#french is expanding her army
frenchgremlim1808 · 5 months
A collection of every one of my drawing from the whiteboard since it's gonna close! PART 2
So this will divided in arcs since a lot happened there and it was really fun, like , thanks to @daily-teki for the whiteboard and also to everyone who participated it was fun! So here are all my drawings and arc from the whiteboard. yes this is the part two since i drew a lot, first part is more general this focuses more on kanna!
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So me and janice had a discussion has two fellow rats, and i realized that janice didn't have an actual title, but like they have a kanna blog, also go check them out if you haven't they are cool. So i decided as the Rat lord to knight them as the title of Marquess Mac'n'cheese. So here is us!
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then came kaory or know here as @reahustar , came on and wanted to become apart of us, so we gave her a name too. She became the Champion of Roses and well she drew herself too.
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so then we kinda just drew ourselves !
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also the last in the last drawing none of us drew ourselves, it can be seen by the art style, just as the drawing where i drew kaory champion of roses
and then finnally came the last rat of the day, @runetallem or nagito komeada looking ass in my book, they came and i gave them a name as always, they were knighted as the the Knight of Mouses!
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(the first drawing on the left is rune drawing the one on the right is mine)
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so yeah we have now expanded the rats army, also i forgot but to anyone who doesn't know what a rat is, in short a rat is a silly names for kanna fans.
so yeah it was fun! really cool
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
hiya, back with an arcanist query here.
the jessica trailer got me wondering, just how big is the suitcase crew so far? it seems by the time the green lake folks are recruited, we already have matilda, x, and eagle around. there are also voicelines from other characters implying theyre already in, like zima ("there are not many poems... like the orange one says") and mesmer jr ("...the girl with the potions..."), although they couldve been recruited at any point in time. it just gets me so curious who joined when! 😄 at least i want to know how much it's grown since green lake but we can only speculate. this also feeds into my desire to see the other arcanists get involved in the story, main or otherwise.
like you said with the jessica posts, vertin provides the arcanists with a new path, one outside MV or the Foundation. so another curiousity of mine is how she recruited the others i.e. their motivations for joining her!
My theory is bluepoch just gave us a lot of characters to play from the start with but there is probably a canonical meeting for them (at least I really hope so) that we'll get through events and main story. That being said, I wonder if the people we already know will have an official event where they move in. For example, Matilda storywise is still working at SPDM but maybe she'll get assigned to Vertin's department? Or perhaps she'll be someone who stays in the Suitcase for certain cooperative missions? Ngl I want french ducky to make official appearances in the Suitcase.
If I had to list people currently living in the Suitcase as of right now cannonically, I think it'd be:
Vertin, Sonetto, Regulus, Sotheby, Druvis, Jessica after her Discipline training, Apple, and Horrorpedia. Blonney might join after she graduates from college or when she misses her bambi lol
The list will grow as we see Vertin recruiting. This game is different from others I've played in that we see the start of the crew. Usually there is an established guild or something but we see in real time Vertin's army expanding from her very first member!
I love the way the crew interacts with each other too! An An Lee is trying to terrorize my ghostly babies! I need to see Vertin meeting Tennant and Eternity. And Rabies! VOYAGER! Ahh so many people!
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warningsine · 2 months
As world leaders scramble to avert a full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah, there is another conflict on a scale perhaps unimaginable to many they should rush to prevent as well.
It is a repeat, like Israel-Hezbollah in 2006, of a war that raged between the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda between August 1998 and July 2003. By the time it ended, nine African countries and 20 rebel groups were involved. At least 5.4 million people died as a result of fighting, disease and malnutrition and 7 million were displaced. Africa’s World War — or the Great War of Africa, as it came to be known — was the world’s deadliest conflict since World War II.
Today, conflict between Congolese and Rwandan leaders has sharpened dangerously, peace initiatives have collapsed, an arms race is underway and deadly clashes between both sides and militias aligned to them are frequent. All the warning lights for a repeat of the 1998-2003 war are flashing.
Tensions have been simmering for years, with frequent reports of serious cross-border clashes in the eastern provinces of Congo. War talk and violence ramped up in the run-up to the Congolese election in December and have intensified over the past seven months. Weeks before the poll, Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi said Rwandan President Paul Kagame was behaving like Adolf Hitler and had ambitions to expand Rwanda into eastern Congo.
"I promise he will end up like Hitler,” Tshisekedi warned. Rwanda said the Congolese president’s words were a "loud and clear threat."
On July 9, a United Nations expert report confirmed widely circulated accusations that Uganda and Rwanda are backing the powerful M23 rebel group in eastern Congo. The report warned that the crisis "carried the risk of triggering a wider regional conflict." Rwandan government spokesperson Yolande Makolo responded that Tshisekedi had "consistently threatened to declare war on Rwanda" and that her country "will continue to defend itself."
The reasons for the fighting are decades-old and complex, yet currently boil down to various players’ bid to dominate Congo’s abundant mineral resources.
After the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which 1 million ethnic Tutsi were killed by mainly Hutu ethnic groups, militias implicated in the murders fled into eastern Congo. The Rwandan army pursued them, arguing that it had to arrest perpetrators of the genocide and destroy their networks. This happened again in 1998, triggering the great war and spawning a web of vested interests involving neighboring nations and armed militias, mercenaries, mining companies, local and regional politicians, China, the United States and other global powers seeking a toehold in the region. Large parts of Congo have since been occupied by ruthless armed groups profiting from illegal mining.
The country produces nearly 70% of the world’s cobalt, while the Great Lakes region that Congo is a part of is rich with tin, tantalum, tungsten, lithium and gold — all of which are key components of electric vehicle batteries, cell phones, refrigerators, jewelry, airplane parts, cars and other goods. As of 2020, Chinese firms owned or had stakes in 15 of the 19 cobalt producing mines in Congo. Between 2022 and 2050, demand for nickel will double, cobalt will triple and lithium rise tenfold, according to the International Energy Agency.
A conflagration will potentially affect or draw in other countries. Apart from Congo, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi, a plethora of armed groups is already in the region. The 11,000-strong U.N. peacekeeping mission (which goes by the French acronym MONUSCO) was supposed to leave the country by year-end, but has been asked by the Congolese government to stay on indefinitely.
South Africa, Malawi and Tanzania already have troops in Congo as part of the Southern African Development Community’s peacekeeping mission deployed there last December. Congo’s neighbors Angola, the Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Kenya and Zambia could be pulled into the fighting. An East African Community Regional Force exited Congo in December and may be drawn back in.
That’s not all. The Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect, a nongovernmental organization, says that there are at least 120 armed militias operating in the region, while mercenaries such as those of Russia’s Wagner Group have been contracted by various players. And worryingly, Congo has been stocking up on arms. The country’s military spending experienced the highest increase in the world last year, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Spending on armored vehicles, drones and other military equipment more than doubled in a year to $794 million.
The 1998-2003 conflict ended because strong continental leaders intervened through dialogue. In 2000, African leaders adopted the Lome Declaration that expressly outlawed coups, thus giving the African Union the authority to stand up to belligerents.
The current political climate, called "an epidemic” of coups by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, makes it harder to intervene. Continental leadership of the type of the early 2000s is also lacking. In its last meeting on July 12, the African Union — its authority already undermined by swaggering coup leaders in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and other nations experiencing democratic backsliding — failed to even place the Great Lakes crisis on its agenda.
Attempts to strike a new peace deal have floundered. On July 27, Tshisekedi told a meeting in Paris: "There are two processes. There was the Nairobi Process driven by Uhuru Kenyatta which, unfortunately, was subsequently managed by the new president William Ruto. He managed it very badly. The process is almost dead."
The second initiative, the Luanda Process led by Angolan President Joao Lourenco, has made little headway after a disastrous meeting in February.
What now? At the request of the U.S., the belligerents have been observing a humanitarian truce for nearly a month, but clashes have continued. This truce should be used by international leaders — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has admirably been heavily involved with Lourenco — to encourage Tshisekedi and Kagame to dial down the rhetoric and come to the table.
China, which has sold arms to both sides this year and is the dominant foreign economic player in Congo’s mining sector, should do the same. Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates (both of which have mining interests in Congo) should also be acting. Crucially, other regional leaders such as South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya should be taking a leadership role alongside Angola’s president to avert a deterioration and assert Africa’s interests.
With 7.2 million people in the region already displaced by the war — 700,000 of them in just the first three months of this year — a further escalation would spell disaster for the continent.
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djsherriff-responses · 8 months
It’s a little interesting but also weird how there’s two books (comic and manga) that’s meant to expand on Dolph’s character and relationships……. And yet they conflict with each other and the show
In the show Dolph doesn’t make any remarks about having anyone note worthy in his life besides Alex and we don’t see any implication that his ex military co workers have any opinions of Dolph being a terrorist outside of “he’s a terrorist!” (besides maybe Red) , we don’t even see any family members referenced outside of a propaganda film that was made to paint Dolph in the worst light possible
Based on what I’ve found thanks to Google book previews, Dolph didn’t have any friends growing up as a military science experiment besides Lucy (who interestingly seems like the only person Dolph had contact with growing up that was around his age) and decided to try to run away from the military system not long after he became 18
But based on the comic’s description and previews , Dolph had at least one close friend , or at least an ally, in his time in the army: Mute
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I don’t speak French and I’d really appreciate anyone who has read this and can speak French to shade some light onto this post
But I want to point out that Mute here is a private investigator who is visually shown to live in her own place and has had a girlfriend. Based on information from the manga, Dolph wasn’t even allowed to consider having any sort of sexuality, much less have the independence to have a sex life and live in his own place away from the military career he was raised in
Meaning Mute was not in the same “turning children into Eden’s super soldiers” program that Dolph grew up in, if Mute not being a cyborg wasn’t already an obvious clue to that
While I don’t speak French, it seems based on visuals that Mute and Dolph’s relationship was that of equals and they worked together often enough for Mute to consider Dolph “a former brother in arms”, even though the two have drastically different jobs
But the manga:
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Seems a bit complicated to have a work partner who has to do exactly what his boss says, who is speaking directly into his brain and is he daughter of one of the scientists who made him to a weapon before , doesn’t it?
