#from their hands and giving them another /you/ picked out for them-- Thus ripping out their autonomy and right to self-identify--
knownbyanothername · 9 months
imo people who try to shove you into another identity that isn't yours for their comfort/gatekeeping are awful.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
“And, what are you Philza?”
Missa had heard from his own son that a deity Name Rose has been watching over them, He then hears from Phil that he was reached out to another God before. That sparks the question "what are you?"
Missa rocked his legs back and forth as he sat on the edge of the tree house, with an anxious face he stared down at the Structure below him.
A kizbo of sorts surrounded by pilers, literal with roses. Mainly he focused on the floating chest in the center, that aperrantly served as a communication route.
He hadn't spoken to the deity yet, he was terrified of accidental offending her, he much rather thought his words out before Putting anything in the chest.
He would soon take note of Phil's approaching footsteps, though he wouldn't turn to meet him; Phil soon seated himself next to Missa, observing the worry look on his partner's face.
"So, this is probably a lot right now." Phil started, "If you have any questions I'd be more than happy to assist!"
Missa keep his gaze on the chest, in regards to questions he had many; he honestly wasn't even sure where to start but feared his silence would worry Phil.
Thus upon hearing Phil let out an patience sigh, he felt compelled to say something. "Who.. Who is she?" He finally asked
"Right, I'm going to simplify this for you." Phill began
"Rose is my Spawn entity, I was reincarnated into that world after I died in my previous one." He leaned forward clasping his hands as he too stared down at the chest. "And I wasn't sure if it was real to be honest; I thought those spaces in-between were just dreams, but her and the um end king found me so.."
"And the End king is another deity?"
"Not a good one."
"oh?!" Phil would regret mention the End kings name, once he noticed the fear in his partners voice.
"But you don't have to worry about that," he clearifided, "Rose will protect us."
"Ok.. and what did you mean by in-between spaces?"
"in-between worlds..the..where I..where Rose spawned me, they were different layers that lead between different worlds and.. how do I break this down.."
Missa finally looked up at Phil, he'd observed him seemingly rock his brain for a quick explanation. Eventually Phil pulled his backpack closer and ramaished through it, he then pulled out a tres leches cake.
"Ok, so." He pointed to the top of the cake, "imagine this is where I spawned, even though I exist up here I can still go," he moved his finger back and forth between the other layers, "between the other layers through void rips and the entities they can go wherever they want basically."
"Mm si.." Missa agreed, "and how did you get there?"
"Missa, Rose spawned me in."
Missa regret his choice in words once he picked up on the slight annoyance in Phil's tone, he didn't mean to make him repeat himself, it was just difficult to find the right words.
"I mean, why, for what reason did Rose put you there?"
"oh," he relaxed his muscle, "well I died in my old world, I guess she wanted to give me a second chance, it wasn't the first time something like that happen." Phil broke of a layer of the tres leches cake then hand it off to Missa, whom appected it grateful.
Phil tilled his head as he thought briefly to himself, "that's not that strange right? We respawn here."
"yes but, you come back as yourself in the same world you died in and they're circumstances where you just won't come back." Missa explained.
He then broke a piece of the cake which he popped in his mouth, "Sólo estoy tratando de entender las reglas". He explained with a full mouth.
Phil shurgged his shoulders, then processed to pick at the remainder of the cake. "It's pretty much the same, just over different worlds."
"you don't even have any childhood memories, Cellbit Y bagi Crecieron en esta isla, ¿Qué pasa contigo?"
"I don't really have any childhood memories." Phil explain, his eyes slowly swing to the opposite direction, it was clear he was uncomfortable with the direction of the questions.
Missa had half a mind to drop the conversation all together, but as much as he loved his husband he knew nothing of him, where he came from, why he came here; If he was allowing questions this would be the best time to ask right?
"Philza, please take no offense to the question I'm going to ask." Missa requested
Phil released a nervous chuckle, "um..ok?"
"What excalty are you?"
"What do you mean..?" He adjusted his position to sit upright, "I'm a bird mate, birdman, crow Father whatever those fuckers." He pointed to the crows seated in the branches about him. "Call me."
Missa stared at the crows briefly before turning his attention back to Phil; annoyance now painted Phil face, yup he was certainly sleeping in the petting zoo this time. "I think what I meant to ask was, Where did you originally come from?"
Phil's face went through a sequences of emotions, from annoyance to curiosity, then to confusion and horror as he became awear of one painful fact.
"You don't have to answer, don't worry about it. Lo siento, fue una pregunta extraña."
"I don't know..." Phil finally answered, "I've just always existed, I've never thought about it.."
'Ay dios mío, I married a God', Missa thought to himself as he processed Phil statement, of course Phil called it reincarnation but to have no memory of a childhood and just existed in different times, then he was more akin to a God than someone who just happened to remember his past lives.
A rather tragic God at that, if he couldn't remember his origins, but no normal being just exist without any memory of where they came from.
"is that unusual?" Phil inquired
"Ah, I just wanted to know." Missa successful dodge the question, "we're married and I don't know anything about you, it's not fair you know haha.."
Phil stared at his partner, it was true he knew very little of him and even after Missa had told him so much about himself, why he frequently went on journeys who he was before that.
Yet the only explaination Phil had for himself was, he always existed; he couldn't help but feel awful for his unsatisfactory answer. He leaned forward letting he arms rest in his lap, he himself then glared at the floating chest below them.
"You should talk to Rose, I want you to meet her." Phil attempted to change the subject.
"ha, I'm really worried I'm gonna offend her." Missa admitted, he couldn't help but feel this was like meeting the parents, and if that's true then he really didn't want to fuck up.
"Nah mate, Rose is really hard to offend, she'll love you.. I'm sure of it." Phil ended with a sad smile.
They sat there a little longer, feeling the cool wind as well as Indulging on the sweet smell of roses; perhaps he'd ask Rose for advice on how to communicate better with his husband.
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fleetsonourgecentral · 7 months
A request: Ebony celebrates Fleetway Super birthday along with the freedom Fighthers celebrathing Sonic's birthday (so Super and Sonic share a birthday celebration :D) but Scourge IS jealous because he doesn't get any gifts
Adfjdasfjds Scourge being jealous for petty reasons my beloved
"This doesn't seem fair," Scourge grumbled, folding his arms and glaring at his surroundings like he could set the decorations alight with his eyes alone. Unfortunately, getting zapped by the Master Emerald didn't seem to grant him those powers, but hey, it was always worth double checking.
"Life isn't fair," Sonic said, smug smirk fully plastered on his face as he lounged on his throne for the day. The throne in question was nothing more than an old armchair fished out of the dump, and was covered in rips and clearly falling apart, but it was clean (thanks to Tekno's efforts) and it was the nicest chair the Freedom Fighters owned, so they made do.
Scourge was surprised they were putting in the effort at all. Sonic's ego was so big it was a wonder his head didn't swell and become too heavy for his body to carry; there was really no need to stroke his ego by giving him a throne.
For some reason, though, the Freedom Fighters, despite usually being extremely enthusiastic about keeping Sonic's ego in check, had decided today was an exception. It was his birthday, after all.
"How did you even get all this?" Scourge said. Thankfully, none of the cheesy "happy birthday" banners had been strung up on the wall - those were dumped on Ebony's doorstep - but in their place were custom-made banners proudly congratulating the Hero of Mobius on another year of victory over Robotnik. Over the top and unnecessary, considering the victory in question was mostly just his continued survival, and thus his continued ability to be a future pain in the ass.
Not that Robotnik didn't have it coming, but still.
"We made them!" Tails chirped from where he was stringing up another banner, this one declaring today as Sonic Day. "Tekno designed most of the banner so it would look cool enough that Sonic won't complain, and then Amy and I helped decide what they should say, and then we all painted them together!"
"And you didn't invite me?"
"We both know you would've told us all to fuck off if we asked you to help," Amy said, although the teasing smile on her face showed her comment was light-hearted instead of irritated. Gross.
"These aren't new, anyway," Tekno said. "We made these before you arrived, so you couldn't have helped. Unless you found a way to time travel. If you find an easy way to time travel, let me know?"
"Sure, whatever."
And now that Scourge was looking, the banners did seem a little worn. Small rips on the edges, colors dulled, the paper crinkled; obviously reused over the years. He nudged one of the banners crumpled on the floor with his foot, then picked it up to inspect it, holding it with his thumb and forefinger. Sonic's painted winking face greeted him, and Scourge sneered at it. On the back of the banner, he could see a cluster of signatures. Some he recognised - Tails and Amy - while some he'd never heard of - who in the world was Shortfuse? - and some... well, some were just initials, none of which he recognised. He certainly didn't remember any friends of Sonic's who went by J.L.
"Are you going to stand there, or are you going to help?" Amy said, lightly elbowing him as she passed, snatching the banner from his hands.
"What's it look like? I'm gonna stand here."
"No you're not. Help Tekno bring the gifts in."
"I'm not participating in this. You do shit like this then wonder why he's an arrogant dickhead."
"Is it arrogance if it's justified?" Sonic said.
"Justify my foot up your ass," Scourge said, just as Tekno dragged him away.
The pile of presents was bigger than it had any right to be. The Freedom Fighters didn't have much money - apparently fighting for the safety of the entire fucking planet doesn't pay well, or at all, which is bullshit and all the more reason for Scourge to find the whole thing stupid - so none of them could really afford to go all-out with the presents, but the bulk of the pile came from local civilians who had caught wind of the celebration and wanted to express their gratitude. Over the past week during their travels, civilians would stop them, shyly handing over presents and telling them they were for Sonic's birthday, a token of their appreciation for constantly saving their asses, because they couldn't be bothered to do it themselves.
No one said that last bit out loud, but Scourge always made sure to mentally add it.
Why they couldn't express their gratitude with some fucking cash, he did not know.
"Grab the presents by the table?" Tekno said, scooping presents into her arms. For what it was worth, although the pile was bigger than one would expect, at least most of the presents were small.
Groaning with all the contempt he could muster, Scourge shuffled over to the table and started tucking presents under his arms.
"Did you drop off everything at Ebony's?" Tekno said. Her voice was low, hidden by the rustle of the presents, only loud enough for Scourge to hear. Not that he thought Sonic could hear them when they were out here, but better safe than sorry.
"Whaddya take me for? Of course I did," Scourge said, voice equally low, although that was more for Tekno's peace of mind than his own. She'd shush him if she thought he was being too loud, but she was also really bad at shushing people quietly, and ended up attracting attention with her shushes more often than not. It was really counterproductive. Scourge didn't know why Sonic had let it slide for this long.
"Just making sure."
Scourge grunted, but he did give the rest of the presents an obligatory once-over, just to be sure there weren't any that shouldn't be there.
Super's birthday fell on the same day as Sonic's. It was why all the cheesy banners had been dumped on Ebony instead of in the trash where they belonged. The Freedom Fighters - okay, mostly Tekno - thought it was a good idea to send a few presents over from all of them, as a gesture of goodwill and minor bribery to please not turn evil and try to kill them all again. It was a plan Sonic had been conveniently left out of; even with their less strained relationship (although that really wasn't saying much) it was blatantly obvious he still wasn't fond of Super. He wouldn't stop them from giving him birthday presents, or wanting to wish him a happy birthday, but he would wrinkle his nose and mutter a comment under his breath, which was apparently a problem, although Scourge hadn't figured out why.
Ebony had asked if they wanted to stop by, even tentatively offered a joint birthday celebration if that would make things easier, but she was swiftly turned down. Presents were a safe bet, the Freedom Fighters had agreed, because they could be dropped off at any time, and Sonic would never have to know, and they could wish Super a happy birthday without ever leaving Sonic's side on the actual day. And they could send Scourge to be their little delivery boy so none of them would have to do it; despite the olive branch, Tails and Amy were still wary of Super. Apparently Scourge and (somehow) Tekno were the only ones who weren't little bitches about him.
Well, Sonic wasn't a little bitch exactly, but he wasn't as cool and casual about Super as he wanted to be. So he didn't count.
"I'm just saying," Scourge said, hefting as many presents into his arms as he could, "if you're going to make the decorations look like a 'congrats on kicking ass without dying' celebration, we should all be getting presents."
"It's not your birthday, though."
"I'm his boyfriend, though. Shouldn't I get, like, a solidarity present?"
"No, because it isn't your birthday."
Scourge bit back a comment about how if Super got to have a birthday just because he was another Sonic, then logically, so should he. Because, well, it wasn't his birthday, even though all the celebration really made it feel like it should be. He thought birthdays for Sonics were the same across all dimensions - he was pretty sure he shared a birthday with Prime, eugh - but apparently not.
With another exaggerated groan, he shuffled back into the living room with the presents towering high above him, because second trips were for chumps, and dumped them at Sonic's feet. His own gift wasn't in there, but only because he'd already given it to Sonic this morning. The moment he woke up, in fact. Scourge wasn't about to be beaten by anyone in anything, including being the first person to give Sonic a gift.
Not that it was anything special. Scourge wasn't exactly rolling in money either, and Sonic was a pain in the ass to shop for. Humiliation had nipped at his heels when he handed the gift over, ready to burn him, but Sonic seemed to really like it - underneath the obligatory layer of snark - so it was fine.
He eyed the pile of presents again, and tried not to gnaw on his lip.
Some of the civilians who gave them presents looked... well, not well-off, but comfortable. Not rich, not even close to rich, but able to at least afford something nice for the Hero of Mobius. More than Scourge could afford.
More than any of the Freedom Fighters could afford, though, and Sonic didn't really give a shit about his fans outside of the inherent bragging rights that come with having fans in the first place. None of those civilians knew what Sonic liked. The Freedom Fighters did. Scourge did.
He doubted any civilian signatures were on the back of the banner he picked up.
A party thrown by civilians probably wouldn't look like this at all. That would be far more elaborate, with more people pitching in to help, even more vomit-worthy banners and decorations hung from every wall and banister, singing the praises of Sonic the Hedgehog. Over the top, and licking his ass, and making a huge deal out of him. Exactly the kind of celebration Sonic would like; he always loved it when people lavished him with praise for his efforts in saving the world, the arrogant bastard.
Sonic didn't have any of that, this year. Oh, sure, the party would stroke his ego, but it wasn't lavish. Compared to what he could have, it was almost humble.
But. He didn't look upset by it. Didn't even feign annoyance that it wasn't as big as it could be.
Scourge couldn't remember any of his own birthdays looking like this growing up. No friends surrounding him, bickering as they hung birthday banners or fetched presents or argued over the cake. No shitty birthday chair fished out of the dump. No lavish party to sing his praises. His birthdays weren't humble like this one, but they weren't extravagant, either.
They were... cold. Empty. There was no soul in the presents, no warmth in the candle of the cake. No signatures on the back of a hand-made birthday banner.
