#friendly voice actor reminder
cosmicnovaflare · 1 year
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Sonia from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom.
I unintentionally drew two characters back to back that share the same English voice actor.
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dangan-kagura · 8 months
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Friendly Reminder: Gundham’s voice actor Chris Tergliafera is a fan of Hifumi. Just watch his stream of the first game to find out.
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moonboom14 · 10 months
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weirdlittleberry · 1 year
Ten years ago I was commenting Eurovision song contest on Facebook. I'll translate it to you so you can enjoy the madness
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1. Gay Dracula fucks hard but is misunderstood
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2. San Marino, you ungrateful bastard
3. We should erase Azerbaijan
4. The Greek are wonderful drunk
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5. I want an Icelandic god in my bed
6. In Ukraine they have giant vikings
7. The Swiss and the French can, sometimes, be nice
8. In Hamburg a young girl is digging her own grave with her bare hands
9. In order to win we need to be annexed to the ex-URSS
10. People on Tumblr think Mengoni is a sexy beast
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theoriginalkaminari · 1 month
Friendly reminder that they share the same english voice actor
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she-wolf09231982 · 4 months
Joe Toye
“The Bunny and The Fox”
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Summary: You thought Joe Toye was too scary to even consider a friend, but he proves to be not only a great friend, but also a lover.
A/N: One shot, Mature audience, JoeToyeX!FemMedic, WW2, Female Pronouns, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Military and Medical Terminology, Inappropriate Nicknames, HBO Band of Brothers References, Mentions/Descriptions of Injuries, Weaponry, Smoking. Angst/Conflict, Smut, *John Wayne/McClintock Movie Quote*, FOREVER FLUFF
@awaterfalls 😁🪖♠️🦅❤️
These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
He always appeared so….serious. His face in a constant state of pissed off and disdain. If looks could kill, Joe Toye (and Johnny Martin) wouldn’t have needed weapons in the war.
You avoided him all through Toccoa. He just seemed like the type to leave the hell alone. But every now and then, you caught a glimpse of him smiling or laughing with the guys.
“Not bad.” You’d think to yourself as you admired his smile.
Since you trained with Easy as a medic, you rarely had an excuse to speak to him unless he was injured. Even then you kept your conversation short and sweet with hardly any eye contact. But with his low raspy voice came a sense of calm while you took care of him. You supposed he seemed friendly enough.
June 1944 Post D-Day
Orders were given to take Carentan where German soldiers were being sheltered. Carentan was the main crossroad between Cotentin and Calvados where the ally force's tanks needed passage to attack the main objective, Cherbourg.
"Listen up!" LT Welsh shouted. "It'll be dark soon. I want light and noise discipline from here on. No talking, no smoking. And no playing grab-fanny with the man in front of you, Luz. We're taking Carentan. It's the only place where armor from Omaha and Utah Beach can link up and head inland. Until we take Carentan, they're stuck on the sand. General Taylor's sending the whole division."
Some of the men began to grumble under their breath. Everyone started to stir to gather their gear to begin the journey to Carentan.
Walking in a file formation on each side of the road to Carentan. You found yourself walking in front of Toye as Perconte proceeded you.
“Hey Toye, why you always in the middle when we convoy anywhere? Ain’t you ever in the front?” Guarnere teased.
“I go wherever the medic goes in case I get hit, Bill.” Joe responded.
You blushed and dared to sneak a glance behind you. As you did, Toye met your gaze shooting you a quick wink. You quickly look back to the front embarrassed he caught you acknowledging him.
“Awe now look what ya did. You scared her.” Guarnere teased.
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You hear some of the guys laugh.
“Maintain your noise discipline.” Winters reminded.
You and Doc on separate ends of the streets trying to keep low to tend to the wounded.
You rush to two soldiers landing on your knees next to them, one on the ground with a trail of blood coming from his helmet, the other crouching over him.
"He's still breathing, help me carry him!" You call out. You each grab an arm of the injured soldier and drag him behind a building.
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While you're working on the nameless soldier's head wound, a drug store gets blasted by German artillery not far from where you were, the force from the explosion sending you sideways into the brick wall next to you.
You shake your head to stop the ringing in your ears. Everything you could hear was distant as your vision became fuzzy and dark. You start to smack your ear trying to make it pop so you can get back to your senses.
“Y/L/N! We gotta move! Get up!” Toye’s muffled voice yelled out.
He grabbed you by the arm pulling you up to your feet. You still couldn’t barely see so you held onto his arms for dear life.
“I-I can’t see nothin’ Joe!” You called out to him.
“Ok, come on…UP we go!” You hear him grunt as he threw you over his shoulder.
You feel him trotting to safety while blast after blast erupted all around you. You feel him lower you as gently as he could to the ground against a wall.
“Hey, look at me.” Toye said as he guided your face towards his, “Can you see me now?”
You shake your head, “No, it’s all dark and blurry.” You reply as tears started to stream down your cheeks.
Were you going blind?? Is this it? You’re not going to be able to see your family’s faces? Never see your own reflection? You feel yourself slipping into shock.
“Hey! Stay with me now, ok doll? Don’t cry. Doc’s on his way.” You hear Toye’s voice break through your thoughts.
Doc ducked behind the wall with you and Toye.
“What’s the matta’ with her?” You hear Gene ask.
“She can’t see. Says everything is blurry.”
“Gene, I think I’m going blind. Am I going blind??” You asked panicked trying to reach out for him.
“What happened before she couldn’t see?”
“A shell dropped right by her and she went flying into a brick wall.”
Gene nodded, “That’ll do it. You got a concussion, Y/L/N, you ain’t goin’ blind.”
You released a sigh of relief.
“Joe, can you get her back to HQ? She ain’t no good out here if she can’t see nothin’.”
“I got her, Doc.”
Toye got you back to an aid station not long after Easy Company claimed victory over Carentan. You remained there until the following day after your vision returned. As you approached a group of the guys from Easy, you were welcomed with whoops and cheers.
“Hey! Look who it is!” Luz called out.
All the guys turned to find you walking towards them.
“Hey look what the cat dragged in!” Malarkey joked.
The chorus of laughter from the men lifted your spirits.
“Yeah, I look rough, I know. Thanks guys.” You greet.
You looked around for Toye.
“He’s over there.” Luz pointed out as he gestured with is thumb over his shoulder.
“Oh, I just, uh, wanted to thank him for-“ you began.
“-yeah, yeah we know. He’s over there.” Malarkey interjected pointing down the street.
You feel yourself get flustered so you scamper off to where they said Joe was. As you walk through the rubble that Carentan has become, you see Toye standing in a circle with a few of the other guys from Easy. He throws his cigarette butt on the ground, stomping it out with his boot before he turns and sees you.
His face lights up when he saw you walking up.
“Hey there she is!” Guarnere hailed.
Bill met you and extended his hand for you to shake, which you obliged.
“Good to see you, Bill.”
“Glad to see you up and about, doll.” He pulled you in closer, “Someone’s been real worried about you since they left you at the aid station, by the way.” He disclosed.
You pull back and met Bill’s face with confusion. He winked and motioned over to Toye with his chin.
“Go on and say hi to him.” Bill added.
You narrow your eyes at him and smile. You slowly approach Toye as he stood there with his hands in his pockets and smirking as he patiently waited for you.
“Hey, Toye.” You squeak.
“Hey, Y/L/N. Good to see you.” He replied with his signature husky voice.
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“Well, if it weren’t for you, I probably wouldn’t be here. Thank you for helping me.” You say as you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.
You hear Guarnere whistle. You turn around and shake your head at him.
Toye cleared his throat, “It was nothin’.”
You both stood there awkwardly until Bill came over.
“Hey, the guys were going to go to the bar that survived the wreck. You wanna join us later for a few night caps, Y/L/N?”
“Sure, if I can find a place to get cleaned up.”
“Ok it’s that little place over there. We’ll all be there around 1900, aight?”
You knew Bill was scheming something for you and Toye. You look at him suspiciously.
“Ok, I’ll see you guys there later.”
You breeze through the front door of the pub and begin scanning the room for the familiar faces of Easy.
“Hey! Y/F/N! Over here!” Guarnere called out waving his hand.
You push through the crowd to get to the table where most of your guys were sitting. You catch Toye playing darts with LT Compton, Luz, and Heffron.
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“What can I getchya?” Bill asked.
“Oh, whatever you’re drinking, Bill.” You reply.
“Comin’ right up.” He announced as he walked to the bar.
You look back to Toye and catch his eyes looking at you too. He smiled and raised his glass to you with a wink. You smile back and give him a little wave.
“Here ya go.” Bill returned handing you a pint glass of beer.
You cheers and take a hearty gulp.
“Thanks, Bill.” You say as you squeeze his arm.
The night was filled with laughter, banter, and taunts amongst Easy. And somehow, your glass kept getting magically refilled by each of the guys. You had to refuse Malarkey’s offer to buy your next round because you felt your head starting to spin.
“Ok, we’ll slow down.” Don chuckled, “But when you’re ready, I got the next one!”
“Yessir.” You quipped.
You turn towards the dart boards and see that Toye had moved. You began to search the room for him and suddenly stop at the bar where he was talking to a local woman dressed in a tightly fit dress.
You felt a distinct sense of dread mixed with anger, but you weren’t sure why. The longer you watched Toye leaning closer to whisper in her ear while she giggled, the more your rage boiled over inside.
“What’s the matter, doll? You gotta look on ya like you’re gonna murder someone.” You hear Guarnere chime in.
You avert your eyes to the floor.
“It’s nothing.” You say quickly.
Bill looked where you were just looking.
“Well ain’t that a son of a bitch. After all the trouble I went through to set you’s guys up, he goes and finds another bird to chat up.”
You look at Bill, “What do you mean set us up?”
Bill looked at you alarmed.
“Oh, well, I thought you knew. Toye over there has got it real bad for ya. Has ever since basic but he figured he never had a chance. I told him you were a catch and that you had a thing for him too.”
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“Oh do I now?” You asked astounded by his response.
“Well, don’tchya?”
“I suppose he’s handsome. Good soldier. But looks like he’s not as sweet on me as you think.” You state as you gesture to Toye by the bar getting disgustingly close to the blonde bombshell.
“Ah, he’s an idiot. He’s just trying to get laid.”
You look at him with daggers behind your eyes. Bill’s eyes widen.
“Uh, what I mean is he don’t care about her, ya know? He’s trying to not think about you because he thinks you’re outta his league.” Bill hastily explained.
“Yeah? Well, I’ll get his attention.” You declare as you storm off towards the bar.
“Ah shit.” Bill mumbled to himself rolling his eyes.
You walk up to a soldier from Fox Company standing a few feet away from where Toye was with his new little friend. You approach the bar and slightly bend over to the surface of the bar and rest your elbows on it. The soldier noticed you right away and a devilish grin appeared across his face.
You look over at him and smile.
“Hey, angel, you’re the prettiest face in here.” He said as he scanned you from head to toe.
You see Toye look over the blonde’s shoulder at you. So you inched closer to the stranger.
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“At least someone noticed how hard I worked on my make up tonight.” You say loud enough for Joe to hear.
Toye’s jaw started to tighten. Your plan was working like a charm.
“What are you talkin’ about? You’re a dish!” He returned enthusiastically, “Can I get you a drink?”
“A pint is fine.”
Toye excused himself from the company of his little vixen and approached you with obvious vigor. He stopped so close to you, you can feel his breath on your face.
“You think you should have anymore?” Toye asked in a low gravelly tone.
You were almost a puddle at his feet.
“What’s one more?” You dismiss.
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“Hey, buddy, this one’s mine. Get lost.” The Fox soldier warned.
Toye glared at him, a clear warning with his fierce gaze to back off. “Shut up.”
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He turned back to you. “You hit your head hard yesterday. You got a concussion, remember? Drinking too much isn’t good for you right now.” He cautioned.
The soldier behind Toye huffed outloud. You bring your face closer to his.
“How about you go on back to your little blonde bunny over there and worry about her?” You say softly staring intensely into his eyes.
You snidely smile and gently push him aside to accept the beer the Fox soldier was holding for you. Toye grabbed your wrist before you could get your fingers around the glass.
“Because I’m worried about you.” He sternly replied.
“Hey, pal, I’m not gonna tell ya-“
Before the guy could finish his sentence, Toye swung and punched him across the face sending him to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
“Joe, what the hell is the matter with you?” You bark.
He turned to face you, his teeth clenched and resentment in his eyes.
“Isn’t this what you wanted? You got my attention.” He said raising his arms to the side.
Just then, another Fox Company soldier soared in and tackled Toye. When Guarnere saw Toye get sacked, him and the rest of Easy rushed in, clashing with Fox Company in a battle royalé in the middle of the dance floor.
You grab a bottle of whiskey and force your way into the horde to smash it over the head of one of the opposing soldiers when you suddenly feel your feet swiftly leave the floor, and you find yourself once again thrown over Joe Toye’s shoulder as he rushes out the front door.
You start to push off of his back to look at him.
“What are you doing?? Put me down, NOW! This is completely barbaric! Were you raised by wolves??”
“Shut your mouth.” Toye said sharply.
He wouldn’t cave no matter how hard you struggled. He continued to carry you until he got to the house where you had been staying at with the field nurses. He opened the front door and practically threw you onto the couch in the main corridor.
“You’re an absolute animal, Joe Toye.” You snarled at him.
“Yeah? You haven’t even seen the worst of it yet.” He retorted.
You stood up, only to lose your balance and fell backward on to the couch again.
“Well save it.” You spit back crossing your arms, “You can go now. I’m sure that little dish at the bar is waiting on you.”
Toye furrowed his eyebrows at you, “You’re the only one even thinking about her. I haven’t even given her a second thought since you walked through the door of that place!”
You scoff, “Sure, Joe. Didn’t seem like it when your hands were all over her like a magnet.” You pointed out as you stood up slowly.
“Yeah?” He queried as he closed the gap between the two of you, “You mean like this?”
He roughly grabbed you by the waist and kneaded your hips with his strong calloused hands as he pulled you into him. Your faces so close, you thought he was going to kiss you, but he only hovered over your mouth. You were a deer in the headlights, your words caught in your throat somewhere. You almost forgot to take breath when you started to feel faint, so you took in a deep breath through your nose to recover.
You put your hands on his chest and started to push away.
“What are you doing, Toye?” You manage to say.
He jerked you back into him, slithering his one hand across the small of your back while the other one firmly caressed the swell of your ass. You tried to protest, but your voice betrayed you only allowing a whimper to escape from your throat. This man had you a melting hot mess in his arms and it only made you angrier that he was getting you flustered.
“What? Got nothin’ snarky to say now, sweetheart?” He teased.
The fire inside you began to rise, and you weren’t sure if it was because you were turned on, or pissed off.
“I hate you.” You sneered as you slipped out of his grasp and headed for the staircase.
Before you could lift your foot to take the first step, you feel yourself twirled back around and face to face with Toye in his arms.
*“Half of the people in the world are women…Why does it have to be you that stirs me?”* He growled before grabbing the back of your head to bring your mouth to his.
You wanted to fight back and push away again, but your body fought you, leaning into his body and fisting his uniform jacket to pull him as close as possible to you. You part your lips to allow his tongue to pass and explore yours. You playfully nip at his bottom lip eliciting a deep guttural groan from him. His hands scoured your body as his hips instinctively pushed his hard on against you. You dig your nails into his shoulders as you moan into his mouth.
You pull back, “Let’s take this upstairs.”
Toye only replied with a mischievous grin, then picked you up bridal style to carry you up the stairs. When you direct him to your room, he set you down to secure the door. Right at the moment he turned around, you forced him against the door and hungrily kiss him while unraveling his tie.
He grabbed you by the shoulders swinging you around pinning you against the door with a ‘thud’ then placed his hand around your throat. He tightened his grip enough to make a point he was in charge, but not hard enough to alarm you. You instinctively grab his wrist with both hands as you clenched your thighs together, hoping to get some friction against your core and to prevent the wetness from dripping down your leg.
You hissed through your teeth as a smile stretched across your face. Toye pressed himself harder against you, the bulge in his pants grinding into your pelvis. You slide one hand away from his wrist gradually finding your way to his belt buckle. His fingers around your neck increased their grip.
You ran your tongue along your lower lip. He looks from your eyes to your mouth as a smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. He suddenly scooped you up from behind your thighs wrapping your legs around his waist and carried you over to the bed, dropping you on your back onto the mattress.
He removed his tie, then with one hand unbuckled his belt all the while staring at you like a starved wolf about to pounce on his prey. You scoot to the edge of the bed and start to unbutton your uniform top. He situated himself between your spread knees at the edge of the bed.
You look up at him through your lashes and smile as you start to work on removing his pants. Your top partially open with your cleavage peaking through, he fisted the front with both hands and yanked the blouse off your shoulders. You wiggle out of the shirt and drop his pants and briefs as he removed his uniform top.
Now you were both ravenous for eachother just yanking off articles of clothing and throwing them carelessly onto the floor. Finally when he slid your panties off, a devilish grin graced his face when he saw how wet you were for him.
He looked at you roguishly as he glided two of his fingers up and down your drenched slit.
“Is this all from me?” His gruff honeyed voice had you melting in his hand.
You nod without breaking eye contact. He crawled over you, caging you in between his brawny arms. As his hardened dick rested on top of your center, he started to grind into you, coating the tip of his cock with your slick between your folds.
You couldn’t help but arch your back, rhythmically moving your hips with his to feel him rub against your clit. Your needy sighs spurred him on, knowing he was making you feel so good.
“Oh my God, Toye-“
“No. No more ‘Toye.’ I want to hear you say my name.” He commanded.
You stare at him.
“Fucking say it.” He ordered.
“Joe…” you breathed as you playfully nip at his lower lip, greedily locking onto his mouth.
He lifted you by the ass and pushed his length through your dripping entrance with one fleeting thrust forward.
