#fresh ink layout
timmy-bee · 1 year
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☆ 🎨﹚a fresh ink layout for @t4tredscape ! (>ᴗ•) ↳ art . art — headers arent mine! ★
☆ 🎨﹚a fresh ink layout for @t4tredscape ! (>ᴗ•) ↳ art . art — headers arent mine! ★
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yandere-sins · 2 months
Prisoner #006
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a/n: A spin on the usual yandere situation, but this story has been sitting in my drafts for a while, I think it's time to release it ^^
Fandom: Genshin Impact Characters: Yandere!Prisoner!GN!Reader x Prisoner!Kaveh Warnings: Yandere, Violence (Reader is being psycho, lost of mentioning of murder and death, Reader stabs someone... a few times, Scratching, Intimidation, Threats, Cornering and intruding on personal space), Long Post
[Prison Project Introduction | Pinterest Moodboard]
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Kaveh should have been afraid.
Deep down, he believed he wasn't as stupid and gullible as everyone made him out to be, and yet, he sat still as you drew meaningless little patterns into his skin. The stolen pen scratched over his arm, leaving the area next to the ink red and agitated, but he didn't have it in him to tell you to stop.
You've been a depressed mess since you came to prison, not your typical murderer behind bars. He'd been dealing with a lot of them, and if they weren't the psychotic type, they were haughty and always up for cruel jokes.
But not you. You were... peaceful.
Even when you cried and begged him not to hurt you after you've been brought to his cell despite his protests, the air around you was calm. Unlike the storm of personalities outside the bars of your cell, Kaveh actually managed to think in peace when he was around you. He had learned to navigate and time his way around the prison. Still, with the ruckus and disgusting things happening in the shadowy corners, there was never any space for him to let go and relax for a while���until he met you.
The knowledge about your prolific murders should have upset him enough to keep his distance, but you reminded him too much of himself when he first came here. Scared and unable to go anywhere without being harassed by the others. You clung to him desperately when he told you to tag along to the cafeteria on your first night, and you still asked him to go to the washrooms with you for safety. Kaveh couldn't blame you for being scared. It was a scary world, outside and inside of this prison.
So even though he knew about your wrong-doings, he let you scribble your marks on him in ink. You were humming a song he hadn't heard before, your mind in your own world as you left butterfly wings and flower petals on his skin, and Kaveh honestly had no complaints. Coming here, art had become sparse around him, the radio rarely running, the TV filled with sports but never dancing or acting. The paintings on the walls leading to the facilities were, frankly, hideous copies of capitalistic emphasis, and the prison layout was a smack in the face of any architect.
And then there was you. Not a Picasso per definition, but you drew the patterns effortlessly, unbothered by pressure to perform and perfectionism. Every stroke of the ballpoint pen was all you, not a style you worked to learn or something you copied from another artist. It was all and truly just you. Kaveh had no idea how much he could admire someone—even someone as terrible as you. But he did.
"Let's leave from here. Together."
The words slipped from his lips before he could even think about them. Alhaitham's plan of escaping was still fresh, depending on some hacker he met in this prison, and Kaveh should have never talked about it so casually. He couldn't promise it, couldn't say it would actually work. But when you stopped scribbling, he realized his mistake, looking up at you in horror over his own blabbermouth.
Only to be met with tears streaming from your eyes.
"You'd take me with you? After all I've done?" you mumbled, rubbing the back of your hand over your eyes.
"You... you didn't do it to me. We could start over, somewhere new. Somewhere no one knows our faces and just... live. Quietly and unknown. Only if you want to come... with me."
For a long moment, you stared at him. Unblinking, unreadable. Your arms were thrown forward, wrapping around his neck before your whole body jumped into his lap, discarding the pen and leaving it to clatter on the floor. "Yes!" you agreed euphorically, smiling from ear to ear.
Kaveh felt the heat rush into his face, happiness prickling in the corners of his eyes as he hugged you back. It almost felt like you agreed to marry him, rather than just join him on the escape. But he knew then that he'd work hard to become the man you needed in the future. Someone reliable, someone who could provide you with a life that wouldn't need you killing anybody anymore. So that the dream of you two living together in peace could become reality.
«──────── 🗡♡ ︎𓍝 ────────»
Kaveh should have been afraid.
Deep down, he was as stupid and gullible as everyone told him. He believed that you could turn over a new leaf. Running away with you could become a new start, different from the pitiful life you two had. That the two of you could live away from cruelty and bloodshed, in peace and quiet and togetherness.
And yet, he was staring down at the cold-blooded killer he fell in love with. Whose trap had been placed so subtly that Kaveh ran right into it. He didn't even know you had a knife ready on the day of your escape, and there was no one left—alive—aside from you two to turn to. Everyone who had fled had spread into different directions, and now it was only him and you and the dead corpses of the police that had caught up to you.
It was his fault, entirely so. They might have survived this encounter if he hadn't gotten close to you and you hadn't been convinced to run away with him. Had he not gotten himself caught, maybe you wouldn't have turned back to help him and had kept running instead, far, far away. Perhaps you wouldn't have pulled out your blade and killed these innocent men who were only doing their job to keep unruly people away from society. That kept psychos like you away from more victims to massacre.
"[Name]..." Kaveh stammered, not believing his own, wide-open eyes. The hand he was holding out towards you was shaking violently as he watched you slam the knife into the policeman's back again and again, blood spraying all over you and the squelching sound of flesh being stabbed echoing through the forest. Somehow, he had gotten back on his feet after being tackled to the ground. However, now that he had to watch you defend him so violently, Kaveh wished he had stayed face-down in the dirt.
"GET YOUR HAND OFF HIM! HE'S MINE!" you kept yelling at the dead body, and Kaveh couldn't help but feel pity for the guy as you mauled him. "YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM! HE BELONGS TO ME! HE'S MINE! MINE!"
Your voice was a screech in the dark, possessiveness thrumming in every word you screamed. Even if you two had grown closer the last few days, Kaveh couldn't understand your thoughts. Although you had protected him, seeing the blood drip off you in the moonlight only sent shivers down his spine rather than thankfulness. And where he felt a crush bloom in his heart before, there was nothing but terror and disgust left.
"[Name]--" he tried again, this time a little firmer as he grabbed your shoulder.
Instantly, you whirled around, fury and madness in your eyes. The bloody blade swiped up his arms, cutting up the beautifully drawn pattern left by you. Kaveh knew it was just an accident, but he couldn't help but yell, "Ow!" holding his own arm firmly against his chest as he stared at you fearfully. Stumbling back, he tripped over a root, the pain of collapsing to the ground shaking him, but fear forced him to keep watching you. What if he was your next victim? Nothing about you screamed trustworthy, and yet, when you came to your senses, you changed completely.
