#fresh organic produce delivery
naturelandorganic · 10 days
Best organic groceries online near me
Finding the best organic groceries online near you has become incredibly convenient, with many platforms offering fresh, high-quality organic products that can be delivered right to your doorstep. Popular online stores like BigBasket, Amazon Fresh, and Nature’s Basket provide a wide variety of certified organic groceries, including fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and spices. Local organic stores also offer delivery services through their websites or apps, ensuring you can access fresh, chemical-free food without leaving your home. Trusted brands like 24 Mantra Organic, Organic Tattva, and Farm2Kitchen ensure you receive healthy and sustainably sourced products. Whether looking for organic staples or specialty items, these online platforms offer a convenient and eco-friendly solution for your grocery needs.
More info: https://naturelandorganics.com/
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thefarmersstore · 1 year
The Farmers' Store Bandra Pali - Organic Food Store
The Farmers' Store is known for its curated selection of fresh organic products sourced directly from proud farmers across India. TFS was set up under the expert guidance of Kavita Mukhi, who continues to act as the leading consultant to help curate the store's 2000+ products and verify their legitimacy. An extensive range of products that include fresh organic vegetables, fruits, flours like organic khapli atta, milk, ghee, oil and all necessary home staples makes The Farmers' Store the best organic store online and offline in Mumbai. Customers have trusted TFS since its inception in 2017 and remain loyal to the organic movement to date. You can walk into The Farmers' Store in Bandra or enjoy same-day home delivery of organic lifestyle.
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
🗡️ Subtle Talos Worship 🪨
Collect rocks/crystals you like
Bask in the sunlight (Cretan)
Take a walk/hike on a sunny day (Cretan)
Light a bonfire; sit in front of it; focus on the warmth and life it provides
Collect bronze colored items; wear bronze colored jewelry
Assert your personal boundaries; make it clear when someone has done something that made you uncomfortable
Get a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Make something with your hands; work hard on a project or item you're creating (Cretan)
Stand up for yourself and others; stand up for those you love
Assert your boundaries; make others aware when they upset you or make you uncomfy
Set boundaries for yourself; I'll only give this much support to that person, I won't stay on my phone for hours before bed, I won't engage with this media that always upsets me, etc.
Have a stuffed animal of a creature that you associate with protection, defense, strength, or the sun (sun = Cretan)
Have imagery of bronze robots/automatons, swords, shields, large rocks/boulders, the island of Krete (Crete), the sun (Cretan), Volcanoes (Cretan), or light (Cretan) around
Learn self-defense; carry weapons on you (pepper spray, pocket knife, etc.)
Learn how to properly use a weapon of your choice; sword, bow and arrow, short sword, spear, pocket knife, etc.
Listen to yourself, especially regarding situations/people that your gut tells you are unsafe; your GUT, not your ANXIETY
Get to know yourself better; know that you know yourself better than others
Disregard unconstructive criticism; work on not taking hate personally (easier said than done, I know)
Fall asleep/meditate to the sound of island ocean waves
Try to eat healthy; fruits, veggies, protein, etc.; take care of your physical body
Grow your own produce or herbs (Cretan)
Support local farms; buy their produce (Cretan)
Support farming/food (Cretan) or humanitarian organizations; support homeless shelters
Volunteer at a food bank, soup kitchen, or farm (Cretan)
Take regular breaks from screens; make sure to go outside for some fresh air (Cretan)
Make sure to wear sunscreen on sunny day (Cretan)
Go cloud-watching (Cretan)
Exercise; get movement throughout your day, even just stretching
Visit the beach or nearby body of water; stick your feet into the shallows; try to ground yourself there
Ground yourself regularly; check in with yourself and your body frequently
Own a sword - it'd be so cool if you did
Play a fighting-based video game; choose a supportive/defensive character
On a tough day, be gentle with yourself; eat/drink something comforting, take a shower, get cozy under a blanket, watch a comfort movie, etc.
Stick affirmational/encouraging notes in places you'll see them throughout the day
Make a list of your personal strengths and weaknesses; try to healthily reflect on ways you can better yourself
Drink fruit or vegetable juices (Cretan)
Paint or draw an island; purchase art of an island from an artist
Support local businesses
Get involved with local communities; support groups, gamer groups, neighborhoods, etc.
Leave good tips for those working in the service industry; delivery drivers, waiters, hospitality workers, etc.
Treat service workers with compassion and empathy; they've got it rough
Build a sand castle; give it some cool defenses
Support the less fortunate in your community
Volunteer at a homeless shelter; volunteer within your community
Donate supplies to homeless shelters; hygiene kits are always needed
This is my list of discreet ways to worship Talos. There are two versions of him most commonly worshipped - that of mainland Greece and that of the island of Krete itself. Both vary vastly; Krete saw him as a bronze automaton Sun god that fathered Hephaestus, while mainland Greece saw him as a giant bronze automaton assigned to protect Krete by Zeus. I gave suggestions for both versions. I hope y'all find this helpful, and take care! 💚
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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hanmi-xo · 1 year
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Seventeen Waiting For You
S C E N A R I O S | O N E S H O T S | S M U T | M A I N
How I think Seventeen would act if you were coming home late.
Seungcheol: He would try to distract himself by doing his own thing but the more time passes the more impatient he gets. He's the type to wait for you at the living room and if you have your locations on he'll watch your every move. He'll check if you post on social media and he'll be the first to like your post. The man is protective and misses your company. He wants you to know he's there even though he's not physically with you. He'll order food almost an hour before you come home so it'll still be fresh. You're his princess and he'll treat you as one.
Jeonghan: At first, he would watch tv and maybe even try to sleep in the bedroom. He'll feel empty since your presence isn't next to him. So he'll sleep on the couch while he waits for you. Maybe even attempt to make you food if he has the energy to before you show up or maybe just order out. Once you come home, he'll let you eat before kissing you and letting you know he's going to be waiting for you in the bedroom so he can cuddle with you.
Joshua: He would leave text messages so he can see that you read them. He wouldn't bombard you too much since he knows you're probably busy. He'd make food and leave it on the table so you have something to eat when you get home. He'd stay up by watching movies or singing just so he can greet you. Once you come home, you'll eat together and he'll listen about your day before falling asleep together.
Junhui: He's watching TV while making food. Similar to Joshua, he'll distract himself and try to stay awake so he can greet you. He'll even send photos of the food he made or what he might be doing so he has a reason to contact you. Knowing you read his messages will make him happy. He'll be a little extra and sing to you a welcome home song he might randomly make up in his head. He's cute and a goofball at heart.
Soonyoung: He's listening to music, and he's trying to stay up. He has no plan on sleeping since he's eager on seeing you. He'll work out and check your whereabouts if your location is on. He'll do anything he can to stay awake. He would make you food, but last time he almost burned down the place, so instead he ordered delivery. The moment you come home, he'll welcome you with open arms and have dinner with you if you haven't eaten yet. He then would insists on cuddling since he's tired. He might even knock out the moment he lays his body down since he used too much energy to stay up.
Wonwoo: He's playing video games while he waits for you. Even ordering a scheduled time for delivery so it would arrive right before you show up. Although he's eager for your arrival, he wants to distract himself so time goes by faster. Once you come home he turns off his game so all his attention is on you. You would eat dinner with him and if you want to play games, he'll gladly bring out his second controller. But if you want to sleep, he'll cuddle you until you both fall asleep.
Jihoon: He's making music or listening to music. He made sure to do all the chores and thoroughly cleaned everything. He would be sitting on the couch waiting for your arrival while he drinks coffee. He's used to staying up late since he's a producer and having to wait for you doesn't bother him. Even when you come home, he might go to bed later than you because of an idea he has for a song. He'll order delivery and have dinner with you before you go to sleep, but he'll stay by your side until you knock out.
Dokyeom: He may not be a househusband, but he definitely acts like one. He got everything cleaned and organized so the place is presentable. He made you your favorite food while he's listening to music. You might hear him singing before you smell the food. As always, Dokyeom welcomes you with open arms and acts like a servant/butler. He'll treat you like royalty with a lot of love. If you want a child, he might even be ready for that.
Mingyu: He's cooking alright. He's cooking a buffet that will fill not only you, but also his large appetite. He's going to make sure you have your fill with your favorite food, and that you know how hardworking he was before your arrival. He might be clingy and ask for kisses since he misses you so much. He'll stay up late with you so he can hear about your day and maybe even watch a movie until you both fall asleep.
