#friday night dinner fanfiction
samdeancass · 2 years
Part of the Family
Requested by: @devil-worshippper​
Pairing: Adam Goodman x reader
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Adam, Johnny, Martin, Jackie
Description: Adam wants to marry Y/N so he goes to his dad and his brother for some advice.
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Adam sat on the couch in his mum and dads front room, twiddling the small, black box in his hands. He wanted to marry you with everything in his heart but he wanted to make asking you extra special but he had no idea where to start, which is why he was at his parents house, asking his father and brother for help. 
“Alright, Pussface.” Johnny walked through the door and patted his brother on the head, earning a hateful stare from Adam. “Hello, bambino.” Martin sat on the couch across from his two sons, messing about with yet another household item.
"What on earth are you doing with that?" Adam screwed up his features to try and at least think of what his father could be up to. "Adam, we could ask you the same question." Johnny nodded down towards the box in Adams hands.
Martin leaned forward in curiosity. "Well, spit it out." Adam closed his eyes as he felt his face begin to redden. "It's a-its a ring. I'm going to ask Y/N to marry me." He slowly opened his eyes and looked around the room.
Both Martin and Johnny had beaming smiles on their faces. "What did you keep it so secret for? I'm happy for you, bro." Johnny clapped Adam on the back and brought him in for a hug. "Who would've thought you'd be the one to get married first, eh?"
"They haven't said yes yet." Johnny looked his brother in the eyes with upmost certainty. "Trust me, they will." Adam turned to his father who's expression had turned a little mixed.
"Please tell me you've told your mother. She's going to go mad if she's not the first one you've told." Adam shook his head. "No, if I did, she'd blurt everything out to Y/N before I'd even had a chance to plan anything. Which reminds me, I need a little help with the actual proposal. I think I should keep it simple, nothing too much, but I know that some people like everything to be over the top about their weddings, even the proposal."
Martin stood up and clapped his son on the back. "If you want my advice, don't marry at all. You age about 50 years just after you say 'I do'". He walked to the kitchen laughing, with Adam throwing a cushion after him.
"Ignore dad. Just do whatever your heart tells you to do. Whatever you think they'll like, just do it. Just don't fuck it up otherwise you'll never live it down, I'll make sure of it." Johnny winked and smiled as Adam shook his head and brought him in for a hug.
"Thanks, Johnny. Now I have to do the hard bit and try and hide everything from mum." At that moment, Jackie walked into the room and began to potter around. An evil smirk rested on Johnny's face and Adam knew exactly he was going to do. "Don't you fucking dare, Johnny."
Johnny wiggled his eyebrows and toddled over to Jackie. "Mum, I just thought I'd tell you this because Adam wasn't going to.... He's going to propose to Y/N. Bye!"
Johnny ran out of the room and left Adam fending for himself against his mother. "I HATE YOU, PISSFACE!"
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morningstargirl666 · 1 year
ad aeternam. by darkness_shows_the_stars / @stars-and-darkness
His eyes are intent on her. They always are, but never so strong, never so scorching, as when he’s needling for information she’d rather not give.
“I want you to come and …” She sighs. This is more difficult than she had expected it to be, and that’s saying something. She’d expected it to be like pulling teeth, but the feeling is more akin to ripping off an arm. “I want you to come and pretendtodateme.”
There. Done. That wasn’t so hard, was it?
No, not at all.
Klaus’s face smooths over, washed of all emotion. “Would you mind repeating that?”
Guys. Listen. I don't go searching for fake dating AUs. Mostly because I'm not a fan of human AUs. When I'm reading klaroline fanfiction, I'm here for the fantasy element, the age old hybrid falling in love with the blonde baby vampire. Therefore, fake dating AUs just don't really blip up on my radar. But. Guys. Guys. THIS FIC ALRIGHT. THIS FIC HAS OVERHAULED MY ENTIRE BELIEF SYSTEM???? LIKE? IT'S POST-CANON DIVERGENCE???????? YET A FAKE DATING AU????????????? DO YOU SEE THE QUESTION MARKS HERE IT DIDN'T EVEN OCCUR TO ME THIS COULD BE A THING AND YET IT IS AND IT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATION TO EVER EXIST?
Anyways. Yeah, go read it.
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
So what attracted Bristlehound and Dum-Dum to houseboating and Friday fish fries?
ALONG THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER NEAR GUTTENBERG, IA: "Just think of it this way, Snagglepuss," explained Dum-Dum, storied boon companion of Touché Turtle, as to the backgrounder over some highly interesting German cuisine at a modest little cafe. "It all came up on the sidelines of a Character Convocation of ours coincident, I believe, with Steamboat Days back in Winona."
Bristlehound picks up the story:
"I do have to admit that this onetime Faithful Sheepdog Protector was at a loss for something new and exciting, wandering around for the most part. Up, down and on the ground, as the Cattanooga Cats put it, for the most part."
"So," Huckleberry Hound asked Bristlehound, "if I don't mind asking exactly, how did you come across the houseboat, to begin with?"
"Huck," observed Bristlehound, "Dum-Dum and I crossed paths out of nowhere back at Winona Steamboat Days, and over coffee and donuts, we stumbled across a 'for sale' ad on my mobile phone offering a housboat for sale, older model, owner wanted to get rid of same ... said he was moving in with relatives."
"And I believe he was getting up there in years," Dum-Dum added, "by his own admission over coffee to negotiate the sale. The house he had was older, with some siding put on a few years back concealing a mostly working-class patina going back. But he was somewhat on the affable side, like Touché 'himself.'"
"I'd have to concur there," Touché remarked over some potato pancakes he was dipping into some of the sauce for the Sauerbraten we were sharing. "The seller, admittedly, was a little surprised initially at my presence alongside Dum-Dum and Bristlehound, though Bristlehound did ask to clarify that saying along the Mississippi about those who could drive a car could also drive a houseboat ... and from experience, the guy selling it said 'yes' pretty much."
"Heavens to Mark Twain!" saith I.
"Though I admit we did have to get some coaching to understand the hang of things houseboating," Bristlehound remarked. "Mainly some short excursions, about as far as Trempeleau or Alma and back--"
"To get the feel of things," Dum-Dum noted.
"And, if I may just ask," asked I, "how much did you have to put down to get the houseboat?"
"If you count as much the houseboat as the lincence, registration and other incidentals," Bristlehound noted, "all in all, about $1,000. Pooled mostly between us out of some savings we managed to build up."
"So that explains everything," asked Huckleberry. "Meanwhile, what explains the Friday-evening fish fry interest?"
"We probably just stumbled unto it by chance," Bristlehound explained. "We took ourselves a little jaunt downriver after managing to get our houseboat, and stumbled across one of those 'quaint little drinking towns with a fishing problem,' borrowing from a tacky tourist trap T-shirt meme ... Friday evening, rather clement outside, tied our houseboat down at the local docks and checked the local bar to find out the local cuisine, and discovering the sheer popularity given to the fish fry."
"Oh yeah," Dum-Dum pointed out, "beer-battered fish, French fries galore, cole slaw and some decent sweet tea. The locals, it seems, can't get enough of it, or so the waitress assisting us explained it. Neither could the tourists."
"How did it all turn out?" Huckleberry explained.
"It was alright," Bristlehound explained. "Even if it was a little pricey, considering where we took walleye ... otherwise, cod is the most common choice, though the high price of cod could be enough to have some taverns consider other species just to stay afloat."
Touché Turtle chimed in by remarking that haddock and walleye are likely possibilities should cod get all the more pricey, "and blame overfishing, cutthroat competition from fishing crews in prime cod waters of the north Atlantic and depletion of stocks."
"Or bass," added I.
(At any rate, the sauerbraten we had was rather hearty-tasting, to say the least. Yet for some reason, the potato pancakes were remarkably not all that greasy.)
@warnerbrosentertainment @iheartgod175 @artistic-octopus @indigo-corvus @theweekenddigest @archive-archives @thebigdingle @thylordshipofbutts @screamingtoosoftly @themineralyoucrave @warnerbros-blog1 @jellystone-enjoyer @thebestofcartoonscomics @railguner34 @kuni-dreamer @aquablock68 @warnerbrosent-blog
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pomefioredove · 9 days
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ kudos and enemies to lovers
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type of post: fic characters: rook additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, this is ooc I just thought it was funny, rook writing rpf is morally questionable I KNOW. he's a freak author's note: the fanfiction site is made up
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"completely ooc. vil would never say this"
Rook Hunt has been staring at the anonymous comment for hours.
He's come back to it five times, taking breaks only to rest his eyes when the harsh glare of the computer screen becomes too much.
It's not so uncommon for him to fall for so little; in just seven words, this anonymous hate had captured his full attention like a rabbit in a snare.
His gloved finger brushes over the enter key.
What to say? How could he possibly express himself in only a few hundred characters, in the comment section under a fanfiction of fifty thousand?
How he wishes they commented from an account... not only could he DM them, he may also have some idea of who they are. What sort of person would know Vil Schoenheit better than him?
No one. That's who.
"Dear Reader: I am sorry to hear you did not like my writing. However, I am inclined to believe I know Vil Schoenheit a modest amount better than you. Merci. -R"
Rook smiles. Eloquent, graceful, but firm. A gentleman like him would never start a fight.
Only finish it.
His curiosity finally put to rest, he responds to the other comments, thanking his usual commenters in detail.
When he scrolls back up to the top, there's something new:
"I sincerely doubt that. and fyi, you couldn't beg vil to be friends with neige"
Ohoho. Those are fighting words, he thinks. A smile creeps across Rook. Well, if it's a fight they want...
"Dear Reader: You doubt it? And how so? -R"
He refreshes the page again and again, hoping for an answer each time. This is the most stimulation he's had all week.
Now, who could this mysterious commentor be? A jealous fan, perhaps? A bitter critic?
"I was sitting next to him not two hours ago and he'd never say that"
Rook's smile widens. Of course. He should have guessed. The typing quirks, the misspelled words, even the voice in which each comment is written...
Now, he has you right where he wants you.
"Naughty naughty, Prefect. Does our Roi du Poison know you frequent the Vil Schoenheit x reader tag? or have you been keeping secrets again~?"
This time, he doesn't refresh. He knows you won't respond. Rook gets up from his desk and leaves his dorm, knowing just where to find you at this hour, and...
"Bonsoir, Trickster," he lets himself in your room.
As expected, there you are, looking beautifully flustered and vulnerable with your Crowley-approved phone in hand.
His smile sharpens. "Beautiful night, non?"
"I can explain,"
"Ah-ah," he tuts, sitting at the edge of your bed. "Do not be ashamed. I'm not a tattletale... not when I don't have to be."
His voice has a dangerous edge to it, and you give him a suspicious look. "What do you want?"
Rook lets the silence drag on, making you more and more impatient, more nervous, as if he were about to ask for something dangerous.
"Rescind your comments and leave a kudos on my work,"
You blink.
"...That's it?"
"Oui," he says. "...Unless you had something else in mind?"
You sigh. Now it's your turn to drag out the silence.
"...Let me edit your next fic,"
And, subsequently, it's Rook's turn to be surprised. He hadn't been expecting that. How... bold.
He smiles.
"...Ah... a tempting offer, I admit. I am working on something new. Perhaps we should discuss it over dinner?"
You think... and then: "I'm free Friday,"
"Then Friday it will be," Rook says, standing from your bed.
"Until then, mon petit critique~"
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fvckingwolfstar · 8 months
3 am
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pairing: hozier x sleepy! reader
summary: blurb!! late night fingering after a long day
genre: smut 18+
word count: 453
cw: he’s so in love w you, sleepy vaginal fingering
author’s note: go read my saltburn fanfiction pleaseeeeeee. its pinned🫶🫶🫶
smut under the cut
It was 3 am on a Saturday morning, Friday night. Whatever you call it. And Andrew was enraptured by you. He’d been enraptured by you for months now, having been dating you for nearly nine. Friday night, he took you dancing, then to dinner. Something you’d been talking about for weeks, and he wanted nothing more than to see you smile. Or to see your hair fly behind you as you twirled, or your dress to spin with you. The force of you pulled him in.
When you got home, you blew him and rode him as a job well done. It was perfect, as it always is with you. You had fallen asleep in eachother’s arms, but now he’s awake again. That wasn’t too bad though, he got to stroke your hair while you rested.
Your heavy eyes begin to flutter, a grumble of “what time is it?” falling from between your lips.
Andrew kisses your forehead lightly, “3:30?” he guesses.
You groan, exhausted, pushing yourself closer to him. You lean up and kiss him softly, humming as you both refuse to pull away. Andrew wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer. You gasp as you feel him pressed against you.
He pushes his hand down your side and hovers over the elastic of your underwear, “Mnmf, please?” you mumble quietly against him. He pushes his hand into your panties slowly and rubs circle around your clit, you melting like putty in his hands.
He pushed his middle finger inside of you, his palm pressed against your clit. Your quiet whines turning into louder moans as he touched you. You bring your hand down to his boxers, “Lemme…” you trail off.
“It’s okay,” Andrew hums, steering your hand from his boxers to his waist. He pushes his ring finger inside of you aswell, causing you to fold into him, letting out labored breaths.
He rubs your g-spot with his fingers and your clit with your palm, sending you into overdrive. Your face scrunches up as he works you with one hand, shushing and comforting you as he does. With a few more rubs, you cum on his hands.
You look up at him with sleepy eyes, blinking slowly. He pulls his hand out of your damp underwear and goes to lick his fingers. Before he does, you take his wrist and suck his middle finger into your mouth, fluttering your eyelashes languidly. You pull his finger out with a quiet, yet obscene pop! and relax into his arms again.
His hand returns to your hair and he strokes your hair until you fall asleep in his arms again. His eyes finally flutter closed as he succumbs to sleep.