Suddenly, your body went slack, eyes swelling up with tears as you looked at him. "Kaveh!" you sobbed, the knife falling to the ground as you stumbled to your feet, knees buckling so you collapsed into the dirt before him. You stretched out your arms, but this time, Kaveh managed to jerk away, avoiding your blood-soaked hug.
However, you were just a little faster than him. A little more alert. You managed to grab the wounded arm, your tears stinging as they fell into his wound. Leaning over his limb, you cried bitterly, but Kaveh couldn't help but try and tug his arm from your hands. Immediately, your crying stopped, fingers clawing into your skin as he tried to get you off him—no success.
"You can't leave me!" you sobbed, looking up with tears in your eyes. Manipulative tears, as Kaveh began to realize, the reality starting to dawn on him. "I love you! We'll have a life together! We'll go somewhere no one knows us! I won't kill again, I promise! I just didn't want them to hurt you... I wanted them to leave you alone! I won't do it again, I can be harmless, I promise!"
His gut wrenched, hearing you throw his words back at him. Now knowing how easy it was for you to end someone's life, how much of a crazy person you really were, it felt like he was the one that had been gutted. Maybe everything would be fine this time, but Kaveh couldn't justify it with himself to find out. Your hands were already so bloody; no trying to pretend you were normal was going to wash away your sins. At least he never killed someone. He couldn't imagine someone doing it as easily as you had, not even thinking twice before attacking.
"N-No..." he stammered, unable to put all these feelings into words.
"No?" you repeated, the tears stopping suddenly. "What do you mean 'no'? I saved you, didn't I? Without me, you'd be the dead one!"
Your tone changed so quickly that it scared him to the bone. The fire started back up in your eyes as you glared at him. Kaveh felt your nails dig into his arm, tearing apart layers of skin as your anger turned towards him.
"You won't leave me! You can't leave me!"
With your voice raising back into screeching, Kaveh shuddered, eyeing the knife that laid out of reach. You didn't need it, your nails cutting into his flesh just as painfully. Fear was mangling every muscle in his body, making them tense and tainting his judgment.
"O-okay," he stuttered out, and immediately, the pressure vanished. Your shoulders slacked, and a smile crept back on your lips as you whispered, "Thank god..."
You hunched over his wounded arm, now punctured by your nails and the cut starting to dry up. The next thing Kaveh felt was wetness wiping over his wounds, your tongue lapping off the blood that stained him, whether it was his or the one dripping from you.
"I love you," you mumbled while licking. "I love you, Kaveh. You're so nice, so sweet. You're perfect, and you're mine. All mine. Kaveh, Kaveh, Kaveh..."
Looking down at the unsightly view before him, Kaveh couldn't help but pity himself. Had he known what he got himself into, could he have prevented this? Which version of you had been the real one, and had you pretended to be sweet and shy, tricking him into this all this time? Or was it real? So many questions and so few answers. All he could think of was how he had been scammed yet again as he watched the ink smear from your licking, the beautifully drawn butterflies vanishing alongside those in his belly, all of them dropping dead.
And now, Kaveh was afraid.
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archandshri · 3 months
28th June ‘24 - [arch] One Page Limitation??? - My process for Traffic Zine #5
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Hello All!
A couple months ago, I got accepted to @trafficzine, a digital anthology of pieces by a large group of artists and writers based on the most recent season of the Life Series. I made this piece back in April, but thankfully I kept some notes of my process. 
Heads up - this contains spoilers for Secret Life :D
We were able to choose our own prompt from a list! For this project, I wanted to push my comic making - especially how to communicate a lot of information in a small space. I went through and watched a few clips from the series to see which prompt would fit a comic and settled on Scott’s death.
As usual, I began by getting some reference images and going ham on some big paper. This gets me excited about the project and helps generate ideas. I go for whatever interests me in terms of medium and subject matter, but I try to use a process that doesn’t let me control too much (in this case brush and ink)
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initial sketches for fun and vibes :D
During this, I also took the time to transcribe the scene - I wanted to use the dialogue directly, and see how much I could fit into the single page that I was allowed for the zine.
In these early planning stages I make sure to do warm-up sketches to remind myself of the energy I want to communicate. This also keeps things fun and fresh so I'm not ONLY thinking about page composition and making things 'good'. (the expectation for it to be 'good' kills a project prove me wrong)
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Dialogue from the clip + warm up sketches
Next up, I started to plan what panels I have on the page. At this stage, some panels might just be a box with some words, and some may have a sketch if I have a clear composition in mind. This stage is mostly for pacing and plot, so instead of focusing on what the panel and page will look like, I will think about:
what will happen in the panel
it's purpose and
what it will communicate
Sometimes I'll illustrate a string of panels that tell the story and fit them on a page after - but this depends on the project and my confidence with the size of it.
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After messing around with these and coming up with a pretty clear direction, I draw a bunch of boxes to see how the panels could sit nicely together. At this stage I might realise I have too many panels, and need to cut a few or come up with a creative solution. Nothing is set in stone at this point.
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sketching panel layouts
Now begins the fun! I decide on the layout I prefer and I can start putting planned compositions into the boxes. I often do this digitally, or a digital editing process will be involved.
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Once planned, I print these out to do a more refined sketch over. I find that my traditional drawings have a lot more life and character to them than digital ones, so I try to keep the majority of the process traditional, with passes of scanning and digital editing.
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I tried a version with her looking out at the distance - ready to face the oncoming battle. But it still felt off. So I turned to my slides to ask myself some questions!!
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I tried to think of more things that were working - but I really felt like it was lacking a lot. I was going for this slower emotional feeling because that came more naturally to me, but it just wasn't working for this image. The original clip is quite rushed and chaotic - which would be harder to communicate in a comic format but the challenge interested me. Either way, I knew I wasn't happy with this direction so... i decided to start from scratch! Back to the drawing board!!!
In the previous version, I had cut out a lot of the dialogue, but I decided to go back to the original clip and use AS MUCH as possible. Since passing the bow was my favourite part of that first composition, I really wanted to lean into it as the emotional height and final goodbye before Scott's death. It's a moment to slow down and absorb the vibes :D
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I made a list of panels along with their descriptions to refer to when trying to figure out the order of panels. there were SO MANY and it was VERY CONFUSING when they were too small to read.
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These thumbnails were super small and would not have made sense without my list, I swear.
I printed this tiny thumbnail out at A4, so I could sketch over it and get a clearer sense of flow. Then began a loooong process of printing out tiny photocopies and rearranging the panels to be legible. It was a difficult balance of communicating busyness while making sure the hierarchy/reading order made sense.
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After some tweaking, i printed out an A3 copy to draw my panel borders and text.