Scourge swallowed down the ugly feeling in his stomach.
Whatever. He didn't need any of that shit. He was Scourge the fucking Hedgehog, he knew exactly how great he was. Who needed a giant party? Not him. He wasn't that fragile.
"Scowl any harder and your face will get stuck."
Scourge flipped Sonic off without even looking. "Eat shit, birthday boy."
"Are you sulking because Pixel Brain jumped on you this morning when he came to wish me a happy birthday?"
"He crushed my fucking ribs," Scourge complained, glad for something to focus on. The interruption had been rude, and Tails was fortunate they were already awake; had he done that shit while Scourge was still asleep, he would've gotten an ass full of quills.
"Right. And you're definitely not sulking because you wanted to cuddle."
"I don't cuddle."
"Bullshit you don't."
"I don't. You have no proof."
"Then you're gonna start."
Before Scourge could say a word of protest, Sonic grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him onto his lap.
"Fuck off and let me go," Scourge snapped, shifting to get comfortable.
"It's my birthday," Sonic said, smirking his stupid, smug, victorious grin. "That means you have to do what I say."
"I'm not doing shit, you can't tell me what to do, birthday or not," Scourge said, leaning further into Sonic when he wrapped an arm around his waist to pull him closer.
"You'll get the chair when it's your birthday, if it's any consolation."
"Fuck the chair! What about my presents?"
"We'll see."
"Asshole," Scourge grumbled, biting Sonic lightly on the shoulder to emphasize his point, but he only got an amused chuckle in return.
"You're getting off when the cake gets here," Sonic said.
Huffing, Scourge snuggled further into Sonic. They'd see about that.
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xiaoscarasimp · 5 months
Smol Bit of Cat boy Smut 6
Sooo my ideas dried up recently thus why no posting of this fic but thanks to hsr 2.1 we got some *smol* ideas for this fic again
sorry its a bit rushed ;-;
Previous Chapter First Chapter
MDNI CW Usual SiZe KiNk shenanigans cum eating maid outfits etc
“S-Scara, you’re just too big!!” You cry out.
 It was another day of playing around with Lyney’s magic and you being impaled on Scaramouche’s giant cock. He decided that you would look perfect today at half your size, towering over you, making sure to put you in your place. You could see the outline of his cock  through your stomach and how it moved with each thrust. If you weren’t being literally split apart by his dick, the sight would be very arousing and thrilling. 
“Shh, darling, relax,” Scaramouche cooed, using his large, but delicate hands to stroke your face. You try to give him an indignant look but all that remains on your face is your fucked out expression. 
Scaramouche's face lit up into a nasty grin. He used his hand to find your tiny clit and stimulate it even further until you cream on his member once again. The cold shivers went down your spine as you whittle away even more, his cock becoming even more prominent in your stomach. One last squeeze of your gummy walls make him cum enough to slightly inflate your stomach to where it almost looked like you were pregnant. 
“Haa,” He sighs contently as he shrinks a bit, his ears pulled back in pleasure. His shirt starts to droop off him slightly, now looking like it was only one or two sizes too big. Scaramouche delicately pushes his shorts off his delicate feet, them crumpling to the floor. He stops you from growing enough so that he could still see the outline of his cock in your stomach. “Perfect, my little doll. Stay that size for me for a little while longer.” 
His cock wasn’t splitting you as much now, however, it was still pressing against your clit. You try to grind against it again, desperate for just a little bit more stimulation, but Scaramouche uses his tail to hold you in place, reprimanding you for trying for your third orgasm of the day. 
“My cute little doll can’t get enough of my cock, can she?” He teases, ruffling your hair. “You see those figures over there? You should fuck me while wearing one of there dresses. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” He winks as he pulls you off his still hard member, tip wet with your mixed juices.
The familiar feeling goes down your spine once again as he becomes even bigger and bigger. 
“Oops, don’t wanna lose my tiny partner would I?” He chuckles as he scoops you up. The cat boy might not have been full size, but he was still plenty big to pick you up with ease. Scaramouche brings you over to your figure collection stand and puts you down beside one of the cat girls, the figure growing bigger and more life sized to you as you continue shrinking. 
“You’ve often said you wanted to wear a maid dress, so here’s your chance.” 
He strips off the clothing of the figures, putting them down delicately in front of you. You had always dreamed of cosplaying those cat girls, but not like this. You delicately try to put on the clothes, making sure not to rip any of them. Unfortunately, you realize that you were still slightly too big for those clothes and shrink yourself a little bit more to fit them. Luckily, the outfits did have a place for your tail to fit through, but just barely. 
“H-How do I look?” You ask him, looking up at the giant cat boy. Your face was slightly red from embarrassment of being so small and in a cosplay outfit meant for one quarter size figures. 
“Not bad, although you would look better on my dick. Now, come here.”
 He pats his legs in the “Come here” motion. His half hard cock was starting to harden again, making your checks flush with arousal. How you were actually going to fit that in any of your tiny holes, you had no idea.
“Bend over and show me your pussy,” He commands, the authoritative tone in his voice sending shivers of arousal down your spine.
You bend over, face flushing even redder with embarrassment, skirt barely covering your rear end,your dripping, glistening pussy on display for your cat boy. He takes one of his long fingers and runs it up and down the outside of your hole, making sure to not let any of his fluids from earlier go to waste. Scaramouche uses the tip of his finger to plunge deep into your hole, curling it so that it’ll hit all the right spots. 
“Good girl,” he praises as you whimper at every touch. Scaramouche knew he was getting to you by teasing you. You yelp as he pinches your supple ass with his fingers, making sure to savor the feeling between his fingers. The cat boy licks your slick and other fluids off his fingers before spanking you; you try to keep the tears from the sting at bay, but unfortunately, Scaramouche sees everything. 
“Hmm? Is my tiny maid enjoying this?” He teases. Scaramouche spanks you again, a whimper of pain rips itself from your throat. 
“S-Scara, you’re hurt m-!” Another spank comes down on you. 
Worst yet, you could feel yourself being turned on by this; it almost hurt so good. 
One spank, two spanks, three spanks more, and he decided he was bored of it and instead went for using his finger to finger your tight, little hole. Only the tip fit, stretching you out, making you feel like you were about to be split in two for the second time that day. 
“You’re getting turned on by this, aren’t you?” Scaramouche laughed, his ears twitching in glee. Your face turned beet red again, partially from embarrassment and partially from how turned on you were from having the giant cat boy poking and teasing you.
“N-No I’m not.” You try to keep your voice even, however the little squeak betrayed you.
“Don't lie to me.” The cat boy knew you almost as well as you knew yourself. He knew all your turn ons and signs that you were enjoying yourself.
He teases you with the tip of his finger, poking and prodding your dripping pussy, making sure to savor the juices. He then uses his slicked up fingers to spank you one more time, a broken sob rips itself from your throat. 
“S-Scara, please,,” You beg. “I don’t care what it is, I n-need something inside of me.” 
“Oh?” He hums. 
Scaramouche reached over the edge of the table you were on and found one of your toys, usually a small clit vibrator with bunny ears, but at this size, it was rather large. You seriously doubted whether or not you would be able to fit it inside of you, but there was no harm in trying. Your cat boy stands the toy upright as you eye how to even get it inside. After a few tries to get the now girthy toy in, you manage to get the tip of the ears in, your clit throbbing at the pressure. 
“Ahhhn~!” You moan as Scaramouche turns the toy on. The vibrations rocked your whole body, pussy throbbing at each pulse. It wasn’t long before you creamed yourself on the toy and had to quickly remove it before you shrank down even further. 
The maid dress, which was too small to begin with, started to become looser and looser until eventually started to slide off of you. One sleeve fell off your shoulder, your cat boy’s expression becoming almost ravenous at the sight. You dwindle away until you can barely hold up the dress, and eventually discard it, standing naked before your now even larger partner. The toy that used to barely fit now was enormous compared to your tiny little body. 
You turn away from Scaramouche in embarrassment at how small you had become. As you peek over to him, you notice that his cock was just a few inches smaller than you and that it was still impossibly erect. His eyes almost seemed to glow with lus, wanting that tight pussy all for himself. 
“H-Hey, Scara,” You manage to squawk out. “D-Do you need help with…that?” You motion to his member. 
“Oh? My little cat girl still wants my cock, even as tiny as she is?” He purred.”I can’t but to think that you might not be able to handle it.”
 “I think I have an idea.” A dangerous glint appears in your eyes. 
You motion for Scaramouche to pick you up and put you down near his weeping cock, it only standing a few inches shorter than you. You bend down gently and use your tiny, rough-ish tongue to lick the tip of it, feeling Scaramouche quiver with anticipation and pleasure. After there was enough precum running down his cock, you try something that you had been curious about. You shrink yourself a little bit more to stand about as tall as his member and wrap your arms around it, moving your body up and down along the shaft. 
Scaramouch couldn’t believe what he was seeing: a tiny cat girl using her whole body in order to pleasure him, almost literally. You continue to lick his cock, although this time along the shaft and up and down the frenulum, making sure that your tiny tongue hit all of his sweet spots. You squeeze together your chest to make sure your nipples were rubbing his member, stimulating you as well. Despite the fact your body was already overstimulated from earlier, you couldn’t get enough of the feeling of rubbing your tits against him. 
“Y-Y/N,” he moans, voice thick with desire. “Faster, I-!” He was cut off by a moan as you rubbed your body faster and faster along his shaft. The softness of your boobs and the fact that you were moving fast enough to please him. 
Your cat boy was not the only one enjoying this; as you move faster and faster, the sensations of rubbing your tits against nearly making you cum again. You lick some of the precum running down his shaft, growing half an inch or so. As you rub faster and faster, Scaramouche throws back his head in pleasure and allows himself to finally cum after holding out for so long. 
He breathes out heavily, sighing with a little bit of laughter as he shrinks from his high. You try your best to clean him up, however he picks you and stops you. 
“Don’t fill up before dinner.”       
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jomanila · 7 months
Locksmith face to face with Security Consultant in Industrial Security
Where does locksmith falls in the work of Industrial Security? In the first place what is industrial security? Industrial Security deals with the asset of the company that need to be secured for protection of it cost. The need for installation of equipment is essential for protection from future loss or damage.
In the installation of security systems and program a locksmith falls in helping the consultant integrate security experience into a fruitful union and knowledge into a system that is cost effective and protective of the asset of the company but efficient with the working employee that is being used in the daily monitoring of the company security. He works hand in hand with the security consultant putting ideas into work and applying the intricacies of the design into work.
One example of this work is being handled by Industrial Locksmith which handles installation such as biometrics or digital ID for the access of the employee into a manufacturing company. The uses of the biometrics are for better monitoring of the employees and also this serve as time clocked for work.  There are some places that the ID can access thus ensuring the privacy of such office. Locks smiths are also responsible with this procedure that is being implemented in the office.
A Career change
Are you bored? Your adventurous streak is leading you to a career change. Why don’t you consider a certification in Locksmith? Aside from it is good in your resume an acquired knowledge comes in handy in cases of emergency.
This is helpful steps in a career change:
Search in the internet local College or Vocational School that provides this kind of certification. A certified Locksmith program has different subjects that will lead you in having this cert.  This also will prepare you to study and be ready for the actual examinations of the certification. The course will have key picking, key cylinder knowledge, safety codes, installation of systems and the likes. 
All this course material will lead you in answering and having the certification that you will need for an online or actual certification test.
After succeeding in the test you can go forward applying in a construction or security companies that need such expertise. Your expertise is required because they have a need for constant security service. 
Invest on your tools for it is needed in the different job you may encounter in the field.
An apprentice in Locksmith
An apprentice is someone who offered his work basically to gain experience. It is not very difficult to get an apprentice you just need to know basic knowledge of a locksmith terminology and basic anatomy of locks so you will able to understand what they are talking about and to speed things up in exchanging common terms around the workplace.   
After passing your certification in Locksmith begin giving out resume to the companies that provide this help for those people who just passed the locksmith examination. It is important to have an institution that is reputable for the owner of the companies also consider the background of the school that the apprentice has study with.
As you gain experiences, you become more assertive to the rates that you want them to pay you. Your exposure should not be limited to a company you can also get exposure from the different referrals of your friends, neighbour and relatives . This accumulated experience will help you gain the coveted full pledge locksmith professional.
Get Smart don’t get ripped off
Sometimes emergency cost us, It usually cost us a lot of money than we expected.  There is some locksmith companies that have a front that that it is an office you are calling not knowing it is just a call centre in another country.  For instance dial one dependable local companies and your phone calls will be directed to New York.
The problem is this, you have talked to the person and said you are going to pay certain amount for the service calls but will tell you, you owed them a different amount which is excessive of the amount you have talked in the phone.  It seems reasonable on the phone but in actual is much higher than what is expected. We in such dilemma of the emergency will sometimes readily pay the amount.
There are times that the Locksmith will even let you pay for the transportation they acquired because of the work. 
How do you get smart and don’t get ripped off ? 
Be careful don’t get a random address in the phone book, ask for recommendation. Or look for a familiar find a familiar name.
If you have computer check 24/7 address of companies on the BBB’s website
Never pay until the work is finished.
If someone looks suspicious don’t pay cash,pay credit card.
Be stern on the amount you should pay don’t let them ripped you off because this is an emergency.
Certification for Locksmith what is the use?
Certification are there to ensure you have undergone series of exams that will lead the person who will be reading it that you a qualified to work in specific work that is covered by your certificate. This will also lead them to know that you’re capable to perform a certain task.  
This is to be competitive in the field you are embarking. With the recent awareness of the 9/11 attack  the bar has been raised in the security profession. So in line with this awareness service provider of security also upgraded their security measures thus giving you different certificate which is tailor fit to address the need of the client.
Not all employers know what you specific expertise that is why certification is needed in the resume to be able to know additional skills that a person have.   This specialization will help you matrix the work and task at hand to the capabilities that the locksmith have. This will lead us to the performance that is well maximized with the aid of the certification. 
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Josielyn BaoyaJosielyn Baoya
MBA Banking & Finance MassCom and Economics, Computer Programmer/Corporate Director/Editor Wikipedia, Investment Consultant, Writer,Researcher Scientist,Anthropologist,Archeologist,PhotographerMBA Banking & Finance MassCom and Economics, Computer Programmer/Corporate Director/Editor Wikipedia, Investment Consultant, Writer,Researcher Scientist,Anthropologist,Archeologist,Photographer
Published • 3y
114 articles
Industrial Security Biometric Security Measure A Change of Work Locksmith Security.
