#from men women everybody
rolandkaros · 8 months
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erotetica · 2 months
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Akasha, still mortal. Designing her was challenging given the lack of extant reference, but this is what I came up with:
Apparently she was turned in 4000 bce, so I based my research in the Uruk Period of Mesopotamia (which was named for the Sumerian city of Uruk, now Iraq, where Rice said Akasha is from). In 4000, Kaunakes we’re not yet in style for Sumerians, instead wearing more straight-fitting kilts/net-dresses. I believe those also conformed to the rule of higher status =ankle length, lower class = knee length, so that’s what I did
On the fabric color—I read a paper that posited the ‘net’ of the net dress shown on the cylinder seal linked above/attached below, was actually a dyed pattern. The cylinder seal is dated @ ~3000 bce, BUT there is evidence of ochre-dyed cloth from Çatalhöyük, in Anatolia, from at least 5700 bce, so I think fabric dyeing in a less complicated pattern sounds feasible for 4000 bce.
Given 4000 was also the Chalcolithic Age/Copper Age in Mesopotamia, I wanted to include something copper. While I couldn’t find extant copper jewelry-jewelry, I did find these pins, and iirc Sumerian wrap-clothing was held with pins anyway
Re: necklaces, Akasha’s is based on this one.
I went with Iraqi-Lebanese actress Zahraa Ghandour as (partial) facial reference
Some assorted refs I don’t think are included in the links:
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contagious-watermelon · 2 months
tomboy trans girls ily <3 by the law of equivalent exchange, there's got to be a masculine trans woman out there that i switched places with gender-wise. hope she's doing well
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theloveinc · 5 months
omg imagine incubus sukuna.. he’s the same- four arms, four eyes, seven, six foot but an incubus. summoning him drunk alone and sad and then he just.. lingers lmfao. after waking up in a century that isn’t his in a 20, 30 something woman’s apartment that isn’t his he just has to adapt to strange customs this decade has that makes him so uncomfortable that your comfortable with. “what do u mean u can go out dressed like that. showing ur wrists and calf’s. AT WORK.”
YES another anon and i were kinda just talking abt this (here + here!) and i have to admit i kinda ADORE his confusion lmao, esp when you're just like... "if you don't like it you can leave, you know? I only called you over once. one time." and he literally has no argument in return LMAOO).
it's especially funny tho because once he finally gets used to the whole...ankles and calves and one layer of clothing thing... he starts getting mad about other stuff, like capitalism when you try to explain to him you have to listen to your boss even though you aren't married to them, all:
Sukuna: "you're serving a man who isn't your husband? what does he give you in return for your loyalty?"
You: "I make money?"
"But if he's in control... he's supposed to provide for his women, is he not?"
"No, because he's my boss?"
"But he at least pleasures you sexually, correct?"
"god no."
HOOOO MY GOD he is so confused.
I'd say you'd eventually you have to take him out to a work thing with you to get him more familiar with the concept... but i think seeing more "half-naked" women serving some random dude would KILL HIM FOR REAL that time. embodiment of the "bitch you live like this meme?" except he's talking about the fact that whatever person you work for isn't giving you head 24/7 or buying you shit.
He'd honestly try to put hands on your boss for "corruption" or something.
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catboykilljoy97 · 4 months
So, what I've gathered based on some online sleuthing in various trans communties, is that:
Trans men feel erased in queer spaces and in discussions of trans people. Most of the attention/resources goes to trans women. Isn't that awful?
2. Trans women feel erased in queer spaces and in discussions of trans people. Most of the attention/resources goes to trans men. Isn't that awful?
3. Nonbinary people are lumped into either "basically a trans man" or "basically a trans woman" based on AGAB. No, this isn't regressive at all. Trust us.
4. Everyone involved should violently fucking hate each other and throw as much blame as possible because of this
can i go be a hermit in the woods now. i know that's like, the whole thing i'm trying to escape, but honestly it sounds good rn
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vulturesawake · 9 days
Always sucks when you see a great post and then they ruin it with a bad take. Mamy such cases!