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izvmimi · 2 years
a/n: this is tongue-in-cheek. being married to a pro hero can sometimes grate on your nerves if they’re not made of steel. cw brief child mention.
the first thing you notice before you park your car that Friday night is that your mailbox is full to bursting -
and that’s not even an exaggeration. 
katsuki gets a lot of fanmail - drawings from kids who are inspired by the pro hero Dynamight and heartfelt greeting cards from the families of people he’s saved (and even those he’s regrettably failed to save), but despite how reassuring those can be, there are a few that get on your last nerve no matter how gracious you try to be:
the characteristic perfume-scented letters by the most annoying fan club he has - Dynamight’s Damsels.
there’s already a zero in creativity for the name, but it’s less about them being lame and more about the sheer audacity of it all. you’re not exactly sure how they manage to find every single place your husband has lived in since he became an official pro, and you’re not exactly sure why it’s legal to stalk anyone to this extent, let alone a married man, but there’s not much you can do about it - sending lightly used panties is apparently not a crime, nor is writing fanfiction that poorly characterizes him, even if it is graphic. it’s weird, no one will argue that, but not illegal. and especially given his level of fame and adoration, is to be expected.
but sometimes there’s a limit. today they’ve gone full force and sent many packages on top of letters, probably because it was his birthday last week and the mailman had the kindness to hold off on the nonsense until your private festivities died down. picking up as many letters as you can carry in your handbag, you plug your nose and make it into your house. 
katsuki’s come back early today, and has your sleeping baby girl tied to his back while he prepares dinner; even though his back is turned, you know he knows you’ve returned.
he turns and grins, and then his smile immediately fades when he can see the frown on yours.
“what’s wrong, princess?”
“your harem misses you, katsuki,” you reply, keeping your voice sickeningly sweet. with that, you dump what looks like a sea of letters, all with a classic seal, ‘DD’, in cursive, onto the dinner table and he immediately starts fussing at you before realizing he’s going to wake the baby and dropping his voice.
“don’t put that shit on the table! we don’t know where it’s been!” he says in a hushed yet harsh tone.
“why are you worried? your girls would never poison you,” you grin, but your smile doesn’t completely reach your eyes. “they are sooooo in love with you after all.” you roll your eyes and shake out your bag, lest an expensive bra fall out or an oddly familiar assumption about the man you married.
he groans, and turns dinner once, then lowers the heat and moves over to collect the envelopes and toss them in the automatic trash bin.
“stop getting mad at me for their behavior. it’s not like this shit isn’t affecting me too,” he quips. then he walks over to you, frowning again, but differently this time, and you can tell he’s waiting for something.
“what?” you ask, holding onto the strap of your purse. you’re pouting and he’s pouting and you’re both standing in the kitchen and dinner will be ready in 30.
“where’s my kiss?” 
you narrow your eyes.
“ask katsukispuppy.” you reply, cruelly before walking past him.
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damianodavds · 4 days
Teacher’s Pet (A Duff McKagan FanFiction)
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a/n: I originally wrote this fanfiction for another fandom which I posted and then deleted in 2020. I am the original writer of this storyline, this is my idea. This story has been re-written and edited. I am sharing this story earlier than expected because the text post about it was popular.
a/n #2: If you blink you’ll miss the appearance of axl.
warnings: smut, alcohol & drug use. Minors, do not interact please. Also there is no age!gap in this story. Everything will make sense when you read it until the end.
It was the first Monday after summer vacation. You were walking down the hallway to get to your classroom so you could greet your new students for the year at Vista Clara High School.
You had your hands full of folders with the new reading, projects and assignments material. Once you got to the room, you unlocked the door and put your bag and work on the desk. 
Ten minutes later and the bell rang, you walked to the door and opened it to say ‘hello’ to your students as they walked in. Once the last student walked in and took their seat you shut the door.
“Good morning class and welcome to AP English 12, this year we will be studying the work of…” A knock was heard at the door, cutting you off mid sentence and everyone stopped listening to look. 
You opened the door to see the principal and a young man with him. “Hello Y/N, I am sure you had a good summer. Please let me introduce you to Duff. He just moved here from New York. He shouldn’t be a problem for you as he was transferred from a college level prep school”. 
“Welcome Duff.” You said to him with a smile as principal McDonald left the room. 
Duff gazed at you as he walked past your desk and winked at you as he took the empty seat in the front row. 
You brushed it off as you started your lecture on The Great Gatsby.
During the long lecture, Duff would fool around with his classmates. This made you really upset but you didn’t want to say anything to cause a scene.
“Please write a report on the first five chapters of The Great Gatsby to be due in two weeks”. You explained to the class as the bell rang.
“See you on Saturday for the pool party, Duff”. Axl said as he was the last student to leave the room. 
When Axl left, Duff shut the door and looked at you with a smile. “Listen, I want to apologize for the way I acted in class today. I hope it wasn’t a bad first impression.”
Before you could respond with an answer, Duff cut you off. “Why don’t you come to my apartment on Friday night and I’ll cook you dinner to show you there are no hard feelings.” You knew it wasn’t right to meet your students outside of school but Duff seemed harmless. You were intrigued by him so you nodded in agreement. 
“See you then, Y/N.” Duff told you as he left you speechless. You sighed as the next group of students entered the room. It was going to be a long week.
It was Friday evening and you were getting ready to meet Duff. You wore ripped jeans, t-shirt and a neon blue cardigan. You left home after an hour and drove twenty minutes to Duff’s apartment. 
When you got there, you parked your car and proceeded to walk up to his building. You looked up his name on the list and pressed three numbers to call him.
“Hello”. Duff answered after three rings.
“Duff, it’s Y/N from school. I am waiting downstairs”. You replied.
Duff unlocked the door and you opened it. You walked to the elevator to take you to the fourth floor where Duff lived.
When you finally exited the elevator, you noticed that the door to Duff’s unit was opened and he was waiting for you.
“Hello.” You said as you entered his apartment.
“Hey, you just made it and just in time too!” Duff explained as he walked over to give you a hug. 
After the hug, you took off your cardigan and gently put it on the couch that was near you. You sat at the dinner table as Duff poured you a glass of wine. 
While enjoying your meal together, Duff told you stories of being a small child in New York. He even mentioned how close he was to his little sister, whom he protected as they got older. 
Once dinner was finished, you helped Duff clean up and then moved to the couch to continue the conversation.
“So after university I settled in Los Angeles and started a job as a substitute teacher in an elementary school. My dream was always to teach in a high school. After gaining some experience, I applied at different school districts and finally got a call from Vista Clara. The rest is history.” You told Duff as you smiled.
“You are amazing, do you know that?”
You blushed and didn’t say anything. You were lost for words. 
“Listen, let me show you something. Do you trust me?” Duff asked.
You nodded, not knowing what you were getting yourself into.
Duff stood up for a few minutes and took out a plastic bag that was hidden in his bookshelf. 
The bag contained four small pink pills with the face of a devil. You started to get nervous as Duff sat beside you and took two pills out of the bag. He put both of them in his mouth and pulled you by your t-shirt. Duff kissed you softly and you felt him push one of the pills into your mouth with his tongue.
After a few moments, you suddenly felt a haze as you went under the high of the drug you took. As you were deep in the feeling of ecstasy you put your arms around Duff’s neck as the kiss deepened. You laid down as Duff got on top of you. You took a break from the kiss to take your shirt off as Duff unbuttoned his. Once your skin was bare, Duff kissed down your chest as he unhooked your bra. When he got to the button of your jeans you became wet as you thought of how far he would go. Suddenly, you felt Duff pulling your jeans off. When he finally got to your underwear, he licked them as they were covering your clit. You moaned as Duff replaced his mouth with his finger and you held your breath as you climaxed. 
Once the drug faded away, you both moved to Duff’s bedroom to cuddle until morning.
On Monday morning, You entered the school with a bright feeling. You couldn’t believe that you spent the whole weekend with Duff.
While in your day dream, the bell rang for the first period. You quickly rushed to your classroom. Once you shut the door and organize your desk, you overheard your students whispering about something.
“Do you remember that weird guy Duff we met last week?” Britney said as another student nodded in agreement.
“Rumor has it that he is really 25 years old. He had a very sad childhood where his parents left him alone with the nanny and she seduced him for years. Now as an adult, he goes around different states pretending to be a high school kid. He does this to get close to his teacher and seduce them. I heard he seduces male teachers too. Then, before he can get caught, he runs off with a student.”
You couldn’t believe what your students were saying about Duff. You now noticed that not only was Duff missing from your class but also your top student Cheryl was absent too. 
You decided to brush off what your students were doing. “Attention students, please continue to work on your Great Gatsby report.” Once your class started working, you took a seat at your desk. As you got settled, you looked out the window and hoped Duff would be caught in his wild ways once and for all.
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therealcocoshady · 8 months
Recovery - Chapter 8
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Eminem x FemReader (Y/N) fanfiction
Summary : Y/N reconnects with an old friend and her sobriety is seriously challenged.
Tags : Angst, Comfort, Fluff
CW : Bullying, Alcohol, Drugs, Mentions of nudity
To say you had a bad week would be an understatement. It was a terrible one : everything that could go wrong basically did, except for the moments you spent at the studio. 
As it often happened, you missed Simon terribly. You were feeling touch-starved, and you just missed being in a relationship. Granted, you had amazing friends, but it just wasn’t the same. Work wasn’t a piece of cake either. You’d had to attend several faculty events and, as was often the case in academia, almost everyone over-indulged on alcohol. You found yourself missing the days where you could party and dance the night away. You had never been much of a party-girl, but now that you were sober, you missed it sorely. You were supposed to work on your doctoral dissertation but found no motivation to work at all. 
Only three things were able to get you out of your bad mood : the few hours a week you spent at the studio, dinner time every evening with Talia and Jamal, as well as the perspective of seeing an old friend who was coming back to Detroit. 
Two weeks prior, after Marshall brought you back from the studio, you had received a text from an old friend named Cassie. She was the first person you befriended at Michigan State University, four years ago, when you were an exchange student. Your friendship was the living embodiment of “opposites attract”, as she was everything you weren’t : funny, easy-going, sociable, the life of the party. It was also a good partnership : you helped her study and she helped you socialise. She was the one who took you to some parties and showed you cool places in the city. In a way, she was a good influence : she pushed you out of your comfort zone. Whenever you were with her, you found yourself to be more bold. Unfortunately, you hadn’t seen her in a while, as she moved to another state to follow her then-fiancé, now ex-husband. Cassie had texted you to tell you she was coming back to town and that she’d love to see you. Generous as ever, she offered for you to spend a couple of days in her suite at a fancy hotel, promising you a good time and some spa. You were extremely happy to see her again. When she left, you had tried to keep in touch, but she seemed extremely busy. Now though, she was considering coming back to Michigan after a divorce and was actually in town for a job interview. 
Her offer for you to spend a couple of days with her was also a nice way to give Talia and Jamal some space. They would never admit it, but you figured they would appreciate spending some time at the house, just the two of them. There was only one drawback : Talia seemed a bit wary of Cassie. You knew she never liked her, but being the classy lady she was, she refused to drag you into their drama. She simply told you to enjoy yourself. 
On Friday night, you joined Cassie at her hotel, after she was done with her job interview. She seemed ecstatic to see you. 
Ma chériiiiiie, she shrieked as she took you in her arms. It has been so long ! 
I’m so happy to see you, you said sincerely. 
I have planned the most amazing weekend for the two of us, she said giddily. 
Really ? What do you have in mind ? 
First, we’re going to have a nice five stars dinner brought up to our room, and tomorrow, I’m taking you to the Spa, shopping and then, I was thinking we could go to a party together, she explained. 
That is a lot, Cassie…, you said. 
My treat, she assured you. Let my divorce settlement money be useful ! 
I can’t accept that. 
Of course you can ! You’ve done so much for me, baby, it’s time I paid you back a little ! Some people I know are throwing a party and you’re going to love it. 
You hummed. Cassie was a ball of energy, as always. You half expected her to be depressed because of her short marriage that just ended, but she was beaming with happiness. At dinner, she explained that she caught her husband cheating with a colleague. She got a lot of money from the divorce and was ready to move on. She had always been like this : always seeing the positive side of things. During the conversation, the talk shifted to your breakup with Simon, although you didn’t go into much detail as to why the relationship ended. Cassie was your friend but you didn’t want to either bore or worry her by talking about your struggle with pills. If you were being honest, you also didn’t want her to think poorly of you. As amazing as she was, you knew she could be a little judgy, at times. 
It’s a shame that you guys broke up, but maybe it’s better this way, she said. You can do better anyway. 
Do you really think so ? you asked as you bit your lip. 
Of course. I mean, he was great and everything, but I don’t know… You could probably do with someone a little more fun. He was always so serious, she said. 
I don’t know… I liked that about him, you said with a sigh. 
Of course you did, she continued. But I’m sure we can find you someone better. The party I’m taking you to tomorrow will be the perfect place for you to find a man. 
I don’t need to find a man, you scoffed. 
Of course you do, she giggled. It’s been months since the breakup. And knowing the good girl you are, you probably haven’t got any action since. You don’t want spider webs to grow in your vagina, now, do you ? 
You almost choked on your water. God, she could be so straightforward when it came to sex. Or any other topic, for that matter. Once again, she was the complete opposite of you. Anyway, you didn’t bother responding to her comment about the good girl you were. And you were absolutely not going to mention your movie night with Marshall. Thankfully, the conversation shifted once again to another topic. After all, the two of you had a lot of catching up to do. 
You barely got any sleep that night. Not that you weren’t tired from your week - you were actually exhausted - but you spent the whole time talking to Cassie and catching up on her life. This girl had a talent for making life seem exciting and glamorous. She always had things going on, always being the one with the most amazing stories to tell. You felt a little dull, next to her. 