You gasp then wrap your legs around his waist, waiting for the ride to begin. Joe unleashed over a year’s worth of pent up rage and frustration from the war onto you, railing into you in almost a deliciously painful pace. He was rough, and aggressive, yet attentive and sensual.
He sat up resting on his heels and angled you closer into him by hugging your thighs against him and driving into you, hitting that spot that had you edging to your finish.
He feels your walls constricting around his cock, and starts to slow his tempo. You look at him with a pout.
All you could manage was a strained, “Why?”
He pulled out and hastily flipped you onto your hands and knees. He reached around your front under your arms once again grabbing your throat with his perfect hand. He pulls you back until your back was flush with his chest.
He guided the back of your head to rest on his shoulder before he turned to your ear.
“You think that fucking Fox Company chump could’ve done this for you?” He hissed.
You feel his grip constricting your neck. You’re so fucked out you can’t help but laugh.
“Fucking answer me, sweetheart. You think that asshole’s got anything on me?” His voice rumbling in your ear like thunder.
You start to pant, your bare chest and peaked nipples heaving from overstimulation and restriction of oxygen.
“No, Joe. Never.” You huffed.
You feel his lips curl into a smile against your jawline. He nipped at your ear.
“That’s right, baby.” He purred before he thrusted you forward on all fours.
He lined his dick up with your slippery pussy and entered you with a sweet push forward until he bottomed out. He plummeted into you, spanking you occasionally while his hips slammed into you.
“My God, Joe.” You moaned pushing back into him so he can get inside you as deep as possible.
“Yeah, scream my name so all Fox Company can hear.”
He had a vice grip on your waist, guiding you back everytime his hips came forward. The slams of his front against your ass grew steadily louder with groans and grunts between the two of you.
His stride began to stagger, and you could feel him pulsate inside you.
“I’m getting close, sweetheart.” You hear his low rugged voice from behind you.
“Me too, Joe.”
“I know, I can feel you squeezing on me. Let go, baby.” He hummed.
He reached around finding your clit and began rubbing hard circles onto the bud.
You close your eyes and focus on the sensation of where his hands were and the throbbing of his cock inside you then hearing his voice roar,
“Come on, baby, let go for me.”
He chased your orgasm until he felt your walls fluttering around his cock. You throw your head back practically howling as ropes of Joe’s cum released over and over again inside you. A guttural grunt left Joe’s lips as he groped your ass to have something to hold onto to steady himself.
Sweat glistened on his chiseled torso while he caught his breath. He snatched the hand towel by the basin next to the bed to clean you up after he pulled out. He plopped onto the bed next to you, pulling you into him to hold you.
You each sigh, content and relaxed in eachother’s afterglow.
“Your little bunny friend is going to be heart broken.” You joke.
Joe chuckled, “Yeah, I have that effect on people.”
You giggled.
“I got my girl right here.” He added.
Joe looked down adoringly at you with your head on his shoulder, sensing his eyes were on you, you look up at him. He gently kissed your lips, then rubbed his nose on the tip of yours.
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heymickie · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel (Actor AU)
Adam and Lucifer used to play in movies/shows a lot together.
Adam and Lute are actually best friends, and both are uncomfortable that their characters are being shipped together. Especially since Lute is actually an asexual lesbian.
Adam feels really bad about talking to Charlie and Lute the way he does. He apologized after each take.
Lucifer is actually Charlie’s big brother (big age gap), Lucifer is just playing older than what he is.
Lucifer and Alastor had a lot of tension on set, no one knows why, but they do not get along.
Alastor has a hard time smiling in each take and will take the longest breaks between scenes due to the pain (he isn’t known to smile a lot off camera).
Alastor loves his character because he is AroAce as well, and he doesn’t usually get cast as a villain.
Alastor likes to do anything to get Lucifer mad at him, usually making him jealous because he and Charlie got really close.
Alastor has a lot of bloopers of him cussing (they decided to keep some for the show, but originally it wasn’t a part of his character).
Charlie and Vaggie are actually dating, but they like to tease fans by making them think Lute is also their girlfriend.
Both Charlie and Lucifer are nepo babies, Anthony teases Charlie about it lovingly.
Both Charlie and Anthony are child actors, they recently got done playing siblings in a show that they were on for the last 8-ish years.
Charlie messes up most of the scenes by giggling to the point it became apart of the character.
Vaggie is actually a dancer and decided to audition for Lute’s character, she was pleasantly surprised when given her role.
Anthony has a hard time being serious in the scenes where he has to make dirty jokes.
Anthony and Valentino are actually good friends.
Val feels so bad about his character and constantly breaking character to check on Anthony.
The Vees are all very close, Val and Vox are actually dating.
Val breaking Vox’s phone was unscripted.
When Val saw that fans were shipping his character with anyone, he posted on Hexigram (Instagram) that his character didn’t deserve ships.
“Friendly Reminder: The Val I play isn’t me. He is a prick and abusive, please don’t ship him with anyone. (But please ship me and Vox ooc 💕)”
Vox and Alastor are pretty close, but they fake beef online a lot (stupid shit like “quit eating my last poptart”).
Vel was asked for her role because Vox and Val had a hard time meshing with the last actress.
Husk doesn’t drink often, so he will either spit out his drinks or they will replace the drinks for water.
Husk is the most seasonal actor, when he messes up it's because the director pissed him off or to make the others feel better.
Husk is the one that suggested to Val and Anthony to talk and chill out to comfort each other before and after some particular hard scenes.
Most of Husk’s scenes are improv.
Cherri is an up-and-coming actress, she never expected her character to be staying but cried seeing she had a chance to be a regular in the season finale.
S.P. did his voice joking around, and the director loved it, so kept it in.
S.P. was given a stuffed eggboi from a fan and absolutely adores it! He keeps it put away safely.
🍓 - click for part two
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cheynovak · 7 months
Happy ever after?  
Sequel to: Another, other Cinderella story.
Soldier Boy x Reader (Y/N)  
Warnings: Angst, Smut, 18+, Alcohol, Soft dominance, ...   
Side note: English isn’t my first language.   
Words:  7286
*Does not follow The Boys storyline!* 
If you liked this, please check out my masterlist for other stories.
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Y/N is the rebellious daughter of a famous actor in the 1960. Her dad wants to keep her out of the public eye, since he cheated on his wife with her mother. All she wants to do is leave, have fun and start a life of her own. On one of her father’s parties, she meets Soldier Boy, who despite his reputation falls for the young girl. She is mesmerised by him, but how long can he hold the little rebel from discovering the world?  
Y/N woke up from the sunlight on her face. She turned around to feel her bed already empty and cold. Which unfortunately wasn’t a surprise anymore, he hasn’t been home for weeks.  Ben got more and more tasks, missions and projects since Vought knew about them.  
And even though he did manage to give her a nice condo, she did miss the action and fun she used to have in her old life. The last couple of months became clear he wanted her for himself, a nice woman to come home to. But deep down she knew that isn’t who she really is.  
Her dreams were to travel the world, see beautiful nature, cities that come to life at night, enjoy different cultures. She hoped Ben would be the same, but his red, white and blue blood thought there was nothing better than the USA. Why would one want to travel to let’s say Europe.  
But for now, she was content. 
Y/N got up and did her daily morning routine, she threw on one of Ben’s old shirts, she loved the fact it smelled like him, tobacco, vanilla and some other spices. She walked in the kitchen and made a fresh pot of coffee, while loading the washing machine, she would take a quick shower. Ready to start the day fresh.  
She lifted his shirt over her head and looked in the mirror, noticing a pretty big bruise on her hip. Y/N’s finger mover over the spot when realising Ben got a little too excited the last night they had spent, before him leaving. Maybe time to remind Ben again she is not a supe. Although the night itself she didn’t mind his roughness.  
While the hot water was streaming over her slightly sore body, her mind started to drift away to all the placed she once read about. Hoping that one day Ben would agree to come along with her. But for now, it stays with daydreaming.  
After breakfast Y/N went into town, trying to get her mind off of the fact that Ben was gone for a while to shoot a documentary on his life. And she was, once again, left to herself to enjoy life. Unconsciously she walked towards the travel agency.  
She stopped in front of the store, looked through the window. Asia, Europe, Africa, ... before she knew it, she stepped inside. It took almost an entire afternoon, the shop assistant was very friendly and helped her pick out 3 trips worth seeing.  
With books and information under her arm she walked back to the condo when she heard a familiar voice. “Y/N?” She turned around seeing the twins, Anna and Sara, she once befriended in school. “Oh my...Hi! How are you guys?” She hugged them.  
Y/N invited the girls over to her apartment for a cup of coffee. It had been almost 9 months since graduation. “Wow, girl you really did good for yourself.” Sara said looking around in the pretty big place. “It’s all from Ben, to be honest.” Y/N said while emptying her bags on the counter.  
“You really went through with that didn’t you?” Anna asked curiously. “We both thought it was just another one of your casual hook ups.” Y/N blushed hearing that. Answering, “Turns out he has something worth sticking around for.” -” Clearly.” They both said at the same time.  
The afternoon coffee turned into late night wines and take out Chinese food. Y/N never really thought often about her old life, but this lovely evening made her homesick, thinking about the fun times she was around her friends.  
Anna, Sara and Y/N agreed to see each other in the morning for breakfast and a shopping day. Just to relive their high school Saturdays. Y/N waved the girls goodbye at the door, smiling when she walked back inside.  
Y/N looked back at the mess they left on the table. “Right.” she let out with a satisfied sigh, she turned on the radio before cleaning and placing the last food scraps in the fridge. The music made her hum.  
She closed the fridge, jumping up when she noticed Ben leaning on the cabinets in the kitchen. “Yeez, Ben, you scared me.” She smiled as he walked towards her without saying a word. Her back pushed against the fridge. 
His hand went through her hair, while he looked in her eyes. “Hi.” Y/N whispered, drowning in his beautiful green eyes. His lips turn into a small smirk. “Hi.” he answered with the same tone before his lips claimed hers.  
Ben’s hands roamed over her body, it wasn’t new to her, him coming home and needing some sort of relieve before being able to have a ‘normal’ conversation. Y/N managed to break free for a second to breath. His mouth found its way to her neck. Sucking and kissing her skin.  
“I would really like to clean the rest of the table before going to bed.”  
” Who said I want to go to bed.” His voice sounded muffed against her neck. “The kitchen is good enough for me.” His hands moved from her thighs back to her cheek, demanding her head to look at him, so he could kiss her again.  
“B-Ben, I’m serious... give... me... 2 seconds.” she managed to say in between his hungry kisses. He let go of her lips with a deep and annoyed sigh. “Fine, hurry.” He answered grumpy. “I don’t want the room to smell in the morning.” She explained herself while Ben leaned back watching her.  
Secretly he loved that she played the role of housewife. Might even say it turns him on. His eye fell on the books that were lying on the corner of the kitchen cabinet. His curiosity took over, “What are you reading?” He asked while looking through the books. 
“Er, some travel research, just inspiration.” His eyes shot up from the counter to her. “Travel? You’re still thinking about leaving?” - “Well, not leaving.” She said rinsing the rag. “More like explore.” Y/N could feel his look, his disapproval, afraid to look up.  
A little hum was all he responded before she felt the warmth of his body radiating against her back. She felt his big hand caressing her hair, almost petting her. “Maybe you need a reminder.” His hand covered her neck right underneath her chin, pulling her head back.  
“Now, are you done?” His husky voice whispered against her ear. She nodded slow, part of her hated his dominant side, hated the fact that it turned her on as much as it did. Months ago, she would never, ever give up control. But with Ben, it was different.  
He turned her around before lifting her on his shoulder like a ragdoll, caring her to the bedroom. “I thought you didn’t want to go to the bedroom.” She answered a little sassy.  Ben’s hand landed flat on her ass. Making her gasp shortly. “Auw!” She sneered.  
He dropped her on the bed, hard enough to see the matrass bounce her back, ones. “You really need to learn how to keep that pretty mouth of yours shut.” His voice sounded deep and firm. “I thought you like me loud.” She said while pressing her lips together, trying not to laugh.  
She would have sworn his lip twitched at that comeback. But his dominant side came back fast. “Strip.” He said while looking down on her. Y/N did as she was told, throwing her clothes on the other side of the bed until she was bare.  
“Come here.” Ben said still fully dressed in his suit. She crawled towards him, the second her face was within reach he pulled her up by the back of her head. Making her kneel in front of him, his thumb moved over her partly separated lips.  
Y/N felt his finger pushing between her lips making her automatically wrap her lips around it and suck softly. Ben’s lips curled into a smirk, “That’s it baby girl. That is all I want that mouth of yours to do.” He said while pulling his finger out of her mouth.  
He looked down to his belt, giving her a silent order before he took off the bulletproof vest he wore over his shirt. Y/N undid his gun belt, unzipper his pants. She’s mouthwatering only by the thought of him. She never liked giving head, but the way Ben praised her made up for it.  
Ben was already hard for her, he lazily strokes himself a few times. “Open that dirty mouth.” once again she obeyed without a question. Her hands moved up his thighs, on their way to the base, so she could help herself a little.  
“Na-ah, hands on your lap, doll.” he said while he held her head. Y/N could feel his large hands guide her over his warm length, tasting the precum on her tongue. She looked at him while her eyes started to fill with tears. Each time Ben pulled her in she felt him further in her mouth.  
She focussed on taking him without gagging. “That’s it, good girl.” His praises made her moan around his cock. “You like it don’t you, sucking my dick.” She noticed a crack in Ben’s voice, she knew he was enjoying her moans. So, good girl as she is, she moaned again when Ben hit the back of her throat.   
And again... and again. Making Ben growl underneath his breath. His hips unable to stay still, he really wanted to fuck her mouth, but knew he would hurt her if he did. So, a little to his disappointment he needed to hold back.  
By the time he pulled out of her mouth the tears were streaming down her cheeks, her mascara ran out just a little under her eyes. “On your back. Hands above your head.” while she placed herself on the bed, she noticed him taking of the last pieces of clothing.  
He hovered above her, “now tell me baby, who do you belong to?” He asked sweet yet demanding, while his fingers moved in between their bodies, spreading her wetness with his fingers. Her head snapped back, gasping for air. “Hm? Who owns this tight pussy?” He repeated his question.  
“Y-you... Oh... Ben.” She felt the sharp sting of him pushing his dick all the way inside her. Her hands snapped to his shoulders, wanting to pull him closer. But before she could do so, Ben had his grip on her wrists above her. “I said hands above your head!” he commanded again.  
Ben’s thrusts were hard, sharp, normally he waits for her to adjust, but today he was needy. She felt the grip on her arm tighten when she fucked her so hard it was on the brim between pleasure and pain. “B-Ben... Slow..” He interrupted her by kissing her, forcing his tongue in her mouth.  
This movement made him slow down just a second, until he abrupt stopped. “What’s wrong doll, can’t take me anymore? Didn’t I fuck you enough lately?” His voice sounded sarcastic. “Need me to stop?” He asked while pulling out, making her whine at the sudden emptiness.  
“No, no Ben. Please.” She pleaded. “Please what?” He smirked. “Please, please fuck me... Please don’t stop!” She begged him, her hips moving underneath him trying to find friction. Before he pushed back into her, he let go of her wrists but pressed his hand down on her throat.  
Making her eyes roll to the back of her head. “Look at you, such a needy slut.” He pounded hard, holding his face next to hers “You’re not leaving me. You’re not going anywhere.” He breathed heavy. “All you’re going to do is fuck me. Whenever, wherever I want.”  
Y/N felt his thrusts getting uneven, the rhythm of his hips slowed down. One last thrust, one last growl, and Ben came inside her. His hold on her neck loosed and for the first time she realised how strong it was.  
Ben rolled of her, breathing heavy. He pulled her close to him, caressed her back. After a few unspoken seconds she opened her mouth, “I’ll be right back.” but the second she placed her feet on the floor trying to walk to the bathroom, she felt lightheaded. Ben noticed, jumping out of bed holding her.  
“Hey, hey, calm down, get back in bed. I’ll get a washcloth. Take it easy sweetheart.” All of the sudden all of the dominants in his voice changed to worry. Ben walked out holding two wash cloths. “Here.” He said, placing a wet cold one on her neck. She looked confused until she realised it felt amazing against her soar skin.  
“I keep forgetting you’re only human.” He said while taking care of her. “Is that an apology?” her voice sounded hoarse. She knew it was his way of saying he cared for her and that he was sorry. Or at least she hoped.  
He crawled back in bed. “Just, be more careful next time, ok?”  She whispered against his shoulder. Ben kept looking at the ceiling. “Or we could find another way.” Y/N didn’t understand him. He noticed her confused look.  
“Vought suggested to turn you into a supe, and honestly, I wouldn't mind.” She opened her mouth, “Hell no!” She answered harsh. “Hold your horses sweetheart, I told them you wouldn’t want that.” - “Why would you even want me to be one. Compound V is poison, it kills people.” 
“No, it doesn’t, that’s a gossip created by anti-believers.” - “Ben, I can’t believe this, a-are you serious?” -” Jesus Y/N, just...Stop lay down, relax.” - “No! No, I need to know Ben. Why would you want that? I’m a not good enough?”  
“It would be nicer not to hold back every time I touch you, yes.” She heard the hint of annoyance in his voice. “You’re a fucking porcelain doll in my hands. Like walking on fucking eggshells around you. I constantly need to think of it in the back of my head, quiet the turn off when you’re fucking someone.”  
Y/N held back every insult she wanted to throw at him. Instead, she turned her back to him and covered her sore body with the blankets. Feeling her eyes tear, not wanting him to see how deep those words hurt her. “Then why don't you find someone who is fucking perfect for you.” she whispered under her breath.  
The next morning, to her surprise she noticed Ben still sleeping, laying on his stomach, hugging the pillow. Due to their fight last night, he didn’t have the time to tell her they finished shooting early being able to be home for a few days. 
The doorbell rang Y/N put on a robe, before answering the door. Ben lifted his head, looking over his shoulder wondering who was here at this time. Y/N completely forgot the twins were here for breakfast and a day out. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” They yelled, hugging her, while holding balloons and a basket filled with croissants and sweets.  “You remembered.” Y/N seemingly surprised. “To be honest I'm not prepared yet.” She felt her cheeks blushing.  