I want to add too is that the French comic doesn’t seem to have any mentions of Alex at all, despite Alex playing a huge role in Dolph’s life and involvement as a terrorist in Eden’s eyes
Seems a bit weird that Mute, a crime investigator, doesn’t seem to make any note about Dolph’s involvement with Alex
it’s rather disappointing that these were meant to expand Dolph’s character but just leaves more questions than answers, but also I’m totally adding this to my case that Dolph has repressed memories and general memory issues
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noahsbookhoard · 7 days
📚April 2024 Book Review (Part 2/3)📚
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Lots of "first" this month: there are so many classic authors I had never read before! But they were all really enjoyable, it is another good batch.
Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett
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To save her family's pub, Polly Perks has to find her brother, a Missing in Action soldier of the Borogravian army. She disguises herself as a man and enlist in the army under the name Oliver. A brilliant idea she might not have been the only one to have.
This one I was impatient to read, the concept was such a classic of fantasy novel that I had high hopes Terry Pratchett would make something awesome out of it.
I love the characters in every Discworld novel but this one especially: all the soldiers have different reasons to be here but they all stay together and care for one another. And I love the clown car effect of "surely this one isn't a woman too!" I couldn't get enough of it.
The story in itself is a bit blury in my memory, sorry. It's probably because I listen to the audiobook and I sometimes lose sight of the plot, on top of it being 5 months behind me. I remember most of all the Nuggan's ever expanding list of Abominations (religious taboos which includes the color blue, people under 3ft tall and sneezing) and the question of The Duchess (deified ruler of Borogravia) being alive or dead.
The message of the novel isn't subtle but if you need to be told that war is bad, religious bigotry and jingoism are bad and misogyny is bad you might be beyond subtlety. I love that Terry Pratchett is definite in his position, razor-like in his satire but always entertaining and funny. Fantasy is a political tool and he proves it everytime.
And (because I am still a fangirl inside) I had my little Vimes cameo as the cherry on top. 10/10 no notes.
Murder at the Vicarage (L'affaire Protheroe) by Agatha Christie
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The Colonel Propheroe is widely disliked in the village of St Mary Mead, even his wife is cheating on him. So when he is found shot dead and with a strange half written note, there is no shortage of suspects, not even the Vicar with his very unkind words a few hours before. Miss Jane Marple, the Vicarage's neighbour, decides to solve the mystery.
My first Miss Marple novel! I have absolutely no reading order, this is a bit disjointed so I thought it was my first Christie but I remembered that technically I read And Then They Were None some time ago, it just completely slipped my mind. At that point I hadn't read any Hercule Poirot either so I was quite fresh to Christie's writing and ready for the challenge.
I made the questionable decision to read her novels in french because I wanted to give myself the best chance to solve the mystery. I thought reading in my native language would be easier. Well, apparently the most common translation is old and really not that great so I might rethink that! But for the foreseeable future (at least september) I will have read them in french. And completely failed at solving the crimes but that's another issue.
I don't want to say too much about the plot because that's the whole point of a whodunit but Agatha Christie always has the art of making an asshole the victim of the murder and you still want to know who did it just for the thrill of the chase.
But what I love with Christie is her detectives. The characters are usually quite flat and archetypal, but Poirot and Marple are a delight. Where Hercule Poirot is well established and respected in his craft, Miss Marple is just the nosy neighbour with a sharp mind and an even sharper tongue. The narrator is just so done with her putting her nose in this case which makes it even funnier. I love Miss Marple so much, I want to be her when I grow up.
I was absolutely lost in all the clues, so I did not deduce any part of the revelation but even if I had I would not have seen the murdered coming, I was floored. Everything is there, you know it is, and the culprit still takes you by surprise. Great job Mrs Christie, you did it again.
I, Robot (Robots #1) by Isaac Asimov
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In the 2050's Dr. Susan Calvin, famous robopsychologist, answer a reporter's interview and tells him several stories about robot intelligence and their interaction with humans.
Asimov is a legend in SciFi so it was a prerequisite in my discovery of the genre. I read very few short stories anthology so I was a scared I wouldn't enjoy it but as always good books prove me wrong.
I don't remember all the short stories, the one who stuck to me are Robbie, Reason and Catch that Rabbit! but they were all good. Some more compelling than others (Catch the Rabbit! stayed in my memory because I STILL don't understand it) but I'll try to give an overall review rather than story by story.
The play on the Three Laws is at the heart of almost all of them: either it is a source of conflict or it helps in the resolution but it is endlessly creative.
Susan Calvin is an interesting character: a woman, pioneer in her field, a respected authority and she represents a more serious and scientific approach. The stories in which she appears are very murder mystery-like: there is a problem, some set of rules; how do you use the rules to solve the problem? Boom, done.
On the other hand you have the more comicsl stories with my goats: Mike Donovan and Gregory Powell! They approach each assignment as if it was some punishment in a hell design specifically for them (mood) and their first step to solving any problem is always to complain about it and bucket with the other. They are such and old couple together, please give me 10 more shorts stories with Donovan and Powell!
House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski
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While rummaging in a dead man's appartment, Johnny Truant found a stack of paper, disorganised, written on scraps of paper, some half destroyed. Johnny will lose himself trying to organise the notes, which turn out to be an essay on a documentary film called The Navidson Record. In this film Navidson, a famous photographer, records the exploration of the house he moved in with his family and the strange dark hallway that appeared in the living room.
I've heard about House of Leaves A LOT and had no idea what it was about, I thought it was some dark academia novel and since Fourth Wimg I am weary of social media's popular book rec. A booktube account I follow talked about it and although its reviews was very lukewarm, I was intrigued. The dedication sets the tone: "this is not for you" and that finished piquing my curiosity.
I loved the actual House on Ash Lane subplot the most: it's the heart of the book, the most mysterious and the spookiest. I loved the mise en abyme, and how it saltoed back to be a book in the book's universe. The academic paper language and scientific description of the events contrast with the uncomprehensible nature of the house and the format growing more and more indecipherable as the exploration of the house progresses. It was creepy, I felt pulled in the story, I deeply enjoyed that.
I was more lukewarm toward Johnny's subplot. Watching him slowly lost himself in Zampano's work and lose his grip with reality was chilling but there came a moment where I was lost in references. It was mostly the part with her mother where you can't say what is dementia and what is real. Some theories online are interesting but some or batshit insane and made sense of a small element of the book at the expense of all the rest. At least the Labyrinth under the house doesn't make sense in a somewhat linear matter. I can deal with linear nonsense. The fact that some part of the book (some of his mother's letters and poems) are still undecyphered (That's not just a matter of turning the book upside down) was just frustrating to me: there's content here and I just can't read it? Why?
I read it while oscillating from the french paperback (there's no way you can read it on an e-reader) and a pdf of the original I found in the subreddit for the book. Sadly there's a lot that's lost in translation but also some translating choice I am still pulling my hair about. (September 19, 1988, in which the words aren't translated literally, the name of Parisian streets and landmark aren't the same... either they were throwing things at the wall trying to see what sticks (unlikely) or they knew something us reader don't...)
Overall it is an interesting book, I understand the craze. However I am not obsessed enough to spend much of my free time trying to decypher it. I lurk sometimes in the subreddit trying to see if someone came up with an interesting theory but not much more.
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vennyvenadito · 1 year
I've had this miraculous au idea for a while, and I think I'm ready to talk about it. So, pretty much the idea is that instead of they miraculous heroes going up against evil miraculous holders instead they fight against supernatural beings. Full on magic vs. magic. We could see the heroes fight things like a necromancer creating a ghost/skeleton army using the skeletons in the Paris Catacombs, a pack of evil werewolves, a colony of vampires trying to create a hivemind Salem's Lot style, a black night with a corrupted excalibur, a kelpie, a water monster luring in the local pool, the fae, the faewild, or (playing of French mythology) the Beast of Gévaudan (or it's ghost), Gargouille (a sea serpent that terrorized the French countryside before being killed by a Saint and then being turned into the first gargoyle) that got resurrected and is bring gargoyles to life to living to attack Paris. Maybe the miraculous could be the reason why all these creatures are in Paris (assuming this could also be an idea for what could happen after Hawkmoth is defeated, since I'm really not into of the show’s villain being another butterfly user after five seasons of it (which was already too long)(plus I don't care enough about Lila and her shitty writing and dumbing down all the people around her to make her work to really care about her as a villain). Maybe all the magic from the miraculous has drawn all these creatures in, turning Paris into a magical beacon, going off the idea that magic attracts magic.
Honestly, sounds cool
Is pretty much what I want to do in my rewrite of the series, instead just one villain, there is more, like magic creatures, monsters and even foundations, just to expand the world instead of having one enemy the all series
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Illustration: “Dama Blanca” by Anna Ribot-Urbita for the 2017 calendar of Catalan mythology. Source.
The White Lady of Auvinyà (Andorra) - La Dama Blanca d’Auvinyà
This legend takes place during the Middle Ages in Auvinyà, a village in Andorra. This village is located right next to the border, where there is one of the entrances to Andorra. South of that border, the lands were possession of the County of Urgell (Catalonia).
According to the legends, in the old times there was one family in charge of taking care of the border. It was a big family with plenty of members to do the job, but through the generations the family became smaller. In the end, only one woman of that family remained, the rest of the family branches had died without heirs. When this last woman died, the border entrance became guarded by a mysterious woman who dressed all in white.
There are different legends that talk about invading armies who wanted to conquer Andorra. Some legends talk about the Islamic kingdoms of the Cordova Caliphate, who at that time often led attacks towards the north with the objective of conquering more land or, at least, looting the towns and take their inhabitants as slaves. Other legends talk about the Bishop of Urgell (the feudal lord on the other side of the border) looking to expand his territories.