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Doing this on a separate piece of paper means I don't have to worry so much about messing up the text or borders when drawing the characters. This allows me to be more free and expressive with my illustration.
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Woah! Quick trip back in time!! During the thumbnailing process I drew these warm up sketches! I looooved the way the linework came out. I drew this on an A3 piece of paper - and the shocked Gem would, in theory, be one of the smallest panels. So I decided to do a crazy thing.
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I touched up the sketch digitally, compiling some of my favourite warm up sketches, some traditional sketches made for the panels, and filling the rest in digitally. Then I printed this image out in QUATERS at A3!! This meant the final sketch layer, printed out was A1!! (aka very large, considering the final file would be at A4, about 8x smaller)
I did this so I could get fairly small detailed lines with my pencil while being quite expressive and firm with my mark-making. Slowly, I dlined all of the panels traditionally and scanned them in. Then I assembled the finished linework on Photoshop, along with the text and panel borders and got to colouring :D
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final linework :D
For colouring, I played a little bit with halftone but I found the texture made it feel a bit too busy - the panels are already doing enough. Because of this, I also decided to use a limited colour palette. Here are some images of the colouring process, which I won't go into today.
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I'm really happy with how this came out - I think it captures the chaos of the moment, while taking time to linger on the emotion of it. Keeping that bow moment really made it, I think.
I think the last panel is still quite weak. Earlier in the process there was a low-angle shot of Gem about to kill Scott which may have been more powerful, but I think I was struggling with my actual drawing skill when it comes to perspective. A lot of learning how to draw, and in particular with comics, is about knowing where your skills are at, how to utilise them best and how to test and push them.
I'm glad that I started again, instead of finishing that composition I wasn't happy with. It was a tough project but I learnt sooooo much from it, and it's been essential skill-building for.... the current comic I'm working on (stay tuned!!! :0) Thanks for reading this incredibly long post! Go check out @trafficzine and look at all the other cool art Cool vibes and silly men,
Archie :D
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jesncin · 1 month
How would you describe your art style and the techniques you use, if it’s not too much trouble?
I'd describe it as a mix between modern american tv animation style (Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Bee & Puppycat, etc) and trad pub middle grade graphic novel art style. I've purposefully pushed for my art to be as "marketable to the american market" as possible, but my hand also leans towards western styles. I do end up sneaking in some manga influences every now and then (Yuhki Kamatani's layouts are beautiful, and I always liked Haikyuu. Art wise I find the characters really appealing) plus my coloring style comes from years of being inspired by webcomics of all sorts. Basically we try to be Gurihiru haha (those power Asians are way above my level though).
Professionally for work, my techniques are fairly standard for comics I think? Except instead of like penciling, inking, coloring a graphic novel in various stages- we just finish everything in one go a page at a time to keep the process fresh ("the webcomic method"). For the fancomics I draw for fandom, it's a looser version of what I do for work. Apart from Sons of Mars, all of my fancomics are just cleaned up sketches with colors slapped on and handwritten speechbubbles. I do everything digitally.
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afterdeathsweeps · 9 months
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I really want to make a layout for tumblr but i want to make it themed with either Fresh or Ink what should i do
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istherewifiinhell · 4 months
well here we go folks
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[ID: Close on 80s comic Megatron, black helm, large yellow optics. his excessive diaglogue: Indeed, Ravage. We have lived peacefully with the Autobots for eons slowly secretly gathering our strength and pursuing our technology, now we shall strike at those who have brought the stagnation of peace and plenty to cybertron. They shall learn the way of conflict... The way of war... The way of Megatron. END]
oh boy.... marvel transformers no. 1 (or 1-2 in tfuk...) published 1984.
normally id put my credits ABOVE the cut... but um...
plot: Bill Mantlo script: Ralph Macchio pencils: Frank Springer inks: Kim Demulder lettering: Michael Higgins, Rick Parker colour: Nelson Yomtov editor: Bob Buduansky EiC: jim shooter digital re-master by digikore studios limited. collection edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon. editorial notes and assistance by Mark. W. Bellomo
jeez.... it takes a fucking village i guess. if youve seen my previous comics blogging, you might know digital remasters arent my fav... but. the amount of READING. in tiny tiny text. in this childrens toy comic. have any of u seen ennervated used in a comic before?? and speaking of reading...
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[Caption box: But the Decepticons were fresh, fully fueled for the battle... the word fueled written strangely. END]
does. does that say fubleo?
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[ID: 1. same captioned from the uk printing, saying fueled with two L's. 2. from an older US printing, much lower res and smudged, but the E and D still look correct with the rest of the type used. END]
So ADDING text errors. thats a new one.
anyway i couldnt begin to nor would i subject you to a comprehensive summary post. robot shit happens. the comic script seems to be fully printed into the book, even tho... surely the pictures are communicating... some of it. anyway. what are we here for.
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[ID: Panel of Megatron walking towards the camera, menacing, canon raised saying "Strike! Strike! With all the might at our command! Death to the autobots and the decay they stand for!" END]
why he kinda...
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[ID: Small drawing of Optimus walking, in a awkward maybe hurried way. END]
bigfooting it up here.
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[ID: 1. small drawing with huffer doing repairs, hes faced away with his butt kind of popped out. 2. cartoon huffer drawn with really curvy portions at the chest and hips. END]
im not sure why 'huffer baby girl' is a thing but. you know. two nickles
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[ID: Starscream and Thundercracker talking in jet mode. S: I told Megatron this frontal assault tactic he's so fond of is foolish, Thundercracker. Guile and stealth are far more effective than missiles in he long run. T: We have to follow Megatron's way, Starscream, It's been successful up to now. I don't think we should openly defy him as you've been known to do. END]
well least thats still the same
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[ID: Tall narrow panel of a castle thats more gothic than scifi. "Meanwhile, inside the foreboding Castle Decepticon that was home to Megatron" END]
SORRY? he was just? draculaing it up on cybertron?? okay.
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[ID: Panel showing a young man, buster, looking under Bumblebee's hood. Caption box: And. Not far away... Buster's thinking "The noises coming from this car are really weird! Almost like… Crying! It's been badly damaged-- leaking something that looks like… but isn't… oil!" END]
BUMBLEBEE CRYING??? HELLO??? what are you doing to my boy. (also yes. its not spike the ambiguously aged tradesman teen, son of a mechanic... but, Buster, bookish nerd who's father is disappointed in him reading to much trying to get a scholarship... [Chanel boots voice] okay... i see your foppish intellectualism and pink shirt buster.
finally. finally. IS THERE A SCRIPT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE. fellas. this is not how a comic layout goes
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[ID: Panel of Megatron in front of his assembled troops asking "... Are well all account for on this brave new world?" The panel is absolutely crammed with text, as all NINE of them sound off with a whole unnaturally phrased character bio paragraph, and Megatron concludes. END]
Im not sure that was.... the best way to do that.... but okay
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[ID: Panel of Optimus and his Autobots just kinda standing around very 3/4 model sheet style, as Optimus says "Now let me insure that our people have each survived intact," followed by SEVEN autobot intros. END]
guys...... this is painful. WHAT is ironhide gonna do with his liquids?!?! what are bumblebees LITTLE LEVERS? altho... cute that he likes to swim?? at least there was less of them then the--
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[ID: A full PAGE of 10 additional autobot intros. END]
Head in hands.... why............... are they getting weirder as it goes or, am i just in increasing amounts of pain?