“Don’t worry we’ll help you with the table.” The women fell immediately in their old habit of laughing and joking. Ben heard Y/N’s laugh in the other room, it gave him a warm feeling. But also, he felt a little guilty he didn’t got her anything for her birthday. He never even asked her when it was.  
After a short while Ben walked out the bedroom, wearing a sweatpants and shirt. He looked at the women around the table before he poured himself a coffee with wiskey. “You want something to eat?” Y/N asked. “Hm, yeah.” he grumped.  
She walked over to his grumpy ass in the kitchen. “Why didn’t you ever tell me your birthday?” He whispered a little irritated, she bends over to grab him a plate. “You never asked me.” She placed the plate next to him on the counter.  
“Plus...” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I had no idea you would be here today.” Ben didn’t hug her back, he noticed the light bruise on her neck. He just moved her robe slightly and kissed her sore neck before making sure it was covered again with robe.  
He turned around, to fill the empty plate, leaving for the open kitchen again. Not in the mood to join the girls.   
Y/N’s friends noticed the tension between them, “Everything ok?” - “Yeah, it’s nothing... Hey I’m going to get ready.” - “Where are you going?” They heard Ben from the kitchen while he crushed a few tablets on the counter. “We made plans to go shopping.” - “Have fun.” He said while snoring a line.  
Ben hated the fact that she went out, leaving him alone, but deep down he knows he can’t tie her up wanting her to wait for him like a lap dog. He saw the books again. She wants to leave me, she will leave me. Was all he thought.  
Y/N got home by 9pm a little tipsy, she saw Ben watching a tv show, his brows still frowning. “Honey I'm home.” She joked while dropping her purse on the table. Ben looked up at her, clearly not liking the state of her. “Took you long enough.”  
“Sorry mom.” She started to giggle at her own response. “Are you drunk?” Y/N could hear Ben’s disapproval. His tone surprised her. “Yess-sir” Y/N placed her hands on her hips after saluting him. “Had no idea I had to justify my action to you. Especially when you’re the picture of class.”  
Ben’s brows lifted. ”Come again?” -” You swear like a sailor, drink like a fish and take drugs like a, a, a fucking rockstar. Pretty embarrassing meeting my friends like that.” 
Y/N didn’t stop there. “You have no manners, whatsoever. You think you’re a gentleman while you are NEVER gentle with me. Ever thought about the fact that I actual love you?” Ben, surprised by her confession, walked slowly towards her.  
She continued her preach “...And that being loved, making love would be so much more satisfying mentally, maybe if you thought about anyone else except yourself for once, you would have noticed I'm rotting in this golden cage for you... YOU, BEN!”  
She made her way to the bedroom, leaving Ben standing in the living room. “Oh, and next time when you hear it’s someone’s birthday, you wish them a fucking HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” She yelled before smashing the door close. Her words lingered in his head. She loves me...  
Ben knew he felt different about her, different than any other person he’s ever been with, but he never thought of the idea this might be love. After a second that felt like an eternity, he opened the bedroom door only to hear the water running in the bathroom.  
Y/N heard Ben moving around in the bedroom next door, her tears blended with the water streaming down her face. She couldn’t believe she said all that to him, hoping it wouldn’t backlash. Because no matter how much she wanted to leave this place, she wants him more.  
She took all the courage she had to face him again. Ben was already sitting in bed, watching her walking over to her side, crawling under the covers. He still thought about the fact she, even though she was angry, admitted she loved him.  
He wanted to tell her he felt the same, or at least say something. But he had no idea how to.  “Goodnight.” was all she said giving him a soft peck on his cheek, before turning off her light.  
Y/N felt Ben moving behind her sinking down in bed, to her surprise he wraps his arms around her. “Happy birthday sweetheart.” he whispered in her ear before giving her a small kiss on her shoulder. She turned around facing him, nose to nose under the covers. “Thank you.”  
“And... I am...” Why was it so difficult to say he was sorry. “It’s ok. I know.” she said. Her hand moved to his cheek, feeling the light stubble growing under his skin. The air shifted, Y/N felt warmth rushing through her veins when Ben’s lips caressed hers.  
Their kiss deepened but she noticed a difference in his touch. Softer, more loving. “Ben... I’m exhausted.” She sighs while breaking the kiss. “I know.” He pulled her close to him. “Try to get some sleep, doll.” His large hands caressed the back of her head. “Sweet dreams.” He mumbled against her head. 
That night was the first time in a long time Y/N slept good, really good. Her face was hugged by Ben’s chin and chest. His steady heartbeat made her feel at ease, the circles Ben’s fingers drawn on her back felt soft and loving. Unfortunately, she got woken by the sound of the phone on the nightstand.  
Y/N felt Ben’s body move right before he answered the phone, letting go of her. Ben answered with an irritated sleepy voice. “Hm? Yeah, ... now? Can’t this wait? Hm, ok.” - “Duty calls?” She asked when he turned back to her. “Yes.” She lifted herself a little so she could kiss his grumpy lips. 
Ben held the doorknob in his hand, without looking to her, he asked: “I know there is a lot we still need to talk about, just... just promise me you wait with... making decisions until we had a decent conversation?” For the first time she saw a nervous Ben. he couldn’t even look at her.  
“I’ll be here when you come back.” She reinsured him. Ben nodded before leaving for Vought.  
A few days had passed. A man had called her today, saying he was an assistant at Vought, clamming Ben wanted her to come to Vought. This was unusual request, but she was hoping he wanted to talk about all that had happened over the past few days.  
Y/N was led into a small waiting room, sitting next to the security guard she met months ago. He greeted her at the door claiming to bring her to Ben. The blond receptionist kept giving her judgy looks. Y/N heard her phone ringing, she stopped typing only to answer it, when she hung up the phone, she told Y/N she could enter the room now. Still being followed by the big fella.  
Once inside she noticed Ben wasn’t there, the uncertain feeling in her gut became fear. “Why am I summoned here? Who are you?” her voice almost broke trying hard not to let her fear out. “Ah, miss. Y/L/N/, good to finally meet you. Please sit.”  
"You can call me the legend, Senior Vice President of Hero Management here at Vought. You may have heard of me.” - “I’m sorry can’t say I have.” She said while taking the chair opposite his. 
“We asked you to come here to discuss an urgent matter. We are aware of your relationship with Soldier Boy. And he made it very clear he doesn’t want to break things off with you. And even though we are thrilled there is a woman out there who can, tame, our best soldier, we still want to make sure he knows his duty. “ 
“I don’t see the problem. As far as I know he has been up and ready every time you called.” - “Well miss Y/L/N you are not around when he is doing his job. On his last job, a documentary he left, leaving us with a lot of debt to a lot of people.”  
“Because I quote: “He didn’t need this fucking job, and he sure as hell don’t need a team, he can spend his time with someone better.” That did sound like Ben. “Now we, at Vought, believe a crew would lighten the workload and encourage young supes. You know send a bright message to the world.” the man gave his sales pitch.  
” Let me guess, you want me to convince him?” Y/N interrupted his story. “Well, actually miss Y/N, can I call you Y/N?” She nodded once. “We want you to be part of it, guide Ben in being a leader, show the young girls out there a woman can accomplish the same things a man can. After all you are quite the rebel back in the day I heard.”  
Y/N frowned, “Oh Soldier boy couldn’t stop talking about the young girl turning her back to her family to run away with him. Almost a fairytale we want to tell.” Y/N’s suspicions grew bigger, shifting in her chair.  
“But then again...” He stood up walking over to her. His hand moved away her hair. “ We don’t want the world to see that our beloved hero leaves bruises on pretty little girls.”  His hand moved over the sore spot on her neck. Making Y/N push his hand away.  
The bodyguard took a step forward, but the legend waved him away. “I don’t care about your popularity.” Y/N said. “But you do care about him, and he does care about his status. So here is the proposition, we give you the power, make you a superhero, and you get your life out in public with Ben.”  
“No.” Y/N could see the old man’s brows frown. “Sorry?” - “Are you deaf, I said no.” Y/N got up, but the large man blocked her. “I really wanted to do things different sweetheart.” She heard the older man say before she felt a pinch in her neck.  
The next thing Y/N knew she woke up under rubble, her throat was dry from the dust around her. She would have sworn she heard Ben’s voice. She tried to call for him but was unable to get a sound out of her. A beam of light shined on her face. “WE GOT ONE.” She heard a man yell.  
Bricks and other rubble got lifted of her, piece by piece. Her legs still trapped under a metal beam. “We need assistance here, she is trapped.” The man called out. Y/N vision was troubled. “Y/N? Oh god Y/N!” This time she was sure, she heard Ben’s voice.  
Ben lifted the beam of her legs before he kneeled down next to her. “I got you sweetheart, hang on.” He carried her in his arms, her weak body close against his. “MOVE!” she heard him shout at the people in front of him. He brought her over to the ambulance. “Soldier boy, there are still other people trapped in the store.” 
He looked at the police officer in charge, “looks like there is enough help from the fire department and the police. I’m going to the hospital with her.” he closed the door of the ambulance with Y/N in it. The entire ride he held her hand, worried, trying to understand why she was in the travel agency again. She did promise him not to make decisions before they could talk.  
Once in the hospital it became clear Y/N needed blood and quickly and even then, it wasn’t sure she would make it. Ben was angry and upset. He yelled at the doctors they needed to do more when he felt the legends hand on his shoulder. “There might be a way to help her heal up faster.” - “No, no she won’t...” he thought for a second. “She would never agree to turn her into a supe.”  
“Who said anything on turning her my boy. She needs blood, give her yours.” Ben looked at the doctor. “Could that work?” - “It might. We never tested it.” Ben looked through the window at Y/N laying in the hospital bed with a weak heartbeat on the monitor. I can’t lose her. He thought. “Ok”  
Little did he know, Vought had run tests with Ben’s blood. Turned out that injecting someone with enough blood would change them. Ben had enough compound V in his system that his blood made it possible to create or change the cells inside another person. Only if their body was shutting down, his blood would react like a surviving mechanism.  
Y/N woke up from a discussion in the hall, without opening her eyes she knew it was Ben. “You told me she is healthy, then why the fuck isn’t she wake yet!?” Slowly she opened her eyes, getting used to the light in the room. The fog before her eyes cleared, but soon she felt the pounding headache making her growl under her breath. 
She looked around the room noticing Ben was talking to the doctor in the hall, she saw that the door was closed. Weird I thought he was standing next to me. Y/N thought. “Ben?” she softly spoke. She saw him turning his head looking at her through the window before storming inside. “Hey doll. How are you feeling?”  
Y/N thought about that for a second.” Part from the headache, fine. What happened?” - “A terrorist blew up midtown, you were.... shopping. I found you amongst the victims.” Y/N couldn’t recall this happening, couldn’t even remember she went shopping in the first place.  
“How many...” Her voice broke. “Everyone made it. You lost a lot of blood, we had to eh, give you a blood transfusion.” She saw the terror in Ben’s eyes. “What’s wrong?” - “You almost didn’t make it. And eh, we decided to try something... new. We, eh, gave you, my blood.”  
“What?” - “We gave you, my blood.” he repeated. Y/N blinked her eyes a few times, trying to understand. The doctor walked in checking her vitals one last time. “So, what side effects does that give?” Both men looked at each other. “I presume there will be side effects.”  
“We don’t know yet, but there is a possibility you will have his powers or maybe even copy some of his personality traits, just for a while until your blood fought off his cells.” The doc said. “Is that why I have a headache?” - “That’s my best guess. You may leave the hospital now, but I would like to see you for a check-up later this week.”  
The entire ride home Y/N didn’t say a word, the thought of having his blood, compound V, rush through her veins made her stomach turn. But she also knew he did it to safe her. Once inside their safe space in the apartment she turned towards Ben, wrapped her arms around his ribs and just hugged him. He answered by rubbing his hand on her back.  
“Y/N?” - “Hm?” - “Why were you at the travel agency?” - “I don’t know, I don’t even remember going shopping.” she looked at him. Y/N saw the fear in his eyes. “I just... thought, we would talk when I got back.” He pulled her arms off him. “But it seems you already made your decision without me.”  She shook her head, “No.”  
“How can you say that when you don’t even remember a thing.” His voice turned cold. “Because I remember our fight, how miserable I felt, thinking I want to be with you, Ben.” She could see he wasn’t convinced yet. “Ben, let’s talk now. Let’s fix this, this tension between us.” - “There wouldn’t be tension if you just knew your place!”  
“My place? Where the fuck would that be!” She matched his tone. “You know what, fuck this, no! Fuck you. Since the first day we met you claimed me like some fucking price. I’m no fucking object you can buy. I’m not a toy you can play with when you’re bored! I’m done. I’m so, SO DONE!” Y/N smashed her fist against the kitchen counter breaking the marble countertop. 
Ben grabbed her hand to check if she was fine. “Let go of me.” she pulled her hand out of his grip. “I’m still mad at you.” He looked him dead in the eye before she walked to the bedroom packing a bag. “What are you doing?” He stood in the door. “Maybe you need a little time alone. I know I do.” 
“Time alone?” - “Yeah, alone, like not being used to me waiting around for you, not being able to visit your puppet, you know the one you think about only when your fucking boner talks to you.” Y/N was ruthless, the things she said to him, she never even dared to say out loud afraid he would walk out on her. But now she felt strong enough to walk out on him.  
“I just saved your life.” - “You changed me into the last thing I wanted in this life.” - “We had no idea. This will all end sooner or later.” - “What if it doesn’t? I can’t even look at you anymore Ben. So fucking selfish.”  
Ben grabbed her arm. “If you leave know, you don’t need to come back.” He said in despair, his body screamed anger, his eyes trying to show dominance but glanced at hers in fear. Y/N nodded slow, letting his words sink in. “Good luck finding another fuck toy.”  
Years passed; Y/N travelled the world like she wanted to. But never really being able to forget about Ben. She sends him a post card from every land she visited, not even knowing if he would receive them, or even still had the condo. But she needed to tell him about her days.  
Once she heard the news that Soldier boy and Crimson Countess started dating, she stopped sending cards. She hated herself for not getting home earlier, she always planned on getting home, talk to him, convinced him she still loved him. But she was afraid, afraid he would turn his back to her.  
Y/N needed the travel not just for the memories, but for her mental health. During her time alone she noticed more and more powers compatible with Ben’s. She had a hard time trying to figure out how to live with it, how to accept it. She used the time to find a cure, but never found one. So when she had to deal with the fact, she would be forever a superhero, she hated herself.  
Now many years later, Butcher had found her, via intel coming from the legend himself. “You want to win him over by bringing him the head of Countess on a silver plate? Boy you need much more than that.” He shook his head. “I suggest you find the reason he made his relationship with the young redhead public. Y/N.”  
The entire It couple gimmick began when Ben had the brilliant idea of making Y/N jealous. He had no idea where she was so reaching her was difficult, by the time he got her cards she was probably halfway around the world again. So, he agreed, after a few years, to leading a superhero team. Making Crimson countess his girl.  
When Y/N broke all contact, he started to appreciate crimson more and more. Desperately trying to forget Y/N.  
“Can I help you?” Y/N said to the men waiting at her door, in her New York apartment. “Maybe luv, we are looking for miss Y/N Y/L/N.” - “You found her.” she answered very calm, leading them inside. Hughie was surprised, thinking they were searching for a woman in her 80s. Not a young girl looking not even a day older as him.  
Butcher explained her how they found Ben. How he was the one to blow up mid-town. Y/N sat at the table looking over to Hughie, French and MM while Butcher kept giving his pitch. “So, you are telling me not only that Ben is still alive, but that he has a new superpower, radiation or something?”  
“Precisely luv.” She British fella grinned while leaning back in his chair. Y/N nodded slow. “And you want me to ‘control’ Ben, for... you?” - “Well to ease him. Making sure he won’t blow up again.” Hughie corrected trying to flash her a smile but to nervous.  
“Get the fuck out of my apartment.” She said looking Butcher straight in the eye. Who clearly didn’t expect her answer. “Out, before I kick you out.” She got up and opened the door for the men. ”Oh and a word of advice. No one, and I mean no one, can guide Ben. He does what he wants, when he wants and well, how he wants. So, good luck.” Y/N said before closing the door in their faces. 
But Butcher had made her curious, a part of her wanted to see Ben again, she always had known, the story of him being dead was fake.  She felt he was still alive, was it her undying love for him or the fact that his cells made her to who she is now a days. But she knew one day he would be back from the dead.  
So, Y/N decided to follow the men, seeing where Ben stayed. No intentions to meet him, but when she saw him, her heart stopped. She sat in her car watching Ben opening the small motel door, wearing a baseball shirt and sweatpants. But his physique was nearly untouched, she saw he was slightly skinnier, what to expect after 40 years of torture and sleep in Russia.  
Before she knew it, she stood in front of the door, letting out a deep sigh. “Please don’t be angry.” she whispered under her breath.  
Ben held his hand up, making Butcher and Hughie shut up. “Did you...” he broke off the sentence he wanted to say walking towards the door.  
Right when Y/N wanted to knock on the door, it opened. Her eyes locked with his in an instant. “Hi.” she said breathing heavy. For a second that felt like a lifetime she stared at his beautiful eyes, roamed his face, noticing those freckles she loved. Feeling the desire to kiss his full lips. Needing to taste them once more.  
Ben kept looking at her like he saw a ghost. When he didn’t move aside or say anything, she started to regret coming here. “T-this was a mistake, I’m sorry to bother you.” But those words seemed to wake him up. Right when she wanted to turn away, he grabbed her tight, pulling her in his arms.  
She felt his chin and nose on her head, while one of his hands rested on her back the other one caressed her hair. “I thought I would never see you again.” He blurred out. “I thought you didn’t want to see me anymore.” He slightly loosened his grip on her, only to look at her again.  
