> he starts in missionary, but then he pushes your legs up into a full mating press
> he fucks into you deep and hard, going faster until you’re babbling nonsense
> he pulls your hair and makes you look him in the eye as he cums inside
> and when he does pull out, you can feel it dripping from you
> he looks at it and then up at you excitedly, and you know what he wants
> again
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justablah56 · 2 years
currently struggling to figure out which of my friends blorbos to make them for Christmas,..,.,., I'm about this 👌 close to assigning them all numbers and rolling a d20
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zeppelinlvr · 1 month
Still Feel Like That
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Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Summary: you accompany Dean, Sam, and Bobby on a hunt. You and Dean go out for a drink and Dean looks after you when you've had too much to drink.
Notes: Reader is a yapper (cus same), kinda implied that reader is Bobby's kid but it's not stated outright, sorry if you like Poison or Bret Micheals reader hates on them for a second, I assumed that Dean switched out his radio with one that would be compatible with cassettes since a 67' would likely have a 8 track player, I got lazy with my research so I apologize if any facts are incorrect (feel free to correct me).
Warnings: Suggestive language, flirting, cursing, mentions of throwing up, y/n is used like three times, Dean in his undies (yummy!)
Word Count: 4.1k
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You sat at Bobby’s old wooden table, sipping hot coffee from your Garfield mug. You didn’t own it but when you saw the grumpy orange cat with a text saying ‘I'm listening I just don’t care’ sitting on Bobby’s shelf of mismatched old mugs you’d used the cup ever since. 
You sat in your pajama shorts, slippers, and an old tee shirt, the cracked text reading “Winfield national flatpickin’ championships”. The shirt previously belonged to Bobby and he couldn’t remember how he acquired such an item, he assumed he was passing through Kansas and picked it up along the way, but you loved it so much he felt it was necessary to give it to you. 
You were reading through a book you had picked up on demonology. Bobby had given you a few vague events that had occurred and you were trying to figure out what exactly he was dealing with. You had a book on Pagan gods on standby. 
You heard the front door open, figuring it was Bobby you chose to continue reading but when you heard unfamiliar voices you quickly looked up in a panic, nearly knocking your chair over to try to scramble and find Bobby. You were not a hunter by any means, you just did the research and stayed in the comfort of motels. You knew some basic self defense but you could not fight a serious threat on your own.
You were making a dash for the nearest room when you heard Bobby yell your name. 
You quickly spun around to look at him, seeing two tall, handsome, potentially dangerous, men standing next to him. 
“What the hell are you doing kid?” Bobby asked you, concerned by your panic stricken expression.
“I heard people- and I was trying to find you and not die” You uttered out, still confused about who the two other men were. “Sorry, who the hell are these guys” you added 
“Sam and Dean I talk-” Bobby started but you cut him off 
“Winchester?” you asked excitedly “Bobby talks about you two all the time and I really wanted to meet both of you, especially Dean, Bobby says you make stupid decisions but you sound fun” you rambled quickly, a smirk growing on the shorter ones face at your mention of him. 
“Oh my god you have to be Sam, you totally have that sad puppy look” you said to the taller one “You could ask me to donate my life savings to a charity then build a shelter for the homeless and I totally would” you continued to talk.
“I like her” the shorter man who you had now assumed was Dean said with a grin 
“Wait Dean” you started turning to him “Did you drive your car here, I’ve heard rumors it's a totally awesome 67’ impala and I’ve been dying to see it” 
Before Dean could respond with a comment about how you were marriage material Bobby interrupted your rambling “Okay motor mouth, I’m sure Sam and Dean are enthralled by your commentary but they need our help” 
“Are you the super smart Y/n?” Sam asked 
“The one who has saved our asses more times than we can count” Dean added
“Yes, that's her, and I don't prefer to shout about her to the whole world because she's not exactly Hulk Hogan” Bobby said, growing slightly annoyed with the continued blabbering. 
“Really? Hulk Hogan? You have to compare me to that doofus, call me Bret Micheals while you’re at it” You shot at him 
“I’m sorry, would you prefer to be Kerry VonErich” Bobby sighed 
“Yes, minus his incredibly tragic life” you said as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Bobby why have we not met this chick sooner, she's awesome” Dean said slightly in awe. 