The next day, you started by having a fancy breakfast in bed before she dragged you to do some shopping. The department store is where you noticed she was seriously intent on spending money. She kept on grabbing items, not even bothering to look at the price. Meanwhile, you failed to find anything. You either didn’t like it or it was out of your price range. Eventually, she decided to take matters into her own hands and initiated a makeover session with the pretext that you needed to look fancy for whatever party she wanted to take you to. Of course, it was Cassie, so you weren’t exactly surprised when she told you it would be extra. She insisted that you try on a Sandro black dress, even though you weren’t convinced. It was on the shorter side, with sequins and definitely showed a lot of skin. Not to mention that it was extremely expensive. You liked shopping and dressing up as much as the next girly girl, but you didn’t come from money, so spending $300 on a dress wasn’t something you considered. However, to her, it seemed like it was no big deal. She didn’t even blink when the sales assistant told her about the price. “We’ll take it”, she simply said, before asking for bags and shoes to match the dress. Once again, she spared no expenses. The shoes she selected for you to wear were from Jimmy Choo, costing almost $800, with a matching clutch that was just as expensive. She even went the extra mile and selected a pair of gorgeous diamond earrings to complete the outfit. She was extremely happy with the outfit. So much so that you didn’t really dare tell her that you felt ridiculous in these clothes. It was the least “you” outfit ever. “If Talia could see me, she would laugh in my face”, you thought. But at the same time, Cassie was so generous and confident that you wanted to give it a try. After all, maybe you needed to get out of your comfort zone. After the shopping spree, you went to get pampered at the hotel spa. You both got your hair done, as well as beauty treatments for the face and body. You had to admit it felt good. Plus, she seemed to enjoy giving you the princess treatment. To be fair, you also enjoyed getting it. It wasn’t every day that you could get a massage, a facial and a new hairdo. 
The both of you went back to the room to get ready for the party. You didn’t know much about it, other than the fact that Cassie was extremely excited to go. It was supposed to be held in an exclusive location, with “only the best people, food, music and drinks”. When you stepped out of the bathroom, she clapped and shrieked in excitement. 
You have never looked so sexy, Y/N !!! If I had your ass and your breast, I’d dress like that everyday ! 
You were glad she liked it, although you thought you resembled a Bratz Doll. You hardly ever wore makeup anymore, but there you were, with eyelash extensions, foundation, bold lipstick and, hell, even highlighter on your cheeks. Not to mention the outfit. “The dress is too tight, too short, and the heels are definitely too high”, you thought. 
Are we sure about the heels, Cass ? You asked nervously. I might break an ankle, here… 
You’ll be fine, she said. Plus, God knows I’m not one to criticize, but… You’re way too short to wear anything lower anyway. 
And there was the thing you liked the least about Cass : the way she would sometimes ignore your insecurities and dismiss them. Back when you were in school together, you couldn’t count the times when she would comment on your acne scars, your hair or even your weight. But she was your friend and you knew she meant well. It was her own way to care for you. She had your best interests at heart and she wanted you to be nothing but the best version of yourself. Besides, you knew that she was just as hard on herself. She was constantly under her own pressure to look good, do good and be with good people. But that was what made her thrive, so you figured that, maybe she was right. 
You look stunning and those basketball and NFL players are going to get in line to get your number, she said as she placed a strand of hair behind your ear. 
You look amazing too, you said with a shy smile. 
I know, she giggled. 
But wait… You mentioned… sports players ? Who exactly is going to be there ? Do you know them ? 
You’re getting in your head, baby, she chuckled. I know a few people. As for the others, it’s just a few friends we haven’t made yet. Anyway, I have something for you. 
She grabbed her handbag and took out a vial. 
I know how nervous you can get in social settings. This will help you relax. We are going to have the best night ever, she said with a wink. All you have to do is inhale this. 
She placed the vial in your hand and you looked at her, intrigued. 
What’s that ? You asked. Essential oils ? 
Almost, she hummed. Just trust me, ok ? 
Do you promise it’s nothing weird ? You asked as you bit your lip. 
I would never give you anything dangerous, she said as she rubbed your shoulder. You trust me, right ? 
You nodded with a smile. Of course you trusted her. 
Now, let’s have a glass of champagne, just the two of us before leaving, ok ? We didn't even toast to our reunion last night !!! 
I shouldn’t drink, you said as you avoided her gaze. I’ll have water but go ahead. 
Don’t be a boring, Y/N, she giggled. God, you can be such a dud sometimes. One glass, it won’t kill you. I’m going out of my way for you to have a great time, here. 
You felt your heart strain. You didn’t want to be ungrateful. After all, she was more than generous to you and she did go out of her way for you to have a memorable weekend. You didn’t want her to think you were a dud. Besides… One glass of champagne was ok, right ? It wasn’t as if she was handing you some pills or offering for you to snort cocaine in her hotel room. Plus, it was Cassie, of all people. You took a deep breath and sighed. 
Right. I’m sorry. Champagne sounds lovely, you said. 
She smiled and ordered champagne from room service. When it came, it wasn’t just two glasses : it was a whole bottle. Cassie laughed it off. You had your first sip of alcohol in months. You were never a huge drinker, but you had to admit you sort of missed it. You made small talk as you sipped on your glass and she told you that one of her motives to go to the party was to see a guy she had a small crush on. Some Pistons player, apparently. This made you smile. Cassie had always been quite the seductress, even though she got engaged and married quite young. She was the flirty type, even with you. This was part of her persona, and people were here for it. She was the very definition of irresistible. The girl you befriended, that you knew you could never be. You knew there was nothing wrong with you and, most of the time, you were ok with who you were. As years went by, you had come to appreciate being the rather shy, sometimes dorky girl next door who could be seen as quite cute when she made an effort. You would never be an ethereal beauty like Cassie and you were fine with it. Before you knew it, you were on your third glass of champagne. 
We’d better go, you said with a giggle. I’m on my third glass already. 
You’re right, we’ll have plenty of bubbles to drink when we get to the party anyway, she said. 
Not quite what I meant, Cass… 
Just enjoy the evening, baby ! Now, time for you to use that vial. Just put it close to your nostril and sniff, ok ? she directed. 
You nodded and did as she said. After you were done, she did the same. Less than a minute later, you were filled with a sensation of euphoria and relaxation. 
I don’t know what it is, but this is the shit ! You giggled. 
I know right ? If you feel anxious, just do that again. I promise, you will have a great time ! 
A car took you to the party. It was definitely a fancy event. You didn’t know anyone, but Cassie did, and she introduced you to some people. You ended up discreetly sniffing the magic vial a couple of times, taking some time to relax. Before you knew it, you were standing alone as your friend was in deep conversation with a handsome gentleman who, you guessed, was her crush. 
I can’t believe such a beautiful woman is standing here without a drink, a man said as he placed a glass of champagne in your hand. 
Thank you, you giggled. 
The stranger was quite handsome. He was tall, blonde, with gorgeous hazel eyes. He was dressed in a tux and arbored a charming smile. At that point, you were just a little tipsy and definitely relaxed. You greeted him with a smile and thanked him for the drink. 
May I say you look absolutely stunning, he complimented you. That’s quite an outfit.
Thank you, you said with a smile. You don’t look too bad either. 
I don’t believe we’ve been introduced, yet. I am Jared. 
Nice to meet you, Jared. I’m Y/N, you said as you extended your hand. 
You expected him to shake it but he took you by surprise by kissing it, which made you all giddy. You made small talk and he told you he actually played for the Detroit Lions, taking no offense when you confessed that you had no idea who he was, and that you didn’t watch a lot of football. 
So, what brings you to this fundraiser for the Detroit Sports Teams ? he asked. 
Oh, is that what the event is ? you chuckled. I had no idea. Actually, my friend Cassie brought me here. I was promised champagne and a great time. 
I’ll be honest with you, this fundraiser is mostly an excuse for people to drink and dance, he said as he winked. 
You chortled and kept on talking to him. He was easy-going and very sociable. You could tell he was flirting with you and you liked it. It was very flattering to have such a handsome man take an interest in you. You also began to feel more confident in the outfit Cassie had chosen for you. Some people joined the conversation. Apparently, they also played for the football team. All of these men were good-looking and you found yourself considering getting a season ticket for the games. You would have been more interested in sports if you’d known how great the players looked. Eventually, the conversation turned to sports and you took it as your cue to leave, figuring that if Jared wanted to talk some more, he’d find you in the crowd. You sniffed the vial again and found Cassie. People were starting to dance and she dragged you to the dance floor. Had you been completely sober, she wouldn’t have had a chance, but you were far from it now. Whatever potion she had you inhaling was working its wonders when it came to deprive you of your inhibitions. You were more confident in your moves than ever and you danced with her. The both of you were soon swarmed by an army of suitors and you gladly obliged them when they offered to dance. You were having a great time and it was the magic of Cassie : she managed to turn you into a lovable, sociable creature. Hell, you even gave your number to Jared who had found you on the dancefloor and begged for a dance. He promised to call but, unfortunately, he had to leave. You were having yet another drink and talked to Cassie when her face suddenly changed. 
Holy shit. How do I look ?! she asked. 
You look gorgeous, as always, you giggled. Why ? Is your crush here ? 
Better, she grinned. Look, it’s Eminem !!! 
You turned your head in a dramatic move and saw Marshall talking to a couple of people. He was wearing black jeans, sneakers, a black tee-shirt and the Saint Laurent jacket you liked so much. Far from the tuxedos some men were wearing, but definitely an improvement compared to some of his daily outfits and usual sweatpants. As always, you thought he looked amazing. You were shocked, though. He was the last person you expected to see here. 
He is even hotter in person, she squealed. I have to introduce myself. Come with me, she said as she dragged you across the room. 
Your heart was pounding but you didn’t have time to protest. He saw you arrive, hand in hand with Cassie and his eyes seemed to widen, not that you could be so sure because, at this point, you were drunk. But thankfully, you were also too relaxed to care, thanks to the stuff you had kept on inhaling. 
Hey, Y/N, he said as he gave you a quick hug, looking suspicious. 
Hey handsome, Cassie said seductively. I didn’t realize you knew our beautiful friend here. I’m Cassie. 
Hi Cassie, he said as he politely shook the hand she extended. Yeah, I know Y/N. 
“Or at least, I think I do.”, he added in a lower voice, still staring at you. You smiled at him but his comment left you puzzled. Of course he knew you. You were friends. Why would he say that ? You looked at him as Cassie talked to him, complimenting his music and telling him how insanely talented she thought he was, though you couldn’t remember her listening to hip-hop. Ever. 
Now that I know that you know Y/N, we simply have to hang out. Don’t we, ma chérie ? she said. 
Of course, you said shyly - somewhat uncomfortable that your friend was flirting with your Marshall.
Sure, he said with a blank face. 
I have to go to the bathroom, she said. Y/N, hold my glass, will you ? 
She quickly disappeared and you were left alone with him. You smiled shyly. 
I didn’t know you’d be here, you said in an attempt to make small talk. 
I didn’t know you would be here, he replied. What are you doing here ? 
Same as you, I guess, you giggled. 
I’m here for work, he clarified. 
Oh well, I’m not, you shrugged with a smile. Cassie took me here. By the way… She thinks you’re hot. 
You weren't too sure why you were telling him that. Probably because you did not have much inhibitions anymore. You couldn’t help but chortle at the absurdity of the situation. 
Good for her. Now… Care to explain why you’re clearly drunk and dressed like a ho !? He groaned. 
You opened your mouth to reply but found yourself unable to say anything. Did he just insult you ?! You were about to retort something when Cassie returned from the bathroom. 
Now, Marshall, she said as she took her glass from your hand without even glancing at you, I happen to be free for a dance. 
Yeah, he said. I…
He was cut by someone who came to him before he could even continue. You were still a bit stunned. Cassie, however, shrugged off and took you to the dance floor. 
You’ll have to get him to call me, she giggled as she resumed dancing. 
Y-Yeah, you said, still a bit stunned. 
Dance with me, baby, she said as she took your glass and placed it on a table. 
She took your hand and you soon forgot about Marshall’s insult. You were rolling your hips to the beat of the music. A man placed a hand on your waist and danced with you. It was very sensual and you found yourself a bit giddy and turned on, not too sure why. Cassie was doing the same with another man. At that moment, your soul had left your body. Or maybe you just experienced being raw and free for the first time in forever ? It felt like you were on fire. Cassie gestured for you to come closer. 
You’re having a great time, she laughed. Look at you, all sexy ! 
I feel great, you giggled. I’m super horny, too. 
That’s the poppers, she chuckled. Wanna drive them crazy ? 
Poppers ? Is that what she gave you ? Before you knew it, she was kissing you. You were a bit taken aback but returned the kiss anyway. You liked women as much as men, for sure, but you had never thought of your friend like that. Yet, you found yourself kissing back, because you just felt like it. You were turned on, having a great time, and she was gorgeous, so why not make out with her ? You were laughing as you broke the kiss. Before you knew it, the guy you were dancing with was kissing you. You giggled as you danced with him some more. You had never felt more beautiful and desirable. Your thoughts were interrupted when someone in the crowd grabbed your wrist. Marshall. He didn’t look too happy. 
Come with me, he said firmly. 
Not a chance, you giggled. I’m dancing here. 
No shit, he groaned. Just come, Y/N. 
So that you can insult me again ? I hardly think so, Em, you said as you rolled your eyes. 
That’s not a fucking question, he groaned on your ear as he pulled you closer to him. 
Before you could protest, he was holding your hand, walking you out. Cassie followed you. 
Where are the two of you going ? She asked. 
I’m taking her home, Marshall said curtly. 
Oh… then why don’t you take us both home ? She offered with her seductive signature smile. 
You were stunned and you looked at the two of them. Was she offering… a threesome ?! Your eyes were wide open wide and you felt like a deer in headlights. 
