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veritaseruum · 1 year ago
When you say the quiet part out loud
Call it what it is. An American funded GENOCIDE
Fuck isNOTrael
#freepalestine #ceasefirenow #genocide #freudianslip
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tmarshconnors · 7 months ago
"Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways."
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Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies seen as originating from conflicts in the psyche, through dialogue between patient and psychoanalyst, and the distinctive theory of mind and human agency derived from it. 
Founder of Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud is best known as the father of psychoanalysis, a method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. His work laid the foundation for modern psychotherapy and has profoundly impacted psychology, psychiatry, and even popular culture.
Theory of the Unconscious Mind: Freud developed the theory that human behaviour is largely influenced by the unconscious mind, which includes desires, memories, and experiences that are not accessible to the conscious mind. He introduced the concepts of the id, ego, and superego as the three parts of the human psyche.
Dream Interpretation: Freud believed that dreams are a form of wish fulfilment and provide insights into the unconscious mind. His book "The Interpretation of Dreams" (1899) is one of his most famous works, where he detailed his theories on dream analysis and the significance of dreams in understanding unconscious desires.
Developmental Stages: Freud proposed that human development occurs in a series of stages, each centred on erogenous zones. These stages are oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital. He believed that experiences during these stages profoundly impact an individual’s personality and behaviour in adulthood.
Controversial Theories: Many of Freud's theories, such as the Oedipus complex, have been highly controversial and have sparked extensive debate and criticism. Despite the controversies, Freud's work has remained influential, and his ideas continue to be studied and discussed in psychology, literature, and cultural studies.
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eric-sadahire · 2 years ago
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What’s a Freudian slip?
It’s where you say one thing and mean your mother.
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psychreviews2 · 10 months ago
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life - Sigmund Freud
Freud continued his self-analysis in The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, and like in most of his works, he explored his personal experiences to understand others. In this instance he chose to examine his forgetfulness, bungled intentions, and slips of the tongue, that so many of us suffer on a daily basis. These he called Parapraxes.
Despite criticisms from psychologists, his book became popular and was his first vehicle to spread ideas of psychoanalysis to a wider audience.
Signorelli, Botticelli, and Boltraffio.
Freud begins by looking at the forgetting of words including names, and their sometimes incorrect recall. Despite the then current psychological interpretations that these are only accidents because both the words and names sound similar, Freud felt there was more to explore. “There is no doubt that there are cases of name-forgetting that proceed in a much simpler way
besides the simple forgetting of proper names, there is another forgetting which is motivated by repression.” Freud recounts a detailed analysis of a conversation with a stranger on a holiday trip from Ragusa, modern day Dubrovnik, to a small town near Herzegovina. Freud struggled to remember the name of a master who made frescoes of the Last Judgement in the Orvieto Cathedral in Italy. The name was Signorelli, but instead Freud recalled Botticelli and Boltraffio. When the correct name was given to him by an outsider, he discovered how the displacement caused him to bring up the wrong names.
There were two subjects that interfered with his recall of the correct name. One was a conversation about Turks that brought up the topic of sexuality. Freud recounts, "before I asked my travelling companion if he had been in Orvieto, we had been discussing the the customs of the Turks living in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I had related what I heard from a colleague who was practicing medicine among them, namely, that they show full confidence in the physician and complete submission to fate. When one is compelled to inform them that there is no help for the patient, they answer: 'Herr (Sir), what can I say? I know that if he could be saved, you would save him.' In these sentences alone we can find the words and names: Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Herr, which may be inserted in an association series between Signorelli, Botticelli, and Boltraffio."
The second subject was death. Freud continued, "I assume that the stream of thoughts concerning the customs of the Turks in Bosnia, etc., was able to disturb the next thought, because I withdrew my attention from it before it came to an end. For I recalled that I wished to relate a second anecdote which was next to the first in my memory. These Turks value sexual pleasure above all else, and sexual disturbances merge into an utter despair which strangely contrasts with their resignation at the peril of losing their lives. One of my colleague's patients once told him: 'For you know Sir (Herr), if that ceases, life no longer has any charm.'"