“You two don't care to stop by all that often and I knew you and her would get along real well and we wouldn't get anything done” Bobby responded hinting at the exact situation that was happening. 
“Let me see Dean’s car then I promise I will be productive” you offered
“Yeah let her see my car” Dean added, Sam smiling at the situation and Bobby rolling his eyes and reluctantly agreeing. 
The four of you made your way outside and when you saw the impala you let out a gasp of excitement before sprinting towards it. 
“She is so beautiful” you gushed to Dean “You keep her in phenomenal condition, does she run well?” 
“Like she’s new” Dean responded, smiling at your excitement over the car. 
“Is there an 8 track player? I have a few tapes I could give you if you want” You offered 
“Switched it out for a cassette player” Dean told you
“Good choice, 8 tracks are such a hassle, you can hear another song playing in the background of whatever you're trying to listen to, and don't even think about trying to fast forward to get to the song you want, at least you have a slim chance to land on the right song with cassettes” you rambled 
“Yeah no kidding, you wanna see my tape collection” Dean offered 
“Nope, we agreed on just the car now we need to figure out what the hell is going on in Pawnee Nebraska” Bobby interrupted as the four of you made your way back into the house 
“I’m so sick of going to these ho-hum towns, why can't you guys hunt things that reside in memphis or something, I want to go to a museum that isn't about the butter cow or a mayor who died of dysentery” You said with a sigh
“Hunting in this ho hum town means road trip and i'm sure Dean would be delighted to let you ride down with him” Bobby offered for Dean, partly because he wanted some silence in his own car and he also wanted you, Dean, and Sam to be able to talk as much as you pleased and hopefully be caught up so you could focus on working. 
Dean agreed to the idea and Sam shrugged, hoping you would prevent bickering between him and his brother. 
“I promised I’d focus so Sam, you’re smart, have you found out more than some bad weather and a ‘still under investigation death of a couple’” You asked, turning to the taller brother, offering him a smile, slightly feeling bad you’d paid so much attention to his brother and not talked to Sam much. 
“Yeah, I think the weather is unrelated, I found autopsy reports and the couple had these wounds on the back of their necks. I don't recognize the pattern but you might be able to” he replied to you with a soft smile, he made his way to his computer and set it on the table where your abandoned books and coffee lay. 
You made a noise of disgust upon seeing the picture but you instantly recognized the wound pattern “That has to be changelings, they feed off of the mother until she dies, it's so creepy” You started “In a lot of the books I’ve read they switch out an infant for a changeling, did the couple have a kid?” you asked 
“Yeah, but she's a little girl who’s ten years old” Sam replied to you
“Different cultures have varying takes on changelings, some of them say they can grow and develop like a human would, so it's definitely a possibility” You told him “We have to get down there asap before more kids are switched out, and when you figure out where the little girl is at now, monitor her behavior closely, she's gonna be hungry and use abnormal phrases for a ten year old.” You explained
“Alright you heard her” Dean said, squeezing between you and Sam and placing a hand on your shoulder. He secretly wanted your attention back on him. 
“Let me pack a bag and change then I’ll be ready to head out” you told them
“Same goes for me, give us five minutes” Bobby added
You headed to your room and changed into jeans and tee shirt, additionally throwing on a crewneck from a college in Louisiana that you had found in the aisles of a thrift store. 
You threw a few additional outfits in a duffle bag and your pajamas which consisted of sleep shorts and a tee shirt, you threw your slippers for your constantly cold feet in the bag and you were ready to go. 
Your socked feet padded against the floor as you made your way to the front door to grab your shoes. You threw them on and told the group you were ready to go. 
Dean, Sam and you crowded into the impala, Dean leaping on the opportunity to tell Sam to sit in the back after you had informed the brothers you get carsick. 
“I have zofran, Sam can sit in the front, I don't want to take his spot” you said 
“Nope, Sam get in the back” Dean quickly said as he took his spot in the driver's seat. 
After the three of you had gotten in the car and started on the trip Sam complained “Dean, I know there's a pretty girl but what if I get carsick in the back” 
“You won't, and the very pretty girl won't complain about my music choices” Dean told him and raised his brows at you.