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Post birthdate thoughts: forget hope, your mom getting then being sick and having to care EVEN MORE is a symbol of my terrible conception birth and earnest attempt at a better life while sending your life savings and life body and goddamn soul into a family a village of butt fuck African piranhas lollll how do you cancel yourself out for 30 plus years myyyy g. Post a wk of being gas lit and bullied whilst by my father bc he is ALSO regretful of his life choices l o l. I wish I was never born, sincerely. I’m sorry God, I’m sorry mom. I’m far too pussy to kill myself and too prideful for other avenues. I pray I get out of where I’m out and push through to something that is for me and that’s where I’m at if it happens if I can make it happen. If not, two ppl made a mistake, one poured gas on it while another tried to put the fire of mistake out from the 4th day to the 35th yr. I hope it turns out blessed and we accept or get at peace with it. If not I’ll scream and shout and blow my brains out in the key of anti natalism.
Happy Birthday to me. Attitude gratitude regardless shoutout to those really living out the gift of life. really, more life for all who really live it.
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dandeyrain · 11 months
we GOTTA stop repackaging outright gender essentialism and misogyny as cute '''''''''feminist'''''''''' jokes!
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litres-of-cocaine · 5 months
okay as much as i agree that groups under the lgbtq+ umbrella are stigmatised by other people in the community please be so fr and stop calling it ‘double discrimination’ you just want to say ‘monosexual privilege’ but are aware people get kind of mad about that
#queer discourse#to clarify this isn’t about ableism racism sexism transphobia etc exhibited by people within the community#it’s more about the presentation of stigma witin the community as a disparate and equal thing to bigotry coming from outside the community#like it’s all coming from the same place guys just being wielded by other oppressed people#like lesbians do not represent a unique evil to bi women and vice versa#or trans men exhibiting transmisogny is not a result of their transmasculinity it’s white supremacy and patriarchy#it’s not a sign that these groups of people are your enemy#(disclaimer: this is completely online problem no one under the age of 14 genuinely seems to push this irl as their brains aren’t rotting)#and i’m not saying that bigotry from other queer people should be ignored bcs NO we need to be pulling each other up#but framing it as a ‘double’ discrimination instead of the same goddamn thing is just saying you’ve got it worse than everybody else#if someone attacked me for liking coffee and then a different person /also/ attacked me for liking coffee that’s not double discrimination.#that’s the same type of discrimination done by different people#we are a goddamn community force the internet leeches OUT of your brain don’t let them take you alive#it’ll suck the joy out of everything#this is largely in response to a long as text post that had some great points but this glaring welt of online behaviour in the middle of it#i’m also aware no one is going to read this i just can’t be arsed to waste any real life person’s time in discussing it#godspeed campers
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sssusuki · 9 months
reblog to not only kill a terf but also kill people who don't believe that trans men, cis men and AMAB people are allowed to be in the LGBTQ+ community. everybody belongs in the community, get laser beamed idiot.
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rescuefield-a · 1 year
i'm always suspicious of people in the fandom who talk about how one main character is better than the other et similia because most of the time what they mean is that the guys are better than the women, and that doesn't sit right with me at all
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a9saga · 1 year
tbt - the gazette - bath room // i wish i were a hot goth doctor
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nerevarbignaturals · 1 year
very controversial trans take; detransitioners are not our enemy. they're people who took the time to question their gender, to explore their identity inside and out, and came to the conclusion that their identity best aligns with what they were assigned at birth. i wish everybody could take the time to sit and think deeply about the identities they hold, particularly things like gender that are inherent, but also deeply socialized. the detransitioners who are spouting anti-trans rhetoric have been taught by the system we live in that even questioning your gender is wrong, so for many of them, that rhetoric is a survival tool for assimilating back into cis society. doesn't make it okay to hold anti-trans views, for certain, but it does expose the fact that the enforcement of a restrictive gender binary hurts everyone, even cis people.