The following legend is told of both a powerful Moorish general or the Bishop of Urgell. He reached the border with Andorra with the intention of conquering it (in the case of the general) or making Andorrans his feudal subjects who would have had to pay high taxes to him (in the case of the Bishop). He stopped to drink from a fountain, and the White Lady appeared and told him to follow her. They walked into the forest alone, so nobody knows for sure what happened there. The powerful man ran away scared, back to his army, and immediately told them they had to leave. They retreated and didn’t dare to go near Andorra again.
But years later, the protagonist of this encounter with the White Lady had died and his successor decided to try again, unaware of the real reason for the retreat. The general/Bishop reached the border at night, but was never seen again.
From that moment on, Andorrans had been freed from the rule of the lords, but soon the inhabitants of the area became terrified because a wolf was attacking their flocks and homes, killing the animals and people that it encountered. The very few who had seen the wolf but escaped alive talked about its eyes, which they describes as the ferocious eyes of a desperate man. The inhabitants of Auvinyà organized a hunting party to hunt the wolf, and they managed to corner him and kill him.
A few days later, the man who had killed the wolf got ill and went delirious at night. Some legends say that he was seeing visions of the wolf and that was causing his illness, so the Andorrans invoked the White Lady to ask her to cure him. The White Lady couldn’t save him, but she explained that soul of the powerful general/bishop who had disappeared years ago had been trapped inside the ferocious wolf. The hunter died, but he did so knowing that his sacrifice had liberated Andorra from the invasors, because death took away the last remain of the danger because the invasor’s soul would not be roaming Andorra anymore.
The White Lady keeps the promise that, as long as she exists, Andorra will remain an independent country.
Similar legends about “white ladies” appear in other areas of the Pyrenees like the Occitan damas blancas, and seem to be related to the Germanic mythology that led to the French dames blanches, the German Weiße Frauen and the Dutch Witte Wieven.
Sources: the blog Mitologia Catalana and the book Andorra, el meu país by Albert Puigoriol via La Tribuna.
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Hey, so I've this au idea for a little while (and have shared it with others on Tumblr, though anonymously), and I wanted to get your opinion on it. I've had this miraculous au idea for a while, and I think I'm ready to talk about it. So, the idea is that instead of the miraculous heroes going up against evil miraculous holders instead they fight against supernatural beings. Full on magic vs. magic. We could see the heroes fight things like a necromancer creating a ghost/skeleton army using the skeletons in the Paris Catacombs, a pack of evil werewolves, a colony of vampires trying to create a hivemind Salem's Lot style, a black knight with a corrupted excalibur, a kelpie, a water monster luring in the local pool, the fae, the feywild, (playing of French mythology) the Beast of Gévaudan (or it's ghost), or Gargouille (a sea serpent that terrorized the French countryside before being killed by a Saint and then being turned into the first gargoyle) that got resurrected and is bring gargoyles to life to living to attack Paris. Maybe the miraculous could be the reason why all these creatures are in Paris (assuming this could also be an idea for what could happen after Hawkmoth is defeated, since I'm really not into the idea of the show’s next villain being another butterfly user after five seasons of it (which was already too long) (plus I don't care enough about Lila and her shitty writing and the writers dumbing down all the people around her to make her work to really care about her as a villain). Maybe all the magic from the miraculous has drawn all these creatures in, turning Paris into a magical beacon/hotspot, going off the idea that magic attracts magic.
This would be a really cool addition to the world building of Miraculous! I’ve always thought that if the Kwami exist, other magical beings should as well.
It also sounds like this new show/continuation of the previous show would be more episodic with occasional arcs rather than a fully serialized story with the villains and such, which going off of the idea that this is post HM defeat and LS reveal and etc would make a lot of sense since most of the major interpersonal conflicts have been resolved. Obviously that doesn’t mean this show can’t have ANY plot or depth, character growth and multi-episode arcs could definitely still work with this storyline. It would also be very fascinating to explore how to react to all of these new threats, especially since some of their old powers don’t work anymore (which opens up the gateway to potential upgrades or new powers to replace the old ones).
I also wonder if the other hero characters would still be featured in this story. They don’t get all that fleshed out in the show, so most of them may not seem all that compelling, but that could be another thing this new plot does, give some characters other than the MCs time to shine as individuals. (Especially since Ladybug is no longer required in every fight due to not needing to purify akumas anymore, not to mention the idea of LB and CN resolving most of their issues, so taking the spotlight off of them every now and then isn’t bad idea. Don’t get me wrong, I love those guys, I just wish we could see more of the other characters outside it being plot devices or eye candy.)
All in all, this is an excellent and intriguing idea and I would love to see it expanded upon. 10/10 concept, no doubt.
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triviareads · 7 months
Any recs where the heroine is just badass? She knows what she wants and goes after it (hopefully a man/woman) I want to read more than just a wallflower sort of heroine.
The Viper by Monica McCarty: You'll never get more badass than Bella MacDuff, who defies her husband and his political views and escapes him to crown Robert the Bruce, and survives torture and imprisonment because of it (and she's also a real person!). There are other Highland Guard books with badass heroines (The Arrow and The Ghost come to mind) but Bella is honestly on her own level.
The Conquering of Tate the Pious by Sierra Simone: Two strong heroines; Adelais is a Norman warlord who takes over from her late husband during the Invasion, and Tate is the abbess of Far Hope Abbey which Adelais is trying to take over, and Tate basically offers herself up to Adelais to prevent this.
The Black Hawk by Joanna Bourne: Justine was raised to be a child soldier/agent for the French Secret Service in Napoleonic France, and she and the hero Adrian play this decades-long cat-and-mouse game as they switch between enemies and allies, and they eventually become lovers as well.
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase: Jessica is super self-possessed and has no qualms about shooting the hero after he publicly ruins and rejects her, and then indirectly threatening to spill his simpy behavior in a court of law for public record.
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera: Honestly both the heroines are badass in this one, and in different ways; Cora is a business mogul who wants to expand railways in South America, and Manuela is super into Cora from the start and chases after her right from the start. There's a very hot scene where Manuela finally breaks Cora via reverse psychology and Cora storms into a party and demands Manuela be fetched and brought into her carriage for imminent seduction.
Cutthroat Countess by Minerva Spencer: Jo is a strong, silent type and is great with knives which comes in handy when she takes down half a private army in Napoleonic France; definitely a gal with a particular set of skills. She also has a pet raven!
Grace Callaway's Lady Charlotte's Society of Angels series has all kickass heroines who work as investigators and are generally very forward when it comes to expressing desire to their love interests. I'd specifically recommend Charlotte and the Seductive Spymaster because Charlie is this hypercompetent lead investigator who does so much good work for women who have nowhere else to turn.
Sarah MacLean's Hell's Belles series generally has strong feminist heroines, all of whom are operating outside the law to help women and kick ass. Heartbreaker is a personal favorite of mine; the heroine has criminal origins and uses her social invisibility to break off unwanted matches for women.
If we're talking about heroines who unabashedly chase after their love interests, then I can recommend no better than When a Girl Loves an Earl by Elisa Braden. Viola is obsessed with James to the point where the entire ton refers to her pursual of him as the “Tannenbrook Hunt”. And Olivia and the Masked Duke by Grace Callaway (from the aforementioned Lady Charlotte series) also has similar vibes except with an age gap and a hero who feels suuuuuper guilty about his attraction to Livy. At first.
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beevean · 1 year
ooh, are we making fun of NFCV again? i wanna add to the pile re: how all the so-called "diversity" and "representation" it gets praised for goes overwhelmingly, if not entirely to the bad guys - and half of them don't even have a speaking role or even names, or at least we don't learn about them anywhere else besides the supplementary material, like in the case of drac's vampire generals (except godbrand, of course). even the two PoC good guys i can think of, zamfir and greta, aren't that great considering zamfir is portrayed as hopelessly and delusionally devoted to the deceased targoviste royalty, to the point of forsaking the wellbeing of both the underground and aboveground survivors, and then dies anyway in service of that delusion. and greta's just a last-minute newcomer to allegedly address grant's conspicuous absence that fans were complaining about from the start.
We never stop making fun of NFCV lol, there's always something new to point out 🥰
I can see how fans would respond to this that representation doesn't need to be relegated to heroes only, and you can have minority villains as long as they're not stereotyped. But yeah, the representation in NFCV is shallow at best and offensive at worst.
Most Generals in Dracula's army don't have a speaking role. Cho, the Japanese vampire who goes down in less than a minute in S2, gets a flashback after she died, because storytelling.mp4, and even then she doesn't talk. I only remember Raman's name because Carmilla says something like "there are only 4 women in this castle" nope it's just 3 of them lmao
Sumi and Taka look identical despite not being related according to Word of God, which is hysterical to me because you know they said that to divert the accusations of incest. my pal. you really think your GoT-inspired show is above twin siblings having a threesome? Also, you know, they immediately jump to rape by deception without a hint that they'd do that through all season, and then their corpses get graphically mutilated and pissed on (contrast this with the white, most likely French Lenore who gets to flirt and be cute with her victim)
Isaac is gay! How do we know that? He "jokes" out of nowhere about kissing Hector, a guy he has zero respect for. This line has no follow-up and is OOC with how serious the character is always portrayed. And that's not counting his declaration of love made to his abusive master when he was a boy.
I don't know enough about Islam to have a solid opinion on how it was treated in Isaac's case, and in a vacuum having a "complex" Muslim anti-villain is more original than usual. But I don't like how his self-flagellating habit was first treated as a result of his traumatic past, then as a religious practice, then completely dropped. Using Mohammed's own words about Hell being emptied, which from what I've read mean that in Islam hell is transitory, and twisting them to justify his necromancy is... certainly a delicate choice, but again, he doesn't really reflect on this in S4, he just jumps to "wow I sure love having agency!"