OKAY. thats post theres no more editorial beyond this point. but.... ocr'd these so..... if anyone is crazy enough want to peruse these ENTIRE BIOS. but needs some plaintext aid... (and re/unfixing the remaster errors lol) this ones for you. dont start of frenzy and rumble.....
Skywarp's up for raiding sir. And my teleportational power'll pop me right into their midst to make mischief. As ever, your cause is Thundercracker's great Megatron. Our land-bound enemy will be picked off at will as I soar over them, striking with rockets and sonic booms. As the fastest most maneuverable of Decepticon jet flyers, I, Starscream, shall continue to accumulate Autobot body-counts that enhance the reputation of our leader. Can the speeches, huh, Star? Rumble's back in town and I'm gonna shake the place up with some low frequency ground-waves. You hit em from up top and I'll do the job down here. And I, Frenzy, will shatter our opponents' equilibrium,using high- pitched soundwaves. I will not cease until every Autobot is slain, and you, Soundwave? I will monitor transmissions and read Autobot electrical impulses to learn their plans even my photographic memory serves as a defensive weapon. Does even that compare with Ravages power to slip undetected anywhere? And my own monitoring devices in my nose module allow me to smell, hear and detect electromagnetic radiation beyond that of any decepticon It all pales next to the artistry of Buzzsaw. I can pinpoint a hexnut at twenty miles with my optical sensors. And my beak has carved many an Autobot warrior into a masterpiece of scrap metal. Just leave some for Laserbeak, comrades allow me a few struggling survivors of our battle and I'm certain till pry some useful information from them with my optical lasers… Even if they die in the telling. Come. Our time to strike is later. The ship's brain has placed into our circuits the knowledge that this world possesses enormous untapped fuel resources resources we can exploit in our struggle against the Autobots.
Ironhide's ready to roll, Optimus, I may be old and ornery, but my steel-alloy skin hasn't been dented yet in battle. And I've got a bunch of new liquids I want to test out in my water gun, yessiree. Oh, I say we leave right now and forget about traipsing after the stupid decepticons, I'll use my stress testing sensors and mathematical skill to rebuild the ark and get us back to Cybertron where we belong. C'mon, Huffer, get with it! I only require a drop of fuel to run, so I'm going to explore this whole planet- especially since The Ark said so much of it is water, and Bumblebee's little levers love a good swim. Well, Sunstreaker isn't leaving until the rest of this world gets a look at the sleekest Autobot in the bunch. And if any Decepticon dares to mess with the finish-- he'll get two ground-to-air missiles stuffed where he won't want them. If you were as fast as Cliffjumper is, Sunstreaker, you wouldn't worry about your finish, and while I'm dodging fire my "Glass gas" can make any Decepticon brittle as ice. Hun, Brawn don't need any gas to rip things up, nobody's stronger'n me. One punch and yer buildin'-- or decepticon--goes bye bye. Sideswipe's right up there with you, Brawn, because I use my arms as Piledrivers. I admit, it's a little rash to rush headlong at Decepticon fortifications, but not one of them's stopped me yet.
Frankly, I'd rather be elsewhere hunting turbofoxes than with you roughnecks, but, while we're here, my electro-disrupter is charged up. It not only interferes with decepticon circuitry, it also makes me appear to be where I'm not that's why I'm called Mirage. Nice to hear how you got your name, Mirage. Now, I got mine, Bluestreak by being as fast as a blue streak.. Whatever that is. Some wise guys even said I talk a blue streak--whatever that is. Anyway, here I am. Listening to you, Bluestreak, taxes even the endless patience of Prowl. I have little to say, but my logic center dictates the most advantageous course of action in any situation. Well, that is neat-o, Prowl. But me, Jazz, I'd like to just cruise around and take in the sights. And if I've got to fight well my photon rifle and overhead flamethrowers can make things hot for the big nasties. You burn them, Jazz, but let Hound sniff, them out for you. My infra-red radiation collector makes me the best tracker on or off cybertron, and if I ever get lost, my hologram gun projects terrain maps to get me back on track. Just let Windcharger zoom ahead and scrap a Decept between my magnetic arms. I'll take in this planet's scenery later. The only thing Gears wants to learn about this planet is how to get off it. I hate this place already, I just know you're going to use me as a mobile transport unit again once we have to set up. Nuts. Let's go home Well, at least you don't have to patch Autobots up like old Ratchet does, when one of us busts himself up playing hero, but I've got the tools to fix anything-- even though I'd rather be partying than tinkering. And Wheeljack is the guy you've had to patch up most. I can't help it. I love to mess with gadgets -- especially our weaponry, like my shoulder cannons. I try to be careful, but sometimes it doesn't work. Thanks for being around, Ratchet, old buddy. I don't know how many times I, Trailbreaker had to use my force-field projector and hide behind my own barrier when you're experimenting with those shrapnel shells. You're worse than a wild Decepticon, Wheeljack.
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prettyiwa · 2 years
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Previous Chapter
Relationship: Yuuki Tetsuya x F!Reader Content Tags: Fluff, Second Meeting, Eventual Strangers to Lovers, Not Quite Love at First Sight Summary: A list of books and a recommended shop result in a pleasant surprise. The bustling city has never felt smaller, though Tetsu's grateful for it now. Word Count: 850
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When he hears your laugh again, he isn’t sure it’s not a figment of his imagination.
The sound has stayed with him since he first heard it, dancing in between heartbeats during random intervals, though he’s accepted the unlikelihood of finding you again weeks ago. He never expected to hear it in a random bookshop that’s tucked away in an unassuming strip of the backdrop of the city, leading him to believe it’s not worth investigating.
With every few steps, a floorboard beneath his feet creaks, though its sound is muted by the soft tune playing overhead, leaving the pleasant quiet that fills the air undisturbed. With every few steps, he distances himself from the newest publications closest to the windows, from the accompanying aroma of fresh ink and new paper seemingly unique to new arrivals. The deeper he goes, the more he notices the subtle hints of vanilla and faint notes of worn leather and pages that have long since accepted the words printed upon them, entirely distinct from the familiarity of the dust endemic to bookshops across the world.