“You cut your hair.” He noticed the once luscious locks were trimmed to a long bob, making her hair wavy now. “Well, you grew a beard.” Her hand instinctively moved to his chin. Accidently moving her thumb against his lips.  
That small touch started the fire withing them. Ben immediately held the back of her neck, pulling her up to kiss her. Passioned but controlled, when they let go of each other, their eyes where once again locked. Butcher and Hughie left the room. “We shall give you two time to talk.” The Brit said when walking passed them.  
“Fuck I missed you, Doll.” She could hear the heat in his voice. “How much?” she flirter, Ben’s lips curled in a smirk. “I’ll show you.” he whispered before finding her lips again. All their sorrow, doubts and fears flew out the window.  
Ben placed her down on the bed underneath him. His hands moved over her body, already stripped her from her clothing. His large hands cupped her breast, kneading softly before pulled her bra straps down.  
His lips sucked at her already harden nipples. Making her moan his name in a prayer. “You haven’t aged a day. Still so fucking beautiful.” He breathed out when his hand moves in between them, finding her wet core. His fingers glided through her fold, coating before slipping two fingers inside her.  
“Hm.. Still so tight.” He moaned in her ear while her back arched. When Ben wanted to move down she pulled him back up by the back of his head. “Ben... I don’t want to wait.” - “Tell me what you want doll.”  
She pulled his shirt over his head before using her strength to turn them around. Pulling his pants down to his knees and straddled him. “I need you...” she pumped his hard, thick cock with her small hands. “Inside me, now.”  
“Are you sure?” His cocky grin appeared. “Fuck... yes.” she answered while she sank down on his cock. Letting her head fall back. Ben’s hands moved up over her breasts and neck. Her body instinctively started to grind against his. 
The moans and praised sounded out of porn movie. But for them this felt like heaven. Ben lifted himself, kneaded her ass cheeks while guiding her. While her hands found their way to the back of his head and shoulders. Feeling his slightly longer hair through her fingers. Tugging while her lips concurred his.  
Ben felt her tightening around his shaft, knowing she was close, he turned her on her back. Hovering over her while his hips found a little faster but, oh so good pace. He knew from that moment he wouldn’t be able to hold back when she came, and he didn’t care, he needed to hear her moan his name in ecstasy.  
“Oh Ben...” She moaned while her back arched, her legs tightened around his hip. “Let go sweetheart, I got you.” Where the last words she heard before blanking into a breath taking, leg shaking orgasm. She was so out of this world, that by the time she came down, she noticed Ben had his at the same time as her.  
Ben laid down next to her. She looked at him, “what?” he asked out of breath. “You were, softer than I remember.” She noticed. ”Well...” his hand moved over his face to his hair. “A very special girl once told me to be more... gentle. Something about making love would be so much more satisfying.” 
Y/N bit her lip. “And I promised myself, if she ever gave me a change, I would show her how a man makes love to his woman.” he added. Y/N felt tears of joy in eyes. His woman... She crawled back on top of him, kissing him once more.  
“Thank you.” She smiled.  
She noticed a question lingering on his lips. “What’s wrong?” His eyes found hers again. “Stay here, at least tonight.” Ben said, realising his words weren’t a question. So, he added “Please?” after a second.  
Y/N’s lips curled into a smile once more. “Why should I?” she teased, knowing it would drive him crazy. Expecting him to say something along the line of “I’ll make it worth your while, or I'm not done fucking you.”  
But no, he thought about it for a second and said:  
“Because I love you.”  
Thanks for reading, if you like it feel free to like, share or comment. 🩵
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mephilesthedork · 1 year
A friendly reminder that these four share the same voice actor:
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Have a wonderful day.
Steve Blum
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wordsaresimple-imnot · 5 months
Truth or dare - Joe Toye x F!Reader
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Summary: Could taking Toye's cigarette from his mouth on a dare be the push Reader and him need to cut the recent tension in their friendship?
Warnings: Cursing, heavy make-up, suggestive ending. 1st person POV (female, no use of y/n).
A/N: I have the biggest respect for the real life heroes of WWII (and all other wars, past & current), this work & all other works is based on the actor(s) and character(s) portrayed in the Band of Brothers series.
A/N pt 2: This is the second fic I've posted today and I'm really hoping it's good. The ending leaves room for a possible smut part 2 if anyone is interesting. Comments, likes, reblogs mean everything to me. Thank you & enjoy!
"What's so funny?" I ask as I sit down at the nurses table in the mess hall. I got there just in time to grab the last bits of lunch options before my shift starts.
"We are playing 'truth or dare' and Emily just had to answer who she'd rather kiss: Tab or Luz." Betty told me between giggles.
"Well? Who'd you pick?" I shoot Emily a smirk, already knowing her answer as we've been the only ones in our group that came from Toccoa and therefore the closest.
"Tab." Her face gets redder, as if that was possible, then she gets a mischievous look in her eye. "Your turn. Truth or dare?"
"Dare." I know she knows too much dirt on me to let her ask a question. But judging by the smile spreading on her face, I'm not sure I chose correctly.
"Go get that cigarette Toye is smoking." Her smile widens as the girls within earshot say 'oh' and some whistle.
Joe Toye is not someone that most of the nurses like dealing with. Not that he's rude or inappropriate, he just intimidates them. Not as bad as Spiers, but they put him right up there. From an outsiders point of view I can understand, he's not overly friendly like most of the guys in Easy you have to work a little to weasel past the hard exterior.
For myself, all I had to do was shoot Tab down for the billionth time back in Georgia as I was wrapping up his ankle that he twisted on yet another Currahee run. Don't get me wrong, I like Tab but not in that way and the quicker I could make him understand that the sooner we could just enjoy being friends.
Right when I was finishing up with his wrap, he started to say another pick-up line and being at my wits end I snapped a little. Grabbing his ankle I put enough pressure on it that made him stop talking and sit up straighter.
"Tab, if you come onto me one more time I will break your ankle. Do you understand me?" I kept my voice low and hard, maintaining direct eye contact so he knew I wasn't playing. With a small gulp, he nodded his head and I put on my most charming smile. "Wonderful, now take it easy with that ankle. If Sobel gives you a hard time about it, let me know and I'll put in a word with my supervisor to find a reason to annoy him."
With a final nod, I got him off the bed and started to help him to the door when a hand pushed me to the side and took my spot next to Tab. My protest died on my lips as I came face to face with Toye.
"I can take him from here, ma'am, thanks." He threw Tab's arm over his shoulder and started moving to the door. Two steps later he looked over his shoulder back at me with a small smirk on his face and said, "Remind me to not piss you off when you're fixing me up." Without waiting for a reply, he turned back around and kept himself and Tab moving.
From that day forward a friendship of sorts grew and since landing in Europe and dealing with the horrors of the war in our faces everyday, we'd grown even closer. The past few weeks things are taken a turn to being more flirty with beginning stages of intimacy. Jokes whispered in each others ears just so we can be closer than normal, fingers touching when handing each other items, lingering hugs, forehead and cheek kisses. It was all adding up and creating a tension neither of us seemed ready yet to break but didn't want to dispel either.
Emily's foot nudging mine under the table breaks me from my memories and makes me send her a glare. She's fully aware of the gray area Toye and I are in at the moment and seems to be all too happy to add fuel to that fire. I give a loud sigh and look around till I find him sitting a few rows to our left, sitting with Guarnere and Buck. Inwardly I groan, those two are never going to let me live this down.
With a final glare in her direction, I stand up and make my way over towards the guys. I can feel all of the girls eyes on my back which does nothing in helping me stay calm.
All three of them see me at the same time and smile in greeting.
"Hey doll, how's it going?" Buck asks as I sit across from him, next to Toye.
"About to go on shift, thought I'd say a quick hi and get a smoke." I shrug, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Here ya go." Bill tosses his pack my way from next to Buck.
"Thanks, but uh, I think I'll take this one." Before I can over think it, I pluck the cigarette resting between Toye's lips and take a long drag. I blow the smoke right in his face, hoping it'll hide how red my face is and stand up quickly. "Always a pleasure."
I practically jog to the nurses table, ignoring the laughs and 'good jobs' as I grab Emily by the arm and force her to leave the mess hall with me. I don't let go of her until we are nearly at the medic station. With a final puff I toss my stolen cigarette into the road and turn to face my friend that hasn't stopped beaming at me since I grabbed her.
"What?!" I sound almost frantic.
"Oh calm down, it's not the end of the world. It was just a cigarette."
"How do I even begin to explain what that was?" I put my hands on my hips.
Emily shrugs and flicks some invisible dust off her shoulder, "Just tell him that it was dare. But honestly, I don't think he really cares why you did it. The way he was looking at you as we left was more than mild interest. You're welcome." She pats my cheek and goes into the medic station, leaving me with no choice but to groan and follow her.
It doesn't take long for me to push the earlier experience from my mind and become overwhelmed with current and new patients in need of varying medical attention. Most are stable and just need an easy wrapping or cleaning up. There's a few that have been with us for a little while that still need monitoring but they're in relatively good spirits so it helps make the shift not too depression.
It's fully dark outside when I finally am able to step away and take a breather. With a signal to Emily letting her know I'll be around back, I slip out quietly and lean against the backwall of the building. I can't be alone more than a few minutes when I hear footsteps heading my way. I just want to be alone. But my annoyance goes away when I see who it is.
Neither of us speaks as he stops right in front of me and tucks a lose piece of hair behind my ear.
"You okay?" His words are soft and light, barely above a whisper as if he's afraid anything louder would break the small bit of peace we've managed to get in this hidden area. All I do is nod, not wanting to elaborate on the different faces and wounds I've been dealing with the past hours. His response is to pull me in his arms and spin us around so that his back is against the wall and I'm leaning against him.
We stay like that for a bit, listening to the noises on the street and each other breathing. It's nearly enough to make me fall asleep when I feel his chest rumble and the question I've been dreading is asked.
"So what was that at lunch?" I groan into his chest before pushing back far enough to look at his face. Fuck Joe Toye for being beautiful and sexy at the same time when he allows himself to give a full smile, not just a smirk.
"The girls were playing truth or dare and that was my dare. Sorry." I shoot him a small smile and pray he just drops it. He gives a small hum as he takes in my words.
"Well then, truth or dare?" He leans more against the wall, waiting for my answer. I gape at him.
"You can't be serious." The intimidating Joe Toye is trying to play 'truth or dare' with me? What the fuck.
"I'm always seriously," Joe winks, "so, truth or dare?" The glint in his eyes tells me there is no safe choice.
"Dare." I'd rather do something stupid than be asked something I'd rather not answer right now.
The silence stretches between us almost to an unbearable point, making me start to fidget in his arms.
"Close your eyes." His words make me freeze and my face scrunches up in confusion.
"That's my dare?" I'm trying to figure out what the catch is, but I can't find one.
"Close. Your. Eyes." His voice leaves no room for argument and since it's not anything crazy all I can do is comply.
With my eyes closed I try to use my others senses to figure out what his next step is. At first all he does is stand up straighter, move one hand up my back and gently cups my cheek. Joe pulls me a little closer to him and then I can feel his breathe on my lips.
"I'm going to do something now and I only want you to respond if it's something you really want. If you don't, just push me away." I barely finish processing his words when his lips brush against mine softly, teasingly.
When I don't make a move to push him away, he gently pecks my lips still in a teasing manner. The next time his lips touch mine I grab onto his jacket to hold him there and kiss him back. At the feel of his tongue tracing my lips I open my mouth and let him have complete control.
We lose track of time staying wrapped up in each others arms, making out like teenagers. We break apart at the same time when we finally need air. I'm not sure what comes over me but I kiss along his cheek, making my way to his neck and begin nipping at his exposed flesh. The hand that had been on my check moves to my the back of my head, fisting my hair but not moving me away. His breathing is becoming more ragged and when a groan escapes his lips from a particular bite I leave I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. As my tongue works to sooth the sting, the hand that was on my back drops down and grabs my ass, pushing my hips against his, letting me feel his erection.
"Joe." His name comes out as a whimper mixed with a moan and that makes him grind against me again.
Just as we are about to kiss again, someone clears their throat and we freeze.
"Very sorry to interrupt, and believe me I am sorry, but I need help checking wounds and restocking the stations." Emily's voice is both amused and apologetic.
"Yeah, I'll be right there, Em." My voice comes out much too ragged but it's not like she doesn't know the reason at this point. I wait till her footsteps grow faint, before beginning to pull away from Joe. He's slow to let me go and only manages to move his hands back to my waist.
"I should be off in a few more hours...can I come find you after?"
"No need, I'll be waiting outside for you. I believe we have some things to finish." He pulls me flush against him, making his point perfectly clear. Before I can think of a cheeky response, he gives me a final, firm kiss and spins me around towards to way back inside the building.
I walk a few steps, then turn around and shoot him an innocent smile, "No touching before you find me, Toye. I have a few ideas on how to spice up 'truth or dare'." I laugh lightly to myself when all I can hear as I round the corner to the building entrance is Joe cursing.
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finkinthisfrew · 1 year
I have a request for a smaller story like blurb. Smutty jealous Matty is always hot lol
Yessss!! I looooove smutty jealous Matty! Here you go- hope this is up your alley :)
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cw: 18+ in public kinda just a little
I love the thought of Matty taking you to some event, like the Grammy’s or the Brit Awards. Matty gets stuck in conversation with someone. You’re stood to the side, hands clasped politely as you try to follow along with whatever they’re talking about, your attention eventually drifting to the two children a few tables away from you. They’re dancing and giggling, and it’s an adorable sight to see. Several people have already turned to watch. “I reckon they’re paid actors, don’t you?” You hear come from behind you. You turn, coming face to face with the friendly face of a handsome man, his smile warm and genuine. “Definitely- far too cute to be authentic,” you say with a grin, grateful for some lighthearted conversation after several hours of introductions and forced pleasantry. You stand together, cracking a few more paid actor jokes as you watch the children in adoration, their laughter and joy so genuine it hurts your heart.
Only a few minutes into chatting, a man in coattails breaks you up, ushering everyone to their seats before the lights dim, the awards ceremony about to start. You wave farewell to your new friend and he winks at you, making you blush from shock right as you feel a familiar warmth wrapping itself around your waist. “If I got a pound for every man that fucked you with his eyes tonight, I’d be filthy rich,” Matty says teasingly, pressing a kiss into your cheek as he stares daggers into the back of the handsome man who sat down just a few tables away from yours. “You’re insane, Matty. We were talking about children,” you laugh defensively, the red of your cheeks deepening. “I have no doubt in my mind he was imagining them as your own children. Names picked out and everything,” Matty says with a cheeky grin as he pulls your chair out for you to sit in. His voice is light-hearted, but you can hear the tone of huffiness underneath- he’s jealous. “Matty, the woman you were just talking to was flirting with you in FRONT of me,” you say pointedly as you sit down. “Oh, she’s nightmare,” he shudders before joining you in the seat next to you, “but that man seemed far from a nightmare with that dashing smile of his. Such a handsome boy he was. Was that a wink I caught?” Matty’s teasing, but you don’t take any of it personally. In fact, you kind of enjoy it. Matty always gets territorial when he’s jealous.
“He winked? I didn’t notice,” you lie. Matty’s eyebrows raise, clocking your smug grin and avoidant eyes as you sip your champagne. You’re sat a couple feet away from Matty, the chairs evenly spaced around the round table, but you see Matty lean towards you, and all of a sudden your centre of gravity shifts unexpectedly, your chair yanked below you. Suddenly your thigh is touching his thigh, and his breath is hot in your ear. “Oh you didn’t, did you?” he says, his voice low and gravelly, sending a shiver through you. But it’s not a shiver of fear. It’s a shiver of anticipation, because you love this game, and he loves it even more. “No,” you say bluntly, “But I can ask. Would you like me to go over and ask him if he was flirting with me?” You lean towards Matty as you speak, your low neckline leaving little to the imagination- even less the more you lean towards him. You watch his eyes, drooping with lust, flit down to your chest, back up to your eyes, down to your lips, and repeat. You can feel yourself growing wet from the candor of his gaze. He leans back to your ear, his breath tickling the bare skin of your neck as he speaks quietly. “Needn’t I remind you that you are mine. And I don’t like to share. Have you forgotten that, darling?” You feel his hand on your lap find the high slit of your dress. His fingers slip under the fabric stroking your now buzzing skin, his touch sending a swarm of butterflies down south. But his fingers don’t stop. They’re tickling the inside of your thigh as he innocently kisses your cheek- the entire room unaware of what’s happening behind the tablecloth below you. Matty leans in closer, draping his arm casually around your chair, his fingers lazily trailing along your shoulder. “You have trouble remembering that, don’t you baby?” He whispers. You turn to look at him, but he’s smiling innocently at you- beaming, in fact. Anyone looking would think ‘Oh, what a sweet couple, so young and in love, gazing into each other's eyes!’. Meanwhile, Matty’s hand only travels higher up the inside of your thigh, dangerously close to where you're most desperate for his touch. You turn to look at the person who’s stepped on stage, trying to look as composed as Matty, too aware of how gloriously you and your red cheeks were failing. “I don’t like you forgetting that,” Matty growls in your ear. You can feel the heat from his fingers- they can’t be more than a couple millimetres away from the now soaking-wet fabric of your panties. “How can we make sure you never forget that? Any ideas, darling?” He whispers sweetly. Your eyes are glued to the host giving their introductory speech on stage, but all you can see is Matty, shirtless, muscles gleaming with sweat, and his eyes, dark beneath the curtain of thick curls, piercing through you with lust. “Maybe I should marry you so everyone knows you belong to me,” he says quietly, watching your chest cave with desire. You both were desperate for marriage, only waiting for a full year of dating to hit so you wouldn’t freak out your friends and family. “Or maybe I should fuck it into you,” he breathes. His fingers finally make contact with your panties and you stifle your gasp, biting down on your lip. You can feel Matty’s eyes on your face just as clearly as you can feel his finger running up your slit, just enough pressure to send shockwaves of pleasure through your body, but not enough to feel satisfied. “Do you think if I fuck it into you hard enough,” he starts quietly, “enough that you can’t walk for, I don’t know, let’s say… 2 weeks? Maybe then you won’t forget?” His voice sounds innocent, but his actions are downright devilish. His finger stops on your clit and you freeze. He presses down and you stop breathing. Slowly, he begins to rub circles through the fabric. “I’ll make you cum so hard, I won’t let you stop cumming. You’ll cum so hard, you’ll forget your own name. The only one you’ll know is mine, because you’ll be screaming it so loud. Maybe then you’ll remember it while talking to these drooling dogs.”