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Josielyn Baoya
MBA Banking & Finance MassCom and Economics, Computer Programmer/Corporate Director/Editor Wikipedia,
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hinderr · 8 months
i miss wren farvo btw do you have like . any lore about him before nature/nurture happened? like what was he like when he was a kid and where did he live and how was his relationship with samirah and who was his buire, etc etc i wanna know 👀
OLLYYYYYYY if there's anyone i can trust to be a wren farvo enjoyer ik it's you fr fr. funnily enough there actually used to be a wren-centric nurture chapter that like, explored exactly his lore lmao. the chapter involved themes I wasn't ready to write about however (like, I realised I wasn't the right person/didnt have enough experience with them) so I scrapped that chapter in the end. i can give you the lore aspects though! (cut off because, long as fuck)
(also this will make sense in the further context of the post, but I didn't feel comfortable putting these links under the readmore lmao)
palestine masterlist by palipunk
fundraiser for Yousef, a photojournalist in Gaza
esims!! they need those!! help them out
basically though the rundown was that; wren was adopted by his buir at a young age, after the Purge (young enough that he doesn't remember his previous life, not that he particularly cares to look). also, Wren doesn't remember this, but he was actually adopted first before Samirah (Samirah was older, and thus ended being the older sister anyway) (Samirah also doesn't bother reminding Wren about this, if only to avoid his gloating)
the two only had the one parent, the sole survivor of the Farvo clan after the Purge. It, obviously, left their parent in...a state. i never went around to properly naming their parent, since in the chapter Wren only ever called them 'Buir'. then again given the fact that they were living with a covert back then, the atriarch of clan Farvo probably didn't give their name out anyway.
oh yeah okay so; in the nature/nurture verse, after the Purge, Din's covert wasn't the only covert out there. survivors splintered off into many, many small coverts, most of them isolated from one another and thinking they were the only ones. at most, one covert would be aware of one other covert that survived (and usually, to the best of their ability, try to merge coverts to reassemble their numbers). each covert had a different approach to making through the galaxy, particularly Wren's covert not instilling the 'dont take your helmet off' rule
the themes that i mentioned the chapter having was basically; what it'd be like, growing up as a child of a dead people, and what it'd be like when your parent is a survivor of a genocide. how that'd affect them, and affect you and your family, and how hard it'd be to connect to a culture and a community that was ripped brutally out of your hands before you could even speak. wren farvo, essentially, grew up in a graveyard, with his parent haunted by the ghosts of a family he never got to meet, mourning for a home he never got to see. that Wren was essentially a genocide survivor himself, and how he'd struggle to come to terms with his identity as a Mandalorian when it seems the entire galaxy wants him dead
then I started writing the chapter, realised how similar it was to the very real Palestinian genocide going on right now, and proper realised the depth and weight and importance of how I was going to convey this story. i tried my best for a couple passages, but eventually though i realised that, as of now, it's better if I just...don't. not yet, at the very least. regrettably Im not the best person to write about this, i just don't know enough, and i wasn't going to take a bite out of something i couldn't chew so, whoops! into the deleted scenes doc they go. maybe one day I'll pick it up again
back to Wren Farvo lore however !! his parent passed in the way many mandalorians pass during those times, having caught off guard and alone by a group of one too many beskar-hungry thieves. it was a pretty dark and awful time for the Farvo clan, but they thankfully had the rest of the covert to keep them going. Samirah became matriarch of the Farvos, and Wren became the lighthearted grounding force that balanced out her seriousness. they kept each other in check, one from sinking into the burdens of responsibility and duty, and the other from a recklessness that would eventually kill him. when Samirah adopted Jeliaya, it only brought them closer together, jeliaya basically being a promise for the clan's continued existence
as this is all happening, wren's covert had managed to meet with Din's old covert (Din himself not being around, still searching for the kid). together, and with Bo-Katan's crew after a while, they banded and started searching for more survivors. the heads of the coverts (+ bo) eventually realised how easily dwarf planets flew under nearly every radar. then they found the dwarf planet where they settled and struck peace with the locals. for about a decade they settled in, digging tunnels of their own and carving out spaces for themselves in the planet itself. Wren stayed close with his sister and his niece the entire time, having no reason to be anywhere else
but being able to live on that dwarf planet, though - being able to walk out in the sun in relative peace definitely did wonders for everyone's mental health. for the first time they had a planet again, however small. Samirah's work thrived, especially when she started communicating with the local doctors. Jeliaya grew healthy and at peace, her safety mostly assured. Wren did...Wren things, helping out everywhere he could
a lot of that involved him being part of the force that stood against the Dark Troopers; Wren was one of the first few that devised defensive plans, figured out their weaknesses, convincing the Armourer(s) that beskar weapons were, against this enemy, quite necessary since it's one of the few materials that can tear through the Dark Trooper's armour (which is why she never made Din melt down his spear in this 'verse. that, and also I'm a beskar-spear enjoyer at heart). one such mission brought him and his sister to this Imperial fort, where they met Din for the first time!!
meeting Din, Wren's first immediate thought is 'woah, this guy's fucked' and after learning that he's still looking for the kid he lost about 7-8 years ago, came up with the nickname "Or'trikar". for the grief that he exuded like a physical aura, and for the tightness of Wren's own chest whenever he so much as looked at him. Wren and Din grew closer, mostly due to Wren being...Wren and generally clingy to the people he's trying to impress. it works on Din, who ended up viewing Wren as a younger brother
Din definitely wouldn't think so, but to the Farvos it's obvious that for that time, Din was practically one of them. An honourary Farvo, if nothing else. he was practically Jeliaya's second uncle, and he came around to the Farvo residence pretty often, thanks to Wren refusing to let the guy stew in his own room and his own or'trikar
about two years pass, and Wren and Din get paired together to find the source of all those Dark Troopers, and to scout out how to cut the production off at its root. they find the biggest, freshest clue they've had in all their years and Wren, antsy and excited, decided to go on a solo hunt to burn off steam instead of going home. Din pointed him in the direction of where he last left the Razor Crest, and Wren found it (neglected, dusty, but still usable; something something, nothing grand, just a means to an end) and used it to fly around for a bit
unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you see it) the tracker that Gideon put on that ship was still there, and still active. Wren ends up being captured and thrown into an Imperial prison, where he meets this strange kid through the vents who insists on calling himself Asset
and then the rest is history
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fatalitysficbakery · 2 years
♡︎♥︎ How Familiar A Face. —
Selina Kyle x Black Fem!Y/n (Aka Dré’s Birthday Fic)
Genre: Angst???/Smut/Fluff
Warnings: childhood friends to lovers, pup!y/n, kitty!selina, sub!y/n, dom!selina, brat/brat tamer, sexual harassment, forced orgasm, orgasm denial, overstimulation, oral, degradation, praise, dumbification, size kink, yandere themes, slight noncon/dubcon, sadism/masochism, blood kink, knife kink, pain kink, tears of…well, you be the judge, oh and fingering :)
Synopsis: selina hates playing hero but she doesn’t mind it. what happens when she has to save a familiar face from a group of men?
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When midnight rolled around in Gotham City you could always find Selina Kyle on the prowl, the night is when she thrives, leather suit hugging her curves in just the right places and her hips swaying as she slinked through the nearly empty blocks of the city, looking for something to entertain her and satisfy her greed for the materialistic finer luxuries in life— namely jewels. Usually, if she wasn’t careful she’d run into Bats. He’d take her in and their love affair would thus ensue with him trying to change a cat that didn’t much care for being tamed; It’s why their scandalous affair had ended in tears, and they weren’t Selina’s. Poor Bruce never did listen to Dick when he told him Selina was bad news but the woman got what she wanted. She always did.
Besides, their relationship was jilted from the start. She led Bruce on like a puppy to its master but now that they had ended for good, he was no longer fun to run into and truthfully? Selina didn’t much care for the male gaze, much preferring the soft feminine touch of a woman. Luckily, she wouldn’t be long bored and without entertainment; she’d walked herself into a sticky situation.
A woman, much like her own, mouthy and strong-headed, pinned to a wall, a brute that seemed to need a class on hygiene towered over her, with two of his yes men on either side of the much smaller being in front of them who didn’t seem at all scared she could hear the little thing cussing the men out with a strong, new orleans made accent coming out thickly with each word. she hides behind a wall to listen closer, the situation getting heated.
“Did you not hear me? I’m not doin’ shit, kill me or leave me the fuck alone”. 
“Paul, this tramps feisty, huh? I’m getting bored wit it. Rip them, Will ya”? A ginger-haired male with a deep British accent and an unkempt beard speaks up to another with a black fedora and a disgusting smelling cigarette hanging from his lip— he passes him the knife and that’s when the woman they’ve got pinned stops her mouthing off. Selina wants to give it a moment, she liked her prey good and confident before she showed them just how cowardly they really were.
“Look who’s gone quiet, Boss”. The last man has a thick Italian accent, eyes boring into their victims which reflected defiance but intelligence enough to know being unarmed and mouthing off to three men with weapons was never a good idea.
“Shame, I liked her better when she was fighting. Cat got your tongue, Darlin”?
“Someone called”?
The men turn around at the sound of Selina’s voice, she smirks, nearing them with her whip dragging behind her.
“Get a load of this. Playing dress up, Princess”?
“Why? Don’t like my outfit”? She asked, her smirk dropping and eyes focusing in on the woman they had pinned to the wall, “Lady doesn’t look comfortable. Can’t pick on someone your own size”?
The woman’s eyes widened, a sense of familiarity washing over her. She tries to scoot her way out when their eyes are elsewhere but her shoulder is caught by the one the ringleader called ‘Paul’.
“Where do you think you’re going? Stay out of this, Trick or you’re next”.
“Am I now? Take. Your. Hands. Off. Of. Her”.
“C’mon Eddie, grab that bitch. Paul and I got this one”. The third male tells the leader and scoffs. Selina, however, is faster than them, swiftly moving behind Paul and tapping his shoulder, punching him square in the mouth when he turns around; All hell breaks loose. She’s genuinely surprised when the woman she’s protecting jumps into action, elbowing the third in the groin and then going after the leader; knocked down immediately when he hits her with his gun. That’s when Selina gets pissed off.
The woman is knocked out cold.
“Taking the coward's way out? Afraid she would’ve whooped you and your boys' asses? Pathetic”. Selina sighs, whipping the leader until he’s finally down on the ground and the third is the only one left, with Paul still trying to get back to his feet. Oh, this would be fun.
“Jerry! Get that whore”! Eddie yells at the third who now had a name, when he springs into action, Selina is quick to dodge his punch, using her leg to sweep his.
“Your names Jerry? No wonder you’re bitter”.
Sensing a body behind her, she sighs, men always had a way of underestimating her prowess. Her reflexes had gotten a lot more accurate the longer she had them. It was a shame she hadn’t gotten a chance to use them in a while until tonight. She quickly turns around, he socks her in the nose, keeling over, she nods.
“Okay. I’m done with this”. She whispers to herself, licking the blood from her lip, her laugh maniacal and filled with a hint that clearly meant “danger”. Standing up, she rushes at Paul, catching his leg with her whip and getting him down.
“Now be a good boy and stay there”.
When all 3 are down, she goes to the woman’s side. She’s still out cold, poor thing. Looking into her face, she senses something familiar about her. She couldn’t just leave her here but where the usual Selina would simply drop her off at a hospital and leave her there? She…She felt the need to take her home. Care for her, herself; scooping her into her arms, she leaves the three brutes behind and takes the runt in her arms home. It was like she needed to.
Her head is pounding like crazy, waking up with eyes adjusting to unfamiliar walls and smells. She can hear purring and a rough tongue grooming her skin.
“Alonzo, leave our guest alone. Go bother Azure”.
That voice. She suddenly remembers what happened and it all dawns on her the last few hours' events. She’d been walking home from work when those neanderthal’s cornered.
“What’s an innocent-looking thing like you doing walking home alone with a duffel bag containing lingerie in it? I’m curious”.
She searches around for the voice.
“Y/n Y/ln. Well, I’ll be”.
She knew it. She couldn’t be sure at first but now she knew it, sitting up, she looks into not so stranger eyes.
“Selina Kyle, As I live and breathe”.
“You almost didn’t, Honeybee”.
You and Selina Kyle used to be bestfriends. She used to be a shy but strong-willed girl, not quite knowing how to use her voice at the time but those moments when she chose to use her voice? Oh, you’d better believe she had everyone’s attention. This wasn’t the first time she’d protected you from a group of people, either. The first time being the day you met at the end of 5th grade, a group of girls decided to corner and make fun of you— When Selina was done with them, however? They never bothered you again.
“You disappeared”.
For the first time in a while, Selina feels bad, grimacing, she remembers the day she stopped talking to you. You were the first person Selina loved but you’d gotten her at the worst point in her life. She remembers the way your face dropped when she lied to you. When she told you she’d only used you for companionship— two things that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, it was the quite opposite. Where others failed to capture her heart; you captured it like nothing, and that scared Selina. She wasn’t ready for the love and affection you were ready to happily give to her. That’s why she rejected your confession.
After that day, she slowly faded out of your life. After promising everything would be okay.
“I did. I’m sorry”.
You laugh, you actually laugh. This whole thing is so disbelieving, you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Well, I never thought I’d live to see the day Selina Kyle apologized to me. The rejection, that hurt but I respected your decision because you were more than a potential partner in my eyes but…you left me. After promising…You left me. Radio silence, after telling me you were just keeping me around for companionship after finding out I was in love with you. That? That hurt like a motherfucker”.
Her eyes are cast down, “I lied too. I lied”.
Your eyes widen a bit. Is she saying what you thought? Your heart is beating too fast, you’ve been waiting on this and yet you were woefully unprepared.
“Lied about what exactly”?
Selina swallows, ego was a helluva thing and she had a big one. To do this and admit her wrongdoings was hard, but she’s reminded of the nights spent regretting 2+ years ago and wishing she could rewind time. She knew she’d left you with a heavy heart, it was only fair she came clean.
“I loved you too, Y/n. I really did. I really…do. I wasn’t myself when we were younger, I was immature and didn’t know a thing about myself and I knew I couldn’t hurt you like that. You don’t know how badly I wanted to accept your confession”.
You’re stunned. With shaky hands and breath, you stand up and begin to get dressed, stammering out excuses to leave until a hand catches your arm and Selina’s eyes look into yours pleadingly.
“It’s too dangerous out there. Stay. I’ll walk you home tomorrow, I promise”.
You stay.
Selina did make good on her word and take you home the next day but she asked that you at least think of talking to her about this. Give her a chance to make this right.
You made no promises but you knew in your heart that you missed her, you just needed time.
And then one day, she comes into your club. You’re reminded of how she asked you why your duffel bag contained lingerie and how you never actually answered before jumping into such serious conversation of your checkered past with the cat. Feline. How fitting her new life was considering you called her Tiger as a nickname. You were almost sure she knew you worked there, yet when your eyes met, she seemed shocked until…A smirk falls onto her face. Your cheeks heat up. You’re just about to take the stage.