Also, in retrospect, it would have been much better if Isaac hailed from the Emirate of Granada instead of being a slave, a backstory more befitting for N!Annette for her origins and time period. In his case, it would have been more original, and expanded the world a little more. What's that? He wouldn't have a reason to hate humankind? Then how come game!Isaac can do it just fine? :) You know, since he was persecuted (maybe even by the Spanish Inquisition!) for his cursed powers? :) maybe you can have more reasons to hate humans than "former slave"? maybe black people can be depicted as something different than slaves? :)
Striga and Morana are cute together, but are non-entities who begin and end with each other. Also, funny how Morana, the lesbian of color (triple minority!), is literally the most useless and wasted of the four :) and even then the most characterization she gets is "she loves to torture people". nice
Alucard was made bi by Word of God and I don't need to repeat how appalling it is. I hate that most "antis" have a problem with him being attracted to men in the first place, and not that the declaration was made to downplay his sexual assault.
(meanwhile Carmilla, inspired by the literal archetype of the lesbian vampire, to the point that you can even see her game version as being a lesbian thanks to Laura, gets reduced to joke that she'd only sleep with Godbrand if all the men, half of the women and some of the animals died. but hey, she's a radfem, I guess that's enough)
Apparently I have... controversial opinions on the choice of darkening Hector's skin and the ethnicity he is in this version. But I will say that there is something weird in deliberately giving him bronze skin, I suppose to emphasize his Greek heritage, and then spending two seasons literally dehumanizing him and lowering him to the level of a dog and pet.
Also something about the Speakers, nomadic people whose oral traditions get made fun of, by Sypha in particular who calls them idiots, is... hm. The wiki even points out: "They are also similar to the Jews (especially due to their reverence for knowledge and their tradition of oral history) and, to a lesser extent, to the Romani."
I skipped Zamfir's plotline because by S4 I had burnout, but yeah, Greta is probably the best character of color and even then she's little more than a generic badass woman with attitude. Also she's even more ambiguously brown than Hector, I would say on the same level as Casca from Berserk - you can tell she's not white, but she's not really anything else.
(btw no, she has no relation with Grant :) )
tl;dr: the only good representation in nfcv are the tunisi people isaac speaks to and this is why i do not trust them with black annette, and i hate the fucking discourse on twitter from people who just don't like the design change
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
If you had to create a roster for the Einherjar (without using those already on the list) who would you pick from history?
For a more fun one let’s play which Isekai characters would you pick to be an Einherjar?
This was quite fun to do!
1. Alexander the Great, educated, a strong warrior before he was king, responsible for sacking the Persian Empire, but even when the Persian King fled, he left the coward king’s family unharmed, showing that he was also compassionate. He died young and his heirs were assassinated shortly after and the empire promptly fell apart without his guidance.
2. Genghis Khan, one of history’s most infamous leaders, conquered the Mongol Empire plus most of Asia and Europe during his reign. A strong warrior and brilliant tactician who ruled his massive army, and had so many children with various women that his descendants could form their own army today. I love the mystery that nobody knows how he died or where his body is.
3. William Wallace, famous for leading Scotland to its freedom from the English, he may have not been the one to actually do it, but his actions as a warrior and a leader set in motion to the Scots rising up against King Edwards I following his death. His death was tragic, being betrayed and then executed in horrible ways and having his severed body parts displayed around England.
4. Miyamoto Musashi, a ronin samurai who killed his first person at age 13. He traveled alone with no affiliations to train his skills with a sword, which resulted in nito ichi-ryu, better known as kensai, battling with two swords. His most well-known fight was against Sasaki Kojiro, which he won, but then retired to train others with swords and retired with an undefeated record of 61 duels.
5. Spartacus, warrior turned slave turned gladiator turned rebellion leader, courageous but compassionate, a ruthless warrior who offered his enemies both mercy and respect, and led an army of rebels against their oppressors, the Roman Empire.
6. Achilles, who led the Greek army against Troy, killing Hector at the gates, a proud and strong warrior and leader, but he needs to make sure to wear iron boots that are impenetrable as everyone knows his weak spot.
7. Ching Shih, a female pirate who commanded 300 ships and was able to go toe-to-toe with the Chinese Imperial Navy. If you disobeyed you were immediately executed, but the same went for if her men raped captives, she had a no tolerance policy. She ended up getting to retire with all her wealth after the Imperial Government offered both her and her crew amnesty after they were defeated under the agreement that they would stop.
8. ‘Mad Jack’ Churchill, a British solider in WWII that charged into combat with weapons that were not common for the time, such as a sword and long bow. He was disappointed the war ended with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as he wanted to keep fighting. He once stormed a German held down in Italy with just one other man and captured a mortar position and 42 men with just his sword, long bow and his bagpipes.
9. Amanirenas, one eyed ancient queen of Kush, now modern day Sudan, who fought back against the Roman Empire, after the death of Cleopatra, when they decided to try to expand past Egypt, so viciously that Rome and Augustus were quick declare peace between the two empires after they couldn’t win due to the unbearable heat and the pissed off queen. A fierce tactician who used supposedly used war elephants, fed captors to her pet lion, and defaced Augustus’ statues and kept the head of one statue under the feet of the throne of Kush.
10. Lyudmila Pavlichenko, deadliest female sniper in the world; sniper for the Soviet Union in the Red Army during WWII; nicknamed Lady Death and claimed, during her time as a sniper, to have killed 309 soldiers. Became an advocate for peace and toured the world.
11. Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin a French watchmaker, illusionist, magician and regarded as the father of the modern style of conjuring, having brought magic from something only seen at circuses or similar places like that for the poor, to something of grand entertainment for the wealthy.
12. Richard I of England, a bad king but a brilliant warrior, having spent most of his time in the Crusades, rather than running his own kingdom, or fighting against France
13. Ragnar Lothbrok, Swedish and Danish king, legendary Viking warrior leader who raid both the British Isles and the Holy Roman Empire in the 9th century
As for Isekai~
1. Ainz Ooal Gown- Overlord
2. Rimuru Tempest- That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
3. Canya- In the Land of Leadale
4. Azusa Aizawa- I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed out my Level
5. Yuna- Kuma-Kuma-Kuma Bear
6. Albedo- Overlord
7. Diablo- That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
8. Shiraori- So I’m a Spider, So What?
9. Seiya Ryuguin- Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious
10. Mamako Oosuki- Do You Love your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
11. Diablo- How Not to Summon a Demon Lord
12. Hajime Nagumo- Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest
13. Teacher and Fran- Reincarnated as a Sword
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empress-hancock · 2 years
So a while back I was at an art museum and I saw a piece by a Pakistani woman, Naiza Khan, from this collection and I wrote down her name so I could look her up later and I really wanted to share what I found because her works are really cool. The museum I went to wrote about the piece that it was ambiguous whether the sculpture was meant to be viewed as restrictive or protective, and I liked that angle a lot. This page I posted the link to expands upon that even further and I wanted to share some of my favorite passages:
“In writing about her installation piece The Crossing in which suits of armor created around the female shape set sail in a wooden boat, Naiza drew attention to the year in which she made the installation—1429 Zil-Hajj, an Islamic echo of the Christian calendar’s year 1429 in which Joan of Arc led the French army to victory in the Battle of Orleans. In Pakistan, 1429 Zil-Hajj started during the 40 day mourning period for Benazir Bhutto—like Joan of Arc, a female leader who polarized opinion and died brutally, reviled by some, sanctified by others. The empty suits of armor speak to the history of both women, and force us to ask in which calendar we’re living—15th century or 21st?” (Page 8, Kamila Shamsie)
“… the fact remains that many of the armored pieces are, as Naiza puts it ‘designed to fit the imagination rather than the body.” (Page 10, Kamila Shamsie)
“Those gilded wings might be armored, but the real threat to them comes not from outward attack but from their own forgetful nature. When dreams or imagination descend, or cross over, into another space they are in danger of losing part of themselves.” (Page 10, Kamila Shamsie)
“Her turn to the hard and unyielding metal bodily implements, which include charged objects such as chastity belts, metal corsets, and lingerie made with steel, suggests that the tension between the demands of the social order, and the intractability of the body has sharpened considerably in her recent work.” (Page 12, Iftikhar Dadi)
“What is the possible relationship between obsolete European implements that seek to shape and control the female body, and modern Islamic legal, social, and ethical injunctions for women? Is modern, scripturalist Islam simply being equated with medieval European repression, torture, or confinement? Or, as the reuse of such devices by S & M, bondage and other subcultures in the west suggests, have these devices today primarily acquired the aura of a transgressive fetish?” (Page 12, Iftikhar Dadi)
“Naiza’s work demonstrates that freedom for women is not a simple matter of transgressing or overthrowing repressive social mores, as the very delineation of what is possible to accomplish as an agent emerges within the discursive constraints of the social order.” (Page 19, Iftikhar Dadi)
“Naiza’s work insistently reminds us of this paradox of subjectivation. In order for the voice and the body of the woman to emerge into public space from a condition of invisibility and subalternaity, its presence must be recognized and shaped by discursive norms.” (Page 20, Iftikhar Dadi)
A quote from Naiza herself reads: “I made some images in my little book in July last year [2006]. These were drawings of “bullet proof vests.” I was intrigued by them, and felt they needed to be made in metal. At the same time they felt like something very soft, close to the body, like fabric… The idea of trapping and protection comes together in these pieces. An ambiguous thought, not sure where one idea stops and the other begins… something so prevalent in our society.” (Page 21, Naiza Khan)
“The welding points on the metal armatures are further allegorized as Heavenly Ornaments, suggesting that the terrible beauty of the violent forging of the metal joint is a necessary accomplice for subjective expression. The works in metal do appear to offer a choice—the ability to wear them or discard them at will. But this choice is essentially an impossible one, in that it is situated between the inarticulate, excessive, and private body, and the normative female body that is increasingly public and visible but forged by discursive norms that allow it to speak only by simultaneously working both violence and protection upon its bodily excess.” (Page 23, Iftikhar Dadi)
I encourage you to read the whole thing, because there’s a lot more discussion of the politics of her pieces, both in terms of feminism and Islam, and about how the artistic choice of her refusal to showcase head coverings (and, to a lesser extent, western beauty standards as well) in her physical works (while addressing them in written works instead) is symbolic. I really like the idea of the clothing being stuck between protecting you and harming you, showing you off but in a consumable way, and how she touches on the false perception of the choice that we have in the matter. She also has some other really cool works shown elsewhere on her website that aren’t part of this set (lots of watercolor!), some of which seem to be inspired by living conditions of people in Pakistan, the ocean, or South Asian history. She also has an instagram if anyone is still using that and wants to check out more of her work.