"I refrained from imparting this characteristic feature because I did not wish to touch upon a delicate theme in conversation with a stranger. But I went still further; I also deflected my attention from the continuation of the thought which might have associated itself in me with the theme 'Death and Sexuality.' I was at the time under the after-effects of a message which I had received a few weeks before, during a brief sojourn in Trafoi. A patient whom I had spent much effort had ended his life on account of an incurable sexual disturbance. I know positively that this sad event, and everything connected with it, did not come to my conscious recollection on that trip in Herzegovina. However, the agreement between Trafoi and Boltraffio forces me to assume that this reminiscence was at the time brought into activity despite all the intentional deviation of my attention."
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These emotional associations Freud described as a complex, a concept he borrowed from Jung's association experiments. "It has become customary to speak of an ideational content of this kind, which is able to influence the reaction to the stimulus-word, as a ‘complex’. This influence works either by the stimulus-word touching the complex directly or by the complex succeeding in making a connection with the word through intermediate links. Such a determination of the reaction is a very remarkable fact; you will find undisguised astonishment expressed at it in the literature of the subject. But its truth admits of no doubt. For as a rule you can lay bare the particular complex at work, and so explain reactions which could not otherwise be understood, by asking the subject himself to give the reasons for his reaction. Examples like those given by Jung are well calculated to make us doubt the occurrence of chance or of what is alleged to be arbitrary in mental events."
Freud singles out in particular the main complex out of which all other complexes are related. He says, “the self-reference complex (personal, family or professional) proves to be the most effective of the disturbing complexes.” Through thought associations, names are overwhelmed by stronger complexes causing an avoidance of that name, or subject, because of its association.  Freud says, "in general, one may distinguish two principle cases of name-forgetting; when the name itself touches something unpleasant, or when it is brought into connection with other associations which are [are also unpleasant]." [See: 'The Ratman': https://rumble.com/v1gu9qj-case-studies-the-ratman-freud-and-beyond.html]
As the mind avoids these unpleasant thoughts, Freud brings up his dream theory of condensation to explain the odd combinations and associations that appear in slips, bungled actions, and mistakes. He says, "now, in my Interpretation of Dreams, I have shown the part played by the process of condensation in the origin of the so-called manifest contents of the dream from the latent thoughts of the dream. Any similarity of objects or of word-presentations between two elements of the unconscious material is taken as a cause for the formation of a third, which is a composite or compromise formation. This element represents both components in the dream content, and in view of this origin, it is frequently endowed with numerous contradictory individual determinants. The formation of substitutions and contaminations in speech-mistakes is, therefore, the beginning of that work of condensation, which we find taking a most active part in the construction of the dream."
Willpower and Intentions
Agreeing with Wilhelm Wundt, Freud found Wilhelm's description of slips in speech instructive in that there is a tiring of willpower in the subject, and a strain in holding the intention to control speech, leading to these slips. Freud also added that the intrusive thoughts imposed themselves during these opportunities, hence a slip. You become slightly tired and go a little unconscious and then the forces of repression can't keep the wish from imposing itself on consciousness. Freud uses an example of a President of the Austrian House of Deputies who declared the session "closed" when he was trying to open the session. For Freud, the president was acting on a wish or preference that the session be closed.
Now not every case is a Freudian slip and Freud agreed that in accelerated speech, there may be instances where word substitutions are just accidents, but in cases where the similarities between words aren't obvious, the substitute words can betray underlying emotions and show a person's true opinion. Freud translates an example of disappointment betrayed by a slip:
"A wealthy but not very generous host invited his friends for an evening dance. Everything went well until about 11:30pm, when there was an intermission, presumably for supper. To the great disappointment of most of the guests, there was no supper; instead they were regaled with thin sandwiches and lemonade. As it was close to Election Day, the conversation centered on the different candidates; and as the discussion grew warmer, one of the guests, an ardent admirer of the Progressive Party candidate, remarked to the host: 'You may say what you please about Teddy, but there is one thing - he can always be relied upon, he always gives you a square meal,' wishing to say square deal. The assembled guests burst into a roar of laughter, to the great embarrassment of the speaker and the host, who fully understood each other."
Free will or Determinism?