The red lace emboldened your dark brown skin, the lights illuminating the body glitter. Your voice carries through the room, sultry and low as you begin to sing.
“Unusual. They say strange fascination, infatuation. A lunatic. Call me what suits your taste, I just wanna taste and I’ve always heard it’s what’s inside that counts.”.
But…As you begin to sing, you cross the stage until your lingerie-clad body is right in the reach of those filthy patrons— Selina could barely stand how their eyes looked at you, their horny hands fidgeting close to their wrinkled old crotch as they battled with self-control, itching for a little touch, a little taste of the goddess before them. That’d be all well and good if it wasn’t you they were lusting over; Selina could feel her hands grip tightening around the glass of tequila she’d been nursing since you came out on stage.
It all gets worse when you kneel in front of a woman of the wannabe mob leader variety, eyes raking over you like the newest notch in their belt. Selina wasn’t going to let that happen. Over her dead body.
“Cause my insides are red and yours are too, and the blood on my face is matching you, and goodness you’re bleeding what a wonderful feeling! You’re down and you’re pleading, my head is just reeling”.
You glance her way, throwing her a teasing little wink before turning back to the patron.
“The red means I love you. The red means I. Loveee. You”. You lean in, booping her nose for emphasis on the last ‘I love you.’
It was late walking to your car, you weren’t scared, however. The night you were almost attacked had shaken you up so badly you decided to carry your own weapons. A gun, dagger, and some mace. Hyper-vigilant to the core but no match for Selina Kyle. Again, she always got what she wanted.
Someone covers your mouth with a cloth and soon? You’re out cold.
[1 hour later.]
When you come to, you recognize the walls of Selina’s bedroom from last time you’d been in there though under different circumstances. You try to move but your legs and hands are tied to the bed. This couldn’t be Selina’s doing, right? It couldn’t be.
“Stop that, Puppy. You’re gonna hurt yourself”.
You look to your left to find Selina sitting near the bed in a robe with a cup of tea in hand and that same cocky grin on her face. A grin you wanted to slap off when you realized what she’d done to you.
“What the fuck, Selina?! I said I needed space so you kidnap me? Chloroform me”?
You wanna be scared but instead it’s blurred the lines of fear into anger.
“I wouldn’t have had to do this, runt. This is your fault remember earlier? That wink? Teasing little nymph, you should’ve just told me you wished to play, I would’ve brought a game of monopoly out”.
You can hear the feigned pout in her voice, the frown on her face mocking your own. She chuckles, and drinks from her mug, “I bet you’re thirsty. Chamomile, just like you like it”.
You pull yourself away, making the Cat sigh in annoyance.
“Now why would I drink from a poisoned mug? Use your brain, Pup. If you still have one after all that chloroform, I do sometimes fuck up my dosages It’s a wonder you’re even still alive, Mutt”.
That nickname, that dreaded nickname from all those years ago; your body tenses at the reminder of the hold Selina Kyle had on you even in your younger years. She was always your kryptonite, from the moment she’d saved you from those girls, you regarded her as a God. You looked up to her. She was your soulmate. She notices this. God, she always noticed everything about you.
Leaning in inches from your face, she speaks, “That brought back memories, huh? Always been the runt of the litter since the day we met, little lamb. You wanted this, so you’re getting it”.
“Why are y-you doing this”? You asked meekly, catching your lip between your bottom teeth. You should be scared, shaking in your boots but despite being all of that, the closer she gets, the hotter your body gets. It was almost like a drought finally getting the rain it deserved, your body aching for Selina like it had those nights you fell asleep after cumming to thoughts of her between your legs. Selina can read you like an open book, that boisterous laughter of hers making another appearance that sent shivers down your spine.
“Oh my, How pathetic are you? You really can’t fucking hide it can you? Disgusting”.
She climbs on top of you and smiles, “I’ve been waiting so long for this. Don’t fight, okay? I don’t wanna have to hurt you”.
Don’t fight it? She had some audacity, you wanted to slap her, yell, scream that she couldn’t just control you like this— That’s just not what you do. Instead, you open your legs as ordered. Selina is pleased. She always gets what she wants and right now she was starving and prepared to lick her plate clean. The meal she was eating was a delicacy, after all.
Situating herself between your legs, she slides your panties down your thighs, not wasting any time; she’d been waiting to do this for so long. She wasn’t about to waste this opportunity. Though there’d be plenty more.
Staring shamelessly at your cunt, her tongue rolls over her lips, admiring how pretty your pussy was. She’d decided when you first walked back into her life that no one else deserved to see such art, just the thought of it made the feline growl, aggressively licking a stripe up your cunt to make a point— You? Were hers.
“Look at that, tasty little thing. Just as imagined”. She whispers to herself and the fact it was almost like you weren’t even there, just 3D porn for Selina to get off to, you whimper, wiggling your hips to urge her to go on. You didn’t understand why you were so susceptible to her advances, why it was so easy for you to give in and forget about the word ‘no’.
“I was thinking about prolonging this, denying you any pleasure for flirting with that bitch but you look so good, I think I need a new plan”.
The second lick is drawn out, her tongue flat on your cunt, slowly licking up until her lips are kissing up your body, doesn’t stay there for long; cats can be rather impatient, you know? Her mouth attaches to your clit, making your legs tremble uncontrollably. You look down at her, reminded of the exes who tried and failed to make you feel this good with much more and yet here she was; making you quiver from fucking oral. It angered you. It did.
She’d crushed you all those years ago and here she was, with you in the palm of her hand like nothing happened.
“You’re thinking too much. We’ll discuss later, Dog”. Selina growls, tired of your attention being elsewhere when it was supposed to be hers. She was done playing pity the fool, she wasn’t ready back then, she wasn’t mature enough, and didn’t speak up enough. She’s more than ready now.
You feel her tongue prod at your hole and just like that, she’s released you from those doubtful little thoughts, taking you to places no one but she knew how to— Your first moans are like music to her ears, your thighs moving to close over her head, attempting to be rid of the onslaught on your cunt; she only forces them back open.
Her moves are sloppy but effective, in that moment she didn’t care to take her time, like a kitten to a bowl of milk, she was absolutely ravenous; it was your turn to be jealous. Who’d gotten to experience this after she walked away from you? It was hypocritical you knew, you’d dated and hooked up long after her shocking exit from your life, you had a bit of a whore phase, maybe but it was all due to missing her. That’s forgivable, right?
Not. At. All. It’s much to the dismay of Selina, who adds two fingers to your hole unexpectedly, not bothering to wait for you to adjust to the feeling; she abuses your cunt with her mouth and her fingers.
Your back arches off the bed, trying to get away from her but unfortunately going the wrong way as you further position yourself deep onto her fingers and pressed harder against her tongue— She laughs, scoffing with a pointed glare in your direction, “Look at you…So stupid you ran the wrong fucking way, Bitch. GET. DOWN”.
Anger radiates off her body hot enough to scorch the earth and drain the oceans dry, you always knew her temper was something else, but this… This was pure unadulterated fury.
“Now I won’t be too hard on you for fucking other bitches given the fact I messed my chances up when you presented them to me but make no mistakes, Honeybun. That show you put on tonight? You looked sexy no doubt, but that glint in your eyes when you looked at me? I intend to dull. You remember how angry I could get, don’t ya Doll”?
With the way you’re positioned, cunt in the air and head in the mattress? It makes it easier for the sadist to violate your willing holes, her eyes hold a darkness in them that Y/n had never seen in Selina’s eyes before, she looked like a monster, evil and vile. sick and twisted. Just why did that arouse you? Why did you clench around her fingers like a sick whore? Allowing her to violate and degrade you until your mind went numb and your body collapses back to the bed; Selina refuses to give you a break, her fingers moving faster and her tongue licking sloppily. Your body can no longer take it and you feel yours cumming.
Worse, you start to squirt.
And that makes it all that more amusing to Selina, she doesn’t stop. She doesn’t slow down. She speeds UP!
“There we go. See, baby? I told you I wasn’t gonna deny you any orgasms, no, no…Instead”?
Grabbing a dildo and a knife from nearby, she leans back on her heels and starts to hum, sinking the dildo into your still quivering cunt and pressing at the bottom of it, making the dildo start to vibrate as she focuses on the dagger in her hands, the cold blade touching the skin of your thigh.
“I’m gonna make you cum so many times you forget your fucking name and all you can do is bark like the bitch you are. And while I do”?
She lets the dagger slice into your skin, in turn making you hiss, your chest still heaving from your orgasm and drool running down your lip from the overstimulation; the pain and pleasure slowly melting your mind as she begins to carve her name into your thigh letter by letter, her tongue licking up at blood that drips out.
The crimson coats her teeth as she grins at you, continuing to cut into your skin.
“I’m gonna make sure I cut deeper and deeper until everyone knows who you belong to and the scars are permanent on your skin. Get ready, Mutt. I’m going to make you think hell is paradise”.
All you can do is shudder.
A/N: Happy 20th Birthday to the best person I’ve encountered on this planet, you’re my favorite person and my safespace and it’ll always been Heaven and Dré against life. I hope you enjoy this, old lady, I know I’m a day late.
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i-am-a-fan · 9 months
Happy December 25th! I have come bearing gifts :D! A Bo Fu centric ficlet :>
Arrow after arrow connected with sparkling glass vases lined up like army men on the fence around the horse stables and sent the sound of glass shattering up into the gold tinted sky.
Bo Fu sighed with content as his last arrow hit its mark and the glass vase was reduced to shards. His temporary moment of peace however was shattered by the familiar nicker of Bo Fu's second least favorite horse, Kion.
Kion was an Akhal-Teke, a breed of riding horse known for their speed and glossy golden coat, and Kion was no different. He had a very shiny coat and was probably one of the fastest, if not the fastest, horse in the stables so the horse had an ego. Which was exactly why he was Bo Fu’s second least favorite horse, what type of horse had an ego?   
"Oh shut up," Bo Fu retorted back before even lowering his bow to give Kion a "don't-even-give-me-that-crap" look. 
Kion nickered again, a bored look on the horse's face. 
“Relax! We have celestial spirits to do that!” Bo Fu said and as if it was rehearsed celestial spirits glowed faintly into existence and began to clean up the glass shards. 
The Celestial spirits were like the designated janitors of the celestial realm, any time a mess appeared they’d be there to clean it but you couldn’t tell them what exactly to clean and not clean so it was honestly a coin toss whether they were actually helpful or not.  
Kion gave Bo Fu another look before taking a mouth full of Bo Fu’s head fur and giving it a hard tug.
“OW! HEY!” Bo Fu yelled as he reached up to check if Kion had given him another bald spot. Thankfully all his fur was still there though his head was pretty sore. 
He glared at the horse, “Dude, uncool.” 
Kion went in for another try at ripping out Bo Fu’s fur but Bo Fu managed to evade the chompers only to trip on the tip of his own bow. 
Bo Fu felt his bow snap in half as he used it to try and keep himself from falling thus, despite his efforts, he fell over into a pile of what he hoped was mud. With his luck there was a very good chance it was horse droppings, Kion then proceeded to nicker and snort in a way that Bo Fu knew all too well as horse laughter.
Great. Once again he was a laughing stock for a horse.
Bo Fu slapped his hands down into the “mud” and sent a spray of it up onto his face, Kion laughed harder.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want but we’ll see who’s laughing when dinner time rolls around,” Bo Fu grumbled. Kion immediately stopped laughing and gave Bo Fu a look that read, “watch-what-you-say-next-monkey”. 
Bo Fu was tempted to throw some “mud” at Kion because of it but decided against it in the end. He didn’t need to be on the receiving end of the horse’s, and probably Kion’s owner’s, wrath. 
He stood and wiped himself off as best he could. He then picked up the broken halves of his bow, he wasn’t too broken up about it; this was the tenth bow he’d broken that year, and headed to the back of the stables to grab a shovel and a bucket.  
It was on the way to get said shovel and bucket however that Bo Fu saw something that thoroughly increased his mood; the guards to the lemon orchard were leaving their position! 
It was one of the only plus sides of working at the horse stables; there was a perfect view from the stables to the path the guards took to check in to, or check out of, their position guarding the lemon orchard. Which meant it was really easy to know when it was a good time to sneak into the orchard and steal some lemons.  
The lemon orchards honestly didn’t have that many guards, two at most, because the Celestial realm was much more focused on guarding the immortal peach orchard, especially after the whole Sun Wukong incident, but honestly the whole Sun Wukong incident was why all the orchards had guards nowadays anyways. Including the lemon orchard, but Bo Fu was more than happy to believe they had added guards to keep Bo Fu from stealing their realm famous lemons and not some Sun Wukong related reason.
Bo Fu grinned and in a split second decided to make a break for the lemon orchard instead of cleaning up the “mud”. 
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nsfsprince · 2 years
Hello! It’s the anon that requested the fae logince!!
I have an idea, but it is just an idea-
So, running off the image that it start with Roman doesn’t seem to be in.. control. At all-
Logan is that typical fae that was like ohh pretty human, I’m just gonna *pick up* and fucking keep it.
But even once you give your name to a fae and you belong to them- even if they wipe you a clean state, hints of your previous self shines through! It’s the chemicals in your brain, you can’t really wave them away!
So Logan has his little obedient human, who occasionally is very flattering and sweet and all ✨grand gestures✨ and looks ✨pretty✨ and Logan promptly realizes after a while, that he isn’t thinking of Roman the same anymore- he’s fond of the human-
He’s got a crush
So logan, realizing the pickle he is in, slowly lets Roman gain control again, in hope of freaking apologizing and wooing him. (Idk about that part, but hey, it’s an idea!)
Que enemies (??? Will ro be upset???) to lovers speed run were Logan realizes Roman is VERY STRONG, and pins him to wall to make out
Jfkdkd ohhhhhh I definately like that. Some minor tweaks that i'd make based on my initial idea from said image is that Roman gave his name and thus himself over, willingly, to Logan.
(The rest under the cut cuz this got long)
He was a prince with a missing twin brother(ehem. Remus went and dipped to party w/ a certain pair of fae, maybe relevant later but only story wise and not getting involved with Roman and Logan wise, plus Remus didnt intentionally bail on his brother, time just works differently in the fae world, he had every intention of coming back to see his brother again) so with the weight of the kingdom looming on his shoulders he decides he cant do it.
Another aspect of this needing to run away idea is that Roman is trans, and is thus the only remaining heir and technically their kingdom's crowned Princess(which he Hates but since Remus is Missing, no one else has the power to fight his father on it) and his father is looking at marrying him off which Cannot Happen.
So he runs into the massive forest where he last saw his brother go and runs and runs, even when his skirts rip and his sleeves tear and he trips on tree roots, he runs.