She needs to sleep, Marshall said. 
I’m fine, you groaned as he shot you a death glare. 
Whatever, Cassie said. We can figure out who does what when we get to your place, she added with a wink. 
Oh, I have it all figured out, he assured her. I’m taking Y/N home. You can catch a ride to… wherever it is that you’re going. 
You were about to say something but the room was starting to spin and you almost lost your balance. The heels were definitely too high. 
Careful there, Marshall said as he placed a hand on your waist to secure you. Come on, I’ll take you home. 
Whatever, Cassie sighed. Call me tomorrow, chérie ? 
You nodded and walked out as Marshall was holding you firmly by the hand. The cold, fresh air made you shiver and he sighed before placing his jacket over your shoulders. 
I think someone’s following us, you slurred. 
Yeah, that’s my security, he groaned. Look down, now. 
What ? You asked, a bit lost. 
Fuck. Just look down, he repeated in an annoyed tone. 
You did, as you thought that maybe he was going to show you something, but you saw a flash from afar. Someone was snapping pictures as you got out of the event. Your head was still ducked as Marshall led you to a van that was waiting. He helped you get in before entering the car as well, followed by the two security guards. You felt insanely small, as they were huge and took a lot of space in the car. He told the driver to go to his place. 
You’re not taking me home ? You asked. 
I’m taking you where I can keep an eye on you, he grunted. 
That’s totally unnecessary, you said blurringly as you rolled your eyes. 
That wasn’t a question. 
You sighed and looked outside the window. You threw a glance at Marshall, who was fuming, his fist clenched into a ball. Your head was still turning and you didn’t feel too good. 
I need to get out of here, you mumbled. Can you stop the car ?! 
Will you just shut up for one fucking second ?! He snapped. 
I’m gonna puke. 
Shit. Stop the car now, Marshall said to the driver. 
Immediately, the vehicle piled and you hit your head on the window. One of the bodyguards opened the door and you ran outside before puking on the side of the road. Marshall followed you and stood next to you. You were doubled up as he held your hair. When you finally stopped puking, you looked at him with teary eyes. 
I’m sorry, you mumbled. 
He rolled his eyes and shook his head before leading you back to the car. 
Do you hate me ? You whispered. 
No, he groaned. We’ll talk about it when we get home, alright ? 
God, my head hurts, you croaked. 
He sighed and gently pulled you so that your head rested on his shoulder. 
Thank you, you whispered. 
The rest of the drive was silent and you were almost asleep by the time the car dropped you at Marshall’s place. 
Can you walk ? He asked. 
You nodded and took a few steps but almost collapsed. These damn heels had you feeling like a baby giraffe taking its first steps. 
Come here, he sighed before carrying you bridal-style. 
As you walked through the door, he carried you upstairs to a bathroom. 
You need to shower, ok ? There’s a bit of barf on your dress… 
Ok, you muttered. Marshall, I-I’m sorry. 
You were on the verge of tears and your bottom lip was quivering. His look softened a bit. 
You can barely stand so I’ll help you with the shower and the undressing, is that alright with you ? 
You nodded. He made you sit on the floor before helping you undress. You grunted as he freed your feet from the shoes. He fumbled with the zipper of your dress, which was apparently stuck. 
Fuckin’ zipper, he muttered. I should cut this thing. 
Don’t, you whined. It’s new. 
He groaned as he finally managed to unzip you. You were finally naked on the cold floor of the bathroom. The dress didn’t allow you to wear any underwear. You noticed his surprise, but he didn’t comment. In any other circumstance, you would have felt embarrassed, but you were too drunk to care. You were actually thankful he was able to help you get out of these clothes, as you wouldn’t be able to undress on your own.
Alright, now let’s get you to the shower, he said softly. 
You nodded and tried to stand. Although it was easier without the heels, you weren’t too secure. He helped you stand and led you to the shower. 
I’m going to take my clothes off. It’ll be easier. Are you ok with that ? 
You nodded silently, not really daring to look at him. As minutes went by, you were feeling more and more ashamed of yourself. 
Hold still. Don’t fall, he directed before taking his clothes off, staying in his boxers. 
He went back to you and held you firmly so that you wouldn’t fall before turning on the shower. The water was flowing on your bodies. You tried your best not to fall but Marshall had to hold you with one hand while helping you wash with the other. 
Fuck it, he grunted as he turned off the water. I’ll just draw a bath, ok ? 
He drew a bath and helped you settle in the huge bathtub. 
Are you alright ? He asked gently, concern all over his face. 
You hummed and he started to wash your back. 
You’re not getting in ? You asked. 
Don’t worry about me, he said. Try not to drown, alright ?
I’m just saying, you might as well get in. You’re all wet already. 
He shrugged and finally joined you in the bathtub, settling right behind you so that you rested between his legs, while holding you tight so you wouldn't slip.
You know you could have taken your boxers off, right ? 
We’re not doing that, he sighed. 
Just saying… I know what your dick looks like, anyway. 
He scoffed softly and resumed helping you wash. It was actually easier now that you were in the bathtub. 
Marshall ? 
Mmmh ? 
Do you hate me ? You asked under your breath. 
Yes. I loathe you. That’s why I’m taking care of you right now, isn’t that obvious ? He asked sarcastically. Of course I don’t hate you, Y/N. Why do you even ask that ? 
You said I was a whore. 
I didn’t say that. I said you were dressed like a ho, he corrected. 
You turned your head to look at him. 
What ? You’re going to deny it ? He asked with an eyeroll. You weren’t even wearing a fucking thong. 
That’s mean, you said. You can’t wear underwear with that kind of dress. Otherwise, it shows. 
Oh so that’s what makes it not a ho-dress ? He mused as he lathered your arm with soap. My bad, sorry. You definitely looked like a nun, then. 
You rolled your eyes. 
Why were you even wearing this thing ? He asked. 
Cassie said it looked good, you shrugged. I mean, obviously, you disagree, but… 
Never said so, he said. 
You said I looked like a ho !  
Once again… no one said hoes can’t look good, he chuckled. I mean… you sort of have to, if you’re a ho, I guess ? Otherwise you’re not a very good one. 
You let out a drunken giggle. 
So you think I looked good ? You asked. 
Yeah, the prettiest ho I’ve ever seen, he grinned. It’s just… it doesn’t look like you, you know ? 
Maybe it should look like me, you shrugged. 
What the hell do you mean ? 
I look better like this, you said. 
Nope, he replied as he shook his head. You don’t. 
You don’t think so ? 
I think you’re beautiful as is, and that you don’t need to look like a whore, a ho or whatever. Or to act like one, for that matter, he said. 
Hey ! 
He shrugged as he stared at you. 
Was I acting like a ho ? You asked sheepishly, suddenly unsure about the whole evening. 
I don’t know. I guess, sort of, he said. Seriously, though…What was with all the kissing and grinding like you were in heat ? 
I don’t know, you admitted. Cassie gave me that vial to sniff. It made me all light and happy and…horny. 
Seriously ? Poppers ?! He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
You swallowed dryly. 
She told me it wasn’t a big deal, you said. 
Let me guess, this genius is also the one who convinced you to have a drink ? 
… yes, you admitted. 
He groaned and shook his head. You looked down in embarrassment. 
I just wanted to have a good time, you said sheepishly. 
Yeah, because breaking your sobriety and making out with people is the only way to do that, right…? 
The comment about how you had failed to stay sober caused you to break into tears. 
I’m sorry, you murmured as you sobbed. I… I thought it wouldn’t count ? 
What ? He asked, confused. 
I mean, I figured that, it’s not pills, you explained as you kept sobbing. 
That’s not how sobriety works, Y/N, he said as he shook his head. You know better than that.
Tears kept on flowing. It felt like you would never stop crying. 
I fucked up. Everything. I’m a failure. I’m so sorry, you cried. 
Come here, he said as he pulled you in his arms. 
He held you and you rested your head in the crook of his neck, as you kept on crying. After a few minutes, you managed to calm down. 
Better now ? He asked. 
Yes. I’m sorry, you muttered. 
It’s ok to cry, he said as he stroked your hair. Now let’s get you dressed, ok ? I don’t want you to be cold. 
He got out of the bathtub first and helped you up. You were a bit more level-headed and managed to stand up. He wrapped you in a towel and told you not to move before disappearing for a minute, coming back wearing sweatpants. 
Put these on, he said as he gave you some clothes of his to wear. Let’s get ready for bed, ok ? 
You’re not taking me home ? You asked as you yawned. 
It’s late and Talia and Jamal are either asleep or having sex, he shrugged. So I don’t think we should disturb. Plus, you’re still shit-faced so I should keep an eye on you. 
You nodded and got dressed. His clothes were comfy. You also enjoyed the smell of his detergent - it was a smell you associated with him. You looked at yourself in the mirror. 
I look like a house elf in your tee-shirt, you pointed out. 
Come on Dobby, he chuckled as he shook his head. To bed, now. 
I can’t sleep in my makeup, you said. Do you have anything I could use to remove it ? 
He opened the cabinet door and managed to find some makeup removing wipes. You were wearing so much makeup that it took a while for you to take it off. 
You don’t need to use that much makeup, he pointed out. You look better without it anyway. 
I hate wearing it, you confessed. 
So… why the fuck do you look like a stolen car that’s been painted over ? 
I don’t know. I wanted to look pretty. Cassie convinced me.  I mean, I know I’ll never look as good as her, but… 
That’s true, he said. 
He looked at you and inspected your face, his fingers tracing your cheeks. 
You look better than her, he added. 
You felt yourself blush. You could tell he was being honest. It was the first time anyone ever mentioned that you looked better than Cassie. 
You don’t think she’s pretty ? You asked. 
Nah, she looks good, for sure, he said. But she looks too… whatever. Doesn’t matter anyway. 
It kind of does, though, you replied. 
Why is that ? 
She likes you. 
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
No she doesn’t, he said matter-of-factly. 
She thinks you’re hot and she wants you to call her, you replied. 
She likes Eminem, he explained. She has no idea who I am. I know she’s your friend and shit, but she basically threw herself at me, just because I’m famous. If I’d been a random guy, I’m not even sure she would have given me the time of day. 
You’d still be hot, you pointed out. 
He shook his head with a smile. 
Doesn’t matter, he said softly. I’m used to it, you know ? I can tell this type of thing from a mile away. Not to mention she was ready to drag her drunk friend into a threesome… 
It’s probably a misunderstanding, you said to defend her. I mean, she’s my friend, she wouldn’t… 
I know it sucks to hear it, Y/N, but you became an afterthought for this girl as soon as she saw a possibility to suck my dick. That’s not what friends do. 
He sighed and rubbed your shoulder. 
Also, friends don’t give their sober friends poppers and champagne, he pointed out. 
To be fair she didn’t know I was sober, you said. I didn’t have the heart to explain that to her… I guess it’s my fault. 
He hummed and shrugged. 
We’ll talk about that tomorrow. I’m tired, you’re exhausted, and it’s time for bed, he said. 
You almost giggled when you heard the unintentional rhyme. He led you to the adjacent guest bedroom. You felt a bit sobered-up but he was right, you were exhausted. You settled under the covers as he sat next to you. 
Thank you Marshall, you said as you stared into his blue eyes. 
Oh so you’re calling me Marshall now ? He said with a grin. 
Well, that’s your name, you said confused. 
You called me Em, at the party, he said. 
Well people also call you that, you pointed out. 
You don’t. 
You shrugged. 
Yeah, so ? 
I don’t like it, he said. Not in your mouth. It doesn’t feel right. I don’t mind about the others, but… For you, it’s Marshall. 
Ok, you chuckled. I won’t call you Em if you don’t call me a hoe or piss me off, then. 
Deal, he said with a smile. 
Marshall ? You asked. 
Yes ? 
Can I have a hug ? 
He simply nodded and took you in his arms. 
What am I supposed to do now ? You asked. About this whole sober thing ? 
For now, just sleep, Y/N. We’ll talk about it tomorrow. When you’re completely sobered-up and well-rested, ok ? 
You nodded, thanked him and closed your eyes. You felt his fingers in your hair, gently stroking your scalp. It was all you needed to fall asleep.
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jillsandwhichs · 14 days
Our Future Day's
Joel Miller x Reader series , Chap 6 , Traversal
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Pairing: F!reader x Joel Miller
Summary: You let Joel know over text that you'll be traveling back home to visit your family. Let's just say, he didn't like that very much, he wanted an in person goodbye
WC: 2.5k
Type: SFW
A/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated. Thank you
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It's now Monday. Ever since Friday, Joel has been on your mind. The entire evening with him was one of a kind. You guys ended the night off with smoking and eating snacks inside of his home. You both also got to learn quite a bit more about one another. For example, he told you a bit more about his ex wife, she seemed like a cunt. In other news, he's thinking about moving to a different contracting job. Good on him.
Overall, the night was lovely. You really let loose and had a wonderful with Joel. Going home really sucked. You tossed and turned all night with him on your mind - You wonder if he was the same.
You just got home from work a little bit ago, it's almost seven now, you finished your tasty dinner. You ended up having a cheeseburger with chips, it reminded you of your childhood - The dinner. You remember days when your mother and father would have a cookout, all of the family would show up and cheeseburgers with chips would be fed to the children. You and your other cousins, the lot of them, would sit on a laid out blanket while you ate. It was memorable.
As of right now though, you're relaxing on your bed with Becker, who has just been the absolute best boy. He's learned to go outside alone and won't run off, he's really such a great boy. No need for a leash either since he has a collar with a tag attached to it. He'll be fine, for sure. Speaking of being fine, you have a fine weekend coming up. You plan to go home, back to Oregon, to be with your family for the entirety of the weekend.
You're set to leave Thursday, but you'll be there til Sunday afternoon, it'll be awesome.