Your face heated at how they referred to you, you cleared your throat and changed the subject “I know you guys are more hands on than me so I know a few ways to figure these things out, different folklore says if you can make them laugh they’ll reveal their truth, or you can shout god bless you, you can cook with eggshells. German legends say you can whip the child but honestly the easiest way to kill them is just lighting the fuckers on fire” You explained “People used to throw them in the fireplace or in the oven but you can get away with a blowtorch and a can of hairspray” 
“That's more our speed” Dean replied 
“People were seriously throwing these things in ovens?” Sam asked “What if the kid wasn't actually a changeling” 
“People got overly paranoid and it wasnt exactly common knowledge back then that someone could be born with physical or mental disabilities, also families used to be really reliant on everyone in the household being able to help out so a lot of child abuse ensued because parents didnt want to have a changeling on their hands” You explained “Anyway these things creep me out so lets talk about something more lighthearted on the way there” 
“i agree sweetheart” Dean said and you blushed at the name “I heard your comment about Bret Micheals, are you a Poison hater” 
“I can tolerate them but I will not go out of my way to listen to them, they’re definitely one of the lamest hair bands” you told him “I definitely prefer Van Halen, Quiet Riot, Def Leppard and Cinderella if I’m going to listen to hair bands” 
“Atta girl, you don’t like that Barry Manilow bullshit do you?” Dean asked 
“God no, fuck Styx too, that Babe song pisses me off” you laughed 
“Cus you know it’s you babe” Sam started singing off key and you groaned in annoyance, Dean laughing. 
The three of you talked about music, movies, and Sam and Dean's past hunts, asking odd would you rather questions when trying to think of new conversation topics 
“Okay would you rather have to eat a little bit of cheese on everything or never eat cheese again” you asked 
“Never eat cheese again” Sam quickly answered 
“I’d put a little bit on everything I fucking love cheese” you answered 
After extensive conversation and small bits of bickering the three of you made it to Nebraska, Bobby close behind.
Dean checked into the hotel, getting two rooms, one for him and Sam and one for you and Bobby. He gave the woman behind the counter a credit card with a name that most certainly was not his then the three of you made your way to the rooms. Dean opened the door to one of the rooms and the cowboy theme of the room made you laugh.
“You sure know how to pick ‘em’ Dean” you said 
“It’s fun, this cowboy boot pen holder on the desk is cute” he said, picking up the small red ceramic boot with a few pens sticking out of it.
“It is kinda cute, and I like the lasso on the wall” you pointed out 
“Oh man, creepy” you said as you noticed the sad clown painting hanging above the bed. 
“That's coming down” Sam said and quickly moved over to the painting to take it off the wall and lay it face down in the corner of the room. 
“Sammy here is a afraid of clowns” Dean informed you
“I don’t blame him, they’re scary, and all the media about killer clowns doesn’t exactly make me want to see one” you replied 
Bobby arrived at the motel shortly after the three of you had gotten the rooms. The four of you were discussing plans for the next day as it was later and you all agreed to start interviewing people in the morning. 
“i’m gonna go grab a drink, I saw a bar about ten minutes from here” Dean announced 
“I’ll join you if Bobby and Sam don’t need help with research” you said 
“Go take a break kid, you work your ass off, me and Sam will be fine” Bobby told you, you thanked him and gave him a quick hug before heading out with Dean. 
You weren’t surprised by the crowd at the bar, mostly older men who looked like they had just gotten off work, farm clothes and dirty work shirts adorned most of them. A few of them had women who you assumed were their wives at their side, chatting quietly with them. You were glad your outfit wasn’t out of place for the scene. 
A man who you guessed to be around fifty was working behind the bar, he gave Dean and you a soft smile before asking what you’d like to drink. 
“I’ll take a beer” Dean told him
“Busch okay? We don’t have anything else” The bartender replied 
“And for the pretty lady” the bartender asked 
“I’ll just take a vodka cranberry” you said, not minding his comment too much, you knew he didn’t mean anything by it, people just talked like that. 
You and Dean sat at the bar after getting your drinks, chatting with each other. 
One drink led to another and you lost count of how many you had drank. You were asking Dean silly questions and you began to vocalize your thoughts about how handsome he is.
“I know you can't kill a vampire with a wooden stake, but have you ever tried death by stereo?” you asked with a giggle, you had taken your hand into his and were toying with his fingers. 
“The Lost Boys is a great movie, me and Sammy will try out death by stereo just for you the next time we hunt vampires” he replied earning a laugh from you.