The shelves that line the walls are tall enough to warrant the sliding ladders and the internal layout of the shop is punctuated by bookshelves varying in height by row. There exist but a few spaces amongst the shelves not occupied by books, trinkets, or the ilk, but it adds to the charm. He felt it coming in, but now that he’s immersed, trying to find his books, he can’t shake the urge to take up one of the few armchairs scattered about and read until day becomes night.
Tetsu’s eyes catch on the minute imperfections in the wood as he reads the lettering engraved on the metal labels attached to each shelf. He glosses over the genres and sub-genres that continue to point him in the right direction, only stopping once he’s found what he wants. Satisfaction starts to seep into his bones as he spots the book he wants, front-facing with a bookseller recommendation and he hears it again.
The lovely, unmistakable sound of your laugh from the row behind him.
This time, he’s hesitant to brush it aside, though he’s equally hesitant to acknowledge that this laugh is different, a little wispier, different enough that it means you might actually be here. Time pauses for him as anticipation thrums under the skin of his fingertips while the book in his hand grows heavy. He hears the soft cadence of your speech as you keep your voice low to respect the tranquil ambiance, unable to tune it out.
There comes no creak in the floorboards, no discernible sound to suggest that you’ve moved, but he believes he feels that shift in the air regardless. You turn the corner and he’s transfixed by you just as when he first saw you. Light from the early summer sun bleeds through the shop, offering the perfect halo as you stop with a surprised smile, with eyes that gleam with distinct mirth. That thrumming turns into a pleased hum, circulating throughout him with each beat of his heart.
“If it isn’t my hero,” you say after a moment, lips curling around the silk of your voice. “It’s nice to see you again.”
Warmth blossoms across his face, settling high on his cheeks and the tips of his ears as something eerily similar to gratification takes hold. Tetsu’s not entirely sure what’s behind it, but there’s the briefest flash of recognition of feeling the same.
His smile, though largely involuntary, serves only to encourage yours. “It’s nice to see you, too.”
It’s impossible for him to miss the imperceptible widening of your eyes before you duck your head in a small act he finds endearing. His eyes flicker to the white badge on your chest with what he assumes to be your name and it dawns on him that this charming little bookshop might be where you work.
The discovery is inconsequential, but it makes him happier than it should.
Meeting his gaze again, he likes what he sees. Your expression is warm and your smile relaxed, sitting on your lips in such a natural way that he thinks you must do it often and unbidden. Your tongue peeks out between your teeth like you’re trying to hold back from whatever it is you’re feeling while delight and interest dance behind your eyes, completely captivating him.
Schooling your face into something a bit more professional, he still can’t feel anything other than joy at the fleeting familiarity in his chest. “Is there anything I can help you with? Are you finding everything okay?”
Glancing at the book in his hand, he remembers why he came here in the first place, though he finds himself caring less about his list of pleasure reading. If anything, he thinks he’ll come back for the rest, one book at a time.
He's not looking at the book—and it takes a moment before he realizes he may not be talking about the book—when he answers with, “I think I found what I was looking for.”
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Daiya no Ace Masterlist | Next Chapter
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applebloomer1 · 1 year
PJ, what’s it like having two siblings?
Paperjam crossed their arms and clicked their ecto-tongue. "Well, I hardly have two siblings just yet," They pointed out, waving off to the side where Dream and Ink were working together to plan a layout for their new home right near the Doodle Sphere. "But I'm actually getting along with Gradient now. He's a lot more tolerable when he isn't actively trying to kill you for being inferior," They admitted.
Paperjam lightly chuckled. "He kinda knows nothing about the multiverse. It's sorta... nice. I get to explore with him; Watch him discover everything with the same curiosity and wonder that I myself had when I wrote the Book of a Thousand Souls with Fresh," They explained, smiling slightly. Before they could get too carried away with rambling, Ink called their name. "I better go see what he wants."
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The Archive
Thunder rolls far beyond, resounding across an endless sea. The ocean crashes upon an island's sheer and jagged cliffs. And on this island, that forsaken hunk of ancient stone cradled in boundless sea and thundering sky, sits the Archive.
The Archive contains mathematical theorems written by the first scholars of the desert lands, and blueprints for vast machines dreamt by visionary artificers. It is a library of genius. The Archive contains forbidden esoterica, and secrets whispered to mad prophets in twilight hours. It is a vault of arcane power. The Archive contains maps of all the stars ever born, all the lands ever roamed, all the children of creation. It is a store of wonder.
For all it contains, the Archive serves as a bastion of memory. Its bricks, whose clay was made wet by tears and made stone by hellfire, were laid by the tireless constructs of yore. Each brick remembers the life cut down to make it, each cry of a widow or whimper of her young. And within those walls, anything known by man, beast, or god is recorded in a book for future retrieval.
The Archive, its name long dead with the poor soul who drafted its layout, is a structure erected aeons ago by sleepless builders, housing all the knowledge ever conceived. Its spires reach tall into the terrible night, grasping for a semblance of starlight unreachable by mortal-laid stone. Along the outer walls of the Archive, facing forever to the moon, are cast a row of stained-glass windows depicting strange geometries.
The moon, in accordance with her cyclical temperament, shines angles of light that refract through these geometries. While within her candle-wax humours, the windows filter light such to display small creatures of the pasture, mirages of wonder and fondness. And while the moon is within her waning and hollow humors, the glass bends to a crueler will and spawns countenances of nightmare and shadow.
These monsters blur the quality of their own outline, substance uncertain against the aether of being, demeanor hostile to the concept of life. Countless visitors to the Archive have become lost in its labyrinthine halls, devoured by phantoms whose rasping bellows call to mind a place that never was.
There once was a Librarian who lived within this grand and damnable Archive. None knew his name, even if such a thing could ever have been important. The Librarian was brilliant, he knew the home and content of every book in his domain. The Archive, as a result, was kept in impeccable and pristine condition. It was a monument of glory and brilliance sought by all in the kingdom of men, holding texts on still-fresh vellum and ink retrieved with lightning swiftness. That is, until came the inexorable end of the Librarian.
The Librarian, alone in his keep, was driven mad by visions of shadows that stalked the Archive's halls. Stalked by shadows that never were, he sought the cold embrace of the deep below. His fall was unremarkable, the splash of his body upon the water unseen among the havoc of the waves. Only the tide mourned for him.
And once the Librarian was gone, the shelves grew angry and afraid. They lost their cohesion, books dissolving through higher dimensions and rotating themselves to opposite ends of the complex. No-one can recall the order or material within these texts. Curious men still search the Archive, some to find wisdom of decaying sages, others to map its Escherian routes. Books open, and their pages bleed, their words illegible to the conscious mind. The Archive has lost its glory, containing still all the knowledge there ever was. And all the same, the hallowed sea sings a dirge for the corpse she cradled, and so sway shadows dreamt by glass.