You miss your little sister, Hannah, dearly. You two have had an inseperarable and special bond since you were young. You'll of course also get to see your Mother, Linda and your Father, Gary, who you also love very much, both of them. They've been so supportive and helpful with your move-in to Austin TX, they've made sure the move-in has been simpler than how it normally would have been.
The plane ride will be lengthy, but worth it. Sadly, you cannot take Becker home with you. The only way he got to TX in the first place is because your parents drove him, they were a huge help. Your work friend, Becca, has offered to house sit for you and watch over Becker. You've already introduced the two and Becker seems to have taken a liking to her, luckily. Even their names are similar, it all works out!
Although, before you leave, there's somebody you really wanna say goodbye too - Joel.
He's been so kind to you, so genuine. It would be very rude to leave for a couple days without even a peep, especially after Friday. Friday seems to have brought the two of you even closer, literally, he held you that might. The nicknames he calls you are so sweet too, but that's probably something he does with all the ladies. Even so, you'd like to give him a heads up.
He's home right now, you can see his truck out of your bedroom window, it's very extensive. He may be having dinner though, so you don't want to interrupt him. Plus, he's with Sarah, his beautiful little daughter, she deserves time with her dad. Maybe you'll just shoot him a text as your goodbye, he wouldn't mind, right? It's not as if you're leaving forever, it'll only be for a couple of days. An amazing couple of days at that.
Before texting Joel, you'll have to text Hannah, see if everything is set for you to come and visit.
"Hey girl. Is everything ready for me to come stay, my room and whatnot? I'm laying out Thursday."
And send.
She'll answer sooner or later.
Now for Joel.
"Joel, hey, just wanted to say hi and well, I suppose goodbye as well. I'll be pretty busy these next few days, I am flying out Thursday, back home, I won't be home til Sunday. Hope to see you soon."
Then you sent it to him.
Hopefully he replies and doesn't look over the message. A lot of people don't even check their messages, like ever. You've been a victim of that one too many times. Joel hasn't been that way though, not yet at least. He tends to answer rather quickly, which is totally new to you. Any other man you've actually tried to speak to takes forever, sometimes hours, even days. It's very annoying and extremely repetitive. Joel's different in such a good way.
You stood up off of your bed, treading over to your messy vanity. You have only lived here a week and yet, your makeup area is destroyed. Beauty is messy, the messiness brings out the beauty. You took a seat, gazing at yourself in the mirror. You have dark eye bags beneath your lower eye socket, you've been spent this past week. It won't get easier either. This break will do you some good, at least.
You picked up the shaded concealer off of your desk, shaking the tube and spinning it open, dabbing the pale substance beneath both of your eyeballs, making sure you looked better. You looked like a goblin without it, well, that's how you felt. Women and even some of the men at your work complimented you daily, especially on your eyes. Guess they didn't notice the flaw you just covered up. Or the many other flaws you so believe you have.
Through the mirror, you could see Becker admiring you. The dog was just staring at you, like he always does. He's a very loving dog. He can sense emotions too; He does it super well at that. "Hi baby boy." You smiled at him, his tongue popped out almost instantly, earning a hearty laugh out of you. Such a silly dog!
You patted your thighs, wanting him to run over to you. He immediately did, of course.
He hopped off of the bed and stood right beside you, nuzzling his head against your thigh. With a giggle, you began to scratch behind his ears - His favorite spot. He enjoys affection very much, maybe even too much. He seeks it out any chance he can get, even from complete strangers. "I'm going to miss you bubba." You said softly to him, as if he even realized you'll be gone soon. Even though it's not going to be very long, you two have an attachment to each other. No matter what, it'll be difficult.
You gave in to him, those gentle eyes get ya every time.
"Alright boy, let's cuddle." You tittered, diving onto the bed with a smile, him jumping up right after you. The both of you got cozy beneath your large comforter.
It was evening now. The sky was getting darker, but it was still somewhat light out. It was beautiful out. A couple stars began the show, showing themselves off beautifully. The sky was a dim shade of blue, it was gorgeous. The atmosphere was just calming all around. You felt at peace, Becker was a part of that. Even Joel was. Your family too. Your life has definitely been on an incline recently. Lucky you, right?
Whilst laying in bed, you could feel your eyes beginning to close. You just felt exhausted. You needed rest, especially with the week ahead.
With Becker in your arms, the two of you embracing each other, you officially fell asleep, happily too.
Each buzz and each ring was loud, awakening you with haste. With dreary eyes, you tossed your hand just about everywhere searching for your phone, until you finally got a hold of it. You brought it closer to your face, your eyes adjusting to its piercing brightness, it was pure white. The contrast of your flashing phone to your pitch black room was painful. Your eyes stung. But you snapped back into reality when realizing it was Joel.
You answered the phone, holding it up to your ear, waiting to hear something.
"God dammit darlin', I've been tryna get a hold of ya' damn near the past hour, fuck was you doin'?" His tone was loud. He didn't seem angry, rather concerned and frustrated. "What?" You groaned out, your sleepy voice taking it's course. A soft sigh came from Joel, it was evident, even over the phone. "Didn't know you was asleep, I'm sorry." "It's okay Joel, is everything okay?" "Yeah, everything is fine, just a bit upset you was gonna leave without a real goodbye." He admitted truthfully.
Oh, you felt so bad.
You didn't realize what it meant to him - An in person goodbye.
"Joel, I'm sorry. I figured you were busy, you know, with work and all, I didn't want to be a disturbance." You said softly, shuffling around in bed, Becker still resting. "I ain't never too busy, you could've just came over and we could've talked about it." Joel replied, his voice deep. You were happy he was willing to let you do that, just come on over to his place.
"Tell you what, we can talk more tomorrow, I don't feel like getting up." You giggled into the phone. He snickered, a smile formed on your face when you heard it. "Of course, I'll let you get your beauty sleep." Joel responded in a friendly manner, not wanting to bother you any further; Although, he is never a bother. "And Joel... It's nice to see you care." You hummed out. There was silence for a bit before you heard him talk again.
"I care about you sweet thing." He stated, honesty painted his words. He was great. "I care about you too, Joel." You whispered back before hanging up. It was almost like a way of saying 'I love you' but you weren't going to take it that far.
Bright and early the next morning, you poured yourself a nice glass of hot coffee. You put some of your butterscotch creamer into it, watching the golden liquid drizzle into the mug. It was a average morning so far, you have work in about an hour, you'll take the time to say your goodbye to Joel, you leave in two days after all.
Outside was lively.
You could hear birds chirping, cars passing by and you could see people walking down the sidewalk, either alone, with a stroller or a dog of some breed. Austin was awake all the time, but the mornings always seemed to bring that into effect moreso. It felt comforting, knowing the world wasn't silent at any time. The sun was just about up, you knew today would be a more chilly day, which was convenient, you've been wanting to wear this cute sweater.
Autumn is just around the corner. Sadly, Texas tends to always be on the warmer side. It's very mild here in Austin. You wish that was different, fall time is your personal favorite. Halloween and Thanksgiving have always been the best Holidays in your opinion. You are excited to experience them here nonetheless and besides, you'll still get to have it back home, you'll most definitely visit for the Holidays and just for fun!
While you were calmly sipping on your coffee, you spotted Joel walked out of his house, all tided up for work, this was your chance. You set your coffee down so fast and immediately bolted to your front door. When you whipped it open, he was tossing some equipment in the back of his lifted truck, at least he didn't get into his truck right away.
"Joel!" You yelled, checking both ways before you soon crossed over to his driveway. Joel turned around, looking you up and down, a small laugh coming out from him. "Mornin'." He said with a snicker. "Good morning." You gleamed at him, standing in front of him now. "Whatcha up to?" "Well, I was drinking some coffee, then I saw you, wanted to give you that proper goodbye, I leave Thursday." "I remember, I reread the damn message 'bout ten times." Oh bless his soul.
"I am sorry. I just didn't think it mattered to you all that much, figured it would've been a drag." Joel rubbed his temple as he chortled. "You're a damn silly girl, y'know that?" You snorted, your eyes going soft, your eyebrows curving slightly. "I would've went crazy if I didn't get to see ya before you left for a good bit." Joel spoke, leaning his hands back onto his tailgate. "Yeah?" "Yup, it's the truth. I kind of like havin' you 'round." He teased with a laugh, earning one from you too.
"Is that so?" "Yup. Nice havin' a neighbor who ain't old or just annoyin', you're different and I like that." He stated, it made your body heat up. The way he spoken of you made you wanna die, in an amazing, heavenly way. "Likewise." You vocalized to him. The two of you just stared into one anothers eyes for a little, you got lost in his orbs. He was very handsome, heavenly even. A God send.
"Anyways hun, I oughta get to work, being a contractor ain't for the weak." He said gruffly. You understood, his job is the only source of income they have other than Sarah's mother paying child support; That's another thing Joel opened up to you about. "I get it. Have a good day at work Joel." You began to walk off, but he quickly stopped that notion. "Woah, hey, hey, where you off too? Not even a goodbye nor a damn hug?" Joel laughed, making you embarrassed.
You didn't realize you didn't say goodbye. A hug? He never expressed he wanted one.
"Right, sorry." You shook your head whilst looking down.
"Goodbye Joel, I'll see you soon." You leered at him, your head slightly tilted to the side. "Goodbye you, c'mere." He grunted, holding his arms out, indicating he wanted a swift hug. You contained yourself, remaining content as you gave him a friendly hug. Your arms wrapped around his torso, your head on his chest. Joel rested his chin on your head, his roughened up hands caressing your slender back.
"You be safe, a woman like you travelin' all alone ain't safe, how 'bout you message me once you're at the airport Thursday?" He asked, he's such a gentleman, per usual. "I will, don't worry." You soughed against him.
You two held each other for a couple more seconds, the warmth of the hug being absolutely intoxicating. It felt like so many feelings were being released and revealed through one simple yet special hug.
You pulled away and gave him a quick smile. "See you around." "See ya." Joel smirked, his hand shooting up to your cheek for just a second before he pulled away, heading back to the side of his truck, getting in and driving off.
You felt so good about this all. His support and concern meant a lot to you.
You'll be safe, for him.
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thecoffeelorian · 1 month
Fandom Friday, 08/09: Fanart
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Hello again, everyone...and welcome to another installment of Fandom Friday, the two-post series where I go off to find new and interesting fanworks that might need a bit more visibility.
Before we get started, however...I'd like to run a quick interest check for further updates on this subject, as I have recently dealt with a little pushback from a user who wanted nothing to do with this, and so don't want to annoy anybody else if they would truly prefer their uninterrupted browsing. 😅
Therefore...if you are still interested in being tagged for this, or if you are a new friend who wants to be included in all future updates, then please leave this little icon (👩‍🎤) in the comments or reblogs.
If not...then just don't like, reblog, or comment at all, and I'll be sure to remove you. Ya know, because I'm not some crazy weirdo who stays up all night plotting new ways to bother people...or whatever.
Anyway. Now that I've put in my two cents on the subject, here are my fanart picks of the week.
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The High Republic Fanart--By @magicalplaylist:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @tlmtwelve
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @runekirikjartan:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @nerdygreenhouse:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @beeartsy:
Rogue One Fanart--By @foolishskull
Ahsoka Fanart--By @constellacrow:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those artists who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…this post will be continued in its second half: the Fanfiction Edition.
Thank you, good morning, and I’ll see you in the next post!
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No Pressure Tags: @melymigo @algo-o-nada @theosb0rnway @everybirdfellsilent @skellymom
@leos-multifandom-corner @maggie-dylan @leenabb104104 @gun-roswell @tazmbc1
@bluedeedeedoop @its-time-to-rise-above and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new SW fanart.
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elfryn · 2 months
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Fanfiction. Title: Under The Moonlight. Word count: 1831. Ratings: Explicit. Relationship: Marilyn Thornhill | Laurel Gates/Larissa Weems Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral sex, vaginal sex, lesbian sex. Summary: Under the moonlight, Larissa contemplates the vision that is Marilyn. She is wearing a dress in a dark shade of green. The gown is long enough to skim the ground and has inlaid stones on the collar, sleeves and hem, as well as black details alongside the stones. It's closed at the front with a row of buttons and open at the legs — every step is torture for Larissa, who does her best not to stare at the redhead's legs.  Links: ao3, tips!. Commissions info here!
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Larissa doesn't know why she's so nervous, but she can't help wiping her sweaty palms on her trousers. With a trembling hand and lingering movements, she presses her knuckles to the wood of the door and knocks twice. 
She takes a deep breath. She fiddles with her fingers, bites her lips, and shifts her weight from one foot to the other. Waits and waits. The silence that follows the knocks consumes the night and suffocates the blonde, who feels her entrails turning inside her. 
Larissa begins to wonder if there's anyone at home if she's got the place or the day right, if she has time to leave and pretend that none of this has happened. Her mind is a whirlwind and time passes faster inside her head than outside — milliseconds become seconds and seconds become minutes and minutes become hours and nothing happens. 
Then a miracle happens and Larissa's demons are silenced by the divine vision of Marilyn opening the door.
“You look beautiful,” Larissa says, smiling, all her anxiety melting away at the image of Marilyn standing in front of her.
“And you look marvellous,” Marilyn contemplates. Larissa is wearing a SHINee's colour three-piece suit with big black buttons. 
“This old thing?” 
“Old thing, huh?” Marilyn asks, reaching out to pull something from the sleeve of Larissa's blazer — it's a price tag.
“Maybe not that old,” Larissa smiles sheepishly.
Marilyn doesn't hold back and lets out a laugh. It's a sweet sound that spreads through the night and sounds like music to Larissa's ears. 
“Shall we?” Larissa asks, offering her arm to the other woman. 
“Yes, we shall,” Marilyn says, taking the blonde's arm.