“You are so manly and cute and handsome” you slurred poking a finger into his chest, eyes widening at the firmness of his muscles “Oh my gosh you’re strong too, I feel like I just poked a rock” 
He laughed and shook his head at your comments “Let's get you to bed before you say more shit you’ll regret tomorrow.” 
“I don't regret anything, I’ve been thinking about how cute you are all day, and those big arms wrapped around-” You blabbered but were cut off by Dean.
“Yep time for bed, but give me a heads up sweetheart if you still feel this way after you’ve sobered up” 
“I’m going to pay, then we’re going to get in the car, then get you to bed” he added
“Very forward, I like it” you giggled with a raise of your brows. 
After Dean paid he walked you out to the Impala, you stumbling slightly finding it hard to walk after being sat down all night. 
“I'm cold” you lied, you were not cold but you wanted his jacket.
“You have a sweater on?” he replied with confusion lacing his tone.
“You're supposed to give me your jacket then I can smell like you” you told him and tried to give him a hug while still walking. 
He forced a sigh then wrapped his jacket around you. You snuggled into it and thanked him.
After a car ride consisting of you informing Dean your feet hurt and you were tired, the two of you arrived back at the motel.
Dean opened the door to yours and Bobby's shared room. You giggled noticing the lights were off. 
Dean attempted to shush you “he's probably asleep already, quiet down” 
You only laughed harder at the fact you needed to be quiet “he looks like Ebenezer Scrooge when he sleeps, he just needs the little hat” you commented through your giggles, Dean tried to hide his smile to not encourage you. 
“I always think the ghost of Christmas past is gonna get him” you said before bursting into laughter and Dean quickly slapping his hand over your mouth. He pushed you into the bathroom and shut the door attempting to muffle your giggles. He flipped the light on and asked you where your duffle bag was. 
“In the room somewhere” you shrugged 
“Well no shit sweetheart” 
“It's on my bed I think” you giggled 
“Okay perfect you stay right here and I’ll go get it then you're going to change and go to bed” he told you
Dean groped through the dark until he found your bag, it was sitting on your bed as you had told him. He made his way back to the bathroom to find you sitting on the toilet lid, playing with the toilet paper roll that had the first square folded into a fancy shape. 
“Isn't this just precious” you said and showed him the toilet paper
“Yes, very cute put it down” he said and took the roll out of your hands, placing it on the counter. 
He opened your bag and fished out your shorts and a tee shirt “get changed” 
“No can do, can’t get my pants off” you shrugged with a fake sigh 
Usually Dean would be enthralled to take a girl's pants off but he wasn’t in the mood for an ass whooping from Bobby. 
He just prayed Bobby wouldn’t wake up because you weren’t budging. He helped you shimmy your jeans off your legs, then slipped your shorts onto you. 
“Need help with my shirt too” you said as you shrugged his jacket off your shoulders and put it into your lap. 
He slipped your crewneck over your head, your shirt coming off with it. He quickly took in your figure, admiring the sight of you in your bra before he slipped a clean shirt over your head. 
You unclasped your bra and slipped it off from under your shirt before tossing it on the bathroom floor. 
“Really? you can do that but you can’t change on your own” Dean whisper yelled 
“I can’t show you too much” you shrugged “now can you carry me to bed?”
He was willing to do anything to get you in bed at this point so he scooped you up in his arms and carried you out to your bed, you giggled as he threw you down onto the sheets. 
“Go to bed now” he whispered and you quickly made yourself comfortable under the blankets, cuddling into his jacket that you still held in your arms. 
You heard the door close and you soon drifted off to sleep. 
You awoke around four in the morning the red numbers off the alarm clock informing you of the time. You were starving and the alcohol had barely worn off. you crawled out of bed and slipped on Dean's jacket, it hung loosely on your figure, the length going past your shorts and the sleeves being far too long. You were glad for the added warmth because you were freezing. 
You were absolutely craving fried chicken and you dug through the mini fridge wholeheartedly expecting to find some, when the disappointment hit you, you left the room and went into Sam and Dean's room, letting yourself in with the spare key you had been given. 
You began to dig through their refrigerator in the dark, expecting to find some chicken but when you heard a gun click and the light flipped on, you spun around, met by Dean in his underwear and Sam shuffling in moments later with his blanket wrapped around him.