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roomchailimited · 3 months
Venetian Voyages: Roomchai's Schengen Gondola Rides and Italian Cuisine
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Venice, the City of Canals, offers an enchanting blend of history, romance, and culinary delights. With Roomchai Limited, embark on a journey that combines the charm of gondola rides with the rich flavors of Italian cuisine.
As you glide through the narrow waterways on a traditional gondola, Venice reveals its hidden beauty. The experience is more than just a ride; it’s a step back in time, offering glimpses of historic buildings and stunning architecture. Roomchai Limited ensures your gondola experience is unforgettable, complete with knowledgeable guides who share fascinating stories about the city’s past.
Your exploration begins at St. Mark’s Basilica, a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture adorned with intricate mosaics and golden domes. This iconic landmark embodies Venice’s artistic heritage, providing a breathtaking start to your adventure. As you continue, the Rialto Bridge awaits. This historic bridge, bustling with markets and vibrant energy, offers a perfect spot to capture the essence of Venice.
Another highlight is the Doge’s Palace, a symbol of Venice’s political and cultural history. Roomchai Limited’s guided tours take you through its opulent halls, unraveling tales of power, art, and intrigue. The palace’s stunning architecture and rich history make it a must-visit destination.
Beyond the sights, Venice’s culinary scene is a journey in itself. Begin with cicchetti, small plates of Venetian tapas, served in cozy bacari. These dishes, ranging from seafood to polenta, offer a taste of local flavors and culinary traditions. Roomchai Limited’s curated dining experiences ensure you savor the best of Venetian cuisine, from casual bites to gourmet delights.
For a main course, indulge in risotto al nero di seppia, a creamy risotto infused with cuttlefish ink, showcasing the city’s connection to the sea. This iconic dish reflects the essence of Venetian cooking, blending fresh ingredients with rich flavors. And no meal is complete without tiramisu, the beloved dessert that layers coffee-soaked ladyfingers with mascarpone cheese, providing a sweet ending to your culinary journey.
Visiting Venice in spring or fall offers the best experience, with pleasant weather and fewer crowds. Navigating the city is easy with vaporettos, or water buses, which provide a convenient way to explore Venice’s unique layout. Roomchai Limited offers guidance on using public transportation, ensuring your trip is smooth and enjoyable.
As you explore Venice, Roomchai Limited stands out as your dedicated travel partner. From tailored travel packages to expert guidance, they ensure every detail of your journey is perfectly planned. Their commitment to exceptional service and memorable experiences makes your Venetian adventure truly special.
In conclusion, Venice promises a blend of romance, history, and culinary delights. With Roomchai Limited, your voyage through the canals and flavors of Italy becomes an unforgettable experience. Embrace the charm of Venice and let Roomchai Limited guide you through this enchanting city, where gondola rides and Italian cuisine await.
Book your Venetian adventure with Roomchai Limited today, and discover the magic of Italy’s floating city.
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ruumirmir · 5 months
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"Hey, hey- did you hear? Lord Regrator promoted someone as the new branch manager of our bank!"
"Don't tell me... it's him, isn't it?"
"But of course, I heard the harbinger is playing favorites now-"
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.˚ *꒰ঌ There's a new Venator Dux in town ໒꒱* ˚.
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Pantalone x Male!Reader | Part of the Loverboy series .༊·˚
𓆩♱𓆪 Summary - When you feel the caress of a mask; an identity, Who do you become? Or, a profiling of Pantalone's loverboy. 𓆩♱𓆪 Author's note - Finished cooking Pantalone's Loverboy a little bit more with this character layout. While a good chunk of his aesthetic has been pinned down, I probably won't go further to draw any sort of outfit or character design for him. As of now, I'm keeping his finer details ambiguous enough to classify as a M!reader. @eluxcastar comrade wake up new Loverboy content just dropped.
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➷ 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤
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Under the hierarchy of Regrator's ordinance, Fatuus above a certain level of authority don masks signifying their position. Ordinary agents working with classified business information must never run the risk of disclosing their identities after all. One such mask, dipped in a red of warning and adorned with a platinum wing on it's brow is the telltale identity of the bank's Venator Dux. Whether you stand against him in a negotiations meeting, or battle, he's no less intimidating without it.
➷ 𝐇𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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"Hydro represents faith, regardless of how misguided it maybe." "This vision is given to people who either have a strong dedication towards something, or have a desire to help or protect others." From wind to water; That day celestia's eye honed in on the fool falling past a shattered window, dragging down another with him. "How amusing..." they'd think, and brush past the reject to bestow heaven's blessing upon the far more pitiful one.
➷ 𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐱
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Also called 'wine red' or 'black rose'. Like the lovely wines of plum occasionally imported from Liyue. Like blood to snow in the region colored head to toe in muted greys and blues.
➷ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐬
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A flower that smells like fresh chocolate. They symbolize peace and tranquility. It is said that Chocolate Cosmos in particular mean “I love you more than anybody can.” Is it more obvious. He offers to pin it on the Harbinger's coat with a knowing grin. A frost-sensitive flower; It requires partial sun or full sun, and flowers from mid to late summer. It cant flourish naturally in a frost-bitten habitat and is artificially kept in greenhouses, only glimpsing the sun every few days through tinted windows. Pantalone barely needs to lift a finger to commission a set of cosmos flowers turned to jewelry for his Loverboy to wear.
➷ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧
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A Black Swan signifies an insight about yourself that changes your position from one of victim to victor. Black Swan is a graceful reminder to move from any position where you feel powerless and at the mercy of external forces; it is time to reclaim your personal power. A coin always has two sides however; The black swan theory states that, "It is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences."
➷ 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝
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Equal parts strategic leader and hands-on agent, the Venator's blade is no less mightier than his pen. Come hell and high water, his feathered quill can enlarge thrice over to chase down it's targets with a mind of it's own, like a missile dart. You wouldn't fare better in close quarters either. The feather reinforced with hydro can sharpen it to the degree of splitting icebergs and necks alike. Why else do you think his ink occasionally flows in hues of red?
➷ 𝐈𝐜𝐲 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞
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The steely frost seeping into his coat, A heady spice from the smoke warming the air, and the slow bittersweet aroma that doesn't hit you until after he's gone; an aftertaste.
➷ 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐲
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"I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings Be your Valentino, just for you" "I'd like for you and I to go romancing Say the word, your wish is my command" "Ooh, love (there he goes again) Ooh, lover boy (he's my good old-fashioned lover boy, ooh) What're you doing tonight?"