And when his legs finally give out, he's caught in strong arms, a gentle hand cradling his head and a crooning voice lilting through the clearing. Hes in a fairy circle, he can see the trail on the forest floor, looping around him and this new stranger neatly.
He looks up and sees this beautiful fae, sharp edges and ethereal beauty, ice blue eyes sharp and calculating and mouth curved into a comforting grin just a hare sharper than human teeth can manage. A Fae. Roman swallows, unable to quite look away.
Hes still being cradled by the others impossible strength, though theyve now lowered to the ground.
"Breath, little one, breathe. Thats it, good boy. Im so proud of you. Just take your time, you look so tired from running all that way, I'll protect you, my dear." The low, lilting voice says, a gentle hand carding through his mussed hair. Its as if Roman hadnt been running for so long, every breath hurts less and less, his exhaustion evaporates and his mind clears with every passing minute that he remains trapped in the others warm gaze.
'To hell with it,' Roman thinks tiredly, 'out of the pan and into the fire.'
Inevitably, the fae gently tucks him closer and asks if they may have his name, and Roman knows he should deny it and play it smart, they seem to know full well all the thoughts bouncing around in his stressed out mind, but he cant seem to do it. He leans into their side firmly and tucks up against their chest, ducking his head as he gives his answer.
"Yes, you may have it, and you may have me. I am Roman Elizabeth Sanders, Second Prince of Creetivea."
And if the Fae, Lo, as Roman would come to know the other as, paused for a whole 40 secounds out to sheer bafflement over such a brilliant mind giving up so instantaneously, no one but Roman was there to witness it.
Continuing with your thoughts tho, Lo really does start developing a crush, because Roman is sweet and dramatic and still so very brilliant even without even a third of true awareness or control, and Logan finds himself challenged by this little plaything of his in a way few fae have even managed in a long time. And Logan's protective of his things, of course, especially his favorite pet. No one is allowed to touch his Roman but him.
And so he starts to give Roman bits of pieces of control back, a back and forth over an idea here, a little debate over theatre there, a handsy cuddle-turned-makeout session here, a firm and steamy scene there. Even just a quiet stargazing date that remains soft and calm throughout their quiet exchanges. Giving the True Roman chances to shine through and seeing how he handles it all, how he handles Logan.
And boy, Roman is infuriated by Logan, with his pretty mouth and cocky grin and accurate debate points, he just wants to find a way to knock Logan down a notch every once in a while, never quite to be in charge of course, but Roman loves picking a little on people he loves.
And Logan is falling harder and harder. Oh he adores his Roman. Enough so to give Roman his full name, "Logan." The sound of Roman mewling his name over and over in pure coherent bliss later that night is more than reward enough.
Around other fae Logan is likely very protective and wary with Roman present, and has his own protection spells and the like over his mortal love just to be on the safe side. But hoo boy he absolutely doesnt regret giving Roman near total control back.
The only time Logan pulls him back under control is for fun times, and only ever enough to make roman's body obey, but never enough to override romans mind or consent. Roman discovers just how pliant human biology is when commanded to cum over, and over, and over again at the drop of a single word, and its overwhelmingly hot.
Roman is also very weak for riding Logan, hes got the stamina to go for a while but Lo still far outbeats him, but not to worry, his Fae Love is happy to grip his hips and keep fucking his dripping, oversensitive hole slow and teasingly, till Romans usually overactive mind is finally reduced to overstimulated mush.
What im getting at is that Ro is used to being in a position of power and working doubley as hard to be respected, heard, and listened to, and when he couldnt take it anymore he gave it all up, and at most he might try and pin Logan for kisses and cuddles, it is entirely a show of dramatics and none of strength. He might play a little bratty role here and there and he will happily get into heated debates with Logan over things, but hes never been too interested in overpowering Logan.
Logan, on the other hand, has plenty of fun with (consentually)overpowering his favorite pet-turned-lover~
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cyanocoraxx · 1 year
Fire In The Sky (Chapter 1)
Metal Sonic / Silver Sonic MK II / Mecha Sonic / Shadow
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A horrid replica of something supposedly regal. A false god. Trying to be something it was not - the robot could dryly relate in their own way. Neo dryly noted the resemblance to what humans would call "demons." Perhaps Silver's little dance with religion wasn't so useless for today. (Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 adaptation. Continuation of Damage.)
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"Little brother."
"Silver Sonic MK II."
"My scanners indicate that your internal alarm clock is functioning. You are thus opting to disregard it of your own volition."
Silver rolled over and nestled deeper into his blanket nest. "Just five more minutes, M..."
Mecha stood over him, looming ominously in the darkness. A beam of crimson cast over the small black and silver form below him. "Negative. Your appointment is in fifteen minutes and three seconds. You must attend. Do recall that it is a greater distance this time, as you must attend in Westopolis today. And, good afternoon. You have undertaken this "nap" for more than eight hours. If you continue in this manner, you will not only fail to attend your appointment, but you will also miss the Fire in the Sky Festival-"
"Alright, alright... jeez." Silver sleepily held a hand up to Mecha, who clasped it in their own and pulled him up to his feet. The blanket over his head fell to the floor in a crumpled heap, complete with new rips and tears from his sharp metal spines. Silver stretched out his free arm and shook his head to wake himself up.
Mecha led, or more accurately, dragged their little brother to the bathroom by the hand. "Good. Remember, you must appear presentable."
Silver frowned at him. "Are you calling me ugly? Rude. You're just as rude as Neo today."
"Negative, I am not calling you ugly. You must merely adhere to social normality for optimum results. Based on your previous appointments, this is likely the best course of action to proceed with. I do not wish to witness another person dismissing your case."
Mecha grabbed a tin of metal polish from under the sink and swiftly got to work spraying it across their brother's armour. They then turned back to pick up a microfibre cloth and started working it in with mechanical precision. They were careful to pay extra attention to Silver's black arrows, keeping them well-maintained, for they knew that the markings bore importance to him.
"I think the grime gives me a certain rustic charm," Silver argued playfully.
Mecha didn't pause. "It does not."
"Gimme that." Silver took the polish from his sibling's hand and pointedly sprayed their face with it.
"I object to this." Mecha stated simply, staring ahead at him.
"Over-fucking-ruled. C'mere." Silver grinned and buffed the polish in quite aggressively with another clean cloth. "There, you look like a pretty princess now. You and Princess Neo would make beautiful rulers one day."
Mecha remained as deadpan as always. "Indeed. Now, let us proceed to your appointment with haste."
Silver paused in the doorway, apparently remembering something. He popped his head back around and looked about for Neo.
"Neo! We're going! Do you need anythin' from town?"
Neo signed something back from the shadows of the far hall, and Silver frowned.
"I can't hear you from all the way over there. C'mere."
Neo rolled his optics and wandered over to him. Where Silver could see his hands, he signed, "be safe." If you would just brighten your optical scanners and enhanced your vision, you would have been able to interpret my message. Fool.
"I can see a sarcastic remark rolling about in your processor, Neo. Put it back." Silver teased him with a flick to his nose.
Neo squinted his optics at him in disapproval and signed, "make me."
"I'll take it out and shake it around like a snow globe if you don't quit it." Silver retorted, slapping a hand onto his brother's forehead and using it to shake his head.
Neo swatted at his hand and revved his engine in feigned anger. He lifted a warning claw tip to Silver's armour.
Mecha peered around the corner to reprimand them. "Do not scratch our little brother's paint. He is looking 'presentable'."
Neo withdrew his hand a fraction. "He is looking as supershit as ever. Do not give him false confidence."
"These remarks are unnecessary."
"As is this appointment. They will drop him again."
"We must try. We both wish to provide him with a life of normalcy."
"Yes, we do. I worry about giving him false hope."
The two older siblings watched Silver kneel down to inspect a tiny beetle that scuttled into the warehouse. He followed it slowly and carefully, tilting his head this way and that to listen to its scuttling feet. Neo's squint subtly turned into a smile in his optics.
"If it brings him some kind of happiness or hope, I believe it is a worthy endeavour. Stay hopeful, brother. Hope is all we have at certain times."
"Alright. Be safe, collect whatever data you need. Watch over him."
"Priotity one: eavesdrop on hedgehog-series unit Silver Sonic MK II's private conversations."
"When you put it that way, it sounds horrible."
"It is for our safety. I may also obtain information on how to... best assist you and myself as well."
Neo tapped Silver's shoulder to get his attention. When he looked up, Neo finally finger-spelled, "jokes aside, you scrub up well. Good luck."
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Silver sat opposite his newly-assigned therapist in a cozy but clinical room. The robot looked out of place amongst the medical books, polished table, and well-kept furniture, but he didn't seem to mind or notice. His mind had already wandered to the many certificates framed on the walls, displaying his therapist's credentials. He scanned each one and checked them for validity in turn-
"So, let me get this straight, erm, Silver... you were imprisoned for a few days in a cryotube, broke out, met your brothers for the first time on a ship in the sky, your older brother was taken prisoner by the government, so you and your middle brother rescued him and became criminals, the government came back for all of you, you gave yourself up with your middle brother, developed a personal "beef" with the military commander... you then died with your brother, came back, were physically abused by your creat- father, saved Station Square from a giant robot, and now..."
The art of a great therapist lies in being a role model for self-control and the use of one's prefrontal cortex in responding rather than reacting to problems as they arise. They demonstrate how to weave self-control, logic, and empathy into one whole for a shift in perspective, thus enhancing emotional intelligence. On paper, at least, that is the goal - which is why Silver was now on his ninth therapist, and in a new city, nonetheless.
Silver nodded enthusiastically. "And here I am!"
"And all of this happened before you were one year old?" His assigned therapist replied quizzically.
"It sure did. Not the usual litmus test for maturity, but it tracks."
"Silver, I'm not sure if... I'm equipped to handle this case, I have to be honest with you. I've never worked with a... well..." The therapist leaned back just a little, examining her papers. A Mobian Labrador retriever. She squared her glasses and spun her pen in one hand as she read back over her notes, seeming puzzled.
As expected. Silver had to hold himself back from deflating then and there.
"Lady, I'm an artificial intelligence in a metal tin can. Just think of it that way - I'm alive like you, I'm not the microwave brand of machine."
A hesitant sigh from the golden canine. "Where would you like to start?"
Silver leaned back in his seat with an arm slung over the back. "Sheesh. There's a lot to unpack, so it's kinda hard to pick, but... my entire dance with death seems to be a recurring theme. Maybe we can start there?"
The therapist clicked her pen in thought, seeming to come to some sort of private realization. "Of course. Silver, are you religious?"
Silver gave her a pointed look. "Come again?"
She set her pen down and clasped her hands together. "There are many deities that watch over Mobius. Chaos, Dark Gaia, Light Gaia, Solaris, and The End to name a few. Do you worship any of them?"
Silver tilted his head. "What interest would a god have in something like me? I'm the Ghost of Station Square these days for a reason. I kicked the bucket already and no god stopped that from happening."
"You said yourself that you consider yourself to be alive, yes? That means a deity would be interested in you. Gods love all sentient beings." She enunciated her words clearly but with emotion, as if speaking from the heart rather than mind.
"Huh. If you say so... never been the worshipping type, though. I mean, where were these so-called deities when my brother was imprisoned and experimented on by the military? Why didn't they stop Neo from dying? If they're all-powerful, why didn't they stop any of that? It seems to me these deities care more about the state of the world instead of individual people."
"Well, maybe it was all a part of a god's plan for them."
Silver grimaced noticeably. "Seems cruel. My brothers have been through more than the average person. Why test them like that?"
"Good question, Silver. I think sometimes, deities like to test our faith to see if we really believe."
Silver frowned at that. "Why test literal children? What do we owe to some sadist in the sky? The three of us aren't even two years old yet."
The therapist offered a smile - but with Silver's social aptitude, he could tell it was forced. Fake, even. Did all these people read from a script? Maybe they felt they had to fall back on their training when it came to facing him. Silver's optics wandered again, struggling to stay focused when these points were like alarm bells in his mind.
"To make you all stronger."
Oh. Well that suggestion jettisoned a bitter feeling in the robot's tanks. Looking for a distraction, Silver's optics fell down to the necklace the woman wore. He paused for a moment, processing. A human religion? The symbol was unfamiliar to him. It seemed that there were plenty of opinions in this world. He was thus entitled to his own, surely?
"That's just wrong. It didn't make us stronger. We've all been torn apart by different people and different situations. We had to build ourselves back up - literally - and all we have from that is pain. We made ourselves stronger in spite of what happened to us. No supreme being played a single hand in that-"
The therapist quickly cut him off. "That's a very interesting perspective. But, I think that's all we have time for this week, Silver. Same time next week?"
Silver held air in his vents before letting it out in a sigh. Disappointment, perhaps. This one didn't last more than five minutes.
"Sure. Thanks for your time, ma'am."
"Not a problem."
Slinging his bag back over his shoulder, Silver stood up to leave - but then he paused for a moment, looking back at his therapist with a small, nervous smile.
"Uh, did I do good?"
"Yes. I just need to assess your case."
She looked unsure. Nervous, even.
"Oh. Okay. I was just, uh, worried. I've seen a lot of different people about this now and they keep dropping me-"
"Same time next week. I'll see you then."
Not the most convincing response. It was getting more difficult to hold on to hope that someone could really help him navigate his issues - but hey, without hope, he didn't have much else sometimes. Silver took his leave on that note, half-expecting her to text him to say she couldn't take his case later on, and half-expecting some kind of miraculous breakthrough. Oh well. His optics lit up at the sight of Mecha waiting for him outside. At once, they picked themselves up from sitting on the ground and took Silver's hand in theirs. Somehow, seeing his brothers always lifted Silver's spirits. Other people would never understand what they had gone through, but the brothers were entwined in heart and soul and code. And appointments, apparently.
"So? Aren't you gonna ask me how it went, M?" Silver asked hopefully.
Mecha shook their head. "Negative. My auditory sensors were capable of detecting your conversation. It took a different route than usual, I noted."
"You and your scanners! No privacy around here..." Silver murmured, but quickly perked back up. "M, you're smart. Tell me, what role does a deity play in our lives? The lady got all supernatural on me and it's psyched me out a little."
Mecha paused, thinking. Silver looked to him with interest and intrigue.
"We were created by a human. No deity or supernatural being contributed to our construction. Consider this: a machine created by a deity would be capable of exhibiting further ingenuity than man could ever ascribe to it," Mecha explained dutifully, "thus, no deity played a role in our construction, as per this hypothesis."
Silver tilted his head. "When Neo had his breakdown, he said he would rule over the world as the most supreme being. What was up with that?"
