#freezing egg
sk270114 · 1 year
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The process of matching surrogates with intended parents typically involves several steps and may vary depending on the country or agency involved. Here is a general overview of how surrogates are matched with intended parents:
Initial Screening: Surrogates and intended parents are typically required to go through an initial screening process. Surrogates may need to meet certain criteria such as age, overall health, previous successful pregnancies, and mental and emotional stability. Intended parents may also be required to meet certain criteria, such as being in a stable relationship or having a medical need for surrogacy.
Application and Profile Creation: Surrogates and intended parents usually fill out detailed applications and create profiles. Surrogates provide information about their medical history, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Intended parents provide information about their desire for surrogacy, their backgrounds, and what they are looking for in a surrogate.
Matching Process: Agencies or professionals involved in surrogacy will review the profiles of surrogates and intended parents to find potential matches. They consider factors such as compatibility in personal preferences, values, and expectations. The matching process aims to find a good fit between the surrogate and intended parents, ensuring compatibility and a positive working relationship.
Consultations and Meetings: Once a potential match is identified, consultations and meetings are arranged between the surrogate, intended parents, and any other involved parties, such as medical professionals or legal advisors. These meetings allow everyone to discuss expectations, establish a connection, and address any concerns or questions.
Legal Process: After a match is confirmed, the legal aspects of the surrogacy arrangement come into play. Both the surrogate and intended parents usually have separate legal representation to ensure their rights and responsibilities are protected. Legal agreements are drafted, covering topics such as compensation, medical procedures, potential risks, and parental rights.
Medical Procedures and Surrogacy Journey: Once all legal requirements are met, the medical procedures for the surrogacy journey can commence. This typically involves fertility treatments for the intended parents, embryo transfer into the surrogate's uterus, and subsequent prenatal care for the surrogate. The surrogate and intended parents work closely with medical professionals throughout this process.
It's important to note that the specifics of the matching process may vary depending on the country, surrogacy laws, and the policies of the surrogacy agency or professionals involved. It's advisable to consult with a legal and reputable surrogacy agency or professional to understand the exact process in your specific situation or jurisdiction.There are best ivf specialists like Dr Firuza Parekh who can guide you with information on ivf, ivf treatment, ivf procedure, surrogacy.
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olivefertility · 1 year
Understanding the Cost of Freezing Eggs Ontario, Canada
Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a process where a woman's eggs are extracted, frozen and stored for future use. This provides women with the flexibility to plan their fertility around their personal and professional lives. But what exactly is the cost of freezing eggs in Ontario, Canada?
The science behind freezing eggs
Freezing eggs, or oocyte cryopreservation, is a scientific process allowing women to preserve their reproductive potential. It involves stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, which are then harvested and rapidly frozen using vitrification. This technique crystallizes the eggs in a glass-like state, minimizing ice-crystal damage. The eggs can be stored indefinitely in liquid nitrogen at -196°C. When desired, they're thawed, fertilized via intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and implanted into the uterus. Egg freezing is an empowering tool in reproductive science, offering women flexibility against the biological clock.
Initial Consultation Fees
The first step in the egg freezing process is a fertility consultation. This consultation typically costs between CAD 250-500. It includes a comprehensive medical examination, lab tests, and an ultrasound. This assessment not only determines the suitability for egg freezing but also estimates the number of eggs that can be retrieved.
Egg Retrieval and Freezing Costs
The most significant expense in the process is the cost of the egg retrieval and freezing. This typically ranges from CAD 7,000 to CAD 10,000. The procedure includes ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, and the initial freezing and storage. The wide price range reflects the complexity of individual cases and the number of eggs retrieved.
Medication Expenses
Medications are an essential part of the egg freezing process. They stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Depending on the individual's response, the cost of medication can range from CAD 2,500 to CAD 5,000. It's important to note that these costs are often separate from the retrieval and freezing procedure.