Minghao: He's trying to chef but he's struggling. He's making Chinese cuisines along with brewing his herbal tea. He has the whole night planned out, but if all else fails, he's ordering out. He knows you'll laugh at him if he accidentally burns the food or put the wrong measurements so he has a back up plan. He'll be a bit stressing so he'll play some music in the background to lift up the mood. Once you come home, he might either be done cooking or struggling. Whatever the case is, you'll have dinner with him one way or another before the night ends.
Seungkwan: He's cooking the recipes he knows best even if he struggles. He already ordered dessert so if his cooking tastes bad you have something to eat afterwards to get rid of the taste. He'll check his phone every once in awhile to see your location if it's on so he knows how much time he has to set everything up. Once you come home, he'll be a bit tired from cooking. He might come off as cranky if you don't like his food, but the moment you compliment him for his hard work he'll go 180 and appreciate you. He'll complain about how he burned his hand and maybe how he struggled cooking. You two would have a long night of talking over dinner since there's a lot of topics you two want to talk about. The conversation ends once on of you admits of getting drowsy which leads you both to cuddling in bed.
Hansol: He's not touching the stove, and he's certainly not in the kitchen. He was going to make American food but he remembered how that's the only thing he makes for you. So this time he's ordering out. Besides, he knows he's not a great cook so he rather you have great food than his own. He'll be watching movies until you arrive and once the food comes in, you'll have dinner together. You'll watch a movie with him until you fall asleep, and he'll carry you to the bedroom where you both sleep together.
Chan: He's ordering out. He knows what happened with Soonyoung and he doesn't want that happening to him. He'll play music and practice his dance moves until your arrival. Once he knows you're coming home, he'll shower so he wouldn't smell like sweat. You two would have a lovely dinner before having a romantic slow dance. He'll hold you tightly until it's time to head to bed.
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S C E N A R I O S | O N E S H O T S | S M U T | M A I N
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Hello there, Mousy~. You don't have to answer my question, because in a way, this also works as my opinion rambling, and you don't have to answer it (it's about Ridgeside Village).
So, it begins when I was stumbling upon Irene (the chef that works for Amethyne Mansion) in Lorenzo convenience store, looking for supplies to cook for the family.
Now, you can take my words as an exaggeration, but this detail always... I dunno, bothered me? Because I remember one thing about the perks of having a blue-blooded family, is that you never went shopping for food supplies, whether you're the family member, or even the working staff. Usually, the farmers the one that delivered the supplies to them.
You can take me as a judgemental here, because I understand that this is just a game, and the modders probably didn't had enough time to research more about this and that about wealthy family. But what do you think? And, if the Amethyne mansion did get their supplies from the farmers, do you think they got it from the Ridgeside Village' farmers, or other places?
Thanks! ^^
Really? Never heard of that. Although to tell you the truth, I've never been interested in "blue-blooded" families and their perks.
On the one hand, sort of yes, it's unlikely that members of the Amethyne family would waste time going grocery shopping when they likely have a tight schedule of meetings, charity events, important conversations with relatives/partners/business partners/authorities and education (the family members themselves) or keeping the house clean and organized (Irene and Sonny). It's easier to have the farmers themselves and other couriers, not connected in any way to the Amethyne mansion, deliver the best and all the necessities.
On the other hand, I heard a story a long time ago about an expensive toy made for an aristocratic family - rocking horses made of solid gold, and that the parents were not very happy about the gift, because they taught their children modesty (and the fact that a child is not too comfortable dragging a huge piece of metal). Yes, Maive and her family members are noble, but she strikes me more as a woman who prioritizes manners and education over showing off their wealth. Maybe Maive thinks that just because they're aristocrats doesn't mean they can be lazy and not do even the most basic things? I mean, yeah she hired a personal servants to do the cooking and cleaning, for there is no time for that anymore. Still..
About Amethyne food delivery... Well, Pika is giving us the task to deliver food to Maive, so that means he's doing great with the quality of the meals. Our Farmer will also be the main supplier of vegetables and other farm produce, but that will be after the second year when our farm is developed. Chicken eggs they can order from Jeric's, but I'm leaning toward animal products (milk, eggs, cheese, etc.) being bought up from Marnie or Farmer's. There is a steady supply of fresh fruit from Nightingale Orchard, and the best fish from Carmen and Willy's fishing rod. The rest of the produce that farmers and fishermen can't provide, but can be found in regular stores.... Well, my thought might be that Shanice, who used to educate Zayne and knows what their requirements are, can arrange to buy expensive but very high quality goods especially for this family, as it is much more convenient and logical than waiting for a long parcel of groceries (Ridgeside Village is far away in the mountains, try to get there first, especially with provisions).
Sorry, dear anon. I don't know much about the life of the aristocracy, even on the internet I couldn't find anything to tell more on this topic. But it's a really interesting ask, thanks a lot for your thoughts! 🫰💖
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theolivebranchreview · 7 months
Grooving Across Time
by Jake Gilmore (read more of his work here)
The song “Oogum Boogum” by Brenton Wood is a vibrant and infectious track that captures the essence of the late 1960s soul and pop scene with an irresistible charm. Released in 1967, this song immediately sets itself apart with its catchy chorus, playful lyrics, and Wood’s distinctive vocal style, which is both smooth and expressive. The track is imbued with a sense of joy and flirtation, making it an enduring favorite for listeners seeking a musical time capsule back to an era of exuberance and stylistic innovation.
At the heart of “Oogum Boogum” is Brenton Wood’s masterful delivery, which combines elements of soul, R&B, and pop in a way that feels both fresh and timeless. His voice, with its unique timbre, carries the song’s lighthearted lyrics with an effortless charisma that invites listeners to sing along. The song’s opening lines, “You got me doing the oogum boogum now,” set the tone for a track that’s all about the dizzying effects of love and attraction, encapsulated in a phrase that’s as whimsical as the emotions it seeks to describe.
Musically, the arrangement of “Oogum Boogum” is a testament to the creativity and innovation of the era. The upbeat tempo, driven by a compelling blend of organ, brass, and rhythm section, creates a backdrop that’s both playful and engaging. This sonic landscape not only showcases Wood’s vocal prowess but also highlights the skill of the musicians and producers behind the track. The organ, in particular, adds a layer of richness to the song, providing a groovy counterpoint to Wood’s vocals that’s impossible to resist.
Lyrically, “Oogum Boogum” is a delightful romp through the themes of love and attraction, with Wood painting vivid pictures of the emotions and physical reactions sparked by the object of his affection. The lyrics are simple yet effective, capturing the universal experience of being captivated by someone’s presence. This simplicity is a strength, allowing the song to transcend its era and remain relatable to listeners across generations.
For those of us who grew up raiding our parents’ CD collections, discovering tracks like “Oogum Boogum” was a rite of passage. It was on a dusty boombox in my childhood home that I first encountered Brenton Wood’s infectious energy, and it became an instant favorite. The song’s upbeat rhythm and catchy chorus made it a staple on my playlists, especially on sunny days when the only appropriate soundtrack was one that matched the brightness of the outdoors.
“Oogum Boogum” also stands out for its cultural impact, capturing a moment in music history when genres were blending and artists were experimenting with new sounds. In this context, Brenton Wood emerges not just as a singer but as an innovator, whose contributions to the soul and pop genres are encapsulated in this unforgettable track. His ability to convey the exhilaration of love and attraction in such a playful and engaging manner is a testament to his talent as a songwriter and performer.
In the pantheon of 1960s music, “Oogum Boogum” by Brenton Wood is a gem that continues to shine brightly. Its blend of catchy lyrics, vibrant musical arrangement, and Wood’s charismatic vocal delivery make it a timeless classic. For those discovering it today, the song offers a joyful escape into a musical era characterized by exploration and expression. For those of us who have known it for years, it remains a cherished reminder of the power of music to capture the essence of human emotion in a few simple verses and a catchy chorus. “Oogum Boogum” is not just a song; it’s a celebration of love, joy, and the infectious spirit of the 1960s soul and pop scene.
Beyond its immediate charm, “Oogum Boogum” serves as a bridge connecting the listener to a vibrant period in music history, where experimentation with rhythm, lyrics, and melody flourished. The song embodies the spirit of the ’60s, a time when music was an integral part of cultural shifts and the expression of freedom and love. Brenton Wood, with his eclectic style, managed to encapsulate this spirit in a track that, decades later, still feels fresh and exciting. The song’s ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia while remaining timeless is a testament to its genius.