Suddenly, the room erupts in applause, and Matty’s hand is gone. You realize you’re practically hunched over, panting in desperation. You straighten your back, shooting Matty a poisonous glare as you join in on the applause, but he’s looking up at the stage, smiling politely as he claps for the new speaker, about to announce the first award of the evening. As the applause dies down, Matty picks up his glass of wine, taking a small sip before wrapping his arm back around you, your clit now furiously starved for attention. You take your champagne flute and down the entire glass, uncertain how you’re going to get through the whole night. With Matty now politely listening to the new speaker, you let your eyes wander away from the stage and down to your laps, both covered by the tablecloth. You casually set down your champagne flute on the table, then as if to place your hand on Matty’s lap, you push back the tablecloth slightly- just enough to reveal the straining erection pushing against the pants of Matty’s suit. You look up to see Matty smiling at you, a twinkle in his eye. He places his wine back down before leaning into your ear, whispering just loud enough so only you can hear. “Don’t worry darling, intermission is only an hour away. I’ll fuck you nice and good in the hall closet then.” You feel his hand sneak its way back between your thighs and you sigh in frustration before leaning across the table for the Champagne bucket. You ignore Matty’s smile as you pour yourself a full glass, down it, then pour yourself a second, leaning back in your chair before sighing again. It was going to be a very long hour.
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mogwaei · 6 months
Friendly reminder that Dave Jones, voice and actor of BG3 Halsin is still signing my art prints on Streamily!
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me. I am incredibly fortunate that I got this opportunity among so many other phenomenal artists, I'll never forget this!
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fanby-fckry · 5 months
Had to delete a reblog from the queue because it turned out it was ai-voiced.
Friendly reminder that multiple voice actors have spoken out against feeding their voices into ai and stealing their character voices. Unless you have explicit permission from a VA, you should not be making ai-voiced anything with their characters.
If you wanna make fan-content, but can’t do voices, yourself, then get together with other fans or commission somebody. Or write the script and post it unvoiced.
There is no reason to do this.
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falling-star-cygnus · 4 months
it pains me greatly to refer to Sampo’s hair as dark blue
i didn't get Aventurine, even after playing through his entire banner, and i'm devastated. but at least now im guaranteed for Boothill
will it become angst? will it be fluffy friendship feels? who knows? -> you don't, i certainly don't
let's find out together! -> continuation of this post
This man was way too close for comfort.
Dark blue hair, closer to a violet if the light hit it and shadowed by white, hung in front a handsomely familiar face. But the seriousness of it didn't seem fitting of the playful green glimmer of his sleepy eyes.
And 'sleepy', in this case, didn't translate to 'oblivious' in the slightest.
Aventurine felt like prey.
Hm... if the blond took a step back- when there was room to step back- and squinted, maybe tilted his head a little to the right, he'd almost be reminded of a certain doctor. It's with that comparison that the gambler is able to find his voice.
"Something on my face?"
Aventurine forces a levity he doesn't feel into his tone, if only to mask the growing unease that made a home in his chest. It fluttered and jumped around like a bug, beat it's wings into the hollow of his throat, as he pressed his left wrist into the wall behind him.
The man straightens up from his intense staring.
It's almost impressively synthetic, how his sharp seriousness melts into lazy edges and swagger. Almost believable too, had the blond not been able to see the twin daggers sitting on his exposed hips. And if the man hadn't literally been cornering him against a wall not two seconds prior.
Who was this guy?
"I know my face is pretty, but surely you realize staring is bad manners."
And so is crowding them against walls, he doesn't say. They're long past the point of correction, after all...
A sleazy sort of cat-like smile curls over the man's face like it was always meant to be there, completing the illusion of friendliness and leaving Aventurine feeling vaguely wrong footed.
"My sincerest apologies! I'm afraid your familiar face got me all wrapped up in nostalgia. I was just trying to place where I'd seen such- striking- features before."
He talks like there's something thick in the back of his throat. It's not nasally but... honeyed. Tiptoeing the line of sarcasm and sincerity like he was born on it.
And apparently Aventurine wasn't the only one who felt that twinge of recognition either.
"Oh? What a coincidence, friend. Do you happen to have an unpaid debt?"
It was a long shot, but perhaps...
The man cringes back.
"Eugh.. so you are with the IPC then. And here I was hoping that Ms. Sparkle was lying again..."
Aventurine can feel his smile tighten.
Why did he know who Sparkle was? Wasn't this the man that Topaz had been chasing through that snowball of a planet? Did he guess wrong?
Syrupy words cut through the questions cramming into the blond's skull like a knife.
"After all, I find it hard to believe that a man like yourself would turn down an invitation for performative freedom, just to do the exact same thing with a collar."
He's smiling like a cat that caught the canary and Aventurine suddenly feels very cornered. There's nothing stopping him from leaving this conversation, not since the man had backed off his space, but now that felt vaguely like surrender...
"Hahah... what did you say your name was again?" "How could I be so rude? The name's Sampo Koski, a business man! Anything you need, I can get. For the right price."
A business man. Right... and Aventurine was a free man.
"I was there, you know."
The blond feels like he swallowed a brick of ice. 'Sampo Koski's' oppressive presence drowned out any possible thought Aventurine could hope to form, like an actor dazzling in the spotlight.
"There?" "When the invitation was extended, of course!"
Sampo snaps, as if having some bright realization, and his smile somehow gets even wider.
"That's where I've seen you before! Let's see, what name did it go out to again? K-A-... Kakav-" "Aventurine."
Maybe it's the sudden hardness of his voice, or the realization that maybe Sampo shouldn't be pressing someone that controls his debts, but the man backs off with deceptively innocent eyes.
Aventurine doesn't want to hear this stranger say his name.
"...Wow, I was way off. You work with Ms. Topaz then?"
The larger than life attitude Sampo had donned dissipates like smoke. His countenance had never changed from lazy swagger, but now it felt... skittish. Confident, but in a way that conveyed 'exiting stage left'. The gambler felt like he could breathe a little easier.
Yeesh, was this how Ratio felt talking to him? He might have some apologies to make...
"That's right. You work with Sparkle?" "Ugh, as little as possible!"
Despite the rather... tumultuous, circumstances that led to their meeting, Aventurine found himself chuckling. After all, he completely understood the distaste.
"What, not a fan?"
Sampo scoffs theatrically, crossing his muscled arms over his chest. He was pretty impressively built, now that the gambler could properly take in his features without feeling stuck in place. Not as muscular as Ratio was, of course, but- still.
Slender waist and fingers, broad shoulders, tall... Wow.
Maybe Aventurine had a type.
The two quickly found themselves in the throes of pleasant conversation, trading snippets of their experiences with the Fool like girls at a slumber party.
Sampo, of course, had a lot more to share than Aventurine did but that was to be expected. The blond almost found it endearing how cautiously the man talked about her, almost as if he couldn't bring himself to speak badly of a lady- no matter how much he disliked one.
It was an admirable trait for a Fool.
In the end, Sampo disappears in the same manner he had thrown himself into Aventurine's path.
Abruptly and with barely a trace.
The blond sends the selfie he had taken with the man to Ratio, trying to regain some sense of normalcy after that rollercoaster of a conversation.
Gambler: *sent one image* 12:15 found your discount twin today, doc ;) 12:15
*Doctor <3 is typing*
Doctor <3: . . . That looks nothing like me, gambler. 12:16 Zero points. 12:16
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songbirdseung · 5 months
gleam & glow / yang jungwon
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synopsis: make the clock reverse, bring back once was mine. heal what has been hurt, change the fate's design.
pairing: director!jungwon x florist!reader
warning: pov changes midway, angst, not proof read
wc: 14k
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Highschool Freshman
"Honey, you're gonna be late for school!" your mom calls you for the nth time from the back door. It was nearing the time where your dad had to drop you off to school, but there you were with your father, helping him plant another set of flowers and plants.
You glance back at the array of blooms, their vibrant colors dancing in the morning sunlight, and you smile to yourself. This is where you belong, among the petals and leaves, nurturing life and beauty. The scent of soil and fresh blossoms fills your senses, grounding you in the present moment.
Despite your mother's persistent reminders, you can't tear yourself away from the garden. Each flower tells a story, and you're determined to be a part of it, to coax every bud into full bloom. This passion for floristry has been with you since you were a child, and it's only grown stronger over the years.
As your dad finishes planting the last flower, he gives you a proud smile. "You've got a green thumb, just like your old man," he says, ruffling your hair affectionately. You grin up at him, feeling a surge of pride at his praise.
With a reluctant sigh, you finally tear yourself away from the garden and head inside to grab your school bag. As you rush to the car, you can't help but steal one last glance at the flowers, already imagining the arrangements you'll create when you return home.
The film set buzzed with energy as lights flickered, cameras rolled, and actors delivered their lines with precision. Amidst the organized chaos, Jungwon stood tall, a determined expression etched on his face as he observed the scene unfolding before him. His mother, the main producer of the film, moved gracefully among the crew, her presence commanding respect and admiration from everyone on set.
During a brief break in filming, Jungwon found himself standing beside his mother, watching her confer with the director about the next scene. Despite his young age, he felt a sense of pride in being part of the filmmaking process, a passion he inherited from his mother.
"Jungwon, darling, are you ready for school?" his mother asked, her voice cutting through the din of the set.
Jungwon nodded, but before he could make his way to the car, his mother's assistant, a young woman with a brisk manner and sharp wit, approached them.
"Mrs. Yang, I can take Jungwon to school. It's on my way," she offered, her gaze flickering briefly to Jungwon before returning to his mother.
Mrs. Yang considered the offer for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Thank you, Minji. That would be a great help."
As they made their way to the car, he couldn't shake the feeling that today held the promise of something unexpected, something beyond the confines of his usual routine.
As your father pulls up to the school gates, you gather your bag and prepare to step out of the car. Just as you're about to open the door, you notice Jungwon's familiar figure approaching from the opposite direction. Your eyes meet, and for a brief moment, a spark of recognition passes between you.
"Hey" Jungwon says with a friendly smile as he reaches your side.
"Hey" you reply, returning his smile.
You fall into step together, walking side by side towards the school building. It's a strange feeling for both of you, this newfound camaraderie born out of shared history and mutual acquaintances. Normally, you would exchange a polite greeting and then go your separate ways, but today feels different somehow.
"So, how's it going?" Jungwon asks, breaking the silence between you.
"Pretty good, I guess," you reply, shrugging. "Just the usual school stuff."
Jungwon nods, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, same here. But hey, at least it's Friday, right?"
You share a laugh at Jungwon's remark, the tension between you easing with each step you take. It's strange, you think, how comfortable you feel in Jungwon's presence, as if you've known each other for much longer than you actually have.
As the bell rings signaling the start of the first class, you and Jungwon find yourselves walking side by side once again. The easy rapport you shared earlier continues as you chat about random topics, enjoying each other's company more than you expected.
As you enter the classroom, you head towards your usual seat, but Jungwon surprises you by walking over and taking the empty seat beside you. You exchange a glance, both surprised and pleased by his decision.
"Hey," Jungwon says with a grin as he settles into the seat next to you. "Mind if I sit here? I was enjoying our conversation earlier and thought we could continue it."
You can't help but smile at his words, feeling a warmth spread through you at the thought of spending more time with him. "Sure, I'd like that," you reply, scooting your chair a bit closer to his.
As the teacher begins the lesson, you and Jungwon continue your conversation in hushed tones, exchanging thoughts and ideas with a newfound ease. It's a refreshing change from the usual monotony of class, and you find yourself more engaged and focused than ever before.
By the end of the class, you and Jungwon have covered a range of topics, from your favorite movies to your dreams for the future. As you gather your things to leave, Jungwon turns to you with a smile.
"Thanks for letting me sit with you," he says, his eyes sparkling with genuine appreciation. "I had a great time talking to you."
You return his smile, feeling a sense of warmth and connection that you haven't felt in a long time. "Anytime," you reply, meaning every word. "We should do it again sometime."
As you and Jungwon part ways after class, a sense of contentment lingers in the air, leaving you with a smile on your face as you step out of the room. However, your thoughts are quickly interrupted as you spot your best friend waiting for you outside, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" she teases, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Seems like someone had a little study date with Jungwon, huh?"
You roll your eyes at her playful tone, but a blush creeps up your cheeks nonetheless. "It wasn't a study date," you protest, though your voice lacks conviction.
"Uh-huh, sure it wasn't," your friend replies, nudging you with her elbow. "I saw you two in there, chatting away like old friends. Don't think I didn't notice."
You sigh, knowing there's no point in denying it. "Okay, fine, maybe we were talking. But it was nothing serious," you insist, though a part of you wonders if it could be.
Your friend raises an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Sure, keep telling yourself that. But mark my words, something's brewing between you two. I can feel it."
You shake your head, unable to suppress a smile at your friend's antics. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"
"Hey, I'm just calling it like I see it," she says with a shrug. "But seriously, if something is going on with you and Jungwon, I'm here for it. I ship it."
You laugh at her enthusiasm, grateful for her unwavering support. "Thanks, I guess. We'll see what happens."
With that, you and your friend head off down the hallway, the teasing banter fading into the background as you both prepare for the rest of the day ahead.
For Jungwon, he steps out of the classroom, he's greeted by his friends Sunoo and Ni-ki, who are waiting for him with smirks on their faces. Sunoo nudges him playfully, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.
"Look who decided to grace us with his presence," Sunoo says, a teasing lilt in his voice. "And who's this mysterious girl you were strolling in with earlier? Spill the beans, Jungwon."
Jungwon rolls his eyes at his friend's antics, though he can't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment at being caught. "It's nothing," he insists, though his tone lacks conviction.
"Nothing, huh?" Ni-ki chimes in, his grin widening. "That's not what it looked like from where we were standing. You two seemed pretty chummy."
"Okay, fine, we were talking," he admits, feeling a flush of warmth spread across his cheeks. "But it's not a big deal." Sunoo and Ni-ki exchange a knowing glance, their smiles turning into mischievous grins. "Sure, whatever you say," Sunoo says, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
"But seriously, who is she?" Ni-ki asks, his curiosity getting the better of him. "I don't think I've seen her around before."
"Just someone from my class," he replies, hoping to deflect their interest. "We were just talking, that's all." "Alright, man, if you say so," Sunoo says with a shrug. "But if anything juicy happens, you better fill us in."
As you make your way home from school, the events of the day replay in your mind like a movie reel. You can't shake the feeling of warmth that lingers from your conversation with Jungwon earlier. Despite your initial hesitation, you have to admit that you enjoyed spending time with him, and a small part of you wonders what could come of your newfound friendship.
The familiar sights and sounds of your neighborhood greet you as you approach your house, the comforting familiarity wrapping around you like a warm embrace. You take a moment to admire the flowers blooming in your front yard, their colors vibrant against the backdrop of the setting sun.
As you step inside, the scent of dinner wafts through the air, signaling that your parents are already home. You find them in the kitchen, chatting animatedly as they prepare the evening meal. You join them at the table, eager to share the events of your day.
"Hey, Mom, Dad," you greet them with a smile. "Guess what happened at school today?"
Your parents turn to you with interest, their eyes lighting up as you recount your encounter with Jungwon. You tell them about how you walked to class together, how you ended up sitting next to each other, and how you had a surprisingly enjoyable conversation.
Your parents listen intently, their smiles growing wider with each passing moment. But then, your dad chuckles and gives you a playful wink.
"Careful, sweetheart," he jokes, "don't let any boys distract you from your studies. You know, we don't want any boyfriends until you're at least thirty!"
You roll your eyes at your dad's teasing, but a laugh escapes your lips nonetheless. "Don't worry, Dad," you assure him, "I'm not planning on getting a boyfriend anytime soon."
Your parents share a knowing look, their smiles filled with affection. They can see the spark of excitement in your eyes, the hint of something new and promising on the horizon.
"Well, it sounds like you had a wonderful day," your mom says with a smile, reaching out to squeeze your hand. "Who knows, maybe this Jungwon will turn out to be a special friend."
You and Jungwon's bond deepens with each passing day, as you share lunches, late-night texts, and study sessions at the local library, stealing glances and smiles between equations. Movie nights at Jungwon's house become a regular occurrence, where you snuggle up on the couch with blankets and popcorn, discussing your favorite films and sharing laughs.
Together, you embark on adventures, exploring hidden spots in the city, trying new foods, and making memories that will last a lifetime. When you faces challenges with your floristry, Jungwon is there for you, offering encouragement and a shoulder to lean on.
Heart-to-heart conversations about hopes, dreams, and fears deepen the connection, while shared hobbies like photography and hiking bring you even closer.
Highschool Junior
As you and Jungwon spend the afternoon together at your house, watering your flowers and sharing laughter, you can't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment wash over you. The sun filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground as you work side by side, tending to the garden you love so much. Suddenly, a thought crosses your mind as you watch Jungwon carefully water a delicate orchid.
"Hey, Jungwon," you say, a playful smile tugging at your lips, "did you know that your name means 'garden' in English?"
Jungwon looks up from his task, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Really? Well, in that case, I guess you must love me, huh?"
You can't help but laugh at his joke, the sound echoing through the garden like music. But then, in the midst of all the banter and laughter, Jungwon's expression turns serious, his gaze softening as he looks at you.
"Actually, YN," he says, his voice quiet but earnest, "there's something I've been wanting to tell you."
You pause, feeling a flutter of anticipation in your chest as you wait for him to continue. Jungwon takes a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours.