Yearly Storage Fees
Once the eggs are frozen, they need to be stored properly. Clinics typically charge an annual storage fee, which can range from CAD 300 to CAD 500 per year. This cost covers the maintenance of the storage facility and ensures the eggs remain viable for future use.
Future Thawing and Insemination Costs
This is an often overlooked freezing eggs cost. When a woman decides to use her frozen eggs, there are additional costs associated with thawing the eggs, fertilizing them with sperm in a lab (through a process called Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection or ICSI), and transferring the resulting embryos to the uterus. This process typically costs between CAD 1,500 to CAD 2,500.
Financial Assistance and Coverage
While the cost of egg freezing can be substantial, some Canadian insurance providers cover part of the procedure, especially when it's medically necessary, such as before cancer treatments. However, it's worth noting that coverage for elective egg freezing is less common. Additionally, certain fertility clinics may offer payment plans or financial assistance programs to help offset the cost.
In conclusion, the cost of freezing eggs in Ontario, Canada is quite varied, ranging from CAD 11,550 to CAD 18,500 for the procedure and first year of storage, excluding the cost for future use. The decision to freeze eggs is a significant one, both emotionally and financially. Therefore, it's crucial to discuss all options, potential costs, and financial assistance programs with a fertility specialist.
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fullcravings · 4 months
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Vegan Baked Strawberry Frosted Donuts
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hoofpeet · 1 year
Also Oof Sugar putting an egg in the freezer, I can see Spice kind of reacting badly to it tbh? Cause like generational trauma of all their pups freezing dying becoming ghost so I can see him being a bit, idk very uncomfortable but not knowing why just snapping snarling that this SHOULDN'T have happened! IT SHOULDN'T! NOT HERE NOT NOW! THEY'RE MEANT TO BE SAFE HERE?! MEANT TO BE WARM!! THEY'RE MEANT TO LIVE FOR FUCK SAKE
And just kind of having a moment because it's probably to some degree traumatic cause oh god not again not again please, especially as he has had pups that he's lost eg pumpkin, they're not meant to die here....theyre meant to be okay...
Sorry lots of feelings
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54625 · 5 months
I am going to be listening to Slipping Through My Fingers and staring at the wall for the next like 15 hours
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
yknow what with the strife building between forever and bad and the ripple effect that might have on the server at large i think now is the perfect time to fridge bad. go touch grass, mr boyhalo, it's time to see people either fall apart or come together without you. bc listen. listen. when the dms are bumpin with 'bad can you ___' every thirty seconds. sometimes you just gotta steal badboyhalo and see what the fuck happens. i just want to know.
and i also want bad to slEEP GODDAMNIT
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tacosaysroar · 1 year
WFH lunch discoveries
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viktormaru · 1 year
im tired of feeding myself i dont want to do this anymore society is forcing me to cook
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makeoutstopcrime · 2 years
pov: your roommate just brought up future you having babies with your hot metro boyfriend and you have to act like you’ve never thought about it before this very second
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cabinetduo · 9 months
if I talk abt Sunnys complete avoidance talking abt anything pre her adoption and Ems big sisterisms and how she'll immediately take on anything Sunny can't emotionally handle even if she's beyond fucked up about it herself
their focus on being safe about the fragility of said safety coming away from egg island, Em promising to protect their new happiness and everytime their new picture perfect life's foundation is shaken you can see them actively revert back to survival mode IDKKKK
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sk270114 · 1 year
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Surrogacy often involves the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) as a means of conception. IVF is a reproductive technology that involves the fertilization of an egg with sperm outside the body, in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryos are then transferred to the surrogate's uterus for gestation and pregnancy.
The typical process of surrogacy involving IVF can be outlined as follows: Selection of Surrogate: The intended parents usually work with a surrogacy agency or directly with a surrogate to find a suitable candidate who is willing to carry their child.
Medical Evaluation: The surrogate undergoes a series of medical and psychological evaluations to assess her physical and mental suitability for surrogacy. These evaluations help ensure the well-being of the surrogate and the success of the surrogacy process.