The influence of “Oogum Boogum” extends beyond its initial release, inspiring artists across genres to capture the same infectious joy and soul in their music. It’s a reminder of the power of a catchy hook and a melody that can make listeners dance spontaneously. This track, with its blend of soul, R&B, and pop elements, showcases the transformative power of music to cross boundaries and bring people together. It’s a celebration of the joy of love, conveyed through Wood’s playful articulation and the song’s vibrant arrangement.
Reflecting on personal experiences, “Oogum Boogum” has always been a beacon of positivity. Whether it was playing in the background during family gatherings or being the soundtrack to impromptu dance sessions in the living room, the song has a way of lifting spirits and bringing smiles. Its universal appeal lies in its simplicity and the genuine emotion it conveys, making it a song that can be shared across generations, from those who lived through the ’60s to younger audiences discovering it for the first time.
In the broader landscape of music history, “Oogum Boogum” stands as an emblem of an era marked by innovation and the breaking down of musical barriers. Brenton Wood’s contribution to this landscape cannot be overstated. His ability to blend different musical styles into a cohesive and captivating track demonstrates his understanding of the power of music as a tool for expression and connection. This song, among his others, lays the groundwork for future artists to explore and innovate within their genres.
In an age where music is more accessible than ever, “Oogum Boogum” remains a cherished discovery for those venturing into the rich archives of the past. It serves as a vibrant reminder of the joy and excitement that music can bring into our lives, transcending time and genre to touch the hearts of listeners. The song is a testament to Brenton Wood’s enduring legacy as an artist who captured the essence of an era while creating a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences around the world.
“Oogum Boogum” by Brenton Wood is more than just a song from the late ’60s; it’s a musical treasure that continues to enchant and inspire. Its joyful melody, coupled with Wood’s charismatic delivery and the song’s playful lyrics, create an atmosphere of unbridled joy and nostalgia. For those who have grown up with it, the song is a fond memory; for new listeners, it’s a delightful discovery. Either way, “Oogum Boogum” remains a vibrant celebration of life, love, and the enduring power of music to connect us to our past, present, and each other.
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thehaemanthus · 1 year
tangled cable car wires (3/3)
It’s still July 23 where I’m at! 
Delighted to present the final chapter of this fic for the ACOTAR Writing Circle, organized by @azrielshadowssing. Had so much fun doing this event, and learned that I can write passable smut on demand if needed (though I think the readers will be the final judge of that). 
Thank you to @thelovelymadone and @bennylavasbuns​ for setting me up for success with your previous chapters! I hope this last chapter is a happy, sweet, sexy, and most of all funny ending because I can’t hear someone is six foot five inches without shaking my fist at the sky at the inconvenience of living next to such a height
Elain was soaking wet, exhausted, out 50 bucks because she stupidly hopped into a taxi to escape her nemesis, and, oh yeah, really fucking horny.
She dumped her things just inside the door to her apartment, stripping her clothing there too before hustling to the washing machine. The wet pile of clothes landed on top with a splat.
Getting settled at home kept her mind off of other things. Elain had planned to get some take out, watch a movie or two, light a scented candle and maybe even take a bath. Now she had to start a load of laundry, dry off her work bag and pray nothing was too damaged, take a shower, then make her own dinner.
Not a very auspicious start to her coveted staycation, but maybe she could still fit in the bath. And relax. Relaxation only. No errant thoughts about an inconvenient tall, tanned, red-headed menace who apparently liked her—
Nope! No thoughts about his hands on her ass or the way he had felt between her legs. Strictly off limits.
Maybe she would pen in an appointment with her vibrator after a bubble bath. Orgasms were relaxing, right?
Elain eyed her phone, suspiciously silent after texting her sisters. They had nothing productive to say about her momentary lapse in judgment. Elain had needed to tell someone, feeling like it was a secret burning her throat. The cab driver hadn’t been an option, but maybe telling Feyre that her son’s godfather nearly fucked her in an elevator wasn’t the smartest thing.
But what else was she meant to do?
Dressed in a large t-shirt and leggings, Elain twisted her hair up into a bun and wandered into the kitchen. The whirls and hums of the washer filled the apartment, punctuated by the sound of the storm outside. Rain fell steadily, accompanied by the rumble of thunder.
A perusal of her pantry revealed very little. The fridge, even less. Elain had planned to go shopping the next day, spending the morning at the farmer’s market getting all sorts of fresh produce to experiment with. She had a list of recipes to try during her vacation, part of a plan to decide what to cultivate in her own garden.
Oh, everything was going absolutely wrong, and it was all Lucien’s fault! As always!
The loud shriek from her apartment’s buzzer made her jump. No one ever used it. If it was a friend, they sent a text. If it was a delivery, it was left downstairs.
Elain tiptoed to the intercom, pressing the button to speak. “Hello?”
“It’s me.” An awkward cough. Elain suddenly felt very warm. “Um, Lucien.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Can you let me up?”
“Why are you here? How do you know where I live?”
“Elain, I can barely understand you through this thing.” That was true. The system seemed to have been installed when the apartment was built and left alone after that. “Let me up. I have food.”
Oh. In that case. Elain pressed the button to buzz him in for a few seconds. She stood by the door, wondering whether she should open it or wait for his knock. Then she remembered she wasn’t wearing a bra under her shirt and she dashed to her bedroom in search of a sweater.
Lucien’s polite but firm knock came when she was stumbling down the hall, shoving her head through the neck hole. “Just a second!” Elain rightened herself, smoothing down her hair and straightening the sweater before opening the door.
“Hi,” Lucien held up a paper bag with a familiar logo. “I got your favorite.”
Her eyes narrowed. “How do you know what my favorite is?”
“I called in a favor with Feyre,” he said. “Cacio e pepe, bruschetta, butternut squash ravioli, and the house salad?”
Elain crossed her arms. “I don’t like cacio e pepe.” Well, that wasn’t entirely true. But it wasn’t her favorite!
“Yeah, well, I do. Let me in?” Lucien raised an eyebrow.
She was tempted. However. “How did you find out where I live? What HR rules did you violate?”
“Elain, I hardly have to violate HR rules when Feyre is one of my best friends,” Lucien sighed. “Now, please, let me in.”
She could grab the food and lock him out. It would serve him right. But she had a feeling in the tussle for the bag, he would win or the food would become a casualty.
Elain stepped aside. “Fine. Kitchen is over there.”
She snuck glances at Lucien as he unpacked the bag and she took out dishes and silverware. His long hair was damp from the rain, but he looked much the same as he had before they parted ways earlier that evening.
“Did you go home at all?”
“No,” Lucien shrugged, taking a seat and helping himself to the food. “I’m starving.”
Elain’s stomach grumbled. Sharing a table with Lucien wasn’t super appealing, but she was hungry too. Reluctantly, she sat across from him at her tiny round four-seater and served herself. It was quiet except for the sound of their eating and the occasional request to pass a dish or a napkin.
She waited for Lucien to say something. He was the one who came over, he must have a reason. If all he wanted was to pick up where they left off, he would’ve spoken before he started dishing out the food.
“Eat, Elain,” he said without looking up.
She scowled. “I am.” Asshole.
“You’re spending more time glaring at me than chewing,” he said. “And you’re going to need energy for what I have planned.”
Elain sputtered. “Excuse me?”
“I want you,” he admitted. His fiery gaze made her squirm. “I also want you happy and able to keep up so—” He waved his fork at her then shoveled more pasta into his mouth.
“I didn’t realize this was a quid pro quo,” she seethed. “Food for sex?”
Lucien flinched a bit, coughing as he choked down his food. “Food for talking. Which I think will lead to sex.”
“Elain, your thighs were wrapped about me like two hours ago,” he pointed out. “I want you. You want me. I’m going to feed you, clear the air between us, and then do what I should have done years ago.”
“Which is?”
“Show you how much I care about you.”
Elain sniffed, stabbing her salad. “I see no reason why we can’t eat and talk.”
Despite herself, she was curious. Lucien had been a real menace. He had to be a true idiot not to realize how his actions back then bothered her. Maybe he thought they had a friendly rivalry now, but Elain’s real dislike of him wasn’t just going to go away.