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area51-escapee · 2 years
I feel like people particularly in fandom have this idea that once a person reaches like over 25 they’re supposed to lose all their interests and only have the set pre approved Adult Interests™️ like paying taxes and having kids and drinking wine and the only reason an adult would like anything is to find some kind of sexual gratification in it because all adults are sex crazed perverts so even the most innocent fanart or fanfic is deemed sus and inappropriate and idk that sounds like a terrible way to think of getting older
#like as a younger teenager I was kind of scared of losing interest in the things I love#and back then I didn’t even have this attitude from fandoms to influence that#it was more so adults telling me the things I liked were childish and I’d grow out of them someday and they were all just a phase#well I’m not over 25 yet but I don’t see that happening#I still love anime I started watching at 15 and I still love cartoons aimed at children#but now I don’t have a bedtime and nobody can ground me#and I go to work and I pay my bills and my taxes#but I also have some money left over to buy cool posters or keychains or figures#so it’s pretty great tbh#I don’t think people should have to interact with adults if that makes them uncomfortable#everybody is allowed to draw their own boundaries just like plenty of adults choose not to interact with minors#but an adult existing in a fandom space is not a red flag bestie they built the fandom spaces to begin with#an age is not a red flag a person’s behavior is#I see this kind of sentiment aimed primarily at adult women#but men who collect figurines or legos or like sci fi or super hero’s too much#are also often deemed immature and ‘man children’#the idea of ditching the things you love because you’re older sounds sad and terrifying#I love all my stuffed animals and I love my all might figure and I love my posters in my anime corner#I don’t want to lose them just cuz I reach an age where that’s for some reason unacceptable
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
like i know everybody thinks i’m being a hater and a cunt when i say stuff like this and i know it makes you not like me and whatever but i do genuinely think most people are watching bbc merlin wrong. like. i can tell when you don’t care about women even when you think you do. saying you like morgana isn’t what makes you an anti-misogyny viewer of this show that has so so so many problems with misogyny. being able to actively notice and describe the misogyny inherent to every single plot point is what makes you an anti-misogyny viewer. “it doesn’t matter it’s a tv show” actually it DOES matter, and dismissing the very real impact misogynistic popular media has on the real world is like. pretty damaging. to say the least. saying it doesn’t matter that a show produced for a young audience, based off of a very popular collection of stories, that has left enough of a cultural impact over the 14 years since it’s initial release that i am here making this post, saying it doesn’t matter how that show has consistently put out misogynistic messages is like saying propaganda isn’t an issue. this is a show with misogyny baked into its very framework. and sitting here watching people talk about it like that massive issue doesn’t exist is infuriating to me. yes i also watched and enjoyed the show a great deal. however i have been knowledgeable and critical from day one. i don’t know if you recall, i initially did NOT ever want to watch this show because of these very issues. to see people get into it because it’s “gay” and “fun” is insane to me. it’s gay because it hates women. it’s gay because it hates women. it’s gay because it fucking hates women. i don’t know how else to drill this into your brains. you HAVE to use your fucking critical thinking skills with this show. you have to. i’m not saying don’t have fun, clearly even a hateful cunt like me managed to have fun. fun is not the absence of critical thought. but the way i am observing others watch this show is not giving me any hints that you’re seeing the issues that have always been apparent to me. and i need you to understand that that’s terrifying in my eyes. i cannot stand you all talking about this show like it has no problems outside like, minor writing issues in later seasons. again i want to impart to you that this is a story with misogyny baked into its very foundation, and they did nothing to remove it, because they didn’t care.
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froody · 5 months
There was a TikTok post about an advertisement for “blood-making pills for weak women” someone found in a newspaper from the 1890s and everybody seemed to think it was just an example of the weird misogyny of the day and age but no. Anemia was a massive public health concern. It always has been through history but part of the reason we have this idea of old timey women thought history being physical weak, chronically cold and pale and fainting is because they often they were. Anemia was also a massive problem for men in that day but even now it disproportionally affects people who menstruate. So tonics full of stimulants and “healthful vitamins” were marketed at young women in pages upon pages of advertisements in every newspaper. People generally felt like shit all the time back then.
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