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mrssimply · 2 years
Prompt: All I need is some panam/male!v other than that have fun with it
There’s just not enough for those two
Hello Dear anon who prompted this! First of all, thank you! I'm very happy someone prompted a Panam/Male V fic because, I agree with you, there is too few of them out there in my opinion. I'm very happy to contribute.
Technically, in my head this is the follow up of Le Vent l'emportera (don't mind the french title, the fic is in english), but I didn't list it as a second part because it can absolutely be read as a stand alone.
The prompt was: "All I need is some panam/male!v other than that have fun with it. There’s just not enough for those two"
To be honest, it took me a while to get an idea of what I might want to do, but I had just finished the Netflix show, and although I didn't like it, I loved knowing more about cyberpsychosis so... it will be the general theme.
9th: Edge
From the Atlantic to the Pacific, everyone knows about the Aldecaldos, the first of the nomad’s family, that grew to be considered a Nation through the former NUSA. Over five hundred people claim to be part of it though several tribes and twice as many clans. 
Each clan can be subdivided into several families, which is what V found when he met Panam. The family grew in the last five years due to its success, and with its numbers, so did its fame. 
Everyone knows the Bright Family is powerful as a group, but there is one name in particular, whispered across the desert, which everyone knows even better. It’s just a letter, really, but it brings admiration into their ranks, and fear into the ranks of their enemies. 
The legend grew, shifted and expanded to the point V spends more time trying to reestablish the truth than telling new stories each time they gather with other families. Mitch absolutely loves watching him try to minimize his exploits to a crowd that rightly believes he fell Arasaka on his own.
He did, in a way, even though none of them understand the sacrifice, and the regrets he has over that. He plunged the world into even more chaos than before, just for a chance at saving himself — that didn’t even work — and to bring closure to a man he sort of considers as his soulmate. Johnny is gone, free beyond the Black Wall now, but sometimes V thinks he gets glimpses of him as the army of rogue AIs roams through their net. The nomads don’t really care about that: they already had a parallele society and in a way, they’re the best equipped to deal with this new collapse. What they care about is that V killed Smasher and destroyed an empire with his bare hands, or so the legend says.
With his renown comes responsibilities, as he discovered. People count on him, and he regularly is part of the negotiations with other clans. That doesn’t mean he sits at the negotiation table, though he does, that means he is what the negotiation is about; his skills, his strength, his connections or just the lore surrounding him. Everything is of interest to the Seven Nations.
V doesn’t mind that: helping is what he likes to do best. It makes him feel useful, and it assuages the guilt he feels over some of his actions. He hates his fame, but not what it allows him to do for his family. There is only one person who hates it even more than him, and that’s Panam. She doesn’t understand it, but the more reluctant she is to lend V to her allies, the more valuable it makes him in their eyes. They think she is playing hard to get, whereas she is just trying to protect V from harm. The Wild She-Wolf, that’s how they’re starting to call her.
When the mission allows it, she tags along, and it’s true that together, they are invincible, or so they think. 
So how exactly did they end up in this situation where V is chained to a chair in the basement of an abandoned facility in the middle of the mexican desert, while Panam is being tortured upstairs by a group of local Wraith? They don’t call themselves that, but no matter the language of the moniker, they are Raffen Shivs at heart.
They came into the night, surrounded their camp silently, and attacked in the deep of the night. They killed the rest of the party, but recognised Panam as the leader of the rising Aldecaldo Family, and then deduced who was V. It wasn’t even planned apparently, they just seized an opportunity, while Panam and V were helping another clan transport merch across the border to Night-City. 
It’s bad luck, or Karma, and V is pissed.
Panam screams again, short and anguished, before it transforms into a snarl. She is too far away for V to understand anything she says beyond her screams of agony, but he knows her enough to know she not keeping silent between two rounds of torture. 
Not for the first time, V wishes she had better preservation instincts, and less pride. Every time she cries out in pain, he feels a little bit of his humanity disappear. On the outside, he looks calm, and the two guards tasked with keeping an eye on him are too relaxed. V knows it won’t be long before they get confident enough and stop paying attention to him.
Another scream, this one high pitched and lingering in the following silence, and V has to force himself not to tense. It’s all a matter of timing: soon enough, they are gonna try something else with her. V knows the type: once they understand pain won’t make her cooperate, they will switch to humiliation. He won’t let them come to that.
They must know about him enough because they put a dampener on his deck as soon as they had him docile, under the threat of slicing Panam’s throat. He won’t be able to rely on his hacking skills, but that’s fine, he wasn’t planning on doing this quietly anyway. 
Before he comes up with an escape plan, he hears boots in the stairs. The two guards straighten and try to look like they weren’t bored by their too compliant prisoner, a disappointment after all the legends. 
“Untie him,” the newcomer orders. He is some sort of second in command in this group, from what V gathered. The leader is a woman no taller than Wakako, but twice as dangerous.
They hesitate, clearly wary of getting close to his mantis blades. Then again, they were well informed because they also blocked the mechanism, so in reality, they have nothing to fear. But he has a reputation. A reputation that says he has killed three people with a pencil.
It was five, and it wasn’t sharpenned, but whatever.
V takes deep slow breaths and tries to keep the trepidation from his gaze. One guard starts to release him while the second in command and the other guy cock their guns his way. V doesn’t move, he waits. Once he’s entirely free, he stays seated until the leader tells him to get up. 
“Your chick ain’t talking, we hope she will be more cooperative once she sees what we plan on doing to ya. Walk.” the second in command orders. “Hands in the air where I can see them.”
V obeys, and slowly walks up the stairs. The moment they reach the first bend, V slams his elbow back, smashing the guy’s face, and then lunging at the second guy before he can react. They slide down the stairs, crashing into the second guard closing the rear. V recovers first and profits from the surprise effect to commandeer a knife he saw at the belt of one of his captors while he was chained to the chair. He slams the blade into his throat, twists and jerks it out. A spray of blood splatter over his face before the flow of warm liquid gurgles out of the man. But V is already on the second one, plunging the blood knife into his opponent's left eye. V only has time to hide behind the door frame leading back to his cell to avoid the bullets the second in command fires at him. 
“Fuck! Ayuda me!” He calls for backup. 
V’s situation is not ideal, but his determination will make up for the bad position. Besides, he’s beaten worse odds. He waits for a lull in the firing to cross the corridor. He slides into another room he spotted when they brought him in. He thinks they use it as an armory, and he’s right. Jackpot. 
Now is the easy part.
Five minutes later, V hikes over the bodies of the ten men that were sent in help of the second in command. Upstairs, everything is calm, which means they are preparing for his assault, or they fled when they understood their forces were being slaughtered. 
“Drop your weapons, or I kill her,” says a voice as he rounds the corner. The leader has Panam on her knees in front of her, holding a gun to her head. Behind them are twenty more guys, spread over the room, guns at the ready. 
He slowly lowers his weapons to the ground: the autogun, and the lexington. As he does so, he looks at Panam: her face is tumefied, part of her hair looks burned and there is blood coming from her nose and right ear. She is slouching over her left side, and he can’t see her hand but he would bet at least one of them has been broken, finger by finger. They share a look, and it’s enough.
“Kneel,” the leader orders, so V does it. “Take the weapons away, secure him.”
Two of her gang members shift, but they aren’t really keen on getting closer. Smart people. 
“Now!” their chief insists, so the two closer to her obey. The moment they are in range, V knocks the guy back toward the gang leader at the same time Panam headbutt her. In the confusion, the shot the ring leader fires goes off mark, and instead kills the stumbling guard. During this, V grabbed the other one by her long hair and slammed her back before crushing her jaw with his booted heels. 
It all happens so fast, the others don’t have time to react, plus in the confusion they are more preoccupied with making sure their leader is safe. It gives Panam time to find shelter behind a pillar, and V to grab back his weapons. He is already firing by the time they find their bearings. 
After that, it’s not a fight, it’s an execution. 
The gang members try to help their leader escape, but it soon appears their loyalty is to their own skin first and foremost. As a result, V has no trouble shooting the commander in the back and she falls with a strangled yelp, pathetic in her death. 
It could stop here, because now that the tides have turned, the wannabe wraiths are on the run, but they hurt Panam and killed the rest of their party. For that, they will die.
Distantly, V recognises that he wasn’t always like this, but the rage that inhabits him at that moment feels exactly like what Johnny felt when he armed a bomb in the Arasaka Tower. 
He keeps firing, watches them fall one after the other with cold eyes. He stands still in the middle of the room, and they run away from him, screaming for their mothers. V picks them one after the other, he doesn’t miss, none escape.
Silence rings in the warehouse they brought their captives in. His rage is still burning in his veins, he could kill a hundred more and wouldn’t be satisfied. V wipes around when he feels a hand on his shoulder and before he has time to process it, his gun is pressed against Panam’s forehead. It’s only the sight of her wide eyes, so familiar and so cherished, that stalls his finger on the trigger. She doesn’t move, only raises her hands in a placating gesture.
Heaving, suddenly overwhelmed by nausea, V lowers his gun, drops it even, and grabs her tight. Panam grunt in pain, but her arms still hold him just as hard.
“I’m sorry,” he stresses out against her hair. “I’m so sorry.”
She doesn’t reply, only steps back, face closed, and grips him by the arm. He doesn’t feel totally human yet, his senses are still highenned, he’s still on the lookout for threats. He watches her hijack one of the gonk’s cars in a dissociative state, and since she can’t drive with her injuries, she pushes him to the driver seat. 