Even if we decide, that we don't want to be embarrassed again and make an intention to never repeat similar mistakes in the future, Freud says, "the suggested intention slumbers in the person concerned until the time for its execution approaches. Then it awakes and excites action." With single resolutions, unless they are supported by more resolutions, like a meditation, the original resolution is forgotten and the subject drifts into a current of habit. Freud says, "forgetting resolutions...ultimately depends on unadmitted motives, a counter-will." These counter-wills are resistances related to other desires, obligations, or ambivalence. In a busy world there are many wishes and aversions that overwhelm a single intention; the reader gets the sense that the age-old debate of free-will and determinism is being brought up again, and the latter is where Freud lands. People do make plans and meet them to a certain extent, but for Freud, predictions and resolutions for humans are fraught with detours. He says, "the belief in prophetic dreams numbers many adherents, because it can be supported by the fact that some things really so happen in the future as they were previously foretold by the wish of the dream. But in this, there is little to be wondered at, as many far-reaching deviations may be regularly demonstrated between a dream and the fulfillment which the credulity of the dreamer prefers to neglect...There is nothing arbitrary or undetermined in the psychic life. By assuming that a part of our psychic function is unexplainable through purposive ideas, we ignore the realms of determinism in our mental life."
Unconscious theft
These driftings can even allow people to think that they are more original than they are, and create a sense of agency in the choices they make. To set the stage to understand this, the reader has to look at the main crux of this book which is to view forgetting "in all cases is proved to be founded on a motive of displeasure." But behind the displeasure there is also a wish for a particular outcome. Freud recounts an example that shows the power of the wish in forgetting, can meld with an avoidance of topics that remind the subject of their immoral actions they took to satisfy the wish. This would be like an elicit wish to steal something or an idea and the repression of the painful guilt in the aftermath of the theft. A form of unconscious entitlement. In one of Freud's many congresses with his confidant Wilhelm Fliess, Freud did exactly that when he asserted that a theory of bi-sexuality in every person was needed, and then Fliess retorted that it was originally his idea. Later on, to himself, Freud thought of the question "who benefits?" He did. Eventually he was able to remember the prior conversation that Fliess reminded him of, clearing up his forgetting.
Tension between the individual and society
Freud leaves us with an unsettling insight to our non-willed aspects in our lives and even if we don't want to get to know these aspects and choose to pursue more even repression, the unconscious will respond. Even a normal person who isn't a psychopath will find inner resistances creating a mutiny to captain the ship of intentions. Freud says, "even in healthy persons, egotistic, jealous and hostile feelings and impulses, burdened by the pressure of moral education, often utilize the path of faulty actions to express in some way their undeniably existing force which is not recognized by the higher psychic instances. Allowing these faulty and chance actions to continue, corresponds, in great part, to a comfortable toleration of the unmoral." This is an early development of themes that Freud will return to later and culminate in his Civilization and Its Discontents, published towards the end of his career.
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life - Sigmund Freud: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780393006117/
The Psychical Mechanism Of Forgetfulness (1898b): https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781473319981/
Psycho-Analysis And The Establishment Of The Facts In Legal Proceedings (1906c): The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud,9():97-114
Psychology: http://psychreviews.org/category/psychology01/
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accuratebodylanguage · 2 years ago
Watch Alex Murdaugh’s sister-in-law’s facial expressions and 
Alex Murdaugh’s “freudian slip” confession of whoever did it “
thought about it for a really long time.”
This concluding phrase was voluntarily added by Alex Murdaugh about the murders of his wife Maggie and son Paul.
From Head to Toes, the BODY Always Shows the TRUTH.
Contact @JanetteGhedotte of @AcccurateBodyLanguage for training and consulting.
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floralfanboy · 1 year ago
Josefina Leit went on to make the following word salad after her Freudian slip: "This one that I personally do not see. It is a horrible, horrible, horrible situation. And I cry for my Palestinian sisters and brothers. But I want to say I have been to Poland. I have visited concentration camps. And do not say that is what litters Gaza and the West Bank. I have been in the West Bank. And I have seen the Arab villages there. Do not tell me what is there. I have seen it with my own eyes. Thank you." She contradicts herself by first being (rightly) adamant that people not casually compare each genocide to the Holocaust, but then deciding to make the unique features of the Holocaust the criteria for deciding whether Palestinians are facing a genocide. Also, how does seeing Palestinan villages in the West Bank determine whether there is a genocide going on in Gaza? Has she seen the total war unleashed in Gaza? And even in the West Bank, did she see the terrors and ethnic cleansing Palestinians face at the hands of the Israeli military occupation and armed settlers?