“What the hell are you doing” Dean asked 
“I want fried chicken so bad” you complained 
“Why would we have fried chicken?” Dean asked, still groggy and confused. 
“I don’t know I just wanted to check” you told him 
Sam laughed at the interaction, telling Dean he shouldn’t have let you drink so much before he headed back to his bed. 
“I promise I will get you fried chicken in the morning but please go back to bed” Dean told you 
“You look cute in your undies” you giggled 
“And you look cute in my jacket now go to bed” he mimicked your giggle. 
You agreed but not before you made him promise to get you your food in the morning, you made him lock pinkies with you despite his complaints of annoyance. 
You made your way back to your room and quickly fell asleep again. 
The next morning was hell, Bobby woke you up around 8 and you were met with a headache and a need for water. The second you stood up you found yourself running to the bathroom as a nauseating feeling built in your throat. 
You heard Sam and Dean talking as you were throwing up the memories of last night. Both of them asking how you were doing, and Bobby explaining you were currently throwing up, expecting an explanation from Dean as to why. 
Dean ducked out of the conversation “I’m going to get her water and hold her hair back, like a man does” he walked into the bathroom and gave a small chuckle at your figure hunched over the toilet. 
“Do not fucking laugh at me” you groaned 
“You still want that fried chicken” he asked, and you gagged at the thought, he grabbed you a cup of water to rinse your mouth out with and handed you the toilet paper you had been previously admiring to wipe your mouth off with. 
You wiped the sweat from your forehead and the tears from your eyes before standing up to brush your teeth. 
“You still gotta work today you know” Dean told you 
you rolled your eyes at him and after you had finished brushing your teeth you said “I’ll survive, I can tolerate sitting and reading, you have to go fight the things” 
You and Dean joined Bobby and Sam, Sam having told Bobby about you breaking into their room. You were expecting to get your ass chewed out but all you got from Bobby was “Kid I’m glad you had fun, you need to loosen up sometimes, but we still need your help today, so I expect your best” 
You agreed and gave him a quick hug before setting up a spot to research on the desk in the room. 
Sam and Dean left to put on formal clothes as they were posing as detectives and had to look the part. They returned to the room after changing. 
“Don’t you boys look handsome” you said with a grin 
“We have to be believable” Dean grumbled 
“I’m being serious, you look nice” you smiled “I’m going to look for potential demonic activity in other areas, call me if you need anything” 
“Will do sweetheart” Dean replied 
“Thanks for all your help y/n, we’ll pick you up some fried chicken on our way back” Sam grinned 
Your stomach churned at the thought of eating anything but maybe you’d change your mind later in the day, so you didn’t shut him down. 
As the three were turning to leave you said “by the way Dean, I do still feel like that” earning a grin from him and his head flooding with thoughts of what he could do to you when he got back. 
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
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aliidarling · 3 months
hey alii it’s your fav riooo!! :3 anyways no more silliness.. can you write where your getting stalked by Michael and he breaks in and fucks the brains out of u, oh and has a size kink/bondage? thank you i love u and your fics!!! 🩷
enjoy the silence
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MICHEAL MYERS x fem!reader
nsfw content — pls scroll if uncomfortable
summary: myers decides to break in while you’re babysitting your friends younger brother
warnings: smut, p in v, size kink, bondage, knife play, sadism/masochism, blood
reminder reader doesn’t know the myers iconic mask because this takes place the night of his return in the og movie :)
nsfww content below !!
this years halloween wasn’t like last years, the year before and all the halloweens you’ve lived through. normally it was cheery, bright, with lots of candy and spooky costumes jumpscaring you at every corner. you’d always look forward for october 31st, the scariest day of the year.
your favorite day of the year. you were a horror fanatic, always binge watching horror movies and buying merchandise. friday the 13th was one of your favorite franchises, the slasher and gruesome scenes catching your eye from a young age. ever since then you’d always get excited at the mere mention of horror aspects.
you remembered years ago when the myers incident happened— when the perfect family down the block broke apart and crumbled into mere names you’d see on the newspaper. you were friends with the daughter, having a few classes with the upperclassmen which you two shared.
she was so sweet. always giving you pencils, helping you braid your hair, sometimes walking you home. she was too young to leave the earth. the reminders of that terrifying night rung in your head every halloween, slowly ruining the once colorful holiday for you.
now even fifteen years later, flashes of red and blue tainted the back of your mind as you sat on the couch of your best friends house. you had been ‘hired’ by your best friend to babysit his little brother. you didn’t mind— her brother, kilo, was a sweet boy. he was barely passing second grade, but you weren’t one to judge.