V starts the engine on autopilot while his mind is still cut in two. It’s not just Johnny’s leftovers, it’s him, the beast was always inside of him. He shouldn’t have let it out, he tells himself that each time.
The drive is silent, both of them looking straight ahead, both worried of what they would find in the other’s gaze. After about half an hour of tense silence, Panam moves and uses the car’s radio to tune to the family’s frequency. The relief in their voices is another jolt of guilt inside V’s mind: they care for him where they shouldn’t, he is a monster, a wolf in their midst. 
He listens distractedly as Panam updates them about their position, discusses with Carol and Cassidy about the possibility of coming back at the earliest convenience to retrieve the goods, and to bury their people who’d been left baking under the Mexican sun.
For a second, a hot and burning rage fills V, before he forces himself to relax. The thought remains: he would love to kill them again, more slowly. In silence again, he drives them to the small town where they had initially intended to stop on their way to delivery. He kills the engine in front of the motel where five rooms were booked to their name for the convoy, and waits.
Panam sighs softly and exits the car, he watches her limp to the motel and tightens his hands over the wheel. When she is inside, he gets out, and goes to the convenience store he spotted when they came into town, before walking back. 
V leans against his car again and pulls a pack of smokes out of the bag. He quit after Johnny, just to be sure he was indeed himself again, plus the smell used to make him tear up because of how much he missed the engram. As the nicotine reaches his lungs, it feels like the man is back with him, leaning next to him on the hood of the car.
“Shut up,” V tells him out loud.
The void doesn’t answer, but he can feel Johnny’s gaze on him so physically that, for a moment, he has trouble distinguishing dream from reality.
Fuck, he curses in his mind. I get it, I get it now, I would have burned the whole world to the ground if they had killed her.
It’s not the same, Johnny replies, I used Alt as an excuse, I was ready to burn the world just because I couldn’t stand to live one more minute inside my own mind. You did this out of love.
I’m falling over the edge, Johnny.
You’re not going cyberpsycho, V.
How can you know? The fact I’m having a convo with you is just one more proof.
Talk to her. Don’t be like me. Talk to her. She is scared and alone, she needs you. Don’t pull the plug, that’s all.
She is scared of me, yeah.
Scared for you.
Johnny vanishes as the smoke comes to an end, and V lowers his eyes. It’s all in his head, but it helped nonetheless. He throws the butt to the ground and goes to join her.
He finds Panam in her underwear, looking at her bruises in the mirror. She washed herself at the sink, wisely not getting into the dirty shower. She looks at him through the reflection, and V can tell Johnny was right: she is worried for him.
“I brought some supplies,” he says after a moment of weighted silence. She turns to lean against the sink and crosses her arms with a wince.
“Are you alright?” She asks and he lets out a laugh.
“I should be the one asking that,” he chides gently, taking her injured hand in his. He stabs her palm with the first maxdoc he brought and she sighs in relief. Gently, he lets his fingers trail along her arm, around her shoulder and back down to her ribs, counting them and waiting for her to tell him where it hurts more. A grimace is his indication. He pushes the needle of the container into her, releasing the nanobots. Finally, he gives her an inhaler that she takes gratefully. As the pain evaporates from her body, V strokes over her busted lip, thumb around her eyes softly, noting how the skin is already coloring.
“I’m fine,” she says. “Are you?”
“I don’t know,” he admits, expression haunted.
Panam nods and pushes him toward the sink gently.
“Wash up a bit, then come and join me.”
He obeys, glances up at his reflection in the mirror, half expecting to see Johnny, but there is only him in the mirror. He looks rough, and exhausted, like when he was still dying, before Panam brought him to The Witch, deep in the mountains of Wyoming. He washes his face, his hands, and the sweat from his nape. Lastly, he takes the inhaler and breath in the last dose before throwing it in the sink.
Panam is lying down on the bed, over the covers that look more or less clean. They’ve slept in worse. V removes his shoes and his shirt before joining her, lying on his side to look at her. Panam gives him a little, tentative smile and brush his cheek with her good hand.
“What happened?”
“I snapped,” he breathes out, and it’s like admitting it opens a damn. “I heard them torture your for hours, or what felt like hours, and everytime I… It burned inside of me so I waited and when they made a mistake I… I…”
She nods, sparring him the need to say the rest.
“I’m sorry,” he says again, voice trembling.
“What are you sorry about, V?” she asks with a frown. “You got us free.”
“It’s not just that and you know it. I was… I was… For a moment I didn’t recognize you.”
Her eyes betray her, a flash of fear passing in her gaze. He turns on his back, can’t look at her and discover she really is afraid of him.
Panam shifts on the bed and straddles him, bracketing him between her legs and arms.
“Yes, it was frightening, because for a second it was like you weren’t there. But V, you didn’t shoot me. You’re not… I don’t know what you think happened, but… I think we’re all capable of the worst when people we love are in danger.”
“Yeah but me, when I freak out, a lot of people die.”
“Our enemies die!”
“What if one day I can’t tell friends from foes anymore? I’ve seen it before. I’ve… I’ve dealt with them. Very few come back from over the edge.”
She pauses, and frowns.
“You think you’re going cyberpsycho?”
“What if I am?” he whispers, expression stricken.
Panam, to his surprise, smiles down at him.
“You’re not, I promise you.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I know it here,” she replies, putting his hand over her left breast. He feels her beating heart under his palm, and opens his mouth to tell her it’s not a foolproof method when she stops him with a finger over his lips.
“Just… Not tonight. Tonight I just want to feel you. We’re both alive, thanks to you. For a moment I really didn’t know how we were gonna get out but you pulled another miracle and I… I just… I was scared this was the end and now I… I…”
Her eyes fill with emotion as she loses her words and V feels the same tide rise inside of him. He surges up, kissing her harshly. She whines and cocks her head to the side, opening her lips to welcome him, enticing him into her mouth. V doesn’t need more. One large hand comes to cover her neck as he licks into her mouth and bites teasingly on her bottom lip. Panam lets out an encouraging moan, circling his shoulder with her arms. He pulls her tight against him, but releases her when she grunts in pain.
“Sorry,” he mumbles against her lips but she doesn’t let him get away, kissing him back and slowly grinding down against him. He sighs, lets out an appreciative noise before stilling her hips.
“You should rest, you’re injured.”
“I wanna feel you. Want you to hold me tight. Wanna come around your cock.”
“Shit,” he breathes out, hiding his face in her breasts and she laughs again, before forcing his head up to kiss him again. 
His hands roam over her body, pinching her nipples over her bodysuit and pulling a keen out of her throat as she arches back just a bit, mindful of her injuries. Their hands move downward, his to the clips of her bodice, hers to his belt. 
V thumbs over her clit gently once before getting his fingers into her mouth to wet them. Meanwhile, she plunges into his jeans, stroking teasingly over his hardening cock.  He matches her rhythm, guiding his fingers, now comfortably wet, against her folds while his thumb goes back to circling her clit. 
She tilts her hips forward, and her eyes flutter shut as another moan rises from deep within her. V is mesmerized, like always, and watches her with a slightly parted mouth, ignoring his own pleasure for the moment. 
Panam sits on his fingers, pushing them inside of her like she wants them: too dry, too fast, but V knows she loves the stretch. She stills once they’re knuckles deep, and V starts to move them, pressing on her clit from the inside as well as on the outside. 
She bites her lip, closes her eyes, pants out a curse. Slowly, V forgets about this hellish day, taken by the way her body slithers on top of him. She tightens her grip over his cock, reminding him she has him, and strokes him in tandem with the way she rides his fingers. Her movements on his hard-on are not careful, not regular enough to bring any real pleasure, but he can’t help bucking into her hand. She laughs, and he surges to kiss her again, pushing deeper against and inside her. Suddenly he wants to take her roughly, make her feel his strength, how dangerous he could be, but never with her. 
Panam tuts in his mouth, and pushes him to lie back on the bed. He goes with a whiny growls, muscles tense and ready for more action. She dismounts his hand and bends over him, wincing a bit but that doesn’t stop her as she slither down his chest, kissing the new bruises he got during his escape, and reaching the hem of his pants. By reflex, V lifts his hips and allows her to pull the pants to his knees. She doesn’t bother with more before putting her mouth around his shaft. 
“Fuck,” he lets out, gripping the sheets, and then tentatively putting a hand on her hair, her neck, her shoulder. He grips it every time she takes him deeper and sucks harder. Soon she has him wet from her saliva and precum. He feels like he is fourteen when she goes down on him like that, because having such a wild woman pleasure him like that is a kick to his ego as well as his libido. Panam knows it and enjoys her power over him, enjoys testing his resolve and to watch him lose it. V’s hand spasm against her shoulder, the other gripping the sheet by his head, and he bucks up between her lips. She nearly gags, and leans back for breath before going back.
“Panam, fuck, please,” he begs, trembling beneath her, but for what, he can only guess. “Don’t stop Panam,” he says, her name burning his lips again and again.
As he tenses, she stops and he pants out, relaxing again. His output moves back on top of him and she brings one of his hands between her wet folds, making him feel her own enjoyment at sucking him. He rubs her, uses her slick to caress her clit again, teases her as much as she teased him. She rips her bodysuit off, and plays with her breasts, pinching her nipples as he continues to play with her, rough fingertips running inside her.
V sits up and brings her close again, slapping her hands away from her tits to kiss them. He licks in between, rubs his beard against them, kisses her neck before he puts his mouth around one and sucks. 
Panam moans, whines and bucks against his fingers. Her hips are wild, the pain of broken ribs forgotten for the moment. Gripping his wrist, she stops him, straddles him and before he is ready, sinks over him. V shouts, arches back against the bed. The woman follows him, slowly stretching over him so that she can rub her clit against his pelvis as she moves left and right, circling on his cock. Her breasts are just over him and to try and distract himself, he sucks them again, one then the other, hard.
Her noises rise, she clenches around him and he growls, bites her harder than he should but she just encourages him even more, hips gyrating over him. Her cunt is so warm and tight around his cock, and she is so wet and V realizes he is babbling because Panam laughs. She kisses his brow, the top of his head and nuzzles against him before she continues her mad dance.