“I told you I liked you,” he started. “And I was stupid about the way I went about it. I must still be a little stupid, because I didn’t realize what I was doing was bothering you that much. All this time, I thought I was making you better, Elain. I wouldn’t give critique to any other colleague that way, but we have a history. You never told me to stop.”
She opened her mouth to argue then had to abruptly shut it. Was he right?
Maybe. Every criticism, every suggestion did actually make her work better. Even if Lucien wasn’t right all the time, he made her think and defend her decisions. He needled her, sure, but she gave it right back.
A mature adult would have told him to stop, would have said she didn’t appreciate his comments or even gone to a supervisor. She didn’t, was never even tempted to.
Elain frowned, taking a bite of her ravioli so she could stall. Finally, she said, “This is how you normally charm people? You bicker with them?”
“No, that seems to be a you-thing.” Lucien leaned back in his chair with a chuckle, rolling his sleeves up. And damn her if those forearms didn’t make her a little hot. If he noticed, Lucien didn’t say anything. “I am sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. And I’m here with dinner and dessert to say that I still like you, Elain. A lot.”
“Dessert?” she asked, as if that was the most important part of the conversation. He brought out a container of tiramisu. Elain hummed in approval, but didn’t say anything else.
What now? An obscenely tall man sat across from her, finishing the dinner he brought her for the chance to confess that he’d like to get in her pants. Okay, and he probably wanted to…what? Date her?
Elain mopped up the remnants of the sage browned butter sauce with a piece of bread, plate clean. “You busy on Saturday?”
“Uh, no,” Lucien said.
“I was planning to see a movie by myself, but I supposed you can tag along.” Elain stood, clearing the dishes from the table. “I’ll buy the tickets, you buy us ice cream after.”
She didn’t think Lucien was that stunned, though she didn’t hear an answer from him as she started loading her dishwasher. Instead, she heard the sound of the fridge opening and closing. Then two very large, very warm hands were on her hips. Elain’s damp hands froze in midair.
“I’d love to see a movie with you Saturday.” His breath stirred the top of her head. Damn, he was too tall. “I’ll take you out for dinner too, someplace where we don’t have to do the dishes.” Lucien’s nose trailed down her neck. “But what about now, Elain?”
“I didn’t get dessert,” she said breathlessly.
“I put it in the fridge.” He kissed her neck and she nearly melted. “Midnight snack. If you aren’t too worn out.”
Elain could never back down from a challenge Lucien put in front of her. She spun, using his body for balance as she popped onto her tiptoes. He leaned down, meeting her halfway in a passionate kiss. Their first encounter had been savage and angry, but this one was just desperate.
Lucien’s hands wandered to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze. Elain squeaked into his mouth and retaliated with a nip. His hands traveled a little further down, and this time she didn’t hesitate in gripping his shoulders and jumping.
Face to face with him, Elain grinned. “I could get used to this view.”
“I hope you do.” It was the typical smug answer she would expect from him, but without the mean edge.
Lucien’s little smile was so sexy she had to kiss him again. Her hands combed through his silky hair, enjoying the handfuls that slipped through her fingers. Lucien groaned, stumbling a bit before he placed her on the counter. Once again she was a little shorter than him, but he quickly fixed that by bending to kiss from her jaw down her neck.
“How do you always smell like fucking flowers?” he groaned.
Elain wiggled on the counter, grabbing her sweater and t-shirt and pulling them off at once. Lucien helped her tug the material over her head and the bundle got tossed on the floor.
“Fuck.” Lucien wasted no time in cupping her breasts, thumbs flicking over her nipples as he watched her reactions. “I’ve fucking dreamt about your tits.”
Elain laughed breathlessly, head tilted back and heart pounding as each caress sent electricity between her thighs. “You have not.” She kicked him. Gently.
“I’ll tell you all about it.” He practically buried his face in her chest, murmuring against her flesh between kisses. “You can decide what we reenact.”
Any thought of joking flew out the window when he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked, teeth gently biting down. Elain cried out, nails digging into his shoulders as he lifted his head, teeth scraping against her sensitive skin. She dragged his mouth back to hers, opening his mouth to hers. Lucien’s hands went back to her breasts, unable to leave them unattended for even a moment.
“Shirt off,” she gasped, hands clumsily pulling at the material where it was tucked into his pants. Together they wrestled the shirt off, then Elain attacked his belt. Her efforts were thwarted when Lucien tugged her closer, ass nearly hanging off the edge of the counter. Again, she felt his cock against her core, hot and big and all for her.
Lucien lifted her again, walking out of the kitchen. “Bedroom?”
“That way,” Elain pointed while she took her turn in kissing his jaw, eager to taste every inch of that bronze skin. She traced the edge of his ear with her tongue and he nearly ran them into the door frame.
Abruptly, Elain felt herself fall. She landed with a bounce on her bed, staring up at the giant rubbing his cock through his pants as he gazed at her.
“Come here,” she held out her hands.
Lucien took off his pants and boxers, and Elain sat up like a spring. She was never really one to call dicks pretty or anything, but his was too enticing to ignore. One hand gripped the base as her tongue darted out, licking a broad stripe up the underside.
“Fuck!” Lucien cursed. His hand landed on the back of her head, before he snatched it away. “Elain, later.”
“Now.” She glared up at him then resumed her work. She warmed up by licking him, then took the head in her mouth and swirled her tongue. She took Lucien’s hand and put it back on her head, but though it stayed there it was frozen. Lucien’s cock was so thick her mouth burned with the stretch. His cursing and babbled praise punctuated the roaring in her ears.
“Enough, enough, Elain.” Now his hand fisted her hair, tugging to get her off. She released him with a pop and a pout. “Shit, I already know I’m going to embarrass myself and come too soon, you don’t have to make it harder for me.”
“I think you’re plenty hard.” She didn’t get the chance to laugh at her stupid joke before Lucien pushed her back on the bed, kissing her thoroughly. She shivered and moaned at the feeling of so much hot body on hers, the way his muscles rubbed against her soft curves.
Lucien impatiently kissed down her body, dedicating just a bit more time for her breasts. He nibbled on the skin above her waistband before Elain squirmed and started to peel off her leggings herself. They joined the pile of clothes on the floor.
He kneeled on the floor, pulling Elain to the edge of the bed by her hips. Her gasp of surprise turned into a cry of delight when Lucien licked her pussy, no teasing or agonizing build up.
She never understood the true meaning of eating out until that moment. Lucien devoured her, hands digging into her skin to keep her hips down, to keep her cunt accessible to his mouth. She couldn’t close her legs, couldn’t wiggle away from the assault.
“Lucien,” she gasped. “I — oh.”
His response was a groan. That was fine. Why use his tongue for words when it could keep circling her clit, flicking as his lips coaxed every drop of pleasure from her body?
Elain gripped his auburn hair, shivering at the way it brushed against her thighs. Lucien grunted at a particularly rough tug, but he didn’t tell her to stop. She arched against the bed, cries getting louder until Lucien reached up, tweaked her nipple, and she broke.
Practically sobbing through the aftershocks, Elain’s grip on Lucien’s hair loosened as he brought her down with slow licks. With one final shudder, Elain nudged his side with her foot. He rose, wiping his smirking mouth with the back of his hand. The sight made her core clench again.
Elain rolled on the bed, stretching to open the drawer of her nightstand. Behind her she felt Lucien climbing on the bed. He kissed her shoulder. Then he swatted her ass.
“Hey!” Elain abandoned her search for a condom to glare.
“Sorry,” he said, not looking very sorry at all. “Too tempting to resist.”
While he kneaded her ass, Elain rooted through junk until she found condoms. Together, they wasted no time in rolling it on Lucien.
“This okay?” he asked when he found himself hovering over her.
Elain wiggled a bit on her back, smiling as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Perfect.”
He leaned down to kiss her sweetly. “Tell me if I need to go slow or anything.”
“You’re going too slow right now,” she grumbled, pulling his body towards her. “I’m ready.”
Lucien’s eyes on her were intense, but she couldn’t bring herself to look away as he lined himself up and slowly pushed into her. Elain’s eyes fluttered and her breath got caught in her throat. She was entranced by the hard line of his jaw, the way his lips pressed together as he slowly rolled his hips and penetrated deeper and deeper. The stretch was exquisite.
When Elain thought he had no more to give, Lucien proved her wrong. She made a choked sound, throwing her head back.
“Elain?” he grunted.
“Keep going.” She bucked her hips. One of his giant hands held onto her thigh, the other arm supporting his weight as he completed a few more gentle thrusts—and then she knew she had taken all of him.