It's their sixth date, but it's the first time they've been out in public together. Although relationships between employees are not forbidden, both Larissa and Marilyn wanted to make sure that their casual encounters in the principal's study and their conversations over glasses of wine would lead somewhere before they put themselves in the public eye. 
The place Larissa has chosen for dinner is not far from Marilyn's flat, so they decide to take advantage of the calm evening air and walk to the place. Under the moonlight, Larissa contemplates the vision that is Marilyn. She is wearing a dress in a dark shade of green. The gown is long enough to skim the ground and has inlaid stones on the collar, sleeves and hem, as well as black details alongside the stones. It's closed at the front with a row of buttons and open at the legs — every step is torture for Larissa, who does her best not to stare at the redhead's legs. 
For a Friday night, the restaurant was quieter than expected. They sit at a table away from the door but near one of the windows. 
Throughout the dinner, they talk about many different topics. It starts with Marilyn talking about her adjustment to school and about her favourite students and those who are a bit more trouble but are still good people. Eventually, the topic of conversation changes, and they talk about life before working at the school. Larissa talks a little about her family, about her years as a student, mentioning some stories about the crazy things Wednesday's father got up to in high school (Marilyn laughs at these stories and Larissa finds herself falling even more in love with the sound of her laughter). Over dessert (which they share), Marilyn talks about the future, about wanting to retire to a small chalet in the mountains and watch the sunset from her balcony every afternoon. Larissa admits that she can't see her life away from the school, since she has spent so much of her life at Nevermore (as a student, a teacher and now principal). Marilyn says that, if Larissa wants, they can share the redhead's plans for the future (Larissa accepts without a second thought). 
The walk home is filled with stories from Marilyn's adolescence and childhood - when she broke her arm, when she punched a boy in class, when she ran away from home and only got as far as the corner before running back into her mum's arms. Step after step, they fall into pleasant conversation. Marilyn talks more than Larissa, who is content to just listen. 
The interior of the flat is cozy. The wallpaper is a pastel colour and the walls are covered in photos. Larissa realizes that most of them feature a tall, dark-haired young man.
“That's my brother,” Marilyn says as she catches her examining one of the photos. “This picture was taken on my fifteenth birthday. My parents were fighting a lot at the time and could barely stay in the same place, so my brother took the money he earned working in the local café and took me out. We spent the day away from home, it was my best birthday,” she says. 
“Your brother sounds like an amazing guy,” Larissa contemplates. 
“He is,” Marilyn smiles. “Here.” She offers Larissa a glass of wine. 
Their fingers brush as Larissa takes the glass. Marilyn swallows dryly, her eyes fixed on Larissa's crimson-coloured lips. She desperately wants to kiss her. Larissa seems to want to do the same, as she slowly leans in. Marilyn stands on tiptoe. Their lips almost meet. 
“May I?”
At first, the kiss is as calm and sweet as a spring day. Marilyn puts her hands on Larissa's waist, who brings one of her hands up to the redhead's hair. This is their first kiss, and they can't think of a more perfect kiss.
The second kiss is the complete opposite. It's not pretty or delicate at all. It's heated and passionate and hungry, a kiss that carries all the repressed desires of both of them. It's like a sudden summer rain that destroys everything in its path. 
The way to the bedroom is marked by the clothes Larissa leaves behind. Marilyn unceremoniously shoves the blonde onto the bed. Larissa pulls Marilyn onto her lap, and the redhead doesn't resist. 
Provocatively, Larissa reaches for the buttons of Marilyn's dress and slowly unbuttons them one by one. She then runs her hands over the redhead's exposed skin, taking them down to the band of her bra. With one hand, she draws small patterns on the other's nipples before turning them into a stimulus that makes the teacher gasp. Larissa then takes her mouth to the other breast and starts sucking on it. Marilyn moans. 
Marilyn makes a simple movement of her hips, provoking a reaction in Larissa that the blonde doesn't have time to describe. The little twist makes Larissa take her hands to the waistband of her trousers (her penultimate item of clothing) and get rid of it. 
She lays Larissa on the bed, climbing on top of her. Maliciously, she teases the blonde again by running the tip of her nose along her soft skin, trailing a path down to her thighs. Under her touch, Larissa lets out little gasps of excitement. The redhead moves slowly down and up the blonde's bare chest, leaving small kisses along the way that cause more moans. Finally, she approaches the lying woman, kissing her intensely while one of her hands travels to the middle of Larissa's thighs, creating nothing more but a friction that makes the principal bite her lip in disapproval.
“Please…” Larissa begs. 
A snort of laughter escapes Marilyn's lips as she retraces her path to the other woman's centre. She squeezes Larissa's naked thighs. Marilyn places kisses and bites on the inside of Larissa's thigh, who lets out little whimpers at her actions. 
With her teeth, Marilyn pulls Larissa's panties out of the way, which makes Larissa exclaim. Excited and satisfied with the state of affairs, she decides to end the torture. She runs the tip of her tongue around Larissa's clitoris, making the blonde's body stiffen at the sensation - the gasp of air coming from the taller woman's lips is the perfect incentive for Marilyn to get down to sucking the place.
Larissa feels her whole body tremble, Marilyn's lips between her legs are enough to make the blonde let out uncontrollable little moans. The little squeeze her thighs make is unconscious, as is her body making a little arch under the bed. Marilyn, for her part, has total control over the situation, taking her time to smile contentedly as she worries about repeating the movements that cause the most interesting spasms.
Marilyn continues to stimulate Larissa's clitoris when she inserts a finger into the blonde, whose body reacts by begging for more. With sinuous movements, she gently fucks the woman, introducing a second finger when she feels Larissa's nails digging into her shoulders. 
Taking pity on her prey, Marilyn increases the speed of her actions, receiving the most delicious reaction from Larissa, who screams her name into the night. The air in the room changes, getting hotter and making the women sweat. Marilyn slides her free hand nimbly down Larissa's body — squeezing her legs, pulling her hips, leaving little pinches on her thighs — while her tongue and her other hand continue to work to elicit moans from the blonde and make her legs tingle and her muscles contract.
The loudest moan is like the main act of the night, echoing through the room and shaking the walls.
Silence follows the orgasm.
Marilyn makes her way to the top of Larissa and places a kiss on her lips. They just stand there, exchanging kisses and caresses for a while, until Larissa looks up at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
With a swift movement, the taller woman changes the position of the two. 
Larissa kisses Marilyn intensely while her hands play with the woman's breasts. She brings her lips to the redhead's neck and takes her time marking her territory. When Marilyn's moans get louder, Larissa smiles against the other woman's exposed skin. Unlike Marilyn, the blonde is charitable and takes pity on her partner. She makes her way between the legs of the redhead, who shudders at Larissa's breath so close to her centre. 
She stimulates the redhead's clitoris with her thumb while running the tip of her tongue along the other woman's entrance, enjoying every little reaction she gets out of Marilyn. Larissa's tongue slides into just the right place, causing the redhead's hips to buck so violently that Larissa has to hold her in place. She swipes her tongue and then sucks, and the pressure Marilyn feels is so good. It's as if the blonde has found a magic button.
Marilyn screams louder and louder until the room falls into post-orgasm silence again.
Larissa lies down next to Marilyn. They both gasped for breath. They intertwine their fingers and enjoy the calm after the storm. 
Under the moonlight coming through the window, Marilyn admires Larissa. She is sweaty and dishevelled and has red marks all over her body, but to the redhead, she has never looked so beautiful. 
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creative-heart · 5 months
"My thoughts will echo your name"| Esteban Kukuriczka
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Chapter seven: “I see forever in your eyes”
Lucia’s notes: I really hope you liked the last chapter on Friday. Here comes the last part of this Fanfiction.
 Beautiful things- Benson Boone
Dandelions- Ruth B.
Yellow- Coldplay
Speechless- Dan + Shay
Nothing- Bruno Major
From the ground up- Dan + Shay
Content Warning: Social drinking and a brief mention of being drunk, otherwise, just a cute and fluffy chapter..
Word Count: 1.2k
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It was true when people said the best you could get in terms of love is to be in a relationship with your best friend. Y/N had proved it herself, as the golden sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of pink and orange across the sky, she stood before the mirror in their cozy Barcelona apartment, a soft smile playing on her lips. Five years. Five years of laughter, tears, adventures, and love with Esteban, her Kuku.
She traced her fingers over the photograph on the dresser, a candid shot of them laughing in the streets of Barcelona when they had just moved to the city four years ago, his arms wrapped around her waist as they danced to the rhythm of their hearts. It felt like yesterday when they had decided to finally give all this a go back in Buenos Aires going back and forth between their apartments, watching silly movies that neither of them was really paying attention to, or playing Nintendo even tho the brown eyed man would always let her win because he loved her excited face whenever she did.
The place buzzed with excitement as Sofia prepared for their anniversary date. Esteban had been mysteriously busy all week, dropping hints about a surprise he had planned. Little did she know, tonight would mark a milestone in their journey together, one she would cherish forever. With a final touch of her favorite perfume and a glance at the mirror, the blonde woman headed downstairs to where kuku awaited, her heart fluttering with anticipation.
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The streets of Barcelona shimmered with the glow of streetlights as the couple strolled hand in hand, the city alive with the magic of their love. They reminisced about their adventures, shared dreams, and whispered promises of forever. They went to dinner to a new and exclusive Argentinian restaurant in the city they had been dying to try, their hands only coming apart to eat, their eyes never leaving each other’s as they wine and dined. Once they were done, they walked out, enjoying the fresh air of the night and a little bit given to kuku’s insistence they went on a walk, ending up on the first spot they stepped foot when they moved here.
As they reached the special place overlooking the city, Esteban turned to Y/N, his eyes shimmering with emotion. “Mi amor, my darling Y/N, whenever I pictured the woman with whom I would share my life, I never pictured someone as perfect as you. You never fail to make me laugh, your love is evergreen and I’m so proud of how confident in yourself you’ve become since we met. I know this might sound cheesy, but from the second you walked into my parent’s place for that party, I knew that you would change my life for the better”. He spoke feeling the emotion break in the back of his throat having to swallow the lump so he wouldn’t start crying before he could get what he wanted to say out and Y/N felt her heart swell with love for this man who had become her everything so easily.
Then, with trembling hands, Esteban dropped to one knee, a small velvet box held out before him. Y/N gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as tears welled in her eyes. "Y/N," Esteban began, his voice barely steady and filled with emotion, "these five years with you have been the most beautiful of my life. You've filled my days with love, laughter, and endless joy. Will you continue this adventure with me, as my wife, my partner, and my forever?"
The blonde woman could hardly speak through her tears as she nodded, her heart overflowing with love. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" With a radiant smile, Esteban slipped the ring onto her finger, sealing their love with a promise of forever and a slow kiss filled with all the love and friendship shared amongst the two of them.
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Time flies when you’re planning a wedding in a different continent and the following year went by in a whirlwind of excitement and preparations. The day finally arrived, the sun shining brightly overhead as Y/N walked down the aisle her arm around her dad’s and her heart pounding with love and anticipation.
Esteban stood at the altar his boys standing beside him as Fran handed him a tissue when he saw the tears brimming the elder’s eyes. Esteban’s eyes never leaving hers, his love shining like a beacon in the sea of faces. When she reached him, Y/D/N gave kuku a short one armed hug and whispered in his ear “please take care of my princess, she’s yours to protect now, but she’s still my baby girl”. Kuku nodded softly and whispered back “she’s my whole heart, I could never hurt her sir”.
 As they exchanged vows, promising to love, cherish, and support each other for all eternity, Y/N knew she was exactly where she belonged, this was the person the universe had set for her to spend her life with, and it was simply meant to be.
The wedding reception was a vision of beauty and love, a celebration of their journey together and the adventures that lay ahead. Under a canopy of twinkling lights and surrounded by their closest friends and family, Y/N and Esteban danced until they couldn’t stand their feet hurt so much. The boys had taken it upon themselves to get everybody drunk that night, specially Simón and Matias kept the booze running amongst the group even though they were clearly drunk by now. As Matias approached kuku on one of the rounds, the older one wrapped his arms around his friend and drunkenly slurred to his friend “Muchas gracias Mati, muchas veces, if it weren’t because you insisted me to go after Y/N, we wouldn’t be here, so you should be proud” he poked the younger’s chest with his long finger.
Matias laughed softly as he planted a kiss on his friend’s temple, “man, she was crazy about you and it could be seen from that first night at the party, you two were just too dumb to do anything about it yourselves, I’m just so glad that you grew a pair eventually.”
“That’s my husband you’re kissing there Recalt!” Y/N chimed in playfully and drunkenly as she stepped closer to the group “so be careful with what you do, also, I’ll steal him away from you all for a bit” the blonde winked playfully linking her arm with her husband’s before walking away from the noise and fun from the party, their fingers intertwined as they gazed up at the sky. "I love you," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper and her eyes fixed up on the stars.
"I love you more than anything in this world," kuku replied, his voice filled with emotion as his gaze fell on his wife’s profile “and now you’re mine forever, I can’t believe my luck” he smiled planting a kiss on her cheek. And as they held each other close, Y/N knew that their love would endure, forever echoing in the depths of their souls, a melody of love that would never fade away because she had always known, she saw forever in those big, kind, brown eyes.
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Lucia's notes: This is where this story comes to an end, I really hope you enjoyed this as muchas I did while writing it. If you have any ideas or rquests for some short scenario coming from this, please know, my ask box is always open and I'd be super happy to explore those ideas. 🥰🥰😍😍
@madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro
@espinasrubi @lastflowrr @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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medusas-musings · 1 year
A Sticky Note (Tangerine x GN!Reader)
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Summary: After a year and a half of Tangerine disappearing from your life, he invites you out for dinner. Angsty overtones with a tiny hint of NSFW at the end.