He helps her by lifting her hips and bringing her down, still mouthing at her tits. It drives her mad, he knows it, just like he knows she is close, even if she didn’t tell him, he would know. But she always tells him, and when they’re away from camp, she always lets him hear her shout out loud.
Panam calls his name as she comes and he feels her cunt flutter around his cock. He tries not to move, let her savor it as she sags against him. But soon, his impatience wins and he starts moving again. She huffs, laughs, keens at the oversensitivity.
“I’m close,” he begs and she nods, helping him out by moving again, but he’s doing most of the work, lifting her up and down with his enhanced strength, using her as she arches back and cries out in pleasure-pain.
A choked groan followed by a long moan announces his climax, Panam teasingly clamps around him and moves once, twice before he forcefully stills her, bucking up into her, deep as he can to fill her up. 
Panam kisses him as he pants, soft brushes of lips over his brow, his eyelids, his chin.
“I love you,” she murmurs and he gives her a tired smile.
V feels calmer now. It’s not just the orgasm, he realizes as the rush travels through his veins, it’s also feeling her close, warm, alive, laughing as they made love. 
He keeps his eyes closed, though, even when she shifts to lie next to him with a pained grunt. They stay in silence, her hands tracing patterns on his chest and playing with the hairs he has here.
“V?” she calls after a moment. 
He opens his eyes and turns to her. Her face softens from the worry that was creeping in. He still feels haunted by what he’s done earlier, but a part of him is already accepting that. She still loves him.
“If you’re worried, we can detour by NC, see your friend Vik? Get a second opinion?” she offers. He takes her hand in his, the bruised one, and kisses her healing knuckles.
She scoots closer.
“You’re alright, V. Trust me, you’re fine.”
He nods, trusting her just a little bit more now. He turns and buries his face in her neck, taking comfort in her scent and warmth.
The edge feels so far away when he is in her arms.
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Queen Nzinga (1583-1663)
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Queen Nzinga (Nzinga Mbande), the monarch of the Mbundu people, was a resilient leader who fought against the Portuguese and their expanding slave trade in Central Africa.
During the late 16th Century, the French and the English threatened the Portuguese near monopoly on the sources of slaves along the West African coast, forcing it to seek new areas for exploitation. By 1580 they had already established a trading relationship with Afonso I in the nearby Kongo Kingdom. They then turned to Angola, south of the Kongo.
The Portuguese established a fort and settlement at Luanda in 1617, encroaching on Mbundu land. In 1622 they invited Ngola (King) Mbande to attend a peace conference there to end the hostilities with the Mbundu. Mbande sent his sister Nzinga to represent him in a meeting with Portuguese Governor Joao Corria de Sousa. Nzinga was aware of her diplomatically awkward position. She knew of events in the Kongo which had led to Portuguese domination of the nominally independent nation. She also recognized, however, that to refuse to trade with the Portuguese would remove a potential ally and the major source of guns for her own state.
In the first of a series of meetings Nzinga sought to establish her equality with the representative of the Portugal crown. Noting that the only chair in the room belonged to Governor Corria, she immediately motioned to one of her assistants who fell on her hands and knees and served as a chair for Nzinga for the rest of the meeting.
Despite that display, Nzinga made accommodations with the Portuguese. She converted to Christianity and adopted the name Dona Anna de Souza. She was baptized in honor of the governor’s wife who also became her godmother. Shortly afterwards Nzinga urged a reluctant Ngola Mbande to order the conversion of his people to Christianity.
In 1626 Nzinga became Queen of the Mbundu when her brother committed suicide in the face of rising Portuguese demands for slave trade concessions. Nzinga, however, refused to allow them to control her nation. In 1627, after forming alliances with former rival states, she led her army against the Portuguese, initiating a thirty-year war against them. She exploited European rivalry by forging an alliance with the Dutch who had conquered Luanda in 1641. With their help, Nzinga defeated a Portuguese army in 1647. When the Dutch were in turn defeated by the Portuguese the following year and withdrew from Central Africa, Nzinga continued her struggle against the Portuguese. Now in her 60s she still personally led troops in battle. She also orchestrated guerilla attacks on the Portuguese which would continue long after her death and inspire the ultimately successful 20th Century armed resistance against the Portuguese that resulted in independent Angola in 1975.
Despite repeated attempts by the Portuguese and their allies to capture or kill Queen Nzinga, she died peacefully in her eighties on December 17, 1663.
Source: https://www.blackpast.org/global-african-history/queen-nzinga-1583-1663/
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lvvender-fields · 2 years
Your Fave is Lesbian: Joan of Arc and an Argument for the Lesbian Continuum 
dropping this here bc i put an unreasonable amount of time into it. it's 7 pages long not counting the works cited and it took me three weeks. please. read it.
Introduction of Jeanne d'Arc
Let us start with an introduction in case you miraculously don’t know who Joan of Arc is: Joan of Arc- or Jeanne D’Arc in her native tongue- was born a French peasant in 1412, in Domrémy, Bar, France. She believed herself to have direct communication with the Saints Michael, Catherine of Alexandria, and Margaret of Antioch.  The voices of these saints led her to seek the dauphin Charles VII and swear to help oust the British from French land and crown him king. Upon arriving at Chinon, where Charles was positioned, she was tested by the dauphin and his officials to determine whether or not she actually had divine guidance, and she passed. She was granted an army, which led to numerous successful battles against the British. Her successes in battle led to the coronation of now King Charles VII, and also her subsequent burning at the stake. (Joan of Arc Archive) She was sainted after her death and is now the patron saint of soldiers, France, and lesbians. Okay– not that last one– officially anyway.  
The Lesbian Continuum and Assigning Labels to Historical Figures
Now, some quick lampshading: There will always be issues when it comes to identifying queer historical figures since the language around us is constantly changing and evolving. As mentioned in the introduction to the wonderfully helpful Lesbian Lists by Dell Richards, “How should I define lesbian? Should I use a contemporary, 20th-century definition? And if so, which one? Women who are sexually attracted to women, or women who became lesbians through feminism? Or should I use a much broader definition, one that includes the romantic friends movement– women who were woman identified, who had affectionate and loving relationships with other women but may not have actually had sex due to the repressive nature of the era? Should I include sworn sisters and berdaches? Should I include transvestites? Should I include spinsters?” (Cvetkovich) While the language is outdated as we now use it, this itself poses a wonderful example of how identities grow and change. 
People will identify themselves in ways that are convenient to them in the time period, which will line up with the language and experiences of the time, which are bound to change. The “contemporary 20th-century definitions” offered by Richards are already somewhat obsolete- not that they aren’t used anymore, but they are by no means the most popular definitions. The definition of lesbianism most used today, and the one I use to describe myself is women and nonbinary people who are exclusively attracted to other women and non-binary people in a romantic or sexual manner. 
Then there’s the lesbian continuum. The term was coined and developed by Adrienne Rich in her 1981 essay “Compulsory Heterosexuality and the Lesbian Existence”, she writes: “I mean the term lesbian continuum to include a range--through each woman's life and throughout history--of woman-identified experience; not simply the fact that a woman has had or consciously desired genital sexual experience with another woman.  If we expand it to embrace many more forms of primary intensity between and among women, including the sharing of a rich inner life, the bonding against male tyranny, the giving and receiving of practical and political support; if we can also hear in it such associations as marriage resistance and the ‘haggard’ behavior identified by Mary Daly (obsolete meanings ‘intractable,’ ‘willful,’ ‘wanton," and ‘unchaste’ ‘a woman reluctant to yield to wooing’)45--we begin to grasp breadths of female history and psychology that have lain out of reach as a consequence of limited, mostly clinical, definitions of ‘lesbianism.’” (Rich)
This concept and the way it defines lesbianism within the continuum– as something not intrinsically linked to genital sex, as something more nebulous, based on experiences– is something wonderfully freeing to use as a tool within queer history, and speaks to the nebulousness, the experiences within being a lesbian in any time period– including today. With that context, I am going to move forward by relating what we know for certain about Jeanne d’Arc with the current (2020’s) lesbian experience (as within the continuum), as what she actually was or identified as is unknown, and most likely inapplicable to how we understand lesbianism today. 
Why is Jeanne so Queer?
So, why is Jeanne d’Arc so queer? What about her makes lesbians look at her and go, “Yeah, she’s one of ours”? When looking at the narrative of Joan of Arc, it’s surprisingly easy to project onto her experiences as a lesbian. Lesbianism is primarily defined by its lack of attraction to men- and using faith as a more societally acceptable vessel to escape heterosexual ideals than same-sex attraction isn’t anything new. Taking a closer look at the saints that Joan was said to receive visions from: Both saints Catherine of Alexandria and Margaret of Antioch were both virginal saints who refused to be wed to men and dedicated their lives to god instead. In fact, I chose Catherine of Alexandria as my confirmation saint because of her scholarly ties, and her refusal to wed a man. 
As a queer girl, I knew from a young age that I was not interested in men, nor could I pretend to be in any convincing manner. I did not understand what lesbianism was, or that love between women was even an option for me. Instead, I vowed instead never to marry, and in an extension of that, never fall in love. If I had been raised any more religiously and had my connection to God been stronger, I could see myself wanting to walk in the shoes of a Virgin Saint who consecrated herself to God, or Jesus.  Not to mention the long and complicated history of lesbian nuns- women who escaped the patriarchal expectation/requirement to get straight married by joining a convent. Notable lesbian nuns are Benedetta (plagued by visions) and saint Hildegard of Bingen (known for her pining lesbian letters). (“Strange”)
Then there’s the relation of finally understanding yourself, living the life you were born to live, with finding God. In a guest article entitled “Growing up Southern as a Lesbian Late Bloomer” for Offbeat Home and Life, Heather Sexton describes the transition between not knowing herself to knowing herself: “For so long I had been thinking that this is all there was. I really thought I just was not going to ever be satisfied and always searching for something. I had never in a million years thought my sexuality was the reason for my restlessness. I didn’t know sexuality really even mattered. Now I know it’s the difference between living a numb and passionless existence and being deliriously happy.” (Guest) The difference between living a numb and passionless existence and being deliriously happy. Where have I heard that sentiment before? Definitely, in the way myself and the lesbian friends I have had over the years mirror the thought in describing how we finally realized we were lesbians, but also street preachers and devout family members trying to sell me on Christianity. One can extrapolate that finding yourself in your sexuality feels just as cathartic and divine as finding yourself in your faith. There is something so special, so impalpable about this feeling, and the way it exists within both contexts allows for parallels to be drawn between being secure in your faith and secure in your sexuality. 