Elain moaned. “Holy shit.”
“That good, huh?” Lucien’s voice was strained as he moved steadily, head falling.
She didn’t give the smug asshole a verbal answer, choosing instead to grab his face and place a sloppy kiss on his lips. Elain purposefully flexed her inner muscles around him to jerk Lucien out of his controlled movements. It worked. With a groan, his hips snapped against her, rhythm slowly increasing.
“Elain.” He lowered his body more, at her urging. “Fuck, Elain, you…”
She could only respond with her cries of pleasure, arms and legs holding him closer.
With a growl, Lucien reared up. Elain whined, but he ignored her as he knelt and hauled her back on his cock. Her back arched, heels digging into the mattress. In this position he could fuck her with more power. She gripped his wrists where his hands were clamped on her waist, needing something to grip. Lucien’s gaze jumped from where they were joined to where her breasts bounced wildly.
Elain bucked. “Lucien…I need…”
He brought his thumb to her mouth. She sucked, nipping his salty skin before he pulled it out. Lucien rubbed his thumb against her lips, smearing her spit. He looked entranced for a moment before he brought his thumb down to her clit. A few circles, then Elain was flying apart.
She screamed, flying with pleasure until her body went limp. Lucien kept a steady pace until she began to come down, then he moved faster and faster. Head thrown back, biceps flexed with the effort it took to keep her on his cock, Lucien thrust deep one more time before coming with a cry. His hips jerked in a few more powerful thrusts before he released his grip on her.
Elain was undone. Her chest heaved and she was sure she was an unattractive splotchy red. Her tug on Lucien was weak, but he leaned over her without much coaxing. The kisses they shared were sweet and sated, unhurried.
“Lemme get rid of this,” Lucien murmured. Elain hummed, pressing one more kiss to his lips before pulling back. They cleaned up quickly, falling back into back wordlessly.
Well, mostly wordlessly. “Let me know when you want that tiramisu,” Lucien murmured against the back of her head.
Elain giggled. “Maybe tomorrow.”
“I can’t convince you to go for round two?” He brushed aside the hair on her neck, brushing his lips from the sensitive skin there down to her shoulder.
“‘M tired,” she sighed. “Tomorrow.”
“Bright and early then,” he said. “Some of us don’t have vacation.”
“Sucks for you.”
He chucked. Elain was almost asleep when he spoke again.
“What?” she grumbled.
“I don’t want to leave you but…”
That woke her up. Elain rolled onto her back, swiping her hair out of her face. “But?”
“But I do have to work tomorrow and…” He looked very sheepish. “Elain, I don’t fit on your bed.”
She sat up, ready to berate him for being stupid. But the words died in her mouth. Unless he curled up, his feet did hang off the bed. He could perhaps sleep diagonally and fit on her bed, but not when she was in it.
“Never mind,” Lucien said. “I’ll be fine for one night.” He kissed her cheek and lay back down. Elain got up. “Elain?”
“Get dressed.” She pulled a tshirt and then found a backpack, stuffing it with a change of clothes. “You can have your bed and your round two if you make me breakfast in the morning.”
“Are you sure?” He looked much too sexy splayed in her bed, bedsheet just covering his hips but leaving plenty of muscled body for her to peruse.
Oh yeah. She could go for a round two.
“Hurry up.” She bent and threw his pants at him. “And don’t forget my tiramisu.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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Vancouver Food Runners don't sell sneakers, but the registered charity's volunteers do run around town, picking up produce that's about to go bad and bringing it to food banks and other non-profits supporting people in need.
Executive director Michelle Reining says amidst the current affordability crisis, which is driving up the cost of housing, child care, gas and groceries, the needs are greater than ever.
By her estimate, more than one in 10 households in Vancouver are struggling with food security.
"Every week it's something a little bit different so there's some creativity," she told CBC on Friday, pointing to a pallet of grapes, tomatoes, potatoes, watermelon and other produce donated by B.C. meal delivery service Fresh Prep.
"When this goes to the organization, the chefs can take it in and they're going to create different meals with this, create different food hampers. This is perfectly good food that will be given back to the community." [...]
She says the goal is to tackle food waste and food security in one go, using a website and smart phone app to make it easy for businesses to sign up to contribute, and for potential community partners to reach out.
"We're part of a wide range of organizations in Vancouver doing this kind of work," she said. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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flavionsindia12 · 1 month
Discover the Best Onion Export Company in India: A Gateway to Quality and Excellence
Onions are more than just a staple ingredient in kitchens worldwide—they are a significant agricultural product with a thriving global market. In India, where onions are cultivated extensively, the onion export industry plays a crucial role in the economy. If you’re seeking a reliable onion exporter to meet your business needs, understanding what sets the best onion export companies apart can make all the difference.
Why India is a Leading Onion Exporter
India is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of onions. The country's diverse climate allows for the cultivation of various onion varieties, from the pungent red onions to the sweeter white and yellow types. This variety, combined with robust agricultural practices, positions India as a key player in the global onion market.
Indian onion export companies are known for their commitment to quality, ensuring that their products meet international standards. Factors such as stringent quality checks, advanced packaging techniques, and efficient logistics contribute to the country’s reputation for delivering fresh, high-quality onions.
Key Attributes of a Top Onion Export Company in India
When selecting an onion exporter, several attributes should be considered to ensure a smooth and successful partnership:
Quality Assurance: A leading exporter should have robust quality control measures in place. This includes grading and sorting onions to meet international standards, ensuring freshness and minimizing defects.
Reputation and Experience: Established exporters with a strong reputation often have years of experience and a track record of reliable service. Look for companies with positive reviews and testimonials from other international clients.
Compliance with Regulations: Ensure the exporter complies with both Indian export regulations and the import regulations of your country. This includes certifications and adherence to food safety standards.
Efficient Logistics: Timely delivery is crucial in the export business. Top exporters have well-organized logistics to ensure onions reach their destination promptly and in optimal condition.
Customer Service: Good communication and customer support can make a significant difference. The best companies are responsive and transparent, addressing any concerns or queries effectively.
Top Onion Export Companies in India
Several companies stand out in the Indian onion export industry, renowned for their quality and reliability. Among them:
G.C. Rathi & Co.: Known for their extensive range of onions and a reputation for quality, G.C. Rathi & Co. is a prominent player in the export market. They offer onions that meet stringent quality standards and are adept at managing large export volumes.
Apex Exports: Apex Exports has built a solid reputation for delivering premium quality onions. Their focus on quality assurance and efficient logistics has earned them a strong position in the global market.
Sambhav Exports: With a focus on customer satisfaction and quality, Sambhav Exports is another leading name in the onion export industry. They provide a variety of onion types and ensure timely delivery.
Sourcing the Best Onion Exporter for Sri Lanka
For businesses in Sri Lanka seeking high-quality onions from India, it’s essential to partner with exporters who can cater specifically to the Sri Lankan market. Factors such as proximity, cost-effectiveness, and reliability are crucial. Indian exporters with experience in the Sri Lankan market, like those mentioned above, can offer tailored services to meet local demands.
In conclusion, the Indian onion export industry is robust and well-regarded, with several leading companies offering high-quality products and reliable service. By choosing a reputable exporter, you can ensure that your business receives top-notch onions that meet international standards, helping you succeed in the competitive global market. Whether you're a buyer in Sri Lanka or elsewhere, partnering with the best can make all the difference in maintaining the quality and efficiency of your supply chain.
best onion exporter
onion exporter company in india
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vezlayfood1 · 3 months
Exploring the Advantages of Vegan Product Online
In recent years, the vegan lifestyle has surged in popularity, driven by a growing awareness of the environmental, health, and ethical benefits. As a result, the market for vegan products has expanded dramatically, with a notable shift towards online platforms. In this article, we delve into the myriad advantages of purchasing Vegan Product Online, highlighting the convenience, variety, and quality that these platforms offer.
Convenience and Accessibility
One of the most significant advantages of Buy Vegan Food online is the unparalleled convenience. Shoppers can browse and purchase items from the comfort of their homes, avoiding the need to visit multiple physical stores. Online platforms operate 24/7, allowing consumers to shop at any time that suits their schedule, whether early in the morning or late at night.
Additionally, online stores often provide detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, and ratings, helping shoppers make informed decisions. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for those living in areas where vegan products are not readily available in local stores.