"I think you're cute," he blurts out, his cheeks flushing slightly. "And I'm attracted to you, more than I've ever been to anyone else."
Your heart skips a beat at his words, a rush of emotions flooding through you. You can hardly believe what you're hearing, but the sincerity in Jungwon's eyes leaves no room for doubt.
Before you can respond, Jungwon reaches out and takes your hand in his, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through your veins. "I know this might be sudden, and I understand if you don't feel the same way," he says softly, "but I couldn't keep it to myself any longer. I just had to tell you how I feel."
For a moment, you're speechless, overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotions. But then, with a shaky breath, you meet Jungwon's gaze and offer him a shy smile.
"Jungwon," you say, your voice barely above a whisper, "I… I feel the same way."
A smile spreads across Jungwon's face, lighting up his eyes with joy and relief. Without another word, he leans in and presses his lips to yours.
Inside the house, your parents glance out the window and spot their daughter locked in a passionate embrace with Jungwon.
"Looks like our little YN has found herself a boyfriend," your mom remarks with a knowing smirk, nudging her husband with her elbow.
Her husband chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Let's just hope he knows how to water the flowers as well as he kisses our daughter."
Senior High
As a senior in high school, being in a relationship with Jungwon feels like a dream come true. Every day is filled with laughter, love, and shared adventures, and you couldn't be happier. Walking hand in hand through the halls, you feel a sense of pride knowing that he's yours and you're his.
Together, you navigate the ups and downs of senior year, supporting each other through exams, college applications, and the uncertainty of the future. Jungwon's unwavering encouragement and belief in you give you the strength to pursue your dreams, whether it's opening your own flower shop or exploring new passions.
But it's not just the big moments that make your relationship special. It's the little things, like stealing kisses between classes, passing notes in study hall, and sharing inside jokes that only you understand. Even on the toughest days, Jungwon's smile has a way of brightening your world and reminding you that everything will be okay.
As graduation day approaches, you can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and sadness. Excitement for the adventures that lie ahead and the memories you'll create together, but also sadness at the thought of leaving behind the familiar comforts of high school and stepping into the unknown.
But one thing is certain: no matter where life takes you, Jungwon and you will face it together, hand in hand, heart to heart. Your love is strong, your bond unbreakable, and you know that as long as you have each other, you can overcome anything that comes your way.
In the cozy sanctuary of your bedroom, soft lamplight casts a warm glow as you and Jungwon settle onto your bed, surrounded by an array of fluffy pillows and blankets. With a laptop balanced on your laps, you browse through a selection of movies, trying to decide on the perfect one for your movie night.
As the opening credits of your chosen film roll across the screen, you can't shake the nagging feeling that's been gnawing at you all evening. With a hesitant sigh, you turn to Jungwon, your expression serious.
"Jungwon, can I ask you something?" you begin, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
Jungwon turns to you, his brows furrowing slightly in concern. "Of course, what's on your mind?"
You hesitate for a moment, gathering your thoughts before speaking. "Well, with college just around the corner and everything… I've been thinking about us, you know?"
Jungwon's expression softens as he reaches out to gently squeeze your hand. "What about us, YN?"
"It's just… I've heard people say that high school sweethearts don't usually last once they go off to college," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "And I can't help but worry about what that means for us."
Jungwon's lips curl into a reassuring smile as he leans in to brush a kiss against your forehead. "Hey, relax," he says gently, his tone soothing. "We haven't even graduated yet, let alone started college. There's no need to worry about what might happen in the future."
Despite his attempt to lighten the mood, you can't shake the feeling of unease that lingers in the pit of your stomach. "But Jungwon, what if…?"
Before you can finish your sentence, Jungwon interrupts with a playful grin. "What if we end up ruling the world together? What if we discover a portal to a parallel universe? What if we become famous movie stars?"
You can't help but laugh at his antics, the tension in your chest easing slightly. "Okay, okay, I get it," you say, shaking your head in amusement. "You're right, we shouldn't worry about things that haven't even happened yet."
With a shared smile, you turn your attention back to the movie, content to lose yourselves in the world of cinema and each other's company. And as you snuggle close beneath the blankets, you find yourself feeling grateful for the love and reassurance that Jungwon brings into your life, knowing that no matter what the future holds, you'll face it together, hand in hand.
As you and Jungwon navigate the bustling aisles of the dress shop, the anticipation of graduation hangs heavy in the air. With each step, you can't help but feel a flutter of excitement mingled with a hint of nervousness. This moment marks the culmination of your high school journey, and finding the perfect dress feels like an important step in celebrating the occasion.
After browsing through racks of dresses, you finally settle on a few options and make your way to the dressing room. As you slip into the first dress and admire yourself in the mirror, you can't help but feel a rush of excitement. This could be the one.
With a deep breath, you step out of the dressing room, the fabric of the dress flowing gracefully around you. Jungwon's eyes widen in awe as he catches sight of you, his breath catching in his throat.
For a moment, time seems to stand still as Jungwon takes you in, his gaze tracing every curve and contour of your figure. In that instant, you can see the love and admiration shining in his eyes, so pure and unguarded that it takes your breath away.
"You… you look incredible," Jungwon stammers, his voice barely above a whisper. "Absolutely stunning."
A blush creeps up your cheeks at his words, a warm rush of emotion flooding through you. In that moment, you realize just how deeply Jungwon cares for you, his love shining brighter than ever before.
With a shy smile, you twirl in the dress, feeling the fabric swirl around you like a dream. And as you meet Jungwon's gaze once more, you know without a doubt that this is the dress you were meant to wear on graduation day.
As you step out in the stunning dress, Jungwon's reaction is priceless. His eyes widen, his jaw drops, and for a moment, he's utterly speechless. You can't help but giggle at his reaction, feeling a surge of confidence wash over you.
"Like what you see?" you tease, a mischievous twinkle in your eye as you twirl in the dress, enjoying the way it sways around you.
Jungwon snaps out of his trance, a playful grin spreading across his face. "You have no idea," he says, his voice filled with admiration. "You look absolutely breathtaking, YN."
You chuckle at his flattery, feeling a warmth spread through your chest at his words. But before you can say anything else, Jungwon steps forward and envelops you in a tight hug, his arms wrapping around you protectively.
"Hey, no need to tease," he says, his voice soft and sincere as he holds you close. "I mean every word. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, inside and out."
You melt into his embrace, feeling a rush of love and gratitude wash over you. In that moment, you're reminded of just how lucky you are to have Jungwon by your side, supporting you, loving you, and making you feel like the most special person in the world.
After buying the dress, you and Jungwon spend the rest of the day together, soaking up each other's company and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Whether it's strolling through the park, sharing ice cream cones, or simply enjoying each other's presence, every moment is filled with love and laughter.
High School Graduation
As the sun rises on graduation day, a sense of excitement and anticipation fills the air. After years of hard work and dedication, the moment you've been waiting for has finally arrived. Today marks the culmination of your high school journey, and you can't help but feel a mixture of emotions as you prepare to embark on the next chapter of your life.
With butterflies fluttering in your stomach, you slip into your graduation gown and mortarboard, the fabric smooth against your skin. As you look at yourself in the mirror, you can't help but feel a swell of pride. This is it – the moment you've been waiting for.
Stepping outside, you're greeted by a sea of familiar faces – classmates, teachers, and proud parents – all gathered to celebrate this milestone moment. The atmosphere is electric, filled with laughter, hugs, and congratulations.
As you make your way to the ceremony venue, the excitement builds with each step. The sound of Pomp and Circumstance fills the air, signaling the beginning of the procession. With your heart pounding in your chest, you take your place among your classmates, ready to take the next step forward into adulthood.
The ceremony itself is a blur of speeches, awards, and diplomas, but amidst the whirlwind of activity, there are moments of profound significance. You listen intently as your classmates deliver heartfelt speeches, reflecting on the memories and friendships forged over the years.
And then, finally, it's your turn to walk across the stage and receive your diploma. As your name is called, you step forward with pride, the weight of this accomplishment settling on your shoulders. The applause rings in your ears as you accept the piece of paper that represents years of hard work and dedication.
But the true highlight of the day comes afterwards, as you gather with your friends and family to celebrate. Amidst the joy and laughter, you take a moment to reflect on the journey that has brought you to this point – the late nights studying, the friendships formed, the challenges overcome.
As the sun sets on this momentous day, you can't help but feel a sense of optimism for the future. Yes, there will be challenges ahead, but with the love and support of those around you, you know that anything is possible.
And as you look to the horizon, ready to embark on the next chapter of your life, you know that the memories of this day – of graduation day – will stay with you forever, a reminder of the strength and resilience that lies within you.
As the excitement of graduation day begins to wind down, you find yourself seeking a quiet moment amidst the festivities. Spotting Jungwon across the crowded room, you make your way over to him, a smile playing on your lips.
"Hey," you say softly, your voice barely above a whisper amidst the noise of the celebration.
Jungwon turns to you, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. "Hey," he replies, his voice warm with affection.
As you stand together amidst the hustle and bustle of the crowd, you can't help but feel a surge of gratitude for this moment – for Jungwon, for the love you share, for everything that has brought you to this point.
Without a word, Jungwon reaches out and takes your hand in his, his touch sending a jolt of warmth through your veins. In that simple gesture, you feel a connection that runs deeper than words could ever express.
With a shared smile, you step away from the crowd, seeking out a quieter corner where you can be alone together. Finding a secluded spot beneath the shade of a towering oak tree, you settle onto a nearby bench, the world falling away as you focus on each other.
As you sit together, hand in hand, you can't help but reflect on the journey that has brought you to this moment – the highs and lows, the laughter and tears, the love that has blossomed between you.
"Can you believe we made it?" you say softly, breaking the silence that hangs between you.
Jungwon squeezes your hand gently, his gaze never leaving yours. "I can," he replies, his voice filled with certainty. "Because we did it together."
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of the afternoon sun and the gentle rustle of leaves overhead, you feel an overwhelming sense of peace. No matter what the future holds, you know that as long as you have Jungwon by your side, you can overcome anything that comes your way.
And as you lean into his embrace, feeling the steady beat of his heart against yours, you know that this – this sweet, simple moment of togetherness – is all you'll ever need to be happy.
A week after the whirlwind of graduation, you find yourself enjoying a quiet moment with Jungwon, just the two of you, on a romantic date. As you stroll hand in hand through the park, the late afternoon sun casts a golden glow over everything, bathing the world in warmth and light.
With the hustle and bustle of graduation behind you, you relish the chance to simply be together, away from the pressures of school and the uncertainty of the future. With each step, you feel a sense of freedom and possibility, as if the world is yours for the taking.
As you walk, you find yourselves lost in conversation, sharing hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the future. Jungwon listens intently, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding as he takes in every word you say.
And then, as the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the grass, you come to a stop beside a tranquil pond, its surface shimmering in the fading light.
Without a word, Jungwon takes your hand in his, his touch sending a rush of warmth through your veins. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the quiet stillness of the evening, you feel a sense of peace wash over you.
With a smile, Jungwon pulls you close, his arms wrapping around you in a gentle embrace. And as you lean into his warmth, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest, you know that this – this sweet, simple moment of togetherness – is all you'll ever need to be happy.
As the stars begin to twinkle overhead, casting their soft light upon you, you close your eyes and simply savor the moment, grateful for the love and companionship that fills your heart.
And as you stand there, wrapped in Jungwon's arms, you know that no matter what the future holds, as long as you have each other, you'll always find your way.
A week after your tranquil park date, you find yourselves embarking on another adventure together. This time, you've decided to explore the vibrant streets of the city, eager to discover hidden gems and create new memories with Jungwon by your side.
As you wander hand in hand through the bustling streets, the energy of the city surrounds you, filling you with a sense of excitement and anticipation. With each step, you're greeted by a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and smells – the laughter of children playing in the park, the aroma of freshly baked pastries wafting from a nearby bakery, the colorful murals adorning the walls of buildings.
With no destination in mind, you let your feet lead the way, allowing yourselves to get lost in the rhythm of the city. You stop to admire street performers, their music filling the air with joy and laughter, and browse through quirky boutiques, discovering treasures at every turn.
As the afternoon stretches into evening, you find yourselves drawn to a quaint café nestled on a quiet side street. With its cozy atmosphere and twinkling fairy lights, it feels like a hidden oasis in the midst of the bustling city.
Seated at a small table by the window, you and Jungwon share a delicious meal, savoring each bite as you engage in lively conversation. You talk about everything and nothing – your hopes, your fears, your dreams for the future – basking in the warmth of each other's company.
As the evening wears on, you find yourselves lingering over dessert, reluctant to let the night end. With a smile, Jungwon suggests taking a leisurely stroll through the city under the stars, and you eagerly agree.
Hand in hand, you wander through the quiet streets, the cityscape illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights. With each step, you feel a sense of closeness and connection, as if the world has faded away and all that matters is the two of you.
As you reach the end of your journey, you find yourselves standing on a bridge overlooking the river, the lights of the city twinkling in the distance. In that moment, with Jungwon's arms wrapped around you and the world at your feet, you feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love.
And as you lean into Jungwon's embrace, watching the stars shimmering overhead, you know that this – this sweet, simple moment of togetherness – is all you'll ever need to be happy.
As you and Jungwon sit down to dinner with his family, the warm aroma of home-cooked food fills the air, creating a cozy atmosphere that feels like a home away from home. Around the table, Jungwon's family members chat and laugh, their voices mingling with the clink of silverware and the gentle hum of conversation.
As the meal progresses, Jungwon's parents turn their attention to you and Jungwon, their eyes filled with curiosity and warmth.
"So, YN, Jungwon," his mother begins, her tone gentle but inquisitive, "now that you're about to embark on your college journey, have you thought about what you want to study?"
You exchange a glance with Jungwon, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you consider the question. It's something you've thought about often in recent weeks, weighing your passions and interests against the possibilities that lie ahead.
"I've been thinking about studying botany," you reply, your voice steady with conviction. "I've always had a love for plants and flowers, and I think it would be amazing to learn more about them and maybe even pursue a career in floristry."
Jungwon's parents nod approvingly, their expressions filled with encouragement and support. "That sounds wonderful, YN," his father says with a smile. "It's clear that you have a passion for it, and we have no doubt that you'll excel in whatever you choose to pursue."
Turning to Jungwon, his parents pose the same question, their curiosity piqued.
Jungwon takes a moment to consider his answer, his brow furrowing slightly in thought. "I've always been drawn to storytelling," he begins, his voice thoughtful. "Whether it's through film, photography, or writing, there's something about the power of storytelling that fascinates me. I think I want to study film and pursue a career as a director."
His parents nod in understanding, their expressions filled with pride. "That's wonderful, Jungwon," his mother says, her voice filled with admiration. "We've always admired your creativity and passion for storytelling, and we have no doubt that you'll go far in whatever path you choose."
As the conversation continues, you and Jungwon share a smile, grateful for the love and support of his family. In that moment, surrounded by warmth and acceptance, you know that no matter what the future holds, as long as you have each other and the support of your loved ones, you'll be able to achieve anything you set your minds to.
As the time to apply for colleges approaches, you and Jungwon find yourselves facing a myriad of decisions and possibilities. Together, you sit down to discuss your options, weighing the pros and cons of applying to local universities versus pursuing opportunities abroad.
With a stack of college brochures spread out before you, you pore over the details, each option representing a different path forward. Local universities offer familiarity and the comfort of home, while studying abroad promises adventure and new experiences.
"It's a tough decision," Jungwon admits, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "On one hand, staying local means we can be close to our families and friends. But on the other hand, studying abroad could open up so many new opportunities for us."
You nod in agreement, understanding the weight of the decision that lies before you. "I know," you say softly, reaching out to squeeze Jungwon's hand in reassurance. "But no matter what we decide, we'll figure it out together."
After much deliberation and soul-searching, you and Jungwon finally come to a decision. You'll each apply to a mix of local and international universities, keeping your options open and embracing the possibilities that lie ahead.
As you fill out the applications and gather the necessary documents, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building within you. The world is full of possibilities, and no matter where your college journey takes you, you know that you'll face it together, hand in hand, heart to heart.
As the months pass and the application process comes to a close, you and Jungwon find yourselves facing another hurdle on the road to college: entrance exams. With determination and resolve, you throw yourselves into studying, pouring over textbooks, reviewing notes, and practicing sample questions late into the night.
On the day of the exams, nerves flutter in your stomach as you and Jungwon make your way to the testing center. The atmosphere is tense yet electrifying, as students from all walks of life gather together, each one hoping to secure their place at their dream university.
As you take your seats and the exams begin, time seems to blur together, hours melting away as you focus all of your energy and concentration on the task at hand. With each question, you feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins, driving you forward even when doubts threaten to creep in.
Throughout it all, Jungwon is by your side, offering words of encouragement and support whenever you need it most. His presence is a source of strength and reassurance, grounding you in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the exams come to an end, leaving you and Jungwon exhausted yet exhilarated. As you step out of the testing center and into the fresh air, a sense of relief washes over you, mingled with a hint of anxiety as you await the results.
In the weeks that follow, you and Jungwon anxiously await news of your exam scores, each passing day feeling like an eternity. But no matter what the outcome, you know that you've given it your all, and that together, you'll face whatever the future holds with courage and determination.
As the days pass and anticipation builds, you and Jungwon find yourselves eagerly checking your mailboxes and email inboxes, hoping for news of your college acceptances. Each day brings a mix of excitement and anxiety, as you wait for the letters and emails that will determine the next chapter of your lives.
Finally, one afternoon, the long-awaited news arrives. With trembling hands, you and Jungwon tear open the envelopes and click on the emails, hearts pounding in your chests as you read the words that will shape your futures.
At first, the news is promising. You've both been accepted to several prestigious universities, each one offering its own unique opportunities and experiences. For a moment, you allow yourselves to bask in the glow of success, celebrating the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.
But as you delve deeper into the details, a sinking feeling begins to settle in the pit of your stomachs. Despite applying to many of the same colleges, none of your acceptances align. Each of you has received offers from different universities, each one pulling you in a different direction.