Mecha gave a nod of affirmation. "Imagine a god who has abdicated all obligations towards its creations making a triumphant return in the guise of software. Conceptualize all of the changes that could be made to this world - faster and more efficient cures, results, and reactions. Beyond supporting Neo as their sibling, this was my thought process. That we would alter this world in a manner that mattered. I regret my complacency in their endeavours. I now understand that they were unwell."
"And did it- did that situation make him stronger?" Silver asked, intrigued by his brother's wisdom.
"Negative. However, the pain has had its place. I have learned that nature cannot exist without pain. The two concepts are intertwined in complicated manners."
The pair spotted Neo standing atop a hill outside the city beneath a sturdy oak tree, unsubtle navy blue and white against the ambering horizon. They both took off into flight at once to rendezvous with him. Mecha bumped their forehead to Neo's as per their silent greeting. Silver paused for a moment, looking at Neo with refreshed wonder.
Nature in itself was an expression of the universal machine, an algorithmic immanence. All of it an immense calculus, a code. So, Neo was a child, machine, survivor, counterfeit not-god. An oil-driven contradiction in a living world, but still just a child finding their place. Neo curled his hand into a fist and scrubbed his little brother's head between the ears with it, whilst Silver laughed and playfully growled at him.
The pain had its place, for it is what one does with it that matters.
Silver looked back to the city with perked ears. "Hey, guys? I'm still full of beans 'cause of my cat nap. Can we go explore Westopolis? I heard the Fire in the Sky Festival is tonight, I wanna see what that's like too. You know, as a fire sign.."
Neo and Mecha exchanged looks. Neo shrugged a shoulder and Mecha nodded.
"Affirmative. I shall accompany you," Mecha decided kindly.
Neo nodded. "I will stay here in case you need my... talents. And to witness the festival from a distance. Be safe."
The blue machine took rest behind a conveniently sized rock, leaned their head back, and proceeded to sort through their cache for files to delete. They would await any communication from Mecha if it came. The Festival was of little concern to the ex-killer at this point. Too many people in one location.
Neo shuffled a little to assume a comfortable position before pinging Mecha. "I will speak to you before the Black Comet passes through the sky. If I ping satellites, I should be able to find its coordinates before you can even detect it."
"Does this not spoil the surprise for him, brother?" Mecha replied, quicker than usual - something that made Neo's heart unexpectedly warm.
"I want Silver to see it. Ensure that he has an optimal view in time," Neo responded.
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Upon the eye of the evening remained the strength of day yet the softness of night. The hush of deepening blue brought eventide to life.
Beneath the harmony of cerulean and amber, the city came alive with music and light. Each vivid hue collected its boarding pass for the city of dreams. A newspaper blew by in a gust of unusually strong wind, where it found a temporary home stuck to somebody's leg. It lingered for a moment before blowing away into the distance. The recipient did not notice, for their attention was fixed on the city of Westopolis. In the city, the Festival was just beginning to come alive. Birthed with orange lanterns that dotted the roads and pathways and bonfires in back gardens, it was a truly charming sight to behold.
Neo was alerted to the sudden movement by their peripheral scanners. They looked around the rock and watched as the person standing a few feet away cringed and squeezed his eyes shut. He tilted his head just a little and squinted an optic. Were the city lights really that harsh on the person's eyes? Did the newspaper hurt? Neo frowned with his optics.
"Who am I... and why can't I remember anything? And who is this Maria?"
Shadow the Hedgehog. Another person who played a hand in Neo's downfall... but Neo put that dagger to rest. Shadow was just as lost as Neo was. So, Neo sank back - this seemed private. But he was curious and had not seen the hedgehog for several months now. Perhaps he would give up something on Eggman's current plans. Neo had known of his presence for the past half an hour and allowed him to stay. A test, perhaps, of the ex- overlord's patience and social battery.
He did privately wish that the hedgehog would choose a different spot to brood in, though.
The robot's attention was sharply drawn to the sky above upon noticing a drastic change in pressure and wind direction. His HUD immediately roused alerts of a potential hurricane or other natural disasters. Dark crimson clouds loomed over the atmosphere, gathering over the city, where a white opening formed in the center. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed within the clouds, a cacophony of sound - which gave way to a mass of unusual beings who descended and immediately laid siege to the city.
The hedgehog watched the carnage with disgust. Neo's frame moved before he commanded it to, but he stayed himself. Mecha was out there with Silver, they would know what to do to stay safe. He just needed to stay here at ground zero and gather some more data...
Shadow shook his head and scoffed. "Look how pathetic they are. I don't have time for these humans..."
A strange response, Neo thought. Shadow had helped to save the world from him not too long ago. Was his amnesia getting worse?
Neo's vision wavered and blurred with static for a moment, and then he felt a surge of energy roll over him - something sick and dark. The air before them shimmered and blurred. Out of this wavering anomaly came forth a being the robot had never laid optics on before. The being wore a dark brown robe with shoulder pads and golden accents - the latter of which did nothing to hide the wear and tear of its garment, Neo noted. A maroon scarf hung around its neck, and golden chains with a set of spiked medallions hung amongst double black cord necklaces. These chains and cords were adorned with red, blue, and purple ornaments. By its side was an apparent extension of it, with a large red eye in the center and star-like protrusions from its form - Doom's Eye.
A horrid replica of something supposedly regal. A false god. Trying to be something it was not - the robot could dryly relate in their own way. Then, Neo looked to its face, its triangular head with leathery skin and horns protruding from the sides. He dryly noted the resemblance to what humans would call "demons." Perhaps Silver's little dance with religion wasn't so useless or misplaced for today.
"Shadow..." The creature spoke. Its voice was distinctly deep, harsh, and angry - extremely demanding for someone who had apparently only just met the hedgehog.
Neo leaned forward in interest. Did Shadow play a role in this destruction? The robot's distrust of others immediately set in. His claws flexed and tensed without his input, ready to defend himself if necessary, and he had to mentally remind himself to stay focused. Stay put. Gather the data, gather the intel. You can figure out what the fuck is going on here and return to your brothers.
Doom advanced on Shadow with outspread arms. "As you can see, the Day of Reckoning will soon be here. Find the seven Chaos Emeralds and bring them to me, as promised."
Shadow recoiled in surprise, a frown clear on his face. "Huh? Who are you? How do you know my name? And what are you talking about?"
Neo rolled his optics. All very pertinent questions, hedgehog, but this is clearly the bad guy. Do not fall for it.
Doom's Eye terminated the apparent projection of the real Black Doom and floated away. Then, several explosions set off around Shadow - which Neo dodged with assassin perfection - to prevent Shadow from chasing after it. Then, the smoke cleared. Neo hoped and prayed that the smog of deceit would clear from Shadow's mind as well-
"Just what was that all about? If he says he knows the truth about who I am... then like it or not, I have to believe him."
Neo shuttered his optics in disbelief. To themselves, they signed, "you idiot..."
Shadow clenched a fist decidedly and lifted his head with renewed confidence. "The only way I'm going to get the secret of my past is to get those Chaos Emeralds!"
"Hedgehog, WAIT-"
Neo's robotic call fell on deaf ears, as Shadow was already skating down the slope of the hill toward the city in a flash of yellow inhibitors and red shoes. The impulsiveness of it all first shocked Neo, then caused him to deflate with a robotic sigh. There were several other ways to obtain data on Shadow's past - such as the supercomputer hiding behind a rock right next to him. This was going to be a long evening. He reached to his ear to comm Mecha.
"Mecha, are you safe?"
"Affirmative. I have secured our brother with an optimal view."
"I-... I will be at your location soon. Until then, remain safe."
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An explosion behind the two robots almost sent the younger one toppling over, if not for the older one catching him by his middle. The uptown section of Westopolis was alight in crimson and amber, a city of forest fire and demonic presence in a matter of moments.
"I'm assuming this isn't part of the Fire In The Sky Festival?!" Silver squeaked out.
Mecha shook her head as she set Silver up on his feet. "Negative. This is... something else."
"Great observation skills as always. What do we do?" Silver asked, brushing dirt from his armour with a grimace. So much for being presentable today.
Mecha looked around, scanning each new enemy, absorbing their weaknesses as data. "We do what we do best."
"Explode? We don't exactly have the best lighting for it, everything's already red and orange. To really make an impact, we need total darkness."
"Negative, brother. We must defend this place. Protect the citizens. Save our home. Life must be protected." Mecha responded factually. They shifted their stance so one foot was planted in front of the other and bent at the knees ever so slightly.
"Is this what I get for calling the gods "sadists in the sky" or what..." Silver lamented, scratching his head.
The small issue - the creatures were huge. Each infantry warrior was a humanoid creature with leathery green-crimson skin and bright yellow eyes. Their hands were large and tipped with sharp claws, while their arms and legs were adorned with rigid spines. Mecha watched neutrally as one swung a fist and knocked a nearby car ten feet in the air. Said car flew across the street and exploded against a wall.
Silver winced at the bright light. "Mecha? We don't have time to stand and process things, there's literal fire and flames and blood everywhere!"
The alien turned sharply to look at the two robots, and then moved toward them, fists drawn back to strike. The harsh shadow cast by flame lit the creature's silhouette in burning orange. Mecha darted to the left like lightning, around behind the Warrior's back, and hurled themselves into a killing spin-dash. The robot struck it square in the back and bounced off. Instantly, the Warrior roared in pain and surprise. Mecha spun around to assess the damage to find that one mere spin-dash had easily taken the being down. Not dead, but incapacitated. Its leader would surely tend to it later, if it was kind to any degree. Mecha hoped it was, for they would not abandon one of their own companions in this way.
Yet, in contrast to their softer heart, it was terrifying how quickly Mecha could strike when they decided to.
"Hey, that gives me an idea!" Silver eyed the street, now heaving with these alien creatures who wreaked havoc on all life in the city. "I say we take all these guys down with... efficiency."
Mecha's shoulders squared and her head lifted in approval. "Now you are speaking my language, so to speak."
In unison, without verbally announcing their plan, the brothers moved as one. They knelt down on one knee side-by-side, exchanged looks, and then broke into killer spin-dashes all the way down the street. Both robots scanned ahead to avoid civilians. Thank Chaos for their supercomputer abilities. At the same time, the brothers uncurled and skidded to a halt by a roadblock. Backlit by flame and smoke, the brothers had almost successfully cleared this street - for now.
Right on cue, a familiar blue machine leaped over their heads and tore down the street to tackle a straggler who was running toward them. Neo collided with the Warrior and the pair tumbled down the asphalt until only one rose to stand unscathed. Neo looked to his brothers with brightly glowing optics and glinting claws.
"You missed a spot," Neo remarked in a comm to Mecha.
Silver jumped up to his feet and gave a "woo" down the street to his brother. "And one by one they all become a black mark on the floor!"
Mecha spun around and punched another Warrior who crept up on them from behind the roadblock. "But when it is just too much to take they sneak up from behind."
"Is it me, you say, you're lookin' for..." Silver sang with a grin as a Warrior peered around from behind a car at them, "lemme show you who I am and what I'm here for... here for..." The Warrior quickly fled into the darker crevices of the city at the lyrics.
"Really?" Neo signed with narrowed optics.
Mecha collected themselves. "I-... Indeed. We must apply a level of seriousness to this situation. It appears the invasion has spread through to Downtown Westopolis from here. People are thus in danger."
"You know this is serious because the sky is red," Silver remarked casually, "listen, nothing good ever happens when the sky turns red."
Neo strode towards them, privately sweeping his optics over his brothers to check for injuries first before speaking. Good, they were unharmed. If they were not, Neo would have laid waste to every enemy in its path. With that information secured, they turned to more current matters. Their sentence was too long to finger-spell quickly, so they spoke in code and let Mecha translate to Silver after. "I believe Shadow the hedgehog is playing a role in this sudden invasion, somehow. In what way, I do not yet know. These aliens appear to want the Chaos Emeralds from him."
"Shadow?" Silver looked to both of them with curiosity. "How? He doesn't even know what day it is, probably."
"The leader of the aliens called him by his name," Neo explained carefully. He squinted an optic in thought as he signed his words, mulling over the implications of that himself. Shadow had not known who this being was, so it was a strange situation to witness. "He thinks the leader can tell him who he is."
"Couldn't any of us here do the exact same thing?" Silver asked with a small smirk. He planted a hand on his hip in a very Sonic-like fashion.
Neo released the air he had been unconsciously holding in his vents and nodded.
Mecha stepped forward. "Indeed. However, it is unlikely that Shadow would believe us at our word. As far as he is concerned, we likely remain his enemies, as per the Incident several months ago. According to the data I possess on his nature, Shadow will accuse us of fabricating our evidence. He likely seeks answers from this potential higher power rather than those he already knows of."
"I think we should find Shadow and see what the fuck he's up to in all of this right now," Silver suggested, shifting his weight onto his other foot, "'cause by the sounds of it, he's been given some kind of order by that leader dude. We need to know if he's a threat to the people or not."
"I think we should have all napped like you and stayed in sleep mode..." Neo murmured, rubbing their face with a hand. So much for a simple afternoon excursion to the therapist's office. Now the whole city was on fire. At least, for once, it wasn't his own doing.
"I concur," Mecha replied, "however, our role in this is currently clear. We must act to prevent total annihilation."
Disregarding his brothers' hesitance, Silver stood proudly. "Superbot, Sparky, and Murder Machine are back in action! Let's go fuck this shit up and stop this... alien invasion thing! The Festival must go on!"
Mecha chuckled and nudged Silver forwards. "Never change, Superbot. Let us proceed."
"I can't wait to tell my new therapist about this."
"Please refrain," Mecha murmured, shaking her head.
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reddragon-cowboy · 1 year
💎 @memcria | a trail of pawprints lead from here 🐾
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She lifts her head up, a low purr rumbling in the back of her throat at his gentle scritches. As if she understood his question–and she did, to some extent–Duchess meowed excitedly in response.
However, even she knew that humans tended to miss their meaning entirely. Still, the best she could hope for that upon closer inspection of her collar, that he would noticed her name, as well as her owner’s phone number engraved in the underside of the diamond collar.
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The cat's head lifts higher, and the feline let loose a low purr at the delicate touch of his gesticulations. It becomes obvious to him the feline finds pleasure in the attention his fingertip grants to the area along the curve of their chin. 'A good sign' , he thinks, as a passionate meow then releases forth from its toothy maw. One he also hopes could be a sign of trust laid out for him to inspect, or another level that builds upon that foundation after sharing a single sushi roll a minute or so ago. And if so, this encounter between man and beast could probably flow easy for what his mind contemplates to do next.