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Wide Variety of Products
Online vegan stores typically offer a much broader selection of products compared to traditional brick-and-mortar shops. From plant-based meats and dairy alternatives to vegan snacks and supplements, the variety is vast. This extensive range allows consumers to explore and try new products that they might not find locally.
Moreover, many online retailers specialize in vegan products, ensuring that their entire inventory is free from animal-derived ingredients. This focus simplifies the shopping experience for vegans, who can shop with confidence knowing that all products align with their dietary and ethical preferences.
Competitive Pricing and Exclusive Deals
Shopping for vegan products online often presents opportunities for cost savings. Many online stores offer competitive pricing, frequently lower than physical stores, due to reduced overhead costs. Additionally, consumers can take advantage of exclusive online deals, discounts, and promotional offers that are not available in brick-and-mortar shops.
Furthermore, subscription services offered by some online retailers can lead to additional savings. By subscribing to regular deliveries of favorite vegan products, customers can benefit from reduced prices and the convenience of having items delivered to their doorstep on a regular schedule.
Quality and Freshness
A common concern when purchasing food online is the quality and freshness of the products. However, reputable online vegan retailers have stringent quality control measures in place. Many offer fresh produce, refrigerated items, and frozen goods that are carefully packaged to ensure they arrive in optimal condition.
Additionally, online stores often source products directly from manufacturers or specialized suppliers, ensuring that items are fresh and have a longer shelf life compared to products that might have sat on store shelves for extended periods.
Supporting Ethical and Sustainable Practices
By purchasing vegan products online, consumers can support companies that prioritize ethical and sustainable practices. Many online vegan retailers are committed to sourcing products that are not only cruelty-free but also environmentally friendly. They often use sustainable packaging materials and employ eco-friendly shipping practices.
Furthermore, these retailers typically provide transparency regarding their sourcing and production processes, allowing consumers to make purchases that align with their values. Supporting such companies helps promote a more sustainable and compassionate marketplace.
Access to Niche and Specialty Products
For those with specific dietary needs or preferences, online shopping offers access to niche and specialty vegan products. Whether you are looking for gluten-free, soy-free, or organic vegan items, online stores cater to a wide array of dietary requirements. This inclusivity ensures that everyone, regardless of their dietary restrictions, can find suitable vegan products.
Additionally, many online platforms feature unique and hard-to-find items, such as international vegan products, artisanal goods, and limited-edition releases. This variety enriches the shopping experience and allows consumers to discover new and exciting products.
Enhanced Customer Experience
The online shopping experience is continually evolving, with many retailers investing in technologies and services that enhance customer satisfaction. Features such as personalized recommendations, wish lists, and easy reordering contribute to a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.
Customer service is also a key focus for online vegan retailers. Many offer live chat support, comprehensive FAQs, and responsive customer service teams to address any queries or concerns promptly. These services ensure that customers feel valued and supported throughout their shopping journey.
Educational Resources and Community Engagement
Many online vegan stores go beyond simply selling products by providing educational resources and engaging with the vegan community. Blogs, recipes, and nutritional information are commonly featured on these platforms, helping customers make informed choices and explore new aspects of the vegan lifestyle.
Additionally, online retailers often engage with their customers through social media, newsletters, and online forums. This engagement fosters a sense of community and connection among like-minded individuals, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
The advantages of purchasing vegan products online are numerous, ranging from convenience and variety to quality and ethical considerations. As the demand for vegan products continues to grow, online retailers are well-positioned to meet the needs of consumers seeking accessible, affordable, and high-quality options.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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Fresh Veggies Day
Head to a farmer’s market, U-Pick veggie field, or even your own backyard garden and see what delicious and nutritious meals you can make with fresh veggies.
How many portions of fresh veggies does it take to keep a person healthy? Five portions a day? Seven? Ten? And what makes up a portion?
Nutritionists agree, when it comes to fresh fruit and vegetables, the average person simply is not getting enough in their regular diet. An increase in daily consumption of vegetables (and fruits) is the entire point of the day.
Get ready to make a healthy change on Fresh Veggies Day! This is the ideal opportunity to invite family, friends, and neighbors around for a fun and surprising meat-free feast!
History of Fresh Veggies Day
Fresh Veggies Day is celebrated in early summer when the tastiest new-season vegetables started to become plentiful. It’s a great kickoff to the rest of the summer, acting as a reminder to look out for fresh, local vegetables to add to the table all throughout the season. In fact, the entire month of June is known by some as Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, so that gives plenty of time to create new habits!
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), individuals should eat at a minimum of 400 grams of vegetables and fruit each day (this doesn’t count as super-starchy tubers like potatoes). This has turned into a 5-a-Day program that has gone through various versions in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and other countries.
Farmers and growers are certainly happy to get on board with Fresh Veggies Day, offering the best of everything they have in season at the moment. But don’t stop there! Be sure to get into the spirit of the day by eating fresh veggies all throughout the year as the growing season permits. Plus, extras can be frozen to make it through the winter!
How to Celebrate Fresh Veggies Day
Getting into the celebration of Fresh Veggies Day is a pretty simple idea that might take a little planning but is totally worth it. Do something enjoyable, delicious, and extremely healthy for the family, like these activities:
Head Out to a Farmers’ Market
While keeping at least one eye on the weather, take a trip to a local farmers’ market or specialist food store and stock up on whatever happens to be ripe – along with some free recipe ideas. Also, it’s super fun to actually speak to the person who grew those vegetables! There will also likely be other local businesses represented at a farmers’ market, such as bakers, honey harvesters, jam makers, local coffee roasters and much more. It’s a fun way to support local businesses and be healthy in the process.
Go to a U-Pick Veggies Farm
For some early crops, it may even be possible to go to a farm and pick your own. Why not get some friends together and plan a day out? Depending on the particular location, you-pick farms may have seasonal offerings that include fresh foods such as asparagus, peas, tomatoes and more. Fruit is a very popular U-pick food as well, often offering apples, strawberries, blueberries, rhubarb and much more.
Not sure where to find a U-pick farm in a nearby location? Make use of this little online tool to see if it provides options that are easily accessible and local.
Get Fresh Veggies Delivered
Going to a local farmers’ market or U-Pick Farm can be a lot of fun, but if it’s hard to access, then consider having fresh fruits and vegetables delivered right to your door. Most cities and towns offer produce delivery services which are great for the health as well as for the earth.
Some of them pick out less-than-perfect-looking vegetables that arrive at the door looking less than beautiful but saving the earth by avoiding a ton of waste. Imperfect Foods, Misfit Market, The Chef’s Garden, and Farmbox Direct are just a few of the range of produce delivery services that have become popular in recent years. Check online to see what’s available based on location.
Grow a Garden in the Backyard
Of course, most gardeners will confess that nothing beats the pride, satisfaction and taste of home-grown vegetables. Seed clubs and gardening forums make it easy, and affordable for a person to cultivate their own weird and wonderful varieties of fresh vegetables.
People who want to lengthen the growing season and get a jumpstart can begin earlier in the spring by sowing seeds in small containers inside. Then, when the weather warms in the local area, these little seedlings can be moved outside.
There is hardly anything tastier than eating a vegetable or fruit from a garden that you have personally grown!
Eat a Selection of Fresh Veggies
Keeping a variety of fresh veggies around the house is the best way to make sure enough are eaten each day. After bringing them home from the store, it might be helpful to cut or chop them right away so they’re simple to grab as a snack without much preparation. Some of the healthiest veggies on the planet are:
Spinach. This superfood is packed with nutrients. One cup of raw, fresh spinach provides more than half of the daily allowance of Vitamin A, and 100% of the daily requirement for Vitamin K. It’s also high in beta carotene and lutein, which are super useful antioxidants.
Carrots. With more than 400% of the daily allowance of Vitamin A, carrots are pretty far at the top of the list, healthwise. Plus, they’re easy to grow, simple to store, and last a long time. There are even some studies that show people who eat carrots regularly may reduce their risk of cancer!
Broccoli. Fresh, dark greens are so healthy for the human body, and broccoli is no exception. It’s filled with Vitamin K, Vitamin C, manganese, folic acid and potassium.
Check out the My Plate Website and App
For more information on which vegetables offer the best nutrition and health benefits, visit the My Plate website. The program offers information on how much a ‘serving’ of vegetable contains, what the suggestions are for a person from different age groups, and even how to count beans and lentils!