Preparation of the Surrogate's Uterus: Before the embryo transfer, the surrogate's menstrual cycle may be synchronized with the intended mother or an egg donor (if donor eggs are used). This synchronization helps prepare the surrogate's uterus for embryo implantation.
Ovarian Stimulation and Egg Retrieval: In most cases, the intended mother or an egg donor undergoes ovarian stimulation with hormonal medications to produce multiple mature eggs. These eggs are then retrieved through a minor surgical procedure.
Fertilization: In the laboratory, the retrieved eggs are fertilized with the intended father's sperm or donor sperm to create embryos. This step typically involves IVF or a similar assisted reproductive technology.
Embryo Transfer: Once the embryos have developed, one or more of them are transferred to the surrogate's uterus. The number of embryos transferred depends on various factors, including the surrogate's and intended parents' preferences and any legal restrictions.
Pregnancy and Birth: If the embryo implantation is successful, the surrogate carries the pregnancy to term and gives birth to the child. After birth, legal processes, such as adoption or parentage orders, may be required to establish the intended parents' legal rights and responsibilities.
It's important to note that the specific details of the surrogacy process, including the use of IVF, can vary based on individual circumstances, legal requirements, and medical recommendations. Consulting with medical professionals and legal experts specializing in reproductive medicine and surrogacy is essential to navigate the process successfully. There are best ivf specialists like Dr Firuza Parekh who can guide you with information on ivf, ivf treatment, ivf procedure, surrogacy.
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burnlikeme · 6 hours
wherein Dents attempts to sing his daughter's famous song and fails
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fullcravings · 4 months
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Easy Vegan No Bake Strawberry Crunch Cheesecake Recipe
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greenslime69 · 6 months
I've just been given 24 eggs do any of you have any good egg heavy recipes (without meat)
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ramblingandpie · 5 months
The good news: I have chicken in the crock pot simmering into stock.
The bad news: I am sleeping in the guest room (I snore and my wife is a light sleeper) and it's off the kitchen and the smell is making me so hungry. So hungry!!!
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answersfromzestual · 5 months
Egg Retrieval- Basic Facts.
If you are considering "freezing your eggs (Oocyte cryopreservation) " here is an article for you.
So the process of "harvesting" your eggs prior to either IVF or Freezing, is called: Oocyte Retrieval.
The process of Oocyte Retrieval is rather simple and does not take much time. It requires four months off of testosterone and the time until your procedure (aprox another 14-15 days). Meaning you would be off testosterone for four and a half months total approx (everyone is different, ovulation schedules are different).
They start with timing your ovulation cycle and using that to determine a time that would be best to perform the procedure.
The average time range where you would have a stimulation cycle where you would be taking a "stimulating" medicine of some sort, takes 10-14 days total. This depends on your ovulation cycle, reproductive health, and other bodily factors can vary the days slightly more.
After that 10-14 days (on average) the procedure itself would be performed. The procedure takes approximately half an hour, I've read some doctors using general anesthesia without intubation (you're not 100% out, they may tell you it's like a "twilight state"), or with a strong oral seditative. This varies clinc to clinic.
The procedure itself should not be painful.
Post procedure you may feel abdominal cramping and general discomfort for up to a day or two.
prior to any of these procedures you will need to make an appointment with a gynecologist where they would have to do some minor testing that may take some time. This may include ultrasounds (inside and out), a general care appointment if you are a new client, blood testing, and sometimes they may want other forms of testing done as well depending on you and your reproduction cycle and health.
Any of these following symptoms see a physician right away!
If you have any sign of fever
If you have any signs of infection (such as foul smelling discharge)
Extreme discomfort
Not being able to eat and drink.
I also included a link specifically on the complications of this procedure. Find it here or in the source section.
Also you can re-start your hormone therapy after your procedure is done.
The quality and quantity of the eggs is very similar to a cis female.
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