➷ 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲
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"Faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty.""In the shimmering expanse of ice and snow, I pledge my unwavering devotion and undying loyalty to the illustrious Tsaritza, sovereign of this frozen realm. As the frost bites deep and the chill of winter grips our souls, I stand firm in my resolve to serve her reign with pride and honor." "With every breath, I swear to defend her name, her realm, and her legacy, even if it means laying down my life upon the icy plains, for in her sovereignty lies the very essence of our existence. Today, I embrace the cold embrace of eternity, knowing that I have lived and died under the banner of our revered Tsaritza, with unwavering loyalty burning bright within my heart..." And he didn't mean a single word of it. He wondered when that would be the death of him.
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Navigating the Literary Seas: A Deep Dive into Book Publishing
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Book publishing is a world of words where ideas take flight and stories find their forever home. This comprehensive guide will navigate you through the intricate and fascinating realm of book publishing, where creativity and commerce intertwine to bring literary dreams to life.
The Conception: From Manuscript to Masterpiece
Every book is born from an author's vision, a story yearning to be told. The journey from manuscript to published work unfolds in several vital phases:
1. Writing and Refinement:
Authors pour their hearts and souls into crafting compelling narratives. Editors work diligently with authors to refine manuscripts, ensuring clarity, coherence, and literary finesse.
2. Design and Aesthetics:
Book designers craft the visual elements that give books their unique charm. Cover design, typography, and page layout all play crucial roles in enhancing the reader's experience.
3. Production and Craftsmanship:
Printing, whether through traditional or digital methods, transforms manuscripts into tangible masterpieces. High-quality paper, ink, and binding are essential to this process.
The Business of Publishing
Publishing is not just an art; it's also a business that demands strategy and financial acumen. Publishers must carefully weigh market trends, target audiences, and distribution channels:
1. Market Analysis:
Understanding reader preferences and market dynamics is paramount. Publishers analyze data and trends to make informed decisions about which manuscripts to transform into books.
2. Distribution Expertise:
Getting books into the hands of readers requires a well-organized distribution network. This often involves partnerships with bookstores, libraries, and online retailers.
3. Strategic Marketing:
Books need visibility. Marketing teams conceive and execute campaigns that encompass everything from social media outreach to author engagements and book reviews.
Technology's Impact
The digital age has revolutionized book publishing. E-books, audiobooks, and online platforms have expanded how readers access and enjoy literature. Publishers must adapt to these transformations:
1. Digital Formats:
E-books and audiobooks offer new avenues for authors and readers. Publishers must optimize content for these formats while considering issues like DRM (Digital Rights Management).
2. Self-Publishing Revolution:
Authors now possess the means to self-publish through platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. Traditional publishers distinguish themselves by offering unique value, such as editorial expertise and robust marketing.
3. Data-Driven Insights:
Data analytics empower publishers to comprehend reader behavior better. These insights inform decisions on book pricing, marketing tactics, and even content creation.
Charting the Future
The future of book publishing is an ever-evolving landscape filled with exciting prospects. Trends such as sustainable printing practices, AI-driven content creation, and immersive storytelling through virtual reality are reshaping the industry.
In this digital age, books remain powerful conduits for storytelling and knowledge sharing. The art and science of book publishing bridge the gap between authors and readers, unlocking new worlds, fresh ideas, and boundless imagination.
In conclusion, book publishing is a multifaceted realm where creativity, commerce, and technology converge. Whether you are an author, a publisher, or an avid reader, understanding the intricacies of this world enriches your appreciation for the written word.
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san96van · 1 year
Unlocking the Power of MS Office 2019 and Windows 11 Home
In the fast-paced digital world of today, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply looking to enhance your productivity, MS Office 2019 and Windows 11 Home are two essential software suites that can help you achieve your goals. In this article, we'll explore the key features and benefits of both these products and how they can elevate your computing experience.
MS Office 2019: Boosting Your Productivity
MS Office 2019 is the latest installment of the world-renowned Microsoft Office suite, which has been a cornerstone of productivity for decades. With a focus on delivering a wide array of tools for creating, editing, and sharing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, MS Office 2019 is a must-have for anyone looking to stay ahead in their personal or professional life.
One of the standout features of MS Office 2019 is its versatility. Whether you're using Word for crafting beautifully formatted documents, Excel for complex data analysis, PowerPoint for compelling presentations, or Outlook for efficient email management, MS Office 2019 has got you covered. It also introduces several new features, such as improved inking in all Office apps and a dark mode for a sleek, modern look.
Why MS Office 2019?
One-Time Purchase: Unlike the subscription-based Office 365, MS Office 2019 is available for a one-time purchase. This means you pay once and enjoy lifetime access to the software.
Enhanced Security: With advanced security features, your data remains safe from cyber threats.
Offline Usage: MS Office 2019 can be used offline, ensuring you can work even without an internet connection.
Regular Updates: You'll receive regular security updates to keep your software secure and stable.
Timeless Tools: Classic applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are continually refined to meet modern demands.
Now, let's turn our attention to another exciting offering from Microsoft: Windows 11 Home.
Windows 11 Home: Elevating Your Computing Experience
Windows 11 Home is the latest iteration of Microsoft's iconic operating system. It's designed to provide a seamless, user-friendly experience while offering a range of new features and enhancements that make your computing experience more enjoyable and efficient.
Key Features of Windows 11 Home:
Revamped Start Menu: Windows 11 Home introduces a centered Start Menu, giving your desktop a clean and organized look.
Snap Layouts: With Snap Layouts, multitasking becomes a breeze. Arrange multiple windows in a snap for improved productivity.
DirectX 12 Ultimate: Gamers will love the enhanced gaming experience with DirectX 12 Ultimate support, unlocking stunning graphics and performance.
Microsoft Store Redesign: The Microsoft Store has been overhauled, offering a wider range of apps and easier navigation.
Virtual Desktops: Create and manage virtual desktops to keep your work and personal life separate and organized.
Enhanced Touch and Pen Support: Windows 11 Home is optimized for touch and pen input, making it perfect for 2-in-1 devices.
Why Windows 11 Home?
Modern Interface: The new, sleek design provides a fresh and appealing look.
Enhanced Performance: Windows 11 Home is optimized for speed and efficiency, ensuring your device runs smoothly.
Compatibility: It's designed to be compatible with most Windows 10 apps and hardware, minimizing disruptions during the transition.
Security: Windows 11 Home includes improved security features, such as Windows Defender Antivirus and BitLocker.
In conclusion, MS Office 2019 and Windows 11 Home are powerful tools that can elevate your productivity and computing experience. With MS Office 2019, you'll have a suite of versatile applications at your fingertips, while Windows 11 Home offers a modern, user-friendly operating system. By harnessing the power of these two software packages, you can work more efficiently, stay organized, and make the most of your digital world. Upgrade to MS Office 2019 and Windows 11 Home today to unlock your full potential.