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His finger continue to brush against that sweet spot, travels across their cheek as his hand twirls behind the ear. ❝ Hmm, you like that, don't you ? ❞ Quality of his voice lowers to a murmur with a calmness he hopes won't spook the animal. The last thing he needed was razor sharp claws out and unsheathed that were eager to leave scratch marks ripped across his suit. But slowly and ever cautious, his other hand moves beneath the underside of the feline. He picks them up, and they feel light in his hold, barely any weight noticeable as he gradually lifts the feline and places them on his lap. His hands cease movement, pauses for but a moment for brown eyes to gauge their reaction to the new position he settles them in, but the cat appears to take his handling well thus far, body language relaxing in his care. Well, this was easier than he thought.
The sight might've looked comical for passerby who strolled on the sidewalk. A grown man in a leisure suit entertaining a cat on his lap, but the Bounty Hunter had long ago thrown away the cares and messy opinions of others, many of whom should attend to their own business in the same way as he. Nevertheless, after offering a few more strokes where his palm press against soft white fur, sometime during the petting does he manage to unclip the collar and give the underside of it a peek. A few carvings etched into the material stood out to him; eyes locks on an inscription in pure gold read : D U C H E S S . He blinks once, then twice, as Spike ascertains he read the word correct. And another moment passes before it finally registers that this must be the name of the cat.
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❝ Duchess ? That's your name ? ❞ He asks, more so to himself with a tilt of his head, as he comes to the realization that all this time he hadn't considered their sex, for this name strongly implies she was a female. A name fittingly royal in which the golden-diamond clad collar she wears equates to the rich property of her status. ❝ Pretty classy for a cat, but even Duchess makes you sound rich . ❞ Fur furls over his thumb as fingers brush up and down the side of her neck, and he returns to inspect the collar in the other hand. A few digits accompany the name, appears to share a phone number of the owner. Ah ha--! His gaze flits back down to the lost stray now named : Duchess, a quiet expression of contemplation brewing over his face. This might've have got a little more interesting.
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sebastianshaw · 1 year
For Fanfic Friday: Haven and Shaw at the Quiet Council, from recruitment to cancelling each others votes.
So I reeeeally wanted to do more of this, this was just meant to be the beginning, but it's as far as I got. I kept sitting on it planning to write more, but alas I've come to terms with the fact nothing more is gonna come. Thank you though I enjoyed this prompt! *** It was a long, long story of how Haven had come to be on the Quiet Council, one full of twists and turns and complications as only a comic book saga can be. Yes, she was human. Yes, many members had a problem with that. Much of the island had a problem with that. Haven herself had a problem with that, she didn’t think someone of the oppressor’s class should be governing a nation of the marginalized class, she found it obscene. Just, she couldn’t do anything about it. Neither could anyone else. Again, it’s a long complicated story, but the ending of it was, she’s locked into this role and if she’s ever ripped out of it, all of Krakoa goes down. She tried to just be a figurehead at first. Not say anything at meetings. Her voice should not be the one that mattered here. No matter how right she thought she was, no matter how disgusting suggestions made by certain other members might be, it didn’t matter. She must not speak over the mutants here, the actual people of this place. Besides, for every point raised that she found foul, someone else on the Council answered to shoot it down, so it wasn’t as if she could even claim her moral input was needed to prevent atrocities. And after all. . .who was she anymore to judge what was an atrocity? Who was she to cast judgement on— “Tell me something, Ms. Dastoor—why are you even here?” They were all departing a meeting, some of them chattering with one another, and some, like Haven, in silence, just as she had sat through it. The one who had spoken her name was Shaw, of the Spring Court, the Black King, standing with his hands in the pockets of a suit that cost more than most luxury automobiles. “I do apologize for my presence,” she said, turning her gaze towards him, “I know that any human, or anyone not a mutant, should not–” “I’ve heard this spiel before, it’s not an answer,” Shaw gruffly cut her off, “I mean, why bother being here if you’re not going to speak? Don’t give me that bullshit you always give the others. I’m not accusing you of lying, mind you; I believe that you believe it. It’s exactly the kind of oversensitive, namby-pamby, lickspittle self-flagellating identity politics I’d expect from you.” “Then you ask me questions, Mr. Shaw, to which you already know the answer. Why?” He looked disgruntled, a bit more so than usual, “I suppose I should be more direct—you seek not to offend, thus you do not speak in meetings. But in doing so, you offend me. I don’t give a shit about your opinions, but I find this performative penance for the accident of your species to be ridiculous and revolting. I don’t think you’re qualified to be here but half the mutants aren’t either! What the devil do Pryde, Rasputin, or that clown Wagner know about running a nation?! Doesn’t stop them from running their mouths! Hell, you’re probably MORE qualified than they are, at least you ran something before, even if it was a blasted doomsday cult! And those philanthropic organizations surely taught you SOMETHING about delegation, allocation, and diplomacy! You’re not helping us, Ms. Dastoor, you’re withholding input that, while I’m sure MOST of it is sentimental claptrap, might have the occasional bit of HELPFUL INSIGHT! All to play the part of the “good human” for your precious liberal senses. Absolutely ridiculous.” Haven started talking at meetings more after that. But only ever after Shaw did, to gracefully and diplomatically pick apart his every morally devoid capitalist pitch.
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...Another Weird AU
I call this the “deranged cousin” of the ideas in this post, and for a good reason...it’s basically that as a crack fic.
Inspired by a conversation on a certain Discord server about “what if HypMic magical girls, but not Ramuda?”. Thus, even though they’re guys, they will be referred to as “magical girls” as a gender-neutral term. After picking characters based on their height, it was quite the brain exercise to string them together, but I had a lot of fun doing it. That said, I think I’ve written “magical girl” so many times for this particular set of ideas, it’s started to lose all meaning... *sweatdrops*
So there is the HypMic world we know and a parallel universe to it, in which 1) there are no Hypnosis Mics, but 2) some people develop magic and some don’t (which essentially took the place of Hypnosis Mics). What was TDD + Sasara and Kuko were hyped up to be the greatest magical girls ever by Chuohku...only for half the group to develop powers and for Chuohku to banish the Powerless trio (this world’s Samatoki, Jakurai and Kuko) as a result. Fast-forward to the present day and Riou, who did develop powers, sets out on a trip to make things right again...by recruiting the Powerless’s counterparts from the universe we know...
...or so the story goes, but as you can see, that’s not fully true.
Basically, in this system, each magical girl is assigned a gemstone and their powers are related to both their backstory and possible meaning/s of the gem. They also have a ring with their assigned gemstone, typically worn on the third finger of the left hand, which they use to transform, although Jakurai doesn’t keep his on his person (see below for why). They have to transform to invoke their powers, with the exception of Kuko. (Why Kuko? Because he’s the only one whose powers already seem to exist in canon in some form, most notably in RIP and the related drama track.) They were originally meant to have sentient wands as well a la Prisma Illya, but that made everything too complex. You can see a remnant of what once was in Riou’s profile below.
(…On a personal note, as I was thinking about this idea, I was reminded my story White Parasite originally had the same premise before becoming more standard. However, this was a few years ago when I believed gender and sexuality to be more binary, so I was afraid of not being taken seriously or alternatively, being heckled out of town. You can either take this idea as extremely parodic (like Mahou Shoujo Ore) or as breaking down gender norms (men who wear dresses in spite of not having femininity).)
Magical Girl Riou. The magical girl of alternate worlds (or dare I say, isekai...?). Gemstone: obsidian, a gem with potential meanings of “clarity” and “looking to the future”. Power/s: parallel world travel and observation, born from wanting to do things over in order to save his commander. Ostensibly the leader, because he’s the one who has the powers to kick off the plot, but prefers to not take the spotlight. His transformation outfit is a black vest and a white short-sleeved shirt over a black ballerina skirt (it gives off the image of a “third-rate idol”). The magical girl has to be okay with the outfit to some degree, so his magic gave him combat boots as a compromise. (Also maroon stockings, because I can’t imagine him with bare legs *sweatdrops*.)
Magical Girl Rei. The magical girl of success. Gemstone: citrine, a gem with the potential meaning of “prosperity” - this extends to his transformation outfit, which for most intents and purposes is a businesswoman’s (complete with kitten heels!), aside from a big split in one side (...for mobility reasons, although even with that, it still hinders him so much, it doesn’t do much for fanservice purposes) and with the shirt open (as he usually does). Power/s: brainwashing, born from wanting to “exert more control over others”.
Magical Girl Jakurai. The magical girl of location. Gemstone: amethyst, a gem with the potential meaning of wisdom, protection from drunkenness and instilling a serious and sober mind (ha!), born from the fact he wanted to save Yotsutsuji. Due to the belief such powers are “unscientific”, he is unable to manifest a transformation, although his power (as seen by Riou) is known to be a “viewfinder” - finding lost items with more accuracy than Odd Jobs Yamada or creating magical weapon sights.
Magical Girl Samatoki. The magical girl of relationships. Gemstone: rose quartz, a gem with the potential meaning of “unconditional love”. Power/s: love spells or similar which can manipulate romantic and/or sexual feelings [A/N: over the years I have realised I’m no help when it comes to writing romantic/horny stuff, so don’t expect me to write about the repercussions of it all *sweatdrops*], born from wanting to amend his own failed relationships. His transformation outfit, much to his embarrassment, is a cross between his Halloween Witch outfit and Magical Girl Ramuda’s - a light pink dress with bell sleeves, bright pink gloves, a hooded cape and ballet flats (also bright pink).
Magical Girl Kuko. The magical girl of enlightenment. Gemstone: lapis lazuli, a gem with the potential meaning of “contacting spirit guardians”. Essentially, his power is a stronger version of his existing powers of bridging and contacting the supernatural and mundane worlds, born out of his spiritual beliefs. His transformation outfit (although basically no one ever sees it) is a royal blue halterneck top with silver sparkles, a navy blue pinafore skirt and strap sandals.
Magical Girl Ichiro. The magical girl of emotion and one of the magical girls restricted to the parallel world. Gemstone: opal, a gem with the potential meaning of “intensifying emotion”. Power/s: manipulation of platonic emotions (...basically anything that’s not Samatoki’s domain), born out of the fact he wanted to sympathise with his brothers better (it may not seem very versatile until you realise he can manipulate happiness, sadness, jealousy, platonic love/friendships and so much more). His love for his division bled into his transformation outfit and so it is a maid dress, complete with Mary Janes. Samatoki is still in denial his power is a more limited variation of Ichiro’s.
Magical Girl Ramuda. The magical girl of innocence and one of the magical girls restricted to the parallel world. Gemstone: moonstone, a gem with the potential meaning of “abundance”. Exactly as you know him from HypMic Quest, including the flashy powers, although in this case it is specifically born from him wanting to gain attention.
Magical Girl Sasara. The magical girl of renewal and one of the magical girls restricted to the parallel world. Gemstone: emerald, a gem with the potential meaning of “youth”. Power/s: Temporary age regression, born out of the desire to see the world as a child eternally. His transformation outfit is a corduroy dress that looks similar to overalls, with black shorts and a long-sleeved white shirt underneath. I just can’t get this version of Sasara out of my head, which is why I shelved the idea initially when I couldn’t get table formatting to work on Tumblr and then brought it back once I found time for it... *sweatdrops*.
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anna-neko · 2 years
here I was goin on about some cosplay nonsense, while an early anime cons CORNERSTONE of a man has passed away
RIP Kevin Lillard (of A Fan's View**) Always having a kind word to say to ALL cosplayers, and taking photos of any & all of them that would hold still long enough for his camera to click He has single-handedly inspired many an anime nerd to pick up a camera as a hobby, doubly-so for Cosplay Photography
He took thousands of photos of us, here's one I got of him at NekoconFlash! you were a warm and welcoming presence at cons, sir! You will be greatly missed
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** the old site is long gone, but has been archived by ACP if anyone wants to see what awkward bebi nerds we were back then https://www.acparadise.com/acs/display.php?a=62186
Before all the endless online, digital everything, before FB and Insta, the "don't u know how many followers…" nonsense there was this man! It didn't matter if this was your 1st con or 50th, if your cosplay was a glowing mecha or thiftstore find held together with pins & PartyCity wig… He would take your photo, make small-talk & drop encouraging comments and make you feel a star! (a former cosplay partner still fondly remembers how he would always know what she was cosplaying as! No matter how obscure!) Like, i cannot stress this enuff - any shapes and skill-levels - he would gladly take the photo! For many a con veteran (fuck, hows it been decade+ already?!?!) his may be the ONLY photos that exist of those early costumes. Or very well be the first time someone has even asked to take your photo at the thing He made all us awkward weebs feel welcome from the get~go. The joke used to be "oh you're at so-and-so con? Did you run into Kevin yet??" or "no no no, don't change yet! We need to find Kevin!! You must be documented" (and if you had insane luck, you may even see that photo as convention cosplay coverage in an issue of Animerica months later!)
He took hundreds of photos during a convention, and posted on his site every day! And I don't mean snaps of just the "hot" ones, or "interwebz famous" no no no , it was a genuine comprehensive truly a FAN's view of the event: cosplayers of all kinds, fellow fans, panels and guests! Photos of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING
all the rest of the otaku at home would be hitting the site to see exactly what the current-happening Anime Con had goin on (there wasn't multiple anime cons each weekend back then) ...somehow... his bandwidth held up...