“you finish your homework, bud?” you ask the little boy who sat across from you. he looks up from his papers, crayons at his side with his papers covered in scribbles and his bad handwriting.
“almost!” he smiles, returning back to his homework and doodling. you hum and glance back at the movie playing in front of the two of you, the street lights illuminating the living room subtly through the blinds. you could hear the kids from the streets chatting, the giggling and the sounds of halloween night.
you hear a thud from the kitchen, making you frown. you pat the kids back and tell him to stay out, standing up and walking to the hallway. you enter the kitchen and look around, your eyes catching glimpse of a fallen plate on the ground. you shudder. your friend and her parents weren’t gonna be too happy with you about that.
“hey, kilo?” you call out, grabbing the broom and sweeping it up into a bag.
“yeah?” he calls back.
“i’ll let you keep your ipad in bed if you take the blame for me about this.” you hold up the bag of shredded glass sheepishly, trying to win over the little boy with the bats of your lashes. he hums in thought, tapping his chin before nodding eagerly.
you grin and give kilo a hair ruffle before ushering him up the stairs. he takes two stairs at a time before skipping into his room, the dark blue walls painted and his bed having star wars bedding. it was cute, you could tell his parents loved him.
“night night, kiddo. you need anything i’ll be downstairs, alright? i’m gonna be sleeping in your sisters room tonight.” you tell him gently, keeping up on your promise and handing him his ipad. he giggles and nods, quickly opening it up and ignoring every other word that drops from your mouth. you sigh and walk off, leaving the door open with a small crack. damn ipad kids.
the next hour is calm. you’re downstairs, handing out candy while catching up with your shows in her television. you’re happy she has cable. you’re quite comfortable in her house, you’ve been over so many times a part of you considers it your second home.
the sound of another thud grabs your attention. at first you think maybe kilo was being kilo and caused some ruckus, but you quickly realize it came from downstairs. you get up from your couch and walk towards the kitchen once again, blinking dumbly at the sight of the pantry door wide open. you swore you closed it earlier.
“this is creepy.” you grumble to yourself, stepping forward to slowly close it. once the click echoes, you stand there for another moment, a part of you expecting a loud jumpscare. the silence is anticlimactic and you sigh tiredly, dragging yourself back to the couch.
slumping back against the cushion, you wrap yourself in the throw blanket they have and hum, focusing your eyes on the television in front of you again. the streets have quieted down, leaving only a few determined trick or treaters that you’ve started to ignore when they ring. you’re too lazy to get up.
another few long minutes pass before you hear footsteps down the hall. you stiffen immediately and sit up, peeking over the top of the couch down the hall. no way kilo made those footsteps— they were too heavy.
fuck. did someone break in? it’s halloween night, you wouldn’t be surprised. lots of people always engaged in reckless behavior this night of the year.
“hello?” you call out, sitting up sheepishly and hugging the blanket around you. you peek down the dark, luring hall and shiver. you gulp down your nerves and let out another call. “kilo? i thought i told you to stay in your room, kid.”
silence answers you.
it’s creepy. too creepy. you don’t like this anymore. you want to go upstairs and check on kilo, make sure he’s okay and maybe sleep next to him in his bed. you were creeped out and wanted to make sure he was safe mostly.
a shaky exhale leaves you as you turn back forward, preparing to stand up to make your debut upstairs. you’re met with the terrifying sight of a man over six feet standing over you, his mask staring down at you emotionless.
you don’t scream. no. you stare up at him with a gaping expression, mouth open and eyes wide in terror. your heart skips several beats and your entire world goes radio silent, a ringing noise in your ears. you were paralyzed. paralyzed from fear. you don’t know what to do, your fingers suddenly feel like twenty pounds and your throat is dry.
oh fuck. he’s gonna kill you now, move dumbass!
another long second passes before you quickly move, sitting up and trying to jump over the back of the couch. he’s blocking the front, and his hand comes down to grab your shirt and manhandle you down onto your back again. the couch is a pull out so you’re thrashing around with your legs stretched out, fist throwing weak punches. he easily holds your wrist down and stares silently down at you.
tears fill your eyes, trembling in fear. you try and muster up the courage to speak but each words stays on the tip of your tongue, wavering shakily in your head.
