#freya myths
kobietyimity · 1 year
**Freja** to jedna z najważniejszych bogiń w mitologii nordyckiej. Jest boginią miłości, piękna, płodności, ale także wojny. Oto charakterystyka tej bogini, uwzględniając jej atrybuty, historie i cechy:
**Atrybuty Freji**:
- **Naszyjnik Brisingamen**: To jeden z najważniejszych atrybutów Freji. Naszyjnik ten był zrobiony z najcenniejszych klejnotów i był symbolem jej piękna.
- **Świnia Sibryssyskia**: Freja posiadała wierzącą świnie, która była symbolem płodności.
- **Falcon Cloak**: W niektórych opowieściach bogini ubierała się w pelerynę, która pozwalała jej zamieniać się w sokoła.
**Historie i Mity**:
- **Związek z Odynem**: W mitach, Freja była córką Njorda i była siostrą bliźniaczą Freyra. Miała męża o imieniu Odur, ale także była kochanką Odyna, króla bogów.
- **Utrata Naszyjnika**: Freja utraciła swój naszyjnik Brisingamen, który został skradziony przez Loki. To wydarzenie spowodowało wiele konfliktów i opisane jest w mitologii nordyckiej.
- **Walka w obronie Asgardu**: Freja była także wojowniczą boginią i brała udział w obronie Asgardu przed siłami jotnów podczas Ragnarok.
**Podobieństwa i Różnice**:
- Podobieństwa między różnymi opowieściami o Freji obejmują jej rolę jako bogini piękna i płodności oraz jej związek z miłością i wojną.
- Różnice mogą się pojawiać w zależności od konkretnego źródła mitologii nordyckiej i historii. Niektóre opowieści bardziej koncentrują się na jej aspekcie miłosnym, podczas gdy inne na jej aspekcie wojennym.
**Charakterystyka Postaci**:
Freja jest postacią, która symbolizuje różnorodność aspektów ludzkiego życia. Jest zarówno boginią miłości i urody, jak i wojowniczą boginią, która może stawić czoło wyzwaniom. Jej postać jest pełna kontrastów, co sprawia, że jest jedną z najbardziej interesujących postaci w mitologii nordyckiej. Jest także symbolem płodności i obfitości, co ma duże znaczenie w kontekście życia ludzkiego w starożytnych społeczeństwach skandynawskich. Freja jest postacią, która łączy w sobie różne aspekty życia i jest ważna zarówno dla bogów, jak i ludzi. Jej historia i atrybuty są odzwierciedleniem bogatej i wielowarstwowej kultury mitologicznej tego regionu.
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ryebread-x · 2 months
Gullveig Goddess of Gold
My interpretation of Gullveig the vanir goddess of Gold who was killed by Odin/the Aesir
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In my interpretation/headcanon, Gullveig used to be Freya’s old mentor and like a second mother to her. She taught Freya seidr and other magics. Gullveig had a feeling she was going to die due to the high tensions between the Aesir and Vanir, as well as Odin’s jealousy of her power. So she told Freya that if she were to die to take her heart and hide it. Upon her death, Freya took Gullveig’s burnt heart and hid it in a box within her hall. Many centuries later, Freya and Loki were together for a night when Loki found the box, eating the heart inside. Then Kol (the heart baby) was born. Freya was rather less than pleased that Loki ate her mentors heart, which resulted in all of Gullveig’s power going to a baby who couldn’t really even control them. But there wasn’t much Freya could do, so she’s just sometimes annoyed by Kol’s presence(not because she was particularly annoyed by her but rather how she came to be).
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Gullveig and young Freya
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mythos-soup · 10 months
Frey: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.  Thor: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.  Loki: Self care is stealing someones birthday cake just to eat the frosting.  Freya: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
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fernthewhimsical · 1 year
Prayer to Frigg-Frija
Allmother, Spinning Goddess of magic and fate Falcon-clad Queen of the Valkyries Thrice-burned witch, thrice reborn, Weaver of clouds and mysteries Traveling witch who sheds golden tears Lady of love, adorned in amber Golden shieldmaiden, shining bright I love and honour you
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chrissabug · 2 years
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Frejya and her cats 🐈‍⬛
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eyestrain-addict · 2 years
You know how Freya took off Atreus’s mistletoe necklace in the trailer? Obviously this is gonna be because she’s upset he would wear the weapon that killed her son but I wonder if it’s supposed to be a nod to Brísingamen, a necklace in Norse myth that Freya and Loki would not stop fighting over
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thegodsdemise · 11 months
Ragnarök Is Coming (Part One)
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Kratos was grabbing the reigns of the sled that Speki and Svanna were trudging through in the snow, the great Spartan General has already made enemies within the nine realms; starting with Odin, Thor, and the rest of the Aesir -- for the death of Baldur.
Which? was Odin's favorite son, his closer. It wasn't gonna be an easy journey for the retired and esteemed God of War and his son; which told by prophecy, that he'll betray his father and go into servitude to Odin & to Asgard as it's prince.