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maacwanowrie · 1 year
Find out how traditional animation is different from computer animation
Professionals that practise graphic design produce visual content to convey messages. Designers utilise typography and images to fulfil the individual demands of users and concentrate on the logic of showing pieces in interactive designs to maximise the user experience by utilising visual hierarchy and page layout approaches. Every industry has a need for design, so short term graphic design courses in Pune have a lot of opportunities to work on a variety of fresh and intriguing projects.
Traditional animation uses techniques that don't involve digital tools, while computer animation uses, you guessed it, computers. Physical vs. virtual is another way to tell the difference between the two. Traditional animation uses real objects and actions, while computer animation uses virtual objects in a digital space.
 Early animation was dominated by traditional animation :
 Traditional animation includes both traditional 2D-cel animation and stop-motion animation, even though both may be filmed with digital tools in the end. What matters is how the animation was made in the first place. Cel animation involves drawing, inking, and painting thousands of frames by hand on clear cells that are photographed quickly and shown against painted backgrounds. Stop-motion animation, on the other hand, uses real models and objects that are photographed one frame at a time.
 This hands-on method needs a team of artists, cleanup artists, painters, directors, background artists, camera crews, and storyboard artists and scriptwriters to come up with the original ideas. For big projects, the amount of time, work, and tools needed is mind-boggling.
 Computer animation is faster and less expensive :
 When you animate something on the screen, you are using computer animation. With computers, 3D animation came into its own. Computer animation can be either 2D or 3D, but 2D computer animation often virtualizes the traditional 2D animation workspace by bringing pen and paper into the digital environment to recreate cartoon animation workflows and styles. 3D computer animation uses a mix of traditional workflows and new ways of doing things that work better in a virtual 3D space.
 Computer animation makes the animation toolkit easier to use. All you need is a computer that meets the system requirements for the 2D or 3D software you want to use and people who know how to use it.
 Depending on the type of animation that is wanted, the whole process can sometimes be done on a computer. In other cases, like many 2D "cartoon" animations, the drawings still need to be done by hand before they can be scanned into the computer and coloured and put in order digitally.
 Computer animation is much cheaper and requires much less work. It has a bigger margin for error because digital files can be changed back up to a certain number of steps if you make a mistake.
 Most of the time, it's hard to put an animation in one category or the other because many animators use a mix of the two. For example, some parts of an animation are made using traditional methods, and then the rest is finished or improved using digital methods.
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nahasportland · 2 years
Best free vector software for mac
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Made with Mac in mind, Office 2016 for Mac gives you access to your favorite Office applications - anywhere, anytime and with anyone. The word had a lot of new updates with the 2019 version with autosave claiming to the best feature in class. The Microsoft word the official documenting software of the Microsoft office 2019 package is one of the widely used tools. It is offline installer and standalone setup for Microsoft Office 2019 for Apple Macbook Macintosh.
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Share photos directly with friends through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or email.Download Microsoft Office 2019 for Mac Free Click on below button to start Microsoft Office 2019 Download for Mac OS X.
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It boasts more than 600 effects, overlays and borders, and lets you do all the main things you’d expect from a photo editor, from cropping and resizing to removing red-eye and whitening teeth. This free app is available in both iOS and Android varieties. Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Photo Pos Pro ()įree graphic design software Pixlr claims to be ‘the most popular online photo editor in the world’.
Layers (lock and/or hide individual layers, rearrange them, etc layers can form a hierarchical tree).
Grouping objects (“select in group” without ungrouping, or “enter the group” making it a temporary layer).
Z-order operations (raising and lowering).
Transformations (moving, scaling, rotating, skewing), both interactively and by specifying exact numeric values.
Clones (“live” linked copies of objects), including a tool to create patterns and arrangements of clones.
Text tool (multi-line text, full on-canvas editing).Shape tools: rectangles (may have rounded corners), ellipses (includes circles, arcs, segments), stars/polygons (can be rounded and/or randomized), spirals.Drawing: pencil tool (freehand drawing with simple paths), pen tool (creating Bézier curves and straight lines), calligraphy tool (freehand drawing using filled paths representing calligraphic strokes).What sets Inkscape apart is its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C standard, as the native format. Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Gravit Designer Tutorial – A Free, Feature Packed, Multi-OS Design Tool ()
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trustweather · 2 years
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Please continue to tell us what you think about Pixlr by leaving a review here in Google Play or contacting us via Instagram Twitter or Facebook (/Pixlr).
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La aplicacin nos permitir llevar a cabo las ediciones ms.
Finish off your editing process with the right border - pick a style that suit you. Pixlr (Antes Pixlr Express y Autodesk Pixlr) es un programa de edicin fotogrfica que nos permitir darle un toque nico a nuestras imgenes, gracias a los montones de prestaciones, herramientas y efectos que pondr a nuestra disposicin desde la pantalla del terminal.
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Focus on one color with Color Splash or add impact with Focal Blur.
A free photo, collage and sticker editor.
Make your selfies beautiful with simple tools to remove blemishes and red-eyes or to whiten your teeth. Download Pixlr Photo Editor APK latest version by Inmagine Lab - Fastest - Free - Safe for android devices.Stylize your image to look like a pencil drawing, an ink sketch, a poster, and more.Layer multiple photos and blend them together to get a unique look, using Double Exposure.Balance out color in one easy click with Auto Fix.
Create photo collages with a variety of choices for layout, background, and spacing. APKSolo - Download Download MOD APK Pixlr v3.4.62 APK (MOD, Premium Unlocked) v3.4.62 - APKSOLO.COM - Unleash your creativity with Pixlr (formerly Pixlr.
CON: Account set up required for advanced tools. Pixlr (formerly Pixlr Express) is the right photo editor for everyone: whether you have never edited a picture or are a pro, Pixlr has all the tools and effects you need. Photo editor that enables millions of combinations with filters and effects. We have a fun new photo challenge for you every week. Once you’re done, share your finished work directly to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or your other favorite social networks!įollow Pixlr on Instagram for tips, tricks, and daily inspiration to make cool photos. Pixlr makes you look like a pro, even if you’ve never edited a photo before.Autodesk Pixlr Description: Unlock your creativity with Pixlr - the free photo editor! Capture any moment and make it beautiful with over 2 million combinations of free effects, overlays, and filters. Choose from over 2 million combinations of free effects, overlays, and borders to further personalize your image. Pixlr (formerly Pixlr Express) is a fun and powerful photo editor that lets you quickly crop, rotate, and fine-tune any picture, all in a completely ad-free experience. Which means you do not need any kind of effort to do this. freeload Android Apps, Apk Autodesk Pixlr 3.4.16 Apk for Android. Pixtr edits your picture automatically according to the need.
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