(A/N: This is my first Tangerine fanfiction ever, which is special to me because he’s what inspired me after my 5 year writing hiatus.) Shoutout to our collective pookie bear 🍊🧡
Downing the rest of my first glass of wine, I opened my phone again. It was about 5 minutes since Tangerine said to meet him at our old favorite restaurant: a chain Mexican restaurant around town that had cheap booze and the best street tacos around. It was obviously crowded (as any other place to eat on a friday night would be) but that’s what he’d always preferred. Any way he could blend in with a crowd and not draw attention to himself he took it. Hell, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he was already here, spying on me. 
A figure approaches the table and I already knew from the pure energy of sarcasm and intimidation it created that it was him. “‘Hey Darlin, love the hair.” He said smoothly, motioning to my hair and sitting across from me. He picked up the menu nonchalantly and I could already feel my blood rising just how it used to with him around.
“You leave me a note to dump me, ghost me for a whole year and a half, and all you can say is…love the hair?” I question him, a  storm in my eyes and lightning striking in my voice. Tangerine remained unphased as he put his menu down, glancing at me as if I was the asshole.
“Love the way you looked when you practically chugged that wine?” he tries again, this time with a mocking smile on his face. God did he know every single button to push tonight, it’s as if he had never left me in the first place. While I usually wouldn’t enjoy some asshole saying this to me, there was something about Tange that made anything to say to me sound so much more slicker and polite from his lips. “I’m sorry, Love, you know I could never handle this sorta thing.” A smile forms on his face, but I can’t make it out if it was out of narcissism over his own charm or if he truly was in hell, finally having to confront the mess he made out of me.
“Why are you here anyway? Last time I checked you moved God knows where and wiped off the planet. Do you know how much I cried about you?” I bit my tongue to stop myself from causing a scene. I couldn’t help but feel old scars opening. I took in a deep breath to stop my eyes from watering; I’ve already confessed how much control he had over me, I can’t let him think he still has any. 
“Love, I’m sorry. But with a job like mine, it was always a possibility that I would have to vanish on ya.”
“I knew you would maybe have to eventually leave me because of all that, but Jesus, a sticky note? That’s fucked.” I hiss as I lean forward, trying to keep the argument between us. It felt painful to scold him here, it’s where we always went after we resolved a fight. There would be so much lust in his eyes from across the table back then. As I look at him, there’s more of a coldness to them towards me, but there’s moments where it slips and I can see that same look again. “You didn’t answer my question.” I add because I know he won’t say anything about it.
“I was in town, thought I’d take a visit down memory lane.” He says in a casual manner, as if we were simply classmates in college that shared notes and not someone who kept a toothbrush and fresh underwear at my apartment. The morning he left, even those weren’t there anymore. I had nothing in my life to tangibly show someone that Tangerine was my boyfriend at some point. 
I get up from the table and start digging cash out of my wallet. “If you’re gonna act like this I don’t want to see you.” Before I could put the five dollar bill onto the table, he grabbed my wrist with just enough force for me to not break away.
“Look, I’m sorry, Doll, I’m fucking flounderin’ here. I’ve been thinking forever on what I’d say to you, but I always drew a blank. Can you give me a break, for once?” I look into his eyes, an unfamiliar note of sincerity in them. It was so out of character that it caused me to stay and let him try again. “It was a shit thing to do, Love. I should’ve told you in person, I handled the situation like a boy and not a man.”
I raised an eyebrow and a small smile started to make its way onto my lips. “There’s no way you just thought of that little speech.”
Tangerine smiles at me, letting out a sn exhale of humor. “That's about all I had.” He says, using his hand to smooth out his mustache, something I knew was a rare tell of him being nervous. “How have you been?” He asks, his accent sounding like a song that used to be stuck in my head.
“It’s nothing new, Diesel’s doing good. She misses you.” I say before opening a picture of the gray cat Tangerine and I picked out together. Lemon had convinced me to name her Diesel because “she looks like one” and he ended up convincing me (after all, she is a bit of an asshole) Tangerine purses his lips as he hears the name of the cat who used to cuddle into his lap as he read. I was surprised he didn’t take her with him.
“I miss you…” He says as he looks into my eyes with a warm smile. Ironically it was at the same time my frozen strawberry margarita arrived at the table, the news making me immediately take a sip from the drink.
“Are…are you fucking with me?” I ask, even though I’ve made my mind up about his answer. “What are you? Is this like a thing you do?” I cross my arms and raise my shoulders in a defensive position. His stance was a lot less confident and he hurriedly sat up going into damage mode.
“Hey Hey, I’m sorry. I really am. The biggest thing I regret is that stupid fucking sticky note.” His tone gets more aggressive as he curses his actions. “But…I couldn’t face seeing you sad. And I couldn't face me getting sad.” There’s a pause, he resonates in the confession, as if it might be the first time he confessed it to himself. “I really really fucking liked you, doll. I never wanted to break your heart, honest.” 
I can’t help but just stare at him. The usual smoothing of  the mustache fidget is now paired with a bouncing leg. To an untrained eye, this might look like a man who is just waiting for his food, but to someone who knows Tangerine, this was his equivalent to a nervous breakdown. 
“…so did you decide what you’re getting?” I ask him, picking up the menu again and glancing over to him. His face is puzzled but I shoot him a look, one that signifies I’m allowing him to have a normal dinner with me. It was a lot for him to admit any sort of weakness so I figured I might as reward it.
“Well for now I just want some fuckin booze, it’s been so long since I had the shittiest vodka ever, I miss it.” He smiles at me and I laugh at his quip. It was probably a mistake to not grill him for longer. I could’ve made him beg at my feet or give me his wallet at that point if I wanted to. But the more I look at his flawless features, the more his charm works on me, as if it’s some intoxicating aura that takes all your strength to resist. 
It’s probably a shit idea, but I think I’ll let him explain it after dinner. I curse myself knowing that he’ll tell me about it all in between our sheets as we stay up all night with pillow talk, just like we used to.
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bryonyashleysworld · 1 month
Hi, helloooo!
I don't think I've ever made a post here buuut I thought now is a great time! I've written a small self insert inspired by @queenofsovngarde fanfiction "Carefully Orchestrated Plans (no strings attached)" on Ao3 and I wanted to share it with you guys🩷
Ash: Mingjue will act as my family and by extension Jin Guanyao and Xichen too apparently
Jiang Cheng: Wait what
Mo Xuanyu: What's going on?
Wei Wuxian: Yeah what?
Nie Huaisang: Could you elaborate on that dear?
Ash: Okay so, remember how we said that we're doing family dinner? Well, Jiang Chengs parents graciously invited us but anyway, Mingjue and I met up today after he learned that I'm the girl from theater with Huaisang and we caught up on what's going on in our lives and all that jazz. Well, when it was my turn I had like a whole breakdown about my life, cried, it was nothing and then we talked about our latest shenanigans aaaaaand he decided to host the dinner and judge™ you guys and decide if you can (fake) marry me or not since he was always like a big bro to me until we lost contact and since my family situation is kinda wack anyway, this is great!
Wei Wuxian: ?????? BIG BRO MINGJUE???
Jiang Cheng: What the fuck
Mo Xuanyu: get wrecked guys
Lou Qingyang: I just got here but this is hilarious
Jiang Cheng: I didn't even plan this dinner okay? They decided to!
Wei Wuxian: Oh you're in trouble now brother
Ash: You know you can always just back out, right?
Jiang Cheng: :/
Nie Huaisang: Okay, she's speaking the truth.
Ash: What, you thought I was lying?
Nie Huaisang: Not about the dinner, I'm coming over now
Ash: Hey you really don't have to, oh there he goes....
Mo Xuanyu: Are we meeting up now?
Ash: Scratch that apparently because I'm already getting company?
(in privat chat between Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang)
Nie Huaisang: Are you at home?
Jiang Cheng: No?
Nie Huaisang: Well then get over here too
Jiang Cheng: The fuck, no
Nie Huaisang: So you're saying you don't care about Ash, proving to my brother that we are *not* serious about the (fake) marriage and I can't have that.
Jiang Cheng: Ugh, fine.
Nie Huaisang: Hurry
Mo Xuanyu: Yeah well, text me if you still need me then
Ash: I will, thank you love <3
Wei Wuxian: I'm so confused????
Ash: Dw, the (fake) wedding is doing great and that's what's important
Lou Qingyang: Oh sure, the most important
Mo Xuanyu: Clearly, nothing is more important! How's the planning going btw?
Wei Wuxian: It's going great!!!
Wei Wuxian: Huaisang isn't being a huge help and A-Chang told me to fuck off but Ashley has been helping me immensely!!! We have a Pinterest board and everything
Ash: Oh yeah, we're really thriving
Lou Qingyang: Yesterday we looked at some wedding dresses with Wen Qing and Yanli, made a girls night out of it
Wei Wuxian: DDDD:
Wei Wuxian: @NieHuaisang @JiangCheng @WenNing GUYS NIGHT ON FRIDAY!!!!!
Wen Ning: Uh..? If I'm not busy
Wei Wuxian: you are now!!!
I sit in my room. On my bed are chocolates, already halfway eaten and in the background you can hear the quiet singing of Tamino playing soothing my silent cries. Today has been a lot on me and I just want the day to end so I can start fresh once more.
Through the screams of my thoughts I hear the front door opening and closing. Someone must've come home. Hushed voices make their way closer to my room and when I hear the knock I slowly look up with a tear stained face and slightly flushed from the warmth of my room.
"Ash...Ashley? It's Huaisang and A-Cheng. Can we come in? Please?" the quiet voice of Nie Huaisang speaks. Before I can utter a word, the door is being pushed open and I see them both standing in the door frame, their eyes in search of me. When they spot me sitting on the bed, Huaisang lets out a sigh and makes his way over to me, Jiang Cheng following closely but with a slight hesitance.
They find their places next to me. Finally, the words make their way to my mouth and I say "What are you two doing here? I didn't expect any visitors". I try to rub over my face as sneakily as possible while avoiding their gaze. Huaisang slowly puts an arm around me, pulling me into his arms gently. "We came because a birdy told me that you're not feeling well and how could we just let you be miserable by yourself?".
I put my head down, ashamed for them to find me in this vulnerable state. They haven't seen what a mess I can become nor did I want them to see it. " So he told you....I'm sorry, it's nothing you have to worry about" I speak quietly, my voice hoarse from all the crying I've done today. Jiang Cheng awkwardly puts a hand on my thigh and pats it softly, like a reminder that he's also there.
Huaisang smiles softly and shakes his head "No, brother didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. He just said that you looked like you would need company after you told us what has happened today. If he's your big brother, I want to be there for you too. And Jiang Cheng too, even if he is a grumpy cat." The latter grunts at Huaisang's teasing and shakes his head disapprovingly.
"I just didn't want you to be sad all by yourself. It's not right." he tells me firmly and once again, I find myself with tears in my eyes as I slowly lift up my head. "A-Chang, you-" I begin but he interrupts me "Don't make fun of me".
I choke out a small laugh and the tears start to fall without any control. "N-no I...thank you. Thank you both. This means...s-so much to me I-.."
Nie Huaisang presses me closer to himself. A warm body touches mine and suddenly I'm holding Jiang Chengs hand, all while my tears continue to fall down. I look up and into his face. A slight blush appears on his skin and he looks away, embarrassed by the affection showed so openly. "Yeah yeah, whatever.."he mumbles quietly, interlacing our fingers in the process. Despite the tears I smile. The thought that these two came here just because they were worried about me fills my heart with joy and a feeling I can't quite place while my cries continue.
After some time I calm down and clean my nose with a tissue Nie Huaisang hands me. "You guys are so cute..truly, thank you for coming here." I lean into Nie Huaisang and squeeze Jiang Chengs hand once more. "You know you can always count on us.." A-Cheng reminds me and I smile softly. Before I can reply, a sudden wave of tiredness sweeps over me and a big yawn escapes my mouth. Today's rollercoaster ride seems to finally be coming to an end. Huaisang gently pats my back and says " It's probably time to go to sleep huh? What do you say, we stay here tonight so we can make sure you get a good night's rest, hm? "
Stay? I blink my eyes in confusion and look at him: "Do you mean that?". He smiles and nods "Of course, right A-Cheng? Surely you have no problem with that" Jiang Cheng gives a small nod, his eyes softening as he squeezes my hand gently. "Yeah, I don't mind. We can keep you company."
Relief washes over me, knowing I won't be alone tonight. It's times like these where I always wished for someone to keep me company and I'm beyond happy that they are offering it to me. I manage a small, grateful smile. "Thank you. Really, it means a lot."
Huaisang pulls away slightly, just enough to reach for the box of chocolates. "Well, since we're staying, how about we finish these chocolates and then get ready for bed?"
Jiang Cheng raises an eyebrow but doesn't object as Huaisang pops a chocolate into his mouth. I let out a small laugh, the tension easing from my shoulders. "Alright," I say, my voice steadier. "But I get the last one."
Huaisang grins, nodding. "Deal."
The three of us share the remaining chocolates, the quiet sounds from us eating and the music in the background a welcome distraction. As we finish, Huaisang stands up and stretches. "I'll grab some extra blankets and pillows. A-Cheng, can you help set up?"
Jiang Cheng nods, releasing my hand reluctantly. "Yeah, sure."
I watch them move around the room, setting up a makeshift bed on the floor with extra blankets and pillows. Their presence is comforting, their quiet camaraderie a balm to my frayed nerves. When everything is ready, Huaisang turns to me with a gentle smile and reaches out his hand. "Alright, Ashley. Time to get some rest."
I nod, feeling the day's exhaustion catching up to me. I take his hand and move down to the floor where I quickly crawl under the covers, feeling a sense of safety I desperately needed. Jiang Cheng and Huaisang settle on either side of me, creating a protective barrier that solidifies this feeling of security.
"Goodnight," I whisper, my eyes already closing from how tired they are from crying.