For a moment, the realization hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the excitement of the moment. You exchange a glance with Jungwon, a silent understanding passing between you as you come to terms with the fact that your college paths may be diverging.
But even as disappointment threatens to cloud your thoughts, you know that this is just another chapter in your journey together. No matter where life takes you, you'll face it together, supporting each other every step of the way.
As the reality of their diverging college paths sinks in, YN and Jungwon find themselves sitting together in Jungwon's room, the weight of the situation hanging heavy in the air. There's a palpable tension between them, a sense of uncertainty that neither knows quite how to navigate.
Taking a deep breath, YN breaks the silence that stretches between them. "Jungwon, we need to talk about this," she says softly, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.
Jungwon nods in agreement, his expression mirroring her own. "I know," he replies, his voice equally subdued. "It's just… it's not what we expected, is it?"
Shaking her head, YN reaches out to take Jungwon's hand in hers, seeking comfort in his touch. "No, it's not," she admits, her voice trembling slightly. "But that doesn't mean we can't figure it out together."
Jungwon squeezes YN's hand gently, his gaze meeting hers with unwavering determination. "You're right," he says, his voice filled with conviction. "No matter where we go, we'll always be there for each other."
For a moment, they sit in silence, lost in their own thoughts as they grapple with the uncertainty of the future. But even amidst the uncertainty, there's a sense of reassurance in knowing that they have each other.
"I just wish…" YN begins, her voice trailing off as she struggles to find the right words.
Jungwon nods in understanding, knowing exactly what she means. "I wish things were different too," he admits, his voice tinged with regret. "But maybe this is just another chapter in our story – one that will make us stronger in the end."
As they sit together, hand in hand, they find solace in each other's presence, knowing that no matter what challenges lie ahead, as long as they have each other, they'll always find a way forward. And as they look to the future with hope and determination, they know that their love will carry them through whatever comes their way.
As the summer stretches out before them, YN and Jungwon find solace in the simple pleasures of spending time together, cherishing each moment as if it were their last before embarking on their separate college journeys.
They fill their days with laughter and adventure, exploring their favorite spots in the city and discovering new ones along the way. From picnics in the park to lazy afternoons at the beach, every moment is savored, every memory etched into their hearts.
Together, they revisit old haunts and reminisce about the moments that have shaped their relationship – the highs and lows, the laughter and tears, the love that has grown between them. And as they look to the future with uncertainty, they take comfort in the knowledge that no matter what lies ahead, their bond will remain unbreakable.
But amidst the laughter and joy, there are moments of sadness too – moments when the reality of their impending separation hits them with a force they can't ignore. In those moments, they cling to each other, finding strength and solace in the warmth of their embrace.
As the summer draws to a close and the time to choose their colleges approaches, YN and Jungwon find themselves faced with a decision that will shape the course of their lives. But no matter what the future holds, they know that the love they share will endure, guiding them through whatever challenges lie ahead.
Seeking solace and guidance, YN turns to her father, knowing that his wisdom and insight will help her navigate the difficult decision ahead. Sitting together in the comfort of their living room, she pours out her heart, sharing her fears and uncertainties about choosing between her dream school and being close to Jungwon.
Her father listens attentively, his expression thoughtful as he considers her dilemma. "YN," he begins, his voice gentle yet firm, "ultimately, the decision is yours to make. But remember, sometimes the right choice isn't always the easiest one."
His words resonate with YN, stirring something deep within her. She knows that her father is right – sometimes, the path to greatness requires sacrifices and difficult choices. But she can't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnaws at her from within.
Turning to her siblings for advice, YN seeks their perspective on the matter. They offer differing opinions – some believe she should follow her dreams and choose her dream school, while others argue that she shouldn't sacrifice her aspirations for the sake of her relationship with Jungwon.
Feeling torn and conflicted, YN turns to her mother, hoping that her calming presence will help her find clarity amidst the chaos. Her mother listens with an open heart, offering words of comfort and encouragement.
"Listen to your heart, YN," her mother advises, her voice soft yet steady. "You know yourself better than anyone else. Trust your instincts and follow the path that feels right for you."
YN takes her mother's words to heart, realizing that the answer has been within her all along. With renewed clarity and determination, she sets out to make her decision, knowing that no matter what she chooses, as long as she follows her heart, she'll find her way. And with the unwavering support of her family and loved ones, she knows that she'll never be alone on this journey.
Jungwon finds himself torn between his passion for filmmaking and his desire to be with YN. Seeking counsel from his parents and sister, he grapples with the weight of their advice.
His mother's words echo in his mind – the prestigious film program beckoning him with promises of unparalleled opportunities and growth. Yet, the thought of being separated from YN gnaws at his heart, filling him with a sense of longing and uncertainty.
As he turns to his father for guidance, he finds reassurance in his words of wisdom. "Son," his father says, his voice steady and reassuring, "love is a powerful force. If you believe that YN is the one for you, then trust in that love and let it guide you."
His father's words strike a chord within Jungwon, reminding him of the depth of his feelings for YN and the strength of their bond. Yet, doubts linger in the back of his mind, overshadowing his convictions.
Turning to his older sister for advice, Jungwon finds validation in her perspective. "Follow your dreams, Jungwon," she says, her voice filled with conviction. "You've worked hard to get where you are, and you deserve to pursue your passion. YN will understand – true love knows no distance."
Her words resonate with Jungwon, filling him with a sense of resolve. Despite the challenges that lie ahead, he knows that he must follow his heart and chase his dreams, trusting that YN will be there by his side, no matter the distance.
With a newfound sense of clarity and determination, Jungwon sets out to make his decision, knowing that whatever path he chooses, as long as he follows his heart, he'll find his way. And with the unwavering support of his family and loved ones, he knows that he'll never be alone on this journey.
As YN and Jungwon meet in their favorite spot by the river, the air crackles with tension, each of them holding onto their decision like a precious secret. Sitting side by side, they exchange nervous glances, the weight of their choices heavy in the air between them.
Finally, summoning the courage to break the silence, YN takes a deep breath and speaks. "Jungwon, I've made my decision," she says, her voice steady despite the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "I've chosen to attend one of the colleges that's closer to you, so we can be together."
Jungwon's heart skips a beat at YN's words, a surge of conflicting emotions washing over him. On one hand, he's filled with gratitude and love for YN, touched by her willingness to make sacrifices for their relationship. But on the other hand, he can't shake the nagging feeling of guilt, knowing that his decision may pull them apart.
Taking a moment to compose himself, Jungwon meets YN's gaze with a mixture of admiration and regret. "YN, I…" he begins, his voice catching in his throat as he struggles to find the right words. "I've also made my decision. I've chosen to attend my dream school – the one with the renowned film program."
The words hang heavy in the air between them, the silence stretching out as they grapple with the reality of their choices. For a moment, YN feels a pang of disappointment, a flicker of sadness clouding her expression. But then, she meets Jungwon's gaze with unwavering determination.
"I understand," she says softly, her voice filled with acceptance. "We both have dreams to chase, and I wouldn't want to hold you back from yours."
Jungwon's heart swells with gratitude and admiration for YN, overwhelmed by her selflessness and understanding. "Thank you, YN," he says, his voice choked with emotion. "I promise, no matter where life takes us, I'll always be there for you."
With tears glistening in their eyes, they share a bittersweet smile, knowing that while their paths may diverge for now, their love will remain as strong as ever. And as they sit together, hand in hand, watching the river flow gently by, they take comfort in the knowledge that no matter what challenges lie ahead, as long as they have each other, they'll always find their way.
As YN returns home, a whirlwind of emotions swirls within her, threatening to consume her from within. With each step, she feels the weight of her decision pressing down on her shoulders, the burden of sacrifice heavy in her heart.
Locking the door to her bedroom behind her, YN collapses onto her bed, the floodgates of emotion finally breaking open. Tears stream down her cheeks as she allows herself to surrender to the overwhelming wave of sadness and grief.
In the solitude of her room, YN lets out all the pent-up emotions she's been holding back, the tears flowing freely as she releases the pain and uncertainty that has been gnawing at her from within. Each sob is a cathartic release, a cleansing of the soul as she confronts the reality of her choices.
Hours pass as YN allows herself to grieve, the weight of her decision slowly lifting from her shoulders with each tear shed. And as the night wears on and the tears begin to dry, a sense of clarity begins to settle over her like a comforting blanket.
Wiping away the last of her tears, YN sits up straight, her resolve renewed and her heart lighter than it has been in days. With newfound determination, she reaches for her laptop and begins to draft an email to her dream school, accepting their offer of admission.
Though the road ahead may be filled with challenges and uncertainty, YN knows that she's making the right decision – the decision that aligns with her true passions and aspirations. And as she hits send on the email, a sense of peace washes over her, knowing that she's taking the first step towards a future filled with promise and possibility.
As YN begins to pack up her belongings, the reality of her impending move weighs heavily on her heart. With each item she carefully tucks away into boxes, she can't shake the feeling of sadness that threatens to overwhelm her.
As she sorts through her belongings, memories flood her mind – mementos of her time with Jungwon, reminders of the love they shared. A photograph of the two of them laughing together on a sunny day, a ticket stub from their first movie date, a pressed flower from their favorite park – each item a bittersweet reminder of what they're leaving behind.
But amidst the sadness, there's a sense of excitement too – the promise of new beginnings and adventures waiting just around the corner. YN clings to this sense of hope as she continues to pack, channeling her energy into preparing for the journey ahead.
Meanwhile, Jungwon finds himself faced with a similar task as he begins to pack up his belongings for his move abroad. Though the prospect of studying at his dream school fills him with anticipation and excitement, there's a pang of sadness in his heart as he realizes that he'll be leaving behind the life he's built with YN.
As he sifts through his belongings, he can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the memories they've shared – late-night study sessions, lazy weekends spent exploring the city, quiet moments of togetherness that he'll cherish forever.
But even as he packs up his belongings, Jungwon knows that this is just another chapter in their journey together. Though they may be separated by miles and oceans, their love will remain as strong as ever, guiding them through whatever challenges lie ahead.
And as YN and Jungwon stand on the brink of their respective moves, boxes packed and ready to go, they find solace in the knowledge that no matter where life takes them, as long as they have each other, they'll always find their way home.
A week later, YN and Jungwon find themselves standing face to face once again, their hearts heavy with the weight of impending separation. Though they had hoped to savor every moment together before their moves, the reality of their impending departures hangs over them like a shadow.
As they meet in their favorite spot by the river, the air is tinged with a bittersweet sense of nostalgia. Memories flood their minds – the laughter, the tears, the countless moments they've shared together – and for a moment, time seems to stand still.
"I can't believe it's only a month until you leave," YN says softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "It feels like time is slipping away too fast."
Jungwon nods in agreement, his expression mirroring YN's own. "I know," he says, his voice filled with regret. "I wish we could freeze this moment and stay here forever."
For a moment, they stand in silence, lost in their own thoughts as they grapple with the reality of their impending separation. But even amidst the sadness, there's a sense of determination in their hearts – a determination to make the most of the time they have left together.
As they walk along the riverbank, hand in hand, they savor every moment, committing each detail to memory – the sound of the water rushing past, the warmth of the sun on their skin, the gentle breeze ruffling their hair.
And as the sun begins to set on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, they find solace in each other's embrace, knowing that no matter where life takes them, their love will remain as strong as ever.
With a shared smile and a silent promise to cherish every moment they have left together, YN and Jungwon watch the sunset, knowing that even as they part ways, their hearts will always be intertwined, bound together by an unbreakable bond that transcends time and distance.
YN and Jungwon decide to spend a day at their favorite park, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings and the simple pleasures of nature. They stroll hand in hand along the winding paths, the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds filling the air around them. Finding a secluded spot beneath a towering oak tree, they spread out a picnic blanket and unpack a basket filled with their favorite snacks. As they lounge in the dappled sunlight, they share stories and laughter, basking in the warmth of each other's company.
On a warm summer evening, YN and Jungwon decide to take a leisurely bike ride through the city streets, the soft glow of streetlights casting a romantic ambiance over the bustling cityscape. They pedal side by side, the cool night air brushing against their skin as they weave through the maze of streets and alleyways. With each turn, they discover hidden gems – quaint cafes, vibrant street art, and secret gardens tucked away from the hustle and bustle of city life. And as they pedal into the night, their laughter echoing through the streets, they feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration that comes from exploring the world together.
In the comfort of YN's living room, YN and Jungwon spend a cozy evening curled up together on the couch, surrounded by stacks of their favorite movies and snacks. They take turns selecting films, ranging from classic romances to action-packed thrillers, losing themselves in the captivating stories unfolding on screen. Between movies, they share whispered conversations and stolen kisses, their laughter filling the room with warmth and affection. And as the night wears on and the credits roll on the final film, they find themselves reluctant to part ways, cherishing every precious moment they have together.
As they stand together at the airport, YN and Jungwon find themselves enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions – sadness, excitement, and a profound sense of longing. With their fingers intertwined and their hearts heavy with the weight of impending separation, they cling to each other as if they never want to let go.
The bustling terminal fades into the background as they share a quiet moment, their gaze locked together in a silent exchange of love and understanding. Words seem inadequate in the face of such intense emotions, so they simply stand together in silence, finding solace in the warmth of each other's embrace.
As the final boarding call echoes through the terminal, reality comes crashing back down around them, pulling them from their private reverie. With a heavy heart, YN looks up at Jungwon, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.
"I'm going to miss you so much," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the din of the crowd.
Jungwon pulls her into a tight embrace, holding her close as if trying to imprint the feel of her against him into his memory. "I'll miss you too, more than words can say," he murmurs, his voice choked with emotion.
They stand together for a moment longer, clinging to each other as if their lives depend on it. But eventually, the inevitable moment arrives – the moment when they must say goodbye.
With a final, lingering kiss, Jungwon releases YN from his embrace, stepping back with a heavy heart. He watches as she fades into the crowd, a solitary figure lost in a sea of faces, until she's nothing more than a distant memory.
As he turns to make his way to the gate, Jungwon carries YN's love with him, a beacon of hope and strength to guide him on his journey. And though they may be separated by miles and oceans, their love will remain as constant as the stars, shining brightly in the darkness, lighting the way back to each other's arms.
As Jungwon walks towards the gate, his heart heavy with the weight of leaving YN behind, he can't help but replay their final moments together in his mind. The image of her tear-streaked face and the echo of her whispered words linger in his thoughts, a constant reminder of the love they share.
Taking a deep breath, Jungwon pushes aside the wave of sadness threatening to engulf him, focusing instead on the excitement of the journey ahead. He knows that he's embarking on a new chapter of his life – one filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth.
As he boards the plane and settles into his seat, Jungwon's mind drifts back to YN, his heart aching with longing. But even amidst the sadness of their parting, he finds solace in the knowledge that their love knows no bounds – transcending time and distance, it will keep them connected no matter where life takes them.
And as the plane takes off, carrying him away from YN and towards his future, Jungwon holds onto the promise of their love, knowing that no matter what challenges lie ahead, as long as they have each other, they'll always find their way back together.
Throughout the flight, Jungwon's thoughts remain consumed by memories of YN and the life they've shared together. He finds himself flipping through photos on his phone, each image a poignant reminder of their love and the moments they've shared.
As the hours pass and the plane makes its way across the sky, Jungwon finds himself lost in a whirlwind of emotions – sadness, longing, and a deep-seated sense of uncertainty about what the future holds. But amidst the turbulence of his thoughts, there's a glimmer of hope – the knowledge that no matter where life takes him, YN will always be with him in spirit.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the plane touches down on foreign soil, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in Jungwon's life. Stepping off the plane, he takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges that lie ahead.
As he makes his way through the bustling airport, Jungwon feels a sense of excitement building within him – the thrill of adventure and the promise of new beginnings beckoning him forward. And though he knows that the road ahead will be fraught with obstacles, he takes comfort in the knowledge that YN's love will light his way, guiding him through the darkest of times.
With a renewed sense of determination and purpose, Jungwon sets out to embrace the opportunities that await him in this new chapter of his life, knowing that no matter where his journey takes him, as long as he carries YN's love in his heart, he'll always find his way home.
As YN watches Jungwon's plane disappear into the sky, a profound sense of emptiness washes over her, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty. The bustling airport fades into the background as she stands alone amidst the throng of travelers, her heart heavy with the weight of his absence.
With a heavy sigh, YN gathers her belongings and makes her way out of the airport, the world around her a blur of motion and noise. Tears threaten to spill from her eyes as she navigates the familiar streets of her city, each step a painful reminder of the void Jungwon has left behind.
As she arrives home, YN finds herself surrounded by memories of their time together – the photographs adorning the walls, the trinkets and souvenirs they've collected over the years, the empty space beside her in bed where Jungwon used to lay. The realization that he's truly gone hits her like a punch to the gut, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable.
But amidst the pain of their parting, YN finds solace in the knowledge that their love will endure, transcending time and distance. She takes comfort in the memories they've shared and the promise of a future filled with possibility.
With a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, YN resolves to carry on, knowing that Jungwon's love will be her guiding light through the darkest of times. And as she looks to the future with hope and determination, she knows that no matter where life takes them, as long as they hold onto each other in their hearts, they'll always find their way back to one another.
In the days that follow Jungwon's departure, YN finds herself navigating a world that feels strangely empty without him by her side. The once-familiar routines of their shared life now seem foreign and unfamiliar, each passing moment a painful reminder of his absence.
Despite the ache in her heart, YN throws herself into her studies and her passion for botany, finding solace in the simple pleasures of caring for her plants and nurturing new life. With each bloom that unfurls under her tender care, she feels a sense of renewal and hope – a reminder that even in the darkest of times, beauty can still thrive.
But no matter how busy she keeps herself, YN can't shake the feeling of longing that lingers in the pit of her stomach, a constant reminder of the love she's left behind. She finds herself reaching for her phone instinctively, only to remember that the messages and calls she once took for granted now feel like distant echoes of a past life.