To make things even simpler, there’s even an app that can be downloaded to help track healthy eating habits on the go with a smartphone or smartwatch.
Try Out Some New Recipes
If it’s hard to imagine adding veggies to meals, perhaps, look for inspiration by sharing new recipes. The Mediterranean Diet is considered to be one of the most healthy on earth, and many recipes can be found that include unprocessed fresh veggies. The meal plan often includes grilling vegetables, such as tomatoes, broccoli, cucumber, kale, spinach, onions, and more in olive oil and pairing with healthy meats such as fresh fish or even putting them on sandwiches.
When it comes to Fresh Veggies Day, there’s no end to the way vegetables can be included in meals–not just on this day but every day!
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The Benefits Of Owning A Reefer Van For Mobile Business Owners
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For mobile business owners, especially those dealing with the transportation of temperature-sensitive goods, owning a reefer van offers a multitude of benefits. These versatile vehicles equipped with refrigeration units are designed to maintain specific temperature conditions, making them indispensable for various industries. Here's a comprehensive look at the advantages of owning a reefer van for mobile business operations.
Temperature-Controlled Transportation: The primary advantage of owning a reefer van is its ability to transport goods that require specific temperature conditions. Whether it's fresh produce, pharmaceuticals, floral arrangements, or any other temperature-sensitive items, a reefer van provides a controlled environment to preserve the integrity and freshness of the cargo throughout the journey.
Versatility Across Industries: Reefer vans cater to a wide range of industries, making them versatile for diverse business operations. From food distribution and pharmaceutical transport to catering services and floral deliveries, the flexibility of a reefer van makes it an ideal choice for businesses with varying temperature control needs.
Extended Shelf Life of Perishables: For businesses dealing with perishable goods, a reefer van becomes an essential asset. The controlled temperature environment helps extend the shelf life of perishable items, reducing the risk of spoilage, wastage, and financial losses. This, in turn, allows businesses to maintain product quality and meet customer expectations.
Expanded Market Reach: Owning a reefer van enables mobile business owners to expand their market reach. With the ability to transport temperature-sensitive goods over longer distances, businesses can reach new customers and explore untapped markets. This expanded reach can contribute to business growth and increased revenue opportunities.
Customization for Specific Needs: Reefer vans can be customized to meet specific business requirements. Custom shelving, racks, and compartments can be installed to optimize cargo space and facilitate efficient loading and unloading. Businesses can tailor the interior layout to accommodate their unique products, ensuring maximum utilization of space and organized transportation.
Brand Visibility and Marketing: A branded reefer van serves as a moving advertisement for your business. With customizable exterior designs, businesses can incorporate branding elements, logos, and contact information. This not only enhances brand visibility but also contributes to a professional and cohesive brand image. The distinctive appearance of a branded reefer van can attract attention and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.
Efficient Operational Processes: Reefer vans streamline operational processes by providing a dedicated and reliable means of transporting temperature-sensitive goods. Businesses can establish efficient routes, schedule deliveries with precision, and optimize overall logistics. The reliability of a reefer van contributes to consistent and timely deliveries, fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Compliance with Regulations: In industries where adherence to regulations is crucial, owning a reefer van ensures compliance with safety and quality standards. Whether it's maintaining specific temperatures for food safety or adhering to pharmaceutical storage guidelines, a reefer van provides businesses with the tools to meet industry regulations and build trust with customers.
Reduced Dependency on Third-Party Services: Owning a reefer van reduces dependency on third-party transportation services. Businesses gain more control over their logistics, schedules, and the condition of transported goods. This independence can lead to cost savings, increased operational efficiency, and the ability to tailor transportation services to suit the unique needs of the business.
Cost-Effective Investment in the Long Run: While the initial investment in a reefer van may seem substantial, the long-term benefits often outweigh the costs. Businesses can avoid recurring rental expenses, reduce the risk of product losses due to inadequate transportation, and improve overall cost-effectiveness. The durability and reliability of a well-maintained reefer van contribute to its longevity, making it a sound investment for the future.
In conclusion, owning a reefer van is a strategic choice for mobile business owners dealing with temperature-sensitive goods. The advantages of temperature-controlled transportation, versatility across industries, the extended shelf life of perishables, expanded market reach, customization options, brand visibility, efficient operational processes, compliance with regulations, reduced dependency on third-party services, and long-term cost-effectiveness make the reefer van a valuable asset for businesses aiming for growth, reliability, and customer satisfaction.
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Order Flowers Online: Five Tips for Sending Flowers Cheap
Send flowers cheap, yet don't send cheap flowers! How would you send flowers cheap? Five tips for sending flowers cheap and where to track down great puts in to request click here to learn more flowers online for delivery.
Send flowers cheap, don't send cheap flowers!
At the point when you are short on cash yet you need to send someone flowers, don't attempt to save money by going to the principal online flower delivery service you see and picking their cheapest decorative layout, because you'll wind up sending cheap flowers. What you believe should do is track down the best deal on the most pleasant flowers, so you wind up saving money, yet all the same not thinking twice about quality.
Send Flowers Cheap Tip #1: Order Flowers Online
The method for getting the best deal on flowers is to order flowers online for delivery. Nearby flower vendors have immense above and sometimes their flowers are not so fresh as you'd like them to be. However, when you order flowers online, the flowers are usually coming direct from the producer.
Online flowers are cut that morning, organized into your flower plan and conveyed before the flowers shrivel. . That implies you get the freshest, most inexpensive flowers because there is no broker. Just a site among you and your flower delivery.
Send Flowers Cheap Tip #2: Pick Work day Flower Delivery
Flowers delivered during the week, Monday to Friday can save you huge amount of cash on delivery charges. Some spots, charge much something else for Saturday deliveries. One more tip to remember is that most flower specialists don't chip away at Sundays, so if you send flowers on Monday, you are possible getting flowers that were cut on Saturday. For the freshest flowers, have your flowers delivered from Tuesday to Friday.
Send Flowers Cheap Tip #3: Pick Occasional Flowers
At the point when you peruse a site searching for just the right flower plan to send, go straightforwardly to the occasional flowers. It's usually called, Spring Flowers, or Deal Flowers, or Best Sellers. These flowers are developing further and lovely right at the time you order so they are the best decision for three reasons. One, there are a ton of those flowers accessible. Two, they will endure longer because flowers are most grounded when they are in season. Also, three, because flower specialists have an overflow of occasional flowers, they need to sell more. Occasional flowers are the most inexpensive flowers online.
Send Flowers Cheap Tip #4: Order Right on time for Special Occasions
Some online flower shops raise their costs around special occasions like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas, and so on especially for delivery. Be that as it may, if you put in your request no less than 7 days before the much anticipated day, you can save money on delivery and you can usually get an extraordinary deal on the flowers as well.
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whisperedwisdomshub · 10 months
Top-rated online retailers in India in 2023
Amazon is renowned for its exceptional services, providing customers with fast and reliable shipping through Amazon Prime, ensuring quick and convenient deliveries. Their vast selection of products, combined with user-friendly interfaces, offers a seamless shopping experience. Amazon's Kindle e-reader and Fire tablet series have revolutionized digital reading and entertainment. Seeking authenticity in online shopping, do delved into Amazon reviews for unbiased insights. Additionally, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers robust cloud computing solutions, catering to a wide range of businesses and organizations. Its dedication to customer satisfaction and innovation has solidified Amazon's reputation for delivering outstanding services.
Flipkart.com has earned a stellar reputation for its outstanding services, offering a diverse range of products and a user-friendly shopping experience. Their delivery services, including Flipkart Plus, ensure swift and reliable shipments, enhancing customer satisfaction. Flipkart reviews provide a candid glimpse into the user experience, guiding potential buyers. Flipkart's innovative initiatives, such as 'Big Billion Days,' provide customers with access to amazing discounts and deals. Their 'Flipkart Assured' program guarantees quality products with faster delivery. With a commitment to customer convenience, Flipkart continues to be a trusted leader in the Indian eCommerce industry.
Myntra.com is well-regarded for its exceptional services in the fashion eCommerce sector. It offers a vast and trendy selection of clothing and accessories to cater to diverse preferences. Myntra's user-friendly platform and intuitive app make shopping a breeze for its customers. With swift delivery options and hassle-free returns, Myntra ensures a convenient and satisfying shopping experience. The transparency of Myntra’s customer reviews contributes to a trustworthy online shopping environment.