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foulartisancreator · 1 year ago
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pluralquotebook · 25 days ago
Silver: i was trying to type "goodnight" very very badly and freudianslipped into revealing i have no henchmen
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newsacramento · 5 months ago
Busted 😅😆
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iwillstabyou · 2 years ago
Oh my god @milesasinmorales thank you so much for tagging me in this I absolutely love doing these things if you tag me in these kinda posts I automatically adore you EVERYONE PLEASE TAG ME IN THESE THINGS PLEEEEAAASE. It’s taken me a while to get round to doing it though because I’m an indecisive little bitch and can’t possibly narrow my options down to just 5 songs (my ADHD ass could never lmao). That’s why I’ve decided to just ignore the rules and list more than 5 songs because I listen to a lot of music. Here goes:
1. No more tears - Ozzy Osbourne
2. Head over heels - Tears for fears
3. Riverman - Noel Gallagher’s high flying birds
4. Orion - Metallica (or literally ANYTHING by Metallica. I listen to all of their stuff all the time. I’m listening to Metal Militia right now)
5. Pale shelter - Tears for fears
6. Good old-fashioned lover boy - Queen
7. Cirice - Ghost
8. Kickstart my heart - Mötley CrĂŒe
9. Ordinary world - Duran Duran
I’m a huge music nerd so I also love listening to film/tv scores, so idk if it counts, but I’ll put it anyway:
10. Time [from inception] - Hans Zimmer
11. The entire stranger things score - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Good lord, I thought I was ok at self control but evidently not

No pressure tags: @spineless-lobster @thatgordongirl @the-thicc-of-it @magic2us @marvelvibess @itsthe-tism @rainbows60 @raspberryjerry @mothershipwreck @heterophobicaziraphale @ringhoarder @todos-quieren-ser-corsario @freudianslipping and anyone else who follows me. You’re all my favourite.
Also, feel free to comment on my music taste. I’m curious to find out what people think of this mess haha
@general-illyrin thank you for tagging me!
đŸŽ¶âœšïžwhen you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-obligitory)đŸŽ¶âœšïž
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
Icarus - luvbug
The Bug Collector - Haley Heynderickx (also untitled god song. i love all of her stuff)
Baby teeth - Flower Face
Clay Pigeons - Micheal Cera
Don't light my fire - Otoboke Beaver
He was a friend of mine - Willie Nelson, from Brokeback Mountain
Without you, without them - Boygenius
Oops I added a few extra... oh well. @general-illyrin you said you needed more songs to listen to so I hope this helps!
Also ignoring the rules and no-pressure tagging @neechees @ramyaknox @nutmegs-tired @halfelven @iotaqizm @galadrielspeaks @stardayzzing @heathcliffgirl2002 @meriadocofbuckland @modernbaseball @king-aidan-the-artist @legoyass @celestial-jellybean @necrobratz @profane-form @lyxthen @iwillstabyou @blorbobutworse @fioblah @homosexualmorelikehomiesexual @blueberryrock and all my followers!!!!!
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whywehatechurchfolk · 4 years ago
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*states in Freudian slip* #freaky #freudian #freudianslip #church #churchsigns #wwhcf #whywehatechurchfolk https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ99Y86B60o/?igshid=5zhe3dvnulwx
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daughtryl · 4 years ago
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wingscathie · 5 years ago
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother. - Unknown
Something amusing.
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freudianslipsworld · 6 years ago
Y asĂ­, nuevamente realiza su apariciĂłn aquello que tanto jĂșbilo me diĂł perder a costa de mi estima. Otra vez toma lo que mĂĄs adoro y lo abstrae hasta convertirlo en algo repugnante. Te doy la mano, no por cordialidad, si no, para reconocer tu regreso, mi mayor enemigo, autor de mis mĂĄs grandes fracasos; ego, no te extrañé.
El castigo para quien desborda su ego en sus iguales, convirtiéndolo en egolatría, es la soledad inminente. El ignorar la presencia del mismo condena el destino del individuo en sociedad.
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crackerdaddy · 2 years ago
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Freudian slip????? #sigmundfreud #freud #freudianslip https://www.instagram.com/p/CmmXUTaugoZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blizzardbeaches · 2 years ago
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When you commit a #freudianslip and accuse the #fitness #kickboxing #trainer of #torture (at Extreme Fitness Personal Training) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmX0sTAt3-a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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