With this in mind, the story of Jeanne d’Arc can be almost a metaphor, a vessel for lesbians to project onto and see themselves in. She prioritized living true to her faith and what it told her to do, just as we today prioritize living true to ourselves. The adversary she faces is a reflection of modern challenges to a queer existence, as well as how even those within her community of the French army don’t seem to fully understand her. 
Acknowledging the Genderqueer Elephant in the Room
I have refrained from touching on the topic of gender until now because, quite frankly, it is a beast– a beast I am not thoroughly equipped to handle– but I will try my best. Gender nonconformity is a large part of Jeanne’s story, being the reason that she was executed, but also just as important in the lesbian community. By extension, Jeanne’s gender nonconformity would be another way she fits into the lesbian continuum.  Note that because this is the most overtly queer thing about her story, it is often the part that most people latch onto, and thus nonbinary and transgender people who are not necessarily lesbians may see this and (rightly) relate to her. She is not exclusively a lesbian icon, although that is the focus of this essay. 
Gender in the lesbian community is a complicated thing: because womanhood as we have historically understood it is so tied to men, since lesbians detach themselves completely from men, we lose this part of womanhood. Then, are we still women? Some of us aren’t. Some of us are and have redefined womanhood to exclude men. This gender grey area allows for experimentation and a variety of gender presentations. The most obvious example of this would be butch-femme identities. Butch lesbians subvert expectations of what it means to be a woman by dressing masculinely and often take on traditionally male careers and roles. Femme lesbians present in a more traditionally feminine way, and often take on traditionally female careers and roles. That’s not to say that femmes aren’t gender nonconforming, as they perform femininity in a way that is not centered around men. Both identities have a long history within the community, and before we had the terminology for being nonbinary, many gender-nonconforming lesbians didn’t refer to themselves as women, but simply as butches. Some still do. There’s a whole lot more to the lesbian gender identity and expression iceberg than I can feasibly cover in an essay about a different topic, so I’ll leave it here, with some recommended reading in the footnotes. For now, we just need to understand that being a lesbian is quite closely intertwined with gender non-conformity. As the author of GRIT, Silas Denver Melvin so eloquently puts it, “transsexuality & lesbianism compliment each other very well & often, complete the other.” (Melvin)
Now, a look at Jeanne d’Arc’s execution. She was captured by the British and put on trial for heresy: claiming to act in the interest of god when in reality she was not, and cross-dressing. They were unable to mark her on the first charge, as she expertly answered the (often trick) questions they asked of her. They ended up settling on cross-dressing as her main crime, but she insisted it was only for practicality in battle. They accepted this at first, on the condition that she cease the practice with no remissions. The typical practice for female prisoners of the Inquisition was for them to be guarded by nuns, so the risk of rape was lowered– this was not a practice extended to Jeanne. She was imprisoned in an isolated cell guarded by male soldiers. She returned to wearing men’s clothing almost immediately, as a lord had attempted to take her by force, and she was able to tie her soldier’s outfit together to offer more protection from such advances than was available in a dress. Some versions of the story claim that in addition to this, the guards responsible for her confiscated her women’s clothing, leaving her with only men’s clothes. While it is unclear whether or not Jeanne was cross-dressing with the intent of defying feminine expectations, that is the effect that she had. That hand-in-hand with her leading an army, a traditionally very male role leads to a credible genderqueer reading of her story. 
Using the concepts in the ideology behind the lesbian continuum– lesbianism not being inherently linked to sex, but instead a more vague experience to be related to– we can build a greater understanding of Jeanne d’Arc’s story in relation to modern lesbianism, and analyze why exactly she’s the lesbian icon she is today. This doesn’t mean projecting a modern understanding of lesbianism onto her, we are not claiming that she is a lesbian in the way we understand it now, but rather using the context of her time to relate in an intangible, universal way.
Works Cited
Cvetkovich, Ann. An Archive of Feelings: Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures. Duke University Press, 2019.
Guest Post By: Heather Sexton Heather is a running mom and wife who has found her love of blogging. She has led a different kind of life and wants to share so maybe someone can relate, et al. “Growing up Southern as a Lesbian Late Bloomer • Offbeat Home & Life.” Offbeat Home & Life, 14 Nov. 2017, https://offbeathome.com/lesbian-late-bloomer/. 
“Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc) Archive.” Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc) Archive, http://www.archive.joan-of-arc.org/.
Melvin, Silas Denver. “That Which Stains.” Tumblr, 1 June 2022, https://sweatermuppet.tumblr.com/post/685819429255299072/transsexuality-lesbianism-compliment-each-other. 
Rich, Adrienne. “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence.” Wayback Machine, https://web.archive.org/web/20160213095421/http://people.terry.uga.edu/dawndba/4500compulsoryhet.htm. 
Richards, Dell. Lesbian Lists: A Look at Lesbian Culture, History, and Personalities. Alyson Publications, 1990.
Singer, Bennet L. “Growing up Gay/Growing up Lesbian : A Literary Anthology : Singer, Bennett L.” Internet Archive, New York : New Press : Distributed by W.W. Norton, 1 Jan. 1994, https://archive.org/details/growingupgaygrow00sing. 
“St. Joan of Arc.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Joan-of-Arc.
“The Story of Joan of Arc the Witch-Saint.” The Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/unk83007879/?loclr=bloglaw. "Strange", Teya. “The Wild Stories of Historical Gay Nuns.” YouTube, YouTube, 4 Aug. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzyuYjIsYFE.
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dan6085 · 4 months
Here's a list of 20 of the greatest leaders of all time, along with details about their contributions and accomplishments:
1. **George Washington (1732-1799)**
- **Accomplishments**: First President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War; set many precedents for the new government and voluntarily stepped down after two terms, setting a standard for democratic leadership.
2. **Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)**
- **Accomplishments**: Leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule; promoted non-violent civil disobedience; his philosophy and leadership inspired movements for civil rights and freedom worldwide.
3. **Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)**
- **Accomplishments**: Anti-apartheid revolutionary who became the first black President of South Africa; focused on reconciliation and nation-building after decades of racial segregation; Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
4. **Winston Churchill (1874-1965)**
- **Accomplishments**: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during WWII; known for his leadership and speeches that inspired British resistance against Nazi Germany; played a key role in the Allied victory.
5. **Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)**
- **Accomplishments**: 16th President of the United States; led the country during the Civil War; issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which began the process of freedom for America's slaves; preserved the Union.
6. **Julius Caesar (100-44 BC)**
- **Accomplishments**: Roman general and statesman who expanded the Roman Republic through a series of battles; his leadership led to the rise of the Roman Empire; reformed the Roman government.
7. **Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)**
- **Accomplishments**: King of Macedonia who created one of the largest empires in ancient history; spread Greek culture and influence throughout the known world; his conquests led to the Hellenistic period.
8. **Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)**
- **Accomplishments**: Leader of the American civil rights movement; advocated for non-violent protest and equal rights for African Americans; his "I Have a Dream" speech and leadership in the March on Washington were pivotal moments in the movement.
9. **Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)**
- **Accomplishments**: Queen of England who led the country during a time of religious and political upheaval; her reign, known as the Elizabethan Era, was marked by the flourishing of English drama and the seafaring prowess of figures like Sir Francis Drake.
10. **Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)**
- **Accomplishments**: French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution; crowned himself Emperor of the French; known for his legal reform, the Napoleonic Code, and his military conquests across Europe.
11. **Catherine the Great (1729-1796)**
- **Accomplishments**: Empress of Russia who expanded the empire and modernized it along Western European lines; she revitalized Russia, transforming it into a major European power.
12. **Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)**
- **Accomplishments**: 32nd President of the United States; led the country during the Great Depression and World War II; implemented the New Deal, which helped recover the American economy and established Social Security.
13. **Genghis Khan (c. 1162-1227)**
- **Accomplishments**: Founder and Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history; known for his military strategies and for promoting trade and communication across Asia.
14. **Cleopatra (69-30 BC)**
- **Accomplishments**: Last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt; known for her political acumen, she formed alliances with Roman leaders Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.
15. **Augustus Caesar (63 BC-14 AD)**
- **Accomplishments**: First Roman emperor who established the Pax Romana, a long period of relative peace and stability; reformed the Roman system of taxation and developed networks of roads.
16. **Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)**
- **Accomplishments**: Renaissance polymath whose work in art, science, and engineering exemplified the humanist ideals of the Renaissance; known for masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, and for his numerous inventions and scientific studies.
17. **Mao Zedong (1893-1976)**
- **Accomplishments**: Founding father of the People's Republic of China; led the Chinese Communist Party to victory in the Chinese Civil War; known for policies such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.
18. **Walt Disney (1901-1966)**
- **Accomplishments**: American entrepreneur and film producer; co-founder of The Walt Disney Company; pioneered the animation industry with characters like Mickey Mouse and films like Snow White; creator of Disneyland.
19. **Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013)**
- **Accomplishments**: First female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; known for her strong conservative policies, economic reforms, and leadership during the Cold War; dubbed the "Iron Lady."
20. **Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk) (1881-1938)**
- **Accomplishments**: Founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey; implemented sweeping political, economic, and cultural reforms to modernize Turkey into a secular, industrial nation.
These leaders have left enduring legacies through their visionary leadership, profound impact on their nations and the world, and their ability to inspire and drive change.
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