BigBasket.com stands out for its exceptional services in the online grocery sector. It provides a wide array of fresh produce and grocery items, making daily shopping more convenient. The platform's reliable delivery and user-friendly interface streamline the shopping process. Customers review of bigbasket reflect the true essence of the product, helping me make an informed decision. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and timely deliveries, BigBasket offers a convenient and efficient way to meet your grocery needs.
Ajio.com offers an outstanding online shopping experience, particularly in the fashion and lifestyle sector. It features a diverse range of clothing, accessories, and lifestyle products to cater to various tastes. Ajio's user-friendly website and app make browsing and purchasing a breeze for customers. With quick deliveries and a commitment to quality, Ajio ensures a seamless and satisfying shopping journey. Before making a purchase, analyze reviews of Ajio users to gauge overall satisfaction.
Paytm Mall stands out for its excellent services in the eCommerce realm, offering a wide array of products and services. With an easy-to-navigate platform and a user-friendly app, it provides a seamless shopping experience. Its digital wallet integration simplifies payments, while special offers and cashback deals enhance savings for customers. Paytm mall reviews showcase a diverse range of opinions, enriching the decision-making process. Quick and reliable deliveries, along with a commitment to customer satisfaction, make Paytm Mall a preferred choice for online shoppers.
fliptwirls is a revolutionary eCommerce platform that offers an unparalleled shopping experience. With an extensive product catalog covering a wide range of categories, it caters to all customer needs. The website's intuitive interface and mobile app make shopping effortless and enjoyable. The value of Fliptwirls real reviews lies in their ability to capture the nuances of individual experiences. Fliptwirls’ commitment to exceptional customer service, secure transactions, and lightning-fast deliveries ensures a seamless and satisfying shopping journey for all.
Blinkit.com excels in providing exceptional services in the quick delivery and essentials shopping sector. With a wide range of daily necessities available, Blinkit offers convenience and ease for customers. The platform's swift and reliable delivery options ensure that essential items are readily accessible. The detailed narratives within blinkit reviews paint a comprehensive picture of the product's performance. Committed to enhancing customer satisfaction, Blinkit makes shopping for essentials a hassle-free experience.
Nykaa.com stands out as a premier destination for beauty, wellness, and fashion enthusiasts. With an extensive collection of both domestic and international brands, it offers a diverse range of products to cater to various preferences. Nykaa's user-friendly website and mobile app provide a seamless shopping experience. Nykaa reviews act as a community forum, fostering an exchange of knowledge among consumers. Its swift deliveries, commitment to quality, and access to beauty and skincare advice make Nykaa.com a go-to platform for beauty and fashion needs.
Croma.com is a leading online retailer, specializing in electronics and tech gadgets. It offers a vast array of the latest gadgets, appliances, and electronics, ensuring that customers have access to the best in technology. Reading croma reviews is like having a conversation with fellow shoppers, sharing valuable insights. The user-friendly interface and informative product details make shopping for electronics a breeze. With Croma's reliable delivery and after-sales services, customers can trust that they are making a smart choice for their tech needs.
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samsinghtripler · 2 years
Sam Singh Tripler - What Advantages Do Lead Generation Companies Offer?
Tripler offers invaluable assistance to businesses seeking to expand their customer base and increase revenue. The task of producing qualified leads and successfully converting them into sales can be daunting for any enterprise operating in isolation. In order to establish meaningful relationships with potential clients and customers and to optimize their products and services for sale to interested parties, businesses often require the expertise of a well-planned and executed lead generation campaign. By partnering with Sam Singh Tripler, businesses can confidently navigate the complex landscape of lead generation and unlock opportunities for sustained growth and success.
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To achieve revenue growth, it is essential to enhance the volume of leads your organization acquires. While it is plausible to attempt to resolve this independently, outsourcing this responsibility to a lead generation firm would yield better results.
Benefits Of Hiring A Lead Generation Company
Results Oriented
One of the foremost advantages of partnering with Sam Singh Tripler is the liberation it affords you from the daily grind of your real estate business operations. Their primary objective is to yield optimal results for your organization, which serves as a testament to their proficiency and value proposition. By enlisting the services of an agency to drive fresh leads to your website, you can divert your attention toward pursuing other activities, goals, and objectives.
Attaining proficiency in generating leads from scratch is a viable undertaking. With a plethora of available resources and a steadfast commitment, one can acquire the requisite skills to navigate the intricacies of lead generation independently. However, in circumstances where exigencies demand swift action, it may not be feasible for an enterprise to await an employee's maturation in this domain. In such scenarios, outsourcing lead generation to professionals furnishes an expeditious solution that can promptly yield sales and boost business growth.
They Offer Informative Content
The importance of content marketing is widely recognized by the majority of individuals. It has been observed that while outbound marketing can be quite expensive, content marketing generates over three times the number of leads at a cost that is 62% less. However, being aware of these statistics does not necessarily translate into having the requisite time and expertise to create high-quality content that is engaging and informative. By outsourcing this task, one can ensure the delivery of exceptional material across multiple platforms.
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The 12 Most Important SEO Steps for Solving Low Visibility
A strong online presence is critical for the success of any organization in the digital age, where online competition is tough. Even with a well-designed website and great content, many businesses struggle with their search engine presence. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) enters the picture. Businesses may improve their website's rating on search engine results pages (SERPs) and increase their online visibility by applying the correct methods. In this blog post, we'll look at the 12 most crucial SEO procedures for resolving low visibility concerns and putting your website back on the map.
Conduct a Thorough Website Assessment: 
Conducting a thorough website assessment is the first step in resolving poor visibility concerns. To find areas for improvement, use technologies such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Examine the overall performance of the site, look for broken links, guarantee correct indexing, and evaluate loading speed.
Conduct Keyword Research:
The core of SEO is keywords. Investigate relevant keywords and phrases used by your target audience to look for items or services in your niche. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush to uncover high-volume, low-competition keywords for your content.
Optimize On-Page Content: 
After you've found your target keywords, optimize your on-page content. Create high-quality, entertaining, and instructive material that naturally incorporates the chosen keywords. To make your material more search engine friendly, pay attention to meta titles, meta descriptions, heading tags, and URL structures.
Improve the User Experience (UX):
Google places a high value on the user experience. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, easy to use, and visually appealing. A good user experience encourages visitors to stay on your site longer, lowering bounce rates and enhancing search rankings.
Build High-Quality Backlinks: 
Earning backlinks from respectable and relevant websites can dramatically increase the authority and visibility of your website. Concentrate on producing useful content that other websites will want to link to. Build a solid backlink profile by collaborating with influencers, partners, and industry leaders.
Local SEO should be optimised:
Local SEO is critical if your company services a specific geographical area. Claim your Google My Business listing and give the correct business information, such as your address, phone number, and hours of operation. Encourage customers to post favourable reviews, as they can help you rank higher in local searches.
Utilize the Power of Social Media: 
Social media platforms influence SEO in addition to engagement. Share your material on multiple social media platforms to boost your reach and the possibility of obtaining backlinks. Engage your audience and cultivate a loyal following, which can help you rank higher in search results.
Increase the speed with which your website loads:
A website that takes too long to load can result in higher bounce rates and lower search rankings. To improve the speed of your website, optimize images, employ browser caching, and use content delivery networks (CDNs).
Optimizing for Voice Search: 
With the rise of voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa, optimizing for voice search has become critical. Long-tail keywords and natural language phrases should be used in your content to match how visitors express their queries.
Apply Schema Markup:
Schema markup assists search engines in better understanding your content and displaying rich snippets in search results. This can result in increased click-through rates and visibility. To successfully deploy schema markup, use Google's Structured Data Markup Helper.
Update and refresh the content on a regular basis:
Keep your website fresh and current by periodically updating and revising your content. Add new blog posts, modify old ones, and make sure your content is relevant and up to date.
Evaluate and Analyze Performance: 
SEO is an ongoing activity, and it is critical to routinely evaluate the performance of your website. Track your search rankings, organic traffic, and other important metrics using analytics tools. Adjust your SEO strategy as necessary to maintain your visibility.
Solving low visibility concerns with SEO is a comprehensive process that demands commitment, perseverance, and a well-rounded strategy. You can overcome low visibility challenges and establish a strong online presence by conducting a website audit, performing keyword research, optimizing content, and focusing on user experience, backlinks, local SEO, social media, loading speed, voice search, schema markup, content updates, and performance analysis.
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