The demigod would slide the sled into their protection stave, as he saw Atreus standing outside with the deer that they scavenged for along with the other kills that Kratos got for the two.
"Boy, I have returned with our hunt. Ready the fire. Then? We feast, and then to bed."
Atreus nodded in his father's direction, jotting what he said; as he was journaling about the events that transpired pre-Ragnarok.
"Yes, sir. Let me just go check on Fen and the wolves."
Atreus would make his rounds to Speki & Svanna's kennel to drop them off some juicy tendered venison that was gutted from the deer they captured on the way back to the stave.
"Eat up, Speki. Eat up Svanna. Gotta keep your strength."
Atreus would then head over to Fenrir, as the wolf was laying half livingly; as he plopped down aside to the wolf with it's body resting upon his lap.
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amphibifish · 8 months
the vanir. btw. if you even care
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daily-uquiz · 2 years
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blackhornedarts · 1 year
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Concept art work in progress 2 for the beautiful Freyja, and her human counterpart Erik with her boar Hildisvíni turning into Erik's shield in battle. A Viking raider from the 8th century.
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mythos-soup · 1 year
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That one myth
You know the one
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fernthewhimsical · 1 year
So let me get this straight*:
Frigg = Freyja Holle = Frigg = Freyja Meda** = Freyja Gulveig = Freyja Heiðr = Gulveig = Freyja Angrboða = Gulveig = Freyja Gerðr = maybe Freyja Ostra*** = maybe Freyja? Everyone = Freyja????????
Mythology is so weird
*Disclaimer: I am completely generalizing and taking theories as fact for this is a shitpost, please don't take it very seriously. However all have some truth or possible truth to it **Meda is a Frisian Goddess who gave the name to the city Medemblik. There was a golden temple there dedicated to her. Her name means "maiden", so she was probably a version of Freyja being worshiped by younger women and girls, where they would move on to Freyja at the right age or after marriage ***Dutch name for Ostara/Eostre
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sebcalaguas · 3 months
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clouds-of-wings · 3 months
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Lady of the Vanir by Annie Gerard
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thegodsdemise · 11 months
Ragnarök Is Coming (Part Two)
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as Atreus finished feeding Speki & Svanna; as well as tending to Fenrir; he would meet with his father -- to eat the rabbits and added deer that they gathered from the hunt.
But? something troubled the youthful archer in his 'spiffy' archer suit; as Heimdall labeled it.
Kratos: "Atreus, what troubles you? Speak plain."
Atreus: "I'm just thinking about mom, and why she kept secrets and what she wants for us to do on our journey. I've gotta find answers."
Kratos would listen with a gruff, as he was carving a whet stone with his leviathan axe.
Kratos: "Even if those answers lead to war with Asgard? Hmph, you do not know what your mother wanted. You will not find what you seek & you are NOT ready."
Atreus: "How do you know? Mother isn't the only one keeping secrets. What do you know?! How many gods have you killed? How did you get your 'answers'?"
Kratos: "I've done things to those who were deserving and those who were not. I've killed my father, and it's brought me no peace. This path you walk? It will not give you peace. I know."
The snow was falling heavily that cold wintered night, as the two finished their food; as Kratos rose to his feet and would follow behind Atreus to the cabin.
Kratos: "Inside, boy. To bed. We will speak of this no longer."
Kratos would set the axe by the foot of his bed at his disposal, in case Hel-walkers or Kol-Raiders or beasts disrupt their slumber. He would be ready to slay them.
As the two would shut their eyes, Kratos's nightmares still continued to haunt him; as Athena said they would for the rest of his days -- he dreamt of Lysandra and Calliope; as well as his next premonition being of his new wife Faye.
The one woman who made things make sense, who could reason with the brute; The one woman who calmed his rage that brewed inside of him. She helped him channel it.
As for the nightmare with his first wife & child? It was of that fateful night in Sparta; where Kratos was still under the blood oath and servitude to Lord Ares. the former God of War who coaxed him into burning down Athens and killing his wife & daughter. The ultimate betrayal.
The Spartan General would wake up frantically, breathing in and breathing out; letting out a scream that bellowed in the Midgardian forest.
He looked over and saw that Atreus wasn't in bed, but ventured out to find a proper burial for Fenrir; as he cast Fenrir's soul out of his already dying host.
Kratos retrieved Mimir, and would tether him to his hip and flung open his door with his blades sheathed to his back along with his leviathan axe and began to search high & wide for the young archer.
Kratos yelled out, "Atreus! Where are you! Answer me, boy!"
Kratos would face off with all manner of creature, the further he traveled through inches of snow; he lost one child and he will not lose one again. He would do anything for his son, as any parent would.
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onion-existence · 2 years
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Commissions of Norse gods and heroes Thor, Freya, Baldr, and Sigurd for @tartarusgames on IG
Any redistribution or reproduction of commissioned artwork for any purposes without express written permission from the client is not permitted.
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