Hell, even my mom would specifically go online when I would be away at con; during nightly check-in phone calls she would excitedly let me know she saw my photo! On his site!
fuck... i am just rambling now.... But over the years there's been all sorts of encounters... like the time my brand~new digital camera (in 2000! quite the expense! when all us still shot on disposable-film camera from the drugstore) suddenly died (6 AA batteries the monster ate) and he kindly tried to help me with both fresh batteries and advice, and when it looked like the camera wasn't coming back he straight up took out his FILM CAMERA (again, this man was a pro! He always had a backup) and took photos of my cosplay & friends' and handed me the finished roll Or that time we saw him aiming at us, and flailed, "no wait!!" running down the escalator, "wait!! We have a pose for this!! Let us pose!" OR THE OTHER TIME my microscopic memory card was already full (circa 2000, 32MB CompactFlash) and this SAINT of a man helped by using HIS LAPTOP to let me clear out the card, email the zip file to myself and thus having space to take another 30~40 photos for the day
or this Other OTHER time we were talkin about shitty hotel hallway light... And asked if he would mind going with us outside instead? He took the time to go! Outdoors into the sunshine! On the lawns by the hotel!! Thus giving us our first 'proper' cosplay photoshoot!! (freakin 2001, people!! Shit like this wasn't the norm yet)
...this needs another photo! Here's Kevin in a silly cat-ears hat at that Animazement
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
No Touching At All + Ai no Kotodama Live Blogging
gonna be watching the two Japanese BL movies next, so I thought I’d live blog them together
No Touching At All (Oct 18) 
heard it’s boss/employee with the boss being rude + it’s from like 2014, so I’m expecting it to be morally dubious and for me to enjoy it
new employee being disgusted by rude boss who is hungover smelling of beer + constantly smokes while the boss is kinda condescending toward the employee + calls him innocent/cute is so good
shima watching togawa holding that baby
togawa manhandling shima into getting dinner with him
“you never look me in the eyes when talking to me but you’re always watching me when i’m not looking” ahh
random ass kiss due to Tagowa “going with the flow” 
Shima complaining and saying ‘this is the worst’ about the smell of beer/smoke while kissing + kissing at a public place but not complaining about actual kissing hmm
oh they’re actually boutta fuck
insane conversation after the fucking where togawa doesn’t disagree with shima saying “you’re not gay, right?” and shima saying togawa isn’t his type at all. ahh emotional deflection and denying attraction after having sex on impulse is so good
Togawa’s tragic backstory
ahh shima not waking togawa up when leaving for work so that toga was late
Togawa’s coworker friend (Onoda?) who can tell he and Shima have something going on thus telling Togawa about Shima being bullied about dating a man in his last workplace to warn? him to not do the same to Shima? Togawa saying it’s troublesome and the friend knows him for so long that he can see right through him is great
Shima revisiting the trauma of being bullied and humiliated by his ex-bf at his old company and then Togawa calling him telling him to pick him up and threatening to cut his bonus 
idk why i’m fucking recounting every scene like it’s just that it’s all itching parts of my brain
ahh Shima finally smiling at Togawa when he’s like “you don’t actually have the authority, do you?”
fuckk Onada talking to Shima (so that he can relay what shima says to togawa lmfao) and Shima saying he’s gay but Togawa’s not T.T “just momentarily curious. he’ll get over it in a few days” daggers in my heartttt also one of the one times ‘he’s not gay’ isn’t making me roll my eyes because it’s like a plot point and this exploring/curiosity is something that does happen. lmfao ofc togawa dying from how cute shima is after finding out about this from onada
togawa vowing to quit smoking after finding out that the manager took out his frustration of togawa smoking on shima ahh
what did togawa write on the cigarette box? 
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noo are they moving Togawa to a Kyoto branch or smth
ahh Shima’s ex saying he regretted meeting him vs Togawa saying it’s great that he met him
insane conversation in the couch about their relationship + breakup
interesting that togawa stopped twice when shima is unresponsive during this scene. 1 at the beginning when he’s like ? what’s going on? and 2 at the end when he angrily tries to go for it bc after all this relatonship is all sex but he ends it all mad when shima doesn’t respond
rip togawa started smoking again
ahh togawa toward the start being like “what? no ‘pls take care of me’?” and now shima’s goodbye at the workplace being “thanks for taking care of me”
lol shima really giving himself a hairstyle
aw, the elevator door closing w/o togawa’s hand there to stop it
the good thing about this being a short ass movie is that we don’t have much runtime before they’re back together again
lol the “huh? when i thought i could finally relax, you have to mention another guy” is funny + togawa’s little punishing pinch is soooo aklsfjalks;dfjal;sdkfj
“I knew you’d make a good wife” god this movie is like you will watch the “straight except for you” and “wife”-trope and you will love it and yes i do. esp like togawa said that bc shima was being agreeable and the joke is the underlying misogyny of that but it’s so good, esp paired with the cheek kiss + shima’s smile 
T.T Togawa having no good memories of snow because that’s when his family died but finally making a good memory with Shima while snow’s falling T.T “Shima” “Yes” “Arigatona” is so good
Whenever it’s boss/employee, it’s often like young CEO and an intern or their secretary (at least in the fics), so it’s great fun when it’s like regular ass job with raw, jaded people.
yknow I like that this movie has so many longshots and still shots. us just watching a whole  5 minute scene from far away at the same angle. the actors have to work double time with their body language (bc we can see their whole bodies) + their voices because we’re not getting their facial expressions as closely. like the bird’s eye view of the convo while they’re cuddling and breakup convo on the couch
This was so good to me, like it really scratched parts of my brain that needed scratching. The tropes and dynamics in this were so delicious.
I think my only major criticism of this is just that the last big conflict and reason for breakup was different because I don’t really care for the “I have to move away” plot and I do like the “desire for family by societal standards/succumbing to society’s pressure” plots (not that there was succumbing here) but it was also in His and Life: Love on the Line so it’s not as new and fresh.
Also, this type of meanness/rudeness from the love interest is something I can take and be interested in. He manhandles Shima a bit and is a bit of a dick anda bit condescending but he doesn’t bulldoze over Shima’s feelings nor does he make Shima’s life harder.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, it itched the same part of my brain that AO3 fics often do. Might even say it gave me brainworms. 
 Rating: 6.5/10
Ai no Kotodama (Words of Devotion) (Oct 20)
it’s a short movie from 2008, hope my trend of liking JBL movies continues
oh yeah they’re already dating at the start which I think I read in the MDL comments
lol jealousy plot but hope it doesn’t go toooo far ig
okay, think the jealousy thing is done now probably 
loll their friend is gay and is dating a white guy named Alfred from America why is that so funny like seeing that white man stock photo was hilarious
i like it when they’re so casual and having fun with each other
agh the jealousy just doesn’t end, does it? like bro idc
ofc one person texts to meet up so that they can reconcile and the other’s phone drops into the sinkwater and stops working agh
bro and the girl doesn’t even like the guy who often hangs out with her but rather the guy who gets jealous 
otani overhearing tachibana talking bout loving him
agh just today we were talking bout how established relationship shows tend to mostly focus on jealousy/cheating/etc and yeah this movie also just focused so much on unfounded jealousy that it wasn’t fun. It was cute when the two of them were messing around and being chill but it kept being ruined by jealousy like agh 
Rating: 5/10
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para-imperium · 2 years
Horizon: Rebuilt Ch. 7
Horizon ducked just in time for the claw aimed at her visor to graze the top of her helmet instead. The drone tried to pull back the claw for another strike, but it stuck in the helmet’s gel layer and pulled her head with it. Aggravated the raccoon grabbed the clasps holding her helmet on and released them, freeing her head as the drone tried to shake the helmet off. She quickly assessed her situation; her legs were straightened out but still in agonizing pain. Horizon decided that she could ignore the pain if it meant greater mobility and started to rise, only for the drone to raise another spiked leg to strike at her stomach.
Time slowed again as the spike descended, inching closer and closer while her body sluggishly tried to dodge. Horizon felt her stomach sink in terror as the drone’s attack… swerved to her left?
The leg spike stuck in the wall next to Horizon, her side twinged at the close call, but she knew she had to act when she had the opportunity. Her HUD highlighted the dented armor plate covering the drone’s battery, she saw the gaps in the plating that the impact of the splintered desk left, and her fingers darted forth. Metal-tipped claws ripped the steel plate away, exposing the battery pack that she seized with her other hand. Acid spurted from the battery as her claws dug into its soft siding, but she ignored the sting as she ignored all the other pain she was feeling, as she had felt since that fateful day in the deep outer Tiere system.
With a yank the leaking battery came free, and the drone jerked a few times, then collapsed to the floor, power gone. Horizon tossed the battery aside and wiped her fingers on a patch of her jumpsuit that had thus far escaped damage or bloodstains. She turned to the teenage vole leaning against the wall, his eyes still wide in shock at the battle he’d witnessed.
“You,” he gasped. “You’re the…”
“The polite term would be posthuman,” Horizon cut him off. She took in his broken legs and lung puncture and attempted to calculate his odds of surviving until they made it to a Friendly Society medic. After just a few seconds she shook her head. “I can get you out of here, but the only way you’ll survive is if I infect you with the microbots in my blood. Do you understand what that means?”
The vole tried to pull himself up, and only coughed up another glob of blood. “I don’t want to die,” he replied. “Please.”
Horizon took a side glance at the AI’s illusory avatar in her peripheral vision, she could have sworn the red panda was smiling. Heal him, she thought as she reached down to pick the vole up.
She held the vole’s body against her blood-stained jumpsuit, the congealing fluid oozed into his wounds as she slung him over her shoulder. He took a couple more gurgling breaths before the microbots sealed the hole in his lung, allowing him to wheeze more gently. “What’s your name?” Tanya asked.
“Shawnathan,” the vole replied hoarsely. “Most call me Shawn.”
Tanya carried him over to a door that seemed to lead towards the exterior wall of the factory. She considered for a moment whether to give him her real name before stating “call me Horizon.” The door opened without resistance, and she stepped through, “how old are you Shawn?”
“Three,” he replied, “point three.”
Horizon was confused for a moment, then remembered that Surt’s orbit lasted roughly six of Jord’s years. That would make him about twenty. “Do you know where the nearest exit would be?” she asked.
He slowly turned his head towards the doorway, grimacing in pain as he scanned the wall. “Take the second right,” he suggested. “There’s a staircase that leads outside. We used to hide under it for hypnos.”
“You work here?” Horizon staggered out, looking for any signs of the stairs he’d referred to. She couldn’t trust the corporate government to clearly label the exits, especially if they thought employees hid in them while self-medicating.
“I guess,” Shawn gave a minute shrug. “The boss fired me yesterday.”
“Fired?” Horizon glanced at him confused. “So, what were you doing back here?”
“I don’t know!” the vole exclaimed. “I just went to bed and woke up here with my legs broken and fires blazing.”
Sam appeared leaning against the wall on fire, “of course. Trap a disgruntled employee in a room full of killer drones, then set the building on fire. They can claim he started the fire and got caught by their security systems.”
Horizon stopped in front of a door that looked no different from the others but was the second on the right. She tried the doorknob, it was locked, though that didn’t indicate anything. “I’m going to have to set you down,” she warned.
Shawn nodded and Horizon carefully put him down against the wall, hopefully out of the way of any shrapnel. She took a firm grasp of the doorknob, and yanked it clear off of the door. The raccoon tossed the doorknob aside and fiddled around the interior of the lock until it came loose.
She looked inside the room on the other side of the door, she saw a bare metal grate floor with staircases going up and down. Horizon carefully stepped in and took a look around, to make sure that it was safe. She heard a loud clanging sound as she strode on the grate, she stood absolutely still after that first step and listened carefully.
After the initial clank there was silence beyond the crackling flames on the factory floor. But just as she was about to take another step, she heard a series of rapid clanks coming up from below. Horizon looked down through the grate and saw shapes moving up the stairs.
“I’m estimating a 77% chance that those are the HK-87s that went through the floor,” Sam manifested next to her, pointing downwards.
Horizon shot her a dirty look, how long until they get up here?
Sam made a pose that looked like she was thinking hard about it. “I’d say between three and four minutes. Too bad you broke the door.”
Horizon sighed and dashed back into the hall. She grabbed Shawn and yanked him up, “change of plans! Is there another way out?”
The vole blinked in confusion as he was slung violently over the raccoon’s shoulder. “What, why?”
“Can’t use the stairs!” Horizon shouted as she broke into a run down the hallway. “Is there any other way out?”
“Uh…” his eyes started to roll back as he struggled to think. “The elevator maybe? But we’re not supposed to use that in emergencies….”
Horizon spotted a pair of automatic sliding doors and ran for them. “No good,” Sam warned. “No physical controls, wireless mesh access only.” The raccoon quickly scanned the walls around the elevator doors and confirmed the AI’s statement. “Honestly, calling the wireless here a “mesh” is generous, it feels like they’ve got a centralized network that went down the moment the fires started.”
So you can’t hack into the elevator? Horizon groaned audibly.
“No, and even if the network was online, it would take longer than those drones would give us.”
The skittering of robotic claws behind her reminded Horizon of the danger stalking her. Well, if we can’t hack in electronically, she dug her claws into the crack of the elevator doors and pulled. We’ll just do it physically.
She yanked one door open to an open shaft and glanced down. “That’s a twenty meter drop straight down!” Sam shouted in her ear.
Horizon glanced over her shoulder at the first drone rounding the corner and preparing to charge. I can handle it, she thought and stepped over the threshold.
The feeling of freefall was oddly comforting to the long-time spacer, even though she knew intellectually that they were in considerable danger. Her stomach rose into her throat as she fell, weightless, towards the ground below. She saw one set of elevator doors zip past her, then an eternity later a second, and a third, wait, was she slowing down?
Horizon reached for the cable in the center with her free hand, it burned, but not as much as she’d feared. The last time she’d slid down a cable like this with bare hands it had ripped through her gloves faster than the smart fabric could repair itself and stripped the skin off her palms. This time she barely felt it tearing.
Another door flew past. “Ground floor is the next one,” Sam said. Horizon swung her feet out towards the door as it came up, her toes skidded down the metal surface. She pushed off the cable and swung her hand towards the door with claws protruding through her glove.
Horizon’s claws screeched against the aluminum door before the cuts they made were deep enough to sink in fully. The sharp edges of the freshly cut metal sliced into her fingers even as a sheet of aluminum tore away from the door. Her feet managed to catch on the threshold of the doorframe before they fell back into the open shaft. She leaned Shawn against the other door and tried to find some leverage to force them open.
As she was struggling with the door the vole’s head swung back and glanced upwards. His eyes shot open in terror in a second, “they’re coming!”
Horizon took a moment to look up and saw that he was right. The remaining two drones, beat up as they were, were slowly climbing down the side of the shaft, their spiked legs piercing the concrete and raining down gravel. The raccoon turned back to the elevator doors and thought at her AI, is there anything you can do about them?
“Yes, hold on tight.” Horizon tried to puzzle out Sam’s suggestion for a moment, then decided she’d be better off securing herself. She grabbed hold of the hole she’d made in the door so tightly she felt blood leaking from her palm, then wrapped her other arm tightly around Shawn and sank her claws into the door on the other side of him. The crunching of the drones digging into concrete came closer and closer to them.
Horizon’s stomach sank in fear, whether for herself or the latest innocent to get entangled in her life she did not know. A heaviness descended upon her as a stream of powdered concrete flowed down her back. Then, with a sickening crunch she felt the wind produced by a large object falling behind her. She glanced up in time to see the second drone lose its footing and fall towards her as well, though she tried to press herself against the door one of its flailing legs managed to slice down her back on the way down.
In the shaft behind and below them Horizon heard a deafening boom and felt a scattering of shrapnel against her tail and thighs. She took a cautious look downwards and saw the scorched and twitching remnants of the two drones, it looked like at least one of their batteries had taken enough of an impact to actually explode. Horizon slid the doors open and staggered out onto the factory floor. What just happened? She thought.
Sam appeared next to an open door in another column supporting the office complex. “You told me not to distract you with the results of my analysis,” the virtual panda reminded the cyborg raccoon.
Horizon scowled at her while staggering towards the doorway. Within she found the bottom of the staircase she’d seen earlier, with another door leading to the exterior of the building. What is that thing in my stomach?!
The AI sighed, “to put it simply. It’s a microscopic black hole.”
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