"Goodnight," they both reply softly.
For the first time in a while I sleep through the whole night without even waking up once. As I slowly wake up the next morning, I notice some strong arms holding me tightly. It seems that during the night, both Huaisang and A-Cheng started to cuddle me in their sleep. A bright red plush appears on my face but I can't help but smile gently at this situation. I feel warm and secure between them.
As I drift off to sleep once again, I can't help but think of how lucky I am that I have such amazing people in my life, who are willing to drop everything and come to me, just to make sure that I am alright and will remain fine for the reminder of the day.
If you've read this far, thank you so much and I hope you have a great day! Take a cookie on your way out (^o^)>🍪
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missmultifandom09 · 10 months
McCarty x reader (Thanksgiving)
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AN-I do not own the character nor the movie, all credit goes to rightful owners, but I do own the fanfiction so do not steal or use my work without credit. I hope you enjoy
P.S-this is my first fanfic of this character so apologies if it’s a bit rusty
Tw-pining, intimacy, mentions of murder, and firearms
-Plymouth, Massachusetts-
You were on your way to the town’s delinquent’s house. The two of you had been acquaintances for nearly a year next month. The two of you had been standbys during the Black Friday sale at RightMart that had left several dead and more than a dozen injured.
You had gotten to know him as McCarty. While everyone knew him as the crazy metalhead booze seller, you got to know him on more of a personal level.
The two of you would listen to metal together and he even let you watch him play bass. He was quite good at it in your opinion though he begged to differ.
When you finally arrived at the destination, he was waiting on the porch, sitting in his uncle’s old rocking chair. He pushed himself up and stretched.
“What brings you ‘round here, m’lady?”
You looked up at his tall stature.
“Parents are out of town and knowing you still have your ammo, I was curious if I could camp out here.”
He quirked a brow. “Camp out here, eh? You’re always welcome, you know that.”
He opened the door and extended an arm to welcome you in first.
You stepped foot in the small but cozy house you had been in for the fifth time now. He quickly led you up to his room and took off his vest.
“Make yourself at home, I don’t bite.”
You chuckled and sat on his bed.
“…unless you want me to,” he teased with a snicker before joining you.
He got an alert on his phone and he checked, his expression turning to one of shock.
“Ah shit, woman’s lower half found the top of the RightMart sign!”
He showed you the news article while letting out a snicker.
“Ya could say she’s got a stick up her ass,” he said gesturing to the description of how the point of the star was where the half-corpse was stuck upon.
“So gross,” you sighed. “Who would do such a thing?”
“Probably someone who lost it after last year’s massacre.”
The smell of canned soup filled the kitchen as your new protector fixed up dinner. He hummed the tune to “Where Eagles Dare” by The Misfits as he fixed up the meal for the two of you. Once finished, he served you first then himself.
The two of you sat across from each other at the dinner table. You were feeling uneasy about the recent murder of the woman whose identity was released as a customer from last year’s massacre. You and McCarty had been standbys but you couldn’t help but think maybe the two of you were targets. You were snapped out of your thoughts by a familiar hand being waved in front of your face.
“You ok there? Spaced out a bit.”
“Sorry, just thinking about that article.”
“Don’t worry about it, you’ve got your big ‘ol man to protect ya,” he smirked smugly.
You couldn’t help but smile at that. He looked pretty today, but you weren’t in that mindset for long due to another notification on his phone.
“Shit got a reminder that Jacob’s coming over tomorrow night to help set up for the party.”
You rubbed the back of your neck. “Party?”
“Yeah, not for the faint of heart. I know you don’t like parties so I’ll keep the spare room off limits for guests so you can hang out in there.”
“Thank you,” you smiled softly.
He smiled. “Of course.”
Nighttime was nearing and McCarty had been in the shower for nearly 10 minutes now. You were laying in his bed, scrolling through your phone, drowsiness heavy on your head. The door opened and you looked up at the delinquent who had wet hair and little bullets of water dripping down his skin. He had a towel tied loosely around his waist as he searched for a shirt to wear.
“This one?” He pulled out a shirt with a design from the band Artillery.
“Hot,” you said looking up from your phone and smiling.
“Great,” he put the shirt on in front of you before grabbing a pair of jeans and underwear and going back to the bathroom.
When he returned his hair remained wet knowing he was too lazy to dry it. He laid down on the bed beside you.
“Hey,” he spoke up.
You looked at him. “Hey.”
“Don’t be worried about the murder ok? You’ve got me to protect ya.”
You smiled. “Thank you, Carty.”
He smiled and pulled you into a hug. “Anytime.”
You hugged him back and felt a warmth on your cheeks. You felt so safe with him and maybe more than just safety.
The next day came and there was a second murder. Now you were more anxious than the previous day.
That night you were nowhere near tired due to the growing anxiety in your chest.
McCarty noticed your distress and quickly sat beside you.
You were distracted by the pet name and snapped out of your daze. “Huh?”
“I’m here. I’ll protect you.”
He pulled you into another warm hug and you felt butterflies deep in the pit of your stomach.
“That killer would be a fool to mess with an armed badass such as myself.”
You smiled. “You’re right.”
He pulled away from you and looked you in the eyes. His hand made its way and cupped your jaw. Your eyes made their way to his hypnotic lips before meeting eyes with him.
“You’re hiding something, aren’t you?”
You felt a sense of guilt and averted your eyes.
“Look at me,” he said in a singsong voice, his pine cologne fogging your brain.
You felt his gentle touch tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as your eyes found his once again.
“Tell me, sweetheart, what are you feeling?”
You gulped.
“Or better yet…”
He got close to your ear.
“Show me.”
You felt your voice get caught in your throat and he snickered.
“Cat got your tongue?”
He let out a husky breath and moved away from your ear.
“Show me what you want, honey.”
He leaned close to your lips. You felt your heart skip a beat as your eyes fluttered closed.
You could just about feel his lips against yours, but before they officially touched, the doorbell rang.
He quickly turned toward the door. He grabbed his firearm from the junk drawer and put the safe on before shoving it in his pants.
“Don’t want that to blow my nuts off.”
You would have laughed if it wasn’t for the growing paranoia of the thought of a murderer behind that door.
He checked out the window. “Phew, just the mailman.”
He let out a relieved sigh before putting his gun back in the drawer.
The relief flooded over you before the butterflies in your stomach tackled it as his eyes locked with yours once again.
The air was filled with warm blossoms of tension. Not a bad tension, a warm feeling in your chest that you were sure he was feeling too. The dimness of the lights, the crickets outdoors, and the cool room temperature overcome by the warm blanket of longing all just made the tugging on your heartstrings more intense.
His eyes remained on yours before he took a step toward you, the creaking of the floor letting you know you were safe in his presence.
“Hey,” he whispered in a warm tone.
“Hey,” you whispered back.
Soon enough his palm rested behind your neck as his gaze landed on your plush lips.
You let out a shallow breath as you looked up at him, he leaned down and brushed his lips against yours, the simple touch sending a warm shiver down your spine, sparking your heart.
You let your eyes flutter closed once again as you stood on the tips of your toes. Your lips pressed against his firmly and he let out a sigh through his nostrils. Your foreheads rested against each other as he kissed you back softly, testing the waters.
Your arms draped around his neck and he sat you on the table.
He remained gentle as the two of you shared the intimate moment.
He parted from you after a long 10 seconds and stared into your eyes.
“I love you.”
You looked up at him. “I love you too, Carty.”
“And whatever may happen next, I’ll forever be your protector.”
Hope you enjoyed:D I know I enjoyed writing it and I’m sure I’ll be writing more on McCarty soon enough. If you have any recommendations or requests, feel free to comment:)
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cocrante · 5 months
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I Start Over With You
summary: After the great battle against the forces of Gaea, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter had formed a long-lasting alliance. Everything had gone well, and everyone was ready to start anew. This included Nico, who, after confessing his feelings to Percy, was prepared to open a new chapter in his life—perhaps the happiest one the Fates had ever written.
note: the chapters will be updated every Wednesday. If you want to read upcoming chapters of the fanfiction in advance, I invite you to follow me on Patreon. Subscribing is not necessary, these chapters will be added for free on the platform on Mondays and Fridays. Following me there is just a kind and free gesture to support my work c:
Reblogs are highly appreciated c:
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THE SEASHELL SOUNDED AGAIN, BRINGING THE DEMIGOD BACK TO REALITY. He didn't feel much like going to the mess hall that evening, he would have preferred to stay there in the silence and darkness of his cabin, which during winter nights seemed even more gloomy and deserted.
After a noisy sigh, he pulled himself up, leaving the cabin and heading towards the pavilion. Night fell quickly on the camp, the fog seemed to cling to him, and the shadows seemed to lengthen as if bowing to him. Only the torches illuminated the camp.
The mess hall, the only truly illuminated part of the camp, was already full of demigods sitting at tables, filling the cold and gloomy air with pleasant and warm laughter. Waiting for him at the table was Jason, hand in hand with Piper—who had arrived later that afternoon. The two were so engrossed in conversation that they didn't notice Nico's arrival until he cleared his throat, casting a veil of embarrassment between them.
"Welcome back!" exclaimed Piper, releasing her hand from her boyfriend's. "Everything okay in New Rome?"
Nico shrugged, briefly recounting his months spent there. He mainly talked about school, glossing over the kindness of his classmates.
"Well, nothing special" concluded the son of Hades, taking his plate to make his offering, followed by the other two. "And with your friend?" whispered Piper.
"Normal" he said, glancing at Jason, hoping he hadn't said too much.
The three demigods threw their offerings into the fire, making silent requests or thanks to the gods. Together they returned to the table, which among all was the farthest from the warmth of the fire. "Have you talked much during these months?" Piper asked again, subsequently ordering her goblet to fill with apple juice. "Sometimes" said Nico, unable to help but look up at Jason. "We mainly talked about school"
Piper nodded, hoping to extract some more information from him. Jason had never told her anything in his Iris messages.
"He started a singing course" he told her, although she expected to hear something else. "A what?" "Singing course" he repeated without realizing he was smiling. "He likes singing. I think he has a nice voice though" "he explained briefly, and Piper glanced at Jason, confident that he knew more about it.
The evening continued fairly quietly, Piper occasionally asking questions to break the silence, and Nico was always ready to give her an answer, although in some cases, he remained rather evasive.
After dinner, some groups returned to their cabins, while others gathered around the fire. It was all different without the Apollo campers leading the choir and delighting them with their excellent rhetoric.
Nico stayed with Jason and Piper for a while, who occasionally exchanged kisses and whispered a few words in each other's ears. They stayed a bit to listen to the campers from Cabin Eleven, who entertained the few remaining with comedic scenes and hilarious stories. Later, however, even the son of Hades left, now the general mood was subdued, and even the fire was turning into a dull yellow. He bid farewell to his friends, heading towards his cabin enveloped in the cold mantle of the night.
That night, he was truly determined to sleep, pushing every possible thought from his head, ignoring those annoying and stubborn butterflies in his stomach. The moment when Will would arrive was getting closer and this thought had been tormenting him for too long.
He turned towards the window overlooking the outside; the sky was covered with gray clouds that obscured the stars and the moon as they passed by. The trees in the forest were now completely devoid of their green foliage, and even the grunts and screams of the monsters that lived in the jungle had died down with the arrival of December. That silence seemed truly unnatural.
The son of Hades curled up tighter in the sheets, ignoring the voices swirling in his head. He had no intention of running away this time; he would do as Percy had told him: face it, with head held high, leaving your fears behind.
In the end, he managed to fall asleep, albeit consumed by dreams that slowly turned into nightmares. It had been a while since he had dreamed of anything, and he was certain that something was happening outside of that camp, something he didn't even want to know about. The nightmare then stopped, bringing him back to his more peaceful dreams until they disappeared along with the first cold lights of dawn.
Nico didn't immediately get up; he simply stayed still, staring at the landscape slowly waking up. His stomach was churning, as before an exam. Suddenly, his strength seemed to desert him; he would have liked to stay in bed, hidden under the sheets, or disappear somewhere and reappear later, but a part of him didn't really want to do that. With a push of courage, he got up, feeling the icy floor of the cabin beneath his feet.
He got ready carefully, taking more time than usual in the bathroom; he wanted to make a good impression that morning. From the wardrobe, he chose a high-necked sweater he had found in a store in New Rome; the saleswoman had told him it fit him like a glove, and indeed, it suited him well.
After encouraging himself in front of the mirror, he headed out towards the pavilion. He didn't have much of an appetite that morning; the butterflies in his stomach didn't stop moving for a moment.
As every day, Jason was waiting for him at the table, sitting next to Piper, who was smiling at him in a strange way. "Good morning" Piper greeted, widening her smile. Nico responded with a nod, sitting down at the table and being served immediately. "Jason told me your friend should be arriving today"
Nico sighed, confirming what Piper already knew. From the way Piper kept staring at him, he was pretty sure Jason had told her more than just about his friend's upcoming arrival. "Do you know when he'll arrive?" the girl asked.
"I think in the afternoon" he replied, although he didn't really know himself when he would arrive. "We'll probably go to the bay, there's never anyone there" he added, resigned to the fact that they wouldn't leave him alone until he told them all about his plans. "That's a good idea" Piper nodded. "Have you prepared a speech?" she asked, and Nico shook his head in response. "I'll improvise" he told her, mentioning his feeble attempts in front of the mirror.
"You'll loosen up when you have him in front of you" Jason reassured him, understanding the difficulty of expressing one's feelings in words.
They talked a bit more; the daughter of Aphrodite occasionally gave him some advice, like not losing eye contact. Piper was fantastic, spontaneous, and genuine; he should have told her before instead of keeping it to himself. "Don't make the speech too long, get to the point" the girl concluded, giving him some simple tips. Nico truly appreciated that gesture.
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