As the days turn into weeks and the weeks into months, YN finds herself counting down the days until she'll see Jungwon again, her heart filled with anticipation and longing. And though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges and obstacles, she takes comfort in the knowledge that their love will see them through, guiding them back into each other's arms once more.
In their respective college experiences and careers, YN and Jungwon find themselves navigating a world of new challenges and opportunities, each forging their own path towards their dreams.
YN immerses herself in her studies at her dream school, throwing herself into her passion for botany with renewed determination and enthusiasm. Surrounded by like-minded peers and inspiring mentors, she finds herself thriving in the vibrant academic environment, pushing herself to new heights of achievement and discovery.
Outside of the classroom, YN explores her interests and talents, seeking out opportunities to grow and expand her horizons. Whether it's participating in research projects, joining student organizations, or volunteering in her community, she finds fulfillment in every new experience, each one bringing her closer to her goals.
As she delves deeper into her studies and explores her career options, YN finds herself drawn to the idea of combining her love for botany with her passion for environmental conservation. With a clear sense of purpose and direction, she sets her sights on a future where she can make a meaningful impact on the world around her, one plant at a time.
Meanwhile, Jungwon finds himself immersed in the world of filmmaking at his dream school abroad, surrounded by some of the brightest minds in the industry. From the moment he sets foot on campus, he feels a sense of belonging, a certainty that he's exactly where he's meant to be.
In the classroom and on set, Jungwon throws himself into his studies with a relentless drive and determination, soaking up knowledge and honing his craft with every passing day. With each film project he undertakes, he pushes himself to new creative heights, exploring new techniques and pushing the boundaries of his own imagination.
Outside of his academic pursuits, Jungwon immerses himself in the vibrant cultural scene of his new city, soaking up inspiration from the sights and sounds around him. From attending film festivals to collaborating with local artists, he finds himself constantly inspired by the energy and creativity of his surroundings.
As he navigates the ups and downs of his college experience and embarks on his journey towards a career in filmmaking, Jungwon remains driven by a singular vision – to share stories that move and inspire audiences, to capture the beauty and complexity of the human experience on screen.
Though their paths may be divergent and their lives filled with their own unique challenges and triumphs, YN and Jungwon find strength in the knowledge that they're each pursuing their dreams with unwavering passion and determination. And as they continue to grow and evolve, they carry with them the love and support of each other, a constant source of inspiration and encouragement on their journey towards success.
One night, as the city lights glitter outside YN's window and the stars twinkle in the sky above Jungwon's new apartment abroad, they find themselves drawn to each other once more, their hearts yearning for the familiar comfort of each other's presence.
With a soft chime, YN's phone lights up with a notification – a Facetime call from Jungwon. Her heart skips a beat as she accepts the call, a rush of warmth flooding her chest as his familiar face fills the screen.
"Hey," Jungwon says, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I just wanted to see your face."
A smile spreads across YN's lips as she takes in the sight of him, his tousled hair and tired eyes a testament to the late hour. "I've missed you," she admits softly, her voice tinged with longing.
Jungwon's gaze softens, a look of tenderness in his eyes as he reaches out towards the screen as if to touch her. "I've missed you too, more than words can say," he murmurs.
For a moment, they simply gaze at each other in silence, the distance between them melting away as they lose themselves in the connection they share. Despite the miles that separate them, they find solace in the knowledge that they're still bound together by the unbreakable bond of love.
As they talk into the night, sharing stories and laughter, they find themselves transported back to a time when they were inseparable, when the world seemed to revolve around their love for each other. And though they may be far apart, their hearts beat as one, their love transcending time and distance to bring them closer together once more.
As the call comes to an end and they bid each other goodnight, YN and Jungwon are filled with a renewed sense of hope and determination. Though their lives may be filled with uncertainty and change, they know that as long as they have each other, they'll always find a way to overcome whatever obstacles come their way.
In their academic and career pursuits, YN and Jungwon continue to excel, each making significant strides towards their goals while facing their own unique challenges along the way.
YN immerses herself in her studies, delving deeper into the world of botany and environmental science. She spends long hours in the lab, conducting experiments and research that push the boundaries of her field. Her dedication and passion earn her recognition among her peers and mentors, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations.
Outside of the classroom, YN takes on internships and volunteer positions that allow her to apply her knowledge in real-world settings. Whether it's working in botanical gardens, conducting field research in remote locations, or advocating for environmental causes, she throws herself into every opportunity with enthusiasm and determination.
As she nears graduation, YN finds herself faced with a myriad of possibilities for her future. With her passion for botany and her dedication to environmental conservation, she knows that she has the power to make a positive impact on the world around her, no matter where her career takes her.
Meanwhile, Jungwon continues to hone his craft in the world of filmmaking, immersing himself in every aspect of the industry. From screenwriting and cinematography to directing and editing, he throws himself into every project with creativity and passion, constantly pushing himself to new heights of artistic expression.
Throughout his college experience, Jungwon seeks out opportunities to collaborate with fellow students and industry professionals, building a network of contacts and mentors that will serve him well in his future career. He takes on internships and apprenticeships that allow him to gain hands-on experience on film sets, learning from the best in the business and honing his skills as a filmmaker.
In the first two years of their college experiences, YN and Jungwon manage to maintain a strong and consistent level of communication despite the distance between them. They make time for regular Facetime calls, text messages, and emails, eagerly sharing updates about their lives, their academic achievements, and their career aspirations. Despite the challenges of being apart, their love remains a constant presence in their lives, providing them with strength and support as they navigate the ups and downs of college life.
However, as they enter their third year and approach the final stretch of their college careers, the demands of their academic and professional lives begin to take precedence. With looming deadlines, internships, and job applications to contend with, they find themselves increasingly strapped for time and energy. As a result, their communication begins to falter, with days or even weeks passing between messages.
At first, they reassure themselves that it's just a temporary hiccup – a byproduct of the hectic pace of college life. But as time goes on and their communication continues to dwindle, they can't help but feel a growing sense of unease and distance between them. What was once a source of comfort and joy now feels like a burden, a reminder of the growing divide between their lives.
Despite their best efforts to stay connected, YN and Jungwon find themselves drifting apart, their once vibrant conversations giving way to awkward silences and strained exchanges. They struggle to find common ground amidst the chaos of their busy lives, their priorities shifting as they focus on their own individual goals and aspirations.
As they enter their fourth year of college, the silence between them becomes deafening, each unanswered message and missed call a painful reminder of the growing distance between them. They wonder if their love can withstand the test of time and distance, or if they're destined to drift further and further apart until they're nothing more than distant memories of a love that once was.
Despite the challenges they face, YN and Jungwon cling to the hope that their love will endure, that the bond they share is strong enough to withstand whatever obstacles come their way. And as they navigate the uncertain road ahead, they hold onto the belief that no matter where life takes them, as long as they have each other in their hearts, they'll always find a way back to one another.
As graduation approaches, Jungwon finds himself faced with a world of possibilities for his future. With his talent and dedication, he knows that he has the potential to make a name for himself in the fiercely competitive world of filmmaking, to tell stories that inspire and move audiences around the world.
As the distance between them grows and their communication dwindles, Jungwon finds himself grappling with conflicting emotions about his relationship with YN. What was once a source of comfort and joy now feels like a burden, a constant reminder of the growing divide between their lives. He can't help but wonder if their love is strong enough to withstand the challenges they face, or if they're simply clinging to a fading connection out of fear of letting go.
With each unanswered message and missed call, Jungwon feels a growing sense of frustration and resentment building within him. He struggles to reconcile the image of the vibrant, passionate love they once shared with the reality of their current situation – one marked by distance, uncertainty, and a lack of communication.
As he reflects on his own hopes and aspirations for the future, Jungwon finds himself questioning whether YN still fits into the life he envisions for himself. He wonders if their relationship is holding him back from pursuing his dreams, or if it's simply a casualty of the inevitable changes that come with growing up and moving on.
Despite his doubts and fears, Jungwon can't shake the lingering feelings of love and affection he still harbors for YN. He knows that walking away from their relationship would mean letting go of a part of himself – a part that he's not sure he's ready to give up just yet.
Caught between his desire for independence and his longing for connection, Jungwon finds himself at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take. As he weighs his options and contemplates the future, he knows that whatever decision he makes will have far-reaching consequences for both himself and YN. And as he grapples with the uncertainty of what lies ahead, he can only hope that he'll find the clarity and courage to follow his heart, whatever the cost.
As the silence between them stretches on, YN finds herself consumed by worry and doubt, her mind plagued by thoughts of Jungwon and the possibility that he may have found someone else. Each unanswered message and missed call only adds fuel to her fears, leaving her feeling increasingly isolated and alone.
Unable to shake the nagging sense of unease that gnaws at her insides, YN finds herself endlessly scrolling through social media feeds and online profiles, searching for any sign of Jungwon's whereabouts or activities. With each new photo or status update, she feels a pang of jealousy and insecurity, wondering if he's moved on without her.
As the days turn into weeks and the weeks into months, YN's anxiety reaches a fever pitch, her imagination running wild with worst-case scenarios. She tortures herself with thoughts of Jungwon with someone new – laughing, smiling, and sharing intimate moments that were once reserved for her alone.
Despite her efforts to push aside her fears and focus on her own life, YN finds herself consumed by thoughts of Jungwon and the life they once shared together. She wonders if she'll ever be able to move on from him, or if she'll spend the rest of her days haunted by the ghost of their failed relationship.
As she struggles to come to terms with the possibility of losing Jungwon forever, YN finds herself torn between holding onto hope and letting go of the past. She knows that she can't control his actions or his feelings, but she can't help but cling to the faint glimmer of possibility that maybe, just maybe, their love is strong enough to withstand the trials they face.
With a heavy heart and a soul weighed down by uncertainty, YN braces herself for whatever the future may hold, knowing that no matter what happens, she'll always carry a piece of Jungwon with her – a reminder of the love they once shared and the bond that still lingers between them, even in the darkest of times.
As YN sits alone in her room, tears streaming down her cheeks, she feels a heavy weight pressing down on her chest, suffocating her with the weight of her worries and fears. Lost in her own thoughts, she doesn't hear the soft knock on her door or the creak of the hinges as it swings open.
"Hey, sis, are you okay?" YN's brother's voice breaks through the haze of her despair, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow and the gentle tone of his voice.
Startled, YN looks up to find her brother standing in the doorway, his eyes filled with worry and compassion. Despite her efforts to hide her tears, she knows that he can see right through her façade, that he knows she's been struggling with something for weeks now.
"I'm fine," YN mumbles, her voice barely above a whisper as she tries to wipe away her tears. But her brother isn't fooled by her feeble attempt at reassurance, his gaze softening as he steps further into the room.
"Sis, I know something's been bothering you lately," he says gently, his voice filled with empathy. "You haven't been yourself, and I'm worried about you."
With a heavy sigh, YN collapses onto her bed, her emotions spilling out in a rush of tears and choked sobs. Unable to hold back any longer, she pours her heart out to her brother, telling him about her fears and insecurities, her worries about Jungwon and the possibility that he may have moved on without her.
As she speaks, YN's brother listens intently, offering words of comfort and understanding that soothe the ache in her heart. He assures her that her feelings are valid, that it's okay to be scared and uncertain about the future. And most importantly, he reminds her that she's not alone – that no matter what happens, he'll always be there for her, ready to offer support and guidance whenever she needs it.
With her brother's words echoing in her ears, YN feels a sense of relief wash over her, a weight lifted from her shoulders. Though her worries may still linger, she knows that she doesn't have to face them alone – that as long as she has her family by her side, she'll always find the strength to overcome whatever obstacles come her way. And with a newfound sense of determination and hope, she wipes away her tears and resolves to face the future head-on, knowing that no matter what challenges lie ahead, she'll always have her brother's unwavering support to see her through.
As YN's brother listens to her pouring out her heart, he feels a pang of sadness knowing the depth of her pain. He reaches out and pulls her into a warm embrace, holding her close as she cries out her frustrations and fears.
"I'm so sorry you're going through this, sis," he says softly, his voice filled with empathy. "But I want you to know that you're not alone. Whatever happens, I'll always be here for you."
YN clings to her brother, finding solace in his comforting presence. For the first time in weeks, she feels a glimmer of hope flicker to life within her, a tiny spark of light in the darkness of her despair.
"Thank you," she whispers, her voice choked with emotion. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Her brother smiles gently, brushing away her tears with a tender touch. "You don't have to do anything alone," he says reassuringly. "We're family, and we'll get through this together."
With her brother's words ringing in her ears, YN feels a renewed sense of strength and resolve wash over her. Though the road ahead may be difficult and filled with uncertainty, she knows that she doesn't have to face it alone – that as long as she has her family by her side, she'll always find the courage to keep moving forward, no matter what challenges lie ahead.
As they sit together in the quiet of her room, YN and her brother find comfort in each other's presence, knowing that no matter what the future may hold, they'll face it together, one step at a time. And with a renewed sense of hope in her heart, YN wipes away her tears and resolves to take each day as it comes, knowing that with her brother by her side, she can overcome anything that comes her way.
As Jungwon throws himself into his studies and filmmaking pursuits, he finds solace in the familiar rhythm of his daily routine. Each day brings new challenges and opportunities for growth, and he throws himself into his work with a renewed sense of determination and focus.
On set, Jungwon immerses himself in the world of filmmaking, his passion and creativity fueling his drive to succeed. He pours over scripts, storyboard ideas, and hones his directing skills, pushing himself to new heights of artistic expression with each project he undertakes. Despite the pressures and demands of his studies, he finds a sense of fulfillment in bringing his vision to life on screen, knowing that he's pursuing his dreams with unwavering dedication and passion.
In the classroom, Jungwon embraces the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in the industry, soaking up knowledge and honing his craft with each lecture and seminar. He dives into film theory and criticism, dissecting the works of master directors and studying the intricacies of storytelling and visual language. With each passing day, he feels himself growing as an artist and a filmmaker, his skills sharpening and his confidence soaring as he inches closer to his goals.
But despite his outward success and determination, Jungwon can't shake the nagging sense of emptiness that gnaws at his insides. As he throws himself into his work, he finds himself haunted by thoughts of YN and the love they once shared. He wonders if he made the right decision in distancing himself from her, or if he's simply avoiding the pain of confronting his true feelings.
With each passing day, Jungwon finds himself retreating further into himself, his focus on his work serving as a distraction from the turmoil of his emotions. He throws himself into his studies and filmmaking pursuits with a single-minded intensity, hoping that if he can just keep himself busy enough, he'll be able to push aside the ache in his heart and move on with his life.
But deep down, Jungwon knows that no amount of work or distraction can erase the love he still feels for YN. And as he wrestles with his inner demons, he can't help but wonder if he'll ever find peace and closure, or if he'll spend the rest of his days haunted by the ghost of their failed relationship.
As YN and Jungwon find themselves on a rare break from their busy schedules, they seize the opportunity to connect over Facetime, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of their screens. For a moment, they simply gaze at each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between them.
Then, with a deep breath, YN gathers her courage and breaks the silence. "Jungwon," she begins, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "I need to ask you something."
Jungwon's brow furrows in concern as he senses the seriousness in YN's tone. "Of course, YN. What is it?" he replies, his own heart racing with anticipation.
Taking a moment to steady herself, YN plunges ahead, her words tumbling out in a rush. "What are we, Jungwon? Are we still in a relationship, or… or have we moved on? I need to know where we stand."
There's a beat of silence as Jungwon absorbs YN's words, his heart clenching with a mixture of emotions. He knows that this moment has been a long time coming, that they can't continue to dance around the truth forever. With a heavy sigh, he meets YN's gaze, his eyes filled with a mix of regret and determination.
"YN, I…" he begins, his voice trailing off as he searches for the right words. "I don't know, YN. I've been trying to figure that out myself. It's been hard, being apart from you and trying to focus on my studies and my career."
YN's heart sinks at Jungwon's words, the reality of their situation hitting her like a ton of bricks. She had hoped for clarity, for reassurance that their love was still alive and worth fighting for. But instead, she's met with uncertainty and doubt.
"I understand," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's just… it's been hard for me too, Jungwon. I miss you, and I want to believe that we can still make this work. But I need to know if you're still in this with me."
Jungwon's heart aches at the pain in YN's voice, the knowledge that he's the cause of her suffering weighing heavily on his conscience. He knows that he owes her honesty, that he can't continue to string her along with false hope.
"I'm sorry, YN," he says softly, his voice thick with emotion. "I don't have the answers right now. But I promise you, I'll do whatever it takes to figure this out. I won't let you down again."
With a heavy heart, YN nods in understanding, the weight of their conversation hanging heavy in the air between them. Though they may not have all the answers now, they know that they can't continue to ignore the truth forever. And as they face the uncertainty of their future together, they cling to the hope that their love will see them through, no matter what challenges lie ahead.
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ltwharfy · 1 month
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Sharing this absolutely adorable drawing of Henry Haber and Susmita engaged in some "Star Trek" cosplay that the amazing @devilh0rnsinc made for me!
Devil is working on a comic I commissioned of a scene from my Henry/Susmita fic "According to Habermetrics". After reading the fic, where Henry and Susmita discuss "Star Trek", among other nerdy topics, she asked me which Trek characters Henry ahd Susmita most remind me of. Henry was, obviously, Spock. Susmita required a little more thought, but I eventually decided on Geordi LaForge (very smart, friendly, but totally awkward when it comes to romance.)
She then surprised me with this "warm up drawing" of the two of them as those characters! It's hard to overstate how much this makes me smile! If you know me, you know that Trek and "Bob's Burgers" are the two fandoms that mean the most to me, so I am delighted to see them combined in this adorable drawing by one of my favorite fan artists! She has always been a delight to work with (and, y'know, you can get a commission from her to), and getting this bonus drawing was such a wonderful surprise!
I love this soooooooooo much!!!!
(Also, fun random trivia bit: today is the birthday of Aparna Nancherla, Susmita's voice actor!)
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