“who are you?!” you finally managed to to shriek, fist clenched and your wrists being held by his large hands. his fingers were thick and long, his body well over six feet with a large amount of mass. the size difference was laughable.
his heavy breathing echoes in your ears, taunting you. he doesn’t answer your question, instead he slowly picks up his knife and drags it down your neck. the tip of his knife catches into your skin lightly and you whimper at the feeling. it stings.
his knife is dragged from your neck to your collarbone, tugging aimlessly at your collar. his movements hold no rush, instead ease and stealth. his mask is staring down at you as you bite your lip, muffling your pained sniffles as the knife nicks at your collarbone.
“why are you doing this?” you croak. he doesn’t answer.
the knife along your skin continues its journey down your stomach until it drifts along your pajama shorts, slowly creeping underneath the waistband and letting it snap against your skin. he’s inhuman, not making a single noise and instead drinking in each of your cries and reactions to his touch.
his grip around your wrists stiffen, gripping you tighter and holding you down firmer onto the couch. your hips squirm weakly before you’re shut up by the small nick he delivers to your soft skin. a silent warning.
the knife against your neck and the rope around your wrists is a reminder to stay quiet and still as he slowly sinks his cock inside you. it’s thick and girthy, the size belittling all the other boys you’ve ever touched. it hurts, the feeling of having your walls getting stretched by his mushroom tip.
a small sob leaves at the feeling, your hands tugging weakly at the rope, pretty tears covering your flushed cheeks. a burn in your pussy aches your lower body, thighs tensing up as he inches his way deeper and deeper. your cunt squeezes him tight and he doesn’t give any reaction other then his fists grabbing the cushion around you tighter, the fabric wrinkling.
“t-that hurts, hey— stop, slow down at least,” you plead pitifully. your voice is smaller then intended, your mouth forming an ‘O’ shape as the thickness has you going silent. you don’t have the bravery to complain any further, not after he pushes his knife a little closer to your neck. you go silent immediately.
the feeling of him sitting inside you still is only temporary before he slowly pushes out, leaving just the tip, before slamming back inside. he’s brutal with the way he buries himself deeply, making sure every centimeter of himself is squeezed tight. a moan you do your best to muffle escapes your throat.
he repeats the action again, slowly pulling out only to slam himself deeper again. somehow his tip presses against your g-spot, making you clench down and gasp. his hands grasp your waist, the difference in his fingers and your torso noticeable— he can almost fit his entire two hands around your stomach.
you were nothing compared to this big, burly man. not with the way he was holding your waist down and slamming his cock in and out, knife discarded by your side. your eyes roll back as you moan, lips quivering and producing noises you can no longer stop. not when he was this good at fucking you.
more slams of his hips had you clenching down, crying out for him to slow down and give you mercy. he was mean, battering your insides and plummeting his cock inside, like he didn’t wanna go a single second without being sheathed inside your warm cunt. he can feel the way your walls squeeze him and a low grunt escapes his throat, squeezing your waist tight.
one if his hands grabs your neck and squeezes, not gentle at all. you can feel your air ways get cut off and your eyes go wide. and your pussy tightens even more, making him cum deep inside. his load is thick and hot, painting your insides the creamy white color. it’s not surprising you immediately cum afterwards, the penetration and the warm stickiness making you cry loudly and release in his cock.
he slowly pulls his cock out and watches as the cream pie leaks out of your pussy, staining the couch fabric a dusty white. you shudder at the feeling of emptiness after being used to being stuffed full. a small hiccup leaves you, trembling still.
you gasp as one of his hands grab your thighs, holding it still while his hand slowly grabs the knife beside you. you stiffen in fear and shake your head, whimpering and pleading.
“please don’t— i was good— don’t hurt me—“ you’re shut up by him squeezing your thigh hard, a silent warning. you shut up, muffling your hiccups and cries. you watch as he slowly drags his knife to your meaty thigh and presses down with a little bit of pressure, making little lines. small droplets of blood drip down your thigh and you want to vomit.
he tilts his head down at you, silently wondering so many things. why were you crying? if you looked closely, he had marked his name. that was no reason to cry.
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